Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me;

You will stretch forth Your hand against the wrath of my enemies,

And Your right hand will save me.

The Lord will accomplish what concerns me;

Your lovingkindness, O Lord, is everlasting;

Do not forsake the works of Your hands.

— Psalm 138:7-8 NASB1995

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Jul 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

🗨 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. ~~Philippians 4:8

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The antidote to worry and fear.

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Today--I am leaning on Jesus and also using my "righteous indignation" to ignite the passion of LIBERTY within me. We, who are "seniors" must PUSH BACK against the tyranny engulfing our once freedom-loving country--for the sake of our younger generations!

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One of my all time favorites!!

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I love this verse - thank you!!🙏🏻♥️

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023

When my first child was born, someone gave me a prayer to say over him that included Psalm 138:8. It began, "We say to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that your life is not a mistake, that He made you out of the love that He is." My son died unexpectedly when he was about two months old. I have prayed that verse over my other children and it has also become a mantra for my life. I don't think I ever paid much attention to 138:7, but that needs to become part of my mantra as well! Thank you for posting.

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My heart cracked at the mention of your precious son’s sudden passing 💔💔💔. I am more sorry than words can possibly express💔. Beautiful hearing how you pray over your children! 🙏🏻♥️

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I tried to type a comment, but I couldn’t find the words. I believe my heart also cracked. Such grief and grace.

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What a POWERFUL testimony - of His agape love and YOUR acceptance of His working through this "valley time" to give you His comfort that surpasses any human condolences and regrets. SHINE ON, "GG"!!!

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All the businesses that kowtowed to the illegal covid mandates should pay through the nose in worker's compensation costs. I hope it puts them all out of business. They deserve it.

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AND their Health Insurance carriers and benefits companies that glamorized it and made it all so very easy to zoom in and follow along and institute. THE Godless Gvts and their hired legal whores that put out "guidelines" for CoVid policy, medical leave policy, vaxx policy ALL with legal disclaimers attached... Fking gutless lawyers and legal firms hired to give cover and fineprint the responsibility and possible problems that THEY were complicit in creating and foisting upon us all.

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That is horrible 😞 That poor lady 😢 It’s really unconscionable and a travesty, what was done to her and others. I pray she wins and sets a precedent.

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Have you seen these guys? They're apparently all unvaxxinated.


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That's awesomeness! Thanks for sharing!

Now if we can also get more people to understand why the body needs to have 'fevers'! to build their immune systems as well!

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Fever is good!

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Remind me of that old Peggy Lee song 😆

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Sent that clip to my son who will send it to his buddies who will send it to their buddies!

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Unfortunately, cannot send the link to my young, previously fit and healthy but currently not so healthy "fully vaxxed" Canadian son & nephews...

Who acquiesced to government "health mandates".

The coercive campaign mounted by social and mainstream media outlets 24/7, at the behest of Dr. Bonnie Henry, Adrien Dix, Dr. Theresa Tam & Lord Good Hair, forced 99% of my immediate and extended family to capitulate.

Under those "mandates", Canadians were required to produce a QR code (Vaccine Passport) in order to be permitted to:

- board a plane, ship or train

- enter a fitness centre

- dine in restaurants

- consume alcohol in watering holes after work

- attend weddings and/or funerals

- attend church services

- perform music concerts

- work in the film or theater industry

- enter a movie theater

No visiting a (fully jabbed) spouse, parent or grandparent in hospital, or a seniors residence, or a long term "elder care" facility either. Unless they too were "fully protected from the virus" by these untested novel mRNA pharmaceutical injections.

The only way for them to participate in society, in Canada, (and be permitted to WORK, in many cases...), according to dictates devised by these diabolical "authorities", was to roll up their sleeves.

"Do your part."

The ONLY way to "get back to normal" life in this godforsaken country, was to either willingly or coercively acquiesce.

You MUST still wear your cloth MASK though, to signal to others your OBEDIENCE.

You MUST continue to adhere to "social distancing" floor stickers and arrows.

Do not DISOBEY. You will be ostracized and labelled.

Some of this BULLSHIT BEHAVIOUR continues in Canada, to this very day.

(I take surreptitious photos.)

Despite 85% percent of (dutiful) Canadian lemmings having been fully jabbed and boosted and re-boosted with the "safe and effective" mRNA substances:

Many continue to fear becoming infected with the "DEADLY CORONA VIRUS".

They continued to OBEY long gone "BC MEDICAL AUTHORTY" signage and non-existent government directives because... because...

"The Science!!"


Rant over.


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This is "Maggie". His mother... (After abandoning her 3 young sons.)


Look no further.

(But actually, look further. If you dare. "The truth is out there.")

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I have zero doubt dear Maggie bore Fidel’s son. Odd that - if true - Xi Xiping basically raised himself after his parents “culled” in the Cultural Revolution yet Xi aspires to be Mao. Justin without his mom, turns himself into Tyrant, Jr.

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Funny how much he looks and acts like Fidel.

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the NAZIs would be very proud of TrueDough's very Effective policy against resisters

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I'm SO sorry to hear that. You deserve to rant. Never forget it.

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Sooooo sad. Still do not understand where all the 'rebels' were.

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In Canada: We were (are) badly outnumbered.

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You deserve to rant! I am screen shooting this to keep. Breaks my heart.

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I rant on my Substack too.

Or my head might explode.

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I’m sending Ninja Cats around. Awesome. My own big giant ginger Maine coon would go after the raccoons on the deck behind the glass. Still worked 😁😹😻. Satisfied his hunter instinct.

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That must a thing to see!!!

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He weighed 23 pounds and the kid across the street thought we had a lion as a pet. I miss that big sweetie every day. 😥

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Maine coons are incredible! Thanks for sharing ♥️

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Looks like a play on techno viking lol

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You got it.

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That was fun

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Yum yum. I’m old but I’m not dead.

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I was thinking how gorgeous that front guy is ♥️😜😍

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I sent to my single daughter who is looking for an unvaccinated boyfriend 😂

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Live in Freistatt der Florida??? Preferably NCFL......

Later Jay

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Truthseeker, did you see Jay’s comment about his sons? 😉

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Just possibly trying to do a little matchmaking, you know. I have 2 Sons: One 6'4" thin, black hair blue eyes (a little Burt Reynolds-ish) , the other 6'1" sandy blond, blue eyes looks a little like the Viking dancers in the middle. Both straight up conservative, well mannered and house broken. No tats, no blue hair, no bad habits. Both can shoot the eyes out of gnat at 100yards. They find it nearly impossible to meet the same here in GVille.

Later Jay

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They sound like catches Jay!! They’ll find good matches, eventually. Maybe the person who sent the video to her daughter??? A dad can hope, right?

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My focus as well. Whew. ❤️

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Browsing the responses, so the usual political TRUMP RELATED nonsense: "looks like they are on their way to vote for Trump".🙄🙄

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TDS is strong in the useful idiots! LOL

Those moron commenters must be due for their next booster shots.

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Twittiots all. Or eX Twittiots...

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Just no. We need Army Rangers, Navy Seals, CSARs or something else to look at besides bare chested chest thumpers with pot bellies and tats. A team with real fire power who protect.

I can’t unsee that one.

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I was thinking that at least they weren’t wearing feather boas, high heels and full makeup 😆😂

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This is made after the Techno Viking. Here's the original.


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:-D That's great! Libs be utterly undone over this.

We could call this Toxic Masculimmunity


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That was wildly entertaining thank you!😂

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I was disappointed to hear Dr. Marc Siegal say on Fox News this AM that the vaccine is safe & effective. AFTER ALL THIS TIME & WHAT WE NOW KNOW?? SO discouraging!!

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Dr. Marc Siegal is a paid propagandist. He is a disgrace yet he is a mirror image of so many other doctors. He cat give up the narrative as he is culpable. Shame, shame, shame!

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“can’t “------ too may cat videos today

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Indeed. 😻😻😻

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Bingo. He is a shill.

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I've always thought he sounded like a joke. I could never take him seriously.

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I was just going to say that he’s an idiot.

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He’s been on FOx since the beginning of this debacle preaching the safe and effect mantra. I turn him off.

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He treated his own elderly parents with HCQ and Ivermectin when they had covid... and they both survived! Neither had to be hospitalized.

He's just repeating what they told him he had to say...

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Shame on him for leading others astray!

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I consider that evil. He has death slime on his hands like so many.

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Amen! Saved his own parents, but encouraging others to take the poison.

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Despicable, isn't it!?

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WOW. I didn’t know that. What a criminal and hypocrite! His career and others’ careers will go down in flames.

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Talking out of both sides of his mouth...

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Just like that atrocity of HHS Secretary Rachel Levine. She took her mother out of a nursing home at the beginning of the pandemic!

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He took his mother…

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OOPS. You're so right.

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 25, 2023

Good for me, not for thee... he's a full blown mental illness!

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Jul 25, 2023·edited Jul 25, 2023

Or just plain evil.

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Even MORE reason to say "screw him".

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That’s not OK. He needs a moral compass.

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Did he say that or is it suspected?

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Read comments further back...

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Faux News sold out years ago

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He's a paid shill for Fox...

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why oh why is anyone smart enough to read C&C daily still watching any MSM, which most certainly includes the controlled opposition FOX? Seriously. Why?

