Jan 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I’ve had 2 friends commit suicide this year. Completely out of the blue. Absolutely no indication of anything wrong. Breaks my heart!!! And yes, both forced jabbed🤬

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I am so sorry…incomprehensible evils have been committed and I am so looking forward to God Almighty’s reckoning. May He comfort you and all their loved ones.

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Your scripture today gave me hope. He is at work now. And soon perhaps—

Isaiah 43:19New King James Version

19 Behold, I will do a new thing,

Now it shall spring forth;

Shall you not know it?

I will even make a road in the wilderness

And rivers in the desert.

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One of my favorites…He is always at work. Years ago I read a book called “God Works the Night Shift” wherein one of the chapters was titled, “He is Directing Circumstances I Know Nothing About.” That simple but profound statement has stayed with me all these years.

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I love the reminder that God is always at work. Even when I can’t see it. Even when it looks like evil is winning. I am reminded of Bob Dylan’s song, “When He Returns”. God has His own plans!

The iron hand it ain’t no match for the iron rod

The strongest wall will crumble and fall to a mighty God

For all those who have eyes and all those who have ears

It is only He who can reduce me to tears

Don’t you cry and don’t you die and don’t you burn

For like a thief in the night, He’ll replace wrong with right

When He returns

Truth is an arrow and the gate is narrow that it passes through

He unleashed His power at an unknown hour that no one knew

How long can I listen to the lies of prejudice?

How long can I stay drunk on fear out in the wilderness?

Can I cast it aside, all this loyalty and this pride?

Will I ever learn that there’ll be no peace, that the war won’t cease

Until He returns?

Surrender your crown on this blood-stained ground, take off your mask

He sees your deeds, He knows your needs even before you ask

How long can you falsify and deny what is real?

How long can you hate yourself for the weakness you conceal?

Of every earthly plan that be known to man, He is unconcerned

He’s got plans of His own to set up His throne

When He returns

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Thank you so much for sharing this. Until your comment (and some research/reading I did following) I had no idea that Bob Dylan had become such a vocal follower of Jesus later in his career! For some reason this rlly touched my heart today. Great lyrics - thank you again🙏🏻✝️♥️

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The song is from Dylan’s album, “Slow Train Coming” in 1979. I don’t know where he is in his faith journey now. But I hope he is still a faithful follower of Jesus.

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Dylan wrote this?🤔. That’s encouraging!

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He won the Nobel for his music a few years back, but didn't go to the ceremonies. The song of his that's been haunting me, that Patti Smith sang at the Nobel ceremony, is "A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXn9ZKPx6CY My sense is that the highway of diamonds he describes is about our collective secularism and worship of false gods. Leonard Cohen also wrote some prophetic songs, speaking to God: "You Want It Darker" e.g. "I didn't know I had permission to murder and to maim"

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Ordering that from my library). Thanks!

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It’s Monday so we’re back in the middle of all the news of corruption, cruelty and callousness. That’s why worshipping God on Sunday is my true booster, helping me to avoid being overwhelmed by the rest of the week and all that follows.

Game on.

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👍🏻 My church has basically died after Covid and being closed a year. I have not been back because of their immediate caving to TPTB. The sermons do not address the spiritual war we are in. The church district replaced our beloved pastor breaking a promise made to him and his young family as soon as we opened again with a spiritual lightweight using sermons from seminary. More left then, especially young families. I have been feeling urging to return. 🙏🏻 About it. Almost all churches around me just bowed down so I have no alternatives. But perhaps I’m supposed to go back.

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In the meantime follow Jack Hibbs from Calvary Chapel on YouTube. He’s very good.

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Amen! I love Jack and his story, how he preaches the Word of God, his fearlessness, energy, involvement . If one good thing came out of the lockdowns for me, it would be Pastor Jack Hibbs!

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Just subscribed to his podcast. Thanks!

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Jack Hibbs is the best! He teaches directly from Bibical Scriptures, and includes how it relates to all the evil and corrupt we are dealing with in today’s sick world.

My second favorite pastor is Allen Jackson (Murfreesboro, TN) I watch on TBN, as my health issues won’t allow me to attend a physical Church. He also addresses the current sick environment we are dealing with, but not as directly as Jack Hibbs (Calif.) Allen teaches directly from the Bible as well.

I reject those pastors that are either Woke, or give us cotton candy sermons.

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I listen on Jack's Real Life app! I have learned so much from him. I follow Amir Tsarfati on telegram b/c of him also.

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We go to church to put time aside to praise and worship God, not man. Pastors, preachers, ministers, priests are only just men..some are underwhelming in their sermons, some are overwhelming, but again, just men. We need to remember that. :-)

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As a Catholic buddy of mine says, “I’m just here for Jesus!”. Find a worship center. Don’t try to do this alone!

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Try Pastor Jack Hibbs, Calvary Chapel Hill Chino Hills, he’ll feed your soul! He fearlessly, with scripture and determination, takes it to the power elites every week. I listen to several online pastors, but Jack is a “MUST” for me. He has a lot going on, I’d like some of his energy! You can find him here: real life.com or https://calvarycch.org/

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Thank you Theresa, I just commented the same before finding your reply! In keeping my comment short I omitted perhaps the most important point that I tell believers and non believers alike. It's not religion, it's a relationship with Jesus that saves.

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.....YES!! I have the Real Life App on my phone. I listen to Pastor Jack Hibbs nearly every day!

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Yessss, Jack is fearless in his sermons. I love to watch him, and even watch the same sermons several times waiting for a new one to come on TBN, or Jack’s online site.

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Janet, I think we are witnessing the apostate church. My thoughts when the 'pandemic' was first declared that even Satan didn't realize how easy it would be to close the Church. My recommendation is to listen to Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills https://calvarycch.org/ , he's available on numerous platforms. I also suggest you read the book Letter to the American Church by Eric Metaxas. He compares todays church to 1930's German church during the ascent of Hitler. I tend to agree.

We are not to forsake the gathering together, find family, friends, and strangers to meet for a casual Bible study and refreshments, and visit of the wonders of Jesus and his gift.

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I plan to buy Metaxas’ Letter to the American Church. I’ve read some of his other books, Is Atheism Dead, Martin Luther, about to read Bonhoeffer (about Bonhoeffer and the German Church’s failure during the time of Hitler.)

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Well the current Pope is the anti pope and Apostate. Warned in the 3rd secret of Fatima of this, and of the Church's destruction (One World Religion).... the rest of the secret is pretty dire. Massive floods and earthquakes land masses disappearing in the blink of an eye... millions and millions killed, and most destruction rained up the Whore of Babylon aka USA. Because only look at what filth we spew to the world... And of course, our salvation will arise from the East, in Russia. Make of it what you will... but I believe that was the text of the 3rd secret of Fatima.

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Can't do anything to change it from the outside. I'm sure others feel the same and if nothing else, Satan wants to use it to keep you out of church.

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Janet ... thanks for this contribution. I find it all, the good and the bad, helpful here at C & C. Regarding the churches, I am seeing from people's antidotal comments that the one-third of church attendees never going back after the closings is true ... and in some cases on the very low side!

We don't go to any local churches because they stand for nothing. And if there is not real application of Christian teaching to this fallen world, the why bother? The time of pretending to be Christian is long gone. Given this, we have an on-line pastor. And his church never closed, never masked, never jabbed up ... and that church has grown substantial during the Fake-demic.

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Had the same problem, please check out this alternative:


Jeffrey Prather Chaplin

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Our church has been using this scripture for 2023

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Thank you for this Janet ❤️

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God almighty's reckoning is not always visible at first. One of my favorite scriptures is this:

Revelation 8:1 KJVS

And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.

It's a revelation to us, that when God/Heaven appears to be silent, it may be preparation for what He is about to do!

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

One of my husband's patients tragically committed suicide recently. After the news, my husband's medical assistant mentioned to him that this is the 5th or 6th suicide among his patients in a relatively short period of time. Made me wonder when he told me that . . .

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The Deagle Report... https://metallicman.com/the-shocking-2025-deagel-forecast-and-remote-viewing-the-future/ explained away by Deagle when challenged that many would be suicides... what did they know? Deagle is connected heavily or was to Deep State, who were and are directly responsible for this catastrophe

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Makes me wonder if these poor souls have been vaxxed.

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What kind of physician is he?

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An internist.

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I lost my Boo. Smartest man I ever met. So handsome, athletic, and FUN!!

He was in Brazil at the time of the shutdown and thought if he volunteered for the trials down there, he could get home sooner.

He did get home. In a beautiful walnut coffin.

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That's devastating. May God bless and keep you. 🙏

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Oh my gosh, I am incredibly sorry. Too much tragedy.

May the Lord give us peace and guidance.

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So sorry for your loss 🙏🏻

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Nancy. My heart and prayers go out to you.

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There are no words other than I’m sorry

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I’m so very sorry, that’s heartbreaking 😞

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My condolences. Losing the love of your life is the worst. Covid policies contributed to the death of mine, preventing him from getting treatment in Germany, where they have more freedom in cancer treatments.

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😞 I’m so sorry, my heart hurts for you!🤗🤗🤗

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My heartfelt condolences to you.

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I just hate that. I'm so sorry for your loss, Nancy.

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So sorry about this. RIP.

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My son's dear friend hung himself last Spring. He was 16. He was boosted and had covid. We NEVER knew him to be sad or depressed, but he did have anxiety. He lived in a different state (summer friends). They never texted during the school year. Out of the blue he sent my son a couple texts the week before, mentioned his anxiety about Ukraine, then said he had Delta and the brain fog was lingering. I've always thought his suicide was related to covid/shots. (I suspect his sister had a severe reaction to HPV with years out of school, many surgeries starting at 13 post shot -- possible there's family sensitivities to adjuvants or immune stimulators.) Such a waste. He was a loving boy, smart, and a pleasure to be around.

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All these stories are gut wrenching.

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Breaks my heart. So unnecessary. Our adult daughter is vaxxed and has effectively cut off her entire family (she lives in out west). She surrounds herself with industry people and claims we don't support her because of the jab mania.

May Jesus come quickly. Even so....

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Our son and DIL “divorced” us bc of the jabs. He refers to us by our first names and they haven’t spoken to us for 16 months. They moved to a new address and didn’t tell us but we found out through the sibling text group. His sibs are “not getting involved” in the break, which means they tacitly support it. They are all jabboosted including the 4yo.

Son and DIL eventually decided to allow their 4yo to “see” us for an hour a week on video call. They are not in the frame and don’t talk directly to us, although they translate 4yo lockdown delayed language skills and monitoring what we say. We play with the kids’ old our matchbox cars (racing them down ramps for 4yo, and feel like Mr Rogers or Mrs Doubtfire - “tv” access only.

4yo has had a cold and cough for at least 5 weeks. They don’t answer when we ask about it.

It’s not a physical death but it grieves us every.single.day.

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My heart breaks for you 💔 May the scales fall from their eyes very soon. 🙏🏻

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Amen. Thank you

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I relate on a lot of levels. Most of the time I try not to think about it because I need my strength to deal with my husband's cancer situation. So many broken people and broken families. Pretty sure that satan is celebrating his accomplishments and Jesus weeps.

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LS - are you familiar with Ty and Charlene Bolinger? The Truth About Cancer

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Yes!! They are a treasure, thank you! Very kind of you to mention them. We also use ChrisBeatCancer. Have a blessed evening!

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CapIT - I am so very sorry. I understand. I think it's almost worse than a death. There is no closure. My sister and I have experienced these feelings due to the death of our relationship with our two older brothers. Prayers for you.

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Evil is as evil does. Your children are zombies. How did they wind up that way, and you didn't? I suggest the Media influence and social pressure got to them. Not strong enough to stand up to it. They didn't want to be thought of as kooks or conspiracy theorists (which are now coming real and true and we see they were not conspiracy theorists at all!) My Dad is all in jabs, Mom not so much he dragged her into boosting. I hate to say it, but I hope he goes first and quickly and she gets some independent ME time without him pressuring her. She never had any independence in her life due to him.... I'm unjabbed, ditto sis. Bro? Totally drinking the koolaid.

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You make some interesting points. Our daughter would never have been labeled a zombie before any of this, strong Christian values, extremely independent and fiercely steadfast in accomplishing her academic and career goals - the last point is where this all came undone. Her allegiance to the corporation she is employed with, really took over her life. We hardly recognize her value system and priorities as being even remotely similar to her pre-2020 self.

Personally, I feel that the social engineering cut off so many relationships and really corrupted many socially. From the beginning of the PsyOps I feared that if this went on too long that some would never recover. Sadly, I think that touches all of us in some sad way.

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I’m sorry. Yes - His coming is nearer and nearer.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

A hearty amen on that one! Just pray my young daughter knows him before he returns.

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Similar situation here with daughter and grands.

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I am sorry. Too many of us in this weird storm. We need to band together and support one another. Pray they come to their senses, their eyes are opened to the truth.

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She left to join a cult. So sorry.

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That is EXACTLY what we equate it to. We pray for her, and our now ex-son-in-law as she also divorced him un-expectantly. Come quickly Lord Jesus.

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There have been a lot of folks experiencing severe depression or anxiety or both following Virus infections as well. Even those not injected. It is dark indeed.

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One needs to be strong to be aware of all of evil, the injuries and deaths which keep flowing like a river. Someone here coined it as a “state of perpetual grief.”

