May 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

New book out: I'm Unvaccinated and That's OK!


Why this is listed under “Parenting children with disabilities”?

Dr. Shannon Kroner: Thanks for the question. The book is about an unvaccinated boy who has an older, vaccine injured sibling. And he explains the many reasons why his parents decided not to vaccinate him and their concerns with vaccines.


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Some reviews:

“Dr. Shannon Kroner has been courageous in her efforts to protect vaccine choice. Her book, I’m Unvaccinated and That’s OK! pioneers a new genre of children’s books that aims at educating children about truth and freedom and prepares them for citizenship in democracy.”

—Robert F. Kennedy Jr., founder of Children’s Health Defense and author of Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak and The Real Anthony Fauci

“This book is a beautiful and loving way to begin educating your child about vaccines, while protecting their innocence. It might be a children’s book that could save their life one day.”

—Del Bigtree, founder & CEO, Informed Consent Action Network, and host of The HighWire

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Fantastic. Great share.

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What is with RFK, Jr.'s fetish with "democracy?" Drives me mad...

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The ideal of a democracy is universal equality. The ideal of a constitutional republic is individual liberty. A democracy always degenerates into dictatorship, which promises government guaranteed equality and security, but it delivers nothing but poverty and serfdom for the people it robs and rules. America was founded as a constitutional republic to safeguard the liberties of the people against the tyranny of democracy or a one-man dictatorship. In this century, great strides have been made toward the goal of subverting our republic into a democracy. The foremost tactic of the subverters is the subversion of language. By calling America a democracy, until people thoughtlessly accept and use the term, the totalitarians have obscured the real meaning of our principles of government.

Dan Smoot

I think we’ve recently experienced equality and security, so much that we didn’t know where to hide from them. Thanks, but no thanks. The best description I heard is that the U.S. is a constitutional republic with elements of democracy. In a democracy the majority rules and an individual has no protection against the majority. We are not that.

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Thank you for the reference/reminder re Dan Smoot. The irony that he was F.B.I....

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He’s a liberal, it’s their favorite word.

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I cringe every time I hear it. If RFK, Jr. defined exactly what he meant, then maybe my cringing would subside, but as it stands? Drives me crazy.

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Just curious what word would you recommend RFK Jr. use "....prepares them for citizenship in democracy."

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"...prepares them for life as sovereign individuals within a republican form of government."

That the use of the "r" word might "trigger" a vast swathe of "individuals," that preparation would have to include learning what that actually means...

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I was thinking about that, all the things which are not in evidence in the government that no longer is by and for the people. I think it would be the subject of speech just to talk about the erosion of one's sovereignty and how that was lost the last 3 years. I grew up with democracy as the operative word. Never had sovereign-ty in my lexicon.

You've got me thinking!

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ahahahaha! good one ~

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Authors site: https://drshannonkroner.com/

Check out her link collection. Some excellent health rights info.

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Hospitals require their healthcare providers to take the flu shot yearly. Medical & religious exemptions were always on the table. Guess what...now religious exemptions are being removed.

And, if you get a medical exemption, you must wear a mask for the entire flu season.

Do the healthcare providers have a legal case?

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I hope not

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In regards to the legal case, I meant the nurses & doctors - do they have a case against the hospitals?

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They would have to get together and work a plan like Martin did. His argument is that the scientific method has not been followed properly so the outcomes cannot be taken as truth.


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Thank you 😊

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Thanks for reco, just ordered a copy, but there is a need to focus on the basics much more than is being done now.

That is, to remedy the ongoing mRNA crimes requires average parents to know enough to call out any MD pushing these poisons on their children. Suggest parents educate themselves as noted below.

Surprisingly, it is not that hard to do this, as the immunology functions involved – revealed by Nobel-Prize-winning discoveries that have been taught in med-school for decades -- have been explained at the Jr-High-level by a brilliant med-school professor (00:53-22:02+ of https://rumble.com/v1p3855-friday-roundtable-worrying-developments-with-michael-palmer-m.d.-sucharit-b.html).

Some key points from this tutorial follow as reminders.

* Antibodies, made by body in response to mRNA message in these jabs, are in the bloodstream and thus never get to airway surfaces where they must be to prevent respiratory infection. (so, new flu shots cannot prevent infection)

* The mRNA in these jabs, cause the cells they infect to make foreign, non-self-proteins, which automatically finger these mRNA-infected cells for violent death by “complement” (killer system #2 of human immune system, which is triggered by antibodies). (so all mRNA shots are unsafe)

___* Blood vessels are damaged first, causing blood clots and leaks (that expose surrounding organs to damage, with damaged heart/brain cells not being replaced)

___* Sudden death, and most other mRNA shot injuries, can be explained as the result of the mechanisms noted in tutorial

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One bit of "NEWS" that seems to be overlooked in FLORIDA. Seems deSantis is TOO BUSY doing something other than Politicking IN FLORIDA ...... but Not to Worry he got the law changed so he can run for President while neglecting Repubs in Florida, namely Jacksonville.


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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023

I just pre-ordered two of these. I had to look them up with your name because the book did not populate with just the title. Thank you for writing this, I can hardly wait to read it and share one.

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I just placed my pro-order to support this courageous lady.

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

This was a gem....from the "trading makeup tips" quip to the question about the sanity of the volunteers for the new flu vaccine ("a small styrofoam cup of watery orange juice and a stale donut."

to the confusion in the heads of the NYC school children who are wrestling with trying to support (verbally) the same unwashed masses they want (physically) expelled from the hallowed halls of education (carefully threading the virtue-signaling minefield by first showing support for illegal migrants and only THEN going all NIMBY")...with our dear friend John Fetterman providing the piece de resistance...I got my laughs in today, Jeff.

God bless you!

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Maybe the parents of these concerned/nice students should host these illegal migrants in their homes. (It would be exactly like hosting international students). It would be a win-win situation.....the students would have access to their gymnasium and they could truly show their support for the needy illegal migrants in their community.

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I would like to add that any folks who plastered their lawns with pro-illegal immigration virtue signaling signs should be REQUIRED to house at least four illegals! I mean, it's just not enough to house 1 or 2, that is a drop in the bucket! Can you hear the responses??

"We don't have room, so sorry..."

"The neighborhood association has forbidden it otherwise we'd do it..."

"Our children would have to share a bedroom and that would be terrible! Our children would be miserable..."