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"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles........." Sun Tzu, The Art of War.

Later Jay

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You don't have to watch Fox or any other MSM to "know the enemy." They're ubiquitous. You couldn't possibly escape them if you wanted to. They're in the schools, the judicial system, the media, the arts...

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yes, everywhere; even gun-shy, Trump denouncing Republicans sound just like the opposition so much of the time. I can stomach an hour of NPR per week, an hour of Sean Vanity per week dispiriting us is part of the plan most certainly and finding flaws in and crushing any possibly resistance leader that would dare arise.

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So sadly true…yet so is the salt and the light. Like in Jesus’ parable of the weeds and wheat, we are mixed together. They just are so much more noticeable because of being obnoxious.

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That's right - can't just sit around waiting for Jeff to share the world's craziness with us - although he B great at it. Gotta get out there and dig up the dirt ourselves, too.

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Apparently the news of last few days hasn’t been ubiquitous in this commenting world: Blaze published reporting that FNC offer’s employees 100% matching of contributions to organizations most if not all, of us find at least questionable. https://timcast.com/news/fox-news-will-match-employee-donations-to-satanic-temple-the-trevor-project-planned-parenthood-and-the-splc/

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i'll match my employee contributions to true and vetted Anti-Commie organizations

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I am not disappointed, I am disgusted. That man knows better. Whatever happened to first do no harm??

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Greatest question in the history of medicine.

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"First, do no harm . . . to your wallet."

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That’s apparently the rest of the oath that we didn’t know about before 😑

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I think they read that oath as First Eat Some Spam.

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That obviously doesn't apply to the medical field today.

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I read somewhere they dont need to say that anymore.

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It's true. There is no oath taken anymore and no promise anywhere to do no harm.

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Follow the $cience….

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When will the truth become mainstream news I mean seriously!! The clock is ticking until my newborn grandbaby V schedule will arrive. I’ve been praying like crazy for 10 months they will stop it. Son just thinks I’m ill informed because I’m the only person they know against it. 😭 I’m really surprised they are letting me visit. Maybe because they needed help. Lord help us.

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Hope this helps:

CHILDHOOD VACCINES (number of shots)

1983: 10

2013: 32

2022: 74


1983: 1 in 10,000

2013: 1 in 88

2022: 1 in 36

ESTIMATE FOR 2025: 1 in 2

After my daughter saw this, (she was going to delay or do some) she understood my extreme position. Since I am only a mother, lol, a couple they are friends with who have an autistic child told them : "don't do any of them"! That really helped.

Even my daughter's pediatrician, the best in the area with his own established practice, so he doesn't need to push anything out of fear or financial gain, said NO NEWBORN OF A FEW MINUTES NEEDS HEP B!!

Remind them that all the heavy metals in vaccines cant be good in a little underdeveloped human being, aka: a baby. This movement may be quiet but I am finding that it is huge and growing. Young mothers are doing lots of research and any of these illnesses are curable today and are rare compared to vaccine induced side effects and health issues

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Many of which are *permanent* health issues. Maybe all caps is appropriate: PERMANENT health issues. No cure or resolution. A lifetime of incapacitation, relatively minor, like nut allergies, which can be fatal; or asthma>COPD; etc; or significantly debilitating, such as brain injury including autism. I sure hope young parents are waking up. Thank you for the timeline stats.

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H.I. - and don't forget the "permanent" health issue called "death" as a result of vaccine injury.

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Ugh. More corroboration on the first set of "permanent."


Too sad. Such loss for families with injured children. No less the deaths. Extended family SIDS back in the '80s here. 5 month old. I can't bring myself to suggest this cause to the mother. The deceased baby girl would be 40 years old by now, mother on a spiritual journey that might never have unfolded as it has if her baby hadn't died. I have to seek reasons for such pain. It's beyond my understanding but I try. Peace is hard won. (I hope you have a good measure in your life, @Peace :)

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The SIDS cases are so heartbreaking. I'm sorry your family has had to face this. Yes, peace is hard won - the greatest measure of Peace in my life comes from my relationship with Jesus Christ with a good boost from a wonderful family. I wish you Peace in your life's journey, especially when you ponder your family's tragedy those many years ago.

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Midwestern Doctor had a really good post on vaccines and autism that Steve Kirsch reposted the other day.

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My heart hurts for you😢

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023

😍❤️My mom is Oma too!❤️😍Although my sister’s daughter(first grandchild) couldn’t say Oma and called her Omi and so Omi is what all the other grandkids call her also.

Love and miss my two Omas!

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🙏🏻 for baby’s protection right now to God. He can protect against the harms because it looks like they go ahead. The only thing my daughter be,ieves of my advice it seems is cooking turkeys and such. ❤️

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If she is on FB tell her to look up Dr Green Mom. Lots of young mothers talking about health and no vaccines. Lots of mothers sharing which ones are most dangerous, at what age, and sadly thir children's injury from which ones.

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He has been terrible throughout the entire pandemic. What a joke.

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Marc Siegel is a paid idiot

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Sponsored by Pfizer?

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Brought to you by Carl's Junior.

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Carls junior is delicious. I love their food!

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Don't tell this audience that you still watch Faux News ....

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Unbelieveable that ppl are still pushing that poison. Unconscionable!

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Why are you still watching FOX?

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Cannot trust anyone on Fox News anymore.

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Siegal a paid shill. I lost all respect for him two years ago.

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Your first mistake was watching Fox News!

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So, what're u watching nowadays? Newsmax? I switch between the above.

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I think NewsMax is Fox News Lite, personally. I was very turned off at their post election and Jan 6 coverage. I like OANN better (though to be honest, I don’t really get my news by watching or listening to one single source regularly).

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I very much enjoyed OANN, esp. Pearson Sharp - until they canceled it from cable (in my location, anyway). :-(

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😞 That’s a shame.

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I actually thought Newsmax had good coverage on the 2020 fraud. Stinchfield and Greg Kelly hit it hard. Fox tiptoed around it. Newsmax pulled their punches on the vax, though. Fired Stinchfield. Disappointing

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Maybe the coverage I am thinking of was not immediately after the elections or something like that. I just remember being very disappointed at their coverage at one point and deciding they weren’t as great as I had originally thought.

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I've pretty much given up on cable news on any channel. I'm mostly into podcasts these days.

Besides being easily compromised, the cable format is so limiting. Hardly any time to get into an issue. Shallow. Longer form interviews on podcasts are much more informative.

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Don’t watch anything. Read Jeff, Malone, 2nd Smartest Guy, and so many others…

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Oh, my bad, I watch Del on the Highwire, starring Jefferey Jaxen.

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Same, I read more and rarely watch anything.

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It has been obvious for a very long time that that character is nothing but a lowlife shill and liar.

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023

Happy Monday everyone!! I’ve been waiting with bated breath for the daily roundup all morning! 😁

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Same, I was getting concerned ( I can be a worry wart)

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Me too!

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I went for an early walk so didn’t get to Jeff until 11. Trying a new New Orleans coffee right now and Covid. Yum for both.

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Make New Orleans Great Again!!!

Later Jay

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I loved my visit there in the late 90’s. A trolley car driver realized from our conversation that after he dropped me off I was proceeding the wrong way. He backed the trolley back and sent me the right way. Loved that.

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I loved living there. I'm sad the house I lived in has been demolished for parking, and it definitely got old to be around during Mardi Gras. Actually hid out at fat city for a couple. Go on vacation to get away from tourists. Now I'm in Daytona. There's no escape.

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I read James Lee Burke’s Dave Robiceaux novels to get my fix of NOLA lore. ❤️

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I was waiting also

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Ahhhhh....waiting with "worm on tongue", eh ??

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Only if it’s “baited” breath 😉 Which is not what I wrote 🙂 and that misspelling always annoys me.

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Too funny.....ok, caught me. 🤭

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“That will be of little comfort to the relatives of dead Ukrainian conscripts who were promised a well-supplied, non-corrupt glorious battle to free Ukraine.”

Oh, and by the way, can we get our $100+ billion back?

Will there be any nod to those of us, conspiracy theorists all, who said this was a lost cause right from the beginning?

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LOL. I saved that one.

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The truth will come out one day but we’ll still be out the billions.

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Kind of like those that donated to BLM

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Kind of like those who think Russia is winning.

How does this look for Russia, again?

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He's back!

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How do your boys in the VDV look to be doing? Good, right?

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RUSSOphobia: Best Russia Invades Ukraine Memes (It's Still F*ck Ukraine!)

- Kiev vs. US cities, rebuilt Mariupol, please hurry Mr. Putin (coz we are going broke in the West), Ukraine war summed up in memes, and more Ukraine hypocrisy meme + news the West won't tell you!


FOR MORE UKRAINE STUFF: https://covidsteria.substack.com/t/ukraine-nazi-memes / https://covidsteria.substack.com/t/ukraine-hypocrisy-memes / https://covidsteria.substack.com/t/russia-invades-ukraine-memes etc

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The corrupt politicians here got a good portion of that $100+ billion, so in some respect much did come back here.

