As an ob/gyn , we are beautifully and wonderfully made by God . Miracles day after day , what an absolute insult to our maker.

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I was struck by the obvious effete demeanor of this "Dr." Blair--he's a disgrace to the Hippocratic Oath!

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They are all a disgrace. It’s a spiritual war .

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This website had tons of helpful info on ancient foods used to sustain and nourish in times of famine. THANK YOU, Jackie--how did you know about it?

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Do gay men like him think they appear female if they lisp? I don't know one woman that has ever acted like this butcher, so I guess my curiosity is piqued. Why do they think acting like a flaming stage faggot from the sixties makes them appear womanly? And this is a young guy. Where do they get this act? And then to have the dems walk out on their own expert is rather telling, ya think?

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THANK YOU, devoalan! I have been asking that same exact question for decades!

We biological women do not lisp, swish, indiscriminately eye-roll...nor are our wrists limp!

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Ty. Ty. This right here!

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My friend, Jeff, has always decried guys who are effete as "gay"--but, actually...they're most times just "effeminate"--perhaps an overload of estrogen in their chemistry? I don't know for sure--but I have worked with and engaged with several guys who are "effeminate" but NOT GAY--so it's not always safe to assume that as a "red flag" for gayness--LOL!! Just my personal experience, Devoalan.

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Yes, I believe we used to call them metrosexual, because most of them were from the inner city and they were into that gay flamingo style

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EXACTLY. Metrosexual, a sadly-forgotten 1980s descriptor.

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Interesting; the effete men/guys I knew were from rural/small town areas though!!

I'm still of the belief that it is a "hormonal excess" of the female hormones, as we all have the hormones of the "opposing sex" within our bodies.

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Jul 30, 2023·edited Jul 30, 2023

Endocrine disruptors — in plastics & toiletries — for one. They affect estrogen in women and androgens in men.

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Maybe the pink hair gives it away!

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Sharon, I assure you there are MANY gay men who are not at all camp - quite the contrary. You probably know some without knowing it. And also very feminine lesbians. Scary - you can't spot them! Unfortunately this is rarely reflected in the media.who perpetuate their ignorant caricatures.

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Agreed! I have a close friend who is a lesbian and is the picture of feminity, dresses in beautiful women's clothing, wears heels, has her hair and nails done and acts very much like any other woman. If you didn't know her well, you'd never guess she was a lesbian.

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Thank you Laura, There is very little positive affirmation of gay people on this stack. I was quite surprised. Live & let live.

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I guess my point was that this act, regardless whether the guy is queer or not, is straight out of a playbook. No woman acts like that. So where do they get it?

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I marvel at it. The guy at the local Starbucks, the waiter at the restaurant, the dude at the gym - on and on it goes and they all sound the EXACT same. Even down to the tone of voice. It is truly a phenomenon. If I closed my eyes and listened I couldn’t pick one out over the other.

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Really no different than that uptalking practiced by all-too-many young women these days (and by KJP).

These are learned affectations. I vote we find the teachers and shut them down.

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It’s usually an intentional affectation to fit in with the group, and takes practice. Or like a northerner who moves to the south, who after years may pick up “y’all” (very versatile), and some southern accent/dialect.

But the gay speech affectation can also be for flirtation, advertise a preference within the group, flirtation, or virtue signaling.

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I’ve lived in the south a good part of my

Life. It seems you pick up the affectation just through osmosis or something. It’s taken years. I go up north and it doesn’t go away. I lived in New Orleans for a number of years. It just happens. And when you have auto correct on it gives me y’all as soon as I type a y in context. I have to agree with you 100% though. And this particular fellow is over the top. It was difficult to take him seriously as he described mutilating children.

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Very plausible--knowing the "circles" they travel in, CapIT!

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Jul 30, 2023·edited Jul 30, 2023

Devolean — It has never been to appear feminine or womanly. Not at all. Like the walk, the earring, the lisp and other messages — it’s to appear gay. A certain TYPE of gay, at that. Acquired signals & cues gotten from other gays.

And yes. The dems —

Staying would require a modicum of integrity. Very unsafe to expose themselves to shattering realities they’ve so successfully eluded thus far. Not hearing or seeing gives their continuing criminality plausible deniability before the public and also means the msm needn’t cover it. Never happened.

At least that’s my take.

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Being that it was their expert , I found it incredibly revealing that they would walk out. Except to

Prove their own hypocrisy in spades.

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What struck me were the Valley Girl intonations and his verbal near-illiteracy (except for the medical-ese, which I am in no position to critique). This last is so common and noticeable nowadays in these young “doctors” that it’s astonishing how these guys got through school. Well…I take that back. It USED to be astonishing, but…oh yeah, the schools.

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It's my understanding that the Hippocratic oath was abandoned in the medical schools and profession a long time ago.

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You can find articles on the capture of medical schools by big pharma as far back as the 90's and many scholarly articles on Rockefeller's nefarious plots against holistic medicine DESPITE his exclusive use of said medicinal treatment.

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Are you SERIOUS, Phil? You know that for a fact? Well...that explains an awful lot about the havoc occurring in our medical "profession".

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YEP...the "Oath" is outdated and probably never was ascribed to: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/first-do-no-harm-201510138421

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Yeah it looks like that myth was kept alive so we’d continue to put our trust in them 🤬😡

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I trust NO human anymore - I trust YAHWEH and Him alone!

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The history of the Hippocratic Oath & where we are now. Very good piece! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5755201/


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Weirdly trans doctors assert they are doing what’s right for the patient with modification surgeries. Harm and no harm are swapped, just like right and wrong.

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The Bible calls out this aberration too - in Isaiah!!

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Probably like the Constitution and especially the 2A......

Flexibility anyone???

Later Jay

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amazing, I have been a RN for over 40 years & thought it was real. I am blown away, sadly.

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So am I, Nikki--so am I!!

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Jul 30, 2023·edited Jul 30, 2023

Please see link https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5755201/


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I am reading the article right now, Dick. All I can say is the medical "profession" certainly did NOT abide by these hallmarks of behavior when it comes to the bioweapon Wuhan Virus 'jab"--NO WAY, NO HOW!! They violated EVERY TRUST ISSUE in the book by "mandating", coercing, shaming, virtue signaling--whatever psyop "tool" is available. DESPICABLE DESPOTS--THE LOT OF 'EM!

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Sharon, I couldn’t have said it better and share every emotive syllable!!

I’m thinking that everyone should ask their “medical profession” friends and absolutely any MD they’re compelled to consult, “What oath did you swear?”.

The fact of its absence now is right up there with the lack of liability and accountability in the vaccine world.

Yet people still think these safeguards and any sense of integrity, honor or responsibility are still intact.We have become unmoored in so many respects!!

People need to know!!!

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We said it 10 yrs ago

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wow I hope that is not true, however, it appears to be, from what I have seen in the plandemic.

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Yep. That — and their total lack of accountability and their exemption from lawsuits.

But I am confident that at some point things will change & they will pay. They’re being exposed, finally, and it’s just starting.

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Pol. Phil —

I did some searching about that about a month ago. Turns out that there are several versions over the country — and world, in fact. Most here are modernized (post-modernized?) but a few med schools do actually use a historic version.

Link to a very good resource: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5755201/


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He talks like a valley girl! NOT a serious person.

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See a doctor with pink hair at your own risk.

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I see what you did there! 😂

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I was hoping! Like...you know.

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Jul 30, 2023·edited Jul 30, 2023

Like, totally! 😁

No, really, I mean I like your post. I mean like, I totally like it!

Like I like all these like posts!

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I worked in the Middle East in the late 1970s through the 1980s. I worked with a LOT of gay men as they tended to flock to this part of the world at that time (maybe they still do). The vast majority of them did NOT act or talk in the very obvious effete manner of Dr. Blair. This leads me to believe that a lot of that behavior is deliberate behavior because they WANT to appear that way.

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He is as much as victim of the tainted education he received at an AMA-approved medical school as his patients.

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Jeff, the embedded videos are being blocked by YouTube

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I just watched both of them. On Brave browser.

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on safari the embedded video has recapcha and bot alert with no link

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Works on. Duck Duck Go just fine.

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That's my browser/SE of choice - but I only have the SE installed right now as WIN 10.0 does not work well using their browser. I tried Brave--too quirky for my 'puter!

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I just now watched on YouTube.

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There is a full discussion of this “robot-surgery” that the good doctor is performing. It is graphic, horrifying and details some of the side-effects of this surgery. I was sickened. The info is on-line. Also, why is a child present in this meeting? Wonder if she watched the video.

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Yes some is done robotically, but the evil doctors are still at the helm, controlling the device .

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Yes. The robot thing helps them do their evil deeds.

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Residents have a quota to do before they can graduate …. ACGME and ACOG are bought and paid for .

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Horrible…I never recommended the jabs nor do we have them in the office I’m at . Personally, I never have seen a vial or read the package insert .

