☕️ QUID PRO JOE ☙ Saturday, August 26, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
Fired Shokin to talk on Fox; Atlantic whiffs on mug shot; pedo relatives sue Kyle Rittenhouse; costs of the Proxy War; WHO/IMF vaccine plot; great disinformation story; variable sentencing; more.
Good morning, C&C, it’s the Weekend Edition! Great news, I am feeling much better (thanks, saline/iodine rinse!). I did sleep in a little though, so we have a wee shorter roundup today. In today’s post: U.S. media finally gets around to talking to the center of the Biden Bribery story; an unintentionally-hilarious Atlantic mug shot story; Rittenhouse sued for ‘wrongful death’ of aggressive, unrepentant pedophile attacker; Russian MOD data highlights unfathomable cost of the Proxy War; WHO and IMF plot to vaccinate the entire world, apparently; long-form article that explains how the out-of-control intelligence agencies have occupied Establishment Media; entire Texas school district closes for covid; sentencing variables; and a funny Doctor Doctor clip to make you chuckle.
🔥 First up is a remarkable story from the UK Daily Mail yesterday, featuring the typical extended headline: “Fired Ukrainian prosecutor Shokin says Joe and Hunter Biden DID take BRIBES - and were behind his ousting: 'Isn't that corruption alone?' he says in preview of bombshell interview.”
I’ve been sneering contemptuously at U.S. Establishment Media for ages over the fact they seem to be totally unaware of former Ukranian Prosecutor-General Viktor Shokin, the guy Biden blackmailed Ukraine into firing, the guy who’d been investigating Burisma and the Bidens, the guy who’d just locked down all Burisma’s assets — while Hunter was on the board — when “Big Guy” Joe Biden got involved. Shokin is sort of at the center of everything, but U.S. Establishment Media couldn’t find the special prosecutor if he had bells on.
But finally someone has found Viktor, and apparently he’s talking a blue streak. The Daily Mail reported that tonight at 8pm Fox News will air “an explosive interview” with Shokin, in which the former prosecutor-general will claim that Joe and Hunter Biden were 'corrupt,’ that they accepted large cash bribes from Burisma, and were behind his firing.
Sounds about right. Quid pro quo, Joe. Drip, drip.
“I do not want to deal in unproven facts. But my firm personal conviction is that yes, this was the case. They were being bribed," Shokin explained in Fox’s preview clip. Shokin would know.
Back in 2018, two years after Shokin’s sudden and unexpected firing, Biden bragged that he told Ukraine he would personally withhold a billion dollars in U.S. aid if the Ukrainians failed to immediately fire Shokin. “I looked at them and said, 'I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money,’” Biden boasted.
“Well, son of a b****. He got fired,” the former vice-president continued, chortling merrily.
Biden’s probably not laughing so hard now.
As I said, at that the time Joe blackmailed Ukraine, Hunter was collecting a sweet million dollars a year for doing nothing on Burisma’s hastily-created “board of directors.” Why Hunter Biden would even be qualified for a fake board seat on a Ukrainian energy company being investigated for corruption remains a perplexing mystery. To some people.
The Daily Mail article also described details about Devon Archer’s recent Congressional testimony, in which the former Hunter business partner described “business” meetings with shady foreign oligarchs, in which Joe Biden got on the phone, after which millions of dollars flowed into Hunter’s various sham companies.
The cries of “no evidence” are sounding more and more like distant echoes down liberal canyon. There is already more evidence to indict Joe Biden on a container-load of crimes than the entire collection of “evidence” from four cases against Trump. So.
We await the Fox interview — the first time Shokin has appeared in this long-running scandal — with great interest. Stay tuned.
🔥 The Atlantic ran an angry story about Trump’s mug shot yesterday, but promptly and hilariously swapped headlines soon after being mercilessly mocked online. Here’s the current headline as it sits today:
Here’s what the headline was, before they stealth-edited it, under relentless heckling:
That original headline sounded more like something a group of catty, high-school mean girls said about the new transfer student from a posh high school in Beverly Hills. Classic.
