Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers



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My reflex on this comment was to look for the scam report button. šŸ˜‚

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OMG....another whopper! Nicely done. You crack my ass up, BFM. ā™„

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I'll bite: How? How did you do it? Do you have a number? Special link so I can give you my number, address, DOB, SSN, blood type, first born, anything you want!? I'm in!

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Or 1-800-JOB-IDEN

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Woah, sounds like you've got the inside line. Thanks! Wait... "1" is a USA based number. Prez Zelensky has a US organization? Say... is this a hoax?

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Joe will patch you through......

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Sam Bankman-Fried HAD been handling it for Joe - but he is currently unavailable.

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You've been so helpful. Can't thank you enough! If you give me your address, after my first month's profit I'll send an honorarium, finder's fee, whatever you want to call it. Might need your SSN for some small details I'll have to look into. Oh, and I'm putting a bridge on the market early next week if you're interested.

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I heard Sam was working from mom and dads place living in the basement.

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Love it!

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It's becoming more difficult to find humor in today's world but you did it for me today Florida Man. Thank you!

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Absolutely one of the best of the year so far!

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Fantastic. Love it.

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Love it!!

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Nicely done, BFM, nicely done.

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This is the comment I needed today :)

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Haha just trolling you. I know u were being sarcastic and imperonating zellensly

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Hilarious!!! I can see the infomercial now!

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

My husband was told by a vaxxed individual who had a stroke that he was smart not to get it. She and her doctors are sure it was the vaxx. She wished she never fell for the fear and lies. Tide is turning.

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A poor lady in line in front of me at Walmart who looked very unhappy and moved very slowly had a full brace around her torso. She turned to me and in a low voice whispered, "Don't get the shot". I felt heartbroken for her destroyed life.

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My sister has noticed (in NoCal) the outright sagging despondency of the general publick out and about. Every state is different.

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Your sister is 100% correct! I mentioned the vibe to my bf. We went to Safeway last week, and you can cut the vibe with a knife!

My bf said, ā€œEven the lettuce does want to be here.ā€

We adopted one head of butter lettuce for wedges.

Weā€™ve been VERY AWAKE for years...

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I am sure the butter lettuce is thankful. That is a terrible awful so true analogy. Safeway in Redding is particularly terrible.

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I only go to Safeway in an ā€œemergencyā€ (like Vermouth for martinis-lol!) I was refused service for not wearing a mask and refused to wear one. The sales clerk literally grabbed the one item out of my hand while paying for it, and told the clerk at the register not to take my money. The manager even backed her up! The behavior was appalling. Iā€™ll never forget that.

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Go to Trader Joeā€™s. They will not require the mask nor will Sproutā€™s. Sproutā€™s was sued and lost. I went into one Ralphā€™s during the whole masking stupidity, and the manager asked me to leave after I was at the checkout. The people in the store (it was busy) were yelling at me to leave. Sadly, they carry one thing my teen likes to eat, or Iā€™d never patronize Ralphā€™s again. Iā€™m in a city in Los Angeles, so you can guess how blue it is. People are waking up here and fighting back (although not the masks and shots šŸ™„), even Democrats. Theyā€™ve managed to unite a good cross section of the community with their stupidity.

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*doesnā€™t. ;)

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Even every city is different and sometimes neighborhoods within a city. I live in a "blue" city in Florida, and the vibe here in my neighborhood is definitely not what I've been used to elsewhere in Florida. Of course, we moved in just before the plandemic started, so I really don't know what it was like beforehand.

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You are "write" there. We are in Bradenton and went to Ft. Lauderdale to hunt iguanas. The guy who did the hunt gave the impression it was really bad. We felt it. Bleck. I think it is ALL the people giving off the vibe in their togetherness of woke or broke. Terrible.

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Mar 17, 2023Ā·edited Mar 17, 2023

We have a group in our neighborhood that have turned absolutely toxic. In the middle of a HOA election and theyā€™re trespassing, harassing, cyber bullying, putting flyers IN peopleā€™s mailboxes (thatā€™s a felony), one even had a criminal complaint filed against him.

These people have all lived here for a long time and just this year have lost their minds.

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They are indeed "blue" as they know they messed up getting the shots.

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Out by us in NorCal mostly people have loved in. The elderly and the too woke are still wearing masks, Although some are wearing them against allergies at this time of year and if they have a cold. Not sure if masks help those things either.

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I had no idea so many people from CA were on here.

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join our group if youre on fb. its for all CCers. C&C junkies

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Heartbreaking. We can't allow the beast to kill our spirits.

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And she didn't call it the Vaccine. People are learning.

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When you see the elderly around my town they look so much physically worse since the pandemic/lockdowns/vaccines startedā€¦ā€¦ prior Iā€™d always been impressed that the elderly in my area were pretty active and vibrant

Iā€™m calling it the ā€˜post pandemic vaccine and lockdown shuffleā€™ ā€¦ the elderly are in BAD shape now.

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I have seen the same thing and comment on it all the time... truly heartbreaking how fast people have aged, especially obvious the elderly population.

So many people I know ask for prayers for lists of people now that have everything from turbo cancer to sudden neurological issues to aneurismā€™s... LISTS!

Never before 2021 have I heard of so much sudden and unexpected illnessā€™s. Not to mention the mental health crisis.

I pray that I can serve to bring people to Christ in humility, love and honesty. That is what I can do.

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I saw Al Roker on a cooking show from 2 years ago. He looks like he's aged 10 years since. I've also noticed people that I haven't seen in a bit have changed drastically. Even though I never took the jab I feel I've changed also. It's hasn't exactly been a vacation these last few years. I feel in my case the anger is showing. Trying to be a bit more zen. It's not easy.

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I have had an anger problem long before covid. But i am finding that taking sugar out of my diet seems to help a TON. I think more rationally and am, over all, just calmer.

Just something to think about. I suspect MANY of us ate a lot more sugar these past few years.

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I've been low carb, alcohol free for over 10 years. No sugar, flour and barely any processed foods. No fast food. I make all of my own. So I'm good there. No, my anger has ratcheted up over the past three years due to the absolute insanity of people everywhere.

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I have difficulty with stupid.

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I agree- it has been a period full of losses and change for a lot of people. Iā€™ve never seen so many medical and mental health problems in people. Itā€™s constant. All of it has likely lowered life expectancy for a lot of peopleā€¦. Jabbed and unjabbed alike. All we can do is our best to Stay mentally and physically strong!

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You are so right but man it's hard.

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For me

Spending time in nature is healingā€¦ itā€™s really been the thing thatā€™s helped me the most through thisā€¦. To be outside in Godā€™s creation.

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Egads...that is heartbreaking. Good on her for passing the warning-took guts.

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That's sad.šŸ˜”

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OMG Phil. You are exactly right. Did you say anything?

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I was speechless.

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That's so sad. Every injury is sad, but PARTICULARLY for those who in good faith believed the government would never do anything to harm them and for those who were forced to get it. It's more than heartbreaking, it's soul breaking.

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Not only that but you canā€™t sue the bast***

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This was another dead giveaway it was all a lie and designed to kill. or maime.

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It is. šŸ˜”

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Glad to see a reasonable response. Seems so many Jabbed refuse to blame their shots for adverse reactions. Tide is indeed turning.

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Being unhealthy is the new normal. "Just ask your doctor."

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BigMed and BigPharma earn 0 dollars from healthy people.

They have a vested interest in keeping you coming back to their facilities again and again.

