I am both over 65 and immune suppressed. My WBC count is below normal due to current chemotherapy . Can anyone explain how, if my WBC cannot respond to combat any pathogen, what utility would getting the injection have? I cannot make antibodies to anything.

I have seen advice that says immunocompromised just need more boosters. Tell me the science that works here.

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Old people, young people, immuno-compromised are the LAST people who should be getting these jabs.

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No one should get these jabs.

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You got that right!

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Not even the animal alters!!! Praying for hawks, especially red-tailed hawks, everywhere!!!!

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But wait......maybe the animals formerly identified as humans. We could then confirm if the "disease" is zoonotic.

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Mar 23, 2023·edited Mar 23, 2023

Yup! I noted that as well. This is what drives me nuts when I hear people like Rand Paul, who clearly understands the dangerous nature of these shots. He still says that the shots are probably useful (at least in a roundabout way) and that the mRNA shots should still be targeted to the very old and others who are 'at risk'. My blood boils when I hear him say this and I think he's a smart fellow! Perhaps he just doesn't want to come off sounding like the dreaded 'anti-vaxxers' lest he be ignored or worse.

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Also people who say, “get the shots to protect people who can’t get them” and then we’re told everyone can and should get them 🙄 One more thing that makes zero sense.

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Sadly, I’ve found myself saying “but if you are old and compromised...” But now I regret even giving my babies ANY vaccines, and I gave most of them because I believed that the risk vs benefit ratio was good! I didn’t give her gardasil but her father got her vaxed twice with Pfizer behind my back

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I 100% think he doesn’t say “no one should get these” as to not be completely discredited by everyone that is in on it. They’d call him a quack and anti-vaxxer. This way he can still fight the fight. I think he’s a very smart person and don’t have a problem with him towing the line in this.

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Yes! Lie a little here and there...the tried and true political way.

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Well said!

Songs about the dangers of vaccines and the Covid tyranny

THE MYOCARDITIS BLUES. A man sings the blues after coming down with side effects from the mRNA vaccine followed by a deadly heart inflammation. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-myocarditis-blues

Verdi meets Pfizer. A satire on Vaccine mania. Watch Turfseer’s hit music video, VACCINE, MY LOVE! https://turfseer.substack.com/p/vaccine-my-love

JUST TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. “Straight shooter” advice on vaccination for the brainwashed


“Country” stands up to Medical Tyranny. Watch Turfseer’s “THEY TRIED TO KILL COUNTRY (BUT COUNTRY FOUGHT BACK).” https://turfseer.substack.com/p/they-tried-to-kill-country-but-country

Shakespeare meets Vaccine Injury Denial. Listen to Turfseer’s PERCHANCE TO DREAM. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/perchance-to-dream

BONUS: Free Download. THE ALTERNATIVE COVID-19 NARRATIVE HANDBOOK. A Collection of useful links. Get it here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-alternative-covid-narrative-handbook

Subscribe to Turfseer's Newsletter. Songs, music videos and much

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Let's just go with NO ONE!

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That has been my thoughts exactly from the beginning - good grief - how in the world is an

Immune-suppressed system supposed to work in any normal fashion when “assaulted” by all these toxin(s) in these shots???

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Since you brought it up.

I would rather die and prepare myself for the world to come than to place myself under the authority of the average “doctor”.

I have more faith in God who I can not see than the healthcare system I can see. For what I see in the doctors today are 99% liars and cheats who for the most have been trained and taught by institutions no better than those who are taking this country right straight into poverty.

Chemotherapy, radiation and all that other mess doesn’t cure nothing but it does make a lot folks rich.

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Mar 23, 2023·edited Mar 23, 2023

Tried to get my sis to a place that would make her healthier first with integrative approaches along with diet changes, immune system boosters. A place in Mexico with good results. She had a slow growing cancer. There was TIME! But she went to those soothing cancer treatment centers and chemo. As soon as she knew she had cancer her doc told her she shouldn’t go on our long planned trip to France. She believed him and canceled. She missed what she had always wanted to do and that doc also stole our time together. She lived 2 more years. I hate that awful doctor. He didn’t catch the cancer either. Hell is too good.

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My heart is broken for you honey!! We are better off never going to another Doctor for anything!!! I’m so sorry! When you and your Sister are together again, you will be able to Tour that whole Country together!!! God Bless you!

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Thank you. 😇That made me smile. I see a functional med doc now. Off the medical merry go round grid so to speak. She’s unvaxxed herself. I feel safe there. I have few problems though.

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Janet, where do you live? I need to find one of those in the Orlando area.

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I live in illinois. I googled functional medicine docs but integrative is a kind too. The one I found was my ob/gyn doc in the past and I had always liked her. It’s expensive—insurance doesn’t cover it but Medicare covers most blood work. You have the option to file to your insurance. She assessed my health through extremely detailed blood work and other tests. Targeted supplements. She helped me reduce my BP med to a very tiny amount mostly through alleviation of stress and anxiety. Heavy metal detox actually improved my thyroid. She had Ed Dowds book Cause unknown on her desk my last visit. There is also a NP and health coach on staff. The cost has been worth it. I’m worth it!😁. Good luck.

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Janet - I’m so very sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you.

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So, so many have blood on their hands.

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Remembering pre-med students way-back-when and how so many of them were out for blood, so to speak. Ethical never comes to mind when I think of those individuals. Luckily, there are exceptions and those are the ones that need to speak up louder than ever!!!

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Med students, for the past 30 years at least have been selected for their grades/GPA. And in that regard their GPA rarely if ever reflects their analytical skills or ability to think critically. But boy are they good at answering multiple choice (or multiple guess) tests! They memorize well too. But they're incapable of working through a problem for which a drug company or their university has not developed a readily available algorithm. That's why, when I asked a certain head of ED what they were doing for COVID (back in 2021) he told me that they start with Remdesivir and then if necessary ventilation. Of course ventilation was needed because of Remdesivir side effects! That was the algorithm he was told to follow and they did, without question, not even a peep. And then he spiced up his comment by indicating that he was doing this because this is what evidence based medicine was supporting. Well, there's evidence and there's evidence but on hearing this I knew our healthcare system, especially in its battle with COVID, was doomed.

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Really tired of that term:

“Evidence based medicine”

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This is a tough one.

