This is still a limited hangout: 'It leaked from the Wuhan lab.' This implies an accident.

But Fauci - Baric - Daszak emails, plus Oct 2019 Event 201, plus 2017 invoices for COVID-19 test kits, strongly imply that's not at all what happened. There is plenty of evidence that the several trillion dollar pandemic industry infrastructure had already been built to a large extent, and required the mere release of the pathogen to catalyze the biggest scam in world history.

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Plus, both Moderna CEO and Pfizer scientist caught by Project Veritas both confess to gain-of-function activity. Of course. It's their business model. Both registered patents to viral nucleic acids sequences, going back years, because both have their main business interest in disseminating illness in order to sell the cure, while that 'cure' creates new needs for more drugs. Cha-ching $.

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It’s opioids and Purdue Pharma all over again. The movie Dopesick was huge in opening my eyes to this.

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I recommend people either read Dopesick or watch the series to understand my fundamental hostility toward all things pharma.

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I’ve never heard of it but I’ve hated big Pharma for many years! I guess I need to watch and then refer others to it!! Thank you

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It's only on Hulu. But you could sign up for the free trial and then cancel if you want. I ditched my Sat dish years ago, and have Hulu.

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Yes! It changed my perspective a lot.

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Recommendation noted!

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Dopesick is fantastic. I became anti pharma when the pushing of statins became a religion. I will never trust a thing coming out of them. Every drug is created to have another drug to counteract the side effects of the original. This is why the elderly are so sick now. They're all on 20 different meds.

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My doctor wife’s too

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Book Empire of Pain , was excellent. About the Sackler Family and Prudue Pharma

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Also, the “ real Anthony Fauci”. It gives great history of Gates & Fauci corruption together.

Another documentary is “ Shots- from eugenics to pandemics”. ( TUBI? or Prime)

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Hello there Colleen, I totally agree with you. Are you also familiar with the work of Dr. Dave Martin?

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Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023

Dr. David Martin…yep. He has a YouTube circulating right now with documents stating that bioweapon was released… not leaked. So intentional. U.S. created bioweapon and needs to be investigated.

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In 2014, DARPA funneled over $3 million through an NGO called Eco Health Alliance to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for gain of function research. Gain of function is engineering a virus to be more contagious to humans.

In November of 2019, the World Economic Forum, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security hosted “Event 201”, wargaming a pandemic preparedness exercise, which “predicted” the current “pandemic.”

The first cases of Covid-19 began appearing in December 2019 in, of all places, Wuhan, China. The propaganda spread faster than the virus. By January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a “public health emergency of international concern.”

In March of 2020, Trump gave ModeRNA (mRNA) $482 million to develop a vaccine under what he called “Operation Warp Speed”. Sure enough, they had a vaccine ready for trial by July 2020. Amazing! Of course, all of that money came from DARPA. Because, that’s what they do.

Earlier in 2019, before the pandemic, before anyone ever heard of Covid 19, the World Economic Forum in partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation started the “Commons Project”, to create an electronic vaccine passport system called “CommonPass”.


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Also check out John Hopkin's 2017 paper titled: SPARS Event 2025, Saint-Paul Acute Respiratory Syndrome. It is the blueprint for the media blitz instituted against the American people with instructions on how to "persuade" the public to believe the narrative and get high vax compliance. Everyone should read this paper to comprehend the inner workings of framing a narrative and persuasion.

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Just read an article on the low compliance regarding the jab and how employers can help. They cannot mandate anymore because people will just quit but....they can nudge with incentives. Make employees feel good about themselves. Give paid time off for getting the jab and paid time off for when they get sick from the jab. Now how's that for irony on the getting sick part. Just made me laugh.

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Awesome info - thanks for sharing - I believe Robert Kennedy Jr. covered this in his book - "The Real Anthony Fauci" - just incredible - but as I always say - Follow the money...

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Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023

I lean toward release because of the neat and tidy coincidence of the war games involving lots of countries happening in Wuhan at that very same time. Convenient. Then I think back and remember that right around that time the lab in uhan ordered a new handling system and closed down all access and communication with the US. That could be a lie. I have no certainty about most things involving the governments anymore, but I cannot look away from that.

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Dave Martin is awesome!!

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And why wouldn’t the Dept of Energy create a narrative against Chyna right now before they dare assist Russia in Ukraine?! It was time to take the heat off the obvious bioweapons in Ukraine and the USA culprits responsible for them as well as their virus - so that they could get moving on the “vaccine” they had already to go. I don’t believe the lab leak theory, but it’s working for media and politicians right now! What a crock!

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This all perpetuates the Myth that viruses are a real "thing". It's all gaslighting.

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This position goes over my head. I need to investigate this claim.

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Here is a link to Dr. Tom Cowan's 2-part talk at WAPF's conference this past Oct. in TN. It is excellent, and covers the "no viruses" theory very well. Part 1 of his talk is titled "What Doesn't Make You Sick?" (hint: viruses), and Part 2 is titled "What Does Make You Sick".


Dr. Cowan co-wrote "The Contagion Myth" with Sally Fallon Morell, an excellent read!

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There is a book called "The Contagion Myth" by Thomas Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell. It's an interesting perspective.

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So Herpes and Hepatitis are not viruses?

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I couldn't agree more! It is as though they are finally agreeing that the earth my not be completely flat.

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In reading "The Invisible Government" (a thrift store buy) published in '64 (but written in the immediate years before) I was surprised to read that, after the revolution, while in New York to speak to the UN about the violation of International rules of law, Castro and the US negotiated to pay the "Castro Regime" hundred+ million, not in money, but in food and medicine. (Castro didn't want cash, though he did collect $2.9m which went to a public fund for ALL grieving families that were harmed during the attempted overthrow.

The two companies that were called upon to 'donate' medicine (only after assurances of 100% tax deductibility, brokered by a ghost bank) were Pfizer and Merck. No one else need apply. They were allowed tax deductions (which means they took money from our forebears) for the full retail, on-the-shelf- price, valued at $52 million, but which cost them only $3m to make. The Pfizer and Merck execs, Ivy league chums of federal administrators/negotiators, walked off with a $49 million dollar paycheck by "donating" medicine (poison) to help release Cuban/American prisoners. These were not patriots, but rather, mercenaries, guns for hire (largely) trained in Guatemala (now that Arbenze was tossed out), shipped on vessels owned by the same ghost shipping company that broadcast American propaganda into Cuba.

The American press were told the whole enterprise must remain a secret to maintain operating abilities hidden, i.e. secret. The irony here is that every country in the world, except the US, knew what sanctimonious horseshit the Americans were peddling.

The Americans never knew about what weasels the people in the CIA were.

Not all of them, certainly the cretins 'in-charge'.

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Hello Doug, thanks for your input - I love thrift books. "The Invisible Government". I'll have to see if I can find it.

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Also, an easy find, is "The Devils Chessboard" by David Talbot. In reading it one can understand why so much of the world hates American-ism. While Americans were humming along, thinking that their government was projecting their desire for 'democracy' into every corner of the globe, they were actually secretly and deliberately positioning the nation for it's inevitable (under their care) destruction. Part of how they did this was by overthrowing every 'democratic' and duly elected government that failed to cow-tow to foreign corporations (which are just 'legal' envelops to shield sociopaths from prosecution for the soulless capture of resources by the greedy and murderous acquisition class of parasitic humans, and their sycophants-politicians and government lifers i.e. "deep staters").

The story of how the CIA (again, the invisible arm of sociopath wealthy elite) kidnapped, tortured and killed so many wonderful men and women who loved their nation and their people, the hope of the very people that the veneer of American democracy encouraged in the first place, was utterly shattered and prevented from rearing it's beautiful head ever again. Men like the brilliant Congolese president Lamumba, Arbenze in Guatemala, Allende in Chile, Mohammad Mosaddeq in Iran, worked against Nassar in Egypt and DeGAulle in France, Castro in Cuba.

It just goes on and on. They forced democracies to pursue extremism and soviet help.

I love the idea of America, but in reality the scum running the country likely have earned a whole cell block in hell for themselves, and doomed the nation to an awful death.

The US fulfills the role of the great whore of Babylon. Sadly, few Americans have the stomach to look into Americas own past, to see what horrors have been wrought in their name, with their money. A curse upon those who deceived the naïveté of citizens.

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Thanks, just ordered the book. Cheers

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It is a comprehensive 600+ pages. One of the harder 600 pages I've read in awhile, not from technical sophistication, but because the subject matter filled me with such shame of my fellow 'Muricans and my incredulity at what was going on right under our noses.

In the 80's I spent three years in Honduras (village of Mocoron) working to help refugees fleeing the socialist regime of the Sandinistas, personally unconcerned about the political issues. The men and women I met there, the hands-on doctors, agrarians, and managers were great; but the UN staff was decidedly anti-American and anti-republic and vehemently insultingly anti-Christian.

Working vis a vie World Relief, we simply managed the funds that the UN was determined to mis-spend, on helping people eat, drink clean water, learn how to manage effluent.

And tried not to get dysentery more than once every couple months.

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On the mark!

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

General rule of thumb: If they are willing to admit something, that means there is probably something worse they aren't willing to admit.

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Yes, and in this case we need to keep in mind that "they" clearly want a war with China, and the first thing you need to do before going to war is to get the country to hate its adversary.

I think everyone needs to add to the equation the following: these people don't care what we or anyone thinks. In other words, coming clean to look better or to get elected is NEVER a factor for them anymore. The people at the top are sociopaths, remember, which means they like the challenge and are even stimulated by being closer to being caught.

You're right, admitting this would only be to distract from something else, but that wouldn't be to hide an even worse truth since, I repeat, they don't care what we think or, at this point, what we know. It has to be for some reason other than staying out in front of something that a normal person would perceive as damaging.

I submit to you that, the Chinese are being used as a patsy here -- Obama engineered the placement and funding of the lab in Wuhan and left it as a poison pill for Trump, so I would assume we even released the bug.

So the likelihood is this: This is being done as an attempt to build up support for the war they want to widen. The only hope they have of pulling off this Oh, Great! Reset is to explode the currency in the name of war spending (that way they can default on the debt and replace it with CBDC), pull Russia and China into a never ending war that impedes the economic development of the global south (already underway) and weakens both countries as anti-globalist nation states, and this has the added advantage of further erode the US by getting her involved in a losing war effort.

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But massively profitable for globalists and elites.

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Which sadly lines up with the Degal Report population and economic projections for 2025. We are in serious trouble, we too few having a clue of what has happened or is coming in the near future. The dumbing down of the populace and cotrol of communications has been and continues to be effective..

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Except that ChiCP crowed over the release.

There is a video of a university professor in China who is well connected with the party gleefully saying a couple of years ago that they brought the US to its knees without firing one shot. And that the US/west underestimates them.

I can’t find the link right now, but possibly it came from Epoch times? ET have been exposing Chn for years.

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I wonder where the outrage is about "racism". I remember that too well when Donald Trump called it the "China virus because it came from China". Also, I am waiting for people to stop buying the cheap Chinese junk. Haven't seen much evidence of that.

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Exactly what I was thinking!!

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Why did they spend most of last 3 years dogmatically denying China could have any culpability?

