Biden isn't letting a good crisis go to waste; local story shows national mood; Disney's woke woes grow like magic mushrooms; Biden interviewed over docs case; more bribery evidence; and lots more.
People should be trained in “defensive” use of firearms.
Lots of people know how to shoot but not a lot of people know when to shoot and not.
Municipalities are the first line of defense. There are already disaster readiness citizen groups which teach people how to respond in a natural disaster. They volunteer to leave their families to help with the town’s defense.
Knowing how a natural disaster group works and doesn’t work (ie central assistance place vs neighborhood eyes and ears) would help people know how to be eyes and ears for police and their swat teams. (Even some small cities have swat or tactical teams now.)
One thing often overlooked which occurred in Israel this week, is that cell phone signals were jammed, so walkie-talkies and maybe ham radio operators would be needed.
People should have walkie talkies and agree on which channels to use within a neighborhood. However, cheap walkie talkies have only a few channels, easy to scan for chatter.
Your plan for everyone to send the same letter is not a good one. One thing legislators hate is what they see as a rubber stamped carbon copy campaign orchestrated by one person.
Sure, people can read your letter, but by applying a little bit of thought, they can write their own letter integrating things they may have seen that you have not.
If legislators have a pile of 1,000 of the SAME letters on their desk, they bin them and put the figure 1 next to it. And they consider 1,000 of the same letter a gross waste of their time. So if a campaign is to be useful, every letter has to be differently thoughtful, even if it might mention some of the same things.
Hi Jeff- If you subscribe to Turleys substack can you (or someone else) post a link here? I tried to find it searching his name on substack and no luck. I’d like to follow it.
"Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray's case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the "wet streets cause rain" stories. Paper's full of them.
In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know." —Michael Crichton
"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." —Franklin D. Roosevelt (The guy who allegedly knew about Pearl Harbor in advance)
A comment from “the 2nd smartest guy in the world:”
Humanity is continually being set up as cannon fodder and genetically modified lab animals in an effort to depopulate the planet. The governments are all being handled and controlled by dark forces operating in the shadows, and all of the Mockingbird MSM narratives are designed to divide and conquer.
The situation in the Middle East is especially difficult because generations of families on both sides have lost loved ones, and are thus seemingly incapable of forgiveness and peace in their permanently supercharged states of anger, fear, and stress: these are socially engineered trans-generational traumas that make all sides far easier to control.
It is certainly no coincidence that so much global death, destruction and destabilization is transpiring on the “Biden” administration’s watch, nor is it any surprise that some of the billions of dollars of weapons deliberately left behind during the Afghanistan withdrawal have ended up with Hamas…while the stock “market” is pleasantly up this morning, and crude oil is miraculously in the red on the eve of PSYOP-WW3…because maybe it really is true that all wars (and “pandemics”) are bankster wars (and bankster “pandemics”).
There's no way it was only 97. We're going to have to wait until congress makes a list of the residents of the city and cross checks it with known survivors.
The city officials are doing everything in their power to keep the body count down. People everywhere had no warning, had to run, had the exits blocked. Many were in the ocean for hours, away from the beach, so you know people drowned. People were incinerated, you can tell if you look at the homes that burned.
the coverup is worse than the crime? Two wrongs make the wrongdoers right? It was a MANMADE DISASTER but a couple weeks buries it away just like CA-Chinese Bioweapon Lab, pretty much everything they're doing to us and allowing/condoning to be perpetrated. The depopulation and demographic shift, property transfer, rebuilding contracts, exaggerated stories of benevolent faces and forces coming alongside the dispossessed and underinsured (giving 10% while angling for advantage). The cleanup and rebuilding gets underway like a normal response mechanism after the shock wears off and they win we lose no matter what. At a minimum Hawaii will get hundreds of millions in Inflationary Reducting $$$ to prevent and fight future fires and prevent a future recurrence of such an unavoidable "tragedy".
We've been Middle East/Israel played for decades. It's the Best Ally in the Middle East Mantra which not even Dancing Israelis with sticks of dynamite in their hands could blow out of emotionally triggered heads. It's once again 'look over there' time ... and meanwhile everything in Clown World back home turns to tent city crap.
'They' are doing the same thing over. And Lucy has just moved the football. And good old Charlie Brown fell for it again.
Forgetting the celebrating Palestinians of 9/11? There were a lot more of them.
I'll have to admit the "dancing Israelis" is a bizarre story. The Israelis in question had Israeli intelligence ties. Now one thing I know for sure. Israeli intelligence people have enough sense to NOT celebrate in public when their ally is hit by a terrorist attack- even if they are happy. So something else was going on. I sure don't know what though.
Certainly, and as you said it, grounds for skepticism. However, one of the 'dancers' let slip on Israeli TV when asked why they were there on the New Jersey side of the Hudson said that they were there 'to document' the attack. Not too smart a blurting out as the only inference to be made is that of foreknowledge. There is plenty more speculation and/or suggestion as to these 'students' role in 911, even some damning photos. But why bother? Especially when there is plenty of hard irrefutable evidence as to the NIST Report being a phoney cover-up of what really when down. And then there was hundreds and hundreds of instances of eye-witness accounts totally at odds with the Official Narrative, just disregarded and swept under the rug, plain out ignored.
My own sense of the 'dancing' part is that the lapse was due to these guys being young. In any event, these guys were not seasoned Mossad agents. Furthermore nobody but nobody in authority was remotely interested in interrogating these guys. And so, these guys were quickly escorted out of the country and back to Israel. A rather strange affair.
"...dark forces operating in the shadows..." Those who can see, see this clearly. In mixed company a mere mention is met with derision and dismissal. I have been accused more than once of "drama". As you might expect, the denigrators are jabbed and boosted, well controlled. Mush for brains. --
So much more here than meets the eye, which is awful enough. In spaces populated by the awakened (C&C one by default) the oft opined, "This is a spiritual war" is precisely the case from the macro 1,000 or more miles up. The dead, in this latest open war, in Ukraine-Russia, in Paradise and Lahaina, from jabs, weather events, you name their incursion, have done a great service to humanity. We needed them to leave to help more and more have their eyes opened. Godspeed their immortal souls, and God's blessings on those suffering in body and spirit. The Godspark in each of us -we *are* each *of* God- times billions and more billions of us is my hope and assurance that that magnitude of Light extinguishes the dark. THEY are afraid of us, the many. THEY need us to be fearful in order to control us. There will be more dead before this is over. Maybe even me. I'm ok with that. Not jumping up and down, but I understand that I AM far more than meets the eye in another way. --
Of course they are! What other possible reason for this war again, now? Decades-long hatred? If that were the case, then it would be one (war) and done. But these go on and on and stop and start for no new reason and peter out. No doubt the instigators gave this stupid action wings through propaganda and money and neither side will know what hit them.
There is a plan afoot. Chaos agents will bring the war to us locally --this notion already "leaked" in mainstream media across the nation----through "Hamas cell groups" that snuck in through our southern border (so that was why we left it wide open for so long!) which will necessitate a police state and use of UN armies using non US soldiers (the other reason we left the border open for so long). When too many people in our own cities are blown to bits, we will be begging for the UN army's "protection."
And that's how they get you. All planned and rolled out strategically.
The financial bottom is falling out---as it does every few decades or so. The forever wars save these banksters and distract from the losses which they can no longer conceal. It's mafia rule with puppets in place to make it all look normal, give or take a few "mistakes" made by politicians.
Julian Assange speaking at Trafalgar Square 8th October 2011:
“. . . and that is something I want to talk about. What can we do with our values, what can we do at all in relation to this war? Because the reality is Margaret Thatcher had it right; there is no society any more. What there is is a transnational security elite that is busy carving up the world using your tax money.
“To combat that elite we must not petition; we must take it over.
“We must form our own networks of strength and mutual value which can challenge those strengths and self-interested values of the warmongers in this country and in others that have formed hand in hand an alliance to take money from the United States, from every NATO country, from Australia and launder it through Afghanistan, launder it through Iraq, lander it through Somalia , launder it through Yemen, launder it through Pakistan and wash that money in peoples blood.
“I don’t need to tell you the depravity of war, you are all too familiar with its images, with the refugees of war, with information that we have revealed showing the everyday squalor and barbarity of war.
“Information such as the individual deaths of over 130,000 people in Iraq. Individual deaths that were kept secret by the US military who denied that they ever counted the deaths of civilians.
“Instead I want to tell you what I think is the way that wars come to be and that wars can be undone.
“In democracies, or the pseudo-democracies that we are evolving into, wars are a result of lies. The Vietnam War and the push for US involvement was the result of the Gulf of Tonkin incident . . . a lie. The Iraq War famously is the result of lies. Wars in Somalia are a result of lies. The Second World War and the German invasion of Poland was the result of carefully constructed lies.
“That is war by media. Let us ask ourselves of the complicit media, which is the majority of the mainstream press, what is the average death count attributed to each journalist?
“When we understand that wars come about as a result of lies peddled to the British public and the American public and the publics all over Europe and other countries then who are the war criminals? It is not just leaders, it is not just soldiers, it is journalists; journalists are war criminals. And while one might think that that should lead us to a state of despair, that the reality that is constructed around us is constructed by liars, is constructed by people who are close to those that they are meant to be policing, it should lead us also to an optimistic understanding because if wars can be started by lies, truth can be started, peace can be started by truth.
So that is our task and it is your task, go and get the truth, get into the ballpark and get the ball and give it to us and we’ll spread it all over the world.”
Well said, though I am by no means a Julian Assange fan. I have said CoVid could not have happened save for the lie upon lie and ginned up hysteria of the press. The election steal came out that and they still lied and continue to do so.
Yes, glad you pointed that out. Our Bible is different where early scriptures are as valid as much later ones. The scarlet thread runs thruout. Attended an apologetics event some years ago & one of the speakers was an expert (bad word these days) in Arabic culture, language, the Quran, & history. He was the first to inform me about the order of the writings. Later entries supersede the past ones. So when they argue that Islam is a religion of peace & show so in the Quran. Later verses basically nullify those.
He also said most Muslims haven’t even read the Quran; many can’t read Arabic. He had read it many times in English & Arabic & debate them. He was fascinating to listen to.
Well, centuries ago, the Sultan (islamist)and rabbis of Europe late 1300s. You can find the documents in the Louvre Museum., signed a pack impertuity to destroy the Christians.
This was after they got caught, blamed for draining Christian adolescent boys of there blood and poisoning the wells of Christian villages in France.
The sultan and rabbis meet in southern Spain. Shortly after rabbis moved to Amsterdam where they would finance the slave trade.
Good reminder of history and hatred Raphael. I'll go back a bit further, Hagar expelled from the camp of Abraham and Sarah with her son Ishmael. The father of a great nation of Arabs. It's all there in Genesis, and as true today as when it was written centuries ago.
For the record, they're actually not related; only the name of the region is related. (Today's Palestinians are Arabs; the Biblical Philistines were "sea peoples", probably Greek or closely related.)