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I have NOT been to the Dr. for 14 months, since my last wellness visit. Hubs still pays for my insurance through his company, but it is over 700 bucks a month. Honestly, I would rather meet my maker than subject myself to that whole complex now. Thinking of having a medic alert bracelet that says "Just let me die. If you do take me to a hospital I will kill you myself."

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I've only been to a doctor three times since 1987, no vaccines, shots or prescriptions either since. Those three visits were for moderate injuries I couldn't just ride out, trauma care. That's it. No checkups, or wellness visits, though I have tested blood for cholesterol and sugars at a couple free health fairs along the way. I have no physician, no insurance, any medical record that exists is from what I've shared above.

I've never trusted this allopathic medical system. I do trust my complementary and alternative healer community I'm connected to. Whatever has ailed me has been taken care of with natural nonpharmaceutical remedies, diet, exercise, herbs, naturopathy, homeopathy, holistic and energy healers.

I'm healthy, fit, in my fifties but look much, much younger. On no pain medications or medications of any kind, have no physical restrictions. *Because* I don't participate in a quack medical system that can't tell the difference between boys and girls, men and women. Which is just the latest in a long line of health malpractice they promulgate.

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Good for you! Iā€™m a professional nurse with 32years of experience working in acute care hospitals and have lost all faith in the healthcare system. My plan is to avoid it completely and take control of my own health through healthy food, exercise, fresh air, and avoiding any prescription medications. Iā€™m blessed with good health and I believe in the power of prayer to our Creator, Almighty God.

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Same. I have had two life insurance evaluations that went well and one Telehealth appointment when my family got covid with a nurse practitioner who operates as far outside of the system as possible. Other than that the last time I set foot in a doctorā€™s office for myself was the follow up appointment with my ob after the birth of my 13 year old.

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Same here...I can remember because I only need the fingers of one hand: 1991 bronchitis (long story); 1998 for a urinary tract infection; 2003 (For my first PCP visit; hubs made me go because back then he thought I should at least have a PCP "in case something happens." He's over that now.); and 2017 for a serious back injury.

That injury brought me back into the "healthcare" system. Once I found out the extent of my injury, I took it from there, but that "doctor's" office? Hounded me for all the other shite they want you to go through. I finally made an appointment with the "doctor." She had a come to Jesus moment -- I was very nice -- but after that, she had complete clarity on how I felt about "medicine." Her office stopped calling me.

Last injection came on the campus of the State University of New York at Albany in 1987. Some kid got diagnosed with the measles, which I'd had as a kid. Those scum said the entire campus needing "vaccination." I submitted (Had my mother been alive, I might not have...) in complete fury. I swore that day that no one would ever make me undergo a medical treatment against my will ever again. š‘¬š‘½š‘¬š‘¹.

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Sadie, I think youā€™re on to something. Market it! $$$$

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I quit going also. If I need anything such as an MRI for my horrible back I do video to get an order.

My doc keeps putting in orders for yearly tests and I just don't go. I do everything to take care of anything that pops up myself. Also alternative treatment like laser for my back other than crap steroids and drugs. I hate the thought of ever ending up in the hospital. Frankly, I would pray for God just to let me go home.

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Mar 16, 2023Ā·edited Mar 16, 2023

Meanwhile you could start up a medic alert bracelet side business. Can I order mine in pink?

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I love this post

so much. You & I could be friends.

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There are medical share companies which are like insurance. Look into them, Christian based medi share may be more freedom oriented.

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I was going to suggest the same thing. There are a few that are not Christian based as well. Quite a few to choose from - look up "health share" to get started.

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I agree. They are just as likely to injure or kill me as cure me. No more.

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ok so many people here who don't go to Drs! Such a good idea. I had no idea there was alternatives to mammograms - I go every 12 months :( . Also pap every five years. What is advice on HRT? I don't think i could live without that - but obviously there are many things I don't know. Also - on calcium supplements....

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As @Lisa Ca says, Maca (powder). Big fan here. Has been used for thousands of years by indigenous peoples in South America. The plant only grows in high elevations in the Andes. ā€œModern scienceā€ tells itā€™s an adaptogen: adrenal (hormonal) support during stress in particular.

I read hormonal support more than a decade ago. Figured it might have broader hormonal support/balancing effect. A daily dose for me (1 tsp, your mileage may vary) for about the last decade.

Couldnā€™t tell you what boomer life is like without it although menopause was a number of years in the rear view mirror before I started it.

No synthetic hormones for me thanks. My mother and grandmother and every generation before didnā€™t take that s**t. Who the f are these mercenaries that want to tell us what we ā€œneedā€? To them itā€™s $$. Has nothing to do with our health, sorry. Not to mention ā€œside effectsā€. Another euphemism. Any effect from any medication is not a ā€œsideā€ effect, itā€™s a direct effect. Period. Take that in.

Calcium in supplements is not as bioavailable as weā€™d like. Go for real foods. Creaky knees solved here with methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) (sulfur) supplement starting early 50s maybe. MSM is naturally occurring compound in the body; things change in the body over time. Read product labels if you ever shop for it. SO many fillers in lots of products. Doctors Best brand is 100% MSM. There are other 100%ers; as said just read labels.

Plenty to learn. It never ends! What works for me might not for you. Do your best. šŸ¤

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One of my


things is the FB site The Natural Health

Library. Dr.

Mercola is fab, too.

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I am in peri-menopause and work only with a functional doctor. Won't set foot in an allopathic doc office. I take bioidentical hormones and they have helped tremendously! There are also several online websites that will provide them too. Check out MyAlloy.com. Good luck!

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I am very afraid of HRT. It freaks me out doing fake hormones but I know why people do it and Iā€™ve thought about it!!!

I follow Mercola too but not the nat library. I do know thag Maca powder helps with libido/hormone stabilizing.

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Sadie- I had a baby 3.5 years ago. I have not been back since my 6 wk check up. I am so concerned about tracking the nonvax that I wonā€™t go back more than likely. I dont follow most western meds but I would do a pap and mammogram. I go to a chiro 2x a month and take my supplememts. I have also been contemplating going on emergency insurance (very high ded) and just paying out of pocket for care otherwise.

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I donā€™t even do pap and I sure as heck

donā€™t do

mammograms. I do the HerScan. Much less of a pain (none of that, ā€œIā€™ll lie on the

garage floor in winter and you back the car over my boobsā€ feeling).

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@Lisa Ca, not advice, just thoughts that occurred decades ago, confirmed in my mind reading opinion sometime later, maybe a dozen years ago. Sorry I don't have a reference or link for you.

It occurred to me that repeatedly compressing tissue (breast) to the point of pain (mammog) that, should it have any component of aberrant/non-normal cells (cancer) might not be such a good idea. Is it possible that the compression could have the effect of splitting coalesced cells (tumor)? Even one? That might then travel to a non-local area, a distant one even, and continue replicating (aberrant/cancer cells can be some of the fastest replicating cells)? When I much later read an opinion (can't remember the source) that expressed this very same idea, I was glad that after my baseline (age 35) I never went back. Might have helped my treatment decision if it ever came to that, that I saw two family members go through standard allopathic chemo & radiation, both incredibly toxic to the body. It was obvious watching them. I will never do that to myself. If it's cancer that's going to get me -and something's going to get all of us one day, even if it's a bus in one second flat- I'll live out my final days in the best way I can, looking to alternative treatments. That's just me. Might have nothing whatsoever to do with your world/life view.

FWIW I did the catastrophic insurance (hospitalization) for years and never used it. Then with a kid had something through employer with broader coverage but never exceeded the deductible. The short: I paid in for sure more than a quarter of a million $ over 30+ years and never got a dime in reimbursement. What a racket. You should read Deadly Spin by Wendell Potter. It's an eye opener.

