Dec 5, 2022ยทedited Dec 5, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Just repeating this as many of us have seen it, but others haven't. I hit this link from time to time as it is amazing it's still there. I see it as a beacon that there's a group of patriots in the background to put these tidbits out to juice the future revolution.


"The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies."

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Do not ever forget to specifically call out Bill Gates and his "philanthropies" in this attack on humanity.

Bill lied, millions died, Bill got billions.

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Dec 5, 2022ยทedited Dec 5, 2022

Never good when two psychopaths (Fauci and Gates) get together for a common goal like depopulation through vaccination.

What happens when a person (who thinks he's a scientist and leader in clinical medicine) works with a computer programmer (with no conscience or medical knowledge) to push a reckless and dangerous agenda guided by money? There is no way to think this "marriage" will lead to a positive outcome for society.

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You think the marriage is scary. Imagine what the baby will be like ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

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LOLOL Gates is the pregnant man after all

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Wait until these two have to meet their maker! They will suffer the wrath from the Almighty who will say "I do not know you"!

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Bill is still at it, never gives up!

Last night I saw Bill's face in a YouTube ad touting vaccines for 'infectious diseases' ... and with a nice pie chart showing that 'infectious diseases' are 82% of the threat out there just waiting to lay us low. So folks, be scared of the 'infectious disease' threat ... and be sure to take those new coming vaccine cure alls! Remember! They will be 100% Safe and Effective!

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If you read RFK Jrs book on Fauci, and read what he and Gates have done to Africa you may throw up. It turned my stomach.

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Effinโ€™ exploiters.

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I normally treat infectious disease by staying home to not spread it and dosing with common sense remedies. Maybe an antibiotic here and there. That piece of crud fancies himself a doctor (of destruction) but is a menace to life and limb. A life threatening danger to our children.

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It was so much better when people just threw pie in his face.

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That was one hell of a missed opportunity in my opinion

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We would be nothing without infectious diseases.

I celebrate them and embrace them. ๐Ÿ˜˜ ๐Ÿฆ 

Que serรก serรก.

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Gates has, largely, control over the WHO and the FDA/CDC. That should scare the crap out of you.

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Same here

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Remember Bill Gates said on cnbc he gets 20-1 return on his vaccine investments. 2018-19

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Agree but hubris not greed at fault for both

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Agreed. Both psychopaths have a God complex.

I hope they meet Him VERY soon.

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thanks for the link Florida man ! I cp the article because god knows it might be gone tomorrow! and will read it all through in pieces, because this is indeed information !

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Copied and pasted the article to my computer. It has been up since April, so...I have no idea why. See, we expect them to censor us, to get to the dead drop and remove the note from under the rock before we see it. Interesting. Thanks for the link.

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Downloadable pdf is betterโ€”and saves you trouble ๐Ÿ˜‰


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thanks ! now I have both the cp and download !

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Thanks for this link!

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Ingrid, you won't be dissapointed. VERY thorough.

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I do know all that, but copy and paste is close to paper these days. I don't trust that stuff won't disappear somehow.

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Aside: it's a big problem for archivists. Huge amounts of information have, and will continue inevitably to disappear. Some of this due to "active measures" (e.g. Orwell's Memory Hole). But the sad truth is that a lot of it, the majority I suspect, is simply lost to degradation of archive media, accidental erasure, or simply failing to save the data. E.g. future society will not even have an airbrushed figure of Stain walking alongside a river. We won't even have the doctored image any more, much less its original. Historians will have to rely on secondary sources to attempt to piece together just who these Stalin or Trotsky persons were.

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The digital photo album of reality, or a memory card full of uncounted votes. Lost, degraded, failure due to non-hermetical care....

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I have yet to see these lizards in a human skin suit do anything that wasn't calculated. So help me out here cuz I'm having a difficult time figuring this out. This article is posted in an obscure location not easily found by the public but why have they left it up? In fact, why was it written in the first place? It's actually an honest admission of the real truth, like a confession. I can only think of two things. 1) Nothing "they" have done has ever been hidden. In that sense, there has never been an actual conspiracy because conspiracies are done in secret. Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, the WEF, the WHO, the UN et al, have always been forthright and upfront with their goals and ambitions. We just made the mistake of not taking them as a serious threat. The information may be difficult for the public to find but it has always been out there in the public domain. I think ONE of the reasons they do this is because this is how they keep their underlings and their following informed and they really don't care if anyone else knows. They are that arrogant and confident. Klaus Schwab certainly is. 2) In the specific case of this NIH "admission", maybe this is a way to construct a defense. The NIH can say "We told you so, we tried to warn you."

Anyone got any other ideas? I feel like I'm missing something.

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I think itโ€™s exactly what you said. CYA material. If they end up in court they can always claim they posted the truth but it wasnโ€™t their fault people didnโ€™t read it. They only do what is in their best interest - never the publics best interest. So if they post the truth in some pile of papers that you have to dig to even find, and make it super hard to findโ€ฆ.they just covered their a$$

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I have asked myself the same thing and come to realize the following two things:

1) These negative stories are just part of the cost of doing battle. They don't believe the stories will make a difference and so ignore them.

2) It gives them some level of cover that they are doing it without consent. "Everyone knew (or could have known) and no one stopped us, so you have, by default, agreed.

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You often hear stories about criminals doing this kind of thing. It is a kind of arrogance and confidence that they are too smart to be caught.

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Every Bond villain.

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Dec 5, 2022ยทedited Dec 5, 2022

I won't pretend being an expert in spiritual matters or smth, but recall seeing someone musing to the tune that open confession alleviates the burden of sin. Could be a compelling reason for those professing a belief in all things soul ๐Ÿค”

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Apparently in their satanic worship, telling us what theyโ€™re doing is part of their code.

Of course they have the lying media bury or whitewash it.

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Or it may be something as mundane as relative editorial freedom, even on a government sponsored website. For instance, in early 2021 a State Department website posted what then seemed a revolutionary government admission, that the virus could have come from a lab leak. Let me see if it's still up....yup, nearly to years later.


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Dec 6, 2022ยทedited Dec 6, 2022

Seriously? ๐Ÿค” In this day & age, an editorial freedomโ€”even w/ your qualifier attachedโ€”reeks of rainbow-painted unicorns ๐Ÿ˜ Oxymoron! linguists might blurt.