Still, war between Israel and the "philistines" is historically familiar..
The prophet Mohammed tried to convert the Jewish tribes living in the area. The verses in the Koran which speak of tolerance are thought to date from this period. There are later verses (from the Medina period) where he specifically talks about the Jews as enemies. Muslims pay attention to the verses which were written last.
I kind of remember Mohammed's followers facing Jerusalem to pray for a while. I don't remember the armorer bit, but I know the Hadith are full of stories like that.
Why was my first thought a golf tee? I was trying to imagine that. Never occurred to me you meant T-shirt. Kind of proves why you have to read everything to the end before jumping to conclusions.
I posted this and then saw your comment. I should have posted this here first.........
“Unprovoked Attack” or A Deep State War?
...Israel has one of the most advanced high tech armies, and intelligence, so something about this narrative, does not quite sit right. Such as, how on earth could anyone surprise attack Israel?
...Israel will of course have the backing of all leaders of all nation-states who will also have the indoctrinated support of the people with an inhumane aim to “finish Palestine!! We must ask ourselves who benefits from these barbaric attacks which will slaughter innocent people? Who is behind this? Who is funding it?
Just like those who died during the 9/11 attacks, those Israelis and now the average Palestinians, all dying from this attack and counter attack are collateral damage for tptb. Human lives mean nothing to them if it means forwarding the narrative and achieve more power. Our government, both parties, the Israeli government and hamas plus a host of others don't care. They are licking their chops for more money power and blood.
Exactly. I’ve been reading through Proverbs and so many times it speaks to the evil who will do anything for more money and more power, including lies lies lies. They do not care about human life and Gods laws! Nailed it!
Isn’t it amazing Lisa that nothing has changed in thousands of years? Each individual man must change HIMSELF. That is the only answer. I can’t change anyone, except myself.
I agree. Something like this latest attack on Israel would previously have a stronger response of support. Now more people are questioning it. Why didn't they know etc? And certainly more our questioning our loser government.
Fool me once...or in this case, fool me 1000 times over 80 years and eventually I catch on. I think we've reached the point where the catching on is happening to a substantial portion of society. Certainly not the majority yet, but we'll reach a point where there is a critical mass of people who see the story behind the story. A 30% bloc that refuses to vote for establishment or MiC candidates would be a political firewall against them. They'd need to ramp up their cheating efforts beyond a handful of large urban centers or just cancel voting altogether.
Who said (paraphrasing), If voting made any difference they'd make it illegal. -?
I wonder if that breakaway 30% bloc would even show in published counts, no matter how the 30% is divided among alt candidates. THEY (The Hierarchy Exploiting You) just touch a button and presto! the count from machines goes their predetermined way.
Canceling voting seems a much more feasible plan. Install/keep a dictator, the current regime. Would even lefties think that no voting is a good thing? Even if their precious people retain power? Would it not make a single one of them stop and think?
All conjecture. Enough energy expended. Back to the present.
All way too fishy to have been an unaided attack. The timing is fishy. The magnitude is fishy.
The ruling class is losing the West to populist candidates. Multiple have won recent elections. The people are tiring of the games and forever wars of the ruling class. They can see the tide is turning against them. They can see they are losing in Ukraine and the money spigot is about to dry up there. Then all of a sudden, this happens?
Reminds me of something that was in the Wikileaks. The people had turned against the Afghanistan war and the CIA decided the only way to salvage the war (b/c all wars must be salvaged, of course) was to switch the political party attached to the war. They wanted Obama to win the election so that they could tie the war to the left and make it a "liberal" war about "liberal" causes. I think we all know what happened: Pride flags were flying over Afghanistan.
This attack against Israel is just filled with WAY too many "coincidences" for me to buy any mainstream explanation for it.
All wars are planned and orchestrated. None of them are "spontaneous". Connect the dots. Biden pays Iran $6 BILLION for "humanitarian" aid for the release of hostages. First of all, Biden doesn't give a rats ass about any hostages. Remember Afghanistan?
Iran, which is the state sponsor of Hamas, is paid $6 billion dollar of our money by Biden and two months later Hamas launches a pointless attack on Israel. Biden just bought himself a new war. Actually, it's not Biden. He's a brain-dead puppet. It's the satanic cabal lead by the Rothschild family. But I digress. The nazi state of Israel is also controlled by the cabal who for some mysterious reason no one can explain, stood down their defense forces thus allowing the attack to result in maximum death and destruction for the TV cameras.
the Iranian Intelligence spy ring operators brought into our Gvt by Obombya and Byedone did great work; much better than any Israeli or Arabian guys apparently. Who can bring in the cash and get the deals done? How much of the $6 Billion unfrozen assets were skimmed for the Big Guy???
obeyme was twice the puppet joey is! that ass could talk. his lips moved. he was real living puppet. this dooe in there now is like a bad old marionette.
I see it pretty much the same. And it was really the gliders descending which clinched for me. What a stunning cinematic flourish! Hollywood must have been in on the consulting!
Iran is known for playing both sides against the middle, which is Iran. What you saw makes perfect sense.
So, we might take this new escapade as yet another policy failure in the making, or as further extension thereof. And by the way, I think you are spot on.
My further thought is that Saudi Arabia might be more than willing to milk the cow (America), but that this no way derails BRICS because the multi-polar trade world is now the unstoppable inexorable future for eighty percent of the world population.
And so, this is really no more than more bad dollars after bad fake money down the drain with nothing to show but just one more weak 'enemy' being 'beaten up'. And it's likely that Hamas too is on the payroll (as per my admittedly speculation).
I’m looking at this from the lens of Biblical prophecy. It is all working according to God’s plan which is laid out in Ezekiel 38, the book of Daniel and Revelation. Man isn’t in control, God is and His plan for Israel and all believers will prevail despite who’s leading nations or principalities. We are just living in the times He chose for us to live in. My faith and trust is in Him, not any man, leader or nation. That does not mean we do not participate in our governments or sit back and do nothing. We still need to use our time doing what is righteous and true to make a difference in our communities and our government.
I believe she means everything going on globally? All the BS and the real evil that has been unleashed upon us. End times and Israel figuring into the big picture of Gods plan. That is all we can know..specifics are known only to Him. We can TRY to put the puzzle together, and many are doing their dangdest...but it does no good. We have no power to change anything, but we sure as heck can be praying and then get involved at our local level to hold those elected officials accountable for what happens in our communities. This is all just way to big to unravel with our teeny tiny brains. Do the right thing and be who God intended. I do think we are sitting on the edge of what could very well be the end of days. I can only know what I can know, but I do know that God has me. Period.
Yes, there is much evil today. But then there always is so that doesn't convince me this is the end of the world. This is just an observation. I read all the responses in this string. What I see people doing time and again is people come to the discussion with an a priori assumption that we are in or at the "end times". Based on that assumption, then people flatly state that what is currently happening is the fulfillment of Scripture. How is that logical. That is not reasoning from the Word of God. That is forcing the Word to fit our preconceptions of current events.
What I always hear is, "We are living in the "end times" and these are the events described in Biblical prophecy." Yet they are always unable to supply specifics from the Bible to show how the Bible supports their beliefs. Just vague references to certain chapters that could as easily been used to paint an end times picture in WWII or any other period of conflict. Heck, maybe these prophecies are meant for events to come in the year 2999. What's another millennium? After all, a thousand years is as a day with the Lord, right?
I'm not trying to attack anyone. I deeply appreciate all my brothers and sisters in the Lord on this forum. But I want to try and get people to open their minds and look at their assumptions a little more critically. Most people that tell me these are the end times don't believe that because of conclusions they drew from the study of the Word but rather they believe these things because this is what they have been told by some man or preacher.
I posted some comments yesterday that relate to this discussion in which I did try to briefly outline my position from the Word. I think I will repost them here for anyone that cares to consider them.
I agree with you so much on this. My mom and I were just talking last night and she is 96 years old. I told her in the end of our conversation that only God knows what, when and how. I see Israel and what is happening and know that is a pivotal place in the end times dialogue. It is all too much for my brain to even want to handle and I am glad that God has it under control. Nothing is an accident when you believe in the Lord. I think of Jesus as the Messiah and what He went through for us, then I see Israelis in their fighting gear and the ultra orthodox Jews (men!) rocking back and forth in the synagogues, weeping and gnashing their teeth. I do not understand and cannot know. Even the angels don't know, and all the studying in the world will never give answers. Only the good Lord knows!
Here is my position on the 'end times' which I posted yesterday in response to a discussion. If you follow the passages I referenced, you should be able to follow my logic even if you don't agree with it................................
God fulfilled His covenant when He sent His Son to shed His blood for their sins. This was the Promise of the Covenant. Apostate Israel broke the covenant when they rejected the Messiah. They did not have a "get out of jail free card" for breaking the covenant with God. God spoke to the consequences of this many times in the OT prophets and Jesus and the apostles spoke to this many times in the NT and warned the believing, faithful Israelis of what was coming, warning them when they should flee Jerusalem. John's vision in Revelation is devoted to this. In Exodus, the generation that rebelled against God and was not allowed to enter the promise land prefigures this. Only the new generation was allowed to enter.
Jesus Christ, the long anticipated Messiah, established the New Covenant through his life, death and resurrection thus closing out and replacing the Old Covenant. This involved a change in who is Israel for now the priesthood is expanded to all believers to include everyone who accepted the Messiah, Jew and Gentile alike. This is the new Israel. And indeed, God will fulfill all His promises to Israel. The Jews who did not accept the coming of Jesus Christ are not a part of Israel. With the coming of the Messiah and His work on the cross shedding His blood for all, the Old Covenant was closed out and God's judgement was poured out on apostate Jerusalem.
Daniel 9:26-27 prophesies the coming of the armies to destroy Jerusalem and the Temple. The parallel passage to Matt 24 and Daniel 9 is Luke 21:20-22 which makes clear the meaning of Matt and Daniel. This is the "abomination of desolation" and, as Luke explains, was to be the armed invasion of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple as God brings the Old Covenant to a close. In 68 AD, the Edomites, the age long enemies of Israel, surrounded and invaded the city and slaughtered 8,500 people in the Temple. In the words of Josephus, this was "the beginning of the destruction of the city. From this very day may be dated the overthrow of her wall and the ruin of her affairs." These are "the days of vengeance that all things which are written (in the OT) may be fulfilled" Luke 21:22.
This was the closing out of the Old Covenant with God's wrath poured out on apostate Israel and the establishment of the New Covenant in Christ's shed blood. Jesus said in Matt 24:21, "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, NOR EVER SHALL BE." The Great Tribulation refers to the destruction of Temple in that generation alone (70 AD), an absolutely unique event in history never to be repeated.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write all this down and share it. God bless you.♥ I remember as a kid, handing out tracts about The Good News. I am absolutely convinced that this Good News was the arrival of Jesus as The Messiah and the new covenant with God. I also remember Jews for Jesus coming to our church at one time, way back when. I was just a kid, but it all makes perfect sense now. I came to Christ during The Jesus Revolution. My sister, who is 14 years older than me, remembers being in Costa Mesa and seeing with her own eyes all those people coming to Christ and being baptized. Truly a sight to behold.
