☕️ C&C NEWS ☙ Monday, October 3, 2022 ☙ BLAST TESTS 🦠
Fauci's final joke is on us; Ukraine pushes to join NATO; Iran sanctions; California muzzles docs; FBI raids pro-life protestor; what might be the coolest, or creepiest story of the year; and more...
Good morning, C&C! You just get a teaser version today, since I am lead counsel on a 4-day jury trial that starts this morning — in a real live courtroom with a real live jury and NOT on Zoom. Progress! I’m planning on a full C&C for Wednesday, and I will have some great guest bloggers for you on the other days. Hang in there!
🔥 It’s unbelievable, but at the same time it’s also very believable. Fauci, a short-timer now, obviously doesn’t really care too much what we think anymore and has thrown all caution to the wind.

🔥 Life comes at you fast. You have to pay attention, or you might miss something. Over the weekend, Ukraine applied for NATO membership:

So far, twelve NATO members have ALREADY signaled they’ll vote to approve — including the USA:

Turkey will probably be the hold out, which will require NATO to do some deft legal work, to evade the unanimity requirement for admitting new members. Of course, tricky legal work is the Biden Administration’s speciality.
Now, I’m just a lawyer, not a military expert, but it seems to me that if Ukraine IS admitted, we will immediately be in a full-scale kinetic war with Russia.
Am I right or wrong on that one?
🚀 Even though a few weeks ago, the Biden Administration was courting Iran to get it to sign the awful Obama nuclear agreement, the U.S. Treasury Department this weekend issued serious sanctions against the mullahs.

The sanctions pile on the recent widespread protests roiling that country, which are definitely NOT a CIA-sponsored color revolution, at all, even if it DOES look suspiciously similar to the George Floyd riots from the U.S. in the summer of 2020.
Why would you even think that?
🔥 This insane new California law will almost certainly be challenged as a first amendment violation of doctors’ free speech rights. I predict it will be throw out. But it shows you how cray-cray the Golden State crowd has gotten. I blame overtight masking. Except in Newsom’s case, of course, since he only wore them for press events.

🔥 The Hill ran a totally unexpected op-ed this weekend, penned by a Catholic priest, if you can believe the Hill would publish him, that is sharply critical of democrat abortion policy, referring to the democrats’ “Pagan roots,” meaning child sacrifice.
I would LOVE to know the whole story about how this op-ed made it past the Hill’s editorial team.
🔥 You may have heard of the latest FBI shenanigans. The federal police force recently raided the home of a pro-life protestor who got involved in a minor scuffle with a pro-abortion activist. The activist was harassing the protestor’s 10-year-old, and a little shoving ensued. Nobody was hurt, the local police refused to press charges, and a federal judge dismissed a civil lawsuit.
So of course, the FBI then arrived with 20 heavily-armed agents in about 15 vehicles, and arrested the poor guy at gunpoint in front of his terrified family.
Friday, Senator Josh Hawley wrote a strongly-worded letter to Merrick Garland. Maybe I should say, Garland has received ANOTHER strongly worded letter. I bet he has a special file for them now.

“The corruption & abuse of law is out of control,” Hawley stated. “Come January, the new Republican Congress must launch a thorough, public investigation of DOJ & the FBI – from their targeting of parents to religious protestors to political opponents.”
“What Biden is doing is wrong,” the senator slammed. “And dangerous.”
“I believe you must testify, under oath, before the Senate Judiciary Committee about your selective use and apparent political weaponization of the FACE Act,” Hawley wrote to Garland.
The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act of 1994, or FACE Act, is a Clinton-era law intended to “ensure Americans’ access to pro-life and pro-choice reproductive health services.” Under the FACE Act, threatening to use force to “injure, intimidate, or interfere with” a person “seeking reproductive services” is a federal crime, with steep fines and jail time.
In its report on the story, Fox News noted that, for some reason, the DOJ is apparently ignoring 17 cases of violent attacks on crisis pregnancy centers, even though a demented group called “Jane’s Revenge” has publicly taken proud credit for the violence.
It’s not like the FBI doesn’t know who did it.
Anyway, I haven’t reviewed the language of the Act, but it seems to me that since the alleged victim involved in the scuffle was a MALE activist, and not a “person seeking reproductive services,” the Act doesn’t even apply here. But what do I know, things are pretty fluid these days. Maybe it was a pregnant man. 🫃🏻
🔥 I’m a Musk fan, but I’m not too sure about this one. Elon Musk unveiled Tesla’s new … robot butler.

Is it just me, or are all these humanoid robots super-creepy?
Have a marvelous Monday! I’ll see you guys catch-as-catch-can this week. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. No jabs!
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4 day jury trial AND you’re doing C&C? Are you sure it’s not Espresso & Covid this morning? Jeff you’re amazing!
Praying for you and your team 💗🙏🏼💗
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