The Democrats are laughing at our infighting. The 2018 California midterms led the way on their effective ballot harvesting. For the life of me, I can not figure out how Republican leadership acts like it doesn't exist. Until we do the same, we have no chance. It doesn't matter who we put up. Our party ignorance on the harvesting feels deliberate on some level. In 2020, Democrats had to shut down the states to pull if off. This time, they didn't have to. By 2024, the operation will be seamless. What is going on on our side?????

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Our side is complicit. The Mcs and Lindsay Graham cracker need to GO...NOW.

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I guess you could call that a good start, but there are many more in the GOPe/RINO/UniParty cabal that must be purged...

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If anyone in the R party needs to change his party to Dem, it's Graham. He's a snake.

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Yes send them Packing!!

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Nov 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

And how on earth can anyone talk about this or that organizational problem among conservatives when what we are watching is the same kind of endless vote counting and ultimate Democrat (fraudulent) win that, in my memory, goes back to the Al Franken steal of Norm Coleman's seat, which gave them the vote that gave us Obamacare?

It's clear that, this time around, counting by corrupt, Davos-appointed AG's, will continue until both the House and Senate are in Demoncrat hands. Next up, the probable nationalization of the oil industry and the further Venezuelization of the US.

For the 40,000 foot view of what's happening to us, this is from Augustine’s City of God, which he wrote as he was watching the Roman empire collapse:

“Consequently, just as a single just person lives by the faith that works through love, so does the whole company and people of the just. This the love by which a person loves God as God ought to be loved, and his neighbor as himself. But where there is no such justice, there clearly is no company of persons joined by a common sense for what is right and by a community of interest. And (assuming that this is the true definition of a people) where this is missing, there certainly is no people. And therefore there is no republic, for, where there is no people, there is no common good of a people.” (Book XIX, chap.23)

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If any of you have read Revelation the US will collapse and will be overtaken by a country in Europe which will have world power in the end times. Its a matter of time.

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I know that mystic contemporary saints have predicted something bad happening to the US, but God never gives specifics nor are mystic revelations always accurate.

As for Revelation, do not forget the antiChrist. He will fool everybody into a one world gvt. Soros, his Davos pals, and his followers have obviously been working on this.

However, in Orthodox interpretation of Revelation, a great upheaval will come first (WW3?) and that is how the cunning antiChrist will be able to fool the world and take power in the gloomy aftermath as he will seem like a saviour.

IMO, we are close to these events starting to unfold.

Politics wont save us. Repentance will..but what is it going to take a very hedonistic world, with a west which has turned its face and its populace against its Christian faith ( and continues to indoctrinate that mentality through entertainment and culture) to do this?

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How much evidence of upheaval and godless hedonism is it going take in light of our nation created under God that States within its union like Commiefornia and now even Montana citizens voted to end a living baby’s post birth life up to 28 days?

I was born into a country of moral laws that is unrecognizable to me.... killing a living breathing human being up to 28 days post birth is MURDER. PERIOD. Collapse is here.

Can anyone suggest a country that exists any longer with sane moral values with a constitutional democratic republic and an honest truthful media not controlled by Gates, Schwab and DAVOS oligarch billionaires? Any? Maybe Atlantis will rise in time... idk....

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Not just murder. Child sacrifice. That's what went on when Israel split into two separate nations. That may well happen to us. The south is not nearly as Godless as the north, and that may provide the cultural glue to weather the chastisement, even though the republic is gone.

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I also am a traditional Catholic. I have heard some preaching on this, but too little too late. When the Church failed to stand up for perennial teaching (think birth control and divorce) you will slide into abortion and yes, child sacrifice.

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😢😥 It is sad and utterly unbelievable.

Perhaps Russia is rejecting a lot of this sinful agenda with its perversions but could we live there? I think not. And who knows what the next gvt will usher in..it could be a welcome mat to Soros and Davos friends? They are persona non grata there for now.

Then there are Islamic countries like Turkey, and good for them, but Christians arent exactly embraced there.. That is all I know...so we must stay the course and Lord have mercy. Perhaps an ununited States of America might be the answer?

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That is my understanding, as a traditional Catholic, as well. Except that a great many private revelations (see the 18th century Quito revelations as a good example) suggest that there will first be a chastisement of nations, many, many deaths, and then a period of peace ushered in miraculously by Our Lady at a time when it appears all is lost. The coming of the anti-Christ and the final judgment will apparently come after that.

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Pray daily for final perservirence.

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Yes, you are right..that is also the Orthodox Christian interpretation. I forgot the period of peace.

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Wow! What version of the Bible are you reading? Never seen the US specifically mentioned in the version I read!

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I think it’s important to not pin specifics on Revelations in these discussions. For every one interpretation that claims to be right, there are a dozen other plausible ones, as well. I view Revelations as warning signs to watch, not a roadmap. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I agree...the one absolute truth of Revelation is that by reading it “you will be blessed!” (Rev 1:3). AND

Since God is in CONTROL...there really is no reason to try and figure it all out! ....So. If you are Truly HIS ...you have absolutely nothing to worry about‼️

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And that is the truth!!

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Indeed. But not with the Bible in one hand and a newspaper in the other!

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What I’ve read is that since the US does not appear to be mentioned in Revelation that must mean that somehow we have fallen from any sort of power and influence. 🤷‍♀️

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“that must mean that somehow” 👌

Have you ever read the book of Revelation?

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Can you provide the reference for that?

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At the start of 2020, I opened my Bible to the book of revelations for the first time. I wanted to see what part of the story I was in ... it did not take very long at all to see that the prophesy there was written in a sort of spiritual language ... it is not possible to identify any particulars with certainty. Most scholars concur that Ancient Rome and the ottomans are written into certain symbolisms but aside from that, there is no consensus. I worked hard to identify the things that will happen BEFORE THE RETIRN OF CHRIST ... I came up with a short list, none of them are obviously in place now ...