The Bible says that in the end times there will be wars and rumors of wars. And earthquakes (among other things). Have you guys seen how many earthquakes there have been recently? Also, Ezekiel talks absolutely about the War of Gog and Magog. Gog is the leader of a coalition of countries that join together to attack Israel. I have no idea if this could be the beginning of such an event, or if this is just more of the growing chaos in the world that is evidence of the end times.
It says DO NOT worry when you see earthquakes, wars, and rumors of wars, because *the end is not yet*. It's literally telling us NOT to do what a lot of people are currently doing. (And all three of these things have been going on since Jesus first said it.)
I'm with you Julie Ann B. I think we are much closer seeing IS 17 fulfilled than EZ 38. Envision Iran trying to sneak a dirty bomb into Israel through Damascus...
I read it...again. I just posted a comment above to SadieJay which relates to this thread. It is an attempt to outline my belief about the "end times" as supported by scripture.
I have a deeper understanding of Scripture than most think. To tell you the truth, I asked that question to see if anyone has done the Biblical research to be able to actually support their beliefs from the Scripture. In my experience, premil contentions are usually short on Biblical support and long on using current events to interpret the Word, rather than the other way around. It's very common to superimpose current events on the Bible. This has been going on for as long as I have been alive.
Phil, I don’t question the sincerity of your faith or your beliefs but when asked to explain why I believe we are in the End Times is way more scripture and explanations than is feasible in this forum and it’s a compilation of scripture from the old and new testaments. I’ve spent years in Bible studies and listening to sermons and God has been so loving and gracious to tell us what to expect and look for. I’m confident in my beliefs but can’t say with 100% certainty that I have everything exactly right. Regardless I respect your opinions. Meanwhile I’ll continue to trust and believe and wait for the coming of my Savior.
I disagree a bit. A month ago, they were trying to stage another pandemic on the way. “Mask up” was the battle cry. Get the new booster, which we haven’t tested, but we know works. Except that it didn’t happen. Masks are no more prevalent than they were last year. There will always be some who will succumb and live. In terror, but I believe the tide as turned on what the American public will swallow any longer. People are tired of it all and suspect they were lied to, bigly, even if they won’t admit it.
I, and most I know feel for the Israeli people but we know that the government of Israel is as much Uniparty at the top as is ours. More and more see through the sham.
Granted ... it's not all black or white. And they continually prey upon our better instincts, sympathies and mix these in with their subterfuges so as to artfully suck us in. And as usual, the people on all sides are victimized ... and not the people that are lining their pockets. As to C19 and the shots, they are always probing, testing us. And if a campaign of sorts fizzles out, well at least they got a few more people shot up. And be sure, there will be another new plague of some kind delivered by some means of attack sometime in the future. It will come out of the blue, just sort of glide right in out of the sky like this Gaza thing.
Manufactured crisis. The looting goes on. But pretend not to notice. And by the was, there is a huge gas field off shore Gaza. But I suppose, hardly worth a mention.
The Western Pro-Palestinian Anti-Jewish LEFT (Educated Democrats) appear to be calling for all Jews everywhere to be tortured, killed, raped, aborted, property taken--look at them listen to concern for "peace" and non-violence, cheering for murder. Do Jewish Dems in USA really think MAGA is a threat more than their own diverse and hateful party members??? Fking idiots. Hakeem Jeffries is most likely a liar and fraud--who will investigate his ties and past commentary to verify??? The same Ukrainian Flag waving Libs should place an Israeli flag up too right? Instead, they will wave the Palestinian flag in solidarity with HAMAS terrorist-murderers (and ALL those funding them) and in reality condone the slaughter of the Palestinian people as necessary to make Israel look bad and lose support and fan the flame of Arabian and Islamic retaliation.
Keep labelling any and all critical of Ukraine and our policies there as Pro-Russian pro-Putin you sick freaks...who among us has raised a Russian Flag in solidarity with the brutal aggressor??? I argue that YOU are inciting violence against Jewish-Americans by this hateful display and should be monitored, investigated, perhaps charged with crimes for such public hateful incitement.
Those who always benefit from the chaos, destruction, death and unrest and do not see the rest of humanity as anything other than worthless, disposable pawns - PURE EVIL. They also consider themselves above God. It appears that most people lack the ability to wrap their minds around this evil, thus they 'swipe-up' as my pastor put it on Sunday morning.
Completely agree! The truth and knowledge that the Lord is ultimately in control, is what keeps me peaceful, sane and even joyful.
Thanks for the article!
“However, that anger will be incensed when the curtain is pulled back, and the truth of the madness is recognized.”
I refer to this concept often. Once you see who the wizard really is behind that curtain, you can never go back. I wonder what it will be like if the ‘masses’ ever reach this point in quick succession.
My concern is where DeSantis will land in all of this. He WENT to Israel to sign an anti discrimination bill which probably won’t pass constitutional muster. Curioser and curioser.
The red horse continues his ride. The pale horse is close behind. Revelation 6.
In WW 2 Churchill and British intelligence knew an attack on Pearl Harbor was being planned but decided not to warn the Americans as Churchill wanted to force them to join the Allies.....which they did following the attack. So did Mossad know about this plan and deliberately withold the intel knowing that it would give the IDF the excuse it needed to wipe Hamas off the map without incurring the ire of the international community?
Speaking of Disney, check this out: MathMagic: that time Disney used Donald Duck to teach children about the magical qualities of pentagrams and sacred geometry: [6:35mins]
That pentagon bit is pretty creepy, but really, all points to the Sovereign Designer. Again, we see the perfect turned into something vile. Satan uses the perfect shape of nature to represent his church. There is nothing coincidental about any of this but the ultimate meaning escapes me. Again, I am reminded that I must trust GOD.
Plato (4th century BC) had a phrase that, if counting the letters of each word, would give the number 3.14159. Loosely translated it states: "forever God, Great Geometer defines the circumference of the circle".
As a former educator, it is sad they starred with a pentagram, but I thought the sacred geometry was very instructive and would help a child look at the world with new eyes.
To be fair, part of the way Christianity spread is that whenever they ran into another culture, they would absorb a lot of its holidays and make them their own (Easter and Christmas are famous example), then demonize parts of the religion.
The caduceus and pentagram are examples of this.
You never know what people are talking about when they are using symbols. One one hand, the swastika represents the Nazis, on another, it's harmony and well being.
Christmas is indeed a "re-purposed" holiday, but Easter is a historical observance based on the Jewish passover combined with the resurrection. Atheist claims that it was once "pagan" are made up. (Though the bunnies and eggs may well be adopted from pagan spring celebrations.)
Easter is a planting season celebration, as far as I know.
The Jewish religion isn't that old really, it was founded in 700 BC, their god "Yahweh" is most likely the Babylonian God of War. Much of their history is fabricated. There was no King David for example, and "the Philistines" are very likely to be the Palestinians now (or rather their descendants). There was never an "Israel".
It's really hard to tell, but you can see the crossover of Easter with some, dead, spring celebration. Probably a pagan celebration of rebirth, after all, even today, we associate bunnies with reproduction.
We don't really know. Records are destroyed purposely, or were... We can all record history now. The problem we're working on now, is longevity of the records. Today, you can record more books than you could POSSIBLY read in a lifetime, on an $11 SD card, but it stops working in about 10 years, 20 years at most.
Indelible data storage is our last step. When we get that... People in 4000 AD will be able to see how we actually lived. That's like being able to see how Rome REALLY was in 0 AD. We have to develop permanent data storage.
Very true! I think many subjects are just too complex for many journalists and so, in reality, they are spreading more disinformation. Many of us cannot tell truth from lies anymore. The trust factor is gone. As our leaders have proven when then lie, deny, obstruct and plot, permission is given to the unprincipled populous to do the same. Any then add all division and censoring and weak minds are blown. Which is exactly what they want.
More and more is coming out about the illusion of our existence and the necessity to take a 40,000 foot perspective of the happenings of the world. Israel is just another false flag trying to get us into fear. That's all they have done one after another my whole life. It will only stop when we resist mentally and realize we are eternal children of God and act as such!
What's particularly interesting to me regarding the Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect is that I had the exact opposite reaction. When I was about 10 or 11 years old, my friend's mom was a newspaper columnist for a lifestyle or similar trifling section of the paper, and she was always looking for something, anything, to write about. And so I was recruited to be the subject of the article since readers only wanted to hear about her offspring so many times.
When the article came out, I was shocked at the misrepresentations, twisted truths, and outright lies within. It was one of the most memorable and important days of my life. I never trusted anything I read in the paper again and I turned into a cynical bastard. It has served me very well indeed.
I did not know about that Michael Crichton quote. I have used this argument for 25 years but get a complete blank from most people. Most people dont want to think and dont want to know.
Good quote. I love Michael Crichton! A true genius, I believe. I wish he were still alive, because I believe he'd be a strong critic of the nonsense going on in science and medicine these days. One of his last books took on the climate change narrative.
This is rich, rich in a positive sense ... in a way it really works sense. We have seen all the past manipulations, the induced panics, the knee jerk emotional reactions. And yet yesterday, we turned the page and forgot everything.
I can solve the border problem instantly & painlessly (for us): make all executive branch officials personally liable for any crimes/torts committed by illegal aliens. In legal terms, illegals become the guests of those executives, who are then liable for their guests' actions. If they had to pay for their guests' actions, they'd figure out a response toot sweet.
The problem w/ government is that it always involves one group of people making decisions for others; time to make the decision makers pay for their decisions.
I swear, if you took 10 average Americans and sat them in a room, chances are they could solve all the US problems and get america back where it was. If only politicians weren’t involved.
Yes, because I think a few (not all, obviously) are suffering some mental decline. My dad's neighbor at his retirement community told me my dad had been doing well emotionally after the death of my mom, then declined during the scamdemic. I asked her when that started and it was right after his two jabs. Maybe coincidence, but I don't think so.
Same with my 91 year old dad, everyone including his doc blame it on his age. I blame it on his 3? shots and the statins he’s on. (We can blame the doc for both of those things, even Mayo doesn’t recommend statins for those over 80). Btw, last fall they agreed not to get the booster, doc said they’re safe so they got it. 😖
Yes, because I haven't met or read about any jabbed person thinking logically about the world they live in these days. Maybe, those who regret it and have awakened, but that's it.
I feel like the past year I have been trying to wall off emotions about what is happening to jabbed people. EX: Jabbed friend keels over and dies at daughters, they bring her back to life and have to clear her heart of clots with a new tool. She lives. Permanently injured. Still jabbing. Can't tell her a thing. Therefore my wall gets another brick. I laugh, but it is a rueful laugh.
hard to laugh wholeheartedly anymore, certainly not with the people who are so totally blind to reality. I avoid my former jabbed friends unless otherwise impossible (hair dresser, seemstress etc) that only leaves me couple acquiantances who are nice, but not as close as I would want, and my 3 animals. I also befriended quite a bit of birds lately.