"We only have one guest room and we need to have it available for our friends and family."

"We only have 5 bedrooms and they're all taken."

"We don't even eat the same food..."

"They don't speak the same language...how would we communicate?"

"It would be too disruptive..."

"We travel, so we aren't home as much...we couldn't have illegal immigrants, er, I mean those who came here seeking safety from the violence in their country... no, not living here when we are traveling, that wouldn't work..."

"Oh, that sign...welcoming all border crossers....we took it down... we didn't mean that in a literal sense...like having them live with us...they are welcome to come to other places..."

Those sanctuary cities are stuck now, between a rock and a hard place. Darn!

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You on so on point. It’s some kind of poetic justice for Adams or Bowser and more importantly for those that voted for them. Their actions have consequences and they are seeing them. Is there hope for them? Hmm. Maybe temporarily. Some will vote Republican (or Independent at least) but most will vote Democrat again.

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Actions have consequences 🤔 I doubt any libbies know or even understand that advance concept. 😉

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Unfortunately, you are correct.. Floridians pay close attention to this article:


Do you think that someone has organized the expensive pets and now, mix in the new influx. So, there is that. Very scary. Crisis.

Later Jay

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So many people from California and NY moved there. They always vote for the same hell holes from which they escaped.

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That is an interesting upset. Jacksonville seemed to trend to the right for quite a while. Her words seem fair and balanced but to use a well-known characterization, when a Democrat's lips move, they are lying.

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I think the real tale here is that things are ah-chang'in. Compound that with the demographic changes around Tampa/St. Pete and O-town. -Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

Later Jay

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Wonder if they have taken in any immigrants into their own homes? Love to hear that answer. Also AOC, Schiff and schumer.

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Or how about G. Clooney? Remember when W. Europe was being over run? I'm quite sure he never became an In-Keeper, least I never heard of it. but there is this, but I digress bacause I am bias:


Later Jay

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Schiff and his girlfriend live in a very affluent, gated subdivision in Boca Raton, FL. That is, when he’s in town. His mother and father live there also but not together. What do you think? The criminal syndicate just makes the rules; they don’t live by them.

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Incidentally, our neighbors two houses down took their sign down when their new house was completed. They had their original smallish 3/2 razed and had a HUGE zero lot line monstrosity built in its place. Their sign stayed up through construction... then the day they moved back in...ta da, it was gone. I guess with the small older house it looked virtuous but perhaps gawdy, with the new mansion...?

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they BLAME Republicans and so do Republicans...I've heard it to my face(?) this will get more funding and ruination it's working VERY WELL for the Damnocrats; any complaining they do is theater

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Nailed it! They are all for migrants, I mean illegal aliens, unless they have to personally care for them. My list would be more like this:


I don't like people.

I really don't like people who use others.

I hate noise.

I live alone for a reason.

No way can I stand children in my house.

I don't want head lice or bedbugs. (Yes, American citizens have those too)

My cats sleep on the couch and you can't move them.

No way are you getting in my coffee stash.

The only toilet does not flush (true story, have to pour water in to flush it.)

And did I mention NO?

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😂 the cats and coffee are enough for me to say no.

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"A migrant tent on every Lawn or driveway!" give them more than they demand and they whine that it's still not good enough; A- holes on Denvers KOA radio (NPR for the working guy) blaming the drug crisis and invasion on lack of mental health resources....Fk Me what LIBERAL LOSERS Marty Lenz is scum

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That's exactly what they should do. They voted for this. Time to show how empathetic and caring they really are.

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And if every household in NYC did this even more illegals could be brought in to the sanctuary city.

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Please forward this to mayor Adams. First the gyms, schools, hotels and now their homes. Oh the blessings for those in a sanctuary city. 😂🤣😉

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023

Let's all contact Mayor Adams and share this idea.

Contact the Mayor | City of New York


Phone: 212-NEW-YORK

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I'd write to the mayor but don't want to give out any private information.

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What about the older lady who was killed after she hosted a couple from NO during Katrina? Inviting someone into your house would be noble but dangerous.

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Great idea - but may not quite fit the accepted definition of Foreign Exchange Student.

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Easy fix! Just change the definition of a Foreign Exchange Student. It worked great for "vaccine".

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Yep. As well as that of immunity.

They have ALL bases covered.

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Or the cheap au pair to watch their messed up offspring.

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Saw a report, on issues in a Texas town, overcrowded facility housing an overflow of ppl who seek asylum........ a HUGE crowd of immigrants - appeared All were male (probably not, but certainly looked that way) ...... and NOT A ONE of them looked to be " au pair " material .

Pedos, maybe. But not nannies.

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I've been reading something even more nefarious about all these young men coming through. A whole new army against U.S. citizens.

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Certainly SOME reason behind an open border- some speculation that these will be Democrat party supporters in the future......one thing certain, likely they aren't here because they have a great Apple Pie recipe.

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They should build tiny homes in their back yards. That’s all wasted space after all.

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Good suggestion. 😄

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The “trading makeup tips” line is one of the funniest things I’ve read (or heard) in a long time. Love it!

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I loved it too, Jackie.

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A little worried about myself -- I understood exactly what Fetterman was saying.

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Me, too, but, for the most part, I also understand the 18 month old toddler next door....

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Yeah, I got the gist of what he was saying, too, but it was certainly painful to listen to. Can't imagine what it's like for him or the people who work with him on a daily basis. God bless them. It was hard for me to have the necessary patience and compassion for my own mother when she had a stroke while at the same time hating what was happening to her.

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I am just 7 years younger than Feinstein. Is THAT what I have to look forward to?

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Oh no. She's an exceptional case. And I am sorry to say that is not the most horrifying picture of her. I had to remove my glasses for the last picture I saw. Lord help us.

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This might make her look a little better......


Just kidding!

Later Jay

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All acquired during her lifetime part time job.

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Fear Nothing! Fear is the Killer.

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and how about “ Maybe we should stop trying to find out who has the stiffest missiles.” ;o)

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I agree with NY and Chicago and Denver; send the busloads to the US Capitol building in D.C. it's a FEDERAL ISSUE let them welcome the asylum seekers who at least aren't on the top 10 list of FBI Threats to Democracy.

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He’s brilliantly witted while informing us daily!

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What Joe said!