Ultimately your sister chose to do what she did. Maybe she thought she was buying a lot of extra time with you, by accepting the doctors recommendation. Did she get a second opinion? (Only you know the contexts here).

If there is anything this pandemic has shown me, it is that doctor's are people, and are capable of falling prey to the same ideological mass formation as anyone else. I am seriously considering canceling my upcoming doctor's appointment because the mask restrictions at the doctor's office continue, and my doctor believes in the lunacy. She demanded I wear a mask in the examination room, and a few visits before recommended the vaccine and questioned my reasons for not getting it. I don't know if I can go to a doctor who does not have the capacity for critical thinking.

I don't hate the doctor though. I feel sad for her. She subscribes to a belief that simply isn't true which in turn makes me wonder what other beliefs she has that aren't true, such as best treatments for whatever ailment I have. (I have diabetes).

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Cancel the appointment. The mask requirement tells you what you need to know.

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I held her hand when she died. I still hate that doc. He even forgot to read her initial report. Yes, she had 2nd opinions. The chemo just destroyed her as she was so frail eventually. I know others get good results but she said the doctors at the treatment center said she could die from Covid without the jab because she was so frail. Had the appointment for the 2nd one set. Yes, she made her decisions. The cancer complex is a nasty place to fall into.

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Similar story w my sister. She got angry when I suggested look at alternatives. “I’m going to let my doctors decide what’s best.” Jaw dropping the complete abdication of power. Weeks before she died she was weeping, “They pumped me full of poison!” I wanted to scream at her but said only, Yeah, they did.

So sad. Fear is a powerful emotion. ‘They’ know it, too, and have used it to tremendous effect in this whole charade. Bunch of us are smarter than ‘they’ are.

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I'm so sorry, Janet, I know I speak for many of us who have experienced something similar with family members. We grieve alongside you as a family, we really do. May perpetual light shine upon your dear sister.

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I'm so sorry for your loss. That doctor is beyond evil. All western medicine has is the unholy trinity for cancer: burn, poison and cut. I hated the medical establishment before the virus nonsense, but now they are Satan incarnate. I'm sorry you lost your sister to this evil regime.

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Are there any affordable alternatives besides accepting it and hospice care?

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Classical Chinese Medicine; Five Element Acupuncture; Naturopathy; Homeopathy.

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Kangen (alkaline) water. All our food & water is acidic. Supposedly cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment.

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Sorry for your loss. What clinic in Mexico, btw?

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I can’t totally remember. There is a big one in acapulco. I think it was mentioned in the work by Natasha Winter. Awesome alternative/integrative medicine focusing on cancer. Working on immune system and health therapies then cancer treatment along side actually helps the chemo work better with less side effects.

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So sorry!

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💬 I have more faith in God who I can not see than the healthcare system I can see.

Yay! 🤩 *The* way to go ⚘ 🤸

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I am dropping the word ‘healthcare’ from my vocab. I admit, old habits die hard but what we have is a medical system of sick care. Our health is not now, nor was it ever, a consideration in this system.

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And it’s barely even “care” much of the time 😕

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I am 76 and do not have a "primary care physician" cause nearly all my friends that do seem to become prescription druggies! This includes most of those that use the VA.

I read a lot of REALITY medical books and have come to believe that doctors are good for setting broken bones and taking out bullets but many of those with a license to PRACTICE would need a specialist to do either.

Rewarding doctors for prescribing jabs or drugs should be illegal.

My Grandmother told me a long time ago that if you poke around under the hood too much your car will break down.

From what I see with most of the medical profession today, I think she is right even though she was born before cars were invented!


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Mar 23, 2023·edited Mar 23, 2023

So true about all things "preventative medicine"! I.e. mammograms, and colonoscopy!

And then there's the fact that more ppl die of malpractice, before Covid!, than diseases!!

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Mar 23, 2023·edited Mar 23, 2023

What's bad about a colonoscopy? I am scheduled to have one but I just want to know what is going on. I won't be taking their "cure" if thay find anything though.

BTW When I went for the consultaion, they were surprised I was not taking any medications.

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Well I have had 1 colonoscopy and it will be the LAST ONE! No need for it. So the ‘docs’ will tell you you had some polyps (which most older adults do), that they ‘removed’ and to come back in 5 years. No mention of a diet or lifestyle changes that could be implemented to mitigate the formation of said polyps. All this regular ‘diagnostic testing’ is one GIANT ‘revenue generating’ scam. For the doctors, hospitals and ‘clinics’ that do these ‘Scans’.

So what will you do if they tell you that you have colon cancer...will you begin immediate radiation and chemo treatment and totally ‘f**k up your body?

I am a 70 year old healthy woman and I am done with all that ‘testing’...mammograms, bone density scans, colonoscopies, et al.

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Oh, come on, Frontera Lupita!

You KNOW that if you would not have gotten that 1 scan, things would have been MUCH WORSE! 🙄

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Right there with you. Can't believe we bought into it (literally) for all those years. Our eyes have been opened and we are now free.

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Amen, sister! I had one colonoscopy at 45 because I worked in endoscopy in the past. I had no polyps or diverticulum. I’ve since learned that a flexible sigmoidoscopy is as effective at finding cancers but not as risky for perforation. I had a friend who was perforated and suffered terribly with peritonitis and nearly died after having this happen!

It’s not worth it! I also tried the mammogram thing, but due to Lt breast reduction, they did that one twice. Then did an ultrasound. It’s scar tissue from the surgery! Anyway, the next year, same story: mammogram, repeat mammogram, repeat sonogram... But this time I could see a brightening of the scar tissue from the previous year. I decided that maybe irradiating my left breast 4 times in two years wasn’t a good idea!

I vowed never again.

I’ll have a thermogram of my whole body one of these days. Then I’ll repeat it in three months. Then annually. It’s very accurate unlike mammograms

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I hope it is only a bleeding polyp. It is scheduled for Apr 11th, so if you see me on here, you can ask and I will tell you what happened.

I will definitely not take their cancer fixing/causing drugs, but have a plan.

Thanks, appreciated...

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Dawn, if you won't take the cure, why bother to take the test? I gave up on them years ago. There is also the possibility of your colon being punctured. Think of the colonoscopy like the mammogram--an income stream.

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Oh my gosh. I worked near an endoscopy center once. PACKED parking lot EVERY single day. A TOTAL RACKET!!!