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Corruption is SO PERVASIVE. I am EVER SO GLAD I found this clinic (whole medicine and they have their MD's) but they dropped off the grid 12 years ago. They are expanding exponentially--had just the 1 clinic for 11 years and in the last year have added TWO new clinics in an area around 25 miles apart (they are Mennonite and they do serve all people groups--but they also treat the Amish--so I know they're "whole medicine").

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Jul 29, 2023·edited Jul 29, 2023

Just like the CDC co-opted the American Pediatric Association. First for the jabs, now "treating transgerism" in young children.

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Thank you Gay! Important information.

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Dr, if you knew a friend having a baby now would you recommend they go to a birth center instead of hospital? Now that things are out of control?

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Research both the hospital and birthing center and the doctor and pediatrician. Stand up for your rights and your baby’s rights .

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Many are choosing home births, with a doula, if not high risk. I had a friend who did this in the 90s and know a young mom who did it about 6 mo ago.

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We discussed this mutilation with all its horrific visuals before. In fact, I even kept a link that I could show people (while handing them a sick bag) just to prove it’s being done. It is the results of a surgery to create a phallus using the flesh of the forearm. I hope this posts. https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Ff01bff5e-0bda-44d2-abf0-e99594ab4e96_1128x636.png?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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They call it bottom surgery but it’s much more that that.

Breast implants and mastectomies are pretty well documented.

Removing function sex organs and trying artistically rebuild the opposite sex organ is a pipe dream. The artificial sex organs are not functional. These poor people end up constantly tending to the surgery site. The aftershock health effects I’ve read about are devastating and they are forever.

Their bodies are permanently damaged beyond repair.

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Pipe dream indeed.

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do those "artistically rebuild the opposite sex organs" even work as they should? Do they even give the owner any pleasure?

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No. They are simply there but do not work... in fact men who have the castrating surgery get a hole fashioned into their pubic area that they have to dilate daily, to keep it open... which is extremely painful and causes frequent, repeat infections. One detransitioning older female reported "he" has pubic hair growing in his urethra 🤢... She stated she is a patient for life, which she says has surely been shortened due to the drugs she took to "transition."

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This should be required reading for anybody considering this surgery, including the butchers eee I mean surgeons who push them on unsuspecting “guinea pigs”

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Jul 30, 2023·edited Jul 30, 2023

Great answer, Maggie, but I’m confused…It it a biological he who got artificial women’s plumbing or a she who just got male hormones? ….?

I hate pronouns nowadays.

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No, it is a purely cosmetic surgery.

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then what's the use? Save your money and enjoy life as it is

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Open Link At Your Own Risk!

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Ya I just can’t go there!!

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Gulp💢Preparing myself….

But THANK YOU. We need to know the sad ugly truths and let others know too. Not an easy time to navigate these days, is it?

I feel like we’re going down the roughest rapids imaginable but it’s necessary and there’re folks in the water dashing on the rocks need rescuing up ahead.

Thank God for God.


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Does anyone remember the C&C issue that Jeff did on this subject along with some shocking pictures?? I looked for it but I couldn't find it. If I knew the date of the issue I could look it up.

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Isn’t that what I posted above? I attached at least one of the pics that I was able to save.

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Yeah, that's one of the pics but I can't get to the C&C issue from that. I think the issue was at least a couple of months ago.

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Try last week or the 2 weeks ago maybe. It wasn't that far back...

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I have seen some pictures of girls mutilations trying to be boys, horrifying. It is a horror show.

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again, just like a SAW movie brought into reality for thousand of victims and we sit in the theater and pay to watch it and remain mostly passive and weirdly entertained or mesmerized or unable to look away but not willing to grasp the reality of it; these fol(rea)ks need to be locally sedated and have a maniacal ROOMBA with surgical steel teeth and claws sic'd on them

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I weep for humanity because of their lack of acknowledgement our our Creator.

Tinkering with Life itself to 'improve' it.

This is truly the work of the evil one.

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Jana Crawford … every life is a miracle, weeping right along with you.

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The same goes for the new mRNA "treatments" for all kinds of "genetic" diseases. Sasha Latypova just did an article about this.

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can one even "improve" on God's handiwork?

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Who else has held the oceans in his hand?

Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers?

Who else knows the weight of the earth

or has weighted the mountains and hills on a scale?

Who is able to advise the Spirit of the Lord?

Who knows enough to give Him advice or teach Him?

Has the Lord ever needed anyone's advice?

Does he need instruction about what is good?

Did some teach Him what is right

or show Him the path of justice?

No, for all the nations of the are but a drop in the bucket

They are nothing more than dust on the scales

He picks up the whole earth as though it were a grain of sand.

Isaiah 40:12-15

Dear brothers and sisters, there is a reason why Creation is attacked.

Who might want it destroyed?

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Thank you, Jana!!!


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Seems to me Dr Blair and all like him are trying to play God (and I would venture to say they even deny His existence) with OPC (Other People's Children). Their licenses ought to be revoked

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To obtain OPM (Other People's Money).

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Playing Nazi doctor except this time around people are participating of their own free will, well, a free will that has been brainwashed. It is all very frightening.

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Oh, I’m pretty sure that little license between his legs should be revoked. Lest he create another in his image. With prejudice and no anesthetic.

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Unfortunately a large number of people transitioning are doing so because the church refusing to accept them for who they are and they think that if they present as a different gender society will accept them for being attracted to the same sex, so let's start accepting them for who they are and stop insulting the creator. Also a large number are sexual assault victims who have such serve PTSD they hate their body parts and blame their abuse on their gender. As a medical professional I'm completely shocked by your lack of compassion for the psychological trauma some of these people are going through and the failure of offering them support, love and kindness without judgment.

It seems the censorship is failing to educate people so we can work together to help guide these people into loving themself.

Nothing but more abuse. That's all these people are getting, telling them there is something wrong with them. It's got to stop, if we want to challenge and change this system and instead offer them the therapy they need. Or they will just push back harder and ignore our warnings. No different than the vaccines. Call someone and idiot and a sheeple will not work, explaining you care about them and would like them to listen might.

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The sheep comment was regarding health professionals following what they are told with the jab and the mandates and not thinking for themselves and the same with climate change … question everything .

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Most of these people have already rejected God.

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It's very easy to reject a God who uses fear and shame to control others whilst the community sits by and allows their leaders to sexually abuse millions of children - and pays them to help them cover it up. Or a God whose leaders sit on 40 million dollar thrones and hoards of gold which could be used to create food and water systems in poor countries.

I think what you mean is most of these people have rejected YOUR God and are searching for a source of energy and devine light that brings peace and harmony to the world.

The few people you see online that they carefully select to fuel the divide, does not represent the entire community or MOST.

Rejecting the teaching of Christianity and using it as a historical text was one of the best things I did for my mental health.

If it works for you great... the fear, shame and judgement was not in alignment with my beliefs of how to treat others with love and compassion.

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I believe what you are describing is mental illness and used to be treated with counseling.

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Since when did a person's nervous system response to abuse become a mental illness?

Yes abuse should be treated with therapy, but never should it be considered a mental illness.

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He's talking about people transitioning. That, in my opinion is mental illness and they should have counseling and therapy - not mutilation. I read an article yesterday of a transitioned individual in Canada who is seeking euthanasia because he/she is in so much pain from her new vagina. I don't call that kind of treatment compassionate - again, my opinion.

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It's not a mental illness if someone is manipulated into this procedure, which most are being. If he and you were saying the doctors who are doing this have a mental illness, that would be different. The doctors need therapy!

There is a very very small number of people who just want to transition with no psychological issue can not be addressed through therapy. These people might have a mental illness. But the people who are just trying to figure out who they are and why they dont fit into society norms and the doctor manipulates them into the procedure are not mentally ill, they are victims of the medical industry.

These doctors are insulting the creator. Just like those that perform circumcision are.

That's not how I read his comment, I read it as the people who want this procedure are the 'bad' ones.

and if that is what he meant, then I apologize as I find all this very triggering.

People need to have compassion for these children and attack the industry, not the trusting patients. Just like with with the shots. Some of the people who got them where manipulated, it's not fair to be mean to them. It's the doctors who seem to have totally lost their minds.

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What kind of medical professional are you?

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Is that a question for me? I am an abuse survivor that uses alternative holistic therapies to help people overcome trauma.

I have my own journey of understanding complete hate for my sex and fear of being associated with it as what happened to me would have never happened if I was a a man. I had to work through this the pass 2 years which was 10 times harder than it should have been due to all the hate and what I consider victim blaming, I witnessed online.

I still have extreme fear of Christians - I have panic attacks when I see a cross, it's so bad, the online hate expressed by Christians online adds fuel to my fire.

It's not a mental illness, it's my body warning me of potential harm and trying to protect me from abuse.

The major problem we have is people expect those with a vagina to behave one way and those with a penis to behave another way and it they don't conform to societies expectations they are abused for it. This is the root problem, and how therapy needs to start. Not by diagnosing them with a mental illness or telling them their is something wrong with them. But instead guiding the person into self acceptance and empowering them to respect and love themself. In addition a large part for me was understanding the pure evil in this world and recognizing I have a choice to only be around people who have the ability to provide compassion. I have to work a lot on my boundaries and when I see signs of abuse, be firm with them.