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I am also concerned about being coded and tracked as ā€œnon covid vaxxedā€. My plan is to say ā€œI have the right number of covid shots for meā€. In my case, thatā€™s zero. But itā€™s a way of giving a non codeable answer. Food for thought should you need to go to the doctor.

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Pap smears usually only needed if having sex with multiple partners (or a partner who is having sex with multiple partners). Go with thermograms instead of mammograms - gives you red flag almost a decade before a mammogram detects anything. No downside to the thermogram like there is with the mammograms between squashing the breast tissue and the repeated exposure to the radiation.

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We used to do The Christian Brotherhood. I don't even know if it is a thing anymore.

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Sounds like a plan!

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Mar 17, 2023Ā·edited Mar 17, 2023

Amen Sadie Jay! Made me LOL! šŸ¤£šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚

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Totally agree. Havenā€™t been since 2020. Told my hubby that Iā€™ll gladly die at home in my bed than a hospital. Just blessed with good health, but I work very hard on my health, even raise my own food, exercise etc.

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You have been twice bitten. Never to forget.

You've taken control of your own healthy lifestyle.

You've developed a new instinct for where the real threat against personal wellness lives.

It's those pesky .GOVs and their desires to dominate our existence as a disposable resource.


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That's the old boy scout motto to always be prepared.

You have a rock solid "EXIT" strategy. I'm right there with you.

They make that in a silver or gold necklace dog tag style as well.

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They are more than happy to make you ill, keep you that way, and see you coming back for more, right?

They just acquired a company called Seagen, that specializes in cancer treatment research and development.

Paid $43 billion for the privilege. Why, that's Twitter money - without the hoopla.

Thinking that Pfizer must see that there is good ROI opportunity there, huh?

.....for SOME reason.

Can you say "Turbo Cancer" ?

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Yup, and the answer is just pump ya full of more meds. The endless cash cow of big pharma.

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I ask my husband to mute the commercials when heā€™s watching tv

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I cannot watch TV and leave the house when Hubs does. Which he doesn't do anymore. I would rather pay for a series than watch commercials. I was at my mom's and she would have the TV on and I was so grossed out. 7 out of 10 commercials had to do with my body and what could be better with it or wrong with it. Now...I just wonder about all the subliminal indoctrination we are being subjected to when we do watch anything on those giant screens. I prefer a good paper BOOK.

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I take care of my mom 24/7. I haven't watched regular programming on TV after I pulled that plug 25 years ago. So, mom watches TV all day long for the "noise". Holy God! The subliminal programming is real... every commercial tells you how sick you are or how sick you will be and that you better buy more insurance even if you are insured it isn't enough. It is disgusting and perverse... Can you imagine if people just pulled the plug en masse the positive effect that would have on mental health? It would disrupt the industry & save everyone a big chunk of money each month. It's time people... you will thrive without the idiot box.

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Always buy a paper book. E-books can disappear.

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Looking for accurate and intelligent videos? Toss the dish and TV; subscribe to Rumble. Also $9 / month buys a "YouTube Red" ad-free sub.

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My preteen daughter and I do the muting as well.

And then ad lib our own side effects while it plays out.

"May cause eyeball hair, extra toes, explosive ear wax, sometimes ending in death."

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That made me LOL! I love that. Well, love, but not love. You guys sound awesome, like my daughter and I!!ā™„

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And your butt falls off....but the benefits outweigh the risks!

Rigor Mortis.....ask your Dictor today!

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Hahaha šŸ˜‚

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Making your own dialogue is fun!

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Lately out of every 3-5 commercials at least one is for pharmaceuticals. Boring and disgusting! And now Pfizer is hawking anti covid drugs, for if you catch covid

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Mar 16, 2023Ā·edited Mar 17, 2023

My favorite are the baby and children commercials for the gene therapy shots. So heartwarming to know how much pfizer cares about babies and children.

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I don't manage the remote and only watch in brief spurts, but my husband watches some old commercial channel. It is so refreshing to hear those old jingles from Enjoie and Breck rather then the pharma and trans ads we have now.

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And I can't stand the actors in their pharma infomercial. They all have that insipid clueless look.

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I would venture to say a side effect of being vaccinated and boosted!!!

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Mar 16, 2023Ā·edited Mar 16, 2023

Yes, I belong to a prayer group and hear about how so many people are sick with strokes, heart problems, and stage 4 cancers. Today I gathered up the courage and when it was my turn for prayer, I prayed for all of the vax injured across the country and world. Not sure how that went over with the group, but I know some were listening.

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Yes, I was in a Bible study and the illnesses that needed prayer were just nuts. Like face cancer. Yes, face cancer, remove part of the face and replace. And these ladies were praying as if it was all normal. I am like "this is NOT normal and neither is you thinking this is okay!".

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I believe God is the only one that can help us now.

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And when you unplug from satellite and cable the YUGE plus is that you are no longer subsidizing the corrupt media!!

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Thatā€™s a profound statement...

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I've had more than 1 person told me how smart I was and how much they regret the jab (and the doctors who can't help them)

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Or worse yet, won't help them.

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Wow. Just curious. Can you tally up for us??

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Many are just downright scared and refuse to talk about it. And those that do seem to have a hopeless and helpless look on their faces.

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Especially if they got their children vaxxed. I can't imagine it.

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šŸ—Ø The truth is revealing itself, and I suspect some sheep might be turning into hyenas. Some cattle turning into lions. Some lemmings deciding to not comply.

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The fact that the booster rate isn't as high as the original vaxx and many did not get their children vaxxed I feel shows a growing awareness that all is not as it should be.

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I suspect that a large majority of those who did get the bivalent booster were coerced - nursing home residents, prisoners, kids in foster care, college students

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For Doctor to even entertain the idea of vax injury is major. My son has symptoms of V-Injury and his Neurologist said not possible the vax causing these new symptoms. Of course!

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Letā€™s face it, their egos wonā€™t allow them to admit they may have made a mistake. I never got the jabs. I went to my GP recently for a surgery release - small insignificant surgery. I hadnā€™t seen him since I was diagnosed with C19 over a year ago. He saw me in my car and listened to my cough, etc. suggested maybe he could request a chest X-ray but sent me home. I got worse and called Americaā€™s Frontline Doctors. I was appropriately treated and allā€™s well in the end but when I told him that I had seen what I call a ā€œcovid Doctorā€ he said, ā€œwhatā€™s a Covid Doctorā€ in a rather snarky tone. He was just plain embarrassed. What I learned? Stand up for yourself. Itā€™s your body.

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"I'll put my Frontline Doc protocol to your Big Pharma Jabs anyday!"

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What you should have told your doctor is that 'covid doctors' treat early covid symptoms with safe & effective meds & supplements INSTEAD of sending their patients home empty handed and telling them to go to the hospital when they can no longer breathe and where they will most likely be killed with remdesivir and a ventilator.

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Ooh! I like that. I always go away from events like that saying I shoulda said this or that!!!

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well stated.

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Reply " a doctor who really does follow the real science."

