Post-election progressives eat crow, slowly recognizing what increasingly appears to be a lasting realignment; international diplomacy returns as the adults head back to the White House; more.
I think it’s time to have a discussion about the length of time between the election and the inauguration. Biden’s lackeys are trying to burn the country down with their stupid shenanigans.
The time was shortened from March 4 to the Jan date in 1922 because technology had improved over the 19th century. We could make the same claim today to shorten the time again.
^^^ THIS ^^^ should be among the first dozen things Team Trump tackles during the first month in office. No other western nation with "free" popular elections has such a lengthy interregnum.
And look at the damage the ds has done since the fifth. And will do right up until the last second. The way I figure it,it ought to be one day. You lost, GTFO!
RE: "The adults aren’t back in the White House yet, but they are on their way..." (FYI, I misquoted Jeff in my initial post, the actual quote above corrects it.)
Yes, that's true but elections were absolutely 100% stolen up and down your ticket.
A MUST read from journalist Elizabeth Nickson for anyone who might think that the 2024 election wasn't stolen:
BFM - they weren't counting ballots as much as they were adding fake mail in ballots and programmed flipped ballots to get the result they wanted.
The same thing happened here in my corrupt county of Cochise where it took these criminals TWO WEEKS to "count" 86k votes. People that were leading were somehow overcome by a surge of ballots...
Yes, and they exported it to Arizona and New Mexico and Utah, and Washington, and Oregon and Illinois, etc etc. And they are slowly bringing it to the rest of the country. First the programmable machines, then the massive fraud available from and with mail in ballots.
IL has cornered the market on cheating. We don’t need machines. Dead people have been voting in IL for decades. We are also watching a circus in Cook county as machine pol Mike Madigan is on trial for bribery/corruption/business as usual in our state government.
Washington State perfected cheating with mail-in ballots when Dino Rossi won but lo and behold, two weeks later Christine Gregoire pulled it out of her a$$ — I mean, trunk. It’s been hopeless ever since. So we moved to Idaho. But they’re trying it here too.
Suspiciously, Washington State is the only state in the nation that didn't (officially) slide right AT ALL. Even Cali did. We had statewide initiatives that would have fixed some major issues but all but one was defeated. I have reached out to the organizers to try to get the next initiative to be reinstating in-person voting. Between the cheaters and the lazy voters it would be an uphill climb but without it we will never have even remotely secure elections again.
Amazingly, 10 California counties (including mine!) turned RED this time! But they weren't high population counties. The coastal areas control everything.
Takes time to “get it right.” Indeed! It would be nice to know how many of those ballots were printed by the voters under the bizarre “remote access” program. Seems some folks don’t get mail anymore…
Yes Fred, email voting from overseas 'citizens' is legal in Oregon. The 'voter' waves their right to a secret ballot, send the digital image to the election office which then duplicates the voted ballot to the official ballot that can be recognized by the tabulator. The number of these ballots increases every election.
The entire process to a peaceful change of power in our country has been bastardized. So many people don't trust it anymore, and don't vote thus the recruitment of millions more new voters to work the gamed system.
Here’s the kicker: by law, California gives itself 30 days after Election Day to “canvass the vote,” SoS certifies on 30th day. I checked, it’s the only state that gives itself that timeline.
IIRC, county election officials are not allowed to report to SoS early, and must report two days in advance of SoS certification.
I think they are trying to make, or already have made, it illegal for the 58 counties to determine how to run their state/federal elections procedures- ie can’t outlaw machines.
Arizona et al copy CA. Not surprising given the population movement to other states starting during the dotcom boom.
I can’t detest these people enough.
BTW, War Room watchers: we need to push Steve to highlight any reform efforts in western states especially CA. Local news useless.
Your Shasta County has a bunch of fighters, FH. I'm watching their progress from just a state just bit North of them.
The fix is and has been in for a long time, and the screws tightened down every legislative session to prohibit changing anything. With the corrupt judiciary (sorry councilor) the truth will never be heard. Oregon has 'voting month' also.
Orange County is completely Blue. How? Counting votes until the last minute, provisional votes, illegal voting. The majority of the population is older, easily manipulated by caretakers, has moved, flat out did not vote, too many to list. If the country was swept Red, why not Orange County? Why did it sweep Blue? I really want to know.
This explains why Trump had no coattails. I asked this question three days after November 5. The Trump establishment congratulates itself, but does not question all the down ballot races lost. I'd like to know why.
Precisely Susan. Its why my Senator is a drug cartel crook instead of Kari Lake. (Although I give Trump 100% credit for selecting her to lead VOA - what an absolutely brilliant choice. We will finally have someone at VOA telling the truth to the rest of the world instead of the gaslighting of the NWO global criminals.)
Getting Trump back in office was supremely important and that was their focus. Trump is putting in place people who can help us restore our country. But it is still on us. As long as we allow s_Elections with programmable machines and massive wholesale mail in ballot fraud, we cannot restore our country, even with Trump's help.
The RNC doesn't have coat tails either. When you look at the Republican party in states and counties, they are a DISASTER. Far too many run by RINOs and the rest forever hung up in in-fighting with those who are "in" the party to undermine it. We have to get out of the mindset of believing the Republican Party... it is broken.
Elizabeth Nickson, in the link I shared, also discusses Omega4America and their revolutionary work. She links to one of their videos which shows the massive network in place to fund election theft - please watch it. Act Blue is part of it and they funneled literally a billion dollars through the network to the down ballot.
