“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves. But beware of men, for they will hand you over to the courts and scourge you in their synagogues; and you will even be brought before governors and kings for My sake, as a testimony to them and to the Gentiles. But when they hand you over, do not worry about how or what you are to say; for it will be given you in that hour what you are to say. For it is not you who speak, but it is the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you.

Therefore do not fear them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops.”

— Jesus, Matthew 10:16-20, 26-27 NASB1995

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The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. - John 1:5

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My favorite MLK quote: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

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Don’t watch it. The song got stuck in my head and I literally just had to listen to some Christian music for a bit to sweep out that garbage. 🗑️

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I did the same thing Jacquie

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Isn’t that crazy?! Shows how easily this demonic stuff can get inside our heads and we are completely unaware.

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I wish I could erase all the stupid horror movies I watched as a teenager. But now, thanks to Jesus, it all just looks ridiculous.

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Exactly my mother told me that as a child , took 50 years to sink in but I do now ! …

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I saw a glimpse of that on a fb post. Apparently the devil has come out of the closet and isn’t even disguising himself anymore. But I don’t think I’ll watch it…

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The best thing to come out of this warfare is that more people will be followers of the word . Maybe that’s part of God’s plan ( I sincerely believe this) . 🙏🤗

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Everything is part of His plan, including how He directs it all for the good of His faithful.

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He’s been exposing himself and his demons quite regularly in everything the past few years. Its always been there but hidden unless you were looking for it. Now you don’t have to go looking for it. It’s becoming so that even the ones who refuse to wake up cannot deny this, though they may try.

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Same! Don’t even want to view it. Yuck!

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I have boycotted all award shows. When my Netflix movie ended last night, the tail end of this was on my tv. Disgusting.Ironically, it ended with PFIZER written across the screen, followed by a jab pushing commercial. 🤮

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All in the same category of demonic.

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All it needed was to culminate with Dear Leader Joe Biden emerging center stage, flanked by two gyrating marines, doing a disjointed rap over the music about MAGA extremists, our democracy, and a winter of death.

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Wow. It's garbage and has been for a long time. But still ... wow.

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I can’t watch it either!

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Wow. Just watched it. Flaunting evil.

I went and read the lyrics because of course you can’t understand what he’s saying. Cheating on his wife and glorifying it. Sick.

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I listen to the music of the 60s and 70s and so much of it is sweet, edifying, inspiring and sometimes even spiritual. The culture I grew up in..antithetical to the demon and sin glorifying music and music shows of the entire 21st century to date.

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Even the reggae of the '70s-80s has a lot of Scripture in the lyrics.

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Particularly the R&B songs of that era: Love, friendship, sweetness. Then along came rap and hiphop and their new, improved message of greed, flaunting and bragging, violence, and demeaning women.


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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023

I hit your post here and decided not to skip over this ... and so I looked up the words. Just put in the 'Sam Smith' and 'Kim Petras' into the search and the engine lights up like a Christmas tree. The words are quite gutter pedestrian. So much so, that that I cannot bring myself to call them lyrics. Here's the bottom line. America gave the world Longfellow and T. S. Eliot ... and now ... this ??? I went to YouTube. I saw shots of the Grammy audiences in wild applause. What kind of people are these? Seeing this, it is a forgone conclusions that The Empire of Lies is going to fall, is already unravelling. I fear The Fall is going to be a horror show ... something like the aftermath of the Soviet collapse.

Well, anybody who knows me knows that I tend to be long-winded. You, however, said it in one word ... SICK. And folks! This is the recording industry's highest awards ceremony? No wonder they hate Putin. Because this kind of thing is not allowed in Russia.

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I was thinking “do they really know what they are wildly cheering and applauding? Do they really know what they are supporting?”

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023

I work in mental health. One of my clients and his fellow SECOND GRADERS apparently repeat these lyrics over and over. He thinks the rap is catchy and funny and doesn't really understand the words. His mom looked them up and was mortified to the point that we included changing this aspect of his behavior in his treatment goals. On the other hand, he has his own phone (Christmas gift from mother), so how much can anyone really monitor what he sees?

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Yeah! Talk about infiltrating ... little kids minds, and kind of like some other kinds of grooming! And a very telling comment!

I had no idea about this Grammy Awards thing and so on. And with still further looking up, I see that the Grammy Awards were lived streamed out of California (where else!) on February the 5th ... like yesterday Sunday! Regarding this 'performance,' the blonde lady circus barker chick with whip in hand introduced this abomination as being revolutionary "beautifully unholy!" And is that a accident? That this 'beautifully unholy' is performed coast to coast live on the Sunday? The Lord's Day? Nope folks! They are mocking us!