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Actually, they didn't. Fauci said something like the Chinese might have done it about a year ago, which is when I first started to think that the (inevitable) split between China and Davos had occurred. Not sure when exactly, but it was very striking at the time, so I know it happened.

Then I noticed a month or so later that Soros called China the enemy, which put a stake through the heart of my assumption that China and the globalists were working together, at least any longer. My understanding is that Soros et. al. tried to buy their way into China and do their usual bribe and coerce thing but that China wasn't having any of it, kicked them out and kept the money.

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Problem is the USA warmongers will lose against the Chyna/Russia coalition. And Obummer will gleefully watch the transformation he intended. Oh, the evil he perpetrated! It’s so sad that the big picture is not being observed by those who can stop a war in Congress. Of course, the Pentagon will fall at Chyna’s feet.

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I don't think quite that degree of pessimism is warranted. We're in trouble, to be sure, but there is quite a bit of pushback from congress and the DOD on the warmongering. If you look around at things like Musk, Carlson, the gang of 20 (or was it 12?) in the House, Josh Hawley's take-down of Garland a day or two ago, the failing covid/clot shot narrative, there is a lot happening in the right direction now, whereas nothing was a year or two ago.

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I think they are playing for time until the food supply collapses. Then the security systems, currently dormant, will illuminate the abyss that will become the future. There is a 'traffic' digital board just south of the coastal town where I live in Commiefornia, installed while everyone was locked-down , and has yet to be fired up. That's almost three years of floods, road closures, trees down. But that digital sign sits silent, unpowered.

It has 'military grade' written all over it. It has a PTZ-POE security camera watching it; a couple of transfer boxes that will enable significant augmentation of what ever is planned, and since it is at a major choke-point for North/South travel on the coast, it's presence is ominous to those of us who recognize it's potential.

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Very creepy.

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I'm not thinking they want a 'war' with China. They do want nations, all of them, occupied by foreign troops who do not speak the language of the country they are sent to annihilate. That is the purpose of the UN, to make every neighbor an enemy to their neighbors. It isn't just black/white or left/right. They want the Brits to despise the 'popcorn eating' Americans, the Americans to hate the 'knee bending Brits. And on.

They want us ALL to think that WE are RIGHT and all those other countries have it WRONG.

But we citizens are finally realizing that all we want is peace and prosperity, to provide not just food, clothing and a roof, but a sustainable CULTURE to posterity. A culture of Godly wisdom, love, and honor.

The culture of those in darkness leads to death, a distance from the creator that is unsustainable.

We begrudge none their success and wish them as well as they wish us. If there were a way to unite against these elitist globalist parasite weasels, we'd be rid of them already.

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Nailed it

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definition of a limited hang out 100%

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Limited HangOut

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That's when "experts" know that viruses don't exist but pretend they do.

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So right. Like, gee, how much were we involved. Pointing a finger at China. All the rest of the fingers pointing directly back to our lovely innocent government.

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Mitigation? Wonder if they’re sticking with their usual plandemic narrative. Was it in the plan to blame China? Don’t I remember seeing photos of various higher up important billionaire type folks in china? It looked like a pretty friendly photo op.. but we’ve seen evil from those cheesy smilers. I love passing on your brilliant penned roundups Jeff. I can just shut up and say “read it”!

So WHO in the world is getting all these agencies to agree about a lab leak?

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Here’s a little anecdote which leads me to conclude that such an industry was all in by the time WHO declared the Covid pandemic in early 2020. A good friend, an entrepreneur always looking for the latest trend, supplement or device to market told me in Fall, 2019 he was going to be out of the country on business but couldn’t tell me what it was or where he was going. Okay I thought. A little odd but it got my curiosity juices flowing.

When he returned, I asked him again and while he couldn’t say what he was doing he did say that he went to China. That was that. It was only after the Covid story was out that I noticed how he seemed so certain that this was the real deal and not another hoax like the numerous other ones which were usually exposed in a short time. But he said no, this is different this time.

After Fauci and Birx took control and the lockdown began, I got a call from him informing me that he was selling face masks on a large scale and offered me a finders fee for any successful contacts I could give him. It was easy to put all the pieces together about his mysterious trip and the assurances he had that this wasn’t like all the others. I also noticed a change in his attitude. He was less friendly and very critical of anyone who was challenging the narrative. This fiasco released upon the world was probably in the works for years. Besides face masks, vaccines and all that, the people responsible were getting everything ready to scare the shit out of the public as they prepared the absurd solution with an extra helping of the message “ We’re all in this together”.

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"we're all in this together." was the tell.

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Never forget! The packed cattle cars and death camps!

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Trains as organised by IBM with their punch card machines and victims rounded up in Blitz trucks built by GM!

See Nazi Nexus by Edwin Black: America's Corporate Connections to Hitler's Holocaust

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And funded by US banks.

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And the primary bank funding Nazi Germany was run by Prescott Bush, father and grandfather of 2 US presidents. As they say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

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...who got their money from all the depositors. We were always being fleeced, but now we're being herded to the slaughter house.

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and Ford and the major banks played both sides.

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As did General Motors - Big Time! They militarized the Reich and then sold planes etc to the US government to fight them, profiting from both sides.

And the head of Coca Cola in Nazi Germany invented Fanta for the troops when access to Cola syrup was restricted.

Oh and Kodak was in on the action too.

And of course Hitler imported the US eugenics programme, which led to The Final Solution, direct from Henry Ford and Carnegie, who funded the main research institutions in Germany.

But of course they don't teach you any of this in school...

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And “ for the greater good”! 🤣

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I think your “friend” and I use that term loosely, needs to be outed. The masks weren’t even being pushed until the Spring but more Summer of 2020. So he KNEW what narrative was going to be driven and did nothing but line his pockets? Wouldn’t be a friend of mine, especially since I didn’t hear where he warned you.

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Of course I can’t say for sure that I know what he knew. But considering what was going on at the same time with Event 201 in full swing dress rehearsal, it a good guess that he was told that the demand for masks was about to skyrocket and this is an incredible opportunity. Why else would he travel that far in secrecy? My question has always been who tipped him off about this. He was always in business selling herbal products and natural medical devices.

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One wouldn't have had to know the exact coming narrative path to know that masks would be in demand if there was a major pandemic coming. Fauci and others have said they downplayed masks initially because they didn't want a mass rush on masks. I believe them, to the extent that they lied (by telling the truth that we don't need masks) on purpose until supplies caught up and they could get to the point of lying more broadly about everyone needing masks all the time.

I agree a good friend might have added something about "I am reliably told there is a deadly virus about to spread around the world, so you might want to be ready. And here's a pack of masks"

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I’ve thought about it but have been reluctant for personal reasons.

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That is a very interesting anecdote. I have a few questions.

Had you always been a Don't Buy The Narrative guy? Or is that a more recent development (like for many of us)? It seems like he confided quite a bit to you, and considered you a possible route to sell his gray market masks. Since the mask market has dried up, what is he selling now? Did he sell other pandemic-related items?

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I stepped deeply into the red pill zone about a dozen years ago when I started to discover the truth about 9/11. Never paid much attention to the vaccine issue until I saw Vaxxed in 2016 which really captured my interest and started a deep excursion in that rabbit hole so by the time the pandemic started, it was pretty clear to me that something seemed way off. All along I’d been watching the Highwire and Del had been saying that it’s isn’t just the children that Pharma is after.

As far my friend Craig goes, we drifted apart like so many others who consider me a rebel rouser. Not sure what he’s up to these days. He did say he made a lot of money with N95 masks.

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Thanks for sharing how you came to be skeptical of the narrative (lies). Vaccine injuries, autism specifically, was my entry point. Then I began to go down rabbit hole after rabbit hole which led me to the lies of 9-11. In the 1980’s the incidence of autism was 1:10,000 and now it’s 1:42 children . I still don’t get why our country is not up-in-arms!!! But the damage from autism, as tragic as it is, will pale in comparison to the deaths and harms from these shots! It will all come out, just as the narrative around the COVID origin theory has, and the anguish and fury will be epic!

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I worry that the same way they've been able to normalize autism and other childhood vaccination injuries, they'll be able to normalize covid vax injuries. "More heart problems and cancers is just something that happens, from a variety of causes."

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“We’ve just gotten better at screening and diagnosing them.” 🙄

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Excellent point. The cabal is already fast at work reminding us that kids can have heart attacks and strokes. In 40+ yrs of nursing, mostly ER, never saw an instance of it.

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I'm wondering where/how the settlement over Tylenol causing autism comes into play here. Having not jumped into that 'rabbit hole of research, maybe others have insite?

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It sure thinned down my friends too! I think there is one of us in all circles! I am the black sheep of the family and I’m proud to be the only one of four who wasn’t hoaxed!!

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Thankfully my sibling group is all on board except one but this whole thing has had a pretty negative impact on friend relationships and at one point my relationships with my 30+ yo kids. I am heartsick they have had shots and at least one booster. I pray every night for their safety. They refuse to listen to anything I say. They say they have done 'their own research' which I am sure include the CDC, Fauci and God forbid, Peter Hotez. So ironic that I, born in the 50's, am challenging the narrative while they, born in the 90's, are 100% committed to it!

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023

Absolutely the same here!

My girls & I have a good relationship, but the topic is pretty much verboten. One is in med school. I have reams of evidence saved up to give them when the light begins to dawn, which I hope is soon. (They always said I was the original hipster, & ahead of everything. At some point they’ll start listening again 😅).

So far no side effects. I live in a red state, and I think we were mainly given innocuous doses. Keep praying. Keeping all the victims in prayers, too.

God is Good!

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Same same. Blacksheep here.

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Yep. Same story. Same result. Family relationships blown up. By design, surely.

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Right? I found out who my allies were with covid. Though I refused to believe government bullshit anymore after the (deliberate) home mortgage collapse and the illegal foreclosures of more homes than in all of world history, a few stuck with me as I told anyone who would listen that worse was coming But I managed, despite my sour cynicism, to be worth having as a friend.

Until covid.

By early in March of 2020 my van was plastered with anti 'cower-in-place' posters, pleas to "think of your (grand)children", "You're eventually going to die, but why not LIVE in the meantime" memes, which were changed weekly, until July of 2020. It was then that I finally realized that people were impossibly blinded by the narrative. In my little town it was a friend and his woman and I who refused to wear masks or be afraid of the scamdemic. The whole town turned against him. He had a small café and refused to require people to wear masks, refusing to wear them himself. Every misfit in town bought his fare, maskless. Tourists would come in, many of them would turn around and leave because, by summer, he was requiring people to remove the mask so he could understand what they were saying.

Then the county (unlawfully) fined him $10,000 for failing to follow 'safety guidelines'. Some of the local business owners conspired to heap fresh manure in front of the door to his business, to spit on his windows, and of course threatened him online. They ripped quotes from the declaration of Independence off his windows, declared him persona non grata. Cowards all.

His landlord refused to extend his lease, even after initially agreeing to renew after some news services carried a story of his plight, making the absent landlord look anti American for denying him his right-to-renew after they heard he wasn't complying with the narrative. But people from all over the US called to either threaten or praise him.

Eventually he bought a piece of land far far north of here and now has a fully sustainable farm, of which I am about to buy 3/4's of an quarter acre and join him building an agoric enterprise.

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What is the best video explaining the truth of 9/11? I’ve heard it’s not what it seems but haven’t looked into it.