I'm praying that Peter Bernegger's (and his group's) work will be allowed to expose all the donation smurfing fraud.
It will, IMO, explain where the money is coming from.
And even though it's on both sides (ActBlue and Dem NGOs to the largest degree, AND also in WinRed to a much much smaller degree), we need to remove ALL the fraudsters. Clean house...
Peter explained that crooks/cartels can purchase prepaid credit gift cards in quantities like 20M at a time, and use them to smurf donations into a myriad of avenues of political campaign funding using other peoples' names and addresses, without their knowledge.
Because there is only the Uniparty. Neocon Republicans are the other side of the Marxist Democrats. Blue state Governors are running rampant gobbling up as much “free” Federal money as they can get their greedy hands on. Michigan had a Senate race featuring a relatively New Democrat candidate who didn’t have any attractive qualities and no real campaign against Mike Rogers who many in Michigan didn’t like but the MiGOP wanted him; he had name recognition and Trump endorsed him. He was ahead until late in the day on Wednesday when votes magically poured in. Trump had already won Michigan, how does the next name on the Republican ballot lose?
Because that’s the price they charged for laying down. Status quo is everything. Apparently they think there are still 75% sheep in America. Not so any longer.
We barely dodged having to go kinetic if Trump had lost. I think the progressives (global marxists, deep state, uniparty, etc) realized Americans were ready to go (UHC CEO an example) and so they changed their plan and let Trump win, but stole everything else they needed to keep him, and US, in chains.
“the British Crown’s offshore banks hold the greatest personal wealth in the world estimated at $35 trillion” and here’s the kicker: English law prohibits questioning the Monarchy about their personal holdings and business. In fact, this is true of most of Europe’s royalty, whether enthroned or not. So, as long as the end-holders cannot be questioned, and all diplomats are given diplomatic immunity, and as long as SER-CO can have more control over nations than any other entity in history including patent depravation, and as long as the CENTRAL Intelligence Agency is paid to covertly make, merge, buy and sell front companies, including air, land and marine travel as well as financial institutions (even ones that are on the stock market), in addition to working alongside SER-CO as a secret military, the answer to my simple question, “Where did Evergreen’s assets go?” will never be answered, but in my opinion……they didn’t go anywhere because they never left the CENTRAL Intelligence Agency…”….. this exposé certainly points to where the missing trillions went… more importantly who are the elite globalists controlling the world, and is Trump and team associates or are they actually the regime that will tear it all apart???
Sorry Alan, as much as I would like to disagree and I am sure there are various mitigating factors, that number seems about right to me. Give many of them a football game on TV and a hotdog and the "lights" go out....
why oh why did you folk in Arizona select Lake over Lamb? Sure fraud, but Lamb still would have won. Lake was polling way behind during the race and really the fact she got so close to winning was a surprise. Lamb was better than her across the board and would have won easily in my view. For whatever reason, Lake is off putting to many people. I like her but it is what it is and that should have been recognized bythe AZ primary voter. MAGA often wears blinders, unfortunately.
Trumps lack of down ballot superiority had more to do with candidates and single issue constituencies, I believe. His true down ballot power (or lack thereof) will show up in 2026 and 2028 depending on the effectiveness of his policies and governance. As it probably should be.
I respectfully, but completely, disagree. Elections were manipulated across the country. Please, take the time to read Nickson's article which I linked in my initial post. Its astonishing to me there are people who still believe our "elections" are not manipulated.
I assume you disagree with just the first sentence, not the second? If so, I think there could have been fraud, though I’ve not seen the direct evidence. Even so, I’m sure there was less fraud than in 2020 because of heightened scrutiny. 2020 was ridiculous. I do think some of the down ballot candidates could have run better campaigns and potentially overcome the fraud, if any. I think that, in hindsight, some of them did not make a good enough case for themselves as legislators, administrators or governors, they rather staked their whole campaign on being a Trump acolyte. In some races this was enough, in others it wasn’t. Again, I think Trump’s coattails will be much longer in coming elections if he and his team can deliver on their promises and govern well. (And never miss a chance to display the opposition’s nefarious destructive obstructionist activities).
re: I do think some of the down ballot candidates could have run better campaigns and potentially overcome the fraud, if any.
Im going to get straight to the point.
I don't know quite how to say it to someone who apparently has their head in the sand - utterly refusing to see the fraud.
Our "elections" are manipulated, they are manipulated with programmable machines and massive mail in ballot fraud, both set upon the American people over almost 4 decades to take over our country. When you can understand that, then we can have a conversation about what to do about it. In the meantime, where do you live, how old are you, male or female?
Trump has massive coat tails from the past 8 years, except for the massive manipulation of the election.
It's not an easy task but the first thing they do is make all the code open source on every device. Once it's all open source every one can look at it, study it line by line, and determine how the votes are being manipulated, its why they wont let us look.
Once you have the code cleaned up, then you disconnect every single machine from the network and you remove every network interface card so there can be no nefarious connections.
Finally, the people verify the machine result by hand.
Then you can overcome machine manipulation.
But the most simple and correct solution is to simply not use machines. It is a very straight forward, verifiable process to count paper ballots by hand.
I agree, we can’t just sit back and say, “we elected Trump, our work is done here.” We need to save ourselves (with God’s help) not expect some other human to save us.
It's not easy but it is doable. We must start soon, after a small rest through 2 Jan 2025. Then we need to get moving - I have a plan to take our elections back county by county - we have to grow teams everywhere.
