Oct 29, 2022ยทedited Oct 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I honestly don't know how you keep up the pace, Counselor. What brand of coffee are you all hopped up on....and what's the name of the stock? So much crap going on that I can barely keep up. The most obvious standout to me are the words "Democratic Whistleblower." Had to rub the sleepeez out of my eyes. There is a Santa Claus! Another Festivus miracle!

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Today's C&C filled me with hope and joy ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Oct 29, 2022ยทedited Oct 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

There are a lot of positive signs, to be sure. So happy to be in Florida. I can't even comprehend what life must be like in these hardcore blue areas. Ugh!

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โ€œCan you believe those Floridians? They will believe anything, and that DeSantis ... donโ€™t get me startedโ€ says my neighbor in Oregon. Yep, thatโ€™s what its like to live in a blue state. โ€œDonโ€™t tell me the facts, Iโ€™ll just get mad (at you). In other words shut up you MAGA.

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People are dropping like flies around here. It's right out of a horror movie! This feeble attempt at living in freedom is a disaster! HELP!!๐Ÿคฃ

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Oct 29, 2022ยทedited Oct 29, 2022

People are dropping like flies! I think it is only going to accelerate too - which is difficult to imagine. Yet the public is unaware as if everything is normal. Normal SIDS. Normal SADS. Normal for children to have heart attacks. Anything to avoid admitting they have been suckers for the Bolshevik lies. Even the statistics we do talk about as being documented like VAERS are lies. The true picture of the death and destruction is several magnitudes of order worse than those figures. No one is allowed to present actual reality because it hasn't been "verified". When I see the number of people around me who are dying off, I know EVERYONE else is also seeing that same thing. How many millions does that add up to??? But no one wants to point out the deductive conclusion. They will only believe what they can count on their fingers and toes.

I would like to take the time and space to relate all the ppl who have died from the shot just within my knowledge field. It would take too long. But check this out. I have mentioned before a friend of mine who has been an RN at the local hospital for a few decades. She is one of their best and works the cardiac floor. She told me that historically, they would lose on average one or two cardiac deaths a month. Most of the time cardiac patients would come in with a problem, the surgeons would fix them up and they'd be on their way before long. Now, they are experiencing several deaths A DAY on the cardiac floor and the trend is accelerating! But everyone is too afraid to talk about it. BTW, we live in FL.

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I have NO DOUBT the peeps that have lined up for their 14th shot are dropping faster than Biden's IQ. The national mainstream narrative that we here in Florida are living in some kind of Covid maelstrom because of not masking, not bowing down to the shots, etc... is a severely twisted one and, might I add, JUST A TAD off base. All in all, I'd say things are going just swimmingly here in the Sunshine State. Of course, for any clear thinking person, it's not hard to cipher that it's the shots that are laying people out. How many myocarditis events go into a coincidence? Goofs.

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Itโ€™s so sudden and unexpected ๐Ÿคช

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Heart stopping developments๐Ÿ˜‰

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Karen, we're on the same page. See my above post.

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Yeah itโ€™s rough being a yank these days but way way way less than it was this time last year! Fall/winter 2021 my children were being ostracized at school (85+% of 12-16s are jabbed here) and being threatened to be kicked off the ski team. A friend had her daughter run off of a regional league team for being unvaxxed. That poor child ... travel competitions were hell ... first they made her take her meals separately then they wouldnt even let her stay at the same hotel as her teammates ... freakin bizarre. Just inflicting pain to inflict pain.

We clung together, the few of us who live in this hellscape (aka Fairfield county ct) and had one massive fight to get masks off our kids at school ... we prevailed but it was very tiring.

Being here, I can tell you the strength of the enemy as I live within its decrepit blue body ... early, it was vicious and unspeakably strong. It raged and flailed, drowning out any voice of opposition in pure hysteria. People like me were quiet, we hunkered down and did our research. We found each other around the time they were splintering off into โ€œpodsโ€ (groups of non related people who agreed to not fraternize with those outside their group ... they were all the rage ... no one invited us to join one but we were freely visiting with those of our kind all along so no worries) ... we, the opposition, collected together in networks, sharing information and supporting each other. We watched the collective meltdown of our small town as everyone got omnicron. The schools had been forcing unvaxxed kids into lengthy quarantines but allowing vaxxed kids to carry on ... as the vaxxed infected each other throughout November and December, the school reversed course and began enforcing quarantine on everyone. Masks were made optional in February 2022 and the illusion was destroyed. Only the True Believers (tm) carried on with their mania while most people saw the futility of it all and behaving somewhat normally. The True Believers started out noisily complaining, trying to get back into the center of the crowd by insisting the fallen rejoin them ... the antics were funny and ironic and the growing pool of anti vaxxers sat back and enjoyed the show.

We are now in a stalemate ... nothing has changed in a very long time ... the freaks are still masking their toddlers at soccer games but I bet booster uptake is miserably low like 10%. It is possible to count the booster by their obnoxious town group Facebook posts (โ€œdoes anyone know where I can get a bivalent on a Tuesday morning at 5am? I have an early flight and I am afraid to fly without my next dose!โ€ ๐Ÿคฎ).

Most here are very very quiet. When the s*** hits the fan here I expect the True Believers to roar into action defending their honor and shrieking for the rest of us to bow to Fauci that little troll who was their emotional leader for so long. When it is his turn on the gallows, it will be a dark dark day here.