I went to a neighbors house to be neighborly, down here in FL. She says "I just can't believe all the people getting cancer and it is happening so fast!" I mention our diet of processed foods, then I land it. "Maybe it is the covid vaccine, I have heard about all these turbo cancers happening after getting all the untested shots." Her answer "Well, I have never heard that. I have an appointment to get my flu, rsv/covid shot this next week. I have had all my covid shots and I am just fine." OK...I put it out there in her head, but her 'partner' just died of turbo cancer, like in 3 days. So, she is 79 and playing Russian Roulette. When she drops I will not be surprised. Her son works for a pharma company and he goes around the world setting up new drug trials. SMDH (Oh, and I could not get OUT of her house fast enough.)
It has to be a mixed bag of emotional reactions. It can't be otherwise, and I know that you know this. My over arching emotion still remains that of anger, because of the deliberate deceptions involved.
The people in a Christian Patriarchy had Christian duty to be guardians of the weaker and more vulnerable. This is something we threw out the window. We overlooked, an now even laugh at the idea that men have a trustee duty in the upholding of God's law. And so, we reap the whirlwind of decay.
Always been do as I say, not do as I do for Congress. They passed SS and Obamacare, but not for them. They passed jab mandates, but not for them. They passed insider trading laws , but not for them. All businesses have to follow GAAP, but not the government. They passed escrow laws, but not for them. The Just Us System been around for a long long time
AND, if the average person had to write a check to the government every quarter, instead of an automatic payroll deduction, they might clamor less for asking the government to take care of every social ill known to man and call that compassion. "there ought to be a law...." We get the government we ask for.
Not necessarily...there are many things I acted without a vote of any kind! I had no say in the light bulb issue or speed bumps which jar backs and in many cases, totally meant to cause frustration and pain. Our world is full of government over reach and who gave them permission to fund WHO and all the other groups that are taking control of me! Sorry...sick of it all!
True, but Congress holds the purse strings for these unelected bureaucrats. Defunding them should be one of the first orders of priority, IF we had a congressional majority that actually cared about fixing broken DC. Watching those smirking jerks sitting in Congressional soundbite hearings makes my stomach turn, as they (as do I) know that at the end of the day this is all sound and fury signifying nothing. The congressperson grilling them will be gone in a few years, and they will still be there, regardless of what party is in the majority.
No vote or "stakeholder" poll on gender blender bathrooms in Colorainbow, no vote or poll on embryocide into the 9th month for any reason (excuse) in Colorhateyou.
FAT creampuff governor Pole-Licks sticking his business into everyone else's.
Compassion … I used to naively think every human being was capable of compassion. Turns out many of our leaders see it as a weakness. I believe BG said he was primarily interested in efficiency. … :) hence the sponge Bob bots. Any chance those bots could choose to be baptized in the name of Christ? A Mass of AI awakening?
People's compassion and innate "goodness" has been weaponized against them - this is how TBTB convinced so many to abandon critical thinking and follow "THE Science". In my mind, that explains how most regular folks were psy-opped into it. I have zero compassion for scientists, doctors, other health care professionals who should have known better that what was being narrated was not anything to do with science and went along with it. They all should be charged with crimes against humanity, which likely will never happen. My only solace is that they will face judgement one day when they die.
Payroll tax deduction was the biggest theft ever invented. The vast majority never know their money is being stolen. If you try to explain it to the average taxpayer their eyes glass over and think you’re crazy. They cannot be convinced that that tax refund at the end of the year isn’t a gift from the govt.
Well for some it is. Earned income tax credit is another government giveaway. The 'credit' is more than taxes owed, so they get a 'refund' of the difference between the tax credit and what they actually paid. So they are not only not paying federal taxes, but getting a bonus on top of that. This is an old calculation, but last I looked into it, only 53% of taxpayers actually pay any federal income tax. It's why I am a big fan of the flat tax. Everyone pays, say 15%, (that was the Steve Forbes platform) no deductions. and even better if they didn't do automatic payroll deduction. It will never happen, but I can dream. Not to mention sales tax, which is knocking on the door of 10% in my metro. People don't even look at their receipts, they just swipe their cards and toss the receipt in the trash.
Property tax is right up there. Do you actually own your property if the government can levy taxes and confiscate it from you if you don't pay those taxes?
Our big citizen initiative is recalling the county exec who has overseen a property tax reassessment fiasco, and pushing for changes at the state level on property taxes as well. This is actually a bi-partisan effort, lots of D's have joined the recall effort.
Yes, they are vouching for the "migrants" now aren't they? If i as president of a company and owner of a building invited in and escorted one dozen personal guests into an office building and just one of them started stabbing people i would be investigated would i not? Perhaps quite likely that at a minimum i would have some liability for using my credentials to open the door and walk past the security guard? And my vice president who works with head of security and the head of Security would also be complicit in any and all misbehavior of people they vouched for, allowed in, gave gift bags and lunch, signed them up for a tour, and then allowed them to steal kill and vandalize among the staff and employees working there.
I was thinking the same thing. I think there may be a way to hold the government liable when illegals harm citizens at this point. It would take some very creative lawyers but I bet it could be done. Especially where governors and mayors are asking citizens to take them into their homes. That’s a direct request.
How much is “harm” to a human being worth?? Life in prison that we, the people, pay for?? This is ludicrous that “O’Bribe-n” is allowing millions of unvetted men to come in to the USA
First, Disney priced our family right out of the parks and hotels. Secondly, when they openly revealed their inner child groomer tendencies and assorted other "Goofy" ideologies we checked out completely. Ditched it all. The House of Mouse is dead. Saved a ton and don't miss a damn thing.....well, maybe the Haunted Mansion.
I never liked Disney, even when I was a little kid. I thought Mickey Mouse was stupid (and still do). My parents drug us there when I was about 12. It was hot, I was hot, and the only thing I enjoyed was Space Mountain because it was air conditioned. I just didn't see the point of it all, even then. As an adult, I have a true appreciation for the original Fantasia, which still blows my mind that it was all hand drawn. I appreciate my parents trying but I was much more interested in COSI, a science museum in Columbus. I begged them to take me there all the time.
If I had kids/grandkids, no way would they go near anything Disney. Not because I hate them, but because of the grooming. Disgusting!
I remember visiting Disneyland as a child when it cost $7.50 admission. Disney cartoons, Mickey Mouse Club, comic books . . . I thought "That's for little kids, not me." I was four.
We have some friends, conservatives, Christians, aware of the agenda who chose to spend their vacay last week there. 🙄 I gave them all the info that should have convinced them their money was funding the agenda….and they should find another vacay….nope. They went and had a great time, didn’t see any real weirdo trans people or bearded men wearing dresses at the entrance. So that validated their decision to go I guess. Saw lots of gays/lesbians at one park and fully enjoyed the very short ride wait times. 🤮
We told them why there were so many less people there and it went right over their heads. Honestly as much as I love the family I was shocked and disappointed at how okay they were funding Disney with their hard earned money. Many Americans do not want to make any sacrifices at all. Let someone else sacrifice. I want a vacation. It’s shameful.
And they lined up to get the jab to go on vacay too. Seriously bat shit crazy!!! My mom says to me, why do you have to be so difficult? That’s why I come here in the comments💜💜💜💜. Gotta get a daily dose of MY kind of ppl!!!!!
— Governor DeSantis' correct email address is I left out the 'eog' (now fixed).
Can I change this to my governor? Not that he has ever responded to me in any form what so ever but I keep trying
Agree PH. And maybe my sheriff?
Got my note and a copy of your letter done and sent. Cc’d you. Hope he gets thousands of messages from the C & C crowd. 👊
To get logistical about it,
People should be trained in “defensive” use of firearms.
Lots of people know how to shoot but not a lot of people know when to shoot and not.
Municipalities are the first line of defense. There are already disaster readiness citizen groups which teach people how to respond in a natural disaster. They volunteer to leave their families to help with the town’s defense.
Knowing how a natural disaster group works and doesn’t work (ie central assistance place vs neighborhood eyes and ears) would help people know how to be eyes and ears for police and their swat teams. (Even some small cities have swat or tactical teams now.)
One thing often overlooked which occurred in Israel this week, is that cell phone signals were jammed, so walkie-talkies and maybe ham radio operators would be needed.
People should have walkie talkies and agree on which channels to use within a neighborhood. However, cheap walkie talkies have only a few channels, easy to scan for chatter.
Your plan for everyone to send the same letter is not a good one. One thing legislators hate is what they see as a rubber stamped carbon copy campaign orchestrated by one person.
Sure, people can read your letter, but by applying a little bit of thought, they can write their own letter integrating things they may have seen that you have not.
If legislators have a pile of 1,000 of the SAME letters on their desk, they bin them and put the figure 1 next to it. And they consider 1,000 of the same letter a gross waste of their time. So if a campaign is to be useful, every letter has to be differently thoughtful, even if it might mention some of the same things.
I sent an email with a few comments. I have the feeling he is going to get a lot!
Hi Jeff- If you subscribe to Turleys substack can you (or someone else) post a link here? I tried to find it searching his name on substack and no luck. I’d like to follow it.
Thanks for the address update. Sent from Montgomery, Al
Hi, Sharon!
Is it “. Com” or “. Gov”?
We swim in an ocean of lies. Food for thought:
"Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray's case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the "wet streets cause rain" stories. Paper's full of them.
In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know." —Michael Crichton
"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." —Franklin D. Roosevelt (The guy who allegedly knew about Pearl Harbor in advance)
A comment from “the 2nd smartest guy in the world:”
Humanity is continually being set up as cannon fodder and genetically modified lab animals in an effort to depopulate the planet. The governments are all being handled and controlled by dark forces operating in the shadows, and all of the Mockingbird MSM narratives are designed to divide and conquer.
The situation in the Middle East is especially difficult because generations of families on both sides have lost loved ones, and are thus seemingly incapable of forgiveness and peace in their permanently supercharged states of anger, fear, and stress: these are socially engineered trans-generational traumas that make all sides far easier to control.
It is certainly no coincidence that so much global death, destruction and destabilization is transpiring on the “Biden” administration’s watch, nor is it any surprise that some of the billions of dollars of weapons deliberately left behind during the Afghanistan withdrawal have ended up with Hamas…while the stock “market” is pleasantly up this morning, and crude oil is miraculously in the red on the eve of PSYOP-WW3…because maybe it really is true that all wars (and “pandemics”) are bankster wars (and bankster “pandemics”).
All of this coverage and footage from Israel. Nothing from Hawaii. I guess it was in their interest not to cut all lines of communication.
only 97 trapped and burned in that Global Climate Control Jihad; that's the Accurate number; 3,000+ is a Big Lie right?
