Nov 19, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

In other good news, this is the year we found out the Pelosis have a poly-hammerous marriage.

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Second best joke on that subject yet LOL. The best was "Paul Pelosi was in custody twice in the last 6 months and HAMMERED both times"

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Just drove past Maison Pelosi about 20 minutes ago (yes, we live here). About a half-dozen black SUV's parked out front w/agents milling around. One would guess that Nancyis home, but couldn't a couple of these guys be stationed 24/7 at the residence? The neighbors must be used to them.

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I have my own theory of the Pelosi-DePape event. Have yet to read my version anywhere.

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Both found in their underwear.

No break-in occurred.

No security cam footage released.

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Good thing the FBI is looking into it🙄

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Yes, isn't it the oddest thing?

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Pay-per-view will be available soon on your favorite premium porn site.

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Nancy...in the study....with the hammer.

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I know! Would make a fabulous board game. Clue 2022 anyone?

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Clue! Sure....my guess- Dr. Faux...in the medicine cabinet...with a syringe.

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Mmm...but the doctor was found dead on the stairs in the game.

He had injected all six players, so they all had a motive.

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It would be a huge hit!

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Love to hear it.

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Let me spin you a yarn. There is an elderly man who is lonely. Children are grown, wife is frequently out of town. This man likes to drink, and may occasionally dip into an alternative lifestyle that is perfectly acceptable in a large progressive city on the West coast but would generally be considered odd by the more conservative parts of Middle America.

One night this elderly gentleman befriends, or hires, a man who has no visible means of support, has a drug habit, and is frequently short of funds. The man has, in the past, raised funds by a bit of prostitution. This man is invited into the elderly man's house to ease that fellow's loneliness.

The elderly gentleman picks up weird vibes, which are weird even by the progressive West Coast city's vibes, and makes a phone call to the local police. Why this elderly gentleman doesn't just wave to the private security police who provide 24 hour protection and surveillance is not explained. The private security which monitors a phalanx of cameras that cover every angle of the exterior of the property have been oddly silent.

When the local police arrive, the elderly gentleman opens the door and greets them. He then walks back to his invited guest. The odd invited guest is not pleased to see the police walking in. He has not had positive interactions with police due to his many odd habits, predilections and questionable legal status. He lashes out and hits the elderly man with the dildo he is holding. causing bodily harm to the elderly gentleman.

A piece of imaginative fiction dreamed up on a foggy night in a progressive large West Coast city.

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You'd think that ole progressive (not catholic in anyones book) Nancy would just hire the ODB a "private security" companion to "take care" of his "needs" on the regular. Be a lot less embarrassing and public. I guess it is more important to hide from themselves as well.

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You say not catholic, but from the reports I hear it is rather more common among such 'believers'.

But then 'vaccination' is an anagram of 'Icon Vatican' so using pricks (needles) is fairly common.

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Her private security is the Capital Hill police. Not sure when it happened but at some point in the not too distant past she got the Capital Hill police to provide 24 hour security on her homes. She will lose control over them when she is no longer Speaker.

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Nancy wanting to get rid of her hubby?

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No. I think he had some odd interests that one can indulge in when one is very rich, has fabulous security, a media willing to be blind, and lives in one of the most decadent, and decayed progressive enclaves anywhere in the world.

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Yup, I'll bet my version is the same as yours.

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Could it be that she was aware the Dems were going to lose the House, and she would be losing her Speaker's role? She would be stripped of power, along with losing face. She had been a major power force in Washington for decades. Months earlier her own bishop had publicly told her to no longer receive Communion at Mass because of her radical abortion stance. With her husband tragically injured it is now easy to save face as she heroically slips into the role of caring wife.

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Except how long before she flew to him after his injury? This would work except for not showing immediate concern 😂

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haha Don, this must be the prize winning sentence for today ! meme makers please !

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You "nailed" it

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Harold. You asked today Monday the 21 post where all the comments are. Apparently we have to pay now to comment and I will not be paying as it is too expensive for me. Sadly many necessary and good voices here will be silenced. So there it is. Take care. Stay strong. Bye.