Should your clever handle here mayhaps drop a hint at certain deceitful nature? ๐Ÿคญ

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Light Bulb!! Their "theology" of Cosmic Retribution. When I heard this, a whole string of points suddenly coalesced for me. I have heard about all the so-called Satan worship that apparently takes place among the elite and I've never understood that. But now maybe I do. This would certainly explain their motivation to tell us everything they are going to do to us, before they do it. When you get right down to it, what this proves is that everyone, even the most vile evil intellect, must have something to believe in that he/she is serving. And in this life there is really only two choices.


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Weird too. I was able to watch it. Now itโ€™s blank. Did they remove it off Instagram?

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Maybe it's being shadow banned or something. My buddy couldn't see it either but when we went back later, it was there.

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Wow. Iโ€™ve had the same question. Why do they need to tell us this stuff. Like they wanna get caught. Nope. Itโ€™s to justify their evil criminal behavior. Thanks for the link.

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Apparently, they actually believe in the power of their satan worship. Cosmic Retribution is the satanic version of salvation or absolution from sin. I call it guilt transference. But what do I know, I've never had the inclination to study that side of things.

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Ya. I get it. Itโ€™s just weird that I could watch the video explanation. I forwarded it to somebody. I could open the forwarded version. And now it seems to be gone. I went back to your original post of it and it wonโ€™t play for me either. I just get a blank screen with Instagram at the top. So I canโ€™t tell if itโ€™s me or if they scrubbed it.

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I just checked, it's still there. I am not using the Instagram app. I'm accessing the link through my browser.

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Great link, I'm sending it a a bunch of people I know who have become a bit more receptive to actually reading "the truth". However, I did spot some sloppy mistakes in various places in the article....the author actually said things he didn't mean to say due to his perhaps careless wording in a few places. There needs to be some editing done on it.

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WOW! ๐Ÿ˜ณ This was published online back in April of this year! HOW did this not get out to more people in 8 months?! ๐Ÿ˜ž

Thank you Based Florida Man for sharing this. I will reshare with many others. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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I sent that article by Dr. Blaylock to my brother who is quite brilliant to the point of being stupid because he believes all the lies. He called it โ€œtripeโ€.

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Did he provide any specifics? If not, his answer is tripe.

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He did not. I completely agree, Neil.

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By the way, tripe is very nutritious.

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But it sounds awful ๐Ÿ˜‚

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Point conceded, but it looks disgusting, like something the artist Giger would have envisioned for the eerie scenes he created on the movie "Alien." I love Mexican food, and menudo is about the only thing I refuse to eat. Just the same, I count that as a mark of authenticity if it's on the menu at an (American) Mexican restaurant. So far I've seen it at exactly one, an upscale chain called Plaza Mexico.

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A family member surgeon says the same thing.

My adult kids say the same thing. Because NPR says differently.

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My fast asleep friend of almost 50 years told me to watch unbiased news - like NPR. I wanted to scream.

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So discouraging, right Katrina? But Iโ€™m not going to stop speaking truth.

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This article was exceptional. Thanks for sharing.

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I have that article archived on my computer.

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I love Dr Blalock and have been following him for over 20 years. Very reliable IMO.

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Thank you for the article; this information is excellent particularly for those just waking up to the Covid sham now. I appreciate you taking the time to provide the link.

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How do I save this without printing out 48 pages? iPad.

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Here's a direct link for download --> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9062939/pdf/SNI-13-167.pdf

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Thank you for posting this.

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You can create a pdf of any webpage in Brave (and I think other browsers) by clicking Print (in the browser Settings) and then print to pdf (destination) instead of to your printer.

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Thanks. Iโ€™ll look for that!

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NEVER heard of Brave. need to check this out

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Brave says it doesn't track you like Chrome does. Very similar in feel to Chrome

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And has full ad-blocking. No ads on youtube for example.

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Great! I didn't know that.

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Sure you canโ€”but first skim your would-be victim for in-house pdf links. These typically come in way superior design than blunt 'print to' ever manages ๐Ÿ™‚

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Bookmark it!

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๐Ÿคฃ That's genuinely cute!

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Print it to a PDF or do a web capture that saves it as a JPG.

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Why 'print to' when they readily supply a well-formatted pdf? ๐Ÿ˜‰ [See under OTHER FORMATS at top right]

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Website is blocked???

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Smth to do w/ your local firewall??? ๐Ÿ˜

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just met an old friend, 4 jabs, got really sick with the virus a month ago. She said, And Four Jabs, well meaning, they were useless. And she is a public person so those that don't know the jabs are not working, will now !

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Speaking of a morally bankrupt healthcare industry: The good folks in the irony department at Pfizer have served up yet another death shot marketing battle cry positively saturated in cockamamy sauce. You ready for this?โ€ฆโ€ฆ..โ€Above all, protect.โ€ (Savor the paradox).....โ€ฆโ€ฆSee, here again, weโ€™ve got a Texas wagonload of advertising gobbledygook and ambiguity smashed into 3 eensy benign words....purporting to mean something without saying anything at all. You could just as easily use this meaningless whopper for pushing cockroach motels or under arm deodorant. Pfizerโ€™s previous broadcasting indoctrination pursuit ended in: โ€œWe can do this.โ€ The โ€œWe,โ€ as far as I can tell, is referring to THEM. (Oh, THEY โ€œdoingโ€ it, alright!) โ€œAbove all, protectโ€??.....Well, heck thatโ€™s too easy, isnโ€™t it? We all know whoโ€™s being protected.

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I think they inadvertently left out the end of their slogan...... โ€œ...the bottom line.โ€

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I was thinking "us."

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Eric, I donโ€™t think they were, though.

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The "Bottom Line" is 1775, everything else is just part of the parade leading to "In the course of human events ...."

We don't have to "like" it or "not"; Reality is What happens in front of your face. Be prepared to cya. No one else is going to do it for you.


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What is cya?

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Cover Your Ass

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Or maybe a typo of "above all, profit."

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Their board meetings must be very interesting right now. Has the CEO canceled his yacht order yet? Oh right, when they throw him out of the plane heโ€™ll Golden Parachute right onto the deck of one.

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But god forbid men wear condoms to โ€˜protectโ€™ women or other men for that matter.