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I'm not as hopeful as Jeff, who said "it won't be long". US is prepping to restrict and bottle up the Black Sea, anyone who has read Russian history will understand how important warm water ports are to them., especially now that Erdogan is back in play. Ukraine of course is a must win for the demonic death cult bio terrorist pedo blood merchants. We also have the Poles at the other end, and the Germans at the other end of them longing for lands they were forced to cede after WW2. O'Biden could easily make the call to escalate further as they prepare for the 2024 election theft and psyop

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Fuck no.we will always be Putin's puppets.

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They're fighting to save their nation.

Would you say the same to soldiers from WW2 or the cold war?

Russia has lost its war even after declaring victory 2 days in.

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Please comment...is it possible to get Covid over and over again? I know it's not with a regular virus, you build up immunity...but Covid is engineered. I've argued with people at nauseum that the PCR test they're using is faulty and you can't get Covid 5 different times. Am I correct?

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Agreed that the PCR is a crap test. These multiple vaxxed people have crap immune systems so they keep getting some virus but the fraudulent healthcare system keeps calling it Covid to keep the narrative alive (before all the people die suddenly and unexpectedly)

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Yes. At work, the vaxxed get rsv, pneumonia, strep etc. Now several are coming back with hemoglobin issues. The kind of issues that come from lack of oxygen and blood clots. I thought- oh no here we go. 2023 is going to be a long year. 😪

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Wish they would start giving D-Dimers to everyone.

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THAT would be great. THAT would be opening quite the can of worms, though - like asking a question to which one does not want the answer.

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I also wish for mandatory autopsies on those that have been vaxx'd. Too many are cremated, like immediately. They died suddenly, but no one wants to know why their loved one died suddenly?

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Even without autopsying all the died suddenlys, it takes at least 6 months to get autopsy results. Imagine the wait if all the d.s. were autopsied.

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And not being able to admit the real cause of their issues. Remember. #ABV

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Several peeps I have suggested they get one, they ask what it is, I haven't heard whether they followed up, but I do try. It also depends on if the doctor is willing to do one. They really seem to resent when patients request tests.

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Annie...Are any of them making a connection to the covid shots? Or are they waiting with bated breath for their next booster?

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Some may get boosters. Others I can't tell. I find it odd they talk to me about it as it's well known I am unvaxxed and medically adverse. I think they want to see if I am experiencing any issues. I play dumb. If they ask, I will tell them I am fine and it's the vaxx.

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That's what I say if shotted people tell me about their "strange" problems. I tell them it's the shots they took unless proved otherwise. Then I tell them I'm doing fine and don't have those problems because I didn't take the shots.

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That's because the polymerase chain reaction is just that -- a chain reaction carried out on genetic material. Just because whores and liars call it a "test" does not make it one.

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Smok'in hot! Love it.

Later Jay

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And before that, get “long Covid.”

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Which is now becoming long vaxx.

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well, crap. I had to have a test before a colonoscopy in early 2022. I almost cancelled when I found out I had to test, but did go ahead and do it. Although my unjabbed sister had to test twice a week for over a year as punishment for not getting the shot at her job. So far no issues.

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My husband, (a physician) continues to tell me that there are innumerable Corona viruses, (like the common cold) and the PCR test will pop positive for all of them. I was just wondering if I was missing something when people keep telling me they have Covid again. It's almost like the "trans" issue...mass formation psychosis.

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People, even smart people, seem not to discriminate carefully enough. Instead they will go with the a word or words given to them, repeated endlessly ... and drilled endlessly into their heads. Such a word is Covid. The result of this and even from people who appear to be on our side is this. Ask anyone who got sick during the PsyOp what they got and they all will invariably say covid. I don't argue with such people. Instead, I will tell you two things which I know.

First, all cause mortality did not rise in 2020/2021 and thereafter until the injections began to be administered. Near the very beginning of this madness I ran the local figures for my area in Virginia and in the county of one of my sister-in-laws living in Maryland. This was mid-year 2020. And I found that mortality was in the same range as in any other pre-plandemic year. And second was this. I noticed that in the media reports every one dying was ostensibly dying from 'covid' and nothing else ... and furthermore that normal flu season had mysterious disappeared from the face of the earth. These two pragmatic observations are two tells which ought to give people serious pause ... and yet people still talk 'covid' as though it were a real thing ... and the only thing people can catch.

PCR tests? I only know what people say. As for me, I think the PCR test is unreliable and a tool for propaganda manipulation. But no matter what the PCR test is, I still know all cause deaths did not rise until the toxic injections began to be administered and that normal flu season inexplicable disappeared with the advent of 'covid 19' and as of yet has never returned. What can be know with certainty is what is determinate, and it trumps all other speculation no matter how interesting. From all of this what I have learned is this, that people, even supposedly smart 'learned' people, can be willingly led to their own self-destruction by the power of Word Magic. And that Word Magic is the Devil's Tool par excellence.

How lucky you are ... and congratulations. You married a smart prudent man! This must be of great comfort and solace. And indeed, there are innumerable corona viruses, and has always been so.

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"...and furthermore that normal flu season had mysterious disappeared from the face of the earth." --

Mid March 2020 relatively early days when the fear was being whipped up, visiting my elderly mom wanting to calm her fears I went to CDC website to look at numbers, covid-19 compared to P&I (pneumonia and influenza). Found historical data and current weekly data. At that moment in time morbidity and mortality for covid-19 was unremarkable, less than P&I. --

Within four or five days I revisited the CDC website aiming for the same data/page and spent nearly half an hour trying to relocate where I had been, which hadn't been hard to find. I couldn't find any current P&I data. It was gone. This made no sense to me and something about it was... strange, and suspicious. The next day lockdowns arrived. And the dots kept cropping up, in relatively quick succession, ever so suspiciously connecting. --

So yep, flu disappeared from the face of the earth. Didn't exist anymore. I was the only one that asked out loud, Why do you need a shot to prevent against something that doesn't exist? Vilified I was. I don't know what I'm talking about. My extended family of origin is a bunch of dunderheads. Strict MSM diet. So frustrating and sad. Everybody jumped to get v'd. Yadda.

Right with you on your observations, particularly mind manipulation via language. What a trip this has been, resorting to the 100 miles up view of the planet. Thank God for The Resistance. Blessings. 🙏

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Thanks ... and most astonishing, and I am still flabbergasted, why did everybody and everything go so stock raving insane. What made sense and what did not was in plain sight the whole time, simple stuff. And one does not have to be a highly trained scientist to figure this stuff out. Covid and 911, and now the Ukraine debacle.

And the allege vaccine fraud. Pure, plain and simple, mRNA nano lipid particulate, this cannot possible be a vaccine. This, of course, is the worst Evil I have seen in a lifetime, and really the last murderous twenty-two some years in particular.

Yes, what a trip. Simply unbelievable. My heart feels for anyone's mom who had to have this rank evil inflicted upon them.

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Oh I spent a ton of time in 2020 trying to make sense of the CDC site. They kept changing the narrative, so I started screen shotting. For instance, they took down a page that said ""we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks." Poof! Gone later on. Or they moved it somewhere I couldn't find it.

And yes, they basically cancelled flu surveillance in 2020, and lumped everything to CLI - Covid-like illness. "Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this system will suspend data collection for the 2020-21 influenza season. Data from previous seasons are available on FluView Interactive. "

The weekly hospitalization (remember 'hospitals are overflowing!!' ?) report showed that the highest number of ED visits for the entire year of 2020 were in JANUARY, before covid theoretically even started. And that s when my husband and I likely had it. Only time we were sick in 2020 and tested positive for antibodies in Dec 2020. If you believe the test.

BUT the weekly ED visits data is GONE. Got curious and just looked. The new chart does not include raw numbers, and it is blank (N/A) for Jan -Aug 8 2020 time period?? I used the link I included on the spreadsheet I had saved with the downloads, and the page is completely different. It's still on archive.org though, so they haven't scrubbed that yet.

I could go on, but I would send people links from CDC and then when they went to them they were either different or gone. One of the main reasons I smelled a rat on this whole issue from the beginning.

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No surprise to me.

I remember Fauci saying very early on, Feb, March 2020, that masks were useless. I could get behind that since I knew it to be the case from a healthcare career. When he flipped April, May-ish, at first I was dumbstruck: why would he say that? That lasted about a minute. Another "dot" from the government.

I was a total tin foil hat nut job for a couple of weeks in the beginning. Then I just shut up. Already had issues with the narcissist-bully sibling that I hadn't engaged with for years and that was the loudest voice against me. Not worth it. Good on you pursuing the cover up. I had a small circle that saved my sanity over the last few years. Started as 3, now up to 6! Riding it out. Have the occasional, positive brief exchange in public when I make a sane comment and the other person is open-minded enough to respond intelligently. Mostly, I feel for the duped who have regret. I need to be a source of support vs. denigrating them for their stupidity. They were manipulated. I try to drop that into the exchange with a warning to be careful and watchful in the future. Yadda. Venting.🤪😅

God's brightest blessings on Jeff Childers.

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YES! Jeff has been one of the lights in the darkness ever since he started on Medium, and then got cancelled and had to go to Substack. He, Dr. Frank, and el gato malo were voices of sanity early on.