When it gets me down I remind myself that I have been praying for this - that “all deeds done or planned in darkness be brought to light and that God’s Justice (not man’s) be brought upon them.”

He is answering our prayers and helping us. The Jeff Childers of the legal community, Malone, Corey, etc of the medical world and so many others are standing firm and helping us help others move forward.

I can KNOW that He is in charge, He is the Light, even if it seems darker as darkness is exposed.

The reminder renews my strength and resolve to keep asking, keep moving forward through the darkness, to stay in the light, and keep following His will whenever I can discern it.

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I love how you pray that these things be brought to light!

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loss of long relationships will do that...

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True as well.

But the particular folks whom I know who experienced this experienced a clear onset following the immediate infection period. It was not, for them, due to any loss of relationships. It was most definitively the result of the spike protein and its sequelae.

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And even if we remove the shots as a factor in this poor boy's death, the mishandling of the pandemic with shutdowns, and fear and isolation would be enough to explain his desperate act. My goodness, my heart breaks anew and the tears flow fresh at every tragedy. I don't even know what to say anymore.

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That's sad. 😔

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So sad. I’m sorry. Suicide is so bleeping hard on those left behind.

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There is a charity here in Texas that focuses on just that -- those left behind. The woman who started it did so because her husband committed suicide, leaving her and I think 4 young children. This was about a year prior to Covid. I did a feature story on her for the magazine I edit. It’s a beautiful charity: The Loved Ones Left Behind. Would be wonderful for others to start similar charities in other states.

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Many are going to be left behind. The carnage is ramping up.

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Think we could get Big Pharma to help fund it?

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

Ya, like NAMI…found out they are funded by Big Harma years ago. They try to talk family into keeping their loved ones on neuro toxic meds. Mental Health is just like vaccines. Need to do your own research. Learn about how toxic psych meds are and all about the history of psychiatry up to present. The horrible clinical trials, etc.

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Yes, you are exactly right about NAMI. UGH. wish more would realize MH is about balance and gut health.

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Thank you for sharing. I'll have to check it out.

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Forced jabs were not 'forced'. They were COERCED. Big difference. Choices were BAD - loss of job, income, livelyhood reputation family friends etc. BUT there WAS a choice. Only 25 percent of the pop. took that choice and said no way because they didn't trust the jabs OR the government, and they did that in teeth of enormous social/peer/economic pressure to conform and jab. Maybe those 25 percent who resisted are sane, the rest are insane by reason of 'going along to get along' and loving material things more than life itself. I have a friend who used 'forced us to jab' as an excuse because he'd lose his job if he didn't. He loves his job. BUT. He could have asked for an exemption, or fought it. He didn't. He didn't NEED the job economically, he's able to retire. But. He loves his job. He jabbed, then boosted - and goes around saying he doesn't support the jab mandates. BUT. He willingly took that jab, then a Shingles jab (worthless) and a flu jab (also worthless). Social pressure to conform? I'd guess yes. He worries now about his heart and other 'side effects' unknown. So, your 2 friends were not FORCED to jab, they CHOSE to jab, in the face of pressure. Their mental states may have been compromised (brain) by mis-folding spike proteins and other 'nano' junk interfering with proper brain chemistry. But, not forced. Choosen by free will. Evil to put people into that situation, but they were compliant in their own destruction *even though they didn't know it*. Moral of the story is to be most doubtful of anything your gov't mouth pieces tell you...

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

As I have mentioned on here before, I left a high six-figure salaried job because of all this. I was granted religious exemption only because I live in Florida and produced the Florida Surgeon General Ladapo's exemption form to them. They had no choice but to take it. However, as part of my job, I had to "encourage" my staff to take the job-mandated jab. I just could not do that so, along with a few other reasons, I "retired." Now my income is much, much lower but God has given me everything that I need and my conscience is clear. If I had encouraged one person who then was injured or died, I am not sure I could have handled that.

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Same as far as got exempted but was NOT forced to encourage or jab anyone (I too would have quit first). I helped others get their exemptions too even the girl who doesn’t believe in god and will tell you that to your face if you ask. Everyone was pissed she got a religious exemption but I say they can piss off. I told her to tell them that her religion is that her body is a temple and she’s not gonna jack it up with experimental products and beyond that it’s noyb. My store manager tried to get me to give a Covid shot once bc the 8AM pharmacist was late and I told her that she REALLY didn’t want me to go into that room and tell the person my version of informed consent. She just looked at me, thought about it and said ok. She told my pharmacy manager on me (who already KNEW I wouldn’t do it) and so was unimpressed by my “bad” behavior. I’m pretty lucky as far as that goes. Still working and not jabbing! Go me.

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Hind sight is easier said than done.

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I do not forgive nor forget that these people were the ones thinking I was *evil* and wanting me rounded up and imprisoned and denied my freedoms of opinion or choice as they ran out to get their jabs like good little lemmings. And that they would not listen to any counter arguments. They did it so they could be 'safe'. Their minds were closed to any other input but the 'media says' and 'experts' say. They 'went along to get along' to keep their 'material lifestyle' to 'travel' to 'eat out' etc. Now they reap their rewards. No sympathy. They had a choice. They could have researched, looking into the 'other side' of the argument, but chose not to. They could have taken material hits, and been ostracized, moved from one state to another, left their jobs (plenty did just that). But... Don't want to be a conspiracy theorist or a kook do we? And by that behavior they enabled the vax passport, the digital currency etc etc. Loving material things more than life itself...and so they reaped death. And I feel no sorrow except this: that people are very stupid gullible and mindless. And their children will not survive that are jabbed because they did not 'listen' to the data right in front of them. And due to them, great harm will be done to babies and innocents and other people. All for 'fear of dying' and 'being safe'. When has life ever come without death? We all die to get off the planet. Every day is one day closer to your end. And guess what? You don't know when where or how. And you never will. Because that's God's territory. Not yours. Never has been, never will be.

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👍 Nobody here gets out alive. “Safe” is an illusion / delusion. These types have lost the plot. Tiny planet, short trip, even if one lives past 100. Eternity is unfathomable but ‘tis the scale. Call me disgusting and self-aggrandizing but free thinkers are the best of the best at this time on planet earth. Glad your energy is blessing the planet while I’m here, @Oona Pilot!

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Christy - I’m so very sorry for these tragic losses.

It just dawned on me after reading your comment that a young man in his 30’s started using drugs again after being clean for 10 years. Had a great job after getting a degree and was about to be married. I assumed it was due to the jab when I learned of his sudden death this past September. Then learned it was due to an overdose. Now I know the jab is most likely to be blamed. I heard that his mother could not accept what had happened. A mother KNOWS.

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Both Troy's Mother and I could not understand why Troy would shoot himself in the head. He was the most upbeat guy anyone knew and as one friend put it: On the scorecard for reasons to live, Troy checked all the boxes".

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I cannot imagine being that parent. Tragic enough when someone has struggled with depression previously, but to have it come out of the blue - beyond tragic. I honestly don't know why I keep asking when will people wake up. Some (like my older brothers) never will. One of them had a sudden death in their extended family and still aren't questioning anything.

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Our daughter also shot herself on the head 5 months before Covid was announced. Her mother found her, and I was right behind her after calling 911. It is an image that will stay with us to our graves. She was depressed for years. A good article on Epoch Times today talks about "minor" ( the author, a soldier said there is no such thing) brain injuries. He correctly said the SOP for allopathic medicine is to prescribe a toxic cocktail. He has never seen anyone cured by it, nor have we. The coroner found 5 of these Big Pharma poisons in her body, all of which had depression and suicide as "side effects." Her shrink lied and said she had been off most of them for months. So, they do work as intended, just like the jabs. Sick people, sick world.

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Roland - I have no words. Please know that I am praying for you and your wife.

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I do believe it is a relief in some sense to be able to pinpoint the jab instead of someone going MI all of a sudden and so shocking.

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Yes we do🥰

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I had a pulsing sound in my head for over a year after 2 Pfizer jabs. It was intermittent, but when it was active I felt like I was losing my mind. If it had been constant, I don't know what I would have done. I am so sorry for your loss.

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I had my second Moderna jab in April of 2021. In July I had a sound in my ears that sounded like a lawnmower. Coincided with when I went swimming. So I used swimmers ear and it left me. So who knows the real cause. Mine wasn’t constant either. I’ve heard of people taking their own lives from issues like this. I’m glad yours went away as well.

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A friend I know who had the first two jabs developed tinnitus also and said it was just horrible and driving her crazy. It was intense for almost a year and then ebbed. I cannot imagine.

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My mom just got the updated Moderna booster in November and the next day developed severe vertigo and mild tinnitus. She’s powering thru and has good days and bad but said when it’s bad it’s hard to even function. She doing PT and I’ve got her taking NAC and Vitamin D to boost her immune system. I’d like to treat with more but she’s super resistant to my medical advice since covid. We used to own a business together and she knows I’m a good caring pharmacist who has always believed in the power of nutrition as it was a cornerstone of our pharmacy business and I’ve never fully trusted Big Pharma (I’d tease my former classmates and coworkers who went to work for them that they are working for the enemy--didn’t realize then just how right I was even then). But now that I’ve seen the light regarding the vax scam (all of them) she doesn’t want to believe that I might be right for some reason. It’s heartbreaking really. But I still have her in my life so I can’t complain too much. Grateful for that.

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Nicotine Gum or Patch has been proven to help with this terrible side effect. Dr. Bryan Ardis has discussed this many times. Good Luck, noise and dizziness will drive any Living thing over the deep end.

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Both my husband and I both got tinnitus from Covid itself. We are not jabbed. That’s how I know it’s man made. No other virus I know has ever given me tinnitus.

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That sounds horrible 😞

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I am so sorry. So heartbreaking. I weep for humanity.

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This is so very sad Christy. God be with you and the families of these lost ones. Jeff said something in his post today that I somewhat disagree with…”But we don’t have time for grief”. Grief will come whether or not we have time…it’s become part of the fabric of our lives because death has come. We deal with it by trusting God for strength and wisdom.

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We don’t have to melt with the grief. My precious mama, long gone now, experienced the death of her 3rd child on Christmas Eve in 1934. This beautiful baby boy had been born just a month earlier in perfect health. A new family had moved in down the road and that mama walked her little ones down the country road to see the new baby. One or more of those little ones had impetigo. The baby developed a pimple on its abdomen, which worsened by the day. (Penicillin wasn’t discovered/ manufactured yet. I read recently that the U.S. military pushed the production later in anticipation of the massive wounding they knew would come with WWII.). All that the doctor they consulted could do was provide morphine. So my mama watched her baby die painfully for nearly a month.

I always knew there had been a baby that died. But I never heard the story until one Christmas Eve, when I was a young mother in the mid 70s.

My mother was made of iron, yet tender and nurturing with the 7 of us that made it to adulthood and beyond. I’m sure she wanted to curl up in a ball of grief. But then who would take her place with the tasks that had to be done if the family was to survive. I pray to have a portion of her physical, emotional and spiritual strength in this world.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

Willing Spirit, the pseudonym you use here tells us that you do have a good portion of her strength. The older generations seemed much stronger the later ones and I think they were because hard times bred tough people. But my mom always said, “you do what you’ve gotta do”. And she lived through many tough experiences with grace and strength, kindness and love.

Your story reminds me of a time when my son fell and got a cut on his knee. He was about 9, a very active, tough kid. A little injury like that never slowed him down for a minute. I never remembered how we treated it at the time, probably wiped the blood away pored some peroxide or iodine on it, put on a bandaid and he was back outside playing. A few days later I looked at it and there was a red line going up from the cut about 3”. Infection in his blood stream! I panicked! I rushed him to the first pediatrician I could get in with, an old doctor who’d been around a long time. Of course (thank God) we DID have Penicillin at that time and the doctor gave him a shot right away. Then he turned to me and said, “and if you want to keep this boy out of the hospital, here is what YOU have to do “ He said to boil water with a few tablespoons of Epsom Salts added, soak a towel in this and wrap his leg with it as hot as he could stand it, wrap a plastic bag and another towel around that. Do this, changing the towel for another hot one, every hour for the next 8 hours. He told me that this kind of remedy was all they had before the invention of penicillin, and if I was diligent it would work quickly to draw the infection out. He said to bring him back the next day to see if hospitalization would be necessary. We followed doctors orders to a T, I was so scared that I may have even used it longer than 8 hours. The next day, he looked at it, and gave me a pat on the back with, “you did a good job, mom”. This incident made me a huge believer in the power of some home remedies - I’m not saying it would have saved your brother, but I know that God gave us simple things like honey and Epsom Salts and modern medicine too often ignores those powerful remedies in favor of pharmaceuticals. I’ve used this remedy many times in the 40+ years since.

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Empirical medicine. Try what you've seen work, even if you can't explain WHY it works. Modern docs never do this. Just prescribe a pill and move on. The ignorance is astonishing. Nutrition? Easy Home Cures? Nope, and nope.

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True, I like the term empirical medicine.

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Thank you for sharing this true life story and your conviction that we have all kinds of healing provided through the natural world. Important reminder. 🤍

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"Acute Psychosis after COVID-19 Vaccination"

Did not make anything of it until reading this. Might be a link, might not.


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I wondered if she had gotten the shot too. I know that post-partum depression can be extreme (a friend's friend just committed suicide after the birth of her third), but how much more would your head be messed with if you got the shot?

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What a horrible tragedy! How will this woman go on with life at this point?