1) the abomination of desolation (Matthew 24:15) will be seated in the temple and declare he is god. The temple could be figurative but many theologians expect a rebuilding of the actual temple will occur. If it is a figurative temple, there are any manner of things today that could fulfill this prophecy

2) there will rise many (144,000) great spiritual leaders who will have global influence and lead many to Christ (Revelation 14:4, 6-7)

3) perhaps part of that (?) there will be a massive conversion of Jews all over the world, predicted repeatedly in Scripture. Based on a promise in Deuteronomy 30:1–6 the prophets Isaiah (chapters 26, 35, and other places), Jeremiah (chapter 31), Ezekiel (chapter 37), Hosea, Joel, and Zechariah (chapters 12-14)


Sigh ... I have settled on not knowing what the heck is going on ... this could definitely be the beginning of the great tribulation or it could be a swelling of evil that will be followed by peace and awakening like other periods of history. I dont suppose I need to know as my path must be the same. Anyway, take care staying anything definitive re biblical prophecy and our current place in it.


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You are 💯 correct. Our individual salvation and spiritual lives are what is most important but some enlightenment and discernment in light of what we do somewhat know is important. For instance not being able to buy or sell without the sign of the beast.

I also sigh because how long will God allow this sin of our western cultures to continue? We have equalled ourselves to the worst of the Roman Empire and surpassed Sodom and Gomorrah...and there is more to come-threesomes and polyamory is now slowly being indoctrinated as acceptable.

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I generally agree. Plus, our Lord has also told us that no man can know the hour. Still, the signs are given, and they seem to be mounting as we speak. As for the abomination of desolation, some have taken the Pachamama placement in the Vatican to be that possibly.

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I would never ever call the Vatican any level of “temple” as it has been corrupt since Saint Peter abdicated it. I was born into the Catholic Church but am not impressed with much about it. I am a Protestant after my mother left the church when I was a child.

Also I read the scripture to say this being will claim outright to be God Himself. I believe that the fulfillment of this scripture will be obvious to all who are familiar with it. So much so that Jesus uses it as a marker of when to “run for the hills” which also seems to be directed at the Jews in Jerusalem.

No one may know the hour but we certainly can know the season … we have been given discernment but also have a tendency to be wrong on these things. My mother died, certain that she would live through the very end days … she was incorrect. But the direction of things is unmistakable … the world has digressed considerably since she passed only two years ago. I see that and yet it is possible for there to be a turning. I pray for this. I have five young children and my heart hurts for them.

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Greg Reese presents the long and ugly history of voter fraud in America - https://tinyurl.com/y3866r54

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I just listened to that this morning. A short clip with many eye-opening historical insights I've never heard of. Some "wow, I didn't know that happened!"

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Excellent! Thanks for getting it said loud and clear!

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Your City of God quote is so apt. There's that hard teaching, again = to love your neighbor as yourself. God is easy to love. But my neighbor? Not so much... nothing here to see...please move along...

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As it turns out, I happen to be struggling with exactly that issue at the moment. I can't be sure, but I think we need also to be mindful of the guidance to knock the dust off our sandals and move on when someone does not want what we have to offer. There are a great many people out there these days who harbor profoundly immoral attitudes and ideas, even though they don't know it (not that I'm clean as a whistle myself), and it is difficult to ignore that -- actually, it's dishonest to ignore that if we must remain in relationship with them. I hope I'm not being self-inflated to think that God is challenging us to deal with such people both honestly and lovingly.

Too often, we conclude that love means acceptance. Exactly the opposite is true if what is being accepted is wrong or evil. How to be loving and honest in that context is, I'm finding, very difficult. Or, at least, I'm not very good at it.

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Useless controlled opposition GOP seeks vote BUT the DEM seek to get ballots - guess who wins every time?

Big Picture, 2022 Midterm Elections Highlight the Distinct Difference Between Ballots and Votes


Whitmer and Fetterman were not campaigning for votes, that is old school. Instead, the machinery behind both candidates focused on the modern path. The Democrat machines in both states focused on ballot collection and ignored the irrelevant votes as cast...

... A vote cannot be cast by a person who is no longer alive, or no longer lives in the area. However, a ballot can be sent, completed and returned regardless of the status of the initially attributed and/or registered individual...

... When ‘ballot organization’ becomes more important than ‘vote winning,’ you modify your electoral campaign approaches accordingly. It might sound simplistic, but inside the distinct difference between ballots and votes you will find why refusing debates is a successful strategy.

If you are trying to win votes you could never fathom campaign success by refusing to debate an opponent. However, if your focus is centered around ballot collection, the debate is essentially irrelevant...

... You can vote at any scale you want. However, when ballots are more important than votes – the election will always favor the former.

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Planned citizen voting obsolescence.... Fraudulent, period, and if a severely disabled jab damaged blatant public obvious SELECTION in Pennsylvania doesn’t wake up the American population that we no longer have a legitimate constitutional republic, I guess the real winners are the DAVOS WEF oligarchs pulling the strings 🤷🏼‍♀️ .... as if a candidate in charge of elections and counting an opponents ballots isn’t evidence enough!!!! https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/11/no_author/fake-elections-are-the-new-normal/

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Legitimate constitutional republic has been teetering for some time and was lost fully when Joe Biden was selected and absolutely confirmed lost by someone like Fetterman being within 20 points much less winning. Paper only election day only voting is the only solution and those will never happen. Climate activism legislation, carbon taxation, ESG, and the absolute hubris of general #energystupidity will mortally fracture civilization long before we will be able to rescue America.

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Exactly... any of us that have deep dived JFK to 9/11 to the plannedemic Covid Op have been aware of the steady systemic systematic deterioration and takeover of America undoubtedly since the public murder of Lincoln....

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You said it. Exactly my thoughts.

