Thank you for that in depth segment about the Ukraine debacle.

And yes, despite their desire to prove otherwise, archeology has consistently found evidence confirming the historical accuracy of the Bible. Places, people, times, have continuously been corroborated.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

Not only is this a Ukraine debacle…it’s a defense debacle. Maybe Trump can scrape together enough TNT to blow up the Pentagon and start over.

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We go to war with the army that we have.

Donald Rumsfeld

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I don't like Donald Rumsfeld, I think he was a snake, and showed signs of psychopathy for pushing aspartame through, for profit, regardless of its harms. Among other travesties. But I love the truth of that quote, its stark reality guaranteed it would be attacked, and it was.

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It shows how money comes before strategy.

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I think it just speaks an obvious truth, no need to read between any lines. It does have many serious implications you could write a book about. But, the sentence itself is pure unvarnished reality. I'm a big fan of that.

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We go to war with the aspartame we have. A toxic tactical alternative.

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And deadlier than our star wars high tech boondoggles

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The ammunition will come later on.

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Ammunition is here now. The Czech initiative came through.

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Wouldn't THAT be a wondrous "first" for 45 to undertake - destroy the NEOCON citadel!!!

After reading J. C. 's blog for today...all I can say is..... "God's GRACE is magnificently shed on the once "United" States of America.

We have a SURPLUS OF FOOLS at the helms of so many CRUCIAL departments within the Federal government that one wonders how we EVER lasted as long as we have..... 09/11 was a precursor, friends...our ENEMIES know how feckless our leadership is - for now...they probably consider us "useful idiots"....we are indebted to China for floating bonds to subsidize our MASSIVE Federal deficit (that will NEVER go away)...and we are indebted to Russia for NOT attacking us from the Aleutian Islands - using TNT resources that are CHEAP and EFFECTIVE and that we apparently DO NOT POSSESS anymore.

As I've written too many times in the past 4 1/2 years...


Shalom! I yearn for the day when "their swords will be beaten into plowshares" (paraphrased) https://biblehub.com/isaiah/2-4.htm

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I think you’re onto something!

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And the UE parliamentary building looks like the Tower of Babel, they always say it’s all in plain sight for those with eyes to see....

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Jul 23·edited Jul 24

And also, scientific discoveries keep agreeing with the Bible, not debunking it. Remember how God said the Israelites should circumcise their infant sons on the 8th day? Guess what day infants have the highest blood clotting factor?

You guessed it---

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Good thing I was only 8 days old. I wouldn’t want to remember that.

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I had an archeologist walk through the Jericho ruins, reviewing the notes from the original excavation when I was visiting Israel several years ago. All notes lined up with the Biblical account, but the conclusion was exactly the opposite. It was a fascinating visit and just one of many things confirming the Bible

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Yes. See Immanuel Velikovsky. http://www.varchive.org/

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Those books were so great!

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The. Bible 👌 you idiots still believe in the cloud wizard. HAHA!!

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If that’s your take on God, this won’t be an echo chamber for you. I sincerely hope your eyes are opened and you choose to see.

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The Bible is a fascinating and often reliable source of history. The human “choice” to settle down and build settlements meant the earth was no longer a garden, but needed constant tending. Life expectancy plummeted due to war and disease. All well documented and defensible based on other available evidence.

As for the magic wizards, I try to skip those parts.

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Our Bible says that it was written by men inspired by God. Who wrote what you believe, Scott?

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Explain all that to Jesus when your face to face with him

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I hate to break the news to you, but he’s dead. Big hole in his side where he bled out. He’s been a corpse for thousands of years.

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You forgot about Easter!

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Liked by Jeff Childers

Cheatle should have stayed home. What a monumental waste of time and first rate snooze fest....though the tough talk was palpable. 9 days into this and provides ZERO answers, ZERO clarity and more confusion....the ol' "I'm not going to comment during an ongoing investigation" ploy. A hackneyed example of bureaucratic stonewalling. (Paging Dr. Fauci.) Slopeheaded dope. I've got to try using that strategy at home. I bet I get slapped.

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She knows more than she lets on, I'm convinced she knew about the plot.

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But, of course. Another tool of the "Establishment." She’s either a willing participant or they've got something on her....real or manufactured.