I do research for business planning (self employed) for a living and when project after project cancelled or put on hold I threw all my energy into this covid mess. Origin of the virus, treatment protocols, sketchy data, those ridiculous 'models' with NO methodology anywhere to be found. My covid file on my computer has over 1300 files in 31 folders. I shared prolifically with anyone and everyone who would listen. I can take on anyone who wants to argue with links, data, studies, timelines, and the rest. But guess what, almost no one had anything of substance to argue back, they instead resorted to name calling and insults. It was a lonely time save a few sane friends who did listen.

The silver lining is that I have a whole new circle. Found groups who were meeting in person, got more involved politically, and that has become a new lifeline. Knocked over 2000 doors last year for candidates from school board to US Senate. Good conversations at some of the doors, and of course some who just want to cuss me out. Oh well, next. And frankly, I can hardly even stand going to just plain social things where people just want to talk about Taylor Swift and Netflix and other mindless blather. Oh it's a nice escape for an hour or so and then I am looking for a way out. My hubby gets annoyed at me if he is having a good time so I smile and nod and look at my watch, lol. He's awake, but the political bug didn't bite him as hard as it did me, so I get even by dragging him to some of those political dinners and events where he gets to smile and nod.

I too feel bad for the duped, I still see people in masks, although not like a year or so ago.

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So glad you had others around you for support...my husband and I stood alone, trying to educate and as most people on this blog, were vilified. I'm exhausted and I'm getting to the point where I just don't care. Had a conversation with an friend who actually said she wasn't sure she'd get the booster this fall...really!

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I never did any research (on CDC site, etc). Just relied on my gut instinct. 🙂

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I just got into it with a friend (who is now probably a former friend) who told me that my constant talking about all of the scams around covid were hurtful to people like her whose dad died 'from covid' and that I was lacking in compassion. How do you argue with people who want to make this all about emotion? I reminded her that I lost a good friend to the hospital protocol, remdesivir and the vent, and that if she wanted to be angry, be angry at the hospitals and doctors who put liability protection ahead of patient care.

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The answer, as you know, is that one cannot argue with people who are incapable of thinking things out for themselves. And this is so sad as is the smashing up of families. But really! That is what 'they' the Woke Marxist elites want ... to destroy the family. And apparently Western Civilization along with it.

Having to live through this is, and is going to be, a hard row to hoe ... and heartbreaking. And this is understatement. But I see no alternative but to resist Evil and to build up Good. To do otherwise is to lose all healthy self-conception, to becomes a kind of walking suicide. Not really any kind of good option.

Such as you describe, this is happening all over the place. And I for one am not going to just forget what 'they' have done to us and reconcile ... and forgive and forget. We have been too badly assaulted in all essentials which count.

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Yes, you are right. I got cancelled by a lot of people early on in this thing. This particular friend was an anomaly in that she took my advice and used the zelenko protocol I gave her when she got covid. But then ignored me and got the shot a couple of months later 'as that protected her from variants'. She is a D but not really political and so had managed to stay friends. It's sad but I try to talk sense to people. I am not really a confrontational person, but everyone has their breaking point. I am done. It's been over 3 years and if none of this has gotten through to you I don't think I can help.

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I’m sorry, I had someone who I thought was a good friend send me texts in the beginning of 2021 telling me that she didn’t really want to be around me anymore because I was “uncaring” about the people affected by Covid 🙄 Since I wasn’t on board with the lockdowns and masks and mandates. It was very hurtful and upsetting to me at the time. I reminded her that my brother was killed through effects of the lockdowns and my family’s business was affected. But apparently those aren’t important 🙄 I actually don’t have any regrets about losing what I thought was a friendship, if just showed me how shallow and easily manipulated she was and also that she didn’t even value our relationship at all. For your sake I hope your friend reconsiders and sees your pov at least. It’s hard when people you think are your friends are more influenced by the media and “experts” than they are by their actual experiences and relationships with their friends.

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Yes, covid killed friendships, sadly. l lost who I thought was my best friend since college, actually over my support for Trump and the Jan 6 incident, when I said this was a psy-op and a lot of these folks were goaded into it. She actually listened to me about a lot of the covid stuff, and I knew she didn't like Trump but we used to still be able to get together and have meaningful conversations. But she went over the edge - moved to the Lake of the Ozarks area around that time to be closer to her dad and hit the leftist and covid kool-aid hard. Kept picking fights with me on social media, and started that uncaring, selfish for not getting the shot stuff. Saying if anyone who supported Trump was a bigot and racist. Her nephew died of a fentanyl OD and I went to his funeral to see her, and she, in person, admitted that her niece who she had said died of covid actually died of liver failure due to alcoholism. Never really apologized though, just said, a lot of things are not as they seem. Her hubby invited us down for a long weekend, and said she would get in touch about calendars, but she never did. Came to both of my kids weddings (my hubby said to un-invite her but I am an idiot that couldn't seem to get the message) that summer and fall, but spent more time talking to my sisters than me. I guess I thought she was going to come to her senses, but after a couple of more social media barbs I just unfriended her and let it go. She lives 3 hours away now, so the odds of running into each other are slim. This latest dust-up was really the last in the line of my pre-covid D friends, we'd been friends since HS, although we only got together a few times a year and didn't really have much in common any more. It's so weird that most of my long time friends were all D's when I have not been a D since the mid-80's and I have been involved with R politics all this time. (well I did campaign for Ross Perot) But we always managed to work that out and have plenty to talk about. Now, everything is political, and I just find myself having little tolerance for those who prefer being woke over being awake. During Tucker's TPUSA speech near the end, he made the point that a lot of this culture war stuff is really just a 'distraction to keep us from noticing they are destroying the country'. That really resonated with me. If I get on FB, my feed is every other post people talking about Jason Aldean. Yeah he is being cancelled over BS, but there is a LOT more important news to talk about. FB is nearly as vapid as the MSM any more. Thank God for Substack.

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It’s definitely been both eye opening and disheartening to see the friends who choose their political tribe over their longtime friendships. You can really tell who is afraid of not going along with the crowd and of standing up for themselves. Or those who don’t want to think, but to rely on others to think in their stead.

“Now, everything is political, and I just find myself having little tolerance for those who prefer being woke over being awake.”

Yes. This.

I have had a very similar experience, I used to have lots of friends with very different political perspectives and appreciated our exchanges and discussions but now it’s just “bigot, racist, conspiracy theorist” type of responses and not meaningful and thoughtful conversation. Very sad. Even when they don’t say it to me directly, if I see them make a post on Facebook insulting people who like Trump, didn’t get the shots, etc., I know that’s what they think of me and it’s hard to get past that.

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“Covid” is a word people use to explain an illness that they have never experienced before . With symptoms like loss of taste, or parosmia…stuff that is beyond the “normal “ flu symptoms/experiences we have all been used to.

You know *strange* baffling or particularly nasty symptoms they can’t categorize . …

It seems the word *covid* apparently triggers some people …

So , as an unvaxxed person trying to describe this *new* type of sick experience ….

It would be nice to know an alternative word ???

I caught the *Fauci *? Or I had *GOF* (gain of function) three times ??

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One-ism is a dangerous philosophical attitude. Especially in a world wherein a huge multiplicity of agendas were being initiated and facilitated under a single cover of mass panic. As to the mass fixation on 'covid', all other agenda objectives were achieved beyond all dreams. To this day, for example, most people still don't know that the world's financial/economic problems were not initiated by the planetary covid lock-downs and mandates beginning March/April 2020. But instead, the world financial melt down was already well in progress by late August 2019. But to say the least, what a stroke of luck for the central bankers! With covid, nobody points a finger at them. Nope! Something else caused all the mess. Convenience is never to be belittled.

It is too much to go into here with arguing the word covid this way and that, and how Word Magic has led the entire world into doing that which they would otherwise not do on their own accord. So instead, here is a video which closely mirrors my own views, but in a much more professionally detailed way. When you are finished, you might go back an re-read what I have written and see if you can see it in another light. We all are, me including, prisoners of our own minds. If it were not so, we would not be living under total tyranny in West as we do so sadly now. The video is one of the best out there.


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Wow I thought I was pretty well educated on all the BS but that was the first time I had heard antibiotic RX were cut in half. But this is why I don't like videos - where is the link to his source!? What time period? I have 2 friends who say their dads died of 'covid pneumonia' in early 2021, some kind of respiratory illness. Neither were poor though. But the were in their 80's and poor health. If they were not given antibiotics, I would say they died of malpractice!

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Agreed ... but nonetheless everything fits a pattern already established as to 'official' sector Health Terrorism malfeasance. And so, antibiotics being withheld is not out of the question. It fits the narrative. And yet all cause mortality did not rise outside of normal parameters until after the jabs were administered.

Also, 'they' the ones behind this little operation run on us were smart enough not to do everything the same across the board. Not even the jab batches, as we now know, were not all the same. Some even seem to have been saline. Why? Maybe to scramble, play with our brains when looking at 'the data'?

I do know that if the public were knowledgeable on Health Terrorism (as well as everything else) that there would already be giant Nuremberg type trials all over the place. There is plenty of stuff out there enabling of criminal prosecutions. What do we get instead? A low grade clown show pretense of scrutiny. Unless we get some serious high level prosecutions and convictions with serious jail time, I am afraid that 'they' will do it again ... because that is what repeat offenders always do unless stopped dead in their tracks.

