Mar 22Liked by Jeff Childers

Mary Talley Bowden MD @MdBreathe 11:58 PM Β· Mar 21, 2024 Β· 1.1M Views

🚨BREAKING: FDA loses its war on ivermectin and agrees to remove all social media posts and consumer directives regarding ivermectin and COVID, including its most popular tweet in FDA history.

This landmark case sets an important precedent in limiting FDA overreach into the doctor-patient relationship.

Thank you @BoydenGrayPLLC for your excellent counsel. @drpaulmarik1 @RobertApter1 @Covid19Critical

--- https://twitter.com/MdBreathe/status/1771023714584273015

Someone noted: There's absolutely no news on this...

She responds: "It literally just became final. We just got the signed order tonight. Press release going out in the morning. "

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Wait - so I can now get ivermectin without being a horse? That's great news! :)

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I think previously if you just identified as a horse that was ok

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Does being a donkey qualify? Oh, wait, I don’t identify as a democrat anymore.

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I often identify as a jackass...that probably counts right?

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Well, I must admit I’ve had my moments. 🀣

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LOL, all y’all!! ❀️‍πŸ”₯πŸ΄β€οΈβ€πŸ”₯

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Or a refugee? Ivermectin was always on the protocol for them πŸ˜‘

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But I think you’ll find the vet version to be much more economical and just as effective, when properly dosed.

The other outrage is how very overpriced the people version became.

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FDA approved Mebendazole (for use in humans) is only $550 per DOSE.

Fenbendazole (all are IVM like products), due to it's non-rigourous FDA approval process can be purchased for roughly 43 cents per dose.

In India, during Cov-19, it was being included in a 4 pack of therapy (along with Vitamins C & D, and Zinc) for roughly 25 cents per package.

It's always comforting to know that money never has anything to do with our wonderful medical system.

Now that we know that IVM is an amazing therapy option in treating cancer (cancers seemingly feed off of parasites to gain entry/establish) the entire Cancer Industrial Complex is going crazy (biting their wallets).

Even the pHARMa companies have been buying up all the IVM producing businesses around the globe to try and shut the program/option down.

Got to love our world.

Much thanks to @BoydenGrayPLLC for your excellent counsel. @drpaulmarik1 @RobertApter1 @Covid19Critical. Blessings

PS: My dog has been ravaged with a splenic mass (tumor/neoplasm afflicting therefore entire lymphatic system). 6 months now on Fenbendazole/IVM and he's still clicking along. He's no spring chicken either at over 13 years of age.

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I had a dog that had that (hemangiosarcoma) years ago. Unfortunately, those drugs weren’t mentioned in treatments when I researched. Ended up doing a splenectomy. She survived three more months.

I’ll have to remember this in case it happens to our current or future dogs.

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There's a protocol listed on the www.fenbendazole.substack.com website for prophylactic considerations.

2 weeks of Fenbendazole (1gm dose 2x per day for 6 days with one day off, and then repeat in 2nd week) and then you're done for the year.

Rumor has it that if this protocol is established annually you're pet likely will never have to deal with cancer.


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You can get it directly from India on Indiamart. That's where it comes from anyway. I got 500 12mg tabs for $100.

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This may sound crazy, but I agree with the argument that using the animal versions may be safer, since they’re sold for use with expensive stock, like race horses.

If you look at pictures of β€˜health’ products being produced in places like India and China, it’s quite startling. There are some in this lengthy post if you scroll down.


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And for less than a hundred dollars, I’ve been taking the liquid ivermectin prophylacticly for a couple of years now.

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Sheep dip? Just Iver & H2O. That’s what I’ve got.

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Yes. The jelly in the horse syringe can be divided into nine sections, which gives you nine days of a dose for a 125 pound person. Ivermectin works. Dr. Pierre Corey wrote a book about it.

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the varied global makers of Ivermectin, all the docs prescribing it, the pharmacists selling it, those studying the merits of it, the persons obstructed or denied use of it, ALL need to sue and in every court possible worldwide, over the damages and product malignment from the FDA, CDC, and other agencies and corporations that perpetrated it.

