Apr 25, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Fox News just Bud light-Ed themselves🤣

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Most of my friends quit fox after the 2020 election debacle, myself included. Would rather read Substacks! But we still watched Tucker. Or at least videos of his monologues. He was the goose that laid the golden eggs, so makes no sense they slaughtered him, but then again, what was Project Veritas without James Okeefe? Guess better to see the company/org go down in flames than actually tell the truth.

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

Glenn Beck thinks there is Soros money involved, and this could be the end of conservatism. Dominion did their part didn't they? https://www.glennbeck.com/radio/losing-tucker-carlson-destroy-fox-news

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Let’s not forget the Ray Epps involvement on J6, and interestingly a 60 minutes special on Sunday about him...Tucker nailed it and deep state tuned him!

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wasn't it admitted that there were dozens of such agents at the head of the column?

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WOW they never asked the question........how are you no in prison without trail?

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Totally agree. Read that black rock owns most of fox and black rock. Took money from one to give to the other and BAM. Money right before elections.

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I meant they own dominion.

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It was good that the Wall Street connection was pointed out. However, some on Wall Street according to my reckoning are more worried about The Franchise going down the toilet. And the Franchise is America the Money Making Machine. But this probably would not be BlackRock, Inc.

It's all a giant spider web with multiple nefarious spiders at work. It's involuted and convoluted. It's the world turned upside down and inside out. It's faction against faction with Controllers overseeing it all. And who are the invisible apex players always unnamed and in the shadows? It's hard to figure out. But nonetheless and whatever the case, I figured that Carlson had to go for the same reason Beck had to go. The Demon Rats cannot have anyone whosoever who gets too much spotlight power, too big a following. Anyone who does gets assassinated, either literally or figuratively.

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

But, look past all of it for behind-the-scene wins! It will be righted, turned right side out. Too many casualties of this war against us, against right, against God — war is indeed hell. But, the fact that it was successfully hidden for so long —when we took the fiends for friends — now the veil is lifted we see it for what it is and who they are! And that means that we are winning. They lose. Take heart! Courage! Carry on as you are, as you will, hold your banner high and play the drums! We are marching and our Mighty God is behind us, ahead of us and beside us! Never let them get you down! PRAY!!

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Thanks for the words. And much appreciated.

I ponder this all much. And I have read books of the Bible like Job, Jeremiah and so. I have also read some of the 2000 year history plus history of the Christians. None of it was ever a cake walk for those in turbulent times. Verily, verily! Never a cake walk.

I think on the Roman patrician, or merchant (it does not matter) who begged his daughter, a grown woman, to recant of her Christian ways to avoid a sentence of death. And I remember the daughter saying that she could not more recant of her belief than that vase on yonder table could be other than what it was. Nor could I of myself, nor my wife of herself.

I think on those who persecute us, and who say all manner of whatever they say ... and how they seek to gain the earth, but have so little to show for all of their billions heaped upon billions. I knew such people like these in younger years, and as a young boy I already knew that human beings could inhabit a wasteland and try to call it a life. I knew one woman, much older than I with a country-wide recognizable family name. She either jumped out of or was pushed out of window ... and that made an early impression upon me! Oh well! Sometimes these people like this woman, or Schwab or Gates have much less than they know or think ... or those on the outside looking think. To envy others is to not appreciate the gifts of God as they come to ourselves. To appreciate one's own home, one's own dwelling place in life great or small, is a great peace of mind.

In any event, I was glad to read this as below said by Tucker. It really is the perfect delineation of that which we should choose between.

“Good is characterized by order, calmness — tranquility, peace, whatever you want to call it — lack of conflict, cleanliness. Cleanliness IS next to Godliness. It’s true, it is. And Evil is characterized by their opposite. Violence, hate, disorder, division, disorganization, and filth. So, if you are all in on the things that produce the latter basket of outcomes, what you’re really advocating for is Evil. It’s true… I’m not making a partisan point, at all. I’m just noting what’s super-obvious.”

In our time, we have come to a Place of Choosing.

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Totally agree!

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Right before "ELECTIONS"! Where the rubber meets the road!

They pull the same logic to launch blockbuster movies before the Awards.

It's a memory kind of thing. Some folks forget what they had for lunch yesterday

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But the reality is Fox needs Tucker more than Tucker needs Fox. Wherever he lands, he will be more unfettered and more popular.

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Lots of speculations. It could have been anyone of these, or a cumulation all of them. https://stateofthenation.co/?p=164861

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Thanx Remi for the reminder of State of the Nation, its a fav site and I too often overlook it. BINGO is right. FAUX will not recover from dismissing Tucker, they'll have to charge PFIZER and its ilk even more to make up for the loss in viewership. Everyone notices how much FAUX makes from drug ads......they can't have that cash cow dry up.

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Same; with so much Stack to read I neglect other “venues” of powerful info

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Wonder if Lindell will bail.

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He did say his biggest regret was defending the Iraq war here: https://twitter.com/DC_Draino/status/1650554260277407767

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Everyone has some regrets. IMO, it's all part of the waking up process.

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Excuse me. SOTN is an unapologetically Jew-blaming, Jew-hating site. Surely we can do better than get news and information from anti-semites.

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I hadn't really noticed they are antisemitic. So, my apologies if it offends.

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Thanks for your reply. Here’s relevant information. First what SOTN says about Tucker’s firing …

“In all likelihood, Tucker could have gotten away with all of the other truth-telling listed above, but the Khazarian Cabal will brook no criticism of their civilization-altering Ukraine War. After all, the Khazarians desperately need a full-blown World War III to distract the entire world community of nations from their many ongoing genocides and other crime sprees against humanity, both past and present. … There’s no question that his factual Covid jab revelations also put him on the wrong side of the Khazarian’s genocide via weaponized vax agenda.”

And here is the information on what this Khazarian Cabal is all about:


people \ kə'zär \

: a people once existing as a nation in the Caucasus and southeastern Russia


In the 6th century CE, the Khazars—an obscure warlike tribe in Turkistan [present day Kazakhstan]—fought for land that was ultimately overtaken by Southern Russia and Ukraine. Despite the decline in population and territorial defeat, the Khazars continued to be mentioned throughout history— especially as one of the first groups to adopt Judaism.

By the 8th or 9th century, antisemitic conspiracy theories began forming around the Khazars’ reported conversion to Judaism. This spurred antisemitic beliefs that they were building a secret empire which sought widespread control through financial gains.

Given that the Khazars moved into and settled in Eastern Europe, antisemites push the conspiracy that Ashkenazi Jews—Jews descending from Eastern Europe—are not “real Jews” and are working to infiltrate other nations on their quest for world domination (see “not the real Jews”). The Khazar trope is also used to undermine the Jewish connection to Israel, and therefore Israel’s right to exist, because it falsely says Jews originated from the northern Caucasus region and were part of the Turkic empire—and not the Land of Israel

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No they are not. Your slur is a common way to deplatform people you don't like.

If it isn't (them) running things, why do we get in so much trouble for saying it's (them) running things?

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Tell me, BFM … are any of (them) in the room with you now? Show me on the doll where (they) hurt you? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Oh no, link's not working now...

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Hmmm...https://stateofthenation.co/?p=164861. Try it now?

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It's working. Great site, by the way.

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I agree. A while back there was a conservative congressman guest on a Fox show, and he came down hard on Soros. The co-host of the show rudly interrupted him, and told him not to talk about Soros. It was very embarrassing to him, and the host. Everybody stopped talking for about a whole 30 seconds, the host had a horrified, suprised look on her face. You could tell the congressman struck a main nerve. Soros backs Fox for "controlled opposition", I believe.

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That was Newt Gingrich that those female host shut down.

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He who must not be named...

Thanks for that reminder. So much happens it soon gets memory holed!

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Heard Beck on the radio this morning saying it would make no sense to dump the only cash cow on your network right before they are due to negotiate rates with the carriers unless you consider the ESG loving carriers like Comcast. Who do they hate? Trump and Carlson because they are not globalists ESG-ophiles.

Corporations are willing to TANK their companies in order to achieve "globalist communists we have all the money and you all will be slaves or offed" dreams of the future. Anti hallelujah.

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Only cash cow??

A little confused here. I am wondering if people who have not been watching Fox have just picked up on a mantra that Fox is bad and the only good commentator is Tucker. He is [was] the best of the lot - but there is still a "lot." The Five can be super biting especially with Judge Jeanine, Jesse, Greg. Gutfeld can be biting depending on the guests. Maria Bartiromo. And then there is Laura who has become more radical as the Plandem unfolded. As a regular watcher, I can attest that there is still much that is brave - and much that is not.