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I agree …people do tend to get “fixated” on illness …as we are spiritual beings abiding in this often fragile physical body.

My goodness, we are known to talk about the aches and pains associated with something as mundane as aging .

I also agree, *Covid* certainly didn’t cause this mess and I am sincere when I say I’m happy to ditch the word Covid entirely.

I additionally agree with a single cover of mass panic …

Although…I’m probably still going to talk about my baffling *illness*

and Mr. Childers will probably continue to talk about the shot …

And I agree, we should all probably be focused on something else …

We are just so human.

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I agree. And when I reflect back on the Obama years and Obama's use of the words 'radical transformation', I remember saying to myself ... "What the heck does that mean?" Now I know that Obama literally meant EVERYTHING. And now even 'hacking the wetware' meaning us, this too is I am afraid, a reality present and existential.

And actually, I just want to be human and back to normal. And let this demonic, insane world find an early grave.

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Also, you might like this. It is a very coherent statement of things. All cause mortality is the difference between truth and fiction. The statement and conclusions are wider than the title would suggest.


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Covid feels different from other innocuous Corona viruses. I’d trust the people who tell you this. Remember the virus mutates rapidly ( more so than naturally due to the leaky vaccines) and there is the possibility it changes enough to reinfect.

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For anyone doing very deep research into what we're up against, the Substack below is amazing. Seems they really did create and release a Frankenstein, and they have no idea, not even conjecture, about why it is behaving the way it is. Don't miss for the deep research fans: https://harvard2thebighouse.substack.com/p/china-owns-nature-magazines-ass-6f8?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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This 💯

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I had covid early in 2020 (hate antibodies) and again in 2021 and 2022. I am not vaccinated I do NOT get flu shots; have never had flu. I tested negative for flu and positive on covid on rapid and PCR. You feel really different with covid than a cold. It’s real. It’s a bio-weapon and you need to treat it early if you get it. The FLCCC saw many sad cases. But yes, did most survived it. It does mutate. I have never had long covid because I do take it seriously.

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My NYS relatives get it over and over, and I think they buy those tests by the gross. And no matter what we tell them, they think we are just those crazy Floridians. I have Togo north to see my mom, just turned 94. She's starting to lose it, but I refuse to fly now, and don't want to force my bride, suffering herself, to go on that trip. So I think I'll be driving myself up there.

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He's right

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And given the usually mild presentation of Omicron, why are people even testing at this point? Just say you have a cold and be done with it.

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There is no test. Even the inventor of the PCR said it was never designed for this, and anything above 30 cycles (1 million X amplification of the sample) makes the results worthless. The labs who did the testing would not even tell the doctors who submitted the tests how many cycles they ran, but it was consistently over 30, and up to 45. 40 cycles means 1 trillion times amplification, at which a paw paw, coca cola, and a goat will (and did) test positive for covid.

It was a testing plandemic, NOT a virus pandemic.

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Early on, I called a few local labs doing the PCR tests. Two of them coughed up the info they were testing at 45 cycles (after a big runaround of people having no idea what I was even talking about!). One lab that did only saliva PCR tests was running their tests at 55 cycles!!!

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Not surprising but really disgusting!!

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They assassinated the pawpaw goat guy for doing those tests. It made me angry and sad, he seemed to be a good man.

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The designation of PCR has entered into the realm of Word Magic. Just say the magic words PCR and 'tested positive for' ... and it's an slam dunk that one caught 'covid'. And nothing else.

Oh! How I long for a normal flue season of the 'good old days' before the Era of Health Terrorism!

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Robert F. Kennedy:

A government that can censor its critics is licensed for every atrocity. It is the beginning of totalitarianism. There's never been a time in the history when we look back and the guys who were censoring people were the good guys. All of us grew up reading Arthur Koestler, Robert Heinlein, Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, and they were all saying the same thing. Once you start censoring, you're on your way to dystopia and totalitarianism.


I guess I should say it... I don't think we should trust the "tests" as benign. This whole plandemic is a military psy-ops and killing machine. IMO, even the tests are dangerous to your health and are probably making people sick. I keep hearing of people "catching covid" 3, 4, 5, 6 times and these are the same people who are constantly "testing" out of induced fear. Don't test, don't take the shot - DO NOT TRUST ANYTHING. Nothing is as it seems!

This whole thing is like an onion. Layer after layer after layer of deception. When you think you have exposed the lie and gotten to the truth, all you have really done is just discovered another layer of deception. From the very beginning, Wuhan was set up to take the blame when the narrative began to unravel to deflect from whatever the actual truth is. And sure enough, as soon as the narrative became too thin to hold together, they "admitted" the "virus" originated in Wuhan. Another lie so you don't look any further. And when that unravels, as it surely will, there will be another lie to deflect from the truth. Almost from the beginning, I suspected that Wuhan would eventually take the blame and the actual truth is world's away from that lie. Every piece of this plandemic is a smokescreen to protect the satanic cabal that is systematically killing the populations of the white West and instituting a complete totalitarian NWO. They are culling the human race of people they can't control. This attack, this war, is far from over. We are being replaced.

I can't prove any of this. The only thing I know for sure is this: Covid is NOT what they say it is. It is first and foremost a military psy-ops of the USG military. Dr. David Martin has documented the patent trail of the chimeric laboratory creation called Covid. As he maintains, it most certainly is not a virus, at least not by any conventional definition. It could be part synthetic "parasite" and God knows what DNA pieces have been included. Whatever you want to call it, it's not natural. Furthermore, the so-called virus has never been isolated from an infected person. Really?! A "virus" that has plagued the entire world has NEVER been isolated from an infected person?!! The SECOND thing this tells me for sure is that there is no virus. If it's never been isolated, then it doesn't exist. It's simple as that.

Another fact that Dr. Martin has documented is that the chimeric laboratory creation is replication defective which means it can't spread very far. Even if it wasn't, there is no way it could spread around the world the way it did from a single point of origin. This would only be possible if the infectious agent was simultaneously deployed on purpose around the globe to mimic a pandemic. This deployment simply initiated the "pandemic". The rest was all psy-ops smoke and mirrors.

This past Friday I posted a comment that traced our present troubles back to the Philadelphia Convention of 1787. You can read it here:


What I didn't address in that comment was what motivated Washington and his fellow conspirators to do what they did. Patrick Henry, who was a solid Christian and a fire-brand for liberty, knew and he wanted no part of it. I have a framed picture that was published in the Congressional calendar four decades ago of the tapestry that hangs in the Capitol rotunda depicting George Washington laying the cornerstone of the United States Capitol on Sept. 18, 1793 in a Masonic ceremony. Mind you, not a Christian ceremony but a Masonic ceremony with Washington in full 33rd degree regalia. For those interested, here is a link but I warn you, it is a deep rabbit hole:


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There is the Wicker Gate and the straight and narrow. And then everything else the world and the wages of sin. And also, the Son of Thunder is my best beloved of the era.

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Interesting! I believe that I remember hearing that many 'successful' businessmen, though belonging to Christian faith traditions, belong to masonry. Obviously, their worldly 'success' is given to them by the master of this world. 😬

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I just roll my eyes when someone tells me they have covid.

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I roll my eyes when someone tells me they are testing for covid.

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That too.

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Paxlovid is known for giving you recurring Covid. I would bet anything that he took big pharma’s faulty fix.

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Paxlovid? How about the covid vaccine making you more susceptible to covid in general?

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Vaxxed people getting Covid again and again is likely due to immune system destruction. To compound things, if they take Paxlovid, it is documented to cause rebound. Vicious cycle.

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The people I know of who have been getting recurring covid over the past couple of years are all vaccinated. None that I know of got Paxlovid.

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I never really looked into Paxlovid, I just associated it with something I should avoid (like the shots).

Maybe a substack on it could be useful. @Jeff

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Paxlovid masks the symptoms for a while threats negative, then COVID comes back. Remember Fraudchi and OHarris getting COVID after Paxlovid? Happened quite a bit.

Similar to Sudafed, which dries nasal passages but it is not an antihistamine. You are still allergic, and allergies didn’t go away. Stop taking Sudafed and you are full on watery dry eyes etc.

Paxlovid is questionably harmful in itself, but I’d think it’s more that people are fooled into believing they are cured and go back to full-on life too soon. And get others sick.

Unvaxxed can get it more than once. It happened in our family, but mild as if light allergies. Took Sudafed. Ha

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I had Covid 2x. Once with the original strain and it was


Second time I didn’t know I had it. Basically allergies

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By “he” do you mean Dickie D from IL? He has Long Term Senatoritis. 😖

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I'm pretty sure you can get it twice, but with a non corrupted immune system seems rare. I've still never gotten it, my brother got in during alpha phase and never again. Most unvaxxed I know only got it once.

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I’ve had something 3 times, unjabbed but shedding issues. Helping fully boosted elderly family . On lots of supplements precovid for biotoxin mold illness and autoimmune issues.

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Shedding is a real issue, so what you are getting is not covid, but more issues associated with the spike protein and the other poisons they put in the jabs. We take nattokinase every day as a prophylactic to shedding.

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Thanks. Makes me wonder what covid actually is?! I pronounce it “ bio weapon “, virus and jab.

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& it’s a bio weapon. Probably many varieties?