And, the mug shot was “supposed to be an exercise in humility?” According to whom? I always thought mug shots were standard, everyday criminal-justice documentation procedures. I guess I didn’t get the memo.
Oh wait, democrats hoped the mug shot would be a “lesson in humility,” meaning they hoped it would humiliate President Trump and teach him a lesson.
The Atlantic’s story was a rambling, pseudo-intellectual, unintelligible mess, tediously meandering on and on about the Greek goddess Medusa and using mirrors or something. I couldn’t follow it. The bottom line was the Atlantic schizophrenically seemed to be simultaneously warning its readers not to seek out the Trump mugshot, just don’t even look at it, even while realizing that its readers desperately wanted to see Trump in a mugshot, so badly that they were going to look anyway.
Dear Megan: Trump derangement syndrome can be dangerous if untreated. The mental illness should be treated with powerful psychotropic drugs and a long vacation from social media. Or an extended stint in a convent, either way.
Of course, unable to help itself, never mind its readers, like a lifelong OCD hand washer, the Atlantic’s article began with a picture of the mugshot itself. So. By the time you got the warning, it was already too late. That, and the mocking, must be why they swapped headlines to “The Mug Shot Is a Warning,” which was my original take on it, too.
It is a warning.
Anyway, the Georgia indictment is off to a great start! Wokecompetence.
🔥 The Texas Scorecard ran a tediously unsurprising story yesterday headlined, “EXCLUSIVE: Kyle Rittenhouse Sued by Estate of Criminal He Shot in Self-Defense.” The sub-headline explained, “The estate of Joseph Rosenbaum has filed a lawsuit on the third anniversary of the Kenosha incident.”
Kyle Rittenhouse is the brave 17-year-old who kept his cool and shot two career criminals — one being Rosenbaum — in self-defense during the 2020 BLM riots. Despite the best efforts of a woke DA, a jury found Kyle acted appropriately and not guilty on all charges.
During the Kenosha fracas, Rosenbaum confronted and chased Kyle, eventually throwing a heavy sack at him. Rosenbaum then tried to grab Kyle’s gun. Kyle fired four times, killing his assailant. After that, Rosenbaum’s death tiled off a domino-like series of events leading to a second death and some injuries, as Kyle successfully protected himself from an angry mob of outraged rental protestors.
Lawyers often say, “anybody can sue anyone anytime for anything,” an aphorism well exemplified by the new Rosenbaum civil lawsuit. But some cases are better than others. This new one, filed by Rosenbaum’s relatives — allegedly — is already a stinker, a scratched-at-the-post nonstarter.
You would think Rosenbaum’s relatives would be as appalled and chagrined as anyone else about the deceased protestor’s reprehensible conduct.
During Kyle’s jury trial, evidence showed that Rosenbaum had extensive mental health problems, and had spent most of his adult life in prison for sexual contact with five preteen boys. And he was repeatedly charged with chronically and contemptibly failing to comply with his paroled pedophile registration requirements.
So Rosenbaum is not super-sympathetic in the role of victim.
For some reason, Rosenbaum used what little adult free time he had out of prison to join an execrable BLM riot and obnoxiously attack armed attendees. A better question would be, who paid hoodlum Rosenbaum to be there? Maybe Rosenbaum’s relatives should sue those people.
It’s tragic that Kyle must continue to defend himself from nauseating and relentless leftist attacks, but if his lawyers know what they’re doing, they will make short work of this abominable lawsuit.
🚀 Russia’s Ministry of Defense published its updated report on Ukrainian materiel losses yesterday. Count the cost (to US taxpayers):
📊 In total, 464 airplanes, 246 helicopters, 6,122 unmanned aerial vehicles, 433 air defence missile systems, 11,513 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 1,144 fighting vehicles equipped with MLRS, 6,062 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 12,441 special military motor vehicles have been destroyed during the special military operation.