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I’m so sorry

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That’s so awful 😞 So very sorry for your loss, and their families’ loss 😞

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My deepest condolences. Tragic. 🙏🏼

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So sorry for your loss

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Awful. I also had 2 family members of friends do so this past year.

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Breaks my heart. So sorry.

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Ok I’m annoyed. I voted for Trump twice and will again if he’s the nominee. But I really wish he’d stop making me feel like I’m going to have to hold my nose if that day comes.

I really wish he’d knock it off. When someone like me feels this way, he’s got trouble.

And his position on the shots is absolutely dead wrong. This in-family rivalry has got to stop.

The End🤮

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I agree with Dr. Robert Malone. If Trump refuses to acknowledge the toxicity and ineffectiveness of the jabs, I don't intend to vote for him. I voted for him before as the lesser of two evils. I just don't know if I can do it again, plus I'm not sure we'll ever have another fair presidential election anyway.

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"I'm not sure we'll ever have another fair presidential election anyway."

True that.

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Exactly. Fraud, suppression and then tptb easily playing psyops with public. Yeah. No chance. Not election but selection.

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We won't if they don't correct the fraud

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Governor Ron DeSantis, is a Veteran and true Patriot and should be treated with respect. Apparently he is the only one that had the courage to take action against big Pharma.

And Operation Warp speed did what exactly?

The jabs don’t prevent the illness, don’t prevent the spreading of the illness and have been proven to cause permanent injury, and death in some individuals.

And Trumps taking shots at governor DeSantis? Is this how we make America great again by trashing true patriots? I don’t expect this will serve Trump well or the Republican Party in 2024

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I really dont like him calling Gov DeSantis ' DeSanctimonious'. It turns me off big time and is super unbecoming coming from a former President who is also a supposed adult!

it also smacks of Italophobia. I just do not like it. 😐

How would he like it if other politicians mocked his name and body type by calling him 'Frump'??

Are we in fourth grade?

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I think y’all missed Jeff’s point; that perhaps Trump, who we know is a pot stirrer, is deliberately trying to set up the Left MSM into having to comment and take sides. Either side they take is support of a conservative. We know the media hate Trump to such an extent that they’d end up giving DeSantis a positive review. Trump is not running in 2024; even if he does go for the GOP nomination we know they won’t give it to him, but he can cause all kinds of chaos from the sidelines. He keeps the Left off balance and this is bank for conservatives. If they’re smart enough to use it. (About that, I’m not yet convinced) I don’t think for a minute he cares about being accused for operating Warp Speed; he had to do something and had no good choices at that time. Remember, at that time. We know so much more today, but he didn’t have the luxury then of what we now know. Seriously, given what we knew THEN, could he have gone in any other direction without criticism of potentially letting an entire nation die of the Chinese Virus?! He will fall on his sword but he’ll take out the Left and all its criminals with him. Stay tuned. Trump is far smarter than that which he’s given credit.

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I get it. However I dont know if Trump is capable of such cunning as his impulsivity of the mouth and fingers trump (pardon the pun) everything else.

I have read in the Daily Mail that he wants to run. Apparently so does Biden! As long as a certain Hungarian born, US citizen, nazi collaborating, elderly gazillionaire is funding him and everything else under the sun to promote his "messianic vision" (his words!) of a demonic New World Order, Inept and pathetic Joe Biden might win again! Winning was never so easy thanks to that person with the initials of GS, pulling the strings.

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Hoping that the 84 year old Hungarian is very soon escorted by Satan himself to the hell he so richly deserves!

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Cyn ^^^ THIS!! exactky right. what ive been saying awhile too is that he had to do something. he had no choice to sit back. He would have been crucified.

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True, except his flip uncontrolled juvenile name calling. I met Mr. Trump at a small luncheon in SC after his stop in NH. Most Charming and not a braggart

Like we see in a large forum. Opposite. Praised Marco Rubio, the wonderful family man. He drifted in details of reflection he could have done it better. He sung High praise for Dr. Carson, in reverent details. He even went easy on Cruz. He spoke of his Dad. His obsession with working with the employees, not the board room. Donated to the Vets upon request. He even stayed at a very modest hotel where we had the lunch. Just clean… he joked is my requirement. Still, I have high high praise for DeSantis. I don’t care for Trumps juvenile public persona. He loves this country. Leadership matters. So does decorum.

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Donald Trump has been viciously attacked like no one else in American government life, ever! Sounds like some people haven’t paid attention, or they think Trump deserves all that and so much more and are just adding to the attacks like it’s their life’s calling.

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You are right. We need to be objective and not vote based on emotions or we are no better than our radical leftist liberal compatriots.

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"DeSanctimonius" means Not Sanctimonious.

Again, Trump playing with the press.

Trump and DeSantis aren't rivals.

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Love me some RDS but he is *wrong* *wrong* *wrong* about the war. I can only hope he's trying to stay alive/stay onside of the MIC and maybe have less attack surface area for the campaign.

And people are waaay misunderestimating the reality of the Doomsday clock, if the DoD was the instigator of the whole bioweapon thing (per this blog) then the same eugenicist demons will have no compunction about mushroom clouds.


Feels like we are Europe in 1913, people going about their lives, loving family, going to work, but just one year later it was the charnel house.

And yes, DJT is baiting the press to say he was wrong to fast track the jabs, it's like an inside pitch in baseball that makes the batter squinch up and miss. He can always bail out later and say he was misled by Fauci and Birx, which of course he was. HR was never his strong suit

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Chris Wallace first called RDS ‘DeSanctimonious’ on a CNN panel that was discussing some very sanctimonious campaign videos made for RDS that practically placed him on a level with God himself. It was a text run I suppose and the ads were quickly dropped. They may be scrubbed off the internet by now. Or you might be able to find them.

RDS earned that nickname. Sorry/not sorry that some are offended. There’s bigger fish to fry in this war.

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What if one of our former or current President called Trump 'Frump'? 🤔 Name calling is never acceptable for adults.

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Test run. Where’s the edit button?

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Click on the 3 little dots below your message and it pops up.

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Omg....racism again. Why does everything have to do with race?

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I half to wonder why Trump continues to defend the jobs… He is a smart man and this makes no sense to me perhaps what Jeff says is the truth ... perhaps there’s a purpose… I’m not seeing it yet

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I'm in the camp that thinks he HAS to support the jabs right now. If he came out against them, the Left and the media would get so fired up that we'd be back to attempts at jab mandates within 2 weeks. With him supporting them (albeit weakly), they're thrown off and don't know how to react. Him supporting the jabs somewhat is actually helping get rid of them, in my opinion.

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If he were in office, the Left would still be railing against the “Trump vaccine .”

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They always rail!

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Plausible for sure. At this point it has become pretty obvious to a lot of of people that things are never what they appear to be. Hopefully more wake up soon and join us!!!

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Stay tuned. This is classic Trump.

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Yep. I've said it before, He's playing 3-D Chess and everyone else is playing Checkers.

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Yes, and Trump is a negotiator...

But unless he comes out against the clot shots/death jabs, he has lost me. These jabs have caused too much death and destruction.

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There's a long time until the election, and we've seen how much things can change in just a week or two. I've no particular intuition, but it wouldn't surprise me if something changes closer to the time. (If he came out against them now, media would screech about him being "anti-vax" and try to get him banned again...)

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Trump wants no no WHO IN our destiny and not a fan of UN. Remember,


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I suggest reserving judgement on that, recall that the top objective is to gain the White House and almost anything would be worth that

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Somewhat agree. The problem will likely be the same as it was with Trump - the Swamp is very, very real and much larger than we want to believe... Have lived there and come face to face with the cult of evil that controls DC.

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If what I’m hearing about the entire covid/vax thing being a DoD operation—not a public health emergency—it makes more sense. How could he not have known? Hiding something? Protecting himself and family? Who knows?

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

And we now have more deaths in 2021 & 2022. The shots DID NOT save hundreds of millions. And I am not buying, things would have been so much worse if he didn’t go along with Operation Warp Speed. He could have pushed for the therapeutics he was well aware of, doctors told him about. He could have told the public about how if we have therapeutics, vaccines are not to be allowed(no funding for them). Someone needs to explain why he didn’t address this. ??? He kept the public in the dark and therefore mislead people into taking a fake vaccine. Part of the NO FULL INFORMED CONSENT.

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Agree; and I like the job Trump did for 3 yrs even under constant harassment. But covid undid him, mostly bc of Fauxci & other pharma shills. Many contend this entire catastrophe was orchestrated to get rid of him. If so it worked along with election tampering.

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If you think Trump has been gotten ‘rid of’, stay tuned. We’re a long way from the fat woman singing 🎶

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Trump threatened twice to shut down the government if he didn't get funding for the border wall and twice caved. Says everything to me that I need to know. Plus, the jabs.

I'm 68 and voted my entire life. Not anymore, it's a waste of time.

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Undoing him was the plan. Look at the ridiculous fraud and J6. Those captive, still serve.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023


There aren't enough true patriots running this country.

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Here is a wild thought.... maybe Trump is using reverse psychology on the liberals regarding the jab. He might actually be trying to save them.... I am guessing he knows that much of his MAGA folks are not on board wi the getting the jab.

I can’t wait for my staunch liberal jabbers to praise the jabs - so tempted to tell them “Wow ! You finally agree with Trump !! You both support the jabs !!! “

Then Maybe they will stop getting jabbed just to spite Trump - remember how they said they wouldn’t take them when he was President?

Just a weird thought. It must be time for a glass of wine. Is it 5 o’clock somewhere ?

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Hilarious take. Have lots of friends this could work on. Let’s all be lucky this repulsion happens

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Wake up! DeSantis is no hero. He’s following a script from his handlers, who have assured him of support and cover for some limited actions that place him in the National spotlight for recognition. This is all yet another ‘Take out Trump’ ploy. We all thought George W. Bush was so brave and bold back in the day. Turned out he was just one of the GOPe’s golden boys; ran as such a Conservative, but completely neutered and on a Globalists’ leash, when it came time to govern.

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You can't vote your way out of tyranny. We're way past "voting", in truth.

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You speak true words. You’ve learned much, while being ‘Amuzed’.

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The problem with voting for the lesser of two evils you still vote for evil....

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Is there a better idea?

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If GOP Trump or almost anyone vs Dem OBiden or Harris, then GOP. We are not necessarily voting for a person.

I think this T vs DeS is purposeful so I’m not getting sucked in. Let it play out how they want, but don’t let it divide us.

With it Dems will have to talk about GOP stuff. As Jeff said, it will get things in the open. Like with the Speaker ops. All done in public, a refreshing albeit chaotic change from Nancy sending her memo to Dems and media stating how to vote and what to say.

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That's absolutely true. In fact it kept me from voting at all for the better part of 20 years. But then I came to a pragmatic conclusion: The reality is that someone will be in that office. Do I want it to be the more evil guy or the less evil guy?

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Well said. How about we just don’t vote for evil, period!

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If you re-read Trump's statement, he actually DID NOT DEFEND the jabs. He DID take a poke at the lockdowns. I think he has realized the jabs are a big problem, a big mistake, but he has to be careful politically about how he "comes clean" on this. I can picture him deflecting blame at some point to the "scientists" who misled him. As Jeff said, WE'VE ALL BEEN MISLED.

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He was against lockdowns. Lets not forget that. A good memory is key to objectivity and fairness. :-)

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Totally agree! I moved to Florida for the freedom here because of Gov DeSantis. I love him! But he hopefully will stay here and finish his term. I love Trump too and believe he was deceived about the clot shot. And I wish he would quit taking pot shots at our governor. I don’t know what to think about Sundance at the Conservative Treehouse. He seems to hate DeSantis.

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Sundance doesn’t hate DeSantis. He has done in-depth study of the GOPe over decades and can spot their handiwork from a mile away. I have to say, once you see them, it’s very obvious.

Sundance, and I, had great hopes for DeSantis, when the handlers first began directing him and he appeared brave and bold. But once the FBI crossed the Rubicon and raided the home of a former President of the United States (an unimaginable horror of an act) and DeSantis disappeared for almost a week, something started to stink. Then DeSantis finally made some mealy mouthed statement about the naughty FBI, without ever saying Donald Trump’s name or acknowledging this occurred in His Own State or (without precedence) to a President of the United States.

Wake up, people! You’re being played, and maybe some of you are enthusiastically playing, thinking you’ll get some credit for bringing down this lion of a man. The hatred of Donald Trump is a story for the ages.

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Trump may be able to convincingly claim to have been deceived about the shots and OWS, but he has to be deliberately ignoring the vaxx damage occurring every day now. Right now, for me, DeSantis is way more speaking for me than Trump.

Not that anyone can take our responsibility to preserve Liberty for us. It is up to us. There's no one riding in with a white hat.

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Perhaps DeSantis is in the GOP pocket but I don’t see it. Look at what he is doing here in Florida with Dr Ladapo and fighting Disney. I really want him to stay here in Florida and keep up what he is doing.

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Didn't Dr. Malone take the jabs himself?

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Yes he did AND was injured.

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Yes, injured and now fighting back.

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Yes he did. And by his own reports, he still has incidents of either or both of: spiking blood pressure and heart rate.