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Wow. That’s awful. Young kids these days are exposed to so much. We had it in the music too as children/teenagers, was more subtle I think. Now it’s gotten to such a blatant extreme.

If we have the radio on in the car with our high school aged daughter, she will tell us to turn the station when trash like this comes on. Thank goodness she recognizes the trash.

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The evil is everywhere... somewhere in this documentary, it states that satanists require you to do something in public to reveal. Most people it seems that it's something small. I guess Smith decided "go big or go home"

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Redpilled69 … that was definitely worth watching , thank you .

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As for the devastation in Turkey, may the Lord heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds, and may God’s people shine His light in the darkness of grief.

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Messianic Jew (believer in Jesus Christ) Amir Tsarfati updates the tragic earthquakes with current videos and pics of what is happening to those poor people. It breaks my heart. If anyone is interested they can keep current with what is happening over there by going to Amir Tsarfati’s Telegram channel.

Prayers to everyone impacted by these earthquakes. 🙏🏼

We may be seeing the forerunner of the end of the age.

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My friend has been telling me to follow him for awhile now, but I didn’t until today. Now I’m under the bed and I’m not coming out.

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I don’t blame you Janice!

Amir not only teaches Scripture, and lately a lot on Revelation, but keeps up with political issues, concentrating mostly, but not exclusively, on the Middle East, and how it aligns with prophesy. (I really enjoy listening to him and Pastor Jack Hibbs speak together.)

Just in: Amir just posted that N.K.’s Jim Jong Un called for all his military to be in a state of readiness. Not sure that that means, but it doesn’t sound good.

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Amir just posted that 5000 buildings have collapsed in Turkey, and that thousands of people are trapped. 😢

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What is Amir’s telegram? I would like to follow him

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Get the Telegram app, then type in his name Amir Tsarfati and click on join.

Telegram is a social media platform, and as far as I know it doesn’t engage in censorship unless you put in span, and then the monitors will remove it.

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Perfect for this morning! Though they are trying with all the forces of Satan to conceal, it will be revealed.

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Thank you for this, Janice. "Therefore do not fear them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known." I am claiming this verse for my severely mentally-ill grown daughter, who is being persecuted by our local sheriff's department in their attempt to cover up their own wrong-doing to her. God is on her side, and God always wins.

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I will join you in your prayers for her and that situation. May the Lord reveal the truth and recompense the evildoers.

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Joining in prayer also.

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Thank you, Mr. Bugni.

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Thanks so much, Janice.

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"One person has died and at least three other people have permanent vision loss because of a bacterial infection possibly linked to a brand of over-the-counter eyedrops, said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which urged consumers Wednesday to stop using EzriCare Artificial Tears while it investigates the outbreak."

One person, you say?...Investigations, you say?.....

Boy, these CDC folks really move at the speed of science. Glad they're on our side.

Full story: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/cdc-eyedrops-linked-serious-bacterial-infections-rcna68175

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Haha. I read that. 🤦🏼‍♀️ One person dead causes an investigation. Wow. I guess they only care about ONE DEATH if it doesn’t go against their agenda.

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A double standard is a terrible thing to waste.

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But they are setting a TERRIBLE precedent.............. 🙈🙊🙉

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Yeah, no...it's ridiculous.

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If they didn’t have a double standard they would have no standards at all

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I hoped that I wouldn't need to remind everyone that #ABV is the only thing that is known for sure. 😅😅😂 lol

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Thanks for that bit of news. I am so sick of the hypocrisy. I wonder if their immune systems are compromised. I sound like a nut; that’s always the question these days . Excuse me while I polish my tin hat.

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I think that every single day. Truly a real consideration. Kind of on the same topic, did you watch Steve Kirsch's interview with RFK Jr.? The info on his anecdotal observations on autism is absolutely striking.

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I just watched/listened to videos from a recent covid conference in Sweden (Drs Malhotra, Malone, Nass, among others) about pHarma, industrial-military complex, WHO, etc and the global plan. Very informative. Dr Nass provides solutions!

I got the links to the videos via Defending The Republic (Sydney Powell is associated).

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Must not be enough money in those eye drops to pay the CDC off. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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I suspect EzriCare's ownership is not in the same elite (club) as the Jab producers, who are protected by their buddies in the media and government.

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The F D A wants to take away our dietary supplements, they want to pull homeopathic medicines off the market at will despite 200+ years of safety, they want the ability to restrict off-label use of already approved drugs (see Dr Mercola’s website w article about this provision being stuck in the overstuffed omnibus bill).