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Also from Twitter 2.0, "Elon Musk is considering putting together a team of medical experts to fact check all the false things government officials have been saying!"

Since the 'woke press' ignored the Hunter Laptop coverup story, Elon will instead zing them with some tasty scamdemic disclosures. This could actually be more destabilizing to the Establishment.

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

More โ€œexperts?โ€ Why not just ask us? ๐Ÿค”. My own doc said I knew more about the jabs scientifically and the real world outcomes (read damage) than she did. But as long as musk gets real experts bring them on.


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"They" would be much better off filling any " FACT CHECKER " vacancies with Substack subscribers. Just sayin' ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐ŸŽ“๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿฝโ€๐ŸŽ“

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Right..?? Like Jeff said, we are all over stuff. Together we are pretty awesome. Good people here.

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Iโ€™d like to know what experience and creds a fact checker needs for a job. โ€œI google a lotโ€œ?

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bring in the cats

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Its funny, I get far more news from Bad Cattitude and Catturd than any media company.

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BFM, where can I find catturd?

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Thought that might be where I would find it. Thanks, but hard pass on Twitter for me.

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doncha just love that?! meowza.

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And skeptics. Especially ethical ones.

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I emailed Mr Cuban after reading El Gatoโ€™s post. I got a Straw Man reply; an actual reply. Careless man, he should have let it go. Posting on El Gato.

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Excellent. Iโ€™ll look for it. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜

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Ooh! Iโ€™ll try to find it!

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I looked for it...can't find it. Dang.

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It sounds presumptuous on the surface, but your doctor spoke a truth. Consider this argument: for any specialized topic, if a competent layman does even a few hours' worth of reading, even if were just a few textbooks, he will likely know more about that particular area, than even the wisest MD unless the latter's specialization was in that same area. The average MD knows a little about a lot of things, in other words, has a wide knowledge of medicine. But she couldn't possibly have in-depth knowledge about all those things. Probably most all of us here are much better informed on the jabs and what's wrong with them, than is the average medical worker anywhere. It's not just the knowledge factor either. There are strong dis-incentives for such workers to inquire too deeply. Bad for the career, you understand?

[Horn-blowing mode = ON]

For my own "specialization," I spent many hours reading or looking up specialized articles on a topic I was interested in because it personally affects me. As a primary prevention to reduce risk of heart disease in healthy people by reducing cholesterol and blood pressure (respectively), do statins and hypertension medications have any benefit? The sobering answer is "essentially zero effect." Yet these are among the most widely suggested, often mandated, public health interventions in the world. What does it say about the medical profession when they are knowingly (or unknowingly, hard to say which is worse!) dosing their patients with a product that has been shown to be of very little value and may indeed be a net harm?

It's worth citing those two, since they are so widely used, as examples of the perennial problem of lying with statistics. These drugs do, in fact, reduce the incidence of heart attacks, strokes etc. for the average patient. They really do lower cholesterol and blood pressure (in most cases.) "Why not use them, then?" Because in absolute numbers, the reduction is trivial and deaths from all causes virtually unchanged. Yes, you can take these drugs for decades, but you'll die at very close to the same time as if you had not taken them at all. Insane, no? Yet this is public heath policy the whole world round.

[Horn-blowing mode = OFF]

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The example of preventing heart disease - and the failure of the AHA and company to meaningfully do so with their drugs and diet - is what allowed our family to have some skepticism about the Virus and then ESPECIALLY about the Safe and Effective Therapy.

These drugs lower cholesterol and blood pressure. And make people sicker. Statins at least increase risk of type 2 diabetes (itself a risk factor for heart disease), dementia, and cancer. Blood pressure drugs have their own adverse effects long term.

On the other hand, a whole food based low carb high natural fat way of eating dramatically reduces risk of heart disease. It reduces blood pressure completely naturally, no drugs needed.

The AHA is a shill for big pharma, and although most practicing docs donโ€™t act maliciously, the AHA surely knows by now that their guidelines are not helpful but harmful.

It is despicable.

My husbandโ€™s cardiologist told him that my husband probably understands more about cholesterol and heart disease than most of his cardiologist colleagues. That is deplorable.

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And how did she react to the truth you told her? Appreciative, respectful or condescending and resentful?

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Just yesterday I was wondering if Elon would release Covid jab related suppression. Then again, I suppose that's what the MO lawsuit is about... Perhaps he can begin with the doctors who signed the The Great Barrington Declaration. Let's also get some of the doctors who are NOT onboard to the TGBD--let's see then engage in conversation, present studies to back their views and argue it out--all WITHOUT pharma $$ backing...

Gaslighting is one of the most cruel things. I've been in a relationship where I was told something wasn't happening while I could see it happening right in front of my eyes. It's not only cruel, but maddening. It's worst way people can be F^7k@d with.

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If he just un-suspends and un-bans accounts, the truth will be there.

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Unfortunately, I fear that so many have been lied to for so long, that it will require more than just putting the truth out there. There needs to be people to connect the dots for others. And it will need to be explained over and over again. The population has been dumbed down for decades by the education machine and then lied to and manipulated by their leaders and media, the general population no longer recognizes the truth.

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That is SO true. As I wander the internet I often despair at the IDIOCY I encounter. It's deeply depressing to contemplate.

As George Carlin once said, "Think of how stupid the average person is. And then realize that half of them are worse."

Even more - since Carlin made this observation decades ago, the level of the man-in-the-street's knowledge has fallen off a cliff.

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So true. "I never believe anything the government tells me." Is another of my favorite Carlin quotes.

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I have friends that will refuse to believe the actual factsโ€ฆ.

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Oh yes, there are lots of those folks out there. Fauci himself could tell them the truth and they would refuse to believe it.

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Dec 5, 2022ยทedited Dec 5, 2022

Patrice, you make a good point, and while itโ€™s true that our population has been dumbed down and lied to - Iโ€™m not ready to trust a social media platform to be the arbiter of truth.

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I think itโ€™s not dumb in terms of raw or potential intelligence so much as an unwillingness to take responsibility for thinking of oneโ€™s own ideas and intellectual laziness relying on other people (โ€œexpertsโ€) to think for you. People want to let others make their decisions for them because otherwise โ€œitโ€™s too hard.โ€ ๐Ÿ™„

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Well, thinking requires that you exercise logic and reasoning tools. Those tools were taken out of the schools many, many years ago...and if you don't use, it you lose it.

