Feb 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

This β€˜stack will go down in history as one of the most important contributors to civic education ever 🀩

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I agree and would like to add that we must stop the hemorrhaging of understanding of our nation’s founding and the ingenious work of the original framers by simply supporting financially Hillsdale College. I give just a bit every month, more if I could. But, they are in the trenches fighting for nation sustaining civic knowledge in K12 and beyond. Their website is https://www.hillsdale.edu/

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Feb 7, 2023Β·edited Feb 7, 2023

Two of my sons attended Hillsdale, and it is an exceptional institution. Not only does it teach its students well, start classical charter schools all over the country, and publish American history homeschooling materials, it also has free online courses available to the public on everything from the Constitution to C.S. Lewis. In 2021, I heard Victor Davis Hanson, Mike Pompeo, and Alex Berenson speak there and attended a four-day seminar (CCA) on the Great Reset. Last fall, I attended a program with Drs. Scott Atlas, Jay Bhattacharya, and Martin Kulldorff, who are founding fellows in Hillsdale's Academy for Science and Freedom, and more recently a CCA on Parallel Economies. I'm very excited that in March, the CCA will be on Big Pharma, with Bobby Kennedy, Jr., the keynote speaker the first evening. Naomi Wolf will also speak at the CCA. Hillsdale didn't shut their students out of classes for one day and had no vaccine mandate for students or staff. Going to an event at Hillsdale was like a breath of fresh air. So, yes, absolutely, support Hillsdale, and let's see if we can somehow create more Hillsdales all over this country, perhaps like Ron DeSantis is trying to do.

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Fantastic, Natalie! Thank you for adding this!!

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I’m taking my high school junior for a school tour at Hillsdale in March! Very excited

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That's wonderful! Good luck!

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Natalie, is this CCA event open to the public? I checked out the website and it wasn’t obvious that it was. Any idea of the best way to get info on this event?

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I should also mention that Hillsdale sends out Imprimus for free to anyone who wants it. Each issue publishes a speech from one of their programs--on the Hillsdale campus, at their Washington, D.C., location, or some other place around the country. I believe you can sign up for it on the website. They also have a graduate degree in public service, and I can tell you from personal experience that Hillsdale graduates are making a difference.

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Feb 7, 2023Β·edited Feb 7, 2023

They also offer various free online "courses" on various subjects!

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Yes! It's always superb.

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Love those transcripts. Deep dive into issues but not bogged down in phd level language. Like Jeff ;)

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Feb 7, 2023Β·edited Feb 7, 2023

The CCA includes lunches, dinners, and social hours that are, I believe, restricted to registered guests, whom I have to assume are donors of some kind. My husband and I are members of the President's Club, so we get invitations to all of it. But I think that anyone can hear the speakers, although I could be wrong. I know that students attend. The number listed on the brochure to call for information is 517-607-2318. I always call because I can never figure out how to register on their website!

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I don’t live far from Hillsdale, I will look at their speaker schedule and go sometime. Thanks

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Hillsdale's CCA web page states that: "Lectures are open to the public, and out-of-town guests are welcomed.

Contact Information

(517) 607-2318 cca@hillsdale.edu"


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LisaF β€”. Hillsdale's CCA web page states that: "Lectures are open to the public, and out-of-town guests are welcomed.

Contact Information

(517) 607-2318 cca@hillsdale.edu"


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Thank you. I sent an email. I got a response that said they are over capacity in the auditorium. They invited me to watch the livestream instead of attending in person.

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LisaF β€” It’s too far for me to travel anyways, but would love to watch the livestream. If you find out the link, would appreciate if you would post or I can provide email address. Thanks!

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There’s another school like it raising funds to start up in the next few years:


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Thanks so much for the information, GoodGrief! As a confessional Lutheran, I'm excited to hear about it and will be happy to support it.

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My church did a presentation on it 2 weeks ago and I was very excited as well!!

I attend 2 confessional LCMS churches, one in Naples FL and one in Plymouth MN.

You’re welcome!!

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I'm going to spread the word to family and friends. This is big news!

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If only the LCMS would keep it’s K-8 schools!

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We can start with Columbus Day, by reminding everyone that it is the celebration of the greatest achievement by a single human being in the history of the planet. Celebrate indigenous peoples for whatever you think they did of importance some other time if you want, and let that day go the way of Kwanza.

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Peaceful Dad, I completely agree. I’ve been contributing to Hillsdale for a number of years now and will be adding them to my estate plan (such as it is, but every little bit helps!). Hillsdale accepts no government funding so they remain independent of government coercion and are free to determine their own high quality curriculum. I can’t praise this college highly enough. If you can only give a small amount, do so β€” as Jeff has taught us...it Multiplies and makes a difference!

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Just read that their application numbers have increased dramatically

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I'm forwarding it to my teenaged daughter. She has studied those historical court cases and will get a kick out of watching this one unfold.

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In a rational world as Jeff says, she wouldn't need you to get her kick-started πŸ˜‰ 'Daily updates from every major media channel' would've been saturating the ether to the point of inescapable 🀷 F@<king clown world!(*) 🀬


(*) which I refuse to capitalise out of cordial contempt

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I agree.

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Let's hope so. I had read a few headlines about this case, but until reading this post by Jeff I hadn't realized how important it is.

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Feb 7, 2023Β·edited Feb 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Amen, Jeff.

As a multi-party civil litigator for 30 years, this overall scenario resembles much of what I've done/seen. Tremendous delay is built into the process. Superhuman patience is required. I hope that the plaintiffs have the stamina to stay with this.

