Oct 28, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

My brother is an unjabbed col in the Air Force and he’s working with senator Ron Johnson to do exactly what you’re talking about after the election. I can’t wait!!!!!

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Best of luck to him...... and of course, to Ron Johnson ( NOW AHEAD! )

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Ron Johnson would be pivotal asset in Jeff’s plan!!!

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Am I the only one wondering if Casey DeSantis’s breast cancer diagnosis (Oct 2021) is vax-related?

I feel like I’m one of the very few who remembers when Gov. DeSantis was all-in on the vaccines, and proudly proclaimed they were fully vaxxed. I also wonder if her diagnosis was the pebble that started his ball rolling more strongly toward alternate & early treatment, and eventually against the vax for wide swaths of the population.

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Sounds plausible, maybe Jeff could ask him: What caused the 180 degree turn?

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A whole lot of us were fully in on the vaccines, including me. I volunteered for Pfizer's Phase 3 trial thinking I was doing my civic duty. At that time I was under the impression that vaccines were sterilizing. By the time I began to see the light a few months later it was too late. I was already "vaccinated." I would think millions of people accepted and trusted the CDC when they said these "vaccines" were safe and effective, including Gov. DeSantis.

Easy to have 20/20 hindsight.

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Completely agree. I thought the same thing! They got lucky.

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That video posted, from bitchute, is a series of outtakes from back at the beginning of all this bs - when everyone was trying to "toe the company line", BEFORE they began smelling a rat.

A BIG, FAT, rat.

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That site seems credible. Owner/writer has BA from Moody Bible Inst, MA from Northeastern Ill. in Linguistics. The dates of the video clips seem to be from within two years. His basic point is: don't look to politicians to save us, they are mercurial.


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THIS MUST BE VERY OLD VIDEO!!! Many, as Ben Shapiro did, changed their minds earlier than him!

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Is 2 years "very old?" Judging from what they say, the statements were made within the last 2 years, some more recent i.e. last Spring.

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Omg that is so disturbing! Thank you for sharing😢

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You are welcome. Please share to others so people know what is really going on.

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I sent it to my brother and his response was they’ve all learned the truth. And I agree. I think they were hoodwinked like so many ppl.

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The eternal problem is that politicians are beholden to sources for $$ and votes.

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Yes. It takes a lot of research to figure out what is really happening. Most people don’t have the time if they’re working. I resigned when the mandates were forced on us at work. So I have time now and I share what I find to as many people as possible.

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I sure hope so! That was hard to watch.

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Senators Ron Johnson and Rand Paul want to get it all out. They are good men.

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And Massie in the House.

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Mark Crispin Miller gives a list at the end of this article of the Republicans in receipt of funding from Bill Gates - Collaborators??? (I spotted one error - Suzan DelBene, a Democrat) -


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I just looked at this list. I want to know how he knows they are funded by Bill Gates. A few names I wasn’t surprised. One I was pretty surprised. John Kennedy from Louisiana?

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Why not ask MCM? I've noticed in the past that he's not exactly rigorous with double-checking the accuracy of what he posts. However, he does have a faithful following of similar folks to those who post here.

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John Kennedy is no RINO.

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Time to start that database!!

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Several RINOS on there.

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They are all RINOS or they wouldn't be allowed to stay

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You’re making a pretty strong accusation labeling all of those as RINO’s. Although there are a lot of RINO’s in Congress, I don’t believe Ron Johnson(WI) is one of them. He hosted a 4-5 hour Covid panel of experts that was televised and had a vast amount of excellent information by highly qualified professionals. I’m wondering if you’re controlled opposition that you would make those claims here, especially with those senators up for re-election in a week. A warning to all C&C readers, not every comment is legitimate. Be discerning.

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I love Massie. He was the only one that tried to stop the illegal covid vote, and he drove all the way to DC at 3am.

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I don't know about Sen.Johnson, but, as much as I've been a huge fan of Rand Paul and his dad, I just found out that he and his wife invested big $ in Gilead, the maker of remdesivir. Paul also just introduced legislation to allow Pharma to bypass a critical phase of rx testing. Makes me sad.

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I would definitely delve into this more. Personally I don't think any sitting congressman or woman should hold direct investments in Pharma. To me it's just a big conflict of interest. I also think they should be audited every year. Rand Paul seems pretty transparent so maybe write/call his office and get right to the source. There is probably more to it than you know.

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Oh I definitely know that there's more to any of it than I know--or anyone else out here in the citizen's cheaper seats may ever know. One need only review the bank balances of Liz Warren or Nancy Pelosi to see how a six figure salary can magically turn into a millionaire's investment portfolio. I'm not suggesting their money merely comes from Pharma stock--it could also be coming from Raytheon or any other Military contractor source. What about the $80 Billion in weapons the US allegedly gave to Zelenskyy's military. Nancy and Mr Z both own multi-million dollar mansions in Florida! A pretty neat hat trick I dare say.

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My thinking too. I would ask Rand Paul. He's always been transparent and ethical.

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Yup...Always follow da moolah! I read an article that was published in the MSM channels(more or less) and I believe something like 400 congress members and senators hold stock in Pharma. CDC is a yuuuge money-maker, and Wall St always benefits. pax

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Everybody holds stock in pHarma, through retirement accounts. My mom owns it as a retired drug rep. Big difference between owning pHarmma stock and corruption.

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--and yet...as long as we support Pharma, they rule the roost.

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No there is not.

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How not?

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

Rand Paul (as well as the rest of us) is lucky to have his dad, but if you look closer at the actions over time vs. the words, they are not at all in the same league when it comes to politics. Many people have noted the disappointment, with Rand.

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That is beyond disappointing.

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Call or email his office and ask him directly. You can't believe anything derogatory in the media 12 days before an election.

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rand paul is no ron paul sadly

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"Politicians are always realistically maneuvering for the next election. They are obsolete as fundamental problem-solvers."

"I was convinced in 1927 that humanity's most fundamental survival problems could never be solved by politics."~ R. Buckminster Fuller

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Rand Paul is excellent.

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HOW in Heaven's name can Paul introduce this kind of legislation, and at the same time go after Fauci SO HARD??? Makes NO Sense!!!

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Concerned mom - It's all theater, so we think they are doing something. (Theater of the absurd, is a more accurate descriptor. )

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"Politics creates strange bedfellows."

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Just lots of words at hearings - but no legislation to back them up. That has been duly noted by other congress watchers.

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"Houston...we have a problem." In accord with the alternative historical view: The District of Columbia is merely HQ for the U.S. Corporation[that is now bankrupt]. Anna Von Reitz recently posted an interesting article re two different textbooks used in schools until the Carter admin selected "US History" as the format used to indoctrinate students. The other textbook format teaches "American History" in AVR's reckoning. The DNC will have hell to pay when the DOJ is properly re-activated.

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Rand Paul is NOT making points for a recent piece of legislation, eliminating "animal testing". Now, they can just run the experiments on humans directly, as we are witnessing with the injections. “Leaders of the Senate from both parties recognize that the United States must lift an archaic animal-testing mandate for drug development and replace that strategy with 21st-century methods grounded on human biology,” said Wayne Pacelle, president of Animal Wellness Action and the Center for a Humane Economy.