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Yes...I wonder what they will do & say. The sliminess of Fox is out of the bag and I hope they’re the first to see the writing on the wall.

...especially Mark L. Interesting”🤔

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It seemed like the good regulars had been severely warned last night: You’re next if you step out of. party line! Very disappointing.

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No need for confusion or feeling defensive for your favorites! I like those people. Esp Gut and Bartiromo, but numbers don't lie (Gut great numbers but it is 11p. and the Five (before prime). But who knocks it out of the park total viewership at prime time? Who knocks it out with 25-54YO's. WHO is on at prime time?

So yep, he is the cash cow. Kilmead is filling in for him now. Do you think he is money?

I don't think FOX is bad. I didn't say it was. Maybe I should? They seem to have lost their mojo certainly. I watched them at my nana's house. Looks like someone slipped some water in their tea. I cut the cord about 15 years ago. The yelling over one another - I just couldn't take it nonsense anymore. I am glad to hear there is bravery. I watched Bartiromo interview wherein she took zero BS from that gaggy little devil Stephane Bancel. If I could have reached thru the screen I would have hugged her. OTOH, Neil Cavuto is a part of the female anatomy that sits below the buckle.

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Fox IS bad. For 2020 they called Arizona for Biden with just a few % of the vote in, to try to repress the vote.

They are part of the problem.

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I'll add it was Beck saying it. But I agree. Not sure if he used cash cow, but his words indicated it.

TV Newser is a good sight for the stats if you are invested in defending them.

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Tres amusant. Merci.

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I watched The Five and Laura last night. And Kilmeade on the 8pm slot. To me, they all seemed muzzled, and obviously they had been ordered to say virtually nothing about Tucker. Almost afraid. Yet controversial, Tucker-like comments were made. Hard to figure out what is going on.

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They did get in a few tiny licks. But disappointing.

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They ARE bad…with some good people who will be put to the integrity test you can bet! Follow their trajectory in the coming weeks. It’ll be eye-opening.

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I watch Journal Editorial Report on Fox on Saturday night, plus Mark Levin on Sundays. Then Tucker M-F.

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Love Mark Levin. Another one I feel like the network is down to using as a steam valve for the "opposition". But he's only once a week, and he stays within guardrails. Tucker always did too. He didn't do the full stretch till the very end.

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Dick, well said. Like Jeff told us around the first of the year, the narrative was shifting. It has turned and is gaining momentum. It's the phenomenon of "slowly then suddenly". I think martial law and purging the traitors (or their actors or doubles) is coming.

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…we’ll see! Appearances are SO deceptive — and very often good things happening are obscured!

Amazing times! Without a doubt, the truth avalanche is in progress! I wonder what flying boulders we’ll see next?

The mountain is crumbling. Hold on to your hat!!

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I was reading this today. I had read the Deagle report about the predicted fall in "western" populations after Trump had announced his "operation warp speed injections" in 2020 but then they removed that report from their web site. Plenty of people took screen shots though, and it's a topic that is being discussed again.. https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/deagel-population-forecast-of-nearly

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Thanks, PJ —-

I think that page may reflect plans put in place predating Trump, but I might be mistaken...Even given the many deaths at *their* hands from the jab and otherwise, I doubt very much they’ll succeed, anyway, & they know they’ve failed & that’s why they removed it(?). Too many people are awake and countering!

But it does chillingly reflect *their* diabolical spirit. Like the perfectly organized accounting of deaths and grizzly details the Nazi’s kept in Germany and in the many concentration/war factory camps. (with their special new customized IBM systems.)

Clean, organized, neat, tidy, efficient, institutionalized, EVIL.

(...So much for Tucker’s clean and organized = good & godly... Will have to have a chat with him about that 🤗)

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Jeff's been wrong a ton lately. A lot of bad takes.

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Talk about wrong!? You are the guy/gal/xir who said Russia was losing bigly.

Seems YOU swallowed the globalist swill to the last drop.

Russia is and always has been ripping NATO a new one. And now they eviscerated NATO generals in their bunker.

I doubt the Russian military is woke.

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Putin is the only dictator in history to run away from territory he personally annexed.

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The Russian military can't even win a rigged war. They're on day 428 of a 3 day war they declared victory on day 2 of, remember.

Russia is losing. They fled the battle of Kyiv, lost the battle of hostomel, and were sent running in Kherson and Kharkiv, some of the largest battles of the war.

Where are the names of these nato generals in Ukraine, again? Surely the loss of 100 would be noticed by someone, somewhere. Generals leave big holes to fill.

Reminder: In the US military we know how to fill up a fuel tank.

3 day to kyiv, indeed!

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Yawn...you still here?

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Of course, I am still anti-mandates. Nothing has changed :)

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Or their actors or doubles. How would we know? Sheesh Michelle Obama is really Michael Vaughn.

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Rupert Murdoch is far right .

He owns FOX.

Billionaires have the same

" interests".

The rest is just Hunger Games Theater.

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I always thought of Tucker as more of a Libertarian. Me too.

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He’s a decencytarian

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I don't know what that means, but I know he was bringing up how he wanted to work for the CIA again last Friday night during his speech at the Heritage Foundation. Lol. JD Rucker unearth this 20-year-old video of him when he used to work on CNN today: https://jdrucker.substack.com/p/heres-tucker-carlson-interviewing?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email#play

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Lying Paul Ryan is on Fox's board. That should have said it all. I knew from that point on Fox was controlled opposition at best.

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I wondered what happened to him. Just went down the memory hole for so many of us! I figured he was lurking somewhere.

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Just learned that tidbit yesterday

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Last time I watched was day before election 2020

I just follow Tucker on Twitter.

Big Pharma strikes again!

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Just added myself to his 6.1 million followers on Twitter. I was never into Twitter but I will follow him to support him.

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I've never been on Twitter...if Tucker is there now I absolutely WILL start following him.

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He's there today with his first vid since the firing. Now for sure I have to finally figure out how to navigate that platform once and for all!

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Right on Donna! I also stopped watching Fox at the same time but watched Tucker occasionally. He was a breath of truth amongst all the lies and collusion. He will be fine without Fox. Fox is dying.

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Obviously "they" are focused on killing off Fox so that the media speaks with just one voice. No dissent allowed.

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One would think that, of course. That is, no sense to it. BUT ...

First, there's this. And it's that 'They' who are are our natural enemies place The Agenda literally ahead of EVERYTHING ELSE. And it is the Agenda as is informed by those horse blinders, ideology ... which is in turn a smoke screen designed to obfuscate a whole host of un-Godly aims ... and thus leading the unsuspecting down the primrose garden path to their self-destruction.

Lawyer Childers well-said some of the aims here, like that near $800 million 'campaign contribution' to Dominion's war chest. But there is another tangential 'benefit' to this courtly psy-opt. That is, the $800 settlement for 'wrong-doing' by Fox validates the phoney Great Banana Republic Election of 2020. You see, it's a court case. And the court has decided ... Big Fox bad/wrong. Tucker bad/wrong. Domino fair/honest/upright ... practically an Old School Boy Scout. In effect, the court decision has validated the coup d'état 2020 because, according to the court, 'the election was fair'. Dominion did no wrong. And those pesky trouble ridden counting machines? Nothing to see there! And by extension, Trump must be totally off the wall to even suggest troubles with the machines and vote counting. And therefore, J6 would have to be what? An unjustified vile INSURRECTION! And arch-criminal Trump was behind it all. (And my! How the Paper-Hangers paper over history!)

If Fox wanted to get rid of Tucker Carlson, Fox needed A Big $800 Million Dollar Reason. And now that Elon Musk is running around amok and making big trouble, the last thing needed is two big elephants in the room. One of them had to go. Poor Fox! But if it is any consolation to anyone, they still have that NeoCon Hannety who never saw a war he did not like.

I agree with Lawyer Childer comment, "After all, Fox JUST stroked a check to Dominion for almost $800 million dollars in what looked from the outside to be an un-loseable lawsuit." Translation: it's all Political Theater. There is no reasoning about it. It is all aims and ends. It's the Agenda Stupid! It's the Narrative Stupid! And truth has been banished to freeze in perpetuity at the South Pole. It's all making me feel cold!

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Good points. It looks as if Fox laundered 800M to Dominion, who can use it for voter manipulation. Fox called AZ for Biden with just a few % of the vote. They are definitely part of the scam.

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And I believe now, more than ever, that the party of demons is going for one party rule and dictatorship of this country.

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It kind of looks that way. Again, what an involuted, convoluted world! With forever shifting sand under one's feet.