There's no way it was only 97. We're going to have to wait until congress makes a list of the residents of the city and cross checks it with known survivors.
The city officials are doing everything in their power to keep the body count down. People everywhere had no warning, had to run, had the exits blocked. Many were in the ocean for hours, away from the beach, so you know people drowned. People were incinerated, you can tell if you look at the homes that burned.
the coverup is worse than the crime? Two wrongs make the wrongdoers right? It was a MANMADE DISASTER but a couple weeks buries it away just like CA-Chinese Bioweapon Lab, pretty much everything they're doing to us and allowing/condoning to be perpetrated. The depopulation and demographic shift, property transfer, rebuilding contracts, exaggerated stories of benevolent faces and forces coming alongside the dispossessed and underinsured (giving 10% while angling for advantage). The cleanup and rebuilding gets underway like a normal response mechanism after the shock wears off and they win we lose no matter what. At a minimum Hawaii will get hundreds of millions in Inflationary Reducting $$$ to prevent and fight future fires and prevent a future recurrence of such an unavoidable "tragedy".
We've been Middle East/Israel played for decades. It's the Best Ally in the Middle East Mantra which not even Dancing Israelis with sticks of dynamite in their hands could blow out of emotionally triggered heads. It's once again 'look over there' time ... and meanwhile everything in Clown World back home turns to tent city crap.
'They' are doing the same thing over. And Lucy has just moved the football. And good old Charlie Brown fell for it again.
Any chance those US sailors being positioned near the conflict have ever investigated the USS Liberty? Seems pertinent right about now.
Preach it, Daver.
Later Jay
Forgetting the celebrating Palestinians of 9/11? There were a lot more of them.
I'll have to admit the "dancing Israelis" is a bizarre story. The Israelis in question had Israeli intelligence ties. Now one thing I know for sure. Israeli intelligence people have enough sense to NOT celebrate in public when their ally is hit by a terrorist attack- even if they are happy. So something else was going on. I sure don't know what though.
Certainly, and as you said it, grounds for skepticism. However, one of the 'dancers' let slip on Israeli TV when asked why they were there on the New Jersey side of the Hudson said that they were there 'to document' the attack. Not too smart a blurting out as the only inference to be made is that of foreknowledge. There is plenty more speculation and/or suggestion as to these 'students' role in 911, even some damning photos. But why bother? Especially when there is plenty of hard irrefutable evidence as to the NIST Report being a phoney cover-up of what really when down. And then there was hundreds and hundreds of instances of eye-witness accounts totally at odds with the Official Narrative, just disregarded and swept under the rug, plain out ignored.
My own sense of the 'dancing' part is that the lapse was due to these guys being young. In any event, these guys were not seasoned Mossad agents. Furthermore nobody but nobody in authority was remotely interested in interrogating these guys. And so, these guys were quickly escorted out of the country and back to Israel. A rather strange affair.
Israel did 9/11. Israel has perpetrated False Flags for decades.
"...dark forces operating in the shadows..." Those who can see, see this clearly. In mixed company a mere mention is met with derision and dismissal. I have been accused more than once of "drama". As you might expect, the denigrators are jabbed and boosted, well controlled. Mush for brains. --
So much more here than meets the eye, which is awful enough. In spaces populated by the awakened (C&C one by default) the oft opined, "This is a spiritual war" is precisely the case from the macro 1,000 or more miles up. The dead, in this latest open war, in Ukraine-Russia, in Paradise and Lahaina, from jabs, weather events, you name their incursion, have done a great service to humanity. We needed them to leave to help more and more have their eyes opened. Godspeed their immortal souls, and God's blessings on those suffering in body and spirit. The Godspark in each of us -we *are* each *of* God- times billions and more billions of us is my hope and assurance that that magnitude of Light extinguishes the dark. THEY are afraid of us, the many. THEY need us to be fearful in order to control us. There will be more dead before this is over. Maybe even me. I'm ok with that. Not jumping up and down, but I understand that I AM far more than meets the eye in another way. --
Rambling 2¢.
Interesting video... ALL WARS ARE BANKSTER WARS
Of course they are! What other possible reason for this war again, now? Decades-long hatred? If that were the case, then it would be one (war) and done. But these go on and on and stop and start for no new reason and peter out. No doubt the instigators gave this stupid action wings through propaganda and money and neither side will know what hit them.
There is a plan afoot. Chaos agents will bring the war to us locally --this notion already "leaked" in mainstream media across the nation----through "Hamas cell groups" that snuck in through our southern border (so that was why we left it wide open for so long!) which will necessitate a police state and use of UN armies using non US soldiers (the other reason we left the border open for so long). When too many people in our own cities are blown to bits, we will be begging for the UN army's "protection."
And that's how they get you. All planned and rolled out strategically.
The financial bottom is falling out---as it does every few decades or so. The forever wars save these banksters and distract from the losses which they can no longer conceal. It's mafia rule with puppets in place to make it all look normal, give or take a few "mistakes" made by politicians.
Julian Assange speaking at Trafalgar Square 8th October 2011:
“. . . and that is something I want to talk about. What can we do with our values, what can we do at all in relation to this war? Because the reality is Margaret Thatcher had it right; there is no society any more. What there is is a transnational security elite that is busy carving up the world using your tax money.
“To combat that elite we must not petition; we must take it over.
“We must form our own networks of strength and mutual value which can challenge those strengths and self-interested values of the warmongers in this country and in others that have formed hand in hand an alliance to take money from the United States, from every NATO country, from Australia and launder it through Afghanistan, launder it through Iraq, lander it through Somalia , launder it through Yemen, launder it through Pakistan and wash that money in peoples blood.
“I don’t need to tell you the depravity of war, you are all too familiar with its images, with the refugees of war, with information that we have revealed showing the everyday squalor and barbarity of war.
“Information such as the individual deaths of over 130,000 people in Iraq. Individual deaths that were kept secret by the US military who denied that they ever counted the deaths of civilians.
“Instead I want to tell you what I think is the way that wars come to be and that wars can be undone.
“In democracies, or the pseudo-democracies that we are evolving into, wars are a result of lies. The Vietnam War and the push for US involvement was the result of the Gulf of Tonkin incident . . . a lie. The Iraq War famously is the result of lies. Wars in Somalia are a result of lies. The Second World War and the German invasion of Poland was the result of carefully constructed lies.
“That is war by media. Let us ask ourselves of the complicit media, which is the majority of the mainstream press, what is the average death count attributed to each journalist?
“When we understand that wars come about as a result of lies peddled to the British public and the American public and the publics all over Europe and other countries then who are the war criminals? It is not just leaders, it is not just soldiers, it is journalists; journalists are war criminals. And while one might think that that should lead us to a state of despair, that the reality that is constructed around us is constructed by liars, is constructed by people who are close to those that they are meant to be policing, it should lead us also to an optimistic understanding because if wars can be started by lies, truth can be started, peace can be started by truth.
So that is our task and it is your task, go and get the truth, get into the ballpark and get the ball and give it to us and we’ll spread it all over the world.”
Well said, though I am by no means a Julian Assange fan. I have said CoVid could not have happened save for the lie upon lie and ginned up hysteria of the press. The election steal came out that and they still lied and continue to do so.
Amen Eliza! This has been going on since the beginning of time! God will make all things right in the end!
Yes, glad you pointed that out. Our Bible is different where early scriptures are as valid as much later ones. The scarlet thread runs thruout. Attended an apologetics event some years ago & one of the speakers was an expert (bad word these days) in Arabic culture, language, the Quran, & history. He was the first to inform me about the order of the writings. Later entries supersede the past ones. So when they argue that Islam is a religion of peace & show so in the Quran. Later verses basically nullify those.
He also said most Muslims haven’t even read the Quran; many can’t read Arabic. He had read it many times in English & Arabic & debate them. He was fascinating to listen to.
Well, centuries ago, the Sultan (islamist)and rabbis of Europe late 1300s. You can find the documents in the Louvre Museum., signed a pack impertuity to destroy the Christians.
This was after they got caught, blamed for draining Christian adolescent boys of there blood and poisoning the wells of Christian villages in France.
The sultan and rabbis meet in southern Spain. Shortly after rabbis moved to Amsterdam where they would finance the slave trade.
Good reminder of history and hatred Raphael. I'll go back a bit further, Hagar expelled from the camp of Abraham and Sarah with her son Ishmael. The father of a great nation of Arabs. It's all there in Genesis, and as true today as when it was written centuries ago.
This link looks like a link to Sundance’s post, it’s really a link to a commenter’s post sharing a quote from one of our nation’s founding fathers.
I am finding that, like communist ideas, there are centuries of discussion about issues I erroneously thought were relatively new.
In Brave browser the ad is less visible, in Safari it’s annoying. Using reader mode may help.
But the Palestinians of today were the Philistines of the Old Testament.
For the record, they're actually not related; only the name of the region is related. (Today's Palestinians are Arabs; the Biblical Philistines were "sea peoples", probably Greek or closely related.)
Still, war between Israel and the "philistines" is historically familiar..
They live there forever,
Definitely semetic
Something doesn't sound right.
That's funny, the romans document taking away donkey heads out of senegogues
Got a source for this?
I looked and couldn't find anything.
There was a time, very long ago, when Jews and Muslims were brothers.
Half brothers.
The prophet Mohammed tried to convert the Jewish tribes living in the area. The verses in the Koran which speak of tolerance are thought to date from this period. There are later verses (from the Medina period) where he specifically talks about the Jews as enemies. Muslims pay attention to the verses which were written last.
In that time, Muslims faced Jerusalem to pray. That changed after a Jewish armorer made weapons for Mohammed and he didn't pay. I didn't make this up.
I kind of remember Mohammed's followers facing Jerusalem to pray for a while. I don't remember the armorer bit, but I know the Hadith are full of stories like that.
"Wet streets cause rain". Yep, about sums up all of the MSM.
Do you have any tees that say: Don't let bots tell you what to buy?
Why was my first thought a golf tee? I was trying to imagine that. Never occurred to me you meant T-shirt. Kind of proves why you have to read everything to the end before jumping to conclusions.
I posted this and then saw your comment. I should have posted this here first.........
“Unprovoked Attack” or A Deep State War?
...Israel has one of the most advanced high tech armies, and intelligence, so something about this narrative, does not quite sit right. Such as, how on earth could anyone surprise attack Israel?
...Israel will of course have the backing of all leaders of all nation-states who will also have the indoctrinated support of the people with an inhumane aim to “finish Palestine!! We must ask ourselves who benefits from these barbaric attacks which will slaughter innocent people? Who is behind this? Who is funding it?
Just like those who died during the 9/11 attacks, those Israelis and now the average Palestinians, all dying from this attack and counter attack are collateral damage for tptb. Human lives mean nothing to them if it means forwarding the narrative and achieve more power. Our government, both parties, the Israeli government and hamas plus a host of others don't care. They are licking their chops for more money power and blood.