(personal note - Im still recovering from the loss of my beautiful, wonderful friend and companion, my little Lexi, 12 pound female Min Pin who God called home on 2 Dec... still deeply heart broken, tears in my eyes as I write this. At least she is with God, which is the only good I can take from it.)
Daniel L…. So very sorry… I know your pain… we lost out heart girl during the 2020 mandates, veterinarians wouldn’t even see us, (their far from science stupidity still triggers rage)…. loosing her during such an nonsensical outrageous FrankenFauci operation… grieved us beyond our usual ability to cope… Picture God holding your broken heart 💔 in the palm of His hand… 💗💔💗❤️🩹💗
Maureen, you hit the nail straight on the head. It was a vet who caused her devastating death, and I will not rest until there is accountability.
Thank you for your kind, compassionate words. I think there are few things harder in this world than the loss of our wonderful furry friends, their unrequited love, the joy they bring. Whenever she would come up to me, she would first touch my leg with her nose. It took me awhile before I realized she was always giving me a greeting nose kiss! Without knowing this, the vet who came to administer the euthanasia drugs when it was clear she would not come back, and not knowing about her nose kisses, made an imprint of her nose and mailed it to me. I cherish that little imprint.
Also in NC. The state as a whole voted for Trump yet the executive positions went to Dems - Gov., Lt. Gov., Attny Gen, etc. and the Republican legislature lost its veto-proof majority.
I think people are sick of the Republican Party. They voted for trump but they hate the status quo Republican Party. I voted for Trump and did not vote for Chavez-DeRemer
You and thousands of others FedUp. Observing in Clackamas County it was disheartening to see a vote for Trump and nothing marked down ballot.
We are now fighting to keep a County Commissioner elect from taking office because of charges she committed elder abuse and theft. This occurred before the election but was silenced by the media until after. Oregon, andthe nation is still in trouble.
The Dems saw the real internal polling and knew the Presidential outcome was too big to rig. So they changed tactics in order to steal the House. Once that was done, they would start weekly Articles of Impeachment filings beginning on January 21. And they almost pulled it off.
This is an interesting hearing about election integrity held on 9/30/2024 in Georgia. The DeKalb County (GA) GOP vs (SOS) Raffensperger. The judge was Judge McAfee. He was also the presiding judge for Fani Willis case.
The evidence shared by the expert witnesses is incredible. One of them states that most people's home computers are more secure than the election equipment. The passwords haven't been changed in 10+ years. The encryption keys are visible. One of the experts stated it's like putting the combination on the wall next to the bank vault.
I doubt there is hardly anyone on this site that would ever believe that those who have been cheaters and liars for their entire career would ever stop being cheaters and liars. Those kind of people are on an entire different website.
An election integrity bill needs to be one of the top priorities for the new congress. Repealing the Smith-Mundt modernization act should be another priority.
I posted this yesterday as agree it’s hugely important. We are not in charge! Best we can hope for is a uniform election law that stops what it can. Several Congressional seats were stolen while we were celebrating!!
Machine voting circumvents current law by creating a back door to manipulate votes. We need to go back to in person paper ballets per federal law and that is it. Mail in ballot law is the only thing that needs focus and states must maintain control of state elections. Federal control over state elections is a death nail.
Respectfully, not an honest question. Please, I urge you to go read, fully, the Nickson article I posted the link to, at the top of this thread. Then you will understand why it is not an honest question. She lays it out succinctly.
This is federalism gone wrong at it’s height. They will turn and make us get federal ids linked to voting, as well as the vaccine, criminal, and IRS databases. We will then see the social credit system, digital dollar pieces nicely fit together for their control and domination.
Wow...reading this was SO depressing.......then, I pondered. In order to have the Lawless One enter onto the scene to establish "peace".....that EVERYONE will gladly embrace.....there must be catastrophic chaos! And we know it will happen. Time to be VERY bold.
As a physician, I’ve been watching the degradation of American healthcare, although it wasn’t even great when I was a kid. Medicare advantage is a major, political and corporate blow to the well-being of our citizens. It’s never been a good plan. It’s short term savings for long-term misery.
The goal of modern healthcare is not to cure you, but to "treat" you in the most expensive manner possible for the rest of your life. If one is older and in bad shape, it's to suck every last penny of their life's savings away before they die by preying on the patient's desperate fear of death.
It's why they never tell people what's actually causing their problems (subsisting on garbage manufactured food-like substances) but instead cover up the symptoms with insanely expensive patented drugs. Nearly everyone suffering metabolic syndrome (likely the root cause of nearly all chronic disease) can be almost instantly cured, or at least dramatically improved, by eating a real food, low carb diet.
Weston Price figured this out 90 years ago. Dr Atkins and and William Dufty realized it fifty years ago. Gary Taubes and the paleo movement figured it out again twenty years ago. But your doctor is clueless, either through ignorance or intentionally.
It requires people to come to this realization to make a clean break. You have to take charge of your own health and do everything possible to never need their assistance. They cannot be trusted to act in your best interests for any chronic condition, and really should only be consulted for trauma. That means eating real food, drinking clean water, getting off prescriptions, no vaccines, good sleep, and reasonable activity.
Jeff C: you are spot on. My parents, God love them, paid a lot of money for my degree in Human Nutrition from a top notch U. But what I was taught was, in hindsight, malarkey in the truest sense of the word. That Food Pyramid was pure BS. I hate that I believed it and then spouted that nonsense to my students and patients. If I could, I would issue a blanket apology and plead ignorance.