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Yes, and some canโ€™t even lose it because they never had it in the first place (the ability to use logic and reason).

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I agree! Iโ€™m fed up with โ€œexpertsโ€. The term has become synonymous with $cience. Putting paid individuals in a position like that is ripe for corruption. Set the TRUTH free, it will defend itself.

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Dec 5, 2022ยทedited Dec 5, 2022

Destabilizing of the Establishment? Elon Musk?

Satellite Space X Tesla Neuralink Chip Eugenics Elon is about as Establishment as one can get. That is ... the Conservative Establishment Global Woke Faction, in the Bigger Game, has allowed Pedo Pete Radical Chic crowd, largely Dems, to 'act out' so as to discredit them. This is the purpose of the Pedo Pete presidency, an exhibition in acting out designed to shift sentiment. Now that Radical Chic Woke is the laughing stock of the world, these totally witless insane people have to be reigned in. Because if they are not, then long term control over wealth and property is threatened, including control over us. Conservative Woke is now taking back real estate for the wealth safety and control. None of this is about us, except all the Stage Show Hegelian window dressing. Big Money control behind the scenes in all likelihood appears to have pivoted. In fact, the New Normal trend may well be trending back to what? Closer to Traditional Normal?

In all of this Twitter thing we saw overwhelming behind the scenes control on display. The SEC objections were quieted down, like Lightening Jack quick. And ditto for the Department of Justice objections and the FBI threats to the deal. Wall Street was, apparently, solidly behind Musk causing the financial resistance to the Twitter take-over to melt like snow in a hot summer sun. Everywhere one cared to look the skids appeared to be greased for Musk. This is no accident.

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Points noted. We'll see how it goes.

Myself, I'm expecting my 401K to melt down as the dollar hegemony era recedes.

I'd cash out to gold if I could.

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Physical metal plus Au & Ag mining stocks, mostly royalty plus some blue chip and juniors is a good way to go. There's not much else to do, and far safer than crypto. And by the way, Central Banks in gold accumulation since 2009/10, BIS Basil III redefined gold as a Tier I asset with no counterparty liability and balance sheet carry at full evaluation, plus the central banks bought an all time record amount of tons in 2022. That ought to say something.

I never had a 401K, never wanted anything attached to government rule making. However, my wife has one. She own some CEF Sprott Gold and Silver Trust plus gold and silver stocks. That ought to give some protection.

Chances are that if a replacement is required for a failing USD, it will have some gold component so as to inspire credibility in the new unit of account. Also, I can't see CBs in gold accumulation for over ten years now and the raising gold from Tier III to Tier I status any other way than gold will be needed to reliquify the balance sheets.

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Usually one has the option to chose among several investments in most retirement accounts. You might not have the flexibility of a self-directed IRA which I had decades ago. But you may have the option to say, move some or all of your funds that are in bonds into natural resource fund.

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I can only hope this is true!!!!!

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โ€œCome, let us return to the Lord.

For He has torn us, but He will heal us;

He has wounded us, but He will bandage us.

He will revive us after two days;

He will raise us up on the third day,

That we may live before Him.

So let us know, let us press on to know the Lord.

His going forth is as certain as the dawn;

And He will come to us like the rain,

Like the spring rain watering the earth.โ€

โ€” Hosea 6:1-3 NASB1995

There's an mage of this passage here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0snZnf2tCmGfhhrCsuNU6RjzaWUqPAoqP6cxiCmBpKGsnYGSEZeUzVFVBLqdrFEWwl&id=1202553250

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For Facebook avoiders, it's also on my substack. :)

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

EcoHealth the biggest intelligence failure since 9/11? Or the biggest instance of intentional intelligence neglect? Or intentional misleading of the American people? Intelligence agencies likely being all in on it. ๐Ÿค”

I get that the former EcoHealth VP probably isnโ€™t attuned to the questions surrounding 9/11. Thatโ€™s not my point.

And yes, regardless, this is HUGE malfeasance.

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As soon as I read it, โ€œbiggest intelligence failureโ€ I wanted to reword it to - biggest intelligence FRAUD. Any amount of research into 9/11 leaves a person concluding something in it stinks. Dig deeper and you can uncover the rotten smell back to the government. Then you fast forward to covid. And voila! The same govt perpetuated the next biggest fraud on the American people and people all over the world. Only this time, we woke up to their malfeasance.

We are exposing it this time! In real time! And similarly both times, guess who they make the hero out to be? The govt! Bush got all the glory for handling 9/11. Cockroach fauci took victory laps. Both times the victory laps were by members of the same govt who facilitated the fraud and destruction while Americans and humanity suffered the consequences of the fraud. ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜–

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It was the crap w The Virus that made me willing to consider that perhaps the 9/11 conspiracy theory nutcases were not, in fact, nutty. Some folks on this forum posted links, which I read, and now I cannot not know that we were shellacked back then. Itโ€™s crazy. And what, exactly, or rather, how, do I begin to teach our kiddo about the realities of what our government did/has done/is doing. (We def discuss all the Viral junk.)

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Same here.

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Sunnydaze, what would you recommend as the best source of information regarding the truth of 9/11?

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Try this. You canโ€™t unknow this information. It will open the door and then you can begin researching more after this. Itโ€™s a good start place.

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This was a helpful site for me, just a year or so ago when I started looking at this. http://truth911.org/

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A really great rabbit hole with 9/11 and so much more: theserapium.com.

God's Blessings to you.

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Itโ€™s not there

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Also you can look up Whitney Webb. Sheโ€™s got a book on all the corruption. Oh my.

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So glad to see this post with FRAUD in capital letters. And sure, anyone with HS physics and chemistry under the belt (and not looking out the window) should have been able to smell the rotten stench of the 911 official narrative, the infamous NIST Report.

Speaking of 911, there was the fake passport and wrong jet engine planted at the scene of the crime for starters. There was the antenna tower disappearing into one of the towers before everything else was blown to dust. But my favorite was footage of the jet which crashed into one of the towers and then the nose of the aircraft to be seen poking out of the other side of the building unscathed, and not a wrinkle or a scratch to be seen.