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I had Covid in November 2021. I was sick for 3 months but took a lot of meds from frontline doctors, (IVM, HCQ, inhaler, antibiotic) as well as many vitamins. It cost a small fortune (I guess due to supply and demand?) but my primary doctor was so aggravated by my refusal of the jab that I wasnā€™t about to call her when I actually got sick. My husband was coerced to get a single shot J&J to keep his job but of course, wound up with double Covid pneumonia. Itā€™s hard to understand how there are still people and especially Doctors who donā€™t or rather wonā€™t see what has actually transpired these last 3 years! Welcome to the jungle.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Iā€™ve got 2 nurse friends who have been well aware ā€”almost from the jump and 2 nurse friends who still buy into ā€œthis is a pandemic of the unvaxxedā€ bullšŸ’©. I donā€™t get it. Itā€™s almost supernatural, the BLINDERSā€¦

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God has granted them a delusion

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2 Thessalonians 2:11

Right on the money.

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Moving forward to the end of the story.

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Damned charlatan doctors! I was reading real women's reviews on all those osteoporosis drugs my doctor just seems to love and want me on. (No thank you). The reviews of horrible side effects are bad enough, but what is worse is when they tell their doctor and the doctor insists the sudden insane and often quite serious symptoms which started right after taking the medication "couldn't possibly be from it". It makes my blood curdle. šŸ˜”

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Angela, check out Algae Cal for your osteoporosis. I have completely reversed mine and itā€™s all natural. I too was not going to take the stuff they were trying to push on me. My doctor was shocked.

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Yes I have and I found the same formula (checked labels) as AlgaeCal Plus, by a company called Sapling on Amazon. It is only $25 for a month's supply which for me is more affordable as I want to make sure that I stick with it. It is called Algae Calcium. Three capsules daily. I started 2 weeks ago. . Hopefully it works. I am also taking collagen peptides daily which is also supposed to help.

How long were you taking it ?

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Iā€™ve been taking it for about 3 years and my scores kept getting better but when I added the Scrontium Boost with it, it completely turned it around quickly.

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Fosamax, which has a FDA Black Box warning, can cause spontaneous femur breaks and jaws to disintegrate.

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Disgusting. Basically exactly what it should be preventing

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I was going to say the same! Causing what it is supposed to prevent!!!!

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They have to make it like that. Thatā€™s what keeps patients going, ā€œeven though I took ____, I STILL had _____ā€,

never putting 2+2 together.

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I think there must be more doctors who were threatened by their boards or health practices to shut up. Many are feeling they can say there are vaxx injuries now.

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Lets not forget that even our President told us 'unvaccinated' off on public tv. and his evil OSHA mandate to force it.

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Corn pop gave me a talking point. I always throw that out about being unvaxxed and death. I say " Corn pop must have got misinformation. " Ticks off the covidiots. šŸ˜…

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When he told me I was a horrible person, a murderer for not wearing a mask and then said Putin is a horrible person, a murderer I reflexively rejected the evil Russia-Putin narrative. I know I'm not a horrible person, a murderer, so perhaps Putin isn't what he's described as, either. The accusations against Putin are cheapened by the accusations against me.

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Putin is evil, but accusing him takes the eyes off China. JB and familyā€™s bread basket.

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I dont believe he is evil. He is fighting the satanic garbage of the west, and because we cant control that, we have created a false narrative about him for years. THIS is evil, and what he is fighting:


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The tide is turning ... too late for millions of our brothers and sisters, who believed (what was sold as) a credible scenario.

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I still cannot believe so many fell for it. I haven't come to terms with it.

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Hubbie and I lived through the swine flu vaccine fiasco of the 70s. I was a bit injured from it which by the grace of God got better quickly. Others were not so lucky. Scared the daylights out of me. I was only 18.

Fast forward. We couldn't understand how something which, like the swine flu vaccine, was put out so quickly without years of testing could be safe. Couple that with the new mrna technology and our logic said no. So we were careful as much as we could be, took vitamin d3, zinc and c, got lots of fresh air, and put ourselves in God's hands daily.

Our friends and neighbors and coworkers talked about getting it like it was a given.

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My son, 24 years old, only has one close friend who didn't get the vaxx. He knows the next couple of years will be tough. Like watching a horror film you can't turn off.

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Still - i worry about shedding for the kids who didn't get it and the ones who didn't but are dating those who did (because it's near impossible to find one their age vax-free)

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Totally agree. I have 2 unjabbed and when they start dating someone my first question is are they jabbed. So sad!

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Does he have a large social circle??

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Yes. Some in the second tier of friends are not vaxxed. I am proud of my son who from the beginning when I asked him if he believes this BS he said NO! He has stood proud pureblood and even his vaxxed friends have respected it.

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That was my moment of truth also. Why so fast? They take OTC drugs off the shelves for simpler, less deadly reactions and they want us to submit our bodies to something that was developed in a few months?? NOPE.

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The bizarre overselling undermined the scenario's credibility.

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Mar 18, 2023Ā·edited Mar 18, 2023

Yes, but not enough. Still feels like too little, too late.

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This is truly just so sad. :( Wonder what health ā€œsystemā€ she is a part of if any.

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Penn medicine or dupont medicine are big ones in this area. So freaking woke.

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SO in the hospital where I work, we celebrated coronaversary with a change in mask policy. You were celebrating the new change if you were vaccinated because that meant you now could work mask free. However, for those of us who have a religious exemption we are to remained masked at all times. Additionally, as the policy has read for 13 months now, the UNVACCINATED cannot eat with others who are vaccinated as we are not allowed to remove our masks in their presence. It is barbaric. I have contacted legislators, locally and nationally, and have been turned down every time. Even contacted a non-profit legal group who represents religious freedom cases and have been turned down. So, as a Christian, I am continuing to work, with my mask on, with joy- bc I believe that joy and TRUE freedom are only found in Jesus Christ.

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Get a weekā€™s worth of masks labeled ā€œpure bloodā€

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Mar 17, 2023Ā·edited Mar 17, 2023

SUCH a good idea. or how about "Still Living" - "Not dead" - "Natural Immunity" (that always gets them - especially those in the medical field who forgot what that is), "only had covid once", "Picture of Health", "no regret", "you wish you were me", "What Genius Looks like", "Tolerant", "Filled with common sense", "do no harm", "independent thinker", "I breathe air and like it". Ahh - i forgot one! "I lick ATM keypads" (and like it)

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I work in pediatrics. Our practice policy is that unboosted have to mask up but the boosted can unmask. Of course no recognition of natural immunity. Even more maddening is that masks are optional for patients and families. So I could the my child to the office as a patient mask free but have to put one on in order to work in the very same office!

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Such unScience. Yet they want our respect? Clown world!

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Yup, I would never trust a healthcare provider with totally arbitrary and unscientific rules like these.

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Exactly. ā€¦Taking advice from someone with no critical thinking skillsā€¦

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I agree šŸ’Æ. Has basic logic and reasoning gone the way if the dinosaur? IF it DOESN'T protect you from covid, doesn't lessen your chances of getting it, or protect you from silently transmitting it to others, where is the freaking logic??šŸ¤”

This isn't even " misinformation"; it has been stated by state propaganda media AND the CDC. The constant flip flopping to make people forget what was said a day ago, the confusion is purely satanic. Satan is the master of lues and confusion...

It truly makes me furious!! šŸ˜”

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Same. It is just so frustrating and infuriating!!

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Crazy ass world we live in now. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«

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What about the cdc guidance that there be no difference in the way vaxxed vs unvaxxed are treated?