There was a comment today about advertising. How Carlson could get many more viewers than other time slots, but that does not necessarily translate over into larger revenue streams because a lot of advertisers are reluctant to place ads on Tucker's slot. Pretty insightful I thought!

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A local talk guy was talking about that point today. The advertisers on local talk radio 'know' what they are buying and so they get very little pushback from their advertisers even when the heat gets turned up due to something they say on the air. Whereas Fox is beholden to much larger players whose influence and checkbooks are infinitely larger and whose mass market audience is more skittish and prone to manipulation. Our little local group with about 350 members has started a business directory, with about 70 avowed conservative owned local businesses that we try to patronize when we have the need. We need to grow and support the parallel economy to be less buffeted by the winds of the left. If conservative businesses are strong they can support conservative voices.

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Good for you! Hats off to ya all!

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Wow...I hadn't thought of this.

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But taking Tucker off of Fox does NOT silence him. It just moves him to a new home. And the court did not decide anything, Fox settled. Which gives the left their talking point that Dominion is lilly-white but that was not a proven point. Nothing will convince me the 2020 election was legit. Dominion just had a bigger shovel to bury their dirt.

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And the larger, scarier question remains…can we ever hope to see honest elections again?

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The key to opening the door is that 'they' do not think like we do. For example, and for them, impressions supersede truth. All that counts is the shape of the shadows moving across the wall (Plato's Cave analogy). It's the optics.

Maybe the court did not 'decide' in the sense of rendering judgment. And it is right to say this. But the court placed it imprimatur, it's stamp of approval on the settlement. And 'settling' is optics. And in the world of optics, one settles because one wants something to go away, the quicker the better. And the Bigger Shovel was the rigged court. It was all a put up job. And more of what we always get, political theater and zero truth or justice.

In the twisted false, fake, made up world ... their world ... this is supposed to and largely does ... pass for validation. At least, in their world. Yours, of cours, is another world. And yes, I quite like your world all the much the better.

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Absolutely! We are going through this at our County R party which is fractured down the middle - between the staunch adherents to every single plank in the platform/ideological purity and the pragmatists who say the wedge issues need to take a back seat to the meat and potatoes. I am 100% behind the platform but our county is comprised of deep blue KC west and deep red Eastern Jack and a purple middle and the purists are going to see a large slice of a very tiny pie that will lose in the general every damn time as too few people (due to the optics that the left is a master at running the table on) will be sold on the value of the little R pie that some keep fighting over the crumbs of. I agree that our echo chamber is really loud and it makes us think it is bigger than it is. Somewhere around 75% of people got the shot. That tells you all you need to know about critical thinking skills of the broader electorate.

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

Bring Blue and Red together again by accepting the concept of Regulatory Capture on BOTH sides of the isle- the government-pharma whoredom just killed 1.5 million Americans with all the future victims of tubo-cancer, cardiovascular vax injuries, neurological, immune, and reproductive disorders still on the balance books. The military-industrial complex is not quite as obvious, to the right, yet they also have fomented wars, chemical weapons, and terrific debt which is killing our economy, our health and our future.....

Boys and Girls, they are the same BEAST- feeding off of human pain and suffering.

Let's face all sides of our Demons and Exorcise them!!

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I agree Donna. We think alike and I’m sure they will do it again.

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

Yes. it appears their entire “Big Lie” narrative has been validated — 2020 was not stolen (& was not the horrendous coup). The whole truth, the real facts are firmly established now as a debunked and criminal Trump/Maga conspiracy theory and further, that Jan 6th was truly the insurrection they planned it to be and on and on.

…It appears we lost the big one, they won. We’d better go home. What a sad day.

But wait a sec, Killer Bee and all you good peeps! Didn’t Tucker’s producer leave at the same time, and isn’t he the one with all the J6 footage? And Fox (who’s aptly named if you think only of the unsavory stereotypes of foxes — sly, tricky, & predatory) is outed! — Even to those who got snookered, lured by their showcasing (on a leash) our Tucker (& some decent others — & what will those folks do in the future?). And what about all the great alternative platforms we know so well by now? That even the majority of disaffected Cable viewers have been so sadly unaware of? Won’t they (and their numbers are vast) follow Tucker closely — right to those heretofore unheard of and unimagined, places where we live? Wow! A huge herd of folks led right to us. They’ve been near starving on scraps and the feast awaits. We’re ready to catch them up, too! Slice up the fatted calf & serve up the soup & sauce!

…And, one remaining Tucker note: imagine him unleashed…

Lastly, remember Sun Tsu’s Art of War: “Appear weak when you are strong…” & “All warfare is based on deception.”

The facts will be seen. Our suppressed (for the moment) strength will be unbound. This defeat is ONLY in appearance. It is a very, very good thing. Truth will out. God is here.

—Patience, faith, courage Dear Hearts. PRAY

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Well, this all begs ... who are they fooling? It would appear that with each additional round of 'fooling' less and less people over time get fooled. And more and more people start thinking that just about everything around them is a lie.

Already, most of the world now knows that the once much respected United States (whatever that is these days?) is now nothing more than a world class terrorizing bully and liar. And that to have anything to do with the United States is recipe for disaster. There is now a looming crises here in credibility. And it will either be turned around in a hurry, or else the grand slide down the toilet goes on.

Long term, 'they' cannot cover-up the Great Banana Republic Election of 2020 ... because most of the world already knows. Proof? If the United States was other than a massive joke, the rest of the world would not be de-dollarizing as much as they can, as fast as they can. Sure, it may not all happen overnight. But the new trend is already set in motion. And it is a primary long term trend.

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DOMINION ballot tabulation machines are DESIGNED TO CHEAT. Ballot PRINTING "ERRORS" cause ballot reading failures which are then sent to "ADJUDICATION" ---a process in which SOMEONE OTHER THAN THE VOTER DETERMINES THE VOTER'S "INTENT" AND CASTS A VOTE FOR THEM! Adjudication can be done WITHOUT HUMAN interaction, totally by MACHINE, REMOTELY and on thousands of ballots at once.

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Most of us know this. And there were affidavits strewn all over the countryside so attesting. And I too wondered how any lawyer could lose such a case.

I believe that a lot of the thinking world know the election was stolen just like we know that a lot of elections in Europe are fixed.

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Great points.

But you spelled "Sean Hackity" incorrectly.

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Ha! Figures! I have bad dyslexia! I almost spelled all the letters wrong. I almost spelled Hackity as ... Hyena or wildly jumping Kangaroo. Or Venomous Viper. The world is so mixed up that I hardly know what to do or say! But thanks! For straightening out!

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Hackity is perfectly spelled. 😁

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I'm old enough to remember the Gore Bush incident , and the tech mag articles about 12 year olds hacking into and flipping votes in just a couple minutes. They said the machines were owned by a Republican donor at the time , and I believe it was Dominion !?

Of course nothing was done , just like now. If nothing else , Arizona should raise questions.

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I don't rightly recall. But, 'just like now' probably sums it up because the one was a clown and the other a dunce. But wait! Things have indeed improved since then. Now we have best of all worlds, a clown and dunce all rolled into one, and plus with the pedo-pete supercharge!

Ain't life just grand !!!

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

Patience, daverkb et al… and eyes open! it’s unraveling apace. And yes! Life IS grand. With people like you all, family and others, it is. God’s gift, and He put every one of you here right here (wherever here might be) for a reason — for His GOOD purpose, given His work to do, for such a time as this…Don’t ever forget that:

“In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path”. …With love and Thanksgiving — as hard and counterintuitive as that may be sometimes.

There are so many of us — world wide! *They* are flummoxed and scared, even as *they* tell themselves, “Impossible! Don’t we have our god? The god of all secret power? These creatures are mere ants. Mere cattle. Blind sheep.”

But The Almighty God is gathering His children from all corners. In His perfect time, friends, and remember that His ways are not our ways. Unfathomable perfection. He is in us and we are in Him. Never let fear nor let despair get the upper hand. !!!DLTBGYD!!!

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[...Tucker Carlson changed his Twitter bio in retaliation to being fired and replaced it with a link to tuckercarlson.com, his personal website.

When you visit the website, a pop-up invites you to sign up to become a Tucker Carlson insider so you can learn about the future plans of the former Fox News star.

Additionally, the site’s logo shows Tucker gazing off into the distance with a lake in the background. Carlson is well renowned for his appreciation of nature and, in particular, his love of fly fishing.

The words “The sworn enemy of censorship” are written over the image.]...


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It definitely made sense... he’s not the goose - Pfizer and dominion and WEF are. 🤷‍♀️

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Oops! Deep state had it removed. Must’ve been true!