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It’s a spiritual war. Satan doesn’t care who wins. Any war and any death is good to him. Cheatle is an agent of darkness, willingly or unwillingly. As for me, I’ll suffer and die as a Christian because this life isn’t even a blink of an eye compared to eternity.

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WE went from the "Obamanation" and apparently the whore of Babylon is what they have in mind for us next. I was thinking that Joe Biden was the anti-Christ, but maybe that was really Kamala. Mitch McConnell is trying to say Whoa on this latest power grab, and Cheatle has resigned. Some good news at least.

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Read Mart Armstrong's blog from today, Virtue - Marty has access to the "rumblings" within our government and those Western nations across the globe!! Kamala will NOT be the DEMONrats' POTUS candidate!!


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Willing participant. 10 bucks says she hates Trump

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$100 she'll quit, golden parachute, case closed. Evgerything swept under the BIG rug.

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Thomas came into this world, did his homework, to show that a lad with motivations to bring the house down on a Billion dollar a year security .GOV Gig.

With little more than items we can all buy from a sporting goods store, and with a little luck, find a huge gap to set up/ stroll thru with his own low tech drone vision.

I am truly saddened about civilians death and injuries. My vote of no confidence in any current SS abilities is off the hook. Just like the view from the drone. Ouch!

We can see it too !!! Laid back and lax.

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More was afoot than a little luck.

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Who is Thomas?

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Thomas Matthew Crooks

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the shooter

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Alleged shooter.

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How insane that they can see the use of using others like waste paper but can't imagine anyone would see themselves that same way. 🚽 🪠 So long cabbage head. So long Thomas. So long jeff Eph. So long... So long...

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Use people then discard like yesterday’s garbage.

Dems ought to be apoplectic over being used/manipulated into “Joe’s fine” & capable to run for prez. He alone can save you. Vote early & often.

Then BOOM; he’s no longer useful as a manipulative front guy. Get rid of him fast & replace w/ another stooge.

So what you Dems took time to vote for Joe in ur primaries. Trust us & do what we tell you to do.

Don’t Dems see how the Party of caring for all “genders,” illegals, BLM, & little people is FAKE???

Once they do as told (again) they’ll be sidelined until next call up.

Rinse & repeat. Mercy! Sheeple.

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Red State and Eugyppius have some interesting articles today about the "soft coup" perpetrated by the democrat elite where they forced Joe out under threats of invoking the 25th. And now enough delegates have said they'll vote for Kamala as the new running mate to Trump (prior to any dem convention); they have successfully picked a new candidate without a vote ever being cast in a primary for her.

Kind of reminds me of Bullwinkle--"Hey Rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!"

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The whole ploy is just so bizarre.

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Weird the way their minds work. No consistency of thought. Also funny how such people gravitate to powerful positions. I think their shallowness give them a palpable (but unjustified) self-confidence and belief in their own entitlement that seems to be the single most useful trait for attaining power in a pathocracy, which is what we have.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

During the Afghanistan war, intel folks couldn’t understand why Al Qaeda and Taliban were working together, since they were mortal enemies. Turns out, The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend. After defeating their mutual enemy, apparently, they would then war with each other for the spoils. The Dems apply this same tactic. The people they collaborate with and consider “disposable,” i.e. Cheatle, et. al., are also euphemistically referred to as Useful Idiots…..behind their backs, of course.

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This IS MAN'S history... Destiny.

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Or Camela as POTUS & Barack as VPOTUS?

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They’re going to run Michelle Obama for POTUS and Barack Obama for VPOTUS.

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A new book by James Perloff describes how the body guard for Lincoln left his post at the theater. He was never punished, but others were sentenced to jail time. Seems like same playbook.

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WOW, never knew that. Agree on the similarities.

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Wasn't she the first lady's first choice for the position and well liked by her? Strange how on the same day the first lady had a surplus of agents at her event leaving Trumps with a deficit. Now, no talkie-talkie?

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With only a 3 day in advance plan!

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which, according to Naomi Wolf is an IMPOSSIBILITY

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She obviously has been threatened to remain silent .

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that is how the demonocrats work, kill off your opponent.

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The CIA just put a new order in for horse heads ...........