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Animal testing, sadly, was not eliminated. It is the mandate that was ended. So, they can still use animals for testing, but they are not required to do so.

I am wholly opposed to animal testing. They cannot understand nor give consent, they are simply used, cruelly abused, and killed. If you want to be truly horrified, look up vivisection.

If I find that an act on a person is immoral and unacceptable, how can I then find that same act is acceptable to do to an animal? I cannot.

Rand Paul certainly made points with me. It was a step in the right direction.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

It does seem like with all of the technology available, there could be some other effective way. Also a lot of the tests on animals don’t really end up translating to what happens in humans anyway.

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The 8 mice used in the testing of the bivalent covid booster would agree. Oh wait! The booster killed them.

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When the meds work fine for animals, it is considered by scientists to be safe for men. when the meds kill the animals the scientist says, oh it will work out for humans. When it works for men it is automatically considered to be working for women. (mostly doses are too strong for women if they are okay for men)

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My friend's husband has a biotech startup involving non-animal methods for drug testing. It's more accurate and cruelty-free.

Think about the experiments Fauci did on beagles. There is so much wasteful animal testing and much of it is sheer cruelty.

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Surely there is a way for cell line testing. Cell lines from cord blood or similar NOT cells from aborted babies like they use now!

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Wolves in sheep’s clothing. Research who they really are.

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Two of the best!

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Please watch this video and then you will know who these people really are: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Sqw1U6Ia9DrI/

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I didn’t know that was possible to still be in unjabbed! My son also serves in the AF and is 3 X jabbed. Makes me sick. Praying for the fighters!

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I'm still serving in the Navy Reserve under an religious accommodation appeal that's been "pending" at the Chief of Naval Operations since January. My initial request was denied, and they don't tell you about your right to appeal, but it's there.

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I'm Army, I submitted an exemption in December of 21, January, February, March, April, and still going and getting paid for now. Nobody knows what to do with us.

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I love to hear this! I know it’s not easy (it certainly wasn’t at the start of this mess), but it makes me happy and proud to hear of folks like you who haven’t succumbed to the pressure. 👊🏻

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The stress has been immense, but I remind myself I follow in the foot steps of braver men.

I’m getting into the end phase of my career. Someone has to take care of the guys that follow Behind us

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Perhaps the lawsuits have given them pause?

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Pause!?!! I hope it keeps them up at night sweating buckets!

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Good for you for sticking it out.

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You, sir, have giblets! I commend your tenacity!

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My youngest is waiting religious exemption in the National Guard. So ridiculous

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He should have joined Feds 4 Medical Freedom. There’s quite a few active duty and reservists holding out, not to mention federal employees and contractors like myself.

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Is that a facebook group?

Or telegram?

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I am so sorry Susan. There are about 80,000 servicemen and women who have not been jabbed yet.

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It's far more than that.

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Christie's brother is a COL in the AF, so there's that

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rank hath its privilege

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And its responsibilities: he is doing a service to all the younger men whose standpoints wouldn't be regarded with the same weight.

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So does age and experience.

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Oct 29, 2022·edited Oct 29, 2022

are they forcing the new booster?

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Is he in WI and do they need help? I’m moving to wi and want to get more active in politics after my 17 year hiatus of hell in Illinois

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My brother doesn’t live in WI, but I would imagine our side needs as much help as they can get. Here’s my email if you want me to pass along your information. Vervclan@hotmail.com

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What area of WI will you be moving to? I’m near Appleton.

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Thank you for that info.

You’ve given me a bit of hope; I was certain our military was lost.

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The military is still the strongest in the world! I have 4 kids serving. Mostly patriots join. Numbers are down because of the sitting prez.

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Wow you must be a proud mom!🇺🇸 Sincere thanks to your family for your service🙏🏻♥️

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Very proud. Thank you so very much!!!

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He’s not sitting he’s wobbling

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And because they are requiring the jab. Lots won’t join because of that too. It’s two fold for sure!

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God bless your kids and keep them safe!🛐

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Perhaps, but used unlawfully for decades and its leadership following unconstitutional orders that have resulted in uncountable millions of casualties.

Whatever "authority" Congress "gave" to the Executive is unlawful since Congress cannot delegate an authority it does not have nor can it delegate a responsibility it does have under the Constitution to either the Executive or Judicial.

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Christy my son is also serving. I believe the Afghanistan withdrawal and watching the ads on TV where our veterans are terribly injured and the VA/Government doesn’t take care of them. They watch as civilian charities have to donate homes and prosthetics etc. to help severely wounded soldiers. It’s pathetic!!

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I really love to hear this! So thankful for Ron Johnson and all if his efforts to seek truth. Please send many thanks to your brother for his service and for his support now! ❤️🇺🇲❤️🇺🇲❤️❤️

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Yes!!!! Grateful for his courage and praying for justice!!!

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Please keep us updated.

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Will do

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Please give my thanks to your brother for standing firm.

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Will do. I tell him I’m proud of him often💜💜

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that's awesome!

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May they be highly successful.

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He has to win first. I hear it's too close for comfort. They know he's out for them.

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I would add specific advice for the church that they really need to stop caring so much about signaling the world's twisted version of virtue. Learn to laugh at the absurdity rather than bow to it. Seriously read the Bee more. Train your smile-and-say-"no thanks" muscles. Good reputation is desirable but its price tag with most popular institutions right now is too hefty.

Be ready to laugh at petty tyrants, forgive those who were deceived, and bring those who did the deceiving to justice.

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Absolutely! Here are some of the things that some mainline Protestant churches in my neighborhood are doing/have done:

1) Fly "Black Lives Matter" and "Say Their Names" banners in front of the building.

2) Erect a new sign up front with the Gay Flag permanently incorporated into the sign.

3) Invite Reza Aslan, whose best-selling book proclaimed that Jesus was just another run-of-the mill zealot, to speak to the congregation just before Christmas, a few years back.

They'll do anything to separate themselves from those icky Christians who insist that the Bible is to be taken seriously.

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The Bible speaks of sins of commission and sins of omission. Even "good" churches, such as mine, have remained silent about what has happened since 2020. Our shepherds have not pulled the sheep back from danger and now we are seeing the resulting devastation, in the form of needless covid and vaccine deaths, as well as strokes, aggressive cancers, heart problems, neurological problems, and other debilitating vaccine injuries. It's so strange that it can't be mentioned. When I speak out, I'm usually met with uncomfortable silence or scolded by being told that the vaccines have kept many out of the hospital or, more maddening, that "I had all my shots and I'm fine!" When we finally get to the Nuremberg moment and it can't be hidden any longer, I want to see these people's faces. They will probably think the criminals are being treated unjustly. It will be too painful to realize that they allowed themselves to be so thoroughly fooled.

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I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. Some of those folks are scared shitless. They haven’t taken the red pill, but they have taken a pink one, and they woke up jus enough to be scared of what they’ve done.

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one friend has had at least 2 jabs and Altzheimer in the family. Scared out of their brains.

