“This new indictment will — I believe — be one lawless brick too high. I think it will be the brick that breaks the back of America’s patience.”

My first thought: Oh Dear God, please

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And my first thought was: "I doubt it."

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That was my second realistic, pessimistic thought. : )

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Same here. I thought that surely the 2022 election would be a solid repudiation of Biden and his ilk, but it was not. Too many people were still asleep. Probably still are.

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I agree with Raheem, it's time for DeSantis and the rest of the Keebler Elves R candidates to suspend their campaigns immediately and unite against the Marxist takeover of the country. What's the point of spending $500M on a primary when the FBI is just selecting the next president anyway

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A lot of R's in my county did not vote in the recent election.

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As long as the media keeps silent, it will not happen. I am not optimistic at all.

We will continue fiddling as a people (THANKS TO OUR PROPAGANDA machines: media, entertainment and now, institutions of learning. ) while our country burns. We have had a revolution with no one realizing it.

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As for the media, they know full well that the masses, if they read anything at all regarding "news", read only the headlines.

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Absolutely 💯! And the headlines are deliberately misleading!

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WE must demand accountability

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How does one demand accountability from the unaccountable?

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Get an old style posse together, place all the miscreants under citizens’ arrest, try them in a court of the People, then mete out appropriate justice.

But that would take a courage We the People no longer appear to have.

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It would be better to get the well regulated militias back in operation as they were meant to be via the Second Amendment.

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Just not "well regulated" by our dear leaders.

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Yes, of course! Just ask Stuart Rhodes about that!

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I believe there are a lot of us that have that courage! It’s just we need to band together in every community and state and join together. It is coming sooner than later. We must protect our small farmers from the latest threat by Kerry, the Climate mobster, waging war on them, and in turn, us! They are determined to follow the WEF who wants all of us reduced to nothing, “they willl have nothing and be happy”. And they want us eating bugs! That makes it very easy for me to realize its time to stand and fight now that Kerry has waged war on our great small farmers!

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I see daily that most people cannot even do THAT...even if their life depends on it.


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It hasn't worked for the Dutch farmers. They have protested for months and even managed to get sympathetic people elected. Then, the EU powers announced they had set aside some huge sum of money with which to buy the farms. After the farmers "voluntarily" sell their farms, they will be prohibited from farming in any EU nation.

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I do unfortunately believe that you are right that enough of the American people no longer have courage, they are too busy with social media and trying to get away with doing as little as possible.

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Anyone have a source for Tar and Feathers.

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Oh, Brother Where Art Thou…😂🤣😂🤣. Or as translated by one of the Gaither’s from the vocal band; Hey bro, where you go?

It is a nice visual applied to many of the third tier tyrants. Higher ups…hmmm.

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I believe they are hoping we will do something like that so they can clamp down with martial law. These people will do anything to remain in power, even if they destroy the country in the process.

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We will have no choice if we want to remain a free people. Think back to our fore fathers and what they had to do. We have to become a formidable army. They already did a form of martial law with covid and many people turned into little Nazi’s!

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🙄 say when.

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We can have our own Tiananmen Square. Live free or die!

I’m a Catholic convert and comforted by the belief that martyrdom of the faithful is a straight route to heaven. As opposed to sometime spent getting cleaned up in purgatory. Which might take awhile for the likes of me.

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“Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.” - 1 Peter 4:8

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Yeah, I definitely need to up my love of fellow believers.

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No doubt

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Sadly, I doubt it too. The various shady powers running things have colluded over time to make Trump the uber-scapegoat. According to the propaganda, he's a racist, misogynist, white supremacist, lying, cheating, stealing, robber baron, master manipulator, and slick politician...who also happens to be incredibly lazy, stupid, fat, and ugly. He is also personally responsible for every single American who died at any point b/w 2015 and now. There is a good 30% of the country that seems to actually believe this.

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Yep. Orange man horrible.

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Question is, can TDS be cured or is it fatal?

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Fatal. To the country.

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Ya godawesome party pooper! 😭

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Gee, hard to disagree with either of you. That's the sorry state of our Republic.

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Lawfare is our modern day norm now. It isn’t just this case. It is used against average citizens who get crushed by deep pocket corporations. I wish Jeff would cover the story of a huge hospital system, St Luke’s in Idaho, getting it very wrong by errantly diagnosing a child and going to the extreme of removing the child from his family for six days. The video of doctors admitting to, “breaking protocol” and the medical records stating that the family is connected to a political candidate demonstrate the gross power the hospital wielded over an innocent family. How is a family’s friendship with a political candidate pertinent to the medical history of the child? How can speaking out against the missed diagnosis and poor medical care be turned into a defamation lawsuit? A hospital that received a tremendous amount of covid bailout taxpayer dollars now gets to use this money and donors’ funds to attack former patients? Our legal system is broken and a cover for large corporations or corrupted governments to attack their opponents. Now both men (Bundy and Rodriguez) have civil arrest warrants out against them. Consider the implications of this case. For a long while, the third leading cause of death was medical errors. Hospitals get it wrong very often and now they have government funds to attack patients who simply speak up and say they are getting it wrong.

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This is medical kidnapping

The hospitals have been engaging in this for years now- over a decade.

This family isn’t alone. Many families subjected to this same insanity.

Read about Justina Pelletier and Elizabeth Wray




So what’s the medical commonality of all of these kids… the kids are extremely medically complex and the MDs don’t actually know what’s wrong with them or how to treat them.

My theory is they are essentially all vaccine injured kids… that no one knows how to treat or help. So they blame the parents.

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So awful, and frightening.

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If you bring your child into the hospital today and they are medically complex… and the MDs are having difficulty dx and treating your child…. And then the hospital brings in their mental health assessment team… you better run for the hills and get your child out of there as soon as possible!!

In both Elizabeth’s and justina’s cases, it was the psych departments that kept them locked down wrongfully.

A lot of Psych departments are now infiltrated by ideologues … look at the trans community … all those kids being affirmed, even though the actual data shows medical and surgical transition doesn’t help with long range 7-10 year suicidal ideation …and yet medical and surgical transition is being sold as the solution to all these kids problems…

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I'm retired from allopathic (mainstream) medicine, and I never could see it before the last several years, but it's true that, if your signs and symptoms don't fit a pattern familiar to the doctor, their next thought is that it's all in your head and you're a nut.

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023

1967. My 46 year old mom couldn't keep food down and her weight had gone from a normal 120 to 89 pounds. Doctors couldn't find anything obviously wrong with her so they decided it was all in her head. One doctor even told her condescendingly, "Well, now, I guess we'll just have to call this Dorothy's disease." Lucky for my mom, she got a new doctor (these were military doctors, by the way, my dad was in the military then) who figured it out instantly: celiac disease. He did an endoscopy to figure it out. He put her on a totally gluten free diet (hard in the 1960's!), she gained her weight back in about 6 months, got a second endoscopy a year later and they saw that her stomach and intestinal tract was completely healed. She ate gluten free the rest of her life and lived to 95. Had she not met that doctor, she would have died at 46.

Since that time (I was in high school), I have never entirely trusted most doctors. My skepticism in this regard has served me quite well my entire life.

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You are correct. I had placenta previa with my first child and delivered a month early. They put him on forced room air to assist his breathing for the first 12hrs and rushed him to the nicu. I was upstairs in postpartum recovering from a c-section and used a wheelchair to get to the first level to visit my newborn. He was the largest child in the nicu and not requiring any special medical care. The forced air was not needed after the 12 hrs and I expected to have him join me up on my room. The nicu dr refused and brought in a social worker to condescendingly ask me what was wrong. I simply said I wanted my baby in a room with me. They threatened against medical advice and told me the stay wouldn’t be covered by insurance. We fought this for 5 days until a new doctor was on and walked in and asked why we were still there. I told her we were ready to leave days ago and the previous doctor refused. She immediately discharged us and we finally left that horrible place. Months later, a nurse contacted me and asked me to write a letter to Sutter Roseville in CA to explain the situation and file a complaint. The doctor who held us hostage was the head of the nicu and had done that to other patients to pass the nicu numbers. No surprise, I never heard the outcome.

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I have experienced this personally. I can't tell you how many times I was offered anti-depressants for something that turned out to be serious and required surgery.

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I really really hate this about doctors. It’s so arrogant. Basically comes down to, “since I, the all knowing doctor, can’t find why you have these symptoms, you must be mentally disturbed and making it all up.” So it can’t possibly be because the doctor doesn’t know everything or is wrong 🙄

Also relevant: this piece from the Corbett Report on how psychiatry has been weaponized in the past against political dissidents or enemies: (you have to sign up to read it all but it’s really worth doing so)


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Did you see Matt Walsh's producer was able to get approval for removing his testicles? Took only 22 minutes.

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But I totally believe it

There are zero safeguards in place … kids and parents are blindly following these lunatics

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Sicko society. Trust nothing.

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Completely agree Truthseeker! I obtained my psych degree in the 80's and i have been horrified how the whole 'industry' has changed and morphed into complete evil with way too much power and authority. In my opinion it is completely evil now.

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Yep, if awake people think Cvd scam is bad, they should dive into the rabbit hole of psychiatry and the addictive neurotoxic debilitating medicines they prescribe for “illnesses” they have no evidence for. Chemical imbalances is a THEORY. The MEDS CAUSE chemical imbalances in the brain and body. Lived experience here with a loved one these past 8 years. Finally got them off of the horrific antipsychotics & anticonvulsants.

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I was also going to mention Justina Pelletier 😞

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Before I was suspended from Twitter a few years ago, I followed a woman who did Republican polling. Her boyfriend was a lower-level Trump staffer, and he and his colleagues were all caught up in lawfare, having to hire attorneys to defend themselves against baseless charges, with some risking bankruptcy (the point, of course - make it so no one will 'risk' crossing you). It's disgusting, but we must figure out how to maneuver against them, or it's the end.

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It’s all weaponized against Trump supporters. I have Trump 2024 bumper stickers and consider myself very brave.

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It is truly disgusting and evil.

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Sadly, there are probably far too many stories to be covered with any effectiveness. Little old unnetworked me knows several such stories from my city.

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Do you have a link to this story? Sounds interesting.

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Just search on 'Bundy Rodriguez St. Luke's Hospital Idaho' and you'll get hits. This is from today:


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The Obama Administration effectively “blackwashed” the Bundy protests in Nevada and Oregon, but Ammon Bundy is a hero, IMHO. He opened my eyes to so much that has been going on in with the ranchers in the western states for decades and Hillary’s Uranium 1. I’m glad to see he is still fighting the PTB in Idaho.

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Ty. Not familiar with the names of the people so this is most helpful.

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This video does a pretty good job of quickly explaining the situation.


Full story and details here:


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@Jeff, I just want to know why Biden has NOT been arrested. I feel like it is bigger but close to Nixon’s watergate. Why is he not arrested??