B/c the stakes are much higher than any case I've done.

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Mark, in cases like this involving government officials, are there every any consequences if the government loses the case?

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That's what I'm trying to figure out. Suing government a toes in their official capacity offers limited to no liability, same for suing pHarma companies. It's why they act like they're bulletproof. They need personal accountability. "I was just following orders" doesn't cut it with illegal orders, these criminals abused govt power, the people's power, to abuse the people and deprive us of our civil liberties. The Russiagate FBI cretins took out insurance to cover their malfeasance for a reason, shows consciousness of guilt and suggests they can be held personally accountable. So who else took these policies? The veil of sovereign immunity must be pierced for anything to change.

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Do we know if the new MO solicitor is as committed to this as Schmidt?

My worry is that he wouldn't pursue it as enthusiastically.

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Landry is a warrior, has been fighting his own governor throughout covid, and has announced his intention to run for governor of LA. I recall hearing the new MO AG is also good. This case is a boon to red AGs. I'm surprised more states have not joined on.

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Maybe the ones who might be interested don’t have residents who were targeted? I don’t know how all of that works so I could be way off base.

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Feb 7, 2023Β·edited Feb 8, 2023

I live in Missouri and from what I’ve seen so far, our new AG Andrew Bailey is going to be a fighter. Whether he’s able to live up to former AG Eric Schmitt remains to be seen but I’m hopeful.

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Yes, I met AG Andrew Bailey at a reception following the Republican Women Show Me Conference Jan. 21. It was wonderfully encouraging. He is young, energetic, former marine, has adopted two children (they accompanied him) through his legal involvement I believe with foster care before just recently having their own child. He promised he would continue the fight that Eric Schmitt began. He impressed me to be a man of high integrity, honor, and definitely loves our country as our founders envisioned not as the communists want to remake. He is speaking this Saturday in Springfield at the Republican Women Luncheon during Lincoln Days this Friday night through Sunday noon.

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Thank you for sharing all this!! I’m encouraged! I haven’t been able to be at any of the Republican events this year as we’ve been out of town and won’t be home for a few more weeks. I hope our paths cross someday…what part of the state are you in?

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I’m in the south part of Kansas City in Cass County. If you ever get up to KC reach out to me and hopefully we can meet. Or possibly at a GOP event.

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South Central. Hopefully, our paths will cross. We seem to be very like minded.

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Feb 7, 2023Β·edited Feb 7, 2023

Bailey is young and relatively inexperienced guy but he is a veteran. https://www.naag.org/attorney-general/andrew-bailey/ Our gov who appointed him is a RINO and there was some organized opposition to him due some disparaging remarks he made regarding AG Schmidt, but honestly there was very little background on him. He has stayed out of the public eye. But so far have not seen any reason to criticize him, although I will admit he makes a lot fewer headlines than the past AG, and because he was appointed, will need to run in 2024. He has never held elected office. No doubt the long knives will be out for him on the left, and possibly some from within the R party as well, candidates who were on the short list that were not chosen. So while Bailey is inexperienced, not sure how much work is done by the AG as it is their staff. Schmitt had time to run for office despite filing a plethora of lawsuits, so suspect a lot of the work with his name on it is not technically his work.

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Thank you for the information. I was watching anxiously to see who Gov Parson would appoint and hoped he would ask for input from Eric Schmitt when he won his race for Senate. I agree that Parson is a weak governor; he’s there to get along and enjoy the office. We have to work hard to get a solid conservative governor when Parson’s term is up.

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Oh and I don't think Jay Ashcroft is it. Have met him several times, he is a frequent speaker and even came to campaign events to help raise money for some of the local state reps, and seems like a good person, but I have friends who are very involved in election integrity issues and they say Ashcroft has not done nearly enough to shore up election integrity in the state, and that he pays a lot of lip service to it but does not do the work. So I have crossed him off my list, of course, pending on who else the alternates are. Bill Eigel came and spoke at a We the People group I belong to and he rubbed me totally the wrong way, although most of the crowd lapped him up. I asked him about the failure of the Senate to get anything done last year and he dodged the issue saying 'oh failing to pass more laws is a good thing'. My response was what about school choice, parents bill of rights, property tax reform and other legislation that should have been passed, and he ignored me. He was part of the logjam last year over a supposed 7-1 map that would have never survived a court challenge, and his PAC smeared people with half truths over some amendment votes.

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I’ve called Ashcrofts office repeatedly regarding election integrity. Has not returned calls or followed up with an email. That ERIC group they hired to oversee our voter rolls is a Soros funded group. Rick Brattin has been very responsive to calls and to the election integrity group I’ve been part of. Gov Parson has been oblivious.

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Feb 7, 2023Β·edited Feb 7, 2023

I campaigned for Schmitt and got to meet him a few times. I asked him at his last minute rally right before the election if he had any sway into the selection of his replacement and he sort of laughed and said, technically, no, but that he would have 'a little bit' of input, so who knows. But I do know that Former U.S. Attorney Tim Garrison and state Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer are both eying 2024 and Luetkemeyer has a big war chest already. I don't know Garrison well, although his sending me a FB friend request is a tell that he has aspirations. Don't care for Tony Luetkemeyer, he is not in my area, but ran a very nasty and negative campaign against his primary opponent in 2018, via attack ad experts Axiom Strategies, which is a black mark in my book, I prefer candidates that run on issues vs smear campaigns.

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Thanks for the information. I’ll be watching closely. I’m in Cass County, very conservative, so the GOP usually has good and reliable information, too. They’ve been hitting election integrity hard!