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Wow nice job of portraying the landscape, I mean, hellscape. Sorry you are stuck in such a crazed place. Pods? Really? Gosh how empowering for them to be Lords of their own little kingdom.

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Oct 30, 2022ยทedited Oct 30, 2022

Oh it has been a ride, Donna. But you know what? I am stronger than i ever imagined I was and I found out that, even here in blueland, I am far from alone. Overall itโ€™s been a blessing having been through these last two years โ€ฆ I am grateful for all I have gained and for all i have NOT lost.

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Well regardless of where we live, these past ~2 years have taught us all who our true friends and allies are. Painful lessons indeed, but like I used to tell my kids when they whined, that which does not kill you makes you stronger. It was too easy to push aside those little snippets of truth, those little encroachments on our freedoms, the evidence of the left undermining our society, but all of this was slammed in our faces and it forced us to take a side. And aside from the True Believers, whose numbers are shrinking, I think more are starting to wake up. At least that is my hope and prayer.

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Iโ€™m Fairfield County too. ๐Ÿ˜ณ

I feel your pain.

Praying for a miracle- King Ned must go.

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Oh boy that would be a dream but the voters here will have to inflict much more pain on themselves before reversing course โ€ฆ you canโ€™t stop me from voting for Bob (I will be at the polls rain or shine) but I do not expect much โ€ฆ see you in 10 days!

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What are things like right now in your town?

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masks on people still here- mainly adults shopping. My son told me about a child here who is running on the track team- outside- still masked Pediatricians in town pushing vaccines for babies. You know CT will push the pediatric covid vaccine here for the school vaccine schedule now that the CDC made that recommendation.

Did you see Bobโ€™s challenge to Ned?

If I am elected governor, the state of

CT will never mandate the COVID

vaccine for schoolchildren, public or private employees, or anyone else.

Actual science, not political science,

should inform our public health


I challenge @GovNedLamont to make

this same pledge.

Crickets from Ned

Because you know what heโ€™ll do

We just had homecoming weekend here. First normal one since prior to lockdown in 2019

What I find most horrifying here since the lockdowns is Fairfield County is psycho-socially gender transitioning kids without parents knowledge or consent and the school administration refuses to set a policy to protect parents โ€ฆ I know of two cases in one middle school building โ€ฆ the woke ideologs have taken over the schools here while we were all locked down- the counselor and the principal changed in that school during the lockdown and were replaced with Uber progressives ideologs

I like Bob as a candidate because of his โ€˜parental bill of rightsโ€™ where he wants to restore the power of parents to raise their own kids

Weโ€™re you on the Bob zoom call hosted by Darien republicans??

They are delivering books to elementary classrooms in Fairfield county under the umbrella of diversity and inclusion that are pro woke ideologyโ€ฆ early sexualization of kidsโ€ฆ like Julian is a mermaidโ€ฆ look it up, if u donโ€™t know it. And then look up the actual Coney Island mermaid parade and ask yourself if we want second grade boys aspiring to this

Fairfield County has lost their damn minds.

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Iโ€™m so sorry. It is hard to live in this nightmare if your awake to the evil that is. But these are perilous days as scripture warns us will occur before Christ comes for His bride and then the book of Revelations unfolds quickly. I believe we will be the generation of Believers that does not taste death. I have a granddaughter 2 years old I adore her. I pray so hard for her. Her mother was raised in my Christian faith. But the world has captured her mind as with my 2 other sons. Breaks my heart but I choose to believe and keep praying that they will be drawn out of darkness into the gospels glorious light. The end of the church age is closer than ever. Look up for our redemption , Believers, John 3:3, is drawing near.๐Ÿ˜Š

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Hey Vickie, nice to meet you! Psalm 37 is my go to for managing along Iโ€™m these times โ€ฆ it describes these times and reassured us not to worry, that the wicked will suddenly disappear and that we are not to โ€œfretโ€, that in this case of the wicked prospering, fretting will โ€œonly do harmโ€ โ€ฆ instead we are to do good and โ€œdwell in the landโ€ God is reaching many on the fence hearts these days as people find they are backed against a wall by extreme ideology and must CHOOSE. My husband and (five of them w my oldest being 16) children are not believers but they are appalled by what they are witnessing around them. The Bible and its gentle goodness is really aligning to their own consciouses and I am seeing a careful thing unfolding softly in them. Praise Jesus above for His ways not being my ways!

As for the prophesies, I think it is possible there will be another period of relative peace before Jesus returns. I think this because certain markers do not seem to be quite in place for the very end days. We will see โ€ฆ I would love to see my four year old grow up but I should love more the arrival of Justice!

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Such kind and encouraging words. Thank you. You can see my granddaughter in my profile pic. Please pray for me. I'm all alone in my faith which is 38 years in walking with Jesus. I get weary sometimes. My one son who was delivered from drug addictions thru Jesus is now caught up in the world working hard and doing good in many ways but not walking in fellowship with the church. Heart is always being broken but I pray and trust God that He is working in their hearts. It's hard being alone in this. I got saved after I was already married. A road I would not have chosen believe me. Its a hard road. Thank you sweet friend.

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In any and every social setting, those who are intrinsically powerless will always try to use what small amount of power they are granted or can grab to lord it over anyone they can.

This has been a really long and painful reminder of that truth.

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Oregon is bad. Mail in voting only mailed out weeks before the election. Single, Blue Party, government rule for decades.