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If it is polly-hammerous, does that mean you heard it on Twitter, or are you just parroting it from another source?

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I'll answer that as soon as I finish eating these crackers.

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Do you not know? Have you not heard?

Has it not been declared to you from the beginning?

Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth?

It is He who sits above the circle of the earth,

And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers,

Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain

And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.

He it is who reduces rulers to nothing,

Who makes the judges of the earth meaningless.

Scarcely have they been planted,

Scarcely have they been sown,

Scarcely has their stock taken root in the earth,

But He merely blows on them, and they wither,

And the storm carries them away like stubble.

“To whom then will you liken Me

That I would be his equal?” says the Holy One.

Lift up your eyes on high

And see who has created these stars,

The One who leads forth their host by number,

He calls them all by name;

Because of the greatness of His might and the strength of His power,

Not one of them is missing.

Why do you say, O Jacob, and assert, O Israel,

“My way is hidden from the Lord,

And the justice due me escapes the notice of my God”?

Do you not know? Have you not heard?

The Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth

Does not become weary or tired.

His understanding is inscrutable.

He gives strength to the weary,

And to him who lacks might He increases power.

Though youths grow weary and tired,

And vigorous young men stumble badly,

Yet those who wait for the Lord

Will gain new strength;

They will mount up with wings like eagles,

They will run and not get tired,

They will walk and not become weary.

--Isaiah 40:21-31 NASB1995

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you for sharing the Word of truth Janice! It is the perfect antidote to, and encouragement to stand strong in the face of, the heartbreaking realities that we are becoming ever more aware of in our nation and our world.

The world is becoming darker and darker, BUT (Behold the Underlying Truth) God...

Isaiah 55:11

So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

It has, it is, and it will... God bless and keep you!

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I don’t know that it is becoming darker but we are certainly more aware of the depths of the darkness than we ever have been!

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I understand your point, but I believe it’s both; there is an exponential increase in wanton, and hidden, evil. At the same time, we are exponentially more aware of what is happening all around us, as well as in the world at large.

To extrapolate off Janice’s point below, it is today’s amazing and highly-advanced technology that is facilitating both phenomena.

A corollary point is that, while there has never been a time when it was possible to easily access more information and knowledge, it has also never been so difficult to discern the Truth( as opposed to sophistry employing truths), or so easy to deceive. We are attempting to navigate very dangerous waters, and I thank God for helping us do so in countless ways, including through the courage, and encouragement, of fellow believers.

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Thank you. Don't forget the coldest part of the night is just before dawn when the light comes.

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Can you imagine if there had been an internet when the men of Sodom knocked on Lot’s door? 🤮🤮

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I don't the men of Sodom had a Lot of sense, so the internet would not have done them much good because they were So dumb :)

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Thank you Janice! Isaiah 40 is a long time favorite of mine. It is the ultimate calming passage which puts everything in its proper perspective under the feet and majesty of God.

Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth?

It is He who sits above the circle of the earth,

And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers,

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These grasshoppers think way too highly of themselves too!

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True. And they are going hopping mad at the moment.

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I see what you did there.

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I try my best :) I keep a dead pan face normally:-/

I have a facial palsy, my left side (why is the left always problematic?), hence the lopsided deadpan face. No one can tell if I am happy or sad, laughing or serious.

But inside I am very, very happy. Everything is coming right at last. We have waited a long time.

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One of my favorite passages of scripture!

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Love that one. Thank you Janet.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Another great C&C. When does Jeff have time to sleep? As always, there’s a little gem of a phrase in each post to make me laugh out loud. Today’s was “he wasn’t wearing a hair shirt..”. Thanks for doing so much research and putting excellent summaries of the shenanigans of our elites.

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That was a good one. I also had a chuckle at "He wasn’t even good at League of Legends, as far as we can tell."

Keep it up, Jeff. We need something to smile at.

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Jeff and a few other substackers kept and keep us from going insane

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Thought that was funny too, especially since the leftists all seem to be claiming to be martyrs for something or other (but it is all just words, total fakes every last one of them).