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Threats or promises. The list of those in this category is getting very long indeed.

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Being Jill's close friend, I'm sure the two were trying to improve the odds for a Biden reelection.

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She knows about the plot, and spent her remaining time as Director shredding documents or covering for her co-workers. Either one of those, or both, explains why she stayed on so long.

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I’m sure she got a nice severance package…

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I wonder how long she would last ....... with a little guy proficient in waterboarding asking

her to come out with the truth !

oh yeah, we don't do that kind of thing anymore (wink, wink )

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She was told she'd better keep her mouth shut.

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Why isn't the Congressional committee asking her if the 'colossal failure' was INTENTIONAL??!!

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All congressional hearings are nothing but theater to give the appearance that they are doing SOMETHING.

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at this point I seriously wonder why we bother with congress at all as they have declined to fulfill their share of the government since o say never declaring war from vietnam forward.

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Getting in Congress is akin to hitting the lottery.

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I always wondered why they kept voting down bills that would make Congressional insider trading unlawful....🤨

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I always wonder why they get to vote on their own benefits.

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No shit

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I’m starting to believe this - absolute twilight zone watching this circus unfold

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Who can remain sane when all is insanity? Christ is our only hope. There is no other who has truth. So thankful is it written down forever!

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He is the only constant in a shifting world of chaos & turmoil

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My pastor's message last Sunday: "The same yesterday, today and tomorrow." Zero deviation!

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Oh, I like this!

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Bottom line- hearing was a total show! Those with critical thinking skills know the attempt’ was an inside job!!

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I loved the Twilight Zone SO much I bought the DVD series!

Several of the episodes apply to today's circus. Almost like Rod was creating predictive programming!

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Speaker "Hakeem" Johnson will ignore that remark. The UniRat* Party just Fully Funded a New FIB HQ so they/them can properly investigate and file "pigeon hole" this crucial evidence in the room with the Hunter Laptop / Weiner Laptop (forgot about that one didn't you? :-)

* Rat Party= democRat$ & rinoRat$

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and now wiener ex "engaged " to "soros " kid?!?!?

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Keeping "It" all in the Mother WEFer family, Comrade.

Viewing Weiner's laptop supposedly made NYPD "murder detectives" Throw Up.

Epistein/Clintoons/ & Others. Data Trove also on Twitter Servers, Stay Tuned and keep nausea remedy close by.

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God's timing is perfect...HE will bring justice upon the evildoers at the right time.

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Can never forget the Weiner Laptop nor the young woman who had a young daughter in the car with her gunned down in October 2013 at the Obama white house.

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Only on the right. The left throws people in jail for defying Congressional summonses.

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My thoughts exactly. Congress was outraged…. So?

Those government actors are professionally outraged all the time, yet what difference does it make?

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Congress has to prove it's worth SOMEHOW.

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How about WE ( U.S. Citizens ) need to prove our worth. We've allowed criminal intelligence agencies, corporate bribes, morale degradation - ( Start your own list ). MAGA ain't gonna be fast or easy.

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what, isn't President Obama, Biden, and potentially Harris who all came from Congress proof enough of their "worth"?

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Well, it IS nice to get them on record and such, for perjury reasons. Since they ALL perjure themselves.

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They have no power. The ONLY thing they can do is file a charge w/ the DOJ. They look useless because they're hamstringed. Mayorkas controls all charges filed.

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All they’d need to do is combine the onsite investigations with all the crowdsourced analysis happening online and they’d be done. There’s even audio forensics analysis happening to determine shot distances and counts. Why go to congress without even a timeline? Only a few reasons.

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John Cullen (on X) has done an interesting deep dive into J13. He solved the Vegas shooting. Fascinating guy.

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I just listened to Darkhorse Podcast (Brett Weinstein) interview him about what he has found so far. I appreciate his willingness to be wrong...if only someone would provide evidence that he's wrong.

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He’s ignored largely because he ends up being correct. I watched the same podcast- had never heard of him. I also very much appreciated his willingness to amend his conclusion(s) upon receipt of much more needed information.

Hope he isn’t epsteined any time soon.

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The wolf guarding the hen house?

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They always are...just a waste of time. The cliff notes version is always the same.

