Jan 23Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff and C&Cers:

Re: Jeff’s link yesterday to the Fox 35 News piece regarding Dr. Ladapo and their interview of Dr. Michael Sparks.

Here is his website:


Here is his email address:


Here is the email I sent him yesterday morning:

Dear Dr. Sparks:

I just watched your interview on Fox 35 News Orlando which I believe aired on January 22nd.


You stated in this interview:  

“There have been so many millions of doses of this vaccine delivered though that if we were to expect to see some of these theoretical problems, we should start seeing them.”

I can assure you -  these “problems” are NOT theoretical. 

Dr. Peter McCullough is the most published cardiologist in the world. Please listen to what he has to say, along with Dr. Ryan Cole (pathologist) and Dr. Kirk Milhoan (pediatric cardiologist).  This hearing took place in Washington, DC on January 12, 2024. It is now a part of the official congressional record.


I suggest you follow some of the many physicians (worldwide) that are talking about these “problems” after the covid shots:







I’d like to also suggest the book, Cause Unknown written by Edward Dowd.  He writes extensively about “all-cause mortality” since the rollout of the shots. 


Here is an interview with Edward Dowd:


I pray that you will indeed look into these resources.  The health and well-being of your patients may depend upon it.


Laura Kasner

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Excellent! I think I would add about the research Aaron Siri is presenting on vaccines in general. https://icanlegislate.org/arizona-legislature-gets-eye-opening-vaccine-history-lesson-from-ican-legislates-lead-attorney/

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Susan - excellent addition! Email that to Dr. Sparks !

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RemovedJan 23
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please don't advertise in the comments section.

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Oh I see what you mean. Yes Carl should not link advertisements. Thanks Doug

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"When the mainstream media and the ruling class decide to pick on a critical issue, it is usually for two reasons: first, the issue is serious enough and is affecting their interests, and therefore the narrative must be controlled to ensure that the results are in their favor. Second, in doing the former, the ruling class gets to strictly filter and manage the narrative on what needs to be said about any given topic; which ‘experts’ are given the stage to speak; and whose voices are excluded from debates, or even defamed and slandered, if necessary."

This Orwell 1984 T is perfect for these times: t.co/EKkMWeTAPG

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Laura, I just sent this:

Subject: Altering protein production inside cells is what Thalidomide did to create birth defects

Dr Sparks,

Covid19 shots alter protein production in cells.

It took 60 years for “science” to understand the mechanism of harm engaged by Thalidomide. The mechanism of harm was altering production of proteins inside human cells which lead to the various malformations suffered by babies impacted with Thalidomide. https://www.dana-farber.org/newsroom/news-releases/2018/after-60-years--scientists-uncover-how-thalidomide-produced-birth-defects/

Covid19 shots alter protein production in cells. So.

There are tons of researchers and doctors documenting harms and deaths. Medical science moves very very slowly when discovering harms and moves at the speed of light when gaining approval for new treatments.



Excerpt from Dr Wolf’s Substack:

Our 3,250 research volunteers, in 39 fully cited reports to date, have documented evidence of what I’ve been calling “360 degrees of harm” to reproduction.

The Pfizer documents reveal monstrous damage to menstruation, harm to the testes and epididymis, harms to the penis, horrible harm to the ova and ovaries, mechanisms for compromising the placenta, contamination of amniotic fluid, and damage to newborns. They reveal that four women’s breast milk turned blue-green. They reveal injuries to at least one newborn that extend to death (or murder) from ingesting tainted breast milk. They reveal horrific levels of miscarriages. They reveal that Pfizer defined “exposure” to the vaccine as including sexual intercourse, especially at conception. They reveal a weird focus on mammalian sexual and reproductive issues.

All of these horrors make extended appearances in the Pfizer documents, which were never expected to see the light of day. https://dailyclout.io/category/campaigns/pfizer-documents-analysis/

Please read thePfizer study documents and analysis by independent researchers. You might realize just how bad the harms are.



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Because, with pHarma, it’s all about the money and then population control. The “ruling” class has been working toward getting everyone “fully” vaccinated for decades. It was easy to do with the kids because all they had to do was scare the parents into thinking childhood diseases were deadly. 🙄 But, with adults, who could make their own decisions and most who had grown up without any boosters or even very many vaccines, it’s been a hard sell. COVID got them their goal, except for the multitude that gave them the bird.

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I am one of that multitude. I have a plush angry bird pencil topper that fits perfectly on my middle finger. I am not afraid to use it when appropro. LOL

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Hahaha! I met an older woman in a grocery store a number of years ago. I don’t remember what our conversation was about, but I do remember her response to something I said. She said, “I only have two things to say to them,” and she held up both middle fingers. We laughed really hard, and I agreed with her. Ah, now, I wish she’d been one of my grandmothers or aunts. She wasn’t that much older than me. Certainly, I would’ve loved to have been a friend. I hope she is well now.

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Too funny! Yes, we older women tend to lose our filters and never pull any punches. It keeps life interesting. Haha!

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I'm with you on that one Annie! It's so great to be old during this time of madness. I'm going on 65 and I used to care what others thought of me. Not anymore!

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71 and the FREEDOM of not caring what most of the world thinks is beyond belief wonderful!

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Not just a bird but an Angry Bird :)) love it!

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Is THIS the Dr. Michael Sparks to which you're referring? https://health.usnews.com/doctors/michael-sparks-1189205

Because, if it is--this guy is a "newbie" to the "doctoring world" - only been in practice for about 7 years!! He's "in love" with corporate medicine and making as much $$ as he can. He's not concerned with the REALITY of the faulty and pernicious mRNA platform (that contains fragments of DNA buried in the lipids used to 'house' this bioweapon "vaccine") that was developed by huge pharma to KILL OFF at least 10% of the world population and sterilize our young peoplel! Dr. Sparks is a LIGHTWEIGHT - I wouldn't waste your time and effort in sending him anything--but I hope he at least READS your letter--it's very well written Laura Kasner.

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That would be him!

Thank you Sharon. I feel certain my efforts are in vain, but it made ME feel better! And knowing that he may be getting a bunch of emails from C&C readers makes me feel great! I knew that if I was one of the first commenters this morning, it would be seen and liked by many.

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I'm surprised that Dr. Ladapo "tangled" with someone so young and inexperienced--perhaps he thought this young guy would be more "open minded"--I do not believe that is the case. Perhaps when someone he loves develops a "strange and unusual" autoimmune disorder or dies in their bed, he'll "believe"!! I pray it doesn't take that!!

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That’s usually what happens before the change their minds. It either happens to them or a loved one.

Also, I find the younger doctors are more arrogant right out of med school. It’s not always the case, but I’d say 99% of the time it is.

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Hopefully, WISDOM comes with AGE!

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Yeah, maybe someone he knows will have a ‘theoretical’ death.

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This Dr Sparks is still paying off his med school debt and pHarma is fast-tracking that for him. I wonder if he knew he would have a For Sale sign on his chest when he graduated.

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Actually...pharma has been "promoting" doctors and hospitals for DECADES--I remember some of my clients' staff who had friends/family working for pharma (this is back in the 1990's) sharing with me how they would "promote" the doctors with expensive vacations, SPEED BOATS, FURS for their wives/girlfriends--depositing funds in a numbered bank account in the Grand Caymans--YES....all of this corruption has been going on for DECADES. Did you know there are only TWO COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD that permit huge pharma companies to advertise on mass media--U.S.A. is #1 and I believe SWEDEN (one of the Nordic countries) is #2!!

There you have it friends...this is nothing new--but they were never as BRAZEN as they were with this "SCAMdemic" BIOWEAPON JAB!!

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Lauri - this is EXCELLENT! I thought after I sent my email to Dr. Sparks that I should have included the Pfizer documents analysis reports. Thank you!

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I just wanted to make sure we weren’t doing a canned message. Who knows, perhaps he will read the emails. Keep being brave enough to share the truth. That’s how we change minds and move the needle.

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Lauri - amen to that!

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Right on and way to go! There's nothing theoretical at all, pharma knew they were deadly. I would be curious to know if you get a response.

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FourWinds - I’m not holding my breath for a reply.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

Although, I emailed Mark Cuban regarding him paying people to narc on covid rules breakers and he actually emailed me back, silly man.

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What did he reply?

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I'd love to know how he responded too! Though I know he uses topical steroids on his child's eczema and we in the steroid withdrawal community have been begging him for years to bring awareness to the misuse of these drugs on kids and the numerous harms. He won't do it. So. I am betting you didn't get a response from him about his narc encouragement.

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Just wondering (seriously) is “narc” a verb?

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Marsha you must have missed the '70s. "Narc" is most definitely a verb!

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

Yes! Its synonym is tattle 😏

(Edited for grammar 🙈)

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Well done. Thank you.

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Sorry, I didn’t see this but it was handled very well by others : )

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Thank you for doing this Laura! I find it ironic that they are saying millions of doses have been distributed and we are not seeing any issues. Well, maybe you need to open your eyes and ears! I watched this episode with John Beaudoin, the Systems Engineer & Analyst, , Sr.https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/new-data-reveals-tsunami-of-covid-19-vaccine-deaths/ where he discusses how he matched the death certificate data with Vaers data and it points out that vaccine was a cause of death in a lot of cases. Many death certificates have covid listed as a cause of death but it’s not true, many died of strokes and other cardiovascular problems, there is a temporal association with the vaccine. It is illegal to falsify a death certificate. We need to get access to all the data state by state and it needs to be audited. We need an investigation at this point and analyze the data. I’m also going to leave the link here where John Beaudoin, doctors and scientists brief the Massachusetts Legislature https://x.com/drCParks1/status/1749588693210337733?s=20

I think what’s been happening is a crime.

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IR - I watched Del's interview of John. It was so moving seeing him moved to tears when talking about these tragic deaths.

I need to take the time to listen to that hearing. It gives me such hope. Some big names on that panel!

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Yes, it’s hard to watch and realize how many lives were cut short, especially of young children and more than likely the cause of this was a fraudulent data. It’s unspeakable. I do hope things will move forward. I’m hearing there are over 100 legislators now calling for withdrawal of these dangerous shots from the market but FDA seems not concerned. Maybe it’s a coincidence but I pass Walgreens on my way almost every day and I kept seeing their promotion of Covid vaxes. I see they removed the sign recently. I don’t know if it’s because no one wants them or they are realizing they are harming people.

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They don't care what he has to say. That's the problem.

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Nicely done Laura. I will drop a line as well.

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Laura Kasner...Amen and Thank you!

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Excellent letter!! 👏👏👏

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Way to go sissy. ♥️🤍💙

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Written as if you heard my thoughts verbatim. Thank you!

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As much as it helps, I sent him an email also.

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This is excellent, Laura! May I share it on my substack (giving you credit, of course)?

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Anne - absolutely! 🥰

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Well done Laura!

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Thanks for the links

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Laura, you are brilliant to submit such an inclusionary comment/suggestion to this sad, uninformed Dr Sparks. Are such medical professionals isolated and devoid of access to any kind of information beyond that which CNN and MSNBC provide? Thank you!

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Marsha - I am highly motivated and pissed off because I fell for the lie and got two Moderna shots. I believe God spared me in order to be a loud voice in this fight.

I think at this point, it is willful blindness (as Dr. Malhotra says).

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Balls Deluxe, LK!

Later Jay

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Thanks for making me laugh out loud, Jay.