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Great comment. One of the churches I wrote about above held a Bach recital, but insisted on proof of "vaccination" in order to attend. Sin of commission.

As to sins of omission, only once in the last 20 years have I heard my pastor speak out against abortion. And that was only a month before he was leaving on new assignment.

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Our pastors speak out on abortion and we participate in prayer walks to abortion clinics. We also support foster and adoptive parents. I can only assume they consider the vaccine issue to be too political. Not to mention, one of them who was jabbed (not all were) just returned to half-days at work, after being out for a month. He had bronchitis, pneumonia and covid (!) but he probably thinks it would have been so much worse had he not had the miraculous vaccine!

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“Would have been so much worse...” around here we call that the Covidiots’ Prayer.

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The Branch Covidian creed.

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totally agree. Stopped going to church when face diapers were obligatory, no more than 25 worshipers at a time, church wiped dwon 2 times every service, everyone injected etc. Saw a former friend yesterday insisting I come back. Nope. Church in the woods, with dog and cats who did not refuse me.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 30, 2022

Most of the churches have been positively supine, do not really differentiate between good and evil, and by sins of omission are an ally of Satan. Man cannot live without truth (and justice). And in my experience church pastors do not uphold truth and/or Christian Biblical morality by application to the culture. Nope! Instead it is all this Woke virtue signaling excrement.

(By the way, a really up beat C & C today!)

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Fear is a powerful tool. It is my belief that if you have true faith in Jesus Christ you surrender your fear to Him and move one. Let Him deal with it and you will be under His protection. Can’t get any better than that.

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Yes!! I decided very early on, when I was somewhat fearful, that I had no control over whether or not I got covid. God is sovereign and it was up to Him whether or not I had covid. I DID, however, have control over whether or not I got jabbed and the longer I waited and studied, the more certain I was that I would not be. Getting the jabs is simply Russian Roulette, with no benefit. I trust God, but after all this, I trust very few humans and certainly not our government or healthcare system.

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Churches were compliant and are are therefore complicit

Teachers and schools

Doctors and hospitals


We were short on bravery and HEROS these past two years

Mob mentality ruled

Same as during the Holocaust

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Truth! I tried to tell people that what was happening was right out of the playbook from Nazi Germany. Then it hit me that many of the people probably have no clue about the play book of Nazi Germany! We cannot continue to let your society be dumb'd down by the woke left!

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I was always wondering why in the past there was the whole city to see the (gruesome)hangings well now we know. They wanted to.make sure its done. And it was done only this time it might take so long that the criminals died a natural death.

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Jack Hibbs, Chino Hills Ca....none better....follow him. "nuff said

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YES to Jack Hibbs. Also his friend Gary Hamrick at Cornerstone Chapel in Leesburg, VA. Not afraid to speak Biblical truth. https://cornerstonechapel.net/

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How do we follow him? Can you give a little more specifics?

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App available as well

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Thank you! I will give him a listen.

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This. How do we lovingly call our congregations to repentance?

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I gave up on the Methodist church. It's too woke for me.

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There's a lot of differences within Methodist church. Some (minority) are still very solid and biblical. Others are totally Woke. Many in between. You have to look at each individually if you need to make a judgement.

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I left it, too. The minister constantly preached about “checking our privilege” as nauseum. Then Covid and masking plus shut doors and online church pretty much sealed the deal.

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My favorite Methodist church got in line for the jabs & can’t understand all the heart problems & cancer now

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none stayed open during last year. I think the catholic was the last to close and first to reopen.

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Check out Jack Hibbs on you tube. All bible based and he is fighting the crazy CA govt. Calvary Church Chino Hills. I watch all his sermons

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Also John MacArthur in CA.! Solid, Biblical teaching and never closed their doors despite intense persecution!

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Yes, Jack Hibbs understands the times we live in and is not afraid to stand for what is right!

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My son and his wife found a non-woke church. They have given up on the Episcopalian Church they had been attending for the same reason.

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To tell the truth, most denominations are probably woke now. Your best bet is a small country church.

However, the preacher in this huge church in Murfreesboro, TN with a bad sounding name and a huge online presence is not. He may not be affiliated with a national church. I’ve listened a couple of times. My daughter listens occasionally. Here’s the link:


You can listen and decide for yourself.

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What does PCA stand for? It seems like independent churches, but I’m not familiar with that.

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I left my former church when the rainbow no longer represented God's promise to Noah but instead their inclusiveness for the alphabet people. Heathens! The Lord will let them know his displeasure.

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The evil ones will always take a symbol used by God in His Word and twist it to deceive and fool people. The rainbow is a prime example. So is “take the vaccine to protect others; it’s the ‘kind’ thing to do.” Don’t be fooled!

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I'm glad I don't have to worry about that. I am quite certain it will not happen at my church.

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Anne if you read about Nazi Germany, the church members just sang out louder to drown out the screams from the Jews being railed by box car to the gas chambers. Our churches failed us all!!

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So sad to see the pastors all in on the "woke" agenda.

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I think the globalists and money have infiltrated many churches. Ours was overtaken a few years ago. They accused pastor of a sexual harassment that occurred in 1981. Lol. He put his hand on her thigh and hugged her a bit longer than she thought he should. He was ousted. They then removed almost every single leader around him. The entire team was different in 6 months. New pastor came in, covid hit, church closed, then they had BLM parade in lot, opened church but mandated masks, we started hearing DEI stuff, worship team didn't have one white person on it any longer, not one!, then video on asian hate. We left!

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Wow! Praise God my church is not like that! Very doctrinally sound, just quiet on this one issue. We had online services for a little while, then had services outside for awhile. Then, for those who were paranoid and unable to come maskless, we had a mask-only service for them. We have three services each week. I think we handled the closing situation fairly well, as in the beginning, we didn't understand what was going on. Even the good doctors and scientists who are helping were, in some cases, fooled in the beginning and got jabbed. Dr. Robert Malone was injured by the jab.

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Wow, that's really bad. Good for you for moving on.

I am Catholic and much dismayed about Francis' Globalist tendencies. Such a disappointment after the very orthodox JPII and Benedict. Various bishops are pushing for the acceptance of gay unions.

Hang in there. Stand strong in faith, Heather H. Keep praying!

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I am not Catholic, but regularly check out Lifesite News. I have been seeing a lot of concern expressed about the Pope. I was under the impression that the Pope was considered to be infallible. What can be done when things are so bad that a recent headline asked, "Is the Pope a Catholic?" This is a true crisis, in my opinion.

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Lifesite News is fantastic!

Here's a good piece explaining some of the misconceptions about Papal Infallibility: https://www.churchpop.com/2018/01/15/5-myths-about-papal-infallibility-too-many-people-still-believe-maybe-even-you/

The vast majority of devout Catholics I know oppose the direction Francis is taking the Church.

Have a good day, Anne.

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I believe the majority of religious ‘leaders’ fled their flock, willingly complying with evil mandates. For whatever reason, does it really matter why, they failed us. Most are modern day Sandhedrin.