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I always wondered how Malone, having been so involved in the creation of the mRNA technology and therefore more knowledgeable than just about anyone about its dangers and limitations, could possibly have jumped to take the vaccine. However, I did read him state that he wasn't involved in the actual vaccine creation in any way, and a very trusted scientific colleague assured him the jab was safe. Malone believed him at the time he got the shots, and he was further induced to take it because he had to do some things that involved airline travel. He's now sorry he trusted his friend so much.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

Anne - I agree. Hopefully Trump will wake up when campaign contributions dry up…money talks.

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Don’t hold your breath, darling....

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

Oh I know, he has plenty of money. But I do wish he’d change his position, don’t you? And he definitely asks for campaign contributions. We’ve contributed to him and when an election time comes we would get 2-3 emails a day asking for more!

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100%! Although I held my nose the first time I voted for him. I was glad after. But this time, I just can’t vote for him if he keeps pushing the jabs and refuses to see the destruction they’re causing and if DeSantis runs. And knocking DeSantis, the most patriotic candidate, WHO HASN’T EVEN SAID HE’S RUNNING YET looks very premature and like an inside takedown. Who else could hold DeSantis back? Will he praise DeSantis if he loses, or will his jabs at him continue? I digress. I hope Jeff is right, but I fear the damage it will do to divide our party.

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He doesn’t want or need you.

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In 2024, even if Trump gets 100 million votes, joey the clown or whoever the leftists put up will get 110 million votes. No way will Trump ever be allowed to win another election.

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No way another Republican will be allowed to win another election. Unless they're a dispicable RINO. 🤢🤮

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Exactly. No R will win the 6 fraud counties in the 6 swing states. It is perma Dem via enhanced’ balloting techniques

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I agree. They've got the system down now, and now exactly how to pull it off over and over. America, welcome to California.

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If you believe what you say is true, then it is time to invoke the Declaration of Independence.

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Past time. Our founders revolted over much less.

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Maybe it is time:


....... ongoing process - worth a look.


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Careful what you wish for. I could easily imagine the Democrat CHEATERS who have hijacked our elections WILL ALSO HIJACK any Convention of States...

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There IS no good "out" here, that much is certain. Also seems clear that the current path is unacceptable. Been watching the COS unfold for some time - uncomfortable with the idea of jumping in with both feet. Don't trust Dems, and Republicans aren't exactly giving much reason to celebrate, either.

Sh*t Show.

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I completely understand your frustration with the GOP (and without need to mention, the Democrat/Commies). I have found this political analyst, "Sundance" at https://theconservativetreehouse.com , "The Last Refuge", to be realistic and incredibly insightful, AND has offered a "path forward" --at least for the committee investigating the weaponization of gov't. I suggest you subscribe to email notifications of his commentaries. Sometimes lengthy posts, but here are THREE of the best of his recent stuff: 1) https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/12/27/follow-up-qatar-data-point-and-twitter-release-8/ And also, 2) https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/01/26/heres-why-the-big-club-and-people-managing-ron-desantis-hate-donald-trump/#more-242643 And also, 3) https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/01/17/cautiously-optimistic-the-house-select-subcommittee-on-the-weaponization-of-the-federal-government/

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Check out Tucker's interview on Fox Nation, Convention of States. Total explanation on how it will work. The founders knew we would wind up under tyranny at some point. Article 5 of the Constitution is the key to reset what the federal govment is allowed to do under the Constitution.

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Thanks I will look this one up!

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

That is exactly right - they had the foresight to understand that even the best system would be/could be, susceptible to tyranny. THEY had been living through that, themselves.

Convention of States is an extraordinary vehicle built into our system -

PROBLEM IS ............ a Constitution, and any subsequent Amendments, CAN NOT enforce themselves. (!!)

WE, THE PEOPLE, must serve as enforcement. Perhaps a COS would not even be necessary if we were to "step up" and stop waiting around for our Knight in Shining Armor to save the day.

I believe that Teresa C, above, is correct in saying "be careful what you wish for".

I do wonder what a Mark Meckler, who is President and co-founder of "Convention of States Action", brings home, ($), each year? Is he a MAN OF THE PEOPLE? Maybe. He might be the most honorable person in the room..........But it is OH, So Difficult to offer blind trust, these days.

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THANKS! Just watched it. Never really understood it completely; much more receptive to the idea now.


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No! The COS is a position that wrongly assumes that the way to stop the government from ignoring its Constitutional limits is to put in place more limits. And, how would those new limits be followed? The only answer is an engaged and knowledgeable voter / citizen. You can’t put any rule in place to make up for the typical apathetic citizen.

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The Great Divide is taking shape.

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This war goes way beyond personalities. Every election beginning with 2018 was rigged. As Fred points out, this country has been lost for a long time and the foundation for the current scenario began to be put in place beginning with the end of WWII. Now the thinking of roughly half of all Americans is captured by the Woke ideology. The younger adult generation is completely lost intellectually. We lost the Federal gov't to the Marxists in 2020 and it is now out in the open. The Fed gov't is totally controlled by Bolshevik and Nazi ideology. Free elections are over. The next election in 2024 will also be rigged regardless of which candidates are running. The Bolsheviks will never give up power voluntarily. This became manifest when immediately after the 2020 election, fences, razor wire and concrete barriers were erected around the Capital Bldg and the WH. Does that not tell us what is going on? These barriers are not there because of an imminent foreign invasion. The only threat we faced like that was from our explicit enemy the British who we fought off in the War of 1812. These barriers are there because the Marxists have taken the Gov't in an election coup and they recognize the American people as the enemy. This reminds me of the days of the USSR and the subjugation the Russian people lived under.

The current election process is nothing but theater and DeSantis and Trump are playing their parts. How much of the country is awake? Certainly not more than 20%. Half are completely Woke and the majority of the other half are clueless about the coup of 2020 and the fact that we are now living in a de facto Marxist dictatorship. I'm certain that Trump and DeSantis understand the nature of the election theater but I am not privy to what their strategies might be in this regard.

However, we have to recognize that all the discussion about voting or not voting for Trump and DeSantis is quite useless as the outcome of the election is completely in the control of the Bolsheviks and the Nazis who control of the WH and most of Congress. This is the war Trump and DeSantis are faced with. Even with all the deaths, disabilities and destruction of livelihood we have seen over the last 3 years to this date, we have no idea how bad it is going to get in the next few years. The death rate shows no sign of ending and every indication is that it will only accelerate. It is not slowing down. On top of that, the Bolsheviks are walking us into a nuclear confrontation with Russia as a means to distract the American people from the war that is continuing to be waged upon them.

By the time this is over, the death rate in Europe and North America alone will rival any of the Marxist inspired genocides of modern history. Current history doesn't deserve the descriptor "modern". We are regressing to the barbaric.

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I guess what I'm trying to say is, let's stop pretending that we have free elections and that our vote means anything! We are only deluding ourselves. Face reality and start strategizing in terms of actual reality. Will I vote for Trump or DeSantis? You bet I will. But I have no illusions that the Nazis' will not rig the election just as surely as the plandemic was rigged and just as surely as the fact the Nazis are walking us into a nuclear war with Russia that will benefit no one but the billionaire elite sociopaths to fulfill their Satanic fantasies.

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When you live in California as I do, you realize your vote (if conservative) is almost completely meaningless as far as representatives go. In 2016 I voted for Trump knowing full well that in CA, my Republican vote could not help him win in terms of the electoral votes. But I voted because I wanted Trump to have the popular votes if nothing else. The only good thing in CA is that the government pushes a lot of things onto the ballot as ballot measures and the voting public is at least skeptical enough to see through most of it as useless money grabs by special interest groups and now they mostly vote them down. But otherwise, Democrat votes are completely reflexive and Democrats own the state top to bottom. Republicans can't influence or change anything. And this is what the Dems want for the entire country.

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Kevin Kiley is not my Congress person but I sent him $$$ for his campaign bc of his policies and he is a true patriot. Winning his seat brought the GOP over the edge.

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Given this a little thought, have you Phil? Sobering - and down the middle of the alley, I think.

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Phil, we must change the voting system. No machines. No mail in ballots except

Military or invalid. The non Dems can be out played. But, never outspent.

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Well, reason this through...why is that they believe Trump cannot be allowed to win? Are they afraid of his mean tweets? Are they just so offended by his sometimes coarse, sometimes incredibly uplifting statements? Would they give any individual power to make actual changes and prevent them from completing the pillaging and enslavement of America?

Do we really imagine that RDS is brave, bold and powerful, yet so charming, that they’ll just have to give him free rein to save America? The only way he would get in, is if they believe they have total control over him.

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Trump threw a monkey wrench into all the government grift, thievery, lying etc. They just couldn't have that. They want all their criminal activities to remain shrouded in secrecy.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

It's simpler than that. America is like Sparta, a nation entirely organized around war making. The Cold War, then The War on Drugs, then The War on Terra, then The War on One Virus. Up next? The War on the Weather. This will be their crowning achievement bc is will be impossible by any measure for the plebes to know if we are winning or losing, no matter how many years and dollars get wasted on it. Trump is for peace. He wants peace and prosperity. And THAT is why it was and is mission critical to torpedo him.

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Interesting perspective.

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It can be done. Look at Florida. If they can your state and my state can.

That’s why it’s important to act NOW to volunteer to clean voter rolls, join a precinct, become an Election Day observer, limit mail in ballot regulations, and force hand counts. Run for school board, library council, city council. State legislature.

Even crooked Cali can take some pressure off the thumbs on the election scales by doing the above.

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How about 12 years of DeSantis in the White House. 4 as Trump's VP, 8 as POTUS.

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Could DeSantis really stomach being Trump's second fiddle? I say this as someone who voted twice for Trump.

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DeSantis must insist on doing all the hiring..and firing.

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Trump definitely will never stomach any association with RDS, now that he has shown his true (for sale) self.

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Recall that he is one of the best political minds and showmen ever. He can set up a choice for the media to chase: DJT versus RDS, grudge match! BOFF he broke a chair over his head! BOOM he threw the other guy out of the ring! The radical communist left aka Dems will have nothing that can compete. And guess what, with DJT vs RDS EITHER ONE IS A HUUUGE WIN

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The problem with DeSantis or any other repub not already in the DC Swamp, is that the good-old-boys-swamp-club is made up of alligators and crocks. They take no prisoners (witness Trump) and the environment within the DC Swamp is far more vile and toxic than in a state governorship. He may need to snuggle up to teflon-tony to get some of that immunity from ever being chastised for doing wrong.

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Trump talked about draining the swamp… He also said they weren’t coming after him they were coming after us… Unfortunately, he’s a victim, too… I don’t always agree with everything he does… But they were out to get him before he ever won the presidency

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But he immediately surrounded himself with vile swamp critters. He also promised to prosecute Hillary. And his toddleresque temper tantrum demanding the biggest spending bill in history that incentivized Covid deaths in hospitals is unforgivable.

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Orange man bad, 🚨

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You are on the right track, but the intensity of the opposition turned out to be far more anyone could have imagined in the beginning.

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And someone tell me, what Foreign Policy credentials does RDS possibly hold? He would go up against world leaders in negotiations?

I’m sure Gavin Newsome would claim far more experience as he’s likely been on a few of Aunt Nancy’s money laundering junkets around the world. He’s probably met more than a few foreign leaders.

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Your terms are acceptable.

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That is what I have wanted since this entire thing started. Funny way to go about it, but yes

Trump will make heads explode and brains break before this is over.

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But it would be political suicide for Trump. Think he is willing to do that?

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Trump doesn’t need a political win; he has everything he needs and his control is operating just fine outside the political spectacle; perhaps even better. Notice we’re still talking about him!

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Desantis and Trump cannot run on the same ticket as they both are Florida residents-to do so would mean forfeiture of Florida’s electoral votes

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JR911sc - good point! I can’t see it happening anyway.

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Thank you. That ends that! I won’t have to argue against it anymore.

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Too bad there is no downvote for this comment.

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Can't happen. Never has. Never will.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

I may eat my words, but I say it will not happen. Two Alphas is one too many - for both of them.

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That’s what I have been saying for a while now. Wouldn’t that be the best! I don’t think either one of them would go for it.

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Me too. Love DeSantis. Over trump.

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If Trump is the nominee, we will lose again.

I've had enough of his charlatan conman act. There are millions like me who voted for him, but will never do so again. Let the country burn - I'm not falling for this con again.

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He should have stood against Fauci. Here's a very interesting account from Dr. Paul Alexander. He was recruited to work with the Trump administration in navigating the covid pandemic, but "Alexander showed up for his first day of work at the HHS building to discover that the “deep state” had moved to – for all practical purposes – veto his hire."


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That was crazy as hell. But I believe every word of it.

I'm not giving up, but this country has been lost for a long, long time and that article demonstrates it.

And, to be fair to Trump, he was trying to rectify the problem of a permanent embedded bureaucratic deep state. But he was outclassed and outgunned. (See Trumpers - I *do* try to call balls and strikes.)

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Exactly. That's why I would support Trump over DeSantis. Trump KNOWS how TERRIBLE the enemy is; DeSantis is a terrific person and HIGHLY qualified candidate, but possibly naive. I wish he would just let his kids enjoy life in Florida while they are little and run in 2028.

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I just read the article… It’s a shame he was not able to withstand the pressure… And the threats… Prayers for him and his family

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What did Trump actually con you about? He was conned by the greedy scientists and the little cockroach. Trump isn’t a scientist. He had to depend on the supposed knowledgeable info he was given. The sheeple were constantly clamoring for the President to tell them what to do because they can’t make a decision on their own. Then came the dunderhead in the White House with all the mandates. I’m in a quandary about the next election too. Gov. DeSantis would make a fantastic President, but I don’t want to lose him here in Florida. I voted for Trump twice as well, as the lesser of two evils. Especially the first time. I agree though that he needs to stop with the name calling and run on a solid platform. I fear it may be true that no R can ever win again. Too much underhanded, sneaky stuff going on.

