Dec 5Edited

Our credit union has a sign out front that states: "Please remove your mask before entering." I'd like to think even Shaggy and Scooby could see this coming.

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Our credit union used to say (pre pandemic) you to remove glasses, no masks, no hoods when entering, which honestly I found a little excessive but Iโ€™m not the one with all the money in the safe ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ. But I found it so idiotic that banks just totally bailed on those common sense directives during the pandemic.

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I have a friend on Insta whoโ€™s in Michigan. She knows the law and her rights almost as well as Jeff. Back in a COVID madness year she took the bus unmasked and when the driver wanted her to mask up she said it was against the law to enter a bus with a gun while wearing her mask. So she opted to carry her constitutionally allowed gun on the bus instead. She didnโ€™t have to mask up โ€ฆ ๐Ÿ˜‚

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I told my gym manager โ€œNO - you are the reason this insanity continuesโ€ and to โ€œcall the sheriffโ€ when she told me to put on a mask on the treadmill! She ran back to her office sucking lemons. No sheriff was called or came. And if they try this ridiculousness again I wonโ€™t comply at all ever ever. They can pound sand!

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Never wore even one. Was called KAREN a couple of times but overall no problems

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Feisty! I like it.

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I just wore the fake masks that were just thin mesh but your friend is extra plucky!

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Same here. I bought from the company "UnMask." They were great for places that required a mask to enter.

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I think that's where I bought them, you are right! I try to blank so much of that era from my memory.

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Me too, but I think that way down in some never-touched storage spot in my home, a fake mask or two resides. Just in case.

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But why? You're still following the Devil's edict

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Dec 5Edited
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Tara, please just stop.

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Yep, worked great. Got mine on Etsy, where there were numerous people making a cottage industry out of creating fake masks.

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But why? The "fake" masks were just as bad. . . You were still allowing The Boot of tyranny to crush you

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Creative compliance is just...compliance.

Also: does not inspire others around you to also refuse to comply--instead sends the message that the unconstitutional, unhealthy practice is alive and flourishing. I always loved the serious energy boost I got when seeing fellow non-compliers with naked faces in places where we had been told to mask up. There was a physical rush of positivity, to be a part of that example, that solidarity.

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Jenn, I tried to wear one of those mesh masks onto an airplane, but the attendant told me it wasn't sufficient. She made me put on a "real" one.

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Those attendants got all TSA-y on all of us, huh?!? The only time they had to power...so they had to go back to, "An attendant will be by to collect your trash items." ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

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That power rush was so addictive for them ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜ก

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not my Maine friend / landlady. She is an AA flight attendant , and she was as slack as she could be and not get gigged for it on all that pandemic bullshit,. She took the full year leave of abscence rather than get jabbed, then got the "jab up or leave" speech. Had too many years in to not do it, she said. Real shame. One more year until retirement

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had a black one each that you could not tell it was mesh

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I made many for my family out of a single layer of the thinnest gauze I could buy ๐Ÿ˜‚

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Dec 5Edited

"Sorry, I'm legally concealing and carrying a loaded firearm. It's against the law for me to wear a mask. Conversely, it's not against the law to NOT wear a mask. Savvy?"........F'ing brilliant!

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It works! I live in Idaho, an open carry state!

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My dad did that too in a few places.

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Love it!

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So smart!!

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YouTuber Alex Stein went into a Target with a Hamburglar-style eye mask and filmed the whole episode. This might be the way to go.

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WOW!! That's is EPIC!!!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ‘

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oh, I love that logic. Smart ass! ha!

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I just used a face shield decorated with various colors of magic marker in large lettering: "MASKS ARE USELESS"

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Brilliant Jeff.๐Ÿ˜ 

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Iโ€™m trying to post a post of hers โ€ฆ ๐Ÿ˜‚ @voluntaryasmine โ€ฆ ๐Ÿ˜Š

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I walked into a bank in 2021 and was told I needed to put a mask on!!!! ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿคฏ

I even said โ€œare you serious? A mask? In a bank?โ€

Iโ€™ve never been so dumbfounded.

