Oct 26, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Iā€™m concerned for Danielle Smith. She may be Hillaried very soon. She is speaking alot of uncomfortable truths for the WEF

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We must support those brave leaders willing to speak. We too must speak. The more people spreading the truth makes it possible for leaders to stand up and say, enough! Finally, the more people standing up in support make it less likely to get Hillaried.

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I just finished reading an inspiring book on this subject, "Live not by Lies, a Manual for Christian Dissidents" by Rod Dreher. I highly recommend it.

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Another read for Christians: ā€œLetter to the American Churchā€ by Eric Metasxas. You will be nodding your head, and preparing to get in your car and go visit your pastor.

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Another great reference. Eric Metaxas' biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer is yet another must-read: https://ericmetaxas.com/books/bonhoeffer-pastor-martyr-prophet-spy/

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He will shortly have one out on Martin Luther. He talked about it on Takeaways with Kirk Cameron.

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Hi Laurie, Is he writing another one? He has a book on Martin Luther from 2017.

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Yes, indeed. Itā€™s on my wish list in Audible.

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Great reference. Rod's book remains a must-read.

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Just purchased, thanks for the recommendation.

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Yes to all the books. I use that "live not by lies' line often.

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I know. After I read those stories about her courageous and bold statements, I prayed for her protection, as we all should.

The folks who write about totalitarianism, Desmett and Rod Draher come to mind, say we must SPEAK TRUTH. The totalitarians use audible words to control and produce fear. We must use audible words to combat them.

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There is protection in the fact she is speaking out. If they touch her then she becomes more of a problem for the WEF. Itā€™s more likely they will try to defame her. This is what cowards do.

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She did say as long as they brag about pols. that they control. Does this mean that if they don't brag she will support WEF? Just asking

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I also wondered about that phrasing.

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Me too!

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Me, too!

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Someone has to pull up big girl pants and do it. It starts with one others will support. Bravo to her for being a strong independent minded woman!

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And don't order them on Amazon. Who here is selling big girl panties? Are they available in the C&C store?

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All big girls panties made in China. Haha. Good luck finding panties made in the US.

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Yeah China doesnā€™t have big girl panties. Have you seen their sizing for womenā€™s clothes?? šŸ˜±

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I don't know. . . While cleaning out my mother's house I found an old pair of American made size 60 panties! She was not nearly that large and she was not one to put on big girl panties and speak out on anything important. She was a hoarder, however. šŸ¤£šŸ¤·

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I think size 60 comes with its own zip code.

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Hahahahahaha! There was that time when a circus was in town and an elephant escaped, came walking through her yard and scared her into the chicken house. Maybe the panties belonged to the fat lady at the circus.

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There will be more ā€œleadersā€ doing the same thing as they wake up and realise, they are screwed if they continue to comply with e the wefšŸ’–

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Maybe AZ new governor?

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That thought crossed my mind as well.

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Many African leaders took her stance and they are no longer living.

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Sheā€™s certainly not going to get anything from Santa ā€œKlausā€ for Christmas this year except maybe some coal, which of course she could/would gladly send to Europe to help them heat their homes.

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We are so hopeful she is not just talking it appears as tho there is action behind her wordsā€¦ in other words her speech and actions match..

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Arkancide in Alberta?

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I would be a lot more concerned if she wasn't speaking up, she was elected to speak up, if she didn't speak up we would be back to same place we started before the election.

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Praying for this heroā€¦May God protect and keep Danielle Smith so she can continue to speak the truth. šŸ™šŸ»

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Oct 26, 2022Ā·edited Oct 26, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

True story: Heard on a local radio station (according to a study funded by an unknown source) that the "worse your reaction to the shots the better they're working"..................can't get it if you're dead. Semantics, but still a dishonestly true statement. I suppose we can file this under "massaging the language."

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

And the covidiots believe it. I am surrounded by them, they are all getting sick right now, still testing for covid, and they are thankful they're vaxxed and boostered because it could have been much worse. šŸ˜³Meanwhile as the only unvaxxed I am not sick at all. Hmmm šŸ¤” shouldn't I be dead as it is the pandemic for the unvaxxed? Corn pop said so. šŸ˜‰šŸ˜„

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I (not vaxxed) got covided by a person who was vaxxed boosted and tested negative three times. Took ivermc and was fine in 4 days. So much for the test and vaxx. Why is it called a vaxx?

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Oct 26, 2022Ā·edited Oct 26, 2022

They call it a V because they changed the definition at the beginning of the hoax. Same with herd immunity. I think it was James Lindsay who said of the Left that we share the same alphabet but not the same dictionary. Remember that the next time something doesnā€™t make sense.

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We don't share a lot with the left, thank God šŸ™

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Good phrase. Worth remembering.

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To get people to take it. Don't think gene therapy would be to appealing.

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Not only take it, but gladly force others to.

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Slang abbreviation for vaccine.

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that's not what I meant. although I can see why you responded that way. a vaccine, by the original definition, protects from illness and prevents transmission. this particular "vaccine" does not do any of that! which is why I questioned why its called a "vaxx".

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So true. It's also biologically different. Previous vaccines use part or whole virus (live or dead) and an adjuvant. These shots are transfections, they hijack the body's cellular machinery to force it to manufacture the viral protein. It's not even a fair comparison. These transfections/shots are very good at driving a strong antibody response which makes for a great selling point. Unfortunately, that's contrary to the body's natural inclination to save its humoral response as the last resort against a respiratory infection.

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Your point has to be made again and again. And again, it is the whole reason why alarm bells went off in my head the very second I saw the designations 'mRNA' and 'nanolipid particulate'. And later 'graphene' which I learned had 'electromagnetic conductivity' properties.

Thus, not a vaccine. Instead an advertised fraud to some other purpose.

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The CDC actually changed the definition mid pandemic because people were beginning to question and say these very points.

