My brother is an unjabbed col in the Air Force and he’s working with senator Ron Johnson to do exactly what you’re talking about after the election. I can’t wait!!!!!
Am I the only one wondering if Casey DeSantis’s breast cancer diagnosis (Oct 2021) is vax-related?
I feel like I’m one of the very few who remembers when Gov. DeSantis was all-in on the vaccines, and proudly proclaimed they were fully vaxxed. I also wonder if her diagnosis was the pebble that started his ball rolling more strongly toward alternate & early treatment, and eventually against the vax for wide swaths of the population.
A whole lot of us were fully in on the vaccines, including me. I volunteered for Pfizer's Phase 3 trial thinking I was doing my civic duty. At that time I was under the impression that vaccines were sterilizing. By the time I began to see the light a few months later it was too late. I was already "vaccinated." I would think millions of people accepted and trusted the CDC when they said these "vaccines" were safe and effective, including Gov. DeSantis.
That video posted, from bitchute, is a series of outtakes from back at the beginning of all this bs - when everyone was trying to "toe the company line", BEFORE they began smelling a rat.
That site seems credible. Owner/writer has BA from Moody Bible Inst, MA from Northeastern Ill. in Linguistics. The dates of the video clips seem to be from within two years. His basic point is: don't look to politicians to save us, they are mercurial.
Yes. It takes a lot of research to figure out what is really happening. Most people don’t have the time if they’re working. I resigned when the mandates were forced on us at work. So I have time now and I share what I find to as many people as possible.
Mark Crispin Miller gives a list at the end of this article of the Republicans in receipt of funding from Bill Gates - Collaborators??? (I spotted one error - Suzan DelBene, a Democrat) -
I just looked at this list. I want to know how he knows they are funded by Bill Gates. A few names I wasn’t surprised. One I was pretty surprised. John Kennedy from Louisiana?
Why not ask MCM? I've noticed in the past that he's not exactly rigorous with double-checking the accuracy of what he posts. However, he does have a faithful following of similar folks to those who post here.
You’re making a pretty strong accusation labeling all of those as RINO’s. Although there are a lot of RINO’s in Congress, I don’t believe Ron Johnson(WI) is one of them. He hosted a 4-5 hour Covid panel of experts that was televised and had a vast amount of excellent information by highly qualified professionals. I’m wondering if you’re controlled opposition that you would make those claims here, especially with those senators up for re-election in a week. A warning to all C&C readers, not every comment is legitimate. Be discerning.
I don't know about Sen.Johnson, but, as much as I've been a huge fan of Rand Paul and his dad, I just found out that he and his wife invested big $ in Gilead, the maker of remdesivir. Paul also just introduced legislation to allow Pharma to bypass a critical phase of rx testing. Makes me sad.
I would definitely delve into this more. Personally I don't think any sitting congressman or woman should hold direct investments in Pharma. To me it's just a big conflict of interest. I also think they should be audited every year. Rand Paul seems pretty transparent so maybe write/call his office and get right to the source. There is probably more to it than you know.
Oh I definitely know that there's more to any of it than I know--or anyone else out here in the citizen's cheaper seats may ever know. One need only review the bank balances of Liz Warren or Nancy Pelosi to see how a six figure salary can magically turn into a millionaire's investment portfolio. I'm not suggesting their money merely comes from Pharma stock--it could also be coming from Raytheon or any other Military contractor source. What about the $80 Billion in weapons the US allegedly gave to Zelenskyy's military. Nancy and Mr Z both own multi-million dollar mansions in Florida! A pretty neat hat trick I dare say.
Yup...Always follow da moolah! I read an article that was published in the MSM channels(more or less) and I believe something like 400 congress members and senators hold stock in Pharma. CDC is a yuuuge money-maker, and Wall St always benefits. pax
Everybody holds stock in pHarma, through retirement accounts. My mom owns it as a retired drug rep. Big difference between owning pHarmma stock and corruption.
Rand Paul (as well as the rest of us) is lucky to have his dad, but if you look closer at the actions over time vs. the words, they are not at all in the same league when it comes to politics. Many people have noted the disappointment, with Rand.
"Houston...we have a problem." In accord with the alternative historical view: The District of Columbia is merely HQ for the U.S. Corporation[that is now bankrupt]. Anna Von Reitz recently posted an interesting article re two different textbooks used in schools until the Carter admin selected "US History" as the format used to indoctrinate students. The other textbook format teaches "American History" in AVR's reckoning. The DNC will have hell to pay when the DOJ is properly re-activated.