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It’s generic and made in India and Chyna for the most part. It costs pennies per dose. What needs to happen is a cease on price gouging. There are too many manufacturers to sue and no money in such a lawsuit.

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What needs to happen is the US needs to start manufacturing our own pharmaceuticals. Not China. Imagine how hard it will be to get your thyroid, diabetes, BP meds, if China decides to cut us off, for example over Taiwan! Obviously getting healthy and not needing pills is the best solution, but for some diseases it’s not possible.

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Fortunately (I think), most come from India. Agree that drug mfgr must return to the US. Our govt stockpiles are not going to help our second tier selves.

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Brand name Synthroid is made in the US but the generic levothyroxine can be purchased directly from India on Indiamart, as well as the other drugs you mentioned. But yes, we need to manufacture more drugs here in the US.

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figures, if water is trashed by FDA, CDC and Pharma as being unsafe it it would be as ridiculous as the lies they pushed against Ivermectin and HCQ

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Off topic but please reconsider the idea of β€œprice gouging β€œ. There really is no such thing. A service or thing or whatever is worth exactly what someone is willing to pay for it. When the price is artificially set to limit β€œprice gouging” then the thing or service can become worth more to its current owner than the price that has been set, so they keep it which makes the thing even more in demand because of less supply and then even worth more. Let the markets set the price - that is our system and it’s the best.

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Last year, using GoodRX, I paid $85.00 for 20 Ivermectin tablets (3 mg). Walgreens was the cheapest pharmacy in my Spring, Texas area. Edenbridge Pharmacuticals was the manufacturer/supplier printed on the box containing the prescription dose.

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The FLCCC website has a list of pharmacies where you can order ivm. Some require a scrip but some do not. Many of them are in India. We've been getting our ivm from one of the Indian ones since 2021, for far less than what you paid to GoodRX. We take one dose weekly for prevention, 0.2mg/kg and have not had covid or any other illness. Correlation is not causation of course but given all the positive studies of ivm (broad spectrum antiviral, antiparasite, now showing promise against cancer), combined with the low cost and dearth of adverse side effects, what have you got to lose? Congratulations to the brave doctors who successfully stood up to the FDA commissars.

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Thanks. Great info and appreciate the positive feedback. Will follow up on pharmacy list. Yes, indeed grateful to the brave doctors and all patriots! I have so much gratitude for Jeff and the C&C warriors!

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Agreed. Thanks.

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Not trying to promote anything here, but just as an example I purchased 100 12mg Ivermectin from pharmacyonair last month for $78 USD. Took about 2 weeks from order to delivery. That ivermectin was manufactured in India, not able to determine where or by whom the Edenbridge ivermectin is manufactured. That would have cost you $1700 USD from GoodRx. Other excellent choices out there.

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I got otc ivm early on from mexico and had friends purchase for me when they went as well. Also bought horse version from Tractor Supply. Americas Frontline doctors gave scrip to my son in 2021 who lived out of state and he started improving after one dose. Often saw it for sale on Telegram but didn't need to purchase. About time it's available to all.

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CraigN - I also use pharmacyonair. Previously they sent you a PayPal link. I ditched PayPal so I did a wire transfer. Just ordered a couple of days ago and now they can send you a link to pay with a cc (not thru PayPal). Great company to do business with.

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Indiamart is a good supplier as well. I got 500 12mg tabs for $100 plus about $30 shipping. And yes, it takes about two weeks.

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I bought a bunch too from India. Was more expensive.

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It’s very cheap in Mexico City too - if you wanna stock up it’s maybe worth flying there, $ 5 per box (not containing a lot of pills though, four or five). In tourist town Tulum it’s $ 100! Simply over the country meds there.

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yup over the counter here no problem but they have jacked the price up. somehow Mex is not immune to good ole American Greed. still, nice to be free to buy it, as long as you can afford it.

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There were US companies that made it as well. Big Pharma bought them up when word got out about the benefits of IVM.