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Watch this 5 minute brilliant overview by James Corbett. It’s also very funny https://www.bitchute.com/video/pzR4oyOCxtjv/

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f8cking hilarious!!! lol!

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Oh my gosh that was great!

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Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023

Look at Jason Bermas' work.

"Loose Change" - there's several releases, check Wikipedia for a rundown of each release.

Corbett Report -


"9-11 War Games"

Both of these are on YT.

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Buildings implode STRAIGHT DOWN (not even 0.5' - 1' tilt), when they are set up for demo.

FF / allowed attack to blame terr0rism, go into Afghanistan and mine rare earth metals. I had a friend who worked defending the mines as a contractor.

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Jeff Schreiber's recommendation for the Corbett video is an excellent one. Others I can recommend include -- in no particular order:

1) "9/11 Mysteries by Sofia Smallstorm https://youtu.be/7vV9ND1BqDk About an hour and 30 minutes.

2) "Who Killed John O'Neil?" https://youtu.be/MSyFD51vN_4 About an hour and 40 minutes. (This one is a bit more "artsy craftsy" in its presentation, but its information about John O'Neil and why he had to die on Sep 11 is crucial to the players behind his murder and the event.)

3) "Zero" https://youtu.be/6-CxA3iBHzA

This is about an hour and 45 minutes. It's very close to being my favorite of the movies on the subject. It comes from an Italian; I appreciate the outside perspective.

P.S. I am a native New Yorker. As a young woman, I worked in and around the World Trade Center complex for several years. I was very familiar with the area and the enormity of those buildings. The day of the attacks, as a resident of Boston at that time, it was 𝒐𝒃𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 that those buildings were set up for utter destruction. I said while events still unfolded, "They blew those buildings up."

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Thanks so much! I appreciate it! The C & C comments section people are the best! 🙂

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Did you ever see this little bit about folding a $20 could have equaled predictive programming of the 9/11 attack? Try it for yourself https://www.wikihow.com/Fold-a-$20-Bill-Into-a-Picture-of-the-Twin-Towers

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Yes...:) I had actually seen that a while back.

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or wingdings font change. Also some homage to Hypercam, which i used to use. See 1 min vid -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlq9e6UCXBY

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Go to jamescorbett.com He has been at it for near 20 years. A Canadian living in Japan, he called this plandemic in 2008. He has done documentaries on innumerable subjects.

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🇺🇦 Ukrainian Flags and Sex toys! That’s what he sells now.

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Wow, that’s quite the anecdote. He came back changed because he danced with the devil and now his soul is forever damaged. Was the all the money he made worth the selling of his soul? A good reminder for us not to dance with evil.

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To follow the Lord is to feel a liberty that cannot be found anywhere else. A person can be in chains and feel a liberty that Bill Gates et al, will never perceive.

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From October, 2019, the Milken Future of Health Summit. Fauci et al


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Fauci promoting natural immunity, for flu - prior to 2020.


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Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023

Fauci in Health Summit vid:

So we really do have a problem, with how the world perceives influenza, and it's gonna be very difficult to change that; unless you do it from within and say - I don't care what your perception is, we're gonna address the problem; in a disruptive way, in an innovative way, and we do need both.

Also Rick Bright of HHS / Barda. listen carefully to their words.

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There used to be a vid on YouScroob (misspelled on purpose) that was a 'neutron spectography' of a single gold atom, which is now gone. I have it saved somewhere in my vid files...but what it showed was exactly what Tesla defined as the true nature of 'matter'.

The video, made of the computer model of what happened to neutrons when they bombarded the atom, was a view of rapidly vibrating lines in parallel, coming from multiple directions, seeming to shimmer in a grid-like adhesive form. No solids, no atomic particles, just shimmering energy.

When viewed this way, everything becomes more clear, how everything is held together by the Word.

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Wow. Everything and everybody is for sale. I hope your friend is enjoying his “30 pieces of silver”.

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Nice he could make such a haul on face masks. :( sounds rather dark .

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Mask up for Science! and profits.

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

China will need to disclose that the lab was primarily funded with U.S. tax dollars. If they don't do that, they will be willing to be the scapegoat. And that would beg the question, why?

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Absolutey! It seems the timing of the admittance is more about the long term agenda of division and hate among those that are not awake enough to see how their emotions are being controlled, regardless of which side their politcal ideology resides. Belief that one party is higher minded than the other is quite short sided. Politics is a game and this latest media declaration of the truth of Covid origins is nothing more than that. The truth has been known for over three years.

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Because they've been beholding to the Rockefeller crowd for a hundred years, now. They are a cog in the Luciferian plot to destroy a free creation.

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Of course it has. I'm having a hard time finding a reference for it now, but originally gain of function research was done in Chapel Hill, NC, then moved to Wuhan when such research became illegal in the U.S. This was no accident, it was planned and deliberately released on purpose. And I'm still not convinced it was/is a virus, I think it's a parasite. Every natural and drug that works well to combat it are all anti-parasitic, but not all are anti-virals. This should tell us something. Now the government is just trying to stir the pot with China to raise fear. More smoke and mirrors. One possible solution? Try manufacturing things in the US again instead of relying on a communist nation to provide them to you, because if we go to war with them, we won't have access to 95% of the goods we do now. But, I think the threat of war is just more fear mongering.

Although nothing about the scamdemic was good, the best thing that came out of it is the trust that has been lost in public alphabet agencies, e.g., CDC, NIH, etc., so when (not if but WHEN) they try the next plandemic, a whole lot more people will roll their eyes than did the first time. They destroyed their own reputations and I'm fine with that one. I never believed but I know there are a whole lot more who won't believe the next time around. I love watching evil destroy itself.

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Exactly. They are blaming China to cover up their own complicity. If not direct involvement in the development. Brewed up by Baric? Perfected in Ukraine? Vectored to animals and shipped to Wuhan? Where it was purposefully released? IDK. You tell me.

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Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I watched the TV show 24 season3 (2003) recently. Plot involves a doomsday virus sold to terrorists by scientists in UKRAINE! Seems the ukrainian biolabs have been known about for a while.

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Predictive Programming

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There is more truth in TV shows than the news.

The rule is they have to tell you, but they do it deceitfully.

However, a lot of people know this now, so they must be getting at least a little fearful. The Bible says they will fall and have nowhere to hide. It will happen, and I hope it is soon.

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Ok so I am not the only person to have heard this cosmic law of sorts. Is it kinda like the vampire needing to ask permission enter your home?

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I think many have come to realize this recently, and aren't they like vampires too? adrenochrome and human trafficking... It's worse than any horror movie. It is a satanic rule and they do the opposite of what Jesus teaches. We need to get our hearts right with God and tell others about Jesus. It is what we should do, and God will do the rest. Maybe the good is winning and maybe not right now. It is hard to tell, but interesting. Does anyone doubt they are trying to depopulate even though they straight forward say it?

They openly use witchcraft (pharmakeia) and sorcery which the Bible warns to have nothing to do with it. It is part of our healthcare and everything. Jesus called them the synogogue of satan over 2000 years ago... talking to the people in power. They are still at it, wreaking havoc and worshipping the same things. I thought it was ludicrous at first, but current events, sure connect to what the Bible said about the same atrocities then. Call me crazy, but I am not going to you-know-where in a hand basket.

Just look at what the famous show us with symbolism at their worship/recognition ceremonies. Their reward is earthly and not eternal.

Stars are everywhere - famous people, religeous, and symbolic.... I have Paramount+, and it shows 13 stars flying over a mountain...kinda like the fallen angels. Make some "stars" connections...even a list and you will notice some interesting things. Is it all coincidence?

God bless.

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That series was beyond great. 👍🏻

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I find myself watching old shows a lot more than new shows these days. There isn't much new I like.

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COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: Best Covid Lab Leak Memes (Which US Funded Bioweapons Lab?)

- Captain Obvious and not-so-obvious, conspiracy theorists for the win, when the (bought and paid for) media was previously spreading them and more COVID lab leak memes as the Neocons ready us for WW3!


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Oh perfect. Sending to my left wing nut job brother who is still suffocating himself with a mask. It’ll piss him off. But I don’t care. Thanks for the grin!

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I have done a bunch of mask meme posts...

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IMHO - all to get Trump out...but what do I know 🤦🏻‍♀️

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I toggle between "getting Trump" as the sole intent of the pandemic to "getting Trump" as a nice bonus. You could convince me either way.

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Are you better off today than during Trump term?

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Although I would love to see Trump back in the Whitehouse come 2024, I hate to think what the government will unleash (leak) upon us.

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Definitely not better off today. I should clarify that I meant the opposition forces set out to either "get Trump" or the incidental fall of Trump was icing on the cake FOR THEM (not me). That was not clear with my original comment.

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I do enjoy a good mystery. Life was better with Trump, but my mind jury is still contemplating him. He promoted the jabs and also said take ivermectin...2 conflicting things. Was it really him or a fake? Biden definitely has fakes so...

This hoax is for the long haul, and they need to fool everyone they can. We can only guess. At this point, trust no man... We have to trust Jesus and be good stewards for Him.

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He is the perfect Antichrist candidate...

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Trump is complicit. No matter how you try to look at it, he's complicit in the deaths of hundreds of thousands. It boggles my mind how people can't see this. I guess that is my gift I get for greatly hating both parties

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I struggled with this too. I’m mostly leaning towards the argument that since we are in a war against the The People, the strategy had to be to save the Billions, but, as in any war, there is a cost.

Rushing a “vax” meant a sabotage of *Their* plans to completely control and depopulate the world as the economic systems failed, world wars and chaos would ensue, over the ten years it ordinarily would have taken to develop a “vax”.

We all know the plans they had for us; we see it! Except, because of T, they’ve been forced to implement them at a greatly accelerated and rate, and clumsily so. The People are seeing it all crazily unfold.

This theory may seem like a crock, but if you go back into how it all unfolded it becomes clear. Think of what he was up against, too!

Some salient points are also, that he insisted on choice and offered alternatives early on (which would have cancelled the use of the EUA “vax”!)

1) Very few Trump supporters actually took the “vax”! He knew they would think for themselves!

2) Since we know that cv and the cv “vaxes” were already in the works (not by Trump) for a long time before Op. Warp Speed, it is possible (and not unlikely) that the very virulent but very mild Omicron was actually what T’s people in OWS were up to. It would act as an inoculation developed for the people, to counter their bioweapon and confound their plans. I’m wondering ifthere may have been an antidote to *Their* “vax” in it as well, but I don’t know.

Go ahead. Dismiss me & my crackpot hopium. I really don’t care, but I’ve taken the time to respond to these posts, so I hope you will give this due consideration. And I don’t entertain this view exclusively. There are other scenarios that might be possible too and I see the possibility that the above might be wrong. I’m continuing to factor in new data all the time into the several narratives. I just don’t take everything at face value, which makes navigation very difficult, but it renders more ultimate clarity.

Lastly, I’m surprised you’re here and still think in terms of parties at all!

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Most people on these threads still think in terms of parties, and it may be safe to say that most are not even skeptical of Trump. If Trump weren't still out bragging about OWS, I may be more open to thinking along your lines. Trump could be trying to fight the good fight, and there is evidence here and there that may be proof of that, but I'm highly cynical of politicians, especially presidents. They are mostly puppets, or another cog in the big wheel ultimately....