What did it say???

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Nothing there when I clicked link🥴

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They might not have had a choice.

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Agree. Part of The Deal.

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Please clarify

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If you have any Foxnews apps, delete them.

Cancel cable.

How else can we boycott them?

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I cancelled cable yesterday. Tucker was the only reason I still had it.

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

Cancelling cable TV also deprives money for CNN who get a cut from the base bill. Bonus.

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I'm unplugging my Alexas. I've had it.

This is 5th generation warfare - deprive them of their ability to influence your opinions.

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Thankfully we never got on the Alexa bandwagon and are actively taking stock of what other pieces of surveillance we have allowed into our space. Number one right now is the doorbell camera and the globalist organization that is monitoring our "security" system. They refer to this as "safety on their website. Lately I have been noticing more and more doorbell and security camera footage being asked for and broadcast by police in terms of crime investigation. While this seems benevolent at first, looking down the road, I can see how we actually could be setting up and funding our own prison system in our own homes. I'm really rethinking the risk/benefit ration of what is purportedly "for our safety" and thinking it is more "for our control" in the not too distant future.

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Excellent, Sunlover. Way to think for yourself.

[Casting an eye to my Ring devices downstairs] BOYS! It's n*t-cutting day!

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Great idea, do it! I unplug my mom’s when I’m visiting her.

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I have the Echo Dot; haven’t plugged it in in years..

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This morning I received an "Alexa News Update" from FoxNews on my bedroom Alexa.

My response: GTFOH. [Unplug]

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The upstairs Alexas are now unplugged. My coffee's empty. Watch out! downstairs Alexas! I'm coming for you.

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In case you were wondering what those blood-curdling screams were coming from the direction of Oklahoma, it was the last 4 downstairs Alexas as I jerked their power cords out.

Alexa-free in 2023!

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Alexa is scary.

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Yes; it's (yet) another Intel surveillance tool, just like FaceBook and Twitter, etc.

But unlike those, it's listening to every word you say *IN YOUR HOME.*

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Tucker was a big draw.

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Megyn Kelly (on her podcast) made an interesting point I had not considered though...

Tucker pulls in viewer numbers of around 3-3.5m a night, making him the most popular solo cable host on prime time (by quite a margin). BUT... very few advertisers are willing to advertise in his slot.

So she explained that there are Fox anchors pulling in a lot less viewers, that actually post a much more lucrative 'hour' for their network, due to the ad revenues. I really hadn't considered that angle, but perhaps for Fox, in $$$ terms they were more relaxed about losing him despite his massive viewership, for that reason?

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Yes, this was an interesting point. I still hope FOX fails.

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Hah. Me too!

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But there is a certain amount lead in followers, yes? I'm thinking Hannity's numbers will be lower now because they won't have the Tucker viewership to ride on. I had read somewhere that a significant number of people turn on one channel and just stay there for the evening. There would also be loss of promoting their own shows. If you are not watching Tucker, you don't see the promo for Hannity, Gutfield, etc, so that translates to fewer viewers for them as well. Actually, if I were a Fox host, I would be watching this unfold and making my plans for an exit.

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If it hurts Sean Hackity, all the better!

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

I think it an amazing opportunity for all those cable Fox Tucker followers, who no longer trust the media but do trust Tucker, and haven’t been aware of the great alternative platforms online. They will follow him right to where he leads them and they’ll discover a whole new world. They’ll have a lot to digest! (We can help them)…kinda thrilling, don’t you think? They knew they weren’t getting the truth, that they were being gaslit & manipulated, but they thought there was nowhere else to go! There’ll be an awakening like we’ve never seen. But the awakening to the Truth of our God and King will come too. Pray! Read His Book. All will be well. Hard, yes, but we find our comfort and hope only in Him and He is ever Faithful. Abide in Him and His Truth, above all.

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Hey—I guess great minds do really think alike, Patrice. I made the same points re Tucker —- like a loss leader to get ‘em in the store.

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May be true but how many subscriptions did Tucker bring to Fox Nation? I bet he drove their subscriber base.

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True, that's probably accurate. He's the biggest star, by far. I think his audience will follow him wherever he goes now. I would be interested to know what kind of non-compete is in his contract, and whether he might have to lay low for a while before launching whatever he plans next.

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I subscribed to FNation solely to watch Tucker. I checked last night and his specials are still there, but I'll bet they get rid of them soon. My sub is about to expire, I won't be renewing it.

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This is why I scan through C & C Comments. Just for dazzling insights like this one. So once again! It's about the politics. But more so, always about the money.

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Absolutely agree. I love reading Jeff's work but reading the comments is just as good. I love hearing what others have to say. It's all good in the hood and no change on the range.

Now, carry on.

Later Jay

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Read where advertisers wouldn’t sponsor Tucker’s show. I’d like a list of refusals so I’d be sure to boycott them.

Those have to be woke or deep state

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I still miss Megyn Kelly too. Maybe all the ex-pats from FAUX can band together for their own new network? Kinda like the XFL vs the NFL...

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Glenn Beck was on her podcast yesterday and said his company (Blaze TV) have been working on an offer for Tucker, so if he wanted to join forces with Blaze he could just walk right in and just carry on doing his show via Blaze instead of Fox.

That would be great, I'd love to see that. Glenn's setup is very professional compared to some of the other conservative outfits, and I'm guessing Glenn would not be wanting to restrict Tucker in any way editorially. I guess the wildcards would be, is that a big enough platform for him, and could Blaze afford him? ...the biggest wallet is Spotify, but Tucker is very telegenic so probably a better fit for Rumble (who also have some big money to throw around). I just feel like rumble need to get it together re features tbh.

Rumble's platform, much as I support them, is rather clunky and still feels amateurish compared to big players. They need to up their game, to match the quality of their signed talent.

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Wouldn’t that make Tucker into a kind of loss-leader, though? He brought viewers into the evening’s round up & they had to sit through all the Fox show promotions too.

Just a thought…

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I expect to see a lot of that

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Would love to see the Before-and-After numbers.

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Never had cable. Never watched much Fox, except for Tucker and that is only in the last several years. I'm not sure Jeff was right when he said millions of Tucker fans were watching at 8:00 last night. Why would they?

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Lol, I agree! Why would someone tune into an empty space? I think Tucker received more views from clips of his show on social media anyway. I know this is the only way I’ve kept up with his work, social media not cable.

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I only tuned in for 10 seconds to see which ass hat was taking the 🎤 & if that person would even mention the controversy & then I tuned to another station. From the 1st few seconds, Kilmeade looked like an unhappy deer in the headlights

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We tuned in long enough to see what joker they put in his chair, and then immediately switched. It was just what we expected. Maybe they think they can keep a semi-conservative base of viewers by pandering to the establishment. I don’t think so.

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Pie in Sky comment:

I wish ALL Fox folks had walked out as soon as word was out. Would love to have watched the fallout. Instead of slow Fox death.... think of the shock & scrambling at an empty HQ!

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Did Jesse Watters skip out on purpose??? All of them should have........

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Jesse Watters is on an announced paternity leave.

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From what I saw, only Greg Gutfeld seemed to care (about Tucker's firing).

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I thought Gutfeld seemed uncharacteristically subdued.

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Perhaps because most of them are older, like my parents. My mother was quite upset, and has a hard time wrapping her head around the fact that this could be a good thing - furthering the exodus from legacy media. In her mind there is cable news or nothing else...

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Well, I am elderly (70 years old) but I never had cable, left msm behind looong ago, and can't remember the last time I watched a television show.

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We need more like you out there!

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I watched the first few minutes and then when Kilmead(with his stupid looking demonic eyebrows) made the annoncement I logged off

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Tuned in last night for the last time. Wanted to hear what each host had to say. Wasn't surprised except for Laura Ingraham who made zero mention of Tucker. I had respect for her when she was about protecting and advocating for children with lack of access to education, harms of masking and ideological brainwashing through marxist curriculum, but lately I have been put off. There is no reason to watch FOX news anymore. As I could only get FOX with my Canadian provider with a package, I'm also saying goodbye to BBC world, AlJazeera and Bloomberg - none of which I will miss either. Our whole contract comes up in two months and I will be cutting the cord on the whole of our home services (TELUS) as they are a globalist, ESG focussed organization that cut off my copper home phone line (customer for 38 years) without any notice, leaving me without service and then proceeded to keep billing me for it as well as the new Fibre phone that was not even working in my home. I do not trust them at all.

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So far I have cancelled amazon prime, netflix, pay pal. I live in the UK, do not watch msm or read any msm. Vote with your feet people. These companies will get the message soon enough.