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My favorite is still the idea of a woman entering a bank being told to mask up. She pulled off her panties, put them over her head, got her money, and left.

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My favorite was observed by a family member school teacher: Two boys exchanging their masks for their favorite superhero. One child had Batman and the other had Spiderman. The rule was wear a mask. Comply. It never mattered whether the mask was clean or not.

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Yup, my son told me teachers would tell kids to put their mask back on after it had fallen on the ground ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜ก

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I am going to one up youโ€ฆ My husband is an elementary teacher, he said they would literally pick their noses with their masks and then put them back on. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿฅด

And no, he would never tell the kids to put their masks back on in classโ€ฆ

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I saw somebody on the tram once, having a sock dangling over his nose.

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Uh, EW, but she and I could be friends. ๐Ÿ˜

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I never did do this, but it occurred to me to go back outside and pick up a mask out of the gutter.

Preferably with a boot print on it.

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I want to be her new best friend!

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It was somewhere in Europe.

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Well that ain't happening.

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Itโ€™s been clown world ever since March 2020 ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜ก

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Same here with my credit union and I refused basically daring them to deny me access while their tellers sat masked behind plexiglass screens. Ridiculous!

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imagine how much money those plexiglass manufacturers and retailers made the past 4 years.

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Mr. "the Knife" said at the time that he should have been in the "floor sticker & plexiglass" business - more money and less stress on the body!

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Or the one way signs posted on grocery aisles... because as long as we're going the same direction the virus won't jump on you. Absolutely ridiculous!

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You know what would be cool? Big, floppy, clown-shoe-floor-stickers.

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A lot and they were sold at absurd prices.

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We still have one masked teller at my credit union and worse yet, sheโ€™s always wearing it under her nose. I refuse to go to her window.

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You canโ€™t make it up ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

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I thought the same thing. They were more frightened of Covid than of armed robbers. (And Iโ€™ll give people a short pass for being scared in the first few weeks before it became crystal clear we were being lied to, but after thatโ€ฆand masks werenโ€™t a part of this weeks anyhow.)

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Heck, the bank I used wasn't even open! On a "good" day - not always predictable- they'd have their drive-through open. That got to be a lot of fun when I needed a document notarized. They didn't want to touch anything I passed in to them.....

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You should have told them you were getting over the โ€œcoofโ€ โ€ฆLol! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

I wonder if they wouldโ€™ve scattered like roaches?! ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜‡

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I was escorted out of a bank for refusing to put on a mask. Interestingly, the security guard let me in; the bank manager was the one who "removed" me.

Mrs. "the Knife"

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I loved walking into the bank with a mask on and wondered how long it would take before crimes would occur I think many illegals with criminal skills are using masks.

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Dec 5Edited
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suck rocks, tarabot.

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I take the minute to report every single one of these and it makes me feel better! Do it! You will feel vindicated! Report the heck out of these lamebrains.

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Just so you know - the comment was removed. I've seen many of tara's stuff. Yuck. Thanks for taking the time to do it.

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bot, scammer

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Banks, like everything and everybody else, have been reduced to being nothing more than front offices for the the Banking Cartel. And the irony of ironies is that banking corporations are as much debt enslaved by their own product of manufacture as the regular Jills and Joes who use their services. Even the Congress as well as the whole apparatus of government is debt enslaved, and again for emphasis, by the instrumentality of debt. And what you see is in the society and culture all about you is a prime example of why the Bible counsels, 'and neither a debtor be'.

And it also bears repeating for emphasis that nobody nor any business activity exists except at the pleasure of the government, and ultimately that of the Central Banking Cartel. So when push came to shove during Health Terrorism Campaign of 2020 onwards, it was unrealistic to expect that the abject slaves 'in charge'of the day to day running of this country and its businesses would do anything different other than what their slave masters told them to do.