The only thing I can think as being bigger is this whole covid FRAUD. And now this is all unraveling.

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I'll admit I've never looked into the claims of a 9-11 conspiracy. But even without that, I see flaws in your argument right here. It is beyond all dispute that two separate jets flew into the WTC toweres. There is video. There were eyewitnesses on the streets. There are air traffic control radar records showing the aircraft's take offs and trajectories. Etc. None of that rules out a diabolic (government) plot, but (for example) why a need to plant fake evidence if a plane really, in fact, did incinerate a building?

I'll also note that it's a time-honored method of intelligence to sow misinformation or red herrings among the enemy in an attempt to discredit a whole movement.

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Have you ever heard about WT 7?

I hadnโ€™t. Until someone on this forum mentioned it. Then I thought, โ€œwhat? There was ANOTHER building that collapsed? Not just the two?โ€ Followed their link and was stunned by what I saw and read.

Planes can still have hit the towers, and it can still have been a government allowed or encouraged operation. Maybe the intelligence failures that we all heard about after 9/11 were not accidental.

Just like w the Virusโ€ฆ the reality that it exists and that people have died doesnโ€™t negate the very real likelihood that it was created on purpose and that effective treatments have been abandoned by the government and that our own gov has been involved in lies and deception to coerce people into accepting unwanted genetic therapies.

I realized that by its lies and obfuscations, our own government has been directly responsible for the deaths hundred of thousands of people. Even if the bug was naturally occurring (somehow those bats go ahold of a patented vita sequence, but, whatever), the lies about early treatment, the lies about the true risks (much less than we were told), and the harms of lockdowns have killed and injured thousands, if not millions.

If our government was willing to do that, then allowing some

3,000 people to die on 9/11 was not unreasonable for them either.

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Dec 6, 2022ยทedited Dec 6, 2022

Thanks for posting. You are appreciated, especially since I decided not to respond to somebody so dark and/or witless so as to choose 'Satan's Doornob' for his user id. I mean, why not Pedo Pete? Or Baalenciaga Bob?

You mention Building 7. And like many, I did not realize this building also went straight down in its footprint on the same fateful day. Nope! I was thinking all along that 2 airplanes + 2 Twin Towers = The Official Narrative. And certainly not 2 + 3 = Oops something is wrong! This, however, got me started. So I then searched for satellite imagery ... and then Super Oops! The story goes from bad to worse! Now it's SEVEN buildings completely destroyed ever so neat and tidy-like within the complex ... and NOTHING ELSE surrounding! And so folks, you can see that with all these inconvenient flies in the ointment it is probably just best to quit while you are ahead and just go with the government's official story! (No more disturbing problems! Case dismissed!)

I notice that the cretin debunkers, whether in the government's deep employ or not, always reach straight for the airplanes, and see ... "We have photos." It's a wonderful stop 'em in their tracks. It's the old hat trick of 'look here' but don't look 'over there'. The forensic evidence is overwhelming if you care to research it. And moreover, the physics of rates of fall establishes that free fall time does not equal a mechanic collapse with eighty plus some moments of resistance as in the case of the official NIST cover-up story, the laughable pancake theory. Always go with what you can determine beyond question over what can be argued to no avail until the cows come home. But wait! I forgot one important thing! The government NEVER lies! Right?

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The intelligence community wants to mainstream gene therapy, and COVID was the excuse to do so. There is a far greater objective than mRNA-based vaccines -- in vivo gene editing using CRISPR.

Given the very poor uptake of the booster shots, the public has largely seen through the mRNA/lipid nanoparticle delivery platform, largely because the COVID vaccines have caused too many people to die too quickly.

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I still do not understand the obsession with the gene therapy. Especially now that itโ€™s devastating problems are well exposed for all who care to see.

Not necessarily asking you to explain, lol. Just continuing to be exasperated with the arrogance of these people.

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Yours is a very succinct and perhaps the most highly plausible motive. Leave aside the possibly true more diabolical motives (e.g. WEF population control, CBDC, regimented 1984 like control over citizens) and you are left with GREED. Well connected player have made tens of billions off the pandemic. Not only Pharma, but also many in government itself, either above or no doubt, below the table. Follow the money. Oldest rule in the book. If they can get mRNA accepted, it'll be an endless profit maker. Pfizer already has a full approval a year ago and recently placed on childhood vaccine schedule. So "foot in the door."

As you note, the public is now quite reticent to try the latest booster. That bodes ill for future acceptance of any future mRNA jabs, no matter how much potential benefit they might offer. It's even possible they might work out the bugs, but the credibility of government, medicine, etc. probably have been permanently destroyed.

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Thank you. None of this is a failure -- it's been a resounding success. It's malice, not ignorance.

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Exactly. People always want to think it's ignorance. We don't want to think the worst. But we must always remember that evil always takes advantage of our hesitation to call evil for what it is - malice.

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Huff is a limited hangout to get ahead of Republican investigations. Covid is our intentionally released bioweapon because Orange Man Bad. We are the badies.

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Being a devil's advocate as well as a doorknob, allow me: Perhaps it wasn't really an intelligence failure. It seems almost certain that the Deep State (e.g. spooks) had a hand in the research, for whatever goals. We have a paper trail of even unclassified (?) research well before the pandemic, via DARPA and such, thus the funding to EcoHealth via NIH. One can only speculate what is classified regarding all this. Yes, it was a "failure" in the sense that the virus got loose, presumably accidentally. But deliberately shouldn't be ruled out.

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Thanks for another great update, Jeff. Please turn your attention to the convergence of three important events: the G-20's push for a vaccine passport; the US experimenting with digital currency; and Elon Musk's announcement that he's going to apply to the FDA to start human trials for his Neuralink brain chip. While I hate the overuse of the term "existential threat," it seems that each one of these could be seen as an existential threat to human freedom and humanity itself. We must start arming ourselves, spiritually, intellectually, and physically, to fight against these forces, or we will find that our freedoms are gone before know what's happened. I can't bear to think of my grandchildren going through this. Could you help us formulate a game plan? Here is a Substack that deals with the first two issues: https://takecontrol.substack.com/p/invisible-prison-digital-id Here's one that deals with Musk and Neuralink: https://humanevents.com/2022/12/01/libby-emmons-neuralink-seeks-to-transform-human-beings-into-simply-another-data-port-in-the-internet-of-things

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I have the same feeling about Musk as I do Zelensky. Zelensky started by being the good cop, gaining our trust and money and now? Musk starts by saving free speech , appearing to have our best interests at heart but does he really? Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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I do not trust Musk as far as I could spit. Wolf in Sheep's Clothing.

