May 1Liked by Jeff Childers

How many you'all are now generally speaking anti Vax (not just anti Covid vax) post 2020? Up vote for yes

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May 1ยทedited May 1

@Aloha50 this week the CVS clerk saw (!) that I had not received the shingles or rsv shot and wanted to know if I was interested in getting information on them. Sooo many responses went through my mind, but in an act of supreme self-control, I responded very politely with a firm, โ€œno, Iโ€™m not interested.โ€ ๐Ÿ™Š

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May 1Liked by Jeff Childers

Last time I went to the doctor, she checked to see what jabs I needed. โ€œLetโ€™s see, shinglesโ€ฆnever mind. Too many side effects.โ€ SHE said that.

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My friend had a mini stroke and her doc said that it was likely caused by jab micro-clotting. The doc admitted she could lose her license, but told my friend not to get any more jabs. Lose her license to protect her patients??!! Is this America?!

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WEF Amerika.

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Seig Heil and Comrade all rolled into one ... and decked out in Mao suits.

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What are the odds that just coincidentally, UK, USA x 3 (with Germ-an shell company involved), Russian VAXX, and China's SinoHarm, ALL glommed onto the same CoVid19 origin lie, the Wuhan-Italian-Imperial College hysteria, push the Anti-Ivermectin Anti-HCQ narrative after French show good results, Global Mono-media Fake out, and Military-Pharma Industries produced either mRNA or non-Mr.NAh adverse injurious Vaxxes? Then ALL cover up while millions of safe and effective and boosted persons die off. What Nations were NOT a part of the kill off scheme? Sweden....any others? BTW Swedes, welcome to NATO Family and kiss your independent action Goodbye!

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I'm so glad to hear that their are doctors willing to buck the system to protect the patients.

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Iโ€™m proud of both of them. (Sarcasm). Most drs enjoyed their jab bonuses and are in full CYA mode. Sad.

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This news is about American doctors are bribed to push vaccine.


Experts estimate over 20 million are already Dead due to COVID-19 vaccination & over 2 billion are Severely Injured.


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How refreshing!

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That's awesome. Wish they were all like that

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You could have asked the clerk to read the side-affects out loud to you๐Ÿ˜‰

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I seem to recall a video wherein the PACKAGE INSERT was opened up to its larger than necessary size, and on both sides? The thing was blank.

This was a video featuring Dr McCullough, among others, as well as the attorney for ICAN, Aaron Siri. Perhaps a Senator Ron Johnson video ..... I believe that's correct.

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Yes the blank insert was with the Covid vaxxes

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That was the emergency authorization disclosure.

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A "silent" disclosure.

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The rest of the vax inserts are actually MORE terrifying to me! INFANTS get needles full

of formaldehyde, polysorbates (which can usher the other toxins last the blood brain barrier), heavy metals, peanut protein particles, egg protein particles, some animal kidney cells from equine/porcine (porky pig!)/canine and even monkey cells! (Kid got peanut allergies? Egg allergies? Pet dander problems? No one else on the

family tree has them? Hmmmmmโ€ฆ)

AND these vax are grown using ABORTED FETAL CELLS from BOTH male and female aborted fetuses, one of which was imported here from Norway (If I recall correctly?) in the early 60โ€™s when abortion was illegal here.

Tell me HOW your body knows to

mount a defense against polio but NOT to mount a defense against peanuts, animals, eggs, and BODIES, in the form of AUTO IMMUNITY? How does the body know not to

mount a defense against latex, through which every needle passes when dipping into vials? How? My

sis in law

has a random allergy

to latex. NO ONE in the fam has that or ever has. Hmmmโ€ฆ

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Considering the FOIAโ€™d document on Myocarditis was 32 pages of redacted text I believe that. Oh and FB referred to those blank pages as โ€œsensitive contentโ€๐Ÿ˜™

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The insert reads: " INTENTIONALLY BLANK".

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Thatโ€™s an excellent idea Robin.

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Yes, what a fine idea! I will take that one!

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Love that idea!

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I like that idea!

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Great idea! Iโ€™ll have to remember that!

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Very good!

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May 1Liked by Jeff Childers

I got a text from CVS recently saying, "Let's talk about your shingles vax" or words to that effect. I replied with my advice on where they can put their vax. Of course, their automated system did not understand, sending me another text saying so and asking me to call them to talk about it. Yeah, right. That's just what they DON'T want me to do.

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โ€œLet's talk about your shingles vax!"

Letโ€™s talk about my foot in your *ss if you come anywhere near me with that garbage.

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its not garbage. THe shingles booster ( shingrix) is actually well tested and very safe. no booster or vaccine is ever 100 percent effective. But I see many cases of shingles... you do not want to have shingles and there is a 30+% chance over your lifetime that you will get it . That chance is rising b/c fewer kids get chicken pox and adults dont get the boost from being exposed to chicken pox.

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Excuse my French, but *bullshit! NO vaccine is well tested or safe. And yes, there's a chance you'll get shingles in your lifetime, I've had it twice, the second time extremely mild and over in a few days to a week. I'll take my chances with a condition my body is perfectly capable of handling over a largely ineffective (and as I understand actually likely to increase your chances of getting shingles) along with numerous side-effects.

If the human race survives, future generations will scratch their heads and sigh trying to figure out why people thought it was a good idea to destroy their God-given immune systems by pumping toxic chemicals into their bodies, much less mandating it and inflicting it on innocent babies and children.

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Spot on Grandma Bear!!

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I had a relatively mild case of shingles way back in 1995 - on my face! Yes, it was painful, and embarrassing, but it didn't last long, and I can't remember any drastic measures taken to treat it. Dr. told me I'd probably never get it again, natural immunity and all that. I'll takes my chances, CVS, I'll just takes my chances.

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The shingles vaccine has a FDA black box warning on it for developing Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

The black box warning is the strongest warning on a product before it is pulled.

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They definitely don't tell you that when they are pushing you to take it.

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Learn about the difference between relative efficacy and absolute efficacy and then see if you would still recommend the shingles vaccine.....absolute risk reduction of 1.7% seems a bit light to get anything pumped into your body

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statistically I am many times more likely to get taken out by a car when out riding my road bike. Yet I knowingly take on the risk by riding said road bike often thousands of miles in a year.

I don't even know what "shingles" is. It is that low on my radar. And they want me to take a vaccine to prevent a thing so low on my radar I'm ot even sure what it is? Maybe I should take a shot to prevent horse cancer, despite the fact I'm almost never around horses.

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So Im a medical doc with a bio chem degree . I know all about relative risk vs absolute risk reduction. The whole argument about the covid shot hinges on this. THe original pfzier study claimed that it was "99 percent effective"... yes but that number was RELATIVE risk reduction. if you took a person who was at risk for severe covid, the shot could reduce their chance of hospitalization and death by 99 percent for about 4 months. Problem is: 99.8 percent of the population was not at risk for severe covid , so for most of us, the ABSOLUTE risk reduction of one covid shot was less than ONE PERCENT.... and yes its not a sterilizing agent, ( does not stop infection spread and transmission) so the shots do not protect anyone else. So there was NEVER any justification to mandate them at ALL.

Shingles is NOT fatal nor does it usually result in hospitalization. BUT the overall morbidity; meaning the chance of having a severe long term complication from a single out break of shingles is very high. More the half of the people who get shingles ( out of 30-40 percen of all adults) have a significant long term problem from it in the form of chronic pain, visual side effects , headaches and more.

Read about post herpetic neuralgia. I see patients who get shingles lesions on the their eyes and they lose vision permanently. Its not a rare as you think.

THe relative risk reduction that you quote is mis leading b/c it does not take into account the chronic burden of pain and disability caused by Shingles. I can assure you it is miserable for people. The medical community treats these people as chronic pain patients and gives them drugs like gabapentin , which is toxic garbage...

bad covid can kill people, Shingles does not kill ... so you cant compare them the same way.

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Your last sentence is why we should not use varicella vaccines either.

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May 1ยทedited May 1

Bless your heart. Yes, we have all but ended chicken pox but in the process, we threw gas on the teeny shingles fire.

MOST of our shingles cases are

brought on by kids shedding the chicken pox vaccine in the adult population, which have not

received the โ€œboostโ€ of the anti-shingles which is only

given via natural chicken pox cases. We have traded childhood no biggie illnesses for nightmare-ish adult disease.

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I agree with you. I am curious what will happen 50 years from now with chicken pox and shingles though. Will they eventually after all this havoc go away?

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No thats incorrect. The adult shingles is caused by the virus latent in the adults bodies that has been there since their childhood when they had chickenpox and recovered. When a person has chickenpox most of the time the virus is not eradicated from their body, but remains latent or asleep in their nerve tissue and when theyโ€™re much older and their immune system weakens , the virus wakes up and causes shingles.

The reason there is so much more shingles in the adult population now is because children born after 1995 are getting a chickenpox vaccine, which is preventing them from getting chickenpox. In the past, when older adults were exposed to children with chickenpox, they would get, the older adults would get, an immune boost From being exposed to children with active chickenpox. Now this immune boost does not occur. So it is necessary to boost the adults with a vaccine booster.

The decision to put the chickenpox vaccine on the childhood schedule is definitely a controversial topic. However, it appears now after many years of this, that the incident of shingles in the cohort of people who is vaccinated against chickenpox is actually lower than adults who got regular chickenpox as children?

So it remains to be seen whether or not the rates of shingles in these chickenpox vaccinated individuals will be lower in the future than the current rates of shingles in the older group of patients who never got vaccinated against chickenpox, but instead got the natural infection, but the trend looks very promising.

What you said above is completely incorrect

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There are antivirals to take if you get shingles. Therefore, I will take my chances.

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Thats true too. We give them to people. valtrex... works pretty well. All it does though is reduce the length and severity of the illness. Your body your choice

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Man-i- Enjoy your shingles shot๐Ÿ™„.

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The thing that's most baffling about the concept of the shingles vax is that (assuming you've had chickenpox exposure) you have the virus in you already. The reason it's latent is because your immune system is keeping it that way (with T-cells) So a vaccine isn't worth a damn. In fact, the best thing you could do is not insult your immune system and keep it healthy.

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I got the two Shingrix shots in 2021, before I woke up. I had not had a vax before that in 35 years. If one person had spoken out about Shingles vax dangers, I would have avoided them. This shows the importance of speaking out and the dangers of censorship.

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May 1ยทedited May 1

I got the 2 Shingrix shots in the fall of 2019 before I really thought much about shots. My internist was adamant about getting the Shingrix. I was at a Sam's Club, and after the 1st, my legs got shaky and I stumbled back to the pharmacist, who said, "Side effects are normal and should be gone in 15 minutes or so." After 30 minutes or so, I was able to stand up and leave. Went back for the 2nd shot and all seemed well, but later that night I was so tired and weak I had to lie down. It wasn't until 2 days later that I had enough energy to go back to work. Have never had such a reaction to any shot! That's when I started reading about shots and thinking maybe just getting them because a doctor said so was not such a good idea.