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My husband will be in South Dakota, so got an absentee ballot. They gave him a raft of shit, didnโ€™t want to give it to him. He didnโ€™t answer any of their questions, just sort of gave them the scary glare. He probably was wearing one of his hunting shirts ๐Ÿคฃ

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Think about moving to SD. Best decision my husband and I made.

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Where in South Dakota? My great grand parents are buried in Huron. Have lots of relatives there, most have passed. Iโ€™ve never been there!

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Oct 30, 2022ยทedited Oct 30, 2022

I'm in Oregon too, Jackson County. I can't imagine our elections office giving anyone grief over an absentee ballot. I don't even know what the difference there is between an absentee and a mail-in ballot? I only hope Drazan wins!

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He thought it was so bizarre. Perhaps she had looked at his party affiliation, or judged him. I donโ€™t know.

After the last election they called him and said his signature didnโ€™t match. Wonder how many conservatives theyโ€™ve hassled. He had to go in and prove who he was. Prove it was valid.

Weโ€™re in Bend.

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Ha!!! I am from Oregon but live in ct now โ€ฆ appreciation for hunters and hunting is deep in my blood (Iโ€™ve never hunted once in my life but I value it highly). Gosh dang it I hope he votes!

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Hello! Heโ€™s a bird hunter and yes they gave him a ballot. I have it right here, ready to drop off at the last minute. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป

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I am in midstate NY. Right now in liberal land CRT in schools and the thought of childhood COVID jabs IN order to go to school is our fear. The polls say there may be a miracle. A Republican Lee Zeldin, is looking good for Governor. I wish I could trust the election vote counts thou. I donโ€™t. If Hochul wins we are sunk. Her plans are beyond evil. I call her the COVID cultist witch. She attempted to open camps for nonvaxed and for health emergencies A judge struck her down. I heard she appealed it. Not sure.

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I know you are in bad shape right now, New York. We in ct sort of run behind you as you self harm doing the same like a little brother situation. Ct cannot heal without New York turning a corner

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You are correct about that!

Praying for Zeldin too. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

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People think just move. Itโ€™s not that easy. I was born, raised, married, raised a family and now a grandma in midstate NY in Albany. For years Iโ€™ve hinted to my husband letโ€™s move. But his whole family as well is here. We have a home now in a nice suburb. We are both getting up in age. Retired. It would take an absolute miracle for him to move. Iโ€™ve never lived anywhere else. I wonโ€™t leave my grand daughter. Itโ€™s a sacrifice Iโ€™m willing to make. If they cart me off to a camp the Lord is with me. Itโ€™s a chance I will take until things change otherwise. We are not rich folks either. Lots of folks like us in the worse blue states who vote conservative but the majority puts in creeps or elections are stolen.

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I never looked at it that way but makes sense. One of my oldest and dearest friends lives in Newington. She keeps me on the know.

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Itโ€™s Hell.

Many still โ€˜all inโ€™ on the propaganda. Theyโ€™re Injecting babies here.

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Makes me want to weep.

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So sad. They just go along, or worse. Yet, they think weโ€™re horrible.

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I chuckled at your neighbor commented on Floridians believing anything. How ridiculous! Who believes anything?

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Child sacrifice. I warned my daughter, a liberal, if she did it I would not speak to her again and her daughter would some day blame her for she would be infertile. It did not go well but atleast I spoke up (many times)

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You have to say it

Because if something goes wrongโ€ฆ which is possibleโ€ฆ Youโ€™ll never forgive yourself for not speaking your mind and advocating for what you think is right

You said your peace.

Give it to God now.

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Hear, hear!

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The democratic whistleblower is an interesting development. I've been wondering why we haven't seen this happen much at all yet. If the 2020 election was so ripe with fraud (which I believe it was), why haven't more people in the know come forward with evidence?

This is a welcome development, which I hope will shake out others with knowledge of what exactly happened.

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In Michigan there was ample evidence. Over 1000 signed affidavits of visual evidence of fraud being played out in several metro Detroit precincts. Video evidence of cardboard being put over windows so poll challengers could not see in and were not allowed in with credentials in place. Precinct election certifiers being threatened and doxed on tape. Thousands saw it. Little Antrim County had 6000 votes flipped from Trump to Biden. An alert clerk noticed and made national news. Many independents called for an official audit. Michigan Legislature promised a full investigation. In the end the Legislature said nothing to see. The corrupt AG refused to do any forensic audits or anything to do with corruption. The Antrim county clerk was forced or paid off to say a mistake was made. Thatโ€™s how coordinated cover ups work. But we havenโ€™t forgotten.

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One would think that a virtual army of citizens armed with near-professional cameras would be able to document what was happening in real time, but they lacked the support of non-profit non-commercial broadcast outlets to put it on the air in real time.

NPR should be abolished and the local affiliates filled with willing and capable volunteers to make them serve the interests of the people instead of the interests of the multi-national foundations that provide the bulk of the funding of what constitute propaganda mills.

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Oct 29, 2022ยทedited Oct 29, 2022

Good point. There were a lot of people that gave early affidavits used in the public hearings and lawsuits. But they never got a chance to testify in court since the lawsuits were all thrown out. However, these outside witnesses, not inside whistleblowers/witnesses who were involved in the fraud.

I'm not saying there wasn't evidence, of course, because there's lots. I'm saying there haven't been insider whistleblowers with personal knowledge of the crimes.

The closest was the lady (in MI hearing, iirc, don't recall name) who contracted with Dominion and witnessed malfeasance on the inside. Prosecutors should have been interviewing her immediately, in a sane world.