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There’s an awful lot of Trump bashing on here today. I suspect it’s going to ramp up into an organized effort, if that’s not already occurring. If they’re not getting paid to create and post these attacks, they’re missing out on a paycheck.

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Interesting comment... No one knows what the true relationship is between DeSantis & Trump... the name calling is "politics" nothing more and nothing less. Trump was most definitely deliberately miss lead by those who lied to an entire nation. Read should you have time is son-in-laws book regarding the Fauci&Crew. The conversation Trump had directly with Fauci & Brix which is documented in presidential records. The Floridan GOP is jam packed with Rinos who accepted donor monies from Big Pharma... check it out! Thousands of us voted and supported DeSantis and 80k died due to him not Repealing the Death Protocol in Feb 2021 - HE WON'T LISTEN... 60% were over 60 years old. We've tried everything to try and convince this governor for the past 2 years. WE no longer trust him. Trump isn't a politician yes mistakes were made. DeSantis is a politician with his back room deals. He isn't what you all think. We know! We've dealt with him. WE WILL NOT VOTE FOR HIM EVER AGAIN!

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- "Lock her up". And then a couple of days after winning, he called the Clintons "good people".

- Breaking the health care cartel. That was a prominent feature on his campaign website and was removed by the morning after election day.

- Having only the best people advising him. Somehow, I hadn't pictured one of them being Jared.

I voted for him in 2020 despite all this because he did do some really good things, but trust him, I do not.

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Agreed! Why anyone would want such an egotistical boasting bully as our revered leader is beyond me. If it comes down to him and Biden or some other ridiculous option then it’ll be the first time in my life i just won’t vote. Done with this!

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The way I see it, if you won't vote then you won't have the right to criticize whatever outcome. And it we end up with another Biden or Kamala presidency you won'd have anyone to blame but yourself

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haha, no I won't blame myself but rather a good country gone bad. I used to think like you Peter, but the system has been so corrupted and we are in such a deep hole that I'm not sure there is even hope to dig out of this one. When a country loses its integrity and its soul, free and fair elections are a thing of the past. Constantly having to choose between the better of two terrible options is not a choice at all.

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You see it incorrectly. It is the voters who have no right to complain, they keep the system going.

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That's incorrect. The election will be completely rigged just as it was in the last 3 elections. We have a communist federal gov't and the elections result will be determined by them - not by our votes.

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Agree. Hate his personality but he was a good President..not a neocon, not a Soros or WEF puppet, not a far left lunatic..

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That’s real mature!

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There are tens of millions of us who will vote for DJT, and write his name in if necessary. What is right is right. I intend to act under the watchful eye of my Creator and ‘let the chips fall where they may!’ All of you proclaiming that you are hopping off the Trump Train (I don’t think you were ever actually on The Official Trump Train) watch that you don’t hurt yourself and Godspeed.

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LOL... I am sure that in God's providence Trump and DeSantis have different roles to play but I do hope to get to vote for Trump and THEN there needs to be a NATIONAL outcry when he is YET AGAIN cheated out of an election. Maybe finally that will wake up the middle who still sleep. If anyone is ready for that battle, it is Trump. This is a war.

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It doesn't matter. We will never win as long as the elections are rigged.

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And your alternative? Therein lies our problem.

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Waiting on the Rapture. 🤣

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Seriously curious...exactly what has Trump done that you oppose? (And what news media do you usually watch/read?)

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Not sure who you are asking. I have found Epoch Times to be the best source right now. Kash Patel, who served in Trump's administration, has a weekly program. American Thought Leaders has incredible interviews on a variety of topics. I listen to Glenn Beck a bit, the Clay and Travis show a bit, and recently found Dan Bongino. My main problem with Trump right now is that he won't admit the truth about the jabs. What has happened to us constitutes crimes against humanity. I'm passionate about standing up for those harmed by the shots and I personally know people who have been.

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I was asking the person who said they would not vote for "con man Trump" --because I have watched all the news CLOSELY and Trump is the OPPOSITE of a "con." The establishment hates him BECAUSE he has been so brutally honest, exposing their lies and corruption. :) (And your news sources all sound credible; I was wondering if the anti-Trump person has been tuned into the fake news lies, and failures to report all the GOOD that Trump did as president.)

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“exactly what has Trump done that you oppose?”

Nothing. I know some people who wouldn’t vote for Trump because of his mean tweets. I think he did a great job as POTUS. Of course, the Leftists started on him the day he was elected and never stopped. They own the MSM jerks, so nothing good was ever said about him there. As far as news media, I prefer Fox News.

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I watched the best news network out there - OANN, then AT&T/DirtecTV deplatformed them. So I turned to NewsMax,and AT&T/DirecTV deplatformed them as well. All that was left of any network that had “some” truth and conservatism was FOX, so I’m stuck with watching them.

I’m wondering when/if tptb will succeed in either taking them off the air, or at least their archenemy Tucker Carlson off the network. Right now, Tucker is about the only one I have some faith in to get at actual reporting of the truth.

I’m so thankful for Jeff Childers and his blunt commentary and exposure of the facts, and the commenters on this site, to know I’m not alone and there is still some semblance of sanity left among us.

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Its political soap opera. Ignore it. Trump and DeSantis are on the same page and DeSantis isn't Trump's rival.

It's Trump playing with the MSM, and as Jeff pointed out

It might result in actual facts coming out.

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Agree. So much is psyops to sway the masses and it works.

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I so hope I’m ridiculously wrong and you are so right! But I don’t think so.😥

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Thank you! I’m not alone here!

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Trump is not the way forward folks. He had his opportunity and while I can look past his personal failings. I realize he is nothing but a BS artist. He failed the COVID challenge as he failed to realize that Fauci and Collins and Brix were BSing him. He was unable to not be Donald Trump who gets through with a line of Bull. Millions are dead and more are yet to die because of his failure to understand the nature and reality of DC. Voting for him gives the swamp another 4 yrs to destroy democracy. DeSantis is the way forward or someone like him.

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Trump tried to Art of the Deal the DC Swamp and found out those gators don't give a damn about negotiation. He got rolled and eaten.

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Uh, he did some serious rallies yesterday. Pretty good for having been rolled and eaten😂🤣😂

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Orange Man Bad 🚨

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Completely agree. I’m still mad at him for losing. I truly think if he had stayed off Twitter in 2020, he would be president now. I know, I know, people think the election was rigged and it probably was but a lot of people on the fence voted against one thing, mean tweets.

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So you think everyone is like you. That’s a temptation for us all.

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I take a completely different view of what Trump said. That is his schtick. He loves disarming his rivals. He does it so well. It even works on the people. ;) We all remember Trump on the stage with the 17+/- candidates in 2015. He had names for all of them and it took their breath away. We laughed - well, some of us. He has a very good relationship with DeSantis and DeSantis owes Trump for his early endorsement. Yes, DeSantis has done it “his way”, but they are are still good friends. Never doubt that. Trump’s remarks haven’t hurt DeSantis in the least. And just as Trump is using his schtick against DeSantis he will use against DeSantis’ rival in the future.

Politics has never been a friendly game; it’s just that we haven’t seen its more sleazy side. They keep it from us thinking we all want everyone to “just get along.” In the background, there are more expletives shouted out about rivals than a Patriots/Giants football game. Davy Crockett once said, “They ain’t no ticks like poly-ticks - bloodsuckers all.” You’ve seen how fast Romney, the Bushes, Lynn Cheney among others have turned on Trump? They might use the King’s English in public but - oh boy - what they say in private. Come on, folks. Trump did wonders for this country, are you going to abandon him for clever name-calling or mean tweets?

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I don't doubt that he has a strategy. Nor do I question that he is still fighting the good fight on behalf of the people. I admire his willingness to be hated and maligned for standing up to the establishment. But does he need to be president again to play a critical role? I'm not against it but it shouldn't be an all or nothing. We need all the help we can get. Instead of putting all the eggs in Trump as president basket, we need parallel paths. Ultimately, I want what is best for the country, whoever that may be as president.

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Trump won’t be around forever. In the end, it’s not about Trump. It’s about exposing and bringing down the swampists. There will be others to vote for. I say, let him finish his job. The job they stole from him.

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I respect your opinion, but I’m sick of the schtick.

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If we think politics is messy here, take a look at what can go on in Taiwan's parliament: https://youtu.be/9205MWNAwdA

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Yes! And lay off DeSantis. Trump served us well (under continuous horrendous attacks) for 4 years. But for shady shenanigans he’d have served another 4. I was looking forward to the next term when he was more savvy about who to trust politically & otherwise, & who to not. Remember at the get-go he had Reince Priebus as chief of staff or transition team who was hardly a fan. IMHO he played a huge part in putting never Trumpers in top positions to thwart Trump. He was pummeled from both GOP as well as Dems. He wasn’t “one of them.” Uphill all the way. His next 4 years could’ve been more Trump outta-the-box thinking, ideas, governance without the inside & outside hack job.

But whoever is advising him now isn’t helping at all. He must own up to the shot elephant in the room. He was advised horribly by Fauxci & others.

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I’m so tired of pointing out that a President does not have free rein to select whomever he wants on his team. They have to be nominated and presented for senate approval. Of course that is all worked out behind the scenes. Mitch McConnell is as big a Trump hater as ever lived and made sure Trump was surrounded by evil mealy mouthed, but nice, traitors. What Trump accomplished under those conditions is nothing short of miraculous.

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Also, Trump was handicapped by not being a politician and was fully learning about what a corrupt cesspool that is. Had the GOP assisted, rather than stabbed him in the back, it would have been a different story. But then they wouldn’t be the nasty, buggery evil beings that they are and we wouldn’t have needed our weapon, Donald Trump.

God’s got this.

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Orange man so bad. He’s just so nasty to all the ‘nice’ people😖. Baloney bull-crap! As soon as people wrap their heads around the huge evil we’re faced with, maybe they can stop being pussies over DJT actually doing battle.

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“ stop being pussies over DJT actually doing battle.”

Yep. Take a look around. Betcha a few mean tweets don’t seem so bad now, hmmm?

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Agree, Willing Spirit.

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There's a lot about DeSantis to love. Extending immunity to hospitals isn't one of them. He recklessly ran interference so doctors could continue implementing death panel protocol that killed more people. He has plenty of blood on his hands, and he had full knowledge of what he was doing. Trump removed red tape so a vaccine could come to market early. The data available then was much difference that what we have today, and Trump still pushed for medical choice. DeSantis would lose any fight with Trump over this. Why would anyone want to see this debate. It's exactly what the left wants. We shouldn't walk into these traps. Instead the finger needs to be firmly pointed at the real villains: Fauci, CDC, WHO, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Media, and the rest of the Establishment that's at war with America.

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They’ll attempt to use Nikki Haley for the attacks on Trump. They think RDS needs to look super polished and above the fray.

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Nikki is a big red flag of removing constitutional rights. She loved the UN ….. not enough of an American passion

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Yeah, to me, Trump has finally jumped the shark.

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I think it’s a bitter pill for a lot of us. At best, Trump is too prideful to admit he was wrong, but at the cost now of many lives, or at worst, he’s in on it too, just doing a fantastic job of playing the other side for theatre's sake.

This is Katherine Watt’s theory.

“I see the military law blueprint Johnson outlines and documents in excellent detail, as support for the hypothesis that neither Trump nor Biden is the current de facto commander-in-chief, but that the US is under de facto foreign occupation by the Bank for International Settlements, United Nations and World Health Organization, with two "puppet" regimes.

Trump is at the head of one of the puppet regimes, serving as a focal point for roughly half the population: those who believe there's been a US military white hat operation authorizing covert martial law to drain the DC Swamp since 2016.

Biden is at the head of the other puppet regime, serving as a focal point for those who believe there's a global public health emergency authorizing covert martial law to surveil, control and kill the American people, to respond to national security threats comprised of communicable pathogens and airborne/waterborne/foodborne toxins.

Meanwhile, all the imposter men and women embedded in American federal agencies are de facto loyal, not to any American president, or the US Constitution, or any American laws, regulations, executive orders, continuity of government plans or related documents, but only to the congealing one-world government.”

Can you see it? I can.

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I've heard variations of this theme. We sure don't know, do we?

But I'm loyal to Trump, because he's the Only President in my long lifetime, who said what he would do in office and did it.

Pointing out that you think he's prideful just doesn't lend clarity to the evil he's had to endure. Also, he's misreported so much and people believe it anyway.

I agree with Jeff, we are in a war. I have high hopes that Trump is working for the good of our Country. How he does it can't be straight forward. So I don't get caught up in Soap Opera.

I hope Trump has the backing of the White Hats .

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I wonder if we are naive to think that ANYONE could even get their name recognized if the deep state didn't allow it, much less win a presidency. The more I learn, the more it seems ludicrous that Trump duped the DOD/deep state and slid into place because Americans voted for him. That people still bend over backwards for him even though he is PUSHING the injections, is lunacy. "Not straightforward" is quite a stretch of an excuse for him.