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We have a boarding school for ‘wayward teens’ a euphemism for juvenile delinquents, in our community. It is primarily supported by Christian organizations and private funding. This school has had bus loads of undocumented, unaccompanied children housed there since JB took office. But no one is supposed to know about it…🙄

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Yep, that's my senator! I'm so proud! NOT!

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A gem... the expression on the SVB president's face describes the world the past 3 years!

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My suspicion is the Government also developed the Mrna jab that was marketed thru big Pharma and forced on the public. So the virus was government created and the jab was government created and now they openly admit that this universal jab is government created.... Just another hard pass for me.

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Right -- didn't RFK Jr. say the shots were developed by the military/government and then the pfarmas put their stamp on them? To make them more credible? And now of course the farma-sooticals have no credibility, so back to good old Uncle Sam stamp of approval? Sounds like a plan.

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023

RFK Jr did say that.

I believe he then suggested this sauce was developed, purposefully, as a bioweapon.

He says a lot of things - and I, for one, am a believer.

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He sounds like a Democrat from the 1940’s.

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I will take RFK, Jr over Biden, Harris, and Obama any day.

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Surely, you won't be voting Democrat. Well, anyway, RFK won't win the primary. The party won't let him, IMO.

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Remember Bernie

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He is a good man with integrity..something I m cant say for many men in politics, on either side of the political spectrum.

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I think it’s a fair statement. I’m not happy with a lot of our elected Republican officials either! My concern is that he is a Kennedy; he is a Democrat. He may possess the traits that we as fiscal conservatives appreciate. Some Democrats do. As I remember the Kennedys, most of them, are social justice warriors. So far, he is following suit in that regard. IDK, I’m not optimistic about him.

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I am not optimistic about him getting far in politics, especially because he is against so much of what the demoncrat party espouses today.

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Yep; just like my old Dad - an anti-Communist Scoop Jackson Democrat his entire life.

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Dr David Martin also speaks on the bio weapon... here's one video but he has many more on Rumble


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Dr. Martin is someone that EVERY person needs to hear speak to this entire debacle.

Great interview fairly recently with Kim Iverson.

MANY vids available- all worth a listen.

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Sasha Latypova showed this some months ago. US Govt/DoD: Now that the cat has come out of the bag, we don't need to play pretend any longer. Bourla played patsy, but he still gets to go home with two bags full.

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Indeed, this old news was made known months ago. This could end over-night if people all stood their ground and just said "No." But they won't. The military members will continue to roll up their sleeve for the shots and eat their MRNA dinner in the mess hall.

This won't stop until people rebel. Keep your children out of the public schools, universities and the military.

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I myself left public school teaching end Jan, '21, when I could see the 'handwriting on the wall' and toxicity had been building for a few years. Ever since, whenever I can, I urge people to take/keep their precious children out of public (and even, private) schools. I no longer think university has meaning (and I, at 72, am 3rd generation of degreed people).

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It's like everywhere one looks all one sees is ashes. It is like a Christian having lived in Rome and realizing that Rome had been sacked from within long before the barbarians arrived at the gates.

The odd thing is that with all of this destruction and chaos going on, I nonetheless can upgrade from Cox cable to Glofiber's optic fiber Internet service for greatly improved performance at reasonable cost. And so, in an odd dance of incongruity, jagged edges, chaos and destruction non sequiturs are to be found. Yes, everything is falling apart but I can get upgraded Internet service. Go figure.

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Bread and circus.

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Agreed. It is like Sodom and Gomorrah. You have to leave and not look back to remain untainted.

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How terribly (and I use that word in its original sense) pertinent now are Paul's words to the 1st century Romans: Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.

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Well said! The choice is really stark. Either live in 'it' or live apart.

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Sadly, you are 100% correct!

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And Katherine Watt and David Martin.

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Yes! Both Excellent IMO.

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They will force it into the military. It is required to take a flu shot each year. It just another way to damage our military. As a Veteran, it makes me mad what they are doing to our young warriors.

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I would not recommend the woke military service to anyone! And, I too, am a veteran. I was disappointed, years ago, when not one of my children wanted to join the military. Now I thank God they did not!

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I guess your kids have a mind of their own and are not in lockstep with the woke generals who "trade make-up tips"!

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Such an awesome line, thanks Jeff! 🤣 Also loved ‘his nose growing so long it kept knocking over the microphone 🎤

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If I were young, I would not even consider joining an outfit demanding a forced association with degenerate freaks. And that does not even begin to consider the presumption of owning my body and filling it with toxic substances like the body was just a useless sewer.

It kind all makes one very mad.

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Absolutely. My father is a proud marine from Vietnam. I am so sad what they have done to our honorable military.

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Mine too! And I totally agree with you.

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What good are the flu shots?? My son didnt have the flu once for his entire 39 years until he took a flu shot encouraged at his company, and got the flu or something, really, really sick!!

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I heard this from many people who took the flu shot and got so sick with something soon after.

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From all I have read, you are spot on. So the government saying they are going to develop MRna shots is just finally being honest, because DoD developed the covid jabs too.

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What is the fascination with this proven disastrous vaccine technology. 🤔

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Bingo! DOD. .... You win the grand prize! Read Sasha Latypova on Substack ... she has the receipts!

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Developed it, no. Encouraged it, yes.

Operation warp speed, anyone?

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I will bet that jab concoction was already developed by the military and under "Operation Warp Speed", it was the military that that was used to "distribute" it. Development to injection happened way to quick for it to have been anything but a military exercise. Multiple exercises in the years preceding 2020 were based exclusively on CoronaVirus pandemics and taught the elites how to effectively gain control over our population. Those prior exercises were never about preventing or stopping pandemics. Video's show that the focus was on the propaganda of fear in order to control populations.

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Exactly. Come on people, Dr. David Martin has amply demonstrated that the Gov't/DoD development of the vaccine has been on-going for decades. Does anyone really think that the pharma industry went from unknown novel virus to novel vaccine rollout in a couple of months? If you do, don't admit it.

Pay attention to Dr. Martin and Dr. Latypova.

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Do you have a good few videos of Martin on this? Would like to watch. I’ve seen him once.

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This is the latest presentation by Dr. Martin I'm aware of. This is an excellent summary presented in the EP. Fasten your seatbelt.

Posted by SheThinksLiberty: Dr. Martin made his second (?) appearance before the European Parliament last week, this time at the Third International Covid Summit on May 3, 2023 at the European Union Parliament, Brussels, Belgium.