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Melissa Carone was her name. But there were many others. We havenโ€™t given up.

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Oct 30, 2022ยทedited Oct 30, 2022

Yes, that's her! I loved her. Fearless and crazy hair.

So is Michigan going to be cleaner this time? Does Dixon have a good shot?

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The lawsuits were not thrown out of court because they were denied entry due to standing.

How can a lawsuit about corruption in a federal election not have standing in any federal court, let alone the SCOTUS?

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Judges have a hundred tricks they can useto get out of hearing any suit they don't want to be part of, sadly. And judges really don't like to hear election cases in time that it would decide an election.

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A judge is a judicial officer not an executive officer.

Judges lack the constitutional authority to make a decision in a matter reserved to the executive branch.

All judicial decisions are appealable except those of the SCOTUS, and we may well see them revisit and rebut their own decisions with greater frequency, especially under a Republican majority. T'was up to me, there would be a SCOTUS justice for each state, and it would take unanimity to uphold any decision regarding constitutionality, which would drastically reduce requests for cert before them.

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Makes me wonder what kind of a difference the ballot harvesting made in the mayoral election in Orange County. Jerry Demmings was adamant in imposing all the covid restrictions here during the pandemic and was/is completely opposed to DeSantis and his administration in every way. Now we are stuck with Demmings for another 4 yrs.

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Another possible option might reside in a disgusted former military sniper with continuing good aim.

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Please do not promote violence

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Please do not promote willful ignorance.

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Oct 30, 2022ยทedited Oct 30, 2022

No problemโ€” I will forego all temptation to promote willful ignorance. Vonu, I think you are new around here, and Iโ€™m just letting you know that Jeff has asked us to report anyone who suggests anything violent because it is not acceptable. I did not report you , but let you know in a polite way.

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california...where ballot harvesting is LEGAL. Seriously you have nobody representing you anywhere in CA

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California's representatives represent those doing the ballot harvesting.

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Do you have long experiance with criminals self-reporting on the crime that they participated in?

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Oct 29, 2022ยทedited Oct 29, 2022

On the scale of people that needed to be involved, one might expect a number of people of honest conscience to get caught up in it and later realize how wrong it was.

On the other hand fear of reprisal could keep most of them silent. But I might expect some to come out anonymously to the few reporters willing to report it. That hasn't really happened.

Ordinarily law enforcement investigation would find many actors, some of whom could be convinced to testify against others. We've conspiculously lacked that investigation in 2020 election crimes. Florida showing signs of being willing to actually investigate and prosecute may be what spurred this person to finally come forward.

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Having honest conscience has never been a good motivator of those lacking the courage of their cause.

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I saw an interview, can't remember who did it, with a Hispanic woman who said they were intimidated into surrendering their ballots in her neighborhood. Complied out of fear for their safety. Have to wonder just how much of this goes on. There is a group called 'Freedom Inc' in our town who has free breakfast, lunch and a ride to the polls on election day (we don't have ballot harvesting here, but sure they are instructed in who to vote for). Their slate of candidates are all black D's and they have lots of $$ and influence.

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It does explain why they believe that giving up their rights will enforce their rights.

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What state/states are these? In a good jurisdiction, her allegations should have triggered a serious investigation. But there are precious few that are interested in finding a major election fraud operation.

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The Hispanic woman was in CA, LA, I think. Freedom Inc is in KC, Missouri. There is a group in MO I have volunteered with some, that gathered some very specific evidence of voter fraud (people at the door said the person who voted at that address did not live there in Nov 2020) and presented to the Sec of State, who is an R and has designs on running for governor in 2024. But he just shrugged, as it was not systematic, it was more just random cases, that indicate that voter rolls are a mess. Too much work I suppose. I don't think Freedom Inc is necessarily breaking any laws, it's more that they use their money and bully pulpit to influence low information voters, and the R party has not countered. New leadership in 2022 is making inroads, but D's still outraise R's by a large margin, and too many R people are content to bitch and moan vs truly taking action to effect change.

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Do you have long experiance with criminals self-reporting on the crime that they participated in?

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Santa Claus has elves and reindeer to deal with in addition.

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"Paul Pelosi was attacked inside his home around 2:30am yesterday by a gay Canadian nudist illegal alien who lives in a hippie commune in San Francisco under โ€œsanctuaryโ€ status. What the two men were doing together in Pelosiโ€™s home remains unclear. Hot takes and psyop propaganda are bloating the Internet right now. Stand by as facts emerge."

Pretty much all that is wrong in 2022 America neatly wrapped in a concise paragraph. You're gifted, Jeff.

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The gated community that the Pelosis live in must have BLM and Antifa for security.

It wasn't reported in the MSM, for obvious reasons, that both Paul Pelosi and his attacker were in their underwear when the police arrived. I suspect it was a lover's spat gone very wrong.

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The police reported Paul said David was a friend and they also reported both men had hammers. A story that would be commonplace domestic dispute if it weren't for the name.

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Maybe they were matched dildoes, er..., hammers.

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Dildoes??!!! Oh no you didn't!!๐Ÿคฃ

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I did, there having been two of them.

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MISTAKE? I just read a report that said "they were BOTH holding A HAMMER"...like just one hammer (?).


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That is the problem caused by reliance on only one source in the mainstream media.

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Oct 29, 2022ยทedited Oct 29, 2022

Aerial shots of the home show a smashed window that supposedly the intruder broke to gain access. However, it's obvious to anyone with half a brain that the glass fragments are all over the place on the outside of the house, it was clearly broken from inside.