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Because if it is cancer then I have to do a different protocol.

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Mar 23, 2023·edited Mar 23, 2023

If this doesn't give you pause, I don't know what will. Any scopes, including an endoscope, cannot be properly sterilized, and the 'disinfecting' process is not all that complete, either.

"FDA Says It's Impossible to Completely Clean Dirty Scopes"


"Two recent studies underscore the threat: A paper published in March found that 71 percent of reusable medical scopes deemed ready for use on patients tested positive for bacteria at three major U.S. hospitals."

"Then a May study concluded that infection rates are far higher than previously believed after colonoscopies and upper GI endoscopies. For instance, the infection rate within seven days of a routine colonoscopy at an outpatient surgery center is roughly 1 in 1,000, the Johns Hopkins University study determined.

It was previously thought to be about 1 in a million."


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These days ANY procedure done like this in a hospital or clinic type of setting like a gastrointestinal lab is fraught with all kinds of bad bacteria and infectious s**t…Fortunately I did my colonoscopy almost 4 years ago. And I’m not planning on doing it again. I decided on that right after I had my first ( and last one)…the ‘clean out’ part of it was so nasty that I sad no way again. (And this is from a person who has had many ‘colonic’ treatments over the years! They are nothing compared to a colonoscopy!

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I've been reading some on this topic. I am not getting another one. Too many risks for my comfort. Other less invasive screeners are available but they don't make enough money off of them. I do have a friend who almost died after routine colonoscopy. Luckily she went to emergency room in time. Punctured colon.

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This is not a screening. It is a symtomatic colonoscopy. It will be my last one, but I will know what it is if I get the symptoms again. Thanks.

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They can do a fecal test. I've also heard that Israel offers a blood test for colon cancer. Point being, there are inexpensive, non-invasive options.

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Can't find the thread where you said ask the doctor...

What do I ask?

Hey how many bowels have you perforated?

I am going to call and ask the techs, look up the doctor's rating, and also ask them how to they sterilize the scopes/tools...

What else?

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I read recently that many hospitals don't use the right cleaning agent on the equipment, so you can fill the blanks in there. Apparently there's more than one way to disinfect and the cheaper way is what many will use. This was on Dr. Mercola's substack. There also was a hospital in the news a few years ago that declared their staff didn't clean things right and passed along hepatitis, etc.

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Mar 23, 2023·edited Mar 23, 2023

What's bad about colonoscopy?

-The home fecal test is exactly as accurate as the invasive colonoscopy.

-A friend's colon was punctured during the scoping and she nearly died from blood loss.

-The scope cannot be properly sterilized.

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I know of two others, one was a emergency nurse of thirty years, who nearly died from bleeding after it.

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What a group we are here! The Anti-Scopers!

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Think invasive, research. If you don't have issues then why make one? And is there any ability to PROVE the results without "the testimony of two or hree witnesses" that are unrelated? Hardly. I'm afraid many would be better of dying natural death. 🤷🏻‍♀️😑 They COULD be helpful and knowledgeable if they wanted to and would!

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Often, wanting "to know what's going on" is part of the problem.

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So true! I need to know how to proceed. It's nothing good, but if it is a fissure, polyp, or cancer, I can take appropriate action. My diet has definitely changed as most important.

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Agree. I’m 75 this year. I try to use natural remedies. BTW. My broken femur was taken care of beautifully last year. But I stay away from conventional docs.

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Your grandmother was wise

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Amen. You are 💯 right. Avoid doctors and all msm medical community as they are compromised.

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I do use alternatives, take no drugs, however recently I went to the dermatologist for a skin check and asked him to remove some spots on my face, I wanted my complexion to look better. He did and prescribed retinol. I was so eager to get a clear complexion, I didn't think twice. I used the retinol for about five days until my joints swelled up painfully and I realized the only thing I was doing differently from my routine was the retinol, which did improve the look of my skin but at such a cost! Now, after five days of not using it and resting, fasting a little bit, the swelling and pain is pretty much gone. What I noticed too was how my mood and my thinking changed for the worse after using it for a few days. Just think what all the drugs people take are doing, not just to their bodies but to their minds. Is it any wonder that complete weirdness and insanity are manifesting?

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I was taking xzyralto* for blood clots about four years ago. Besides continual nightmares while taking it, I eventually woke up one morning with such extreme joint pain everywhere, I could barely get out of bed. I quit the poison, and the pain was gone in a few days, the nightmares too. If you look online, Goofle has a zillion "Gee, xzyralto* is so safe and effective, and perfect. Nothing wrong to see here" pages, yet not one contrary write up. Nor was there a place for me to 'besmirch' their fine EXPENSIVE drug.

You want to get rid of blood clots? Quit eating factory food. And cheap enzyme produced cheeses.

*Spelling may be wrong, but the actual spelling is just as idiotic.

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Here's a tip: go to drugs.com and type in the drug you want to learn about in the search box. Ignore the glowing info they give, but scroll down to "user reviews". Read them, especially the negative ones. You'll get a better idea of likely side effects than the drug companies will ever give you.

And you can leave a review about your negative drug experience that will help others.

Here's an example of a relatively mild drug's reviews:


Many drugs' reviews are frightening.

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A few years ago, personalized medicine seemed all the rage. Our local life science institute had symposiums on it, the HC press was talking about it, etc. Seems like that has all been chucked thanks to medicare calling all the shots and wanting to standardize everything. My mom seems prone to get a host of side effects from any drug she takes, while some of her friends get none. Think there is so much the docs and researchers DON'T know. And people looking for a quick fix don't question. I am guilty. Have a headache, take a couple of ibuprofen and go on with my day. Yes, I am questioning traditional medicine a lot these days. But I am also questioning a lot of these folks who push what could be snake oil and could be a miracle cure, as I don't have the time or expertise to evaluate every damn thing. I have a job, am caring for my 84 YO mom and very involved in local politics. But will either figure out a better path or die trying I guess.

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Medicine, for the most part, always has side effects. That's why it is so confusing when you hear about a vaccine that is so safe and effective it has "no" AE's, that the VAERS data is compromised, not the people reporting how "safe and effective" it is.

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I would argue there’s no such thing as a side effect.