They truly are out to kill us and make us all slaves to big pHarma.

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023

I wish I had saved the article but many of our most trusted supplement companies have been purchased by Big pHarma and large corporations like Nestle and P&G. Some independent companies said they have been offered a buy-out but refused. I wish there was a list of companies that did not sell out to pharma and huge corporations. What are their plans for buying up these companies? To eventually remove the supplements from sale, or introduce dangerous substances to the product, or to make the products inferior but at a large selling price? ….One wonders.

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So true Copernicus…resist

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Resistance is tiring. But, we must do what we can. Else what will we say to our children.

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The real reason is because the manufacturer:



Ganga Nagar, Chennai - 600 024.

Tamilnadu, India

is not part of the pharmaceutical elite, and therefore expendable and made a virtuous scapegoat!

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They aren't worried about creating eye drop hesitancy?

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Hahahaha. That made me laugh out loud. 😂 😂

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More silver plated evidence for prosecutors to present when those responsible are held accountable. Someday. Hopefully.

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I saw that too and had exactly the same reaction!

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deletedFeb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023
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God help those poor people affected by those devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. 🙏

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Lord have mercy. ✝️

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Lots of videos and pics of the earthquakes on Amir Tsarfati’s Telegram channel. 🙏🏼 He updates frequently if interested.

Note: Amir is a Messianic Jew, believing in the Lord Jesus Christ as messiah and savior.

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Amen, Annie, amen. Yes.

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Looks real bad. And no warning... scary.

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I thought the story on the ants was leading to a new WHO-approved food supply for us pleebs.

Fortunately it's about cancer detection, which is a novel approach. I recall Joe Biden saying he was going to get cancer solved. Haven't heard much about that. Press doesn't seem curious.

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Pretty ironic he said that considering we now have turbo charged cancers as a result of his mandated golden calf jab

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This is something to keep our eyes on. I've noticed some recent deaths, turbo cancers and well ... I may just be married to someone who took 2 modernas despite my pleas...

So yeah. Still testing. Not pleased.

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Ugh. Would (s)he be open to the FCCC protocol after getting the shot? I begged my husband not to & luckily he listened

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Yeah I am working on that. She's aware and not continually boosting.

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Cancer is the perfect unifier - everyone agrees that cancer sucks. But then, we are not all going to agree on why it has gotten worse. Heck I remember reading back in the 90's or so that COFFEE caused cancer. And bacon. (Maybe they make these proclamations to get more lobbyist money) And given the new eyes with which many of us are viewing the medical establishment these days, even the treatment options are becoming politicized. And turns out all the billions poured into research is largely applied in a lemming-like groupthink model. Kudos to the ant people who are thinking outside the box.

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There is a very old saying "There is more money to be made LOOKING for cancer cure than for FINDING one." This observation can be generalized to many fields, particularly those that involve suckling at the government teat. Three years of reading about the massive corruption surrounding Covid-19 "vaccines" and drugs, and learning the rot goes back way earlier, has convinced me that the entire system is corrupt, largely due to the flow of funding and who controls it. I suppose that a new breakthrough is possible, but from what I've read, it sounds as though the entire system is biased to protect the (profitable) status quo and entrenched interests. A good example would be off-label (generic) drugs -- any research into these would be discouraged, their uses restricted (e.g. IVM & HCQ) because it might threaten on-patent expensive products.

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Like: The Joe Tippens Cancer Protocol suggests a dose of 222 mg per day (1 gram of Panacur C), seven days a week. Fenbendazole. https://www.laurasmercantile.com/joe-tippens-dog-dewormer-cancer-treatment/

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Friend using it for inoperable NSCLC and is NED 2 years in.

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My S-I-L is using FenBen for prostate cancer.

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There is a lot of research on nutrition, supplements and off label medications that can treat and cure cancer, but no Big Pharma $$$ to be made, so they sweep them under the rug and do not get funded for the 'necessary' clinical trials to allow them to be included in my now most hated term - 'Standard of Care'. Almost all practitioners we have encountered in batlting my husband's cancer hide behind theses kind of statements!!

There was a recent study done in Europe where they discovered a metabolic pathway(called SCOT) that can be blocked through supplements, fasting and off label meds. The study was crowd source funded as no pharmas would touch it.