Who knows what the actual story is but the official narrative is obviously a lie (frankly what isn't these days?). Pelosi and her PR-flacks made it worse by spinning BS and demanding their "privacy" be respected. They would have been better off saying nothing.

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It was created to give Biden an excuse to act like a demented moron in public again.

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Something about this story smells. Mainly by the fact the Dem Party and MSM are trying so hard to spin this as โ€œright wingโ€. Which for Berkeley/San Francisco area, I find to be a biiiittt of a stretch. 911 call been released yet? You canโ€™t tell me they donโ€™t have exterior (covering all point of entry/exit) and probably interior security cameras. Release them. And, how can someone with the political and financial influence he(they) have not have armed security?? In one of the worst crime ridden cities in CA.

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Am I the only one who recalls that Pelosi authorized/funded (details escape me) Capitol Police to open offices in NYC and SF, in the wake of 6J? Can someone who knows about this stuff please explain how CP got involved so quickly; is that ordinary when a Congressional member's family is threatened?

One more thing REALLY bothers me about the responses I have seen on the topic, especially from the GOP politicians: not ONE WORD about MTG having been swatted at least 6 times.

And because there are a bunch of smart people and maybe some investigators on this stack, I digress: somebody should be digging into the HHS Secretary, a member of the "pipeline from CA to DC". Just sayin', as a resident of the CS of CA when he was AG...Interesting nothing done yet.

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Do the details escape the Internet or are they completely subject to the revisionism of Wikipedia?

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I'd like to hear the testimony of the absent security force of the gated community.

While the Pelosis live in "one of the worst crime ridden cities in CA," they do not live in the precinct that she represents, which has no gated communities. If she had been in "one of the worst crime ridden cities in CA" instead of in Washington D.C., her Capitol Police security team would have been on the scene.

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And he was quoted as saying "this is MAGA country!"

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By whom?

Subsequent news reports have avoided mentioning his mental health issues.

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I made that up. The whole mess feels like that Smollet "attack".

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Everything feels like you made it up.

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False Flag or False Fa . . . oh, I better not!

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Somebody just said that on the war room stream!!!

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Also, remember that Idaho GOP Senator who had the "wide stance" when he used airport toilets? ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰

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Eww ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

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I wonder how they can somehow tie this all back to conservatives haha like maybe it was an actual raid on his home by a guy hammer drawn to find sensitive documents. Maybe his homosexual lover is a Canadian spyโ€ฆ where did they find the hammers in a home where I am certain they do not do one lick of manual labour haha

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More importantly was he vaccinated? ๐Ÿ˜„

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For Monkeypox?

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Lol. Covid and monkeypox. Can't be too careful. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜„

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Yes, it could have been much worse.

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As a Canadian, I find the suggestion that we have spies utterly preposterous.

I mean, who would they report back to? Not like there is much going on up here...๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช

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I was going to suggest that there's no such thing as a Canadian spy but๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ now we know ๐Ÿคฃ

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THAT story just got a LOT more interesting. Thanks Jeff !

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Nancy or the nudist? Paul chose right - the nudist. ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

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If he is a nudist, why did he have his underwear on?

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I used one of his preferred pronouns which is nudist. ๐Ÿ˜‰ lol

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Elder abuse is something committed by someone in a position of trusted care, not someone who broke in and assaulted an elder.

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The Gateway Pundit banned me after I'd informed the ignorance and stupidity of too many of their suckers to allow me to continue in that vein.

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Dang it Jeff. I am so hungry this morning. (I get up when I feel like it because I married well)

I was about to fry up my usual 5 eggs when I saw that your email had just come in.

Eat or read...eat or read...Dammit all....Read.

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I got up, flipped open the computer and my husband brought me a coffee and muffin and said "CnC is a long one today. He wrote about the FL ballot harvesting. You will need nourishment." then he left to go have some fun.

I too married well.

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I think you may have married weller than I did. My wife leaves early to go do stuff because she has a life. She told me I should try it, I'll like it. HA...I know all about that saying. It's similar to the one...Hey, pull my finger.

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Now THAT is a keeper!! ๐Ÿ˜

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Hey, youโ€™ve been wanting to start that Intermittent Fasting thing, anyway!

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Actually I have been thinking about doing that. It's # 94 on my list of things to do. Currently I'm on # 15. And it took me 2 years to get that far.

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C&C = IF for the win!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I loved the satire song. โค All the words were spot on! And this anti-narrative is getting out. I had another client call and asked me questions and what sites I get my news. Of course I gave him the link to Coffee & Covid. ๐Ÿ™‚ He said he doesn't want to get fooled again. Yayy! Waking up one at a time. Be there for them. God bless you all โค๏ธ ๐Ÿ™

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Yes!! So encouraging!!

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I just watched Ann Coulter's latest Substack. She said that the changed rules for Pennsylvania in 2020 are still in place. If so... we should just assume Fetterman is winning regardless. I hate to be a downer, but I still relive the pain of seeing Trump up by 700K votes on election night and watching it evaporate after days of ballots rolled in after the election with unmatched signatures.

I have never wanted to be so wrong about anything as I am this.

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Well actually the courts just ruled PA cannot count undated ballots, which they did in 2020. In fact, they counted everything that should have been disallowed, in 2020. So they've already got 640,000 ballots, mailed in before the debate debacle. Who knows what they will actually allow behind closed doors. They are already saying don't expect to know on election night. https://www.pennlive.com/elections/2022/10/why-results-might-not-be-known-on-election-day.html (Mind you, this is PA's WaPo.)