Q: Why did you screw up?

A: I didn't.

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I will have to get back to you on that… does ever seem to happen

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Just like ‘circle back’ Psaki!

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OK, lets have a drink now

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why did you screw up?

i dont recall. Or I don’t remember. or I plea the fifth. Or its an ongoing investigation I can’t comment.

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Something I noticed yesterday while watching the congressional hearing is how, miraculously, there was so much bipartisan cooperation exposing this train wreck of a SS director. Even AOC sounded more like a rational person than unhinged Nancy Mace. On the surface, all the cooperation looked great but I couldn't help but wonder why there wasn't all this cooperation to impeach Mayorkis. Yes, attempted assassination is horrible but how many Americans have been victims of illegal migrants (death, rape, human trafficking, drugs, etc)?

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What was unhinged about Nancy Mace?

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Swearing, name calling, the kind of talk unbecoming of a Congresswoman. There are intelligent ways to articulate oneself.

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I agree. She insisted on Yes/No answers to stop Cheatle's gaslighting and prevarication. That was good.

But she undermined herself with her vulgarity/swearing.

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Agree. I'm old enough to think people in positions of power (on any side) should set a good example, which in my book does not include swearing and vulgar language. It's a symptom of lazy thinking and disrespect for everyone listening.

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Nothing wrong with her saying what everyone watching was feeling. She just had the guts to do it.

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I thought she was incredible. Like a brunette mtg

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Good observation.

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Those dems that were cooperating see themselves possibly as victims, therefore the interest in a competent secret service. Saving their own butts.

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She never even went to the scene.

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How about the fact that she didn't even know the history of previous directors (e.g. the Director who resigned following the attempt on Reagan)? You'd think some staffer would have given her a little primer. Again. These people operate with impunity. They will never be held to account for anything no matter how massive the screw up. See exhibit A: Anthony Fauci, exhibit B: Deborah Birx.

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Someone needs to check her timeline about her career.

What year did she first retire from the Secret Service?

Was it the year Trump was elected?

What time frame did she work for Pepsi?

What year did she leave Pepsi and go back into government service?

Was it when Joe Biden stole the election?

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well Harris never went to border, yet she was the "border czar". Why do they need to go? Their actions and answers will be the same

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Regardless of the politician, regardless of the party, and regardless of the crisis, making a trip to the site is usually little more than a photo op. A statement that they "care". And with filming and photos of the realities at the site, the politician can usually get an even better viewing of situation than the one or two staged photo op photoshoots provides. So even if Kamala did go to the border, it would have been a meaningless gesture of concern. What is more helpful would be an accurate assessment of the problems and issues by authorities, citizens, and victims on the ground. But "a man sees what he wants to see and disregards the rest". (Simon & Garfunkel) And when maintaining an agenda is the priority, that's all that matters.

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Like I said, the answers will be the same whether they go or not

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If you think this was a waste of time, I can't wait for FBI director Wray's "testimony". We can spare us all the drama. His answer to every question will be, "This is an ongoing investigation. We do not comment on ongoing investigations."

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It will be the same, but with 10x the smugness.

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but Worthless Wray will possibly regurgitate some more on the Violent Domestic Deplorable Insurgents as his FIB is still arreSSting those Insurgents from Jan 6th 2021, while Meritless Garland sends We the People off to the Feral Gulags.

At least Old Slo Joe survived the Stalinist-Nuland democRat Coup ..... didn't he??? Seems a purrfect time to have a USSA Stateless Funeral to displace all this "conspiracy talk".

I'm beginning to get a glimpse of life in the USSR, comrades. Ain't it fun???

Hilarity Rotten Clintoon is not out of the POTUS picture either and she certainly remarked that Deplorables need a "Happy Camp" trip. (of course I'm wearing the tin foil hat for remembering the Clintonistas........ or perhaps the Obamaites can "save us"??? Again as in 2008.

Sheesh, I've run out of spittle.

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Under withering bipartisan crossfire, “mistakes” were made. Nothing burger once again. Cheatle will resign and another inept, “I know nothing”, will take her place.

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Cheatle will not really resign ... she will fail up, as Democrats always do, landing a cushy position in the Harris administration.