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"We simply cannot allow people to pour into the U.S., undetected, undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, lawfully to become immigrants in this country" — 2005, Senator Barack Obama

"You're going to make sure those cowboys don't stop the surge of military aged men from entering." — 2024, Obama Puppet, Fake President Biden

The treasonous US government is overtly inciting, financing, and then shuttling in torrents of invaders from every hellhole imaginable - the inhabitants of which each have a thousand different axes to grind. Brace yourself, you're witnessing the planned destruction of America from within by traitors in our government and armed forces.

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Controlled demolition.. as Jeff has dubbed it.

We, humanity, must eventually reach a status of OneWorldGovt with a "mark required" to buy or sell goods. THAT is a milestone destination. We can and should protect ourselves, our children, our country. Just know, if we believe the Bible is the word of God, then we know A. Hell on earth will come- for a time and B. this is NOT our home.

Keep the Faith 🙏 Hold the Line ✝️

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

Amen. this is truth. A hell on earth WILL come. Many just believe the rapture will occur at different times. I am one who believes it will come before that hell on earth.

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Amen! I am 100% certain that it will happen before. The body of Christ is taught by the Lord to study his word, and that is by rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Tim. 2:15 kjv) and considering what the Apostle Paul says, that the Lord give us understanding in all things (2 Tim. 2:7) {pertaining to understanding his word}. We must know who our apostle is for this dispensation of the grace of God and that is the Apostle Paul, and he fulfilled the word of God.

Col. 1:25 Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God;

The Lord has put Israel's prophetic fulfillment on hold until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in (Rom. 11:25).

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Thank you, Paula, for this last Biblical reference. I continued to read more context (Rom 11:25-32) and it seems confusing but it is a wonderful explanation of how God’s mercy works.

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Same. I am too. But I know others don’t believe that. ;)

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Texas needs to cede the most pressed border areas to the Apache and Comanche Nations; give them ALL the wire and obstacles possible. No Gvt. entity is obligated to place signage or safety apparatus to warn or dissuade entering a body of water. Mexican medical personnel are obligated to rescue persons in distress on their side of the river, and US on our side; there are no guarantees of timeliness of response in an invasion zone with terrain and deterring obstacles---otherwise both gvts need to co-fund building a paved bridge for them with handrails to ensure safety at every single point that someone wants to cross the river without being observed. Supreme Court is currently filled with Supreme C--ts.

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Amen and Amen! Psalms 121.

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Thank you for this. Was a salve to my soul.

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From Cernovich on Twitter: Post



I serve no man, my loyalty is to the country.

It’s Trump 2024 or the country faces a Rwandan style genocide once Democrats activate their gangs from the border.

Let no man deny the stakes.

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That is a legitimate Biden statement??? Insane!

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Sounds almost too competent. And unlikely to use the term “military aged men” imo.

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It could be AI generated voice. In the country I used to believe in, those two border patrol agents would have stopped dead in their tracks--"say again".

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Yep! Too canned…

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Probably AI. Not sure what the jury has said on final voice print analysis? Can tech discern real from AI?

And... harkening back to 9/11 and planes, but AI was so crude then... can tech discern between images of real live humans and "people" we see, even in live, real-time feeds, or heck, even if you're in the room! -? Are we living in a holodeck?

Tin foil hat? Check.

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Hot mic moment...

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Could be, but I trust nothing that sounds too good to be true. Of course that’s the plan though.

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Planned and refined since the 1940s and final implementation phase underway, wait til you see what's coming next...

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Not gonna like it, whatever it is. Any suggestions?

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That's difficult to believe, TriTorch - not impossible, but really difficult. Won't say biden isn't THAT stupid, because we all know better, lol - but hell I'd love to be within bitch-slapping distance of him if he ever confirms making that statement.

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I kinda doubt Joe really said this, only because he didn't stutter and stammer and all the words are understandable. The man can't complete a simple sentence, even when reading from paper or a teleprompter.

Biden did say, on national TV that he was advising illegals to SURGE THE BORDER as soon as he took office.

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Where are all these millions of people? Has anyone personally seen them? I was in downtown Chicago last week during the subzero temperatures. There on the street corner was a shady group of Hispanics, men women and children, with a makeshift lemonade stand in the back of a kids wagon, I kid you not, and let me remind you it was sub zero temps… Maybe they were typical downtown chicagoans? I don’t know, I was on the lookout the whole time. Where are these people living and working?Temporary housing and kickbacks from the government will only last so long, then what??

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I doubt a single one of them is working. If they are, it's under the table. I understand some parts of Chicago O'Hare airport have been closed off to house them. https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/migrants-ohare-airport

NYC has housed them in hotels. And no, I have not seen this with my own eyes. You are right - this will only last so long. I'm not sure what the plan is here, but I do know these people at the border I see are arriving bathed, fed, and the men don't have the facial hair they would if they had walked for weeks. Something stinks.

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Most of them are also overweight. Not judging, but they didn't just get done with a 2000-plus mile trek

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I noticed that too. And how exactly did they get 3 meals a day walking 2K miles? Who cooked it? Where did the food come from? How about all the clean water? Women had hairstyles, too.... not that overgrown shaggy look when a hairstyle grows out. Clothing was clean. Tell me where they got the shoes to walk that long and that the shoes are still intact. I call b.s. on the whole thing.

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Much is provided by NGOs (ie Open Society, Gates and other foundations). Once in the country, the Catholic and Lutheran Charaties take over. Those charities get funding/reimbursement from taxpayer/government money.

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NGOs coordinate buses and planes through their recruitment camps at Darrien Gap, Panama.

I saw a commenter saying their relative in Mexico got a random text, encouraging them to migrate to the US for all of the freebies being offered by the US govt.

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They often ride buses or trains, I think.

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They’re flown into Tijuana and Yuma. IDK from where.

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All over the world. If they can afford what all this costs... why not go through the immigration process?

Because they really DON'T want to become citizens. They want all the freebies and benefits WITHOUT the responsibilities. Cut off ALL the incentives and they will quit coming. Then start sending them back. THE ENTIRE FAMILY. Even the ones born here (of illegal parents). Let them challenge the 14th...

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There are no buses nor trains thru the Darien Gap. Forty years ago a guy on an offroad BMW motorcycle made two-wheel history by being the first human known to get a motorized vehicle thru the Gap.

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Their clothes were new looking and clean, not messy or dirty as you would expect. New looking shoes, backpacks, etc. The women's hair looked well taken care of, clearly they'd all gotten off a plane or bus or something.

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I have seen documentaries and articles on Epoch Times reporting that NGO's are literally flying them to the border. Why not just fly them right in? Why stop at the border. Also, the reports were showing that NGO's are making tons of federal money off the illegal immigration. Kinda like the NGO's that make tons of money off of the homeless in CA. It's a win win win for the left. They change the landscape of the country and make tons of money to boot and to top it off, they can virtue signal that they are the ones that care for every single human being in the world..

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The Colorado Dems want Federal funds and resources, the cities, counties, hospitals whining for $$$$$ to process and settle the masses for citizenship and full Revolution/transformation of culture and governance. Blaming House Republicans for problems and lack of resources; Congress needs all data collected from past 3 years (at least) to see that each home country is billed minimum of $8,000 for each and every person entering that won't leave regardless of reason or excuse given. Price of admission, you're not an invited guest.

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Just like NY and Chicago. It seems to all be part of their agenda. Take red money and send it to blue areas. Seems like we are funding our own destruction. I remember that Trump sued to keep from counting illegals in the census because representation in US House is based on those numbers. He lost that case. Bottom line is the more we ship them to blue areas the more representation the Democrat areas will have in the US House.

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Socialize the Demise, as they Globalize, and Ultra-Privatize, to Tyrannize

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NY has housed them in schools, shutting down those schools and requiring kids to attend online. There is also an already empty school in San Diego where they are housing illegals. Isn’t it just great! 🙄

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We have a children's home with in-house school, for kids who have been abandoned, can't live at home behavior problems, etc. It is supported by local Methodist churches and private donations. The home has been the recipient of bus loads of young children from the border since last year. It is a 'secret' as no one is permitted to talk about it.

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Well, a child is a child is a child - regardless of what nationality, and not responsible for their parent's actions.

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There’s a lot of them in construction. My neighbor had a pool installed by non-English speaking Hispanics. He had a roof installed by different non English Hispanics -one of which was a child around 11 or 12 years old. It was extremely upsetting for me to see that boy going to work on the roof. My neighbor only commented that he was probably an unaccompanied minor. He didn’t care about the child at all.

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Tucker Carlson did a piece on Twitter about Chicago - this clip from YouTube, not sure if it is an abbreviated version....

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James Okeefee of OMG (citizen journalist) has been doing many videos on these places where they are taken to, then hidden behind walls and fences with tarps hiding them from the public. He recently video tapped a place in Tucson. He has been doing many videos for the past month on the white busses and Where they go.

Trying to talk to the drivers.

He was on the east coast and southwest.

X Tucson resident.

Boyfriend worked at DM AFB and it was seen in the beginning of 2021 early in the morning (4am) the white buses unloading “people” and then loading them onto waiting planes on a remote tarmac

Nogales is a quick ride from the old Pueblo


Nick Johnson on his YT channel went down to the Texas border (Eagle Pass) a couple weeks ago. Trying to video and talk to anyone he can.

Redacted on YT recently interviewed 2 brothers who made a recent documentary (their with Muckracker) tracking the entire route the illegals take.

I have to watch it but Clayton’s interview with the brother journalists was eye opening

I’m wondering why isn’t AOC at the border crying?!

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

I live in Maryland and cannot go shopping anywhere in my area without hearing multiple languages being spoken. Then you have this BS in Aberdeen where a 20 yr old autisitc girl was raped and murdered.


I believe it is going to get much worse before it gets better and we will start seeing many more violent crimes. Keep your families and guns close by now.

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Same thing here. Anytime I go out and about in Charlotte, NC, I hear 4 or 5 languages and none of them are english. I keep asking myself, has this aways been and I am just now noticing? No, if I think back, it really ramped up during the lockdown, when people were home and didn't notice the change. Now they are all here. We have a TON of people that are ineligible to work legally, using our pubic services & schools, not putting into the system, and competing with us for housing, transportation, and food.

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I noticed it during the holidays when I was walking down Main St in the small town I live in. I have lived here for 40 years and this was the first time I heard multiple languages being spoken.

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Fundamental Transformation was Obombya's promise; what did people think?? Left has called for the "Browning of America" for decades. What they really meant was importing hordes of unassimilated, stooges to wreck it all and let the masses of working and shirking and criminal classes fight over the scraps afterward. Middle Class Equity will be the innocuous term to disguise the chaos and brutality

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In Louisville, about 1/5 of the students do not speak English as their first language.

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Same here. My fiancee was given flashcards to communicate with all the illegal aliens added to her kindergarten class this year. She says it has made things very hard, especially for the english speaking kids because it changes the class dynamics big time when a portion of them cant take part in the lessons planned. She said the administration is pushing all of the kids through to the next grade regardless of if they met the required milestones or not. She is worried because she said the teachers in the higher grade levels report the same thing.

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As a teacher in South Florida, having multiple non English speaking students, takes away teacher time from the rest of the class. You literally have to plan so much extra to service them, all while maintaining a positive environment and dealing with unruly behavior from kids who don't care about learning.

It can be done in a better way like putting an aide or volunteer to help the non English speaking children. I worked at a poor school and they do not have the same resources as affluent schools which makes it worse.

I went to college to make less than a garbage man.

I quit over mask wearing. Never again... and neither will my children go.