Katherine Watt has a more realistic view, IMO:

"I see the military law blueprint Johnson outlines and documents in excellent detail, as support for the hypothesis that neither Trump nor Biden is the current de facto commander-in-chief, but that the US is under de facto foreign occupation by the Bank for International Settlements, United Nations and World Health Organization, with two "puppet" regimes.

Trump is at the head of one of the puppet regimes, serving as a focal point for roughly half the population: those who believe there's been a US military white hat operation authorizing covert martial law to drain the DC Swamp since 2016.

Biden is at the head of the other puppet regime, serving as a focal point for those who believe there's a global public health emergency authorizing covert martial law to surveil, control and kill the American people, to respond to national security threats comprised of communicable pathogens and airborne/waterborne/foodborne toxins.

Meanwhile, all the imposter men and women embedded in American federal agencies are de facto loyal, not to any American president, or the US Constitution, or any American laws, regulations, executive orders, continuity of government plans or related documents, but only to the congealing one-world government."

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Think for a minute on what would have happened if the outgoing president would have spoken out against the jabs. They would have gone after him In even more unbelievable ways. He would have been called a murderer. I wasn’t happy he wouldn’t denounce them but I don’t know what he knows and I can’t see the Big picture reason behind it all but time will possibly tell. He was the best president we have ever had and he is needed again to fix this country. He did it once and can change our directory again.

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"Think for a minute on what would have happened if the outgoing president would have spoken out against the jabs. They would have gone after him In even more unbelievable ways. He would have been called a murderer."

They did all that anyway.

But what your argument boils down to is that Trump was too afraid to tell the truth and stop the Deathvax.

If that's true, I don't want him anywhere near the reins of power. Enough cowards already.

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Please. Y’all act like it was just normal times. I remember it well. It was anything but clear and manageable. It was insanity.

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I think it was RFK Jr who noted that Trump accepted a large donation from Pfizer, which killed the vaccine safety board he was planning. Is that true? I don't know. He certainly was in a difficult situation at the time but he's playing a risky game now in touting the shots.

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RFKJr was going to serve on some vaccine safety council for Trump, who used to be vaccine hesitant, if memory serves me right, and then that never materialized. I guess that is why.

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He introduced the CEO of J&J at one of his rallies in 2022 I think it was. Had he and his wife stand up and be acknowledged. He was proud of this relationship. The crowd was pretty quiet, I thought. And it immediately turned my stomach. Why on God’s earth would he want the CEO of the jab company to take a bow at his rally? Blew my mind. I was flabbergasted. I don’t watch his rallies anymore.

Either he is doing some sort of strategic warfare that we don’t get or he’s a full on politician now playing the political game and the causalities are dead Americans. I’m trying to stay balanced in my view of Trump because of his America first policies but I’m growing weary in what little support I have left for him and his jab promoting.

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Yes, I saw that rally. The CEO has long been a big Republican donor. As an aside, are they even giving the J & J anymore? It had its own problems, but not mRNA.

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I think they pulled it when it was blamed for the clots early on. But it wasn’t because of their integrity. Lol. It was more likely interfering with Pfizer and Moderna profits and they needed to have a fall guy for the early clotting, or something. Maybe because Trump was friends with them? Idk.

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Definitely sounds plausible. I know back when we did not know how far they were going to take mandates (see Australia and New Zealand) I had decided I would take J & J if physically forced. Glad I did not need to do that.

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I've seen interview of Dr. Gates, sarcasim, where he told Trump it would be a bad thing to have a vaccine safety board but I'm sure money speaks the loudest.

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Think what would have happened if doctors and nurses, along with Trump, had not been cowards. I firmly believe that if medical professionals had acted en masse and refused to go along, this might have been stopped. A person of integrity will speak up, even if the consequences may be bad. Trump cannot fix this country. If he got back in office, he would face the same problems. I'm not sure this country can be fixed at all. This worldwide agenda is satanic in my opinion.

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It would help if people would stop perseverating over what is done and can’t be undone. What is before us now in this decades long war?

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Not enough sheepdogs, WAY too many sheep. Way too many. Tptb can pretty much get away with anything now, theyve conquered most of America. We were the ones to come in a rescue countries. No country will come rescue us. They are waiting for us to fall, they don’t have to do anything, we will do it to ourselves. Is there a solution?

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They're falling as well. The pandemic/globalist agenda is worldwide.

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Totally agree

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I totally agree!!

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That poor Doc lady who is totally incapacitated from her jab injury. Of course she feels bad for pushing it on others. Fair enough.

The savageness of these injuries is breathtaking. Needing a cardiologist and a neurologist. Can't even stand up anymore? So terrible. And still no response from the 'government' yet to help these people.

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Horrifying story. I can’t wrap my head around the total destruction of her life and the mental and emotional damage as well.

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I know 2 people who have crazy racing heartbeats just sitting.

Is the damage getting worse as time goes on????? 😓

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Yes. As long as that mrna is in there making spikes. And then covid mutations making the rounds. This could eventually get any or all of us, but the jabbed have been jump-started. ☹️

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My 20 year daughter just developed debilitating dizziness. She got the original two shots in summer 2021. No booster. I’m very worried.

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Is she following all of the Protocols to Detox from the Poison? Start here:






There have been a lot of break throughs helping the injured victims. Educate, educate, educate and pass it on.

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Does she know about flccc? Has she followed the guidelines?

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Heart and inner Ear is related to dizziness. Make sure she is taking a high quality b complex vitamin and also a product called Nitric Oxide found in Cardio Miracle or Nitric Boost.

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Awww. 😔 I hope she gets better. There were some recommendations on these comments about possible remedies to counter the affects of these shots. Thank goodness she didn't get any boosters.

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Between 3-5 years. And we haven’t hit 3 years yet.

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It will ramp up as time goes on.

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Yes, prayers for her and all the other people this is going onto that we haven’t heard about… That everybody goes oh, they just got sick and died! Sheeple will never open their eyes

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I feel bad for her injuries. But as a doctor didn't she read the possible side affects? And if none were given, ask for them? I work in finance and any mutual fund comes with a prospectus. If none. Big Red Flag 🚩🚩🚩

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Right?? Their incapacity to question anything and their blind acceptance of what they were told was their downfall (and that of so many of their patients 😞).

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Yeah. As a financial professional we have to give disclosures to our clients and prospects before or right at the time they agree to do business. We would never be allowed to recommend stocks, mutual funds annuities etc that were not fully vetted. Risks are clearly stated. But here. Take this vaxx. Nothing. Blank sheet of paper. I do give her credit for realizing that not only did she screw herself but also her patients. It is a sad way to end your life and career. 😔

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The side effects paper that came with the jab vials were completely blank. Actually. There was nothing to tell them except that this is an EUA.

A doc would have had to do his/her own research among “poorly done” studies at the time, which most docs will not touch. It’s double blind or nothing as the study “gold standard” and must have long enough time to study. There was no time early in. And some docs are trusting of medicine in general and some are lazy.

There are probably a thousand studies by now, few which contradict the early observational studies. I think McCullough’s site has them all linked. There are many studies which in the conclusion contradict, but the numbers within in the studies do not.

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"Warp Speed" I guess this was a good excuse to be Lazy and not use Common Sense. I am just some dumb Joe Shmoe from the Bronx and I had the brains to start researshing the BS being spewed out of the Democide gang, starting in 2020 until 2021 when the Bio-Shot was released full throttle.

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I’m aware of all that, but good info for those who aren’t.

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Big red flag 🚩

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I just accidentally deleted my comment 🙄

Just posted this 🎯🎯🎯

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My friend who is a pediatrician and co-owns a practice with multiple doctors, got the jab and shrugged it off as no big deal. "Yeah, there was a five page disclaimer that we had to read and sign, but we basically can't practice and work in the hospital if we don't get it."

I just shook my head. However, when I told her that my mom got her shot in a drive-in parking lot without the benefit of a five page disclaimer and no signing of anything, my friend was a bit surprised. I haven't really talked with her since. I'm afraid that she may have gotten sick or worse, gone back on her belief that kids didn't need the shot. 😔 I honestly don't want to know.

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Good piece, 2 frustrations. First, as a 7th gen Floridian who lives in NC and drove to FL twice in the spring of 2020 because my grandmother was dying, deSantis DID lock down FL. Both times I had to go through border checkpoints to get into the state on I95, and they were turning away people from states like NY. My grandmother died alone in an assisted living facility because we weren't allowed to visit her even when she was put on the hospice list. I understand that BECAUSE OF TRUMP'S PEOPLE LYING no one knew how bad it would be etc, but can we all just be honest and then be proud of DeSantis for talking to the right people and making the right decisions when others weren't?

Secondly, I'm sick of all the "Trump is playing 9D chess" crap. I didn't vote for him in primaries, voted for him for President, he did a lot of things right. But he's a petulant ass, which made him a lot of money on TV (and pissed off all the right people). He not only screwed up with Fauci and Birx and not listening to Scott Atlas, he is incapable of admitting his mistakes which cost millions of people their lives and livelihoods and will continue to do so as the vax damage plays out. (Not to mention actually bragging about it!) He's too old to be President until 2028, he can only serve one term, and there are many of all political stripes who cannot accept him for various reasons and will keep TDS going for another SIX YEARS. This country will fracture.

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Agree with your points, but you left off one huge failure by Trump: putting Pence in charge of the COVID task force. He was nothing but a cheerleader and is a terrible leader.

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Pence = swamp creature = controlled opposition.

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@Jennings, yes, YES! I 💯 agree with what you wrote about Trump.

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This country fractured a long, long time ago. We’ve been limping along for decades and there’s a mighty rush among the ‘elites’ of the world to collect the remainder of the loot before we finally collapse.

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Agree 💯

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff- please have that neurosurgeon and the young man contact The Energetic Health Institute, Dr Henry Ealy. He has a protocol to help people return to health after severe injury from the bio weapon jab. He has dedicated his life to this.

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Does he follow the FLCCC jab-recovery protocol? or something else.

I pray they can find treatments that work.

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Dr Ealy deals very individually with the severely injured that come to him. He begins by stabilizing their system so they have some energy to fight back. Then he goes step by step depending g on their situation. The last step is fasting to reset the body.

Dr Ealy actually teaches classes so others in the medical field can do the amazing work he is doing.

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There is no one holy like the Lord,

Indeed, there is no one besides You,

Nor is there any rock like our God.

Boast no more so very proudly,

Do not let arrogance come out of your mouth;

For the Lord is a God of knowledge,

And with Him actions are weighed.

He keeps the feet of His godly ones,

But the wicked ones are silenced in darkness;

For not by might shall a man prevail.

Those who contend with the Lord will be shattered;

Against them He will thunder in the heavens,

The Lord will judge the ends of the earth;

And He will give strength to His king,

And will exalt the horn of His anointed.”

— Hannah, in 1 Samuel 2:2-3, 9-10 NASB1995

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Love the "fake meat" story - I was raised on a small farm and started studying holistic nutrition in 1981. This was right around the time Margarine was coming onto the market in a big way. My Holistic Nutrition teacher told us that this product was highly processed and that you were way better off eating the real thing, i.e. butter form pastured, grass fed and finished cows. She also put forth the same recommendations for all foods - eat the real thing in its entirety - e.g., eat the orange and leave the the orange juice. Her basic message was that the more highly processed the food, the more ingredients there are, the more you should stay away from those products - I believe she was exactly right. Bon Appetit!

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Have you ever looked at the ingredients of supermarket baked cakes and goods that are supposedly bakery fresh?? A litany of more than 20 chemicals for items like cake, which have only 5 ingredients at home.

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Exactly. I'm not a cake person anyway, but if ever I were to make one, it would be from scratch! NEVER support Big Food!

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Remember the old ad abut potato chips that said "bet you can't eat just one?" No matter how "healthy" or "low fat" or low sugar" or whatever they label something, if you are not satisfied with the tiny portion they give you you end up eating the whole package, and still have not satisfied your craving. Better to eat a more sensible, "high fat" whatever it is and be done with it. Portion control is the best solution, not fake meat etc

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Yes I have, and it's not just cakes. Try buying a "healthy" muffin from a big grocery store chain, even in their "baked fresh daily" section - it's just crazy. A good thing to steer away from is any packaged food that lists sugar as the second ingredient (worse if it's first) and has more than 5 listed ingredients. Nutrition is not that complicated - fresh, whole, local and organic most of the time - never eliminate any of the major food groups - we need them all. My mantra is, "Eat a little of everything and a whole lot of nothing". Cheers!

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

When plant based burgers first came on the market I was reluctant but then gave them a try. Not bad, not good either but they seemed healthier. This was years and years ago. The grocery store here put out a huge bin of fake you name it in the frozen section and I thought what is this about? Not just a few items but everything from a to z. I may have tried them years ago but since Gates and the other wizards are in charge of financing I would not trust anything associated with their products. I distrust anyone or anything now that pushes something that is "good for you" or the environment. Nope. Just purchased 25 chicks to raise our own meat, real meat....and eggs.

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Beautiful! Thanks for sharing and good luck with all the chicks, cheers!

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, you write a heartbreaking story and - instead of going all maudlin - direct it as a call to action. Not too many writers around these days with your skill.

Regarding the coming media "irreconciliable conflict": I'd like to bid for the popcorn and tee shirt concessions.

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It is entertaining...

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So i think DeSantis has nothing to gain by engaging with Trump now. And Trump does. Trump is losing his luster and significance and a big part of his past voting base. He is looking kind of desperate, like yesterday’s news. By not acknowledging obvious mounting vaccine injuries, past supporters are fleeing from him. DeSantis does not need to participate in dividing the base at this time. Best to let Trump implode on his own.