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Be sure to “ unfollow “ any and all on Twatter!

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I don't know. I already don't have cable and any apps at all, no smartphone. I'm betting there will be a lot of backlash over this one.

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You are very smart!

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I only do streaming. But canceled Foxnation yesterday, and I made sure to tell them exactly why in the comments. buh-bye Fox!

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I did the same when I cancelled Fox Nation yesterday, selected the OTHER radio button and entered one word in the text box: Tucker

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I always recorded Tucker and watched during lunch so now, I'll go directly to his website and watch his shows on there.

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Haven’t had cable for years BUT SLING, you’re gone! Watched NewsMax last night and I was very happy...will continue with them.

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Remember that Newsmax forced all their employees to get the jab, hence why Emerald Robinson bailed. Also, they were claiming the 2020 election was legit and no fraud happened. I bailed on them right after that.

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Is it One America news that didn't take vaccine bribe money and didn't force employees to get vaxxed?

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Yes, I believe so. And then Direct TV and Dish dropped them from their service.

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

Excellent reminder!!!!!


OAN -/not yet compromized (I think), 👉🏼Radio Patriot is great (it’s not radio—brief to long clips & updates etc from everywhere); Rumble carries myriad great sites, too. Badlands morning reports, Redacted etc; 👉🏼The deep-diving Corey’s Digs & Conservative Treehouse websites; Substacks(!), Truth Social, Telegram & Twitter (none of which require an app or sign-up if you want to just read & many other resources are linked in posts as well)

… to name but a few. There’s actually way too much😂!!

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Why Sling?

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The only reason we subscribed was to watch FOX. NewsMax is FREE - SLING just went up to $50 a month, and now no Tucker, I’m DONE.

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Get on their social media and pummel them and don't let up.

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Find out what else Blackrock also owns and boycott that.

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Unfortunately they have tentacles in literally EVERYTHING.

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Hadn’t thought of the apps! I will right now❤️

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I checked...I did have the app...ceremoniously deleted. Thank you!

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It's been "Fox and Foes" for awhile. This really comes as no surprise. He'll/We'll be better of for it. They canned Bongino. He seems to have landed on his feet.

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Thought Dan quit over contract disputes 🤔

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Cover. They forced him out for not being "fair and balanced."

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Where's Dan now? If the masses can't see him, it's hard for him to continue to awaken and enlighten.

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Dan Bongino has a show/podcast on Rumble. He is also on Telegram.

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He has about 2.5 million followers there.

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Helps explain why Fox's stock took a hit yesterday, and rumbles' got a boost. God bless that rumble CEO ! Polish guy. My family has Polish heritage. Another group of people that are all too familiar with oppressive governments.

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The masses (non-critical thinkers) are mostly a lost cause. Last I checked he's on over 300 radio stations, Rumble and several others.

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

Erik, you can help them become critical thinkers. Ask questions. Engage insofar as they’r able. Be kind. Think of it as a special ops version of the good samaritan. & try not to disparage your fellows — they’re more like you than you think! So try to not grumble (tho’ I hear you! Frustrating & maddening!) —Grumbling tho’ is discouraging & counter-productive. It’s a veritable hobgoblin ;)


—a friend

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He's on fb, ...YouTube? Or substack? I see links to his videos on fb

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Watch his shows!

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He’s on nationally syndicated radio. I hear him every night.

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That's good. am? This 9 minute Glenn Beck clip that I posted above talks about how car manufacturers are trying to remove am from new cars. My extremely to the left liberal Massachusetts federal senator (Ed Markey) is actually speaking out against that. Beck suggests we reach out to our federal senators and elected rep to protest the removal of am radio from new cars.

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Here's a link that gives more insight to the entire Tucker/Fox thing:


I would recommend the conservative tree house.

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Thanks Annie!!!

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Spot on! Thanks!

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Fingers crossed.

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Never go Full-BudLight!!

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I only watched Tucker and Bongino on Fox. No reason to watch at all now, unless they replace Tucker with someone good (highly unlikely).

I suppose Fox will always have a sizable audience, but anybody who knows what time it is saw them lose general credibility somewhere around Nov. 8, 2020.

I hope Tucker gets a good platform and that Fox withers to CNN levels of viewership.

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Yes, yes they did.

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The (((same group))) bankrupted Alex Jones, ousted James O'Keefe, and now cancelled Tucker Carlson. Wake up, Weimerica.

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Weimerica. Exactly.

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Kim, your glasses remind me of Kim Dotcom's iconic bio photo. And I mean this in the most complementary way. Kim Dotcom is a big hero of mine and one of the original 'truthers'.


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Yeah he's quite the maverick

Plus he has FU money

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If you saying that America is (goose)stepping into a big pile of poo, I concur.

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I'm pointing out who left Weimerica so much poo to be stepped in.

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I don't get it....

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America, today, closely mirrors The Weimar Republic [aka Germany] 100 years ago. The same group is responsible for today's America, as was responsible for the Weimar Republic's banking, cultural sewer, race mixing, gay/tranny promotion, etc. The pendulum will soon swing hard in the opposite direction, just as it did then. Watch "Europa -- The Last Battle" on Odysee and buckle up.

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

People will believe anything. Cancer caused by lockdowns? Really? And how about this...My girlfriend, who had a heart attack in December of 2021 after her first booster, suffered a stroke in February just weeks after the death of her vaxxed brother-in-law, due to an aneurysm. Her doctor told her that she is full of blood clots, and she is currently undergoing many medical procedures. He also told her that her stroke was caused by Covid, not the jab. He told her, with a straight face, that he has seen a huge increase of women in their 40s with gobs of blood clots because of COVID. And the worst part? She bought it. The PsOps has been incredibly effective. People are dropping like flies. And they believe their corrupt medical professionals who want it to be anything but the jab. It makes my stomach hurt.

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Per Dr. McCullough, she needs nattokinase for blood clots. Doctor is lying and should be punched in the nose. If he believes what he is saying then he is a certified idiot and still should be punched in the nose.

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My theory about doctors may be extremely anecdotal. My doc happens to be a conservative. Well, what do you mean? There’s a difference in the way conservatives think and the way liberals think. I left my eye doc because he was a Democrat!! I didn’t like him and he didn’t like me. Crazy right? No, their brains are wired differently. My current eye doc is a conservative and we get along great and I trust him. Is that a valid basis for choosing a doctor? IMO, yes.

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These days I do think it alters a person's logic and reasoning.

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

Totally agree. Today's "liberals" are unable to actually think. They are nothing but repeater boxes. They absorb whatever the narrative is the establishment is pushing and then repeat what they have absorbed. They literally cannot engage in a discussion about why they believe the way they do. So their only recourse is to shout you down. The "highly educated" ones are the worst so "intelligence" is no indicator of their ability to actually think things through. That type of person cannot be trusted especially if your life is in their hands such as a doctor or a judge or a politician. They are dumb repeater boxes.

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

Oh BTW, there are also repeater boxes that call themselves conservatives. Those are easier to avoid though. Neocons are an example. A true liberal, in the classic sense, or a true conservative can sit and expound on his position intelligently and logically without resorting to character assassination or false analogies. In that sense, the classical liberal and the intelligent conservative are not necessarily mutually exclusive. However, the Marxist dialectic pits everyone against each other and prevents any agreement based on logic. Thus it is impossible to have any discussion with today's liberal. For them, everything is reduced to social warfare.

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Passed the info on…thank you for the reminder! I left out the punching in the nose and certified idiot part🤣.

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Can we make that the standard minimum punishment for this transgression? 😆

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My late father was a WW2 vet: US Army Medical Corps. The term hadn't been invented yet, but we now recognize that he had PTSD.

After the war, he negotiated labor contracts. More than one labor attorney got his nose bloodied when he said something disrespectful in my Dad's office.

And yes, he was arrested for assault and battery at least once, but the cops let him go because they didn't like assholes much either and they too were of the same generation.

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Well, that was John Wayne's generation. Back in the day, fisticuffs were a regular feature of debate on the House floor. Young men have been so "feminized" today that if you bow up on one in a disagreement, they will scream and hide behind their girlfriend. No testosterone. Sad.

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It's true.

Part of the trouble today is so few of these guys have ever thrown a punch.

As that great philosopher Mike Tyson observed, "ERRBODY got a plan til dey get hit in da MOUF." So true, Prof. Tyson.

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

"Parenting with Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility" becomes "Patienting with Love and Logic: Teaching Doctors Responsibility". 🧓

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And nattokinase is inexpensive...