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Unfortunately my husband and I also got the Shringric vaxx about the same time. I now have constant ringing in my ears since receiving the vaxx. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

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The shingles vaccine also has a FDA black box warning on it for developing Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

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so sorry to hear this.

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Your โ€œbooster shotโ€ used to be exposure to kids with chicken pox but since they jab kids for that adults arenโ€™t getting the exposure they used to to keep their immune system on top of it.

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Hereโ€™s the thing though. Boosting would only be relevant for persistent infection exposure coming from outside. And antibody levels wane rather quickly once past that, so why do young adult not get shingles? Itโ€™s not because of antibodies. Your body doesnโ€™t keep high levels of ANY serum antibodies past any acute infection phase. Infected cells (low level or high level) are killed by Tcells or NK cells. Unlike antibodies theyโ€™re actively looking for infections or cancers. If you have a low level/ latent virus in you, it is Tcells that are keeping it in check, not antibodies. If your overall immune function is hampered by age, or other health factors or other infections and the Tcells are fatigued then you could certainly have a recurrence. But the idea that antibodies are the key here is immuno-mythology, from what I have read. Antibodies are touted because itโ€™s the easiest thing to measure.

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That's what Forrest Maready was telling Brett Weinstein. Interesting isn't it.

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Since kids get chicken pox jabs, natural boosting by a circulating virus is no longer happening. Shingles results. So we can blame shingles ON THE VACCINE too.

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Actually Iโ€™d say the vaccine is worth a whole lot. A whole lot of $$$ to the medical and pharmaceutical profession and politicians. That probably why most commercials these days are for vaccines and medicationsโ€ฆ

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not true at all . ALmost every adult over 25 has been exposed to herpes zoster. ( chicken pox) and 30-40% will get shingles. I see many cases of shingles as a doc, . Shingles is an awful affliction and can be very painful and disabling.

just bc the covid shot was a hastily concocted dangerous mess is not an excuse to pan all vaccines. Shingrix ( the shingles booster) was tested for 7 years and is very effective. It can cause a flu like reaction ... I personall took it a few years ago

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Come on. Hastily concocted? It is a mRNA transfection that in no way shape or form is anything like a traditional vaccine ( live attenuated, whole inactivated or protein subunit). It wasnโ€™t rushed, it was just never appropriate. Furthermore, authorities have been pushing flu shots for years without any evidence that intramuscular shots generate any mucosal response (unlike their excuse that it might not work because they got the wrong strain). It is horseshit. So you have to ask yourself if you can trust them with anything.

As such much of the foundations laid out to justify vaccines in general is not based on a full understanding of complex immune cascades and attenuated responses. While the principle of immunization may well make sense and some vaccines might be worth the risk/benefit ratio, the overall justification for such is based on dubious evidence including the emphasis on antibodies as a marker of immunity. Before I take another vaccine I want full data disclosure, risk benefit ratios and a well demonstrated mechanism of action that takes into account all aspects of the complex immune system. The level of evidence needs be way higher than anything they have provided heretofore.

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I dont disagree at all. What ever group was responsible for approving and formulating the mRNA gene therapy covid injection committed themselves to a certain course of action namely using this gene therapy MRNA tech which, is you are completely right, nothing like a traditional vaccine. An mRNA gene product like this has never been used en masse in people before. But these people committed themselves to a course of action and the political establishments of the US and other countries got behind this and there was so much political momentum behind it that any dissent or questioning was stifled. It was totally toxic and insane... I am totally with you.

There was NO way that this mRNA therapy could EVER generate sterilizing mucosal immunity or prevent infection and spread. NOT A CHANCE. This is what I am trying to say in my comments above. If the public health agencies... if Fauci had an OUNCE of integrity they would have explained this.

They would have said... its not going to prevent you from catching it. It is only going to possibly reduce the chance of severe illness in a small subset of the population and the protection would wane very quickly.

Noone had the integrity and courage to say any of this.

But just because our public health establishments, government , Supreme court are populated by craven corrupt ignorant cowards is not a reason to discard 100 + years of sound virology knowledge.

There is a role for immunization. I have no doubt that if the NIH, The FDA, the CDC and all other gov funded health agencies were ABOLISHED and replaced with nothing, that private interests would take over medical research and we would still have vaccines.> ANd they would be far better , safer and more effective than anything we have now.

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You are ignoring the FDA black box warning on the shingles vaccine for developing Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

Ever hear of informed consent?

The pesky part of the Nuremberg Code.

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I do not believe that any vaccines have a benefit that outweighs

their risks. Shingles is easily treatable with Vitamin A and C, and

for most people it resolves itself quickly. It is not worth the risk of long term damage to your health. More and more people are eschewing all vaccinations, and living healthier lives as a result.

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Can you list the ingredients for shingles shot please?

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๐Ÿ˜‚ You go, Granny Annie! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ

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A friend works in a CVS pharmacy and got 6 jabs. She is now dying of amyloidosis and multiple myeloma. Heart and kidneys are shot. But she doesn't blame the jabs...

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At this point it has to be a psychological protective mechanism, if nothing else.

Imagine the horror of finally putting the pieces together while you are dying a painful death.

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May 1ยทedited May 1

An 84 year old at my gym appears to be in great shape and doesnโ€™t look anywhere near his age. I found out he has had 8 jabs thus far. A lot of us at the gym discuss the vaccines negatively but this guy just looks at us with his eyes glazed over. He will get a 9th one too!

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God says, "Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body." Eph 4:25. I must speak the truth and I will. If they don't like it, they already know where I live.

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I got that same text from them and just responded with STOP!!

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Same here! Very chatty casual text like, hey, we're your best friend and we have your best interests in mind! :) grrrrrrrr.

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yeah, and we want to keep some of your best interests in OUR pockets.

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I received the same text Sunday. Tried to slip in a screenshot of my response but itโ€™s not working. Emphatic NO. And blocked.

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Wish there was another option besides the word STOP that conveyed our true disdain of them and their system. "Foxtrot Yankee you Assholes" would be my choice.

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I got the shingles vax after a coworker got it in his eye. Said you do not want shingles! So I got it and prayed no harm would come from it. That seems to have worked. My poor doctor canโ€™t even talk me into a mammogram any more!

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Thermagrams, if you can find them, are great.

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I am an eye docto and I see alot of cases of shingles. THe shingles booster was tested for over 7 years before it was approved. It is a virus vaccine ( not mRNA) . A personally took both doses a few years back. It is extremely safe. It cannot give your shingles. It will make you feel sore and fluish for a week or so. That is how the body reacts to it. Shingles is VERY common and extremely uncomfortable and potentially disabling . Taking this shingles shot. The newer SHINGRIX is worth it for the vast majority of older adults.

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My brother has had shingles twice since taking the vaccine. How do you explain that? BTW he did have chickenpox as a child.

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My sister in law got shingles a month after her shingles vaccine... I don't trust it.

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Thanks, I was wondering about this.

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Yet the covid vaccine was rolled out without any testingโ€ฆ they tested it on the populace

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Thatโ€™s not entirely true they had a four month trial that had many flaws and shortcomings. But yes, youโ€™re absolutely right. The second part of the clinical trial was conducted on the population at large. That is why they needed to be a more nuanced conversation and a more full disclosure about the potential risks. Instead of mandating it, they shouldโ€™ve said OK. We have this new thing that we developed in a rush and it will decrease the severity of the symptoms if you get really bad Covid so we recommend that people who are at risk of bad Covid take the shot but nobody else really needs to get it unless they really want to. And it doesnโ€™t stop you from catching it. Or spreading it .

. Thatโ€™s all they had to do was to have an honest transparent conversation with the population. I have these conversations with patients every day of my career.

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I no longer value the opinion of doctors and I don't consult them for health issues any more.

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The ohoney"trials" were only a small part of how I became "hesitant" on that one. I've studied statistics and how a proper test protocol SHOULD be developed. This had none of that. Despite my being smack in the middle of the "highest risk group" (age above 70) I dod not believe my risk was high enough to take the greater risk of the poke in the arm. Far as I know I never got the Vie Russ, and I know I was around a number of folks who did. Of all my large (hundreds) circle of friends I know of only four who got the shot. Two are dead from it, the other two so far seem to have gotten a "blank" lot.... (all carrier no active ingredients) There were a number of documented placebo lots.

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They were never able to demonstrate that the covid vaccines truly did lessen severity. The studies didn't bear that out. My mom who is mid 70s had one of the easiest cases of covid I ever saw and we often said how fortunate she was not to be vaccinated. Meanwhile her vaccinated friends who got much sicker said how much worse it surely would have been if they hadn't been vaccinated. People could say and convince themselves of this even as they were hospitalized! It was a psychological trick that made people think the covid vaccines were helping when the evidence never showed any such thing.

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Color me jaded, but I don't really trust our government much these days

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A week of feeling sore and fluish is worse than most

people suffer from shingles, and the vax doesn't prevent anything.

I'll stick with proper nutrition and pass on any allopathic medicines.

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thats fine see... you can make up your own mind. Shingles is not contagious. But what you say about Shingles is not correct. Shingle causes a significant degree of long term pain and disability in at least half of all the ppl that get it. Arm aching and mild flu like symptoms are a small price to pay to prevent that. But Im 100% supportive of your decision. And if ( hopefully never) but if you showed up in my office with shingles and miserable, I would treat you with the same compassion and respect I would show to anyone without recrimination or judgement! This is exactly the same kind of way the gov health agencies should have dealt with the covid shot.

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Shingles is easily curable.

Once you inject something into your body,

the process is not reversable.

In my view, it is not worth the risk.

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If a human body has any reaction at all from a shot, it is a clear indication that the body does NOT want that substance in it. Please peddle your brainwashed nonsense somewhere else.

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I think there are holistic means of lessening the chance of getting shingles. If you have a patient who is unhealthy and who would never do research and learn, maybe for them it makes sense. But it seems terrible not to let people know they have options. My mother is in her mid 70s and eats a healthy diet, is active and uses herbal supplements. She has watched many less healthy friends who had the shingles vaccine go on to get shingles. I think she is (sans shingles vaccine) through her lifestyle choices better protected than they are.

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Really disturbing that a clerk has access to at least some of your medical history.

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Been saying for a while now, the next war front is health insurance. They are collecting info on everyone, sharing it with various "providers," and they are all so woke they would make Google blush.

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Oh, yes, I fully expect to pay more for insurance and to lose various points of coverage because of not being fully vaxxed. I expect Medicare will start doing the same and we will lose coverage there, too.

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Find a good Naturopath and become as healthy as you can. It's the only way to beat the Medical Mafia system.

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A must read. Big Brother in the Exam Room by Twila Brase. This book explains what HIPPA really is!!!

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It's HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996

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Interesting how HIPAA concerns have essentially evaporated in the last four years.

Part of the plan, I assume?

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All of our rights are going down the shitter.

Intentional destruction of our society...

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Yes, during the plandemic, we had to know everyone's jab status, prior to them coming into the hospice house that I work at. Now no one cares, but the cancer and death rate for younger people is mind boggling.

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How many lives have been saved because he chooses to speak up? Thank God for the brave!