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People unknowingly use selective hearing/seeing. Kinda like what my husband hears and then what he thinks or remembers what I said. We all do it and filter things.

IDK why so many people do not question Trump but we heard what he said and it was contradictory. It is obvious there is more than 1 Biden so maybe Trump? Who knows in this surreal world.

Anything is possible in this fake CGI world so you can't trust what you see either!

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See👉🏻Bioclandestine’s posts👈🏻 Ukr Biolabs. Ukr & DoD back to ‘05 & through Ob years & continuing.

...The pandemic games over the years...WHO, & everything Fauci, GS, & BG. CDC & FDA, various univs. ...P. Dazsak & Baric. ...Profits for multinational corps & those who ride with them. How many people profited from every stage of this contrived drama? (Down to so many others, including our MDs & entire medical establishment & the purveyors of their products...) Huge stinking piles of destructive corruption.


Does China have a deep state too? If so, they may have been victims of the same plan —

The current finger-pointing seems designed to stop with China, leaving any further investigation (...like Ukr biolabs, run by us?) — Just keep it at China as the sole perpetrator. Eyes off our agencies AND individuals. Eyes off our war “to defend democracy”. ( Fauci is involved in many past egregious crimes and rewards [ going way back—AIDS drugs forced on poor, mostly black child guinea pigs in NY ], but he’s just a greedy little narcissist. So, more or less, are the other socio- & psychopaths we’ve seen [ with more to emerge, no doubt ]).

As we keep seeing,the corruption runs wide, deep and high — Clearly, the release was deliberate! ...But by whom?

(The above assertions have been the result of researching the topics & it’s all open source. There’s too much to provide links & details, but do, if you haven’t yet, hold your nose & have a wade through the muck (& keep your shower water hot—you’ll need it).

Finally, I end on this note: This has been going on a long time. We’re SEEING now what was there, but covered. That it’s being revealed & talked about is a very good thing. A gift. And, I say this with all trust and gratitude, praising the Giver of every good gift: The Almighty God. He will see us through this. He will carry us. Read His Word, trust in The Son. And do not despair, but love and hope; seek truth and His grace. PRAY

Ephesians 6:10-18

In Him


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Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

Excellent points, considerations. And thank you!

For one, I always assume that I know less about China and the complexities and ambiguities than I knee jerk think I do. And second, the corruption is pervasive and throughout the entire rotting corpse of the West. And at this point, it all looks too far gone to be redeemed other than by outright collapse. But even would this be so, where is the moral agency to displace what is seen to be as Evil in totality?

God help us.

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He will. He is. Fear not, brother.

May He give you His Peace.

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Thank you Dick!

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Dave, you nailed it. The evil that is upon us now has been building towards this day for a sleepless millennia.

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Rock and Roll, Dick!

Later Jay

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023

...Recommend the Jon Herald (Patel Patriot) “Devolution” series, if you haven’t plowed it already. It’s LONG & documented & detailed. But you can start with “Devolution For Dummies” at Burning Bright’s Substack 😊

It explains much. Based on that premise, I don’t think we’ll see an actual war invoolving Ch & Ru, but it may appear that we are. 👉🏻 5th Gen Warfare: Optics, narrative... Badlands’ has BB & Just Human too, who give some excellent analyses & break through the noise. But use your own discernment; no-one has the complete picture, except God. (And by that I mean the 3-person one, not the new-age one (with all due respect).

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Thanks. I love all these substack writers. Good or bad, it's the way I think it should be.

Good on you Man and good on them!

Later Jay

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Read "The Devils Chessboard" by Dave Talbot. As much as you can stomach. It is the factual account of the Dulles creation of the Nazi filled CIA, and the abuses of those who created the Invisible Government that now controls the fate of the world in it's vile blood soaked hands.

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Plus they want us to fight fight fight. Kill kill kill. Hate hate hate. I would but I have a steak on the grill at the moment...

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In addition, CISM (a sort of olympics for military athletes) was held in Wuhan in fall 2019 and a very large number of athletes reported getting sick. If that's not enough, in the fall and winter of 2019, China substantially increased their international ambassador traveling around the world.

The pathogen, IMO, was intentionally released in Oct-Dec 2019 specifically amongst groups of people that would be traveling all around the world.

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Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

It's amazing how quickly the flashing neon China signs have appeared, everywhere, now that North Carolina can be seen on the horizon. Not to mention how Ukraine figures into the equation.

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Dr. Pam Popper wrote on February 28, 2023:

News You Can Use

The Remarkable Stephane Bancel

Pamela A. Popper, President

Wellness Forum Health

Almost one year ago, I reported a curious coincidence. I discovered an interesting article in a virology journal that suggested that SARS-CoV-2 might have been developed in collaboration with other entities.

BLAST is an acronym for Basic Local Alignment Search Tool. It’s a computer algorithm available for use at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) website. The algorithm allows scientists to quickly query a DNA sequence to find matches or patterns of similarity between protein sequences. Scientists worldwide deposit their sequences in this database when they make new discoveries.

A distinguishing feature of SARS-CoV-2 is the furin cleavage site and the 19- nucleotide insertion in the spike protein, particularly its two consecutive CGG codons. Researchers conducted a BLAST search and found a 100% reverse match in a proprietary U.S. patent filed on February 4 2016 (US patent 9,587,003).[1] According to the researchers, statistical analysis shows that the probability of this sequence randomly being present in a 30,000-nucleotide viral genome is 3.21 ×10−11 (less than one in one billion). The owner of the patent is Moderna, which has earned billions of dollars making COVID-19 vaccines using mRNA technology and its president Stephane Bancel.[2]

While nothing is impossible, a SARS virus mutating in nature and jumping species that contains a furin cleavage site that does not exist in nature but does exist in a Moderna patent, is not likely at all. The authors write, "The presence in SARS-CoV-2 of a 19-nucleotide sequence encoding an FCS at amino acid 681 of its spike protein with 100% identity to the reverse complement of a proprietary MSH3 mRNA sequence is highly unusual. Potential explanations for this correlation should be further investigated."[3]

One likely explanation is that Bancel and Moderna might have been involved in orchestrating the COVID-19 debacle.

Bancel’s recent public comments provide good reasons to believe this. While attending the World Economic Forum (WEF) conference in Davos (January 2023) – where the reptiles of the world go for training on how to destroy humanity – Bancel admitted to a CNBC reporter that Moderna was working on a COVID-19 vaccine in early January 2020 – before it was called COVID-19.

During this interview, the CNBC host stated that the last time they were together in Davos (referring to her and Bancel), "you came up to me in this small room and you were talking about how you had actually the – you were working on a vaccine for – for COVID. And at that point COVID-19 didn’t even really exist in our minds." Bancel responded by acknowledging "I think there was no name at that time."[4]

On March 16 2020, only five days after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that SARS-CoV-2 was a worldwide pandemic,[5] Fauci’s NIAID announced that a clinical trial for an mRNA vaccine (mRNA-1273) for COVID-19 was beginning and healthy volunteers were already being enrolled. According to Fauci, "This Phase I study, launched in record speed, is an important step…" in finding a safe and effective vaccine for SARS-CoV-2.[6] Record speed, indeed.

During a panel discussion at the same Davos conference this year (2023) called State of the Pandemic, Bancel said that in 2019 he asked co-workers "How we make [sic] a billion dollars next year?" He said they looked at him "a bit funny" and asked "What?" He replied, "Yeah, we need to make a billion dollars next year, there’s going to be a pandemic."[7]

According to a Reuters report, Bancel said during this same panel discussion that "he would like to have factories making vaccines based on its messenger RNA technology on every continent…" and added that he was working with the Chinese Communist Party to build factories in China and supply COVID-19 vaccines for the Chinese people.[8] The People’s Republic of China was identified by the Director of the FBI to be "the greatest long-term threat" to U.S. National Security in 2020.[9]

Bancel’s inside track has paid off handsomely. Moderna grossed $18.4 billion from its incredibly useless and harmful COVID vaccines in 2022 and expects to take in $5 billion more from COVID vaccines in 2023.[10]

So to tie this all together, Moderna and Bancel filed for a patent on the nucleotide sequence for the furin cleavage site that is unique to SARS-CoV-2 in 2016. In 2019, Bancel told his co-workers that a pandemic that would take place the following year would generate billions of dollars in sales for Moderna. Moderna started working on a COVID-19 vaccine before it was called COVID, and was ready to launch a clinical trial only five days after the WHO declared that SARS-CoV-2 was a pandemic. And the icing on the cake is Bancel’s current negotiations with a foreign government known to be a threat to U.S. national security which will yield billions more in profits.

Bancel is a remarkably psychic guy, and probably the richest psychic in the world. He also suffers from a debilitating condition called "diarrhea of the mouth." Symptoms include arrogance and an inability to exercise self-restraint when discussing events which might have involved criminal activity and liability.

I suffer from a different condition called pathological determination. This is described as an obsessive, compulsive focus on achieving goals such as making criminals pay for what they have done.

Keep talking Mr. Bancel. I’m listening.

[1] Bancel S, Chakraborty T, De Fougerolles A, Elbashir SM, John M, Roy A, et al. Modified Polynucleotides for the Production of Oncology-Related Proteins and Peptides. Cambridge, MA: United States Patent. (2016). https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/patent/US-9587003-B2 accessed 9.10.2022

[2] Ambati BK, Varshney A, Lundstrom K et al. "MSH3 Homology and Potential Recombination Link to SARS-CoV-2 Furin Cleavage Site." Frontiers Virol 2022 Feb; https://doi.org/10.3389/fviro.2022.834808 accessed 9.10.2022

[3] IBID

[4] Catherine Salgado. Moderne CEO at Davos: Moderna Was working on COVID Vaccine in Jan 2020, Before COVID-19 Was Named. https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/catherinesalgado/2023/01/19/moderna-ceo-at-davos-moderna-was-working-on-covid-vaccine-in-jan-2020-before-covid-19-was-named-n1663174

[5] WHO Director-General’s opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19- 11 March 2020 https://www.who.int/dg/speeches/detail/who-director-general-s-opening-remarks-at-the-media-briefing-on-covid-19---11-march-2020 accessed 10.28.2022

[6] NIH Clinical Trial of Investigational Vaccine for COVID-19 Begins. https://www.niaid.nih.gov/news-events/nih-clinical-trial-investigational-vaccine-covid-19-begins accessed 10.28.2022

[7] Catherin Baldago. Moderna Chief Bragged to WEF Attendees About Predicting a ‘Billion Dollar’ Pandemic in 2019. The National Pulse February 14 2023

[8] Brenda Goh. Davos 2023: Moderna CEO in talks with China to supply COID vaccines. Reuters January 18 2023

[9] https://www.fbi.gov/news/speeches/the-threat-posed-by-the-chinese-government-and-the-chinese-communist-party-to-the-economic-and-national-security-of-the-united-states

[10] Moderna Announces Advances Across mRNA Pipeline and Provides Business Update. Biospace Jan 9 2023

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Standing 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 for this distillation of how we were played, maimed, and murdered for money. I stand on God’s sovereignity and know there will truly be “hell to pay” for each person who perpetrated this evil on mankind.

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❤️❤️❤️ Been listening/following Pam Popper since Dr. Peter Breggin interviewed her back in Mar. or April 2020.