Exactly. I’ve been reading through Proverbs and so many times it speaks to the evil who will do anything for more money and more power, including lies lies lies. They do not care about human life and Gods laws! Nailed it!
Isn’t it amazing Lisa that nothing has changed in thousands of years? Each individual man must change HIMSELF. That is the only answer. I can’t change anyone, except myself.
Pegged it. The military industrial compost is in full bloom. But there is an air of desperation, is there not?
I agree. Something like this latest attack on Israel would previously have a stronger response of support. Now more people are questioning it. Why didn't they know etc? And certainly more our questioning our loser government.
Fool me once...or in this case, fool me 1000 times over 80 years and eventually I catch on. I think we've reached the point where the catching on is happening to a substantial portion of society. Certainly not the majority yet, but we'll reach a point where there is a critical mass of people who see the story behind the story. A 30% bloc that refuses to vote for establishment or MiC candidates would be a political firewall against them. They'd need to ramp up their cheating efforts beyond a handful of large urban centers or just cancel voting altogether.
Who said (paraphrasing), If voting made any difference they'd make it illegal. -?
I wonder if that breakaway 30% bloc would even show in published counts, no matter how the 30% is divided among alt candidates. THEY (The Hierarchy Exploiting You) just touch a button and presto! the count from machines goes their predetermined way.
Canceling voting seems a much more feasible plan. Install/keep a dictator, the current regime. Would even lefties think that no voting is a good thing? Even if their precious people retain power? Would it not make a single one of them stop and think?
All conjecture. Enough energy expended. Back to the present.
The new Israeli 911. And the reason for still more war, war, war. It never ends but we have to stop it.
All way too fishy to have been an unaided attack. The timing is fishy. The magnitude is fishy.
The ruling class is losing the West to populist candidates. Multiple have won recent elections. The people are tiring of the games and forever wars of the ruling class. They can see the tide is turning against them. They can see they are losing in Ukraine and the money spigot is about to dry up there. Then all of a sudden, this happens?
Reminds me of something that was in the Wikileaks. The people had turned against the Afghanistan war and the CIA decided the only way to salvage the war (b/c all wars must be salvaged, of course) was to switch the political party attached to the war. They wanted Obama to win the election so that they could tie the war to the left and make it a "liberal" war about "liberal" causes. I think we all know what happened: Pride flags were flying over Afghanistan.
This attack against Israel is just filled with WAY too many "coincidences" for me to buy any mainstream explanation for it.
All wars are planned and orchestrated. None of them are "spontaneous". Connect the dots. Biden pays Iran $6 BILLION for "humanitarian" aid for the release of hostages. First of all, Biden doesn't give a rats ass about any hostages. Remember Afghanistan?
Iran, which is the state sponsor of Hamas, is paid $6 billion dollar of our money by Biden and two months later Hamas launches a pointless attack on Israel. Biden just bought himself a new war. Actually, it's not Biden. He's a brain-dead puppet. It's the satanic cabal lead by the Rothschild family. But I digress. The nazi state of Israel is also controlled by the cabal who for some mysterious reason no one can explain, stood down their defense forces thus allowing the attack to result in maximum death and destruction for the TV cameras.
Nothing is for real. Only the deaths.
Biden is a compromised puppet.
Barry Soetero is pulling the strings.
"Fundamentally Change..."
the Iranian Intelligence spy ring operators brought into our Gvt by Obombya and Byedone did great work; much better than any Israeli or Arabian guys apparently. Who can bring in the cash and get the deals done? How much of the $6 Billion unfrozen assets were skimmed for the Big Guy???
obeyme was twice the puppet joey is! that ass could talk. his lips moved. he was real living puppet. this dooe in there now is like a bad old marionette.
I see it pretty much the same. And it was really the gliders descending which clinched for me. What a stunning cinematic flourish! Hollywood must have been in on the consulting!
Iran is known for playing both sides against the middle, which is Iran. What you saw makes perfect sense.
Also the way it was done to illicit the most emotional response possible.... kidnapping families, etc.
Yes. And it shows how all involved are truly evil and depraved.
Now beheaded babies. Doesn't get more emotional than that.
So, we might take this new escapade as yet another policy failure in the making, or as further extension thereof. And by the way, I think you are spot on.
My further thought is that Saudi Arabia might be more than willing to milk the cow (America), but that this no way derails BRICS because the multi-polar trade world is now the unstoppable inexorable future for eighty percent of the world population.
And so, this is really no more than more bad dollars after bad fake money down the drain with nothing to show but just one more weak 'enemy' being 'beaten up'. And it's likely that Hamas too is on the payroll (as per my admittedly speculation).
Who benefits? Same demons that unleashed the barbaric attack named Covid!
I’m looking at this from the lens of Biblical prophecy. It is all working according to God’s plan which is laid out in Ezekiel 38, the book of Daniel and Revelation. Man isn’t in control, God is and His plan for Israel and all believers will prevail despite who’s leading nations or principalities. We are just living in the times He chose for us to live in. My faith and trust is in Him, not any man, leader or nation. That does not mean we do not participate in our governments or sit back and do nothing. We still need to use our time doing what is righteous and true to make a difference in our communities and our government.
OK, I haven't seen how this war is laid out in Ez, Dan and Rev. Please explain.
I believe she means everything going on globally? All the BS and the real evil that has been unleashed upon us. End times and Israel figuring into the big picture of Gods plan. That is all we can know..specifics are known only to Him. We can TRY to put the puzzle together, and many are doing their dangdest...but it does no good. We have no power to change anything, but we sure as heck can be praying and then get involved at our local level to hold those elected officials accountable for what happens in our communities. This is all just way to big to unravel with our teeny tiny brains. Do the right thing and be who God intended. I do think we are sitting on the edge of what could very well be the end of days. I can only know what I can know, but I do know that God has me. Period.
Yes, there is much evil today. But then there always is so that doesn't convince me this is the end of the world. This is just an observation. I read all the responses in this string. What I see people doing time and again is people come to the discussion with an a priori assumption that we are in or at the "end times". Based on that assumption, then people flatly state that what is currently happening is the fulfillment of Scripture. How is that logical. That is not reasoning from the Word of God. That is forcing the Word to fit our preconceptions of current events.
What I always hear is, "We are living in the "end times" and these are the events described in Biblical prophecy." Yet they are always unable to supply specifics from the Bible to show how the Bible supports their beliefs. Just vague references to certain chapters that could as easily been used to paint an end times picture in WWII or any other period of conflict. Heck, maybe these prophecies are meant for events to come in the year 2999. What's another millennium? After all, a thousand years is as a day with the Lord, right?
I'm not trying to attack anyone. I deeply appreciate all my brothers and sisters in the Lord on this forum. But I want to try and get people to open their minds and look at their assumptions a little more critically. Most people that tell me these are the end times don't believe that because of conclusions they drew from the study of the Word but rather they believe these things because this is what they have been told by some man or preacher.
I posted some comments yesterday that relate to this discussion in which I did try to briefly outline my position from the Word. I think I will repost them here for anyone that cares to consider them.
I agree with you so much on this. My mom and I were just talking last night and she is 96 years old. I told her in the end of our conversation that only God knows what, when and how. I see Israel and what is happening and know that is a pivotal place in the end times dialogue. It is all too much for my brain to even want to handle and I am glad that God has it under control. Nothing is an accident when you believe in the Lord. I think of Jesus as the Messiah and what He went through for us, then I see Israelis in their fighting gear and the ultra orthodox Jews (men!) rocking back and forth in the synagogues, weeping and gnashing their teeth. I do not understand and cannot know. Even the angels don't know, and all the studying in the world will never give answers. Only the good Lord knows!
Here is my position on the 'end times' which I posted yesterday in response to a discussion. If you follow the passages I referenced, you should be able to follow my logic even if you don't agree with it................................
God fulfilled His covenant when He sent His Son to shed His blood for their sins. This was the Promise of the Covenant. Apostate Israel broke the covenant when they rejected the Messiah. They did not have a "get out of jail free card" for breaking the covenant with God. God spoke to the consequences of this many times in the OT prophets and Jesus and the apostles spoke to this many times in the NT and warned the believing, faithful Israelis of what was coming, warning them when they should flee Jerusalem. John's vision in Revelation is devoted to this. In Exodus, the generation that rebelled against God and was not allowed to enter the promise land prefigures this. Only the new generation was allowed to enter.
Jesus Christ, the long anticipated Messiah, established the New Covenant through his life, death and resurrection thus closing out and replacing the Old Covenant. This involved a change in who is Israel for now the priesthood is expanded to all believers to include everyone who accepted the Messiah, Jew and Gentile alike. This is the new Israel. And indeed, God will fulfill all His promises to Israel. The Jews who did not accept the coming of Jesus Christ are not a part of Israel. With the coming of the Messiah and His work on the cross shedding His blood for all, the Old Covenant was closed out and God's judgement was poured out on apostate Jerusalem.
Daniel 9:26-27 prophesies the coming of the armies to destroy Jerusalem and the Temple. The parallel passage to Matt 24 and Daniel 9 is Luke 21:20-22 which makes clear the meaning of Matt and Daniel. This is the "abomination of desolation" and, as Luke explains, was to be the armed invasion of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple as God brings the Old Covenant to a close. In 68 AD, the Edomites, the age long enemies of Israel, surrounded and invaded the city and slaughtered 8,500 people in the Temple. In the words of Josephus, this was "the beginning of the destruction of the city. From this very day may be dated the overthrow of her wall and the ruin of her affairs." These are "the days of vengeance that all things which are written (in the OT) may be fulfilled" Luke 21:22.
This was the closing out of the Old Covenant with God's wrath poured out on apostate Israel and the establishment of the New Covenant in Christ's shed blood. Jesus said in Matt 24:21, "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, NOR EVER SHALL BE." The Great Tribulation refers to the destruction of Temple in that generation alone (70 AD), an absolutely unique event in history never to be repeated.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write all this down and share it. God bless you.♥ I remember as a kid, handing out tracts about The Good News. I am absolutely convinced that this Good News was the arrival of Jesus as The Messiah and the new covenant with God. I also remember Jews for Jesus coming to our church at one time, way back when. I was just a kid, but it all makes perfect sense now. I came to Christ during The Jesus Revolution. My sister, who is 14 years older than me, remembers being in Costa Mesa and seeing with her own eyes all those people coming to Christ and being baptized. Truly a sight to behold.
The Bible says that in the end times there will be wars and rumors of wars. And earthquakes (among other things). Have you guys seen how many earthquakes there have been recently? Also, Ezekiel talks absolutely about the War of Gog and Magog. Gog is the leader of a coalition of countries that join together to attack Israel. I have no idea if this could be the beginning of such an event, or if this is just more of the growing chaos in the world that is evidence of the end times.
It says DO NOT worry when you see earthquakes, wars, and rumors of wars, because *the end is not yet*. It's literally telling us NOT to do what a lot of people are currently doing. (And all three of these things have been going on since Jesus first said it.)