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Well I am in Jackson County, but met Athena Brattin and James Woods at an AFP event on Saturday. Brattin is running for school board against some incumbents who are total 'yes- men' to the Superintendent and are not questioning anything going on. She is Sen Brattin's wife. Woods is running for the Cass County Regional Medical Board to shake things up there, he is retired military and a very sharp guy. Really liked both of them, you should look them up.

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Seriously. Just the styling of the complaint would boggle my mind.

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Feb 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Pray for the life and position of the current judge and the lives and the composition of the US Supreme Court to remain in place through to the conclusion of this case.

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And realize what an abject disaster John Epstein Roberts has been, and how unreliable Beer Goggles Kavanaugh is. Thank God for Gorsuch and Thomas. Barrett remains disturbingly questionable. Pray indeed.

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John Roberts made no sense to me right until the moment when George W Bush said Jan 6 protesters were worse then 9-11. Eyes.Wide.Open

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Feb 7, 2023Β·edited Feb 8, 2023

I heard GW Bush say that and from what we all now know about 9/11 I’m shocked he would even bring it up. It was a ridiculous statement and showed how corrupt he is. He has certainly cozied up to the Obama’s and Clinton’s since he left office. He’s one of them.

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They're all 'one of them.' They only say nasty things about each other for the cameras, for our benefit. It's a club. Trump wasn't in it though; the are only a couple Republicans I can think of who aren't; no one on the left who isn't. It's a swamp and they're all swamp creatures.

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Justice Gorsuch roped LGBT into sex discrimination law (Bostock v. Clayton County, 2020). Not that he didn't have reasons. But he's no JJ. Thomas or Alito.

Justice Kavanaugh... not to tell tales out of school (literally), but I took his Con Law seminar, and he's a good guy who knows his stuff. He is however "normal" to a fault. He jokes about being a second-generation DC "swamp creature" but it's true. He grew up in the system, it's been very good to him, and he has faith that it works. Maybe that's good, or at least necessary to get as far as he has, but I think it does leave some blind spots.

For example... He's said that his favorite SCOTUS decision is Brown v. Board of Education. This is the safe, uncontroversial, "how will it sound in confirmation hearings" answer. I'm sure he was sincere, and I suppose it's a defensible choice, but it's utterly conventional and extremely boring.

Because I'm ornery and difficult, I wrote my seminar paper on how Brown was not just wrongly decided, but launched a whole era of bad SCOTUS decisions. Of course, I'm never going to be a Supreme Court Justice. (Got a B+ on the paper, though.)

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I read Gorsuch’s book, A Republic if You can Keep It, and liked it. Kavanaugh voted on some abortion issues such as giving botched abortion infants life saving care at medical facilities. He voted against it. I was thoroughly disappointed. Kavanaugh and Coney-Barrett voted against going forward with the Texas case about 2020 election fraud. After Roe v Wade was suddenly leaked and overturned, I don’t trust any of them, but thank you for a more insider viewpoint.

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Well, I certainly don't claim to be any sort of "insider" -- I just took one seminar with Justice Kavanaugh and got a very general sense of what he's like. What makes the lefty hate towards him very clarifying is that he's about as boring and establishment as a Republican can be (short of going fully Cheney/Kitzinger). He's someone that ANY Republican President would have appointed. And yet they still want to destroy him -- in some cases, literally. So it's not just Trump; it's anyone they think stands in their way.

Someone -- I think it was Justice Scalia -- once said that if your legal analysis always gives you the answer you wanted, you're probably doing it wrong. So even when I disagree with one or more of the conservative Justices, I can usually respect their reasoning. This was actually the theme of my seminar paper on Brown v. BOE: just because something is bad doesn't mean it's unconstitutional, or vice versa.

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Fascinating. Gorsuch is now on the watch list. I tend to forget Alito because he is so preposterously unassuming.

Scalia is missed. Bork still would probably have been the best of all, which is why he was so dangerous to the Left.

Confirmation hearings are a circus of the absurd, as we know.

ConLaw was one of my favorite classes. Had a crusty old professor, Brit of all things, was perfect.

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Con Law (intro level) was literally the only A-plus grade I've ever gotten in my entire life, after two graduate degrees. J. Kavanaugh's seminar was about the drafting and early history of the Constitution, including its roots in Britain going back to Magna Carta. Unfortunately it turns out that nobody will actually pay you to do Con Law, especially not 200+ year old Con Law. But I had fun.

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Being an objective and intelligent expert in ConLaw is far too important for Mammon to take notice! Course suggestion in the WEF Blackrock era:

"Get Woke on ConLaw: Saul Alinsky and the Revolutionary Living Constititution, An Activist's Shamework". Good rΓ©sumΓ© builder.

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Major LOLs on the names of those traitors. Nice!

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I was just about to comment on Roberts... watch this video after which I challenge anyone to look at his connection with Epstien, and then state your case that Roberts is not "owned"


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100% OWNED. Thanks for the receipts. The new Souter. A Bush disaster, again! Doing WEFs work.

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I’ve been convinced of the owning of that turkey vulture, brought to us by β€˜W’, since almost the beginning. His reveal happened very quickly, as I recall, though the particulars escape me at the moment. (The outrages have been so frequent and so severe that it’s hard to keep them straight.). I just sensed right quickly that he was brought in, and to the shock of many, made Chief Justice, just in time to legitimize some key piece of evil.

However, this video, like all videos from the depths of truth, would only play for me on my iPad for about a minute. At that point it stopped and could not be restarted.