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Yep; anyone else remember that leaked memo from the US Marine Major Pentagon attache to DARPA, who said the same thing?

It was leaked to the internet, and the MSM treated it like someone discovered a fresh turd in the debutante ball punchbowl.

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Darn, I lost track of that. Do you have any links on that?

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Blaming the military isn’t accurate.

A million places put it out there.


Shot drives

I was in A rest stop in bell county, Texas when I walked past 4 nurses who were very bored and they asked me if I wanted a Covid shot. I declined, nicely.

“Health clinics”.


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Our Winn-Dixie Pharmacy made announcements over the intercom “get your latest covid vaccine & catch up on your Shingles, etc.also & get $20 off your groceries.”

When I picked up my subscription I was asked if I wanted to take advantage of blah blah...

I was irritated by then & replied, “No, absolutely NO; my body isn’t for sale!”

Then, “don’t y’all know these shots are killing for folks! How can you be pushing them?”


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That too. My HEB and Brookshire's both offer the covid and flu shot. I ignore it and buy my groceries.

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May 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Just a note to say I thoroughly enjoyed the bird video. Not because I love seeing animals die, but because it reminds us of the liberal mindset, which is: "the lion won't eat me because I won't eat him". They abandon reality believing that the reality they create in their minds will somehow trump what is real.

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The lion won't eat them because they are nasty. 😂

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Finicky eaters. Like my cats!

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What is "real" is the reality one foot from your nose for sooo many sheeples. They will just be collateral damage as the Mex Cartel Immigrants finish taking control of large cities in a collapsing USSA.

a prescient song perhaps, the lyrics are haunting.......


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The CoExist bumper sticker…

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I missed the comments the day he posted the bird video, but I remember just thinking. How can a pelican digest a whole bird? It's a God thing, for sure.

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May 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

“We would support any third-party peace proposal, as long as it can be seen as credible, enforceable and sustainable.”

How can this person say this with a straight face? I am so irritated by this remark it is beyond reasonable. How do these people live with themselves?

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“Kirby’s nose grew so long it kept knocking over the microphone stand.”

C&C GOLD!! 😆

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And this one: "Maybe we should stop trying to find out who has the stiffest missiles"

Nothing like a caffeine spit-take first thing in the morning. ROFL!

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I have started making sure I swallow my coffee sip before I continue reading lest this happens again!

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It’s the only way not to have coffee spray all over your screen and your clothes 😆😁

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Couple that with the “trading make-up tips” comment makes for mind boggling theater.

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They are grappling with reality which is something this administration and the military brass is not good at. Maybe a couple of bud lites or Miller lites could help. 🤔 😄

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I think several mRNA martinis would be better.

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Shaken, not stirred.

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Injected 💉

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No aspiration necessary.

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Ouch! That was a good one.

Later Jay

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Spot on, Dr. Linda.

First of all - WHO the heck are we, that our "approval" would be necessary?

Our govt has such great skills - talking out of both sides of the mouth, stating opposing narratives.

Maybe it IS our war - after all, WE have paid for it.

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I’ve grown to detest that word!

Dang if these idjits aren’t the epitome of sustainable. Gift that keeps on giving 😡

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Maybe, on taking whatever may be their oath of office, they next step into the Hollywood-in-D.C. make-up artist salon, where a mask (or several, each with a different facial expression) is created for each new official.

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023

Because these ppl don't have a moral compass. Their only guiding principle is power. When we quit asking that question, then we will have finally recognized the evil that confronts us and seeks to destroy us. There is NO common ground between us and them.

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Greasy Kirby. Makes my skin crawl.

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"How do these people live with themselves?" Dr. L, money is an aphrodisiac. I assume making enough of it will numb the mind to the suffering of other. Just saying....

Later Jay

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Maybe but I just can’t imagine.

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Because Russia broke every peace plan it saw to gain land and conquer its neighbors

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They looked at the fine example set by the US government circa 1876. (Of course I shouldn’t complain, I rather like South Dakota being a part of the US and not a sovereign nation.)

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Going back 150 years?


It’s been just over a year since Russia broke its treaty.

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023

How many years since NATO violated its promises about soliciting new members?

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None. There was never a promise.

If there was Russia invading Moldova and Georgia broke that “promise” and caused eastern Europe to join nato.

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You're likely correct, but perception determines policies:


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Talk to any one of the descendants of those whose treaties have been broken by the US government and I promise they will tell you that it is still very much a current issue. The Sioux are still trying to get the Black Hills back (although if they successfully got them back I assume they would then get sued by the Crow since they pushed the Crow out of the area only a couple of generations prior).

My point was more that as Americans we like to sit here on our high horse having reaped the benefits of imperialist expansion and war crimes galore (General Sherman is a hero of mine but the March to the Sea would clearly be defined as war crime today.) But then wringing our hands or denouncing when others perform the exact same actions.

The Sioux would gladly accept their stolen lands back (they were indeed stolen since they were granted by treaty which was then ignored) today. So if we are going to claim that it is somehow wrong or immoral for Russia to break treaties to grow their borders then shouldn’t we first return the land that we took in the same way?

There are no good guys in the Ukraine/Russia conflict, not the Russian government, not the Ukrainian government, certainly not the US government.

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The Russians didn’t break any treaty. It was NATO that intentionally refused to enforce the Minsk Accords by their own admission. It was NATO that continuously advanced eastward with the goal of eventually balkanizing Russia and and helping them themselves to the spoils as they have done in Ukraine. For some reason Russia just doesn’t want to submit to its own destruction by the US and will actually defend itself. If Americans understood the degree to which the US has meddled in the internal affairs of other sovereign nations, overthrowing elected governments, paying off politicians, etc. over the past 30 years then maybe we would clean house of these warmongers and actually defend our OWN borders. I say this as someone who in 2020 woke up because of COVID. I voted straight Republican for my entire life never once questioning anything I was told. No more. I will not be “ the Good German”.

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Yours is the real point. That there has been an over-arching multi-decades long plan to bring Russia down, break Russia up, and control the real estate for resource access. NATO expansion eastwards, the Balkan wars, the Middle East wars, Afghanistan, this is a mult-decade effort of encirclement and constriction so as to destroy the prey and control of Russia and the Asia Heartland. And whether R or D, they were mostly all in on it.