Any effect felt from a an ingested, injected, inhaled, eye/ear/nose droppered or transdermal delivered - or name your delivery method - chemical compound (drug) is a *direct* effect of the chemical. Might not be the intended effect but it’s not something off on the side somewhere; it’s up close and personal, a direct result of the drug.

Practice leaving the euphemisms behind. When the opportunity presents point out boldly this inconvenient fact. And others if you wish. But who can argue with the “side” sleight of language once you point out the obvious?

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File this under semantic argument.

How I view side effects is exactly as you define it, a direct effect of the drug that was not intended. I don't like taking medications, so if I encounter side effects that are worse than the intended effect, I avoid them.

I took percocet while in the hospital. I enjoyed avoiding the amount of pain I was in, but really honestly was not in enough pain to warrant using it. The side effects of anxiety, restlessness, coming out of my skin were not even close to a reason to keep using it.

Euphemisms are what they are, and the good news is that over time even euphemisms lose their luster, thus why other euphemisms supplant the old ones as more people become aware of what they actually mean.

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Oh my! Retinol? I use that occasionally, but not anymore. I don't have any meds that I take, but didn't realize that retinol is also bad. I never liked it because my face always peeled anyway. If you want good complexion, do needling. It naturally forces your skin to heal and make new skin and collagen. It is really expensive to have done, but I bought a "Dr. Pen" from Amazon and you can do it at home easily. I have before and after pics, and it really works.

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Don't think needling is for me but I'm glad it works for you!

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Retinol or retin A? There is a difference.

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Retin A - did not realize there is a difference.

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I have had severely chapped lips since a cold (maybe Covid?) since New Years. I’m trying some natural remedies, more hydration and such. Chapsticks actually make it worse. I’m hesitant to try anything stronger or go to a dermatologist. They never helped my eczema at all. Retinol is in some of those lip repair things. No for me as well.

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Wow. I hope you are feeling better now.

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Agreed, I have very little faith in the doctors & the healthcare system now. I would love to see the numbers to see how much faith in the healthcare system eroded after these past 3 years of gaslighting and lying

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Mar 23, 2023·edited Mar 23, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I found this comment on globalsouth.com

Very interesting!!

“okie smth I have been trying to ‘crack’ – WHY EGGS Shortage around the world?
p/s ‘world’ that is the white western world – chi-com and asia has no such problems (except tw-pirate-island and imperial jap) … which raised my suspicion what those SOBs are doing (and they are not so smart to down right stupid)

from 0H:
“Dr. Peter McCullough on the ‘Holy Grail of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification”

The important part – the potential and currently still researching ‘cure’:

Selenium (aids in helping the body repair itself and recover)
Dandelion root (acts as a detoxifying agent supporting better liver function)
Black sativa extract (may facilitate cellular repair)
Green tea extract (provides added defenses at the cellular level through scavenging for free radicals)
Irish sea moss (could help rebuild damaged tissue and muscle)

Hmmmmm…. W.H.O. can answer this question: What natural food, was in abundance now lacking, mysteriously, has RICH SELENIUM?
Wait! Wait! Wait! smth shape like BIG FAT ZERO?!
Could it be…. Wait! Wait! Wait!
Pls dont punish me if I am worng?! PLZ…


feel free to visit their website and Peter has prove his ‘humanity’
… they seems to have the ‘cure’ product

if not, I am recommending 2 eggs per day for adult, free range and hard boiled (where possible as caged fried egg prob has other health concerns) I believe the selenium part is the yolk. And just to be clear, its chicken, not ducks, bird, snake or ostrich! DYOR!

anyone that come across any wonder remedy ‘to save humanity’ (that is the western population as chi-com has not such problem) pls share here or at the Salon 🙂

be well be safe
p/s I have been drinking green tea (variety – some w jasmine) as water (bout 1L per day) – just normal tea bags but you can go the expensive end of fine grain powder 🙂

Last edited 2 days ago by QC?”

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I didn’t know about all of the other elements mentioned here, but EGGS are an excellent food source of vitamin D. When the egg shortage first appeared, that was the reason I suspected. Haven’t we heard from the beginning of Covid that a Vitamin D deficiency was present in those who fared the worst? Yes, it’s obvious “they” don’t want us to be healthy. We eat two eggs fried in coconut oil every morning. I buy the expensive ones - there IS a difference, between GOOD eggs and those mass produced pale, sickly ones.

We hope to start producing our own soon!

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We started with 5 laying hens and are up to 25 and 25 meat birds. There is no comparison of commercial eggs to what we get. We now supply eggs to everyone who wants them. They are a lot like potato chips though....you cannot just have one.

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Awe, very nice !!!

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Oh I wish I could get me a few laying hens maybe a small chicken house I’d be happy to have a nice rooster

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Beware, roosters are loud, and ours start crowing sometime in the middle of the night (2 AMish) and go all day. But, they are beautiful creatures, and we love all of our chickens.

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Nice rooster...🤣 He might be nice to you, maybe. Have fun. Nothing is quite as satisfying having a living egg factory. ♥️

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For my entire adult life I didnt eat them because I have high familial cholesterol and was told not to. I now read that the cholesterol of the egg yolk does not give you cholesterol! 🙄 It is also very healthy to eat! So I have started eating them at 65. BETTER late than never. i do have to take a statin though after avoiding them forever. Nothing natural works. Very high ldl and total. I also get pains when off med, doctor probably said its the arteries.

My mom lived to 88 with the same thing and statins. My died had a massive heart attack at 45 and died at 55 so I have to be careful.

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Bear in mind the linear decline in human-useful nutrients that starts minutes after the egg is laid. One study I heard on satellite ag radio suggests that "most" human nutritional value is lost from factory-farm chicken eggs within 4 weeks of laying date. Same study said that the average supermarket egg is 2 weeks old by the time it makes it to the shelf. I cannot find a print article to support this (sorry). Even if only partly true, this is another very good reason to support your local / backyard chicken farmer.

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I cook the eggs the same as you do and also love to make omelets. Recently I tried poaching for 5-6 minutes (I take salmonella maybe too seriously), and they came out great, just slightly loose yolk. Anyone know which way of cooking preserves most of the nutrients?????

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I’ve read that over cooking reduces nutrients, so I make mine a little runny.

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I'm grateful we have a local person who sells eggs. The yolks are literally orange. They're great! I believe the shortage was planned because eggs (at least natural ones) are healthy, have so many nutrients and are being studied for helping "covid". No wonder they want eggs off the market.