“But woe to you Pharisees! For you tithe mint and rue and herbs of all kinds, and neglect justice and the love of God; it is these you ought to have practiced, without neglecting the others. Woe to you Pharisees! For you love to have the seat of honor in the synagogues and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces. Woe to you! For you are like unmarked graves, and people walk over them without realizing it.”

Luke 11:42-44

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And another end times scripture; Even the elect will be deceived.

Scripture and prophecy are playing out right before our eyes. Repent as our redemption draws near!!

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Exactly. Read Eric Metaxas' book, Letter to the American Church.

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He is wonderful. He just spoke at a dinner we had for CareNet Pregnancy Center in Virginia.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

Have you read “ A Letter to the American Church” by Eric Metaxas? It’s a must read!!

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How about Naomi Wolf's, The Bodies of Others? I found it at my local library and it was so much better than I expected that I may order my own copy. I order many of the books written by the heroic doctors and scientists in order to support them, since most of them have lost so much by taking a stand.

Dr. Peter McCullough's book, The Courage to Face Covid19, is a very good, easy to read book which I have been lending to others. I intend to try to get one of our Bible class teachers to read it. After learning about a young mother's devastating vaccine injury, he asked his class to pray and assured them that such injuries are rare.

Regarding the Metaxas book, this is my favorite quote. "They are in their churches singing more and more loudly to drown out the cries of those in the boxcars heading to their gruesome deaths. Sing with us, they say, and don't worry about all of those other issues out there. They don't concern us. Our job is to focus on God, and to pretend that we can do so without fighting for those He loves, whose lives and futures are being destroyed." Can't say it any better than that.

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Not yet. It's on my radar but my reading list is very long at this point!

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

Ha, ha. I have the same long list problem. And I can't stop ordering.😜

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I get that! The good thing is it’s not very long. But it worth the read!

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First I've heard of it. But then, I am not American. I will try to find a copy

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It applies to any Christian church

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🗨 I don't even know if I'm going to write anything here.

↑ Says your profile byline. We are lucky you know by now! 🙂

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Don't quite understand this. But if Jeff likes it it must be worthy!

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The CHURCH has been ASLEEP or AFRAID or both. They should have been caring the for the flock. When it was abundantly clear people were being forced to make life changing decisions about the jabs....take it or lose your job and your ability to provide for your family...and from most churches...crickets. So, while your plan is sound Jeff....we also have to consider what believers need to do as well..besides running for these offices, or running candidates, we should be also forming house churches that are not beholden to their tax exempt status or FEAR.

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Jeff...funny you would post that.... THAT is the column that caught my eye and when i subscribed to your blog. I sent it to my church leadership. Crickets. I sent it everyone. My inner circle of faith filled believers were all AMEN, AMEN , AMEN....but the Big corpporatne evangelical Church....silence

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When in August 2021 I, with tears, emailed our senior pastor to explain our family’s experience with the pandemic, how like many we were initially afraid but then soon learned why we didn’t need to be (but D, ivy, lower mortality than we had been told, etc, etc) and how the church’s reinstated mask mandate (we want to love our neighbors and reduce burden on hospitals and honor the government) was preventing our joining in person church (we don’t wear masks), and also explained that masks and mandates were akin to the yellow star, quoting Vera Sharav,... how EXCITED our young son had been to get to go back to church after a year at home - even gathered his own offering that he had been holding onto for months - yet now, after just one Sunday back in person, we were facing TV church again.... when would it ever end?...... nothing. Not.one.thing.

The likeminded elder whom I had included on the email, just to be sure that the email was received and that the pastor knew it was being seen by not just him, replied saying that yes, it’s complicated and he would be happy to discuss nuances further. I think he was just being polite re the pastor... as I know he and his family disagreed emphatically with the masks. Anyway, I replied that the time for nuance was over.

But, never heard a single thing from the pastor. On our year-end giving statement letter, he scrawled how “sad” he was that he never replied, and he wanted to follow up that week. But again, never heard a whisper.

That church simultaneously was going increasingly woke, and we are no longer there. We appreciated certain aspects of the liturgy, and those we miss immensely. But not enough to sell short our souls.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 30, 2022

Your story is repeated all over America, the insufficiency of fallen Western Christianity and its less than fallen churches. We too church On Line because there is nothing worthwhile locally. We are, unfortunately, too old now to take on forming up a truly theologically correct church with visible moral agency. Time has caught up with us as to diminishing health. But indeed, it is nice to know that this is a concern and that many young people with energy are picking up the baton. God cannot be defeated as long as people thirst for truth.

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We have been thankful to have discovered a different nearby church that is very strongly biblical and conservative in its teaching. The sermons are rich feasts every week. The middle and high school youth group pastor discusses worldviews and current moral issues w the kids. The elementary kids are being taught from THE BIBLE itself rather than watching movies and “finding Jesus” in the movies. While there is a place for that, how about we first teach our kids the actual Bible?

We have been blessed.

It’s bittersweet because we truly experienced value in the interactive liturgy, the back and forth congregational prayers and readings, and the music was rich with meaning in the words. We miss all of that in the new place.

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You seemed to have found as good as (mostly) can be had today. It's impressive to hear about a church which discusses world views, and applies Biblical Law and the teachings say of Proverbs to everyday life in the world. God Bless!

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That column was forwarded to me also and that was when I signed up for C & C! One of the best things I have done. I have recommended it to many others. Marxianity by Brannon Howse would be a good read for readers to understand that taking over the churches was part of the communist plan. My mother-in-law's Methodist church just left the denomination and has now become a Bible Church. It is in a small rural community.

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Large local, more conservative church here broke off off the overarching Methodost church, same reason. It was a big deal, lots of "church litigation," but they did, and the big church will feel the huge loss of local assets.

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Jeff, I fully support your idea of running for DA in Florida. You are right with your comment, and the proof is in the pudding. Actions speak louder than words. We need people like you who will back up what you are saying in public office in Florida. You could show those cowards how its done and start the movement into the right direction.

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You may find this 'Stack interesting from Dr. P Alexander, if not yet seen:


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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

When I read this excellent bit of writing it was the first time I’d ever heard of Jeff Childers, a few months before I discovered Coffee & Covid. I was blown away by the truth and wisdom contained in it! I shared it as far and wide as I could. It’s still the best thing I’ve read since this craziness entered our world. God bless you Jeff! God is using you in a mighty way.

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Yes!!! My thoughts exactly - thanks Freebird!

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Oct 30, 2022·edited Oct 30, 2022

This was the post that brought me to C & C. I am so grateful.

I am delighted to say that my church has been fantastic throughout. Never once was there a sign on the door requesting masks. The vast majority of the members never chose to wear them, either. For a month or two in the spring of 2020, our church did limit maximum attendance in accordance with local mandates, but they rescinded those limitations by June and have sworn to never be fooled into doing that again.

My pastor led a Bible study on "Lessons from 2020" in which he emphasized the rights of the conscience. I know that he wrote a mask exemption letter for one child's parents to take to the local school district. He did NOT join the local churches when they collaborated on a woke statement after George Floyd's death.

What's ironic is that one of our elders works at Zoetis, which is the animal vaccine division that Pfizer spun off just a few years ago. He told everybody at church that masks were worthless. Everyone in his family, including his aged mother, is completely unvaccinated.