Maybe we ned to multiple Jim ?? and Comer to push them for justice against Biden? Or if not multiply, then C&C send tons of letters???

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023

I think it's because (as Jeff hints at) the sheer number of people who've been doing this has created a bulletproof shield against accountability. If anyone is allowed to pull on this thread, literally half of DC could go under.

I mean, the Obama's are worth over 100m. We know the Kerry's and the Clinton's were both busy in Ukraine, along with other nations, and also had the same type of "job" placements for their kids as Joe stitched up for Hunter. We know big name R's were dipping into Ukraine regularly and expressing a bizarre devotion to certain outcomes there. A good chunk of Congress appears to have been on the take with insider trading. It's a swamp. They will protect each other, as there are so many of them that are dirty at this point. That's my view.

Two other things of note:

1. The 'state' has an interest in burying this Biden / Ukraine stuff too, even IF they weren't involved, and only found out about it after the fact (unlikely). The reason is that the bribery allegation against Joe involves $1bn of US aid money, so this scandal pulls the state apparatus into the malaise ...and would embarrass the hell out the US internationally ...and would spell out very specific corruption happening in Ukraine, a country the USA is currently using as a base for a very expensive proxy war funded largely by US taxpayers. Domestic fallout (with angry citizens) + international fallout (geopolitical risk) would be huge.

2. Nobody ever really dives into why Hunter is so protected, beyond 'Joe Biden looking out for / covering for his son' type stuff, and then the obvious follow on 'Dems have captured the lettered agencies so they go along with it too'.

Let me put to you another explanation:

We know from the laptop contents that Hunter's company, Rosemont Seneca, was moving money and making intros for Metabiota, which is odd. Have a look into Metabiota and biolabs, in Ukraine, Georgia and China (among others). Have a look into Metabiota's funding connections with In-Q-Tel (venture capital fund set up by the CIA), and DARPA (who they have chunky contracts with).

Now we know that at the time this was happening Hunter was, ahem, fighting a personal battle to stay sober and clothed. He was on benders lasting weeks at a time, and living for periods at Chateau Marmont, apparently face down in a bowl of cocaine much of the day. If that's true, then who was doing all this "business" really?

Does it not make more sense that the state agencies were moving money for black ops and DARPA projects, and that Hunter and his company were being used to do this stuff, precisely because he is the drug addled son of a corrupt high ranking politician. And the millions Hunter "earned" for sitting on the board of a Ukrainian gas company and acting as a "consultant" for all kinds of random, shady business hook ups, was in fact his 'payment' for allowing the state to do it's dirty business under his name. We know this happens. And it makes a boatload more sense that the entire intelligence apparatus is vigilantly protecting Hunter and Joe ...because they are *protecting themselves* ...and the many 'off book' things they're doing, including the biolabs we aren't supposed to mention.

Politely put: Joe is a moron. Hunter is a moron x drug addict. It is a lot more plausible that someone else (the intel community) set up the racket, and many, many politicians are in on said racket, and the battle to keep that hush hush is existential for the intel community, not to mention the political establishment?

It also explains Joe's absolute calm and brazenness. If he's been a bag man for the intel agencies for decades, he would have no fear in this situation. None at all. If he goes down, they all go down, so he feels very secure...

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Make that 99.9% of D.C. would go under in the thread pulling. The treatment of the J6 prisoners by the goons and monsters of the D.C. Gulag is as bad or worse as any mistreatment in history. The message is loud and clear. This is what they will do if you dare protest.

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That makes sense to me.

And exactly… the whole line up of past presidents have gotten incredibly rich …Clinton’s, Obama’s and Biden’s…. It’s been going on for decades… Biden’s not the first.

The average American citizen is just more aware now of all the three letter government corruption because of what’s been revealed … through the pandemic scheme and also Trump screaming about the corruption.

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Yup, and the Bush's too — it's truly a heart-warmingly bipartisan grift.

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Yes. Hard not to feel downtrodden. They’re all so corrupt. It’s what Jeff said weeks ago. There’s not going to be any Superman.

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In my younger years, I was always aware there were a certain number of corrupt politicians. What I've only realized lately is that corruption is endemic to politics, and while there are a few good eggs here and there, most of them and most definitely those who have been in office more than a couple of terms have "learned the ropes" so to speak, and have ultimately succumbed to the corruption that surrounds them.

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Remember Crooked Hillary's slogan when she ran for president..."Stronger Together." That applied to the ruling class of course, but she might also have said "Richer Together."

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And DARPA… they are a dark force in all of this.

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My husband always jokes about how if he were running for office, his campaign slogan would be "I'm just in it for the money."

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Only a sizable portion of the citizenry is determined to “Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.” We have a sicko society.

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Great commentary! Many of us have known this stuff for YEARS! Some of it is just now becoming mainstream. One thing that’s never mentioned...I think many politicians are making SERIOUS money off child trafficking! People don’t want to acknowledge this, because it is sickening.

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Sound of Freedom movie. Child trafficking is surpassing the illegal drug trade in profits! It’s so sickeningly unbelievable. But we’ve got to wake up. So many missing children. So many untraceable children.

Mel Gibson paid for the filming of the documentary. He was supporting some orphans in Ukraine and hired a retriever to go in and get them out. The retriever was overwhelmed by what he learned and asked Mel to finance the film to expose the evil.

It will be in my local theaters in early July. I have tickets already. Even if you don’t go to the movies, you can purchase tickets to support the effort.

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YES! I saw a trailer on it! God is using people to uncover so much. We are on God’s “time”.

I’ll definitely support!

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Indeed! God’s timing is the only timing there is, whether we believe it or not.

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Yes, I would simply say that when something ostensibly makes zero sense, yet is happening anyway, be suspicious.

See: the open southern border of the USA

See also: why so many roads seem to lead back to Ukraine (trafficking capital of Europe)

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And the illegal and legal drug trade.

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"...I think it's because (as Jeff hints at) the sheer number of people who've been doing this has created a bulletproof shield against accountability. If anyone is allowed to pull on this thread, literally half of DC could go under..."

And there you have it folks! That is the truth.

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Only I say it’s 99.9% of D.C. I don’t think you could survive there without being one of them.

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See: Donald J Trump

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Which brings us to DeSantis ... a Yale alumni, the same Yale of the Skull & Bones “secret” club of which both former Bush presidents are allegedly members of and rumor has it DeSantis is also a member of the club. Which of Trump’s policy agendas is DeSantis so opposed to that he feels he must run for President rather than work with Trump to secure the White House in 2024? Or could it be DeSantis needs to protect members of the club from being sucked away if Trump finally does get to fully drain the swamp?

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He was a stranger in a strange land, who was and is persecuted endlessly in case you haven’t noticed. He also lives in Florida.

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yes but the one moron is now President (even if his handlers are dictating what he should say) and the other moron is laughing all the way to the bank

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Sadly, correct.

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Several conservative pundits: it’s not Joe it’s BO they are protecting. Their charismatic leader. Think “brains” and what he has to gain with clueless Joe ($$$ and power) and what they all could lose when this goes down. Which I think it will. History over the centuries show this Tower of Babel rising up and then people won’t put up with the slavery that ensues. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023

Well, there was a lot of 'Obama is the CIA's candidate' during that time, and the things he did in office were certainly things the deep state would be pleased with, for the most part.

I'm not sure how true that allegation is, but if I was a deep state power player and I wanted to run a candidate, he'd be a great choice. The secret gay lovers (3 of whom supposedly wound up dead within about 6 weeks of each other, when he was going to run); the weird stuff with his social security number not matching; the FBI witness for the Obama/Soetero passport investigation gets murdered; the strangeness around him not releasing his legal career info, and the reports that his state legislative office records covering 1997-2000 were accidentally thrown out and there's no record of them.

Weirdness on stilts. There's so much there, that if even 1/4 of it is true then it kinda points to him being an ideal 'controlled agent'. He had secrets, he got help covering them up in return for political allegiance? ...dunno. We may never know.

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And yet so much of the country never heard about that weirdness. I wonder how many here are hearing it for the first time.

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An example of, if it’s not reported by the captive media, did it happen?

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It will go down. But I think we’ll collectively deal with consequences for being willfully blind for so long.

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My senior years observation, folks that are doing well financially, nice home, nice vehicles, kids in a good college—will blind themselves to evil until it gets so bad they start feeling the pinch. Maybe we should think nasty Joe Biden for the pinch.

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Bingo!!! Makes perfect sense. Thanks!

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Well said.

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That does make a whole lot of sense! Great post.

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THIS is scary as h€ll‼️

Surely there’s a way to bring it all down; to heck w/ our international reputation etc.

Allowing this to stand will destroy us in the end regardless.

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All very plausible.

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Me neither, pull it all down.

The sooner the better, so we can start the work of setting things right again.

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Nixon’s watergate is nothing close to the criminal actions of Biden. First he is not our legal president and everything else they are doing goes against our constitution and bill of rights!

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Have recently become aware that Watergate was likely an intel op to remove Nixon so that the intel agencies could resume their bioweapons work at Ft. Dietrick. NIxon had ordered them to stand down.

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For those of us paying attention, we have to question every narrative we have ever been given! There was DEFINITELY a set-up to get Nixon out of office and the why and who may well shock most.

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I agree. That does not surprise me. Nothing that we have been told has been true and it was all intel ops, like when they killed JFK, 9/11, etc., etc.

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Nixon was very popular with conservatives. He blew George McGovern and his communist ideas out of the water in that landslide election win.

He had to go. That whole thing traumatized the conservative movement, paralyzed it.

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Watergate pales in comparison to just about everything that has happened since, and yet somehow is always referred to as the biggest scandal of all time. I am guessing if Nixon had had a D by his name this would not be the case.

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Exactly!!! I completely agree!!! It shouldn’t even come up as a comparison because that did not harm our Country, Americans or anything else that is being done to intentionally hurt all of us. Taking Trump out is the only way they can continue destroying America, but I still have concerns about any successful election in 2024 since they were successful in 2020 and 2022 with the voter fraud.

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I now think that it's not just the D by a name that matters. The DS clearly does not like RFK, for example. Rather, it's a D who is willing to be controlled in order to hold the position.

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Watergate is a walk in the park! Hillary Rodham Clinton was involved in that too, as a new lawyer, I think.

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yep, front and center in the hearings. Maybe that is why her husband was impeached and why she was shellacked by Trump

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Fair enough, but he is the only other president I know of with major legal issues.

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It’s because all the three letter agencies are lawless as well as the entire Biden Administration! The fact that the FBI, CIA, DOJ and DOD are doing all these lawless, anti-constitutional actions, while protecting Biden, Hunter Biden, Ovomit and Hitlery and hiding and ignoring all of the evidence, and the only one they go after is President Trump with false information and complete setups to protect Biden and his gang of criminals. All these agencies need disbanded. This doesn’t include all of the intentional lies by the FDA, CDC and HHS to kill Americans with the toxic jabs!!!