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There is a place in Sioux Falls where you can buy 3 dozen boiled eggs for 5 bucks, The Fruit Truck.

Umm sounds like someone had been doing their homework

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As a healthcare professional (now retired) I agree with you completely. If people haven’t woken up now after the lies, corruption and evil we’ve witnessed in the healthcare system and industry the past 2 1/2years they will never wake up. My trust and my hope comes from God!

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It started well before 2.5 years ago.

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Yes! I have said for a year at least that I have trust in only two entities: God and my husband.

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Couldn’t have said it better myself. I have changed my lifestyle in so many ways, no sugar, gluten free, exercise, no chemicals in my house, etc. Just so I don’t have to face any doctors. And I feel better!

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God lives within you🤗

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And most sicker

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DR. GASLIGHT. A doctor causes his patient to question her own sanity. Listen to Turfseer’s new song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/dr-gaslight

Hubris infects the medical profession. Watch MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY DISEASE. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/my-way-or-the-highway-disease

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Best reply/observation yet. 🔥🔥🔥⚡️⚡️⚡️💥💥💥

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Listen to Elaine H. My wife used Joe Tippen's protocol after her breast cancer diagnosis, and it worked. We started it yesterday for our 15 year old border collie after finding out she has a larger tumor on her liver. STOP chemo yesterday if you want to have a chance. It is a far bigger scam than the jabs. It kills every growing cell, and since ~30 billion of your 2 Trillion cells die every day, how can this possibly help anything? 5 year "survival ", not to be confused with living, rate for chemo patients is 2.1 % in the US. If you are in a chemo drug test of any kind and die before the test is over, you aren't counted as a death, because you did not finish the test. And, chemo Does Not kill the strongest of all cancer cells, stem cells, so even if it puts you in remission , it Will come back. We read over a dozen books on cancer for the 7 months after we found out, and got a real education. One in particular was used as our guide, "Killing Cancer, Not People". i bought a case and gave them out, and just started on my second case. Gave away 2 yesterday, one to a friend, and one to a guy I just met at the gym. Trying to give back for God sparing my wife from the murderous Rockefeller brainwashed .quacks.

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A doctor missed my endometrial cancer; told me I had fibroids. No biopsy was done. Two years later another doctor correctly diagnosed and the cancer was stage 3A. My oncologist recommended chemo and I complied. He said at the beginning that I would not need radiation. At my last chemo treatment, he recommended radiation. I prayed and looked at studies online; then refused the radiation because of some really bad potential side effects. Now, 15 years later and much wiser, I question whether or not I needed the chemo. I think the recommendation for radiation must have come about because the protocol changed during my treatment. I really liked and respected my oncologist, but I was devastated when I saw a video in 2021 in which he recommended the covid shots, even for pregnant women. How could an OB-GYN oncologist do this???

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Because your "really liked and respected oncologist" is a fraud. Its becoming evident how many of us are realizing our medical people are idiots if not criminals. I for one can't imagine how they made it through med school.

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That asswipe of a Dr was BOUGHT & BRAINWASHED by the system just like the 99% of Drs I call on. Soros, the WEF and the socialistic DEMs ruined our medical system.

My kids haven’t been to the Dr. In 2 years. I brought them in and the Drs were PUSHING the unsafe jab on the kids before it was available. That put fuel on the fire under my rear when I realized these as swipes are coming for my kids!!! I realized our kids are better off w/o padding the checks of Drs to check a box for a well visit. Thank god our kids are healthy and thriving. I have to drive 2 hours to a NON-SOLD out Dr in CA if they need care.

I’m thankful so many remedies are online. I’m hoping I don’t have to take them to visit a Dr in the heart of the Bay Area as they got their basic vaccines and NO ONE will jab them with this poison/snake oil unless you want to see a video of a CRAZY MAMA BEAR gone wild ready to hire Harmeet and Jeff to sue them.

In my attempts to seek JUSTICE, I visited Drs, attorneys and churches and realized how many people are corrupt. If I didn’t have to live in my territory to keep my job, we would move.

Speaking of law suits, I called 49 CA attorneys to take my husband’s vaccine discrimination case. I realized there is only a TEENY TINY population of lawyers who are not SELL OUTs.

I visited 9 Catholic Churches to get a religious exemption. I got one, but got more infuriated with each “NO!” to learn that each Catholic priest, church, etc are sell outs to our Socialistic Pope.

Elephants never forget who harmed them, their family or attempted to harm them. I’m not a hawk, but a mom with an elephant’s memory on a mission and I will never forget who tried to harm me or my family.

I do not visit Drs for personal healthcare nor do I think it’s safe to take our kids. The ironic thing is I call on Drs for a living and learned just how they received significant BONUSES to promoting jabs to their patients. Drs all say the same thing to show they were BRAINWASHED like a bunch a Pfizer reps who drank the koolaid at new hire training. What I heard/uncovered in the last 2 and 1/2 years will make you want to 🤮.

Jeff & the C&C army would nominate me for an Oscar or a JOSCAR(Jeff’s Oscar) for the uncover work I did to learn how Drs & hospitals profited off of COVID, jabs, government checks starting April 2020. Some of them are still wearing masks because they know they are criminals and want to hide their face because they know what they did. If I were them I would never want to show my face to the world either!

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You did above and beyond the call of duty for a parent, as so many couldn't have been bothered.

I have had a similar experience trying to find a doc within my Humana network that will admit to being vax'd. None will say as it is due to "a matter of privacy" they squeak. If one tells me no they have not vax'd, then i will have him/her reassigned as my primary but none have so far. I don't want anyone who's vax'd or given anyone else vax's, 'diagnosing' any condition I may have as I believe them to be imbecilic drones with zero judgement reliability. Why would I consult a so called MD when they failed to verify for themselves whether the shots were 'safe and effective'? We're going to have to figure out some kind of sentence for these medical FAKES when this all comes out in the MSM (and it will). There going to have to be class action suits against docs who benefitted financially from dispensing these bio/weapon poisons. They cant be allowed to practice anymore...

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Just ordered the book! Thank you so much. I know so many people with new cancer diagnosis’s now, it’s frightening. And none will welcome this info I’m afraid. But, I’m going to try.