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Roberts' original sin was I believe the tie breaking vote that we could be taxed for our medical care, using a term other than "tax" and ushering in the disastrous unconstitutional Obamacare socialized medicine program.

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Obamacare aka the Affordable Care Act greatly increased the power of government over doctors. We have seen the results during Covidscare.

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His reveal might have been his decision on OBAMACARE!

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there is a chance you were accidentally watching the trailer... I think there are three videos on the page (two are trailers). If you can get the whole thing to play its definitely worth it

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Thanks for sharing the Out of Shadows link. I watched it when it first came out, but just watched the whole thing again this afternoon. Powerful.

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Thanks for the link. Will be watching it later with my family.

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Just as a heads up... depending on ages be warned. The clip with George Carlin contains NSFW language. Also some of the satanic imagery and artwork and pictures depicting kids and rituals are going to depend on maturity level of the kids. You know your family, but wanted to offer a word of caution.

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Thanks for that. We’re all of age and more curious than ever.

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You left out Alito.

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That was my first thought also. I will be praying for them all daily. God hears everything and knows our hearts. I pray He delivers everything the attorneys and judges need to try and settle this case with swift and just justice and I also pray this case goes viral all over these United States and beyond. Prayer warriors needed!

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Shellie Willmering

Enlisted Prayer Warrior Michelle here!!!! Love your comment! PRAYER IS MIRACULOUS!!!!

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And beyond.

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In Jesus name. Amen. πŸ™

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This is a modern day David vs Goliath if I’ve ever seen one. Our family went through a similar David vs Goliath 10 years ago. We had to take on the State Of Oregon for the right to make a medical decision for our 18 year old special needs daughter. They actually called us days before the surgery and threatened to sue us, the surgeon, and the hospital if we proceeded. We had legal guardianship and were told by the States Attorney we had no authority to make this decision for our DAUGHTER!

We are fighters. We grabbed our sling shot and stone and it took long 18 months. So much prayer went into the whole process. We could not even find a lawyer across the country that had experience in this kind of case and we had no money to pay for it! The attorney we hired was a patent/intellectual property attorney who heard the case and said he would take it and we would figure out the money later. What lawyer says THAT! πŸ˜‚

Long story short- We won! We were David and Oregon was Goliath. We haven’t backed down to a government since! Just because they are the Goliath of all governments - doesn’t make them right! FIGHT PEOPLE! We HAVE to fight!

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What a fantastic testament to determination and commitment to truth and righteousness!!! 🀩

My David vs Goliath story is less individual, but in the early 1990s, my family and hundreds of citizens in my county fought against NY Governor Mario Cuomo and his siting commission, who were trying to force or sweet talk my county (one of the poorest in the state, naturally), to put in a nuclear waste dump. Through a lot of hard work, dozens of protests and arrests, clever strategy and sheer willpower, the siting commission was finally forced to give up. It was amazing, because so many people thought that ordinary citizens could never win against big government. And yet we did, with God’s grace πŸ™β€οΈ

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Feb 7, 2023Β·edited Feb 7, 2023

I also won a David vs. Goliath case, the lawsuit read (me and my wife's names) versus The United States of America. It was a tax matter, I went to the local law library for a month and found a procedural fault. Once we presented it to them, we received a letter. "Instead of a $450,000 tax lien, we will accept a payment of $4000". I wrote back and said I did not appreciate being extorted by my government because they knew $4000 would be less than my further court costs, but because I was gracious and magnanimous in victory I would make a counteroffer of $400. They accepted. I also demanded a letter on Treasury letterhead, signed as I recall by the state Attorney General (Calif), stating that this matter was now permanently closed and that anyone who wanted for any reason to confirm that in the future should contact him. I received that letter too.

But America should understand: you are carrying the torch of freedom for the entire world. You must not fail.

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This is fantastic!!! I love hearing this! Thank you for standing up like that! πŸ’ͺ🏻

I’m thinking of starting a blog where people like us can share our stories of battles and victories won against Goliaths to spread courage to stand! πŸ™Œ

Thank you for sharing!

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That is an excellent idea!!

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I know there are more of us who’ve gone into battle. Maybe not all against the government but still David and Goliath which we can gain courage from hearing too. I’m working on it πŸ˜‰

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Ooh I love this!! You are awesome!! So glad that you won, thank you for sharing your victory with us all here!

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That is awesome!!! I love hearing how you fought back as a community. We are so conditioned to think the govt will win so why try. And honestly, without God going before us I don’t see victory. God was with David when he stood up to Goliath. Every event in the Bible that God was leading - they won. I can’t say I heard the voice of God say go fight Oregon. But I knew what was right and wrong. And I knew the govt was wrong and what we were doing was right so I knew God would go before us. And that’s how we prayed every step of the way….and that’s what happened. It wasn’t easy. None of it was. It was a battle every step of the way.

Per the school district our daughters teachers at school were put under a gag order WITH US! They were not even allowed to discuss any of it with us and we’re not allowed to talk to our attorney! Our lawyer had to subpoena the teacher! And he told us he never puts anyone on the stand if he doesn’t know what they will say first so he really hesitated but trusted us when we told him what she was going to say. That teacher (from the Judges own words in the decision) had the biggest impact on the judges decision!!

The whole thing was so crazy!

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I agree with you, when we do what is truly right and just, God is on our side. I really hate reading comments here and elsewhere saying that we can never win, it’s all rigged, etc. So what do we do then? Just give up?? Just let them do what they will?? For my part, I am NOT just going to give up like that!!!!

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Yes! THIS ⬆️

I feel the same way. I get discouraged too, absolutely, and sometimes feel like what’s the use….but I never stay in that place.