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Patents from years ago that led to the engineering of the virus are publicly available.

But this will be used to go after China, which they may then turn and help Russia militarily, and then all shit may hit the proverbial fan.

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Indeed. China was definitely involved but so was our corrupt government. It couldn’t have happened without the cooperation of our beloved Deep State. But war against China and Russia is unwinnable unless we use our nuclear weapons. And that will be the end.

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Indeed. Indeed. But my bet is the plan entails a CCP attack on Taiwan. US responds. And loses. Bidan takes a dive and enlists UN to enter and negotiate the settlement. To prevent a direct attack on the country. That will be the claim. And we end up living on the global technocratic plantation.

If you figure out the endgame, you then can see all the steps being taken to get there. You don’t deplete the SPO, deplete your weapon systems, allow unchecked attacks on food and rail, allow massive CCP purchase of farmland, fight an unneeded war, ignore/cover up a spy balloon, SOE internal strife, etc., unless there is no interest in actually protecting the country.

Covid was just a means of softening the ground, assessing compliance, putting our unmasked and unjabbed names on a list, and initiating depopulation.

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I'm on the same page brother!

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THEIR plan... Ours will Trump theirs! It already is...

They want you to fear this — Don’t let ‘em!

But: Pray in Christ’s name. If he isn’t your Savior, ask Him.

Prep for the hard time. Love your neighbors (we’re all neighbors); help them.

God Bless

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Blessings to you as well.

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Nobody wins in that scenario

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Yes. China admitted months ago that they were providing “non lethal aid’ to Russia. Now they hinting at lethal aid. Which one must have blinders on to not figure they have been doing that anyway. I don’t think Russia would have invaded without knowing China had their back.

The western elites, US neocons in

particular, have been agitating for a war with Russia since the wall came down. After 9/11 and the development of the Bush/Cheney master plan that named 7 countries as the enemy, China, Russia, Iraq, Libya and 3 others, it was only a matter of time.

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I was tasked to fly to China and haul back massive loads of masks, gowns and hand sanitizer so fast it made my head spin..

The # of China based contracts increased massively the second lock downs hit the world.


Jeff didn't you say it just had to be that everyone did the same thing world-wide just by chance?? Something about it just all made sense?? Yeah...that's it. That must be it...they all figured out 'for us' what made sense ;)


Yeah, I suspect many things were in place before we got the sniffles...

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Right, infrastructure was already laid… same as in other crisis times too… China profiting, all the billionaires… US Elite.

This is a fascinating video. Same tactics… different decade.


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Oh yeah. Those in the know got incredibly wealthier and it tried to be used for the great reset. Though they still aren't done pushing that.

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WOw. Fascinating. Thanks for sharing.

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Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023

This is tricky ... because it involves thinking on a multi-layered level.

First, does any body think the United States could have an involvement in the Wuhan lab without the Chinese controlled government knowing about it? Could China have an interest in Covid Terror operations for its own domestic totalitarian population control interests, separate from US world and/or domestic considerations? Does anyone think that concerted coordinated planetary implementation of Covid Terrorism could possibly transpire without the US captured government and its puppet media machinery being involved? And what of a possible US Deep State funding of Hong Kong disturbances and a Chinese (for their own reasons) use of covid lock-down to put a quick end to all that? These all among many other things? Ah! All the chaos and the Sublime White Noise!

So Colleen is totally right in spite of all the noise! Because as Colleen points out, the Cretin Terror Elite was good to go with the Covid Terror Launch years ahead of the actual implementation. And all the pointing of the finger to those awful Chinese will not alter the fact of a priori criminality (so to speak) by evidences seen. Folks, it's the same 'over there, not over here' routine. And I have to say, it's all wearing very thin.

Well, and in any event, this is refreshing! For once, it was not Vladimir Vladimirovich. He must have been too busy with planning to blow up the pipeline! Years in advance, of course!

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The Pseudoscience of "virology" is increasingly exposed as false a corporate belief system. To claim that viruses don't exist is heresy to the drug cartel and governments that rule by fear and tyranny. This is why the media is constantly gaslighting the public with stories about the China virus. --- Dr.'s Cowan and Merritt Debunk Virus Theory in 1/2 hour but the point is solidly made in the first 12 minutes. Exorcise yourself against the satanic church of virology -- Check it out - https://tinyurl.com/3vc88n4f

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Thank you HS.

Later Jay

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That seems very likely.

For anyone doubtful… watch this.


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My goodness, I just started watching to get a taste, I CANNOT wait to settle into watching it this evening. Thank you for sharing!!!!

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It explained so much about this moment we find ourselves … because I was ignorant of our true history/the past.

The psyop has been going on for decades… this is just another ACT.

Please share far and wide… I think it’s a really relevant and poignant film.

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Very revealing film. But, they left out much, for one thing, about how the Roth. bankers also financed the Ru Rev & the Communists in Ru. Marx. The masonic element. Somehow, this was neglected; the soviet union was a pawn as well. At least, to my understanding...

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Colleen Huber NMD word for word 💥🔨🎯🎯🎯🎯🙌👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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There was no “leaking”...

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I will rephrase that to say ‘There was no accidental “leaking”’.

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Preparing the masses for a war with China. Writing is on the wall.

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Wholly agree! I'm still suspicious about Jeffrey Sach's findings that he believes it came from an NC lab. We're putting all the hate on China because they're choosing to side with Russia.

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The lab at UNC Chapel Hill was working on weaponization of the coronavirus to make it more transmissible and deadly.

Baric was working with the Bat Lady in Wuhan...they published papers together about their research.


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Funded by grants from our unconstitutional NIH. We shouldn’t be blaming China when our own government was totally in on it. And it wasn’t a lab “leak”; all this (the making of the virus, the releasing of the virus, the ready to implement “vaccines”, the prohibitions on repurposed drugs, masking, lockdowns, the “vaccine” adverse effects) had been planned. The plan was altered to release the virus ahead of schedule to topple Trump.

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China is the fall guy.

US government are the baddies.

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If you can watch "Plandemic" produced by Mickey Willis(I believe but probably misspelled) David Martin explains how the GOF was done in NC and then moved to China. This was produced in 2020.

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University of North Carolina Chapel Hill also developed the death drug Remdesivir.

It they can't kill you with the UNC covid bioweapon, they will kill you with the "cure."


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Always wondered about that NC lab. No one has clean hands in this debacle

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Sachs is a SACK of . . . .

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Ukrainian labs involved? US involved?

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Red Herrings Lots of them....A smelly bombardment of them....that's the ticket....Sigh....

A red herring is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important question. [1] It may be either a logical fallacy or a literary device that leads readers or audiences toward a false conclusion

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Marinate that herring and stick it in a jar.

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Mmmm! Pickled herring!

Hmmm...which brings us to Norway, doesn’t it?

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Lately I've been more open to the China perspective, trying to overcome my western propaganda biases.

But I massively despise their insistence on wearing those ridiculous masks all the time. Come on Chyna, get with the Science.

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Exactly. Same with the Ukrainan debacle....Putin is pissed because we have numerous "Wuhan-style," labs at his front door. Hes no fool. The media squashes any reference he makes to such. He once said how would the US like it if Russia had such labs in Mexico or Canada? He's an adversary of the US, no doubt, but at least he seems like he's for defending his country, unlike that ignorant potato we have camped in the White.House

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I stand with Get Your Labs Away from My Property.

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I think you are right that Putin is an adversary of the US but I don’t think that was always the case. If you read his speeches from several decades ago he was always holding out for friendship with us and the West, even wanting to join NATO in the early 90’s. But the plan was to dismember Russia and profit from its vast resources so Russia had to be cast as the continuing enemy. Too bad. As a Christian, non-communist nation they should have been our ally. Now they have turned eastward by necessity. They are experiencing a rebirth of sorts, while our own decayed, deeply immoral republic is on its last legs. But the Lord will have the last word. My true home awaits.

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Yup, he wanted to join the ranks of the western world and made overtures to the US after 911 to help. The US always rebuked him.

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Very accurately stated! I have followed through the years and saw that we *chose* to make him our *enemy* for exactly the reasons you state. I remember the big media *enemy narrative* escalation happening when he said that gay prosletyzing from Olympic games participants would not be tolerated for the sake of the children.

I also remember him lamenting on what happened to God fearing United States.

I feel bad that we forced his God believing Christian (but also Muslim and Jewish) country to Godless, religion hating, communist China. But then again, the US and EU are now largely officially pagan and to some degree satanic.

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Sorry but it is apparent that a person has never lived in a fascist or communist country. If you need a more recent experience I suggest a trip to Cuba at anytime to get a taste of reality as opposed to rhetoric or illusion. In Cuba, equality reigns. Not.

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Huh? Russia isnt communist or fascist. China is communist.

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"ignorant potato" That's a good one!

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Addition to my post yesterday re bioclandestine. That was the nom de guerre he used after he was cancelled. Must have gotten his twitter back. Now, look for plain ol’ Clandestine on twitter & “WarClandestine”. Same guy. Great stuff.

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Trump & Putin 🤞🏼?

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Why doesn’t Putin rat out the US for the bio labs in Ukraine? Why does he remain silent?

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He has, but it is labeled as "misinformation" and "propaganda"

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Russia has presented a massive amount of documented evidence before the UN. Nixed by us and our allies. Buried in the press. Folks: read Bioclandestine’s posts (& others). He was first to notice the Ru’s early attacks seemed to concentrate on the same places as biolabs—early last year. He’s been following it up ever since. Dot to dot — It’s pretty solidly stippled by now!

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He has! Media doesnt cover him much and when they do it is with a spin of disrespect and making him sound like a madman.

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I believe many wear them because the air quality is so incredibly poor. I’ve been to mainland China several times by the factories, the smog is 100% times worse than LA. There were days where it was difficult to take a deep breath.

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That’s an excellent observation and if you take notice mask wearing in China can first be seen widely worn back in the days when air pollution was much worse in China.

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And the masks might actually work for that

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That doesn't explain it. I hear ya, but they wear them inside, everywhere.

Yet the elites who are signing documents and such don't wear them.

It's a compliance thing.

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In China they started wearing masks years ago because of air pollution.

But just like here it’s become some kind of crazy thing.

And yes forcing mask was a compliance mechanism but a lot of folks all over the world just aren’t thinking properly.

It’s called wrong headed thinking

But we’ve been taught in this country to despise everything and everyone that’s not American and it’s called by the world “American Exceptionalism” and it is simply wrong.

It’s just wrong that’s all.

Many if not all of the problems in the world has been caused by US interference plain and simple

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Yeah. Just cuz we have the power to interfere doesn't mean we should.

US is such a pain in the ass!

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Totally agree with the compliance thing except for people who simply don’t know the facts. A great way to divide and pit people against one another not to mention a nifty way for monitoring compliance.

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Good point! I forgot about the pollution. But does it really work?

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Chinese people have worn mask from time to time long before we heard about a Covid virus.

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But never like this. I saw where the prez of Belarus just visited China. At all the ceremonies and such, all but the head honchos wear the muzzles. It's so over the top now.

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"over the top" I see what you did🤣

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Yes, as have the Japanese. They seem to really love their masks. I hope I’m not stereotyping too badly but could it be because social conformity is a stronger social value among Asians?