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Use to be McDonalds would have to check your vaxx card for entry.

To buy some McPoison?

Now people people are offended if you ask their vaxx status. That's private info!!! LOL

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Indeed. Remember that Friends actor who recently died? When people conjectured whether his death was from the clotshot, the media screamed about his privacy. How rude to pry!

When they found out they could blame it on drugs, his privacy didn't matter anymore. (I'm not sure whether he died from drugs or whether the pathologist lied, but the point still stands.)

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Isnโ€™t this part of the Obamacare program? Thereโ€™s a centralized database of medical histories.

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All your data is belong to us.

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They all know everything. Went to a general practitioner and they knew that I was prescribed doxycycline by my eye doctor .

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That is the electronic medical records. They can access anyone.

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Our family's PCP uses paper records and last time we were there I thanked them profusely for maintaining our information that way!!

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It's a PITA but you can opt out of your records being put into the monstrous databases and accessible to who knows where. Lot of hostile people working at CRISP, ImmuNet, etc., who are rabid about talking you out of opting out, but I don't care. Now I'm trying to get all my info that's already in these databases (some of which is wrong) out of there - not as simple but I believe it can be done.

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Anna, How do you get all your med info removed from those databases?

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Those prompts are autogenerated for anyone over a certain age (50 for shingles unless they lowered it to 45 I can't remember as I make a big effort to stay the hell away from all of it---sorry! I can't do it because I am here all alone and we have been robbed while giving vaccines overnight so we don't do them until after x time!!! I ignore ALL those prompts and may have yelled at technicians who tell people about them (when I am there) who then want MY opinion--which I am happy to give it just isn't what my employer thinks I should be saying!!! I've repeatedly told my higher ups they really don't want me in a room giving my opinion on vaccines to people if selling vaccines is important to them---which it very much is---lotta money in those things. I hate it but do my best to discourage as much as possible. And no higher up will ever be able to make me state anything I don't believe to be true regardless as to weather or not it will result in a sale of anything. Pretty sure I could win that lawsuit if it ever happens--almost makes me WANT it to happen. Can't even tell you how many statins I have talked people out of taking. Tee hee hee. Told a guy last night that if he wanted to have a long life he should stay the hell out of hospitals and doctors offices!

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I am tempted to ask pharmacites (sic) a) if they have received bonus compensation for urging, injecting Covid jabs and b) if they have set that money side in an "interest bearing" account to help with the legal costs coming their way. Covid Litigation Conference I and II, next year III and we'll be off to the races!

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Pharmacites! Yes...good one!

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When I was informed about the CDC recommendation regarding shingles vax at the pharmacy counter, my response was โ€œif the CDC recommends it I sure as HE double toothpicks donโ€™t want itโ€!

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You and your potty mouth. I just can't take it! ;)

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When I hear them announcing overhead at the grocery store/ pharmacy they have free covid vaccines and flu shots, I want to scream out some of the things you probably thought! How are they still pushing the poison?

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Let me guess, you live in Illinois (aka Hellinois)

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No. Tennessee!

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I would like to speak out, "Do you realize you are participating in population control and depopulation by death?!!

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I believe you know the answer--money

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Agreed. It's all about money. Big Pharma=Big Finance=Big Campaign Contributions=Death of the USA.

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excellent analysis

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May 1ยทedited May 1

Yeah, and then I see someone sitting in that chair labeled for the recently vax'd dipstick.

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They do it in Texas, too.

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I have even heard it in Florida at Publix

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Floridians love their jabs. It's everywhere.

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Nicki- just so you know, the shingles shots are now mRNA and if you get on antivirals right away, shingles USUALLY is no big deal. The Zostavax also didnโ€™t work and Merck is being sued. I got shingles a year after the Zostavax. Shringrix is more effective but only for the first year, then wanes rapidly and the side effects are SO nasty many people donโ€™t go back for the second shot. When my doc offered the flu shot 2 yrs ago (before I fired her for recommending the Covid shot too) I told her โ€œno thank you. I like getting the flu. Itโ€™s a guaranteed 5-10lb wt loss.โ€ She looked like she was sucking lemons ๐Ÿคฃ

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LOL....I fired my doctor after he told me the only way I could lower my cholesterol was by taking statins!

And my BIL fired his doctor when he denied the C-19 vax was NOT Emergency Use Authorized (EUA)!

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Bravo, Austin. Our body needs cholesterol, it's part of the building blocks. A few years ago, what was once considered healthy numbers was lowered to what is recommend today. And into that breach came cholesterol-reducing drugs. Same old tune, different song.

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Did you see the study that has been repressed for 50 years? It is called the Minnesota Coronary Experiment. The British Med Journal recently re-published it. It says that high cholesterol does not negatively affect coronary heart disease. It was talking specifically about lineolic acid from veg oils, and statins didn't exist then, but heart conclusions were this:

"Conclusions Available evidence from randomized controlled trials shows that replacement of saturated fat in the diet with linoleic acid effectively lowers serum cholesterol but does not support the hypothesis that this translates to a lower risk of death from coronary heart disease or all causes. Findings from the Minnesota Coronary Experiment add to growing evidence that incomplete publication has contributed to overestimation of the benefits of replacing saturated fat with vegetable oils rich in linoleic acid."


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May 1ยทedited May 1

The health industrial complex just so ignorant or greedy, aren't they..Linoleic acid in seed oils is bad for your entire body. Very damaging, canola is one. Omega-3s are a scam also. Almost all them are oxidized just as much. Fish oilsโ€”waste of money. Donโ€™t need more omega 3s. Lower your seed oil intake (PUFAs) instead to balance. Donโ€™t just add more oxidized omegas.

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Both Shingles and Flu Vaccines are MRNA now... Run from them!

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Good job at acting like an adult! Not being snarky at all since I have the same dilemma several times/week at least. FWIW, when asked the same kind of question by medicos I always counter with 'Is it an mRNA vaccine?' knowing, that they won't have a clue, but will get the message that I don't trust their latest method of manufacturing drugs.

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go one better. Ask them if the vaccine was tested against a saline control or some other vaccine. Crickets, or sad face will ensue.

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I loudly say โ€œHell No! Why would I take a vaccine that doesnโ€™t prevent the disease itโ€™s supposed to prevent and will likely cause permanent serious health issues!โ€ I take the opportunity to educate anyone within earshot!

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May 1ยทedited May 1

Pharmacies make more $$$ giving vaccines - traditional or genetic therapy - than they do filling scripts. Pharmacies should go back to their core competency. Recall HHS has also given veterinarians and others permission to give shots when ordered to - hasn't happened yet. Still planning on asking my vet what she thinks about this...if she's even aware.

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Their core business kills ~200K per year in the US. That's just legitimately written scrips, and does not include any stolen product. So, best pharmacies stick to selling toothpaste and saline solution. Maybe cards and batteries. Chocolates are OK too.

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Death by Doctor was the #3 killer in the US........until Cov'd.

I suspect it's moved to #2 at least.

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The #1 money maker for Big Pharma was statins..........until Cov'd.

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This is one of my favorite guys on Substack. He just sent this out yesterday. I really am tired of having to respond politely to these people who are SO brainwashed. https://thefreethinker.substack.com/p/what-happened-when-i-recently-applied

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That was a pureblood power read. Excellent!

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It was great! Made me feel stronger.

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@SadieJay excellent stack! I subbed. Thx for posting!

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That is great. I almost want to go apply for a job like that just so I can answer.

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My question is: WHY would ANYONE go to CVS??? WORST pharmacy EVER!!!

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because the mom and pop pharmacy in our town has turned into a gift store, and CVS is the only pharmacy for 25 miles around.

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I understand and agree, but now there are many more online options that you can work with, with a little advanced planning.

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Yes I do that too! But every once in a while, ya gotta go there....

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lol, Austin your making me laugh out loud.

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@Austin because thatโ€™s the in-network pharmacy for our insurance. Otherwise, I would find an independent to support if possible.

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The shingles vaccine has a FDA black box warning on it for developing Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

Your doctor won't tell you.

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Indeed, to the "saw (!)" ~ They literally know more about out medical (if that's still the right adjective) histories than we do. At this point, I can hardly stand interacting with a "provider" (!) while he/she engages with the magic screen to learn all about me while I wait for his or her attention. We never get to see what They are privileged to see. And an appalling amount of it is incorrect, inaccurate, untrue. Maddening doesn't begin to describe this state of affairs.

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I have been anti-vax for years! Itโ€™s wonderful to see so many people now questioning the $cience.

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I was a bit late to the party but once you know, you know.

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I think about that awakening often. Once you see, you can never not see!

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Once I heard the advice to stay at home until your oxygen level was dangerously low, I knew.

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Yes, the BIOWEAPON 19 did take a toll amongst the hospital staffs and that was the main issue,...but stay home and MAKE SURE you don't take HCQ or Ivermectin or anything else until your lungs fill with fluid and infection just shows how EVIL the plan was...the creators of this pathogen perfected it and enhanced the fear, then controlled the responses the whole way through until at last enough said they wouldn't take a mandatory vaxx-and-boost requirement and pulled the emergency brake lever.

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I read the ventilators were used to protect the staffโ€”keep the virus in the machines while the patient died. If you think about that scenario you want to puke or hurt someone.

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Oh heaven forbid you overrun the hospitals. That and the little munchkin's back and forth on the mask. Two of many red flags.

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And donโ€™t forgetโ€ฆthe doctors and nurses had time to work on their dance routines. Once I saw that, I knew that the over crowded hospital talk was a lie.

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Hey! You joined a BIG and growing party!

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Since the early 90โ€™s.

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My mother lied about our vaccination status in the 60s and 70s. ๐Ÿ˜

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Good for you. I was on the fence but all along suspected these 'crazy' anti vaxxers knew something.

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Almost my entire extended family still thinks Iโ€™m crazy.

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My parents started fighting the good fight in โ€˜78 - itโ€™s so awesome to have so many on our side now!

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I wasn't till cvd. I almost lost all my children because I wouldn't get a jab. But yesterday, my eldest and I were talking about the increase in autism from 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 22 in 30 years and he actually let me talk a bit about vaccines. I told him that if I knew then what I know now, I would never have had any of them vaxxed.....

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Very clever! $cience!! I like it!

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Iโ€™ve been anti vax since 1984, when I saw a friendโ€™s young daughter be destroyed by her DPT shot. The previously normal child was severely brain damaged by it.

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Love the way you spelled $cience

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Me, too, and I love that people are questioning and waking up.

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My niece and her husband have been anti-VAX for yearsโ€ฆ But really did not speak of it until all of this with Covidโ€ฆ I had a still small voice in the pit of my stomach that told me not to take that jabโ€ฆ Half of my family did, and half of my family didnโ€™tโ€ฆ I am grateful for those of us that chose not to get the shotโ€ฆ And scared to death for the other half of my familyโ€ฆ and yes, I am very anti-VAX now!

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How are you even alive?

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Yep, totally anti Vax now....my eyes have been opened. My pets aren't getting any either!

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Pets, kids, grandfolks.

Once you read Turtles All The Way Down... you're done.