Rand Paul is NOT making points for a recent piece of legislation, eliminating "animal testing". Now, they can just run the experiments on humans directly, as we are witnessing with the injections. “Leaders of the Senate from both parties recognize that the United States must lift an archaic animal-testing mandate for drug development and replace that strategy with 21st-century methods grounded on human biology,” said Wayne Pacelle, president of Animal Wellness Action and the Center for a Humane Economy.
Animal testing, sadly, was not eliminated. It is the mandate that was ended. So, they can still use animals for testing, but they are not required to do so.
I am wholly opposed to animal testing. They cannot understand nor give consent, they are simply used, cruelly abused, and killed. If you want to be truly horrified, look up vivisection.
If I find that an act on a person is immoral and unacceptable, how can I then find that same act is acceptable to do to an animal? I cannot.
Rand Paul certainly made points with me. It was a step in the right direction.
It does seem like with all of the technology available, there could be some other effective way. Also a lot of the tests on animals don’t really end up translating to what happens in humans anyway.
When the meds work fine for animals, it is considered by scientists to be safe for men. when the meds kill the animals the scientist says, oh it will work out for humans. When it works for men it is automatically considered to be working for women. (mostly doses are too strong for women if they are okay for men)
I'm still serving in the Navy Reserve under an religious accommodation appeal that's been "pending" at the Chief of Naval Operations since January. My initial request was denied, and they don't tell you about your right to appeal, but it's there.
I'm Army, I submitted an exemption in December of 21, January, February, March, April, and still going and getting paid for now. Nobody knows what to do with us.
I love to hear this! I know it’s not easy (it certainly wasn’t at the start of this mess), but it makes me happy and proud to hear of folks like you who haven’t succumbed to the pressure. 👊🏻
He should have joined Feds 4 Medical Freedom. There’s quite a few active duty and reservists holding out, not to mention federal employees and contractors like myself.
My brother doesn’t live in WI, but I would imagine our side needs as much help as they can get. Here’s my email if you want me to pass along your information.
Perhaps, but used unlawfully for decades and its leadership following unconstitutional orders that have resulted in uncountable millions of casualties.
Whatever "authority" Congress "gave" to the Executive is unlawful since Congress cannot delegate an authority it does not have nor can it delegate a responsibility it does have under the Constitution to either the Executive or Judicial.
Christy my son is also serving. I believe the Afghanistan withdrawal and watching the ads on TV where our veterans are terribly injured and the VA/Government doesn’t take care of them. They watch as civilian charities have to donate homes and prosthetics etc. to help severely wounded soldiers. It’s pathetic!!
I really love to hear this! So thankful for Ron Johnson and all if his efforts to seek truth. Please send many thanks to your brother for his service and for his support now! ❤️🇺🇲❤️🇺🇲❤️❤️
I would add specific advice for the church that they really need to stop caring so much about signaling the world's twisted version of virtue. Learn to laugh at the absurdity rather than bow to it. Seriously read the Bee more. Train your smile-and-say-"no thanks" muscles. Good reputation is desirable but its price tag with most popular institutions right now is too hefty.
Be ready to laugh at petty tyrants, forgive those who were deceived, and bring those who did the deceiving to justice.
Absolutely! Here are some of the things that some mainline Protestant churches in my neighborhood are doing/have done:
1) Fly "Black Lives Matter" and "Say Their Names" banners in front of the building.
2) Erect a new sign up front with the Gay Flag permanently incorporated into the sign.
3) Invite Reza Aslan, whose best-selling book proclaimed that Jesus was just another run-of-the mill zealot, to speak to the congregation just before Christmas, a few years back.
They'll do anything to separate themselves from those icky Christians who insist that the Bible is to be taken seriously.
The Bible speaks of sins of commission and sins of omission. Even "good" churches, such as mine, have remained silent about what has happened since 2020. Our shepherds have not pulled the sheep back from danger and now we are seeing the resulting devastation, in the form of needless covid and vaccine deaths, as well as strokes, aggressive cancers, heart problems, neurological problems, and other debilitating vaccine injuries. It's so strange that it can't be mentioned. When I speak out, I'm usually met with uncomfortable silence or scolded by being told that the vaccines have kept many out of the hospital or, more maddening, that "I had all my shots and I'm fine!" When we finally get to the Nuremberg moment and it can't be hidden any longer, I want to see these people's faces. They will probably think the criminals are being treated unjustly. It will be too painful to realize that they allowed themselves to be so thoroughly fooled.