And as we see, no care about boarders or building up a genuinely productive country. Public policy in the 'United States' is really no more than sack and seize ... and destroy anything in its path. This is the picture of a civilization in the last acts of self-destruction.

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All excellent points.

To add, look at how many RINOs push the Ukraine scam and the Covid scam. And they do nothing of the 3rd world invaders.

We're really not represented by any politician.

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Russia did break plenty of treaties.

What is the budapest memorandum, again? The one where Russia promised to respect Ukraine's territorial integrity if they got rid of their nukes?

Oh, that one.

And the treaty of Russian-Ukrainian friendship.

That too.

Go into Russia and call it a war and ask why Russian young men are dying for a Tsar's ego.

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There was never any treaty. Please point out to where an agreement was made and signed.

But whenever you do, remember that Russia invaded Moldova and Georgia before any new Nato members were added.

ask yourself this: Why do Eastern European nations join nato? Does someone force them to join?

Or they remember the brutality of Moscow rule and don't ever want to be under that yoke again.

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To your point: read "Diary of an Economic Hit Man" by John Perkins. It is Rose-colored-glasses shattering.

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There are plenty of good guys in the War.

Ukraine is the victim.

Russia is the aggressor.

Who invaded who?

Ukraine is slowly clawing its way to freedom out of the Russian sphere of control.

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You have a very low bar for “good guys”. The Ukrainian are the corrupt puppets of an even more corrupt American government. I agree that the people of Ukraine are the largest victims of the conflict (although to some degree the civilians of the world are victims, nobody wanted this and everyone is paying for it one way or another). However being the victim doesn’t make you the good guy. The Ukrainian people accepted the puppet government that the US government installed. Worse the majority either actively supported or silently allowed the persecution of ethnic Russians within Ukraine’s borders. If you were an ethnic Russian living in Donbas who has lived in a war zone since 2014 then Russian intervention looks more like liberation than invasion. So no, there are no good guys.

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May 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

How low of an IQ does one have to have to participate in a government run and funded (no doubt) medical "study" of anything mRNA? Really? Are these people high or truly mentally retarded in the true sense? Here, I'll save you some time: the study will reveal that the "flu vaccine" will be proven "safe and effective" and not one single adverse effect except a sore arm and maybe feeling lousy for an hour to half a day. I'll lay money on the table right now that will be the results. Anyone want to bet against me?

They are not "migrants", they are illegal aliens and have no business being here. That being said, good for Texas. That idiot mayor in NYC made his bed, now he can lay in it AND pay for it. Jeff is right, though, we are paying for it. And what group of morons decided to put illegal aliens in SCHOOLS with access to children? Hello? Don't tell me they are keeping those people locked in the gym. Locking the doors violates fire codes. Don't tell me a single one won't go wandering the halls.

The collective IQ of the people "in charge" seems to be dropping rapidly in blue states.

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I agree...they are jaw dropping stupid. Everyday we're just more and more stunned by the damage they are able to do. Where have all the adults gone?

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Well said.

I'll toss in one additional study result - 50 participants began the trial?

Ain't gonna be no 50 who reach the finish line.

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Yesterday I heard that in California, I think Orange county, they kicked veterans out of shelter/hotels and replaced them with illegals. This was reported on lame stream news!!

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Wherever it’s happened or happening locals should stand UP for our veterans!

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That was NYC... or could have been both places...

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They do share ideas, brilliant aren’t they?

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023

I also heard San Francisco I think in addition to NY. Pretty sure it was both but I would have to check to be 100% sure.

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and the "collective IQ of the people "in charge" seems to be dropping as the age of the leaders keeps increasing (a la Nancy P and Joe B)

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How to separate the adverse effects due to the coof shots from the adverse effects due to the flu shot? It's the same morons going back for extra mRNA helpings.

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Having survived three Moderna shots without obvious damage, I'd volunteer as an mRNA test subject If they paid me VERY well. At least 100k per shot.

There is a German guy who got 70 Pfizer jabs so that he could sell the vaccine certificate. He was fine when he was arrested...

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Alot of people are ok. A lot are also not ok. Dont be foolish and get more.

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Will 100k be sufficient to compensate your health bills? Will it make your family comfortable if the ultimate damage is done? Think twice before you roll up the sleeve

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There are no medical bills to pay for the individual in Germany, bills are paid 100% by my insurance.

And I was only joking, I will not get another mRNA based shot ever.

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“The collective IQ of the people "in charge" seems to be dropping rapidly in blue states.”

Or worse...they are part & parcel of finishing off this once mighty nation

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Well that's it, isn't it? Questioning their IQ (of the ppl in charge) is assuming they think like we do. That is to mis-characterize them. They are serving an ideological agenda whose aim is to destroy America and all Americans and replace us with "their" ppl. As for those who participate - well yeah, they are morons.

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Thank you!

I call them illegal aliens too.

Quit using the woke wording for anything & everything

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

That mRNA crap is NOT a drug. That's why the pharma companies are not involved. But they will still be the distributors, I bet. Which flu will this garbage protect us from?

50 healthy humans to be subjected to possible death by mRNA injection? Did they run out of mice? Notice that the ages are below 50 and all specimens are "healthy". Now, wouldn't you want to test this dizzy junk on older, less healthy humans to see if it might prevent something bad from happening? Is the NIH this stupid? It's the younger and healthier people who are NOT at risk for suffering a death by flu or virus. Fall for this nonsense again and you deserve the bodily destruction it will gladly provide.

If by now you are not convinced that our government poses a greater risk to our survival than Russia or China, you are asleep at the wheel or live in some screwball Marky-meta virtual reality.

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But what 50 humans (?) would agree to be the testing animals? After 2+ years of the Covid vax damage, only absolute ignoramuses or I-drink-the-Kool-Aid-by-the-gallonites would agree?

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If the study is being conducted with any integrity (which is highly unlikely), the only people it should use are unvaxxed with the the current covid MRNA jabs so as not to confound the results. But those who are in that category and have avoided getting the jabs by choice despite all the societal, employment, governmental, and medical coercion of the past 2 years are too smart for that. Of course, none of the flu shots have ever been demonstrated to be effective. So does that really matter? With 100% certainty this jab will be approved and promoted by the FDA, CDC, the Whitehouse, the MSM, Facebook, Twitter, and medical “experts” down to your family physician. Again.