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Please don’t automatically equate the speaking of a language other than English with illegals. I was born in the US but grew up speaking a different language with my parents and also speak a non English language with my children and spouse. But we all speak perfect English and are not illegals. I’m sure a lot of the ones you have seen and heard may very well fall into that category but I am just cautioning you not to jump to conclusions every time you hear someone not speaking English.

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This latest view is not confusing your situation with what is happening now, by any means. University town all of my life. Same routine pretty much, shop in the same places, attend same events, etc. My local Publix sees a huge difference between now and 3 years ago. It is not just different languages, it's different demeanors, different behaviors, different selections. Stood behind the family in front of me with two shopping carts crammed with products unknown to me. You see, our Publix has added far more "international foods and products"... not hard to see. Their purchases were 80% sodas, sweets, beer, processed foods, processed bakery goods, and it was stunning how many Visa cards they produced! The tab was nearly $800 for

80% junk food! The elder of the group produced the stack of cards, then wrapped them in a rubber band before returning them to her pocket. They were a group of five 20-30 something

males, two females with infants and older children plus the elder. How do you feed that many people with sugary sweets, sugary drinks and sodas, and junk food? Spend govt support.... I don't know. None of them spoke a word of English. Nothing I saw prior to 2021... This is an invasion.

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Just a thought - sometimes people buy that kind of crap food to resell it. Whenever my store has a super sale on pop, this one customer comes in and buys 2 shopping carts full. He then takes it to his convenience store and re-sells it at a substantial markup. Our manager has talked to him, not because she wants to stop him, but because she wanted to know how anyone drank that much pop and he flat out admitted what he did.

I'm not saying there is not a huge problem and it's possible they really do eat all that garbage. If so, their life spans will certainly be reduced.

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Agreed. However, I understood their Spanish and it seemed to me to be for their consumption... And, yes, you are correct, so much for a healthy lifestyle. The canned dried beans they bought were the cheapest, numerous packages of tortillas were the same cheapest. No fresh anything. Charcoal, foil, t-paper, detergent. They loaded everything into an old, beat up truck, some of the men climbed in the back of the pickup, everyone else crowded into the pickup. No childseats, no elderly men.... I've seen folks at Sam's and their purchases for resale. I do not believe this and the other similar groups I see frequently are resale purchasing.

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"If so, their life spans will certainly be reduced." And likely see chronic disease for want of proper nourishment. Good for business in the medical-pharmaceutical complex, which is primarily institutional with reimbursement contracts through both managed care (what a euphemism!) and public programs. Can't refuse care and all that. Yadda. Downward spiral on numerous levels. Human tragedy. Insupportable. ...No answers. Sadness, anger difficult to rationalize away > personal tragedy multiplied by how many clear-seeing Americans plus the fight with the other side of the divide; how ugly will it/we get (justified, but still ugly)... Speak for myself?💔

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Guys we didn't take them to raise. Let them get a tooth ache and go back home. I don't care, just send them home.



Later Jay

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Oh yeah that’s an interesting point!

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Look at Disney to see unspeakable behavior. When I was a child no one pooped in line. Now it is common there.

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We don't do Disney anything. Our daughter danced every Thanksgiving and Christmas for years at Disney. But that was back when she was in her teens and early 20s... and we got in free. No more.

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See, that is additional and potentially relevant information. Not just based on the language. Although I would argue that the international section of the supermarket is equally likely to have been influenced by more travel abroad and more interest in ethnic foods in the past couple of decades. But yeah the rest of it is definitely something that makes you wonder 😕

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But also don't assume it isn't illegal.

If it is different from what you experienced, say, three years ago it is reasonable to conclude it is illegal.

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Possibly but like I said, I’m sure people wonder about us when they hear us out and about but my point is, wait for other evidence than simply speaking other languages. There are far more bilingual families in this country than there were 20 years ago.

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Yes! And speaking another language is a benefit to the American born, not a detriment. I worked very hard to teach my children the language of my grandparents. It has greatly enriched them imo. Knowing another language opens your mind to a different culture which can never be experienced the same way in another country without really knowing the language.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

In my hometown (just up the hill from Fetterman's) there have been multiple ethnic groups, many self-segregated into individual neighborhoods, since the industrial revolution. The 1910s thru 1940s saw tens of thousands of Poles, Germans, Slavs, Hungarians, and Irish land in the Mon valley and go to work in the mills and mines. To this day, toursits come to Pittsburgh to enjoy the still-extant and thriving "ethnic enclaves", and the FOOD!

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My father was a first generation Greek American. At home, he spoke greek, primarily with my grandmother. But like all other immigrants (like your family too it sounds like) English was society's language. Thanks to the GI Bill, he went onto an Ivy League education (back when that was something to be proud of). I personally think that allowing "Press 2 for Spanish" was instrumental in weakening our culture. A blended culture worked because people worked hard, assimilated and shared values. With that base, our cultural differences could be celebrated. But without any common base? Now what?

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Same background here. My grandparents were Greek immigrants and they were proud to have learned to speak English so well. My grandfather became a successful businessman so it was important as well. Ofcourse, they spoke Greek at home and taught their children.

As for the Press 2 for Spanish thing, I think that what our country needs is the same English language assimilation importance that our relatives faced, (this eliminating the press 2 for Spanish) but perhaps we could as a country, take advantage of so many Spanish speaking immigrants, and use it as an opportunity to get our American children to be bilingual. We are the only country I know where the population only knows one language fluently.

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Yes there needs to be a common base and generally shared values.

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Oh c'mon that's not that common. You are probably a family of one in a million that does that. If you are choosing to speak a different language out in public then be prepared bro be judged . And what do you care anyway what people think ? Apparently you don't , so don't be telling others what not to assume. You set yourself and your family up for it by simply not speaking English in public. Just sayin.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

Um you’d be wrong, I am very connected to bilingual communities and it’s far more common than it was even 20-30 years ago. And really? I set myself up? You clearly know nothing about what it takes to support a bilingual child’s language learning. I don’t care what people think but I do object to someone equating speaking another language to being an illegal immigrant 🙄 That is totally simplistic. All I am saying is, don’t jump to conclusions without additional evidence. Why is that so hard? I think that is one of the problems of our society, people love jumping to conclusions before they know the whole story.

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I agree with you. There is nothing wrong with calling on people to NOT jump to conclusions. I am all for securing the southern border. At the same time, I welcome legal immigrants here. We have several legal immigrant families in our neighborhood, and they are all such lovely people. America is a melting pot and always has been. It is sad to see Americans become extremists and hateful, instead of keeping cool heads and kind hearts.

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People in Montreal have been bilingual for maybe two centuries. Ditto Hull, across the river from Ottawa. Ditto cities in New Brunswick.

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Real Americans speak English. That’s the language the founders of this country spoke. It was a mistake to allow immigrants in that don’t assimilate and make English their primary language. It’s what is dragging America down to craphole territory. If people want to speak the language of their mother country they should move back there.

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I'm trying to say that you have as little right to try to control or suggest what people should think as I would to tell anyone how to speak in public . You do you and everyone will think whatever they want.

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Well, I do think it's more common to retain one's native language than it was a generation or 2 ago, and it's a good thing. My great grandparents were immigrants from what is now the Czech Republic. My grandparents and their siblings were never taught Czech, and my grandparents never cooked any Czech dishes. I didn't think to ask, they've been gone for 40 years now, but only learned of Czech food when we started going to different ethnic festivals. A good friend's mom was born in Italy, met her dad when he was stationed there in the Army, got married and moved to the US. She still gets together with friends from Italy for card games every Sat night and they all speak Italian, but she never taught the language to my friend or her siblings. I asked her why once, and she said, what's the point? She does cook some great Italian food though! Bottom line for me - I think it's good to retain your language - where I draw the line is when these groups insist that they be accommodated in their native language. I recently read that a local school district (KC) has hired a bunch of translators to accommodate parental notifications and communications, and that the primary hospital that provides indigent (uninsured) care has had to do the same.

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That’s what I’m saying- how can you tell?! There’s no scarlet letter to differentiate a legal from an illegal

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You can somewhat tell in CA and AZ. They’re all wearing matching (new, clean) sneakers. Truth.

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It’s not always difficult. One key way is if they don’t speak English. The illegals generally have a different demeanor and dress differently. I lived in Mexico, had a Mexican stepmother so it’s not difficult for me. Admittedly, there are many illegals I wouldn’t recognize from just a look.

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I’m sure there are ways to differentiate but it’s probably more subtle or requires additional information.

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With this new mentality I will fear discrimination for my granddaughter whose American father of Latin descent has a Spanish last name.

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ENGLISH ONLY in the good old USA !

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That gives us a huge disadvantage in the international arena (business or politics). Speaking other languages IN ADDITION TO English is not a bad thing.

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Haha I went to high school in the 80s and it was pushed on us to learn Japanese… How’s that going?!

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Nowhere because they did it all wrong as usual. Children learning in immersion settings is a far far more successful method than some nonnative or even native speaker teaching a group of 20-30 kids for 45 minutes a day 3-5 times a week staring when the are teenagers. Pretty much completely useless, a waste of time and money but the school systems are very good at that!

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Unfortunately we were told bilingual was the way we had to go. Everything is now in English and Spanish,

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Which I think is wrong, bilingual doesn’t equate to Spanish and English, and why should they get preferential treatment when there are other languages spoken and why should it be assumed they are too dumb to learn English and need the crutch of dual language signage?

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I did take some Spanish, but didn't apply myself. Immersion for me was a better way to learn. I regret not making the effort, because in the construction industry, Spanish is widely spoken. It helps to build relationships.

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I wish I knew more Spanish. A lot of my customers speak it and they are polite people who I wish I could communicate with.

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Influx here in Columbus, Ohio, too, although we have always had a high number of international folks, both illegal and many legal. If I had time and money for parking, I'd love to check out Port Columbus (the airport) to see who is living there.

You would think ONE security guard who is helping to house illegals at airports and everywhere else would open their mouth and start talking.

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Yes need more whistleblowers!

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No getting better. We`re done

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They are keeping them at airport terminals in empty wings. (Among other places like hotels and even some gyms at schools) I saw a clip of it on Twitter, they are packed in and have beds on the floor, all behind black curtains with security yelling at anyone who tries to look. James O Keefe also posts some of this video footage on Twitter

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And military bases.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

Go to O'Hare airport and check out the blocked off areas of the terminals.

Go to any Chicago police station and check out the lobby.

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See Tucker's short segment: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1747755685704843700

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Tucker's video was excellent. Everyone needs to watch.

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He’s a conspiracy theorist!

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Those conspiracy theories keep coming true.

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I prefer conspiracy realist

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And a very good one at that!

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The difference between a conspiracy theory and an established fact: about 48 hours.

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9 minute video all Americans should watch: https://x.com/tuckercarlson/status/1747755685704843700?s=67

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"the country you grew up in, no longer exists"

Very succinct sentence that sums up what is happening in America.

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I used to live in the Chicago area and remember the time they kicked the homeless out of the airports. Shades of the Tom Hanks 2004 movie, “The Terminal.”

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

How do they know if those illegal aliens are terrorists?

Nothing like shutting a major airport with a terrorist attack.

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Well Kathleen, the aliens are the little green one and the terrorist, no so....

just saying.