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. Some of those folks are scared shitless. They haven’t taken the red pill, but they have taken a pink one, and they woke up jus enough to be scared of what they’ve done.
Great comment. One of the churches I wrote about above held a Bach recital, but insisted on proof of "vaccination" in order to attend. Sin of commission.
As to sins of omission, only once in the last 20 years have I heard my pastor speak out against abortion. And that was only a month before he was leaving on new assignment.
Our pastors speak out on abortion and we participate in prayer walks to abortion clinics. We also support foster and adoptive parents. I can only assume they consider the vaccine issue to be too political. Not to mention, one of them who was jabbed (not all were) just returned to half-days at work, after being out for a month. He had bronchitis, pneumonia and covid (!) but he probably thinks it would have been so much worse had he not had the miraculous vaccine!
totally agree. Stopped going to church when face diapers were obligatory, no more than 25 worshipers at a time, church wiped dwon 2 times every service, everyone injected etc. Saw a former friend yesterday insisting I come back. Nope. Church in the woods, with dog and cats who did not refuse me.
Most of the churches have been positively supine, do not really differentiate between good and evil, and by sins of omission are an ally of Satan. Man cannot live without truth (and justice). And in my experience church pastors do not uphold truth and/or Christian Biblical morality by application to the culture. Nope! Instead it is all this Woke virtue signaling excrement.
Fear is a powerful tool. It is my belief that if you have true faith in Jesus Christ you surrender your fear to Him and move one. Let Him deal with it and you will be under His protection. Can’t get any better than that.
Yes!! I decided very early on, when I was somewhat fearful, that I had no control over whether or not I got covid. God is sovereign and it was up to Him whether or not I had covid. I DID, however, have control over whether or not I got jabbed and the longer I waited and studied, the more certain I was that I would not be. Getting the jabs is simply Russian Roulette, with no benefit. I trust God, but after all this, I trust very few humans and certainly not our government or healthcare system.
My brother is an unjabbed col in the Air Force and he’s working with senator Ron Johnson to do exactly what you’re talking about after the election. I can’t wait!!!!!
Best of luck to him...... and of course, to Ron Johnson ( NOW AHEAD! )
Ron Johnson would be pivotal asset in Jeff’s plan!!!
Am I the only one wondering if Casey DeSantis’s breast cancer diagnosis (Oct 2021) is vax-related?
I feel like I’m one of the very few who remembers when Gov. DeSantis was all-in on the vaccines, and proudly proclaimed they were fully vaxxed. I also wonder if her diagnosis was the pebble that started his ball rolling more strongly toward alternate & early treatment, and eventually against the vax for wide swaths of the population.
Sounds plausible, maybe Jeff could ask him: What caused the 180 degree turn?
A whole lot of us were fully in on the vaccines, including me. I volunteered for Pfizer's Phase 3 trial thinking I was doing my civic duty. At that time I was under the impression that vaccines were sterilizing. By the time I began to see the light a few months later it was too late. I was already "vaccinated." I would think millions of people accepted and trusted the CDC when they said these "vaccines" were safe and effective, including Gov. DeSantis.
Easy to have 20/20 hindsight.
Completely agree. I thought the same thing! They got lucky.
That video posted, from bitchute, is a series of outtakes from back at the beginning of all this bs - when everyone was trying to "toe the company line", BEFORE they began smelling a rat.
A BIG, FAT, rat.
That site seems credible. Owner/writer has BA from Moody Bible Inst, MA from Northeastern Ill. in Linguistics. The dates of the video clips seem to be from within two years. His basic point is: don't look to politicians to save us, they are mercurial.
THIS MUST BE VERY OLD VIDEO!!! Many, as Ben Shapiro did, changed their minds earlier than him!
Is 2 years "very old?" Judging from what they say, the statements were made within the last 2 years, some more recent i.e. last Spring.
Omg that is so disturbing! Thank you for sharing😢
You are welcome. Please share to others so people know what is really going on.
I sent it to my brother and his response was they’ve all learned the truth. And I agree. I think they were hoodwinked like so many ppl.
The eternal problem is that politicians are beholden to sources for $$ and votes.
Yes. It takes a lot of research to figure out what is really happening. Most people don’t have the time if they’re working. I resigned when the mandates were forced on us at work. So I have time now and I share what I find to as many people as possible.
I sure hope so! That was hard to watch.
Senators Ron Johnson and Rand Paul want to get it all out. They are good men.
And Massie in the House.