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Same with 'climate change'. I had a lot of 'green' projects for clients in the early Obama years as there were grant money programs for companies to explore green options - feasibility studies. So yeah, studying the issue but no money to actually DO anything. ROI of most of them was sketchy. And in the course of all this digging around, discovered that peer review is just another name for groupthink. I remember reading about brave scientists whose work did not adhere to the 'chicken little sky is falling' narrative who lost grants, jobs and reputations. Sound familiar? So I came into 2020 with a jaded eye from the start.

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A relative by marriage did PhD research on a cure for ovarian cancer. The research was ‘confiscated’ by the university and never saw the light of day. So much anger…

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That's terrible, I would be angry too.

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I’m old enough to remember when cancer ‘burst’ upon the scene. (Just when the major chemical companies began mass producing all the household and farm products we couldn’t live without.). When alarmed folk questioned, ‘why is this happening?’ The answer was, ‘It’s always been happening. We just didn’t know what to call it.’ As a small child, I thought that was odd.

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

So, I got curious and did a little digging. In 1880, US life expectancy was 39.4 years. https://ourworldindata.org/life-expectancy So indeed possible that cancer never got around to inflicting people, and medicine was pretty primitive, likely deaths caused by cancer were not properly diagnosed.

Cancer incidence rates were 400.9 per 100K in 1975, and rose steadily through the 80's, peaking at 499.99 overall (men and women) in 1992, but declining after that to 451.16 per 100K in 2019, so still higher rate vs 1975. https://progressreport.cancer.gov/diagnosis/incidence Five year cancer survival rates have grown since 1970 for all cancers except uterine and cervical, which have declined. https://ourworldindata.org/uploads/2018/03/Five-year-cancer-survival-rates-USA-v2-01.png Cancer disproportionally affects older adults, so the longer you live, it stands to reason that you have a better chance of getting a cancer dx. Of course, the causes of cancer have always been a hot topic, and something that changes with the wind for some things.

This history of cancer I found fascinating: Cancer has been found in mummies, dinosaurs and preserved remains of people thousands of years old.


"The long-held hypothesis of a link between microorganisms and cancer is of historic significance as it exemplifies how generations of scientists, researchers, and scholars, misguided by flawed hypotheses, often commit their talents and energy, as well as considerable human and financial resources to the unproductive pursuit of a dubious lead. While a resolute pursuit of a worthy goal by many is often necessary, overly enthusiastic adherence to a single hypothesis by many is self-reinforcing and often obfuscates good judgment while dismissing the unwelcome views of few dissenters." (This was published in 2014, but sounds JUST LIKE today)

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Great post, very interesting!

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Sucked down the rabbit hole, LOL. It seems like I am hearing about a lot more people with cancer these days, but then I am also over 50. My parents came from big families , and I have 35 cousins, and know only one aunt, my dad, and my FIL are the only ones who had cancer. All 3 survived it, although my dad survived prostate cancer for 8 years but died from heart failure while fighting throat cancer at age 79 (in 2014) Have to wonder a little about a genetic link. A friend, her sister and her mom are all breast cancer survivors. Did not try to find more recent incidence data, as I suspect the CDC is probably hiding it anyway and their site is a huge PITA to navigate.

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I can imagine. There must be so much information out there to sift through and not all of it accessible or easy to understand. I feel like I know more people with cancer too, especially younger people, but also wonder how much of it is my age and now relatively extensive network of friends, family and acquaintances. But it does seem like more of them are younger and/or have the “turbo cancers” that appear seemingly out of nowhere and are already very advanced and that get worse very quickly.

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I’m so happy to see alternative treatments to cancer being reported on. It’s been a major source of income for the corrupt medical system for far too long.

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Ants are all we can afford on our $80 million/year we spend on cancer research. Wars (Ukraine) is expensive...

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That was conditioning us to having our money stolen to fight the new turbo cancer emerging. Remember, we're all in this together.

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How I despise that phrase now…

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Yeah, me too. I only use it sarcastically.

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Oh I thought you were but I still felt moved to comment—that and “mask up” and a few other of those phrases are like nails on a.chalkboard now…

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Are you old enough to remember that movie "Medicine Man" with Sean Connery and Lorraine Bracco? They're working on a cure for cancer in the Amazon Jungles thinking they were looking for a plant, and at the end of the movie they discover the secret ingredient comes from ant pee/poop. That's what the ant story reminded me of.

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Yes that was my first thought just from the headline.....oh no now it’s “eat ants” 🐜

Even though as a kid one of my uncles came back from some far flung country with a box of chocolate covered ants.

And us kids screaming “Ewwwww who eats bug”🐛


40 years later...... and here we are wiz de bugs on the menu

Chitin anyone 🤔🦗🤔🦗🤔

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Most would prefer "Chitlins anyone?"