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My dogs are vaccinated to meet county requirements. We live in a very rural area with lots of wildlife. Plus, we occasionally board them and we take them camping. Both the boarding kennel and rv campgrounds require proof of shots.

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Thankfully our holistic vet writes strongly worded letters against our dog being vaccinated beyond ONE (lifetime) rabies vax at 6 months. We've not had any issues with his not being vaxed.

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I wish I could find a vet like that to advise me. In AZ if someone reports your dog, animal control comes to your house and asks to see your dogโ€™s vaccination records. If they are up-to-date, no problem. If not, they quarantine the dog for 2 weeks at your expense and fine you. It ends up costing a couple thousand dollars and your dog spends a terrifying 2 weeks locked up.

My current vet tech is an Aussie breeder, and was doing off-leash training on her own property (2 acres). The nosy neighbor reported her, and her dog was overdue for her rabies booster by a week, appointment already on the calendar for the following Monday. Didnโ€™t matter, she was fined. And she got to quarantine her dog herself only because the dog was registered as a service animal and was therefore allowed to quarantine at home instead of with animal control.

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Depends on the state or county in which you live if they โ€˜honorโ€™ that. In Commifornia they do not.

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Itโ€™s easy if you donโ€™t register them. A little house dog is easy to fly under their radar. I even found two vets that would spay my dog without the rabies vax. I had to call several, but it can be done.

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Come to think of it...Registering a dog? With whom? And why do they need to give us their permission to have a pet?

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Florida does.

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Compared to how many of the other 49 states? โ€ฆmore states do not allow โ€˜exemptionsโ€™ than do.

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Doesn't keep the authorities from considering the dog as far as post-bite or post-rabies exposure bureaucracy is concerned, in Florida. I have very recent experience of this, as our dog fought a rabid raccoon a week ago. I'm thankful she was up to date, but another of our dogs had only serology done last year, and it was in the protective range. Had she been the one, they'd have considered her unvaccinated.

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Just do the minimum required. my 5 pound fur baby is 13.5 years old and in good health. I have decided to skip the 3 year rabies booster at this time. She is only allowed out with a leash. I keep getting emails that she is overdue for this and that. And a couple of hundred dollars later, they leave you alone for a while. ๐Ÿ˜ก

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Here..if one chooses to use the vet for their dog, then the county wants said dog to be licensed every year. I have a hand motion I could do for that if I was a different person.

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this works. after the "parvo window closes, they don't need much in vax unless they are dogs used for hunting, or dogs or cats that may encounter and fight with a wild animal.

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How long are they really protected from rabies? I have vaccinated and boostered every 3 years. Do they really need booster shots? ๐Ÿค”

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I always feel no, unless you live out in the country, and your pet roams the woods, or there is a documented rabies outbreak in your area.( my two dogs are not up to date currently, we live in town and they are never loose).

the AVA docs were the ones that did the work to petition for every 3 years instead of annually.

even they saw evidence that annual rabies wasn't helpful or needed. of course, it depends on what veterinarian you're talking to

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There is a thing called โ€œtiteringโ€ where they check your petโ€™s blood for antibodies. That way they can see the vaccine is still โ€œworkingโ€ but itโ€™s almost as expensive as the vaccine itself.

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Recently had a new puppy vaccinated for distemper and Parvo. I made it clear that I didnโ€™t want to gang up a bunch of vaccinations at once. So, on the receipt for these two shots that I agreed to was that these shots were combo shots and they included flu vaccine hepatitis B vaccine and a corona vaccine. Beware of vets that are doing this.

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Thatโ€™s dishonest. Canโ€™t even trust vets.

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My cats only get rabies vax.

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High time for a clever perrson to create vaxx ID cards. ..new business model although was used during vax pass time

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May 1ยทedited May 1

CDC doesnโ€™t use those cards anymore. Stopped quite a long time ago. I donโ€™t know what is used now as Iโ€™m certainly not requiring one. Iโ€™m good at photoshop and I made one for a relative that was going to be fired. You could not tell the difference. She had to fill it in though. She never used it however. I wasnโ€™t going to use it either as I had already decided I would not comply for any reason.

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How would the county even know, if you donโ€™t register them?

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if your dog gets loose and gets picked up by the authorities, you'll pay more dearly to get them back if not rabies vaxed, and registered, mostly in cities

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Well, if my county was my only concern, I could probably get away with no vaccinations however, that won't work with boarding kennels or rv campgrounds. The woman who owns the boarding place can be shut down if the dogs she's caring for are unvaxxed. Rv campgrounds are hit or miss. Some have never asked for proof (park websites always say they're required), and some do ask to see proof. We camp throughout many states and many different rv parks and they're all different.

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if you read the vax ingredients for animals, they are not tampered with like human vaccines (so far).I will still get my critters vaxed as needed when young, especially. after year one, I don't boost my household pets unless they've been in a fight with an unknown animal, and then only rabies if not up to date.

Having spent my professional career in the animal sphere, I've seen what happens when pets are not vaxed.

veterinarians don't get incentive $ for any vaccination on animals.

I believe that's a big difference.

the lizards may eventually come after companion animals, but they will run into stiff and voiceferous resistance from the vets themselves ( and all of us retired animal folks )

my horse is vaccinated yearly by me, personally. he is exposed to too many mosquito spread viruses where I live. so...

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Sorry. Not believing that. My daughter has two dogs who were perfectly healthy, until they were vaxxed. Now they are both on expensive allergy shots.

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My guess is it wonโ€™t be long before mRNA vaccines for animals also. They are already giving them to pigs and possibly cows. Also there is mercury (aka thimerosal) in vaccines. Nobody will ever convince me that the high rates of cancer, allergies and other issues in pets is not directly related to the absurd number of vaccines they want to give. If they are not safe for humans, they are not safe for pets!

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que up: Why Dogs Are All Suddenly Autistic... and that's A Good Thing.

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Big big money in pet vaccines ๐Ÿ˜–

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This is why I'm vegan. I don't trust the meat producing industries. I feel for farmers who have to go along with mRNA vaccines for their animals. Until I own my own farm and raise my own animals, vegan I remain.

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I checked with a holistic vet, in Tennesee I can opt out after initial rabies shot for my dog. Also ivermectin works for heartworm as well as a couple of other worms. Spoke with a lab breeder who gives ivermectin to her dogs monthly

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Michael, sounds legit. if your animal needed boosted in rabies, the local vets usually get a bulletin from whatever facility in your area checks wildlife. I trust my vets.

and yes, ivermectin is great for hw as long as dog has tested negative and there are no gaps in preventative ivermectin .

blessings on you and yours

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Read some articles by Vet Dr Karen Becker on the Dr Mercola website. You may change your mind.

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When I brought my mare for a fertility check, the very pro-vax vet asked about shots but said not to give them if she was going to be bred, as it could make her lose the foal!

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deletedMay 2
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my horse is a gelding. my sister's two mares were vaxed 6 months before she planned to take them to the stud. stud owner wouldn't allow them on his property without full vaccinations. (quarter horses).

mares miscarry and reabsorb so easily in their early pregnancy that sister's vet told her to get it done early if she was gonna breed them, didn't recommend it at all after she showed pregnant.

where I live, if you're using someone else's stud, most owners want the mare protected prior to stepping on their property. js.

I would never accept vax recommendation for any pregnant animal I own

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They may not be incentivized by the government but they charge many times the cost of the vaccine to administer it. Even 20 years ago when I could buy the vaccines at the feed and seed for maybe 5.75 for multiple diseases dog vax, it was $35 at the vets and it was a procedure my husband who was a nurse and grew up on a farm could do in seconds

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Lots of good comments here. Have a friend who is doing homeoprophylaxis for her pets after her mastiff got his rabies vax and went crazy and bit one of the family after. He had never done anything like that before. My sister's labradoodle is crazy anxious and needs anti anxiety meds that the vet makes $ off of several times a year so the dog can live through July 4 and 4H fairs. She says the message boards are full of pet owners with anxiety issues. Parents dog had crazy arthritis and eczema that was healed when on a raw diet. An A different friend's horse needed a very expensive diet and meds to maintain issues that weren't a traditional issue for horses. Our pets are developing chronic diseases as well. We traded acute diseases that only a very small for chronic diseases. For ourselves and our pets.

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Not buying it, Sharon. Giving shots to animals is one of a vetโ€™s main income sources.

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My daughterโ€™s cat developed a fatal tumor in the exact spot one year after getting a shot in the neck

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Weโ€™re not doing them either, starting this month (sheโ€™s due for them but weโ€™ll decline). Our dog is 2, weโ€™d like her to live beyond 10 or 12. Changed her diet this week as well. Getting off kibble and on a carnivore diet. I have regrets of only starting both those options later in the lives of our previous dogs once health problems have already set in.

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Honestly, it would take divine intervention from God for me to take anything big pharma. Please tell me most of the people are skeptical of ALL big pharma, the water they drink and the food they eat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sadly, not most of the people. Too many still prefer to live in blissful ignorance.

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I agree. Itโ€™s easier that way๐Ÿ˜ข

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Yep, cause they can't live in that world

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on the minus side, it won't be all that long. or happy

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Here's a statement from Jesus (from Matthew 9) that sounds anti-vax to me. ๐Ÿ˜Š "Those who are healthy have no need of a physician". So much for "well-baby" checks. โ˜บ๏ธ

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The Chem trail filled air we breath!

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Only in America that I know of.

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And Iโ€™ve just been awakened to the great vitamin fraud! It seems that most of the basic ingredients are manufactured by Big Pharma. https://www.bitchute.com/video/yYf0W2QUtvwj/

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Absolutely. I use life extension. If the vitamin doesnโ€™t dissolve in water, itโ€™s sure not gonna dissolve in your stomach.

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I have been anti-vaxx for years for myself (I am a โ€˜seniorโ€™ and have not had any of the โ€˜shotsโ€™ recommended for adults my entire adult life.)Then in March of 2020 when I was โ€œinvoluntarily sequesteredโ€ in my Sunny Southern California Casa, I came across a video series by Phillip Gentempo about โ€˜childhood vaxxinesโ€™, the harm they cause, the craziness of the โ€˜childhood vaxxine scheduleโ€™ and I was all over it. And then I got into how to homeschool. My two nieces had babies in 2020โ€ฆand Iโ€™ve been on a serious โ€˜campaignโ€™ with them and their two little girls, to not vaxxinate them and homeschool them.

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Awesome. Wish I never vaxxed my kids.... will work to making sure grandkids never get them.

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Well then your grandkids will likely need to be โ€˜homeschooledโ€™. Practically every stateโ€™s public school system (as well as some private schools), in The USA โ€˜requiresโ€™ that children have ALL the โ€˜mandatory vaccinationsโ€™ by the time they enter kindergarten. And very few states offer any kind of โ€˜exemptionโ€™ (medical, religious, or personal ) now. In CA where I live there are absolutely NO exemptions allowed whatsoever. The state legislature passed a bill, spearheaded by the evil Dr. Richard Pan that allows for NO exemptions.