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Paraphrasing Warren Zevon, Jeff will sleep when he's dead.

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So nice to understand we live in a society willing and even eager to be ruled by slimy man children in shorts like Sam. Anyone human with a brain can realize this guy was bad news from the word go.

The Western Woke Empire of Psychopaths. Sam baby represents the very top of a very large iceberg. And worse they own us all. As for the snow - well we are already snowed under.

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And other slimy "man" children just like him in $5,000 suits. Or cardigans like that POS "Kill" Gates.

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Agree. While SBF looking like a bum fresh from dumpster diving should have been a huge warning flag to everyone, there's no guarantee a nice suit means someone is legit. In fact with pastors, the nicer the suit the more likely you'll be taught heresy in my experience.

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very good remark ! always distrust well dressed pastors in expensive cars, with multimillion dollar homes. money comes from somewhere, most probably out of the pockets of their flock

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These caricatures the CIA produces

Who invests in a guy like that and honestly who is having intimate relations of any kind with him?

Who has these agencies captured

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Lots of speculation that Bankman-Fried's fortune was actually recycled from Epstein which was recycled from Robert Maxwell (Ghislaine's father). No one knows where SBF got his one-time fortune, just like Epstein he showed up with it out of the blue. Robert Maxwell had ties to Mossad, Epstein was rumored to, and I won't be at all surprised if it turns out SBF does to.

Has to be a massive blackmailing influence op, likely run by Mossad with CIA approval if not downright participation.

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Those that love money, power and popularity and have no moral base or conscience as we actually civilized people understand.

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Amen. The love of money is the root of all evil.

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

If you say the right things, the climate change deranged, childlike fanatics on the far left will believe just about anything from anybody. Listening to the interviews with Sam the Fraudster, I'm incredulous that anyone with half a brain would have taken him seriously for even a second. He came across as really sub-par intelligence and laughably ridiculous, certainly not as the genius mirage they annointed him to be. That so many believed him demonstrates the shallowness and low intellect of his supporters. Most likely all the leftists were looking for the second coming of a new guru like Steve Jobs or something. They desperately wanted to believe this unkempt figment of their twisted imaginations really existed. And bonus: he donated like a drunken sailor to the Democrats. How could he possibly be bad?

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

C&C referenced around the 37:40 mark in Daniel Horowitz’ Conservative Review: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conservative-review-with-daniel-horowitz/id1065050908?i=1000586738443 .

Unfortunately, he kept calling it “Covid and Coffee,” so I hope that doesn’t keep more people from finding you. 😂

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Nice find!

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He obviously needs more coffee :)

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Yeah, here in the PNW it’s been super hot and steamy in the low 20s these last two weeks. All that global warming keeping things freezing here!

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They changed it from global warming to climate change to cover all the uncomfortable aspects of reality vs. vacuous labeling. Didn't you get the memo? >s< ← (Sarcasm alert)

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Probably long before you did, my dear. Been following this charade since graduating with an environmental science/ecology/geography degree in the 70s.

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probably did not make you rich like it did Al Gore

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And now Biden is floating support for the insane idea of blocking out the sun. Never mind that it contradicts their support for solar power and their insistence that the sun is not the driver of the phony "climate change".

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It’s my was 35 degrees in Dallas this morning! I can’t remember a colder November!!

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middle Georgia had a first frost yesterday morning. Ice on the drinking pots outside in November. Had to run the heating in September a few times ! Soon they will come up with an aproaching ice age LOL

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That was the scare of the 70s, a new Ice Age! Always something!

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Gilda always said "If it's not one ting, it's anotha."

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Read Ice Age Farmer, he shows facts supporting an approaching mini-ice age.

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thanks ! there are several scientists who have been stipulating this possibility for quite some years. I think it just goes up and down and thankfully, humans even though in their hubris some think they can change the weather, will never be able to do that. I think Earth will just go on with or without wisenose people !

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Ice age farmer is fantastic! VERY knowledgeable!!!

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Funny, as we have a super warm November here in Germany. Oktober was like a second summer, it was splendid!