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All true, but then, TPTB can change definitions at will, and they do. Words can mean whatever they want them to mean at any given moment.

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Most vaccines no longer work like they used to... and that Flu jab is useless!

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I use it to denote the fact that it is not by definition an vaccine....

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It is called a VAX so it will be liability shielded

It is called a VAX so it can be recommended as if itā€™s a blessing and protection

It is called a VAX because those who manufacture it are beholden to the father of liesļæ¼ļæ¼ļæ¼

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I wonder if the cycles needed to test positive are reduced for the previously vaxxed. I hear a lot of "tested negative" amongst my very sick friends.

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You would think they would see logic. Itā€™s truly amazing!!!!

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Either fear or spike has disabled the logic portion of their brain, or maybe they are just stupid and arrogant. Lol Bless their hearts.

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I like to tell them "You're letting the media live rent free in your head." Also, I'm fond of the term: "Research challenged."

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I like that. Iā€™m going to start saying that!

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Lol. Youā€™re right. Iā€™m gonna start saying that from now onšŸ’œ. Tysvm for the saying!

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Bless your (his, her) heart is perfect for all occasions. It can be genuine or sarcastic!

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Logic must be surrendered in order to be a member of a cult.

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Remind all of them, omicron is a nothing burger.

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Oct 26, 2022Ā·edited Oct 26, 2022

And a recent study by Stanford's John Ioannidis and others says that even the original virus was a nothing burger for the vast majority. By simply looking around me in early 2020, I knew that to be the case.


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It should be drummed night and day that something from which 99.6% of people get over naturally CANNOT possibly be a pandemic. And by the way, where was flu season in 2020 to 2022? Just disappeared into the magicians hat!

This whole thing has been psychotically nuts from the get go.

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Not worth the effort and it would not change their beliefs.

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Watch out you don't get 'shed upon'.

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I already take supplements and nasal spray etc to combat shedding. Windows open in my office etc. For fresh air. Wash my hands a lot. I have to admit that keeping myself healthy besides for obvious reasons- I do it as a counter to their sickness. They notice I am alive and well without their precious shots. šŸ˜‰šŸ˜

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I'm concerned about shedding too. But I haven't found much info on it. Is there a good study that I could read to learn more?

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L1 - this is something that Iā€™ve been keeping my eye out for, any studies or information coming down the pike. I saw in a video where Dr. McCullough said that it was possible and the language in Pfizerā€™s documents certainly reads that it can happen but, Dr. McCullough also said that there hadnā€™t been proper studies or documented cases studies put together as of yet. Iā€™m talking specifically about cases of unvaccinated people getting symptoms or worsening of current medical conditions from being around vaccinated individuals because that is what happened to me. I have Mast cell disorder and live in same household as my mother. After she got her initial series in March/April 2021, I started having the worst flare Iā€™ve ever had in my life and was covered in severe hives from end of April to December. Due to living with this disorder for so long, Iā€™m extremely hyper vigilant with foods, products, my environment in general and I had not had any changes or triggers that could have caused this flare and nothing like this had ever happened with my disease previously. It was a nightmare because, when my MCAS flares, so does my POTS. So suffice it to say, Iā€™m still always keen to see if this research/theory ever pans out, and was also very glad my mother decided not to get anymore shots!

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Not anymore concerned about shedding than covid.....still a non issue....

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Agreed. This truth makes me so sad for my friends and coworkers who are rolling up their selves still thinking the vaccine is the answer or proud that it proves they ā€œbelieve in scienceā€. Now they are all getting sick, their kids are getting sick and staying home from school and they still believe that wearing masks makes a difference, etc. Meanwhile Iā€™m unvaccinated and not getting sick at all.

Iā€™m also grieved that the hospital system I work for is spreading the lie to their staff and the public that masks work and everyone should get vaccinated or boosted to save themselves and grandma. Iā€™m only still in my job at this hospital because I got a religious exemption. I know the truth and cannot stand by and watch these people falling into sickness - a sickness they are ignorantly imposing on themselves through this vaccine, believing in good faith that they are being told the truth by the CDC! - so I mention truth as often as I can as much as theyā€™ll listen. I share about early treatment options and the importance of building up their immune systems and share studies Jeff points out here to help them get access to the information that has been censored. It is so upsetting that this hospital system is on board with the main stream, and itā€™s only harming people. They just bought several hospitals in Florida too, so it will be fun to watch them try to apply the rules there under the recent health dept advisement. I sincerely hope my colleagues get awakened by the truth coming out of Florida.

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I hear people saying things like this too and it just blows my mind šŸ˜³

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Tell that to this poor man whose wife is dying, after developing jakob creutzfeldt disease after her second Moderna shot. No doctor will acknowledge that this formerly active, healthy 58 year old woman could have been harmed by the shots. https://rumble.com/v1pvgao-richard-pottorffs-wife-came-down-with-cjd-a-fatal-prion-disease-a-week-afte.html?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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And she took it to protect her mother. So sad. I saw a womanā€™s post on Died Suddenly yesterday whose 18 year old daughter died this September. She said she knew nothing about any side effects until after her daughter died. She had her daughter cremated and I guess then she started looking into the shots. She wants to know if thereā€™s anything to do. I donā€™t know how you can not have heard about adverse events as of now, but Iā€™ll bet a lot of people still havenā€™t.

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I think itā€™s the same as that so many of us had not heard about adverse events from the routine childhood shots either. We didnā€™t care to listen. We didnā€™t care to look. We assumed that the ā€œextremely rareā€ deaths were still fewer than the deaths that would occur without the shots. We dismissed the parents of autistic kids as just being desperate to blame *something* for what in reality was genetic or random bad luck.