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We need to hear stories like yours and RL’s for those of us that may need that same courage at a later date. And it was done in blue states!

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Totally normal to feel discouraged sometimes, we’re only human after all! But yes, always get past that to keep on fighting!!

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We serve a big God. He is bigger than any problem Satan throws at us. Your faith is an astounding testimony. ❀️

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Feb 8, 2023Β·edited Feb 8, 2023

I’m inspired by you gals! We need to find like-minded people in our communities and join together to make our voices heard. Here’s a story about trans rights activists protesting at the Oklahoma capitol because they are working on legislation to protect children from mutating surgeries. When 150 of those turn out to protest, we need to show up with at least twice that number to counter protest, to let them, and the world know that we outnumber them and we will not be silent and allow our values to be trampled on any longer.


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I’m glad we have people like you on our side Sunnydaze!

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Thank you. I think there’s a lot of us. πŸ’ͺ🏻

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Wow. Chills reading this. Thank you for sharing.

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You’re welcome. 😊 Thanks for reading it πŸ˜‰

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God bless you Sunnydaze and may we all use your example of courage and determination and fortitude to fight our battles against the wicked and our enemies.

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Thank you 😊 I really hope this and what RunningLogic shared can help energize people to stand up for what’s right too.

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Feb 7, 2023Β·edited Feb 7, 2023

⚠️ but..... Hell to the YES!!! Awesome story. Know it wasn't easy and plenty of sleepless nights, but when you stand for what is right, you prevail. As a mother, I know you didn't see but only one option, and that was to battle Oregon. Proud of you and your family, and that lawyer! Sheesh! Paving the way, your case has set precedence and will help others! πŸ™ŒπŸ‘Š

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Thank you. And the attorney was awesome! And his bill came to $18,000 (he agreed to let me help with leg work to try and keep cost down, so I did a lot of work) and he lowered it to $10k for us to make it more manageable and let us make payments of our choosing. God provided and we paid him every month on time. When it was paid he said to me β€œI wish all my clients would pay their bill like you guys. I have clients worth millions of dollars and I can’t get them to pay.”

That is true. One path forward. On the initial phone call with the States Attorney I was livid and my only response to him was that they messed with the wrong family and I would see them in court!

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I live in Oregon too and know the struggles here.

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Deer Ab-bee,

Or-it-gone? Are-we-gon? Does anyone know how to spell Erh?WeGune?

Yours Truly,

Dyxlexik in Virginnia

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It’s β€œOr uh gun”. But, yes in some ways they are gone. Just visit Portland. The suburbs and rural areas aren’t as bad.

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You may have nailed it! Congrats ...

I grew up in upstate New York, but haven't been back in well over forty years excepting to Kennedy International. The rural upstate areas were much better. I'm in Virginia now, but I sure do wish it was more like Florida.

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The Lord of hosts will prepare a lavish banquet for all peoples on this mountain;

A banquet of aged wine, choice pieces with marrow,

And refined, aged wine.

And on this mountain He will swallow up the covering which is over all peoples,

Even the veil which is stretched over all nations.

He will swallow up death for all time,

And the Lord God will wipe tears away from all faces,

And He will remove the reproach of His people from all the earth;

For the Lord has spoken.

And it will be said in that day,

β€œBehold, this is our God for whom we have waited that He might save us.

This is the Lord for whom we have waited;

Let us rejoice and be glad in His salvation.”

β€” Isaiah 25:6-9 NASB1995

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And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

The Revelation 18:4

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, Corinthians 6:17

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Amen. Amen.

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Feb 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, thank you for making the mundane interesting to so many people. Capturing the attention of highly distracted everyday people that really would prefer to ignore all the chaos and danger around them is necessary to flip the apple cart.

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I appreciate his legal insight as I don’t have a legal background and I really appreciate his humor. He must be a fun guy to be around!

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That is so true. And the nickname allows me to remember the players and content easier. High five lawyerman.

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Feb 7, 2023Β·edited Feb 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The motherlode of all lawsuits and zippo coverage from the MSM purveyors of garbage. Maybe a car chase down the L.A. Freeway would help? Incidentally, I physically winced and made some bizarre sound like I just bit into a rotten pistachio when I saw Fauci's name. It's been a while. Dog revisiting its vomit, except I'm not exactly lapping it up.

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If a Chinese surveillance balloon floating lackadaisically across the continent over the course of several days generates no coverage, I'm thinking even OJ driving a white Bronco wearing a bloody glove ain't gonna do it, if MSM is directed to play its Sgt. Schultz role.

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If that was really a Chinese surveillance balloon it would make the U.S. Military appear to be totally useless or bought. They should have been able to see it and track it well before it even sailed over the first 100 yards of U.S. soil. I can't believe that this thing, what ever it was, transversed the entire U.S. air space without the knowledge of the U.S. military. It took a civilian to point it out - come on - what do you really think is happening here - was that really a Chinese spy balloon or was it a U.S. surveillance balloon just gathering more info on its citizens???

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Well what do you know... Very interesting Watson... thanks for sharing. Cheers!

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This reminds me of the 1967 British TV series, The Prisoner. Whenever Number Six was doing anything "wrong" these sort-of zorbing balls or balloons called Rover would come after him. Some were killed by them, some captured.

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That was the whole point of the balloon: China saying β€œwe own you.”

Watch Dan Bongino yesterday.

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What do we know? Hard to say. Because in the Empire of Lies information is a disquieting haze purposed to overthrowing the coherency of the mind. Below is something instrumental to our SURVIVAL from Dr. Malone. One of the Great Men of our time. And maybe one of his greatest gifts to us. With this offering, my esteem of the good Doctor and his work has just gone into outer space orbit.