Only a few brave men and women have paid the price. Only a few brave men and women stood up to the criminal execution of tyranny because they counted moral order to be more important, of greater value than merely following criminally induced orders. And no matter the personal cost to themselves.

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No mercy....

Later Jay

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Yes. My bank had a sign that said no sunglasses.

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Local jewelry store that had a broad daylight break in during the GF riot spree (not in MN, just IL thugs needing an excuse) installed a camera at their locked front door. Customers have to be unmasked, un-sunglassed, un-capped and look straight at the camera to get buzzed in. I feel so safe while shopping there!

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My back has this sign up now... just saw it today.

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And they gave in so easily!

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I love the irony but itโ€™s also moronic.

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Our county (Cass)in MO. never required masks. We have an awesome sheriff!

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Hi, neighbor! Iโ€™m in Newton County. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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For real! They didn't even care if you had it placed only over your mouth, as long as it was on.

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Costco check out guy made me pull mine up over my nose. The last time I've set foot in that place.

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I told that guy no too. Nothing happened. Though I did hear of some rebels getting their Costco accounts closed.

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Our credit union posted signs sometime in 2023 notifying customers it was returning to its previous "no hoods, no sunglasses, no masks" policy.

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What state? Certainly not California where we still have people driving around in their cars with masks.

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CA as well.. keep a look out.. the signs are up at various places. But good luck enforcing it. Like taking a pacifier from a baby now.

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It's the same here in Eastern Washington.

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Iโ€™m in Eastern WA and I have rarely seen a mask in the past 2 years. ๐Ÿง

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You must have ment Western Washington, the Seattle area! I am in Eastern Washington as well and do not see very many here.

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GranolaLand! California has long had more pirates, fruits, flakes, and nuts than any other state - #1 ๐Ÿ†.

#1 in lunatics, locos and perverts.

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True - and they all ditched their X accounts and virtue-signalled their way to BlueSky.

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Oh, I sadly still see that too. I'm in NY.

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Ours also had people remove baseball caps.

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In my credit union, also sunglasses must come off but not masks!

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Not just the turned around ones with the brim to the back? . That always says gang banger to me.

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I once refused a prospective client because he wore a backwards ball cap to our initial meeting.

My partner was really pissed at me for a few days.

But I'd do the same today.

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Seriously? A lot of guys wear their hats backward. We live in a small town surrounded by even smaller towns, no gangs. Iโ€™m 73 and have seen guys wear their hats backwards all my life, lol.

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I think it's more of a rural thing. I think the city boys think there is only one proper way to wear baseball caps. Brim out only. It's kind of like the sweatshirt hood thing. Hood up in the car? Really? Why? LOL!!!

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Iโ€™m able to think differently arenโ€™t I? That where I live. I donโ€™t live around you.

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You definitely think differently, and your curt response shows it. You should calm down when you type especially here on C&C where there is a lot of sarcasm in the threads.

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Ummm ... the original reason to wear a baseball cap backward is to keep the sun off your neck, while you work the fields, or lay roofing shingles, or rough-frame a new house, or ... you get the idea.

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Sorry. Thatโ€™s what I . ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ. It doesnโ€™t amuse me nor is it cute.

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It says a measure of cockiness to me and has proved to be true by my daughter's boyfriends that wore them that way.

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Itโ€™s adorable

when Ashton Kutcher and it my

son wears it this way.

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Awwww. Whatever.

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I had to go into Wells Fargo for a work errand yesterday (No way would I use that crappy bank)! But the teller was actually wearing one of those useless blue surgical masks. And he's already locked behind a wall of bullet-proof plastic.... the insanity continues.

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about 20 years ago I had an acct at Wells Fargo; it took about a year of them asking me for not one, not two, but THREE forms of ID to cash a check from my employer(a Fortune 100 company, world headquarters for the world 3 blocks away, 10,000 people working there. . .)