Mark Crispin Miller gives a list at the end of this article of the Republicans in receipt of funding from Bill Gates - Collaborators??? (I spotted one error - Suzan DelBene, a Democrat) -
I just looked at this list. I want to know how he knows they are funded by Bill Gates. A few names I wasn’t surprised. One I was pretty surprised. John Kennedy from Louisiana?
Can do your own research at...
Why not ask MCM? I've noticed in the past that he's not exactly rigorous with double-checking the accuracy of what he posts. However, he does have a faithful following of similar folks to those who post here.
John Kennedy is no RINO.
Time to start that database!!
Several RINOS on there.
They are all RINOS or they wouldn't be allowed to stay
You’re making a pretty strong accusation labeling all of those as RINO’s. Although there are a lot of RINO’s in Congress, I don’t believe Ron Johnson(WI) is one of them. He hosted a 4-5 hour Covid panel of experts that was televised and had a vast amount of excellent information by highly qualified professionals. I’m wondering if you’re controlled opposition that you would make those claims here, especially with those senators up for re-election in a week. A warning to all C&C readers, not every comment is legitimate. Be discerning.
I love Massie. He was the only one that tried to stop the illegal covid vote, and he drove all the way to DC at 3am.
I don't know about Sen.Johnson, but, as much as I've been a huge fan of Rand Paul and his dad, I just found out that he and his wife invested big $ in Gilead, the maker of remdesivir. Paul also just introduced legislation to allow Pharma to bypass a critical phase of rx testing. Makes me sad.
I would definitely delve into this more. Personally I don't think any sitting congressman or woman should hold direct investments in Pharma. To me it's just a big conflict of interest. I also think they should be audited every year. Rand Paul seems pretty transparent so maybe write/call his office and get right to the source. There is probably more to it than you know.
Oh I definitely know that there's more to any of it than I know--or anyone else out here in the citizen's cheaper seats may ever know. One need only review the bank balances of Liz Warren or Nancy Pelosi to see how a six figure salary can magically turn into a millionaire's investment portfolio. I'm not suggesting their money merely comes from Pharma stock--it could also be coming from Raytheon or any other Military contractor source. What about the $80 Billion in weapons the US allegedly gave to Zelenskyy's military. Nancy and Mr Z both own multi-million dollar mansions in Florida! A pretty neat hat trick I dare say.
My thinking too. I would ask Rand Paul. He's always been transparent and ethical.
Yup...Always follow da moolah! I read an article that was published in the MSM channels(more or less) and I believe something like 400 congress members and senators hold stock in Pharma. CDC is a yuuuge money-maker, and Wall St always benefits. pax
Everybody holds stock in pHarma, through retirement accounts. My mom owns it as a retired drug rep. Big difference between owning pHarmma stock and corruption.
--and long as we support Pharma, they rule the roost.
No there is not.
How not?
Rand Paul (as well as the rest of us) is lucky to have his dad, but if you look closer at the actions over time vs. the words, they are not at all in the same league when it comes to politics. Many people have noted the disappointment, with Rand.
That is beyond disappointing.
Call or email his office and ask him directly. You can't believe anything derogatory in the media 12 days before an election.
rand paul is no ron paul sadly
"Politicians are always realistically maneuvering for the next election. They are obsolete as fundamental problem-solvers."
"I was convinced in 1927 that humanity's most fundamental survival problems could never be solved by politics."~ R. Buckminster Fuller
Rand Paul is excellent.
HOW in Heaven's name can Paul introduce this kind of legislation, and at the same time go after Fauci SO HARD??? Makes NO Sense!!!
Concerned mom - It's all theater, so we think they are doing something. (Theater of the absurd, is a more accurate descriptor. )
"Politics creates strange bedfellows."
Just lots of words at hearings - but no legislation to back them up. That has been duly noted by other congress watchers.
"Houston...we have a problem." In accord with the alternative historical view: The District of Columbia is merely HQ for the U.S. Corporation[that is now bankrupt]. Anna Von Reitz recently posted an interesting article re two different textbooks used in schools until the Carter admin selected "US History" as the format used to indoctrinate students. The other textbook format teaches "American History" in AVR's reckoning. The DNC will have hell to pay when the DOJ is properly re-activated.
Rand Paul is NOT making points for a recent piece of legislation, eliminating "animal testing". Now, they can just run the experiments on humans directly, as we are witnessing with the injections. “Leaders of the Senate from both parties recognize that the United States must lift an archaic animal-testing mandate for drug development and replace that strategy with 21st-century methods grounded on human biology,” said Wayne Pacelle, president of Animal Wellness Action and the Center for a Humane Economy.