My sister did the same, also at a top-notch university so you certainly aren't alone.
The base of the pyramid was 6-11 servings of carb-loaded manufactured garbage. 11 servings of insulin-spiking garbage a day!!!! Sugar-loaded fruit is given the same high recommendation as vegetables, which do you think people will pick? (Hint, the one that tastes sweet.) Nutritious meat, foul, fish, and eggs, which have formed the basis of human diets and nourished people since the dawn of time, were relegated to a tiny corner of the diet. Following it is all but guaranteed to turn people into malnourished but at the same time obese, type-2 diabetics.
The medical and nutritionist establishment has still have never admitted it was wrong, but just quietly stopped promoting it. And they only did that because non-nutritionist amateurs shamed them into it, by figuring out it was nonsense and terrible for people.
There is major money in drugs and especially cancer drugs/treatment. Ain’t no way the medical establishment is going to give up that gravy train. They will do everything to keep it on track to include poisoning our air water and food.
Yes they are DETERMINED- increasingly poisoning soil, air, water, food AND building over all natural land so nothing left to grow food! In this respect they even destroy our OPTIONS for good choices!! 😡😡😡
100% correct. Thebusiness model is to get you sick and keep you sick, even if inventing a malady is required.
They do it to animals in the veterinary system too, its fundamental to their business model. They know people will literally go broke for their furry children.
Perverse incentives. As one with training in engineering, this is akin to using a positive feedback loop, when a negative one is required, or establishing a feedback loop out of phase.
Forgive me for talking off-hand, it's been a minute since I had to employ my education.
The feedback loop in a stable system pushes back to stability. In an unstable system, it pushes in the opposite direction, increasing a deviation.
Picture a marble in a bowl. When the marble is pushed, it goes up the side of the bowl. It has been disturbed. The feedback of gravity pulls it back toward the center, where it will eventually settle.
If, as the marble rolls back and forth in the bowl, one were to push it repeatedly toward the edge, this is in a direction away from stability.
In the same way, when a healthcare system is financially motivated to cause harm instead of a cure, harm will be caused.
I am praying for a parallel HEALTH system that will allow ME to choose my provider: chiropractor, naturopath, homeopath, Chinese traditional medicine or witch doctor…MY BODY MY CHOICE and I have very limited faith in big pHARMa and today’s cookbook doctors.
You HAVE your own witch doctor. And that witch doctor is prioritizing the many over the individual, and feels justified doing so. That witch doctor believes that, for the sake of "mother earth" and "the greater good," you must die. "The earth is over-populated, you see." /sarc-off
The higher level adepts at "witch-doctory" clothe their magick in "The Science." E.g., Fauci, Hotez, et. al. It's sorcery. Pharmakeia.
I think it’s time to have a discussion about the length of time between the election and the inauguration. Biden’s lackeys are trying to burn the country down with their stupid shenanigans.
The time was shortened from March 4 to the Jan date in 1922 because technology had improved over the 19th century. We could make the same claim today to shorten the time again.
^^^ THIS ^^^ should be among the first dozen things Team Trump tackles during the first month in office. No other western nation with "free" popular elections has such a lengthy interregnum.
And look at the damage the ds has done since the fifth. And will do right up until the last second. The way I figure it,it ought to be one day. You lost, GTFO!
Word of the day— interregnum!
The Dems spell it, 'interRectum.' Government by the people, for the people, and definitely UP the people!
A lot of us are thinking along this line now I think.
And I'm guessing the chain of custody of the ballots was much more secure back then.
Inaugurate on Christmas? ;)
How about on the first Wednesday in November?
RE: "The adults aren’t back in the White House yet, but they are on their way..." (FYI, I misquoted Jeff in my initial post, the actual quote above corrects it.)
Yes, that's true but elections were absolutely 100% stolen up and down your ticket.
A MUST read from journalist Elizabeth Nickson for anyone who might think that the 2024 election wasn't stolen:
Hat tip to fellow C&C reader Michael Framson who shared it with me.
California took over a month to count their votes. Strangely, every single close race was awarded to the Dem.
BFM - they weren't counting ballots as much as they were adding fake mail in ballots and programmed flipped ballots to get the result they wanted.
The same thing happened here in my corrupt county of Cochise where it took these criminals TWO WEEKS to "count" 86k votes. People that were leading were somehow overcome by a surge of ballots...
Same in my county here in Oregon
Barbara, in Multnomah county?
Mary/NOT - I reported you. Go away.
Lots of issues with elections in Arizona.
Have you seen the free movie , State of Denial, about elections in Arizona? (Link below)
Hi Alice,
I haven't seen it but will definitely watch it.
Thank you for the share.
Another great election documentary is Let My People Go by Professor David Clements.
Professor Clements is excellent.
I will watch this video too.
Every state that wouldn’t count votes in 24 hrs, cheated. No brainer. Thank you Jeff again, for your humor & ability to tell it like it is 🥰
It's really that simple.
Calif Dems have been stealing elections since the 80s at least.
Yes, and they exported it to Arizona and New Mexico and Utah, and Washington, and Oregon and Illinois, etc etc. And they are slowly bringing it to the rest of the country. First the programmable machines, then the massive fraud available from and with mail in ballots.
IL has cornered the market on cheating. We don’t need machines. Dead people have been voting in IL for decades. We are also watching a circus in Cook county as machine pol Mike Madigan is on trial for bribery/corruption/business as usual in our state government.