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Psyops by the democrats. It's a distraction and they will use it to divide the party. The MSM is already taken & are running with it.

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In California, you would hardly know there was even an election. The results were nearly all pre-ordained. Newsom didn't even bother to campaign. California has been 100% captured for a long time. This is what the Democrat party is trying to establish for the rest of America. It seems like a lost cause here, the Republicans in office are too few, they are relatively feckless, they are 100% powerless, and although CA has a population of close to 40 MILLION, only a small percentage even bother to vote any more. Hopeless.

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Greg Reese presents the long and ugly history of voter fraud in America - https://tinyurl.com/y3866r54

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Exactly. Soros et al have organized ballot harvesting to a well-oiled machine now. Spice in some outright fraud where needed and they’ve locked it up. It appears to be over for genuine Democracy in America.

FL somehow kept it strictly limited - well, not somehow, it’s Ron DeSantus leadership. The clear and only hope is DeSantis goes national and takes truly radical action. Which will cause a massive, and needed, conflict.

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DeSantis needs to stay in FL to secure the future there... These blue sh*tholes are only sustained by unsustainable money printing and borrowing by the Feds and their states. That's not going to last much longer...

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I’ll see your *stay in FL* and raise you a secession…

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The Rat ballot harvesting program was tested out in 2018. You're 100% correct on this. Republicans haven't come up with a way to counter it. Only the Lake Campaign has to the extent that 380,000 people take their mail-in ballots and then walk them in on Election Day.

This is successful as seen in the primaries as the opposition can't know exactly how many ballots they should target to harvest in advance. The more ballots harvested, the more risk of being caught and prosecuted.

That legal risk however is close to nil in states like Nevada, Pennsylvania, etc.

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What is going on on our side? Just Look at your outgoing "Repub?" governor for your answer.

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Gov Hoagie Sandwhich. #uselessPCRtests. Can't wait for him to bow out of 2024.

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Get Run Out is better!!!

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Which outgoing Repub governor??

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Maryland's RINO Hogan

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Nov 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Regarding elections, I will say that the local GOP people need to start holding their own GOP leadership accountable.

I helped “count” mail in and early ballots at my county count location Tuesday. “Count” because all we were doing was checking for clerk initials and matching precinct locations on the ballots. Machines were doing the counting.

Anyway, we had apparently an estimated 70,000 ballots. Not sorted or organized by precinct. Yay {not} for being a vote center county where precinct level voting is passé and too inconvenient. {Because freedom is always convenient.}. Do you realize that if we needed a hand recount of a precinct-level vote, or township level - say for school board, or a tax referendum, or a Precinct Committeemen - who is realistically going to sift through 70,000 unorganized ballots to find the few that belong to the particular precincts in question. I mean, I think we have hundred of precincts in our county??

And our local GOP appears to not mind this.

Our local GOP has been “keeping an eye on” the Konnech scandal.

When I actually ran into the GOP appointee to our election board at the count center, and asked for her email to discuss some concerns about the primaries, she replied that she had already seen my email and the issues were just that I wasn’t experienced working the polls. I pointed out that lack of bipartisan presence at voter checkin was not a matter of experience or education. And that, why, yes, I *had* brought it up to my inspector, but he didn’t care. Crickets from her. No concern, no outrage, no anything. As far as the broken printers, which also had nothing to do with my lack of experience or education, well, she said, that’s why we have the Inspector Hotline and mechanics. She was utterly unconcerned about the inconvenience to voters (even though the tag line for the county election board is something like easy and fast. Or something. I mean, convenience is the whole reason for vote centers, and vote centers are why we can’t have paper ballots....).

We have got to hold our county GOP people accountable. Go to the monthly meetings. Attend the election board meetings. Run for Precinct Committeeman (I hear it’s an easy job.). Call them and offer to help. Do something.

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"And our local GOP appears to not mind this [because as controlled opposition, they are in on it" There, I fixed that sentence for you...

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

“"And our local GOP appears to not mind this [because as controlled opposition, they are in on it]" There, I fixed that sentence for you...”

There, I fixed your comment for you... 🤓

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Yeah, I know. That’s what stinks. Thanks for the fix. Wish it wasn’t needed.

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Absolutely! We have an incredible county clerk - highest of integrity, law abiding, hardworking, penny pinching. She saw a place where she could make a difference. She has been in office 8 years and is stepping down; she is exhausted. She was elected following a hundred years of democrat county clerks. The whole office was against her initially. It wasn't too many months that they all quit. She has tried to find help of her caliber. After 3 or 4 deputy election clerks, she has finally found one of highest integrity. As a former pediatrician who is quite precise, she has spent many hours researching the state laws; she can quote the article and will gladly show you the exact place in the law. The country needs a thousand more just like her. She was there to serve and make a difference and she has!

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Good job at being involved and letting us know about this problem! Like with the school boards we also need to be involved with the election process.

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It’s been amazing what I have learned just by working the polls in May and now this for a few hours on Tuesday. Spent several hrs combing through our state code re absentee ballots the Sunday before. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Reread my notes after working… the two ballots I had w/o both clerks’ initials should have been deemed not valid, based on state law. Unfortunately, the ballots in question were whisked out of our hands and carried off (by ONE person) to some other table, and I have no idea their disposition. I was reluctant to get up from my seat and therefore the large bin of ballots on the table, because that also would have left that large stack of ballots vulnerable. Sigh.

Transparency. It really isn’t hard. Unless you are trying to get around the law.

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In the precinct I worked in Florida, we had more than enough preprinted ballots. We actually had 2900 prepackaged and shrink wrapped in bundles of 100. We opened them one bundle at a time. They were not individually numbered. It went pretty smoothly. As long as you had a photo ID that had your signature and the signature you signed that day resembled what we had on your ID, you were good as gold. We had one lady who came in with her election card, a credit card with her signature and an invalid drivers license (had corner snipped off). She was the only one we had that voted on a provisional ballot.