Later Jay

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Was this sarcasm, or are you just too far North? Yes, we have seen them, by the thousands, well over 98% of them 20-40yo men. We’ve seen the abandoned “tent cities” when they are moved, who knows where, but I can guarantee, it’s not back out of our country. We’ve seen them delivered to Yuma in luxury busses, all wearing matching sneakers and line up to receive what I can only assume are motel vouchers along with a pile of green bills (couldn’t see the denominations, but they each walked off, some counting them. Word from local restaurant workers is that they’re also given debit or credit cards too. The cash is for ‘incidentals.’ If you’re not seeing this encouraged invasion for what it is, you’re simply not paying attention.

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That would square with my observations recently of groups of 3-5 men, working age but dressed casually and not for work, piling groceries and supplies into one or two shopping carts at the local Winco. I guess they can do it if they have been shipped in and were given debit cards for food purchases to stock whatever fridge is in their refugee accommodation. Winco is popular with every demographic and is very multicultural, but these groups of men stick out like a store thumb. Middle of winter; there's no construction work or landscaping work or agricultural work, per se.

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Sorry, this is the one I tried to delete as being too inflammatory. Maybe not.

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Inflammatory can be a good thing. We need to speak out!

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We do! I will add that tptb really are trying to keep everything under wraps. We don’t see the illegals on the city streets often; it’s in these remote, rural areas. BTW, these small towns are seeing their economic situations improve on the taxpayer’s dime. Motels and restaurants (other than McD’s) used to be largely underutilized. Now they’re often busy .

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We need to ask WHY, why are we taking in 10+ million illegals at this particular time ?


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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

Because they will NOT be loyal to Americans when they are recruited into our military, our police forces, etc. etc. When given the orders, they WILL take us out without question, if they refuse to follow those orders, I am sure they and/or their families will be killed as well.

Apparently, NY and possibly Chicago, are already going around the illegal labor laws and employing them in the police force, think there was an article a few weeks ago about NY finding ways to employ them - I think they already have. Beware of your surroundings and ways to escape if you are ever pulled over and you wonder who the hell pulled you over and for no reason (don't give them a reason!)

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And the invaders won't mind if a 'foreign power' sends in blue helmets, steels what what little is left of a country, and locks us up and/or murders us for resisting one world total control. And force up us no God but 'them'.

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Bingo. What else could be the motivation for hundreds of thousands of military aged men coming into this country?

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I agree with the article, I wrote a comment last week about that. I, a female white, middle age, RN, Vet w/disability, previous VA worker as an LPN applied here in NC, didn't get the job even with previous experience and Vet preference. I asked or wondered to my husband why I didn't get hired, he pointed at the sign that says "come work here" or something to that effect and said because I wasn't one of them. The picture showed a trans "woman" and a black woman only. I will not try again, not worth my time.

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These DEI fools forget that we evil honkies are smart enough to set up alternative economies.

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Good thing for you! Because if you are under their control, this could happen to you. Denver Colorado Hospital Injected Staff with LIVE Ebola Vaccine.


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They will need to be deported or eliminated.

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They are in shelters throughout Chicago from what I’ve read, from police stations to a huge chunk of O’Hare where they are screened off from public eye.

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O'Hare moved where buses for hotels pickup people because that area of the airport now houses illegals. That was a news story a few months ago.

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For now I believe they’ve been bused primarily into sanctuary cities like NY, Chicago and parts of CA. No doubt, they will be dispersed throughput the country in the near future. We live in a city of <200,000 and during the Obama administration, 7000 Somali people were brought to our town. We heard that they used agencies such as Catholic Family Services. Jobs were provided, I know that large numbers of the men are bused to meat packing plants in the area. However assimilation has been difficult…children thrown into schools with no English language, or basic cultural knowledge. We’ve heard wild stories like children and adults defecating on the floor in Walmart, and one woman started an apartment building fire by building a fire on top of the stove, because she had been told to cook on it!

I rarely see them in our part of town, they seem to stay pretty much in their own community, but you will sometimes see them at Sam’s or Walmart; many of the women still wear traditional Somali dress.

But I fear much worse with the group coming across now, because it looks like an army of young military aged men, awaiting training and marching orders.

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We’ve had an influx of illegals. The owner of a local thrift store took out the fitting room because too many people were urinating in it. They’re ruining this country.

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James O’Keefe and OMG are doing some fine work exposing the operators. I believe Jeff has cited this work in previous installments

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James O’Keefe’s OMG has/is producing a series on illegal immigrants and the NGOs sponsoring them. Well worth watching and supporting his investigation. He shows you where our tax dollars are going!

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I fly through ORD often and have noticed all the illegals sitting or sleeping all over in the baggage claim area. I try to take a carryon because it makes me uncomfortable; they’re often standing around the baggage belts, too, and I wonder how many bags go missing. Yes, I realize there are cameras but I also know how lax on crime they are in Chicago.

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Yes, we have seen them! By the hundreds, and that’s a snapshot, briefly passing through. I’m sure it goes on 24/7. Luxury busses, totally out of place on the dusty back roads of Yuma and Ajo and Gila Bend, dropping off 20-40ish yo males. We’ve seen them line up and patiently wait to receive a stack of cash, and what appeared to be hotel vouchers. Local restaurant workers say they are also given cash or debit cards. We’ve seen their matching sneakers, and their abandoned “tent cities” (high end tents, all matching too) and the remaining debris when they move on to who knows where.

I wrote another response, but decided it was too inflammatory, so started to delete parts and it disappeared. I can’t find it, so my apologies in advance if it turns up and offends anyone.

Anyone notice that there is no media coverage of all this, except the occasional token family (that I swear was shopping in our local supermarket the prior week)?

Seriously folks, read between the lines on this one, and it has zero to do with compassion.

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Tucker's short about the illegals spotlights Chicago.


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Our bright President has them housed in hotels for which WE the taxpayers fund. Let’s Go Brandon!

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And as I understand it, New York has a law that they must be housed. Not too long ago, some city tried to move them from hotels to a huge tent and the illegals refused. They know their rights…our tax dollars pay for their attorneys. WTH!?!

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A lot are at oh are and in the Chicago pd precincts. Being protected by the cops, whilst Americans are out in the cold. Homeless Americans.

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I heard Trump briefly on Sean Hannity's radio show yesterday afternoon. He estimated by the time Biden's 4 years are up, 15 million illegals will have been allowed in this country.

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They want us dead (vaxxes). They want us replaced (migrants). A simple two-prong strategy.

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Texas to set up massive American Gladiator type foam block obstacle course in-depth replete with 1990s spandex attired athletes of varied race and ethnicity and gender shooting foam ball cannon from multiple towers and bunkers, to discourage rapid border invasion of under-welcomed hordes from the underserved parts of the world community.

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Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who became His counselor? Or who has first given to Him that it might be repaid to him? For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.

— Romans 11:33-36 LSB

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Janice, I love it when I come upon your post after reading through comments that are focused on our problems…suddenly there is God’s word on the page, reassuring and comforting me. I can relax, I can breathe and trust that He is in control. Thank you!

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His word is definitely the Light in the darkness. So grateful for its power to change our perspective, to calm our hearts, and soothe our anxious minds.

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Well, Youtube got their marching orders from WEF to cancel what remains of the Trump supporters.

My last remaining social media indulgence. I will miss the classic 70s movies and my playlists. ONward Christian soldiers. It's time to leave all these conveniences behind. My church family is now even more important than my bank account. I see Abbott making a show, It's basically the civil war again. Do states rights even matter anymore? Jeff: How can these Supreme Court Justices say that it is not the duty and Constitutional requisite to secure our border?

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I wish individual Border Patrol Agents would refuse to cut the fences. They literally are not doing their job.

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Well stated and questioned. Clearly the law of our land is a shifting target as it appears very few involved in any branch of government have even an elementary understanding of what our constitution states or what it means. That being said - I say Texas ignore the Supreme Court. If one party ignores the Constitution, it can no longer stand for any of them.

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Why not just ignore it? Biden is still canceling student debt even though the court said he couldn’t. SCOTUS aren’t lawmakers, they’re interpreters and we didn’t vote for them.

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Try your public library. Library of videos. Here it is called Kanopy

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I think the SC was only saying that sovereignty is the Feds domain. IDK.

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Jan 23Liked by Jeff Childers

I was glad to see Ron DeSantis make a statement in support of Texas efforts to protect the border. Although it was more of a 'we stand with you' statement.

I'd like to see more of a call to action involving national guard forces, like Florida will lend manpower and other assets to Texas. The red states need to get their new country started...

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I’d like to see that too!

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I’m thinking the showdown will eventually happen, from an interesting direction. State guardsmen, going against those fed border agents willing to risk their lives as traitors to the nation. I’m pretty sure it’s coming.

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Those BP agents should join together and refuse to do the OPPOSITE of their job. Traitors is a pretty accurate description in my opinion.

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Luv my Gov!

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The border mission is the largest expenditure in state history. It can't go on forever.

The irony is the same "vaccinated soldiers" C&C castigates for pronouns, etc are now the guys who have babies pushed up against their riot shields and bottles of piss thrown at them.

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What's your solution for the open border illegal immigrant problem?

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Stop inviting, paying and housing, for starts. 99% are NOT asylum seekers and they are not walking from their respective countries. At least some are flown into Tijuana and walk 390’ across Cross Border Xpress walkway. Local news reported 10,000 in one brief period not long ago; then 🦗🦗🦗

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30,000 I believe in AZ last month

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Do you remember hearing the immigrant couple who stated, “we’re going home. This is not what we were promised.” Declined to elaborate. And was the video of dozens wearing matching “Biden” shirts a fake? Looked legit to us.

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Lew: Solution? Close the entire southern border. Station soldiers, dogs, flood lights, alarms, drones. Provide/require return transportation back to nearest city. Work with Mexico to address immigrant issues. Permit passport application at US embassy. Require passports to enter US. AND widely publicize the situation via interviews, data, videos so US citizens are accurately informed.

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I’m all for unplugging the economic forum! Coffee? You’ve got to be kidding! Let them eat bugs!

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His tangential reference to the Boston Tea Party made me wonder - if coffee were dumped into Boston Harbor as a protest how many tankers full of 1/2 &1/2 would it take to bring it to the proper ratio? How many of us would be out in row boats with cups and ladles?

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Ooh the laughs coffee and belly laughs my day is made

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😂🤣 Good point.

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You’d need to add an awful lot of caramel to balance out all that salt...

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I just dubbed my imaginary rowboat the S.S. Macchiato!

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Make room for my hubby. There’s gonna be a mutiny if someone takes his daily Macchiato(10 pumps vanilla,200 degrees, no foam, and caramel top, middle and bottom) away. It won’t be pretty!

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10 pumps! Dub his rowboat the S.S. Sugar Shock!

Mutineers are forced to walk the Stir Stick!

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For real 🤦‍♀️

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Make no mistake. They will continue to drink coffee and eat freshly grown foods free of pesticides and chemicals, food not grown in a lab or fake meat and oh ya, drink coffee. Did I say drink coffee yet? It is we, the peasants, who will eat the bugs and chemicals and not be “allowed” to drink coffee. Rules for thee but not for me.

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I’m sure they could grind up dried bugs to make their coffee! They’ll never part with their own coffee which I’m sure is the most expensive on the planet. Buffoons!

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Just plants like chickory wait aren’t coffee beans from a plant?(sarcasm next) those hypocrites telling us we can’t eat meat only plants now telling us we can’t drink the fruit of plants. Well I never.

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Yes it’s a plant based diet to drink coffee 😁

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Actually, that would be "let them drink bugs!"

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Yes...bugs...blend them up with a little instant coffee, cream, a few shots of chocolate and oat milk. A Starbucks winner for sure! Let the lefties partake!

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Groooooooooss! My stomach is upset.