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Yes, this is not to be missed.

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Thanks Phil. With you stamp of approval maybe some more people will not skip over this. For sure, it is the clearest one-stop explanation of how it all is done to us that I ever heard.

Regards from Virginia!

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I don't believe anything they say anymore so when they said right from the beginning that it was Chinese, I'm like, Prove it.

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True! I dislike thinking everything they tell us is hyperbole- but it sure feels like we have to take it all with an ounce of sarcasm, do the opposite of what they tell us, or tune them out, altogether... AKA "think for ourselves". It's a clown world. As Adam Curry said on JRE a few weeks ago: "I'm a conspiracy therapist". πŸ˜…

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Bingo! Or a US surveillance balloon identifying as a Chinese spy balloon πŸ€”β™ŸοΈπŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

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Or perhaps both. πŸ€”

Recall the ongoing Konnech scandal whereby voter rolls and poll worker data has been alleged to have been sent to China.

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you are correct...they know everything...total surveillance...hell biden & dems and many RINO's making bucco bucks off of (in partnership with) CHINA

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I listened to a commenter on Sean Hannity’s program who said balloons are not picked up on radar because there’s very little metal involved and what is there can be painted with stealth paint like we use on our stealth bomber. His comments made sense to me why it was not seen by the govt.

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Except for the fact that they were tracking it all along...

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I listened this morning.to the Feb 4 interview of Juan O Savin by David Nino Rodriguez. Very interesting. He covered the balloon incident in depth, as well as other subjects. He said it was a Chinese weather balloon, with propulsion to allow it to hover, back up, or otherwise go where it wanted. We knew it was there days before it crossed Alaska, and obviously chose to let it pass over the entire country. While it certainly did fly over sensitive nuclear facilities , gathering information on them was not its primary purpose. The real reason behind it was to monitor as much of the conversation, in all forms, concerning what was being said about it, what to do about it, and who talked to who,. They are trying to figure out who really is control of the US: who is/are the real decision makers. Since the election, our leadership has been acting like lost drunks. ( I know. Hasn't it been like this since Biden took over.? But it is worse) They need to find out are they mean (dangerous) drunks, or happy( blustery, harmless) drunks. No secret we seem hellbent on starting WWIII with someone. It doesn't necessarily have to be the Russians. Regardless of the clownish decisions, the US still has a very serious military capacity to blow up the world, so this is a pretty important question China, Russia, and lots of other countries would like answered. He also believes it was payback for the recent China Sea incident where one of our surveillance planes came within feet of a Chinese fighter in disputed airspace.

This is a summary of what he said, not my words, but it does make as much or more sense as anything else I have read, and regardless of what you think of Juan, he is seriously connected.

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You realize Juan O Savin's real name is Wayne Willott, and prior to the whole 2020 election / Trump thing he was working in the Insurance industry in Washington State, right?

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Maybe a skywriter or a banner flown in the background of their propagandacasts.

"Show me v Shut up's epic battle! Details on coffeeandcovid.com!"

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Feb 7, 2023Β·edited Feb 7, 2023

I love that idea!! 😁

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Thanks! Great summary. I hope the litigators don’t get discouraged. Any way to β€œmultiply” or show support for them?? Take care, everyone!

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I was thinking same thing. - we should multiply them!

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Came to ask the same Q!

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Feb 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, I trust your optimism and am somewhat hopeful because of it. However, the CIA steadfastly refuses to give up their files on the JFK assassination even though the CIA was directed to do so by the 1992 JFK Records Act passed by a unanimous Congress. The FBI has yet to release the surveillance videos taken from cameras around the Alfred P. Murrah building from the morning of April 19, 1995 because the "case is still under investigation". All the video taken from Pentagon area businesses and the Pentagon itself, especially the film showing something crashing into the Pentagon, is still under wraps. The government can print as much money as is needed to delay delay delay. I hope you're right.

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Here you go β€” all you need to know as to why the Missouri court case won’t be won by the plaintiffs.


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I too have qualms. And suppose the case is won. What's to stop them? Until the Empire is gone, the is made money sound, the made taxes low, and all American governments shrunk to down to constitutional size, they can still fun anything want and thereby dance circles around the American people.

The most I can figure on is that the end to our misery will come from without, and with the rise of Asia, Russia, and in short ... the BRICS Plus countries. The Walk-Away countries decoupling from the Dollar Standard will put an end to the unlimited print the money to the moon funding. The Terror Surveillance State withers simple because is can not longer be sustain for a lack of funding.

(Am I crazy! Please folks! Don't answer that in Comments!)

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Interesting take. I suspect we'll be forced into a second revolution, which will start slowly, and then whamo! Game over.

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Yeah! Maybe! We are now so in the thick of the fog of war that it is so hard to see three feet ahead of us. Therefore specific predictions are almost useless. But for certain, we can spot trends.

I have for years wondered what could crack this Evil Nut apart. I could not, try as hard as I could, see any reforming from within. Heck! And in fact, most of us had no idea who was pushing the agenda or even what the agenda was, not until 2011 when things began to come out into the open. And then Covid? I thought that Covid would trigger the Great Unravelling. But instead, it was the instance of Sanctioning that was the Hair Trigger. Covid may have been the Great Resent of the countries of the world, especially once many of the leaders of countries began to figure it all out. But Sanctioning! That what did it ... and Walk-Away they the countries did in droves. And they aren't coming back.