If you have never been a victim of gender based abuse or if you have not watched the 100's of testimonials online of people describing their abuse that led to fear of their own body parts or association with their presentation resulting in fear of others abuse - you have no right to comment on why people think wrongly, usually, due to misguided advice, that transitioning will solve their problems.

Saying people are mentally ill or insulting the creator or being harsh in any way is completely the wrong approach and it has a high risk of causing suicide.

I am very lucky I had the right support and healing from my abuse, but I didn't get it from doctors, I got more abuse from them. I got it from support in the community and recognizing that the people I felt abused by online are either ignorant or hateful people looking for any easy target.

I cancelled my free health insurance this year and I will never go to a government licensed doctor again, comments from this doctor just confirms why I made this choice. Medical professionals can not be trusted. Thankfully there are other options.

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Nikki. I watched this yesterday. Very difficult, but a beautiful ending to the story. This is what real Christianity does and is. At the end you see demonstrated the healing wrought by the intelligent, wise and profound Lovingkindness of God.

What you cite and have experienced is a perversion of it. But, I think you see through that lens —- because of the bad professors of Christianity who abuse children (against whom God is especially angry).

For which I am deeply sorry.

I hope and pray this film won’t trigger you, but it may. Also, I almost didn’t watch it bc it looked like such tacky clickbait. But it’s a profound story — especially since it’s about revealing and healing these most difficult of wounds.

— We can work together to love, understand and heal.


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Jul 30, 2023·edited Jul 30, 2023

Yes, it is for you. What kind of medical professional are you? "As a medical professional I'm completely shocked by your lack of compassion for the psychological trauma some of these people are going through and the failure of offering them support, love and kindness without judgment."

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I was saying as him being a medical professional, I'm shocked by this response.

I am not a medical professional but I was nominated as the UKs dating and relationship expert of the year for my ability to help people through psychological issues, so I little about what I'm talking about. And I am very fed up of feeling like I can't come on news platforms without being upset by the constant shaming of people who are being manipulated by doctors - no one is blaming the doctors or the teachers or the charities pushing this on kids and adults without giving them therapy, it's all directed at raising hate towards people who need love and support

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Amen Dr!!!!

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By the way, 'Brandon is not your bro':

Your moniker, for some reason, tickles my funny bone every time I see it. Thanks for the creativity!

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And did us all a favor, by insisting we could remain as individuals for the "sake" of mankind.

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Yeah, like calling our God a liar! Anyone who says they are not what they were born as is calling Him a liar! Disgusting, yet we are to lead them to Christ and pray they don't go through with any of this disfiguring mess that leaves a person infertile and disfigured/scarred for life! They will have high suicide rates if they don't already!

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Good one Susan 🎯

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Take it to the bank, Man!

Later Jay

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Dear Trans Community, Don't tell me I have to accept you for who you are when you couldn't accept yourself for who you were.

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I am reminded of that Biblical passage in the Old Testament, "Hath the pot said to the Potter...why have you made me thus?"

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Jul 28, 2023·edited Jul 28, 2023

Yes yes yes Sharon! The potter passage!

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That Biblical passage leapt into my "cerebral cortex" as soon as all of this "tranny mania" started to proliferate. I have shared, in the past on this forum, about my personal experience with a young woman who was a dyke - and she became a "bogus he" many years after I left the company where we both worked. If you'd like me to share that later encounter with "her", let me know. It's "telling" about the mental state of these people who are "malcontent" about their sexual "beingness".

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Please share!

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Are you referring to my comment about my personal experience with a woman who "trans'ed" into a "bogus man", Elaine?

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"Bogus he"

LOL! Brilliant!

So NOW humans come in FOUR genders:



BH= Bogus He

BS= Bogus She


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Nope--only TWO and I won't name any other "genders" as being legitimate! Confusion is the main "tool" of Lucifer and I don't want to give him anymore "power" than he already has in this sad, sad world! LOOK UP - OUR REDEEMER IS NEAR!!

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God IS here, and although these are challenging times, God's world is NOT "sad"! THAT is another one of Lucifer's lies! Turn on THE LIGHT and the darkness flees . . . there is no darkness in Him!

Remember, heaven is not only somewhere you go when you die: "The Kingdom of Heaven IS WITHIN!" It is eternal AND it is NOW! You have to find that connection to God/Jesus Christ/Source-of-All within yourself now, because NOW is the only time that exists. THAT is why Jesus came into this world: to connect His followers with the Holy Spirit in their lives, right then. It is REAL and here NOW. If you believe you have to wait for some future event, you have been deceived!

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Of course . . . that's why they are BOGUS!

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"If you'd like me to share that later encounter with "her", let me know. It's "telling" about the mental state of these people who are "malcontent" about their sexual "beingness"."

Yes, please share!

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This she who wanted so desperately to be a "he" finally went through the gradual "transformation" and when I saw her at a local eatery after NOT seeing her for over 15 years...I was amazed I still knew "her" She had a full bear and mustache and a bit lower voice. She looked like a "cute boy"...and we talked for a few moments. She gave me her "business card" and her name was no longer "Nicky" (real name was Cynthia) but changed her name to "Michael Mikkelson" and was a real estate agent. Right before we left each other's company, she whispered to me, "Please don't tell any of my associates about my past identity"--I was amazed she would say anything at all about that because #1 I really was NOT that interested in her "trannyism" behavior and #2 I really did NOT travel in the same circles as she did nor did I want to. Soooo....with all that being said...I left feeling VERY SORRY for her..she still was "anxious" about her "trannyism" after all of those years of being what she "wanted to be but never will be" no matter what "surgical/psychological/hormonal" interventions she inflicts on herself. I believe Nicky is a prime example of the MENTAL STATE of people who are TRANSsexual!

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It is quite sad what people will put themselves through. It is all a fantasy . . . gender is in every complete cell of the body, and cannot be changed. All they can do is become mutilated fakes—sterile and supported by very unhealthy hormonal treatments— but loved by Big Pharma because they become customers for life!

Trans people supposedly have an unusually high suicide rate. This non-acceptance of reality is a mental illness and they need help, not enabling. And to do that to minor children SHOULD get those unscrupulous doctors the death penalty!

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Very witty BFM! It reminds me a little of what Meghan Kelly has said…something like - you can’t make me believe and support your mental illness!

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It went like this with my trans son: I am a woman and I hope you accept me. Me: I completely love and accept you, and I accept that you are saying that you are a woman. Him: I really am. Me: I hear everything you're saying and accept that you're saying that you really are a woman. I am really your mother, and I love and accept you no matter what. Him: I can't believe you don't accept me.

Then excommunication was enforced upon me.

This was my earliest confusion. Why is it called acceptance of it refers to not accepting one's own self? Why is it acceptance, if it requires accepting a concept of, say, a woman, that the person who says he is a woman cannot explain what he thinks that is? Why is a parent's acceptance unacceptable if they don't believe what their child believes, and loves their child anyways? And, how is it possible to expect someone to perceive a woman where the physical senses perceive a man? If there is no physical reality that can be perceived with the senses tangibly, then what is the meaning of real?

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It’s not just acceptance, it’s mental enslavement that they want. I’m so sorry for your situation. Sooner or later they will come to the realization they’re wrong. Patience needed for sure. God, give us enough to outlast them!

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Jul 31, 2023·edited Jul 31, 2023

Some time on libs of ticktock has been a revelation. These impressionable kids are told to do that (teachers, predatory social media influencers [groomers], etc.).

Kids are told to expect that and what to do: excommunicate. All in the recipe.

Trust us. Not your hateful parents. See? They don’t understand, but we do. We are Love!

The kids don’t initially think that way; they get “guidance”.

Then it’s reinforced by peers & drs & the whole bloody system.

But resources exist for parents caught in this horrific situation. We need to find & share it.

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I am saving lots of resources. Miriam Grossman just released a new book, Lost in Trans Nation, which is helpful. The podcast Gender a Wider Lens is excellent. Parents need to understand that kids are getting into this without us realizing. When you get the speech, you are not prepared at all.

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Jul 31, 2023·edited Jul 31, 2023

Yes. Sounds like you’re on it. All hands on deck, mobilized.

I listened to Miriam Grossman discussing this and the way the parents are traumatized along with the children. That was a major focus of her concern. The parents are vilified, lied to, marginalized and abandoned, while their child is captured & buried ever deeper into this cult. It’s racing against time, too, since you know the trajectory. How do you fight this? How do you maintain your own well-being (which is necessary (!) — because daily life goes on, too)

Allies. Sisters and brothers , of which there are many! Prayer. Information. Tactical and strategic methods. I pray you find them and are kept strong and fighting, loving fit!


Godspeed. A very difficult time. But with God all things are possible. I pray that your son will come back unscathed and that your family will be restored in love to wholeness soon.