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I am non-jabbed, generally very healthy and have had Covid twice. The second time I believe was connected to hanging out closely with many jabbed family members.

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Yeah, every time I am around the vaxx'd in large groups I come home w/some sort of something. I take my remedies and it goes away quickly, thankfully, but it has happened enough that I am convinced shedding is a real thing. I want a test to check to see if the spike proteins are in my body now.

I spray myself with Brio-tech before I go out and do the mouthwash peroxide thing and that seems to help.

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May I suggest twice daily Xlear nasal spray to kill any type of virus that might be in your sinus cavity before it has a chance to do its damage?

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I have too many pets to use that stuff. I like my Briotech, the key is to remember to use it before I leave the house. Any cooties I get I am able to ward off w/other things I do. My point is going out and being around a large quantity of vaxx'd people has convinced me shedding is real.

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I got it in alpha too. Like a runny nose. Nada since. I didn’t test at the time but got an antibody test months later—for what any of those tests are worth. 🤔🙄

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Same, although I was legit sick in Jan 2020. Fatigue, lost taste and smell, fever, cough. Coughed for 3 months even after the rest of the symptoms abated. But then gave blood in Dec 2020 and they were doing antibody tests. Sent a letter saying I had antibodies. Haven't been sick since, although I have upped my immune system game since reading Dr Zelenko and Dr. McCullough's advice.

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My unvaxxed naturopath got something 3 times. He has teenage kids and of course sees lots of his patients, and partners patients are in and out of the building. Go figure.

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We got it twice un vax. 2nd time I only knew bc a non vax acquaintance I was traveling with got a bad sinus infection toward the end and tested positive. I got the sinus infection but not so bad. Tested when I got home, positive. Felt better in 3 days. Took usual vitamins and equine therapy. Tested neg within 4 days.

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Pretty much boils down to gazillion-$$ question: What the heck is covid, after all? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Covid had two purposes. One was to enable the globalists to run a test to see just how compliant (translated, gutless and stupid) the masses are. The answer was a wet dream to them. The other was to scare the sheep _ _ _ _ less so they would beg for an experimental bioweapon to "save them". I'd give them and "A" for this battle, although they expected everyone to cave. Far too many people were left alive, undamaged, and worst of all wide awake to their evil, so they get a D, perhaps an F, for the war. the verdict is still out on that

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You forgot one of the purposes: Depopulation. One has to use Bayesian techniques to analyze all-cause-mortality these days.

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Also, timed exquisitely to cover up the 2019/2020 financial melt down as well as an occasion to push through Great Reset fraud funding. I was really a multi-purposed operation.

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You forgot election fraud....

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It's sole purpose was accomplished. Prevent trump from being president. That was hands down, all hands on deck necessary due to his ultimately prosecuting those bastards that created and currently using Ukraine. Ask Nanzi. It's secondary function, the gift that keeps on giving, is proof of their ability to control those of us that refuse to conform by owning the sheep that do.

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"Far too many people were left alive, undamaged, and worst of all wide awake to their evil."

Yuppers. The DIPS (demons in power), really, really, really hate the unshotted because we are now on the same playing field as them. We can look them straight in the eye and they can see that we know what they tried to do and they failed. The DIPS hate the unshotted with the heat of a millions suns.

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DIPS, good one.

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All good & well—yet leaves the *is* question lingering unaddressed 🙂

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it's the old LATIN definition of VIRUS...POISON or TOXIN

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Might as well be Sumerian 😁

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Or transliteration from Koine: Toxon.

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Somehow we ended up dissecting sars-cov-2 etymology as opposed to covid nosology & aetiology 🙂

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I was sick very very sick (breathing/lungs) beginning of 2020 (never took a test), but later tested for antibodies with a doc in my area +positive.

Sick again 2021, lost taste and smell, sick June 2022 altered taste and smell, recurring rounds of hair loss.

No vax .

Thank the Lord have not been sick since Oct 2022, other than hair loss, hopeful my body has finally figured this thing out naturally. 🙏

This is my experience, I just know it is not natural to struggle with an unexplainable taste in your mouth for 3+ months …so although I never “tested” for covid…pretty sure my body has been going through it, trying to figure out this man-made wickedness.

Did I get three variants ? I have no idea 🤷‍♀️

*not overweight, diabetic, etc…but I do have endometriosis which is autoimmune …

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I think shedding is responsible for much of this in the unvaxxed. I’ve heard of many people who have experienced hair loss since “Covid” arrived on the scene, including myself. Several hairstylists said they’ve seen it in many customers since 2020, both vaxxed and unvaxxed.

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Castor oil helps w/the hair loss.

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I’m in a Covid support hair loss group, there have been some mixed information on that …it can cause more damage.

Very consistent support for rosemary oil though !!

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023

I have had great results w/it. The type of Castor oil I use has lavender and rosemary in it. I put fresh rosemary in my lemon water, in the winter my hot tea. Everyone is different and will have different results. Castor oil has been around since the dawn of time. I put castor oil on my nails and it has helped them as well. It is also good for scars.

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I juice and freeze my lemons , so I will have to try the rosemary in my water ! Thanks for the tips 💛

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Yes! I’ve seen many recipes on Pinterest for Rosemary hair rinse. Overall probably the most effective thing for hair loss.

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My naturopath highly recommended…she said the studies on it was better than anything pharmaceutical …not surprising lol 😄

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Taken orally or rubbed on the scalp? Also, what is the dosage?

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Look at Pinterest for a Rosemary hair rinse.

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Thank you.

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I’ve heard that but I don’t know if I can get myself to “drink” that….

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023

You don't drink it. I use it two ways, I have a dropper so it is easier to manage because it is very thick stuff. I put maybe half or so of the dropper on my finger and then put it on my scalp where I want it to go, usually on my part line. I let it stay on overnight, or if I am going to be home I will put it on my scalp for a few hours before I shower.

I put a dropperful in my hair conditioning bottle and shake well so it is diluted. I let the conditioner sit on my head for as long as I have time for and then rinse as usual. All I know is my hair is starting to have more thickness and body to it and when I comb it less is falling out. Everyone is different.

I have switched shampoo to a Tea Tree oil based and then another that is apple cider vinegar based. So far I like both. I have curly hair and anyone that has curly knows you don't mess w/it once it dries because it gets frizzy. Using the castor oil helps w/that, and no, I don't look like Debbie Wasserman-Shultz's hair.

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Thank you for taking the time to explain the process to me. I started taking Nutrafol a couple months ago and will see if that helps. I have very fine hair and the humidity is high this time of year in MO. so its a daily struggle in addition to having hair at all different lengths because even though I’m losing hair it is growing back and fortunately have no bald spots. Thank you again!

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Re: Hair loss: Apparently my dog has had "Covid" since he moved in with me . . .

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Funny …

Loosing my hair hasn’t been to funny though .

To be clear …I had a “mystery “ illness in 21&22 that caused hair loss and a several month long taste disorder .

Some others (not vaxed)

have also experienced weird symptoms they’ve never had before …with this mysterious illness .

We don’t have to call it “Covid”

It’s baffling.

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😂😂😂Blame it on the dog!!

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Have you tried ivermectin? Ive read that it works better for prevention than for curing. If you aren’t following the FLCCC protocols, I’d recommend them.

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I believe that helped with the taste …

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Hypothyroidism and diabetes might cause hair loss.

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True ! Those are good things to check out when you have hair loss 👍

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Of course quit booze, but that's obvious...

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? I’m lost …don’t drink or smoke …

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Re shedding....encouraging you to watch Scott Marsland's (nurse practitioner) FLCCC conference presentation where he discusses a patient's situation. Watch free https://covid19criticalcare.com/courses/conference-2023-spring-basic/

Also reminding there was a study of masked healthcare workers, vaxed, where their worn masks were analyzed. One thing that was found was they were breathing out antibodies germain to the vax. We also know the vaxed produce the wrong antibodies to fight off cv. Are the unvaxed being influenced by these breath antibodies? Who knows! My point is that, imho, we could be seeing muliple mechanisms that fall under the "shedding" category.

You may also want to consider looking at latent virus reactivation, and getting together with a dr or nd who is in the know to help you out and help strengthen your immune system and/or id potential root causes. Wishing you good health!!!

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023

Thank you ! Seeing a naturopath ! I will definitely check out the link 🙏

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Double thanks!

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Stress does a number on hair. All three times I've lost massive amounts of hair have been after extreme stress, and the scamdemic was no exception.

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Unfortunately or maybe fortunately that’s not my case …

but for sure stress can absolutely be a factor 👍

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The Covid toilet is backing up, and I’m just going to wait for the stench from all the lies to reach the ones responsible. Sooner or later even they won’t be able to avoid the smell!

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Smells like burning sulfur . . .

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If your immune system is toast because of jabs and more jabs, you can get sick with all sorts of things. If a virus mutates just enough, you can get sick with a next gen version of it, as well. Most of this repeat infection stems from the fact that the jabbed have been primed to ‘fight’ the original version of Covid. Then when they are exposed to a new version, their body makes antibodies to the original version of Covid and has a hard time clearing the new one. It is a vicious cycle. Add in the fact that as long as they keep producing spike, their body has to fight itself, too.