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She just resigned

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Golden parachute-EVERYTHING swept undera big rug. "See, we made her resign!" End of story.

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They Them will try but We Me You can refuse to let it "move on."

Post contrary links, and Speak out. Surprising How many people think It was an Inside Job !!!

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VP perhaps.

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I bet Sgt Schultz would give more meaningful answers than Cheatle!

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

She just resigned.

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She just resigned!!!

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I just saw this too.

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Yeah it was pretty sad…I couldn’t believe I actually agreed with AOC! 😳 What the heck is happening?!

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But all of AOC's ire is just cover for her real goal: using this event to push for gun control. That's what all the libs are doing in their rantings. Yes, they acknowledge the failure of the process, but then lament, "if only we didn't have so many guns in our country!"

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I suspect AOC wants Trump to win.

She and her pals can more easily act up, incite riots etc., when he's in the White House. She's like a bolshy adolescent - they need to fight an authority figure and ol' Joe was not that.

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Unlike other false flag ( government sponsored terror) events of the past , with today’s citizen journalism and eye witness accounts and videos, we already know the truth .

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Clearly a cliche nonanswer

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She was hired for specific reasons and competency on securing Presidents wasn’t one of them. So she wont be fired for her incompetence in that area either.

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I had all those reports on my kitchen table prior to heading out the door for this hearing.

It was left next to a beef roast thawing out on the counter next to the files, we have a four year old Great Dane with the nose of a blood hound. Our dog Rocky ate all that homework.

I will file this under the SS/ Cheat-R Dog Saga.

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Rocky sounds smart.

Reminds me of a local hunter here who told me the opposite about one of his dogs.

He told me: "those 2 over there are great but this one [affectionate pat on the ear], he couldn't find a leg of lamb on a kitchen table" !

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she should be drug tested before appearing--STONER most likely

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Horrifying… thank you for sharing albeit a hopeless seemingly irreversible state for we the people…

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Thank you for appreciating it! I’m 10 months into this and I completely underestimated how much controlled opposition is in our world.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

Considering the depth of this elaborate coup global takeover, and yes the elaborate matrix of controlled op coverup, not even Tucker would chance exposing it… while diving deeper into this WEF coup… I can’t help but think of Seth Rich… careful…..

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Tucker is controlled opposition…

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He's openly saying the attempt to kill Trump is a deep state plot and you are calling him controlled opposition? You need to stop calling everyone "controlled opposition" who doesn't believe every single thing you believe.

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Yes… I know… but he does expose information to normies who get their so called news (official narratives propaganda) from CNN, NPR, msnbc and government controlled medias…

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T-Mobile is different than AT&T, Verizon, Crowd Strike, etc. ??? Whatever, perhaps the Answer to AI is in Ben Franklin's Lightning Experiment.

Electricity the Alpha & the Omega of Civilization.

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Yup - only one you listed is the German government and digital arm of the WEF. You should read my expose, I’m now censored on every single platform for exposing T-Mobile. https://www.marcpalasciano.com/p/every-american-should-know-this-about

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I read it, Seems quite Logically Tyrannical from a Mother WEFer view. My point is They/Them "never put all their eggs in one basket".

Me/We/You shouldn't either, though identifying such a target as you have is quite valuable If We "Bud Lite" T-Mobile.

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Bud Light accomplished nothing other than brainwashing Conservatives into thinking they’re fighting back when they’re really being distracted.

When Bill Gates buys the dip of a brand boycott and makes millions, it was a hustle.

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The foolish elitists’ corollary to “you shall own nothing and be happy” is “we will own everything and be happy.” It will more likely be similar to the French Revolution where nobody was happy or safe, especially for the elitists at the top.

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Cheatle could have Ignored the Suponea like Herr Holder of the DOJ did under Obamy. She might have evaded consequences that Bannon & Navarro received with "only" a flimsy excuse of Executive Priviledge from the Deposed President Trump.

Welcome to life in the USSA where "expectations" never seem to quite materialize, but hopium and fentanyl/psych pharma drugs are in Ample Supply for the sheeples.

I heard a rumour that Howdy Gowdy, Repub Chairman of the fabled Benghazi Hearings may even return to show House Repubs how to "Really" nail down the evil doers. (sarc) because someone would probably think it would be a "Great Idea"!!!