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This makes me wonder how much cash exchanges hands to these corrupt GOP officials. The democrats and GOPe seem to have plenty of what they used to call "walkin' around money".

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"WHAT'S causing all these excess deaths ?!"

.... 'nothing to see here', says the media. 'Let's go cover that "Donald Trump is evil" rally, though.'

"THAT'S what the people want to see!"

..... brought to you by Pfizer.

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And frankly I know a lot of these vaxxers. They are getting more bitter and nasty. I admit that a good many of them gone would not bother me. Nasty karens and kevins. Not all. Just the karens and kevins.

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I think it's gotta suck, knowing but not wanting to admit you've been duped, perhaps.

Suddenly realizing that YOU are but one of the white mice in Dr. Evil's clinical trial - well that MUST be a pisser, eh ?

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

Yup, I think that is it. They were not only duped into poisoning themselves but also forced it on their kids and guilt-tripped other relatives into getting it.

Bottom line though, this is an explanation, not a justification. Intellectually honest people who have been fooled admit their mistake and learn from it, they don't build elaborate house-of-cards excuses just to deny facing the truth.

As I get older it becomes more clear to me just how many people engage in really toxic behavior that not only makes themselves miserable, but everyone around them too. Pray for these people, but don't feel obliged to have them in your life if it's disruptive to your own family's peace. There are lots of people out there that are addicted to toxic drama, and love to suck others into it. Just decline to participate, it's your choice.

My wife and kid's peace and serenity comes first, I have zero tolerance for those who disrupt it regardless of who they are.

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It is difficult to admit mistakes, especially a mistake that cost the health and even the life of your child. Similar to abortion, when some women can't face what they did and just become more bitter, angry, hateful, and radical.

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Also, I've seen so many people who, when shown to be wrong, just double down on their position rather than admit they were wrong. Is it some kind of inborn human failing to be unable to admit to being wrong? Perhaps.

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The nasty karens and kevins don't realize it. They didn't have a critical thinking brain to begin with.

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Truth, Annie.

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Just heard YALE is still requiring those clot shots to attend their school.

The college should get a fat law suit and Pfizer. There is no EMERGENCY.

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If you a dumb enough to go to Yale and submit to their woke curriculum got no sympathy for you. The Yale of today is a pale shadow of what it meant 50 years ago.

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Yes! Just saw a bit of Heather MacDonald video speaking about the insane Yale students.

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The only colleges in Connecticut not requiring the shots are the state universities (exception is UConn because they’re in their own bubble) and the community colleges. Our governor still thinks we’re in an EMERGENCY. And he got re-elected.

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Ouch. By virtue of the fact that I am human, I possess membership (some of which has been in my control, some not), to many groups. I belong to the group of Christians who know Jesus is our Lord and Savior, I belong to the group who are mothers devoting much of our lives to our children, considering that career rewarding and important. I belong to the group who have graduate degrees as well as to the group of artists who have danced and studied classical ballet their entire life. I belong to the group of people who believe in loving their neighbor, in kindness always, and in putting one’s best foot forward, and turning the other cheek when necessary.

I belong to the group, wherever I am, who tries to lift the level of discourse not only because I enjoy beautiful literary construction, and love etymology and language but also as I believe my word choice reflects who I am.

To my perplexed dismay I find myself in recent years In a new world, excruciatingly, relentlessly stunned by divisive, venomous attacks upon our beautiful Declaration of Independence and US Constitution, personal freedom e.g. nightmarish forced compliance to medical procedures. In the weird atmosphere of this exponentially expanding paradigm and swiftly shifting nightmare, quite definitely related to dynamics of group control by manipulation of moral mentality, a singular percentage of us receive additionally utterly undeserved, blindsided declarations of my group as horrible, despicable, rejectable, unredeemable, and universally hated simply by virtue of innocent group membership due to the name my parents gave me 64 years ago (when it was popular wh it is not now and has not been for a long time), since they loved me and believed Karen to be beautiful. (Are you really talking to those born in the 1950s? Karen Carpenter, Karen Ann Quinlan, Karen Valentine, Karen Killilea...though the anachronistic justification for the pseudo-murder of us is beside the point?)

This character assassination demeans the user, but the remarkable and profound totality of physical, emotional and psychological wounds and likely permanent damage it causes is considered above reproach in the world in which I lately find myself.

I am truly befuddled and despair of such an odd, unwise and ugly turn-of-events/world myopia. Why is character assassination of anyone named Karen, thus the constant endurance of personal assault by me and my group, just fine in 21st century polite American society?

I and the rest of the members of this group are suffering exceptional injury. How can generally moral, just people lack empathy for or perception of the human women they are inflicting their massive hatred upon? Is there any awareness of the natural self-identification with one’s own name wh the human mind develops from the first day they hear their mother lovingly call them? Try having someone call your name in an ugly manner, there’s no avoiding the involuntary flinch even if it’s just within your own soul. Or simply read your name as the cursed accused in a volley of angry words…the living breathing millions upon whom this constant absurd attack and unopposed, ubiquitous toxic battery reigns recoil, blameless and confused. Please explain to me, why is a cruel sadism designed to cause suffering, understood as remotely funny?

I see no comparisons made w/the multitude of other unacceptable biases/smears/smites, demonstrating the unfairness of this slur to other socially illegal slanderous insults. Why are Karens deserving of this open season focused hatred by the self-righteous?

Turning the other cheek, overlooking radical personal ambush in common parlance has been difficult. Compartmentalizing an otherness to what has not died out and gone the way of just a fad as Karens had hoped, I bear a million gaping wounds from your unbelievable hatred. How many otherwise intelligent very respected, finely tuned minds heartlessly fire those Karen assaults without introspection as a matter of course daily? I ask you to search your soul, find this offensive on me and my group unnecessary and please cease-fire.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

N. Gardner, though our name is different,

You have passionately laid out the very foundation of reasoning and it sounds similar background to my own. I have always be careful not to participate in haunted houses, Ferris wheels or any environment which makes my world unstable and evil if just for a moment.