Washington State perfected cheating with mail-in ballots when Dino Rossi won but lo and behold, two weeks later Christine Gregoire pulled it out of her a$$ — I mean, trunk. It’s been hopeless ever since. So we moved to Idaho. But they’re trying it here too.
Suspiciously, Washington State is the only state in the nation that didn't (officially) slide right AT ALL. Even Cali did. We had statewide initiatives that would have fixed some major issues but all but one was defeated. I have reached out to the organizers to try to get the next initiative to be reinstating in-person voting. Between the cheaters and the lazy voters it would be an uphill climb but without it we will never have even remotely secure elections again.
Amazingly, 10 California counties (including mine!) turned RED this time! But they weren't high population counties. The coastal areas control everything.
Same thing in Colorado.
That's how California became a Democrat supermajority state.
Takes time to “get it right.” Indeed! It would be nice to know how many of those ballots were printed by the voters under the bizarre “remote access” program. Seems some folks don’t get mail anymore…
Yes Fred, email voting from overseas 'citizens' is legal in Oregon. The 'voter' waves their right to a secret ballot, send the digital image to the election office which then duplicates the voted ballot to the official ballot that can be recognized by the tabulator. The number of these ballots increases every election.
The entire process to a peaceful change of power in our country has been bastardized. So many people don't trust it anymore, and don't vote thus the recruitment of millions more new voters to work the gamed system.
Yeah. Shocking. 🙄
Here’s the kicker: by law, California gives itself 30 days after Election Day to “canvass the vote,” SoS certifies on 30th day. I checked, it’s the only state that gives itself that timeline.
IIRC, county election officials are not allowed to report to SoS early, and must report two days in advance of SoS certification.
I think they are trying to make, or already have made, it illegal for the 58 counties to determine how to run their state/federal elections procedures- ie can’t outlaw machines.
Arizona et al copy CA. Not surprising given the population movement to other states starting during the dotcom boom.
I can’t detest these people enough.
BTW, War Room watchers: we need to push Steve to highlight any reform efforts in western states especially CA. Local news useless.
Your Shasta County has a bunch of fighters, FH. I'm watching their progress from just a state just bit North of them.
The fix is and has been in for a long time, and the screws tightened down every legislative session to prohibit changing anything. With the corrupt judiciary (sorry councilor) the truth will never be heard. Oregon has 'voting month' also.
Orange County is completely Blue. How? Counting votes until the last minute, provisional votes, illegal voting. The majority of the population is older, easily manipulated by caretakers, has moved, flat out did not vote, too many to list. If the country was swept Red, why not Orange County? Why did it sweep Blue? I really want to know.
They stole it with mail in ballot fraud.
This is why I didn’t vote this year. CA took away my legitimate right to vote. It’s a one party state.
CA is in deep trouble. But you mustn't give up and not vote. What county do you live in? What if you could take back your county?
No thank you! I be moving when it’s “right”.
Voting is FUBAR…pointless. Every politician is selected ahead of time, including Trump…watch what he DOES.
I voted for him twice…I didn’t know what I know now.
California needs election reform now! Scott Presler talking with Nicole Shanninan recently about what changes are needed’
This explains why Trump had no coattails. I asked this question three days after November 5. The Trump establishment congratulates itself, but does not question all the down ballot races lost. I'd like to know why.
Precisely Susan. Its why my Senator is a drug cartel crook instead of Kari Lake. (Although I give Trump 100% credit for selecting her to lead VOA - what an absolutely brilliant choice. We will finally have someone at VOA telling the truth to the rest of the world instead of the gaslighting of the NWO global criminals.)
Getting Trump back in office was supremely important and that was their focus. Trump is putting in place people who can help us restore our country. But it is still on us. As long as we allow s_Elections with programmable machines and massive wholesale mail in ballot fraud, we cannot restore our country, even with Trump's help.
The RNC is seemingly ignoring the down ballot results, not offering assistance. Why?
The RNC doesn't have coat tails either. When you look at the Republican party in states and counties, they are a DISASTER. Far too many run by RINOs and the rest forever hung up in in-fighting with those who are "in" the party to undermine it. We have to get out of the mindset of believing the Republican Party... it is broken.
In a congressional race in my very blue area, the blue crook had a stash of over 8 million...the red competitor had close to 150 thousand.
Needless to say...I was quite shocked at the discrepancy.
My source was the Congressional web site. It showed the finances within that district. i regret not making a file of that stat.
Elizabeth Nickson, in the link I shared, also discusses Omega4America and their revolutionary work. She links to one of their videos which shows the massive network in place to fund election theft - please watch it. Act Blue is part of it and they funneled literally a billion dollars through the network to the down ballot.
I'm praying that Peter Bernegger's (and his group's) work will be allowed to expose all the donation smurfing fraud.
It will, IMO, explain where the money is coming from.
And even though it's on both sides (ActBlue and Dem NGOs to the largest degree, AND also in WinRed to a much much smaller degree), we need to remove ALL the fraudsters. Clean house...
Peter explained that crooks/cartels can purchase prepaid credit gift cards in quantities like 20M at a time, and use them to smurf donations into a myriad of avenues of political campaign funding using other peoples' names and addresses, without their knowledge.
Boom there it is! Forget this Red/Blue crap! Find the ones that will do the right things. Run the rest of them out of town on a rail.