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The courts said that but the PA election board is saying they will count all ballots no matter what- dated or not, so I agree that Fetterman may "win" in a landslide.

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Does Ann Coulter require her commenters to pay for the privilege?

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Oct 29, 2022ยทedited Oct 29, 2022

First it's an idea, then it's a movement, then it's a business, then it's a scam. Supposedly charging people for the "privilege" to comment improves comment quality (the fact that it fills the posters pockets is purely coincidental).

Take Berenson as an example. His Substack says "tens of thousands of paid subscribers", if you do the math on that it's pretty eye opening. Subscription is $5/month and Substack's website says the author gets around 80% of it. So that's $4 times 20,000 ("tens" of thousands) = 80 grand per month!! Yet Berenson is supposedly too poor to sue Twitter on his own and has to beg for funds from readers, while then settling with Twitter in secret. If you challenge him on it he threatens to sue like he did to Jordan Schachtel.

Wake up people, you are being used. When you comment on a post you are providing content that draws eyeballs to the site. Doing that for free is bad enough, but paying for the privilege? Absurd.

I'm a paid subscriber here because some kind soul gifted me a subscription, but even if that had not happened I might consider it. The reason is because Jeff operates this Substack as an informative public service, not as some racket hawking paid subscriptions. Jeff actually has a day job and this is a hobby. Not so for many of these supposed "influencers" as this is their hustle.

UPDATE: Oh my, about an hour after posting this I got an email allegedly from "Alex Berenson at Unreported Truths" titled "you're on the list!!" that said:

"Thanks for joining the Unreported Truths crew! I hope youโ€™ll spread the word - on Twitter, Facebook, and just to friends. And if you decide to become a paid subscriberโ€ฆ I wonโ€™t say no. Either way, glad to have you"

LOL, you can't make this stuff up. I've never subscribed to AB either paid or unpaid, have never before received an email, but have commented there in the past. You have to admire his chutzpah.

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My subscription here preceded an avalanche of mandatory subscription to comment launches. This site has never required a subscription to comment, my primary reason for being here. Jeff has even thanked me for being here, the only host who has. Dr. Alexander has responded onsite to questions I've asked him thereon...

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I appreciate that very much as well.

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I don't how this devolved into paying vs. non paying... my concern is that apparently we are watching PA get taken from us again and nothing will happen. I was just wondering if this was actually true or not. If it is, I can't believe that state stunts like this can continue to happen.

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Oct 29, 2022ยทedited Oct 29, 2022

Maybe charging people to comment would help keep them on topic...

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I doubt it. I tried to like Emeraldโ€™s substack, but she comes across as a huckster when she wonโ€™t allow comments from unpaid subscribers. She may have taken a huge cut in pay after getting fired from Newsmax, but thatโ€™s not good enough excuse.

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If it wouldn't drive them off the platform.

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They say they won't have numbers out of PA until Friday or the weekend... It means they will drag Fetterman over the finish line just to make a point that its useless to vote against the machine.... And like you said, nothing will happen beyond sternly worded letters from the GOP and Tucker talking about it...

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I was listening to Baris and Barnes the other day and they believe that generally the red wave will be outside the margin of fraud (generally a point or two, maybe a little more in 2020). However, they are specifically concerned about PA and NV, two states that are closely split D to R, have horrible voting laws and administration, and had the worst evidence of fraud in 2020. Fetterman may lose anyway because he is so uniquely unfit but the governor may be lost to fraud (and having Mastriano in would be way more valuable than having OZ, sadly).

If Fetterman wins, it would suck, but I'm sure Republicans will take the senate, so it may not matter in short term.

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They say they won't have numbers out of PA until Friday or the weekend... It means they will drag Fetterman over the finish line just to make a point that its useless to vote against the machine....

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1) I don't see how someone can add you as a free subscriber without having your email address... unless you hit the wrong button at some point (I don't use the app) or are lying, this makes NO sense...

2) FYI: On Substack, every post has a setting when it comes time to publish:

"This post is for...


Paid subscribers only


Founding members only

Free subscribers only"


"Allow comments fromโ€ฆ

Paid subscribers only

No one (disable comments)"

I think there is also a DEFAULT setting somewhere in the settings for all posts...

When you ONLY allow paid subscribers to comment, you create the same sort of echo chamber the left dwells in and I find it annoying plus you cannot get feedback from readers who might otherwise subscribe... To Alex's credit, he has a mix of posts where non-payees can subscribe. HOWEVER, Malone is another one who never allows non-payers to comment... Same with practically all the Leftists (not that many) or Neocons who have Substacks...

3) Substack sometimes makes minor tweaks at the backend e.g. they have given more options regarding who a post is for...

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The more Malone diverges from his original subjects, the less believable he becomes.

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Yep, I've had a bad vibe about Malone for a while now in spite of his great work in exposing this (the same can be said about Berenson). I'm a capitalist and believe people should be paid for their work. However, when people adopt an idealistic cause, and then turn it into a way to line their pockets, it sets off huge warning signs. That's one of the things I love about Igor Chudov who wont even allow paid subscriptions for this reason.

Remember how AB attacked Malone seemingly out of the blue on some TV show awhile back? My suspicion is it happened not because he thought Malone was wrong, but because he viewed Malone as a competitor. FUD is the oldest trick in the book.

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Yes, same. I am free subscriber but don't read every post. He seems to spend a lot of time on 'hey look at me' kind of posts, I dunno, just something about him I just don't trust.