Think on this please, for a moment. The US lead Alliance of Unholy States (Five Eyes plus Europe) now Sanctions over 30% of the countries of the world. Does anyone here think that sanctioning nearly one third of the world is any winning political strategy?

And so, with tokenizing key currencies with commodities and productive capacity, the broke dollar is driven to ground. Eventually, the emperor is seen for a naked bum he is ... and people, countries stop taking empty debt promises to repay what cannot ever be repaid in real terms. I think this has already happened. I think the Fed keeps two sets of books and is buying up both debt and equity (stocks) to preserve an illusion of liquidity.

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Ah ha! You got me laughing! And thanks! But in the West, does anybody know what yes and no are? I mean NO could be Know or Pinnochio, and Yes could be Dress. Think I am too outlandish? Taking things too far? Well ... I've seen pictures of men who think they are Puppies and Dogs. And I've seen a video of a young woman clawing at a window. She thought she was a Cat in a woman's body. No telling what I'll see next!

Oh! What a language can of worms we have become.

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C Rabbit,

You have hit the nail on the head!

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Feb 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

This is the most convincing substack justifying your optimism. I'm afraid it has given me hope, which is a dangerous thing since it can lead to a crushing load of despair if it fails. But I see clearly how this is a chance that our relatively young country might not end in fascism if this case prevails. I'm still leaning toward something no human can control to wake us up, as in a catastrophe of some kind. But I appreciate the time you took to bring this to us in such detail. Thank you.

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I'm afraid that no hope is the thing most dangerous of all, since it *does* lead to a crushing load of despair. Period, full stop. No conditionals follow 😏

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I'm speaking about hope in humanity, in our country, in our constitutional republic. There is every possibility that we will not succeed at resisting the globalists agenda. My hope in somehow achieving something through this lawsuit is what is at risk. The hope that keeps me going is in God alone. And despair is one way of getting there. (Kierkegaard.)

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My devotional has been full of references to hope lately! As well as another book (by a local pastor) I am reading about strength in times of difficulty.

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Second the motion! We may or may not go through hell. No one can predict the future with any certainty. Wild cards always can tip the scales.

Regard the Missouri lawsuit, even if it fails, it exposes and shed lights. It thwarts concealment, attempt to conceal. Evil is forced to stand naked before the world . There is value in this, and this too is Glorification of the Lord.

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There is every *probability* that we will succeedβ€”and the globalists will fail πŸ™‚ Despair is a drain on your soul, sucks it dry and leaves to wither. Just sucks 😝

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Feb 7, 2023Β·edited Feb 7, 2023

LOL I suck at making myself clear. My hope does not depend on success or failure of the world order. Sure I would love to see freedom of speech restored, healthcare vs. sick 4 profit care, no surveillance state, no regime change wars, no biological weapons, no censorship of truth, and for example, treatment that was available in March 2020 instead of ventilators, remdesivir and poison darts. My hope is a deeply personal faith that I'm overjoyed to have found because of recognizing the evil running the world and then recognizing God working in my life over a pretty good length of time. Until I finally got it. And I pray that I don't let go. Ever.

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You are a lucid tongue. I much enjoy your Comments. And like you, the Evil forced me into the arms of God. I finally realized that what is not from God is Evil. This we are forced to choose, one or the other. The questions surround good and evil are something which we may not ever entirely sort out to satisfaction in our minds, but I accept now that God is Sovereign of All. And by Faith alone. It didn't happen over night.

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It's a gift to hear of your similar experience. Thank you.

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Here are 25 bible verses about hope. I "hope" that they encourage you. "Be strong and courageous, all you who hope in the Lord."


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Thank you for that. Try inspirational

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As long as there is life, there is hope because with life, there is the ability to act. I hope we win this battle but if we don't, I will continue to resist the tyranny we face and in that act is my hope as long as we have breath.

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I'm pretty weak, but I'm committed to "resisting the tyranny" with how I live, what I do, what I refuse to do, and what I will hopefully stand for when the time comes. Whether or not we "win" in my life time. I was just trying to say that Jeff's explanation of this lawsuit made me understand his optimism. After all this time.

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Feb 7, 2023Β·edited Feb 7, 2023

You made yourself clear. I imagine most here have similar thoughts. I do hope we can stop this satanic tyranny here but my realistic understanding of history makes me very sober. We cannot lose the First Amendment. Realistically we are in a fight with full blooded Nazis and all the forces of hell are behind them (as evidenced by all the child sex trafficking/ritual abuse and sacrifice that is going on at the top of our elite leadership and celebrities - it's beyond horrifying). We either dislodge them from power or we separate from them. Scenes from Lord of the Rings keep popping up in my mind.

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I share the despair, but a recent visit to Vietnam changed my outlook. They revere Uncle Ho (Ho Chi Minh). He is worshipped everywhere. Yes he was a communist. But as the locals said "Uncle Ho told us that we could win". That they could defeat the world's most powerful nations. Which they did. They threw the globalists out, and are now absolutely thriving. I have never seen so much capitalism in action anywhere. Hope. Rising standards of living in action.

And they have a rock solid *moral basis* upon which to build. In their case it is ancestor worship. This is not some transitory or part time concept, they all practice every living day of every moment. So when a teenager is about to do something, he or she asks themselves "what would grandfather think of me if I did this? What would great-grandfather think?". THIS is why the moral battlefield is the most important one.

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BigGov using covid-19 as an 'emergency' to stifle opposition speech, using their willing comrades in BigTech... I wonder if substack.com is facing pressure since it's been a great free speech platform.

Thanks for the breakdown and fingers crossed on the outcome!