But docs/politicians/probably military higher-ups got theirs. They made sure you didn’t get any though, you peon.

Using that word as a descriptor of how the elite think of us, not as a jab at you or anyone else πŸ’•

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The people who were persuaded by this damaging medical advice not to take ivermectin for Covid and who suffered through the lack of it need to sue the FDA and any physician who followed their medical advice.

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Except that means they are suing "us". I wish there was a way to punish them that didn't go through us.

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Sue the commissioner as a private citizen. What he/she did was NEVER in his statutory authority. It doesn’t matter what he was ordered to do, it was an illegal order, as if he was ordered to set up a concentration camp and build gas chambers, or shoot every 3rd person in a nursing home.

Actually, we should check with Sasha Latypova to make sure that the Pandemic protocols haven’t made those things legal.

But in the meantime set up a public health conference that they can’t refuse in the free state of Florida, Texas, or Tennessee and when they have all arrived for the conference arrest them , jail them, set each of their bail @ $464 million (like POTUS DJT, of the irony) and begin proceedings: charges murder, crimes against humanity, depraved indifference.

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Approximately 3-3/4 years too late (I’m being generous because we didn’t know its effectiveness those first few months), and now it’s ’oops, our bad?’ Sorry, but I’m not that forgiving for all the people that died that could have been saved, or the ones that live with tremendous post-vaccine syndrome that didnt have to be.

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Valerie, because we did already know how harmless ivermectin and HCQ are, the risk of taking them even if they turned out not to be effective for Covid was essentially nil, so I give them no quarter.

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Reposted in case you miss my response to Valerie: From 2005, known that chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread


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Astonishingly unbelievable really.

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Yes! That’s what I’m saying too.

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You say 3-3/4 years too late; I say 4, because there was no need for studies to prove effectiveness because of essentially zero risk for using them anyway. (You gave them a literal quarter of a year, lol, though that's not what I meant when I used the word.)

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Valerie - she's good at math....... careful.

Later Jay

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I’m not forgetting or forgiving

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It's not over until Fauci, Collins, and Walensky are hanged, along with their co-conspirators.


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Not forgiving. From 2005, known that β€œchloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread”


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They really didn't know about Ivermectin until Kory's November 2020 testimony to Congress. However, they were well aware about HydroxyChloroquine far before January 2020


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I can brag about to be early as soon as Mr. Childers started defending someone that I know about the right to open and don’t require a mask in his business. He was the first one in the nation to win that battle, since then my and my wife have been big fans of C&C, now we can go with out drinking coffee and learning about COVID and the cover up every day

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That was a truly heroic win by our favorite lawyer. hope history will record that no mask victory as HuGE!

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This case infuriated me at the time. They let that poor man die rather than even TRY a drug that had been proven to be safe and effective, because it would have blown their narrative apart, and they would have had to lift the EUA. It still makes my blood boil.


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They said they'll take it down in 21 days...ever hear of the delete button?

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Sadly, the damage has already been done. Where’s talk about sanctions for the FDA? Accountability? Bueler? Bueler?

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Dismantle the agency & fire all the employees above janitors and secretaries, with no ability be rehired. they are all captured by Pharma and it is not fit for purpose. No new drug approvals until a clean agency with regulatory structure from the ground up on new principles.

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We need a practical political path to making these firings a reality.

What is that path?

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Mar 23Β·edited Mar 23

I think the first step is for Pres T to acknowledge & speak to the deaths, &

πŸ‘‰πŸΌcrimes. The facts of collusion, bribery, coercion. And most of all, the planned b-wep itself. Tell the truth, the whole truth & nothing but.

Dismantle 3-letter ags & rebuild only as constitutional & framed accordingly. Dissolve WHO & many, many ngos & corp heads. Confiscate holdings & use for redress.

Arrests & trials at a massive scale are in order.

Establish the priorities of healing the injured (alt med) & redress for those who suffered physically, financial ruin, lost businesses, livelihoods and loved ones.

T can do it, but the stain of his pro-(fake)vac(b-wep) words must be cleared first. With truth and gravity. He owes this.