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I like seeing/reading the original science. This one was published ONE YEAR AGO.


just after Biden's announcement to re-start his cancer moonshot. Yet...who heard about this research until today?!?

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Yes, he hasn’t mentioned his son Beau who died serving in Iraq but apparently of cancer in at least one week... time to play the sympathy card.....

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Or his extensive and sad experience with oil cancer 🙄😆

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Bill Whatshisname...the pothead who stated "I'd crash the economy to get rid of Trump. Happily."

Shocked his studio full of trained clapping seals, did he?

Lord help us when this jagoff makes news for talking sense.

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A Canadian once told me (when describing Canada's inferiority complex) than Canada was very proud of its unique entertainment culture separate from the US. But then on the other hand, Canadian entertainers were not considered to have "made it" until they were widely accepted in the US. That's what validated them and it resulted from being dominated by US culture. She thought it was profoundly unhealthy.

We conservatives are the same way unfortunately. Bill Maher is a left-wing jerk but we get all excited when he says something sort of conservative? Similarly, news that has been known for years in conservative circles is considered to have "made it" when the MSM is finally forced to cover it. We are dominated by left-wing culture and are thrilled by any attention we receive from it.

None of this is healthy, we should not be seeking approval from those who hate us. I could care less what Bill Maher says after decades of repeatedly dehumanizing those with which he disagrees (mainly Christians, conservatives, and the rural folks). The man is an arrogant, secular buffoon and should be ignored. Of course, the woke stuff is evil and wrong, anyone with half a brain and some conscience can see that.

If we are going to talk about left-wingers lets keep it to those who actually maintained their humanity over the years like Jimmy Dore, RFK Jr., and Naomi Wolf. We ended up on the same page as these folks through common decency, not from being a stopped clock that happened to be right.

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Great points. And Jimmy Dore has been amazing since he red pilled. And Russel Brand. Their youtube chans are great.

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Part of me says, “to hell with Bill Maher because it’s been his leftist agenda that got us to this place, and now that he’s experiencing the ugly but inevitable results, he shouldn’t be complaining.” On the other hand, he has a leftish audience and the media moguls still allow him to speak because he still hates the right, but I’ll take a takedown of the left from wherever it comes. The moment Maher stops hating the right, he’s gone faster than the so-called protection from the jab.

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I’m fine with it because I hope he wakes up the middle but left leaning folks who would not otherwise wakeup (not woke).

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Yes that is what I am thinking as well. We don’t need it for validation, but as a hope to wake up some people in a different political camp who will never listen to us no matter how much sense we make or how correct we are.

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True but I would not say that he red-pilled as I'm sure there is plenty of political stuff in which we disagree. What we do share is a strong belief in the pursuit of truth, free speech, and personal autonomy. The insane left has become so intolerant and rigid in enforcing their dogmatic agenda, that "normal" Democrats that believe in shared universal truths seem like conservatives.

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Just so you know Russell Brand is married into the Rothschild family, the niece of one of the patriarchs.

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Good points! But Bill’s rants against wokeism at least have to make his longtime friends think a bit. He could be planting a seed in their woke brains that will grow. Just a “theory” & perhaps a hope.

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🗨 Some fell on stony ground [...], and because it had no root it withered away 🤷

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"we should not be seeking approval from those who hate us" Yes, 100%. And Maher is a special kind of sicko to relish watching his audience clap for their own idiocy.

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Excellent points made. Thank you. I was part of the group celebrating Mahers seemingly change of perspective. Boy I get so confused lately!!! I’m just going to keep praying!!

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Confusing is right, lots of people putting up a finger in the wind to see which way it is blowing and then alter their schtick to follow the trend. That includes some in Congress and some on the right as well. Like Ben Shapiro and the jabs. Or most of the R's for the Jan 6 prisoners. The good guys (and gals) are getting harder to find.

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But at least we have Jeff and the C&C army!

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You got that right!!

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I agree, but realize we had been conditioned to think that Faux News was the Conservative standard. Sadly, we found there are places they won’t go. Wokeism is just another smoke and mirrors to cover what people won’t face.

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I've been a Jimmy Dore fan for several years. I think I found him shortly after the last chemical weapon hoax in Syria. Bill Maher is contemptable for many reasons, but he has been criticizing wokeism for 2-3 years at least. He also tried to moderate some of the worst of the Branch Covidianism without being vaccine injured.

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023

Great point. And it works in reverse. Garbage that happens on the coasts eventually wends its way to the middle of the country where we in flyover land get looked down upon for our being behind the times/ignorant/whatever other -ist you want to include. I say let the coasts keep their superiority complex, we don't want the lefties moving here anyway.