This Covid event has changed all the models of good and evil. Well, according to the current outrageous protocol of behavioral norms. Thank you for documenting all that is true. I continue to stand firm on my Christian doctrine, doctrine, fill my mind with beautiful music, garden select books & tv as I distrust the motive behind of the author. Where did merit go? Or integrity? The 10 commandments?

I paint, sketch and though it’s a bit lonely, I’d rather smile and patiently wait for the angels that remember too. I’m often surprised and encouraged it’s the young people I meet and realize the duplicities of this season. You write beautifully.

I’d read your book. Karen is a great name. 😊

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Thank you Tory. You made my day God bless your gorgeous heart.

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Most generous. Keep heart. PS. 46:10. 🌷

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Don’t put Trump, DeSantis, or anyone else on a pedestal or excuse them from the normal rules. Avoid the “Superman” fallacy. We are STILL going to have to save ourselves. LOCAL elections remain the best place to focus your time and energy.

Putting all your faith in ANY politician is the easy button. Any of them are only as good as We the People force them to be. Write, call, attend meetings, and let them know you are watching. Some folks get elected as good people but the swamp sucks them in. It's not enough to just vote. We have to hold them accountable. And yes, it's work. But what choice do we have?

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Although I find the GAB guy's Jew rants distasteful, he is completely right in this post (where for once he is not blaming the Jews for something):

The Path Forward: Build and Balkanize


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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

I agree, I don’t like some of his takes but he really has some good ideas, and he generally does a great job of allowing free speech, even when we don’t like what is said.

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He's unfocused and makes alot of promises that he does not or takes forever to deliver on since he is too busy ranting or distracted about the Jews etc etc.... With that said, he has the RIGHT ideas about building a parallel economy...

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Yes, I agree with that.

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like riding a carriage with horses. And usually the horses are much better trained

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I have definitely have been breaking rule number 2:

2. Don’t put Trump, DeSantis, or anyone else on a pedestal or excuse them from the normal rules. Avoid the “Superman” fallacy. We are STILL going to have to save ourselves. LOCAL elections remain the best place to focus your time and energy.

I agree with this rule but DeSantis has just lit it up this past year and it’s so hard not to get excited and think he’s Superman. I’ll try to be more neutral. The best line is “we are still going to have to save ourselves”. I truly believe this! And we can with local heroes like you Jeff, leading the way.

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I’m happy about our surgeon general.

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Nobody becomes president without a nod from Baal

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And what Bible verse is that?

“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority EXCEPT that which GOD has established. The authorities that exist have been ESTABLISHED by GOD.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭13:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬


(emphasis mine)

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Great! You found this before I could add it. In the end, when emotions fade, I need to remember that God is ultimately in control.

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First the leaders have to be Godly. Seen many around like that? We are not to obey ungodly government or leaders. It was wrong to close churches or obey ungodly orders. God does not support evil nor requires us to obey. What about the leaders installed by cheating and corruption as discussed endlessly here? God bless.


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Baal's cabal includes Mccarthy McConnell and Ryan. I hope DeSantis stays strong. It is hard to not be corrupted by evil.

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Elected presidents don't run the country. They take orders from the Cabal or get JFK'd

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You gotta sell some or part of you to get there.

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It's hard (if not impossible in Washington D.C.) not to be corrupted by evil....and truly vast amounts of money that are there for the stealing.

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Donald Trump did.

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McConnell cancelled advertising spending, and Lindsay Graham energized the Democrat base right before the midterms. It's hard for GOP voters to overcome sabotage from within.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022

With Blake and probably Walker losing then we dont control the Senate which means no Rand Paul and Ron Johnson leading senate committees on the evil of Fauci. Biggest disappointment of the election

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This is what I’m focused on too. Why are we allowing this drawn out “counting” of votes which with dictate control of the senate ? Something is off & no one will be held accountable? We need to reform Republican Party from the top down and implement term limits for the “good old boy club”

Our open border & fentanyl deliberate poisoning keeps me up at night -- meanwhile all the talking heads want to focus on is gossip

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Secretary of State in Oregon announced yesterday, we won’t know ballot results until December 15. 🤡😵‍💫🤬

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UNBELIEVABLE. Actually I take that back, it is believable and expected.

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Especially after reading C&C today, Sunday.

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And say good-bye to the legislative filibuster

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I heard that if Schumer stays as Senate leader then Trump will not run again. Probably another part of the strategy to suppress the MAGA movement.

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While I could never vote for a democrat, I really do not like the repubs either. They are extremely divided with various factions all bickering with one another. I am done with the theatrics and I bet many others are too. This is why the leftists have such an easy time wrecking the GOP. There is no unified front whereas the dems are unified carrying the banner of fear, hate and treachery...at all costs. Throw in traitor RINOs making up a good chunk of the party and it all seems a hopeless cause.

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getting rid of McConnell would probably help. Get some younger, more outspoken people at the top. Now the government looks more like an elderly home than a govt

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It’s called a gerontocracy. We need term limits, among many other things.

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Asking Congress to vote term limits on themselves is as likely to succeed as hitting the moon with a bottle rocket. Would YOU ask folks to shut down YOUR gravy train?

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McConnell definitely needs to go. Also Graham. It's good that Kinsinger and Cheney got tossed out. Mitt Romney needs to go. There are many others I'm not remembering now, but they are mostly of an age group that are older and beyond their usefulness date. The older ones are a shameful embarrassment. They have been in office far too long. The old RINO party needs to be wiped out.