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My coffee? From my cold, dead hands.

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Did they not offer coffee at the WEF conference? After all, sounds like there were some late night shenanigans and extracurricular activities costing approx. $2,500/night. How will they stay awake during the day?? lol

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Wonder if he drew the "short" straw and had to make that most ridiculous, dumb statement. And, did he win a prize for saying it with a straight face?! What a jackass!!

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They've got something on Roberts - POS - How many times did he travel to Epstein's Island?

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And his “twins” that he and his “wife” illegally purchased from Ireland

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there it is!!! What do they have on Barrett? maybe need to figure out 4chan and go search of an answer to that.

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They must have something on ACB as well.

Is there anyone in DC who isn't compromised?

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Yours is a good question and to the point.

Most in DC are useless place holders serving their Master(s), not us. But none the less, something is different this time. This being that for the first time Wall Street is saying loud and clear that Wall Street wants border control. That is, once somebody like Jamie Dimon of J. P. Morgan speaks, you know that is really the voice of the Apex Elite Banking Cartel speaking through one of its fronts. And Wall Street and the Cartel always gets what it wants. I take this as a sign of how serious the Cartel is in saving it Money Monopoly Franchise from going down the drain. And with Dimon speaking so publicly, there must be a high urgency to getting the border control which grinds the invasion to a full halt.

This is off the subject, but maybe not as far as one might think. And remember that useless DC and the sneak Cartel have done to us. And also, border invasion is also legally speaking, a taking. And a taking of Liberty as was instituted under the old American System of Law ... now usurped.

The Great Taking


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Everyone (I exaggerate) on here keeps mentioning the 2nd Smartest Guy in the World so I looked up his substack the other day. His pinned substack gave me some really interesting food for thought regarding taxes and freedom. I don't know that I agree with everything he wrote, but it forcefully hit me that we are slaves. I was raised on a different narrative, but that narrative is a lie. I want to go back to more of what our Founders envisioned, what this country experienced until about 90 or so years ago... https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/original-social-engineering-sin?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Thanks. I'll give the link a look.

1776 is now so outside or the box that we all might as well be living on Uranus or Pluto, or in the Matrixm or whatever ... and with the original American Law system having been usurped, dismantled beginning with the mid-century 19th . Compare the original American law dictionaries of the 19th century and up until 1910 with recent editions and it's like the difference between drinking water, coffee or tea ... used motor oil.

I used to think that Christian referrals to Babylon and the Harlot were overwrought hyper-charged language. Now that I've looked into things over many, many years, I no longer thinks so. I now clearly see that Christian Law been wholly abandoned and replaced by a total commercialization of law and the economic machinery, but now that with the advent of the world of digital tracking that people are being tokenized. Tokenization necessarily entails the stripping of all humanity God-created out of human kind. And what is left is a mere empty shell of the former self and under the control and administration of Satan. And all of this ongoing process having been done without out informed consent.

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He has a great substack. Keep reading!

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Roberts, as I understand it, appears several times as entries on Epstein flight logs. If that's true, the "something" over his head is video evidence of his immorality.

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Some pointed out that Roberts' vote for Obamacare was an indication that 'someone' has a control file on him because Roberts' opinion in the Obamacare case was so tortured that 'control file' in light of the opinion becomes reasonable assumption. So what you say would fall in line.

The present Supreme Court cases will tell us a lot. If the new trending in rulings of the Supreme Court continues favoring more conservative and/or tradition stances, then we might assume that the Supremes are also pivoting way from Woke. And this in turn might suggest a controlling agency of influence present and above the Court. A lot of dots these days connecting up seems to suggest a tide which came in over the last 110 ten years is now going in the opposite direction. And it's not for the benefit of We the Slaves.

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Oh ya. Robert’s has been compromised for a long time. And coney-Barrett? She’s been a huge mistake too. This was incredibly ridiculous. I have zero faith in scotus for anything. Zero trust. They are a kangaroo court in my opinion.

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Amy Coney Barrett..... was a terrible choice. She voted to enforce vaccination mandates a ways back prior to her installation as a SCOTUS. Robert Barnes warned of this! He begged people to reach Trump to inform him that this was a terrible choice. That's my one problem with Trump. He promised a lot of things..... and couldn't get them done because of the deep state, but, his choice of people in his cabinet. SEssions, Bolton, Pompeo, Wray, the list is so long. I will still vote for Trump because there is no alternative. But I sure wish RFK was on the ballot. At least he has demonstrable proof of decades of anti-government drudgery. And he has an agenda to declassify and create transparency we so desperately need right now. Anyway, God Bless each and everyone here. LOVE AND COURAGE.... not fear and hate.

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Agree he surrounded himself with bad people. That, plus deep-state, plus RINOS and Dems all worked against him. Even with all that, he still made a huge positive impact. I hope he learned and will do it different if he’s elected again.

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GO TRUMP...our only chance for 4 years of sanity. Then...watch out.

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They’ve been a huge disappointment on many levels. I have been pleasantly surprised by Gorsuch though! It seems like he has proven to be the best of Trump's picks!

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I AGREE. He had the BEST anti big state mother who tried hard to take down the corrupt EPA as Reagan’s appointee to run and get rid of it. He learned from Ann Gorsuch

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If there's any silver lining in this case it's that it will expose how compromised our justive system is and ultimately and finaly prove to the sheeple that our gov't is corrupt from top to bottom. ALL 💯% must go. We must rebuild ALL of it but the old guard must be torn down first. That's what's happening right now. Just when it looks like we're losing, we're actually winning.

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Totally agree!

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It was one of the most difficult paradigm shifts I’ve ever experienced in my 68 years of well-traveled, broadly-experienced life but, it became clear in 2020/early 2021 that every single institution of our country had been effectively ‘captured’.

Pondering the questions related to how that had happened led eventually led me to conclude the following:

1) In some cases, the leadership had been seeded over time with people who are truly evil. They are, ‘Luciferians’ (worship ‘Lucifer’, aka, ‘Satan’) and they are actively working to forward his agendas. I believe in miracles, but it’s doubtful such individuals can be ‘saved’ at this point...

2) In some cases, the leadership has been beguiled and deceived by ‘the doctrines of demons’; sophistries that are rational and logically compelling, but contain ‘sophisticated’ lies that, if embraced, will deceive and lead the individual(s) to (unwittingly) acquiesce with, or actively support, Satan’s evil agendas. Their ranks are generally composed of ‘True Believers’ - but they subscribe to the falsehoods and lies of one or another form of ‘Secular Humanisim’. They may honestly have been unaware of the evil agendas undergirding their beliefs. But the events of the last four years - particularly, those of 2023, have stripped away any ‘innocence’ they may have once possessed. At this point, they know that ‘something evil is happening’, and their continued involvement - for whatever reason - is casting them into the clutches of the dark forces behind that evil. They may yet ‘repent and be saved’ but, for many, that door may now be closed; the die is cast, and they will act out their remaining lives to their ultimate doom.

If they are ever to escape that horrible fate, now is the time to separate themselves and have no further part in the unfolding works of darkness.

3) Then there is another cohort whose compliance and opportunistic support is secured by blackmail - and, perhaps in certain cases, threats of violence; the time-proven ‘plata o plomo’ means of ‘persuasion’.

The ‘honey trap’ method of ‘capture’ is probably nearly as old as the oldest profession, but the power of the ‘baits’ that worked in times past has largely diminished as prior society’s taboos have almost entirely become normative, if not celebrated. Illicit, adulterous liaisons - whether with members of the opposite or same sex - are passé, as is drug use/abuse. Financial bribery may still have some power, but not what it once held.

While some of the ‘classics’ may still be effective in some cases, what ‘bait’ could possibly retain almost universal power tantamount to ‘death’? Pedophilia is, to my mind, the ‘last man standing’, and this certainly fits in with many things that we all have become increasingly aware of over the past decade.

Those who have fallen into those traps, and complied with instructions due to threats of exposure and ruin, have become increasingly ensnared by that evil over the ensuing years. If they didn’t possess the fortitude of character to resist the threats in the beginning, how much more unlikely is it that they will find such moral courage now, after engaging in further compromising, almost certainly treasonous, actions? They may, but only by the grace of God.

4) Then, there are the ‘Useful Idiots’, who have been easily swayed by any one of a number of temptations, all of which promise to advance to the realization of some self-seeking agenda.

A sub-set of this cohort, are all those who complied out of fear, thinking that they could avoid some fearful outcome by going along with ‘the group’, even though their consciences alerted them to the dangers, and informed them of the ‘right’ actions to take in the face of them. This is probably the largest group by far, and it has been the most ‘useful’ in terms of perpetrating the mass psyop that has carried away the bulk of the population. As the largest group, these people formed the bulk of the ‘herd’ that so greatly influenced the rest of the population; ‘this is the way, walk in it’ - except it led to death or destruction, if not damnation.

If it hasn’t been passed already, we may be fast approaching ‘the point of no return’ for many of these people. Certainly, by now, they have realized that they were duped and manipulated by their own weaknesses. If they have any true intelligence and critical thinking capacity, they can now see that they have been instrumental, within their own circles of influence, in the herd being led to the precipice of a great chasm.

If they are to have any hope of personal redemption in the annals of human history, they must acknowledge their failures and renounce what they have been supporting, no matter how or to what extent, up to the present moment. In other words, they must be willing to sacrifice themselves, if need be, to sound the alarm, even if in vain hope of stopping what appears to be inevitable at this point.

So, if all this, at minimum, is true, what are we to do? So what?

No doubt, as always, there will be ‘mockers and scoffers’ - “knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts...” 2 Peter 3:3

But, for those with ‘eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to understand’, there is hope - but it is only to be found in and through the saving work of Jesus Christ; nothing else will address the true perils and need of all mankind.

For those who are Christ’s, the call of God is to wake up from our slumber, realize the lateness of the hour, and get serious about growing in and living out our faith in the midst of this dark world, for His glory, the glory of His Kingdom, and the well-being of all mankind.

For those who are not ‘born-again’, the call has been going out to all the world, and it has become louder, clearer, and more strident:

“We then, as workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain. For He says:

“In an acceptable time I have heard you,

And in the day of salvation I have helped you.”

Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.

2 Corinthians 6:1-2

For those who wish it all would go away; that these things might happen in another time, or another place, I understand and empathize. But, wishing will not make it so, and we are all called to face the realities of the day and age, as well as the time and place, in which we are to live out this life.

“Always after a defeat and a respite, the Shadow takes another shape and grows again.’

‘I wish it need not have happened in my time,’ said Frodo.

‘So do I,’ said Gandalf, ’and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. And already, Frodo, our time is beginning to look black. The Enemy is fast becoming very strong.” — J. R. R. Tolkien

In reality, the safest and surest path is to face and stand against our fears. And, to do that with true and lasting meaning, purpose, and value, we must ‘put on Christ’:

“And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.”

- Romans 13:11-14

God bless, guide, encourage, empower, and protect us all - because only He can!

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Robert's also adopted his children illegally. When he did so, Ireland had a law that NO ONE but Irish BORN citizens could adopt Irish children. Both kids came through separate women that took them to Europe and the transaction was made there. They probably have much more on him now, but I think the illegal adoption ( when he was a U.S. Judge at the time) was the beginning point.

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Robert's been compromised for a very long time.

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Jan 23Liked by Jeff Childers

In other news, Biden started another war. This time in Yemen. Speaking of borders, why are we defending everyone else’s and not our own. This country on its current path is TOAST.