….Just off the top of my head….

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Thank you, Dr.!!! Government is our enemy.

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This administration sure is, and huge parts of the Deep State is. I travel abroad twice a year, I hope that when I am abroad, there are elements of the government that are not my enemy. But, nonetheless, my ultimate protection if the Lord.

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Right. Let’s talk about the people that could be alive if they’d gotten IVERMECTIN early, like my aunt.

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Now will the AMA allow doctors to reasearch and prescribe?

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It should be OTC as it is much safer than most other OTC products.

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As it has been for years and years β€œover the counter” in some other countries, it should be here as well. πŸ‘πŸΌ

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Curious of the impact. Nothing in the news yet but still not 9am.

I'd like to see 12mg Ivermectin pills available OTC for cheap in all pharmacies.

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Yes! This is probably the thing that enraged me most during covid.... blocking early treatments. My blood pressure still goes up when I think about it. Grrrrr

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I don't understand how it wasn't a crime. Sure, they gave themselves immunity from prosecution for anything the shots might do, but are they immune from prosecution for withholding potentially life-saving treatments?

I feel like we need a wave of lawsuits against individual doctors. We need to make it more painful for medical professionals to obey the "authorities" than it is to disobey them or this will all happen again and again.

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Yes! Yes and yes!

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Likewise the legal profession,RU. Release a known felon into the community you are liable for further crimes that person commits.

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It was Dr. Kory on Darkhorse in June 2021 that red-pilled me, though I"d had some suspicions when the MSM transmogrified Trump talking of chlorine dioxide and hydroxychloriquine into "he's advocating drinking bleach," and I have really tried not to want to use my telekinetic powers (lol) to explode the president's head since then. All those people murdered, straight outta Auschwitz. Though I am against insect and disease carrying animal imagery since that's how it started in the Third Reich and Rwanda, and I refuse to be upset by the obvious attempts to turn white people into racists with all the anti-Caucasian ideology, I make an exception for Bob Peters and call him President Snow Roach (a slang epithet for white people).

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Yeah cause I am paying $120.00 for 60 capsules of 12mg. Ridiculous, out of pocket of course, but so grateful that I can get it. Of course it went up 60 dollars after the cdc said we couldn't use it.

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We get it from a pharmacy in Singapore. Got the pharmacy from a Ray Peat forum. Have also gotten antibiotics and hydroxychloroquine from them.

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You can order from India through India Mart from AllDayGeneric and others without a Rx and have them shipped to your house; go in with some friends and keep a supply on hand and split the cost.

I have been doing this for a couple years (after getting tired of hunting for independent pharmacies that had the cajones to follow the law and not the illegal restrictions from the government.)

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Same here. My supplier there is Grace Med Mart.

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You dont need it anymore. You get over covid like a cold or any other such virus now.

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Angela, it's not a specific med for Covid, it's an anti-viral, and the flu still exists, as do other viruses (unless the 'there are no viruses' people turn out to be right). At any rate, I keep all of it on hand for any similar illness.

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Gotcha. I fear all medications in general, so don't mind me! Vitamin c in large doses is my med of choice for flu and covid.

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If you go the the 2nd smartest guy in the world substack, he has a link where you can order 50 12mg tablets for $79.

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He also has a great Substack today about the climate change hoax. Sharing with everyone. I buy Ivermectin from him.

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Our last order from India was 200 12mg tabs and 100 3mg tabs for $252, including "free" shipping. We take one dose per week for prevention (12mg for me, 15mg for hubby) so that's a 100-week supply. Our price works out to $.09 per mg. Your price works out to about $.17 per mg. FLCCC website has a list of pharmacies, many of them in India. We use ivermectincart.com because they accept Paypal so we don't have to provide a credit card number to an overseas entity.

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thank you and I guess you trusting this pharmacy.

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Agreed. If that did happen, how long before a pharmacy would be sold out?

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They sold out a lot, I use a compounding pharmacy. It is amazing.

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I saw that the post explained the information on ivermectin guidelines will be removed but unfortunately I'm sure they won't issue a new statement and correct it. But at least it's progress.