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The jabbinated eventually start producing IgG4, which causes their body to *tolerate* the virus. It's not that their primed to fight the wrong version, they *tolerate* it. It's effectively like an allergy shot. So the jabbinated then have a constant swarm of virus percolating in their system, wearing out their organs and spreading to others who lack a functioning immune system.

Natural N-protein antibodies are the way to go!

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Igor writes good articles that address this question. He’s a substack writer

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He’s awesome. 1 of my top 3 substacks. Igor Chudov.

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Our daughter and her fiancée just attended a super spreader event in Tampa last Thursday night and both got Covid. Neither are vaxed. It hit them hard. HIGH fever, severe headache, malaise.... ugh. Her fiancée had it in Jan '22. They're both on therapeutics. First time with covid for her... he's gotten it three times.

I've certainly heard of vaxed people getting it multiple times. A close (jabbed) friend has had it five times. Twice due to Paxlovid rebound covid...

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I'm beginning to think not being vaxxed is not something to brag about if you are constantly around the vaxxed or worse- mixing fluids with them.

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023

It is difficult to know who is and who isn't when you are forced to be out in the public doing your job or at a social event.... My advice is; BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM! Everyone needs to hear that, not just the vaxed, who've had their immune systems sabotaged by the jabs. Everyone who has had covid, vaxed or not, should be boosting their immune system.

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The best common sense advice yet, Maggie! We can’t avoid the vaxxed or shedding unless we live in isolation, and I don’t intend to do that. Strengthening the immune system is the way to go.

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We take Ivermectin prophylactically when we have to go to a superpreader event, and that includes airplanes.

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Can you point me to info for the proper ivermectin dosing/frequency for prevention? My husband weights 75 lbs more than me. My limited understanding is we should take different amounts. Thank you.

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I use horse paste. The syringe measures out doses via weight so it’s pretty easy. It’s in my farm store down the road so I get some for travel. I am rarely among more than a few people. I had a runny nose after Xmas travel so used it then. Didn’t test but the “thing” dissipated.

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Weekly for me.

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Me too, 😊

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Also my question is how is the flu at a high risk in a 100+ degree desert!?! July not usually flu season, so … 🤷🏼‍♀️

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I'll admit, my husband and I caught a "late season flu" in late May 2010 that kicked us down hard. I had to travel 2 weeks into it, with our daughter who was modeling and singing at the time... I was ill 5 weeks. My husband was able to rest and got over it sooner, as in 3 weeks. I hadn't gotten the flu shot, he had. I'm not insinuating that he was less ill because he was vaxed... he shouldn't have gotten it because he was vaxed, right?🙄😶‍🌫️ But it was a wicked bug. I never tested positive but my doctor was convinced it was the flu and was doing everything he could think of to get me well. Not with big pHARMa, but with suppliments. We still talk about how sick we were, with the flu... "Late season flu is far worse," according to many physicians who knew us... Their comments didn't help. I look back and wonder just what it was we were exposed to...

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Personally, I believe a version has been around for much longer than the he last 3-4 years. Many of us had an extraordinary flu that was unlike amy other flu. Ever.

So. What was it really then? One of the most telling signs is a repeated spiking fever at night. And the virus moving from body to respiratory.

Never before had a flu that spiked fever more than once.

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I remember when our daughter was a baby. My husband and I had flu at the same time and took turns sleeping on a mattress in the dining room. We cared for baby somehow. No relatives around. She never got sick. This was 1972. Never got flu again until 1998 and never since even with maybe 2 flu shots under my belt. But things come out of left field sometimes.

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Been there, done that and it was hard with four! Few flu vaccines for me as well. I saw an article not too long back about a study into the flu vaccines over the years... they simply never really worked, NEVER. MD hubby has finally decided he'll not get any more vaccines of any kind... joining me, the reader, questioner, skeptic, non-MD who was a med tech way back when...

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Maggie, that’s epic about your hubs!! Yay!! One at a time till tipping point. 👍🏻💪

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I finally got hit with Omicron because I had overworked myself in the heat. Maybe stresses on your bodies systems simply stack up, and the virus gets a foothold?

That's my anecdote.

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I use Xlear nasal spray before/after exposure to reduce risk of infection. There was a study that Dr. McCullough wrote about that showed it reduced Covid infection/symptoms among healthcare workers.

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They already use that and we do too! Since 2021.

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My understanding is the vaxx destroys the immune system, so yes, they continue to get sick over and over. Now is it really Covid or a bad case of flu, that I don't know. I know several people that continue to get sick and they blame it on the unvaxxed spreading it to them even though they are vaxx'd and boosted to the max. *Sigh*. PCR tests are faulty.

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They are not getting covid over and over again, per se.. They are experiencing jab induced immune compromised problems of all sorts. No such thing as long covid.

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I thought if you were jabbed your body would make the wrong AB to what is out there. The part of the antigen that is similar on the variant out there induces an AB response to the old variants meaning you keep bringing ineffective antibodies because that is what your body is primed to do and you can't make the ones you need.Ever.

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Original antigenic sin is one name for that and it's real.

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For me, I first have to believe it exists and is a virus instead of a parasite (since anti parasitics work so well against it, it makes me wonder.) Second, I have to believe the PCR tests are accurate. Last I heard there was a 97% false positive rate. It is generally believed that a person will gain immunity to a virus once they have had it, but with those jabbed, who knows how screwed up their immune system is? Maybe their system never made the antibodies like it was supposed to, thus making them susceptible over and over. This is my non-scientific opinion.

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Lisa R., you can check out https://theendofcovid.com/ for a (very) long answer to your question. It is one that makes sense to me.

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This Woke thing is overtaking the entire world. It is strangely reminiscent of the way the plague response infected country after country until the entire world was being jabbed, masked, and locked down. I think we need a vaccine for totalitarian overreach!

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We are the Rainbow Borg. You will be assimilated. Your uniqueness will be added to our collective. Resistance is futile!

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I think that’s called a Higher Power.

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I thought along similar lines. I don’t know how reliable/honest this presentation is (link at end), but after watching parts 1 and 2, then reading Jeff’s post about Israel, I was relieved somewhat to see the two Biblical passages at the top of my comment feed.


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Not sure what it means, but it's interesting that the BERLIN Pride Pushers were chanting in ENGLISH! Did we just export a bunch of our groomers to Germany?

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The pride people are useful idiots who soon will be culled. Good riddance.

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Soros pays to send them everywhere.

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He once boasted that stripping and selling the assets of his fellow Jews during the Holocaust was a formative experience for him.

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Good catch. Why are they chanting in English? You would think German. OR... you may be right... we are exporting groomers. Now if only they would stay there.

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all perverts know english.. .American English too for that matter

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The crowd looked like a bunch of white elite idiots. Most certainly they know nothing about the Muslim Middle East, nothing about the history of Palestine and Israel, and nothing about the attitudes of Muslims towards gays and and the deviants in the LGBT.etc movement. I'd say they should go do their protest in the streets of, oh let's say IRAN and see what happens to them. Hint: They wouldn't be around long.

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I'm not sold on this. There are multiple Palestinian flags in the crowd. Only one progressive pride flag in the back. I don't have more than this video clip so I'm not counting this as a queer rally for Palestine 🇵🇸 just yet.

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—“Elon Musk explained “X” means “Everything.” (Which doesn’t start with an “X.” It starts with an “E”, but I digress.)”

🤣😆 Good point 😆

Yeah that’s weird and honestly kind of boring/unoriginal. Maybe it’s kind of like people who were illiterate using an X to sign their names 😑

—“The goal of preventing Israel from building a bomb seems to be”

Typo here I’m guessing? Israel should be Iran?

—“Somebody needs to explain how “pride” is a real movement and not just a bunch of useful idiots. Make it make sense.”

They ARE just a bunch of useful idiots. They do what their masters command regardless of how much logic there is in it. The only way to make sense of it is to know that these people are allowing themselves to be manipulated and don’t even realize it 🙄 Nobody ever said these people were intelligent and discerning (and if they had, it would have been a Joe Biden level lie).

To Shaka Hislop: sorry about your SADS event, but you do not get to tell anyone else whether they are allowed have a discussion or debate on this issue. Stop thinking because you’re a sports and entertainment figure that you have any right to tell other people what medical decisions they need to make. It’s NONE of your business!!!

Love the video compilation of the ninja cats 😁😆 Excellent 😁

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It is not a surprise that Musk rebranded his social media company X. He said he would from the beginning. X steganography has been used for centuries and in his case, naming virtually everything X including his child speaks of his deep occult ties. It is baffling that Jeff continues to glean anything that appears leaning to the right from Musk. He is all about scientism and materializing which is the polar opposite of spirituality. Satan's presence has manifested through AI and Musk is his servant. Be most discerning with anything associated with E.M.

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I’m always skeptical of people when I can’t know for sure what their motivations are. I’m not actually surprised he named it X but I still think it’s dumb. And as you mentioned, potentially occult. I don’t use Twitter anyway, I’ve never liked the format or the interactions, really.

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He wanted to name his youngest child X(something), iIrc.

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He did, in fact, name one of his children X (X is the nickname for the much longer, bizarre name of X AE A-XII)

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Yes I saw that.