Here are the vids I saw. Glad you have the books. (I send these and the summary above for any others too — who may be likewise blindsided in the future. ) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Su2Z4_iQHz4


God Bless you Courage, dear mother!

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"Then excommunication was enforced upon me." Wow, cut off a the knees. That's gotta hurt like no other.

Best to you.

Later Jay

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Runemasque, I guess your "son" couldn't accept your acceptance. Poor kid, I feel sorry for you. I hope you aren't expecting grandkids from him

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Wow, Peter GL! Your last sentence was completely unnecessary and pretty much cancels out any "compassion" you attempted in the first 2. 😕

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I’m so sorry! How old is he and how long ago did this happen? Is he still at home?(Please pardon my questions — I’m combing through my saved bits to see if I can dispatch some kind of cavalry)


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I am sharing because this is happening to lots of families. After my shock, and realizing this really happened, I am not interested in just shutting up about it. It is a tragedy, and most parents have no clue this could happen. There is no cavalry except to hope that my son comes to his own realization that he has more options than he thought. He just turned 18 and is living with affirming grandma, who somehow is not concerned by the extreme measures required of trans kids. She bought into the trans training too.

You can pray. You can try to strengthen your own relationships with any young people in your life who may be vulnerable to ideologies. You can try to build compassion for these kids who really are being taken advantage of. You can pray. You can offer your support to families you may meet who are in the middle of this.

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Sorry for your dismay

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For young malleable minds it's confusion (Adolescence anyone?) and forced indoctrination. For "adults" it's a serious mental illness.

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if you're 25 or older and not on some contrived "spectrum" then what excuse for any level of participation in this gruesome Breast-to Beltline Masquerade do you have?

Guilty and life imprisonment or we need a giant flaming meteor to take the whole globe out. Or a dozen sea vents and volcanoes to unleash maybe.

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Jul 28, 2023·edited Jul 28, 2023

Alas, that's a mighty witty language of pure common-sense rationality, ie the sort of language they're not equipped to speak ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

PS Pun sure intended 😏

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"Trans" ideology is completely delusional, resting upon a manufactured "feeling" of being something one is not, and cannot even know. The idea that someone born male could "feel like" a female is an impossibility. They cannot know what a woman feels like, so how can they know they "feel like" one? A female "feels like" a woman b/c every day of that person's life - from inside the womb, actually - they were treated by their friends, family, and society as a female is treated in our society. That treatment is entirely different from how a male is treated. Without those billions of individual experiences and perceptions over time, the concept of "feeling like" a man, a woman, a dog, an alien, etc. is a delusion. You cannot "feel like" something that you have never experienced and have no internal, experiential concept for. It's all just made-up and implanted in their minds. And, to be honest, they choose to believe and accept the delusional thought.

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It is mental illness and it is being encouraged.

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I've written almost a carbon copy as my own comment many times. It's just brainwashing - psychological manipulation and gas lighting of children who are sometimes just experiencing the "ravages" of a puberty changing body. Others have deeper issues, like sexual abuse or some other trauma. The public schools and social media are driving this "fad".

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I also hold the medical community mostly accountable. "Do no harm" seems to have gone out the window, since cutting off non-diseased body parts and enabling mental illness is the definition of harm. And doctors should know better than to be swayed by political fads.

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Jul 31, 2023·edited Jul 31, 2023

Woah there, Ru! That’s part of it, the nurture part, sure. And you hit the nail in flush, with a single blow, when you said it rested on “a "feeling" of being something one is not, and cannot even know. The idea that someone born male could "feel like" a female is an impossibility….” and “ You cannot "feel like" something that you have never experienced and have no internal, experiential concept for. ” Yes!!!

BUT, women know what a woman feels like because they are women, girls, females. Same for men, boys, males. Because they ARE!

Women exist in different minds and bodies than males —- every cell is different —from the earliest age. Even before the embryonic endocrine and systems begin to form. It’s in our DNA.

We parents nurture the male or female PERSON. So much more than reinforcing a social construct. (And much, much more than roles or stereotypes as they now reduce it to — to bend the perceptions of the gullible so-called teachers & their oh-so-precious and impressionable students.) There is a vastly wide and lovely variety of expressions of our respective selves, male or female.

Men and women do indeed need the nurture of both parents (or surrogates). But this in love and wisdom, recognizing the innate and individual existences of their innate, God given gifts of maleness or femaleness. —Bending the tree in the way it should, by nature, beautifully grow.

I know you know this. I just needed to complete the picture.


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Words like that should help deter the bus from the cliff to the Twilight Zone abyss. A+

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Great observation, basedfloridaman

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Oh, that’s good!

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Suggesting one word change- the last one.

Dear Trans Community, Don't tell me I have to accept you for who you are when you couldn't accept yourself for who you are.

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Many are sexual assault victims or have a fear of being seen as queer and think if they are the opposite gender it will take away their shame many are victims of trauma and need the communities support to get therapy, not more trauma.

You don't have to accept a person's poor choices in their trauma processing, you are right, but that says more about you than them.

Of course, there are weirdo pedo nutjobs out there and that's a different story, they deserve what ever they get.

Learn the difference

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excellent post, well said!!! Got to remember this one!

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Jul 28, 2023·edited Jul 28, 2023

Thank you for covering the next psyop - global warming / climate change.. I have only been seeing these ridiculous "Heat Warning" alerts this year and the temperatures in Florida are no hotter than they have been in previous years.. IT'S SUMMER!! IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE HOT!!

Also, remember this interesting little climate change narrative that James O'Keefe exposed: https://twitter.com/ov_matter/status/1684971864882626561?s=46&t=eiWIWmyxWe7pNmaXMwHizA

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I showed my neighbors, who are libbies and fervent climate change losers, a map of the earth during the Mesozoic. Guess what? 150 million years and no polar ice caps. So polar ice caps are not a permanent fixture on earth. But the diversity of life and the dinosaurs 🦕 did just fine. They just left me alone after that.

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You might want to rethink dinosaurs....

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As I told a libbie before, I am okay with our extinction event if it meant I didn't have to listen to her and her kind ever again.

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LOL! Love your rancorous humor!!

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I am rethinking dinos too and everything else taught by man...

FYI What about a dragon leviathan? LOL Job 41 describes it.

God’s Power in the Leviathan

“Can you draw out Leviathan[a] with a hook,

Or snare his tongue with a line which you lower?

2 Can you put a reed through his nose,

Or pierce his jaw with a [b]hook?

3 Will he make many supplications to you?

Will he speak softly to you?

4 Will he make a covenant with you?

Will you take him as a servant forever?

5 Will you play with him as with a bird,

Or will you leash him for your maidens?

6 Will your companions [c]make a banquet of him?

Will they apportion him among the merchants?

7 Can you fill his skin with harpoons,

Or his head with fishing spears?

8 Lay your hand on him;

Remember the battle—

Never do it again!

9 Indeed, any hope of overcoming him is false;

Shall one not be overwhelmed at the sight of him?

10 No one is so fierce that he would dare stir him up.

Who then is able to stand against Me?

11 Who has preceded Me, that I should pay him?

Everything under heaven is Mine.

12 “I will not [d]conceal his limbs,

His mighty power, or his graceful proportions.

13 Who can [e]remove his outer coat?

Who can approach him with a double bridle?

14 Who can open the doors of his face,

With his terrible teeth all around?

15 His rows of [f]scales are his pride,

Shut up tightly as with a seal;

16 One is so near another

That no air can come between them;

17 They are joined one to another,

They stick together and cannot be parted.

18 His sneezings flash forth light,

And his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning.

19 Out of his mouth go burning lights;

Sparks of fire shoot out.

20 Smoke goes out of his nostrils,

As from a boiling pot and burning rushes.

21 His breath kindles coals,

And a flame goes out of his mouth.

22 Strength dwells in his neck,

And [g]sorrow dances before him.

23 The folds of his flesh are joined together;

They are firm on him and cannot be moved.

24 His heart is as hard as stone,

Even as hard as the lower millstone.

25 When he raises himself up, the mighty are afraid;

Because of his crashings they [h]are beside themselves.

26 Though the sword reaches him, it cannot avail;

Nor does spear, dart, or javelin.

27 He regards iron as straw,

And bronze as rotten wood.

28 The arrow cannot make him flee;

Slingstones become like stubble to him.

29 Darts are regarded as straw;

He laughs at the threat of javelins.

30 His undersides are like sharp potsherds;

He spreads pointed marks in the mire.

31 He makes the deep boil like a pot;

He makes the sea like a pot of ointment.

32 He leaves a shining wake behind him;

One would think the deep had white hair.

33 On earth there is nothing like him,

Which is made without fear.

34 He beholds every high thing;

He is king over all the children of pride.”

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Thank you Thank you Thank you!!


Found on SusanMc’s fine link. Pages & pages. https://answersingenesis.org/dinosaurs/dragon-legends/

I love this!

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I went to the Ark and the Creation Museum in Kentucky last year and that is where I learned about it. Both places were well worth the trip.