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Yes. Slight progress, but going in the right direction.

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Praise God!! Thank you Boyden Gray! But, the damage is done. Lives lost and all because of the FDA, Fauci and captured alphabet soup. They all have blood on their hands for the lives lost. If judgement doesn't come on this side of heaven it will come on the other. Praying for this side.

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Mar 22Β·edited Mar 22

Mary is absolutely the best. If I wasn't happily married, if she wasn't married, and if I was twenty five years younger, I'd be pulling out all the stops to go after her. (That's a lot of ifs I know.) It's remarkable how such strong, principled women are so incredibly attractive.

Edit: Key word being principled. Just being a "girl boss" has the opposite effect.

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Who is Mary?

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Mary Talley Bowden MD @MdBreathe

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Indeed. Girl boss is just another name for bully. I'm not looking for a bully, but a co-founder.

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Too little, too late? Will there be liability for the families of people who died because they were denied access to Ivermectin?

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Yay.. we are tired of the Pharma connected only PUSH… yes PUSH the drugs they have invested in! EXAGGERATED FLU AND THE PUSHERS .. aka Fraudchi.. made bazillions off that! And of course saw how WE CAN BE CONTROLLED! We can’t keep this going!

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I think it may be too late and the damage has been done. How many doctors who leaned into that early guidance will honor patient requests for ivermectin? The entire industry is bought and paid for and it is up to intelligent consumers to find open-minded doctors who want the actual best for their patients

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MDs are rotten with greed and bloated egos. Only use homeopaths, they are the best. Also chiropractors, herbalist, acupuncture, and the like.

But not MDs, except for the emergency room, gunshots and broken bones, etc..

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See Jeff, you're not the only one who likes to use those red "X"s!!!

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I hope this is just one small step to an end-game of higher magnitude.

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Happy upcoming Stackiversary, Jeff!! πŸŽ‰ What's the date? My three-year Stackiversary is coming up on 4/25, and I celebrate it every year (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/my-one-year-substack-anniversary β€’ https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/my-two-year-stackiversary-lattice). The C&C Army will have to do something special on that date, even if it's just all raising a coffee cup to you β˜•οΈ

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I raise my cup of coffee to Jeff every day. No one has ever made me laugh so much at the news in my life, I sure appreciate him.

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Why are 'we' always, even at sites we like and read daily, not focusing on first order issues? Like the bioweapon as a murder instrument (and the biggest full scale planetary operation ever pulled off in the history of Mankind)? And why is it that I continually get the feeling that I am always being deflected? After all, Mistakes Were Not Made!

I pick this one out as below as being one of the single most important videos of the decade. It's long but it width and depth is astonishing. It's observations are broad but connect 'holistically' into a 'unified field' of thought.


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Mar 23Β·edited Mar 23

I wrote a long, inadequate response last night. Don't think I'Il send it.

But I might, after all. Feeling spent & have much to do so whipping this out. …It’s not you being deflected, it’s the immensity of the monster you throw back the curtain and show them. That’s what’s being deflected. They deflect the sight of the monster. Trying to deflect it. But you tear your hair out because if they don’t see it, it won’t be stopped. Maybe they need to start simple…with a picture of a baby monster β€” some form of a less all out unimaginably powerful and terrifying on top of them monster.

I don’t know. But you must show absolute courage and confidence as you face it β€” even as you show it. It’s the hardest thing to do, carrying that knowledge, under the weight of knowing its looming immensity β€” and delivering it.

But, you must gain and show a blithe confidence , and this can come if you remember who you are and who He is, who lives in you and in Whom you live: The all powerful Sovereign God, infinitely greater than he who is in the world. Remember this β€” better than you remember the aspect of the monster ; eyes on Him β€” to walk by faith and not by sight.

So, the messages and alarms needing to be delivered to your fellows can be done with a steady heart inside of a weak mortal, in that strength and confident peace that comes from Him, & with an understanding of our weakness too. β€” To accept the message, the vision of this very real impossible monster, they must see your calm, fearless confidence. Does this make sense?