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Exactly. You must be a researcher!!! ;)

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Most of us C&C'ers are!

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How many C&Cers have a family doctor that advised against the shot??? Anyone??? If there is no one, then even your "trustworthy" family doc cannot be trusted.

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I'll bet one of my sister in laws would volunteer. The true believers are in class of humans I'll not understand if I devoted every waking hour of the rest of my life to my life to studying them.

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True. My best friend's sister-in-law once again has covid. She's had 4+ covid shots. Once she's "well" she said that she's going to go get another booster.

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I hear "5th one is a charm".

Good luck to her.

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I guess it depends on the revolver she's using for Russian Roulette. Revolver cylinders typically hold six cartridges but some have a 5-shot cylinder.

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Not likin' the odds, honestly.

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You may be right! Because once a body is dead, it's covid proof. Forever!

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Same with my SIL, and my brother. My brother is all vaxxed up!! His words. Saw them mother’s day.

Their gas stove is on the fritz, and since they are in Seattle I suggested that she might not be able to replace it (I was just trying to get a rise out of her 😉) and she hadn’t even heard of the gov policies about gas stoves!!! Totally ignorant.

I told her Biden was against them, and she actually said ‘maybe I should just get electric this time’ OMG!!!

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You just can't fix stupid.

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No can do.

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The ones I know are simply lucky. They are resourced and healthy. They haven’t had any health issues yet no matter their age.

They are rolling the dice each time they line up and they lined up for them all inc the combos. They will be the only ones lining up for this trash.

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A woman I was talking to yesterday told me she was going to have a Covid booster on Friday. I asked her why and she gazed at me with blank incomprehension: she had no answer. I said: “they have quite a lot of side-effects and Covid isn’t very serious”, and she replied: “the doctor said it was time for my next booster”. So I gave up.

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I know this is wishful/"mean" thinking, but why not use 50 of the welfare-sucking "asylum seekers?" Or perhaps some able-bodied men children sitting in their basements collecting SS "disability" payments?

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It might sound like a cruel suggestion but we sent men who were on death row to fight our wars. As a matter of fact, why not use those prisoners sitting in their prison gyms building their muscle mass to help pick strawberries. Remember the chain gangs? But I digress. If those asylum seekers REALLY want to contribute for the generosity the US will afford them, let them.

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There are people who go from medical test group to medical test group, free medical care while enrolled in the test and the stipends help pay bills...

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Makes perfect sense---thanks for info. Same used to be said of some foster parents.

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and how about when Miriam webster changed the definition of vaccine, trying to operation mockingbird everyone

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Also: Pandemic and Herd Immunity changed as well...

“The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them.”

Phillip K. Dick

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"Vigilante" is now being redefined using Danny Penny:


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I saw a video in the beginning of the vax mandates of a doctor explaining to an audience that scientists for many years have been trying find a cure for the cold/flu virus. The nature of the virus has proven over and over that it cannot be done. I think the military industrial complex has been taken over by China, Who, Globalist, and greedy businessmen.

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They never test on geriatric patients. Too many confounders.

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I had wondered all along? Masks? Fake Vaccines? Warp Speed?

Masks? Like how did these hundreds of millions, billions of mask suddenly appear? This was one big first red flag. Covid and masks, all at once? No supply chain problems there. Ditto the 'vaccines' ... like out of nowhere. Maybe a little like food processing plants burning down?

You said it right! I trust nothing the government and their media dupes put out.

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Exactly Gorga! Its a bioweapon not a drug or vac.

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Amen! And you are right, it's not a drug. It's a technology - a device that is injected inside your body to do whatever it is told to do.

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023

Why is the government suddenly in the business of developing a covid/influenza vaccine? RFK Jr just stated it. They’ve been involved all along. Now, they’ll come .01% clean by acting as if this is something new.

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Good point. Now they've been outed, they don't have to use cutouts.

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Exactly, because MRNA "vaccine" is a Gov't DoD bio-weapon platform and they are propagating it across all vaccine vectors, including food production. How do you make war on a population without saying "war"?

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Yep, if "they" have their way, avoiding exposure to it will be nearly impossible.

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They don’t need so many of “us” now with AI. They can get rid of 80% of us and live on a less crowded planet, I feel like that’s the intention.

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It's a war on us plain and simple. Control, extermination and God knows what else. And as a matter of fact, I think about 15 minute cities in the same way I think of the DoD and bioweapons. A war against us, the whole planet.

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I have to tell myself this everyday to make myself believe it.

Apparently, the Russians and their Eastern bloc have decided not to play this game.

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Right! The Russians are not playing Woke, not playing Globalism and apparently not playing persecuting their own people. They apparently are promoting prosperity ... and as in impeding small business from flourishing.

The scarcity and impoverishment I saw in the 1960's is now completely gone. Moscow and St. Petersburg are now clean cities with flourishing markets and stores. It is a total turn-around. And what do we have? Decaying inhabitable cities, a 5 Generational War of the state against all peoples. I just get so mad at it all.

And so, the Walk-Away BRICS Plus is basically the necessity to get out from under the Totalitarian Monster. And its working. The West is now looking Clown Stupid and isolated ... an more so everyday.

Three or four years ago nobody would believe that tiny South Africa would take the lead in attempting to broker a peace deal between Russia and Washington and its Ukrainian Puppet State. That tells us how much power and influence the Geniuses on the Potomac really have. They simply are 'losing it'.

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Outed? Or limited hangout? The military being nakedly responsible for the "flu mRNA" shot carries the implied threat that this time, shots won't be optional.

Recall, "the great catch-up" forced vaxxing campaign was just recently floated...

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For people like me who hadn't heard "cutout" used in this fashion - Merriam Webster definition: "an intermediary in a clandestine operation"

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They are now just cutting out the middle man (pharm companies).

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I know for a FACT!! That Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard are sweet and perfect places to send illegal migrants. Especially the B &B’s

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023

send then to towns with

loads of "Hate has no home here"

and you will find that

Love has no home there.

When the "migrants" showed up in Martha's Vineyard, the NEXT DAY they were sent off Island to a military base surrounded by barb wire fences.

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Great idea! They should be given the chance to prove their love. Lol.