Animal testing, sadly, was not eliminated. It is the mandate that was ended. So, they can still use animals for testing, but they are not required to do so.
I am wholly opposed to animal testing. They cannot understand nor give consent, they are simply used, cruelly abused, and killed. If you want to be truly horrified, look up vivisection.
If I find that an act on a person is immoral and unacceptable, how can I then find that same act is acceptable to do to an animal? I cannot.
Rand Paul certainly made points with me. It was a step in the right direction.
It does seem like with all of the technology available, there could be some other effective way. Also a lot of the tests on animals don’t really end up translating to what happens in humans anyway.
The 8 mice used in the testing of the bivalent covid booster would agree. Oh wait! The booster killed them.
When the meds work fine for animals, it is considered by scientists to be safe for men. when the meds kill the animals the scientist says, oh it will work out for humans. When it works for men it is automatically considered to be working for women. (mostly doses are too strong for women if they are okay for men)
My friend's husband has a biotech startup involving non-animal methods for drug testing. It's more accurate and cruelty-free.
Think about the experiments Fauci did on beagles. There is so much wasteful animal testing and much of it is sheer cruelty.
Surely there is a way for cell line testing. Cell lines from cord blood or similar NOT cells from aborted babies like they use now!
Wolves in sheep’s clothing. Research who they really are.
Two of the best!
Please watch this video and then you will know who these people really are:
I didn’t know that was possible to still be in unjabbed! My son also serves in the AF and is 3 X jabbed. Makes me sick. Praying for the fighters!
I'm still serving in the Navy Reserve under an religious accommodation appeal that's been "pending" at the Chief of Naval Operations since January. My initial request was denied, and they don't tell you about your right to appeal, but it's there.
I'm Army, I submitted an exemption in December of 21, January, February, March, April, and still going and getting paid for now. Nobody knows what to do with us.
I love to hear this! I know it’s not easy (it certainly wasn’t at the start of this mess), but it makes me happy and proud to hear of folks like you who haven’t succumbed to the pressure. 👊🏻
The stress has been immense, but I remind myself I follow in the foot steps of braver men.
I’m getting into the end phase of my career. Someone has to take care of the guys that follow Behind us
Perhaps the lawsuits have given them pause?
Pause!?!! I hope it keeps them up at night sweating buckets!
Good for you for sticking it out.
You, sir, have giblets! I commend your tenacity!
My youngest is waiting religious exemption in the National Guard. So ridiculous
He should have joined Feds 4 Medical Freedom. There’s quite a few active duty and reservists holding out, not to mention federal employees and contractors like myself.
Is that a facebook group?
Or telegram?
I am so sorry Susan. There are about 80,000 servicemen and women who have not been jabbed yet.
It's far more than that.
Christie's brother is a COL in the AF, so there's that
rank hath its privilege
And its responsibilities: he is doing a service to all the younger men whose standpoints wouldn't be regarded with the same weight.
So does age and experience.
are they forcing the new booster?
Is he in WI and do they need help? I’m moving to wi and want to get more active in politics after my 17 year hiatus of hell in Illinois
My brother doesn’t live in WI, but I would imagine our side needs as much help as they can get. Here’s my email if you want me to pass along your information.
What area of WI will you be moving to? I’m near Appleton.
Thank you for that info.
You’ve given me a bit of hope; I was certain our military was lost.
The military is still the strongest in the world! I have 4 kids serving. Mostly patriots join. Numbers are down because of the sitting prez.
Wow you must be a proud mom!🇺🇸 Sincere thanks to your family for your service🙏🏻♥️
Very proud. Thank you so very much!!!
He’s not sitting he’s wobbling
And because they are requiring the jab. Lots won’t join because of that too. It’s two fold for sure!
God bless your kids and keep them safe!🛐
Perhaps, but used unlawfully for decades and its leadership following unconstitutional orders that have resulted in uncountable millions of casualties.
Whatever "authority" Congress "gave" to the Executive is unlawful since Congress cannot delegate an authority it does not have nor can it delegate a responsibility it does have under the Constitution to either the Executive or Judicial.
Christy my son is also serving. I believe the Afghanistan withdrawal and watching the ads on TV where our veterans are terribly injured and the VA/Government doesn’t take care of them. They watch as civilian charities have to donate homes and prosthetics etc. to help severely wounded soldiers. It’s pathetic!!