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Me neither! And although Musk benefits us to a good extent, we must know our own minds, what is truly good for us and our families. We must never be conned by the game of Good Woke/Bad Woke. 'They' mean to play us ... because that is what 'they' do.

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There is usually an ulterior and self serving motive in everything the wealthy and powerful do. How could it be otherwise with Musk? Meanwhile, I'm in wait and watch mode, verify before trusting. It won't be a quick process.

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You are right and the ulterior motive is perhaps two fold.

What originates and is developed first within the government has to be 'taken

public' with a Wall Street IPO. Otherwise insiders, government and Wall Street, cannot profit off of government funded development. This is, indeed, the new brilliance. And as usual, the tax paying public is nowhere to be found.

To achieve the above, dependable front men are needed. People who are always the brilliant ones who 'invented' all of this stuff. As to Elon and Twitter, the Twitter takeover was desperately needed so as to keep the Conservative Woke part of the Establishment in play. Having the Radical Woke part of the Establishment with all the media control is recipe for disaster. Now that Radical Crazy Wokedom (EU, North America and Down Under) is now held in disrepute by most of the un-Woke world, a pivot was needed. Enter Elon and Twitter as the first media volt-face.

None of us should be fooled by this. It's classic Good (woke) cop, Bad (woke) cop at its finest.

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I don't trust him either. Though I am thankful for the good things he has done. He has done some incredibly evil things too.

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I am trying to discern Muskโ€™s intentions and trustworthiness as well. It might be possible that he fully intends the Neuralink technology to be used for good for those who have real medical challenges as he says. But given the obvious potential for abuse, control, real evil, itโ€™s very hard to trust him implicitly.

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I look at Musk and think โ€œThe Anti Christโ€. He will do โ€œmiraclesโ€, bring about the Mark, and will deceive millions.

Without his Neuralink and Starlink programs there is no trackable vax pass or global vax mandateโ€ฆor Great Reset.

Also, take a good look at his custom satanic costume for this past Halloween: In the center of his chest is the large symbol of a Ramโ€ฆthe same symbol as WEFโ€ฆand besides the black and red coloring, there are upside down crosses on his arms as well as lots of other specific symbols.

He also chose as his Twitter profile this satanic costume and pose.

Also, if he really was posing a threat to WEF or the Deep State he would have been offed by now.

Ergoโ€ฆhe works for them, or more likelyโ€ฆthey work for him.

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Exactly Right !!!

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Except that Zelenskyyy started by shutting down Ukrainian news outlets.

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And now the churches.

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Dr Ana Maria is doing research on the vial contents and found self connecting chip like particles in those that were vaxxed with it. Maybe this is what Musk's neuralink is based on and the process has already started. Her research is beyond my pay grade but very interesting.


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She references a Kingston link which has a heck of a lot of information at that link. Check it out.


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She has a great substack with lots of links to others who are also researching chelation and vial contents. I think she will give lots of promising hope to those who have been injured or just want to neutralize what was injected.

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For anyone that has been jabbed, I would not wait for something new. I would immediately get the intravenous chelation. That works and there is no time to waste.

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I noticed the reference to EDTA. This is the therapeutic used to treat for heavy metal poisoning that I previously posted about called chelation therapy. The only truly effective method (I know of) to administer this is intravenous which is widely available these days.

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She is very much on the trail to perfecting chelation for the vaxxed. She herself uses her methods and says she has been successful.

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I have also seen oral edta but I don't know if it is effective.

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I don't know either but if you ask her she would know. She is def on the track to solve this.

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Exactly. You have to start seeing how all these dots interrelate. And then it starts looking really disturbing.

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Agree. We need to be ahead of the game - offensive. Seems we are always on the defense after we have been attacked.

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Thank you for bringing these up. Iโ€™m over the balenciaga crap. I want to hear about the vax passports etc. Our REAL threat. @JeffChilders.

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Just Balenciaga or just the child porn/trafficking problem in general? We can look at only one thing? If someone was posting nude (or worse) pictures of your child on the internet I'd imagine the topic would be A1 for you. 50K child porn accounts scrubbed in one day on Twitter. If that is not recognized as a real threat - we are lost.

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Dec 5, 2022ยทedited Dec 5, 2022

Iโ€™m not saying it isnโ€™t a threat. But many of us came to this blog on COVID around our threat to our health autonomy. Medical freedom. The broader control is far more of a threat to us than the evil child trafficking/porn. Honestly Iโ€™d rather see it diverge into a different substack. I frankly donโ€™t want to read about it. I know its there and I pray it is dealt with and removed. However I still feel medical freedom/liberty/chips controlling us are a far greater threat. Thatโ€™s what I want to spend my free time reading about.

And yes I have a 3yo girl who I protect vehemently.

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Actually, and I donโ€™t begin to understand it, but a close friend who has worked in the anti-trafficking world for more than a decade, and who is somewhat of an international expert on that and transgender ideology etc has indicated that they are all linked.

Keep an eye out for an Epoch Times documentary being released in January.

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I will. If you can separate a child from basic identity it sure makes them an easy target for those wishing to abuse them.

You bring up a point that maybe I failed to convey. That is when you have a violation of basic human rights or try to pervert basic standards imprinted into each human (I say by our creator) then our basic freedom as a human is imperiled. That is all encompassing. Larger than say having to show a passport to get on a train or buy food - which I am not at all trying to diminish because it scares the hell out of me! But if you break down the basic tenets of life and liberty then the whole kit and kaboodle is done for. Evil. Both seen and unseen are hard at work. Make no mistake in assuming otherwise.

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

During the twitter live stream Jeff mentioned, Elon joins guests regarding vast childporn purge.


Note the speakers include the awesome KimDotCom and DiedSuddenly!