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Soo true

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West chester PA, Downingtown PA, Phoenixville PA. Bala Cynwyd PA, Radnor PA - western suburbs of Philly. Also Coatesville PA. Drop about 2,000 at each location and watch the nimby sh*t hit the fan. Preferably unvaxxed please. 😅

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I thought they were all unvaxxed? And recently read that they bring scabies (thoroughly unpleasant, I suffered it) and TB as a hostess gift. I too live in SE PA (Mont. Cty) Yeah--love to see them in Radnor!

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I would be popping popcorn non stop. The looks on their faces and that the migrants would be unvaxxed too - that would be a bonus.

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I’m there too. Would be so fun. But, would like to see South Arlington, Va. first. Thinking of this, let’s send these folks according to vote results.

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Yeah those people love to talk the talk but never walk the walk 🙄

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I’ve flown into Coatsville several times.

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And safe! Because AirBnb is STILL telling hosts that they have to provide hand sanitizer and follow 'covid mitigation rules'--ABB has not changed its 'rules' since 2020.

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Great idea! They should try again

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And again, and again, and…you get the picture.

They have several millions to work with.

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What many arrogant woke westerners fail to consider is that even though they may not have the nuclear arsenal of the US yet, Russia has a lot of tactical, ground-level weaponry that is far superior to the US. You're becoming quite the weapons expert Jeff!

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The problem with Russias is their reliability is questionable.

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As is that of Ukraine, UK, US, Canada (my country), EU, Australia....ie. the West - along with the rest of the world, of course.

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The west doesn’t have a habit of committing widespread genocide.

Around 100 million people were Murdered by democide Last century. Most of those were under the hammer and sickle flags.

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if you count all the unborn children that could have been born but for abortion, isn't that another form of genocide? Weren't the Nazi and Kemalist genocides western and NOT under the hammer and sickle flags?

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I do understand that totalitarianism (in various forms) is responsible for millions of deaths, and despise totalitarian political systems. But the West has engaged in many so-called "good wars" that have killed many innocents, destroyed nations, and created dependency. ("do things our way, elect our approved people, accept our rules, our medical experiments, etc, or else" - has a hint of totalitarianism (or maybe you could call it bullying?) about it, no?

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The collective West is now under a Marxist totalitarian rule. It is totally evil. And it's an evil we all too politely call Woke, but at least we have a general idea as to what that means.

As for the Death Count, I have to wonder. If all deaths were counted (abortion, deaths through decades of intentional health degradation, covid deaths in hospitals, jab deaths, manufactured war deaths, etc.) it is possible that US Woke led empire has already eclipsed previous totalitarian regimes.

It is very difficult for people to accept horrors of totalitarianism. The bullying of domestic populations and that of countries is merely the expression of the will to totalitarian conquest. Even 'covid' is conquest on multiple levels.

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Succinct and to the point.

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"Good wars" or proxy wars and false flag ops.

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A hint? The Founders set up a self-governing constitutional republic which was replaced with an imperial republic in 1860 when the proto-Nazi Abraham Lincoln waged unlimited warfare upon half of America resulting in the deaths (conservatively estimated) of 700,000 Americans when the population of America was a tenth of the size it is today. (Understand "unlimited" means all civilians are targets, not just combatants.) Ever since that war, the imperial USG has been engaged in expanding a foreign empire through the use of UNLIMITED warfare upon foreign peoples. This is the practice of democide, plain and simple. It is extremely disingenuous of the USG to constantly use the atrocities committed by foreign regimes as a means to characterize our foreign wars as righteous and justified. Matt 7:5 "Hippocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother's eye."

For a reality check, consider that in the Vietnam War, 2 million civilian Vietnamese, 1.3 million Vietnamese soldiers and 58 thousand Americans were killed. That's just one war.

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Yes, and now the totalitarian super-agency wages unlimited time horizon warfare on its own people ... and in part sustaining their efforts on the backs of their enslaved populations. It's gotten so unacceptably pathetic.

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023

That is absolutely true: Communists are the most-effective murderers in history.

That said, I believe you're overlooking our abilities to kill as well. How many Vietnamese did we kill? It was definitely in the millions. Same with Korea and WW2. NOTE: I AM NOT SAYING THERE IS A MORAL EQUIVALENCE.

But we killed - what? - 3.5 million Iraqis? What was the justification for that?

Just because we not as prolific as the Commes, we shouldn't get a free pass for the millions we killed.

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The US didn't kill millions of Iraqis. Nobody has ever been able to prove that. And no, sanctions banning weapons didn't lead to millions of Iraqis dying. It's a code pink myth that's been recirculated so many times it's passed off as fact.

Korea? Look at how South Korea is today vs North Korea.

South Korea is a beacon of liberty while North Korea is known as the "hermit kingdom".

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So, is SK a success because of an American war or is NK a hell-hole because of American hostility. Likewise, why has Cuba been a hell-hole all these decades? Maybe the way the USG has always blacklisted Cuba all this time? It's the chicken and the egg question. Of course, none of that would have happened if we hadn't been involved as an imperial power to begin with and instead minded our own business.

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Who are you kidding? Besides yourself?

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I not longer respond to certain Troll-like nonsense. To do so it like talking to a wall, an exercise in utter futility.

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Sorry. I was responding to Benji.

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Russia is busy genociding Ukraine today.

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Did you kneel and kiss General Milley's ring?

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Communism did one thing better than the west-slaughter, disease, famine, and suffering.

The Chinese experiment is an absolute red flag on the idea of giving government complete control.

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And what do you think is going on in the US today while you keep the public distracted with a proxy war in Europe?

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I question this. Or maybe it's more a question as to reliable for what. For example, I totally rely upon the Western NATO/US complex to murder, main, destroy, lie, censor, lock-down, coerce and to abuse us in every conceivable way. And the Russians are up to a point far more reliable on telling us the truth. And even on telling us how insidiously depraved and demonic the West has become. More truth these days comes out of Russia than almost any other place. India also has a much more reliable media complex than does the West, save alternative Internet media sites. And by the way, nothing is perfect.

In the US, I am living in an inverted universe. Good is bad, and bad is good. Truth is lies, and lies are truth. Boys are girls, and girls are boys. It's so mad that one must flee and refuse to dwell in the demented world of depravity.

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One side is committing genocide.

Meanwhile, you live in the west.

The Russians are far less truthful. If you truly believe that then get the Sputnik shot. They say it has no recorded side affects and is safe and effective.

Yuri Bezmenov would be embarrassed.

Remember, Russia claimed victory over Ukraine on February 26th. They're still fighting.