I encourage all of you who are alienated from your church to keep looking until you find one that aligns with truth. They are out there.

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This was the first post of yours that I read and I was blown away, read it twice - immediately HOOKED! Really cannot thank you enough for your incredible voice and everything you’re doing!! Blessings🙏🏻♥️🙌🏼

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That was also the column that was sent to me and got me started following you. 

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Hi Jeff, I’d love to read this but for some reason it will not open. Do you know the date or can I have the title so I can find it directly in your stack?

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I myself was so disappointed in many churches during the scamdemic. Most of them bowed to the incredible hysteria by closing down and then by punishing those of us who were not vaccinated. As a Christian, I was appalled! In our previous church, we were denied the Eucharist because we were not wearing masks. My husband and I left the church for good. Many churches had signs that said, "you don't love your neighbor if you don't get vaccinated." Where was the faith over fear that Christians are supposed to adhere to?? Gone, out the window! So sad!

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right? Why were churches closed during one of their flocks greatest times of need? There were a few brave ones out there John MacArthur, Jack Hibbs (CA Churches no less) and they have GROWN exponentially....but it did reveal something...a friend said....."well, now we're gonna find out who's faking it".

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Would Jesus get the Jab? The Romans say all must submit to the new mystery medicine, and take shots every 3 months just like cattle.

It's crazy how many houses of God go along with this.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

Not only that, the churches failed to condemn the scapegoating and widespread discrimination against the unvaxxed. They still haven’t spoken up as far as I know. Even after the fact would count for something morally. But no.

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This! The scapegoating of anybody who questioned the benefits, or who simply didn’t want to be part of a freakin EXPERIMENT! Totally gaslit those who raised questions about the use of unborn babies’ bodies in the research or testing.

Where WAS the mercy and grace for those who disagreed? Instead, we were told that WE were breaking up unity.

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This month, my devotional has had several passages dealing with not being fixated on the way others see us. Of course I initially mainly thought about the personal aspects of this exhortation. However, I had the lightbulb moment recently, that this is exactly what all of these churches and many churchgoers have been doing with regard to BLM, Covid, etc. They care more about how the world views them than how the Lord views them. It’s a different kind of legalism in a way.

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Exactly. And care more about this than Scripture! Although it is unstated, it is more the selling of the soul to gain the world. But as we see in recent time, there is no safety or prosperity save what comes with obedience to and an unwavering insistence upon God. Harsh times tend to bring things into sharp focus.

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Same here.

Methodists are going through many changes. I no longer consider myself a United Methodist. It took a year for the pastor to call me to find out why I was not there after being closed a year , opening with masks required. Then 2 months later masks again. I quit then. A year ago. Now a phone call? Before I left we had exhortations to get the jab. Nothing much we used to do has returned--including younger families snd children. I am praying for a new congregation.

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Agree with Janet. Similar situation for me, except I didn’t even get a phone call. Blessings to everyone!

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Get out and start trying new churches! Read their beliefs and mission statements on their websites before you go; you can avoid wasting time with false churches. Only those that preach God’s Word in it’s entirety and that the only way to be right with God is through faith in what His son and our Savior Jesus Christ did on the cross, are worth looking into. I’m the End Times the many false churches will be revealed and the true churches that adhere to God’s Word will remain, although they will endure persecution.

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I’d like to. I’m very rural tiny town and driving an hour or so will not work but I may look into house churches. Try some church online worship first. I attended a fundamentalist Bible church for 25 years deep into prophecy and the Bible. That’s how I then connected this Covid to the end days and Satans plan. So I’m grateful for that discernment. That church split into many pieces And basically disappeared. I know the good ones are out there but the mainline ones are all I have within reasonable distance. Someone recommended Lutheran Missouri synod. We have one in town but it closed up as well during the plague. Masked—the whole thing. I live in a blue state. God will lead me. 🙏🏻 I’m not so angry about this. God bless.

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I pray that God will lead you to a great church. We attend a conservative Presbyterian church with solid Biblical teaching but I also listen to Second Baptist Houston every Sunday at 9:30am before we go to our church. The pastor, Ed Young is amazing! He’s 85 years old, sharp as could be and speaks boldly about woke-ism and the church! His sermons are amazing. I also like to listen to John MacArthur (Grace Community in Sun Valley, CA.) and Pastor Jack Hibbs (Calvary Chapel in Chino Hills, CA). So many opportunities on the internet! God bless you!

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Thank you!!!

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I’m sure Satan is laughing his arse off at the success he has had ruining .”Christian churches”.

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You left the Church for good?

Don't give the devil a win. He wants to separate you from God and his Son.

Nothing on this earth is perfect.

The enemy of the good is the perfect.

The covid madness has subsided in the pews.

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You don’t need a church to stay close to God!

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Sheep separated from the flock are ripe for being picked off. You just have to find a good flock with a good shepard (besides the Good Shepard).

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I have many friends. Christians. Non Christians. We help each other and others. I still attend a women’s Bible study from the church. God will lead me where he wants me. Since I was receiving little from the worship there having realized the truth of what was happening I asked God to make me fit and strong with a peace to not succumb to fear. A congregation will follow

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

In Acts 2:42 we read that one of the four things the early church devoted itself to was “fellowship.” Fellowship was a very important part of their reason for meeting together. It was one of their objectives. But what is fellowship?

We often hear people talking about fellowship. We hear it said that what we need is more fellowship. But our modern ideas of fellowship have become so watered down that the word no longer carries the same meaning it did in New Testament times.

We are not surprised that the early church devoted itself to “the apostles’ teaching” and also “to prayer.” Apart from the ministry of the Holy Spirit, these are the two most important means of growth, power, and effectiveness in the Christian life and this is everywhere evident in the rest of Scripture.

But Luke tells us these early Christians also devoted themselves to fellowship. They just didn’t have fellowship; they devoted themselves to it. This means that fellowship was a priority and one of the objectives for gathering together.

They made fellowship a priority. Fellowship takes place in a Church or if need be, in the catacombs.

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Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, NOT FORSAKNG OUR OWN ASSEMBLING TOGETHER, as is the habit of some, Heb. 10:23-25. The God who created us knows how much we need fellowship! Any way other than together is Not the same!

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 29, 2022

Thank you Kim! I was just going to look up that verse which tells us to

‘Not forsake the the fellowship of believers’.

You’re so right! Our church (local leadership) was pretty weak, but we stuck it out through the sad, inadequate online services. We all realized how bad it was to not be together in person!

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Where does it say “in a Church”? You don’t need a fancy building to be a church. I go to a small home church and it’s so much better than the large church I used to attend, or the base chapel I was involved in overseas. We meet twice a week and fellowship and listen to a sermon and study the Bible. And we have no 501c3 status to be beholden to the tax man. You can’t tell me I’m not “in church” just because there is no church building involved. Just real people who love Jesus.

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I did not mean a church building. The church is the people, and they need to meet together whether it is in the forests (communist countries) or catacombs in Rome. The location is irrelevant! My church building is a former restaurant.

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I am replying to the person who stated she stopped going to church.