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Those Houthis in Yemen have successfully shut down shipping.

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Only for zion-alligned militant forces who are actively ethnically cleansing their opponents in Gaza (later they'll develop the natural gas off shore for big $$$).

For Russia and China shipping, it's wide opened.

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...and the US Navy always prided itself on keeping the sea lanes open.

Hard to do now when you can't figure out what pronouns to use.

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Wait till they shut down Hormuz. Time to stop funding all these Middle Eastern parasites who have bankrupted us for past 30 years while we accomplished nothing while creating more enemies.

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The US did a pretty good creating enemies all by themselves.

Iraq. Afghanistan. Now Yemen.

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We’ve been creating enemies since Korea.

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Following whose advice. Neocons and dual loyalists better known as traitors.

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Israel gave up the oil rich Sinai Peninsula years ago when negotiating peace with Egypt… they don’t need a war to develop natural gas off shore. History trumps fiction in this case

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Facts are hard for people who hate Israel to deal with.

Israel wants peace. Hamas started this war on October 7th by invading Israel and killing 1200 and kidnapping hundreds more.

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Benjamin, I agree with your statement and perhaps nothing more needs saying. But I feel compelled to say more for others who may read these words. Even though I question why we (America) entered Iraq when intelligence should have known that no ICBMs were on the ground - I do not question my loyalty to America. In a similar vein, I do question how Israel’s defense was compromised on Oct 7. There were military personnel who raised the alarm about movements in the weeks leading up to the massacre and those observations were shut down by a general. This indicates there could be a bad actor within, just as we know we have here in the States. Using one bad actor to defame an entire country is what the world is doing to America. We’re ‘colonizers’ who meddle in other nations’ sovereignty when actually we sacrificed our men to end the Third Reich and later stalled the cold grip of Communism from taking hold. African immigrants are credited for rebuilding Europe, but our presence, financial support and work is UNDENIABLE. In a similar light, Israel is surrounded by enemies. People who proudly sacrifice children for their cause (utter madness whether it takes place in first world countries or in Gaza!) Israel creates safe room shelters within schools, they do not build bombs in kindergartens and teach children to handle guns. Israel uses the iron dome to save lives, not launching rockets on the backs of human shields. My goal in this comment is to highlight there is a lot of noise on both sides, which in my opinion is designed to make people QUESTION nation states. Doubt our own governments, so we willingly raise the flag of a new world order. Don’t let a few bad actors ruin your love and pride for your nation’s story and the story of all republic democracies.

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I’m having a hard time with the amount of hate that they receive for responding to mass terror from animals that haven’t advanced in three thousand years. Not sure but it falls in line with an installed government that is allowing the destruction f our own country. I say it’s time for the revolution 2.0. And if any feds are reading this, I’m sure they are, you better send your best.

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Devoalan, you said it better than me. The issue at hand is a nation state’s sovereignty to defend itself. Israel is just a sacrificial lamb in this effort.

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You can spin it any way you'd like. But:


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Which part is a spin? Are you saying Israel did not return the oil rich Sinai desert to Egypt for peace?

Israel has a sovereign right to defend its borders and so does America. Everything else around this point is noise, with the main goal being obfuscation and division.

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Listen to his rhetoric! Animals? Yeah talk about hate. Another lying sack of shit. 20 K dead innocent women and children. Who is the animal?

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Don’t think they wouldn’t do it again. America First.


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Which messes with commerce and trade which does affect us.

And it was started as a result of Iran and their proxies, the houthis.

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Biden started bombing a country for no reason?

Had nothing to do with Yemen attacking US vessels?

People here were so angry over Biden doing nothing to "rescue" the pro-Russian puppet Gonzalo lira but suddenly get mad when Biden strikes back against folks attacking American ships at sea?

This place is..weird.


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Jan 23Liked by Jeff Childers

{ ... the EU is withholding thirty-two billion dollars in already-allocated pandemic funding unless Hungary agrees to embrace the LGBTQ agenda, ditches its 2021 anti-pedophile law, and lets in more African migrants.

The billions owed to Hungary "will remain blocked until Hungary fulfills all the necessary conditions," swore EU head Ursula von der Leyen.

So far, the Hungarians are hanging in there and resisting the temptation to compromise for all that cash. "The Hungarian government is willing to reach an agreement with the Commission, but in cases where people have expressed a clear opinion, it would be undemocratic and unacceptable," }

This is so insulting and so clearly and blatantly bribery by the definition of the term - and THIS is but one example of all that is so horribly wrong these days. The world has been FUBAR'd. Completely and utterly.

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Agree. And I think this kind of thing was what prompted the feelings that started the whole Brexit movement.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

Depending on how many African migrants are headed to Hungary, that $32B could get eaten up by the additional expenses in a short while.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23Liked by Jeff Childers

Jamie Dimon is no hero. He is part and parcel of the problem. (edited)

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Happy to hear Dimon’s new messaging but, I do not trust his long term motives. He’s the Globalists’ Banker.

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Agreed. Jamie-boy may just be telling his bosses to hurry up and push harder.

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Nobody is suggesting that Jamie Dimon is a hero. Nope! Quite the opposite and one of the most prominent mouthpieces of the Banking Cartel. And if 1776 is a number of significance, then Dimon and J.P. Morgan are the enemy of the American People and of all Liberty, including that of property. Nonetheless, when Wall Street like a bolt out of the blue is suddenly for border control, this is undeniably a thing of significance.

Here is an eye-opener as to what Wall Street and the Cartel have done to us. And it is only one slice in a rotten pie.

The Great Taking, something every American should take in.


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I see the bankers getting jittery.......

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Jan 23Liked by Jeff Childers

I’m with you. Leave my coffee alone. God bless Hungary.

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I'm beginning to wonder if moving to Hungary is in my future...

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Hungary has been on top of it from day one. Ten years now.

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My husband read that and said, “Let’s move to Hungary.” But...we just bought a hobby farm in Wisconsin!!!

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Sorry, what’s a hobby farm?

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If she says for hobby horses I’m moving to another planet!

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Jan 23Liked by Jeff Childers

A bit off topic, but not really. Deja vu - comments on another vaccine endorsed by the WHO: “It’s not a perfect fix. The four-dose immunization is only suggested for kids up to 17 months old. It’s ~30% effective, starts to wear off in months, and doesn’t stop transmission, so immunized people should also use traditional prevention methods…”. The disease this time is malaria. More interesting is the area of concentration for the vaccine is Africa. The very same place that did not embrace or adopt the jab. Hummmm. I wonder what’s really going on here.

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Africa is where Billy and his minions put sterilizing chemicals in young women's "vaccines" so everyone needs to beware. When someone tells you their goal is population reduction it is best to believe them.

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What a joke. Only 30% effective. And that’s likely based on relative risk, not absolute. So it’s even worse. AND they always make their numbers look better than they actually are, so likely even worse than that!

Sounds like a way to kill young infants if you ask me. 😭

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Meanwhile, the self-anointed who claim to know how best to run the world ignore what made real differences in people's health in the last few hundred years - free markets and property rights, which create wealth, allowing for improved nutrition and hence immunity, and so also better living conditions that don't lend themselves to disease transmission.

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This is the revenge of the WHO, payback because most of Africa did not play the 2019 virus game along with the northern nations.

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Yup. We know.

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Does it contain Gene Editing Technology? Does it introduce Synthetic Biology/self-replicating technology? These are the questions needing addressing. It's not just the horrible injuries, adverse effects, the sudden deaths. This is a whole anti-human agenda which threatens to extinguish human kind.

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But isn’t ivermectin effectively a “vaccine” because of its’ preventative qualities? This is maddening.

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Vaccines can (theoretically) be a prophylactic. Not all prophylactics are vaccines; some are infusions, pastes, pills, etc.

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Do you have any links for the studies/story?

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Jan 23Liked by Jeff Childers

Long live Coffee!!! And Covfefe!!!

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and "hamberders" which has become a permanent expression in our family.

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I just love those little kid words that become a part of the family lexicon. We still use "winshwipels" (windshield wipers), axagator (excavator), and "perry-chicker" (cherry-picker)!

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Me too Mrs. The Knife. To this day I have a hard time not calling Chest of Drawers - Chester Drawers. 😉

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Love it! 😊

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Heard this one once... the flyswat is a "moth smacker".

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Jan 23Liked by Jeff Childers

Love Orban but someone needs to tell him about the low carb diet. We need this guy around for a long time!

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Carbs are necessary for brain function and good health...just sayin

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

Lol, that is completely false. People have lived very healthily on zero carb (not low carb but zero carb) diets for decades. The Inuit thrive as a culture in freezing weather eating almost nothing but meat.

When you don't eat carbs most cells in the body switch to burning fat, we have metabolic flexibility. Cells that can't readily adapt to fat (such as brain cells) use ketones for fuel, which are manufactured by the liver when eating low carb. The brain activity that does require glucose gets plenty from the body converting protein to glucose.

Before you spout off stating your opinion as fact, at least attempt to know what you are talking about.

Edit: Apologies if my comment comes off as rude to Johnny-O. As I explain below, we have an exploding health crisis in the country (just look around) and a ketogenic diet works wonders in correcting broken metabolism. IMO people really shouldn't pop off on stuff like this unless they have actually looked into it.

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you are CORRECT...esp for the heart and brain...LOSE THE KILLER CARBS...

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I wouldn't say all carbs are killers, but clearly there's a segment of the population that doesn't do well eating large (or even small) quantities of them. Some people do just fine with them but they are blessed with robust metabolism and likely lead very active lifestyles.

What is annoying is that obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes are out of control in this country and there is incontrovertible evidence a ketogenic diet corrects them fast. And in response to that we get people who have *never* read the research parroting fifty years old health advice (which has been proven wrong over and over) and following it up with a condescending "just sayin".

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Yes! Each person should take responsibility to understand their own body. I’ve had good results cutting carbs and many others have.

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I think the key is a low glycemic (also low carb), real food diet. No processed foods or carbs. Little to no whites. Dropping the sugar alone gives you so much mental clarity and energy!

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I quit processed carbs/food...in fact, if I can't pronounce it, my body can't process it is the way I look at it. So...here I sit 65 lbs lighter after my lifestyle change. Complex carbs only for 3 years...Hungarian carbs might be different though. Delicious. Haha

And...love Thai food. How do they stay so small?

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Today's carbs come with baggage. Pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, artificial colors, flavors, stabilizers, preservatives, added vitamins and minerals, high fructose corn syrup... And on top of that, it's all cheap, instant, microwavable, and marketed as Natural, Wholesome, Time Saving.

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Of course diabetes and other diseases are out of control, and of course poor diets and overeating are a root cause of this. That does not inherently make carbs bad, which you are loosely implying in this thread. Keto diets are not ideal in the long run. Again, I'm not the "expert" - my wife is. I can't cite tons of studies and do not read the research - she does, and she is very good at it, but you can't seem to think anyone knows anything about this unless they completely agree with you. She has done countless hours of continuing ed, and you *assume* it is the wrong type of education because you don't agree with it. I already stated she has studied extensively outside of western medicine and keeps up with people who are on the cutting edge of a lot of new research and understanding of gut health and diet/nutrition. Have a nice day.

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And the veg oils. They may be worse!

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Yep! Spot on. We do not need carbs.

4 years ago I was a bumbling mess. Prediabeltic, insulin resistant, fatty liver, brain fog, had a hard time functioning. I changed my diet to a healthy keto diet. I am now healed, healthy weight, no brain fog, no pre-diabetes, no fatty liver.