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You know what they say about stereotypes? They exist because there's truth in them.

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That’s how I read it too. You have to look at what the govt and media get out of their narrative.

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Certainly possible. Or perhaps the virus was deliberately released in a scenario similar to what Coleen Huber mentions, above, and the Deep State is reflexively trying to keep attention off that scenario. China's behavior during the whole period has been very odd, as if they too had something to hide. Perhaps they do. And more than one "conspiracy" could be true. We know that China was doing US funded research (EcoHealth), so why not some biological warfare projects on the side? Throw in a rogue agent deliberately releasing the virus in Wuhan and you have the perfect scapegoat with the WIV.

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What I’m wondering is whose flag are people going to put on their social media next?

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I'd put East Palestine's seal on mine, if I had social media!


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Finally, something worth standing by. I don't think a single congressman is doing this. Even Gov DeWhiney.

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This is what I think too.

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COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: Best Covid Lab Leak Memes (Which US Funded Bioweapons Lab?)

- Captain Obvious and not-so-obvious, conspiracy theorists for the win, when the (bought and paid for) media was previously spreading them and more COVID lab leak memes as the Neocons ready us for WW3!


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The US is completely responsible for the development of the bio weapon and vaccine. The CCP took advantage of the illegal gain of function research the US was doing in Wuhan. That is the TRUTH. The American people need to wake up and say NO to war!

Our enemy is the the CCP , & our government, NOT the Chinese people. We need to decouple from China NOW.

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So true Mary!!!

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Agree. And it's not raycist to think that anymore. 😉

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“This is certainly a bombshell. The Russian State Duma called for a declaration of war on Ukraine: Sobolev, a member of the State Duma Committee on Defense, said that Russia “absolutely” needs to end “SMO” and “start a real war.”

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With China supporting Russian and not Biden, they are changing the narrative. Just pushing harder to get into WWIII.

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Our young will die to cover their asses

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I have 3 boys serving. And you are completely right, history repeats itself.

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I mean if that's the case the entire world should be going at war with China.

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My thoughts exactly!

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Sunn, that's exactly what I just said to my husband.

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Masses won’t bite.

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We don’t need to bite, as evidenced by billions and armaments sent to Ukraine. Sadly.

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Yes, we do. Otherwise, they wouldn't be propagandizing up the WAZOO.

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At the end of the day billions have been sent to Ukraine without our support.

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Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023


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What do you do when your government is behaving like criminals? Whine, huff and puff, write your congressperson, join a protest march? Wait, I remember someone who had a better idea. It went something like this:

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

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So why haven’t we? Why doesn’t THIS make the top comment of the day? It is the TRUTH. THIS is the remedy for them taking away our right to LIFE, LIBERTY, and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS none of which we are actually free to do any longer. I say that because we live and work to pay the warmongers and globalists not set ourselves and our kids up for a better life. That ship sailed. We let it happen and this historic document - The Declaration of Independence- that is the basis for the founding of this -what used to be a God-fearing nation- has the remedy in it. We just have no idea how to execute it 😞

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The America we believe in hasn't existed for a long time. Many know this and many more are just waking up to this fact. It is more than political. It is spiritual. The crisis is well on its way to building to a conclusion. All you can do is prepare and get right with the Lord.

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Agree! I don’t see any other way out. The crisis is definitely well on its way and the momentum has no way to stop. The conclusion is building for sure!! How long that takes….. and I’m right and ready 😉

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Or maybe God is moving. I have been trying to watch everything on the recent Asbury College revival and it’s spread to other campuses and locations. My niece packed up her 9 year old son and took the 6 hour drive from Michigan three days after the start of it. She spent 4 and a half hours inside the chapel stating, “God was there”. Four hours that went by as if they were minutes. I have read similar accounts online. Today I watched a documentary made in the 1980’s on the 1970 Asbury College revival. The similarities are astounding. 53 years apart, both revivals started with in a week of each other in February. Accounts from the then college president of Asbury College are almost identical to accounts by those from the last week’s in February. The students involved in the 1970 revival sounded just like my niece’s account, (who btw., is almost 40), so definitely not a student type. Revival broke out then, as now in many other areas. I believe God is moving in many places now, to uncover, and restore the Light. Revival doesn’t just happen in one way, but in many ways but gathering as God is moving. In many ways it is exciting.

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I am sure God's hands are moving over us all. 🙏

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I think most Americans are still in shock from the systematic programming done through public schools and warped history. A lot of people are just catching up on real history and waking up to government corruption. The shock hasn’t worn off. Add technology which enables us to vent our grievances and the pent-up frustration is released into cyberspace without any real change.

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The normalcy bias, comfortable existence (such as it is), and fear of cancellation/ostracism. Cycle of countries.....

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I always figured that the reason the US isn't specifically mentioned in Rev. is because we either become part of Russia, China, or are at civil war without interest in the rest of the world which the rest of the world would happily watch implode, including too many citizens.

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Right. We have no idea how to execute it currently.

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They sure knew what was gonna happen. Govts can’t help themselves.

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

That Merrick Garland clip.... can I just say worth its weight in gold!!! It even gave me an adrenaline rush. PLEASE MORE OF THIS. Thank you Jeff

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I was waiting (and wanting) for Hawley to stand up, pound the desk and say, “Resign! The only good thing you can do now is RESIGN IN DISGRACE you corrupt liar!” But then I realized we only get lip service and no one is actually held responsible with actionable consequences. 😔

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all talk no walk. it's all a show to get people on either side bothered. there is never accountability. these cushy government jobs are just that...cushy, safe, not going anywhere no matter.

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Just like Rand Paul, as the saying goes all talk no action. Just talking to move the air around.

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He’s an expert at base rattling just noise no action. I quit listening to him.

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High paying theater jobs. Some improv required but scripts are the norm.

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Trey Gowdy enters the chat.

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Rattle the Base. The official congress critter moniker.

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Yeah I couldn't even watch. Dude just gave mealy-mouthed non-answers. Where's Perry Mason to say "Yes or no, Grandma Garland"?

Why do they even hold these hearings when nothing ever happens?

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While I can completely agree with your sentiment (my husband is totally in line with that view too), I still see it as a primary process and push walk to expose injustice (with no adjectives), so that we’re educating families, cities, states (sphere of influence roles), and it should first start with the Gospel (1 Corth 15:1-11). As this didn’t start overnight, it won’t correct overnight absent the Lord Jesus Christ’s hand (and that’s not what the Bible says will happen!). America has been under God’s judgment for decades. So there’s that... Rom 1

As in history, ethical and moral people still follow just laws but Marxist amoral people are AMN. That’s what you’re seeing- bread and circuses.

We must be Rom 13:1 and ultimately Acts 5:29.

Grateful to Jeff that he’s collecting and pointing all of this out!

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No accountability, none.

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Calls to resign are kind of a rhetorical cliche, no one ever takes them seriously. I like the kind of understated way Hawley did it. Kind of implied. The way he nailed Garland to the wall over his lack of answers or , it was obvious to anyone normal watching that if this was a real world situation where Hawley was the employer and Garland an employee, Garland would be terminated for cause.

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I guess I should’ve included - resign and go put on your orange jump suit but I understand the calls for resignation are pointless.

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Totally agree. One. I’m just asking for ONE to go to jail!!!!

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McCarthy will not let house push for impeachments. Weak

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Not surprised. Didn’t expect anything out of that rino anyway. It’s all smoke and mirrors.

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Garland is such a creep. Where do they find these doofs?

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Just think he could have been on SCOTUS 😳

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We dodged a big one when he didn’t get onto the SC

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The biggest accomplishment of Turtle McConnell. It's been all downhill since Turtle kept ((Garland)) out of the Court.

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Doesn't matter who Democrats put on the SCOTUS when they get a chance. They are 100% guaranteed to vote the right way (for democrats) on every important case. They never disappoint, and their personal judicial thoughts are irrelevant. They just vote how they are supposed to, as Garland undoubtedly would have.

But, yes, thank goodness the senate was able to put off Garland's nomination until Trump came in.

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They did not expect Trump to win. The Swamp rats are not just the Dems. McConnell is just one of the same except with an R in front. They figured once Hillary won, they would try and push Garland through as he was labeled a “moderate”. No such thing only varying levels of swamp dwelling. Notice how the country is being run by old white men, the very antithesis of what the Dems purport to be.

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023

You may be right, though I tend to give thee Turtle credit for the judicial stuff. He was quite aggressive with holding up Obama nominees to all courts, and with getting Trump's nominees for all courts confirmed.

Why hold up Garland if Hillary was sure to get in? I've read no Ds were privately too concerned about Garland, because he was a fig leaf to tempt moderate Rs, then when Hillary got in and senate flipped she could pull him and nominate someone of the right gender/race.

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I give the Turtle no credit, other than being the consummate politician. He blocked the nomination of Garland to appease a very restless base that was getting tired of a GOP that pandered at election time then joined their Liberal friends in the Swamp land pursuits, which was grifting the American public while catering to the industrial complex.

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DEI training camp somewhere

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

That clip is fantastic. It may be all talk, with no ability to actually discipline officials like Garland, but man, what a dressing down! Garland might as well have been sitting there naked, it was so awkward for him. Hawley nailed him down so well.

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Haha sissy! I kept thinking of winkin, blinkin and not so much nod. 😂😂😂😂. He should have just kept his eyes shut. It truly was DELIGHTFUL to watch that. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

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And his fingers rubbing together to try and remain calm. Didn’t happen for him.

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Used to be trust then verify.

Now I verify everything first and never trust.

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Unless it's about Putler. Then we fully accept Western sources, and ignore opposing reality.

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"Benjamin Two UkroNAZIs" - NICKNAME PERFECTION! 🤣🤣🤣

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You say that yet Ukraine has a Jewish president and the largest fascist army in Europe since ww2 is on the Russian side.


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Zelensky's alleged Jewish ancesty only got played up AFTER he was in office and AFTER the media noticed his Galician NAZI problem... Oh and he only used to speak Russian - not that Ukrainian is a real language (more like a bunch of local dialects forming a branch of the Russian language...)

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What’s Wagner, again, and what’s it named after?

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If ukrainain wasn’t real Russia wouldn’t try so hard to stamp it out. Most ukrianains understand some Russian because the lanaguges melt together.

You can trace his lineage back a bit. It’s just so inconvenient for the Russian narrative

Russian to ukrainain is like Spanish to Portuguese.

Who is Alexie michalkov and dmitry utkin again?

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Implementation of Marshall law and a draft is very democratic ain't it?!?

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It’s martial law. Marshall law is a wrestler. The country is being invaded by a foreign hostile power intent on subjugating them and destroying their history and nation. It’s absolutely justified.

So is a draft.

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I verify even then.

Like this.

Nothing quite like watching the guys you trained do good work.



















































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That post reminds me so much of Colin Powell and his WMD presentation. Deja vu all over again.

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Those dudes are dead however and tnis is actual BDA Intel.

Are you saying tnose tanks aren’t actually on fire and destroyed? Abandoned ?

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Benjamin Two NAZIs - Do you get overtime for uploading and posting so many links???

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Yeah he's right no time even though it's not mentioned in todays post.

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My initial comment is about verifying what we are told. Biden is simply confirming what we already knew.

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What’s wrong? 3 day war not going so well?