Its great that you have a Christian fellowship !

I want her to consider the importance of that fellowship.

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Oh but we do! Satan is like prowling lion waiting to devour us. We need each other. It is not called the Body of Christ for nothing! If there is no available church to attend then God will give us grace to persevere but if we neglect meeting together we will eventually wither and die.

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I’m a much stronger Christian now than when I attended. I got strength and peace from the peace giver and creator himself. I love the people there but they are in a not so nice box. Deceived. This perhaps is the Laodicean era of the church. The lukewarm church. The last of the 7 churches in Revelation. Harsh words for it from God. I refuse to be in it.

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I completely agree and took some abuse since my comment yesterday. My relationship with God is my business, plain and simple. I have never felt closer to God as a fallen away Catholic than I have these past few years. God knows my heart. Thank you Janet! God Bless. 🙏

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God is good—ALL the time. ❤️This the the day the Lord has created—let us rejoice in it! God bless you, WendeAnne.

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Churches are the farthest thing from God. You don't need a church to be spiritually connected. All churches care about is their 501C status and money from the government. Discernment is needed here.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

Not sure if you mean it or if it's what you tell yourself as an excuse not to go to church. Either way it's not true as there are very good churches out there. You paint all churches with a broad brush (only care about 501C status) which you can't possibly know unless you've visited every church. Don't let the existence of some bad churches poison your opinion of all of them.

(Not to mention that if you are a Bible-believing Christian you really don't have a choice as God commands us to fellowship in numerous passages. It's not optional.)

I used to tell myself the same thing but it turned out I was just too lazy to get my butt up on Sunday morning and used institutional flaws as a good excuse to sleep in. Churches are filled with flawed people (aka sinners), there's an old saying that if you find a church without hypocrisy, don't join it as you'll ruin it. The beauty is that the closer we come to Him, the less we sin as He transforms our lives (sanctification). A good church helps immensely in that journey.

Once you find a good spirit-filled, Bible-teaching church it will be the highlight of your week (and more often too as midweek services are great).

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I can't like this comment, but rest assured I tried.

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During services, 501C tax status was never mentioned at my Church.

Passages from the Holy Bible are read and discussed.

You might need to find a new church if this is the case.

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That’s great. We got seminary school sermon note rehashes and pablum. My women’s Bible group is much better. We read out loud the whole Bible verse and discuss. The sermon is dead boring. The actual word of God sings and touches us with everything we need as Children of God. Blessings.

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Suppose you were ordered to relocate to a new country for the rest of your life and

and you were given a choice of two countries.

The only information about the countries would be...

Country A permitted Churches


Country B prohibited Churches

Which country would you choose?

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

As sad and tragic this was, I am thankful to God, He brought me back to the Traditional Latin Mass and clergy who did fight against all that you mentioned. I, too, was told to leave my Ordo Novus Church for not wearing a mask (in God’s House) but it ending up being the best thing that happened to me! I left and found a home. The Vatican is infiltrated and compromised, but the Lord’s Church still stands.

I discovered my traditional faith AND heroes fighting evil (Archbishop Vigano, Bishops Strickland and Schneider, Cardinal Mueller, and the now name-worthy priests: Fr Altman, Altier, Heilman, Mark Goring, etc.

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Congrats, Pamela. I too am a TLM Catholic. When Covid hit, we lived near Ground Zero in Seattle. The chickens*&% archdiocese shut down immediately & ordered all parishes closed. So we switched from the FSSP parish to the SSPX one.

Unfortunately, the SSPX parish was directly across the street from the town police station, so pretty soon we were out of luck there too as Gov. Inslee put on his jackboots and stomped out all Christian worship.

We fled Seattle in 2020 and went back to the midwest where life and Mass was mostly normal.

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Oct 29, 2022·edited Oct 29, 2022

Wow, reading your comment about having to move to another state so you can worship God in a church is quite jarring. My ancestors, along with so many others, immigrated to America because of its constitutional and religious freedoms. How dark and regressive much of America has become. My heart & soul weeps. We live in a very rural county in Texas and we did not experience anywhere near that level of government overreach.

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Still in WA, waiting not too patiently for the emergency of Inslee to expire on Monday. You can bet there will be some celebrating in the streets in front of my house,

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Happy to hear you fled Seattle. I hope you’ve found a faith filled parish in the midwest.

I have found a wonderful FSSP parish in Rapid City, SD. As far as I know, they never shut down.

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Yes! My TLM parish was wonderful. Our priests were not afraid.

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We are Reformed Faith, and all of what goes along with that. But I have to say, such people as you have stated have certainly stepped up to the plate and should be counted as true heroes. And by the way, stood up to the entire corruption of the Latin Church. That takes guts.

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May God Bless and Protect you and your family Ellen K.!

Dominus vobiscum!!!

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WE (those who are followers of Christ) ARE THE CHURCH! There are many false teachers, thus continuously strengthening your relationship with God is essential and then allowing Him to guide you in service. Find a “church” who reflects Christ and then you form community with like minded people. Share the truth and to those who have ears but cannot hear, dust off your sandals and move on. Don’t let evil distract your mission.

Accept that the religion of Christianity has a horrible past too, there are many who claim Him, but do not know Him!

I don’t want my “church” involved in politics or my medical decisions. I DO want them to speak of what the Bible teaches and teach that to the body of believers. If each of us guided by the Holy Spirit, use discernment and tread wisely we can accomplish much!

What trinity do you follow? This is a war- your actions will reflect who you worship! God speed 🙏

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Look for a PCA church: It's perhaps the only American denomination holding the faith-over-fear line, and preaching the uncorrputed and oncompromised holy scriptures exactly as written.

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Ugh, I dunno.

Be careful. Tim Keller of Redeemer Pres in NYC is a closet wokester who thinks that we all OWE it to the poor to redistribute our wealth to them. I heard that his church segregated vax from unv during services.

Our former church was PCA and absolutely fell in lock step with local mandates for masks and distancing. Told folks we were unloving to question mask wearing. “People are afraid, and we can help them feel less afraid by wearing a mask, so we should be loving and be willing to be uncomfortable for their sake.” I am not making that up.

Included links to local vax sites in the weekly newsletters.

I would never have asked any of the pastors there for an exemption letter. Not even sure they would have written one.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

I guess "trust God and fear not" isn't in the Pastor's Bible? It's in my NKJ version dozens of times.

I can understand fear and uncertainty in the first month, after that it was obvious that the threat was way overblown. The Bible condemns fear in no uncertain terms because it means we are looking to the world rather than to God. Pastors that enabled this fear will have to answer for this one day, I hope they are prepared. In addition to being sinful, this fear coddling has led to an explosion in mental illness and human suffering. It's pretty ugly.

One of the nice things about being a Baptist (theologically speaking) are the doctrines of the "priesthood of believers" and "soul competency". I wrote my own exemption letter (which was accepted), we answer to God not other men.

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Yeah, my husband wrote that he didn’t need a letter because he answers for himself before God. 👍

A lot of Christians forgot the “do not fear.” Or somehow led themselves to believe that despite this command, it would be foolish to disregard what we were being told to do for our and for OTHERS’ good. You know, the whole, “love others more than yourself.” Or, uh, actually it is “as yourself,” but that trivial difference wasn’t supposed to matter.