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It has been in the teens in Idaho. I can't remember a colder November either. But, I bet all the old timers do. They used to take ice out of the rivers because they could, but now, not so much. I am hoping it sends all the blueies that moved into our state packing.

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Seriously, dems moved to your state?

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Yes. Also R's too, I imagine. But the blues change demographics. Like Sun Valley and now Boise.

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Geez i’m very sorry to hear this. Looks like we will have to find a different place to move to. God help us, few dems!

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The question is how many of his supporters will sagely nod there heads and say 'Yes, that's a good idea'.

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And it's not just in New York or the PNW, the cold weather has broken records all over the globe - https://electroverse.co/

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That’s nothing new. www.geoengineeringwatch.org

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I’ve been following this recently. Here in the PNW, the streaks have been so obvious especially compared to days when there is no such activity. I’ve been taking pictures and wondering if everyone else just thinks this is normal. I was seriously going to email Jeff and ask if we could add this cause onto our many others! What are they doing up there? I’m sure it is totally harmless, or something…

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I agree. I've been taking pictures too. Last week we had this strange 'fog' low to the ground two days in a row. We have fog here in the winter, mostly December and January, but this fog was different. By Saturday night I wasn't feeling well. With medicine and rest I was feeling better by Sunday night. I continued taking cold meds all week, acutally felt fine, just a little tired. But others at work were dropping like flies. I noticed them spraying above on Monday and Tuesday as well.

They sprayed our area heavily nearly every day this past May and I came down with the same 'cold' beginning of June that I had last weekend.

I follow the FLCC vitamin protocols and take Ivermectin weekly. This is probably what helped me recover quickly.

The patterns in the skies are noticeable. I really don't understand how no one is doing anything about it. I don't know what to do either except talk about it and point it out to people (who think I'm crazy.) But I'm sorry, if those are 'con' trails then why aren't they there EVERY day? Are there no planes up there on this beautiful clear sky day?

Sorry, I rambled a bit. But this really disturbs me because I feel so helpless in guarding against it.

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Sorry to hear that, the powers that be have to have something to boost Covid 19 cases and keep the panic going. One needs to identify who is doing it first. I am in the UK but perhaps others will help.

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Whatever it is, it makes for some spectacular pictures.

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

I saw predictions for a colder than usual winter across the Northern hemisphere due to the eruption of a volcano back in January.

It's freezing here in north Florida too. It is 11 am and the outside temperature is 55 degrees. The inside temperature is 66 degrees. It rarely gets this cold before January.

I am resisting turning on the heat. We've had 4 price "fuel adjustment' increases this year.

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I once visited my dad in Seminole, Florida for Thanksgiving and it was warm enough to go for a swim in the ocean. We set out traps for blue crab and caught a stingray and a sheepshead while fishing. It was a very non-traditional Thanksgiving for me, but loads of fun. Edit-- On the return trip home, we left about 4:00 in the morning so the kids would sleep for a good portion of the trip. I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts, felt great. Got gas in Georgia, middle of the day, still nice and warm. Filled up again in Tennessee, still not too bad. Got to Kentucky and it was 25° and snowing, and there's me, pumping gas in a t-shirt and shorts. People were looking at me like I was crazy! 🤣🤣🤣

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Yea the holidays feel different in South Florida, but nice

nevertheless . I tried to mimic our North Eastern Thanksgiving our first year here..we had the adult children, the grandmother, the set table and all the same cooked recipes we loved. But our appetites were not feeling as ravenous, and instead of craving the coziness of leftovers the next day, we all wanted to be outdoors in the gorgeous weather doing something instead.

Now we have established a new tradition. We all (even doggie sometimes) go out to eat our turkey dinner in a beautiful outdoor restaurant venue of choice.

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I love our Christmas weather here in San Diego. No other part of the world shares our December weather except. . . The Mediterranean! Specifically, Israel. It's dry and clear and cold as heck at night, and you go out and look at the twinkling stars and realize they're the same stars that Jesus, and Mary, and Joseph saw above them. . . Plus, on Palm Sunday, we cut our own palm branches.