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Unfortunately, hospitals that took government money during all the Covid payouts are at the mercy of the government agencies that survey us- ours is DNV, similar to Joint Commission, but not the same. The CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid) documents from last fall leave it up to the hospitals how to "mitigate risk with having less than 100% vaccination"- they truly expected 100% or just fire everyone. But, constitutionally speaking, under Title 7, religious and medical expemptions are our right. Our hospital granted NO medical exemptions to my knowledge, but did not deny any religious exemptions. In mitigating risk, our hospital has likely determined that masks are the "cheapest way" to "show compliance" with CMS (so the hospital can get paid). It's so unfortunate that an agency responsible for reimbursement is the main player our cowardly president chose to stand behind for the vaccine mandate. What do you do if you're a hospital trying to stay open. Now, I think that something other than a mask could be done, but despite letters I have written to our CEO, Chief medical officer, and VP of HR, I just keep marching on. They don't listen to me either.

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If this was actually about health, they would take everyoneā€™s temperature and mandate XClear prior to entry. šŸ™„

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Xclear is the best!! That and elderberry syrup.

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So do you think this will be over once our installed President ends the emergency?

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Maybe- unless they come up with another pandemic- it's all about control.

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Yeah, I want to know too.

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Yes as of August 11, 2022

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This is like Hitler in Germanyā€¦ Turning everyone against the Jews, acting like they were dirty!!

I also am unvaccinatedā€¦ I have taken much verbal abuse from friendsā€¦ It has hurt my heart that one day I know theyā€™ll come back around

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Mask ghetto.

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They might end up "died suddenly" before they get a chance to come around.

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I hope they do ā€œcome aroundā€... some may, many may not. There are still those that truly believe that the holocaust never happened... denial of facts is not a new phenomenon,

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When this started I told my husband, now you see how they got everyone on the trains. To me itā€™s exactly the same.

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Before, I could not understand how they got people on the trains.

Now I get it.

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Not only the Jews. I was watching a movie about how the nazis tricked a small town's leaders in Greece to round up everyone for something or other in the town's churchwhich the people believed and they all marched to their death..set on fire in the church.

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Completely agree. Itā€™s terrifying. Thatā€™s been the biggest shock to overcome for me. How many people trusted the government.

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Sorry. But unless you believe God wants you to stay there for some higher purpose, I wouldn't take the abuse. Subjecting yourself to discrimination is on you now. I left a job I loved because I would not comply and allow them to subjugate me. I decided it was in my power to make a change. We even moved to a freer state so I could breathe.

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I was thinking that their hope is that she will end up with some respiratory problems. Then they will be able to kill her off, too. I would have to quit.

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Its ok. She sounds like she is managing. But true it may be too much for some. šŸ˜‰ Kudos to both

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Funny because the vaxxed and boosted are most likely to catch bad Covid and give it to others, more so than the UNvaxxed. Every vaxxed person I know has had it more than once and bad cases of it. On the upside, not being able to eat and spend time near the vaxxed is probably healthier and safer for you personally given the vax shedding. This world is so upside down now itā€™s ridiculous.

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True! My unjabbed son was required to test weekly and watched while the jabbed got covid and 10 days off from work, repeatedly. He was the only one in his dept to not get the vid.

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AMEN Katy!

ā€œThey have mouths but do not speak; they have eyes, but do not see; they have ears, but do not hear, nor is there any breath in their mouths. Those who make them become like them, so do all who trust in them.ā€ -Psalm 135:16-18

God guides you Katy! āœļøšŸ’„

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Actually sitting separately from the shedding vaxxed is a good thing.

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True. And knowing exactly where the "just following orders" crowd is can be a big help too!

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I heard that on the news in my area. It also said that a patient could request staff wear a mask. I thought, gee wouldn't it be grand (IF I actually had to be there, like for a broken femur or something) to say to the newly unmasked "NO. Put that mask back on as a badge of shame for taking the juice and inducing others to do the same. You do not get a free pass while your coworkers stood by their guns and didn't take the king's bread and juice up".

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I had a sudden hospitalization last September. I was not required to wear a mask nor asked about vax. I was so relieved. Small local hospital.

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You were VERY lucky. Enough of this crap!

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I know. I was very frightened but the hospital was local, small and I knew some of the nursing and other staff. My hubs hovered around as much as he could. I prayed and I so believe I was protected. My last surgery was in a huge impersonal hospital so to be in my own town was a surprise. But a welcome one. I plan to stay out of them if I can in the future.

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It amazes same that those in the medical field are the ones resisting any change regardless of the clear science out there. Wow!!

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Some CT MD offices are still fully masked

And an employee is actively policing everyone who enters the facility... ā€˜you must have on a maskā€™

Itā€™s insane, in 2023.

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A friend of mine just told me that the office where she takes her daughter is still requiring masks šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø They donā€™t have much choice as it is a particular specialist that there arenā€™t many of in the area and who has been treating her daughter for years so knows her case, but it is so ridiculous. Especially in a red state.

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My husband just had a colonoscopy (here in Florida) at an outpatient facility and he was required to wear a mask. If I waited for him in the waiting room, I had to wear one too. Itā€™s insane!!!

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It IS insane, and I want to see this ridiculousness stopped!!

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Wait right until it costs more for them to stop the procedure than cancel it and toss it on the floor. Tell them itā€™s causing you to panic and take it off.

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Post mask info all over the bathroom doors and walls. I like slides from Stephen Pettyā€™s powerpoint on the uselessness of masks

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Hereā€™s your answer why: šŸ’°šŸ’µ

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@Jeff Childers should take on your case!!! We could multiply him for it!!

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My God, where are you? Draconian to the max.

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I would argue thatā€™s blatantly singling you out for a religious belief. That seems like a violation of religious freedom - they canā€™t back it up scientifically to save themselves from that accusation. Have you considered a violation of religious freedom lawsuit?

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VA denies medical care to veterans not wearing a mask.

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I hate the VA. But I went in one time to ask a question and they wouldnt even talk to me without a mask.

They need to shutter that corrupt "medical facility". What a joke they are.

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Where is this?

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If you have had covid and are not jabbed you are vaccinated and boosted. Best if you have the test results for positive COVID test.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"Iā€™m going to go lick an ATM keypad or something." Ew.

I love it. :)

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Amen Sophia ā€” spit my coffee out reading that one ā€” hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

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Too late for coffee!!! Get back to FLA, Jeff!!!

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I wouldā€™ve spit mine out if Iā€™d been drinking it at that moment!! šŸ˜†

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I was literally ROFLMAO! Which got me a few funny looks from my co-workers. :)

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My fave line in a series of zingers.

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OMG! I believe the sandwich visual was a reference to the accusation that he stole a sandwich from a pregnant woman. And of course the dancing referred to the complaints about his company funded dance parties and videos. All in all a hilarious start to what looks to be an even better project than the first one!

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That was masterfully done!!

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I missed ALL the secret messages. i actually thought the subway sandwich was some kind of throw back to Jessie Smollet :)

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On the PV front, I believe Pfizer had everything to do with James being ousted. Im thrilled to see he's back and I hope he turns PV into a memory hole of time, they deserve nothing less.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I leave comments on PV asking why they arenā€™t following up.

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Pfizer got their tongue?

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Oooo, Iā€™m copycating that one.

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Please go for it!

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They'll never answer you.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Yeah but the point is to keep up the pressure.

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Mar 16, 2023Ā·edited Mar 16, 2023

So Trump is playing 4D chess by appearing to be going after DeSantis - but is really exposing and clearing up loose ends long before the campaign. Interesting possibility. Ron and Don are crafty and I could see them scheming such a plan.

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Trump has always been crafty. While the media gets up in a frenzy about something he said, he was always getting things done elsewhere. I truly believe he and his "mean tweets" were distraction. LOL

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Absolutely a distraction. He attracts attention to himself, firstly. Secondly, his mean tweets and cutesy nicknames like Ron "DeSanctimonious" and Leticia "Peekaboo" James totally throw them off their game. Thirdly, he gets results and keeps promises. That's what's important to me. No one said being in the public eye was going to be a day at the beach.