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A client has a debilitating disease she suddenly and unexpectedly got. Yes she is vaxxed. But she's grateful that she can function as long as she stays on meds and gets stem cell therapy. I have to admire big pharma's business plan. The covidians don't connect the disease to the vaxx and big pharma gets a steady income stream. I have lost all sympathy for these clueless covidians.

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Yes they absolutely spread that claim and many believe it, some of my family members included. Yet my spouse, kid and I have all had Covid (unvaxed) and haven’t seen any major issues like that. And spouse was hospitalized in 2021 so was pretty sick with it.

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That's true- most of my family and friends are unjabbed, we've ALL had covid multiple times, yet somehow we don't have the clots, the strokes, the heart attacks, the turbo cancer, at insanely young ages that we see happening to the jabbed all around us!

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We just learned that our vaxed friend's newborn had an aneurysm. That as far as my wife knows is unheard of (she works in healthcare).

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Wow 😳😢

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:( Poor child. My wife and I will pray for the infant.

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Ohhhh Noooooo 😱😭

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

Like your suffering SO,

🗨 [the majority of folks] do hear your data and proofs. But in order to accept those as truth they must also accept that their docs are liars and their governments are monsters, which means their parents and teachers were wrong, and that science can't be trusted anymore, including those proofs and truths, and that this has been going on for a long time.

↑↑ proves way too much for too many to absorb and make peace with 😟

🗨 So, be kind. Be very grateful that you can see more truth than most.[...] And if you can handle that, be grateful for that as well. And patient and non-judgemental for those who can't. You, and others like you, are an anomaly in the overall human condition.

cjhopkins.substack.com/p/news-from-cj-hopkins-and-consent-2fd/comment/11451522 👌 <-- my beloved wall of text in full 😊

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Good advice. I’ve seen that same kind of refusal to consider the possibilities when taking about labor and birth as many women perceive and experience them. Doctors saved their babies by doing all of these procedures, it would have been so much worse, it’s safe and effective, none of it can be called into question. Like the shots, you can’t be certain that all of these issues the moms has during and after birth and the issues the kids have or had were caused by the practices but you can’t even ask the questions. No one wants to even contemplate them.

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Excellent advice.

If we want to convert others to your point of view, we need always to be cheerful and not sour-faced saints.

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Woo-hoo, let's go, onwards! 💖

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Exactly right. She’s a great friend but will never hear or see the truth for the reasons you stated above. And I agree that we must proceed with patience and love…they aren’t responsible for this - for them i have nothing but grace. But for those complicit - the govt, the medical professionals who KNEW, the bureaucrats , the politicians, etc…I have no grace.

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

I'm of strong belief that only a tiny slice within these groups & more(*—all definitely complicit—really KNEW. Too lazy to question anything, they just took orders from above verbatim, as they routinely have done all their secure comfy lives.

People are largely benign; actively malign cunning psychopaths—evil if you will—are few and far between. While we allowed ourselves to be distracted, the latter cohort managed to gather inordinate amounts of unwarranted influence. And now we're shocked to awake to the curse of powers that shouldn't be 😳

🗨 The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


(* as your etc+ellipsis rightly indicates

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"It Is Difficult to Get a Man to Understand Something When His Salary Depends Upon His Not Understanding" - Upton Sinclair

You can't deny that the financial incentives to intubate and/or vaccinate didn't play a role in these doctors ignoring science.

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🗨 with few exceptions, there are probably few life forms lower than hospital administrators


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My mother always used to call it 'those who are enlightened (by the Holy Spirit) vs those who are not.

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said Daiva. I would do better to be kind to others who I have no patience for their lack of common sense.

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Dee Dee, that’s a terrible story that’s happened FAR too many times…and of course the doctors who gave everyone and encouraged the clot shots, can’t admit that it was the shots - not covid- which caused so much health havoc. They don’t want to admit it even to themselves…can you imagine the load of guilt they would carry?

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I am so sorry to hear about your situation. That is horrible. I had a friend die from a fib, brain blood clots and then turbo cancer. Another friend died of Creutzfeldt Jakob disease, a horrible way to go.

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I'm sorry about your girlfriend.

My mom was told by her doctor that she now has afib because she caught it from my dad due to lifestyle choices, not the vaxx.

And health officials wonder why people don't trust them?

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Okay, I’m willing to do my part to help de-fund Big Pharma all I need is a plan.

Also, ready for a revolution of the people by the people!!!!

All we need are some powerful leaders and a plan that will effectively mobilize 100 million

It’s better to die fighting than allow TPTB to spread their hate, division, lies, murderous violence against the innocent, reference to the children in particular and people’s here and abroad in general.

God said to keep that which I’ve committed to you until that day!!

Biden was NOT elected the first time everyone knows he was installed.

The coup took place Jan 6 2020

The so called Jan 6 insurrection was the cover.

Sure it has taken some time for many millions to come to believe what they tried so hard not too.

But, the facts are clear we got a unelected government being run by a hostile intelligence community who has effectively taken over the country and is currently being used to start a global war.

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Fortified- I love your enthusiasm, but here’s the problem…yesterday I was in line at the pharmacy to pick up my ONLY prescription of thyroid medication. The old man in front of me picked up an order of about 8-10 bottles. It was a large bagful! The boomer generation is huge and most of them are WAY over medicated, so pHarma is entrenched. 🙄

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I’ve noticed the same thing. Although lots of people I know have been ditching their pHarma pills for a healthier lifestyle. But, I think sometimes even we live in a bubble of conservatism and truth. When I’m out and about I see a lot of people just living life like they don’t know the truth. Business as usual. Remember how they all wore masks and got the shot so they could “get back to normal”? I think a lot of people just went back to “normal”. It’s sad. How easily they forget.

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Sunnydaze, you just described a bunch of people at our church. They’re good, overall conservatives, but they can’t deal with the way the world has changed. They’re the 3 monkeys, pretending or denying what their surroundings should tell them if their eyes and ears were open. Two couples in our group have children who are doctors, so you couldn’t tell them anything. Educated, smart people, and totally blind to the truth. I had hoped that Tucker was making a dent in the armor of lies. 🙄

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Had a 53 year old woman tell me Sunday, "I'm having chest pains today." I asked if she was jabbed, she said yes. Her son also got jabbed and had to see a cardiologist. This woman is so self-absorbed that she didn't even seem upset! She wanted to be sure we all noticed her new hair color. 🤪

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I see some people enjoying their new medical rituals, swapping info about their cardiology appointments.

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Yup I think you’re right about that 😕

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I would say common but not normal.

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I'm a 70 year old who takes NO prescription meds and since covid, am doing my best to avoid doctors.

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76 here and No meds and no money grubbing pill and Jab happy primary care pharma puppet to lie to me!

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63 here and also no meds! Same with my hubby.

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My neighbor is on 30! 😢 post-cancer and heart meds...

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Ugh! That is horrible!😥

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Yes, I fully understand I see it too.

But I still feel there’s a majority waiting in the wings, not yet fully aware not yet active. They are not opposition but not yet fully aware and active.

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"All we need" is not to wait for leaders and their plans, but just to look in the mirror, for there lies the solution to each person's local area issues. People should pick an issue that interests them, use the 'net to learn about it, make contacts locally and electronically, and just do something, learning by experience what works locally and what doesn't. Possibilities: election integrity; school choice (or school boards, for those still into government schools); food freedom; medical freedom; constitutional policing; etc.

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All I do/did was homeschool four kids, and I wasn't so good but they are doing incredibly well and not one been c-shot, we stay away from medical conformity, we garden, share our conspiracy knowledge, we boycott evil doers as we become aware, and we are supporting our local church fellowship. What if every American only did this those things and half of US did the others things they could do? 🤯

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I didn't mean to insult your personal efforts, which are all valuable, but only to point out that if we wait for leaders and a plan we'll all be slaves.

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Oh was i supposed to be insulted? I thought we agreed. I meant to be pointing out to others that, in agreement with you, we all have things we can do that may be challenging but important seemingly small but little lights in our community, small fires become a rage, a drop in a bucket produces a wave. United we stand.

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Oh, thank you for correcting my misunderstanding, I was afraid I had offended you. Yes, I agree with you!

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That's right!

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You are so right! Pretty much exactly describes my family with our five children- three grown and married and NONE of them are conformists! Home schooled all the way, faithful to church and INVOLVED in serving from a young age, solving our own problems- not looking to the government or medical establishment to do that for us. I know we could be more involved in local government and I am thinking and praying about that, but honestly it's so true- if a greater percentage just did the things you mentioned we wouldn't recognize our country- in a GREAT way!

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All we can do is all we can do... every little bit counts!!

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My wife and I plan on homeschooling. She wants 5-6 kids. I'm down with whatever.