Now, I see vaccine injured kids everywhere I go. And vaccine injured grownups too. Why DO we have so many elderly with dementia? Maybe, just maybe, itā€™s all the fake food (veg oils, highly processed grains and sugars, fake sugars) we have been told is safe and effective combined with all the new jabs they foist on our vulnerable elders. How many are there now? Pneumonia, shingles, tetanus, flu,.....


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Spot on...I didn't start taking supplements and trying to eat organic until my 40's. Imagine how healthy all of us would be if we lived off the land as was intended.

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You do know TPTB are trying (and succeeding) to kill us, right????

I threw away my shampoo yesterday. Benzene (carcinogen) is in the ingredients.

I was in the hospital for 3 days in August to have cancer removed. Iā€™m diligent about EVERYTHING...now.

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A friendā€™s (a nurse) son had a reaction to a vaccine in 1982. It was the dpt shot or whatever the one was at the time. She still got shots for him , but left out the pertussis. I sort of knew vaccines could harm you , but not enough to not give them to my child. Iā€™ll never forget not being able to move my arm for days after my school shots b

Iā€™m hoping none of my family takes anymore vaccines! Iā€™ll make an exception for rabies if needed because thatā€™s a sure death anyway.

My friendā€™s husband ended up in the hospital after his covid shot with a severe allergic reaction.

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Vaccine injuries from the older vaccines were ā€œrareā€ enough for lies to win out. However, some of us have long suspected that the horrible autism rates are related to childhood vaccines, the last time I heard a stat, it was 1 in 8 boys develop autism. How can that be kept in the dark? How can people be so gullible and naive?

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Certainly there is not one single answer.

Partly, I think people, especially younger generations (50 and below, maybe?), think that this is how itā€™s always been. They donā€™t realize (those currently in their 20s-30s) that there used to be a time when there were only a couple of ā€œweirdā€ kids in a school, let alone in a class. Now, every classroom has multiple atypical kids: autism, sensory processing problems, learning quirks, ADD, etc. Folks older than that just havenā€™t been reflective enough to see the change.

Ditto for all the food and environmental allergies that have blossomed among us over the last 30 years. And the list goes on.

I never knew that SIDS was at one time not a thing. Did you? Apparently it started happening in the 70s?? Or before? Donā€™t know details, but it was not a normal misfortune. SOMETHING caused it.

Just like now with SADS.


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I've been thinking about the SIDS thing a lot, too. When I was young, back in the 60s, my cousin's baby girl died of SIDS. Now I wonder if she had just gotten some kind of vaccine. All these years later, I still remember seeing her in the casket, looking so beautiful, as though she was just sleeping.

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Very good insight. When I taught junior high art in the early 80ā€™s, there were only 8 kids enrolled in special ed in the whole school, and of course they shuffled them through my classes because it was art, art is good for all kids, right? šŸ¤£

Only one was scary violent, and it was only one incident. All the others were just weird or way behind the other kids. (There was one kid muscular dystrophy but he couldnā€™t do art).

Of course there was nothing in college classes about special needs, hope there is now.

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Yes, let's hope the world wakes up before SADS becomes normalized.

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For those of us old enough, I blame the tv show, MARCUS WELBY, MD.

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There are scores of books youā€™d live and really glean from. Start with MOTH in the IRON LUNG or DISSOLVING ILLUSIONS.

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The media is counting on the fact that people don't have the time, or don't take the time, or don't care enough to look at the data being sent out daily now. They genuinely think that SADS is a new phenomena and not related at all to the vax.

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Brian, editor of the Covid Blog and founder of Covid Legal does a great job of keeping track and providing detailed information about sudden deaths and here's a link for his most recent blog (which includes videos of one man who died while using a gaming app and another who had a heart attack while driving a bus). These detailed stories are more poignant and compelling than brief statements about a sudden death. https://thecovidblog.com/2022/10/11/biden-nuclear-technoblade-vaxxident-on-tape-20-more-sudden-deaths/

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So true. Also, we should be encouraging everyone who got the shot - to take aspirin prophylactic- unless contraindicated gi bleed etc

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I understand your point about aspirin as a blood thinner but caution that, apart from contraindications as you acknowledge, one size does not fit all.

Itā€™s complicated isnā€™t it?

Canā€™t go to your allopathic doc to discuss why (vx related concerns, something they donā€™t acknowledge) and have baseline bloodwork -in the unlikely circumstance the doc agrees to your use and to monitor you over time. Yadda.

One has to educate oneself. This is the reality going forward for perhaps even beyond the foreseeable future.

Caution. We, too, looking out for each other are bound by something moral to first, do no harm.


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They are in denial. With so many people, just on Twitter, screaming about jab injuries, there are people who strongly believe that the vax is ā€œsafe and effectiveā€ and still think the vax is protecting them from getting Covid, from being hospitalized, and from dying. Itā€™s amazing how many are still so blind.

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Brainwashed by a complicit media...and doctors...and pastors!!

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Oct 26, 2022Ā·edited Oct 27, 2022

Doctors are the very worst of that group...as recent polls show, very few people trust the media, and Pastors...well they should've known better. But doctors! you know...TRUST, and ASK your doctor! The bywords which have made them the experts and authorities on all things medical for far too long! That's slowly changing as more people wake up and realize they've been lied to in the worst possible way.

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I just saw a friend of mine post about getting her co-valent shot and felt sad šŸ˜ž I donā€™t understand why some people still have no skepticism whatsoever about getting these jabs.

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And sad and scary.

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Ironically, I just now saw a response on FB from a man who called me a "denialist" because I said the shots are harming people. That has been debunked by fact checkers, he said.

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Encourage him to get all and every shots. Make the world a better place.

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There is a certain irony in all of this. And yes, get all the shots he can for perfect protection, safety and wondrous virtue signalling. The irony, of course, is that if 'they' are so perfectly protected, they shouldn't be worrying frantically about all of us 'deniers'.