Another reason the public school system is totally โ€˜f**ked up, in addition to all DEI and Transgender crap, and in general donโ€™t teach anything of value to children, like โ€˜life skillsโ€™ and how to be a decent, capable and responsible human being.

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Yeah, we homeschooled our kids in California. In 2020, moved to Utah to get away from Newsom and his tyranny. But my daughter is back in California now. So yeah, if she stays there then homeschooling is the only way.

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Where did you land in Utah?

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Idaho doesn't require them. Parents just have to sign a form. My DIL is a public school nurse. Boy can she tell you some horror stories about kids who have all kinds of autistic behavior. Awful awful awful

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Homeschooling is awesome. We homeschooled for most of our kids K-12. They were feral little barefoot beings.

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Love thatโ€ฆmore feral all the better!

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May 1ยทedited May 1

Although I recommend homeschooling, I disagree with your statement.

It takes persistence and signing an exemption. The propaganda out there tries to dissuade parents from even trying to thwart the system.

โ€œAll 50 states and the District of Columbia allow medical exemptions. Every state except three -- California, Maine, Mississippi, New York, and West Virginia -- allows religious exemptions. And 15 states let parents decline vaccines for personal reasons.โ€

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I left my copy of Turtles at home of daughter last Oct (have a replacement now) with 4 children including 11 month old twins

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Same. God willing I become a Grandma, I will vigorously advocate a vaccine-free upbringing for my grandchild(ren).

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My nephew and his wife are expecting and I have been hitting them hard with the vaccine info and how easy it has gotten to home school now with some great programs out there. His wife isn't working and he has a really good job but they are moving to Seattle next week and are in horror over all the latest anti-family crap happening. So I am educating them as much as I can. Think I will buy them Turtles All the Way Down as reading material for the trip...

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Start with no HepB in newborns - all risk-zero benefit, and FTLOG, no C shots! Once you realize those two could kill or maim your child, for zero benefit (except $ and potential โ€œcommunity good), the rest get easier to decline. Donโ€™t create a hard stop that may be met with undesirable consequences. โ€œIโ€™m going to wait until sheโ€™s olderโ€ works. BTW, Iโ€™m not quite ๐Ÿ’ฏ anti; just a select 1-3 at much older ages, depending on whether theyโ€™re altered in the meantime. dT age 7, rubella for females entering childbearing years if not immune, and maybe smallpox because itโ€™s a potential bio weapon.

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Hep B for newborns is insane!!!

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Yet, on my insurance website just today,

"What immunizations are available for my baby and when do they happen?"

"Immediately after you give birth, your newborn will receive their first hepatitis B shot. This protects your babyโ€™s liver against this serious disease." ๐Ÿคฌ๐Ÿคฌ๐Ÿคฌ

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Itโ€™s only serious if you have unprotected sex and use contaminated drug needles! I canโ€™t evenโ€ฆ and pediatricians go along with this??!!

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May 1ยทedited May 1

Good ideaโ€ฆsad they are moving to Woke and Insane Seattle. But Iโ€™m sure there is a big homeschool community in the areaโ€ฆthey just need to seek them out. Homeschooling has seriously bloomed over the past four years.

I had a conversation a couple of years ago at an event with Dr. Paul Thomas, a now โ€˜retiredโ€™ pediatrician from Portland, Oregon. I was talking to him about my nieces and the two little girls they had in 2020. His words to me to tell themโ€ฆโ€do not vaccinate and homeschool those girlsโ€.

Also you might steer them to the CHD website (Childrens Health Defense). There are tons of stories of how vaccines have injured children. They even have on CHD TV the โ€˜Vaxx Busโ€™ stories. CHD has a bus that is traveling around the US video taping anyone that has had a vaxx injury, be it a family member or friend, or personal. And itโ€™s just not the COVID Jabsโ€ฆitโ€™s all manners of vaxx injuries, going way back.

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You just know they're working to ban homeschooling everywhere.

We're not going to vote our way out of this mess...

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I also learned about childhood vaccine harms after 2020. That's one "good" thing about covid, I suppose.

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My whole family is now anti Vax. My youngest daughter is expecting her first child and they have already decided not to Vax. Many of her friends are starting families and are not vaccinating. This is the generation that will change things. They are so much more aware of things then I was in my mid twenties.

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I pray you are right!!!

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Although I have no children of my own, I'm still on speaking terms with an ex-GF. She's early 60s college educated but was trusting enough to take the jabs and (I think) a booster. Some good news: her daughter is a bright young woman, who had at least some private โ€œChristianโ€ education. She was smart enough to decline the jab and, reportedly plans to home school her kids. Itโ€™s worth mentioning all this is transpiring in Florida, one of the more free states. Itโ€™s also worth mentioning that kids live in a county where one of the local high schools made INTERNATIONAL news last year due to a student melee with injuries. Suffice to say that it wasnโ€™t the chess club or the National Honor Society students that were rioting.

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My normie-husband who tried to persuade me to get the V, has since thanked me for not getting it which prevented him from getting to so we could travelโ€”ironically to Canada.

Western Canada where the population is a little left of Seattle.

Now my stance on mammograms is also being validated by my nurse friend who says they are not recommended anymore.

Basically, doctors are trained by the pharmaceutical companies who only make money if youโ€™re on their drugs.

Losing faith in our institutions can be replaced by faith in God and Mother Nature. Both are always there for us and can heal us. โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒ

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The women definitely get the W on this issue. It seems that it was women who were, even before covid, overwhelmingly anti-vaxx and suspicious of big pharma.

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Also colonoscopies are not a good option for over 70โ€™s folks. Too risky. I wonโ€™t be getting them anymore. (Only had 1 in 1996). Nor mammograms. No dexa scans either.

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yes!! I am now no more shots EVER and no more mams. I want nothing from them. I am trusting God. And, we are all going to die. God's timing is sovereign and he already knows when my time is up. I keep ivermectin and use it when appropriate and that's it.

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Try Thermogram instead. We did it for my sister when she had breast cancer. It is a great diagnostic tool, with no side effects.

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If you can, better combine Thermography and Ultrasound. Both safe techniques. Often if there's something showing on a mamogram, they'll send you to an ultrasound anyway. Of course, gotta pay out of pocket when it's your idea and not theirs.

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Mammograms not recommended anymore? Haven't seen anything on this but I'm all ears.

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Iโ€™m not vaccine hesitant. Iโ€™m vaccine educated.

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Writing that down and using that going forward.

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The heavy push to get everyone to take an experimental, rushed-to-market drug with no long-term safety studies made me pretty resistant. Research since then .. yeah, I'm gonna have to get some really solid proof that taking another shot is a good idea.

I did have one case come up that had me questioning, though. What does one do about rabies? Deadly if not treated and symptoms pop, but what are the options there?

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The rabies shots are totally bogus as wellโ€ฆfor animals or humansโ€ฆunless you live on a farm or ranch, are in contact with animals that could be in โ€˜regular contactโ€™ with a rabid wild animal, likely you wonโ€™t be exposed to rabiesโ€ฆand itโ€™s likely that the cat who bit you, was โ€˜vaccinatedโ€™ for rabies, so if you follow the rather bogus โ€˜principle of vaccinationโ€™, a โ€˜cat biteโ€™ would not give you rabies!

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Also cats are not even close to being good carriers for rabies. Mostly it comes from skunks, rodents, bats etc so donโ€™t play with those!

We had a bat in the house before my fur babies had any rabies vax and i was 99% sure they hadnโ€™t interacted with it but still we sent the bat in for testing. It was negative and they told me even with bats itโ€™s very unlikely they are rabid.

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Very interesting about cats. There is a local vet's office here that won't even see a cat as a patient unless vax for rabies. It used to be a great family-owned vet, but was sold to a big corporation. That's just corporation greed right there. I hope all their patients leave!

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Just as sad as medical doctors who refused to see patients who werenโ€™t Covid vaxxed. Unconscionable.

To be clear, iโ€™m for the basic kitten and pup vaccines to prevent nasty illness and after our incident my cats got one Purevax rabies shot because exposure can be devastating. But the vets all push boosters and what they donโ€™t want you to know is that rabies vax lasts a long time! And you can first titer test them to see if they still have protection before getting them rejabbed. But pet owners sadly donโ€™t pay attention and why do you think so many pets are now dying of cancers?!

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Let me guess ... the new owner of your local vet clinic is VCA, the Walgreens/CVS of veterinary care.

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Sadly I cannot get over my fear of bats since a little girl in Ct. who hadn't even realized that a bat brushed against her died of rabies.

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Canโ€™t say i blame you because itโ€™s usually a death sentence but extremely rare. You probably have a much better chance of getting struck by lightning.

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You're about ten times more likely to be killed by lightning than by rabies in the US, although hard to be precise with such small incidence figures. Speaking in favor of rabies vaccine, while quite rare, death by rabies is horrible. At least an effective (?) vaccine exists for โ€œbeforeโ€ and reportedly effective treatment if begun immediately after exposure (gamma globulin + vaccine).

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May 1ยทedited May 1

Brushed against her? Not likely. Scratched or bitten, yes.

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She was bitten. It fell next to her in church, of all things, and she picked it up, then didn't tell anyone about the bite. It's amazing she was diagnosed before she died, but she was put on a unique protocol and lived, not like the few others who've survived rabies, neurologically damaged, but fine - played college basketball. The last I checked, in 2009 when I gave my last rabies lecture, the protocol had not worked for anyone else. But bat bites can be inapparent and notnwake sleeping people, so a bat in a bedroom qualifies for post-exposure prophylaxis.

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I dont remember exactly but it was bizarre.

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Research and decide. I think there are some that would be worth the risk. Tetanus is not since they must bundle it with three others! IMHO

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Curious, what is the 3rd after diphtheria and pertussis?

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I believe it's a total of 3. DTaP.

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May 1ยทedited May 1

I read measles, pertussis, diphtheria. Plain measles, not a combo.

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Just before the scamdemic my primary care Dr wanted to update my tetanus as it had been over 10 years since I had it. Got the DTaP as she said that was the newest recommended shot. Only other shot ever offered was CV, which I politely declined. Took off masks in exam room. She knew they were worthless. But some would be keeling over in fear at an undiapered face.

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"I'm gonna have to get some really solid proof that taking another shot is a good idea." shot of bourbon? That's a shot well worth tak'in!

Just a thought.

Later Jay

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Bottoms up!

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They are bogus too. No proof they work

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This just happened to us, with a raccoon that attacked one of our dogs and had to be kicked off her twice before my husband could shoot it. It tested positive for rabies. my husband was exposed to its saliva while checking the dog's wounds, and as always he had small scratches, etc., on his hands and arms because farm. Anyway, we got every dog revaccinated and my husband is mid-course on the series. Look up how many people die from rabies across Africa and India. It's a slow, horrible death.

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Rabies - a risk benefit analysis- easy choice I think until a different cure is presented the analysis is vax versus 99.999% chance of death .

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Nonsense. Remember to question what you are told. You only believe that bc itโ€™s what youโ€™ve been fed for decades. Read.

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I don't know AL, I saw Cujo so there you go.....