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Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ effectively. We focus on providing answers to questions about the Bible—particularly the book of Genesis—regarding key issues such as creation, evolution, science, and the age of the earth.

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Thank you! I’d forgotten all about this site. Found this mother lode on dragons, after Job’s Leviathon.


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Dinos and outer space are both fake, man made deceptions in an attempt to hide our Creator. Every human in history can simply look ‘up’ to the heavens, regardless of geographical location. When Satan tempted Jesus by taking him to an exceedingly high mountain, he saw all the kingdoms of this world. And he didn’t look through a ‘ball’ to see any of them. Reject your indoctrination and search God’s Holy Word for all answers. Most American pastors don’t even have enough discernment to understand this truth, although there are hundreds of Scriptures that tell us plainly.

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Well, since I’m late to the party I wanted to drop this for you, too. From Susan Mc’s Answers in genesis link(post above), on dragons. There’s plenty on dinos too. https://answersingenesis.org/dinosaurs/dragon-legends/

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Will you put a link for us to see what you showed your neighbors? Thank you!

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It was in one of my son's dinosaur books. A map of the Mesozoic.

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But, wouldn't you love to have been a fly on the wall after you parted ways?

Later Jay

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Yeah. I am sure I was called the b word. 😅😅

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You think???

Later Jay

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Annie , FCCL= fervent climate change losers.

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That works. 😄

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Trademark it fast! TM R SM

Later Jay

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Of course much of the US was under an ocean at that time.

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Oh the horror! Climate change! Ack!🤯

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Not surprised they had a media blackout on the volcano and all it’s climate effects. 🙄 Useless wind bags of climate crap! I did figure when this truth starts leaking out the shift will probably go to - our CO2 caused the volcano to erupt in the first place. So it will still be the fault of humans destroying the planet. Just like the poison injections hasn’t caused all the SADS. Pure garbage.

I appreciated all the information about the underwater volcano eruption and how it actually effects the planet. It’s weird….I enjoy hearing the truth. 😏 I guess I’m weird like that.

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Yes, I appreciated the information as well. The globalists want to spout climate change. Rev. 8 describes true global climate change which Almighty God will bring upon the earth for repentance and judgement just like the plagues He brought upon Egypt in Exodus.

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Hey Sunnydaze,

I'm kinda weird like that too. I am a closet nerd so I did hear about the eruption. I like plate tectonics and the like. It's not a passion but I do knoodle around looking and reading so.....

If anyone is interested, here's a link to follow earthquakes around the globe.

Don't freak! Look at the magnitude first!


Later Jay

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Carbon Capture Pipelines...capturing deadly C02 from the air and sucking it into a pipeline and then sending it into the earth. Therefore heating the earth from within, instead of having it in the air. It is the most ridiculous admin in history. Quit drilling for oil so we can be self sustaining and make pipelines for shit like this?? You have to be joking. Probably what caused the volcano to erupt. I am not pushing my own stack, but it is a thing. I just found out about it...https://sadiejay.substack.com/p/carbon-capture-pipelines

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It doesn’t play into the damned Narrative. Everything is about playing into their damned narrative.

The sad thing is that so many still read and watch msm, not realizing how extremely biased it is, to the point of brainwashing propaganda.

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I’m expecting the shift will be in the direction of blaming it on drilling for oil and gas, as usual.

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Or they'll just claim due to this event, we need to accelerate the green agenda faster. Not 11 years now, ONLY 5!!!

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“ Useless wind bags of climate crap!” What a delicious and apt visual!


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It has been an unusually cool spring/summer in the Black Hills of SD. I keep saying, “where is summer!”

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Summer is here in MI where it’s 91 today and we are out of power due to a storm. Cracks me up how the media is all raving about this heatwave. Hello 👋 it’s SUMMER!

In 1994 we hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon mid summer and it was about 110 degrees. AZ is not much different now, almost 30 years later.

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Someone in my Phoenix gardening group posted a picture of a newspaper headline from the 90s showing the exact temperature pattern we are currently experiencing. Someone else replied that Arizonians had a right to complain about the heat, it is a state pastime...kind of like baseball.

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That is what I keep saying, the more people complain, the more people complain. I told a guy today at the gas station, it is summer, it is hot and humid and he is above ground, so be grateful. Complaining about the heat has become an obsession, thanks to the global freaks.

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I wish I could share. In Southern Missouri, I’m hot and dry again. 😕

I know it’s not globull warming, but I still prefer enough rain that my pastures are green.

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“gloBULL” Yes! 😆

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Gorebull warning

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Same here in north idaho. Nothing compared to that awful heat dome last year with smoke from early season fires.

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I love the hot summer weather. I’m hoping for a beautiful warm fall!

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Same in Virginia, fairly cool this spring and summer up until this week and now in the 90's ... and with more rain than usual far into summer. There's been enough rain so that watering new plants is minimal this year. And I suspect that farmers may get a very good second hay crop this year due to the extra rain. It could be hotter than usual in other regions as weather shifts count a lot. And lest we forget, and in the longer time frame, North Africa along the Mediterranean was once a lush garden with water rivers running.

I vaguely remember hearing about this volcanic eruption. And it's amazing how fast mention has disappeared from 'the news' ... and faster than you can say 'Las Vegas Shooting'!

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OK, I'm coming there. I have hated summer since I was born and would prefer to roll around in the snow. I'm better SD has a great winter!!

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If i liked winter, SD would be great. If you go there, you get Christy Noem. Love her!

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The same was true here in KS until JUST THIS WEEK....<sigh>...I knew it was coming but did greatly enjoy the beautiful weather while it lasted!

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Western Washington state has been amazing! Mostly 70s and low 80s. A little dryer than normal though.

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Will be in SD soon and looking forward to cooler weather. Even the ocean water here in FL is very warm. I believe Miami has ocean temps of 100.

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Visiting the Black Hills? It’s beautiful right now.

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Yes we are taking a tour so we start in Rapid City, then Mt Rushmore, and Yellowstone. Looking so forward to it.

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Yikes! How do people cool off?

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We're hot and unusually humid for our area. This made total sense as to why!

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This has definitely been a hotter summer than "normal" for TX, but not by too much. Still - that volcano helps explain the why of the heat increases. Considering that 2-3 years of massively reduced emissions globally didn't change the temperatures much, I think it makes sense to look at other causes and this is one of them.

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Easy to be a meteorologist in north Texas right now. Just pick a number between 102 and 112 lol.

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True, Summer is supposed to be hot, however Jeff did say that the ocean water IS heating the air, likely due to this eruption. There have clearly been massive and unprecedented heat waves across the US even in places like Oregon and plenty of other extreme weather that is likely a result of this eruption. It’s not just impacting the ocean water temperature.

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For a thoroughgoing deconstruction of climate-change alarmism, you might like this post in The Menelaus Gambit: https://ernestdlieberman.substack.com/p/climate-change-alarmists-ignore-how

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Interesting read, for sure! Thank you for sharing.

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https://randallcarlson.com/ Randall published two recent podcasts concerning the rest of the story of CO2.

Ep096 CO2 Benefits / Cranky Climate Deniers / Social Control -Kosmographia -Randall Carlson Podcast https://youtu.be/RLy2mLOEQoU

Ep097 Bonneville Megaflood / How to Start an Ice Age / CO2


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Nevertheless He saved them for the sake of His name,

That He might make His power known.

Thus He rebuked the Red Sea and it dried up,

And He led them through the deeps, as through the wilderness.

So He saved them from the hand of the one who hated them,

And redeemed them from the hand of the enemy.

The waters covered their adversaries;

Not one of them was left.

Then they believed His words;

They sang His praise.

— Psalm 106:8-12 NASB1995

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My favorite verses, which I have tattoos of:

Matthew 6:21: "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

1 Corinthians 15:26: "The last enemy to be destroyed is death."

Isaiah 6:8: "Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: 'Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?' Then I said, 'Here am I! Send me.'"

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R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Blessed are they who have kept the word with a generous heart

and yield a harvest through perseverance.

R. Alleluia, alleluia.

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Nice WS.

Later Jay

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But there are so many! And favorites should change and include the whole books. Why not tattoo them all? Or carry The Book. Why claim God created us as we are and then add tattoos or piercings. I'm old. I just don't understand.

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It is a trend. Personally, I dont think it is aesthetically pleasing to look at,..but it is trendy in certain age groups and professions.

At one time leathery deep brown tans were trendy, pierced ears were trendy, ghostish pale skin was trendy, etc...so who is to say! 🤷

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R. (John 6:68c) Lord, you have the words of everlasting life.

The law of the LORD is perfect,

refreshing the soul;

The decree of the LORD is trustworthy,

giving wisdom to the simple.

R. Lord, you have the words of everlasting life.

The precepts of the LORD are right,

rejoicing the heart;

The command of the LORD is clear,

enlightening the eye.

R. Lord, you have the words of everlasting life.

The fear of the LORD is pure,

enduring forever;

The ordinances of the LORD are true,

all of them just.