Carpers will predictably wail that Russia’s MOD is a lake of pure propaganda, which is pretty rich, given the vast ocean of propaganda dished up by Ukrainian and NATO sources. Show me where the accurate figures are before you start whining.
Anyway, I’m not saying I have any idea whether those numbers are accurate or not. How could I? I’m just saying. I’m just saying that Russian information has been more reliable than anything from Western sources, so far. That’s all. Don’t be triggered.
Actually, I’m just saying we could’ve used some of those wasted billions that were literally burned to ashes in Ukraine to rebuild Lahaina, which was literally burned to ashes.
💉 Channel News Asia ran an unintentionally revealing story yesterday, headlined “Preparing for the next pandemic requires ‘new way of thinking about international cooperation’: Tharman.”
On Wednesday, WEF darling and Singaporean presidential candidate Tharman Shanmugaratnam, if that’s his real name, gave a joint press conference with WHO director-general Tedros Ghebreyesus, beginning with the outrageous fib that the World Health Organization is “dangerously underfunded.”
Don’t make me laugh.
After issuing a typical globalist demand for a plenary, collectivist “health” authority that can override individual nations’ sovereignty, for “safety,” Shanmugaratnam moved glibly into another area he knows nothing about, vaccines.
Ominously, Singapore’s likely next president and top WHO official first noted the “uptick” in covid numbers, and then revealed a very disturbing fact: the WHO and the IMF have brewed-up a brand-new vaccine action plan. "The first and most urgent priority is to implement the action plan set out by the WHO, IMF and their multilateral partners to vaccinate at least 60 per cent of every country’s population over the next year,” Shanmugaratnam gushed.
Sixty percent. Of the entire world. For covid. I am not making that up.
According to Channel News, Shanmugaratnam explained that the world is “vulnerable” to both a “prolonged COVID-19 pandemic,” with repeated waves affecting all countries, as well as future pandemics. "We can fix this," he whispered darkly, like a cartoon super-villain preparing to unleash an army of laser-equipped Mako sharks.
Repeated waves? Sounds a lot like influenza. Shanma-whatever didn’t explain how the useless vaccines that don’t stop transmission are supposed to prevent a “prolonged pandemic” with “repeated waves” in the first place. Maybe they should first start with something easier, like beating the common cold.
So anyway, it looks they are gearing up for another big jab push. I say good luck to them, they’ll need it. Unlike last time, we’re ready for them now.
🔥 Tablet Magazine ran an impressive article back in March that is worth a re-mention, if you are looking for something solid to read this weekend. At 48 printed pages, it’s more like a small book, but it is outstanding. The long-form article, which includes a table of contents after an 8-page introduction, is headlined, “A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century (Thirteen Ways of Looking at Disinformation).”
The article goes into great detail about how U.S. intelligence agency termites have hollowed out Establishment Media, making them wholly-owned fascist subsidiaries of the United States government, bent on one laser-focused, teensy-weensy objective: total world political domination:
The American press, once the guardian of democracy, was hollowed out to the point that it could be worn like a hand puppet by the U.S. security agencies and party operatives… If the underlying philosophy of the war against disinformation can be expressed in a single claim, it is this: You cannot be trusted with your own mind.
Well. Some people shouldn’t be trusted with their own minds. Such as a lot of county health directors. But I digress.
As I said, the article is a big bite, and a lot of folks will be put off by its length. But it is exceptionally well-written, and jam-packed with evidence and compelling logic. In case you don’t have time, bookmark it for later, and read this paragraph from the introduction, which will give you a good idea of the piece’s perspective:
(Edited for brevity):
Something monstrous is taking shape in America. Formally, it exhibits the synergy of state and corporate power that is the hallmark of fascism. What is coming into being is a new form of government and social organization that is as different from mid-twentieth century liberal democracy as the early American republic was from the British monarchism it grew out of. A state organized to protect the sovereign rights of individuals is being replaced by a digital leviathan that wields power through opaque algorithms and the manipulation of digital swarms. It resembles the Chinese system of social credit and one-party state control, and yet that, too, misses the distinctively American and providential character of the control system. In the time we lose trying to name it, the thing itself may disappear back into the bureaucratic shadows, covering up any trace with automated deletions from the top-secret data centers of Amazon Web Services, “the trusted cloud for government.”