Phil, start with Isaiah chapter 17.
I'm with you Julie Ann B. I think we are much closer seeing IS 17 fulfilled than EZ 38. Envision Iran trying to sneak a dirty bomb into Israel through Damascus...
I read it...again. I just posted a comment above to SadieJay which relates to this thread. It is an attempt to outline my belief about the "end times" as supported by scripture.
I have a deeper understanding of Scripture than most think. To tell you the truth, I asked that question to see if anyone has done the Biblical research to be able to actually support their beliefs from the Scripture. In my experience, premil contentions are usually short on Biblical support and long on using current events to interpret the Word, rather than the other way around. It's very common to superimpose current events on the Bible. This has been going on for as long as I have been alive.
Phil, I don’t question the sincerity of your faith or your beliefs but when asked to explain why I believe we are in the End Times is way more scripture and explanations than is feasible in this forum and it’s a compilation of scripture from the old and new testaments. I’ve spent years in Bible studies and listening to sermons and God has been so loving and gracious to tell us what to expect and look for. I’m confident in my beliefs but can’t say with 100% certainty that I have everything exactly right. Regardless I respect your opinions. Meanwhile I’ll continue to trust and believe and wait for the coming of my Savior.
And all the talking points set to run, everywhere the same chorus, just like with C19. It's Charlie Brown and The Football all over again!
I disagree a bit. A month ago, they were trying to stage another pandemic on the way. “Mask up” was the battle cry. Get the new booster, which we haven’t tested, but we know works. Except that it didn’t happen. Masks are no more prevalent than they were last year. There will always be some who will succumb and live. In terror, but I believe the tide as turned on what the American public will swallow any longer. People are tired of it all and suspect they were lied to, bigly, even if they won’t admit it.
I, and most I know feel for the Israeli people but we know that the government of Israel is as much Uniparty at the top as is ours. More and more see through the sham.
Granted ... it's not all black or white. And they continually prey upon our better instincts, sympathies and mix these in with their subterfuges so as to artfully suck us in. And as usual, the people on all sides are victimized ... and not the people that are lining their pockets. As to C19 and the shots, they are always probing, testing us. And if a campaign of sorts fizzles out, well at least they got a few more people shot up. And be sure, there will be another new plague of some kind delivered by some means of attack sometime in the future. It will come out of the blue, just sort of glide right in out of the sky like this Gaza thing.
Manufactured crisis. The looting goes on. But pretend not to notice. And by the was, there is a huge gas field off shore Gaza. But I suppose, hardly worth a mention.
The Western Pro-Palestinian Anti-Jewish LEFT (Educated Democrats) appear to be calling for all Jews everywhere to be tortured, killed, raped, aborted, property taken--look at them listen to concern for "peace" and non-violence, cheering for murder. Do Jewish Dems in USA really think MAGA is a threat more than their own diverse and hateful party members??? Fking idiots. Hakeem Jeffries is most likely a liar and fraud--who will investigate his ties and past commentary to verify??? The same Ukrainian Flag waving Libs should place an Israeli flag up too right? Instead, they will wave the Palestinian flag in solidarity with HAMAS terrorist-murderers (and ALL those funding them) and in reality condone the slaughter of the Palestinian people as necessary to make Israel look bad and lose support and fan the flame of Arabian and Islamic retaliation.
Keep labelling any and all critical of Ukraine and our policies there as Pro-Russian pro-Putin you sick freaks...who among us has raised a Russian Flag in solidarity with the brutal aggressor??? I argue that YOU are inciting violence against Jewish-Americans by this hateful display and should be monitored, investigated, perhaps charged with crimes for such public hateful incitement.
Right. Forgot about that. Just another psyops operation.
Those who always benefit from the chaos, destruction, death and unrest and do not see the rest of humanity as anything other than worthless, disposable pawns - PURE EVIL. They also consider themselves above God. It appears that most people lack the ability to wrap their minds around this evil, thus they 'swipe-up' as my pastor put it on Sunday morning.
Completely agree! The truth and knowledge that the Lord is ultimately in control, is what keeps me peaceful, sane and even joyful.
Thanks for the article!
“However, that anger will be incensed when the curtain is pulled back, and the truth of the madness is recognized.”
I refer to this concept often. Once you see who the wizard really is behind that curtain, you can never go back. I wonder what it will be like if the ‘masses’ ever reach this point in quick succession.
Amen. That more would know Him!
My concern is where DeSantis will land in all of this. He WENT to Israel to sign an anti discrimination bill which probably won’t pass constitutional muster. Curioser and curioser.
It's my understanding that only Russia and China are calling for peace talks....
Israels value to Russia and China is in its intellectual property and gas reserves. You will not capture that by destroying the land and the people.
The red horse continues his ride. The pale horse is close behind. Revelation 6.
In WW 2 Churchill and British intelligence knew an attack on Pearl Harbor was being planned but decided not to warn the Americans as Churchill wanted to force them to join the Allies.....which they did following the attack. So did Mossad know about this plan and deliberately withold the intel knowing that it would give the IDF the excuse it needed to wipe Hamas off the map without incurring the ire of the international community?
Speaking of Disney, check this out: MathMagic: that time Disney used Donald Duck to teach children about the magical qualities of pentagrams and sacred geometry: [6:35mins]
That pentagon bit is pretty creepy, but really, all points to the Sovereign Designer. Again, we see the perfect turned into something vile. Satan uses the perfect shape of nature to represent his church. There is nothing coincidental about any of this but the ultimate meaning escapes me. Again, I am reminded that I must trust GOD.
Plato (4th century BC) had a phrase that, if counting the letters of each word, would give the number 3.14159. Loosely translated it states: "forever God, Great Geometer defines the circumference of the circle".
I watched it. Too bad I didn’t see this when I had geometry in high school. It might have made me more appreciative of the subject.
Which is why you didn't see it. QED
The MathMagick animator really dropped the ball, failing to traumatize the children at the beginning of the clip by killing a cute woodland creature.
That's how you get passed over for 33rd degree. And no bonus check for beltane that year.
Not everyone is cut out to be Club 33 material. Some folks actually have a conscience.
I think that is the movie they ran when we were on holiday. Almost everyone in the room left. I liked the music, but my ex would have rather left too.
As a former educator, it is sad they starred with a pentagram, but I thought the sacred geometry was very instructive and would help a child look at the world with new eyes.
I don't see anything untoward in that video. It describes how God ordered the world.
If wouldn't open if.
To be fair, part of the way Christianity spread is that whenever they ran into another culture, they would absorb a lot of its holidays and make them their own (Easter and Christmas are famous example), then demonize parts of the religion.
The caduceus and pentagram are examples of this.
You never know what people are talking about when they are using symbols. One one hand, the swastika represents the Nazis, on another, it's harmony and well being.
Christmas is indeed a "re-purposed" holiday, but Easter is a historical observance based on the Jewish passover combined with the resurrection. Atheist claims that it was once "pagan" are made up. (Though the bunnies and eggs may well be adopted from pagan spring celebrations.)
Easter is a planting season celebration, as far as I know.
The Jewish religion isn't that old really, it was founded in 700 BC, their god "Yahweh" is most likely the Babylonian God of War. Much of their history is fabricated. There was no King David for example, and "the Philistines" are very likely to be the Palestinians now (or rather their descendants). There was never an "Israel".
It's really hard to tell, but you can see the crossover of Easter with some, dead, spring celebration. Probably a pagan celebration of rebirth, after all, even today, we associate bunnies with reproduction.
We don't really know. Records are destroyed purposely, or were... We can all record history now. The problem we're working on now, is longevity of the records. Today, you can record more books than you could POSSIBLY read in a lifetime, on an $11 SD card, but it stops working in about 10 years, 20 years at most.
Indelible data storage is our last step. When we get that... People in 4000 AD will be able to see how we actually lived. That's like being able to see how Rome REALLY was in 0 AD. We have to develop permanent data storage.
They would NEVER LIE to us....But in fact, they have, they do and it's all right in our faces:
Everything is a lie .
That’s why I hold the Bible (Word of God) even more tightly.
“What is Truth?” asks Pilate and our world today.
Jesus is the way, the Truth and the life.
It really struck me when I realized Pilate would have been looking Truth right in the eye when he asked that question.
Yep! 100%.
Later Jay
Me too.
Could be. Recall that Pilate's wife wanted Pilate to "have nothing to do with that righteous Man . . ."
Very true! I think many subjects are just too complex for many journalists and so, in reality, they are spreading more disinformation. Many of us cannot tell truth from lies anymore. The trust factor is gone. As our leaders have proven when then lie, deny, obstruct and plot, permission is given to the unprincipled populous to do the same. Any then add all division and censoring and weak minds are blown. Which is exactly what they want.
More and more is coming out about the illusion of our existence and the necessity to take a 40,000 foot perspective of the happenings of the world. Israel is just another false flag trying to get us into fear. That's all they have done one after another my whole life. It will only stop when we resist mentally and realize we are eternal children of God and act as such!
Well said, right on target Jaci. The 40,000 foot perspective you mentioned is right there in the name of my substack. 👍
Amen!!! Great comment, with all Truths!!
What's particularly interesting to me regarding the Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect is that I had the exact opposite reaction. When I was about 10 or 11 years old, my friend's mom was a newspaper columnist for a lifestyle or similar trifling section of the paper, and she was always looking for something, anything, to write about. And so I was recruited to be the subject of the article since readers only wanted to hear about her offspring so many times.
When the article came out, I was shocked at the misrepresentations, twisted truths, and outright lies within. It was one of the most memorable and important days of my life. I never trusted anything I read in the paper again and I turned into a cynical bastard. It has served me very well indeed.
I did not know about that Michael Crichton quote. I have used this argument for 25 years but get a complete blank from most people. Most people dont want to think and dont want to know.
Good quote. I love Michael Crichton! A true genius, I believe. I wish he were still alive, because I believe he'd be a strong critic of the nonsense going on in science and medicine these days. One of his last books took on the climate change narrative.
Well he already criticized "global warming", so it's a safe bet he'd be a skeptic of other kinds of scientism, too.
Interesting. I believe this also falls under the DARVO Tactics category - used by narcissists and psychopaths. Hardly a coincidence.
[DARVO = Deny Attack Reverse Victim and Offender]
This is rich, rich in a positive sense ... in a way it really works sense. We have seen all the past manipulations, the induced panics, the knee jerk emotional reactions. And yet yesterday, we turned the page and forgot everything.
Stories about AI suffer from this effect. Reading them is exasperating.
Newspapers!!! What's that?
I can solve the border problem instantly & painlessly (for us): make all executive branch officials personally liable for any crimes/torts committed by illegal aliens. In legal terms, illegals become the guests of those executives, who are then liable for their guests' actions. If they had to pay for their guests' actions, they'd figure out a response toot sweet.