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The WSJ mentions are only about the opinion pages. Not one mention ever in the actual news section. Same thing regarding the Twitter/Hunter Biden story. Nothing in the news section. Itโ€™s a well known fact that the news section of the WSJ would love to exterminate the Opinion side of the paper and they actually tried to within the last couple of years. Itโ€™s only a matter of time before the WSJ is as useless as the NYT.

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True. But when read in conjunction with this, from the Epoch Times via ZeroHedge:

"McCarthy Says Defense Bill Won't Move Forward Unless Military Vaccine Mandate Dropped"


my read is that the GOPe is using the WSJ to prepare battle space for a narrative change. A hopeful development, even if it is only in the opinion pages.

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McCarthy is a swamp creature. I do not think he has the gonads to force the Rโ€™s to actually do it. McConnell over in the Senate has already signaled he isnโ€™t going along. So a repeat of shutting down the Federal government and accomplishing nothing isnโ€™t very smart.

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Good points. I agree about McCarthy. It may just be a bluff to bolster support for his house-speaker run.

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McCarthy fell off my radar screen when he voted for the initial 40B to Ukraine. He has never returned. Letโ€™s hope the patriots hold their ground and refuse to vote for him and bring along a majority with them.

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He's under new pressure to have the gonads.

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Regarding the latest boosters. Sadly, I personally know several people who willingly rolled up their sleeves for the latest scam...er, boosters. In fact, they did 4 shots all in one day! Booster, flu, pneumonia and shingles. It just blows my mind!! Are they glowing green yet??

I wake up every morning expecting to see one of them in the Died Suddenly group. :(

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I guess some people enjoy Russian roulette. At least with a gun you actually know 5 of the chambers are empty.

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4 in one day? Thatโ€™s insane. Yeah. Iโ€™m not getting shingles shots now nor the updated pneumonia. Never got flu shots anyway. Done.

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I know four women, took several covid vaccines, still conceived, still had healthy looking babies. God is good and the human body is amazing. Injected full of toxic and strange chemicals and people are often still kinda ok. . .sure autoimmune, cancers, heart disease, allergies, dementias, depression is high. . .but people are still kind of ok.

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Ok for now.

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We pray that those babies are healthy, but adverse events can take years to manifest themselves. DES is a case in point. I know someone whose mother took it during pregnancy to prevent a miscarriage. This person never had regular periods, stopped menstruating all of a sudden in her 30s and later had a huge abdominal tumor that was, thankfully, benign. Other children of DES have not been so fortunate.

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Depending on your preferred brand of conspiracy lol, some say that the different batches of the vaccine have different contents, and that maybe some are just saline, depending on the groups they want to target for experimentation of different kinds. That could explain the people being fine afterward.

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I read that documents showed the juice was shipped in larger bulk amountsโ€”not in individual vials. That the ingredients (poison) would not be evenly distributed when put in the vials leading to inconsistency in the mixture and what amount of mRNA folks got in the vial concentrations. I canโ€™t remember where I read that. Plus several shots could be made from one vial.

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Dec 5, 2022ยทedited Dec 5, 2022

Mom and dad agreed with me last year, no more shots, yet after their doc told them they were safe, they got their first booster. Her response โ€˜lโ€™m fineโ€™. End of story. No discussion.

This year, same no vax discussion. They were convinced to not get another booster. They do respect Epoch Times. But frankly I havenโ€™t asked. I just donโ€™t want to know. Theyโ€™re 90, and 88.

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God bless them (88 and 90), but at least they have lived their life. Iโ€™m worried about my granddaughter who just turned 1 month old!

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Yes, that is my comfort.

I worry about kids growing up in this world.

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Man, I am sorry.

My mom has agreed she doesnโ€™t want the gene shot. So I think we are good w that.

But like most of us, she grew up being told the others are safe, effective, and necessary. I have shared w her my new stance on those as well, and that we arenโ€™t giving anymore to our kiddo. I have told her about the aluminum and formaldehyde that are in many. And urged her please to not get ANY MORE of any kind ever.

But, she really likes her dr and is a personality who habitually defers to respected authority. So I am concerned she may be sweet talked into another shingles or pneumonia or whatever shot, eventually.

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Itโ€™s funny, I have pressured my mom so often she now lies to me ๐Ÿคฃ Dad snitched on her a few weeks ago about her blood pressure.

A few days ago she let it slip that she had a doctors appointment, I said, what for, you just had one? Oh no, that was months ago. Yea, like two months ago.

Iโ€™m not really laughing but her lying to me is an unintended consequence to my trying to educate her. Canโ€™t win. Glad youโ€™ve made some progress.

The flu shot is a very tough habit for them to break, so is their devotion to their docs. ๐Ÿฅฒ

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I have come to think some if not many vaccines were basically inert and harmless, as many people have suggested. I don't know if that was deliberate or accidental, but it would explain why so many are seemingly unaffected. My two brothers (age 69 and 77) had prostate cancer 15 and 24 years ago respectively and have been in remission since then. My sister has an autoimmune disease (celiac disease). All are triple jabbed and no apparent problems yet. Also my very overweight and unhealthy looking sister in law had 3 jabs, no problems, and my asthmatic and overweight brother in law had 3 jabs with no problems. How to explain this unless there really were bad batches and others were harmless.

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I think youโ€™re right about the batches. It is strange isnโ€™t it? But my overweight brother, quad jabbed, is recovering from RSV and then pneumonia. Who knows. He has had pneumonia before.

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Dec 5, 2022ยทedited Dec 5, 2022

Interestingly, if you look at the Arizona office of Katie Hobbs' email, you will see it was not sent directly to Twitter. Instead it was sent to a federal govt. site, according to Christina Pushaw (who knows these email addresses far better than I). This site in turn, sent to Twitter and had the offending posts removed. This may seem like a little thing, but in reality, this was in January 2021 and there was a, for want of better words, depot for democrats at the federal level - a one stop shop - to have offending posts or posters deleted. This is bigger than Katie Hobbs.

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The Federal government doesnโ€™t want any small hospitals or independent physician offices as they are harder to control than big corporate health systems. Once the ACA passed hospitals started gobbling up independent clinics at record pace which limited patient choice and solidified governments control over the healthcare system.

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Dec 5, 2022ยทedited Dec 5, 2022

I think you pegged it. Hurrah for us! Zip for you mentality.