R. Lord, you have the words of everlasting life.

They are more precious than gold,

than a heap of purest gold;

Sweeter also than syrup

or honey from the comb.

R. Lord, you have the words of everlasting life.

Psalm 19

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Thank you for posting these holy words of wisdom. I so needed it today. 🙏❤️

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As did I. This week I have been really grappling with how much time I devote to reading about all the horrible things going on in the world, and how much time I devote to growing stronger spiritually. I can’t just ignore what’s going on, as some folks might suggest, but I have to find the right balance. I’m still searching. I pray daily for an increase of trust in the Lord, and I know I am His, yet I’m so troubled by the increasing revelations we see every day. Grateful for all the like-minded souls on this Substack! 🙏🏻

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What helps me is to read scripture before I read anything else, when I wake up and when I lay down to sleep. It’s a filter that gives me discernment, a sword that vanquishes fear, and a soft blanket that wraps me in peace. And I think I just wrote my next post.

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Perfectly said. It is exactly how I got through all the noise of COVID and continue still. I wish others would put more faith in our God and less in man.

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Thank you, Janice. I love thinking of reading scripture as a filter. You are a blessing! ❤️

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You are so good Janice! And “thou oh Lord are a shield about me”

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I’m going to ❤️ the last part and cast doubt on the first. 🫣

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If you like, you can check my substack and read the post I wrote from this. Thank you all for your encouragement and faith!

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I’m in the same boat. So much evil in the world, and every day it seems it’s getting closer. I just keep trying my best to show more kindness to others. Also pushing myself to create joy where possible. The Lord is on our side, so we all just need to prepare our own house.

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AMEN! I am in the same place, Seeking!

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I am right where you are, Seeking Grace. Praying for guidance and sound minds for all of us. The word of the Lord clears our minds. 2 Tim 1:7. To God be the Glory!

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Seeking Grace, it is nice to have someone else put this into words. It is so hard to read about all that is going on. At the same time, I'm very grateful to Jeff for all the time & energy, even while on vacation, that he puts in to providing us with reliable information. I'm working on the "growing stronger spiritually. The turmoil is quite disheartening but then, I head to our garden & the reminder that God created our amazing bodies & our world.

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Maybe my latest Substack will encourage you.

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So glad to hear you say that...I have been too for awhile now..it’s painful and leads me to prayer

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I can understand exactly where you are coming from “seeking grace”. This is a frightening time. I am so worried about the future for my children and grandchildren. I want to believe that God will take care of us all but also know that I must not remain silent about how I feel about what is happening in our society. Each day the evil grows. I know I have to have faith that enough of my fellow citizens will step up and revolt against this evil.

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Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.

Amazing times!

Amazing Grace!

Have I not commanded you —

Be strong and courageous!

For the Lord Your God will be with you wherever you go!!

Courage, Dear Heart!


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98 likes! One of them mine. I think you struck a chord; we’re all feeling so much the same about the difficulty balancing, the gratitude for this community and the balm ministered through His words shared here.

God Bless us, every one.


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Jesus said to his disciples:

“Hear the parable of the sower.

The seed sown on the path is the one who hears the word of the Kingdom

without understanding it,

and the Evil One comes and steals away

what was sown in his heart.

The seed sown on rocky ground

is the one who hears the word and receives it at once with joy.

But he has no root and lasts only for a time.

When some tribulation or persecution comes because of the word,

he immediately falls away.

The seed sown among thorns is the one who hears the word,

but then worldly anxiety and the lure of riches choke the word

and it bears no fruit.

But the seed sown on rich soil

is the one who hears the word and understands it,

who indeed bears fruit and yields a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold.”

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Matthew 13:18-23

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I really like it when Jesus explained His parables.

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I’ve often thought about the fact that the rich soil, which nourishes the seed that eventually bears abundant fruit, doesn’t come about but through much time and care and often from a catastrophic event like a volcanic eruption. If we are to bear abundant fruit, then we had better get our soil (soul) prepared.

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I think so too.

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Typical Democratic response. We don't like it so we're outta here. Petulant children.....and speaking of fake vaginas........I'm sure that cut a little too close to home. Fake vaginas surrounded by some real dickheads.

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I think they should volunteer for these procedures. You know - to follow the "science" as they make it up. Hateful nasty people.

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They should have to study their own cases.

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Makes me wonder if gender surgery is another part of their plan to push us towards universal healthcare since it creates patients for life.

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For the record OHSU is the cream of the crop for healthcare in Oregon 🤮. Prior to 2020 I agreed. Then I saw their evil. If I were dying on the street I wouldn’t step foot in that money grabbing fake health pretend care institution. Zero respect for that place. Zero!

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Same here in regards to UAB (University of Alabama Birmingham (Alabama). Research hospital UAB failed the covid text imho.

Too close the Fauxci’s Remdesivir which was used to gather data & enrich the “cockroach” as Jeff so aptly describes him.

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Amazing isn’t it. You’re sick, you go to the experts, OHSU. Such a revered institution. Well, not in my book anymore!

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I know a nurse there. When I started asking questions later I to the scam, I knew how badly she was being lied to by the administration. And she was just repeating their lies to me. The kicker is that when covid first started she was the one telling me that their beds were empty even though the news was saying they were overwhelmed. She was afraid of being laid off because OHSU had so many empty beds. It was a ghost town she said! The psyop cuts deep even to those who knew it was a scam at the beginning. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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My SIL is a retired head emergency room nurse in Wa, she swooned over fauchi. Even last summer. Called ivermectin horse paste. I wonder how many times she prescribed it during her illustrious career?

Sounds like your friend was at least questioning things?

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As a nurse, she would only administer, nurses can’t prescribe, no matter how doctor-like they want to be.

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In Oregon Nurse Practitioners can prescribe. Maybe they have a special designation. So can naturopaths. Not sure about Washington.

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Nope. Doesn’t question a thing! She volunteered to be one of the first to be injected!! She just simply told us what she was seeing at the hospital in the very beginning….then I think (IMO) the administrator got a hold of their people and started telling them what to say via emails. That’s my theory. Their family threatened them if they didn’t get vaxxed they would not see their grandkids anymore. That kind of scenario. If there was even an inkling she would stand up…she sat down super quick. She self proclaims she doesn’t like confrontation so will just do whatever to get along.

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The nurses in the ER would ignore us when we would come in with any other patient other than a trauma entry. We would stand blocking the entrance to their work area with the gurney and just stare at them until someone acknowledged us. Even when you would say “hi” no one would even look at you. I hated going there. If that’s how they treated fellow health care professionals, I can only imagine the patient care. Their patient rooms are a mess to get to too from the ER, where you had to go into this weird subterranean tunnel that would graze the top of my head (I’m just under 6 foot) and then you go DOWN to the 8th floor, pop out the elevator, pop into another, go up to the tenth floor, walk through another maze. Get ignored again, and finally get to the patient you are transferring. The weirdest hospital ever.

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I know I should not laugh (not sure why) but that last sentence cracked me up.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr @RobertKennedyJr

Since the assassination of my father in 1968, candidates for president are provided Secret Service protection. But not me.

Typical turnaround time for pro forma protection requests from presidential candidates is 14-days. After 88-days of no response and after several follow-ups by our campaign, the Biden Administration just denied our request. Secretary Mayorkas: "I have determined that Secret Service protection for Robert F Kennedy Jr is not warranted at this time."

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Considering the government may have played a role in assassinating his father and uncle you'd think maybe having government provided protection is a bad idea....

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Good point

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RFK Jr is rapidly gaining the same following among moderate Dems that Trump got from the blue collars across the US in 2016. His Townhall with Hannity would have been excellent were it not with Hannity who likes to spend 5 minutes phrasing every question the way he wants it answered. I wish they would get off the CIA kick of murdering his uncle, JFK. Yes, I believe that very likely could have happened but RFK Jr’s real favor ability factor comes from his stance on the fraud of vaccines and covid and his stance on the American people getting the truth.

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Which is why the masses will NEVER learn the truth of RFK,Jr.'s campaign platform.

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I don't know about that. The MSM's hatred of Trump did wonders for Trump's campaign. There is so much distrust of the media these days that RFK Jr. might win the primary solely because the MSM hates him.

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But Trump had Fox News prior to Election Day 2016. Conservatives had Fox News.

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The media wasnt ignoring him. It was mocking him but it got him publicity. They are outright ignoring RFKJR.

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Trump’s campaign is currently cashing in on his indictments.

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There is that. But then do Democrats hate the media which backs and supports them on abortion, climate change, child mutilation, taking our guns, surrendering our nation, etc?

As far as I can tell, RFK, Jr. only deviates on the issue of vaccines.

I think almost all the media distrust is from MAGA. I don’t say ‘Republicans’ because they are mostly just ‘Democrat lite’. Unless they’ve been forced into committee hearings and need sound bites for fundraising and reelection campaigns.

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No, the dems have much more trust in the media, but over half of the states have open primaries for independents. And RFK is opposed to the forever wars, censorship and surveillance, and identity politics.