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Excellent plan. I hope ya'll can make it work.

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We will. I'm stubborn about things and so is she, especially when they involve things we care about.

Like not involving our kids in the state school system. We just fought a 300 million dollar school bond for a new school and other nonsense that wasn't necessary. The proponents pushed it as a "safety" thing. Well, we would probably support that but that's not a 300 million dollar request. A new security vestibiule isn't 300 million.

If they wanted to charge the parents of kids going there, not people who have no desire to involve the public school system in their kids life.

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Yes, think in terms of a "parallel society". It's a very interesting concept. Definitely support strong states rights. Stop robbing Peter to pay Paul (get out of debt and stay out of debt -they need your money..... ) and do what is right -there is a guide for this! Fly below the radar.

Later Jay

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

TBTP apparently has told Biden to run again 2024. So then they must have another plan that dwarfs the last steal in 2020.

By all means do what we can locally no one said not too.

But do really think we got that kinda of time.

Working locally like you advocate is something we should’ve been 10 years ago at the least.

When the house is on fire there’s no time to try and nail down a loose shingle on the roof.

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You mean the steal in 2020?

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

Yes I did, thanks

I fixed 👍

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Look for a group called MAGA and Pam Poppers and work on getting one in your community.

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Looking for a path to meaningful purpose? Join Convention of States and explore the possibilities. https://conventionofstates.com/?ref=57705

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"Okay, I’m willing to do my part to help de-fund Big Pharma all I need is a plan."

Excellent suggestions below your also excellent post. I agree with every word, and I'll add this: our government is at war with the People and the common good of humanity.

Could not agree more with Fla Mom's point about looking in the mirror. Here's my Plan:

1. Withdraw from the mainstream media. If you have cable, cancel it. Stop watching their product and feeding them money through advertising dollars. Don't fund them at all. Let Hollywood and Big Media die.

2. Withdraw from mainstream medicine. For the millionth time, you don't need annual Big medical profit-boosters ... I mean "checkups". That was not even a thing in your grandparents' world. I haven't seen a doctor in years, and barring a broken bone, I don't intend to ever again.

In fact, we recently dumped our expensive healthcare coverage. Why pay these bastards when we refuse to use their industry? Screw them. The doctors sold us all down the COVID river; they can make their own damn boat payments. The only way I'm ever going into a hospital again is if I'm unconscious.

3. Get healthy Part A: Stop eating manufactured food products. If it has an ingredient label, it's not healthy for you - it's cancer on an installment plan. Eat meat and vegetables. Avoid sugar and alcohol like they are poison (because they are.)

4. Get healthy Part B: Turn off the internet and go for a walk. Rinse and repeat. When you get bored walking run for a little bit. Then do it again, and again, and again. (This is how I went from a completely sedentary fat ass to running 8 miles a day.)

5. Get healthy Part C: You are a child of God; investigate Who He is by opening His Book. If you love someone, you will want to know everything about them. So why don't you? When you find out Who He is, focus all your efforts on doing His will and forget yours as best you can.

6. Stop supporting your political party. They're frauds - ALL OF THEM. Besides, until we fix the elections in this country, they can't do a damn thing for you. (Not that they ever intended to.)

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Have you seen this 2014 speech from Ex Merck rep Brandy Vaughan (RIP)?

She talks about Brandy's Army and how to stop big Pharma.

She also tells all the adults in audience "big pharma is coming for you" - which they have.

YouTube jacked the audio here https://youtu.be/ZDUlfptPMjg

Much better audio here


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This video is so powerful- especially in light of what happened to her. She knew this would not end well, after all, she’d seen firsthand Mercks callous disregard for life. Yet she did what she called to do. She spoke out and she was silenced. God bless her family. This video gave me chills and then made me cry. We do have heroes!

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Simple, look at the lineage of Merck.... von Deutschland in den alten Tagen. Scary stuff thank you Mr. Dulles and the OSS.

Later Jay

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I’d boycott Pharma but have no prescriptions! Would love to see legislation banning them from advertising.

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

💬 we should be able to delete the largest pharmaceutical firms in the country

The nigh unsurmountable boulder in the way to ↑↑ bliss is this immensely sad observation: the vastest majority of Americans still think they owe their lives to all things medical—be damned the med/pharma's egregious record for dishonesty and outright fraud 😒

But hey, all big things start small, that's how life rolls! 🤸

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Nailed it.

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I really truly love Tucker. I’ve tried hard not to but every time he comes forward with the truth and educates millions of sleepy Americans I get all goose-bumpy. I know he has feet of clay like all of us but I can’t help it. The man has spoken so much truth to Power that I almost wish he would enter politics. I don’t know why he lasted so long on Fox. My friend says it must be because he has so much dirt on people they couldn’t touch him. In any case I hope he doesn’t just disappear. We really need men and women like him.

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I think he lasted because they were trying to use him to control the opposition. Give us a relief valve. But he was just hitting everything right on target 🎯 one truth right after another. It was too much truth! They couldn't continue to let the "regular" populace that's clicking around on their cable TV keep having access to that now, could they ? 😓

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Based on the few things I have watched from him, he went rogue.

Good for him. The world is his oyster. The one thing we can do, as demonstrated in real life by Jeff's multipliers, is to vote with our feet and wallets. Kinda hard to spin a billion dollars in #BudLiteLosses

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Probably one of my favorites memes about Tucker right now.

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I just wrote a not very nice reply and immediately regretted it but can’t find it anywhere to delete. Likely culled by the management, which I very much hope is the case. At any rate, it was unkind and inappropriate and I apologize to you, the management and all here, even if it’s been disappeared.

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Yes, I was in my car when Chris Plante on the radio announced Tucker's departure and my phone started blowing up shortly after. Given that I have cancelled actual pro sports, my friends and I spent the evening arm chair quarterbacking our new sport, politics. Think most of us agree with your supposition, that his monologue on the 19th against pharma was the death blow. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6325407695112 Love the my pillow analogy!

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This clip is good, thank you for sharing. One thing that stood out, “the vaccines protect you from dying from Covid” said a CNN talking head....in reality this is true, all those that died suddenly no longer have to worry about covid. They can relax. Whew!!

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Ha ha,truth!

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And the masking is the cause of all the deaths, cancer, illnesses etc is just to deflect from the vaxx. I agree masks used like they were during the scamdemic was detrimental on many levels. But we all know it is the vaxx.

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I've been thinking the same thing. It's been eerie how many things once-supported they will now backtrack on while never admitting the truth about the mrna shots, the pharma companies, or people like Bill Gates. And this observation leads us to understand what's really important to them to protect. It gives me chills sometimes.

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Precisely. And as they get more and more desperate their attempts at spin control become more ludicrous. Well I suppose there is some comedy in there somewhere.

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That was awesome!

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Wish I had a hack to record/download it as I suspect at some point the Tucker stuff will get memory holed.

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Oh my word he directly called them out, with the advertisers, he was calling out FOX. Crap! Thats insane. that definitely did them in.

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Maybe April 19 and his Heritage Foundation talk. He blew up all woke issues and essentially said I can’t lie or stop speaking the truth, they will have to fire me.


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I read a lot of stacks, prefer written to video, but cannot remember who wrote it, or it may have been an article somewhere else. But the author made the case that Tucker knew his days were numbered, and shared some clues as to why they thought that. This was a couple of months ago. I skimmed it, did not save it, but seemed plausible. Now I can't find it. Possible he WANTED out, to get out from under the corporate thumb, so became increasingly provacative. Not sure of the date on this, not familiar with the Full Send Podcast, but this is enlightening: https://twitter.com/DC_Draino/status/1650554260277407767 Full interview is really good if you want to spend the time https://rumble.com/v2ct8jw-full-show-tucker-carlson-full-send-podcast.html

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Fox News will die a quicker death, and that's a good thing. The only redeeming aspect of that network was Tucker, and now he's gone. He will move on to better things and take his audience with him.

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“In future posts I will further develop this theme, believe me.”

Yes, I want more!

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"I am starting to think that we, the people, the citizens of this once-great Nation, may have to quit Waiting for Superman and take it upon ourselves to dismantle Big Pharma. If we can boycott the biggest beer brand in America (Bud Light) because of a silly transvestite label, we should be able to delete the largest pharmaceutical firms in the country because of the mountains of corpses of our friends and relatives."

Heh. Then you would be catching up to me.

Everyone thinks they need a Superman. But that thinking simply keeps us all in bondage.

One might think that $800M is a lot of money. But when it comes to election control (ensuring the right sycophant is in office bamboozling us all), that is ante money.