Again, if you have time, this article is worth the investment. Enjoy.
🔥 Local KSAT Texas ran a goofy story Thursday headlined, “School district in South Texas temporarily closes due to uptick in COVID-19 cases.”
You knew it was inevitable.
The article reported that cowardly Karnes County Runge School District (near San Antonio) weakly pulled the plug on classes, sports, and extracurriculars, “after seeing a surge of COVID-19 cases among students and staff members.” The whole district closed. For a “surge” of ten cases.
In other words, a few kids got back-to-school colds.
Nowhere in the article does it reveal why the school would lock down for a week (till Tuesday, August 29). Who, or what, are they so worried about? The students, who are at no risk from covid? The staff members, who should also be at no risk from the current, mild variant? Is the principal in a special high-risk covid category or something? Maybe diabetic, morbidly obese, with asthma, or something like that?
The Texan’s article on the district closure provided a little more detail. It said Runge District Superintendent Hector Dominguez had tested positive. “I tested myself with my physician, and I too tested positive for covid,” Dominguez said. “We’re a very small school district, so we don’t have the resources that another large district would have to cover classes.”
Um. Grammar. You don’t test yourself with “my physician.” Your physician tests you, or gives you a test, or something like that. Maybe next time Runge ISD should hire a superintendent with a high-school degree.
Or, maybe, someone home-schooled. Yes, that would be safer.
I’d like to offer a hypothesis for the appalling handful of renewed mask mandates and school closures — in the face of a non-threat — that we’ve seen this week. These are organizations that are run by brain-broken germaphobes. If the guy at the top is still wearing a mask to work every day, that’s a bad sign. They feel like they need everybody else to comply too, to alleviate their own feelings of bitter inadequacy and relentless anxiety over their invisible, unstoppable, microscopic enemy.
But, thanks to its terrific Legislature and awesome Governor, Florida has already dealt with all this nonsense. Texans, you guys really need to get to work. The children and other Earth People need you.
I admired this tweet, which I thought made the point rather well:
The other red states have Florida’s template. Let’s goooo!
🔥 Next, seen online. You tell me, what’s wrong with this picture:
🔥 Finally, enjoy the latest amusing video clip by one of our favorite covid content creators, Doctor Doctor McHonk Honk.
If you didn’t laugh at the car keys gag, I don’t know what to say.
Have a wonderful weekend! C&C will be back per usual on Monday morning, to help kick off another great week.
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Today marks the 2 year anniversary of the debacle which is know as, "the withdrawal from Afghanistan". Please take a moment to pray for the families of the 13 warriors who lost their lives because of this incompetent regime. • Marine Corps Lance Cpl. David Espinoza, 20, of Rio Bravo, Tex.
• Marine Corps Sgt. Nicole Gee, 23, of Roseville, Calif.
• Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Darin Taylor Hoover, 31, of Utah
• Army Staff Sgt. Ryan Knauss, 23, of Corryton, Tenn.
• Marine Corps Cpl. Hunter Lopez, 22, of Indio, Calif.
• Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum, 20, Jackson, Wyo.
• Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Dylan R. Merola, 20, of Rancho Cucamonga, Calif.
• Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, 20, of Norco, Calif.
• Marine Corps Cpl. Daegan William-Tyeler Page, 23, of Omaha
• Marine Corps Sgt. Johanny Rosario, 25, Lawrence, Mass.
• Marine Corps Cpl. Humberto Sanchez, 22, Logansport, Ind.
• Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, 20, of Wentzville, Mo.
• Navy Hospital Corpsman Max Soviak, 22, of Berlin Heights, Ohio
I can sum all of this up with:
If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain -Edmund Burke