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Fully agree. Let us say, no older than 68 and no more than 2 terms. AND no more benefits once they leave. No life long free health care and no 250 000 bucks pensions. In fact, they should get the minimum wage they say is enough to feed a family from. I think GA is 8 bucks an hour. Good luck.

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Spot on!

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Is there an anti-vaxxx party?

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Yep. That’d be the party I join!!!

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Unfortunately there are so few of us it might be hard to win with numbers.

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Some of the perceived divisions in the Republican Party are purely kabuki theater. But there are true differences emerging as some conservative voices are openly challenging the GOPe/RINO/UniParty rule. This is a good thing.

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I was happy to see that several Senators (Including Marco Rubio and Rick Scott) are calling for halt on the leadership vote. Will be interesting to see if anything actually comes from that. Maybe they are beginning to be emboldened or maybe the same Kabuki theatre.

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Maybe more theater...

"Seeking to quell the uprising, Barrasso assured his colleagues that next week’s Republican conference meeting would afford every senator “a chance to be heard,” according to a letter obtained by Politico."


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They won't even know who all the senators are by next week.

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If CNN can be believed, the fix is in and they'll be voting anyway:


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I did hear the end of a discussion on the radio the other night, and I never caught the name of the person talking, but he was a R member of the House and he said they almost have enough R votes to prevent McCarthy from becoming speaker. He was very agitated and angry about McCarthy, so I'm hoping they can prevent him from being Speaker. He's from my state of CA, and from the first time he was elected I've viewed him as a slimy RINO.

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That is terrific news! Thank you, CMCM.

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I also heard that comment. Unfortunately I came into the interview halfway through it and was encouraged but also did not get his name.

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1 vote for your ghost story idea. When hot stories quickly disappear, I always wonder what happened, both why they disappeared but also how the rest of the story unfolded.

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Las Vegas shooter story comes to mind....

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It sure does. And as much as Sherriff Joe Lombardo seems like a good guy he was right in the middle of it. He was just elected Governor of Nevada as a Republican.

You can't make this stuff up.

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Wow! I have a hard time believing in coincidences.

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You need a boatload of money to get elected now, and to get that boatload of money you need support from powerful players. There is no longer a good and well meaning citizen like Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.

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Tried to like your comment but something undid it so will “verbally “ agree

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Along with the laptop and The Big Guy.

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No shortage of topics for this list for sure.

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"These are 10s of thousands of PEOPLE who are DYING..”

Meanwhile, the Biden administration extends the "COVID emergency" declaration for another six months so the disabling, sterilizing, and killing jab can be mandated for the nation's youth.

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Not a peep from Trump on this

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Like he told Candace Owens, the FDA says it takes 10 years to create a vaccine and he got it done in nine months. What could go wrong? Safest vaccine ever, fairest elections ever. Problem is you can’t question either of them.

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The vaccine had been "done" many years earlier. It just hadn't been tested.

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What???? Where did you hear the Public Health Emergency has been extended again? The last I heard, it was only extended to January. We are waiting for the end to return to the office, now that we are all comfortable working from home. My group of awesome co-workers has proven we are able to be more successful at our jobs working from home. There are far fewer distractions and I can even work on weekends and holidays, even if I don’t get paid for it.

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Thank you so much! My supervisor sent out an email last week saying it was extended through January, which we all knew. Now the email makes sense, even though she got the date wrong.

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Trump is playing a dangerous and stupid game, attacking Desantis before the campaign even begins. Ron is beloved.

The way I see it, I relocated to Florida last year for three reasons. 1. Rom Desantis 2. Gretchen whitmer 3. Trumps complete and utter failure to stop the tyranist in 2020.

Trumps stupid vaccine is also a major player in my life changes. His failures are epic and I only need a little nudge to abandon my support for him, especially if it’s trump vs Desantis.

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Trump's ego was totally embarrassed by DeSantis' margin of victory.

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Trump endorsed RD.

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In this video, Trump was asked on the golf course, "...are you going to compete with Gov DeSantis?" Trump responded, "I know he's a nice man and I like him." When she asked him again, he wouldn't give her an answer. I think that speaks volumes that he didn't say anything negative when he was given the opportunity. People are always making a big deal out of his ego and I think we are reading too much into it unnecessarily and I think we make a mistake when we feed into it.

I have not seen anything that indicates these two are not working together. These are extraordinary times. This is not the usual competition between the 2 wings of the uniparty for the White House. This is a war to the death between the Bolsheviks who took the reigns of power by fraud and those who are fighting for life and liberty. I firmly believe Trump and DeSantis understand this and that's what they are in the fight for. The only chance they have of winning this war is if they work together. There's a reason Trump moved to FL.

Ever hear of "steel sharpening steel"? I believe what we are seeing is the Don and Ron working together to play the Dems. I think it is part of their strategy to eventually dislodge the Bolsheviks in 2024. Behind the scenes, I think they have been talking since before Trump left office. I see a game plan being played out against the Dems. Now if the rhetoric turns nasty and abusive, I'll have to re-evaluate. But that's not what we've seen. In fact, DeSantis hasn't even responded to the mild jousting from Trump. These two guys have devised a game plan to use against the Bolsheviks. That's my take.


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Yep. Have to out-cheat and out-smart the cheaters. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

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I’m with you Albert. I’m a 2X Trump voter and I was extremely angry with him taking shots at DeSantis on the eve of the Florida gubernatorial election. That was inexcusable to me.

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What was the damage?

Other than having fickle Trump supporters braying.