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I checked and I wasn't added as a free subscriber (or a paid one for that matter). I suspect whoever runs AB's substack sent it out as a blast to anyone who has commented there. Did anyone else get it who isn't a subscriber?

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Substack's major distinguishing characteristic, in my experience, is its extremely slow response rate coupled with the lack of a subroutine to auto-delete the inevitable posting duplication.

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Hmmm very odd - I have no idea how that could be done or have happened - unless by Substack itself? Do you use the app?

I do know if you subscribe to someone's substack who has recommendation for others, you better decline or make sure boxes are not auto checked so that you are not signed up... Have no idea how any app works...

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Here's an indicator what the truth is: When there is a landslide of mantras and propaganda of the opposite position. If you find yourself repeating "phrases" that is a clue. *Also I am adding responses to the list. This would make a great book.

Safe and Effective

Secure and honest elections

2 weeks to stop the spread

Flatten the curve

It's not for you, it's for everyone around you

Stay home/stay safe

Mostly peaceful protests

Pandemic of the Unvaccinated

Fact Checkers

Department Of Justice

Inflation Reduction Act

It's strange when our fiction gives us a better indicator of truth than reality.

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And I would add: "Essential and Non-essential business." Still lost on that one.

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Yep, that was my favorite. And not just businessesโ€ฆpeople. Lots of people were deemed non-essential. The whole thing was just sick and wrong.

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Yesterday's fiction is today's reality.

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And it's sad that so many of us fell for it. I would also say that there are many other fictions before the pandemic that I fell for as well, I'd be the first to concede this.

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Department of Justice......A monstrous misnomer.

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More like the Department of Just-Us.

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The US InJustice system.

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Inflation Reduction Act

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Department of Misinformation

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"Our Democracy" or any reference to the word

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Glad I found your substack. Interesting and entertaining round ups of important info!

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Pray for me- my husband thinks the pelosi story is exactly how they say it is on CNN!! He thinks Iโ€™m crazy for questioning it. Sometimes I wonder who I married. (Iโ€™m sure he feels the same)

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Your hub sounds like someone I know of who thinks that any news about c19 or the jabs comes from the 6:00 p.m. national news from the three letter networks. Has no idea about anything beyond that and thinks that anyone who sees beyond what he sees is some kind of conspiracy theorist. Sad

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He knows the jabs are garbage, but still thinks it was an accident from a bat eaten in the market! Iโ€™m flabbergasted.

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

That creepy clown scared me and violated my sacred right to a safe space. I was literally shaking. Iโ€™ll be lodging a complaint with whoever your supervisor is.

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Lol I thought of the clown phobics when I saw that photo at the top. (I know your comment was clearly tongue in cheek though). At least he didnโ€™t put up a picture of Nancy Pelosi, which would have been infinitely more frightening!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

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Jeff has mentioned his "supervisor" once or twice...but right now I can't remember HER name.

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You mean Michelle? ๐Ÿ˜

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

โ€œUnsafe! Reading the story could tear your corneal retina or infect you with badthink or something, who knows.โ€

So dangerous!! ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜‚

โ€œBest and brightest!โ€

Thanks, foreign policy โ€œexpertsโ€! ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜ 

The Pelosi thing reminded me of Jussie Smollett when I read about it. The immediate blaming of Republicans and โ€œright wing extremistsโ€ as well as the weird situation with suspicious elements. Something fishy with all of this.

I found the excerpt of the hearings on trans medical procedures for kids so heartbreaking, it actually brought tears to my eyes ๐Ÿ˜ข It is criminal and vile that these poor kids have been used to further an agenda with zero regard for their health, safety and bodily integrity ๐Ÿ˜ž

โ€œ โ€œWhy is a mental health epidemic not being addressed with mental health treatment to get at the root causes for why female adolescents like me want to reject their bodies?โ€ Cole asked the panel.

โ€œMy breasts were beautiful, now theyโ€™ve been incinerated, for nothing,โ€ she added, sadly.โ€


The humorous end of this very sad segment was a welcome counterpoint, kept me from bawling my eyes out โ€”

โ€œthe activists ritually castrated themselves in front of the building using replicas of Donald Trumpโ€™s presidential letter opener.โ€


Thank you Jeff for the transcription at the end, I didnโ€™t feel like listening to it, so it was great to be able to just read the words. Very powerful and filled with righteous anger. It seems like more and more people are finally โ€œgetting it.โ€

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A la Jussie S, I believe the "intruder" called out "This is MAGA country".

Like Smollet, this "attack"was in the middle of the night, in a Dem stronghold. . . Also, no word on whether Mr Nancy was in bed when the "attack" took place, and where the fresh hell did that hammer that both men were holding come from?

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It appears the brilliant and brave Dr. Peter McCullough was stripped of his board certifications in Internal Medicine and Cardiology after decades of perfect clinical performance, board scores, and hundreds of peer reviewed publications. Is there any legal recourse for him Jeff??

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These doctors are incredible heroes in my book. They are literally losing everything in order to stand up for what is right. I wish that everyone had this courage and fortitude!!

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I'm not Jeff, but from the very beginning of this shitshow. . .My response to the rumors of fines, of licenses pulled, of jail times if one didn't comply, had been "can you show me the municipal codes that delineate the code number and what the potential punishment could be", and I never got an answer because THERE ISN'T ANY.

The fear campaign has been fueled and perpetuated by the army of the gullible and the fearful. The "I heard" and "my buddy told me".