The problem w/ government is that it always involves one group of people making decisions for others; time to make the decision makers pay for their decisions.
I swear, if you took 10 average Americans and sat them in a room, chances are they could solve all the US problems and get america back where it was. If only politicians weren’t involved.
May I suggest you take uninjected Americans
Yes, because I think a few (not all, obviously) are suffering some mental decline. My dad's neighbor at his retirement community told me my dad had been doing well emotionally after the death of my mom, then declined during the scamdemic. I asked her when that started and it was right after his two jabs. Maybe coincidence, but I don't think so.
I noticed the same thing with my dad. It seems to get better after a while, but he is now at 6 jabs. And of course everyone blames his age, almost 90.
Same with my 91 year old dad, everyone including his doc blame it on his age. I blame it on his 3? shots and the statins he’s on. (We can blame the doc for both of those things, even Mayo doesn’t recommend statins for those over 80). Btw, last fall they agreed not to get the booster, doc said they’re safe so they got it. 😖
Why is he on statins?
Yes, because I haven't met or read about any jabbed person thinking logically about the world they live in these days. Maybe, those who regret it and have awakened, but that's it.
Lol. Good point!!!!!
gotto laugh otherwise we cry
I feel like the past year I have been trying to wall off emotions about what is happening to jabbed people. EX: Jabbed friend keels over and dies at daughters, they bring her back to life and have to clear her heart of clots with a new tool. She lives. Permanently injured. Still jabbing. Can't tell her a thing. Therefore my wall gets another brick. I laugh, but it is a rueful laugh.
hard to laugh wholeheartedly anymore, certainly not with the people who are so totally blind to reality. I avoid my former jabbed friends unless otherwise impossible (hair dresser, seemstress etc) that only leaves me couple acquiantances who are nice, but not as close as I would want, and my 3 animals. I also befriended quite a bit of birds lately.
I went to a neighbors house to be neighborly, down here in FL. She says "I just can't believe all the people getting cancer and it is happening so fast!" I mention our diet of processed foods, then I land it. "Maybe it is the covid vaccine, I have heard about all these turbo cancers happening after getting all the untested shots." Her answer "Well, I have never heard that. I have an appointment to get my flu, rsv/covid shot this next week. I have had all my covid shots and I am just fine." OK...I put it out there in her head, but her 'partner' just died of turbo cancer, like in 3 days. So, she is 79 and playing Russian Roulette. When she drops I will not be surprised. Her son works for a pharma company and he goes around the world setting up new drug trials. SMDH (Oh, and I could not get OUT of her house fast enough.)
It has to be a mixed bag of emotional reactions. It can't be otherwise, and I know that you know this. My over arching emotion still remains that of anger, because of the deliberate deceptions involved.
The people in a Christian Patriarchy had Christian duty to be guardians of the weaker and more vulnerable. This is something we threw out the window. We overlooked, an now even laugh at the idea that men have a trustee duty in the upholding of God's law. And so, we reap the whirlwind of decay.
Been feeling the same, 4 some time now...
Politicians and money.
Answer- what are two things that can be used for evil? Sorry, I was channeling my inner jeopardy.
Because we are not attached to quid pro quo. We have no favors we must turn around for lobbyists.
If you haven’t watched the movie DAVE in a while (w/Kevin Klein), it’s a classic and perfect example of ⤴️
I loved that movie!!! Tysvm!
Always been do as I say, not do as I do for Congress. They passed SS and Obamacare, but not for them. They passed jab mandates, but not for them. They passed insider trading laws , but not for them. All businesses have to follow GAAP, but not the government. They passed escrow laws, but not for them. The Just Us System been around for a long long time
AND, if the average person had to write a check to the government every quarter, instead of an automatic payroll deduction, they might clamor less for asking the government to take care of every social ill known to man and call that compassion. "there ought to be a law...." We get the government we ask for.
Some of us do. Estimated tax payments. Federal AND state. GRRRRR!!!!!!
Yep, self employed, been doing it for 23 years.
Not necessarily...there are many things I acted without a vote of any kind! I had no say in the light bulb issue or speed bumps which jar backs and in many cases, totally meant to cause frustration and pain. Our world is full of government over reach and who gave them permission to fund WHO and all the other groups that are taking control of me! Sorry...sick of it all!
True, but Congress holds the purse strings for these unelected bureaucrats. Defunding them should be one of the first orders of priority, IF we had a congressional majority that actually cared about fixing broken DC. Watching those smirking jerks sitting in Congressional soundbite hearings makes my stomach turn, as they (as do I) know that at the end of the day this is all sound and fury signifying nothing. The congressperson grilling them will be gone in a few years, and they will still be there, regardless of what party is in the majority.
No vote or "stakeholder" poll on gender blender bathrooms in Colorainbow, no vote or poll on embryocide into the 9th month for any reason (excuse) in Colorhateyou.
FAT creampuff governor Pole-Licks sticking his business into everyone else's.
Compassion … I used to naively think every human being was capable of compassion. Turns out many of our leaders see it as a weakness. I believe BG said he was primarily interested in efficiency. … :) hence the sponge Bob bots. Any chance those bots could choose to be baptized in the name of Christ? A Mass of AI awakening?
People's compassion and innate "goodness" has been weaponized against them - this is how TBTB convinced so many to abandon critical thinking and follow "THE Science". In my mind, that explains how most regular folks were psy-opped into it. I have zero compassion for scientists, doctors, other health care professionals who should have known better that what was being narrated was not anything to do with science and went along with it. They all should be charged with crimes against humanity, which likely will never happen. My only solace is that they will face judgement one day when they die.
They have no souls, so how can there be compassion? You can readily see this fact in all dems!
that's quite an interesting question
So many common sense ways to fix so many problems!!!!
Your fix may be good for the country, but not so good for the people running it. We are a hindrance to them. Something to keep in mind.
Lol. It was very hypothetical. It’ll never happen.
Payroll tax deduction was the biggest theft ever invented. The vast majority never know their money is being stolen. If you try to explain it to the average taxpayer their eyes glass over and think you’re crazy. They cannot be convinced that that tax refund at the end of the year isn’t a gift from the govt.
Well for some it is. Earned income tax credit is another government giveaway. The 'credit' is more than taxes owed, so they get a 'refund' of the difference between the tax credit and what they actually paid. So they are not only not paying federal taxes, but getting a bonus on top of that. This is an old calculation, but last I looked into it, only 53% of taxpayers actually pay any federal income tax. It's why I am a big fan of the flat tax. Everyone pays, say 15%, (that was the Steve Forbes platform) no deductions. and even better if they didn't do automatic payroll deduction. It will never happen, but I can dream. Not to mention sales tax, which is knocking on the door of 10% in my metro. People don't even look at their receipts, they just swipe their cards and toss the receipt in the trash.
Property tax is right up there. Do you actually own your property if the government can levy taxes and confiscate it from you if you don't pay those taxes?
Donna, that’s exactly why FDR, I think, set it up that way.
Tax Day and Election Day should both be a Federal Holiday and the SAME day.
GREAT idea!!!
maybe a Citizen Initiative for your state just like making food tax free, etc etc and stick it to these task-masters who run the salt mine
Our big citizen initiative is recalling the county exec who has overseen a property tax reassessment fiasco, and pushing for changes at the state level on property taxes as well. This is actually a bi-partisan effort, lots of D's have joined the recall effort.
Yes, they are vouching for the "migrants" now aren't they? If i as president of a company and owner of a building invited in and escorted one dozen personal guests into an office building and just one of them started stabbing people i would be investigated would i not? Perhaps quite likely that at a minimum i would have some liability for using my credentials to open the door and walk past the security guard? And my vice president who works with head of security and the head of Security would also be complicit in any and all misbehavior of people they vouched for, allowed in, gave gift bags and lunch, signed them up for a tour, and then allowed them to steal kill and vandalize among the staff and employees working there.
I was thinking the same thing. I think there may be a way to hold the government liable when illegals harm citizens at this point. It would take some very creative lawyers but I bet it could be done. Especially where governors and mayors are asking citizens to take them into their homes. That’s a direct request.
How much is “harm” to a human being worth?? Life in prison that we, the people, pay for?? This is ludicrous that “O’Bribe-n” is allowing millions of unvetted men to come in to the USA
It's a nice idea, but consider the jabs. No one's (yet) holding them responsible for that harm.
Weak worthless broken system that will never fix itself; Lawyers profit off of laws and craft them for purpose of profits
All politicians and 50% of the rest of government would resign on day one under this rule. That would be a good start.
There isn’t enough liability to cover the cost of a human life killed by these illegals!
First, Disney priced our family right out of the parks and hotels. Secondly, when they openly revealed their inner child groomer tendencies and assorted other "Goofy" ideologies we checked out completely. Ditched it all. The House of Mouse is dead. Saved a ton and don't miss a damn thing.....well, maybe the Haunted Mansion.
I never liked Disney, even when I was a little kid. I thought Mickey Mouse was stupid (and still do). My parents drug us there when I was about 12. It was hot, I was hot, and the only thing I enjoyed was Space Mountain because it was air conditioned. I just didn't see the point of it all, even then. As an adult, I have a true appreciation for the original Fantasia, which still blows my mind that it was all hand drawn. I appreciate my parents trying but I was much more interested in COSI, a science museum in Columbus. I begged them to take me there all the time.
If I had kids/grandkids, no way would they go near anything Disney. Not because I hate them, but because of the grooming. Disgusting!
I remember visiting Disneyland as a child when it cost $7.50 admission. Disney cartoons, Mickey Mouse Club, comic books . . . I thought "That's for little kids, not me." I was four.
I hear Mickey is divorcing Minnie on insanity grounds.
She's effing Goofy...
You sir, get leftovers for dinner.
You mean leftrovers.
I hear that Minnie is contemplating becoming Mannie!
Go woke Go broke can't happen soon enough for that evil corporation.
Don’t miss the insane crowds, although going now would be way more enjoyable without so many people. Lol.
We have some friends, conservatives, Christians, aware of the agenda who chose to spend their vacay last week there. 🙄 I gave them all the info that should have convinced them their money was funding the agenda….and they should find another vacay….nope. They went and had a great time, didn’t see any real weirdo trans people or bearded men wearing dresses at the entrance. So that validated their decision to go I guess. Saw lots of gays/lesbians at one park and fully enjoyed the very short ride wait times. 🤮
We told them why there were so many less people there and it went right over their heads. Honestly as much as I love the family I was shocked and disappointed at how okay they were funding Disney with their hard earned money. Many Americans do not want to make any sacrifices at all. Let someone else sacrifice. I want a vacation. It’s shameful.
And they lined up to get the jab to go on vacay too. Seriously bat shit crazy!!! My mom says to me, why do you have to be so difficult? That’s why I come here in the comments💜💜💜💜. Gotta get a daily dose of MY kind of ppl!!!!!
I think C&C and everyone who comments are the only reason I have a shred of sanity left.
Totally agree!!!!!