Carbs are not necessary. Your body will make the little bit of glucose ur body needs. Your body runs more efficiently on fat for fuel.

I've lived it! I have been fat all my life and dieter all my adult life....paying high dollar for several of these commercial diets....metabolic types. I no longer diet. I no longer count calories. I eat healthy real foods.....meat and low carb veggies and maintain a natural healthy weight.

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Yea people need to test their diets. This women is in her 80s and has been carnivore for 40+ years. She looks 60!

I listened to the whole 1 hour video and her mind is very sharp.


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Amazing attitude and grit and she's smart as a whip! Raised 10 children. I've spent most of the day reading and listening about this carnivoire diet, then just finished this video. The ranching aspect of it is very informative and not something people have any clue about usually. Both my parents come from generations of ranching cattle and horses but where it's warm!!!! Could not imagine dealing with the winters of below zero temps. People who align more with Peta should listen to this woman. I think she could learn them some. Ha. The audio seems to have some glitch. I first thought they were cutting her cuss words out but he assured her he wasn't cutting anything. Johnny thanks for sharing. This is the only video she's done that I can find. Hope it's not her last.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

I understand that the Inuit also ate the stomach contents of reindeer--herbivores, thus getting their vegetable/vitamin requirements. Plant food--carbohydrate.

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There is some of that, along with them also eating some plant food in the summer, but it was a tiny fraction of their diet. Vilhjalmur Stefansson lived with the Inuit and ate their diet for years and wrote about it in detail. Well worth digging into if this subject interests you.

Shawn Baker MD has eaten 100% carnivore (truly zero carb) for seven years now and he is in far better shape than 99.9% of us. He truly puts to shame this notion that carbs are necessary for health.


Regardless I'm not advocating for zero carb, but pointing out zero (or nearly zero) carb examples to debunk the comment "carbs are necessary for brain function and good health". A ketogenic diet (low carb, not zero) is life-changing for people with obesity and type 2 diabetes. We have to beat down this idea that its somehow dangerous.

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I think a lot of this really can be very individual. We are not all the same. So while certain things can be true, they are not necessarily true for every person and every circumstance. I think male vs female, age, body type, activity types and levels as well as many other factors are important to consider and nothing is one size fits all.

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Exactly, many people do just fine eating relatively large quantities of carbs. There is no one-size-fits-all diet as metabolism varies wildly among people.

But there is a subset of the population that clearly do not as evidenced by the exploding number of people with metabolic syndrome (obesity, high blood pressure, disordered lipid profiles, poor blood sugar control). Looking at Orban I'm guessing he is probably one of them (and he is hardly alone).

I'm not advocating that anyone must eat a certain way, people's metabolisms are very different. But once metabolic syndrome sets in, things turn pretty ugly metabolically speaking. it can be reversed almost immediately with a low carb (ketogenic) diet. It changes people's lives.

My issue was with the comment that eating carbs is necessary for brain function when this has been shown to be 100% false. It's this type of stuff that discourages people from trying the diet in the first place.

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Here is a long but good article on the carnivore diet.


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I think many folks overeat because most “modern” processed foods are lacking in nutrients. Most food is lacking nutrient density and the body doesn’t just need calories/energy. It needs key nutrients to rebuild and for all of the enzymatic reactions.

Nutrient density and not caloric energy is what we should look for in our diets.

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I never said low carb is dangerous - you are putting words into my mouth. Would you care to link some studies showing we don't need carbs for brain function?

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It is quite taxing on your body to produce glucose through other foods. Additionally, carbs from high fiber foods are necessary for a healthy and resilient microbiome. May have to agree to disagree on this one Mr C.

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Isn't he the guy who lived and ate with them in the early party of the twentieth century?

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Thanks for being so condescending. I'm pretty sure my wife who has studied extensively outside of western medicine and has a masters in nutrition and functional medicine is likely more knowledgable than are you on this topic, which is where my opinion came from. But hey, tell me I'm a moron anyways without knowing anything about where my opinion came from.

Inuit populations have been so tightly knit their biologies and microbiomes are probably slightly modified/different than other populations around the world. Stating that you need carbs for brain function is well understood and not an idiotic thing to say.

Have a great day.

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Johnny - It's probably not very Christian of me but I return what I get.

Your comment stated an unsupported opinion as fact, followed with "just sayin'". It was a poster child example of a condescending reply, so I gave it back to you. Shock of shock, you don't like it. Well neither did I.

As to your comment, along with your appeal to your wife's authority, she is wrong. Plenty of people were fed BS in college that has been proven to be completely false. Just look at what happened among the medical establishment over the last four years for crying out loud.

I explained the mechanism that disproves what you said. In the follow up comments I gave real world examples that disprove it. People do not *require* eating carbs for proper brain function, this has been shown beyond any doubt. Whether it's the best way to fuel the body is another question, but I took issue with your specific comment.

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I did not mean for it to sound condescending, so I apologize you took it that way.

My wife is not wrong, and I tried to point out she is schooled in non-western traditions. Carbs have been eaten by most humans for eons. Inuits are an extreme microcosm. I don't care to engage in a back and forth as it will consume my wife's time which she probably does not care to give as well.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

"Stating that you need carbs for brain function is well understood and not an idiotic thing to say."

Please give me real world examples rather than just appealing to authority. Show me these people with diminished brain function. You can't, they don't exist. It's a textbook theory based on fifty-year old bad science.

OTOH, I can show you dozens and dozens of cases of people who have eaten zero carb for years who are completely fine and thriving. On top of that they reversed metabolic syndrome and even dementia in some cases. In addition, I can completely explain the metabolic mechanism of how this happens.

I'm sorry your wife got fed a bunch of BS in college and you are probably still paying off the student loans racked up just to be taught bad science. But much of what your wife was taught regarding nutritional advice has been shown to be completely false.

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Dr. Mercola used to be 100% behind a keto diet. But he is now changed his mind. I can't find his original post but I did find this recent article where he goes into explaining it at the cellular level.


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I listened to this podcast while weeding a pasture, so I couldn't take notes or anything, and I've not done so since, I'm afraid. His guest, Georgi Dinkov, spoke so quickly that even for me, a physician with a lifelong interest in nutrition and health, couldn't quite follow him in every detail. Thanks for this reminder.


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I respectfully disagree. The Inuit adapted but they still suffered from coronary artery disease, had a high incidence of strokes and earlier onset of and more severe osteoporosis. They would have gotten a small amount of carbs from the glycogen in the animal tissues they consumed. The Inuit survived but to say they thrived is a stretch. BTW, I’m sure you know this, but almost all studies on diet these days are (shocker!) paid for by companies with a vested interest in the study’s outcome. Sound familiar?

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It’s true we can’t trust the “diet” studies. Look at the food pyramid. They raised a generation on cereal and corn oil which we now know is garbage. Each person needs to understand their own body and feed it appropriately.

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The response was specifically in regards to the statement that eating carbs is required for proper brain function. I used the Inuit as an example that disproved the statement.

We never mentioned or discussed heart disease. Whether they "thrived" or not is subjective, but clearly eating a nearly all meat didn't render them mentally incapacitated. I'm not claiming it's the best diet but using it as an example.

I didn't advocate zero carb but mentioned it as a counter example. Yes there is glycogen in animal tissues but it is a tiny amount (maybe a few grams a day at most). Glycogenesis from protein is a far more substantive method to provide the brain glucose in brain cells that cannot use ketones.

All of this is really missing the forest amongst the trees though. Your last comment is really the most important aspect, nutritional information has been compromised by vested interests. On that we are 100% in agreement.

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I’ve come to the shocking truth that is correct. Our brains run on carbs /sugar. To make it run on stress hormones creating the carbs/sugar is to harm our energy production. Our brains need 40%of energy produced. I’m off low carb keto slowly after years. Brains do not run on fat. This is another of the so called truths that have crumbled big time. Low carb helps for a while because you remove many body toxins by removing certain toxic foods you once ate. Lower endotoxins. But to keep doing it you continue lowering energy production at mitochondria level , forcing the organs, soft tissue and bones to make up for lack of glucose by stress hormone generation of glucose using cortisol, adrenaline and I have hypothyroidism, thinner bones, elevated blood pressure, terrible sleep higher weight and it eventually leads to insulin resistance. IF and OMAD eventually catches up with you. In my case, by under eating. Metabolism rate lowers. Voila--hindered energy production. Low carb keto carnivore gurus gloss this over. Big time. I’m eating 3 meals a day with simple, easy to digest carbs, along with fruit. I sleep 8 to 9 hours again. I’ll be able to eat more food as I transition equaling more energy. It’s not easy getting over this. Like the fat is bad con, this real science was a mind blower. Ok, Off my soapbox, Johnny. 😏😁 This has been such a revelation to me.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

Brains don't run off fat and no one knowledgeable said they do. They run off glucose or a combination of mostly ketones and a small amount of glucose.

The point being made here is that the brain will run just fine when eating zero carbs. When ketogenic the liver will make ketones and it will also covert protein to glucose. This is more than enough to support the brain's energy needs. This has been shown pretty conclusively. Unfortunately though, this canard is used as a scare tactic when unhealthy people could really be helped by the diet.

Is it the best way to fuel the brain? Maybe, maybe not, but that's not really the point. The bigger issue is that metabolic syndrome will put people in an early grave, and eating a keto diet completely reverses it (unlike drugs). Once people's metabolism has returned to normal then I have no objection to adding some slow-digesting carbs to the diet *provided* they don't start gaining weight or their blood sugar goes haywire.

A ketogenic diet is also very promising in Alzheimer's and other dementia-type brain disorders. Fueling the brain with an alternate source seems to help (which is why some experts call Alzheimers type-3 diabetes as the brain becomes insulin resistant).

I too have experienced the sleep issues you describe likely caused by cortisol when keto for prolonged periods. That's why I do eat slow digesting carbs pretty regularly and don't stay in ketosis all the time. But keto is clearly an excellent method of correcting deranged metabolism (which is rampant in our society, just look around) but agree that doesn't mean it's optimum 100% of the time.

As with all of these discussions people cannot do nuance and tend toward one extreme of the other. As usual, the truth is usually somewhere in the middle.

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Dr. Mercola, a long time Keto guy recently changed his opinion. Agrees that keto / low carb is a great way to kickstart weight loss but recommends some changes after a few months. I don’t have the link but it’s well worth reading. If most people got rid of the sugary drinks it would help immensely.

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Dena, that’s exactly where I got my first hint! Mercola is willing to admit when he has new information. Now I’ve found lots more science on this. That first article with Mercola and Georgie Dinkov galvanized me. (The one you might be thinking of) The fruit scared me at first 😏🤪. Like eating saturated fat scared me at first years ago. I still avoid bread and grains. Jay Feldman—Energy Balance podcast on YouTube has helped me. Just sleeping so well gives me more energy and I am much calmer. Some sugary drinks are ok. I make lemonade with cane sugar sometimes or have a Mexican coke with real sugar. I know. Shocking —but simple sugar can jump start better energy production. The sugary energy drinks are crap along with almost all processed food. I look for real sugar but still like dairy, fruit, etc as my sources. Some starchy like potatoes or white rice. So nice to eat a big fat orange or banana again. Lol

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80/20 rule works pretty well. Eat healthy 80% of the time & leave yourself some grace 10 or 20%. I find I feel so much better limiting the processed foods, sugar & unhealthy carbs that I don’t crave the “bad”.