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I love you, Jeff, but you buried the lead today! The WSJ op-ed piece is shocking in its honesty! I cannot believe a mainstream news outlet is not only questioning the need for boosters AND not only pointing out their harm but ALSO calling out the CDC for hiding the data! This is huge!

AND-- AND-- concluding that "sleep, nutrition, and exercise" are the best ways to prevent illness-- say what?? Some of us got cancelled for spreading misinformation for saying exactly that these last three years. My how times have suddenly changed! Consider my mind blown.

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But do remember it was an Opinion piece only.

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Yes, but I believe Jeff said it was an official editorial board piece (representing the entire board), not just some random individual, meaning this is WaPo's official stance on the issue.

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I have a good memory. Before the vaccine, msm and even despicable Fauci were advocating vitamins and a healthy lifestyle.

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I have a friend who works in the trauma rehab floor of her hospital (speech therapy). She was so dramatic during the whole pandemic, angrily talking about dumb anti-vaxxers making the air in her hospital so strained. I had to ask her a few times - so it wasnโ€™t that they were overwhelmed? They were just WORRIED about being overwhelmed? And patients came in ready to fight the hospital over their care, making everyone feel attacked and unsafe? Oohhhhh...so the virus itself wasnโ€™t that hard to manage. It was the atmosphere. Got it. (I love her, so I didnโ€™t point out that her corporatized hospital deserved it, but whatever.) ๐Ÿ˜‚ Her hospital is one of the biggest in our area, so Iโ€™m sure they cashed in their hazard pay big time anyhow. Thanks, experts!

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Iโ€™ve read but donโ€™t know if itโ€™s true, that they intubated Covid patients not to help them but to prevent patients breathing their Covid germs into the room and on the staff.

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I would absolutely believe that. I had to review an internal webinar for a major hospital where they discussed all the ways they were handling covid patients to reduce exposure. It was borderline inhumane. I kept reminding myself they were trying to keep staff safe, but good grief they work in a hospital. If you canโ€™t be around sick people, what are you even doing??

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And this gets to the heart of what it {used to} mean(s) to be a physician or other healer. Self-sacrifice. We willingly put ourselves in harmsโ€™ way sometimes, for the sake of our patients who have placed their very lives in our hands.

I was puzzled and even distressed early on when even the Christian healthcare folks and organizations (Christian Medical and Dental Association, for one) focused on fear rather than faithful compassionate service.


In pandemics past - REAL pandemics, like the bubonic plague and yellow fever - the Christians were known BECAUSE they courageously cared for the sick and dying even at great risk to their own well being.

The essence of the medical profession is service to others. Not preservation of self.

But I guess when folks no longer have a Christian worldview in which Jesusโ€™ self-sacrifice is the model to follow, then, we end up with folks being motivated solely by self-preservation.

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I suppose you can't expect people to be Albert Schweitzer. But medicine is no longer a calling, it's just a job.

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I thought you were gonna say "medicine is no longer a calling, it's a culling."

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And intubation killed so many by damaging their kidneys, and who might have otherwise survived.

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Intubation and ventilation kills in all kinds of ways. It's very difficult to wean people off ventilators. Medical staff know this which is why intubating so many people for Covid was very nearly criminal.

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Dec 5, 2022ยทedited Dec 5, 2022

That was reported over a year ago. The report I read said that they intubated patients because the staff was terrified that they themselves would get infected. No wonder so many people died.

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From what I understand, it was money. The hospital got a big fat bonus from the Feds every time they intubated someone and another big bonus every time the put someone on remdisivir. What corporate medical establishment can resist money in a world of ethically free wokeism?

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I wish this would get out there more. I think most people havenโ€™t seen this and wonโ€™t see it, or wonโ€™t take the time to watch it and know it.

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BWAHAHAHA I would love to see a link to that agreement or the title of the agreement to look for it.

I donโ€™t have tict*k and this is very interesting.

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Is this the same vaccine being used today, or a different one from 2015?

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It's the same mRNA technology they signed the agreement on in 2015 that any subsequent vaccine developed from the tech would be jointly owned with the USG.

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!!!!!! Would love to know the money they'v made just this far! Hey, it must be a good thing - think of all the income they've made and they'll be sharing wisely with the taxpayers that have funded all the pokes so far:)

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Thanks for exposing the $$$ - Covid hospital fraud. They were all in it for the cash! Think thereโ€™s going to be some kind accountability? Sure hope so.

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The independent pharmacy at which I occasionally work opened a couple of months before the jab stuff came out. According to the owner, business had been so slow that he was thinking he'd have to close. Then. .. magic! Free experimental drugs and supplies paid for by the taxpayers showed up at his door, and some days he had a demand for 600-700 shots.

Since MANY of his victims came up from Mexico to get jabbed, they didn't have health insurance. The owner charged $40 administration fee for each jab. You do the math. He's now a successful multi-millionaire.

He also charges $100 for one of his staff to administer the (government-provided) PCR "tests".

He's a good guy, I think, but MAN. .

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He is NOT a good guy

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Disagree. If the patients are fully informed of the benefits and risks, and they are under no coercion to take a jab, why deny them? I realize that these conditions are rarely met, but just saying...

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I received another cash grab idea from an office email. They were offering to pay $40 per car if we would let them use our parking lot to administer the shots early on.

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Sadly, not really surprised that a huge amount of cash dumped on (not?)for-profit hospitals resulted in ... absolutely no real difference. There were never any strings attached like "people have to get better and survive". Instead it was "you get paid $$$ for every positive case in the hospital and more if you use deadly treatments on them". I feel for those who were treated by this system in the last couple of years. "Go home until you can't breathe, then go to the ER where we'll put you on a ventilator and Remdesivir." We had friends who did everything possible to stay away from the hospitals for fear they'd be held hostage and treated with deadly "cures". Sadly, I know one family who was affected by this with a loved mom put on a ventilator, very few allowed to visit, and no possible options for other treatments were allowed.

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Now the hospitals will be getting their second round of riches with all the chronic injured vaxxed patients who will be flooding their revolving doors. I do not see an end to that any time soon.

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And don't forget the extra income for every Covid death in the hospital. Thus the push to deem those who died WITH Covid instead of FROM Covid as a Covid death. Increased the hospital income and conveniently increased the reported number of Covid deaths, ramping up fear even more.

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