And thanks to C&C comments a few days ago, I ordered ivermectin paste for a pre-cancer on my nose.

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I did the same. 👍

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I was at the hairdresser today and her husband has a place on his arm they are worried about. I told her to try the IV paste. I’ll check back.

Thanks to whoever recommended that!

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A link for Joe Tippens Cancer Story and his treatment with Panacur (fenbendazole). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCOODjrJhRQ

Fenbendazole is now in capsules, for humans. Some are using the 222 mg capsule twice a day instead of just once a day, with greater results. https://fenbenlab.com/product/fenbendazole-capsules-222mg/

This is a great site for cancer success stories, treating with Fenbendazole. https://fenbendazole.substack.com

This works!!!

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Just looked up the book. Thank you!


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Thank you. Reading Tripping over the truth now, and ordered the other book. I am on a slew of naturopathic supplements for the chemo side effects. I am glad I have only four more to go.

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Who is Elaine H.?

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Who is Elaine H?

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Ordered!! Thank you

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It killed my horribly immunocompromised sister being treated with chemo. After the 1st jab. I never understood it.

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I am so sorry! For all the ill loved ones who looked to their doctors with trust as our hearts slowly shredded knowing this jab was bad news, and they just couldn't or wouldn't hear it. I am praying for you and your family Janet.

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Same for my Brother battling liver damage from chemo (the cancer was gone but the patient died anyway)

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Similar for my husband. We went for treatment in Switzerland, his tumors were shrinking, they started chemo again and killed him.

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So sorry.

Amazing, the stories we DON'T hear.

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So very very sorry, Linda. My sister and I were Irish twins. Through thick and thin.

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I’m sorry, Janet. ♥️

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So sorry to hear that 😞

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I’m so sorry Janet

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I would also like to know why they are insisting that those over 65 get the death shot. O, maybe they want us dead (knew the answer all along but it infuriates me)

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Exactly why it appalled me that my two neurologists recommended I take the jab, advice given even before the injection was rolled out! Needless to say, I ignored them.

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They are following protocol of their overlords: hospitals, insurance companies, and licensing boards. Docs can no longer think for themselves.

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Well the pieces in that puzzle are easy and fit perfectly too

Those doctors are on the Big Pharma payroll and if you check they probably get a check once a quarter.

Incidentally there is a place on the internet (I’ve missed place the link) where by law this is disclosed to the public; alto’ the public mostly aren’t even aware it exist. They (TPTB) surely aren’t gonna put it on a billboard anywhere.

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Is it openpayments.cms.gov?

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Link doesn't work

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@Fortified, if you find that link, would you please share it here?

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I want to thank everyone for your prayers and encouragement. Anyone who regularly includes strangers like me in their prayers, please continue to do so!

So that you know my journey: I am responding very well to chemotherapy: have one month of reduced poison to go (four infusions), reduced probably because I’m 73.

I have been wary of the medical establishment for decades: did not take the jab and was fired. I’m in a very blue state and my kids practically kicked me to the curb for it, calling me all sorts of names. I also had C19 early 2020, so I knew I didn’t need the jab, and that it was actually contraindicated.

So when I was diagnosed with cancer I felt, being several states away from any family and alone, that I would have a hard time NOT trying western medicine. To compensate I have been doing a lot of alternative treatments, my tumors have shrunk to only one (I have metastatic disease) which is 1.1 cm. I have few side effects, although that is getting worse as the poison is cumulative. I take off label medications for my immune system and to kill cancer stem cells, exercise a lot, fast, and read about cancer. Tippens book came yesterday, and I ordered the other book mentioned. I am a big fan also of Thomas Seyfreid who believes cancer is associated with metabolic dis regulation.

I will probably not get radiation as it is too damaging.

I also work with an alternative physician who prescribes off label when needed.

So far I seem to be “OK.” Aside from nausea 30 hours/week, my side effects are that and bone marrow suppression. A break in therapy was encouraging as my blood counts began to bounce back right away.

Blessings to us all as we ride out this worst of times. Thank you for reaching out.

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Would ‘love’ instead of like, if that were an option.

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It doesn’t. Look up Joe Tippens protocol and Get Living.

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Isn’t it interesting that the meds that seem to work on so many illnesses are anti parasite meds?

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Exactly here’s a link


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How do I find this on telegram? When I type the name a little duck appears saying it doesn't exist.

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And I don’t have telegram darnit.

I do remember early research on ‘Covid’ from Japan found that most people tested in depth had parasites.

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I double checked the link it works for me

Do you have the app?

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I received his book yesterday. Thanks!

And fasting. Lots of fasting.

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I watched this entire series. It is holistic and hopeful. The body was made to heal itself.

My thoughts with you Lin.

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Lin, this is what bothers me. No one should be getting boosters! (Nor the original shots for that matter.)

I lost faith in Robert Malone back when he was pushing the vax on older people.

God bless you in your fight!

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to his fault he too took the vaccine and regrets it. I don't think he is pushing that right now. He is singing a whole different tune. As is Dan Bongino

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Still have my suspicions re Malone. Remember just before the ‘pandemic’ there was the rash of vaping related lung problems. Guess who owned a piece of the vaping industry?

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Maybe. But in fairness to him he came out about the dangers of MRNA very early. He has been canceled and has published much about the evil cabal. He has spoken about the negative effects he has experienced.

Also remember he is a scientist. I don’t blame him for trusting in meds, he studied them. Hopefully his eyes are more open now.

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How is he cancelled. He travels the world with his Dr Jill and seems to enjoy a life of privilege, breeding 10,000$+ horses.

From Tereza Coraggio and the third paradigm…whom Malone doesn’t like very much…


“Malone has had a career in bioweapons disguised as vaccines, which follows in his father’s footsteps of making weapons of war. Here’s one line from his CV: “put WHO and Norwegian government philanthropic leadership in touch with Pentagon leadership to expedite the [Merck Ebola] vaccination trials.” Malone is making introductions between the World Health Organization and the Norwegian government—the one that just colluded with Biden in blowing up the Nord Streams. And then there’s ‘philanthropic leadership’ that reeks of Margaret Anna Alice’s philanthropaths. And he’s introducing them to his buddies at the Pentagon. What part of the Deep State is he not in?