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That’s true. Just eliminating seed oils—PUFAS can help health. It’s hard though as almost every food in those grocery aisles is made with them. I had to do some things that were more severe to try and overcome 11years low carb and keto plus undereating. It’s a work in progress as no one is perfect but I’m getting improvements. I’m older.

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Your liver and potentially your brain can make GLUCOSE. A small amount of GLUCOSE (not carb) is needed for the brain and some organs (and red blood cells) need it. The rest do not.

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Actually, that’s not true. Brain functions best on ketones which come from fat.

Alzheimer’s is referred to by some as Type 3 Diabetes - very much attributed, as Type 2 Diabetes is - to insulin resistance, which is the inability to properly process carbs and is the root cause of most obesity, heart disease, and many other modern ails.

The Masai tribe in East Africa eat virtually no carbs most of the year (those who follow traditional diet) and have virtually no heart disease.

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Copernicus, listen to this guy on Alzheimer's (and not just that) - very interesting.

"Del [Bigtree] sits down with physician and molecular geneticist, Dr. Michael Nehls to discuss his latest book, The Indoctrinated Brain, which delves into the intricacies of brain mechanisms, emphasizing the critical role of maintaining hippocampal health. This goes beyond safeguarding against diseases like Alzheimer’s; it extends to fortifying the mind against indoctrination."


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Ooohhh, I saw Naomi Wolfe just interviewed him about the impact of the jabs on the hippocampus. Haven’t watched the video.

I’ve been learning a smidgen about trauma - complex developmental trauma in particular - and it seems it has the potential for all kinds of impacts in ways we wouldn’t imagine. That get chalked up merely to biochemistry or bad genes or bad luck.

Gabor Mate, although sometimes too deterministic, seems to think that many of our neurological and other conditions could be brought on by unprocessed trauma or neglect or other interpersonal distress. Different from indoctrination that Nehls is talking about, well, perhaps (lots of chronic trauma includes plenty of indoctrination) but same idea - it’s not all about fixing biochemistry and that’s it.

I will have to take a look. Thanks!

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Don't assume that Nehls doesn't talk about trauma/distress. See also: Brave New World Revisited, Huxley's explanation of the science on which he based his plot, specifically the chapter called Brainwashing.


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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

Oh, I am sorry - I didn’t mean to imply that. It definitely sounds intriguing. The entire mind-body connection is utterly profound and unfortunately one that got kicked to the curb along with the herbs and homeopathic meds that our ancestors used to use. To our absolute detriment.

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Fla Mom, I finally finished the video. Stunning. Thanks for sharing it. I’ve put a hold on his book at our local library. They have ten copies, and all are currently out and I am #7 in line awaiting one. Given the leftist habits of our library, I was pleasantly surprised to find they own so many copies, let alone one!

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Truth on ketones!!!

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I think you're thinking of animal fats. Never the seed fats.

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Research shows that to be an untrue statement

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We need an Orban in the United State, someone who does not dance around certain lobbies.

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Re Orban: I recently read this--it gave me pause! "Orbán’s Hungary has transitioned into an illiberal European colony of the Chinese Communist Party. And while the clean streets and lack of anything Soros should be cheered, the fact that most of what makes Hungary work in 2023 is China. " https://sovereignnations.com/2023/07/17/viktor-orban-chinas-puppet-public-occurrences-ep-115/

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I have no idea if it's true but there is one thing I'm certain of. When someone successfully stands against the globalists, there is *always* a smear campaign that they are secret sell-outs. As sure as day turns to night.

People care about results. And frankly so what if he is in bed with China? How is that any worse than being in bed with the US along with its endless wars, pushing homosexual perversion on children, destroying Christianity, and demonizing white people? Seriously, how can one condemn an alliance with China when that's the alternative? Good for him if it's true frankly, he found a way to preserve his culture.

Though I doubt it's true but a whisper campaign to destabilize him. They know people are still stuck in fifty year old thinking; US good, China bad. You seem to be stuck in that thinking too.

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Also isn’t the US in bed with China too, in many ways??

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As in so much of our manufacturing, including most of our medications, medical equipment, components for just about everything used in our daily lives?

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Yes, and that's dangerous and bad. They steal our IP, can withhold key products from us (like medicines, all manufactured there), and treat their people like slaves. We should be re-onshoring as much as possible. Trump was great about that.

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I can not believe we are still dependent upon China for most of our meds - and vaccines.

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Me either. It is as though we have learned nothing from the last four years!

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Hobby Lobby sure is.

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I read an article a few years ago about Orban and Hungary, and not too long ago he was interviewed by Tucker Carlson (?). Not too sure who the interviewer was. Orban is a conservative and a Christian who leads his country in this manner. So, of course he is going to be ridiculed and be made to endure non stop lies! Why should any of us be surprised... but we should not buy into or repeat these lies. Just my opinion.

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Tuckers interview with him was great.

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where were the lies in what I posted? Please point it out.

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You're on 🔥 today, Jeff. Keep it up!

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The Chinese, under current leadership, are the ultimate globalists in our era.

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PS Why don't you read the link I posted, which has factual information, and see if it's true--rather than leaping to a conclusion based on ideological blinders that support CHINA of all places? China, which is ruled by the illegitimate CCP that torments the good people of China? We should be FOR freedom and AGAINST criminal oligarchies.

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Seriously? You need to get educated on the threat of the CCP. They have infiltrated many of our politicians and organizations and corporations. It's BAD that we rely on them for everything, including medicine and other key items they can cut off. The CCP treats its people terribly and is a huge threat to us. You seem to be stuck in the old globalist way of thinking. Please peruse the War Room, Natalie G. Winters' reporting, and the Committee on the Present Danger.

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Oppositional: Given how BAD China is, why do we/USA, thru both Republican and Democrat administrations, continue to maintain such close ties and dependencies? Actually, why did we choose to get in bed with them in the first place? Was off-shoring our manufacturing the only reason?

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It's not all of China that's bad, it's the CCP. We got in bed with them over the decades after the US sold out the innocent Chinese people to Chairman Mao after WW2. There are certainly mutually beneficial aspects to the relationship, but the US is way too embedded in there while the CCP wages psychological (TikTok etc.), economic, and biological (covid) warfare against us. This is bad for our economy, security, and sovereignty. We are also helping to prop up a horrible totalitarian regime (the CCP) that wages war against its own people.

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And PS Leonora: BOTH SIDES of the uniparty make money off China. That's why we stay in bed with them. But it's often dirty money off the backs off the Chinese slaves AND American workers who lose their jobs.

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Orban is a scum bag of the highest order.

I have suggested it multiple times but why doesn't he withdraw from Nato and the EU?

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

If you hate him, he must be great.

I DO like the suggestion that Hungary withdraw from NATO (ie. the one world govt). I like it so much that I pray the US goes along with them.

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Your hatred of all things Russian is kinda like hamas. Hmm. Hate is hate, dude. Wow do you have it. So hamas is bad for attacking Israel. But Russia is bad for protecting their border from us. Explain.

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I was just about to say this myself! If he's got BNT's saying he's bad, that is an endorsement of him being a good guy

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I'd suggest going to Russia, after all it's way better.

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Why doesn't Hungary withdraw from nato?

I mean, it's so bad and all? So why don't they?

Because even Orban knows a nation that was once a puppet state of Moscow won't stand alone for long.

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Ben, I really am concerned. You should go see someone about your mental illness. Just saying...

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Jan 23Liked by Jeff Childers

One day off the presidential campaign trail and Desantis has already done more good in one day than his entire time as a national candidate. I appreciated his comment on the SC Texas border ruling. Prior to running for president, I noticed many attempts to shore up the sovereignty of Florida -- both in obvious and not-so-obvious ways. In addition to protecting personal freedoms, he re-activated the state militia and supported interesting trade proposals that could give Florida more economic independence. I believe this is where the political play is right now -- at the state level. It only takes one state to successfully set an agenda of state sovereignty and then many others will begin to push back. Hopefully, Texas will do that with the border and Florida can find ways to do it in other areas.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

That's why DeSantis needs to step up to the plate and disavow/ban the covid death shots.

It would send shock waves around the world.

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And declare that ivermectin shall be available in all pharmacies in the state by over the counter.

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Excellent point.

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He can't mandate they carry it. That's just as bad as forcing stores to carry covid shots.

Just make sure it's not banned at the state level and ban the mandates.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

DeSantis ought to find more ways to showcase Ladapo before our nation ... or at minimum, before the other 49 state governors.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

He was too busy/too distracted by running for President.

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Trump says they are the best shots ever and they're safe and effective because he developed them.

I don't think Desantis has to do anything.

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If the Supreme Court mess up on rulings going forward, they create more destabiliation risk. People are already few up with all the Commie rulings of past years which caused the tearing down of a once great country. The Apex Elite/Cartel seem to be well aware of their 'losing a grip' on things. And so, it will be interesting to watch this play.

When Creature like Jamie Dimon says the country can't take too more more of this (really meaning misrule), it a big tell.

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Spokescreature for the Elite.

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Exactly! And we would be wise to remember that any pivot back from Woke Insane is not being done primarily for our benefit, it is all self-serving of the Apex Money Power which 'guides' all of what happens in DC and the Collective West.

Suspicion of the every action of these Creeps = Eternal Vigilance.

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Would like to see my Governor DeSantis as VP...then we have a chance at 12 years of common sense government.

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I don’t think Desantis is built for national politics. He does much better working in the environment in Florida, where it is not an uphill battle against the legislature, the people, and the Deep State. The next president who is not inline with the Deep State will get the same treatment as Trump.

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“The next president who is not inline with the Deep State will get the same treatment as Trump.”


Betty, that exactly what I believe, and have been saying, as well.

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Mahalo, ma’am. Trump’s wins were legendary. In policy and votes. Stick to Hawaii. Y’all are lost there anyhow.

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Interesting. He's only 45 and the best candidate we've seen in our lifetimes. A common characteristic of great American leaders is that they take some losses before attaining the presidency.. Trump, had one win and nothing but losses (unless you call this recent primary win a win) since that time (2018 mid terms, 2020 presidency and lost House, 2022 mid terms). We'll see!

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Trump has been in two elections. He won the presidency in 2016 with 64 million votes. In 2020, he got 74 million votes. The 10 million vote increase and the 74 million total were unprecedented. We can argue about whether Biden fairly won with 81 million votes. All the evidence points to fraud. Trump was not on the ballot in 2018 or 2022.

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Those losses were stolen elections. Midterms and the 2020 presidential.

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Ah, I see. Well maybe then we shouldn't be lining up behind a guy that keeps having elections stolen.

BTW, Trump is zog. Not 'based' being a Trumper. Just sayin

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The NEW Lloyd will appear before the cameras- just like Fetterman 2.0.

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What happened to Fetterman? Brain transplant, on a new brain drug, a body double?

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Body double who only loosely looks like Fetterman, and definitely is much more eloquent.

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I agree. Watching his recent interview on CNN, then looking at pics from before his “hospitalization”, my opinion is: “NOT the same guy!” But if it really is him, can we send more Dems for the same healing treatment he got that repaired his brain??

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gee...gonna be hard to find a BODY DOUBLE for that horrific THING ( DEMON) called "austin"...

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They only need someone similar as an actor. Cosmetic surgery, make up and voice coach do the test.

Notice how “Fetterman” now covers his ears and face or sits in the dark. The person/s has/have been doing that for, what, a year now? He also sometimes has his eye droop (ptosis), sometimes not. That doesn’t come and go spontaneously.

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*do the rest

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They'll just give him the full Darth Vader helmet he was working towards with that welders mask.

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That would be interesting.

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