This is off topic but goes hand in hand with how they are attacking America. The climate change hoax and Kerry announcing their new war on small farmers in the US! We can no longer stand by and allow them to destroy our Country, our food sources and our livestock to advance this corrupt world agenda! They are purposely doing this to cause famine and deaths.

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Yes, This makes complete sense. So sad disgusting and my only hope is Jesus - come Lord. Please!

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Amen and Amen. But we may be required to stand and fight.

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"Ovomit and Hitlery" GREAT line :)

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Yeah, that’s apt!

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Throw sand in the machinery! Be ungovernable. I know no better way than to support their arch enemy, Donald Trump.

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“We can no longer stand by…”

But we will.

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You know who else is standing by with their mouths shut and their thumbs up their asses?

Our stalwart GOP Congressmen.

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You got it right Joni!!!!!

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Kerry's name makes me sick. This lying, criminal phony went to Vietnam and in his 4 months there he got a bronze star, silver star and 3 purple hearts. He didn't deserve or earn a single one of them. My husband served in Vietnam in the Army and was in combat for a full year. He earned a Bronze Star. His C.O. wanted to put him in for but he REFUSED the offer of a Purple Heart because those he knew of who were awarded a Purple Heart went home in a box and were awarded the PH posthumously. My husband didn't feel right to get it since his injury was minor.

When Kerry was an anti-Vietnam war prostester he pretended to throw all his non-earned medals. Little quote he can't run away from: " John Kerry claimed in a 1971 television interview that he threw away as many as nine of his combat medals to protest the war in Vietnam.

"I gave back, I can't remember, six, seven, eight, nine medals," Kerry said in an interview on a Washington, D.C., news program on WRC-TV called Viewpoints on Nov. 6, 1971, according to a tape obtained by ABCNEWS." Of course later he tried to deny it and said he tossed ribbons out instead of his medals. Right. What I later heard was that he threw medals but they were not his real medals. Such a liar, I hope he roasts in hell.

We were so disgusted when Kerry ran for President that we donated money to the Swift Boat vets to help sink Kerry's run for the presidency. Best money we ever spent!

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I am right there with you! I commend your husband! I had two cousins die in the last year from the Agent Orange they dumped on them while there. They had horrific, long battles with what it caused. Plus Kerry has made millions off the climate change hoax he has been pushing. Now the fact he is waging war on our farmers!

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Nixon was spraying water on the revolution fires of the 70s. He had to go.

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They’re too afraid to have the Ho in charge.

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Please, May it not be at least 30 years too late. Remember the one atheist, Madeleine Murry O’hare, who was somehow able to get prayer and scripture removed from our schools? Most of you are probably too young.

Why was there no outrage across the nation? It was said, ‘Get out, God! We don’t want you influencing our children.’

And being the absolute gentleman he is, he withdrew. And oh what a fix we are now in.

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Hey I remember that! I was in junior high. We had scripture reading and the Lords Prayer every morning over the PA system. Then O’Hare did her thing. There was a huge uproar nationwide. It was a sad time. Remember how she died? Pretty gruesome.

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I don’t remember about her death. I’ll have to research that. I know her son became a Christian and denounced what she had done.

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Maybe Pence will save the Republic! Lol.

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Like he saved RFRA as governor in Indiana.

I got an (unwanted, unsolicited, how did I end up on this list) email from Pence’s campaign the other day. Full of verbiage describing America’s need to turn back to God, and blah, blah, blah. I don’t know how he can say all of that with a straight face anymore.

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Yea I just wanna puke. He is the biggest traitor I have ever seen in my lifetime. I hope he’s the first to bow out.

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He has undergone a successful consciousetomy.

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And bilateral orchiectomy!

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Humans don't ready need orchids.

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The 3%ers, Pence, Haley, Christie, ad nauseum are just in it for the money.

They take the donations, drop out when the grifting dries up, and the money is then theirs. This is a real thing for Republicans.

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This is why they like to keep the base stirred up and angry and looking for someone to fix it all the time.

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I didn’t even know the “could” do that. :(

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I just recently read a reliable article about it. Also, they are willing pawns in the game to try and siphon off votes. They know they don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell.

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Yes he disgusts me too.

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I received an unsolicited letter for donations also. I wrote a very restrained but lengthy letter, explaining my reasons for not sending him money and asking who would be considered his supporters, or base. I shoved it in his prepaid envelope and await the next request to share further thoughts without funds. Anyone (almost) but Pence.

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I briefly considered replying the today’s email (!! I just got one yesterday) but opted instead to simply unsubscribe.

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Same!!! 😡 Deleted it immediately.

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Hit the unsubscribe button - let ‘em know we aren’t interested.

I just could not believe the one I got today, all about God. I wanted to write back and say, well, then how come you caved on RFRA, but I opted to not expend that energy. Maybe I should have. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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I responded to the state Republican Party message crowing about funding healthcare in the state last session 🤬 Who knows if anyone will read it or care but it felt good to say something!

Here is what I wrote:

As a long time Republican and small government conservative, I have to say,

I am absolutely disgusted that the supposedly conservative

Republicans in this state voted to increase the reach and

influence of our government, especially after the ridiculous overreach

during Covid that resulted in so many negative consequences

for our children, our elderly and all Hoosier citizens. It is unconscionable

that the Republicans want to give the health department that blindly

followed unscientific and damaging CDC policies more power and a

bigger budget. I will NOT be giving the GOP of this state any financial

support or contributions.

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Please keep giving feedback like that to your elected state Representative and Senator and to your state Party officials, and certainly to the fundraising arm. We're in an internal war inside the Republican Party, and the RINO wing just denies the reality that our side seems to see. 'Nickels and noses' is what they pay attention to (if they can overcome the influence of the hidden PAC shell game money and influence).

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Good for you!

I’m in the process of writing thank you notes to each legislator who voted against the odious bill.

I must’ve missed that state GOP email, or maybe I get only my county GOP emails. And yeah, never give the party any money.

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Good letter! We shouldn’t get discouraged. Even if it’s some underling handling the mail, you never know who you may influence. But it does get exhausting, coming from so many directions.

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I do but somehow they keep sending 🙄😡

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I ended up retrieving the message from Trash and wrote a response. These folks need to hear what we think.

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I have never liked or trusted Pence. He doesn't seem genuine.

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not holding my breath!

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Do you mean Judas ?

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Not Judas.

Judas is currently commissioner of the PGA Tour.

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Maybe Pence will go straight to hell!

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It won't survive another of his attempts.

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He has to ask "mother" first.

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Yeah that’s just weird I’m sorry 😳 Though I do have to give him props for his rule of not having meals alone with a woman other than his wife. In that political context it was definitely wise and respectful (if true of course, who knows if you can really believe him).

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Having seen no senior administration or administration favored agent prosecuted for any crimes—except trump (x1000)— i do not expect there will ever be a lawless brick too high…it seems we, the people, even in great numbers, have no power against the current corrupt administration and its minions.

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I have always maintained that Banana Biden could stab Jill to death on camera and still get away with it. They would figure out a way.

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My first thought was "I no longer care".

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I wish. Unfortunately, we have a bunch of mealy mouth, do nothing, cowering instead of fighting conservatives in both the House and Senate. The majority refuse to fight. They are just like the left under a different color. And...we keep putting them back in office! The few that do fight receive very little support, so I'm sure they feel like they are tilting at windmills. So, WE are to blame, the Conservatives in America. We allow this. Either vote in people willing to fight for our country and our rights, or start a 3rd party that will.

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Send the Biden bribery story to sane democrats. Unfortunately I don’t know any sane ones.

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I posted it to the comments of major news outlet’s Trump story on social media, along with a link to this substack. And one of Jeff’s juicy comments.

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Please share!

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I’d love to see how you intro’d it

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Many sane Dems in my neighborhood. They admit to mostly being confused.

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They also don’t want to know. They don’t want to be bothered with the truth. They want to live blissfully ignorant. It’s too scary for them. They can’t handle the truth. Whimps.

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Blissfully ignorant is not a political issue. Too many Republicans are in the same bubble of denial.

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Democrats, Liberals, Leftists are some of the stupidest people I have ever met in my life. I’m not trying to be mean or nasty. I’m being serious, from my observations.

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At the very least , many are very naive and gullible.

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Sane in many cases, but closed minded.

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Sane Democrats are extinct, gone the way of the eerily similar dodo birds.

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They are now, and I believe in all sincerity and without hyperbole, officially the party of satan's bidding.

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Several are off the charts. And mean about it. Family. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I had the same thought, Janet--most of my acquaintances who are DEMONrats all have that "dazed look" in their eyes--they're GONE!!

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Me neither!

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They aren’t going after him, they are going after YOU. He’s just in the way!!!

And I’m am NOT a trump fan, but this is such bullshit!!!

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They will do this to ANYONE who opposes them. "Off with their heads".

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Right !!?

And if you, (simple American) don’t have Trump-$ to defend yourself….

No get outta jail card, pay a $50 fine, or rolling doubles….game over!

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Came to the same conclusion myself after years of disliking him personally. My guess is he saw their plans (the great reset stuff) years ago when they thought he was on their team and decided it wasn't right. Right now, I think he might be the only candidate who cares about any American. We know where the others sit (with the WEF/socialists or with the CIA/deep state). Ironically, the NYC narcissistic son of a billionaire might be the most authentic and caring candidate we have, LOL.

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I’m glad to see him going after big pharma. Time will tell.

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Fred Trump was a billionaire? Hadn’t heard that. In his day I didn’t think billionaires were a thing. But due to inflation, I think we’ll soon have have trillionaires.

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Fair enough. "Only" about $250M at the time of his death 24 years ago. Not exactly your garden variety millionaire.

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LOL...well said! He may not care about me personally but I believe he cares about what he sees happening to his people, the Americans.

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Well done

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Yup exactly.

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Definitely have Trump fatigue myself but this whole situation sickens me. It is wrong. Period.

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Your fatigue should be blamed on the left, not Trump. All of the drama of the Trump term that we're told to be tired of was caused by the left, not Trump.

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I voted for President Trump twice. The night he won in 2016 I stayed up all night long in sheer joy and amazement that it actually happened. But I will never forget what happened with Covid. “15 days to flatten the curve” that morphed into years. Birx, Fauci. Javanka. Hanging J6 protestors out to dry when HE called them to DC. I don’t believe he understands constitutional principles. I don’t trust him not to fall into another globalist trap (like CBDCs). But I am heartbroken and sickened over what is happening to him.