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I agree about ignoring him and so I have, for decades. I always skip over anything that says his name.

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Well stated!!!

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💬 I could care less what Bill Maher says

So why won’t ya, huh? Better still, don’t care a whit—follow your own sound advice 😝

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Yeah. He is only changing his tune because there's money to be made by now saying we have gone too far left. It's douche bags like him who are part of the problem to begin with. Screw hollywood and all the msm tools.

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This is at least the second time this Trump hating curmudgeon has dropped truth bombs on his show. Bizarre times, indeed.

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Nothing worse than watching a true Heel trying to execute a Face Turn. As an avid long time follower of professional wrestling I’d suggest to Mr Marr that he abandon the storyline. Nobody’s buying it.

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An interesting conspiracy is the satanic principle of inversion... Pfizer spelled backwards is Rezifp, ancient West Semitic god of the plagues.

Of course it's just a coincidence, as the Pfizer is simply the founder's last name. Still, weird huh.

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I don’t really see these things as coincidences but rather Satan at work behind the scenes with us completely unaware.

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Interesting! I'm a fan of Nietzsche. Have read most of his stuff, understand, well, some of it. Clearly, he was no friend of the church -- his next-to-last work was, after all, called "The Antichrist." He was not advocating Satanism (not overtly at least) rather he was deconstructing Christianity. Anyway, to "inversion." He uses that term often when discussing how a "slave" philosophy (or religion, such as Judaism) would "invert" the values of the "Master" class. The Master considers his class "good" but the Slave "bad" (not "evil," which had a different sense for Nietzsche); "bad" here means the commoner doesn't share the same ethics/standards as the noble. In contrast, "evil" is what the Slave labels the Master's "good." This allows the oppressed to form a world view where they are the "good," while the Master is the "evil" opponent. Fascinating stuff, and quite plausible explanations of how human societies and religions developed the beliefs that they did.

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023

I can’t see the name Nietzsche, without recalling the amusing quote….

Nietzsche… God is dead

God…Nietzsche is dead

I’ll stick with being a fan of the immortal God, rather than the long-dead, mortal Neitzsche.

God always has the last Word - the first and the last. He is the Alpha and the Omega…what is this poor Neitzsche than you are so fascinated with?

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The interesting thing is that no matter the socioeconomic caste, Christians are both the master class and the servant (to humanity for their salvation). Nietzsche never got that. For him it was either/or.

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Maria Van Blowhard needs a dystopian enema and a Monkey Pox exorcism. "This house is cleansed."

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People like her need to be reminded that they are a teensy minority and that even their henchmen will be making some hard choices in the near future. You cannot buy loyalty.

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Yes, we could easily lose the sovereignty of our country to the WHO with that ‘treaty’. Hard to believe they can make an agreement that goes around Congress. And Tedros is Bill Gates’ handpicked non doctor that is to become our dictator.

Screw the WHO. Not complying.

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This should be shared on Twitter

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Well, YouTube has decided I’m not to watch this video.

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Very grateful today for you, Jeff! I do enjoy reading your daily email! It is all a clown show coming to the end.. like a Bed, Bath and Beyond store near you closing its door! WE


I wonder what would happen if we all pulled our prescriptions from the nationwide pharmacies of the country?

Today is the day to finally toss all those masks out of the glove compartment!

Today is the day to show excitement and joy everywhere!

Thank you, Jeff for helping us be more informed, not feeling so alone in the resistance and keep our senses of humor!

Amazing day! Expect miracles of any size. Look for the smallest and bigger will come! 👍🏼💕

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"The technique won’t go anywhere, of course, because ants can’t make pharma the kind of profits that patented designer cancer moon shot drugs can. But I was struck by how well the ants are outperforming our supercomputer artificial intelligences and billion-dollar medical establishment."

"Go to the ant thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise." Proverbs 6:6

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The ants 🐜 will be around long after the wokesters are gone and truth be told long after us.

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Haha, did you catch Maria saying, "We really need to build trust."? Her idea of building trust means telling better lies and silencing those who would point out the lies.

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That “trust” horse left the barn LONG ago.

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😂 Touché

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The last thing we need is more trust in these corrupt institutions. The more distrust the better. They need to be destroyed root and branch, all of them, and most never, ever, be rebuilt. That won't happen until a strong majority of the population, especially those with influence (who sadly will be the last to see the truth), have completely and totally lost all trust in them.