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Where do you get your information? Certainly doesn’t sync up with my observations.

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

My son has had seizure disorder since having a tumor removed from his brain at age 16. He is in his mid 50’s and has been taking meds to control seizures. When his job mandated the jab, he asked his Dr about a medical exemption. He was promptly denied such being told jab “safe and efficient and won’t affect etc. So to keep job he took 2 shots. Jan and Feb of 22. BTW, the mandate was rescinded a few days after. I asked him if he’d noticed any side effects. Yes, he said- a funny feeling of moving really fast when he walked. Forward to now. He’s having trouble falling at work. Sudden on-set of high blood pressure, vertigo, ears ringing loudly. Also, even with medication levels at the prime number, he had a seizure in Oct last year, fell flat and had a slight concussion. He is now going to be evaluated by Neuro before being able to return to work. I’m posting for what reason- to vent a little and ask for prayer. I pray for all vax-injured or killed.

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I’m so sorry he’s dealing with this 😞Praying 🙏🙏🙏

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Saying a prayer now for your son

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My sister and closest friend are experiencing vertigo. Plz check out flccc!!!

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🙏🙏🙏 😢

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Search Low carb or Carnivore, Keto, Paleo. Check out YouTube videos on same. You'll see thousands of people switching to these diets and reporting incredible health benefits. Some of the best are vegans switching to carnivore. It's like meat is a revelation to them. The word is getting out and the numbers are growing. I don't think people are going to be eating bugs anytime soon.

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I went KETO almost 2 years ago. I lost a lot of weight without doing anything else, no added exercise. Also my health issues resolved and I was able to get off all meds just a couple of months into my diet change. I firmly believe in going Keto; getting off carbs and sugars, eating meats & eggs, and healthy fats (including butter, lard, olive oils, etc.)

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Also include intermittent fasting with the diet change.

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

A woman from MA recently made national headlines for strangling (murdering) her three young children. The morning talk show circuit was citing acute mental psychosis. After reading Peter McCullough's references, you really have to wonder if the jabs maybe played a role (we'll never know). Another factor main stream media NEVER EVER mentions is SSRI's. Wouldn't it be nice to know how many of the people committing mass murder (or just murder for that fact) are on SSRI's? Another dark, evil, sinister cover up by the cartel (Pfizer & friends)... laughing all the way to the bank as thousands kills themselves and each other. https://www.bmj.com/content/358/bmj.j3697/rr-4

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She is a nurse

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Things that make you go hmmm?

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From things I've read on different stacks, yes, the majority of shooters have been on SSRIs.

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And in the case of younger mass murderes, dabbling on satanic and occultic websites, according to the police searches of their computers. Lets never forget that demons are real and as we are told to guard our senses in the New Testament, because they can enter our souls if we entertain them through our senses.

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Post partum is a real thing(chemical imbalance); however, how much more intense is it with the shot? I mentioned earlier in the comments about a priest seeking an exorcist after his shot because of the demons he was seeing. Imagine not recognizing the evil one but feeling like the only recourse was to kill those you love and commit suicide? 😢

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I thought of that too 😞

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Not sure what Trumps strategy is attacking RD again, but it's not smart. I will never vote for Trump ever again, and I'll do everything I can in my network to stop anyone else that will listen from voting for him again, and I'm pretty hard core right. TRUMP elevated Fauci and Birx. TRUMP criticized Kemp for opening up and wanted more lockdowns, longer. TRUMP is the one STILL pushing the vaccines and talking straight lunatic like HE saved 100 million plus lives. There is one person that got the ball rolling on covid insanity, and it's Donald Trump. The man is out of his mind, and he sounds like a complete idiot. I literally can't take it anymore, and will work day and night to stop him from a rerun.

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The only thing I can say is that Trump elevated, as you put it, Fauci and Birx because they are experts in the field. Trump is not an expert in "vaccines" or viruses so he put those experts (Fauci & Birx) in place. Fauci would have been any POTUS' choice. I agree, he did not save 100 million+ lives and it is bad for him to say so. I don't quite trust DeSantis at this time. Yes, DeSantis is doing some great things but the jury is still out on him.

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Excellent assessment. I did love how Trump decimated Jeb! Bush, totally and completely.

And DeSantis just hits one home run after another. I'll take either one over the DemoRINOs.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

I completely agree. Credit where it's due. One of Trumps great strengths prior to 2016 was calling out morons like Jeb Bush and the rest of the pathetic Bush/Romney/McCain clan of horrible Republicans. Ever since then, he's been a ginormous disappointment, and running away he's the worst hiring manager of all time. Bolton, Kushner, Wray, Barr, Sessions, Jerome the Mask loving Psycho Adams lol, The Mooch, John Kelly, MadDog, Rex, Omarosa, The Mooch(really), Milley, Austin, Fauci, Birx of course and those are just off the top of my head. The man hires total swamp rats and in the same breath claims to be draining the swamp. He's loaded it to the top with swamp creatures and wonders why we are where we are.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

DeSantis has done more for the country being Governor of ONE State for 4 years than Trump ever could as President. As a matter of fact, DeSantis has been elevated because of what Trump did, completely put this country on a tailspin to destruction. DeSantis has done almost everything right, and he didn't hire Omarosa or The Mooch either...

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I'm pretty sure the swamp isn't as deep in FL as it is in DC. Huge difference! Let's see how DeSantis does in DC.

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We know how Trump did. Very bad, bigly. So I agree, let's see how RD does. It can't get any worse, that's for sure.

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Trump did many great things. Many! I agree his personnel picks are a huge disappointment!

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Having been born there and lived there a long time, allow me to say that Washington D.C. literally is (was) a swamp, although much of the physical kind has been drained over the past two centuries.

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He has Paul Ryan's endorsement. 😉

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And Trump is out there hanging out with Lindsey Graham. What's your point? DeSantis can't stop someone from endorsing him, Trump can steer clear of people like Lindsey Graham, but he chooses to be with him since he strokes his fragile ego.

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Just saying no one is clean when they get to that point. All have to play.

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trump is supposed to be some shrewd business genius, yet couldn't see how corrupt Fauci et al are? Not buying it for one second.

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He and Fauci were butting heads if my memory recalls. A good memory helps us be fair.

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I was under the impression Trump tried to fire Fauchi, but rodent extermination is difficult

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Totally agree. Anyone with half a brain could have sat with fauchi for 30 minutes and seen he was the rat faced sociopath he is.

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The problem wasn't putting Birx and Fauci into place. You're right - any POTUS would have done that. The problem was not firing them when it was obvious what they were doing and saying was wrong, especially about asymptomatic spread and natural immunity - the constant over the top fear peddling.

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I find it ironic that Trump’s devoted followers alternate between Trump is a venious and plays 4 D chess and Trump is extremely gullible and was duped.

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I don't see any mention of 4D chess and I agree with you on that when people say that. Trump has always been Trump and says/does what he wants. DeSantis, on the other hand, does not have a consistent track history. How was he when he was in congress? Was he tough like he is now? Nope. Or has he learned how to play the game? Or can he be tough now that he is out of the DC swamp? That's one reason why I am cautious of him. I think if he is doing all this courageous stuff, he should have been doing it also when he was in congress.

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I didn’t say anything about DeSantis, and 4-D chess has been bandied about by Trump’s true believers for years. I don’t agree with DeSantis on foreign policy and a few other issues, but appreciate all he has done about the vaccines. I think Rand Paul would be a much better president.

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Seems like it's two different groups of trump followers, with different opinions on "very stable genius" vs "businessman with a big ego but still the best option"

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Agree with “Fauci would have been any POTUS' choice.” Monday morning quarterbacking is becoming a very popular sport as if any of us would have had a clue what to do during that chaos.

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I certainly had a clue, as did many others. I was fearful for maybe a few days before it became evident that everyone across the political spectrum was saying the same thing. That was the first big red flag for me. I apparently have better intuition than the shrewd billionaire who had access to all sorts of inside info. What a joke .

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Fauci's only expertise is in handling politicians and bureaucracies. He's a swamp creature.

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Amen. Exactly right.

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Thanks for having the courage to write this here. I had a big epiphany over the last few years of tremendous struggle. No matter who I vote for, God is in control. From this realization, I know that I cannot vote to save the world, God will do that. I need only to vote my conscience. I pray for His guidance in this 2024 election as I do for other matters of importance. From my prayers, I have made one decision.

I voted for Trump twice, "for the good of the party." No more. Is the party better for it? For many reasons that others have brought up here, I cannot in good conscience ever vote for him again. My own religious beliefs lead me to believe that from his fruits he does not show as a good and righteous man. No man is perfect, for we live in a sinful world, but I believe there are others better fit to serve. I will choose someone that I believe is good and competent in the primaries. If that person does not get the nomination and Trump does, I will vote third party or write-in. I will not be brow-beaten about "letting the other side win." In the end, when I see God, I will need to justify every decision I make. This will be one of those decisions.

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“I need only to vote my conscience.” Agree, Sheryl. I cannot vote for someone who’s still promoting the death vaccine after countless people have died or been injured from it.

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Josh I feel the same way as you. So this is just a question. If it’s Trump vs. Biden on the ticket who are you voting for?

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

I hope it doesn't come to that because either way the country loses. I'd stay home for that one and just vote down ticket.

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Orange Man Bad🚨

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Operation warp speed bad. Still bragging about poison death shot bad. Being subservient to Israel bad. I could go on but I think you get the picture. Fuck all of these people. We have to save ourselves and quit putting faith in bad actors.

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Yes, we've all been misled. Not those whose sniffers have been perpetually sniffing since realizing the world is rife with psychos in positions of power. I'm eternally grateful to those individuals who steered me in the right direction.(This brand of enlightenment is not for the squeamish or faint of heart). The parade of lies marches on. It certainly didn't take long for the petri dish mixologists at Pfizer to place what I'm sure was a frantic emergency call to the PR Damage Control Department to mop up the unfiltered barf remnants left behind by Jordan Trishton Walker. Yesterday, they delivered a sparkling advertisement simply dripping with sadistic irony. Those already lost in a labyrinth of cognitive dissonance can relax.....Pfizer"s got this. Reminds me of the old saying: "With friends like you we don't need any enemies."

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Has JTW been disappeared yet? Virtually yes; I'm wondering about physically.

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He is a useful idiot who didn't know his role and place. Whatever tptb do to him, he deserves.

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he's the best type of controlled opposition - thinks he's being smart and patriotic, and has no clue that he is being manipulated, and actually thinks they like him...

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Will we ever know if he physically disappears? If something were to happen to him, and it was publicized, wouldn't that just throw him back into the news cycle?

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

It doesn’t matter who comes out on top of the vaccine debate. Pfizer is the govt’s sacrificial lamb. All will be blamed on it, and it will be disbanded, go bankrupt, fade away and then be reinvented under a new name. It’s just a corporation.

What will get lost in the “Pfizer bad” debate is the real source of all of this: the DOD. This was a DOD op from the start-the bioweapon Covid, and it’s “counter-measure” which is how it refers to the “vaccines.” The DOD spearheaded the creation of the virus, then it contracted with Pfizer and Moderna and specifically requested that it only produce an mRNA “vaccine.” Remember- Bourla said he was surprised that “they” wanted an mRNA base.

Another deadly govt operation easily blamed on the private sector and free to wreak more havoc just like what happened with the jfk assassination and 9/11. No one is discussing the fact that our own government funded and strategized this entire culling event. And they couldn’t be more thrilled that everyone’s pointing the finger at Pfizer.

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True this^^^. As Jeff said, we're at war. It's time to look at ALL possibilities. We're not conspiracy theorists anymore. We are spoiler alert-ists.

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CJ Hopkins wrote this morning “At this point, it is way too late for those engaged in conducting the PSYOP to continue to deny the facts and gaslight the masses. That won’t work anymore. So, it is time to do some limited hangouts, and some whitewashing, and a little sleight-of-hand, and just generally confuse and distract the public, and send them off on various wild goose chases, while the official history of the PSYOP is written.”

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True. And the international forces behind this will sacrifice all of us and our governments to achieve their own agenda. The DOD, the WHO, DARPA, are the sums of many interlocking parts. In reality many governments funded and strategized. Although it may be attacked and lessened through individual nation states this won’t be sufficient to stop it.

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Exactly, they worked for years securing other governments to push the agenda, and infiltrated others. The deeper you dig, the more you uncover. Governments, leaders, NGOs, agencies, health organizations. Imagine the legwork involved to get it all in place.

Who’s behind the curtain?

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WEF the advertising agency and all around cheerleading Davos country club set. Would expect those who have most profited from all of it.

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If it is true that they are trying usher in a new totalitarian system world wide, they have to do away with the old, which means exposing it all, or at least a good chunk of it, to make way for the new. Then we can live under constant surveillance with centralized bank digital currency to rule over us all. With basically zero freedoms.

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I had heard a soldier brought it back with him from China. With you on JFK and 9/11!!!

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I wouldn’t be surprised. None of it rolled out the way we think- whether you’re on the side of natural virus or biolab leak. That’s why they love that fight- because it is confined to just those two false premises.

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This would be some real 5D chess from Ron and Don if they are actually working together using plandemic policy to black-pill the lefties. Wow.