RFK looks to me like the Democrats version of Trump, and I imagine that a great many independents are so disenchanted with the way things are going that thwarting Biden in the primaries makes sense. Imagine the tantrums that TPTB would have if it was Trump vs RFK.

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Think about the shitfit with both of them working together.

They'd probably nuke us all.......

Later Jay

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RFJ is against child mutilation and against men playing on women’s sports teams. He also wants to quickly end the Ukraine war and to stop the warmongering.

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Are there no uncompromised Republicans? There will be no impeachment of the senile old fart.


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What a surprise. Now they’re leaving Washington for 6 weeks. Who knows what the news will be by then.

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They will then be saddled with a President Kamala

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"‘Democrat lite’" gold!

Later Jay

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Hannity is a war whore. I listen but shake my head an awful lot.

I like RFKJR's message which makes me think that if he gets any closer, he should probably have his own detail around him. Corporate America and the Dark Side don't play when it comes to interrupting their game play.

Later Jay

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Stopped listening to Hannity some time ago. He is as false as they come. Try Michael Savage instead.

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And he is a ‘climate’ guy.

Don’t ever trust a Kennedy.

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Didn’t say I would vote for him, but he is one of the few candidates out there confronting the whole CoVid hoax and the government corruption behind it.

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I’ve thought about changing my voters registration to vote for him in the primaries

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From what I understand, he's more of an environmentalist, against corporations that damage the environment to save profit. As opposed to a greenie who just wants to shut down all energy.

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RFK has my vote. He's the only candidate telling the truth about our captured Intel agencies and their diabolical censorship and control of the media.

It will be my first vote for a Democrat - even tho I've been a GOP supporter since 1980. (Really since 1972 when I was precocious 10 year old supporting Nixon's re-election.)

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How many more times are we going to line up to kick the football for Lucy (the GOP) and end up on our asses looking at the sky? I think 44 yrs of it was quite enough for me.

Screw these fake GOP opposition. Pat Buchanan was right about them

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Have you been able to hear him state he is truly for medical freedom? He has stated that he is for mandating vaccines if they are proven safe.

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I keep hearing similar vague statements from people who seem to be trying to stop conservatives from supporting him.

But I've followed him on Twitter and I have his book, "The Real Anthony Fauci" and his entire career at Children's Health Defense Fund which show words and actions are the opposite.

He is unreservedly pushing back against the schedule of vaxxing kids, and without any question at all, squarely blames the vaxxes for autism. That's huge.

I'll support the only guy who's willing to say out loud that childhood vaccinations need to be investigated, and that Big Pharma is running wild.

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Although I don’t know that much about him, his climate stuff is more about big business pollution rather than we don’t drive gas cars or eat meat. I will be learning more about him. I can’t help but really like what I know so far.

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Hahaha. Line right out of my RI fathers mouth! Never trust a Kennedy sweetheart.

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That makes me sick. He needs protection more than anyone. Jeeze, Hunter had an 8 car motorcade full of secret service just to go and LOSE in court.

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Given the actions of the Biden regime so far, Mr. Kennedy may be better off *without* Secret Service “protection.”

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I would think he wouldn’t trust the government to protect him anyway. And I’m not surprised one bit they won’t provide him with it. Corrupt bunch of illegitimate evil demons.

Why not pay for his own security? I imagine he could find some top notch people that would actually give a damn if his life were in danger. He’s better off without them. Give them an inch and they’ll kill him too.

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Yes! I saw he posted that on Instagram today. It is so unacceptable that I am speechless. They are marginalizing him so much as if he does not exist.

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Jul 28, 2023·edited Jul 28, 2023

The pettiness and corruption of the Biden admin is made increasingly apparent every single day and in every one of their acts. Why the entire country can't see this is astounding. It's as clear as day,.

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They dont know about it because Soros funded media doesn't tell them about it.

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My jaw is hitting the floor. I hope he has the resources to hire his own in the interim.

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Based, did you confirm that as a real tweet yourself? It seems too impossible.

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why would Brandon's Administration offer protection to someone from his own party to unseat him?

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Was just at the Atlantic Coast for vacation last week. I have NEVER felt the Atlantic that warm. I appreciate the explanation. If the media were to report on underwater volcanic activity, the man made global warming agenda would be destroyed.

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Just like years of supposed research has never resulted in a cancer cure.

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Finding an actual cure for cancer would potentially kill off a multi-billlion dollar industry worldwide.

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Use dewormers... for everything even cancer....

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That is one reason why I don't donate to them....

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Hard to believe how many people buy into this BS. I will no longer call them sheeple. Theye are now "BIBS". Buy into Bull S--t.

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Good acronym! But I also call them dangerous because they vote for idiots who think my gas stove and car are "killing us all".

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Dangerous BIBS

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'Tis sure fun to poke fun at terminally gullible! 😁 Still, we share our countries with them, and they wield the power of massive numbers over relatively few clear-eyed 😳

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Democracy, which is a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder, and dispensing a sort of equality to equals and unequal’s alike. Plato

Later Jay

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Except true democracy charms have never been tried 🤪

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Hahahaha -- i chucked in real life lol

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Stupid and nasty come to mind.

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Jul 28, 2023·edited Jul 28, 2023

I used to teach environmental education (the real thing, not b.s.) I did an astronomy program in 2011 or so. At that time, the 2012 doomsday crap was going on. I showed the kids a map of America, made by George Michael Scallion, that showed the US cut in half by the Mississippi, CA gone and half of Ohio under water. As we lived in Ohio, I asked the kids if Ohio looked like that. They said no. I then asked them what year they thought that map was supposed to be. They agreed 2012. I asked them if anyone was afraid of 2012 and one little shy girl bravely raised her hand. I told them that the map was supposed to be the year 1993 (or 4, can't remember) and asked the adults if the US looked like that then. They all said no. I told the kids there was nothing to be afraid of and told the girl it was ok - she should not feel bad because she had been lied to by people who sounded very convincing. I told them the only thing that has been consistent form the beginning of time is people predicting the end of time, and they have always been wrong. Edit: I also asked the adults if the same hysteria had happened around the year 2000, and they all said yes. None of those kids were alive then (or were very young) but they all understood that clearly the world had not ended in 2000.

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Only Yahweh knows when His creation will END - not even The Son knows. He is waiting for the Father to once again send Him to earth--but this time He will be the RIGHTEOUS WARRIOR and not the BABE IN THE MANGER.

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The Day of the Lord is coming.

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In 4th grade when I taught all of the reading material in the common core curriculum we were using was about natural disasters and went into detail how destructive and awful they are and were and scared the shit out of the kids. I didn’t use them in my own classroom, but did during student teaching. What happened to real literature?? Seriously…

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"I told them the only thing that has been consistent form the beginning of time is people predicting the end of time, and they have always been wrong."

Exactly, and the church has been as guilty of this as everyone else.

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25 or so years ago, I was in a staff meeting at an office job. We were discussing various disasters in the world - small talk before the actual meeting. This woman said that this was the work of the anti Christ and the world was going to end in the next few years - her church said so. None of us wanted to be rude to her but obviously that didn't happen. That church taught the woman to live in fear.

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Wow good for you!!

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"But though scientists are baffled, corporate media and its repulsive allies are busily blaming ocean warming on carbon dioxide ." Certainly it can't be carbon dioxide....we sucked all our own up when they had us all masked. I think it's those damn cows. Possibly farting Sea Bass....but that's a long shot. I'll check the Field Guide.

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Jul 28, 2023·edited Jul 28, 2023

I know. The temps should be dropping just like the sads victims.

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Plants need CO2 right? Make it make sense...

I guess their fake food doesn't need it. Does expert Greta Thunberg know about this lunacy?

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Are the Sea Bass ill-tempered?

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Who cares? They are delicious! Please pass the tartar sauce.....

Later Jay

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When I'm gassy I can be a real bear.....so, maybe.

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No laser beams I take it? :)

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Is it too much to ask? ;)

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🤣🐄 = 🐟

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Now we’ll need to produce more electricity for AC to offset the volcanic induced heat!

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this is a historic post. We need to save it for 1, the climate freaks and 2. the transgender freaks. Thank you so much for posting this! A super good article.

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Thanks so much for the volcano story and nope, never heard of it until today. Go figure. They next time one of these climate nuts starts their b.s. with me, I'm going to inform them. This should be entertaining.

On an unrelated note, and I'm not trying to hijack here, prayers by C&C army would be appreciated. My coworker-friend's best friend, Ronnie, had a heart attack and is now on a vent with kidney failure. Mid 60s. I can add 2 and 2 here, but for the sake of my friend, who is an absolute mess, I'm not asking THE question nor mentioning rendesivir. Please pray for him and my friend. Thank you.

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So sad; praying for Ronnie & his friend.

One of Alabama’s legislators collapsed suddenly w/ heart attack while in South Korea.


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Long flights cause blood clots. Double whammy if got the blood clot shots.