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023

It sure seems that EVERY solution these (WHO, the 'Elites', etc.) people envision centers around "vaccination" - this woman, Maria VK, speaks about the "immuno-compromised"..........

My 80-something yr old mother has proudly received 5 jabs (if a 6th had been offered, I'm sure THAT is the correct number now), and she tells me she spent the entire month of December, and a portion of Jan. sick with "some kind of illness - not a flu, this has no name" she says ..... tells me she is STILL struggling with it, though - sounds like a respiratory thing, I suggested. She agreed. But a "NAMELESS" illness, she stressed. Crap! 2+ months, sounds like to me.............

So - what exactly is causing Maria VK's immuno-compromised issues, I wonder??

I think WE all know.......... but dear ol' Mom ? Clueless.

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I have a very pro jab friend who has likely received all her boosters. She has been sick more days than not since September and continuously ill since the middle of November. Like your mom, the doctors are telling her it’s a nameless illness. They’ve been trying every prescription under the sun. She says she’s not experiencing any improvement with the medications, but she is optimistic they will get to the bottom of it. I shake my head In disbelief at these people’s inability to see what is happening.

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

This morning I did something that was very difficult for me. I'm a retired teacher, and a biology teacher at my former school (early 50's) is having severe neurological issues that the meds his doc is giving him is making him worse. So...he despises "anti-vaxxers" is all boosted up, had "COVID" a few times....So I know this man and his family very well. I went out on a limb and together with a long explanation of why I was doing so, sent him the FLCCC website. I had to say that he may be vaccine injured. I was shaking the entire time writing the email. I realize I am risking losing a friend, and his family's friendship as well. It was my conscience (God) that made me do it. I pray he will seek treatment. We have to do what we can...this is a war for humanity.

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I had a similar experience my nephew big strong healthy 26yr old had a vax injury heart is doing crazy things friend is a retired nurse and as indicated as is possible I mentioned my nephew and how he is scared with all of these young boys dropping she aggressively said “what boys” and she knows someone with long covid so I sent some bios of dead boys(heart breaking) then blocked her I can’t participate anymore if they don’t get it all I can do is pray for them.

She was a mentor for 5 years a Christian sucks when you can be honest without being shamed by others but that is the reality of it

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You totally did the right thing. Even if the friendship dissolves- He must be desperate for answers at this time, maybe your email is just what he was looking for. Did he respond ?

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Thanks I needed to hear that😞

No blocked as a rule when I’m done I’m done. It as been going on the entire 2 yrs so it’s not knee jerk reaction

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Praying that they will see the truth and get help. I know it is very hard to tell people.

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Yep. Shaking my head sadly - and not bothering to try to offer any explanation myself, cause, you know.......... I, as an "anti-vaxxer" don't know sh*t.

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We are just flukes for staying healthy...an anomaly in health history 🙄 my sister, my daughter and I have all stayed healthy over the holidays and now into Feb. most of my jab friends/family have all been sick with one thing or another.

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And again..... SO baffling, ain't it ?!

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I found myself nodding my head while reading your post. Between shaking my head in disbelief of the sheeple and nodding in agreement with C&C folks my neck gets a great work out.

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My girlfriend has had a bad cold for about two weeks. Neither of us in our 70's have had any mRNA injections. She asked her doctor about her issues and the standard reply was that she has a covid variant. No testing was done and I told her it would just come up positive no matter what sickness she has.

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It's convenient, isn't it, that drs are no longer worrying about identifying what bug is causing all these respiratory illnesses. Sure makes it easier when they don't have to keep explaining to patients why the patients are getting c0\/id even though they are boosted. (Not applicable in your situation, of course.)

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Look at the latest flu shot commercials the Michigan dept of health is spitting out.

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Vit D/K, Ivermectin, hydrochloroquine, zinc. A good multivitamin.

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I had that cold as well. It was brutal. All better now

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Me too, in December. I’m guessing that almost everyone in the country has had ‘something’ since Thanksgiving. The vaxxed may sadly keep getting sick, whereas others may have some natural immunity.

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I did too. Ugh!

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Eyes shut! Ears closed! Thankful mine are open!

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A friend of mine, she’s 50 and took the vaccines. she is having what she calls “neurological issues” for the past six months, and spending a fortune to have every test done but of course they still don’t have answers for her. She is on a serious medication now to help her sleep. I can’t say of course this is from the vaccine because she would never believe me, and she gave the vaccine to her 10 year old, who is always home from school sick now, but I did say, oh experts are saying the boosters are not necessary at all and may even cause some issues, so I would avoid getting the booster. She said, Oh I won’t, then she paused and said, Unless my doctor tells me too.