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I’m in Florida and have been for 20+ years. DeSantis is hands-down the best Governor I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. It truly makes me question whether Trump is still sane. DeSantis didn’t open the door to Covidianism - TRUMP DID. DeSantis cleaned up the freaking mess Trump helped to create. By just pure dumb luck I found myself living in the free-est state in the nation the last 2.5 years and I won’t forget it. And I don’t appreciate Trump dumping on the person who made it possible. What that spells to me is it’s about Trump and not conservatism. Trump could have waited two days to start the 2024 primary season.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

You said this far better than I could. In my original post I do not think I made it clear how much I blame Trump for not swallowing his pride and admitting the mistakes made that made mandates possible when he left office. He is not the only one, but he could have helped people that looked up to him find the truth and stay away from the jabs. Desantis quickly pivoted when he saw the data. That tells me he is a leader that cares for his people not only his ego (let's face it, all the politicians have some ego).

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

Exactly and thank you. Both of my adult kids’ jobs were on the line because of the mandates (thankfully it worked out). Trump didn’t do the mandates but he opened the door massively. And agree - he seemingly has no humility over it. I don’t expect him to grovel (the press would love that) but he also doesn’t need to take cheap shots at leaders who got it right, PARTICULARLY on the eve of their re-election. Once 2024 primary season begins, and DeSantis hat is in the ring, ok fair game. But it was amazingly offensive, arrogant, and tone deaf of Trump to do what he did just prior to Nov 8. It makes me question his judgment. I still expect our leaders to demonstrate judgment. After all it was a lack of judgment on Trump’s part, at least partially, that got us into Covidianism which still hasn’t ended completely.

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I tend to believe Jeff that there is much more going

on than meets the eye and time will expose it all. The Wizard of Oz had everyone fooled until the curtain was pulled back and the real truth revealed.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

Believe me I hope to God that JC is right. But make no mistake- people, myself included, want COMPETENCE and not medical tyranny. I have no reason now to believe that Trump can fulfill either of those things. Whereas, so far as I have seen, DeSantis checks both those boxes.

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Comments like this that are critical of Trump are why, and I think it was sometime in the 1990's, someone in the Washington Times, a conservative newspaper, called us the "stupid party". You have to "think" to be a Republican but sometimes some of us don't really think things through. Jeff's rules are really good and need to spread far and wide. Follow them and we'll be good, otherwise we will just created divisions among ourselves.

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Nov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022

If that’s true it’s as stupid as progressives who call women men and believe that we will eliminate fossil fuels by 2030. Dogmatic and stuck in a cult - that’s how it sounds. When someone (who voted for President Trump TWICE) can’t point out how ridiculous it is for him to call Governor DeSantis average, and take cheap shots at him the day before his re-election- I don’t even know what to say. Is it divisive to say the sun doesn’t rise in the west? For the love of God we cannot turn into our version of the progressives. President Trump needs to hear this feedback. He doesn’t need more “yes” people slurping him. Stop violating the Reagan principle. Otherwise it’s all about him and not conservatism.

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You might be surprised but I agree with you and understand what you are saying. The only problem is that I have heard some people on our side that are more easily influenced say in response to this that they will never vote (pick one: republican, for Trump, or whatever our side is). Usually they say they'll go libertarian with is a loser direction. I've been in FL for 17 years, went to college here, voted for Trump twice, and yes wished he had waited to say what he did until after the election, but look forward to seeing how the primaries play out. We have two excellent choices and in the end they'll kiss and make up.

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Hit it out of the park again, AM! To the comment about Jeff's suggestions (not rules) I understand Jeff's caution to calm down and see what will transpire over the next few weeks. Cool. He is not saying we should never be critical of any politician ever. There would never be a coffee and covid blog if that were true. We would all be taking the warp speed jabs/boosters and talking about our last cardiology appointment.

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Stay United everyone 🌞

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Did anyone else notice the day after the election, the NYT Wordle word was UNITE?

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Haha yes !!!

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trump should run as a democrat in 24

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didn't he support dems until he ran as a rep ? I was surprised to see him run rep, even though it seems he said it would be much easier than to run dem for some reason. I think there should be an age limit on pres candidates so we can avoid to have either of these old men running

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yea he used to be a dem, although im not american i leant more that way pre covid, now i know better. the comment was sarcasm since it would blow dems minds and trump loves money

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ANYBODY...Any LIVING BODY, to be more clear, who does not believe 2020 and the Mid-Terms were stolen, is less qualified to hold public office, or any office for that matter, than Fetterman. "--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the Peoples to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government..." #AwfullyClose!

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No one who can tie their own shoes believes Biden got 80 million legitimate votes while taking 25% of the precincts that Obama did and only winning 1 of 13 bellwether counties.

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Zactly! While the Serial Sniffer campaigned from his basement...Trump filled stadiums and 99 mile caravans...same here in New York...Zeldin signs everywhere. I think I counted three Hock-a-lugie signs.

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Love it! Serial Sniffer! 🤣

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No more accurate words spoken... here here... it’s long long past time to abolish and institute an new government et al., ... that moment in Braveheart when Wallace says to Robert the Bruce... “Unite us... Unite the clans”.... whom will unite us to abolish this corrupt paid for by Pfizer government?

The 4th revolution is upon us, stopping it looks now to be insurmountable, and I fear again in the words of William Wallace, for those of us that survive VAIDS, survive... “died suddenly and unexpected”.... “many years from now, would we be willing to trade ALL DAYS, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take... OUR FREEDOM!.... The toll of deaths is already great, Scott Davidson, One America Insurance CEO said among 18-64 year old working age insured deaths rose an unprecedented 40%.... believing in this system of captured agencies, government and compromised so called leaders will bring us only one result sooner than later... Totalitarian dictatorship... save ourselves or submit 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Wallace strikes a special cord in my Scottish heart, my 4th great grandfather Andrew Murray having immigrated here and fought the British for our Independence on the New York Line. “Let us therefore animate and encourage each other and show the whole world that a freeman contending for liberty on his own ground is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth.” ~ George Washington July 2, 1776, preparing his men to battle the British on Long Island

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Victor Davis Hanson is the thought leader that I turn to for credible analysis of events. He posted recently on the election at https://youtu.be/bB4gnbxcHvE. He pointed out that Conservatives didn’t offer clear alternatives to the Dems, such as with the Contract with America that swept Republicans into office under Newt’s leadership during the Clinton administration. We just assumed that less informed voters would be able to see through the flack screen thrown up by the Dems and their propoganda organs in the MSM. I think he is right. We do need leadership that can offer a coherent alternative to Dem policies and we need to find ways to raise the money to communicate it well and consistently.