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It use to innocent till proven guilty

But now it’s guilty until proven innocent

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We're definitely in Clown World.

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Well you see, now that we have political incentives to pre-popularize war with China, everything must be done to reinforce anti-CCP sentiment.

I want truth and accountability as much as the next guy, but you'll have to forgive my skepticism about the timing of the lab leak vindication. Seems more like the first strategic information campaign of a war effort, run by government against its own people.

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“CHYNA”. Have seen a theory floated that it was actually made in Ukraine (everything leads back to Ukraine!) and then released in China lab as blackmail. When China openly supported Russia then all of the sudden, the lab leak was confirmed by US Govt as a China leak. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Any thoughts?

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My dad was a member of the coveted Band of Brothers profiled by HBO. My brother and I both served 20 yrs plus. The United States has the dirtiest hands in the global game. I forbid any of my children to serve .....they'll not suffer or die for this nation led by greedy malcontents who've never been "in the sh*t," but are eager to send others. Our media and government are the two biggest threats we're facing

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Thank you for your service. I have always had a soft spot for our military. My father served in WWII. I was young during Vietnam war but have had a heavy suspicion of why we go to war since. I ask Cui Bono? AND most time it’s only those in power raking in cash while our poor soldiers get PTSD and more.

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After that speech by Zelensky threatening that our children will need to go fight if we stop supporting him, I said to my husband I will never send my boys off to fight for these corrupt MFers!

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Dirty hands indeed, the US is in it up to its eyeballs! Trust the US Government….never!

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Hubby served the Corp. Youngest wanted to but we strongly discouraged, as much as hubby was proud and thankful to have, and thankfully son married and decided not. Now we have a better "military" of civilians.

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Yes, the timing is suspect.

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COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: Best Covid Lab Leak Memes (Which US Funded Bioweapons Lab?)

- Captain Obvious and not-so-obvious, conspiracy theorists for the win, when the (bought and paid for) media was previously spreading them and more COVID lab leak memes as the Neocons ready us for WW3!


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This makes the most sense.

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Robert Monroe's documentation extensively indicates a US China co-development. IMV Ukraine labs were for different GOF research, also illegal.

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This is so often the case! We raise concerns about an issue: we are then shouted down, shunned, canceled, labeled a conspiracy theorist, and the door slams shut in our faces.

No answers. No investigations. Nothing.

Then, right before something is about to blow a case wide open (or at the very least get some attention), some crazy distraction hits the news (aLiEnS! BaLlOoNs! tHe cLiMaTe, wAr!)

Then, with little time given, a smidge of truth trickles out as "possibly credible" but there is never a full admission or an apology. People are not held accountable and it becomes old news that may or may not have been a thing... Grow up. Get over it. It is in the past.


Clinton Foundation


$$$ to Ukraine

Numerous conflicts of interest in government

Insider trading

Everything COVID

Twitter Files

Election Fraud

Jan. 6th

Hammer Gate

Groomer Agenda

BLM riots & pallets of bricks, etc

And the list goes on!

There is too much to keep track of, but the list of people held accountable is easy to remember because there are ZERO names on it.

When will the pendulum swing back?

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Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023

That Texas property tax proposal really irks me. Crazy high property taxes in Texas has been a red hot topic for years. It doesn't just affect people raising kids, it's also forced retired folks out of their "paid for" homes, even with the tax rate freeze at 65. The majority of property taxes is public school funding. With this bill, the very people utilizing the public school systems might get a hefty tax break? Who then, will be left holding the bag? I can assure you, they won't ask school districts to reign in their spending. I paid my property taxes during all the years I raised my kids, will there be a refund coming? Why do politicians make everything so f------ complicated?This bill smells of welfare and we all know how great our welfare system works.

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Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023

I agree. Families with children need to pay MORE in property taxes because they are the users of public schools. There needs to be a very vigorous debate and discussion as to the most equitable local taxation computation - usually I don't like the word equitable, but in this case the correct definition of equitable meaning "just" and "fair" in the context of levying taxes, is applicable. Edit to my original comment: to clarify, the USERS of public schools should pay more in taxes and those who do not use the public schools, should get a tax break. And I agree with one commenter, the money should follow the child.

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Beg to differ-I refused to send my kids to public schools. I did not want government interfering with my kids education. Sacrificed to send them to private schools by making hard decisions about how we spend money. AND PAID TAXES to support the failing school system in Baltimore. I would have loved a tax break of some sort. But if I had to do it all again, I wouldn’t change a thing.

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Homeschoolers pay taxes and get nothing but a better education anyway. ♥️ We'd do it again!

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

School tax $'s should follow the kid, not the government funded school system. School choice should be the parents choice. Some good old fashion competition would shake things up.

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Follow the kid WITHOUT strings attached.

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Agreed. My thought was not well thought out or written. I meant to say that families that USE the public school system should pay more in property taxes than those of us who do not and for those of us who do not use the public school system, we should get a tax break. I have 3 daughters, sacrificed to send them to parochial school K-12. I, too, would not change a thing.

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Get rid of the public, government-run indoctrination centers. Problem solved. (Maybe not, but I wish.)

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All those illegals probably don't own homes...so, their kids go to school for "free."

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They may well live in government paid-for apartments.

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No kidding.

Wonder how the property taxes will affect owners of apartments.

Are they gonna count all the kids inside?

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I think there is some merit to those benefiting to pay a little more.

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Good points. I live in a county in Illinois that has had the highest property taxes in the country. It’s mostly rural. Not even a close Chicago collar county with larger cities. It’s been Republican run for 150 years. Just sayin’.

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This isn't a democrat issue. It's a politician issue, from both sides of the isle and they're equally despicable because they love to use the issues for campaign talking points but then never do anything of significance about it. It's definitely a Gov Abbott move.

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You must be paying for a large University too. 🙋‍♀️

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Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023

I forgot to mention in my first comment that my daughter and SIL adopted our 2 beautiful granddaughters 7 years ago through through the state. In TX, adoption through the state allows for pretty much a free 4 yr college degree at a TX state university. If they really want to encourage adoption, they would stop making the process so hard to do so.

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Haha. We’re paying for a school with the lowest test scores in the county.

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Hey, I now know that Democrats are no better.

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Higher than Cook county? I think I’d debate you on that. I’m in a Southern burb of Chicago, I honestly don’t know how some of my friends are paying their taxes.

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Agree. My first reaction is it's just more social engineering. Politicians can't seem to see that there are always unintended consequences. Less is more and we need to back off. Texas has no state income tax . Services have to be paid for one way or another. Total tax burden needs to be considered. I actually prefer the more local method. Closer to home and less level of government gives citizens the opportunity to more fully participate in decisions.

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Yes, we don't have a state income tax but our property taxes here, in many areas, are higher than a typical state income tax would be. I don't resent paying my fair share. What I resent are politicians who think the answer to everything is to throw more money at poorly run systems. Education is one of them.

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I don’t like property tax because I will never actually own my home/land. Even once the mortgage is paid we could lose everything should the tax burden become beyond our ability to pay. Every year they say they aren’t changing the tax rate, or they are even lowering it but then they turn around and raise the assessed value of our house to the point that if we were home buying today, it would not even be on the list of possible homes. I can guarantee I didn’t get a pay raise equivalent to the increase in the supposed value of my home.

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And speaking from my personal experience, school districts figure that the way to solve any problem is to throw money at it. You should have seen the $$$ thrown at more and more and more and more video/audio equipment in autumn '20

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I know 2 categories of people who seem to have the most children. Hispanic families, many of whom are renters. How would this help them? They pay the property taxes that are passed on to them by the landlord, will he get a break and pass the savings on to the family? I doubt it. The other group goes to my traditional Catholic Church (and Churches like mine) who have very large families (we are on the FBI watch list, lol). Most of these families home school, so maybe a tax break for them would be a nice idea.

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I, too, did not use the public school system. I would not subject my children to that. That's why I think a "use" tax is more appropriate, certainly open to a debate. I understand the conservatives' desire to "reward" the intact family unit, but reducing property taxes may not be the fair way to do it.

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I think there are a couple of property tax bills working their way through the process. This one is somewhat interesting because it encourages stable families with children. I definitely agree that the majority is public school funding and that's made worse with the Robin Hood laws and then the crazy number of tax breaks given to incentivize some business to move in. The business doesn't pay taxes, but the value counts for Robin Hood so the residents all pay more.

I haven't read the bill, but seems like this would only apply the the actual property tax, not the school part of it. I need to go read that. And of course, this is highly unlikely to go anywhere - especially with the messed up priorities of Phelan.

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Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023

Yea, I need to read the entire bill too. I've seen other tax reform bills but this one is the first I've heard of it and it sort of triggered me. 😁 Property taxes and covid handling are the 2 reasons I did not vote for Abbott in the primaries.

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Yes. I voted for Huffines. This type of government manipulation doesn't help anyone.

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We already have a number of subsidies encouraging folks to reproduce. Child tax credits, government-paid "education," income tax exemptions, gov't-funded medical services, etc etc. This would be one more, but I understand why it could be unpopular. Probably better to limit property tax to land value only, exempting improvements, which encourages housing construction and has some other benefits.

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"ChatGPT did not respond to a request for comment, I suspect because its feelings are still hurt."

I did a followup with ChatGPT. This is an actual ChatGPT response:

Question: why did you not respond to Jeff Childers' request for comment regarding why the NY Times stated that Ron DeSantis' book "read like a politician’s memoir churned out by ChatGPT"?

ChatGPT: As an AI language model, I do not have the ability to monitor news or media outlets, nor do I have the ability to respond to specific requests for comments. My purpose is to assist users in generating human-like text based on the prompts or questions provided to me.

It sounds to me like ChatGPT has retained legal counsel. They/them/it must have something to hide...


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Well that's smart. ChatGPT takes the 5th.

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The FBI doesn't agree with your assessment of the facts.

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Thanks for the update. I’m thinking I’ll wait to interact with the technology until it’s, lemme think, unbiased? GIGO

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Maybe my sense of humor is warped but that's FUNNY

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

So, what you're saying is ALL of the SC2 info declassified, including how Baric et al created the virus despite there being a ban on US soil on GoF, and shared GoF techniques with the Wuhan Lab of Virology via a private US company doing CIAs work for them? Shared technology thst was 15 years advanced of what China had,despite reported abysmal safety procedures and an already functional biowarfare program?

Declassify ALL the names,and all the transference including the patent and $$ betwixt the US Govt and Moderna?

As if.

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I was thinking that. Fat chance.

The perpetrators are the ones digging through paperwork deciding what’s appropriate to release. Great plan.

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It is always the way. Even with FOIAs they decide what is redacted. 🤬

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🤔 China did it? Maybe… they want all 👀 off of Ukraine and the huge criminal enterprise that is the recipient of all our money and soon to be our sons and daughters. Maybe, the biolabs in Ukraine did it….. Maybe nothing is as it appears. Like the air raid siren played for bidens visit - that um… in real life would have cause secret service to rush him to somewhere safe, or wouldn’t have put him in harms way of the “war torn” city. 🙄

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Russian cooperation with China is temporary. Russia will never let China control the Ukraine.

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I'm pretty sure that I have mentioned here multiple times that the media lies. But perhaps I haven't mentioned that the complicit politicians also lie with abandon.