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I agree with you - it's crazy, and I think humans may go extinct much faster due to the tech and cognitive devolution that follows.

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“Trial will test the experimental vaccine for safety”

Uh-huh, sure it will 😏

To quote Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi:

“Every (!) injected mRNA ‘vaccine’ will cause severe damage in our body and must be forbidden.” (https://odysee.com/@EE:8/Dr.Sucharit_Bhakdi_Presentation_QandA:6)

As far as Feinstein’s shingles goes, Bhakdi covers that, too, and he warned back in August 2021 that it was a bellwether for an explosion of other dormant diseases as well as cancer (as we’ve clearly seen):

“Death of dendritic cells and lymphocytes lead to slackening of immunological control that we anticipate extends to tumor surveillance and to dormant infections other than VZV. Prominent amongst the latter are EBV, CMV and also toxoplasmosis and tuberculosis.” (https://doctors4covidethics.org/shots-and-shingles-what-do-they-tell-us/)

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We need to multiply Dr. Bhakdi’s defense in Germany.

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Brilliant idea, Penny. I’m working on an article about his trial right now.

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Speaking of. . What is Danny's multiplier up to now?

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Well, if toxoplasmosis arises as an after effect, then no one has an excuse to avoid supporting El Gato Malo.

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May 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I raised chickens. None were as gruesome, nasty and ugly as Diane Feinstein. 😳 Of course they didn't get shingles as they were not vaccinated. 😉

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Good move not getting them vaccinated. : )

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023

That photo of Frankenstein was scarier than any Halloween mask I have ever seen. I think there should be an exception made there for a mandatory mask on her.

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When I saw the picture of her in the wheelchair, I heard my late father’s voice in my head: “She looks like she died and forgot to lay down.”

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I think she might be one of the undead. 🧟‍♀️

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An original zombie.

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Smok'in Dee!

Later Jay

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😂 😂 😂 I LOVE it! Bus the illegals to sanctuary cities. I laughed out loud while reading all about NY struggle. Hahahahaha. Now THIS is payback and we all know what payback is.

I do understand it doesn’t solve the problem. Only closing the border and shipping the illegals out of the USA is the solution. But until the clowns stop running the show…..this is brilliant and puts a smile on my face. The people voted for it….if they actually did….and now they gotta live with it. Hey…..maybe they should start cleaning house at the local level like the rest of us are doing. Hahahahahahahahaha

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Of course it doesn't solve the actual problem of letting million across the southern border.

The point of the entire exercise is to assist in getting the consequences of said border allocated to the places where they will do the most good: in the cities where the people voted for them. Nobody in NYC or WDC gives two fhaaks about el-Paso or anywhere else on the border nor will they ever think its problem until they have to deal with the consequences.

VirtueSignaling MineFields seem much less dire when you have actual minefields of tents and doo-doo...

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I still would like to know where all the so-called environmentalists are? With all the human waste and garbage littering the entire path across the border and beyond??

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They same place they were when NordStream was blown up...

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And when masks are littering parking lots and fields and oceans all over the world 🙄

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It's the straws! Wont somebody please think about the STRAWS!!!

Nobody bothers to think about making plastics with something other than frozen petroleum...

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Like the George Floy peaceful riots were okay while the rest of us were locked down in 2020, it’s permissible for illegal invaders to litter and pollute while we can’t buy gas stoves and are castigated for our use of internal combustion engines. Because the climate!

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"trading makeup tips"

That is awesome!

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Maybe because I'm getting older and more sentimental, I look at Dianne Feinstein and just say, "poor lady." She looks terrible. There is a special place in hell for all those around these clearly disabled people (Feinstein, Fetterman and Biden) who prop them up. It is abusive and APS should be called in.

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Is it just me, or did she look a lot less like a 90-year-old before the jibbyjab?

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I have seen so many age since the jab .

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I've noticed that in just about all the people I know who took the shots

It's as if they are under duress and look a bit more haggard.

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I was pretty shocked to see that picture. She looks a lot older now, but 89 is old, and shingles is pretty shitty. Bigger question, who voted her in at 87ish? The homeless in SF?

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Given her asymmetrical facial appearance, it seems she either suffered a stroke or Bell's Palsy most likely from the jibbyjab.

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Not just you...

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Turbo aging. "Sudden" everything. Turbo everything. I think it is going to get much worse as the injected technology works its way through the human race.

Just heard of another neighbor who suddenly died in her sleep from a massive brain bleed. Took the shot to travel.

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I believe she looked like that from birth.

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If she hadn’t spent her entire life shredding the constitution and then using it for toilet paper I would feel bad (which is why I feel bad for Fetterman). Feinstein on the other hand is reaping what she’s sown, or maybe like Dorian Gray her picture was destroyed and her physical form is now reflecting the condition of her soul. Either way she has my prayers but not my pity.

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Vicky Nuland is another example of that...she looks positively beastly.

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Newland IS positively beastly.

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I hear you. I am trying really hard to balance my desire for justice with mercy. She is clearly reaping what she has sown, but I temper my schadenfreude recognizing I tend to enjoy it too much.

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I'm older and Less Sentimental. Hanging 'em is too merciful, imo. Now, Drawn & Quartered ......

or Keel Hauled perhaps .....

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023

But will any of these power- and money-crazed politicians take the hint and graciously retire? Nooooo. And that loud "NO" is also heard from The Turtle's asset manager as well as from Doctor Jill, Mister Feinstein, and the Festerman's clan.

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In CDC-speak, “immune response” = made a lot of antibodies. They draw blood and look at the number of antibodies made. If they are only looking at the immune response (antibody numbers), then they are not looking at whether the vaccine reduces disease. It is a sick bait-and-switch. They did this with covid vaccines for children. Only looked at “immune response.” And when asked, they admitted that antibody levels can’t be used to assume protection (not a correlate of protection). But they do it anyway.

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It's crazy that people are going to fall for this a second time.

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Ah well perhaps it's time to let go.

Personally I'd welcome an influx of used cars and trucks so as to lower to purchase cost.

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There's a ton of warehouse used cars and trucks, but companies are throttling supply to keep the price high. So many people would be so upside down on their used car loans that they'd just abandon the debt and used car sellers would be left with the bad paper. Like the housing disaster in 2008.

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Not as many will fall for it

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Pretzel logic.

..... a governmental specialty.

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