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I think perhaps you are a bit naive at the power of the Swamp and the methods needed to fully destroy it, brother. Just because this doesn't look like conventional war doesn't mean we haven't been in it. And it's EVERY person's responsibility to pay attention and invest themselves. Trump was the ONLY voice offering alternatives to Covid. He TOLD us MSM was our enemy. And yet many conservatives listened to the fear mongering of MSM and took the poison shots....and believed the same medical community that has been killing and damaging our children for decades with other vaccines. In war, innocents will always die. It's just never been on OUR turf before! So you can't lay this in Trumps lap when he's been the only voice for the people. There's a reason why ALL of the forces of evil in this nation are trying to destroy him. It's not because he's perfect or a savior. It's because he's one of the rare voices that actually loves this nation and its people. I think he's MORE than proven that by his actions....that many seem to have very short memories about!

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Yep. No one wants to admit it is the McConnells of the world who caused all of this. Their job as the "opposition party" is to represent their voters and oppose the Dems. To stand with their President. They did not and do not do that. Instead, they attacked Trump for common sense things like not wearing a mask and not wanting to close things down. It's easy to forget that Trump did not want those things. But, his own party and administration sided with the Dems b/c they are indistinguishable from the Dems in every way and wanted to destroy Trump's presidency. Trump also wasn't President when the worst lockdowns and mandates were done. Despite how it played out in the end, given the messaging and knowledge at the time, it was also good sense to try to develop a treatment. How it was then deployed was insane, but Trump didn't do that.

Plus, Presidents are not omnipotent. Their powers are intentionally restricted in our system. It's not like he could just say "no masks, no lockdowns, no vaccines, stop being afraid" and that would happen. Which also points out that a lot of this tragedy falls on fearful Americans as well, always voting for and demanding "safety" over freedom and personal responsibility.

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Truth spoken!

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And therein lies the problem. The RINO Republican Party are fellow travelers with the Bolsheviks. Trump may be the Republican ticket but that will be only because of the American people. He is an outsider to the RINOs and they hate him.

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unless they. are D, in which case they can do no wrong because the republicans give them a pass

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Great post.

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I definitely have mixed feelings about the whole thing 😕 I think you’re right about a lot of it but I can’t help but be frustrated and disappointed by the lack of results in some important areas. And definitely the treatment of the J6 people especially 😕 I know Trump is not a savior but I do think he dropped the ball on a few very important issues. Still, he also did a lot of good and showed clearly how deep and ugly and powerful the state bureaucrat network is. And how traitorous the RINO wing of the Republican Party is too. All things we suspected but that really came to light with his presidency.

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RunningLogic, I hear what you’re saying but a lot of the things that didn’t happen that we wanted to happen with President Trump or things that went wrong were because he (and his supporters) were faced with a David vs Goliath situation, except in his situation Goliath “won”. And the swamp wants us to blame Trump and be discouraged because it plays right into their plans. They’re after him because he is a threat to their lies, corruption and their power if exposed. Trump isn’t perfect, nor am I, but at this point I think he’s the only person who’s willing to fight back and stand up against the evil and tyranny. I’m not looking for a savior because I know Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, but I’m looking for someone who has a spine of steel and the courage to call out the corruption and the people involved, and to solve the many problems our nation is facing. At this point I believe Trump is the only one in the field willing to do that.

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Yes I definitely see your points. I do think he was up against a far bigger foe than he expected and people who seemed to support him were actually snakes in the grass.

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The Revolutionary War, actually more a CW, was a long, mostly losing affair for the Patriots until through hard fought brutal battles in the South led to victory at Yorktown with crucial French fleet and ground forces.

George Washington had many defeats before the miracle at Trenton saved the revolution from defeat.

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023

Very true and good to remember. It’s darkest before the dawn.

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It was a secession.

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It was a long and grueling 7 year war with the British, the premier military empire on the planet.

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You think he dropped the ball on some important issues? Who are we to even know how those things came down? A state representative spoke yesterday, she had gotten criticism for endorsing a certain bill. The truth of the matter was, if she hadn’t been on that committee to defang that bill, it would’ve passed in a dangerous form, instead of the nothingburger that it is now. We make a way too many assumptions about our politicians instead of standing behind them.

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You make a good point, but I still have the right to criticize and ask questions. He hasn’t explained anything behind the scenes as you described in your example, and maybe he can’t for some reason. But given that I have no information about any of his behind the scenes work, I can still regret that some issues weren’t addressed as I would have liked. Trump is also human and makes mistakes sometimes, so it’s not necessarily true that he did things behind the scenes in every case to mitigate any potentially negative effects. I don’t like to blindly stand behind anyone. I don’t understand this seeming need to be uncritically supportive of anything and everything a political figure (or anyone else for that matter) does. I liked Reagan a lot but I still think his signing the childhood vaccine act was a huge mistake. I’m sure he probably did it for what he thought were good reasons but it was still a bad idea. I know, hindsight is 20/20 but we can use those experiences to do better in the future.

I only make assumptions about Trump because I can do nothing else, since he can’t or won’t explain what his strategy or behind the scenes moves are. I would definitely like to know more about why Trump makes the moves and choices he does, he doesn’t really seem to explain a lot about that or at least isn’t always very clear about it. Hopefully we’ll know more at some point.

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I have loved Trump since the day he attacked John McStain, criminal supposed war hero.

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Who was actually maybe the biggest profiteer off war mongering in history (Miss Lindsey is his disciple).

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To touch McStain was absolutely taboo on both sides of the aisle, but candidate Trump went there!

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Yes, the ChiComs play the "Long Game" as it is The Asian Mentality, 100% opposite to the "Western Mentality." UnRestricted, UnConventional Warfare led to the Current Bribed USSA Feral Coup Gov., Puppet-Pawns to the ChiCom & NWO "Pogroms". Historically, over a Thousand Years Ago, China has not Invaded to create it's Empires, but used Bribery to Create Puppet Leaders in Vassal States.

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Plus now China knows how to make other countries indebted to them by lending money for projects, and then when the money cannot be repaid China takes control. It's a bit by bit process. At this point, China probably owns half of the U.S.

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Certainly MOST of the District of Criminals

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Nellie Elizabeth Palmer-strawn on FB

Just to clarify briefly because I am still seeing many are still blaming President Trump for the fallout from the vaccines. Trump had no choice but to release the vaccines in order to stop their great reset. It was always meant to happen under Hillary Clinton. The original plan was to keep nations shut down until a vaccine was made. Multiple deep state leaders told us this. They also said it could take years to develop. A central element of the cabal strategy was to hide all treatments. The WHO ordered all governments, news media, and social media to censor and ban information about treatments. Trump smashed this plan by shouting from the rooftops that there were treatments. He posted 26 tweets (!) about hydroxychloroquine and promoted doctors who use it. Essentially Trump removed the need for a vaccine by saying there were cures. Who needs a rushed vaccine if there are proven drugs? He promoted these drugs for many months. The significance of this evades most of us. This is where many of us KNEW not to take the shit, and tried to tell all of you NOT TO TAKE THE SHIT and tell people to f&ck off!! The vaccines were not his idea. They were the cabal's plan. He released them 1.5 years sooner to end lockdowns, which saved the world. That was the key to the original plan. Under the guise of a public health crisis, shut down the economy long enough to kill it completely. 99% of the people that took it were also going to take it, regardless of what Trump said or did. This is evident in the fact that despite his endorsement of the vax, the intelligent of the world adamantly refused. (More in comments) 👇

If he had come out against the vaccines, they would have simply used it to destroy him and still introduced it but on their own timeline. It was the only option. Nothing could prevent the vaccines. Mankind demanded them. They would have been released anyway. All he could do was thwart their plans.

The genocide is not his fault.

The adverse events are not his fault.

All of this would have happened anyway, & far worse - on top of the total wipeout of America & all nations, followed by a tyrannical Great Reset.

Go back and watch Trumps rally in Alabama

He was booed for mentioning Warp Speed...

Thus ending his promotion of it

He was waiting for the People to acknowledge the dangers of the vax

How many Doctors were censored from all forms. Of media for telling, you the dangers?

Researching just the risks of 1 vaccine opens the Door to. All research and questioning all of the Lies.....Since that day Trump. Dropped

Warp Speed talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA306aNtvmk

More comments on FB if interested

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Very well explained 👏

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Excellent condensed version!

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I borrowed it! It is so good

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Revisiting this for a current C&C dispute @ T and gain o function ban removal. (This post was so good I copied it to notes, w/ the url!

A poster is arguing that T failed & accuses him of pandering to Pfiz.($), causing him to resume gof funding. Another poster is calling him a fool for mentioning HCQ.

So, I’m on the trail & learning lots too! This post is a much appreciated VERY refreshing reminder and a fantastic summary. Thanks! God Bless & Godspeed! ☝🏼✝️🕊🙏🏽

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I followed you, but I don’t know what that even means😂


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Except he was against all of that and went along reluctantly b/c he was more or less forced to. I mean, the media attacked the guy relentlessly for refusing to wear a mask. Then, the bureaucrats made masks mandatory in response to his refusing to wear them. The President does not have unlimited power. He also wasn't President for the vast majority of the covid response, most importantly, including the "vaccine" mandates.

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Ever see those half a mile high mountains of water bearing down on New York City in any of those Sc-Fi flics? This is what the Trump presidency was and is like ... and I cannot remotely imaging being able to go through and endure what Trump endured. How does he do it? And why? This I always have to ask myself. And so, while am well capable of heaping mountains of criticism on DJT, I can never forget that all of this Fake Legal Persecution could not still possibly be going on without Trump having at least done something right on behalf of the beleaguered American populace now in abject subjugation.

And somehow, we all bear responsibility. And yes, no one man, not even a president, has god-like powers to single-handedly reverse this un-Godly mess. And if Trump did us one single favor, it is that Trump exposed the truth about America being little more than one gigantic Banana Republic run by a criminal Mafia-like warlord elite. You know this is the truth. And the rest of the world knows it too ... all but the hopelessly insensate.

You said it right.

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Well said!

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Wow, I did my little comment before I read yours, and you said it so much better!

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How is Trump still standing? How is Melania? How is Barron? How is all the family? How confused the beautiful grandchildren must be. If you call yourself a Christian, but aren’t pouring your heart out to God for them…well, I don’t even know what to say.

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You did just fine! And I was involved with Tea Parties and political parties for a number of years. And so, I've have some practice at this game.

The world we are living in? It's like a huge room with millions of musical chairs in it, all chairs moving in different directions and one in never sure who is running towards or sitting in any particular chair at any particular point in time. We, in short, are all struggling day and night to figure out who is naughty, who is nice and/or just plain conflicted. No easy task. Especially since there are no perfect people.

Belief in God is also belief in right and wrong, and belief Good and Evil. The best sorting of this out is the Ten Commandments. As to all of this, I have gradually come to believe that there are people in the world that are mostly, totally Evil. And God help them!

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Daverkb, I just go around to reading these comments and I'm pleasantly surprised that you and I were posting on the same theme. I posted my comment late Friday and only saw yours just now. Something in the wind?