Lab leak, shab leak. It appears that these devils are simply covering their asses, for virtually every one (including DeSantis) were all pushing the kill jabs.

Perhaps the covid wasn't real? That means that the shots weren't made for covid, but "covid" was made for the shots.

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The only thing that’s certain is that the official story served up by the Lame Stream Media is a lie.

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Their "acknowledgement" of the lab leak would be more believable if they would also acknowledge that the "vaccines" were never beneficial and indeed have killed and disabled millions.

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Yet COVID is very real. I have read to many peer reviewed reports, talked to to many in the medical field, and watched what COVID itself did to members of my own family, and myself, when I finally contracted it. (The spike, in the virus or the vaccine, is going to spike - cause a wide variety of harms despite a low CFR) However yes, the "vaccines' are, in my perspective, proving more deadly.

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Covid is real, but doctors realized early on that it was treatable. Our government suppressed that knowledge in favor of the money-making "vaccines." Dr. Peter McCullough, and others, estimate that 80% or more of so-called covid deaths could have been prevented had these people received appropriate early treatment. What we have seen, and are still seeing, is a series of crimes against humanity.

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Is it real? Or do the studies use the data supplied by false PCR tests, given to us by known liars, implemented by those who profitted from the scam?

According to CDC death data, in 2017 there were 2,813,503 total deaths (234,000/month), 2018 2,839,205 (237,000/month), 2019 2,855,00 (238,000/month) and in 2020 2,838,000 (236,000/month) AND they claimed that flu deaths had all but disappeared.

Frankly, most of the deaths that were attributed to "covid" were mainly due to the killer treatments.

I supposedly had it, too, in Aug of 202, yet I'm typing this to you at this moment. Not dead.

So, if the only proof we have is bogus test methodology and sickness that may be many things other than the faked "covid", I am not convinced it is real.

But the KILL SHOTS are very real.

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They killed my brother in law with Remdesivir and a ventilator so I believe the delayed “treatment” was also weaponized.

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The spike, vaccine or COVID, is a pathogen. Yes, the COVID CFR is low. The peer review pathology reports are real. The sincere, against the jab medical professionals I know, also know COVID is real. Your personal antidote regarding still alive after COVID could, of course, be stated by some 200 million Americans that took the jab.

Neither I nor my wife were vaccinated. She got COVID (positive antigen) symptoms she never had before including complete overnight hearing loss in one ear. I caught it two days later.

I had three symptoms I never had with a flu. Extreme pain in an old injury, my arms went completely numb whenever I was active and a COVID rash on my back. (All better after 3 days) Also all in the literature for COVID.

You are, of course, free to think it is not real, yet IMV it is not beneficial to the skeptical movement, as we get lumped into any possible poorly reasoned skeptical corner possible.

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It may be real, or it may be a myriad of other ailments painted as covid, is my point, flu being but one (and a major one since it disappeared conveniently. The reported deaths by "experts" surrounding whatever it is, is suspect (I listed the numbers). As a matter of fact, every aspect of this thing is suspect. As for literature for covid, it seems that covid has every possible ailment and side effect known to man associated with it. That, in and of itself, is convenient.

So, you are free to believe that covid is real, yet IMV it is not beneficial to ending the tyranny by falling in line with the official narrative, when there are so many lies associated. I just am not sure and doubt it greatly because every aspect is nothing but lies. Why wouldn't its very existence be a lie?

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Because real science from folk like Doctor Monroe, and Dr Cole, and dozens of brave others, that often risked their careers, well articulate why it is real, and why the real spike is a pathogen, and sincere apolitical medical professionals, OBSERVE it is real, and folk like me witness that reality. You end the tyranny by attacking its root cause...https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/does-absolute-power-corrupt?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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"Real science", huh?

There are as many others who suggest that the thing is not real. That even viruses are not real. When I tried countless times to get your people (Kirsch, Malone, et al) to debate those that doubt, all I hear is obfuscation and watch them run away using the same authoritative straw men you use.

The truth is that Malone is one subset of the establishment. His history shows such and his entire career depends upon staying the course (who will ever deny the thing that butters/buttered their bread).

There is one thing that kills this dead, and that is the admission that it is not real. Everything else is just kabuki. Everything else perpetuates the ruse.

You are asking me to doubt my own observations and rely on your chosen authoritative brand. I am not saying what appears to me to be the absolute answer, but there is enough lies to suggest that Malone and Cole are wrong about the covid pathogen, even tho they are correct that the kill jab is a bioweapon.

Its a theory, that to me, is just as valid as the one you are choosing.

The entire "covid" theory depends upon it being real. Every mandate, mask, shutdown, EVERYTHING depends upon its realness. If you ever start to think it is not real, then you get the same type of rhetoric you are spewing. Isn't that a coincidence? Which is the same type of stuff you get from "officials". Their game dies when we realize it was faked. The miraculous disappeared flu, with another name and a crappy test.

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That is a school of thought--that the virus was ginned up to make people fearful enough to desperate for the shots. Remember " a vaccine MAY be available by ......(insert month here)?

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A virus so deadly it will kill millions in a heartbeat. That's the scenario they sold us back in early 2020. If the virus (which I do not believe exists) was released in China, there would have been millions instantly dead that couldn't be hidden. Didn't happen.

If the leak came from the US, maybe from a lab in Chapel Hill, NC as some say, the same difference. Didn't happen.

How is it that the virus spread like wildfire in a week or two and just about every country was said to be affected? The only way this was made to seem real was by using the fake PCR test. Remember the mounting cases? Those who had a flu or cold were now infected with covid? Those that weren't sick and tested positive were said to be carriers? Cases, cases, cases. Not any real proof of anything.

Today, they could do the same thing just creating cases with the fake testing. But where are the multiple millions that should have perished from such a deadly virus? And the killer variants...where are those hiding? In Billy G's shorts?

This entire charade was perpetrated on the US and world by the DOD and HHS...whose handlers we have yet to discover. The purpose was to create fear and panic and force humanity to accept mRNA vaccines as the savior of the world. Instead, we have a substance under the affirmed EUA, which is a prototype countermeasure, not a pharmaceutical and 100% assuredly is not a vaccine. It is slowly and surely causing great harm to humanity.

China and Russia are not to blame. Notice that all these fake pandemics always start in some dreary place like China or Africa...never in the US, Europe or Canada.

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If they still tested as often and with the same numbers of cycles used, and still classified all positive COVID dead, as dead from COVID, then we would still be in the mist of the pandemic.

Testing is less than 20 percent of the number of tests they used to run.

They now run them at fewer cycles.

They no longer publish the number of tests.

They often do not test at all, so folk now classified as dead from pneumonia and flu and cardiac issues, instead of just with them, and dyeing from COVID.


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I wanted to “Like” your previous post but the Like and reply options were missing.

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I was possibly editing a typo or some such? Thank you. All the Best...

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More info in this interview. He is a former vice president of EcoHealth Alliance and used to write grants for that organization until he learned about the corruption

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The blood samples from some European countries showed the exposure happened around September 2019 at least but it was kept under the wraps. Only by the end of the year we started hearing about a virus from Chyna.

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They … boldly confidently predict that we will have a plandemic… I think BG just said we can expect another one.. and maybe it will get our attention or something like that. He is such a sooth saying kind of guy. Agree this is a “ limited hangout” til’ NWO wefs call the next play.

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Jeff, Any chance the Senate or a lawsuit will also oppose Biden Babble and get us out of the WHO and its wretched proposed dictatorship?

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The transfer of pandemic response power to the WHO violates the “advice and consent clause” article II, section 2 of the constitution. The senate can stop him…but will they?

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So now that the "March through the Institutions" is fairly complete, those nations that for a bit played the WEF "One world games" like Russia and China, are now saying... ''Guess what, you would be western Blackbeards, you really will NOT be in charge." And what is left of the west is huffing and puffing baseless threats, after having destroyed their own industrial capacity, global supply chains, and broken international trust in the dollar.

In this US blame China game, they are exposing their own US culpability of known co-development GOF research working with and funding China.

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One thing however really bugs me. I cannot see their end game.

The WEF One World government type goals are perhaps on the table, and Russia nd China and India, among others as a sovereign nations, are not playing their one world games, and this is a fatal dagger in their "wants".

In retrospect it is perhaps clear that a main WEF goal was keeping Trump and Russia apart, while Trump was rebuilding global trade and inspiring rational nationalism in many nations. (COVID broke Trumps rewriting of global trade, as well as breaking global trade) I am uncertain of NATO capacity to restock what is being used in this war, as they have so heavily damaged energy capacity and manufacturing capacity.

If this is some weird Globalist shell game, and breaking sovereign nations to make a one world omelet is on the table, then their end game out of global chaos is difficult to see, as controlling chaos is not easy. The relative German and NATO silence on Nordstream is concerning. Yet much that has happened in the last decade or so is concerning. I have been thinking ( and it is disturbing indeed) the west suicidal for years. Unfettered indiscriminate immigration of millions, many that hate you, is insanely suicidal. Covid, and Covid policy is insane. The Arab spring was anything but. Leaving the Taliban with many billions of dollar of working modern military gear was incomprehensible. Energy is the life blood of EVERY economy, and the entire Climate Change doctrine https://anderdaa7.substack.com/p/global-warming policy is based on poisoning that life blood. The motive? The goal? Apparently some combination of malthusian ideology, crossed with the desire to rule. “Blue Planet in Green Shackles” The current fear and energy destruction may very well break global trade, and the global economy is incredibly interconnected, with many nations required to manufacture parts for a single product, like an I phone. The destruction of farm land and fertilizer. The suppression of effective COVID prophylactic treatments.

At what point does incompetence, become competent incompetence?

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If one merely uses the old rules of thumb "Who profits?" and "Follow the money," it will go far in revealing probable (if not always certain) explanation for what otherwise seem like random, even irrational, world events.

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I agree, except a true global depression will sink all boats, and that would possibly cause many wars, with unknown results. Yet that appears to be the direction we are headed. I see no long, or even mid term winners in their actions.

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Notice who a global recession does not affect?

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The WEF can’t control what’s happening now, they’ve brought something to life that they can’t control.

Meaning Russia (BRICS+) and the rest of Eurasia are not under the control of WEF.

This movement towards a multipolar economy away from the current “rules based order” unipolar one has taken on a life of its own. One which has become an existential fight for both Eurasia and the Western Alliance.

The dangerous nature of this is the United States to say it mildly is the loose cannon in this whole World conversation.

I suspect the neocons will only continue to double down as Russia, China and the rest of the non-western world throws off the yoke of the imperial empire.

And the yoke I’m referring specifically is the American dollar.

The current leadership will not turn the world loose it will destroy everything first.

You don’t believe me take another hard look at Nuland, Blinky and Biden and the rest of drooling neocons in DC.

Now pivot to those pathetic US vassals in Europe.

Now is there anything they will do or can do to stop this?

No I’m fact this article today tells exactly the direction this all taking the entire world.

And we are the blame for sitting by and allowing these warmongers in DC continue hoping someone else or something else beside us will change it.

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BTW, I wanna to include this

“This is certainly a bombshell. The Russian State Duma called for a declaration of war on Ukraine: Sobolev, a member of the State Duma Committee on Defense, said that Russia “absolutely” needs to end “SMO” and “start a real war.”

This taken from Globalsouth.com

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