Before I removed my account.

Total dinks.

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A brain washed beta male no doubt.

A victim of massive indoctrination. Is he doing it because he is scared? Virtue Signalling? Hiding an ugly face (fat women are really guilty of this one)?

We need to develop the courage, all of us, to say take the stupid mask off, you are only hurting yourself, and you look silly/stupid.

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The "experts" really knew how to break a society, didn't they?

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Those people have plankton for brains.

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Ooh I like that, gonna use that one ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜

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re: "But the sneering, arrogant, narcissistic public health experts refused to listen. "

The response: 2A payment is coming due for all these rotten sons of bitches. Now there will be a response for the globalists, the deep state bureaucrats, the uniparty, the media who did this to us. Finally. Lone wolves, beaten down by a dishonest system, their jobs taken, their health diminished by poison, who got to watch their loved ones die, will be everywhere, waiting for their opportunity for one of these pieces of shit to stick their head up. Come out Bill Gates. Come out Anthony Fauci, George Soros, anybody in the NIH, NIAID, CDC, FDA, WHO, WEF, etc. Jack from Twitter, you are not forgotten. Zuck? F you buddy.

We've had enough. It's literally impossible to stop a determined, silent, lone wolf.

They weren't afraid of us... they will learn to be afraid of us. There are many many highly trained special forces assassins in this group.

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This may explain why I have not felt "incensed" by yesterday's activity.

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They thought they were powerful enough to get by with their tyranny. The 2A gives us an equitable response.

I'm not incensed, quite the contrary, I'm pleased that payment is coming due and the grim reaper is there to collect it.

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I would caution that anyone visible is lower tier, and there are plenty of power hungry to step into vacancies created by 2A response. (NOT saying the punishment is undue.) The true globalist culprits are no doubt insulated by multiple layers of security and, at least to the public eye, anonymity. Their ultimate disposition is beyond 2A, in the arena of "White Hats" concealed in the system. We won't hear about it until well after the fact. Conjecture/speculation. 2ยข

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Im certain the United Health Care CEO thought he was anonymous to the public eye. There are people, who know how to find other people. I would submit there is a target rich environment and lots of angry, and competent, "activists".

Those who step in to vacancies, perhaps they will realize no one is untouchable?

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Well, we know THEY're insane, deluded psychopaths, Masters of the Universe. I submit that "activists" is what I (erringly?) refer to as "White Hats"?

To your last, may that ingredient sweep swiftly into the minds of that class. If the perceived risk results in prolonged vacancies the structure weakens, hastening collapse, the during and after not pretty for some undetermined interim. The bad news.

The good news is we get to create different systems, some small scale parallel already in progress. Growing pains undoubtedly but designed ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฐ๐˜ต with the same thinking that devised the old ones. Gen Z-ers, the eldest now in their mid-late 20s, and the new kids are wired differently. Big voice in the new design. Yes, even me old eccentric self envisioning a renewal on the planet. Gotta. Give up? Never. Wonder what I'll be alive to see...

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OOOOF! As much as one might agree with your assessment...Be careful of the written trail you leave on social media.

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Never a good idea to draw attention needlessly either to yourself, or to the blog that prints your comments. CTH's Sundance uses a fairly elaborate system to "disappear" such thoughts from the web crawlers in the NSA. Out of respect for Jeff Childers, you might consider doing the same.

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Agreed. Except for the sharing of the Good News!

Come at me, bro!

Throw me in the furnace, and glorify my God!

But . . . Be wise as serpents, and gentle as doves . . .

It's a narrow road. Stay "prayed up" and read the Word.

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Just generalizations Mike. Thoughts which may want to give them pause, if nobody did anything wrong, nobody has nothing to worry about, right?

Not directed to anyone but everyone should probably take heed, given the general sense of righteous anger which exists because of their tyranny.

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