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I feel bad about laughing at this but itā€™s becoming the standard response to these people. I donā€™t wish harm on others but Iā€™m not going to stop someone if theyā€™re willing to harm themselves with this poison. Unless itā€™s a family member or friend.

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Look it totally sucks and I stand to loose friends and family in the near term, but I cannot say I didn't try...

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I donā€™t laugh (mostlyā€”I reserve that for the most arrogant and vile pro jabbers) as much as I feel resigned and fatalistic about what is likely to happen to them šŸ˜•

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Everyone is somebodyā€™s family or friend.

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A lot of people either live in a news vacuum or catch snippets of news from the worse than useless MSM. I have a very good friend in this category. No doubt, it is distressing and they just donā€™t want to deal with it.

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The latter is a huge problem. People are just wishing it would all go away. They don't realize we're in a digital war. It's someone else's problem.

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Oct 26, 2022Ā·edited Oct 26, 2022

My friends older relative (in their 70's) came down with a sudden case of "dementia", and was dead within two months after a rapid decline. The doctors were baffled. Another friends father in law developed the same thing, and was dead in two weeks, the "experts" called it rabies, because he'd had a bat in his house 6 months prior. I immediately suspected CJ after reading about the link between MRNA vaccines and this prion disease. I am one person in a rural community who knows personally two families who, potentially, have experienced this extremely rare disease.

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I am heartbroken and angry.

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Itā€™s really incredibly infuriating and terribly sad all at the same time šŸ™

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We need to discuss the definition of "healthy" in more holistic terms, mind, body, spirit. I don't think her trust in the Science and Safe & Effective propaganda was healthy at all.

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Youā€™ll want to read Steve Kirschā€™s substack from yesterday if you havenā€™t already done so. They go into prions quite a bit.

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Thanks. I saw a portion of it and need to go back to it. I have so much good material that I literally can't get to it all! I have to do other things every now and then, like clean my house and cook. I am really excited that so much truth is coming out from every direction!

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I swear the saying you canā€™t fix stupid is getting truer and truer!

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It's true, you can't - but willing to bet they're working on a 'vaccine' for JUST that.

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Yeah itā€™s called fluoride but I bet most people donā€™t know about that eitheršŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

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Itā€™s called AI and propaganda. Itā€™s called social media. Have you ever scrolled someoneā€™s social media who only watches cnn? Even when I email my mother an article, she sometimes doesnā€™t receive it, because of AI bots.

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So true. Itā€™s so sad! But honestly a lot of ppl donā€™t want to know.

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Known about it since the 60s. My dad was on top of most things!

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Will soon be ALOT fewer stupid people to deal with :)

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Was thinking the same - didn't wanna say it.

But, tis true.

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Tried to get an unpoked coworker to realize that the thorn in his side coworker of his is probably max poked and may not be much a thorn for much longer. I hope Iā€™m wrong about the poked but itā€™s not looking good.

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True, you can't fix stupid....but you can kill it.

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This morning on my local news they ran a story saying that people who get Covid are more likely to get blood clots. Iā€™m thinking, no, people who get vaccinated are more likely to get blood clots. They think we are stupid.

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I'm seeing this same thing on social media. Trying to blame the clots on covid itself, not the shots. I expect them to keep pushing that narrative as far as they can.

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They did something similar with myocarditis prior to the FDA auth of the jabs, blamed it on the virus. In retrospect the clinical trials where already underway and the AE were happening. They needed to get in front of it prior to the auth.

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Thatā€™s right, they did.

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Because Covid is a bio engineered weapon with spike protein The disease itself also increases the probability of blood clots. Fauci and friends leave no stone unturnedļæ¼ļæ¼

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What do yā€™all think. Money or population control?

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Oct 26, 2022Ā·edited Oct 26, 2022

When dealing with media or any other governmental entity, Hereā€™s rule number one: they are all liars.

The would rather gnaw their tongues off than to tell the truth

Actually they have lied themselves into a corner. The entire world already can see what the vast majority in this country have yet to see. That our country is a empire built on lies and fraud while pillaging, looting from other lesser countries.

You say I donā€™t believe that!

Then I challenge you to dig into whatā€™s going right now in Syria with the oil the United States stealing across the border into Iraq.

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And I hate that us being right is their demise.

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Both are true. It's a function of the spike protein.

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Why push that narrative when most (?) people know that the vaccinated are getting COVID as much (and more) than unvaxxed. I don't see it logically pushing the vax narrative.

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It's not, really, not to people paying attention. The vaccine and covid both cause the blood clots, but each side of the debate only wants to blame one or the other. There also seems to be additive risk with each subsequent exposure to the spike protein, so the boosters are likely hurting *a lot* more people than they help.

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I heard it on the news in San Francisco this morning and couldnā€™t believe it. They said ā€œmild cases of Covidā€ are causing people to get blood clots and cardiac issues. Dummies.

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They are, depending on the person's risk profile. Severity of symptoms has nothing to do with the action of the spike protein

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Yeah, thatā€™s what my sister says. Sheā€™s a cancer survivor and says she doesnā€™t eat any foods with ā€œchemicalsā€ in them, yet she is fully vaxxed and boosted with the worst shit theyā€™ve ever came up with. She says her last booster knocked her on her ass for two weeks, that shows itā€™s working!

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Cognitive Dissonance

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LOL just posted the same thought.

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They have to be self-validating. If they didn't the cognitive dissonance would cause them too much uncomfortable thought.

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This, so much!

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Thatā€™s been going on for a while. I remember back in 2021 reading something by a doctor gleefully describing her husbandā€™s reaction to the jab. He had aches and pains, a fever, sweats and chills, and was sleeping all day. This was how she knew it was working. You got the sense she was leering over him as he shivered in bed. She was so proud. Strange to be so happy about a loved oneā€™s suffering. I hope heā€™s ok today.