Not a clue.

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The attention from medical staff and docs might be helping her feel special. For elderly it is something to do, and a relationship with someone new. Maybe she can find an immuno boosting group...

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#ABV. I am willing to bet it is blamed on long covid. Though I have not had a covidian explain to me why it only seems to affect the vaxxed and boostered. Not us unclean unvaxxed. Baffling 🤔

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023

What is ABV? Anything but the Vax?

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Well that is a bit better than the one I came up with...

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I put it in a search engine and got 'alcohol by volume'. Of course alcohol, in volume, is one way to deal with all this bad news, but not very productive, haha.

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SO baffling ! 🤔

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It's hard to reason with those who have been literally brainwashed by mil-spec propaganda and social engineering. What's worse is that it worked and they got not one but TWO shots! Most people I know are not continually booster and this is reflected in the official numbers.

Example: Mom gets booster, a week or so later is found by her husband unconscious in a pool of blood. Apparently she passed out and cracked he head. Medical personnel are not able to find the cause. She decides that it was because she got dehydrated.


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I remember the days - when a "common denominator" had meaning. When searching for a root cause involved more than peeling back one layer of an onion. When "thinking for yourself" was encouraged, rather than frowned upon............

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Bill (((Mahr))) is not our friend. He's merely controlled [well paid] opposition.

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Actually you and Jeff are both wrong: surname is "Maher." And yes Mom was ()* but Daddy Roman Catholic and little Billy raised same at least through age 13. I rarely have watched him, but while unquestionable Liberal, he did not like political correctness [source: Wikipedia.]

*Will concede, of course, that no one gets into and stays in show biz for 30+ years unless tribute paid to The Tribe, whether or not one is a member by birth.

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Always was, will continue to be.

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Good ole Brother Bill Maher and his unselfconscious air of superiority has spoken to Obama’s civil army. I guess the message is, ‘Cool it for awhile. You’re being way too obvious for this point in time.’ I think the CIA wouldn’t miss the chance to enlist such a useful idiot as B.M. And he wouldn’t want to miss any opportunity to be a pompous ass.

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Did you feel a need to put the Jewish parenthesis thing on his name?

Go back to Zerohedge FFS.

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LOL, facts hurt, huh? Have you looked at (who) runs all 3 Jab companies? And who controls the media that censor vaxx injuries (Facebook, youtube) and who controls the search engines that censor covid facts (google, duck duck go). The CDC director. FTX who paid for the scam ivermectin study that set up the emergency use for the Jabs. Even Alex Berenson who uses his millions from substack revenue to trash ivermectin. On and on. ALL these folks have Israeli passports despite being American citizens. Very collusive activity that supports each others strengths... at our demise.

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BFM - The list is long indeed, with financiers topping the list, and the entertainment industry in lockstep along with the majority of influencers/controllers. As Russell pointed out, they are not our friends. Those who don’t see this are sleeping with their eyes wide open, or maybe they just hate America.

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Thanks for the update, Adolph.

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Pretty sure it is a rule on the internet that as soon as you make that reference you've admitted defeat.

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Ooohh. Flattery.

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Yes I did (((Bill))). Go back to Palestine, for America's sake.

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

This Substack is for RESPECTFUL discourse on topics. Not all the trash found elsewhere on the internet. Please don’t drag this substack into the trash.

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Gross. Uncalled for. Substack is for reasoned discourse & not street gang trash language.

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Hmmm. Fascinating. How long have you had these homosexual fantasies about gentile strangers you encounter on the internet, (((Bill)))??

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Please keep the discussion respectful. That’s why we are all here and not in the other trash heaps of the internet.

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Your eloquence is mediocre.

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Excellent C&C start to the week particularly the Bill Maher clip at the end. Wars, rumors of wars, natural disasters and earthquakes, confusion and chaos….Come quickly Lord Jesus!

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I know the loss of life is the worst part of the earthquakes. Needn't be said, though maybe it need.

Anyway, the destruction of a castle that predates Jesus Christ by two centuries is mind-boggling, though.

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I'm Turkish citizen living in the Netherland,the pictures and videos all correct.It is worst than the Turkish MSM showing.We have deep pain in our hearts for everybody affected from earthquake.

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I’m so sorry, it’s heartbreaking to see and to know how much people there are suffering right now 😞😢

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May God help the suffering in Turkey and Syria. May he protect and preserve those still living and keep them from evil ones who will come take advantage of the situation.

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Yes, keep the Clinton’s away 🙄

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Amen, Copernicus.

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