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Did you see the demonstrations in Japan and other parts of the world telling America to bring Trump back? The rest of the world definitely know it!

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If I am just one of the 'little people' sitting in my little room in Virginia and I know some of this evil rot, I have to figure a large part of the truly thinking world also knows it. And also, people listen to what the Russians leaders are saying and compare it to what the Walking Dead Tyrants of the West put out. And yes, indeed, and in truth ... the collective West is a capital letters PATHETIC CLOWN SHOW. What they say is preposterous, vacant and simply incapable of being believed. We see that this is so in countless acts like South Africa not wanting to have anything to do with pathetic frumpy Janet Yellen, the Saudis not answering the phone, Xi going out of his way not to be sitting or standing next to Soy Boy Trudeau ... and so on and so on. I know that the rest of world sees it all. But sometimes we feel isolated, encapsulated precisely as the Controllers struggle day and night to effect. But it is not so, and it is now irony of ironies the Mentally Hollow Bags of Sawdust qua the fake leadership of the West which is now isolated from three quarters of the rest of the world.

And now it is not just the stupid stuff like the absurd sanctioning and the stupid Andromeda pipeline fairy tale that people see. It is also all the corruption, the laptop from hell, the trafficking of human beings, organ harvesting, the pedophilia, drug and arms trade and much more. People see there is no moral quotient left in the West. They see the horror dished out from a power structure which has turned its back on God and embraced the death cult of Marxist. They the rest of the world sees that in the Desert of Marxist by whatever name it is callled that all life shrivels up to parched skin and sun bleached bones. And they want no part of it.

This is just the thumbnail sketch. But for sure, no civilization can survive this kind of depravity. And I think that some powerful elements in the West understand this and are slow motion walking the real extremism back. But will it be enough? Too little too late? And will it benefit ordinary, regular people in any truly meaningful way? I can't say. But Evil does burn itself out once it runs out of fuel. And many can sense that for the West, some kind of end game is at hand.

Short term, we may see Europe decouple from the Preposterous City on the Potomac. This may seem implausible, impossible. And it may be by degrees. However, cracks and fissures are now opening up. And it now may be a only a matter of time that survival is more compelling than folly by dictate. The world was shocked when most of world simply just walked away from the sanctioning frenzy. And by now, maybe we should be less shocked would large swaths of Europe do the same. Discontent is boiling under the surface like a volcano awaiting its day of eruption.

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Jun 11, 2023·edited Jun 11, 2023

A bit late to the party here ( so much going on!!)….

To DaveKillerBee, Willing Spirit, et al: Thank you!

Think, if Trump had not put the psycho Fauci in front, who would have researched & followed the trails—found out what a demented criminal he is? His lies and ALL the other lies.

—His involvement in vax & drug patents…(& trails)

—His AIDS drug testing on poor black children in NY, knowing how bad they were and forcing them to the point that if they refused, they’d put in a feeding tube. Many died horribly were permanently damaged…(& more trails)

—we found out about so much more! Baric & Daszic & others.

His ties to the biolabs, patents and the crimes of our 3-letter agencies, the Who, and NGO, govts and corporate collusion. World wide…(yet more trails!)

—-How deep and wide the toxic evil fungi had been spreading beneath the surface and now we could see their fruiting bodies… (Trails upon trails)

This was ONE route Trump could use to pull back the curtain for we-the-people — if we would be curious and smart enough and brave enough to step out and up and open our eyes. We would learn who and what to trust and to not trust— and why.

Can anyone think T didn’t know all this and more? 👉🏼He wanted US to know. Fauci was just the entryway. So many of us opened the door to that ever darkening labyrinth and entered in, lit with the light of God and our fellows bearing torches, exploring the myriad linked passages. We broke holes to air and daylight and they will remain lit and known forever.

He sent us there.

Willing Spirit & Daverb and other summarized the story. But in my mind, what Op Warp Speed really was was the intentional accelerated course in REALITY 101. 102, and Post-Grad. We met amazing & brave professors & fellow students along the way. Some have become teachers themselves. Trump is a very savvy fellow. His role is our leader and champion. Few of us would have persisted through to graduating Reality School & beyond without him in some capacity (much that we are even now oblivious to!)

A truly miraculous journey! For God — Christ the King — has already won. We abide in Him; In Him we move and have our being. All praise and glory to Him alone — but not alone.

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Whatever the Trump complaints are, it cannot be denied that Trump put out the dirty laundry to hang and dry better than anyone in the history of the world. And there is no stuffing the dirty laundry back into the dirty laundry bag. If we owe anything to Trump, it's for laying things bare. Both the 2016 and the Great Banana Republic Election of 2020 are huge inflexion points. And I am thankful that I have lived long enough to see the exposures.

My heart goes out to Trump and his family for what they are being put through with these fake Stalin-esque Doctors Trails going on. Totally Hideous.

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I definitely take your points. When your staff comes to you as POTUS and says 2 million people will die on your watch- it has to have an impact. I have always believed that President Trump loves the US. I don’t fault him for his initial stance. Where I have serious concerns is his lack of a pivot once more info became available. And he should have always been queasy with suspending our freedoms. I never sensed that bothered him much, other than if it made him look bad. To this day he defends OWS. He and Pence put Birx and Fauci center stage for months. And then Biden came in and exponentially made it worse. I argued with people who swore up and down Biden wouldn’t do mandates. Then he did. Unfortunately Trump landed the first punch while Biden delivered the KO. JMO.

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Some of y’all act like Trump had a perfectly normal time in office. Or that he should have been omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. He is not God. He is just a willing instrument doing battle for the country he loves.

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I also remember him saying something like not letting the cure be worse than the problem.

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If you recall, President Trump appointed Pence to oversee the Covid response! He was often seen on camera discussing the “strategy” along with two of the deep state swamp creatures, Birx and Fraudchi.

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Yet, you voted again for Trump after his Covid shutdowns, jabs, etc. ?

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Over Biden, yes. Not ashamed of that and would do it again. Biden is orders of magnitude worse.

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Much of that "drama" was caused by Mitch McConnell, he who famously told Trump that "[you] don't understand how we do things here [in Congress]".

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How Kentucky has McConnell AND Rand Paul as senators baffles me. The worst and the best? How do the good citizens of Kentucky vote for turtle man?

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Maybe they don’t.

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The body politic is a piece of corruption. And corruption is not just stealing, taking bribes and so on. It is a compromised mental faculty which cannot distinguish between truth and lies, fantasy and reality. We see this in our kin who say things that could not possibly be said if a Bible were cracked now and then ... and actually read out loud to the families.

I see these people too ... like Lindsay the Graham Cracker. Stupid gets what Stupid votes for. (And then there's that matter of crooked, rigged elections.)

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What was that movie line? Stupid is as stupid does?

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Forest Gump

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023

Unfortunately, my former senator, RINO Richard Burr, was helping the Dems harm Trump in the Senate "Intelligence" Committee.

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Find the photo from the day after Trump won in 2016, with nasty Mitch McConnell having to walk through the Capitol with Trump. It is so telling!

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Yeah back room “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” deals 🙄😡

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I fully agree Paul.

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I'm tired of all of the political nonsense that amounts to nothing. Nothing will happen with Trump, but more importantly (sadly), nothing will happen with Biden either.

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How is the Biden family apparently so wealthy? Why is Biden never pressed on how many homes he owns when he stands up there like a decrepit POS mocking the question? He’s been in “public service” for 40 years.

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023

“You can’t get rich in politics unless you are a crook”

Harry Truman

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I completely agree with you, but NOTHING EVER HAPPENS to these crooks.

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Maybe not in this life, but there is an eternal painful hereafter just a'waitin' ....

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O'Biden should write a book...

How to become a multimillionaire on a government paycheck!

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actually it is not on a government paycheck. We know his paycheck. It is all the (illegal) graft on the taxpayers back

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Only Biden? Lots of government workers, active and retired, have more than a million dollars. And, there are COLA increases on those pensions too.

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Or how did the previous presidents get so wealthy? I'm betting the same way.

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According to some people, Obama’s wealth comes from his books. 🙄

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What I find ironic about Obama is that he has enough money to build an oceanfront mansion in Kailua (on Oahu) - from book sales (really)? but continues to claim the oceans are going to rise and inundate beach front properties.

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not to mention his Martha Vineyard spread

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They aren’t required to make any sense in their words or deeds, whatsoever.

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Yep.....a front for laundered money from human trafficking, drugs, etc.

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Hookers and blow for Hunter.

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Pushing climate change. They should go first. Get rid of all their luxuries!

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Isn’t it nauseating to be lectured by people who fly in private jets everywhere? 🤦‍♀️

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And also live in 24000 sq Ft houses? And have multiple residences? 🙄

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I kept asking that question about nasty Al Gore, who was campaigning in 2000 on having spent his life in public service. Very lucrative business, that public service.

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And remember Albert Gore Sr. made a very lucrative living off of oil!

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Ha! If it wasn’t for hypocrisy, the left would be without a leg to stand on.

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“So you outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full to hypocrisy and lawlessness.” -Matthew 23:28

Jesus got it!😉

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We now know he couldn’t have been much worse than ‘W’. Would we have ended up in endless wars in the Middle East? With an unimaginable tragedy in NYC to garner support?

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They’re cut from the same cloth in the Uniparty. So probably didn’t really matter. Which has been the case for our elections for decades.

Trump upset that game bigly.

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Gore has gotten very wealthy from his climate change scam. He laughs all the way to the bank.

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May the ‘bird of paradise’ fly up his nose, May an elephant caress his pretty toes’. Dating myself with that old song whose have lyrics I have mostly forgotten. Yeah, he is beyond despicable 🤮

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Do you want to see President Trump imprisoned for nothing? I pray to God there’s still enough sanity to clear him, once again.

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Maybe you are right? Maybe you are not? Maybe it is too easy to be cynical to the point of poisoning one's self. I ought to know as no man is totally immune to slippage. And that is why we look towards God as we are insufficient in and of ourselves.

But actually, you are right. We all could do without this nonsense.

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I don't have PDJT fatigue.

I have dim lawfare lawyer fatigue.

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While Biden laughs and points his finger and asks “where’s the money” 🤬

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I think Biden opens his hand when he asks that.

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He should check with Hunter's crack dealer and pimp.

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Jeff and trump both hold out their hands and ask for


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Yep! We know where some people are getting their information/propaganda.

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More like Freedom Fatigue of the sunshine patriot who has no idea of Valley Forge

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Charlie Kirk was talking about this yesterday.

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Sorry I don’t follow (??)

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I know. Read Thomas Paine's "The Sunshine Patriot" and get back to me, I'm busy.