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Stopping inflation, not giving our treasure away to whoever, election integrity for all, halting illegal immigration, using our own gas and oil, getting CRT out of our schools, getting LGBT+++ nonsense out of our schools, NO to drag queen story hour-- These are not good enough policies to run on? We haven't been arguing for these things for 2 years?

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I just saw a great quote on here somewhere..."Republicans never miss an opportunity to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory", or something like that.

Democrats play dirty. Republicans play nice. They are never competing on the same playing field.

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I don't think republicans play nice. They're just not good at playing dirty as the current breed of democrats are.

Back in the day, the republicans had people like Lee Atwater and a young Karl Rove who took no prisoners. Think back to the shenanigans with the Iranian Hostage Crisis that led to Reagan's election in 1980. Two decades ago Bush and the neocons had the media at their disposal to push for wars of choice and tax cuts for the rich. The result were the debacles in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Hurricane Katrina fiasco in New Orleans, and the 2008 Financial Crisis.

The pendulum swung the other way with Obama and the DNC being the first to exploit social media for political purposes. They never looked back.

The republicans are Charlie Brown to the democrat's Lucy.

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VDH is my top favorite thought leader. His historical knowledge (and especially military history knowledge) is second to none that are on TV or radio, so he always presents a thoughtful and superb analysis of any political event. I have the utmost respect for him and always want to hear his take on events.

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Good call ! His is a voice WELL worth hearing.

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Thank you, Jeff, for a sound, thorough explanation of both the elections and the Trump/DeSantis situation. Your recommendations for moving forward, if we expect to make any headway against the corrupt DemonRATS machine, are worth every member of the C&C army considering and asking themselves how they can be part of the solution moving forward. And don’t be drawn into the narratives constantly used to manipulate the GOP voters!

Thank you Jeff! Brilliant and very helpful moving forward after a disappointing midterm election.

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"When" did Benedict Arnold become a Traitor to the Patriots in the Revolutionary War?

He was a Capable General, and friend of George Washington.

Times have changed, but not people. The Estab Repub Party in DC are Rinos. and elsewhere too, would rather have democRats in office than America First MAGA. Just a fact of Life, deal with it or ignore it, up to you. This is a War, with all that that entails, btw.


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Nov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022

Correction: I should point out that I am critiquing TheConservativeTreeHouse link, not GenEarly. Apologies.

"...Florida Governor Ron DeSantis -vs- California Governor Gavin Newsom in 2024 is simply two clubs playing the illusion of choice game..."

The "illusion of choice" is exactly what's been done to America by the Uniparty for the last 70+ years. I've known about this since high school (I'm 71) when I read "The Irony of Democracy: An Uncommon Introduction to American Politics" by Dye (still in print). But your DeSantis vs Newsom speculation is a straw man. We need to use a little common sense. You really want us to believe that the hypothetical Gavin vs Ron fight is the fight we need to be concerned about?! Where is your head? Do you not realize that Marxist Bolsheviks took over the Democratic party, staged an election coup in 2020 and took over the Federal Gov't and also control half of the State gov'ts and municipalities? And now they have completely subverted the mid-term elections?


You completely ignore the life or death war that is upon us and focus on a hypothetical race based upon your contention that DeSantis is a servant of the RINOs. Seriously? The war that we an in is between the Dem Bolsheviks and the populist movement energized by Trump. And make no mistake, the supporters of DeSantis are part of the populist movement. The RINOs hate the populist movement as much as the Bolsheviks do because their control of the Rep Party is threatened by that movement. As far as I am concerned, your focus on your straw man is an attempt to sow discord among us in the populist movement and get us fighting among ourselves when the real war is with the Bolsheviks and their RINO travelers. Both the Don and Ron understand this and are quietly maneuvering for the big battle to come. This smells to me like the RINO's attempt to insert agent provocateurs into the populist movement.


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Who were you replying to, me or the poster I was replying to? Any way I'm glad to get your post and agree 98%. Let's just wait and See what DeSantis does regarding a WH run in 2024. I only look at his money men and Younkin in VA has similar money streams. Now, I would have voted for Both of them for Governor. On the other hand I would not have voted for Hogan in MD when he ran 4 years ago.

My main concern and preparations are to survive what I see as a looming economic disaster. All the Best.

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Thanks for the reply. Your question is spot on. I was really replying to the ConservativeTreeHouse link at the end of your post. I jumped the gun. I was confused by it at first and then after thinking it over, I came up with that response to it. I guess I should have written it to them...lol. Agree with you 100%. And I also think the next two years are going to get very ugly for the average American financially. People are literally going to have to decide between making a house payment and feeding the family. This is going to engender a LOT of anger. And when it is revealed that the Dems literally stole the election, things will get hot and ugly. Biden is going to raise all kinds of taxes to pay for their tomfoolery and they hired 100,000 IRS agents and supervisors, agents with guns! They are going to have a LOT of taxes to collect and it is going to come from the middle class. Result: red hot anger. The lower economic class will prolly get tax breaks to keep their vote. Welcome to the USSA! Sorry, now I'm just venting.

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I firmly believe the Bolsheviks will not turn over the reigns of power in '24 and they are capable of literally anything. The history of Bolshevikism is scary beyond imagination. The only earthly hope I see is the Don/Ron populist movement. If we don't win this war, America will descend into a Marxist hell-hole. And I'm too old for this shit. I need to be 40 years younger for this fight or I need to be watching it from above - if you catch my drift.

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