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That's an extreme case of cognitive dissonance. She has to convince herself she is protecting him. My buddy protected his wife by telling her if she gets the shot, he will divorce her. It worked and she's happy.

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If y'all recall, that is what the media was saying all over the place about those types of reactions.

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There is a doctor we know who was one of the sharpest knives in the drawer when it came to medical knowledge and skill, a bright star in the University/ Academic setting. My husband ran into her recently at the hospital. She told him she's on medical leave (from her tenured, Full Professor position) after getting the Covid vaxes x 3 then caught Covid and was deathly ill for six weeks. My husband noticed she looked gaunt and fragile, "How are you doing?" She stared at him momentarily, then slowly replied, "Horrible. Brain fog. Can't operate, can't function, can't be up for more than a few hours at most. Can't take care of our children, my husband does everything...

I feel as if I'm a shell of my former self. I got covid after the vaccines and now my "team of expert doctors" are calling it "long covid." My husband asked her if she'd looked on the internet to see what there is available to help with long covid? He told her there is plenty of excellent medical advice available to help get folks over the after effects of a covid infection and, there's even detox for the vaccines. She told him she has "the fullest trust" of her "caring team of doctors." It stunned him to hear that come from someone who would chase any disease down a rabbit hole and usually find a cure... He wanted to suggest she contact FLCCC.ORG to see what they're recommending (THAT WORKS) but decided it would do no good... She wouldn't have listened. Last he heard she's stepping down.

This "after covid disease" is sucking the life out of formerly extraordinary people....

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Itā€™s amazing that so many intelligent, highly educated people are incapable of connecting the dots. And very sad. But your husband made the right callā€¦she wouldnā€™t have listened.

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Yes, saw a similar article on CNN yesterday. Does not even make sense. They left out any comments about serious reactions - stuck with the swollen, red injection sites, etc. Yes, I have started reading CNN to see what they are up to. And they have less entertainment/celebrity junk than FOX News. That site has gotten unreadable.

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Might be one of the dumbest statements I've ever heard.

I know you said 'local radio station' , but..... wasn't Rachel Maddow, by any chance, was it? šŸ¤£šŸ˜’

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They only want you to get the 5th booster if the first 4 didnā€™t do you in.

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Someone is confusing a normal immune response to a real vaccine (which causes many disease symptoms) with ""side effects" that are the result of damage to various & sundry vital organs.

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Yea, I went on CNNā€™s online news yesterday and read this lie in their only article about covid and the jab. Itā€™s maddening to watch them lie outright and lead trusting subscribers to roll up their sleevesā€¦ drives me nuts!

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Or just telling one big lie.

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We are a place where technology has enable anybody anywhere to speak out loud. Which according to our very liberal society thatā€™s a good thing.

But then, I ask is it really?

Some folks shouldnā€™t even be allowed to address society.

Yes, society should control who is speech worthy and who is a maniac not the media.

We are being held captive by the lying propagandist media.

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

"The Petitioners should not have been terminated for choosing not to protect themselves."

This is the only part of which l disagree with the court. By not taking this "vax" we chose TO PROTECT ourselves.

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Excellent catch. I'd rather take my chances with IVM or HCQ and zinc/D3 than an experimental jab. The judge should also cite that 'covid' death rates are less than .1% for most people, so the risk was never that big anyway.

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Off-topic somewhat but need opinions. Many of my church friends are tripled vaxxed. They are all self-described conservatives. We were talking about the media last week and almost all of them said they watch and rely on Newsmax for truthful information. Since I donā€™t have a TV anymore I went to the website to check them out. To me, they seem to embrace many of the mainstream narratives, but with just a touch of conservatism. It made me wonder if newsmax is just another controlled news source. There was no pushback against the COVID scam or the shots. Is this an accurate impression of newsmax?

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I used to read Newsmax website, but no longerā€¦they are in with the mainstream narrativesā€¦

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Emerald Robinson was fired from Newsmax for refusing the Vax. She now writes on substack https://emeralddb3.substack.com/

And I also read that Grant Stinchfield was fired for refusing to attack Tucker Carlson. link to article: https://archive.ph/gjvqF

I started watching Newsmax right after the 2020 election, as I lost all hope with other "conservative" news channels. But it didn't take long for them to stink just as much as the others.

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We were watching OAN and loved it but Direct TV, AT&T, and just about every other provider dropped them...because they tell the truth! Samsung TV blocks them and I've heard Sony TVs do as well. OAN had top notch journalists but access is extremely limited. We watch newsmax now but dislike most of it, especially Greta Van Sustern who tries very hard to cover the fact that she's a dem. Any station that let's Pfizer buy ad time is part of the narrative! OAN didn't succomb, all of the others continue to flood us with "get the safe and effective booster" garbage.

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Thanks for your post. That was the kind of information I was looking for.

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Kitkat, good assessment. Theyā€™re basically Fox wannabe.

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Havenā€™t read Newsmax for awhile, but my last impression of them was that they arenā€™t as conservative as they once were. Weird.

So.weird. how so many allegedly conservative entities fell head over heels into the covid quagmire. I still do not understand it.

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I've mentioned this many times before. I am very disappointed in religious leaders. Did none of them do any research? The subject is not mentioned at all at my church, except in individual conversations. It seems that people think it is "political" and don't want to offend anyone. Meanwhile, I am seeing what are certainly vaccine induced diseases or injuries, such as two cases of pancreatic cancer, several who have had strokes, one case of asthma which was acknowledged by a pulmonologist as having been caused by the jab, a severely injured young mother who cannot return to her family's ministry in Central America unless she improves, and one of our pastors who has been sick over and over and has just returned to work after his latest month long bout of pneumonia. The Epoch Times https://www.theepochtimes.com/ is an excellent resource. I depend on that, on this substack, on Lifesite News https://www.lifesitenews.com/ and The Highwire https://thehighwire.com/ We don't have cable TV and I can't honestly remember the last thing we watched on TV. All the sources I mentioned are free, except for Epoch Times, but it is well worth what it costs, in my opinion.