I don't think that Fox, CNN or any of them care one way or the other. They basically regurgitate the dictate. Did Tucker give us the hope that one wouldn't toe the line? Of course. There are release valves in the system.

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Totally agree!! Ppl think that trump is gonna come save them. If ppl don’t run in local politics, one man can’t save us!!! Local local local

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. . . and to me!

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Maybe a military coup? At this point, I'd be fine with that...

But it's probably even too late for that, with all the social engineering they've done.

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With the cross dressing traitors in charge at this time? Nah. Our military is not our friend.

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Trust NO ONE over the rank of Captain. They've ceased to be warriors to become politicians.

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Probably not a good idea because obviously some of the military brass are involved in this. They vexed all of their soldiers, even when they knew the results were debilitating and hid the results.

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Yep, definitely a risk. It would depend on who runs it. There are still "underground" patriots in the military, through all the ranks.

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I put my foot down over two decades ago, finally deciding that I would never vote for a republican or democrat again. I plastered my motto, "Never an R or D Again!" everywhere I hung out and to my personal real relationships.

That means that if a person EVER was part of either party, they are no longer welcomed.

Will it fix it? I dunno, but I know that continuing to vote for either keeps us locked into this fake paradigm.

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There is a place where strong, optimistic, God fearing people go. Join Convention of States. https://conventionofstates.com/?ref=57705

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My vote for Tucker is to join the Elon News Network, using Twitter 2.0 hosted on un-cancelable Starlink internet satellites.

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Don’t know if you follow Dan Bongino, but he’s hinting at a new streaming service. He’s a pretty sharp guy, and I believe all of this will spark some new communication venues for conservatives.

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I was puzzled about why anyone would build with adobe in Florida's humid climate, since adobe is just bricks made of mud and straw. Works great here in the Chihuahuan Desert of New Mexico. In hurricane country not so much.

I think the article actually says he purchased an abode. Big difference!

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I certainly hope Tucker doesn’t go into politics. We need him as a journalist. Truth is rare in journalism these days and we MUST have folks who are brave enough to keep reporting it.

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Good morning Jeff & C&C - great post as always. Today I was ahead of schedule and viewed the entire Tucker Carlson Keynote from the Heritage Foundation 50th Anniversary Celebration before reading C&C. For me, it was Tucker at his best - he gets it, he gets it! Very proud of this public figure standing up for objective reality and not cowing to bullies and money mongers. Have a great day y'all.

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Almost prophetically, Dr. Kevin Roberts (President of The Heritage Foundation) notes at the beginning of Q&A, "if things go south for you at Fox News, there's always a spot for you at Heritage." The comment begins at 18:04 (https://www.youtube.com/live/ebG2POkoHgU?feature=share&t=1084).

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Yes, hope so. A great talk, very personal and apologetic about his flippant past.

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You hit the nail on the head Jeff - we have to stop waiting for prophets, however true or false. We are the change we've been waiting for.

However it would be amazing if Tucker brought himself and his viewers over to Substack.

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

“When God closes a door he opens a window.” As someone whose family lived in communist Russia for 70 years, I do not believe this saying is true, unfortunately. I am grateful for your optimism though.

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I can see it both ways. We really don't know how things will turn out. The tragedy of what happened in Russia and that it went on so very long is always a sobering reminder to me of how important it is what we do now in America. The costs of getting it wrong can go on and on.

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"The costs of getting it wrong..." Indeed. Two or three generations of living under tyrannical rule has an effect. It is sobering to hear the stories all Russians have of what their families went through and how much was lost. For many, there were no windows.

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Well, you got through.

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Yes, but my father died of alcohol related causes. Alcoholism was mostly caused by hopelessness and absence of any choices for meaningful pasttimes. I could talk about my grandparents too, but too long a story. I am just the younger generation.

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When it seems there's nothing that can be done but pray then do that. Pray that God being His true Word to you that you might know who He is not just what men imagine about Him. You are here "for such a time as this"-Esther

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Yes, and you prove the point of the window.

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US troops are in Ukraine...don't let anyone tell you differently.

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I could drop dozens of vids of US idiots that are over there fighting with other NATO geniuses. It's like the a social justice thing for 'conservatives'.

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I'm talking regular active duty troops being in Ukraine.

Biden and Blinken are lying about their presence.

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Those HIMARS systems dont just run themselves.

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Himars aren't complicated or high tech. It's not rocket science. We trained 18 year old to use them and the guys who are using them are some of the best and brightest.

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Taken straight from the 5GW pamphlet, sounds like.

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Are you saying rocket artillery is so complicated it requires a bachelors degree to operate?

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I’m believing you. Of course we are there. Duh.

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This is how the quagmire in Vietnam started.

Couple years later...and more than 58,000 dead Americans...along with that "Saigon moment" with the helos on top of the US Embassy...it will be repeated all over again.

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Another 20 year long war. Afghanistan was just a repeat.

And let's not forget about the collateral damage. This is just those killed:

2,000,000 civilians both sides

1,100,000 enemy combatants

250,000 South Vietnamese soldiers

Any takers on what the collateral damage will be by the end of the Ukraine war?

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

A good friend of mine is being treated for cancer that was caused by his exposure to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War.

The heartache, trauma, injuries and illnesses, don't go away when the troops are pulled out.

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Dunno, but Russia is sending t55 tanks into Ukraine now to face off with Abrams, Leopard 1 and 2s, and Challenger 2s.

It's going to be a seal clubbing, as usual.

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I know that. My husband was drafted into the Marines in 69 because he had a college degree. He was on track to be a sniper but the plans changed for him.

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Several differences being that Ukraine is on Russias border and they are quite intent on securing it. Also, due to modern battle surveillance it is very risky to "mass up". Both sides are increasingly using smaller units and fragmenting the larger ones. It is unlikely that the 101st or 82nd airborne will simply march into battle.

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We have no business being in Ukraine.

The neocons and the elites don't have kids in the military. It won't be their kids coming home in a body bag to Dover AFB.

The US no longer has the moral authority. They have been blowing the shit out of the Middle East for the last 20+ and killing innocent civilians.

The US has also been overthrowing and interfering in other countries' government for at least 75+ years.

So sick of this...

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It's Russia quaqmire.

They're 10071 vehicles in the hole along with 187k dead soldiers.

427 days into a 3 day war biden wanted them to win so it would go away and they still can't win.

They aren't used to people fighting back.

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Either you want weapons inspectors or not?

First you claim the weapons are being sold on the black market and the inspectors say no, that's not happening and then you complain about the inspectors.

That's like a kid demanding dessert then complaining because they got cake, not ice cream.

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Huh? You lost me there. Advisors shoehorned us into Vietnam. We lost friends there. My husband was drafted and sent there. He saw horror but if you want us in Ukraine—you first Ben.

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I'm current military. Nobody is being drafted.

We don't have advisors in Ukraine.

You complain about weapons allegedly being sol on the black market then also complain about the soldiers who are inspecting the weapons.

At least be consistent.

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I’d contact my congressman and ask why the hell are they allowing troops in Ukraine, but my rep is old buckethead Steve Cohen. He blocked me from contacting him after I asked about all the money-laundering in Ukraine. I was not even being rude. 😂

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I have Fetterneck as my Senator.

Congresswoman who I have is a leftist communist BLM supporting wacko.

Pennsylvania cheated.

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We have had troops in Ukraine since Trump.

My unit trained the Ukrainian tankers and they sent me a piece of a Russian tank they destroyed as a gift. A piece of the kontact5 armor plate. I'm going to mount it on my wall.

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Such a waste! Misplaced patriotism, the result of decades of domestic Intel brainwashing.

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What do most of them have in common.

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The health of the state is war.

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Self defense is not a crime.

Who is invading Ukraine, again?

Putin is the real Neocon here

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You don't even know what a neoconservative is.

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Ditto, they are dozens...plus quite a few body bags.

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And? You wanted accountability of the weapons. You asked for this and then complain when it gets done? What do you want?

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Cheers Jeff for one of your most powerful statements to date...

If we can boycott the biggest beer brand in America (Bud Light) because of a silly transvestite label, we should be able to delete the largest pharmaceutical firms in the country because of the mountains of corpses of our friends and relatives.

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Maybelline just joined the club too. It was my favorite mascara. Damn. It’s part of L’Oreal, which is the largest makeup/hair company in the world. Time to switch brands.

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Ugh I am so tired of this and you also have to be careful because a lot of the smaller formerly independent brands have been bought out by the bigger companies too 😕

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They’ve also changed the ingredients too. Like Natural Bliss creamer was just milk and cream and now they’ve added guar gum to it.

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