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Deepest & sincere prayers being said right now.. 😔🙏

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Praying for health, strength and healing 🙏

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I am still an ethical cynic on this Hunga Tonga volcano eruption. Not that it didn’t erupt but that it caused such a massive warming of the oceans. I no longer trust NASA, or much of any climate research group that has government connections. It does not explain the Canadian wildfires that just can’t seem to be put out in over 3 month’s time and are putting “smoke” advisories in our weather forecasts nearly every week. No aerial video footage of these fires burning is ever shown and friends in Canada say these fires are nothing unusual for their areas, yet we can see smoke fog nearly every morning in this state. I awaken with headaches nearly every morning. Something is in the atmosphere but where is it coming from? I am becoming an advocate of “chem trails” rapidly.

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I’m going with the “both are true” theory. The volcanoes and magma activity are changing the temperature of water and air while the psychopaths are playing games with us with smoke and chemicals in the air.

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Exactly right. It is incorrect to think that the volcano connects automatically to fires in Canada.

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I align with you. I definitely believe there are fires in Canada but were they set by man? For an interesting perspective on wildfires check out healthy American channel on YouTube and Peggy Hall’s guest interview with a forensic arborist (never knew there was such a thing🤷‍♀️). He was talking about California wild fires and how the trees seem to be burning from the inside out.🧐 and the trees are still standing (but dead on the inside) while the homes are decimated. 🧐🧐. And I 💯 do not believe US air quality is being affected by smoke from Canada. I think it’s more than likely chemicals from Geo engineering testing and “the powers that be” are covering up their Geo engineering work by blaming it on smoke from Canada.

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I think they are chem trails, too. Evidence is piling up.

In Canada, our forests stopped being managed ie: clear cut logging which created fire breaks in the forests has been greatly reduced as has selective logging which takes certain trees AND the loggers would clear out the brush/ladder fuels as they logged - all reduced since the 70’s tree huggers did their thing. Most of them being Urban Dwellers without a clue about forest management. Forests are a completely renewable resource so I still don’t know what their problem is. But I certainly see the result. Many fires are started by lightening and so our totally overgrown forests are like a stack of dry twigs, ready to flare. A LOT of the fires this year were started by arsonists, those eco-terrorists intent on PROVING the world is heating, SEE?? - the forest fires are due to ‘human caused C02’!!! What a bad joke. Wonder who PAYS them? The Sun is responsible for heat. These fires and volcanoes disperse more C02 than man could create in Millenia.

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Crazy how they supposedly want to “save the planet” but end up killing all kinds of vegetation and wildlife 🙄

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I’m with Laura. What is actually going on with this “smoke”?? Our family too is sickened on a daily basis here in the Northeast with the poor air quality and never ending haze. Friends and family members in eastern Ontario have no idea what we are talking about. No air quality issues there or even any awareness of supposed fires 🧐

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If they are fighting fires like the feds here, they sit and watch them burn for “firefighter safety” until the fall rains come. Forget about the safety of the communities that burn down, and the amount of firefighters the feds have lost compared to the state agency, but yeah. Totally makes sense. I’ve heard from state agency firefighters who talk with the feds and they have lost the knowledge and know how to fight fires. They were learning from the staties how to back burn. Makes sense to them somehow. Not to mention the smoke affecting air quality that pumps out more emissions then my mini SUV did in its lifetime.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but it's my understanding that the volcano eruption has caused an increase in atmospheric moisture and temperature, not an increase in warming the oceans. Rather, the increase in the temperature of the planet's oceans is a result of ALL the thermal venting from the earth's core going on under the ocean's around the globe of which the volcano was only one single source.

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What Phil said.

Later Jay

P.S. there are all sorts of geo-venting events going on all over the world all the time although not at the magnitude of the eruption Jeff sited. It's just part of creation and it's mechanics.

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You’re becoming an ‘advocate’ for chemtrails? Really? Why would you advocate for something that is putting poisonous chemicals into the air we breathe?

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Not an advocate for chem trails, an advocate for what has been a “conspiracy theory” stuff label put on those who believed we are being poisoned by them.

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Every time that gender affirmation surgery is mentioned in the media, the responsible members of the media should point out that it is, on steroids, similar to the genital mutilation forced on Islamic women.

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But much worse--at least the Islamic mutilation still permits the woman to procreate--but she will never enjoy sexual intercourse (the intent of the mutilation).

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How do you know, with certainty, that she will never enjoy that which she has never experienced, genital mutilation occurring, in some cases, before menstruation begins?

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Perhaps I am misinformed - articles I read years ago described certain countries perform this mutilation when the young woman BEGINS menstruating--apparently that is not always the case--are you personally familiar with this procedure in that you lived in a country that has this belief system, Vonu?

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I am no more personally familiar than you appear to be.

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That is a very strange statement. She will never have an orgasm. So she will never enjoy one. What does that have to do with the beginning of menstrual cycles?

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What would having menstrual cycles have to do with having enjoyable sex?

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No. The question was, if a girl’s clitoris is removed to prevent her from enjoying sex, what’s the difference if that happens before or after the beginning of menstruation.

You seemed to say it was okay if the girl was pre-menstrual because she wouldn’t know what she was missing.

I would hope we could all agree that it’s a barbaric practice irregardless.

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Why would the opinion of "we" be involved in recognition of the barbarity of gender assignment surgery, genital mutilation, or surgical abortion?

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I had thought that the procedure is a clitoridectomy, which is the basis for people saying that the women will not have physical climax in sexual intercourse.

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Women can also have vaginal orgasms.

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Please investigate and report on the de-banking of Dr. Joseph Mercola, his employees and their children.

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I’m going to cancel my Chase credit cards and close my bank account. I hope many do the same. Chase needs a Bud Light event.

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Keep the credit cards and don’t use them. They have to pay visa/mc about $5 a month just for you to have it in your name.

They will eventually close it for lack of activity, but you can cost them about $60 a year in the meantime.

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I like your thinking. Unfortunately both my Chase cards, Marriott and United Airlines have $95 annual fees.

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I wish gabpay was bigger. And had a credit card capability.

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What about Old Glory Bank? I haven't looked into it yet, but we're their target population.


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I have been looking into alternatives. It is on my list

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What alternatives have you found?

I know of Old Glory Bank and Gab Pay.

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After the 2008 crash I investigated, and the banking system in general is rife with all kinds of financial hanky-panky. I resolved to only deal with small local credit unions from now on. Luckily, being retired, my situation is simple enough so I can get away with that.

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Chase eventually will put themselves out of business when conservatives get on to what they are doing. Agreed, they deserve the Bud light treatment.

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I did not know that - I subscribed to Dr. Mercola many moons ago (about 11 years now) and still receive his newsletters and buy some of his supplements.

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He posted yesterday so it is still available to download

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Thanks for this info; didn’t know.

Coercion by these methods are USSRish

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Tho, why are any of us using Big Banks?

Use local credit unions!

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Mercola had mentioned why a credit union wouldn't work for the business and payroll. Clearly an alternative is necessary.

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So you make being in (small) business an impossibility, using various methods, because being self-reliant and self-sustaining and self-governing is dangerous to tyranny.

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He needs a body guard.

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There is a huge debanking story going on in the UK the past few weeks. Nigel Farage got debanked by Coutts bank (part of NatWest). Well they sure picked the wrong one! He's blown the lid off banks debanking thousands, govt is on it and cracking down, and 2 heads of banks have been fired. Farage was the face of Brexit/UKIP party so very hated by half the country but this issue seems to be rising above partisanship. GBNews has lots of coverage. It's a breaking story!

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The Left preaches "gender-affirming care" for children, but what that really means is sacrificing a kid’s psychological and emotional needs for the sake of a political and ideological stance. It’s the abdication of adult responsibility toward kids.

And the Left is now teaching young girls that the rejection of traditional notions of feminity is a medical condition that requires treatment in the form of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries.


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This so-called "gender care" a.k.a. mutilation and abuse puts these doctors on the same page with Mengele. Really. These kids CAN'T consent to being experiments for someone elses' sick desires.

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Exactly. We need to protect young people from being encouraged to transition before they’re emotionally mature enough to fully understand the consequences.

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Calling it gender CARE is truly sick. It is mutilation, pure and simple.

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War on words... happening now

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You are correct! Mengele…

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Exactly right! It is altogether amazing, stunning and appalling how the Collective West has become the worst amalgamation of Soviet, Chinese and National Socialistic German political practices that one can imagine. And the criminal political calls demands that we pretend that this totalitarian horror is 'normal'.

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deletedJul 28, 2023·edited Jul 28, 2023
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Yes, narratives! It's a kind of Word Sorcery, a casting of spells with Word Magic. Word Magic using lies. All kinds of lies. Changed meaning lies, euphemism lies, mischaracterization lies ... and our job is to break the spell.

Basically, Marxism including Woke, is a lie build upon lies and spread by lies. It's literally enough to cause a body to run for the Bible and its insistence upon not bearing a false witness. And yes, 'ye are as gods' is the aspiration of the Transhumanist elite. It's the Garden, the Apple and the Serpent all over again!

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The left = baal worshippers.

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