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Trump trolls the crap of of people! And heā€™s good at it!

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Yep. The back channel rumors say that their relationship is a plan.

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Somebody make a meme copying ā€œRon-Jonā€ famous surf shop in cocoa beach... Don-Ron for America in ā€˜24!

Itā€™s unbeatable!!!!

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Now Iā€™m

singing Beach Boys. It works.

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For me, I sadly think Ron could not handle 4 yrs under Trump.

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That would actually not surprise me.

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back channels?

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Alt right- anons - Q posts

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And they both know who the real enemy is.

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Iā€™m not buying the take that they are working together. Interesting how Steve Deace was fit to be tied over Trump yesterday. Chip Roy released an endorsement for DeSantis yesterday as well. In my mind that indicates they had gotten wind of this complaint and other potential attacks by Trump. I hope C&Cā€™s take is correct though. Very poor imaging from the Trump camp.

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Very disappointed in Chip Roy. No need to endorse anyone now, especially someone not even in the race.

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YOU are correct! Time to endorse whomever you choose, whenever you choose. We are in uncharted territory. Chip Roy is BRILLIANT and so is Steve Dease šŸ‘ šŸ‘ šŸ‘ .

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how couod you endorse someone who has not said they are running?

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Same way you can attack someone who is not in the race.

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I have thought for several months that trump and desantis are working together. The only one pitting them against one another is the msm.

Why do we listen to them??

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I keep asking the same question.

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Let's hope so!

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Could always offer Ron a VP position. Idk which is better at this point. hope he prays hard and listens hard and long for guidance.

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So wokeness is ruining our banks - and of course ruining our military. Purging the patriots from the military enables the Govt to enact tyrany and facism. Russia & China fears not.


Dozens of 'Diversity Manager' jobs for $100K pay. Designed to run off the high performers. Seems to be working, sampling the comments:

- My son was well on his way to a great career in the Army but recently bailed. He simply could not take the wokeness any longer. The new leadership is petty, vindictive, hold grudges, are inexperienced, do not work for the respect of the soldiers and generally make everyone's life miserable. Too bad, they lost a great guy there.

- My nephew bailed for the same reasons. He said he became a babysitter to adults who act like spoiled kids that were owed something simply because they were breathing and didn't want to put in any effort to learn their jobs. Once again China laughing at us. I was on a military base just the other day, I couldn't believe all the overweight people I saw. I don't think they could run 100 feet without collapsing.

- My son went in the AF in 2021. He's doing his 4 years and then out. He realized that he has no chance of advancement as merit is no longer a factor.

- My son was on his way to flight school in the Army until he was required to attend a leadership class on 'What to do if your male soldier becomes pregnant or has their period.' Like your son the Army lost a great young man.

(there's hundreds more like these)...

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I personally know several young men who tried to serve our country who were vilified and slandered for refusing to get the vax, who then had to leave because it became unbearable or they were kicked out.

My BF, who is Former Special Forces, was terminated from his job at the DAV - get this, this is a nonprofit for disabled veterans, my BF is 100% DISABLED, loved his job as he was helping his fellow veterans, has had no issues in his work whatsoever, and they fired him for not being vax'd.

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God Bless your BF for his courage and integrity.

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Thank you so much! I am truly blessed to have him! He is my better half and I cherish him!

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Thatā€™s sickening. My cousin got ONE vax, immediately got a weird growth on his throat which turned out to be cancerous. They tried to get him

to get more. He didnā€™t and they

allowed it!? Marines. His

sister got ONE vax, went blind

in one eye for weeks, still has odd

floaters and weird issues with that eye, immediately got several

oozing lesions all over her legs which took a long time to clear up, has a growth on her appendix AND spleen! Sheā€™s 27 and otherwise never had a health issue other than ironically, eczema (ironically because THAT is a childhood vax injury and often signals that you will have trouble

with other vaccines!) They tried to get her to take


vax. She put her foot down.

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My BF's brother in law got the vax and in less than a week was rushed to the hospital with raging diabetes. BF's sister (the wife) was unable to work the entirety of the pandemic, only recently going back to work, due to anxiety about the virus, having major anxiety attacks to the point where she could not function. Of course they are both receiving clot shot after clot shot. She vax's her 6yo daughter who now has asthma.

Friend's father and another family member both died from the vax within months of each other.

BF's aunt also got the clot shot and recently died from heart complications.

Unfortunately, I think we will see a steady rise of clot shot murders before they subside.. šŸ˜¢šŸ˜–

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Mar 16, 2023Ā·edited Mar 16, 2023

I believe these are typical, common events. Even we do not comprehend the extensiveness of this genocide. The question of whether or not the death and injury rate will begin to come down now that the boosters are over is concerning. I can't be optimistic. There is still so much we don't know about these shots. (But I guarantee you the creators of these shots know full well what the design parameters were for this "product".)

All the focus has been on the "spike". While that is problematic, that may not even be the worse part of the shots. The graphene oxide is mostly overlooked as a vector for the shots debilitating effects. And then there are the self-assembling nanoparticles. I don't think we even know the half of it. The most important question may be, "What don't we know?"

It is entirely possible, if not probable, that the death and disability rate will continue to climb for the indefinite future rather than peak and decline. And it's not just people dying that is the problem. Populations in the West are going to crater due to skyrocketing increases in miscarriages and the sterilization of women (and probably men as well) right down to 6 mo old babies. I try but I can't even imagine how this is going to crater our populations. Someone needs to do a speculative projection and graph it out. And don't get me started on the societal/economic implications.

The one primary reason I have to think the death rate will continue to climb is this: The shot does not dissipate in the body. The contents of the shot continuously and persistently attacks and degrades the body's immune system until some health challenge comes along that the body is unable to defend against and the body dies or is severely disabled producing a torturous death.

Some knowledgeable commentators are saying the death rate will climb for the next 5 years. No one knows. What if it's longer than that? And even if it does eventually peak out, how is the population going to be replaced when 100's of millions are sterilized?

Lord willing, I plan to still be here but we better be thinking about the questions we don't know the answers to. The easy questions are not the problem.

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Exactly.. it is rather terrifying. I also know that this was all planned from the start. I am sure someone has an inkling somewhere on how bad this really is and the catastrophic effect this will have on mankind and they went ahead and did it anyway. There is a special place in hell for those depraved individuals.

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Really scary question is genotoxity and what this plague has/will do to future generations...

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You're so right. I didn't even think to address that subject. That is a scary pit that I see no bottom to.

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Mar 17, 2023Ā·edited Mar 17, 2023

For the few who can conceive, Iā€™m concerned abt a skyrocketing uptick in some strange childhood illness/issue, like there was/is with autism and thimerisol from


childhood vaccines. (Botched that

spelling for sure!)

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Holey crap that's terrible. :'(

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Pissed us both off hardcore. Luckily we were able to find him a new job the same day, but he truly loved helping vets and that was the hard part for him. I mainly bring it up as a point of showing just how far gone it had become. The DAV is not federal and had no business doing that.

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I know some people that basically freelance helping veterans get their disability ratings increased.

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"What to do if your male soldier becomes pregnant or has their period."

Tell them they are off their meds?

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What I wonder is if they give them maternity leave when they identify as "new mothers"

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What do we need to do to stop thisā€¦ Itā€™s just like the males being in our female athletes events! And their dressing rooms! Why is this allowed? Where in the hell are the womenā€™s advocates?!!!