Later Jay
Because there is only the Uniparty. Neocon Republicans are the other side of the Marxist Democrats. Blue state Governors are running rampant gobbling up as much “free” Federal money as they can get their greedy hands on. Michigan had a Senate race featuring a relatively New Democrat candidate who didn’t have any attractive qualities and no real campaign against Mike Rogers who many in Michigan didn’t like but the MiGOP wanted him; he had name recognition and Trump endorsed him. He was ahead until late in the day on Wednesday when votes magically poured in. Trump had already won Michigan, how does the next name on the Republican ballot lose?
Because that’s the price they charged for laying down. Status quo is everything. Apparently they think there are still 75% sheep in America. Not so any longer.
We barely dodged having to go kinetic if Trump had lost. I think the progressives (global marxists, deep state, uniparty, etc) realized Americans were ready to go (UHC CEO an example) and so they changed their plan and let Trump win, but stole everything else they needed to keep him, and US, in chains.
Daniel L… do you read Agent 131711 Substack?
Part 7 “EVERGREEN” …. an exposé of the octopus that controls the globe… SERCO…. CIA…. explosive deep dive research…
…..the research conclusion wrap up paragraph:
“the British Crown’s offshore banks hold the greatest personal wealth in the world estimated at $35 trillion” and here’s the kicker: English law prohibits questioning the Monarchy about their personal holdings and business. In fact, this is true of most of Europe’s royalty, whether enthroned or not. So, as long as the end-holders cannot be questioned, and all diplomats are given diplomatic immunity, and as long as SER-CO can have more control over nations than any other entity in history including patent depravation, and as long as the CENTRAL Intelligence Agency is paid to covertly make, merge, buy and sell front companies, including air, land and marine travel as well as financial institutions (even ones that are on the stock market), in addition to working alongside SER-CO as a secret military, the answer to my simple question, “Where did Evergreen’s assets go?” will never be answered, but in my opinion……they didn’t go anywhere because they never left the CENTRAL Intelligence Agency…”….. this exposé certainly points to where the missing trillions went… more importantly who are the elite globalists controlling the world, and is Trump and team associates or are they actually the regime that will tear it all apart???
I think they were hoping they'd get the majority in Congress, so they could impeach him if he won.
Thank God they were foiled there, and yet exposed their dirty deeds in the process.
Sorry Alan, as much as I would like to disagree and I am sure there are various mitigating factors, that number seems about right to me. Give many of them a football game on TV and a hotdog and the "lights" go out....
Later Jay
why oh why did you folk in Arizona select Lake over Lamb? Sure fraud, but Lamb still would have won. Lake was polling way behind during the race and really the fact she got so close to winning was a surprise. Lamb was better than her across the board and would have won easily in my view. For whatever reason, Lake is off putting to many people. I like her but it is what it is and that should have been recognized bythe AZ primary voter. MAGA often wears blinders, unfortunately.
No way Lamb wins. Why do you think we have "Gov" hobbs, "AG" mayes and "SOS" fontes? All criminals, all s_Elected.
Polling? Seriously?
NO conservative would've won, the election was fixed. Kari should've been our governor in 2022, but the election was fixed.
Lake is "off-putting"? Only if you listen to the gaslighting, downright lies and narrative spin of the corrupt media.
If you still think voting in elections is legitimate, may I interest you in some waterfront property in the Sahara Desert?
Ack are we going to get Karen Robson running for governor next time? Blech!
I have very high hopes that when PDT gets the DoJ, he will enthusiastically investigate election fraud and prosecute it like the treason it is.
We can only hope and pray that he fulfills that promise. (We got it all, we can see everything)
This is war of many battles. We aren't going to win them all.
Trumps lack of down ballot superiority had more to do with candidates and single issue constituencies, I believe. His true down ballot power (or lack thereof) will show up in 2026 and 2028 depending on the effectiveness of his policies and governance. As it probably should be.
I respectfully, but completely, disagree. Elections were manipulated across the country. Please, take the time to read Nickson's article which I linked in my initial post. Its astonishing to me there are people who still believe our "elections" are not manipulated.
I assume you disagree with just the first sentence, not the second? If so, I think there could have been fraud, though I’ve not seen the direct evidence. Even so, I’m sure there was less fraud than in 2020 because of heightened scrutiny. 2020 was ridiculous. I do think some of the down ballot candidates could have run better campaigns and potentially overcome the fraud, if any. I think that, in hindsight, some of them did not make a good enough case for themselves as legislators, administrators or governors, they rather staked their whole campaign on being a Trump acolyte. In some races this was enough, in others it wasn’t. Again, I think Trump’s coattails will be much longer in coming elections if he and his team can deliver on their promises and govern well. (And never miss a chance to display the opposition’s nefarious destructive obstructionist activities).
re: I do think some of the down ballot candidates could have run better campaigns and potentially overcome the fraud, if any.
Im going to get straight to the point.
I don't know quite how to say it to someone who apparently has their head in the sand - utterly refusing to see the fraud.
Our "elections" are manipulated, they are manipulated with programmable machines and massive mail in ballot fraud, both set upon the American people over almost 4 decades to take over our country. When you can understand that, then we can have a conversation about what to do about it. In the meantime, where do you live, how old are you, male or female?
Trump has massive coat tails from the past 8 years, except for the massive manipulation of the election.
Daniel, telling someone you’ve never met that they have their “head in the sand” is not a great way to get a conversation started.
How do thy overcome machine manipulation?
It's not an easy task but the first thing they do is make all the code open source on every device. Once it's all open source every one can look at it, study it line by line, and determine how the votes are being manipulated, its why they wont let us look.