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Sounds delightful. ❤️

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Yeah, we went for Christmas one year too. Nice, but I missed having a white Christmas.

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In New York city suburbs, I think we had maybe 2 white Christmases I can recall, so that isnt an issue for me. A lot of other Christmas season experiences of the north east, too numerous to list, I definitely do miss.

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I remember my first christmas in GA, I had knitted a warm winter sweater LOL. Could sit outside in summer dress ! Used the sweater at Easter though.

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That brings back memories. We spent Christmas in Maryland at my mother-in-law's. We left Florida with the winter clothes thrown in the back of the van. We were in shirts, shorts, sandals. Spent the night at South of the Border in Dillon, SC. In the morning there would be frost on the car and we had to put on our winter coats.

Driving north we left late summer in Florida and by the time we got to Virginia there were no leaves on the trees, and all was gray.

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Naomi- Same here, where I live in SW Florida. I've been here over 40 years, and the past month has been unusually chilly. I agree it normally doesn't get this cold until late December/January.

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They said we would enter a new cold war. Now it has arrived.

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I disagree. Look at the flakes. They aren’t normal snowflakes, they’re just snow blobs. www.geoengineeringwatch.org

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I lived in New York for many years. There are snowflakes that are very large and very wet. Truly. They look like blobs, but they are normal to winter before it gets very cold.

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As I said to Lemmincakes it is the 'snowflakes' getting their own back. Look at the evidence, they are very large, wet and look like blobs.

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I grew up years ago in upstate NY. This stuff is nothing new, nor is the amount.

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Exactly. Lake effect snow. It's the way weather is reported now. I became so disgusted with the weather channel over the way they were thrusting climate change propaganda into every bit of their coverage I stopped watching them. Fox Weather channel is superior.

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I suppose in all honesty it is the 'snowflakes' getting their own back for all the abuse they have suffered, poor diddums, hurty wurty dare ickle feelings.

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Did you move to Germany? 😛

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And record low amounts of heating oil

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Our utility used to use coal but switched to natural gas. Prices have gone up, because thanks to the idiocy of the Biden administration, supplies have shrunk.

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

It's because of all the young "snowflakes" running around.

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Not here in northern Europe. It is VERY mild for November.

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I do. Turns out they were closer to the mark than today (but still shilling fearporn).

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Chad called. But then hung up.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

If you believe these Hegelian "problem, reaction, solution" events are intentionally coordinated...

The exposure of the Enron fraud led to Sarbanes-Oxley. It's essentially a small business, competition killing bill that has helped lead to this massive rise in corporate dominance over our economy and culture.

What will the exposure of the FTX fraud lead to?

It is clear at this point that no US regulator agency can or is willing to keep up with corporate fraud. The only solution is to abolish the protections that these corporations are afforded. Start with all of the liability protections given to vaccine makers.

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A pleasure to read you Lisa P. 100% on the money. Lockdowns with exemptions for megacorps were another slam on small to midsize business.

Another is the insane regulatory burdens occurring at every level. Compliance costs shut out innovative enterpreneurs. More people should learn about this at https://mises.org

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Thank you. I'm a big fan of Mises Institute.

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The fda was not in charge to oversee. This was a military operation therefore fda inspections and approval wasn't needed. Please check what Naomi Wolf has to say. Fda has a purely theatrical pretender role in this and no other role. FDA didn't need to do anything legally. Under operation warp speed the rules changed i heard.

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Do you have a link for her? For the FDA to have so much exposure, seemingly "advising" everyone, it's mind-boggling to think they were only a front!!

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She is on substack. Also The Farm, Second Smartest Human on Substack. Good Luck.

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Dr. Peter McCullough has covered this as well. “Why COVID-19 Mass Vaccination is a Military Operation” at https://www.americaoutloud.com/why-covid-19-mass-vaccination-is-a-military-operation/

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So, so evil!! Thank you for sharing this. I had no idea, but it sure makes things click. 😢

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

Imo we need to stop complaining to the fda and about and dig in into the correct direction meaning the DOD. Yes our dod which SHOULD PROTECT US BUT INSTEAD IS HURTING US. And not only us but our soldiers. Why?? This is what we need to figure out. Has the dod been enemy infiltrated in the upper ranks? It sure looks like it.