No one has ever understood that, even if the misguided sheriffs and public health officials imposed fines or "keep closed" orders and even enforced them, the owners and individuals WOULD and COULD seek legal remedy.

I would always tell fearful folks "Hey, it's not like they're going to take you out behind the building and shoot you'.

They don't want to ring up your purchase? Go somewhere else. But REMEMBER that company that didn't want your business.

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I love it when Google hears me laughing out loud at your substack. Thank you!

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It sounds like Jeff might be getting ready for an election reform campaign! :)


๐Ÿ’ก You know, maybe we should talk about this whole mail-in ballot thing some more. Maybe we should consider going back to limiting them only to overseas and military folks. Just saying. Donโ€™t cancel me. Iโ€™m not denying any elections or anything. Not yet.

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Yeah but the blue states that SWEAR thereโ€™s no election fraud have little desire to tighten it up and remove any doubt. I would accuse them of wanting to cheat straight up. All of them. Anyone that doesnโ€™t want checks & balances in place for voting or numbered ballots w/watermarks. And these things btw have nothing to do with the voterโ€™s access to vote - itโ€™s simply the admin part.

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Michael Shellenberger is a real journalist. Here's his account of DePape, the guy who took a hammer to Paul Pelosi.


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That article displays every incentive a normal and moral human family needs, to inspire their move OUT of California and INTO Florida (or Alabama, or Montana).

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Oct 29, 2022ยทedited Oct 29, 2022

Soi-disant link health inspector here: looks like yours has sprouted an extravagant tail. Chop it off at ?, it's safe & effective ๐Ÿ˜‰ โ†“โ†“



PS Wonโ€™t liberate the paywalled section though; though a browser add-on would ๐Ÿ˜‡

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Nicely put. I had to look up Soi-disant. Chop it off!

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Glad to serve! You *have* to radiate authority to engender submission ๐Ÿ˜‡ Looks is all that ever matters ๐Ÿคธ

Looks like doesn't work too well though ๐Ÿ˜ญ

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Does Michael Shellenberger require his commenters to pay for the privilege?

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Your point?

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Having to Pay to comment obviously is Un-demoncratic, Comrade. Writers have that option on their material. Personally I like to comment freely and to pay as I see fit.

I would probably pay to comment here, but I'm retired on SS and prefer to watch my budget closely. Not complaining either, Quite Happy!

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I'd love to thank Edward Snowden for his service to our republic, but I'll not pay for the privilege.

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It is a question, not a statement of fact.

Those on substack who trap people into subscriptions that cannot be cancelled without telling them they can't comment unless they pay are First Amendment haters par excellence.

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I can't cancel my substack payments ?

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I have yet to find an unsubscribe button on any of the must pay to comment forums.

Occasionally they appear off-forum, and I've used them when they did.

There should be a clear disclaimer on the subscribe buttons.

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Vonu, I can go on Substack and cancel all of my subscriptions at one time. You are uninformed.

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You are confusing payments with subscriptions.

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Tell Emerald that!

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Emerald who?

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Emerald Robinsonโ€™s The Right Way. Sheโ€™s the reporter who was fired from Newsmax for not getting the vax, and maybe her outspoken views on it as well. She does seem to be a gutsy reporter that I could often agreed with, but itโ€™s disappointing that she doesnโ€™t allow unpaid subscribers to comment. The same for Dr. Robert Malone.

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I disagree.

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โ€œI disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say itโ€ is said to have come from Voltaire. It is not from Voltaire, the 18th-century philosopher, but it was a paraphrase from a biographer named Evelyn Beatrice Hall of what she thought Voltaire was thinking.

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Take your trolling somewhere else.

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โ€œI disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say itโ€ is said to have come from Voltaire. It is not from Voltaire, the 18th-century philosopher, but it was a paraphrase from a biographer named Evelyn Beatrice Hall of what she thought Voltaire was thinking.

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I always look forward to & enjoy your emails. I admire your intelligence & humor & respect u. I do have to call your attention to the idea that mail in ballots should be considered to be restricted to military personnel--unfortunately there is a mentality in this previously prosperous nation that everybody is well off which is is a sad delusion. I am guessing millions of people are poor & lacking in basic needs--I for one lost my car in an accident 3 years ago & was not able to buy another. Between not having a car & my health not being adequate to standing in line waiting to vote I am dependent on being able to use mail in voting & I suspect many elderly or disabled are in the same pickle. The shame is in not being able to trust our voting processes whatever the form it is excercized.

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There should be provisions for situations like yours, but universal mail-in ballots is not the solution. It is obviously and unequivocly frought with corruption.

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Mail-in or in-"person" doesn't matter if the registration rolls are not cleaned up! Too many dead people and non-residents (and even non-citizens!) "voting"; And also the electronic tabulation machines have to GO! There needs to be an auditable PAPER trail for every election.

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๐Ÿ—จ standing in line waiting to vote

Why THIS โ†‘โ†‘ is considered normal, ffs? The richest state on earth cannot afford an adequate number of polling stations equipped with an adequate number of voting booths?! ๐Ÿคฌ Clearly our democracyโ„ข doesn't depend on streamlined voting procedure ๐Ÿ˜

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Well according to the BBC radio bulletin at 7 am Paul Pelosi was attacked by someone connected to anti vaccine conspiracy types and it's all Trump's fault. I reached for the off switch and went to fetch the cat for a cuddle. Much more worthwhile.

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