Once you have the code cleaned up, then you disconnect every single machine from the network and you remove every network interface card so there can be no nefarious connections.
Finally, the people verify the machine result by hand.
Then you can overcome machine manipulation.
But the most simple and correct solution is to simply not use machines. It is a very straight forward, verifiable process to count paper ballots by hand.
From your lips to God’s ears.
He has coattails, they just aren't as big as they properly should be.
There are people looking into this. We know they cheated on the down ballot.
Yes, and they will use every means possible to knee-cap Trump, so expect more lawfare, gas lighting on steroids. It's going to be an epic battle.
We must not falter, but work feverishly in restoring verifiable, certifiable elections. THIS is OUR job.
I agree, we can’t just sit back and say, “we elected Trump, our work is done here.” We need to save ourselves (with God’s help) not expect some other human to save us.
It's not easy but it is doable. We must start soon, after a small rest through 2 Jan 2025. Then we need to get moving - I have a plan to take our elections back county by county - we have to grow teams everywhere.
(personal note - Im still recovering from the loss of my beautiful, wonderful friend and companion, my little Lexi, 12 pound female Min Pin who God called home on 2 Dec... still deeply heart broken, tears in my eyes as I write this. At least she is with God, which is the only good I can take from it.)
Aww I’m so sorry 😞
Daniel L…. So very sorry… I know your pain… we lost out heart girl during the 2020 mandates, veterinarians wouldn’t even see us, (their far from science stupidity still triggers rage)…. loosing her during such an nonsensical outrageous FrankenFauci operation… grieved us beyond our usual ability to cope… Picture God holding your broken heart 💔 in the palm of His hand… 💗💔💗❤️🩹💗
The loss of my beloved Lexi has hit me hard.
And it didn't have to be.
Maureen, you hit the nail straight on the head. It was a vet who caused her devastating death, and I will not rest until there is accountability.
Thank you for your kind, compassionate words. I think there are few things harder in this world than the loss of our wonderful furry friends, their unrequited love, the joy they bring. Whenever she would come up to me, she would first touch my leg with her nose. It took me awhile before I realized she was always giving me a greeting nose kiss! Without knowing this, the vet who came to administer the euthanasia drugs when it was clear she would not come back, and not knowing about her nose kisses, made an imprint of her nose and mailed it to me. I cherish that little imprint.
Yep, plenty of voting shenanigans happening in Oregon and very few drawing attention to it at all. Appreciate Jeff Eager's dedicated efforts:
Also in NC. The state as a whole voted for Trump yet the executive positions went to Dems - Gov., Lt. Gov., Attny Gen, etc. and the Republican legislature lost its veto-proof majority.
Yes, this was their plan, and they executed it with the s_Election system they have unlawfully forced on the American people.
I think people are sick of the Republican Party. They voted for trump but they hate the status quo Republican Party. I voted for Trump and did not vote for Chavez-DeRemer
You and thousands of others FedUp. Observing in Clackamas County it was disheartening to see a vote for Trump and nothing marked down ballot.
We are now fighting to keep a County Commissioner elect from taking office because of charges she committed elder abuse and theft. This occurred before the election but was silenced by the media until after. Oregon, andthe nation is still in trouble.
Because the Republicans are sellouts and we are all trying to send a message. I don’t doubt that some races were stolen but others… stop being RINOS
The Dems saw the real internal polling and knew the Presidential outcome was too big to rig. So they changed tactics in order to steal the House. Once that was done, they would start weekly Articles of Impeachment filings beginning on January 21. And they almost pulled it off.
This is an interesting hearing about election integrity held on 9/30/2024 in Georgia. The DeKalb County (GA) GOP vs (SOS) Raffensperger. The judge was Judge McAfee. He was also the presiding judge for Fani Willis case.
The evidence shared by the expert witnesses is incredible. One of them states that most people's home computers are more secure than the election equipment. The passwords haven't been changed in 10+ years. The encryption keys are visible. One of the experts stated it's like putting the combination on the wall next to the bank vault.
I doubt there is hardly anyone on this site that would ever believe that those who have been cheaters and liars for their entire career would ever stop being cheaters and liars. Those kind of people are on an entire different website.
One way they cheat:
Fraction Magic –
Read this:
Part 1: Votes are being counted as fractions instead of as whole numbers –
Watch this:
An election integrity bill needs to be one of the top priorities for the new congress. Repealing the Smith-Mundt modernization act should be another priority.
Wow-O-wow! What a powerful article. That was amazing and I am so pissed I could bite a 10-penny nail in half.
Later Jay
Still searching for the awesome site someone posted to get a legacy video made with 1 or 3 hr interviews. HELP’
Another wonderful documentary about elections. It was created by Professor David Clements.
Thanks for the Nickson substack read. Eye opening.
I posted this yesterday as agree it’s hugely important. We are not in charge! Best we can hope for is a uniform election law that stops what it can. Several Congressional seats were stolen while we were celebrating!!
Machine voting circumvents current law by creating a back door to manipulate votes. We need to go back to in person paper ballets per federal law and that is it. Mail in ballot law is the only thing that needs focus and states must maintain control of state elections. Federal control over state elections is a death nail.
If elections were stolen, how did Trump win out in 2024? Honest question.
Respectfully, not an honest question. Please, I urge you to go read, fully, the Nickson article I posted the link to, at the top of this thread. Then you will understand why it is not an honest question. She lays it out succinctly.