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China has infiltrated. Take out our military and China has an easier time moving in.

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Obummer fired 280ish generals. He purged the top brass of the military. We are now seeing the results. Fing travesty!!!

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Yes the takeover started with Barrack HUSSEIN. AND I personally downloaded mr. Husseins birthcertificate from the white house page out it into Adobe photoshop and low and behold there were photoshop.layers proofing alterations. Info about parents etc.altered.

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Yeah don’t even get me started on that evil man. Biden doesn’t hold a candle to him!

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Naomi has information on Daily Clout. The team of investigators digging into the vax Pfizer documents plus FDA has info there as well. It has an app available I believe.

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This is not Naomi but actually Sasha Latypova talking about it. https://www.brighteon.com/a96f8e4d-e38a-47ce-aee8-223f2149360a

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Explains a lot… even with the OagE Biglow Wind Farm 🤔

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Bankman-Fried has proven that a person can live in the Bahamas and still not get the sun exposure necessary to produce sufficient Vitamin D.

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FTX: The end game is CBDC. This is a globalist organization run for the benefit of WEF types.

Bill Gates turned his abject failure into "success" by becoming a world philanthropist--a philanthropist who will go on trial in India for vaccine murder. (See Indian Bar Association) It's the same players and the same play book.

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My prayers are that he is found guilty and is sentenced to a lifetime in jail over there! This man has an evil heart IMHO - he, along with his ilk treat the rest of us like we are chum in the water helping them attract the big fish. It’s horrible!

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I agree Gigi. This must end. These people are destroying so many other people. India seems to have a stronger judiciary than the US but I am hoping the US judiciary will also understand what we face and apply the rule of law. If FTX breaks open fully, we will learn a lot about how the global psychopaths are moving their money around the world to control whole nations. These people traffic in human beings and human misery. Their power must not stand.

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Jail is insufficient. He believes in vaccines. Tie him to a chair and inject them into him. As so-called protection wanes after 6 months so they say (yeah right, tell me another) inject twice yearly until they 'work'.

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Make that "philanthropath"

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Good. How about philanthro-pissed?

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That is fabulous!

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff and crew,

Thank you so very much for your hard work, research, insightful and educational reporting of current issues. I'm sure I speak for all when saying you're a breath of fresh air. Knowing we can count on truth and integrity when reporting today's topics and concerns. ♥️

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Totally agree!!

I don’t pay attention to the weather in NYS anymore so, thank you for this pics. ❄️

The only thing is now, once they thaw out, they will all be heading down here to FL to buy homes. Just leave the NYS politics in NY, that’s all I ask. 🙏🙏🙏☀️

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The absolute best part of the whole SBF saga is that dumbass comedian polo shirt wearing fraud in Ukraine 🇺🇦 crying about his money laundering operation coming to a screeching halt (unless of course congress just KEEPS ON BEING STUPID AF). I mean it will be *slightly* harder for the dems and rinos to get their $ back (that they STOLE FROM US) if SBF can’t funnel it back for them. Nobody here thinks dumbass 🇺🇦 actually gets to keep ALL that $ do they?

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Was it established as truth that Zelenskys inner circle bought many millions of $$ of Swiss real estate? Another good use of our taxpayer $$ if so.

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Yep. 100%

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weather control by co2, what a ridiculous idea. one volcano will spew more co2 than all of us could in a lifetime

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Our F150 tail pipes are not ruining the planet.

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

Neither were my 747 contrails… but Bill Gates flying around in his jets sure did a lot of damage - giving his f___ing “vaccines”

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Plus the percent of CO2 in the atmosphere is really low...0.04 percent! And that tiny percent is what trees are "breathing"

I agree, such a ridiculous idea!

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I have to share this! I was scheduling some radiological appts today, and I was asked: " Did you have the covid vaccine or any boosters"?

I unabashadly responded" ABSOLUTELY NOT! NO WAY!"