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023

PS: I didn’t know if you were talking about me, Trump, or whomever. I read Thomas Paine long ago. I’ve also read most of the federalist papers. Have a JD. Raised and homeschooled two great kids who are conservatives. Have multiple cousins/family who have served in the military. You can go jump in a lake with your condescension and hate. You and people like you are WHY conservatives are where we are. Wake up. Your idol (Trump) is not George Washington or our savior.

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Oh "the Credentials" manuver, Comrade. So "Who" is Your George Washington???

Btw, I don't have "hate", You use such Proggie teminolgy, maybe You are where "Conservatives Are". Keep voting Bushie, I'm sure that will work just fine. Got Musket??? Hopefully yes, because you/me/we will need them as the Millions of Illegals swarm the country.

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Why do Rs stand around in circular firing squads while ultra left march in lockstep to permanent tyranny? And btw, you played the snooty educated card first, not me.

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Spoken like a true patriot!

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I love you! So hard trying to bring people up to speed.

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Condescending much? How does that help people?

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Gets them MAD, which is better than the Normie Condition.

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But don’t you think “Trump fatigue” comes from the master plan of MSM?

It’s all by design -- I’m also confused. What’s the end game here? It’s a slippery slope and no one seems to be paying attention

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Certainly but Trump doesn't help himself, unfortunately. I personally think the end game is one world govt.

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Trump and Alex Jones are in my personal waste basket

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Harold what makes you say this about AJ? Just curious. I don’t love him but he has been predicting some of this stuff for a long time.

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AJ is a gatekeeper. He has leaked truth throughout the years, but he also supports and promotes 'conservative transvestites,' as if that could ever be an actual thing.

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I appreciate the insight. But isn’t it true that when the wackiest of people can get some things right? Are we falling into the classic ad hominem trap with AJ?

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I still loosely monitor AJ's reports, but I take nothing as fact unless I can verify it. The fact that he is a gatekeeper (IMO) means that he does expose truth at times. But AJ will never fully expose who actually runs this circus. I won't call any names on here, but I will say that the answer can be found in the Bible. I'm referring to Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.

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Will look at these verses!

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Why are you defending AJ?

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He’s a pro socialist grifter.

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AJ also betrayed you, me and the first amendment on the Sandy Hook issue by deciding it was better to apologize for telling the truth than to fight it in court with James Fetzer, co-editor of the globally "banned book", NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK. All electronic copies of the book have been removed from Archive.org and other platforms because the discovery of evidence is overwhelming.

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Predicting events is easy when somebody else predicted it first. In only one example, AJ leaped to popularity when he convinced everyone he predicted 9/11. This was after it was predicted by Bill Cooper. read "Behold a Pale Horse".

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And you’re in mine.

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And you’re in mine.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff OT a little, but I’m wondering if you might be able to create and post (kind of like the advice for churches) a sort of template or guide on what to do and how to word letters to clubs, professional associations and other groups that feel the need to make woke politicized statements. Is there some effective way to push back on this?

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023

Just last week I came across a Jordan Petersen video that covered this exact topic.


It's quite hard to stand up against the woke (or any tyranny, for that matter), and the longer one waits the harder it becomes. My take away from the video was: "get your affairs in order" so that one can become un-cancel-able, and organize to take a stand as a group. Tyrants will seek to isolate dissenters one-by-one, and then pick off the weakest in turn. If a group, a large enough group to make an impact, stands in unity, the tyrants will slink away.

It can be done. Ask Anheuser-Busch and Target how their woke tyrant campaigns are going.

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Have a look at Resident Biden's latest addition to the DHS lawfare armory. Take especial note of the credentials of the majority of this new committee's members: https://washingtonstand.com/news/bidens-council-to-keep-churches-safe-includes-al-sharpton-and-three-islamists

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Great idea.

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Thank you ❤️ I hope we can pool our resources to stop allowing these leftists to always be the squeaky wheels and control our organizations! They need to stop assuming everyone is on board with their statements!!

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It's something I've noticed too. They are the squeaky wheels. And people just assume they're in the majority because, in reality, who is going to rebut some this stuff? To do so can be career suicide.

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Pray. Pray very hard. Pray constantly. Make sure you have God on your side for what is coming.

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Pray for our nation every night...my favorite Biblical character Daniel comes to mind, "Pray that as a nation we would return to God." Pray that I too will develop "camel knees"!

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Christian Wiman, a Christian poet who teaches at Yale Divinity School, says, in My Bright Abyss: Meditation of a Modern Believer: "Two human weaknesses only intensify each other. But human weakness plus Christ's weakness equals a supernatural strength."

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Excellent point! See Daniel 9:3-19.

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“My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for God is always right.”

― Abraham Lincoln

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Exactly. That's the issue. Our country has lost it's way. Our system of education and the media is the main reason people only know of the lies they are being told. Praying to ask God to wake them up and for them to get on God's side is my biggest prayer.

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Some entertainer just said that Hollywood is now trying to normalize satan. The satanic propaganda agenda continues.

Sometimes one wonders why the entertainment and music industry justifies their actions. I believe it is hate which drives them. Not hate For conservative or Orthodox Judaism, not hate for Islam, but hate for Christianity and its moral and ethical tenets which have shaped this country and the West.

They are anti Christian and fundamentally trying to transform this country and the west..aka: the New World Order.

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A long-term project. The movie Rosemary's Baby came out in 1968.

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I am definitely doing that 🙏

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Pray and stand up. We are the majority. Do not comply. We have to do more than showing up at rally’s and waiving flags. The 1 st thing is for all republicans to unite. Sto the infighting and name calling. Shut down the lying MSM. They have been under the control of the CIA. Massive quiet, non violent civil disobedience. Keep the faith, God wins.

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Another day in the life of our Banana Republic. You can blame the apparent lawlessness of the DNC but none of this could have happened without being directly aided and abetted by our Banana Republicans dating back to the neocons and George W. Bush.

Meanwhile, Linkedin is celebrating the return of N95s due to air quality issues stemming from the spontaneous wildfires in Quebec caused by climate change: https://www.linkedin.com/news/story/hazy-skies-stoke-demand-for-n95s-5315105/

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Actually, IMO, "Bush the Elder" a Judas-Brutus who Killed the Reagan Revolution. and Pence is a Putz.

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Emerald Robinson had a good piece on her Substack about a year ago about Pence. It wasn’t flattering.

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Pence is regarded as a pedo in alt media circles

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I am sure he is not. Let them call out the real ones in the Demoncrat party. Pence is boring as hell, has no charisma, and seems too intolerant and judgy as a human being. He is like the type of Christian one doesn't even like in their congregation.

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Tell us why you're sure Pence is not a pedo?

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Tell us why you know he is. I’m so tired of people throwing out unproven allegations.

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Poppy was in Dallas on 22 Nov 1963.

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He was CIA

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Time for my annual nostalgic query: "Remember when we thought the CIA were the good guys?"

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Yeah, I used to think the Church Committee damaged our country. They didn't do near enough.

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Oh but, Poppy couldn’t remember where he was. Gave several different answers. I mean really...REALLY...is there an American alive over the age of 10 who does not know where they were on November 22, 1963?

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Our location on that fateful day is burned into our memory.

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Climate change? I thought the cause was the helicopters with flamethrowers that were filmed flying over the areas that all "spontaneously" went up in flames. But what do I know.

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Exactly. In the dry summer of 2001 or 2002, helos were seen igniting remote forested areas of the SE Appalachians. Later it was learned that at least one such ignition-mission was to create overtime-paying jobs for firefighters.

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Was my sarcasm not patently obvious enough?

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Oppps...I should've known considering the substack😁

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I saw a news caster on the Buffalo news wearing an N 95 mask on Wednesday. I thought to myself how many stupid people are gonna go out and buy one of those AGAIN!!!

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I live in Central NY, unfortunately. The air quality from the Canadian Wildfires was at hazardous levels on Wednesday. Orange, hazy, dense air. Even the inside of my garage smelled of smoke. If there was ever a time to wear an N-95 for an immune-compromised person, this would have been it.

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Well, not necessarily just immune compromised. Anyone wanting to keep particulate matter out of their lungs, I would suppose.

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Except they don't filter the plactic fibers in those masks...

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Oh, really? That seems counterintuitive, but I guess those fibers can be pretty small.

It’s truly too bad all the air pollution from what’s going on. I remember that decades ago, we would’ve been hearing outcries from the Greenies about the pollution. 😕

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There are studies showing lungs full of those plastic fibers...they cause pneumonia...

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I guess my bullshit fear mongering antenna is up way too high.

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Been there !!! Sorry you are going through it …it’s horrible!! 🙏

We had completely orange skies in Cali for months …I would blow ash off the parking lot at our business with a leaf blower !! (now that I think about it probably was not the best idea 🤣)

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I got asthma from the Oakland fires some 20 odd years ago

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That’s right, and you need an air filter in your house for this level of smoke too. Even just one in your bedroom will make a big difference.

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Do you know, or are you assuming that the news person was “ immune- compromised “?

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Again, my guess is they pick up the same old playbook as they used during the plandemic. Worked good for viewership then why not boost the ratings now? Do not live in fear.!!

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Somebody must have a hefty investment or financial interest in them!!

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Bush the war criminal...never met a Middle East country he didn't want to bomb.

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Ain’t that the truth.

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Good point.

Regarding LI, I'm not clicking on that crap. Or any climate change crap.

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I still like the original term “global warming”. Reminds them of the farce it is.

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Agree. "Climate change" is their attempt to snake out of their illogical propositions.

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There is so much wrong with this legal pursuit of the former President. I'm not a fan, he is not really a fiscal or social conservative. Set that aside. I did vote for him over the cogitator in chief.

My main concern is the totally lack of seriousness this exudes. Process crimes ginned up from unused and controversial federal laws... they are a way of making people care less and less about the political process. The whole thing, which has long been farcical is now moving into a kind of Mexican soap opera that will drive folks to thinking this isn't real and it isn't relevant. It will darken their awareness that they must be involved to protect their freedoms.

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023

Sadly, everyone has forgotten how much good was done by Trump in office against never ending smears and odds. Even friends I know that liked him and voted for him now want any GOP other than him. The Swamp Republicans are in league with Dems. Make the story all about him, everyday. They want the story about him to solidify the division in this country and in the Republican Party. Finally in the end, the Republican Party will elect a “safe” candidate to run forever alienating millions of Conservatives. The elections have never been fixed, whatever outcome they wish will happen. We are now nothing but a State run propaganda machine called the media. And we are under a state run police and justice system.

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023

Everyone here knows how much I hate Donald Trump.

But the persecution of this man is off-the-charts and unprecedented - except perhaps in some banana republics.

But you know who I'm starting to hate even more than despicable Donald are my stalwart GOP Senators and Representative who stand by while the country burns down. Those bastards need to swing.