Some “Examples of his … oversight experience include HIV, Influenza (seasonal and pandemic), Plague, Anthrax … Ebola, Zika … and Engineered pathogens.” If you’ve read The Real Anthony Fauci, this should make your skin crawl.

The last chapter is called “Germ Games: Genesis of the Biosecurity State.” These are the ‘engineered pathogens’ that Malone mentions last. Read his CV for yourself. Since he lives at his business farm breeding $30K Lusitano foals for ‘discerning’ buyers (“invest in the magic!”) his address is public information, while the rest is publicly available on the internet and should be publicly known.

My conviction is that Malone moved into his father-in-law’s expertise as a ‘spook’ in common lingo for an intelligence operative specializing in psy-ops.“

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Malone also owns a lot of Pfizer stock

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Good point about being immune compromised. And what about people with autoimmune disease? I’m not a scientist but don’t the covid shots create a chronic autoimmune condition, whereby one’s body continually manufacturers a (spike) protein that one’s body then continually attacks with antibodies? Why would a person add this to their already autoimmune condition?

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In August of 2020, a friend who is an oncologist posted on FB advising not to get the shots because everything he had read indicated they would cause autoimmune issues. He never posts anything on FB except rare family stuff. I have autoimmune issues and my neurologist advised against the shots for his patients due to concerns of causing more autoimmune problems. A lot of the adverse reactions are autoimmune related. Also, people don't generally know this but if you have one autoimmune disease, you are 30% more likely to develop another autoimmune disease and a lot of people have 2 autoimmune diseases without the help of vid jabs.

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The very first advice from the manufacturers prior to the vaxx rollout was that people with autoimmune issues, pregnant women and women who were planning pregnancy is the next two years should not get the jab. That advice was withdrawn rapidly.

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I have a friend who had an autologous bone marrow transplant after treatment for mulitple myeloma. To get her immune system back to ‘normal’ she had all her vax’s (from childhood) redone, including the current poison jab. I did not think her immune system would survive that assault but so far, so good. 🙏🏻

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My youngest child was diagnosed with leukemia in infancy. We were instructed to stop ALL vaccines for the reasons you just expressed. He was immunocompromised for 3 years. Even when he was allowed to continue getting vaccines, he was not allowed to get the oral polio vaccine (OPV) because it was a live virus. Instead, his doctor said he could only get the inactive polio vaccine (IPV). His siblings were also instructed to get the IPV as well because of the shedding from the OPV.

My son is part of a study group of long term childhood cancer survivors. I was floored when this medical study group recommended the jab!!! Not just for survivors, but current patients, too!!!! It goes against everything I was taught at the hospital during my son's treatment. It goes against true science.

Anyone who is immunocompromised, OR has an autoimmune disease should NOT get any vaccines, which is contrary to what is being pushed by Big Pharma and brainwashed doctors.

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Mar 23, 2023·edited Mar 23, 2023

My God. There is an evil hand pressing down on this planet. Pregnant women. Old people. Working folk. Children. Cancer suffering. All the innocent. All sacrificed on the altar of the old gods. The child sacrificers. The idol worshipers of modern culture of death. The powerful greedy. The butt licking toadies. The ingratiating liars. The lazy ass or just plain incompetent stoopid politicians and medical murderers. The simpering influencers. They are all here, slithering everywhere with no apology. They should be wiped out. I can’t but their day of true reckoning is coming fast. I pray for justice. Swift and painful.

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Isn’t auto immune an overactive I

Immune system?? So why does it need priming. SMH

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Yes, you're right about an auto immune being an overactive immune system.

In Jan of 2021 my husband had some major health issues going on. He was hospitalized several times. The docs could not figure out what what casuing his issues. He had EVERY test done under-the-sun. One of the their conclusions was that he had an idiopathic autoimmune disease. In other words, they had no idea what he had.

So, I looked up everything I could about auto immunes diseases to try and keep my husband healthy. WEB MD popped up first and said to be sure to get ALL your vaccines. That didn't make sense to me. If my son had a suppressed immune system and the introduction of a vaccine would harm him, then why would you give someone with an overactive immune system a vaccine and make their system over-react and wreak havoc in their body? I delved deeper in my research. I came upon several well known university websites and they all said to STOP taking any vaccine if you have an autoimmune issue.

Well, when I went with my husband to his follow up visit, his doctor immediately said he should get the jab!!! Since my husband was 62 yrs old and the cut-off in FL was 64 at that time to get the jab, his doctor said he could write an authorization for my husband to get the jab because of his health issues. I then asked the doctor, "Is that advisable because my husband has been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease?" The doctor sat back.... scratched his chin.... thought for a moment and then said, "You have a valid point and he should wait." I had a valid point?!? He's the one with the medical degree!!!! He's a good doctor and has helped my husband otherwise, but he still recommends my husband get the jab.

As a side note.... last Feb, my one son's whole family caught covid and we had been with them just prior to that. My other son, who had been visiting and staying with us at the time, caught it as well as myself. My husband never caught it.

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Thank goodness you did the research.

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Wow. So thankful your son has survived! Thankful for your knowledge. 💕

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Lin - there was a treatment summit held shortly after the mass injection push started at which an oncologist spoke to this very issue (I wish I could remember his name - I think the summit was held in Florida). He said a study of measuring post-injection antibody response of immunocompromised people showed almost no antibody production. So, people were taking these shots, assuming ALL risk, and receiving no benefit. I bet the oncologists throughout the country don't tell their patients about THAT study.

I have had a very low WBC count for 20 years now. My first thought when these shots were proposed was, "why would I introduce such an unknown risk into my already altered (though not deficient) immune system?" No one could give me a good answer because they don't have one.

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Yes, there was a small study done at the very beginning on organ transplant patients because they are immunocompromised. After 2 shots, no improvement in their protection but they were going to shoot them again to see if 3 would do the trick.

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I too am over 65 and immunocompromised. When I read that the original trial did not include anyone with my problems, it seemed obvious to me the purveyors knew bad trial outcomes would spook the public and so could not include our group.

The outcome of allowing them to inject me seemed clearly on the side of depopulators who -- even before covid -- were already out there indicating that we sick and/or old people are supposed to a burden. When Obama collapsed the most critical parts of the healthcare system in creating Obamacare, cutting off so much healthcare from the poor (including the old), that was a clear message about the technocrats' attitudes toward the old and sick. People died, but the attitude was, that's just how it goes. Friends -- technocrats are without compassion.