I was astounded how LITTLE discussion there was amongst Bible believing Christians about these things. No wrestling with stuff. No long conversations about, what, really, does God mean when he says to not forsake gathering together. Or, when he says to lay down your life for your friends. How does that apply? I mean, does it REALLY mean that I put masks on my kids and myself - when I know the harms - just to perhaps make Sue feel better? How do we sort through these when people in powerful positions are ignoring evidence that their views are flat wrong? Am I *really* supposed to take an experimental thing, just to keep Grandma safe? How do we know Grandma will be safer anyway? Can we trust what we are being told? Aren’t there a lot of political incentives and conflicts of interest here?

I mean, I am not a brilliant person, but it was obvious that a fast 💉 carried enormous conflicting interests. Re-election hopes. Financial incentives. Popularity of public health. I mean, it was obvious. And yet so many people didn’t see.

But then, I have been blind for many years prior. Thank God for his grace awakening me in the years leading up to this current debacle,

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Could have written your last sentence myself, one of the main reasons "Amazing Grace" is probably my favorite song. Written 250 years ago and we still sing it in church at least one a month. Such timeless truth.

God bless you and your husband.

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What is that. PCA?

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PCA = Presbyterian Church in America. Please do NOT confuse this denomination with the PC(USA), a sizeable renegade bunch who divorced mainline Presbyterians 30+/- years ago, so as to embrace the globohomo agenda.

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Thank you.

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Actually, those renegades exited in 1973....that's when the PCA was born.😇

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No PCA church anywhere near me. 2 hrs away. Or more.

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Then look for OPC or ARP. They have stayed faithful.

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Do you have a Lutheran church nearby (a Missouri Synod Lutheran church....not WI synod)?

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Is there a difference in the denomination like United Methodist has different sub groups? Like Free Methodist. Baptists southern etc. PCA in our town. Did the same as Methodist during the plague.

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All denominations are part of the same currency. I like the nondenominational churches

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I’m looking. But if they caved—nope. There are some Bible churches around. Dont know what Assemblies of God did. Blue state.

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I've been REPULSED by church leaders' fear and compliance all along. I'm not evangelical, but I admire the heck out of Sean Feucht and his courage to develop and continue his "superspreader" events. He's given me some hope that there ARE still brave church leaders!

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Agree. I was also very shocked and surprised at the absolute silence of the church on the pandemic. Everyone wanted “safety” and making their neighbors “feel good” rather than practice critical thinking and spreading TRUTH. I’m an avid Moody Radio listener where I discovered Eric Metaxas who preached the heroism of Bonhoeffer, but when it was the church’s turn to stand up, crickets! I was very disappointed in the church. I couldn’t believe the silence! I expected more from the figureheads I esteemed like Franklin Graham, Beth Moore, etc., I was shocked to discover that Rick Warren was part of the Covid Collective group that is pushing the jabs & treatments... then and I found Jeff’s article. Thank you, Jeff! It was the first glimmer of hope!

Then Sean Feucht went on a worship storm across the country. Then Clay Clark went crazy hosting rallies and unapologetically bringing God into politics same with Mike Lindell. Then the coalition of freedom seekers began to form! People from all walks of life and belief systems who knew something was not right at all. Too many to name. And it’s gaining steam.

The tide is beginning to turn. We must not lose hope! I keep sharing the nuggets of truth & wins that keep coming out in studies, lawsuits, elections, and media with my naysayer friends as they’ll tolerate me, and I am constantly praying like the Bible says - the prayer of the righteous avails much, casting down every imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing it into captivity! I pray against the evil of the globalist elite, that God will make a complete embarrassment out of their evil plans. I’m praying that the eyes of their heart will be opened so that they might see the truth and repent. And God is doing it, through all of you who are on the front lines! Eventually the mountain of evidence will be so great, the naysayers (like Ben Shapiro) won’t be able to ignore it anymore and will change their tune!

But the church does need to wake up. I’m praying for this too. I think this whole situation has caused many to be afraid and others to become more bold than they’ve ever been before. It’s the point where the time for timid is over and it’s time to declare a side and go full on into it. Another glimmer of hope, I think I’m starting to see the abortion issues and the transgender movement beginning to wake the church up. They’re talking about the corruption on Janet Parshall’s show on Christian radio now. Praise God. Do not grow weary in doing good.

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The churches have been compromised. I left my church we they would not give vax exemptions. It was telling and I want no part of a church that refuses to support the congregation! There is no such thing as separation between church and state!

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

If you had a healthy church before pandemic then yours was probably one where people

fled to. Ours sure was!

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

One step missing.

State of emergency laws MUST BE CHANGED.


After three months, the PEOPLE must vote on the continuance of a state of emergency.

The Executive Branch can no longer be trusted with the power of never ending states of emergency.

They have proven themselves to be TYRANTS.

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This. Really this is how they have gotten endless cash and power to do all this damage. Absolutely we need to implement these ideas.

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One of my favorite ideas.

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I think states should pass constitutional amendments that FORBID states of Emergency that allow governors to wield unaccountable power at the state and local level. Be specific about what powers they can wield in an emergency. Everything else is simply not allowed. Emergency Disasters relief for natural disaster? Maybe OK but limited to specific recovery stuff. What else?

Make it clear that if you seize other powers you immediately subject yourself to censure and impeachment.

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Yes please.

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One of your best, Jeff. Thank you.

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You know what’s missing in politics: solutions. Everyone LOVES to criticize and tell you all the bad things. It’s very rare to find someone who offers logical solutions. Kudos Jeff!!!!

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The current mayor of Reno, NV is running to keep her seat. She is the ONLY one I’ve ever seen to run “clean” commercials. She says nothing negative about her opponent and only focuses on her accomplishments. What’s interesting is that in the race for Secretary of State, the liberal candidate mentions his opponents views on abortions. The republicans are running an ad about democrats only running on abortion and since it was voted in by the people and the laws can’t be changed, the end says “Democrats can’t run on their failed policies and they don’t respect you enough to tell you the truth.” It’s the fist time I’ve seen them fight back. I strongly believe Trump put that fighting spirit in them.

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I believe we need oil, nuclear, and sound money, if we’re going to get out of this alive. Justice in our time, for this one crime, doesn’t change the conditions (though I’m all for it). We’re not even a century out from Nuremburg and what did it get us? Did it prevent a century of hideous bloodshed and monstrous human rights violations? Did it stop the medico-industrial complex from being the agent of oppressive tyranny *while the last of the victims of the Third Reich are still alive and protesting?*

Many things need to happen in parallel. But they can. All it takes is to know in your heart that you are always re-calibrating toward the light.

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Yes, I agree. We must, for example, strike back at the abuse by private central banks in farming us with fake imaginary money. Contract the size of government down to constitutionally friendly size ... and much more. In fact, the entire Woke Rule by Tyranny is based upon fraud and must be overturned is we are to have any good chance to, prospect of LIFE!