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Sadly, many religious leaders were mesmerized by alleged Christian Francis Collins. I say alleged because although he identifies as Christian, he also thinks that murdering young human children is okay, as long as they are not yet born, and he thinks that harvesting organs and tissue from live born tiny humans is also acceptable, for Science. (Aborted tissue used for research must be taken from living babies who have not yet died. I know. Itā€™s appalling. So never let anyone ever tell you again that this is just ā€œleftoversā€ from an abortion. These babies are delivered alive, their organs harvested, which results in their death.)

Anyway, Francis Collins was deployed to persuade Christian leaders to follow the C D C. I heard in video the ethicist from the Christian Medical and Dental Association say, out loud, that he didnā€™t believe the allegations of risk of miscarriage due to jab, because Francis Collins said it was safe, and he trusts Francis Collins.

How can you trust somebody who CLAIMS to be Christian and yet is okay with abortion?

This statement and the signatories below will make your blood curdle.


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Wow thereā€™s somebody else who sees through Francis Collins! Exactly right about his false faith! He has done so much damage to Christianity by his tireless efforts to get them to question Gods Word the Bible. He has lied repeatedly about COVID and now, with what you are saying about his support for abortion I canā€™t help but think he is working for Satan. Thanks for posting this. Iā€™m sending it to someone who has need to know about this man and his activities.

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Agreed! Another statement that angered me was that "Jesus would get the vaccine." Somehow, I think Jesus would be standing against the injustice, even the genocide that is happening, especially now that they've come after our children. Francis Collins wouldn't be able to fool Him.

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Oh, that made me angry too.

Invoke Jesus, because then you supposedly have the moral high ground. I mean, how does one argue against that?!

(Seriously, how does one argue against that.)

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Well, since Jesus was fully human and fully God, He would know that the shots were not safe and effective. He would also know the motives of the ones who are pushing them.

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Ironically, the pastor and his wife are not vaccinated. Many young couples refused it. The ones who took the shots were by and large, elderly. They simply have tremendous faith in doctors and their own doctor in particular. But like you, I also see the results. It is so frustrating.

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Yeah I read it for a while but got disgusted with them for parroting the MSM. They just pretend to be conservative.

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Ruddy is a donor to the Clinton Foundation. So, yes.

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I caught that, too. You have to think of it as a legal document, not the judge singlehandedly wanting to take down the "vax". He's saying the only rationale for getting the shot, according to current CDC guidance and growing evidence, is personal protection from severe symptoms. As such , the policy is nonsensical and unfair. His ruling is based on the fact that the jab mandate policy was predicated on the thoroughly discredited principle that the shots protect everybody around you from transmission.

We know the jabs probably don't even protect from severe symptoms (and certainly not balanced against risk of injury), but the lawsuit wasn't really about that. It was about invalidating the mandate policy.

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Actually, I prefer the way the judge framed this. In a way, we unvaxed got "lucky" that the COVID jab was so obviously bad. But what happens during the next pandemic (you know it's coming) if the pharma companies manage to come up with a vaccine that actually does work and prevents you from being infected? I would still maintain that I should have the freedom to make medical decisions for myself without facing the lord of my job.

I would hope the judge's use of this phrasing could serve as a precedent in a situation like that.

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Good point! Throwing this mandate out on the basis that this jab doesn't work at all would leave the door open for a mandate of some future vaccine that works better.

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I've been concerned about this!

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You just put into words what I have been mulling over for months! Should the freedom to choose be maintained even if it does work? For one thing, this has taught us that they can cover and make it appear as though it does work for long enough to get the majority of people to succumb. So, during that "honeymoon period," the pokes look effective and the only thing protecting those not wanting it is the appeal to freedom to choose.

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I caught that right away, too. That wasn't necessary at all and controdictory to earlier statements. It makes those of us who rejected getting this shot look wreckless. All of us here ARE and have been protecting ourselves by taking supplements among a variety of other things, just not the shot. It makes me wonder why this statement was made.

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I see it as the job said you must take the jab to protect others and prevent transmission even if you donā€™t want to protect yourself. The judge recognizes that the jabs donā€™t protect others or prevent transmission. The judge is not making a claim as to whether or not the jabs actually protect the individual that takes it or not, but is making a statement about medical choice. I appreciate the wording.

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They didn't protect themselves by leaving a job with jab mandates! All in how you read it!

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Oh, but they did... Not sure I follow ?

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Just saying maybe the judge said they didn't protect themselves because they continued to work for an employer that required jabs whereas if they had left that employer they would have protected themselves. Maybe my comment should have been better left in my head. šŸ¤Ŗ

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Love all you do Jeff.

We really need a shirt of some kind that says ā€œExperts are baffledā€

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And maybe ā€œDonā€™t Shed on Meā€ (take off of ā€œdonā€™t tread on meā€)

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I also like "Thanks experts".

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Hard to watch Fetterman struggle, even though I hope he loses the race. He belongs at home, getting daily, intensive speech and occupational therapy. I donā€™t predict a long life for him.

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Was nothing more sad than the other day when Biden appeared with Fetterman for a rally. A dementia patient and a vaxxine-damaged stroke patient acting like they're going to do something for America. They can't even take care of themselves.

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Our current elected officials and want-to-be's are normalizing word salad and gibberish. Since when has it been ok to have mentally impaired and sick people running our country?

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Maybe it is because they are puppets of Soros and others? Puppets just do as told, they dont think.

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Exactly. Theyā€™re just being used.

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Welcome to our national nightmare. It's possible the PA senate race could be decided by fraud, again, too. What a fine pair those two would make in D.C.!

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THIS!!?!?! exactly. It's dreadful.