I have three granddaughters the thought of them being exposed to a male in their dressing room in middle school or high school absolutely floored me! And then to think this goes on in the colleges too itā€™s wrong on every level!!!!

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Do what you can on a practical level, as long as you live, because that's how long it will take, if then. Presidents GHW Bush, Clinton, GW Bush, Obama, and now Biden all had major influence on selections and promotions of the highest ranks in all services, who in turn do the same for the next levels down, etc, etc, etc. Add it up: over 30 years of such influence, and President Trump's little four years couldn't make a dent.

So what can we do on a practical level?

- Strengthen the Republican Party by turning it into the America First party - precinctstrategy.com

- Walk Out (of globalism): https://globalwalkout.com/steps/

- Be ready for anything, by doing basic emergency/disaster prep now (multiple sources for information, including Walk Out above)

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Ab.So.Lutely. Thank you.

I tried to sign up for precinct strategy in my blue state county - no one ever responded, and no website. :(

ā€œSo what can we do on a practical level?

- Strengthen the Republican Party by turning it into the America First party - precinctstrategy.com

- Walk Out (of globalism): https://globalwalkout.com/steps/

- Be ready for anything, by doing basic emergency/disaster prep now (multiple sources for information, including Walk Out above)ā€

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You could consider running for precinct committee man??? Apparently in some counties, many PCC positions go I filled, so you may be able to contact the local party and sign up to be one, as they often are appointed if not filled by election. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø

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1. Find out when and where your county's party meetings are held.

2. Attend them, meet and talk to attendees, and observe how things are going.

3. Volunteer with your county party. This will make you very desirable as a Precinct Committeeman/woman.

4. Find out the rules in your state for running for Precinct Committeeman/woman. If the county party can't or won't tell you, ask the county Supervisor of Elections, but if you've done #3, your county party may even ask you to become a Precinct Committeeman/woman.

5. Run for Precinct Committeeman/woman, and learn from the experience, whether you win or lose. In many precincts, it's not competitive, and you don't have any opponents.

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Boycotts. Homeschool. Do not give the universities a dime. Unless it affects their bottom line, it wonā€™t change.

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Iā€™m starting to wonder if our kiddo will go to college. Between the state of colleges and kiddoā€™s unique learning style and needs, kiddo may do better in a trade school or something.

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The movie gave us the answer. We disconnect from the Matrix. We progressively get out of the system and become independent from the system. And we teach our children and dependents to plan their future out of the system. No state schooling, no university, no corporate or gov't jobs. Become independent and learn to support yourself that way. It's a process.

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Glad theyā€™re out! Wish our good friend (Army plus Reserves) who lost his life to myocarditis a year ago had gotten out before taking the shot. 42 years old. šŸ„²

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Yes I have 3 sons serving. We have 4 generations of serving. Itā€™s disgusting whatā€™s going on now!!!!

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Best wishes to James Oā€™Keefe and the Oā€™Keefe Media Group.

Be the light that shines in the darkness! šŸ’”

We have your back! šŸ’Ŗ

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I still want my money back from Jeff's PV multiplier.

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Did you apply for it? I was able to get mine back.

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No...I cannot find the initial e-mail.

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I used this link https://www.anedot.com/donorsupport

You fill out your information and choose a reason why you are asking for a refund. I chose ā€œMistake/Errorā€. Took a day or so for Anedot to contact me, who in turn, said they were forwarding my request to Project Veritas. Then, Project Veritas contacted me to see if I might still support them. I told them not at this time. I received notification later that day my refund was being processed.

Someone else said they were successful with sending an email to donations@projectveritas.com and requesting the refund back as they felt their donation was solicited under false pretenses.

Hope this helps!

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Thank you! I got it done and we will see what happens. I had to go back to my bank statement with the cc info, since the e-mail seems to have been deleted. I knew someone on here would help. Not usually so lame! Appreciate it.

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You are very welcome! šŸ™‚ We are going to take our refund and reinvest it in the new organization. šŸ’Ŗ

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Tried a edit route; I gave $22.22 but it allowed only 22 (no periods offered).

Seemed sketchy

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Anedot route (autocorrect šŸ˜”)

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thank you!

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You can get it back! I got mine back!

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Got mine back, too! Super easy, refunded over night. Bring on the multiplier for OMG, Jeff!

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I got it back today...thank you J. Not a yuge amount, but will put the same amount to OMG. Oh the irony.

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Awesome! Glad you were able to get it back. šŸ™‚

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

It's not only pilots who have had a tough time recently. This was in my mailbox from the AMA (not a member!) this morning:

March 16, 2023


Maternal death rates surged by nearly 40% during second year of pandemic, analysis shows

USA Today (3/16, Hassanein) reports, ā€œMaternal death rates surged by nearly 40% during the second year of the pandemic, widening disparities as Black women again faced alarmingly high, disproportionate rates, a new federal analysis shows.ā€ In 2021, there were nearly ā€œ33 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births ā€“ a 38% increase from the year before, according to the report released Thursdayā€ by the NCHS and CDC. The analysis found that ā€œmaternal death rates among all racial groups saw statistically significant increases.ā€

MedPage Today (3/16, Frieden) says ā€œa total of 1,205 women died of maternal causes in 2021, compared with 861 in 2020 and 754 in 2019, according to the report.ā€ The results also showed that rates ā€œgrew higher as maternal age rose.ā€

Looks like CoVID-19 didn't increase maternal mortality, but something happened in 2021 which did; wish I could pinpoint it!

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Experts are baffled!

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Always baffledā€¦ People suddenly dieā€¦ Young people, healthy people, athletesā€¦ Just drop dead, a curious death, and the experts are always silent

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Thank GOD my daughter and son in law ignored his mothers pleas for them to get vaccinated. They actually listened to me! ā¤ļø

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Did Hitler ever acknowledge wrong policies?

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I saw similar article which blamed it on the fact that nurses were taking care of covid patients and didn't have time for the pregnant women.

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Experts and Narrative Media have usually been careful to lump 2020,2021,2022 together so you canā€™t see the difference between 2020 (COVID but no jab) and 2021 and 2022 (jabs, less covid).

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Subway sandwiches should be thrown on the ground, all GMO ingredients and glyphosate laden, and who knows what else!

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I've been reading labels on lots of food lately and keep seeing the "contains GMO ingredients" without indication of exactly which ingredients are GMO. Campbells soups, Del Monte fruit cups, Stouffer's frozen meals, for examples.

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Are the Jabs GMO? Asking for a hippy friend.

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That would be YES

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Most of the corn and soy on the market (especially in USA) is GMO. Del Monte website swears that they are committed to non-GMO but I bet if they were having trouble sourcing non-GMO corn, they would have to change that.

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They've changed the labeling laws. GMO is now termed 'biofortified'. Sneaky evil mfs.

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Yep. Corn and soy. Got a craving? (Guilty here at times) NO WAY if those chips or tortilla shells or miso, etc. aren't labeled Non-GMO. Not f'n worth it, at ALL! I'd rather go a little hungry or just understand that I am more intelligent than my salivating salivary glands.

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I use a brand of organic non GMO corn tortilla chips, produced here in Canada (even have red and blue corn).


Might have US brands too?

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Absolutely. Non-GMO only. I have seen Nature's Path brand. ...How blessed am I to have this knowledge and yet simultaneously look at shelves full of products aimed at particularly the local Hispanic population knowing that so much of it is Frankencorn (mostly)? Sad, but I'm pretty clear it's not in my life plan to save anyone, especially if I'm throwing around my unsolicited advice or warnings. And there's the short of that story.