Later Jay

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From an above comment:

"You're about ten times more likely to be killed by lightning than by rabies in the US"

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Same! I was just thinking about the rabies shot recently. A few years ago I was bitten by a cat and had to have rabies shots. If I ever was bitten again, I would not have to have the shots around the wound, but would need to shots in the arm. And I was born with an immune deficiency, so I would need an extra shot.

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And what about a tetanus shot? I was badly cut on my hand & wrist requiring several stitches a few years back and the hospital suggested a tetanus booster. I agreed to it.

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Aaron Siri has a great series in his substack about what all the "big" vaccines DO and more importantly DO NOT do for you. You should check it out. Injecting Freedom by Aaron Siri.

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Thanks for the links. I believe Dr Mercola had articles that disputed tetanus shots, too.

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Tetanus is rare now.

Itโ€™s bacterial & treated with antibiotics.

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Not needed! Just stop with the vaccines. Even the corrupt WHO agrees with this paper.

โ€œA recent paper published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases suggested that tetanus and diphtheria booster vaccines are not necessary for adults who have completed their childhood vaccination series.โ€


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Did you bleed? Highly unlikely to get tetanus.

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Yes. Like a stuck hog. I was so horrified by the event, I mindlessly agreed.

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Me too in May 2020 i sliced my finger with a kitchen knife and had to get stitches and agreed to a tetanus shot. Never again though.

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A tetanus shot does nothing for you when administered at the time of an injury.

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Thats a scam too

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I had precisely that experience, commented above.

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For some decades Iโ€™ve used my immune system & wild medicinal plants. So far, so good.

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C19 shots were my wake-up call.

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Mine too, now I just wrote a religious exemption letter for my 17year old, turns out my state started requiring a menogococcil (probably spelled wrong) (spinal meningitis) booster for all high school seniors.

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Totally anti-vaxโ€ฆ.Ive never taken a flu shot or any others post-60 that โ€œtheyโ€ recommend.

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I'll go further; I'm anti-stethoscopicide after watching the shร—t-show of the last few years.

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It took me awhile but I finally got it. I haven't been to a doctor since 2020. Had a long-scheduled appointment in December 2020 with a doctor who had been "treating" me for six years. His office telephoned me two days prior to the appointment, and questioned me about my general health, focusing on symptoms. I reported coughing and sneezing, and reminded the questioner that I had allergies (both seasonal and non-seasonal) for which I was then receiving treatment. I stated that the doctor was very familiar with my condition. I told the questioner I felt fine otherwise. She said she would discuss with the doctor and call me back. Several hours later, she called back, stating "they just needed to be safe" and cancelled my appointment. Then she asked if I wanted to reschedule. I asked her what would be different, as I cough and sneeze daily. She couldn't answer. I said I'll think it over, and terminated the call. I never called to reschedule, mainly because THEY NEVER CONTACTED ME TO MAKE SURE THAT I WAS NOT SICK WITH COVID. That was proof enough to me that this physician was not concerned with my well-being. Thus, no more docs for me.

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Yep. No docs for me unless I break a bone.

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Iโ€™m a pre-COVID proud anti-vaxxer!! It truly is a one way path. NVIC.org, was formed in the mid 80s, to help all the thousands & thousands of severely injured & killed kids, from childhood mandates. Iโ€™m just so grateful that finally thereโ€™s more people becoming aware & may actually start caring about the children.. ๐Ÿ™

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70 shots and by teens 90 shots! insane!

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Well, you just be too safe.

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Didnโ€™t take Covid shot and am now completely anti-vax. And Iโ€™m a nurse.

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I suspect there's millions of us who can say the same (except for being a nurse).

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I am so thankful I practiced pediatric occupational therapy for 10 years before having my children. I listened to countless parents tell a common story which was a healthy child who became ill or disabled after vaccines. Then, I started reading research and books surrounding vaccines. One of the best books is called the Sanctity of the Human Blood by Tim OShea. I so wish parents would do more reading on this topic before having children. My two boys have been incredibly healthy without vaccines.

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May 1Liked by Jeff Childers

I've progressed from vaccine hesitancy to government hesitancy.

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Me too...I guess we are anti-Govers

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For me, Pete, with the covid injection there was no ยซย vaccineย ยป hesitancy - just ยซย vaccineย ยป certainty.

The moment I read it was the first ยซvaccineยป in history to be intracellular, that it was wrapped in LNPs to get past my immune system & that it would force my cells to make a non-human protein, I was certain I wasnโ€™t taking it!

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โ€ฆand since they only had a few months to develop this new vaccine, they were going to try a new technologyโ€ฆyeah, that makes sense.

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โ€ฆand NONE of the 10,000 people per day entering our country were asked to take this vaccine..,yeah, that makes sense.

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โ€ฆ.and the vaccine tells your body to continuously make the toxin (spike protein)โ€ฆyeah, that makes sense.

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This vaccine was developed several years before & was just waiting for the virus to show up. For me, once they said no such thing as natural immunity, only the jab could save you - I knew it was all bs, they were lying.

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For me it was the fact that no animal in the testing of similar mRNA substances lived.

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The word โ€œexperimental โ€œ may have clinched it for me !!!

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๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ love it.

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Iโ€™ve progressed to Vaccine Hell No!

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And may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ.

โ€” 2 Thessalonians 3:5 LSB

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He will do as He has promised. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป

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Attorney Tom Renz writes:

โ€œIf youโ€™re looking for my interview with Alex Jones about Trumpโ€™s campaign manager and PAC leader Susie Wiles itโ€™s being pulled down everywhere. Iโ€™m not sure whatโ€™s happening but apparently the WEF is pretty upset about We the People finding out about someone that might be compromised so close to Trump 2024. Why?...


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Thank you for reposting that. I looked for it yesterday but didnโ€™t find it. Trump had better clean up his house! I havenโ€™t forgiven him yet on his false narrative on the jab, but support him as the best candidate to fix our broken country. But he needs to purge the parasites now!

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Have you looked into RFK? You may change your mind on that.

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Please look deeper into RFK. On the vax he's great, but on abortion, climate and foreign policy he is a big lefty.

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Heโ€™s anti climate change fear mongering, pro environmental clean up. And heโ€™s anti war, pro America.

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But heโ€™s also pro-Israel. I used to be, but canโ€™t stomach the wretched genocide they are committing! We must denounce it. And I am not pro-Hamas

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He is against wars.

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So is Trump and he has the record to back it up.

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Yeah, but he still signed into law massive defense budgets that we quite simply do not have the money for.

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Yes I know though the recent agreement with Johnson on sending money to Ukraine again really really disappointed me.

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Professing Catholics, ala RFKjr, who favor abortion must have incredible tolerance for religious dissonance.

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RFK is more anti-abortion than Trump. He thinks abortion should be illegal after viability.

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That is untrue, he reversed himself on that comment, unless he reversed himself again. He supports โ€˜a womanโ€™s right to chooseโ€ in the name of medical freedom as he stated in this video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tzisLdj7fjQ.

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Why I cannot vote for him. The human baby doesnโ€™t get to choose. Aborting a baby that is viable is murder.

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At least RFK has a track record against abortion of born children! Children's Health Defense has done incredible work!

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He did a podcast with Glenn Beck a couple of weeks ago you may be interested in. I had the same thoughts about RFKJr as well. I think heโ€™s evolved, or heโ€™s a better liar than politicians. For your consideration:


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Correct. Thus my hesitation.

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My reply is to Cheryl Caraglior, not to you, Fred.

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Yep. A hard lefty bought his VP slot. RFK has his good points if you don't expect 16 years of what we have now, only more articulate.

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Lots (not all) to like, but impossible for him to win 270 EC votes, even if he makes it onto all 5โ€ ballots. If no one gets to 270, it goes to a newly elected House, and States are not required to honor their voterโ€™s preferences. Can you even imagine the threats and fraud? Do you trust Congress to make a decision that weโ€™d approve of? RFK for HHS!

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Yeah, I could go for that. But I'd still rather see Ladapo in that position who, BTW, is a true outsider. RFK is part of the elite families.

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Agree, and RFK has some stances (and a VP) with which I'm not on board, but he's infinitely better than what we have now. Hoping we don't split the vote.

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Oh wow - wouldnโ€™t that be something. Ugh. Yeah heโ€™d be great in Trumps cabinet as a backup. I pray for our country.

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Most importantly heโ€™s anti-corruption. Heโ€™s running on that. Something Trump said he was going to do but didnโ€™t. And still isnโ€™t (look into his campaign manager as the article in the main comment suggests)

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It can be helpful just to point people to his policies on the campaign website.


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Thank you! I will do that from now on!

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The ONLY thing rfk has in his favor is his anti vaXXX status.

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Kennedy has a Zoom tonight at 19:00 EST but I don't know how to get you guys a link so you can listen in or interact. Maybe his web site?

We gotta do something different cause the same ole same old just isn't getting the job done.

Later Jay

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Thanks for reposting this linkโ€ฆrather disturbing, isnโ€™t it? ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿคจ

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This was excellent info. If only someone could get it to the top.

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That's disturbing.

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Thank you for posting this. Crazy stuff but rings true. They will only let him win if heโ€™s controlled that is for certain. It might be easier to implement some of the more atrocious measures that they have planned under a Trump rule (and then blame him and maga). Social credit score, vax mandates, removing access to your vehicle (kill switch) when convenient and such.

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May 1ยทedited May 1

Definitely possible. Basically the same thing that happened under Reagan.

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The Left has him so distracted with the hundreds of law suits his head spinning. Itโ€™s no wonder he ends up trusting the wrong people.

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I know I wouldn't be able to think straight.

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Passing on from a friend. The U.K., British conglomerate have been trying to get parliament/courts and medical boards to listen. Proof of coverup and planning from top entities.


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Well that peaks volumes.

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Omg. This is exactly my beef with Trump. This exact video!!! How many times do we turn a blind eye to Trump surrounding himself with globalist?

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But people will make excuses for him....how could he have known? He's too busy to research, etc. Uhm, he's a billionaire and can pay people to research for him. You would think someone at that powerful of a position would be squeaky clean, but someone didn't do their homework.

It just is a bad look after already getting rolled by the permanent state the first time around, and does not help assuage concerns myself and others have that he just may be a con and in on it to begin with.

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Did you watch the video? This is where I canโ€™t relate with so many people bc itโ€™s not right vs left, itโ€™s ants vs grasshoppers. It should seriously concern people that the woman influencing Trump is bought and paid for by the WEF. Ho hum, ok we will return to our regular scheduled broadcast๐Ÿ™„

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Yes I watched it. I also watched Catherine Austin Fitts yesterday, who again reminds us that it isn't right v left. Its insane vs. sane, and and DC is nearly wholly captured by the insane. Trump or any potus isn't going to get us out of this - it has to come from the states up....

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Agree. I donโ€™t remember hearing red states vs blue states 5 years ago.

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Good point.

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And there, folks, is the hard reality.