I really love to hear this! So thankful for Ron Johnson and all if his efforts to seek truth. Please send many thanks to your brother for his service and for his support now! ❤️🇺🇲❤️🇺🇲❤️❤️
Yes!!!! Grateful for his courage and praying for justice!!!
Please keep us updated.
Will do
Please give my thanks to your brother for standing firm.
Will do. I tell him I’m proud of him often💜💜
that's awesome!
May they be highly successful.
God bless them!
Thanks for link
He has to win first. I hear it's too close for comfort. They know he's out for them.
I would add specific advice for the church that they really need to stop caring so much about signaling the world's twisted version of virtue. Learn to laugh at the absurdity rather than bow to it. Seriously read the Bee more. Train your smile-and-say-"no thanks" muscles. Good reputation is desirable but its price tag with most popular institutions right now is too hefty.
Be ready to laugh at petty tyrants, forgive those who were deceived, and bring those who did the deceiving to justice.
Absolutely! Here are some of the things that some mainline Protestant churches in my neighborhood are doing/have done:
1) Fly "Black Lives Matter" and "Say Their Names" banners in front of the building.
2) Erect a new sign up front with the Gay Flag permanently incorporated into the sign.
3) Invite Reza Aslan, whose best-selling book proclaimed that Jesus was just another run-of-the mill zealot, to speak to the congregation just before Christmas, a few years back.
They'll do anything to separate themselves from those icky Christians who insist that the Bible is to be taken seriously.
The Bible speaks of sins of commission and sins of omission. Even "good" churches, such as mine, have remained silent about what has happened since 2020. Our shepherds have not pulled the sheep back from danger and now we are seeing the resulting devastation, in the form of needless covid and vaccine deaths, as well as strokes, aggressive cancers, heart problems, neurological problems, and other debilitating vaccine injuries. It's so strange that it can't be mentioned. When I speak out, I'm usually met with uncomfortable silence or scolded by being told that the vaccines have kept many out of the hospital or, more maddening, that "I had all my shots and I'm fine!" When we finally get to the Nuremberg moment and it can't be hidden any longer, I want to see these people's faces. They will probably think the criminals are being treated unjustly. It will be too painful to realize that they allowed themselves to be so thoroughly fooled.
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. Some of those folks are scared shitless. They haven’t taken the red pill, but they have taken a pink one, and they woke up jus enough to be scared of what they’ve done.
one friend has had at least 2 jabs and Altzheimer in the family. Scared out of their brains.
Great comment. One of the churches I wrote about above held a Bach recital, but insisted on proof of "vaccination" in order to attend. Sin of commission.
As to sins of omission, only once in the last 20 years have I heard my pastor speak out against abortion. And that was only a month before he was leaving on new assignment.
Our pastors speak out on abortion and we participate in prayer walks to abortion clinics. We also support foster and adoptive parents. I can only assume they consider the vaccine issue to be too political. Not to mention, one of them who was jabbed (not all were) just returned to half-days at work, after being out for a month. He had bronchitis, pneumonia and covid (!) but he probably thinks it would have been so much worse had he not had the miraculous vaccine!
“Would have been so much worse...” around here we call that the Covidiots’ Prayer.
The Branch Covidian creed.
totally agree. Stopped going to church when face diapers were obligatory, no more than 25 worshipers at a time, church wiped dwon 2 times every service, everyone injected etc. Saw a former friend yesterday insisting I come back. Nope. Church in the woods, with dog and cats who did not refuse me.
Most of the churches have been positively supine, do not really differentiate between good and evil, and by sins of omission are an ally of Satan. Man cannot live without truth (and justice). And in my experience church pastors do not uphold truth and/or Christian Biblical morality by application to the culture. Nope! Instead it is all this Woke virtue signaling excrement.
(By the way, a really up beat C & C today!)
Fear is a powerful tool. It is my belief that if you have true faith in Jesus Christ you surrender your fear to Him and move one. Let Him deal with it and you will be under His protection. Can’t get any better than that.
Yes!! I decided very early on, when I was somewhat fearful, that I had no control over whether or not I got covid. God is sovereign and it was up to Him whether or not I had covid. I DID, however, have control over whether or not I got jabbed and the longer I waited and studied, the more certain I was that I would not be. Getting the jabs is simply Russian Roulette, with no benefit. I trust God, but after all this, I trust very few humans and certainly not our government or healthcare system.
Churches were compliant and are are therefore complicit
Teachers and schools
Doctors and hospitals
We were short on bravery and HEROS these past two years
Mob mentality ruled
Same as during the Holocaust