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If you see the word ā€œmodifiedā€ thatā€™s one clue.

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I found it in my chocolate chips. I called demanding to know what it was in & said Iā€™m boycotting.

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What brand?

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I think it was nestle chocolate chips .& They have a bunch of advertising about responsibility sourced cocoa on it.

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Yup. Canā€™t eat anything that comes in a package these days.

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I don't think it matters, does it? I've been wondering this: If I put peelings from GMO produce in my compost, what happens to the GMO thingies?

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Good point! Pretty soon we'll all glow in the dark. :)

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I only compost organic stuff and thatā€™s probably full of pesticides too.

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You need to also look for "Contains a bioengineered food ingredient" somewhere in very fine print on the packaging. That's a new one. I saw it while reading my cereal box during breakfast one morning. It's everywhere now šŸ¤¬

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Thanks for the heads up.

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Mar 16, 2023Ā·edited Mar 16, 2023

Correct. I did like the tuna sub at Jersey Mikes. But I haven't got a sub in years.

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haven't eaten from Subway since the "Tuna" story.

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I didnā€™t like the ads spokesperson with blue hair. She donā€™t salute, I donā€™t eat there anymore. Plus, the Tuna.

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I've slowed way down since the plastic in the bread problem.

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I just tried Jersey Mikes for the first time. Dang it was GOOD!

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Yes. My new sub go-to. Replaced years of Subway shopping and glad to be able to do it!

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I love the Publix Deli subs. They use better ingredients.

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Itā€™s too pricey for my tastes but Panera does a decent job of sourcing better ingredients. Consumer Reports gives them an A- as a result. Chipotle gets an A. All others are baaaaad, theyā€™re baaad, you know it... šŸ˜‰

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Just got a Chipotle bowl tonight!

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And have you seen

Tony Romo, Derek Jeter, Stephen Curry, Patrick Mahomes.ā€¦ all doing subway commercials

Is there a lotta money in sandwiches???

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Pence, Trump and the whole Task Force implemented the worst policy decision of our lifetimes. They trusted evil people in a deep swamp state of DC.

Never forget what they did and all the governors who went bat-shit crazy w the new tyranny that was endorsed by our ldrs.

Never forget and may justice come to all who did evil in Godā€™s eyes.

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Pence, Trump and the whole Task Force implemented the worst policy decision of our lifetimes. They trusted evil people in a deep swamp state of DC.


IMHO they EXPOSED the evil swamp dwellers. I never heard PDJT state "I trust Fauci".

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Trump clearly did not trust Fauci or Birx, hence bringing on Scott Atlas.

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Too late. Pence and team convinced him in Jan, Feb and March this is the way.

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Too bad the States were even more corrupt than the Feds!

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FED $ --> States $ --> Counties $ = Carrot + Stick

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For sure my Gov took the hint and ran w it to fullest extent

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"The states?"

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ā€œI kept looking in the night visions,

And behold, with the clouds of heaven

One like a Son of Man was coming,

And He came up to the Ancient of Days

And was presented before Him.

And to Him was given dominion,

Glory and a kingdom,

That all the peoples, nations and men of every language

Might serve Him.

His dominion is an everlasting dominion

Which will not pass away;

And His kingdom is one

Which will not be destroyed.ā€

ā€” Daniel 7:13-14 NASB1995

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Long story short. I share scripture almost daily with a longtime friend (lives out of town) who grieves the sudden loss of her active, healthy, fit husband. We all grew up together.

I share whatever I find & have a nudge to send. Many times those are the ones youā€™ve shared. Thank you; your encouragement is being passed on.

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This is a blessing to me. Thank you. His Word will not return void!

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I am sorry for your friendā€™s loss.

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The Alpha and Omega - every tongue shall declare and every knee shall bow to Him--the Lamb who was slain for the redemption of the world.

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Amen, in Jesus Christā€™s name!

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Jeff, the FAA just admitted a vaccine induced Myocarditis to a pilot.


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Wow. Half a million views! The old twitter would have ixnayed this.

Leading Report @LeadingReport

BREAKING: The FAA has admitted to an airline pilot that his myocarditis was ā€˜possiblyā€™ vaccine induced.

8:15 PM Ā· Mar 15, 2023




188 Quote Tweets


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And cleared him to fly.

Certificate granted.

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Jeff- I would love to see the records from previous years totaling how many pilots or better, the percentages, of those who have suffered heart attacks during flight to compare to present.

In 1968 my father, a Pan American pilot at age 48, experienced what was diagnosed as a heart attack on the ground hours before piloting a return flight from Japan. He came back to the US, had major heart surgery and his commercial and private licenses were suspended.

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I never bought the "15 days" lie, so when Gov. Whitmer announced her stay-at-home order one week later, I called my family into the room to watch on TV the historical moment when government overreach became extremely overt.

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Neither. I had just been terminated by a company that had let go 85% of their employees because "everything was shutting down" in Florida - mainly, businesses could not have people working closer than 6 feet. *Luckily, I was able to find a new job that same day and start 8:30AM the next day, so I never really was "unemployed", but I knew the "15 days" lie was what it was.

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My daughter worked at Michael's craft store. They never closed their doors. I guess knitting and rubber stamping is essential to people's health; but attending church and spending time with people isn't.

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Mar 16, 2023Ā·edited Mar 16, 2023

Church is what killed me the most.

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My son worked at a wine barrel factory. They were deemed ā€˜essentialā€™.

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If wine is involved, I'd have to agree. I noticed the price hasn't gone up either.

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I knew it was a lie immediately, too.

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Sort of off subject- but during the ā€œessential-non-essentialā€ stuff; the WalMart was deemed to be essential and open. However, the jewelry counter was roped off due to COVIDā€¦ lurking among the watches. Thatā€™s when I knew..

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I lived in Michigan. We have all kinds of stories of things that "weren't allowed" to be sold.

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Seeds for one, right?

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Yes. And you were allowed to go out in a boat with no motor, but not one with...because you would have to go to the gas station to get gas for it, and you might get covid from the pump handles.

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I only recently heard this obnoxious news. Absurd.

I remember wondering how they could ā€œknowā€

so specifically what to do and not do, since, well, weā€™d never been through this before. Itā€™s not like we had RCTs demonstrating spread by pump handles or not, or at the salon or not, or at five feet but not six, and so on.

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I was in rural E WA and we weren't allowed to fish at all or cut firewood. The excuse was that you might hurt yourself, which would further strain the EMTs or make them sick if you had the corona.

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Those rules were so unbelievably stupid and nonsensical!! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™„šŸ˜”

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My husband worked 6 days a week all throughout covid in aviation training and had to convince the city of Miami that it was essential to keep pilots current in their training during lockdowns. He would drive up to our Canaveral area home for 24 hours most weekends just to get out of the south Florida crazy. It was pretty normal after the first month except for stores that required masks and one weekend the beaches were closed when my granddaughter came to visit.

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Helpful travel tidbit: Our neighbor is a Southwest pilot; his wife is a stewardess there, too. I know from what they told me that soooo many w/in Southwest did everything they could to avoid the jab. In other words, you might want to fly with them more often. It might increase your odds of landing safely.

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I wish they had flights everywhere!

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Me too. They stopped the only direct flight from the closer airport to our family in New York. Disappointed

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One SW pilot I know is unjabbed. Unfortunately the others I know at SW are still USAF Reserves and got jabbed to stay in the military.

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Itā€™s really infuriating, the coercion that was used and how many felt they had to comply šŸ˜¢

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