Then we can have the discussion.
Read that article.will answer yiur question. We must have a uniform election law!!
This is federalism gone wrong at it’s height. They will turn and make us get federal ids linked to voting, as well as the vaccine, criminal, and IRS databases. We will then see the social credit system, digital dollar pieces nicely fit together for their control and domination.
Wow...reading this was SO depressing.......then, I pondered. In order to have the Lawless One enter onto the scene to establish "peace".....that EVERYONE will gladly embrace.....there must be catastrophic chaos! And we know it will happen. Time to be VERY bold.
As a physician, I’ve been watching the degradation of American healthcare, although it wasn’t even great when I was a kid. Medicare advantage is a major, political and corporate blow to the well-being of our citizens. It’s never been a good plan. It’s short term savings for long-term misery.
Yep. In 1960 healthcare was just 5% of GDP, now it's 20%, but outcomes are worse.
Team MAHA has their work cut out.
The goal of modern healthcare is not to cure you, but to "treat" you in the most expensive manner possible for the rest of your life. If one is older and in bad shape, it's to suck every last penny of their life's savings away before they die by preying on the patient's desperate fear of death.
It's why they never tell people what's actually causing their problems (subsisting on garbage manufactured food-like substances) but instead cover up the symptoms with insanely expensive patented drugs. Nearly everyone suffering metabolic syndrome (likely the root cause of nearly all chronic disease) can be almost instantly cured, or at least dramatically improved, by eating a real food, low carb diet.
Weston Price figured this out 90 years ago. Dr Atkins and and William Dufty realized it fifty years ago. Gary Taubes and the paleo movement figured it out again twenty years ago. But your doctor is clueless, either through ignorance or intentionally.
It requires people to come to this realization to make a clean break. You have to take charge of your own health and do everything possible to never need their assistance. They cannot be trusted to act in your best interests for any chronic condition, and really should only be consulted for trauma. That means eating real food, drinking clean water, getting off prescriptions, no vaccines, good sleep, and reasonable activity.
Jeff C: you are spot on. My parents, God love them, paid a lot of money for my degree in Human Nutrition from a top notch U. But what I was taught was, in hindsight, malarkey in the truest sense of the word. That Food Pyramid was pure BS. I hate that I believed it and then spouted that nonsense to my students and patients. If I could, I would issue a blanket apology and plead ignorance.
My sister did the same, also at a top-notch university so you certainly aren't alone.
The base of the pyramid was 6-11 servings of carb-loaded manufactured garbage. 11 servings of insulin-spiking garbage a day!!!! Sugar-loaded fruit is given the same high recommendation as vegetables, which do you think people will pick? (Hint, the one that tastes sweet.) Nutritious meat, foul, fish, and eggs, which have formed the basis of human diets and nourished people since the dawn of time, were relegated to a tiny corner of the diet. Following it is all but guaranteed to turn people into malnourished but at the same time obese, type-2 diabetics.
The medical and nutritionist establishment has still have never admitted it was wrong, but just quietly stopped promoting it. And they only did that because non-nutritionist amateurs shamed them into it, by figuring out it was nonsense and terrible for people.
There is major money in drugs and especially cancer drugs/treatment. Ain’t no way the medical establishment is going to give up that gravy train. They will do everything to keep it on track to include poisoning our air water and food.
Yes they are DETERMINED- increasingly poisoning soil, air, water, food AND building over all natural land so nothing left to grow food! In this respect they even destroy our OPTIONS for good choices!! 😡😡😡
100% correct. Thebusiness model is to get you sick and keep you sick, even if inventing a malady is required.
They do it to animals in the veterinary system too, its fundamental to their business model. They know people will literally go broke for their furry children.
And doctors will continue to be 'baffled' until the prioritized payments dry up.
The "health care" industry's business model requires the outcomes will be worse.
Perverse incentives. As one with training in engineering, this is akin to using a positive feedback loop, when a negative one is required, or establishing a feedback loop out of phase.
Forgive me for talking off-hand, it's been a minute since I had to employ my education.
Im listening Tom, please explain.
The feedback loop in a stable system pushes back to stability. In an unstable system, it pushes in the opposite direction, increasing a deviation.
Picture a marble in a bowl. When the marble is pushed, it goes up the side of the bowl. It has been disturbed. The feedback of gravity pulls it back toward the center, where it will eventually settle.
If, as the marble rolls back and forth in the bowl, one were to push it repeatedly toward the edge, this is in a direction away from stability.
In the same way, when a healthcare system is financially motivated to cause harm instead of a cure, harm will be caused.
I am praying for a parallel HEALTH system that will allow ME to choose my provider: chiropractor, naturopath, homeopath, Chinese traditional medicine or witch doctor…MY BODY MY CHOICE and I have very limited faith in big pHARMa and today’s cookbook doctors.
Well fight for your homeopathy, big pharm owns the FDA, and they have been attacking that industry with long range missiles.🥴
They own the FDA until 20 Jan 25. I have big expectations from the MAHA team.
You HAVE your own witch doctor. And that witch doctor is prioritizing the many over the individual, and feels justified doing so. That witch doctor believes that, for the sake of "mother earth" and "the greater good," you must die. "The earth is over-populated, you see." /sarc-off
The higher level adepts at "witch-doctory" clothe their magick in "The Science." E.g., Fauci, Hotez, et. al. It's sorcery. Pharmakeia.
what's stopping you from having a health care system where you choose y