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Feb 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Great article Jeff.

Let's hope and pray those that violated the Constitution and the civil rights of Americans will soon be removed from office.

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Feb 7, 2023Β·edited Feb 7, 2023

The problem might be that the DOD and HHS has made it impossible for these thugs to violate anything as they have been granted supreme immunity under EUA and the fact that they are calling covid mRNA injections countermeasures, which have no definition. Actually, they (congress and others) have legalized crime. Read Katherine Watt's articles.

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Worse yet, the "FDA’s emergency use authorizations will not end with the state of emergency, thanks in part to some nifty language quietly slid into the multi-trillion-dollar spending package passed in December."

Uh Oh. EUA law just changed with that omnibus spending bill from December that no one read


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That can be changed back. Just like defunding the 87k IRS gunmen.

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True, but it would take quite a while. Like the 87,000 IRS Agents, a bill removing the FDA's EUA for the COVID vax could pass the current House, but would have trouble in the Senate, and IF it got to the pResident for signature, he would veto it.

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Removed from office, just for starters.

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Feb 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Great write up today, Jeff!

Let’s hope we prevail. God is good so pray!

Tonight I refuse to watch Commie Joe. If his lips are moving he’s lying!

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The Federalist posted an article today entitled Here's How to Survive Biden's State of the Union, with this comment, "It will all sound very scary to viewers who will rightly begin to question their own sanity." Like you, I will survive it by not paying it a bit of attention. I can't stand hearing his lies.

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I feel the same way and I really, really, really, don't want to suffer through it BUT...Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the counter spokesperson and I definitely want to hear what she has to say. She's a Christian, a talented wordsmith, smart, articulate, and can smell a rat 100 miles away.

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Same here. Not interested in his gibberish.

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Ditto. I don't need no ear AIDS.

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Same here

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I cannot stand seeing or hearing him.

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There should be at least 35% of the viewers questioning their sanity. 35% of Americans polled said they think Biden should run for president 2024. Their jack-o-lantern is melting and they still want to prop it up on their porch thru 2028.

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Not just melting but moldy and putrid πŸ˜›

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If he moves he's incoherent.

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He will yell and whisper and raise his fist. He loves a good show, and thinks he is an orator. I’m not watching live.

He has always been crooked and is now incompetent to hold any job except maybe as Corn Pop’s son. He should never have run for president but it was the gold ring he always wanted.

Still, it’s elder abuse to constantly pump him full of juice and get him to speechify for the puppeteers who push the Divide and Distract buttons. Jill will get a windfall when they are done with him.

It’s disgusting what he and his handlers have done has done to our country. He made his β€œdeal with the devil” and we pay the price.

Our voices are necessary, speak out with proofs, and do not lose hope.

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Biden has some degree of awareness. He wanted to be Prez his entire life and now he is. He gets something out of all this, even though his thought processes are definitely muddled. I just watched Tucker's hour interview with Tara Reade, and I came away from it even more disgusted with Biden than I was before. He's such a low life.

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He’s a total lowlife and always has been, he just managed to ingratiate himself with, fool, and/or pay off enough people to keep himself in the game.

I was actually pretty shocked when he was chosen for VP but now I completely understand. They needed someone like him!

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Feb 7, 2023Β·edited Feb 7, 2023

β€œExcept maybe as Corn Pop’s son” πŸ€£πŸ˜†

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There is a story telling fest in town tonight. I think that I will go to hear those stories instead.

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Maybe they will at least be entertaining. 😁

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Feb 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"(2) there must be accountability for past violations, to teach government actors a lesson and discourage future actors from similar excesses"

I think this is the most important line in the whole piece. I've long felt that the Constitution has one humongous hole: a lack of consequences for violating its protections. Governors across this country have violated our rights repeatedly and the worst thing that ever happens is their dictates get overturned. So the people suffer until the court acts, and those who caused the suffering whistle Dixie and strategize about how to do the same without running afoul of the judiciary.

As great as our Constitution is, it's really a toothless tiger.

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In the present context, what you say seems so. No accountability means certainty of horrendous acts down the line. And even if we win of covid/mandates and absent prosecutions, 'they' the Cretins That Be are certain to up the ante and to overwhelm with something even more horrific. And do it with terror that overwhelms and stampedes the cattle into trampling all within their path. No prosecution and what do we truly win?

On the other hand, standing up for what is right and good exposes. Doing that continually and eventually we win something. The great unanswered question is ... At What Cost! And because we are in new territory on a Global level, any answer is uncertain. And yet, the desire to live a normal life burn like a hot coal in my soul. It is something within which cannot be extinguished.

The New Certainty is Uncertainty. However, in this, Christians of the old kind have only one way to act. Christian must always fight Evil ... and never accede to it.

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Actually there are many spelled out punishments for violating the constitution. And there isn't one prosecutor with the balls to begin charging people with things like treason.

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Can you point them out? I honestly have never heard of anyone ever being penalized for violating the Constitution. Are there Federal statutes that spell out penalties?

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Oh I don't know that there are any examples I can point to, of people prosecuted for violating the constitution. I was just making the point that there are punishments to be meted out in the event that one does. Like Joe Biden should be in prison awaiting his execution for treason as we speak. Prove me wrong.

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Feb 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I'll quibble with you Jeff, on one point. Government does not have the "right" to maintain order. I has the power to maintain order, but not the "right".

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Agreed. I was going to say it has the "job" of maintaining order. A job from which it can be fired!

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Well said, both of you!

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Thank you, Jeff - excellent analysis of this massively important and overlooked case!

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