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What a disappointment he turned out to be.

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Rinse & Repeat, Comrade. They/Them rinRats like democRats are Still Rats.

Though while expecting little from Them, We can Push Them further along the road to redemption........ by We/Me/You constantly pushing their noses into the Feral GrubMint's Excrement.


btw, there are some Patriots that won't be as polite/gentle as us; and as a barometer,I ain't feeling so polite at the moment.

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Makes you wonder if the CrowdStrike mess was a planned test run for something bigger. Feels like we are living in a movie.

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I absolutely think it was a test for what’s to come. We all need to flag this event. I keep trying to tell everyone I know that life is going to be very difficult in the next few months into next year.

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I think the opposite. I’m so sure Trump has everything done for us and as soon as the country is told who is the President and who has been president since 2016, he will be able to show exactly what he’s been doing. This coming week is another big week. I’m thinking money in our accounts that wasn’t there the previous day. That Balance will be big, especially if you’re over 61. We will get everything back that they stole from us for their Nefarious reasons. We will have one flat tax. So much will change pretty instantly. So not to argue or be mean, I have just kept my excitement level high, my vibrations high, staying away from social media and very close to Nature.

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AGREE Sweettea. November 2024

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Oh it was, I can see Crowdstrike happening during the so called elections. All computerized voting booths down forever.

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Only if infiltrated with red votes. Blue votes get counted twice so problem. And if it’s an obvious minority voting, they get ten times the value.

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So no problem

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Niki: my suspicions were immediately in this direction. And maybe a warning something like ... 'we are watching you' and 'don't think you don't have vulnerabilities'. (Like being run out of business ... maybe.)

Some people here at C & C know things. And so, I am happy to listen to them and see what they say.

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Strange, but I haven't been affected in the least and according to one map, my area was part of the target zone. I use Linux so maybe that made a difference.

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I had to order my coffee in person on Friday! My App didn’t work. The horror, the horror..

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As Dire Straits puts it

"Maybe get a blister on your little finger

Maybe get a blister on your thumb"

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My sister-in-law and brother-in-law were flying back to CA from a wedding in NY State yesterday and got stuck in Detroit overnight due to Delta cancelling their flight. They will eventually get back home....I think.

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Ahhh good’ol Romulus airport.

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Frankly, I think that’s awesome! 🤩 ☕️

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crowdstrike does sell software for Linux and managed to crash a couple flavors like debian a little while back with their crapware... it's just on the quiet because most industry is dumb enough to use window$ almost exclusively instead so when they crash that OS it is too big an event not to make the Nooz

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I do use Microsoft on my desktop, and I wasn't affected. But then I try to avoid updates, so maybe my computer wasn't updated with the bug.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

you (or corporate IT if a business device) have to pay for crowdstrike "security" software to be affected. window$ itself is hot garbage but it was a kernel level access vulnerability triggered by bogus crowdstrike driver files which caused the issue.

it's hard to completely disable automatic updates on win 10 or 11. you can half ass disable them for a while in settings, but to actually turn them off requires registry edits and few people are comfy typing in things that could potentially brick your system if you enter any syntax errors or typos

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SomeDude: my guess based on what you are saying is that this CrowdStrike thing was a targeted attack. And just purely guessing, quite possibly part of something larger ... maybe as to send some kind of message or warning. And maybe Selection Season connected ... as in something to do with voting and/or vote counting?

But what do I know? It just that the look of it stinks.

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Avoid updates and malware protection. I believe thats a big part

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Just a guess. You were not targeted, but the servers (whichever ones) were. I think this is a totally good assumption. SomeDude below explains this very well.

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Maybe....JUST MAYBE, this will FINALLY be the year of the Linux desktop.

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Everyone downstream of what happened, especially medical facilities, 911 and airlines better be looking to switch to Linux or Apple asap. Honestly, they are just as much at fault for not having better backup strategies.

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It's hard to find good Linux knowledgeable staff.

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Looks like my marketability just went up.

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SomeDude, Some Interesting Info. Thanks. I understand a lot of servers run on Linux because it is faster.

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I read that Linux and Mac were not affected.