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"It is baffling that Jeff continues to glean anything that appears

leaning to the right from Musk".

Glad you wrote that. My thought exactly. Soooo many on the right are his enthralled cheerleaders, it is a weird blind spot that to me tips off a weakness. If you think about the current trends as toward a new feudalism, what you see is a bunch of peons rooting for the king they want to serve/slave for. 'Oh, he's anti-this-leftist-thing/anti-big-government-thing! He must be capital G Good!' But its still servitude/slavery. It's like changing the wallpaper on your computer or the picture on your phone--oh wow, you got to choose your decor! But, um, you're still staring at a screen, not looking at or even interacting with the real world. All you have to do is hear a 'news' aka distraction item about Elon Musk cage-fighting Mark Zuckerberg. If you can't read the reality from that, well, of course you fell for 'X'.

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Elon Musk is but a tool with paralles to Hitler. Both are used to drive the takeover of humanity. AI threatens the course of humanity's evolution so naming everything X implies "One X to rule all". Hitler hoodwinked the weary German people after their defeat of WW1, saying what they wanted to hear and when the time was right, promptly removed GOD which was replaced with allegence to him and the Fatherland/Homeland. The Nazi infiltation of the USA was implemented with Operation Paperclip which quickly transfered their Mars/Space agenda (NASA) and medical experimentation through vaccines. Staying silent or ambivalent on this track of history is missing a big chunk of the tragectory of how we got where we are today. Nazi scientist, Wernher Von Braun wrote a fictional book in the 1950's called Project Mars which was most likely purposefully blocked by publishers at the time and released in 1984. In the story, the leaders in the book were called Elons. EM was groomed and selected for the rollout of AI/Transhumanism.

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So many in the government and celebrities think they are elite. They are not. Tptb view them as what they really are - useful idiots to be used and discarded. The vaxx will cull them as it was designed to do.

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They did not receive the love of the Truth.

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...it resembled a CIA headquarters-sized Cold War safe house.😂😂😂

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Great roundup again today! All I can see when I hear and see everything that’s going on is Biblical prophecy being fulfilled. God’s Word is true and certain and He is faithful! I’m praying for Israel! 🇮🇱

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Whether they call it Twitter or X, the only word I have is "No".

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X, the “universal” app with nothing that interests me.

I would’ve thought all the world’s leaders only took saline shots for photo ops, not the actual dangerous kind.

“Pride” only makes sense if you think about the opposite of pride—shame. They are not ashamed. OK. But on its own, how is sexual deviance something to be proud of?

Love those fearless cats!

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Vivek is a vegetarian. Will Trump still select him for VP?


I can respect this in one way. But I think we need Steak Eaters to run this country.

Note, Novak Djokovic is also a vegan, for over a decade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOD-JkUNIc0

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Steak eaters unite!

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I like mine rare.... very rare.

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Brush the dirt off and drag it across the grill once for color.

All done.

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exactly. Rare is the best because if you get a good steak, not a walmart or grocery store special, you don't need a lot of spices or steak sauce. It's supposed to be delicious on it's own

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This made me laugh, next plandemic to come from…. You guessed it, meat!


They think we are stupid.

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That article is a waste of the internet it's posted on... Geez. Who writes such stupid garbage? It's a propaganda rag!

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Yepper! Just finished mine for lunch and had a fatty last night for supper. All proteined up..... but I like that guy, Vivek.

Later Jay

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I think it’s cultural and don’t have a problem with that, specifically. What I can’t stand is the sanctimonious self righteous vegetarians (though usually those are more vegan) who constantly finger wag and proselytize about it.

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I use to watch a lot of 'Van Build' videos. Lots of those were vegans. We'd count how many times they'd remind you of that.

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023

Right?? It’s like the people with their “I mask to protect my neighbors” or “I got my Covid vaccine” profile pics 🙄

As they say, how do you know if a person is a vegan? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you within the first few minutes of meeting them.

Heck do what you want but stop trying to show how superior you are because of it and let other people live their lives 🙄

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"I believe the science that I am unable to articulate or explain. If *you* explain it, I will unironically cite the Dunning-Kruger effect, to which I have succumbed."

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I assume, not our good old "if the house is a rock'in, don't come knocking"-style vans from the 70's, right. I mean, I had a '70 E100 with fat tires and flares and I dig a fat chunk of sirloin.

Later Jay

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God gave us dominion over all animals. Besides meat tastes good.

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If we are not supposed to eat animals, then why are they made of meat?

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And what about all those sharp incisors..... might be something to that adaptation. Just saying.....

Later Jay

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As long as he doesn't dictate my eating habits, fine with me.

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The Ancient Greek philosophers used to say "everything in moderation". We all need plant food AND meat and dairy. In my family we eat meat once or twice a week, lots of fish, and even more vegetables

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Yes our bodies are designed that way! Despite vegans’ protestations to the contrary.

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We are meant to be omnivores.

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But not carnivores. We don't have the morphology to chew and digest raw meat.

True carnivores have acidic stomachs that digest meat with very little chewing.

True herbivores have very long digestive tracts.

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We’ve not needed to eat raw meat for millennia, since we’ve had fire. Maybe before that we did have a system better suited to eating raw meat. Though people still eat steak tartare and carpaccio so there’s that, too 🤷‍♀️ To be fair it’s ground or thinly sliced and not huge hunks of meat but still raw.

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I don't care who eats what so long as they don't try to make me eat it or put me down for eating what I want to eat. Sadly, there's so many out there trying to enforce their ways on everyone else. Don't know much about this guy one way or the other.

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Finish your broccoli, FourWinds, or you can't have dessert.

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Let's not limit our choices based on things of lesser importance. For now, let's save the country; then we can worry about individuals' diets. My concern about Vivek is that he talks a great game, but has no track record I know of to support his current assertions of belief.

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Remember, no one heard of Barack Hussain Obama either, yet he became like a god almost overnight. No track record. Just a 'community organizer', blah blah blah......it was all horse poop. I'm thinking this Vivek guy might be another one of the planted. Dem and Republicans are all the same now, so it really doesn't matter which political side gets the plant, just where it would be more useful.

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Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!

You guys gotta stop. I am running out of cigars and stuffed animals......

Good call Shellie.

Later Jay

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I'm just watching to see whether I can tell which horns are plucked out by their roots.

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I would just caution not to put your hope in men. It may be that these things must happen. We are not to let events trouble us.

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Here's a comment by George Washington, which I cross-posted a couple of years ago on Facebook.

"I wish I may be mistaken in imagining, that there are persons, who, upon finding they could not carry their point by an open attack against the Constitution, have some sinister designs to be silently effected, if possible. But I trust in that Providence, which has saved us in six troubles yea in seven, to rescue us again from any imminent, though unseen, dangers. Nothing, however, on our part ought to be left undone. I conceive it to be of unspeakable importance, that whatever there be of wisdom, and prudence, and patriotism on the Continent, should be concentred in the public Councils, at the first outset." – George Washington, letter to Benjamin Lincoln, Mount Vernon, August 28, 1788; Fitzpatrick 30:63

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And yet everyone in the Bible acted in the world; our Founders and Framers acted in the world; Jeff is acting in the world, for which I am very grateful; and we must act in the world, whether or not we believe that God holds all in His hands, as I do. Otherwise, we could all sit down right now and wait for someone to serve us our meals, but that's now how God made the world.

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You're not wrong. Proverbs 25:26 "Like a muddled spring or a polluted fountain is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked."

I'm merely saying that we shouldn't put our faith in *men.*

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I see. I agree completely.

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Yes my concerns as well.

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I’m not on the Vivek train...DJT can do better.

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Beware of no names who come out of no where saying all the "right things".

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Vivek concerns me. He used the phrase, "open society" in the past, which is a Soros-coined description of the WEF's reset/NWO, one world gov't concept. He received a scholarship from one of the less-popular Soros, but he's so smooth... a friend mentioned that Vivek reminded him of Obama... and that did it for me. He's going to have to prove to me he's really conservative.

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Agree, I need proof from everyone, not just words!

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Is he vegetarian because of his heritage/religion? Hindus are vegetarian, but I don't know if he's Hindu. Most Indians I know who are vegetarian don't care if others eat meat.

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He's Hindu. And I agree about Hindu attitudes about meat-eaters, based on my experience of a few months in India (though long ago now).

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Yes same experience, I have had a lot of interactions with Hindu Indians in my life and have never had them say or even imply anything about my eating habits. They are very “live and let live” in that way, in my experience.

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I'm getting cataracts and I first read "steak eaters" as "sin eaters" lol, which sort of makes sense since the government is a corpse at this point and perhaps we need someone to eat its sins in the old UK funerary tradition lol.

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Let the vegetarians live with their veggies, All the more steak for me. With veggies of course.

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Is there enough room on a campaign sign for both names? TRUMP/RAMASWAMY. TRUMP/NOEM works.

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And he lost Wimbeldon too

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That commentator had a smile on his face the whole time...like you said Jeff, totally not phased. What neurodegeneration looks like.

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Is that what it was. It was so bizarre.

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I don't believe for a minute that anyone in power (or recently in power) took a REAL jab. They ALL lied about getting injected with the "covid" crap, including Trump.

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I thought it was strange that he got the vaccine AFTER he had covid!

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