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May 1ยทedited May 1

I am reminded of Reagan's campaign for the 1980 Presidential election. He had a great America first cabinet team. Then Ford, representing the globalists, came to him in a private meeting and gave him the message, "If you want to be President, this is what you'll do." After the meeting, Reagan dumped Team A (except for Watts), took on Bush as VP and Bush's NWO Team B took over. As much as I loved Reagan's rhetoric, I knew right then the fix was in.

It's clear that the Apex money elite are alarmed at the threat to their banking system posed by the insane excesses of the Marxist O'Biden regime. Their pivot out of currencies and into gold worldwide is evidence of their concern that a financial meltdown is coming as a result of the horrific money printing by the USG. It is also apparent that they have selected Trump to be the next POTUS and his job will be to walk back the financial excesses of the past several administrations, especially the current Marxist regime. I don't think this is going to benefit us peons except as a side-effect. They want to protect their financial control of the West.

It is also clear, and has been for many decades, that we do not have a choice (as Catherine Austin Fitts pointed out to you). We are "given" a choice and in the current race, we only have one choice - Trump. He is their choice of weapon to wipe out the excesses of the Marxists in the Biden regime and it is only coincidental that Trump is also our choice of weapon to destroy the Marxist Dem Party.

The open ended question for me is, how far will the reforms go?

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One of the last great stores of public wealth is social security. They will be coming for that sooner or later. I always thought it would be a democratic president who would lead that charge calling it "reform" and getting at least some of their base behind it, because if the republicans tried it the D base would scream bloody murder. But anymore, who knows.

What may happen is it all gets digitized and you don't get it unless you are a good little slave to the system.

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Thank you. Have passed this along.

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Thanks for sharing this eye-opener.

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Thank you for posting this. I didnโ€™t get to listen to it yesterday, so I did today.

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My partnerโ€™s French. He doesnโ€™t speak English & doesnโ€™t follow American news very much. (I do!)

He asked me what the Trump โ€˜Stormyโ€™ trial is about. Hereโ€™s our conversation (translated).

Me: ยซWell, Iโ€™m not certain. But it seems he wrote ยดfor Legal Servicesโ€™ on bills paid to his lawyer.ย ยป

Him: ยซย Thatโ€™s illegal?ย ยป

Me: ยซย I donโ€™t think so. But it seems he should have written ยดfor a non-disclosure agreementโ€™. ยซย 

Him: ยซSo buying a non-disclosure agreement is illegal?ย ยป

Me: ยซย No I donโ€™t think soย ยป.

Him, puzzled: ยซย So whatโ€™s the crime?ย ยป

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Breathing while Republican, or running for POTUS & likely to win.

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May 1ยทedited May 1

And saying he wants to drain the Swamp.

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Yeah, that one!

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Swamp be madddd.

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If anyone is interested in learning homeopathy consider joining CORAC. Itโ€™s free to join and there is a ton of information about being self-sufficient and how to take care of your health. Itโ€™s an international organization which is preparing people to survive when society collapses.

Hereโ€™s a link to the functional Homeopathy class series. https://corac.co/homeopathy-classes/

You can join at https://corac.co

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May 1ยทedited May 1

@Karmy yay!! So happy to see another CORAC member! A couple things for other commenters: CORAC stands for Corps of Renewal and Charity, and next week โ€œthe โ€˜CORAC Handbook and Manual on Building Functional Communitiesโ€™ will be released in digital form. Hard copies will be available later in the month, which you will be able to order from the CORAC site. This will be the first edition. As it is a new, and somewhat comprehensive, approach to taking back the culture there will be updated editions added as needed.โ€ Youโ€™ll find info on homeopathy plus many other skills/lots of info on things weโ€™ll need to know to restore our culture and country/world when things hit the fan, which looks closer every day. As the CORAC founder says: โ€œAcknowledge God; take the next right step; and be a sign of hope to others.โ€ ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

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What region are you in? I'm in Montana. Region 11.

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Kansas. Not sure what region Iโ€™m in.

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Kansas (Great Plains) is region 10. Just signed myself up now. GA (Heart of Dixie) is region 4.

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Welcome Lynn! Join us on signal we have many main groups, Sustainability, Health & Wellness, Communications, Prayer Hotline, General Discussion. Some regions even have their own groups in these areas. There is so much info on the website too.

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I'm not an expert nor even a well-informed user but I have been using homeopathics for over 40 years. I found them very useful for childhood issues.

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I love that!!!! Thank you for posting!!!!

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A good friend is a homeopathic doctor and introduced me to this. She has now retired and moved away. This will be helpful. Thanks

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Hi, Karmy, do you have sources I could search to get a full pros and cons explanation to make a decision on certain screenings? Things like breast, colon, Pap smears, etc? I am questioning if any of it is necessary for me.

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Plz look into it! Iโ€™ve read it all causes cancers and to not go anymore.

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I don't have sources but I'm hesitant myself after what they did to us during COVID. I challenge everything and do my own research. It takes time, but it's well worth it.

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Wow! Thank you!

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Yes Minnesota, send me a yard sign too, it will go well with my Trump banner and flag.

As for the "jab" study, I'm in agreement with Dr Paul Alexander who has continually said that those responsible for the death vaxx, creating it, promoting it, like Fauci and Wallensky, and a whole host of others, should be charged with crimes against humanity and give the ultimate sentence. Yes, THAT sentence. No forgiveness, they knew better.

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Someone should ask to be a paid agitator and report back โ€ฆ.๐Ÿ™

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I've often thought this would be a good thing for O'Keefe or someone like that. Get people to sign up to be paid "protestors" or even paid online commenters and see what their process is. You know they're training these people. Would be a great disclosure. My guess is that you need a criminal conviction so they can get your service w/o worries of you defecting.

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Probably can find those gigs through extras casting networks, promotion jobs networks and agencies, or I'd walk campuses looking at bulletin boards and where people can put notices and posters.

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Thereโ€™s a drone video of hand -to-hand combat training being conducted in one of those campus camps. Sorry didnโ€™t keep it, think it was linked through Citizen Free Press late last night.

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It would likely be very easy to infiltrate....especially if you tried to play the long game and work your way up the ladder

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I'm not sure I want to find out that they are selling their souls for punch and pie.

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I was just thinking the other night that I'm surprised that hasn't happened already.

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"Good morning, C&C, itโ€™s Monday!" I detect a glitch in the matrix ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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More like โ€œMAY DAY! May Day!โ€ But anywayโ€ฆ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

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Threw me off immediately, lol.

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Yeah, I was worried something happened to Jeff and maybe this was a cry for help. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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LOL- maybe we will hear this!


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Just watched that last night! Such a great movie!!!!

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I watched all three a few weeks ago. I so get it way more than I did when I first watched it all those years ago!

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Yep. Being red pilled is crazy hard!!!

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I keep feeling for that plug on the back of my neck.

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lol. You wanna unplug it??

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I want those mad skills that only happen when we are plugged in.

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Haha, I had to go back and look, you're right.

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The sad part is I just caught it thanks to you!!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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I was gonna say something first thing, but i figured someone else willl.

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My question is why are all these โ€œprotestsโ€ happening all over the US instead of right here in the metro Detroit area where we have the highest concentration of middle eastern immigrants? Shouldnโ€™t the protests be happening here where people actually have knowledge and opinions of all that is going on in their home countries? This shows you just how fake these โ€œprotestsโ€ are and how much there are other evil people behind the scenes trying to control and manipulate us.

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May 1ยทedited May 1

Because they are paid (Soros) to destabilize, just like Antifa around the world, BLM, etc.


My question is: why? Divide and conquer?

(for demonic new world order?)

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Time to get judgmental. โ€œWhoever robs their father or mother and says, โ€˜Itโ€™s not wrong,โ€™ is partner to one who destroysโ€ (Proverbs 28:24).

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Hereโ€™s an explanation. IMHO itโ€™s THE explanation. Itโ€™s audio only.


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May 1ยทedited May 1

I think there is more to this.

Are we sure this isnโ€™t a psy-op on top of a psy-op? The deliberate destruction of the Arab state is a long-game plan by Zionists who created Israel in the first place to accomplish this genocide over time.

I donโ€™t know if they anticipated this much resistance. Or the fact that their biggest fans (young uneducated ilk of the trans generation) would turn on them this way. But the horrors done to the Palestinian people- to their entire cultureโ€” are tremendous. That Israelis also are murdered is of no concern to the Zionists or ruling class - they must die in order to get people to react.

So now the story is โ€œSorosโ€ is backing them and the visuals with govโ€™t- issued, Antifa-like tents are advertised so that we think the enemy is backing these protestors.

Support Israel or bust.

That should read: Support the Zionist killing regime which also murders/sacrifices Jews to achieve the bigger aim.

God forbid we saw this military grade reaction during the George Floyd riots when every head of state turned their blind eyes to that destruction, inclusive of about 50 murders directly resulting. Now that was a cause worth ignoring!

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Speaking of heads of state turning a blind eye: I admit I donโ€™t follow the area closely, but it rings true that the Palestinians are marginalized by any reasonable definition of the term. Like it or not, they were run off their lands by the Zionists. Thatโ€™s kind of necessary when youโ€™re establishing a new country. You gotta kick out the unwanted tribes that were there first. Weโ€™re hardly innocent of that โ€“ witness most of how โ€œthe west was won.โ€ Whatโ€™s distinct in the Israel case is that happened in fairly modern times, in (barely) living memory.

A 2nd oddity is that, in general, no other Islamic nation wants any of the Palestinians. One would think theyโ€™d have a valid claim as refugees and co-religionists, but apparently the Palestinians are the [insert racial epithet of your own choice] of the Muslim world. Basically nobody wants them. Islam is hardly unified; witness the slaughter between Iran and Iraq just a few decades back.

A final point: Yes, the US (and other nations) have a long history of meddling in the Middle East. But why? These people are not our friends, nor are they even close ethnic or religious relations to the vast majority of our citizens. Why such jumping through hoops for what is, quite frankly, a volatile part of the world that doesnโ€™t seem to have much strategic importance to the US, even for the usually obvious motives of oil, minerals, strategic bases, etc.?

As a general rule, I donโ€™t wish injury or death upon anyone. But if two ancient enemies are battling each other halfway around the world, quite frankly itโ€™s none of my business. Why am I asked to take one side or the other, especially when the participants donโ€™t have the slightest relation to me, my people, or my country? Settle it among yourselves; leave me the hell out of it.

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Look into โ€œThe Greater Israel Projectโ€ and youโ€™ll see the Zionists donโ€™t just want to conquer Palestina. Syria will be next because of their huge supply of gas or oil fields, not sure which, maybe both oil and gas.

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Exactly! Nonyobusiness

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Ignorance of the history of the situation, Hamasโ€™s goals, and the antiโ€”Israeli bias of the MSM, is not a good look, is not an excuse, and just makes you out to be gullible.

Oh, and I think you got Arab state and Israel mixed up in your sentence.

I donโ€™t think the Israelis care about the Arab states around them as long as they donโ€™t attack them, they were making peace one state @ a time when DJT was POTUS.