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Yes. This must be adding additional stress and anxiety to the vax damage as a whole. My husband had a stroke at 49. High Anxiety was part of it when he couldnā€™t get words out. He has since mostly recovered but 27 years later damages are magnified in his health. This is the last thing Fetterman should be doing. Strokes go along with heart damage. Heā€™s crazy to continue.

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I don't feel sorry for him. He's made that choice along with his "loving" wife and family. Karma is coming around for them.

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Dr. Sherri Tenpenny was saying she is having trouble being empathetic anymore to these people who keep getting the shots. Someone wrote in "You are suffering from battle fatigue." That's honestly how it feels after years of trying to get people to see this agenda, and I teeter back and forth between "Karma" and empathy. But not between electing him or not. NOT.

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I feel the same.

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Just like Jill! I hold her responsible for allowing old Joe to be in the White House. This should be called elder abuse!

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I donā€™t feel sorry for Joe though. Heā€™s lived his life lying and grifting and using the American taxpayers to fund his worthless career. Heā€™s always been a cheat and a user. This is all just par for the course.

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It wasnā€™t up to her. Sheā€™s a part of the Biden crime family. Sheā€™s his ā€œhandlerā€.

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Fetterman serves up word salads like he works at Souper Salad. It's amazing anybody will vote for him. But about half still will. Hopefully just under half.

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It seemed like whomever was in charge purposely set up the doomed debate knowing he would in deed fail. Maybe the idea of his winning the race and the reality of what that would mean caught up with some logical sense.

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Oct 26, 2022Ā·edited Oct 26, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Honestly, I don't know much about Danielle Smith, but I will say that she sounds impressive; an elected official who plans to do what's best for her constituency, not for her own agenda or personal gain. It's refreshing because we see so very little of that in America anymore...

On the other hand, it's pretty much a given that the WEF and Castreau are frantically digging for dirt on her. I expect they'll be dropping something, ANYTHING, to try to drag her down within the next few weeks. Unfortunately, in today's clown world, being competent or (gasp!) even semi-principled is a revolutionary act in politics, sure to make one the target of the unprincipled, amoral, greedy, grasping, and often profoundly disgusting wretches who currently have power and influence.

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"Castreau" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ love it!

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Imagine the freaking novelty of acting in the best interests of your constituents. THIS is what all people must actively and persistently demand of their governments IF they expect them to be representative.

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Yes, Iā€™m sure they are trying to dig up something on her. She was a radio talk show host for a while so Iā€™m sure they have their earbuds in listening to past shows for some tidbit where she shares her pro-life or pro-same-sex marriage views.

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She's Canada's De Santis.

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I love this sentence,

ā€œItā€™s $cienceā€

Worthy of putting on some merch?

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I just want to take this opportunity to say Thank You Mr. Childers, for your commitment to Honesty, Truth and the American people.

If not for people like you, Dr.Ladapo, America's Frontline Doctors, Governor DeSantis, the forgotten defender of unborn Children, David Daleidon, and so many more that should be named here, this country would have been sucked into a disastrous, downward spiral towards an abyss that could have very well destroyed not just the country we have all come to know and love, but the gentle, and often times unprotected, innocent inhabitants of this earth, our children.

May God Bless and protect, your family and all the brave men and women who have stood up for those who could not see what you, the people on these pages, and so many others have seen.

God knows where we would be without the courageous foot soldiers who stood up for all of us in this clear and calculated attack on freedom and humanity.

Your interview on Epoch Times was AMAZING by the way, and I encourage anyone who hasn't had the time or the opportunity to watch it, to do so.

Thank you again, and God Bless.


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Amen Margaret!

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Hosted by" Sanford Yoga and Community Center" Now you know where to direct your outrage.

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Do they have permission to use the Disney brand ? Disney used to go after anyone hard using their branding and logo without permission. If the yoga and brewing place has legal use from Disneyā€”then Disney is all for this horror. Contact Disney as well. Make the pile of shite on them higher.

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Here is where you can report piracy or infringement. Make it painful for these people.


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Thanks. šŸ‘šŸ»

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Sounds like your family hasnā€™t gotten the memo about Disney yet?

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Disney is the horror

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You are 100% correct. Boycott everything Disney, please.

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Agree. Why does anyone think that Disney would object? Theyā€™re all on the same team. Disney hates kids.

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My email said that if they didn't take immediate action it would give Gov. DeSantis more material to use against them. They might even think I'm on their side, lol.

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Ooh that was a nice little spin on the argument šŸ˜ Well done!

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If anything if Disney didnā€™t give permission then they would be advised of illegal use. And will get back to the yoga and brewing with a friendly lawyer letter or a hammer. Not sure of legality but I had a business once and others used logos and branding in their craft and pattern business. Some got whacked back.

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My guess is Disney is behind the perverted show - unofficially.

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I live in NC and I would not have expected the town of Sanford to have such a thing. Raleigh, Durham, Asheville, Carrboro for sure, but Sanford??? Unbelievable.

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Theyā€™re everywhere

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Here is their email address. I just sent them a notice of my objections. I couldn't find the satantist drag show ad or any reference.


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Oct 26, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

As Iā€™ve said before, what we ultimately need is a new federal law canceling all vaccine liability protection, and putting vaccines on an equal footing with other drugs.


I would add

As Iā€™ve said before, what we ultimately need is a new federal law canceling all vaccine liability protection, and putting vaccines on an equal footing with other drugs,

products and services produced and supplied by businesses.

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

This red wave coming into power soon had better get a grip on this vaxxxine BS. A medical freedom amendment added to the Constitution?

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" better get a grip" is right - anything less than reigning the "vaxxxine BS" in, bringing drastic change (many options available as to what needs 'fixing' - insert YOUR thoughts here) will most CERTAINLY be a HUGE letdown...

And leave NO DOUBT that the stink reaches FAR beyond the democratic party.