NO ONE SHOULD TAKE THIS GENOCIDE TECHNOLOGY -- a true bioweapon. And to continue to single out those who are old or have comorbidities -- that is a proof of genocidal intent they just can't give up.

Protect yourselves. They are not backing off.

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@nickij, thank you for posting this. Now, how to get this mile wide red flag above the fold. /scarcasm - ‘cos the likelihood o’ that at this point in time is about nil

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The science of kickbacks and bribe$.

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EXACTLY! Advice from medicos astounds the sense of reason. Just like some injectable product “stays in the arm.” What?! If your needle has broken a single capillary in its delivery method, your product, no matter how small the dose (but let’s not kid ourselves) has now gained access to the bloodstream. Every injectable since forever. How in the world could medical students who become licensed physicians ever buy such obvious, completely counterintuitive crap as the product “stays in the arm?” Whole lotta people have better 2 + 2 capabilities than most doctors. Stay safe!

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When my doctor was trying to convince me to get the vaccine, I brought up one of the reasons being that "it doesn't stay in the injection site." In a rare moment of clarity her response was that "of course it doesn't stay in the injection location."

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There is no science on that. They never tested it on immune conpromised. It is another lie. Your reasoning is the most sound.

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I cannot believe Stanford hasn't bowed to the mob (yet). It's almost like a twinkle of hope.

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These "elite" colleges and universities are anything but elite. All those students who participated in that awful display should be failed and suspended. I would say that the majority of Stanford law school students are mentally ill and subpar. Not all but a good majority. And they are adults so clearly they're responsible for their actions.

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well, you know...being liberal means you can simultaneously believe than an 18 year old is too immature to understand their college loan obligations (and should not have to pay them) while also believing a 5 year old is mature enough to pick their own gender and consent to life altering surgery.

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And many universities are no longer requiring the LSAT.

How are they choosing students?

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By their skin color, sexual preference and donor dads

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Don't forget animal identity.

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The problem is this type of thought doesn't just stay on college campuses anymore. It's made its way into mainstream politics and culture and will only get worse with the next generation of kids learning how to be intolerant.

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AND Corporate America. It's why I have stayed self employed.

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I haven't been impressed by the Ivies for a long time.

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Since the 60s? 🙋‍♀️

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It really is sad how Stanford is allowing this kind of conduct from their students and professors. Berkley always had this attitude and anti-establishment mentality but Stanford was always the more behaved, ethical and "high intelligence" institution (I'm a 60's kid). Such a shame to see the privileged brats run amok.

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Berkeley has fallen too, sadly, Requiring childhood vaccines and flu shots plus boosters, which acts as a way to keep out the home-schooled and the dreaded "anti-vaxxers". But when you realize that Gilead, home of run-death-is-near is right there, and trans-surgery embracing Kaisers surround it, it is less unfathomable. Stanford is between Facebook headquarters, Google, the Apple spaceship, and the community colleges, which until recently had working kids, with some sense, are falling too. DeAnza, down the road from Stanford in Cupertino, just fired a black professor for wrongthink https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2023/03/20/de-anza-college-diversity-director-says-she-was-fired-for-questioning-schools-anti-racism-policies/. CRT DEI has tried to infect the elementary schools there too, but there is a large Asian population, who immediately recognize the Cultural Revolution pattern. There is a lot of defense industry there too, so when Stanford explodes from having to read the Constitution, Big Tech can release some giant Mylar balloons to be shot down to cover it up lol (I grew up there and my family lived there forever)

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

And now the activists are upset about their names being revealed! As the article shows, it's a prime example of the pot calling the kettle black ~ a total lack of self awareness.

Law school students who heckled judge freak out over their names being released


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Note to HR Departments: Any resume showing Stanford Law should be tossed out.

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Except for the ones who listed they were a member of the schools Federalist society

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"Noooooo, loss of anonymity is only for the Bad Conservative People!"

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Mar 23, 2023·edited Mar 23, 2023

Luv this part :

" .... they weren’t pleased after their names were published by the Washington Free Beacon, the conservative media outlet that has been covering their futile antics, DESPITE THEIR OWN DOXING OF Stanford's Federalist Society students whose names were shared on the internet and on posters. "

Isn't THAT just darned typical ?!


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Thanks for sharing ~ great Twitter thread!

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Typically hypocritical yes!

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They got called out. Hard. These stupid leftist students are going to get a hard lesson. Next they'll summon Antifa to do their bidding and try to intimidate the law school. I say bring it.

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Probably just the Law part of them. I'm sure the rest are quite insane.

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Agree that's likely, but I would really prefer the pool of future lawyers and judges be kept sane, if I had to pick a demographic to salvage.

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Stanford not only bowed but it led the worship.

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Well-nigh indeed 😉

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Isn’t it interesting that most young liberals want to be animals, want to save all animals, and yet the animal world would never accept them. The animal world kills off their weird and weak. The have a pecking order that always has been and always will be. If only these human weirdos would learn from the animal world, all of us could be happy.

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They're deeply unhappy with themselves. They have no faith, moral compass or guidelines to live their lives. Hawk lady sees the beautiful majestic hawk flying free unburdened from the crap in our lives. Of course she wants that. She needs serious mental health care.

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Don’t you mean IT/HE 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄

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They also gets lots of attention

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problem is most mental health care will just embrace whatever the girl wants to be

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oh my gosh I was just thinking along these lines the other day. Have you ever seen Sebastian Maniscalco in standup? He's hilarious and he does this bit where he's making fun of how the internet ruined society..."you want to dress like a baby?" LOL. It's so funny, but he's saying that in the old days you walked out of your house wearing a diaper, and it was dealt with. You were handled. Now, thanks to the internet, these people have rights -they have entire conferences where they meet up with other people who dress like babies. It really is the internet that ruined everything. Prior to that, we mostly kept people in line.

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At the liberal University of Oregon back in the 70’s, the guy who wore a diaper around campus was dispatched somewhere, the guy who always wore black gloves, even in summer, was finally dispatched. We feared him, beyond creepy. I think he finally did something bad or finally got caught. The guy who broke into a sorority house naked was beaten to a pulp by the girls. No charges filed, no lawsuits.

Can’t imagine how liberal the campus is now though.

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