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Thank you. An honest answer. I won’t press you for details on why you “hate” Donald Trump. That’s a strong verb, but I’ll move on. Since I watched Trump almost single-handedly bring this country back from the brink of disaster (a Hillary presidency) I’ve come to respect him more and detest the republican members of the Uniparty even more. They are the individuals that have brought us to this point. They’ve spent our hard-earned tax dollars; they’ve made deals to profit themselves; they’ve put their money into laundering schemes that they now want to hide from our eyes; they’ve drawn us into useless wars that have spent lives and treasury and they’ve been doing it a LOT LONGER than Trump has been on the scene. I don’t have a crystal ball but I will say that some day we will all thank Trump for taking the slings and arrows (which I personally do right now), for starting to clean up the mess that the uniparty members have left behind. It is their participation in the Democrats’ schemes through their power and greed that has nearly destroyed this country. I repeat, this started a long time ago, and to not lay the blame on those that came before him and where it should be lain is truly shortsighted and totally unfair.

A precedent is being set - one with eyes can see it. Who has been more involved in espionage than Biden with his $5M payoffs from a foreign country? Obama’s involvement in FISA? Hillary’s (and Bill’s) election interference through the Russia hoax. (I’m sure I’m missing something else) These are acts to potentially overthrow the United States of America. That is treason. While America has been sleeping, Trump has been working to expose these treasonous acts. Two-thirds of this country are now seeing the two-tiered system of justice; they are seeing the long-loved institutions become nothing more than mobs of hit men going against their rivals. The uniparty members aren’t involved and aren’t helping.

President Andrew Jackson created the Jacksonian Democracy; he gained the respect and loyalty of the people. Trump is now calling his followers MAGADONIANS. I will gladly use that label. Trump may be the battering ram now. The tables will turn.

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The reason I hate Donald Trump is that he is phony as a 3-dollar bill. He did nothing to stop the Deep State, all the while loudly bragging about how he was going to drain the swamp (which he didn't even try to do.)

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SMH! It’s happening right before your eyes but you are blinded by your hate.

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If the Left go this insane, if they are willing to cross the Rubicon (multiple times, really) to get rid of Trump, then there must be a reason. Even if I don't know the reason, it makes me think Trump should be the candidate.

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100% with you

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Well, except for the hate Trump part but that would be obvious from my other comments.

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Remember, Fred, Trump is the only person in my memory (and I remember where I was when JFK was assassinated), who has ever stood up for the American people against the Deep State, Cabal, Shadow Government, or whatever you want to call them. Hate away. He had your back too.

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No, he didn't.

But have a great day anyway, Connie.

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Frankly, given the stratospheric level of unbridled hatred for DJT, I have been surprised that the DS did not take him out like they did with JFK. I expected it throughout his entire four years.

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Lauri C....🎯💥🔥👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Exactly Laurie. The Republican Party is the RINO wing of the Uniparty and they are fellow travelers with the Dem Bolsheviks.

THe point is this: the uniparty will do everything in their power to divide the populist liberty movement against itself for we are their enemy. The Dem Bolsheviks and the Rep RINOS are in league with each other against the American people. I don't Fred but he represents that attempt to divide the populist movement that has been energized by Trump and DeSantis. Trump is the weapon of choice and the time will come when DeSantis will have to back him.

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That "lack of seriousness" extends to our nation's sexual perversion fetishes; our foreign so-called policy towards most other nations; our wonderful beautiful secure borders ... The ghostly spirits of Becket, Ionesco and Adamov may be leading our national conscience.

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Yes. Yes. I think extends to EVERYTHING that the Federal government touches. Academia has been ruined by federal interference and "funding" with strings. The student loan program is crazy. The 'rescued' automakers who should have been left to die or change, the financial industry, healthcare. You name it. Everywhere I go you can see that grotesque clown show of governmental influence.

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You nailed it

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“The ghostly spirits of Becket, Ionesco and Adamov may be leading our national conscience.”


Theatre of the absurd 🎯

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Banana Republic.

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Sadly, I agree that this is a real risk with thinking voters. But, how many of them are there? Those voting for the team whose jersey they wear will continue to do so.

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Maybe none of us should not be worrying about other voters (thinking or not)right now, but be concerned about each of ourselves, i.e., "Am I being driven to think this is not real and is not relevant? Does all this circus make me want to run away from this circus?"

My own answers are "Yes." and "Yes."

Looks like I need to recalibrate.

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Thanks so much for this. I agree. I'm find myself having to ask myself how much attention, energy etc to devote to the unseriousness, but I need to be more intentional about this.

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Love this Angus.... using it to send something to my dem father, cautiously. Changing some words, but you are inspiring me!

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Biden Inc. ect... / Zelensky crooks all from the pits of hell. Bobilinski tried to warn the world. When you tell the truth nowadays you disappear 🫠. What’s right is wrong , what’s wrong is right ... 1+1 doesn’t equal 2 anymore . We have to stand up , time is short . 🫥

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Preach it!

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Ordinary Democrats would never hear about the Biden scandals precisely because they don’t want to hear about them. Every minute spent talking about Trump keeps people distracted from the massive movement that our entire government is making towards scrapping all of our rights. The psychological warfare has succeeded in fully brainwashing in my estimate at least 80% of the population. I have tyrannical government fatigue, I’m trying to decide who I’ll share my food with if I don’t get mopped up in the first wave...

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"Ordinary Democrats would never hear about the Biden scandals precisely because they don’t want to hear about them."

They live in a thought-controlled WaPo/NYT/CNN/MSNBC echo chamber just like the neocons who only watched Fox News during the halcyon days of Dubya and the GWOT. In the end, both sides are drinking from the same trough and yet few appear to have figured this out.

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Love of country and freedom is a virtue that has kept our nation strong and free. But things are different now. I’m a realist... the left has been riding their unjust, warped, and frankly, demonic power trips since Obama came into office in 2008.

Once, I read that the Chinese citizenry don’t read or watch the ‘news’ in their country because they realize it’s all CCP propaganda.

I stopped watching MSM in Obama’s second term including FOX, because that’s when I realized that the entire MSM was captured by the left wing machine. If you need evidence of that, simply watch one of those stitched-together video montages of all of MSM’s talking heads on every station parroting the same script and repeating robotically the same catch phrases.

Seeing Trump persecuted like this without the media’s slightest interest in the truth is surreal. Knowing full well that the commies will also do it to any other Republican president, if another is ever lucky or unlucky enough to be elected. I really wish to wake up from this nightmare.

I pray for good outcomes in 2024. I’m remaining hopeful but it’s difficult to see how we come back from this.

Having said that, we should keep heart... God remains on His throne. None of this surprises Him. Even though it shocks me to my core.

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Amen and well said.

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This is part of an issue Doug Casey wrote:

The problem is that the people on top, who see themselves as a distinct class and have huge amounts of both power and money, figure that they have the right to give orders to the plebs.

Can you take any kind of political action to change the people that are in control? I think the election of 2020 showed that that's probably pointless this far down the road.

Can you reason with these people? Probably not.

We're dealing with a psychological problem, not an intellectual problem. Therefore, the situation is not really open to solution from reason and factual arguments. Recognize that the only reason to try to change things is not because you will succeed—that's unlikely—but because it's right.

Recognize, however, that the downtrend has been in motion for decades. It's still accelerating and likely to keep accelerating until it reaches a real crisis, which will be very unpleasant.

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The democrats' world war vs. Trump?

More like the uniparty's world war vs. Trump.

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Yep. RINOs are complicit.

Did you see MTG, who promised the release of the Jan6 tapes, now says they shouldn't be released for 'security reasons'. Uniparty indeed.

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What happened to her? They must have threatened her kids

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Could it be that MTG is concerned for the people who were there and can be identified by crazies who will go after them??

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Some say big $ promises. Or if she complies with the RINOs she gets big powers, otherwise will be squeezed out.

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RINOs/NeoCons are fellow travelers with the Bolsheviks. The do not care about the American people.

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Would not have expected that.

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MTG is a blowhard.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Ron DeSantis points out that Trump gave Fauci (and Birx) a Presidential Commendation on his last day as president.


"On his last day in office, President Donald Trump issued commendations to a number people for their contributions to Operation Warp Speed, a White House effort to distribute 300 million doses of a viable COVID-19 vaccine by January 2021, which by Jan. 19 had not been met.

A few names on the list of commendations stood out, particularly Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx, both of whom were key members of the White House coronavirus task force in its early days, before having their public-facing roles diminished when the task force ceased providing regular briefings."


Those 2 tyrants are in the top 10 of this list:


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Ya that doesn’t instill confidence at all. I’m really sad about his covid crap. He did so many good things up until that point. Then it’s like….wait. Where did Trump go and what is happening. But, in saying that… we can never forget that we don’t even know the half of the evil demons he was fighting daily in front of us and behind the scenes. I think we would be appalled if we knew what really went on. Just my thought.

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My very big concern is that it seems like Trump will do pretty much whatever you want if you flatter him. There are many examples of this and it's probably what Fauci, Pence, and others did behind the scenes.

Thank goodness the Dems were too stupid to realize this and instead decided to portray him as the new Hitler. In doing so they guaranteed Trump would oppose them on just about everything.

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Agree. He was (and is) way too susceptible to adulation. It clouds his judgement and his enemies understood this and played him over and over.

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Regardless of what actually happened then, anybody that thinks he is going to be that easily manipulated now is in for a shock. After what happened to him the first 4 years, let's see what happens now. He is going to be out for revenge. Flattery will be a tell and he knows it.

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I wonder about that too. What has he been threatened with and by whom?

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A LOT of people trusted Fauci and he was very convincing to the public. Trump was taking info from his advisors, wrongly so but then again where else was he going to go for "facts", he was not staffed with honest aides.

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Fine. But once it was obvious Fauci was a Big Pharma scammer, fighting hydroxycloroquine and other solutions that Trump mentioned... why give Fauci a Commendation?

Reminds me of Trump also praising the Clintons as 'fine (or good?) people' after the election... even toasted Hillary at a big photo op.

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Well stated BFM. Trump didn't need to destroy Fauci, saying nothing would have been sufficient. But instead he felt compelled to praise and reward him (and Birx) long after it was clear their leadership was disastrous. Why? There is no comprehensible reason for doing so other than he agreed with it. In rewarding Fauci he extended the garden gnome's influence by giving him credibility.

The response to this entirely unforced error is that he got bad advice. Trump has a brain, he is supposed to listen to the advice of others, evaluate it, and then decide what is best. That's what executives do, not blindly follow what they are told by "bad advisors". These excuses defend his bad judgement by acting as though Trump is a child that can't think for himself.

I'll probably support Trump in the primary particularly after this latest indictment by the deep state. But he needs to learn and do things differently. You guys defending his awful judgement on these indefensible actions pretty much ensure he wont.

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Well said, good points.

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President Trump said he would ‘hire all the best people’ he also stated that he would ‘drain the swamp”. Had he actually done those things, we might be in a different situation now.