No damage to the Muslim or Christian โ€˜Palestinianโ€™ Arab culture living freely and peacefully in Israel. The savage terrorists suppressing & exploiting their own people so they can carry on a quixotic struggle against the state of Israel, well thatโ€™s a different story.

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Minnesota democrats are the final boss of the AWFL DEI PMC NPC Karens.

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Cheaters gonna cheat.

I love wearing this in front of democrats: t.co/jhM0aRfLef

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Love it!

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If the NPC's get TikTok helmets, they'll be +1 against edged weapons, so we'll have to focus on bludgeoning damage. I give us a %32.333 chance, repeating.

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How do hollow points or glazers work on them?

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I installed a Ring cam so I can report state senators.

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My workplace used to offer yearly flu shots. I took them twice because they were offering prizes like a very nice umbrella one year. Then I stopped taking those shots and never regretted it. The couple of times I got the flu, I looked back on with nostalgiaโ€”lying peacefully on my couch, drinking gallons of tea and homemade chicken broth. Flu is part of the human condition.

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No itโ€™s not. All you have to do is eat healthy take plenty of vit C. Stay away from package and fast foods and others that harm your natural immunity and youโ€™ll never get sick

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These seem to be more or less standard ("alternative") recommendations for vitamins: Vitamin C = 2 grams (2,000 mg); Vitamin D = 4000-5000 IU; at least one good multivitamin supplying 100% of the RDA of most other nutrients. Read up on these and tailor to taste. Itโ€™s worth mentioning that you canโ€™t just wait until youโ€™re sick and start taking these, or taking a lot more. At the very least, you get no prevention value if you werenโ€™t taking the stuff beforehand. In the second place, some (not all) vitamins and minerals require days or weeks to build up in the system. Vitamin D is a good example.

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I honestly donโ€™t think Iโ€™ve ever had the flu in my life, definitely not in my adult life. Itโ€™s not part of the human condition. (Iโ€™m in my mid 50s) I took the flu shot for a few years when my kids were young but havenโ€™t in at least 15 years. And I work with the public.

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Fine. Cheers. People who live in densely populated areas might catch it occasionally.

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Iโ€™m in Houston, but ok

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Are you frequently cheek by jowl in crowded public transportation there? Or in your car?

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Got it from my kid when in elementary school (kid in elementary school not me.) I had taken the flu shot - worthless at best.

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A nice umbrella is tempting?!

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Yeah. That was, like, twenty years ago!

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Letโ€™s have a โ€œday of speaking outโ€ when every health (sick) care worker speaks out about all the carnage they are witnessing.

Safety in numbers.

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If only more people wouldโ€™ve spoken out or even refused the jab. We are the ants and have more power than the elites

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Thatโ€™s why I was adamantly against fake vax cards. If the fake card people had just stood with the rest of us open decliners they would have been fine. Not saying it would be easy, but it would have been easier to stand together!

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Totally agree! Only saving grace is only 3% stood up to the king.

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Good morning! Normally, I read all the way through first but I have a quick question:

Is it still Monday in Florida? Out here on the West Coast it is Wednesday already. I only ask because Florida is usually "ahead" of us by three hours! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

Mrs. "the Knife"

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said same

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I keep asking, how can every injectable now legally have mRNA in it when they needed an EUA for the mRNA covid shot??? No clinical trials or data - nothing.

Dr. Peter Mccullough

All mRNA injections, including cancer vaccines, may accelerate the development of cancer

Four days ago, The Guardian reported that there was โ€œexcitement among patients and researchersโ€ in the UK as โ€œpersonalised mRNA vaccinesโ€ for cancer entered their phase 3 trial...

On 23 April, a pre-print paper (not yet peer-reviewed) was published in the journal Authorea that reviewed oncogenesis and autoimmunity caused by mRNA injections. It found that repeated mRNA injections reduce immune surveillance for cancer while at the same time inducing autoimmunity.


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That's actually been the most success I've had talking about the Jabs with normies is that the shot has to bring down your immunity for the spike manufacturing to begin.

Which makes you very vulnerable, which explains why so many Jabbed people get sick.

It's a logical enough idea they can handle. Which starts their doubt on the whole process...

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My worries are still concerning shedding. Any further clarification or research on this?

Its a major concern and not much is being mentioned lately.

Later Jay

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Dr. Ana Mihalcea has published extensively about this on substack.

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That "mRNA in everything" is just another reason for me to be wary of any jabs offered. I had taken a "wait and see" attitude toward the C19 ones and as more and more facts leaked out or escaped the narrative, it was easy to see that taking a C19 shot was a bad idea. Then more details and facts were apparent about other shots and drugs so yeah ... I'm pretty skeptical of paid drug-pushers these days.

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May 1ยทedited May 1

No injections of any kind for me, not even my dentist. Give me gas or endure the pain. And none for my dog.

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This was my exact path tooโ€ฆ Iโ€™m pretty healthy, Iโ€™ll put myself at the back of the line and see how it goes. A few months laterโ€ฆ no way am I taking that, and I will die on this hill.

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Exactly how I feel. I have a wellness visit next month. She knows my stance on everything and I am healthy. She may want blood and I will probably say no. Just like I say NO to everything else. Plus I got off hubs insurance and use Christian Healthcare Ministries. Just started, but I plan on not needing it.

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Their loss in the lawsuit re: their ivermectin post should eliminate the EUA altogether. They basically had to admit there is an existing, effective treatment for covid. The lack of alternative treatment was, I think, the basis for the EUA. So, yeah, IDK. There should no longer be an EUA and one would think it doesn't extend to non-covid things. Of course, all of this was driven by unaccountable, shady bureaucrats, so maybe they just pulled another EUA out of their posteriors for "cancer shots" that don't exist.

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Exactly. The terms of the EUA specify that no effective alternative treatment be available. Originally, experimental drugs were allowed only for individuals who had no other hope of survival. In individual cases, it would have been unethical to use an experimental drug if a known effective treatment was available. The EUA status had never been granted for a mass vaccination program until the mRNA injections arrived. Then, the mRNA suppliers found themselves in the position of having to eliminate known effective remedies such as Ivermectin. They got the FDA and NIH to do their dirty work; FDA running a mendacious PR campaign devised by PR firm Weber Shandwick to characterize this drug used by billions of people as exclusively a horse de-wormer; while NIH funded equally mendacious papers alleging ineffectiveness or safety problems. All of this was to protect the mRNA suppliersโ€™ EUA, without which they would be subject to lawsuits for deaths and injuries caused by their products. Now, of course, there is no basis whatsoever for the mRNA injectionsโ€™ EUA, and it should be revoked immediately. That is what we should all be pressing for, and urging Congressional oversight committees to compel.

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Or, do they now claim that b/c they were used widely, no EUA is needed and "testing" has been done in the real world. Which would explain why they want to shut down discussion about adverse events.

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Even if they could claim testing (using the entire world population as TEST subjects), they won't publish the data because it would show the testing was a FAIL. So...there is no logic in that.

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And it's not 'testing' that satisfies existing law, rules, and ethics requirements, anyway. No, it's a naked grab, as was the entire 'approval' process for the injection products.

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No logic for me, you, or other sentient and reasonably moral human beings. Based on the last 4 years though, it might be enough "logic" for them, lol. (I really don't know the answer to your question and I think it's a good question. Hopefully someone in the know will chime in.)

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Hi Jeff, Iโ€™ve been readying C&C for years now and as a friend I must be honest with you. You stated in the first sentence that you hope once the election is over we can go back to โ€œnormalโ€.

My brother I wish and hope thatโ€™s true but I need to say one thing. If Trump is elected we will see an increase of the protests happening right now across the country. We must assume that one or more of the millions who crossed the border illegally will be activated and the violence will start for real.

If Biden is elected that means the House will also go to the Dems and the Senate will stay with the Dems. Immediately after they are sworn in come Jan 2025 MAGA will be made a terrorist group and people we be arrested and jailed. Anyone who donated to these โ€œterrorist groupsโ€ will face legal action and then ppl like Elon Musk will be jailed as threats to democracy.

So hereโ€™s my question which if these two versions do you feel will be going back to normal? I say this to you with tears but we are facing a global Marxist take over that only knows about keeping power. They have no been running our country and the world unopposed for years. Unless all of us everywhere i.e. Europe, America, Canada, Australia etc realize it and really, I mean really take to the streets in a United way we are facing the most horrific time in human history.

A time where humanity is enslaved on a global scale. Iโ€™m sorry my brother, I know Iโ€™m frightening some people but this is where we are at, and writing that once the election is over we will go back to โ€œnormalโ€ is just not a good idea.

Tell folks the truth because we all need to hear it and to understand where we are. God help us and save us.

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While I think you are likely correct in your assessment of what's coming, This quote from C. S. Lewis helped me with perspective - "

In one way we think a great deal too much of the atomic bomb (insert any disastrous thing here). โ€˜How are we to live in an atomic age?โ€™ I am tempted to reply: โ€˜Why, as you would have lived in the sixteenth century when the plague visited London almost every year, or as you would have lived in a Viking age when raiders from Scandinavia might land and cut your throat any night; or indeed, as you are already living in an age of cancer, an age of syphilis, an age of paralysis, an age of air raids, an age of railway accidents, an age of motor accidents.โ€™

In other words, do not let us begin by exaggerating the novelty of our situation. Believe me, dear sir or madam, you and all whom you love were already sentenced to death before the atomic bomb was invented: and quite a high percentage of us were going to die in unpleasant ways. We had, indeed, one very great advantage over our ancestorsโ€”anesthetics; but we have that still. It is perfectly ridiculous to go about whimpering and drawing long faces because the scientists have added one more chance of painful and premature death to a world which already bristled with such chances and in which death itself was not a chance at all, but a certainty.

This is the first point to be made: and the first action to be taken is to pull ourselves together. If we are all going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, let that bomb when it comes find us doing sensible and human thingsโ€”praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis, chatting to our friends over a pint and a game of dartsโ€”not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about bombs. They may break our bodies (a microbe can do that) but they need not dominate our minds.โ€

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Excellent! What is that from? Far be it from me to argue with one of my favorite writers. Thank you for sharing this. I will forward it to others. Itโ€™s spot on. Thank you.

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Spot on. These are my worries as well. What now?

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We have to get our voices heard at our local level. Bombard your local representatives with emails, calls. Let them know youโ€™re paying attention. Let them know we want our borders closed and protections that the fall election will be fair. Ask them what they are doing to assure voter integrity? How will they assure you your vote is going to count.

It has to be at the local level. Our national leaders are compromised. Between now and November is all we have.

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That's pretty much reality.

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I used to think like you but with Jeffโ€™s optimism I feel much better about our chances (Iโ€™m in The Netherlands, everyone in our government is WEF) to beat the bad guys. During the COVID War I read Jack Finleyโ€™s The Body Snatchers and that helped me a great deal. Itโ€™s a work of fiction written in the 1950โ€™s and the body snatchers stand for communism. In the end, they all return to outer space because there were too many people who were aware. Itโ€™s beautiful โ€ฆ not as depressing as Orwellโ€™s 1984.

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This is the movie Civil War

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Have not seen it but not surprised.

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