"Take a minute to visualize how the Trump-DeSantis jab debate would play out in corporate media. If Trump and DeSantis had an extended, spicy, and exciting throwdown over their mutual pandemic policy and about the jabs, with DeSantis criticizing the shots and Trump — of all people — defending them, WHICH SIDE WILL CORPORATE MEDIA SUPPORT?"

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Maybe it's God playing the 5D chess!

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🤔 God with the devil. You can imagine who's who. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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God works in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform 😇

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If he was really going to hit DeSantis where it hurts he would talk about the fact the cost of living in florida is skyrocketing and DeSantis is not doing much to control insurance other than to remove rights consumers had to sue in the event insurance company did you wrong on a claim. There is also a reinsurance crisis but no one is addressing.

Trump maybe baiting but DeSantis not going to take that bait. Trump is in on vaccine like the others. He allowed Fauci to do what he did Bc he was in in it. He hired tons of doctors to consult and then followed Fauci blindly.

I don’t think we will ever see that debate. I will Vite for any republican candidate for president but I am disappointed in Trump did so much and then helped commit crimes against humanities. I don’t believe he or any of his family took the jabs. All had covid and very attractive doctor gave the presser when trump was in Walter Reed would have told him you are good.

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Can you imagine if trump had backed those first doctors that came out and spoke against the jab on the White House stairs?

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He did back the first doctors. Zelenko was the doc who got him through COVID and to whom T listened.

26 orange man tweets -look them up- that IVM, HCQ and NAC work let’s get them to the public, do not be afraid of COVID, we do not need to mandate vax.

The administrative state shut Trump out and mutinied with elected leftists/rinos-

-Set up false “studies” to “prove” the off label medicines were not only useless but harmful.

-The task force was a joke.

-A president is not permitted to fire someone in Fraudchi’s position. Only fraudchi’s boss, who is full on in it (I think on the patent with the Fraudster), or his own wife, as the ethical director.

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Thanks for the reminder. Sometimes it’s easy to forget what “they” did and only remember what Trump is doing now. I believe fully that the DS evil was 100% trying to destroy him in ways we the public will never know and never saw. Including the task force and pence. It was a joke. I do think he came out to lead us against the fear and propaganda but I also believe he got buried in their tactics. It’s unfortunate because he did lead America in a good way for four years. Now it’s all about trying to sort it out and pick up the pieces. We’ll see what’s left standing I guess.

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I still wonder why he didn’t. He had a huge base of supporters who were wide awake about all this. And instead of tapping into that he pandered to covid crazy people who were scared because they listened to their tvs instead of common sense. The result is that he’s lost a lot of supporters. He doesn’t seem to be getting it. People are getting off the trump train every time he pushes the vax and pats himself for the great job he did. If only he would’ve danced with the ones who brung him.

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I will vote for replican that runs. But I will not donate one penny to a trump campaign. He sold us down a river with these vaccines and then lost. He knew what was happening and let it happen. Whoever was running 2020 campaign was an idiot.

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It's because it's ALL Kabuki theatre and the actors are all playing their roles.

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He should have stood against rushed vaccines as an answer to something that everyone at first said a vaccine would not be possible and then all of d sudden yes we have vaccine everyone get in line.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

Many things need to play out without government interference. This is OUR problem... Looking to government to step in every time the free market gets uncomfortable for someone. "I'll fix it. Vote for me." And they keep voting for ppl who CAN'T FIX what they pretend they would and make more problems "fixing" what was never wrong. Politicians who watch and don't play around with ppls lives enough don't get elected. 😡

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Yes they should stop meddling!! We have too many politicians and too many bureaucrats.

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They certainly know what they need to say to get elected. And then at the congressional (no term limits) level, it becomes almost impossible to get them out. Yet most people do so little vigilance over and study of the political process. It has been an unwatched hen house under the supervision of foxes forever.

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Yes, my insurance company dropped me (no reason given, never made a claim ever) and now I'm having to find a new one by May. So far, none will insure me unless I put a new roof on due to its age (I live on old pasture land, no trees to do anything to my roof, just sun, wind, and rain. Last roofer I had here said I had at least another 5 good years on it before thinking of getting a new one). Needless to say, I can't afford a new roof but if I don't get one I can't get insurance and lose my house. So, single income fam with 3 kids are now trying to figure out exactly how we can get the $ for a new roof so we can get insured to keep the house. Insurance is a legalized mafia racket is what I've come to realize...

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Do not know if they will allow, but in Texas due to hail damage on roofs, insurance requires a separate rider for roofs as your "regular" homeowners does not cover roof damage due to storms. That being said, the rider is not cheap even with what appeared an industry requirement of a $6000 deductible (I could not find a company that would lower the deductible making me think some collusion is at work) and a two year new roof with extra something to prevent hail damage... All that being said, may be worth asking if you can just purchase a rider for the roof with a high deductible. On our home in California, FEMA changed their flood maps (they were going broke and needed to pull in more non risk homes - yet another tax) requiring us to get flood insurance in an area that has never flooded. We made sure we only allowed the FEMA company to insure for the amount of the mortgage as required by law, not the whole value of the house (we have no fear of flooding, evidenced by the torrential rains we have had the last few years seeing our creek rise with no chance of flood in any direction). Lowering the home value to just your mortgage amount if you are not worried about damage may be another option to get insurance and keep costs down for now until you actually need a new roof? It is all such a racket and just another form of taxing homeowners right out of their homes - something definitely needs to change and I pray you are able to find a solution.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

I feel for you. They did the same to me when I lived in Tampa a couple of years back - with a tile roof that lasts 30+ years. In that area it was any roof over 10 years old!! My insurance broker said some parts of Miami were 5 years old!! I have been told there are a couple things going on that actually repeats itself every ten or so years here in Florida. (I remember my parents complaining about insurance when I was a kid.)

A bit of the problem is that hurricane/tornado damage is higher in the state, but it is mostly a large amount of roofing fraud that raises the prices or make insurance companies leave the state. The fraudsters will tell someone they can get them an insurance payout for a whole new roof when it is not needed. Because of this, many insurance companies will only write so many policies in the state then shut down the rest of the year. This past July a law was signed that allows insurance companies to give percentage of roof damage based on years old. That will (hopefully) do two things: it will slowly bring the prices down on insurance as they will not be paying more out, and encourage more insurance companies to come back to Florida. The state has long tried to work on this problem. I think it was either Bush or Scott who worked to put a state insurance plan out there for any that cannot get insurance - but it is much higher than most.

Finally talk to AAA. If you get a combined auto and homeowners, it may be very reasonable. That is who I just got when my insurance company left.

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Ok so on the roof. Check government programs for the green initiatives will spread the cost over ten years. If still doing this try YGrene for a start there was another one.

You can try to get limited coverage until change the roof. Call the market place 1 800 524 9023. It will seem expensive for limited coverage but need something to keep mortage happy.

Luckily my roof is 2017 and all other systems are newer with the exception of sewer line which is original to 1953 home but I have it checked with camera annually and clean out and avoid flushing anything other than human excrement down. Told me sewer lines should not be a problem.

On YGrene my understanding is will extend the payment of new green roof which can be architectural shingles over 10 years included with property taxes. Since property taxes are deductible and IRS hasn’t said consult your tax advisor Bc might be able to deduct complete property tax payment with roof cost baked in. I am not sure so check but when my roof that’s how I’m going to change it. Hand out to the socialist. 😂

Good luck.

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We in Oregon have an organization called Neighbor Impact that would help pay for your roof. Maybe in the form of a low interest loan. You have to qualify as low income. Anyway, look into state and charitable organizations. Good luck.

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I agree. Living in Florida sounds great. We were floored at some of the downfalls when we moved here. We love it here but insurance is a racket scam. Insurance costs for auto and home are horrible if you can even find a company to insure your house at this point. Medical care is horrid here too. Without even going into the covid crap, healthcare is atrocious. Finding doctors is a nightmare. And don’t even get me started on the lack of support and services for families raising special needs children and adults. I keep trying to give DeSantis a break because he’s been pretty busy just trying to save the state from tyrannical dictators, but in the meantime there are so many other issues to deal with.

Just reiterates to me that this world will not be saved thank goodness. Individuals will be saved by their choice to trust and accept Jesus - but this world? Nope. It’s gonna burn and I’m so thankful someday this cesspool of evil will burn with it.

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I don’t know what to tell you about the doctor situation. You find one and don’t let go. I will follow my endocrinologist anywhere. She left a large hospital system and I pay out of pocket for the visits Bc I don’t want to see large hospital system anymore.

On the insurance issue email governor DeSantis and ask him to set up a committee like the one he did for covid. If he puts a committee of insurance experts together surely there is a better way than 9k per year for horrible coverage. I called the insurance commissioner told me to call market place 1800 524 9023. I ended up in insurers of last result for 4758 a year removed replacement cost on contents and increased the deductible. Edison was forcing a very high dwelling amount, new company wouldn’t write at that higher amount so reduced dwelling to cover just my house and not mine plus neighbors. 🙄 Insurance sucks so what is the point of paying more will never get what you pay for. I will quote it every year to see if cam find better every years to come. I’ve never had claim in the 20 years I’ve been a homeowner. I lived in a condo for 17 years sold and bought home only to find insurance is a mess. I hear Condo same issue master policy is super high and then contents policy for owners is double what I used to pay.

You just can’t win.

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I found the least covid bat shit crazy one I could find. So I’m sticking with her for now. My daughter has to go the covid bat shit crazy one because of the insurance she has to have and no one else takes it. No one else any better anyway. 😞

We are putting a new roof on in March because it’s 20 yrs old and leaking. 😞 I don’t even dare look for a lower rate until we put the roof on. Even then I’m told…with no claims and a new roof - good luck finding anything cheaper anyway. The new roof is gonna kill our checkbook and then to know it won’t matter anyway as far as insurance goes. Ugh. I hate this world. But at least I get some sunshine and heat while waiting for death. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Wow, that is super high. Since I do not know what part of the state you are in, I can only compare to Central Florida. I just changed to AAA with a home and auto, saving nearly $1,000. However, we will see if I have problems when I renew.

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I’m central Florida too. Was thinking of contacting AAA as well. Will wait for the new roof then start shopping around and see what’s available.

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South florida dade county. I tried AAA when bought the home. The home was cheap but the car was was double what I paid with progressive. Overall cheaper but I thought then creating a problem with car insurance I currently don’t have. If AAA increased my the home then car home both high. So I kept progressive token a surplus line and they tripled my premium went to Edison and Edison doubled my premium. I May call AAA for S & Gs to see how much now but the car was out of control. I’ve been with progressive for 20 years they give me special rates for no claims and long standing customer.

Hard to win st this ins game thinking of moving to Tallahassee but have to clear with job and just heard reductions are coming Bc they can’t find affordable insurance rates either.

Insurance has a trickle down effect and not in a good way. DeSantis is ignoring it and could be a deal breaker for him if he doesn’t do something.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

I get the frustration, but just wanted you to know and encourage you that DeSantis and the legislature are not ignoring it. It has been a struggle for many years, here in Florida. DeSantis and the legislature approved a law that went into effect last July. I think some of this is fall out while it takes effect. Can they do more? I think so, but they also cannot control which insurance companies leave. As a conservative capitalist I hesitate for govt. to do much more. We need to get the fraudsters out and stop people from getting new roofs when they are not needed.

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“Took the jabs” 🤔🤥🤣 ... saline like every other brought to you by Pfizer prime time elected “so called leader” media op.... seems most forgot in March 2020 DT’s short hospitalization for Covid, he zealously proclaimed “cured by hydroxychloroquine” https://www.the-sun.com/news/3056434/hydroxychloroquine-trump-covid-survival/ ... “saved a million lives” is another computer model fantasy... Dr. Bret Weinstein tells Joe Rogan that the mRNA shots "have cost more lives than they have saved." The claims that the covid shots saved millions of lives are "utter nonsense" based on a model that "they fed garbage."https://t.me/whip347/81464 How long is it going to take before “follow the money” shines a megawatt spotlight on Trumps peculiar and suspicious about face from bragging about his recovery win with hydroxychloroquine to the extreme opposite song and dance act.... the experimental enhanced evolution GOF gene editing depop clot shot? It’s all slight of hand theatre.... Sing it Billy Flynn.... Razzle Dazzle ‘m.... https://youtu.be/8ZYG2PCyNfE

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Exactly, Maureen.

I was not very aware of treatments nor particularly a T fan, but something seemed off.

WHY WERE THERE NO TREATMENTS? THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING WE CAN DO before we can’t breathe and go to a hospital to die.

That one question started me digging into the early treatments. I found the fire hydrant of info outside of corp/corrupted/ gov media. I found some dark tunnels and popular false flag people, but finally figured it out.

And found Jeff’s C&C when it was forwarded to be by a trusted friend.

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Good Lord, you don’t think megawatt spotlights have been continuously trained on DJT and all those who might dare give support from the time he came down the escalator in 2015? Not to mention the battering rams constantly pounding? I would posit that a lot of people think that showing their hatred for Donald Trump will somehow protect them from the shadowy evil of the Globalists. It takes tremendous courage to support Donald Trump. Ask the J6 political prisoners rotting in the gulags of Washington D.C. When will we do a multiplier for them?

I hear people wanting to return to the good old days. Yeah, the politicians were stealing us blind and destroying the nation, but they dressed nice and acted nice and it was happening slowly so we could pretend it wasn’t happening. That day and time has been blown to smithereens. We are at war!

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