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My doctors at the VA still love Fauci.

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It seems a large majority of Gov workers love each other and the grift.

They certainly are rewarded for voting Democrat and RINO. All their agencies get expanded.

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The laziest people I ever met were the federal workers in the DC area.

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Not at all surprising 😕

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Isn’t this just like Trump? He was actually commending himself. This comment does not mean that I prefer Biden.

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BOOM. You may be the first to properly explain this Trump behavior.

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Ugh 🤮

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Just yet another off camera politician moment of OOPS shyt...Really! No shyt? Again? Dang it.

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Honestly, I want to pay attention to what they’re doing to DJT but I find it hard to even waste my time on at this point. It’s ridiculous and we all know it. However, if they succeed in taking him out (because let’s face it - the corruption runs deep enough to bury him) what are we left with? At least he’s trying to fight which is more than I can say for the paid off/blackmailed/money grubbing rinos.

I have political fatigue. And I’m not alone. Checking with others around me, others online, family and friends -NOBODY CARES ANYMORE. All they see is more of the same BS where the criminals get away with murder, money laundering, malicious prosecutions, lying, cheating, bribery etc etc and nothing stops them. And they’ve all watched the integrity filled, trying to do the right thing, stand up and fight against lawlessness people get thrown in prison. It’s the same playbook we’ve all watched for decades. In 2016 people took notice as DJT came into the scene and stirred the pot. People stood up finally excited, and got bashed and smeared and ridiculed for it. They stood by DJT through all of it no matter the consequences.

But now… People have short attention spans. People don’t do well when perseverance is required. Nobody likes long suffering. People know we’re in a war but the enemy is invisible and don’t know how to fight that. People feel like they’re swinging at an enemy that keeps moving and feel helpless. People are tired. People don’t know what to do. So they stop. They just get off the merry go round. They stop paying attention. They stop following the happenings of the day. People are going back to life before 2020. It’s almost a relief. Although it’s a false sense of relief it’s at least something.

How do you rally the troops when they are beaten down and injured with broken bones and smashed livelihoods?

America needs a win. America needs to see true justice happen with at least one person. Just one. And we haven’t even gotten that in decades.

Not trying to be a downer. Just realistic in what I see happening around me.

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That’s the plan. To exhaust and demoralize us into submission. That’s how you enslave people and take over a country. The war is here and has been for a while. How much is your life worth to you? We have to get back up again or we’re done.

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I agree 100%!!!!! America and all she stands for is worth fighting for. I’m just discouraged by the people. I raise and care for an adult daughter with special needs. I know what long suffering is. I know what perseverance is. I know what advocating for the vulnerable is. I know what it means to fight and never give up. I have it in me even when I get discouraged, to get back up and keep going. It’s the ones around me that have never had to fight for anything ever. They don’t know how to fight. People who skated through life without much difficulty do not know how to do battle for themselves let alone someone else.

I’ve heard people say over the years ‘why does God let His people suffer? If God is so great then why doesn’t He save them from their circumstances?’ Well, I’m here to tell the world BECAUSE IF HE DID THAT HOW WOULD WE EVER LEARN TO FIGHT FOR WHATS RIGHT AND JUST? How will we ever learn to not give up? How will we ever learn to persevere? How would we learn to do battle against the unjust?

If God rescued us out of all our circumstances, never let us experience hardship, never let us be taken advantage of, never let us know what it’s like to be abused and live to tell about it, never suffered, never experienced what it was like to not know where your next meal was coming from, never had to rely on His goodness to provide when we had nothing…… if all that was just stories we heard but never lived…. How would we ever be able to fight for America someday?

Unfortunately, we tend to squirm out of our uncomfortable circumstances rather than embrace the suck, learn from it and let it turn us into strong, sound minded warriors. That’s why people give up, I think. They never learned how to fight and get back up.

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If God did all of those things you listed above, we would think we don't need Jim because life is just perfect as it is.

I'm in the same boat as you, though my son is not an adult yet. It's sometimes tough to watch everyone around me live obliviously to hardship or (worse) tragic loss of freedom. But we press on and depend on Jesus. And you know what? I believe we are just being prepared to leave this broken world and there will be no ties to look back at. Only forward in Jesus!


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I’m with ya! And I stand and applaud you 👏 👏 and salute you 🫡 for the job you are doing as a care giver and a mom! No one but other moms doing this job can understand the sacrifices daily, the dying to ourselves that happen, and the hard work and perseverance exercised…as well as the pure joy of the simplest accomplishments that happen once in a blue moon, that we all take for granted.

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Thank you! I keep thinking that we can be quiet leaders. Being good examples to others when they come asking how we do what we do every day.

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That is worth more than most people think!

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What you said dovetails with something I’ve thought since I became a parent—I feel like having kids gives me insights into the WHY of our relationship with God and our questions on suffering, more than anything else in my life has ever done. If we don’t teach our kids to wait for things and if we teach them instant gratification, if we don’t teach them how to deal with peer pressure and bullying, if we never allow them to experience any difficulties, how will that properly prepare them for life as an adult?? And I think it’s the same with God—if he doesn’t allow us to experience all of these things, how will we be prepared for the afterlife?? (Not that we’ll have suffering there, but I think in order to be fit for the life after this one, we have to learn some things here first).

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Nailed it 🎯. Well said!

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Thank you ☺️

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DJT said he was going after Pharma and boom now this. I don’t we how come out this lunacy. I don’t even know what to think. People in MIA are talking about organizing to protest. I am not going near this Bc just don’t want to be long term jail resident while the government slow walks thru it’s process. I can’t risk it all and sometimes feel maybe it’s best to have sheep in wolves clothing. RFK Jr maybe able to bring more people together than trump can. I am voting anti Biden but now not sure voting matters.

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I hear you. J6 laid the foundation to keep conservatives in their houses and online fighting THAT censorship rather than in the streets exercising our constitutional rights. They shut us down. None of us will go near a protest now. They won. They are removing our ability to even fight in this war. It’s been said that the way to take America down is from the inside out. They’re winning on that front too.

The assault on Americans is real life. What do we do. It’s a rhetorical question at this point 😏

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Fight and lose everything or wait and hope keep living. Not a hard decision. It’s super sad. Family came from Cuba and lost everything for fighting there. Can’t go thru that again and where do you go? How do you get there? I have direct Spanish heritage but it’s too far back not sure Spain will let me in and they are socialist. In Spain they do enjoy life but how long until Spain becomes like USA? nothing is certain best to wait and see keep head down until major seismic shift happens. There is so much corruption Us system of government is gone.

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Or the other option is not fight but also lose everything 😕

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The question is how fast do you want to lose everything? Because one way or another fight lose everything. Don’t fight lose everything but slower. I prefer slow. 🫣

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I forget the terminology for it but Spain recognizes the Greater Espana (sp?) and provides an easy path to Spanish citizenship for anyone of Spanish heritage. You can get citizenship even while having American citizenship. You should check it out.

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I heard years ago you could claim with any relation Gr grandparents etc. now i hear they want direct descendent. I hear with enough cash they will give residency for three years and then allow you to apply for citizenship. Also the right degree, Spain is looking for engineers don’t have enough of them there and have a ton of buildings need restoration. Specifically roll out red carpet for electrical engineers. They don’t need accountants.....this abound. Seem to have enough of those. Not sure how Spain is doing after pandemic. I was there end of 2019 looked ok to me. It’s an option for retirement sell my home car all of my retirement funds I’d meet their criteria. It’s nice there, socialism is broken in like a good leather shoe smaller country living off EU. Catholic god fearing country not fixated on transgender rights and who can use a bathroom. That and Portugal but have no familial ties to Portugal that I know off.

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But even fighting for the kids seems to be too much effort for most of us. At least my former pastor went to a local school board meeting to speak. That’s more than 99% of pastors now. I can’t get anyone to even do the minimum to stand against the sick evil aimed at our children. Yet they all vote Republican and love the RINOs. Very frustrating. Also noted, they love their TVs and still believe in the COVID shots. Ok, I guess I’m just venting.

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I hear ya.

The big talkers were saying “when they come for our kids that’s when the people will rise up” ya whatever. Obviously I’m not trying to diminish the ones who did and are speaking up for our kids and doing something about it. However, they came for our kids and crickets 🦗. The poison jab (among so much other garbage that is aimed at our kids) is part of the childhood criminalccines now. We really fought back eh?

I think I’m venting too. Sometimes I just need to spew the frustration and then get back in the game.

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That's the part that worries me the most. When they came for the children, it was crickets!! Same with the trans shit, the trafficking of children and the normalization of pedophilia!!!!! Very bad sign.

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Yes! And Parents still letting their kids be on there. Nobody gives a crap as long as they get their social media fix. Where are the charges or investigations into them and zucker$uck? 😠 Crickets on all fronts. Very bad sign.

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“When the Lord saw their change of heart, he gave this message to Shemaiah: “Since the people have humbled themselves, I will not completely destroy them and will soon give them some relief. I will not use Shishak to pour out my anger on Jerusalem. But they will become his subjects, so they will know the difference between serving me and serving earthly rulers.””

‭‭2 Chronicles‬ ‭12:7-8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

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“These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”


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Wow. Thanks for sharing that. It choked me up a bit. To know how weary they were back then. To know some gave up others were badly beaten down and lost limbs. I mean I KNOW it, but I don’t know it if that makes sense. I probably read this in school somewhere (back when they taught history) but had forgotten it. Thanks for the boost. I hope anybody that comes across this takes 10 min and reads it. It should be required reading.

If we don’t know where we came from…we won’t know where we are going.

If we can’t appreciate how we became a free country, we’ll lay down and freely give up that freedom for something else.

If we don’t understand the sacrifices made for us, we will be unwilling to make those sacrifices for ourselves and others.

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In the American Secession from the British Empire, commonly called the American Revolution, only a small percentage of the colonial people were in the fight - maybe 20%? They fought the most advanced army on the planet for seven weary years losing battle after battle yet in the end God gave them the victory.

I believe Trump will win in 2024. But the desperate Bolsheviks and NeoCons may find a way to overcome the election - even so far as assassination. If we lose that battle, then the liberty states will have to ban together and secede from the USG and the blue Marxist states. That will be our next battle. We will have to be ready to close ranks.

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"...sane democrat friends..."

You're funny.

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RFK Jr., one of the few.

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But he buys into the climate change scam, like big time. Still, his voice is important for dems to hear. He says many good things. They won’t let him debate anyone so his exposure will be limited.

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His green policy regards corrupt corporations that pollute to save money. Seems to be his biggest issue.

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Probably the only one.

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You’re probably correct. If Trump gets 100 million legitimate votes, Biden will 110 million fake votes.

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Yeah but at some point it becomes patently ridiculous. We should swamp the court system with tens of thousands of suits until the judges finally do their job.

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