Interestingly, and throughout the years, I would occasionally read that in winning WWII, the United States had in fact lost the war. The idea was that we had become in victory like that which we defeated. And now, with covid and endless proxy wars, we see this in spades.

Truth is the light of the pathway down which we should trod. And he who tells the truth is the natural enemy of the grifters and fraudsters. And yes, we thirst for truth, honesty and justice. The trampling boot has just become too heavy on against our necks.

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John Denson wrote a book called The Costs of War; America's Pyrrhic Victories. At this point, the one war I still struggle with is the War for American Independence; all the others were clearly fool's errands.

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Haven't read the book, but I can surmise a good bit of it. But won't go there.

Agreed on the War for Independence ... and even theologically correct as to orthodox/reformed conceptions. But I add the War of 1812 with England, and really a second try for the British Empire nascent to retain its American colonies.

World War II could be debated ... and maybe unavoidable. Yes, I know the history of how 'we' got into it, and so on. But even so, if National Socialism had won in Europe, what would be the ramifications? And would the Empire of Japan just have kept on expanding? And what would be the ramifications of that? I realize that these imponderables could be debated until the cows come home. And if one wants to get down to it, under Roosevelt (and to some extent even before), the United States was already into National Socialism itself. Yes, WW II ... a can of worms.

Safe to say, by 1941, America was already long down The Rotten Road to Nowhere (i.e., total tyranny). And it's only gotten worse. And we have to deal with it all ... like now!

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

If you run for Attorney General I'd probably vote twice. Is that wrong? BTW, Ashley's great, but I'm disappointed in her relative silence on the covid crimes front. I'm on her email list, she never mentions it. She could and SHOULD be out in front of this.....coordinating with other AG's of similar ilk??....something.

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She's after the hospitals for the opioids and they're telling her to take a hike. They don't answer to the AG in Florida, only the lawmakers. The laws need to be changed.

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Actually, Ashley is NOT great. She heads the ‘Florida Alliance to End Human Trafficking’. I’ve contacted them via email 3 times and phone twice. No one has gotten back to me.

I’ve been meaning to reach out to Jeff Childers. I have a very plausible way to stop the supply of human trafficking with help from insurance carriers. I spoke with the FL insurance commissioner’s dept. They think it’s a great idea, so much so that no one wants to speak with me. I also contacted an NGO near me in Sarasota and they won’t speak with me either, but they’ll take my money.

It seems NO ONE really wants to stop human trafficking, even with a task force. Ashley ain’t that great.

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I’m afraid if Jeff runs for AG that we won’t have good lawyers to fight on the grounds like he has. And tonwrite this CnC. We need him here! sprry Jeff

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Maybe Mike Lindell (My Pillow guy) and Gregg Phillips (True the Vote) can be persuaded to help with the database and/or enlisting people with the know-how to build that national and international database needed to compile and analyze the needed information to bring the criminals to justice. Lindell and Phillips have done a phenomenal job with the election fraud issue. I'm retired military and a trained investigator standing ready to do my part to help as well.

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Maybe Musk has some spare software engineers that he could loan for the cause.

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That’s awesome! Love that. I would help too but I’m sure far more are way more advanced than me.

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

From your substack to God's ears. Please let it be so.

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Great plan Jeff. Love it ❤ I would also say that we show our voice by doing all we can to not support woke corporations, banks, social media sites, celebrities et al that are a major part of the problem. Money talks. And actively voice our opinions. Like we did with ulta. I plan to ask for an apology from our company board at the next employee meeting in February 2023. Why did they harass and discriminate against unvaxxed employees when the vaxx clearly doesn't stop transmission? I am close to retirement so I don't give a crap if they fire me on the spot. I will speak up for those who aren't in as good of position financially. Stay strong. Never forgive or forget!

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Most hospitals everywhere followed those deadly protocols. They had to know they didn’t work!

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Granny, the hospital protocols works as designed. Silly.

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99.9 per success rate! 😞

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Good for you!! Please report back on how they react!

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, this is genius!!! I love it! I have a name for you for Phase 2...you've probably already heard of him. Tiago Henriques who started the Died Suddenly board on FB that was the fastest growing board of all time. The first one grew to 300k members in a couple of weeks before they shut it down. The new one has almost 200k. The board is all personal stories of jab injuries and deaths...it's very sad because all the stories are so similar from all over the world. He has such extensive IT experience and has many people working for him that all the details of everyone's stories have been backed up and preserved, no matter how many times FB deletes it. I think he would be a great place to start for Phase 2.

For Phase 3 - I love it! I am sending this column to my Dad, who is retired and admittedly bored, lol! He has decades of experience working as a chemist as well as some time in academia. This is a brilliant idea. We need the boomers back to get the groomers out.

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💬 We need the boomers back to get the groomers out.™

↑↑ Witty pithy catchy snappy slogan it is, should be trademarked for Phase 3 😇

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Ooh yes!! Love these ideas!!

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The best step-by-step plan ever, you are amazing! Thank you Jeff for your wisdom and honesty.

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

We recently had municipal elections. Locally, there were two candidates for mayor.

Political naïveté lost the election for one of "us". She was torn to shreds on media platforms because of her involvement in freedom activities.

We have a way to go

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Imagine that. Being torn to shreds for promoting “freedom”. People love their chains it seems.

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They pull on the chains, themselves. No one has to enforce compliance.

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This points to the institutional capture/recapture that Jeff alluded to in the article. It is not a level playing field at the moment, but the dynamics of Big Media and Big Tech can be changed.

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When going thru hell; Keep Moving. Action is the Key, not the keyboard exclusively, but Real World Action with other living, breathing humans, face to face. Start with comments to fellow shoppers in the grocery store if a newby to Action. Go on Offense, it is not a sin to offend, though skillful dialogue may accomplish more positive results.

Jeff is certainly a most positive person and a breath of fresh air blowing out of Florida across many other states and people. I tend to be more belligerant, which wins less new adherents, but cuts to a more bottom line, " Si vis pacem, para bellum" but then Defence never won a war, believe me.


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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, several months ago I made a note about a few key pillars I hope we can all work towards changing, which I think will help prevent this stuff from happening again. I like your list a lot, but let’s think about these, too:

1. Limit emergency powers of government sharply

2. Enshrine health freedom into constitution

3. True School choice. Money follows the student

4. Figure out some way to hold people in media accountable legally for censorship and/or outright lying.

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I agree wholeheartedly with these additions! There is absolutely NO reason for the government to have emergency powers in this day and age. Legislators are not riding their horses across states to get the the Capitol to deal with emergencies. Every single member of the legislature can be on a conference call within an hour of an emergency requiring action. They do not need to defer their authority to the executive branch with our current technology. All emergency powers must be revoked!

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Agree with all of those points.

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The twitter takeover "freebird" is terrible timing for the left. They're losing control of the largest social media platform right before the election.

The promotion for "Died Suddenly" just started.

Even with the heavy censorship "2000 Mules" did pretty well and many people had their eyes opened to the truth behind the 2020 election.

"DIED SUDDENLY" has the potential to blow the whole COVID scam wide open.

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The “Died Suddenly” trailer link is in the Stew Peters website

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