The Republicans will have much to prove - and it's got to be PASS or FAIL.

No in-between.

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, Satan does exist. This ideology targeting children is of the devil. Pure evil.

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The devilā€™s greatest trick is convincing you he doesnā€™t exist! Conflicting reports on who said it first, but it definitely wasnā€™t me.

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I thought he was being sarcastic... because you are right.

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Jeff was being sarcastic; love his wit.

As to those who scoff about satanā€”-Jesus did not.

ā€œYou belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your fatherā€™s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of liesā€ (John 8:44)

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Wonder if Premier Smith would be interested in relocating and running for office? Guess she couldn't run for President as you need to be a 'natural born citizen'. Obummner, guess that really isn't necessarily the case. Anyhow, come on down Premier Smith!

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Courage is contagious. Let's hope more stand up in Canada. It's a direct snub to Trudeau who is controlled by the WEF.

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I was just thinking the same thing! That courage is contagious. Hoping it lifts up some others who needed someone else to be the first. I like her style.

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

DeSantis is showing other Republicans the value of courage. I think we are going to see a new Republican cohort entering the political scene.

Kari Lake is cut from the same mold. I am looking forward to her term in office. Wow.

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I pray this is so. And, perhaps, it will open more peopleā€™s eyes over the cowardice of the McConnells, Grahams and other RINOS in the party.

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As a Floridian, I love DeSantis. If anything, Kari Lake seems to take it to the next level. If we get a small cadre of people like these two, we'll take back the city.

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They are giving other Republicans courage. When DeSantis got rid of the Tampa DA who for 7 years would not prosecute criminals, he showed how it is done. Doug Mastriano will do that in PA. Goodbye Krasner. Lee Zeldin will do that in NY. Goodbye Alvin Bragg. This is a beginning.

Dr. Jensen will do it in Minnesota.

There is a new day dawning. If these candidates can get past the fraud.

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Oh yeah. She was calling him and all the cabal out and putting them on notice. šŸ‘

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IMO, she needs to stay where she is and battle that prissy thug in Ottawa. Just like DeSantis can do more good for America right now leading a Free State in battle against federalism running rampant.

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šŸ™šŸ» This spreads to the south of Canada. Come on Repubs running for office. Take this bull by the horns and run. Make a new Red voter keep voting red.

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Lets Annex Alberta into the new free America

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That was proposed a few decades ago - to annex Alberta and Manitoba, with their citizens' approval - as those two provinces had more in common with the American spirit than they did with Ottawa. Once Brandon has entered history's dustbin, that idea might come around again.

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A few years ago the Canadian western provinces were discussing petitioning to become part of the US union of states. Wonder what happened to that movement?

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Anybody who could watch that Fetterman/Oz 'debate' and not feel deeply sad has no heart or moral compass. I had to turn it off after a while; how could any sane and sensitive person want ANYTHING to do with a party that runs not only senile Brandon but stroke-mangled Fetterman. It is cruel, disgusting, and captial W wrong. If I hadn't already abandoned the Democrat party years ago, this would do it. Truly evil. If you haven't watched it, look it up, to know just how sick the Democrats are. I would never have spoken like this, until I saw what I saw last night.

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How every Democrat can't look at that and see how expendable they are, they are flat out evil themselves or delusional.

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Sick, sick sickā€¦embarrassing

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It's also karma coming back at him.

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Its always about children because bullies are really cowards and always pick on the weakest most defenseless because they are easy targets.

Finally someone is talking about cutting taxes.

Desantis finally is cutting taxes.

Everybody has lost sight of the single most important issue. Taxes taxes taxes. The American colonists would have 50 revolutions if they saw the level of taxation that we were victimized by today. The government at the federal and state and local levels could never get away with the things that itā€™s doing if taxes were only 10% or nonexistent compared to what they are now

Remember government has no resources of its own. Government makes nothing does nothing produces nothing. The services that government renders are total deadweightļæ¼ LOSS on society. Most sane people want roads and schools and police protection. But arguably anything and everything that government does could be done better and more efficiently and more cheaply by the private sector.

Federal spending needs to be cut back by several trillion dollars

All kinds of public sector agencies and departments and services need to be abolished and replaced by nothingļæ¼ļæ¼ļæ¼

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Imagine what they'd think about federal withholding of income, for purposes of taxation! And it was a 'temporary emergency' measure, of course.

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Temporary is always permanent. Founding fathers never wanted a strong federal government.

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Sunset clauses for every

law , dept, regulation

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This! šŸ™

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I said to the boastful, ā€œDo not boast,ā€

And to the wicked, ā€œDo not lift up the horn;

Do not lift up your horn on high,

Do not speak with insolent pride.ā€

For not from the east, nor from the west,

Nor from the desert comes exaltation;

But God is the Judge;

He puts down one and exalts another.

For a cup is in the hand of the Lord, and the wine foams;

It is well mixed, and He pours out of this;

Surely all the wicked of the earth must drain and drink down its dregs.

But as for me, I will declare it forever;

I will sing praises to the God of Jacob.

And all the horns of the wicked He will cut off,

But the horns of the righteous will be lifted up.

ā€” Psalm 75:4-10 NASB1995

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Amen. God has been, is, and continues to be in control. God will judge in His own timeā€”I trust Him. Thanks for your application of His Word to Jeff's great reporting on events that many times are not reported in other news. I've missed your comments the past couple of days!

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I'm just having "fun" doing some medical stuff in Cleveland!

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Lord, cut off these wicked horns. Lift up your mighty right hand and make your righteousness known.

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

One small detail Jeff, my calendar insists that it is WEDNESDAY. No messing around with the timeline! :).......

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Skipping hump day this week in honor of the drag queens...?

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ISWYDT, Kaneks4.

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Holy cow! Youā€™re right. My mind is a jumble

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