I could swear I detected a very muffled chuckle to my unexpected response by the sweet Latino accented scheduler lady. 😎

Yup..I live in Florida, the land of free thought and speech! ❤️😊

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One of my fellow Boy Scout moms asked me if I was jabbed and without thinking I said ABSOLUTELY NOT! The look on her face lol. We have not further discussed vaccination status. I felt bad I didn’t just say no, but then thought maybe my strong response will gave her pause about more than one jab. Or jabbing her kiddos.

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Strong response is excellent. Might shock them into thinking a bit.

Still, one could respond 'Why, have you?' Assuming she says 'yes', then look concerned and say 'Are you okay?, it just that I heard about so-and so....' If you can sew a seed of doubt then who knows.

I have just noted I have used sew, not sew. But then if it is sew you are stitching them up which a repair, which is what we are after I hope. the repair of souls.


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I wanna move to a colony with unjabbed people. Than you don’t have to worry about jabs, docs pushing the jab, and hopefully more open minded about eating better exercise etc.

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"I researched these shots and found they don't work for crap, and the adverse reactions reporting site shows over 30,000 deaths."

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FTX pushes bogus study to discredit IVM and HCQ


The patients were already a week into their 'covid' infection. I'm still reading over the study results to see other problems. I look forward to the covid-research substacks to share their analysis on what went wrong with these trials.

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I remember reading that people were already on vents for many days and they gave the patients Ivm in really high doses and that’s what finally killed them (not remdemsevir, oh no, that didn’t kill them). 🤬

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My memory coincides with yours - patients already on the way out, with vents and Run-death-is-near, BUT they then gave them tiny, tiny amounts of IVM and when they died, exclaimed "See! IVM is dangerous."

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Either too much, or too little, the horse wormer was evil 😉

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The interesting thing about remdesevir which I have just spotted due to your fortuitous spelling is that it contains letters 'dems' in the middle of the word. Sadly as we know the dems are now very toxic.

Anagram of remdesevir is 'dems ire vir', dems anger man if you like as 'vir' is man in Latin. Perhaps I should add to my post.


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Baldmichael, I guess Freud helped me out on that spelling 🤣

So, I jumped to the link, re Reiner F and Ardis, and again I ask, why is Fauchi not in jail?

I know, I know, but it still baffles my mind.

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Ah yes, be a Freud, very a Freud!! I have added my thought to my post and mentioned your name as helping me to get there as it were. I trust that is in order, let me know if not, but I like to give credit where credit is due.

As regards why Fauci is not in jail, well, it may be may fault as I have not yet done a post on him! or because the CIA protect him as CIA FU is an anagram of Fauci.

Or because not enough people have said 'F.U. CIA'!

FU may stand for Football Union but doesn't make much sense. I don't get out much :)

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Sometimes the little ♥️ doesn’t work!

Of course you can give me credit, maybe someone will go to my website and buy a painting or order a really expensive gem and ring to go with it 🤣😁🤣

I love the anagram, it also made my mind jump to the college students chanting FJB. Where the heck were they in last weeks midterms? I think a lot of this would be changing a lot faster if we had flipped (or had been allowed to flip) the senate.

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Thank you and true about the senate. Mind, you given that I heard (I am from the UK) that the Democrats can raise the dead, especially when it comes to voting, perhaps all is not as it seems.

But the corner or tide is turned. Home run is on.

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FLCCC often talks about these types of trials & how they were set up to fail

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Tysvm BFM!!

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

Just got my parasite results back from Ardis’ PCI recommendation. 1 Protozoa. Minimal yeast. No worms or other parasites. Yup. My ivermectin works!! And I even went to Laos and Thailand 4 years ago 🤷‍♀️

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I keep telling the "liberal" pilots I fly with that I DO believe in climate change. I witness it 4 times a year. Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. Why? don't they get it?

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Yes...where have they been all their lives??

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Indoors, and that's the problem in more ways than one.

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Solomon Asch effect. Monopoly media creates a 'dominant' narrative and most people are submissive.

If you've got the time, going back into the who and how of monopoly media might be interesting. Douglas Reed did some work on it.

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