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Same here. This was a Windows-specific version flaw. Mac & Linux were unaffected. It was an invalid bit of C++ code that accessed an off-limits memory address, causing windows to crash as a result. I have fixed dozens of them since Friday. No biggie.

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Thanks. I a Linux Mint user and only know enough to keep my machines up and running. I always appreciate your kind of info.

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I am typing this reply on Mint. That said, I have rolled out a few PCs using Pop!_OS (also debian.Ubuntu-based) and I like it very much. *We have options*. Just refrain from installing Microsoft Edge. Brave is great, and you can sync profiles between machines (even Windows).

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Watch out! You could turn into a Super-Hero, at least in my book!

I use Mint and Mint has been my long time favorite. I have used Pops a good bit ... and Fedora somewhat, plus a quite a few other OSs most of which I switched out shortly after the install. I also notice that Mint has shot up in DistroWatches ranking list ... and battling it out with MXlinux. I can't figure it out, but MXlinus must hold some attraction for some people.

I use Cinnamon, and I like Mint Cinnamon better than having to load Cinnamon over Gnome in Pops!_OS. I like Mint's customizing features, and I think Mint's software store is better. And so hard to guess ... right. I'm writing on Mint too.

I have five browsers which I use. My favorite and most used is Yandex (the Google of Russia). I do use Brave and I also very much like Falkon. And all now working well on my System76 Oryx since it tested the memory, found it corrupted and replaced the old memory with an upgrade to 32 GB Crucial. the corrupted memory was, according to the terminal readout, something called Gold Star. I bet you never heard of them. And I bet System76 never used that brand again after the failure complaints began to roll in. Just a guess.

Well, thanks for the heads up. I never use Edge ... nothing MSFT at all. And I guess you can tell I always get excited over anything having to with Linux.

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Nice to know about Brave. Thanks!

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Same here, only I’m a Mac.

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My vaccum cleaner store was still down Monday. Cash or check only. Florida.

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Yes, it only hit Windows operating system, not Linux or Apple so also most cell phones were fine because they don't typically run Windows. My computer was find because I don't have automatic updates available and it's old as the hills.

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If you don’t use cloud based you personally would not have been affected. We have a few stores and we weren’t touched because we don’t use cloud based software

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Close, but not true. The only ones affected were computers and servers running Windows, with Crowdstrike installed, and that were *running* when the update was released. People who shut down nightly and boot up in the morning were unaffected because they got the fixed update as soon as they connected to the internet.

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Linux wasn't affected.

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It's All a Movie until it comes knocking at your door and I'm not talking about just a FIB raid.

Grid Down, No Electricity, Try Living in 1880, 90% Failure Rate.

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Yes, but by bigger, it was a test to short a stock, hobble the product, and make a crap-ton of money when the stock plummets. That's all this was, kinda like how CNN suddenly started to broadcast Trump rallies on J13.

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Could be...or they could be making up by shorting Crowdstrike as the short on the DJT stock didn't work when the assasination failed.

And yes, a movie, but when I see the weird clots, heart attacks, turbo cancers, etc., it's more like a nightmare.

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Someone made a crap load of money shorting them

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Yep, just like shorting Trump's stock just before trying to kill him. There are no coincidences, only undiscovered truths.

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Like 911 ... and if making a boat load of money, then connected.

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More cheating via the election machines?! I would venture to say. I dont want to be pessimistic but it feels impossible to win. So many people love Trump. Many have changed. But we all thought Trump would and did win in 2020

also. So.

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Just another scare to keep ya scared!

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I'm not scared of anything these people attempt. There are billions of us and a few thousand of them.

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I agree - have you seen that creepy speech by the repellent Herr Schwab threatening humanity with a "cyber pandemic" that will bring almost the end of the world?!

These mafia goons have hijacked global power. And they're using it to commit evil.

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Much bigger! I’m thinking around election time.

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You can "Put-Bet" your last dollar on that. Wait, that might be backwards. Nevermind.

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Yahweh is righteous in all His ways

And holy in all His works.

Yahweh is near to all who call upon Him,

To all who call upon Him in truth.

He will work out the desire of those who fear Him;

He will hear their cry for help and He will save them.

— Psalm 145:17-19 LSB


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