β€” I just reminded myself: opening my old Pilgrim’s Progress….

Apollyon: http://www.covenantofgrace.com/pilgrims_progress_apollyon.htm

(And yes, Mistakes Were Not Made. This poem shows us one side of the monster β€” & even that is hard to reckon with β€” too many realities & implications so …forgetfulness. )

Godspeed, brother. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ‘†πŸΌβœοΈπŸ•Š


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So nice to hear from you!

The immensity of the Scamdemic topic is an Everest. It's difficulty lies in the moving parts which must be pulled apart. And this is intensified and complicated by the felt emotional impacts which might as well be Everest's twin. Sometimes, it is all too much. And the bottom line is that water runs its course and no other. Humanity will bumble along, most of it in darkness to one degree or another. And we often do not see the justice we wish to have in this world. And yet, God rules and decides. And if with wisdom, there we must abide.

Sometimes it gets to be all too much, and the only thing to do is kick back until upheaval returns back to a tolerable level. And sometimes, with all the world a-churning, the best thing to do is to take rest in the beauty around you ... like daffodils, flowering quince and forsythia. I see them outside our windows. It’s stuff like this which keeps me sane. And also, it is my habit to put stuff into Save mode if I know that the edges is raspy rough. Sometimes, I scrap the whole thing. Other times I take stuff into β€˜the chop shop’ and cut it down, sometimes three-quarters of a piece is made to mercifully evaporate into thin air.

You always makes sense. And your rudder grounded in Christian thought always make sense, at least to me. And I know that you are loved for who you are and by many people. I know that Dick had a crown jewel in you. Of this there is no doubting. You are appreciated. If I have learned anything from the last four years of living hell, it is the value of people who have their heads screwed on right. That the best way to achieve that is to read Scripture, believe it and take it to heart and into practice.

Well, I am tuckered out. And by the way, here’s something I am studying on my classical guitar. Here is Granados’ Oriental. Below is my favorite amateur performance, SelfTaughtGirl. And one of the best sites for classical guitar featuring some of the recorded greats of the past performers. Most of them were self-taught or studied under teachers, and not ruined by academia. Also, there is this original performance by Granados, or so it says. It’s on piano. Some say Granados sounds better on the guitar but after this, I have to wonder.



Here is another great performance of Granados


Stay well. The above is also a place of sanity … and relaxation.

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Agreed. I am always hopeful after reading C&C!

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Congrats! I say we take a moment of silence for our televisions, as we escort them to the electronic waste facility, and embrace desktop email and C&C instead.

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Haha, did that years ago, but I agree that is a great way to celebrate and is #2 in my 12-step recovery program from menticide!

β€’ https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step

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Roman, what's a television?

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You stole my comment.

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And remember this:

To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government.

This Orwell 1984 T is perfect for these times: t.co/EKkMWeTAPG

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If only β€œto be governed” also meant having legitimate votes counted

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Yep. 15 days after the election, CA prop 1 for 6.4B (B!) to house the homeless narrowly passed. How abjectly depressing to know all along that it would…

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H.B. ... wonderful and exact statement.

Robbed includes the erasure and the disappearing of our humanity, a vaporizing of both flesh and mental capacity.

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I’m in

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I'm in!

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Love that idea!

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Mar 22Liked by Jeff Childers

”Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.β€œ

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭21‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


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Amen amen amen! The only real hope I have is that Jesus is returning and one day he will reign here again!

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Mar 22Liked by Jeff Childers

”looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.β€œ

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12‬:‭2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


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Amen! I remind myself every day that the best is yet to come! Jesus will actually rule and reign from Jerusalem during the Millennium. How amazing will that be?!?!

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Years of suffering to come under the antiChrist and the mark of the beast before that.

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For the people that stay behind the catching up (Rapture). Not for the Church of the living God!

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Interpretations vary, but praying that yours is correct!

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He already rules and reigns. He is waiting for His people to rise up and do their part in resisting tyranny!

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I challenge you to show the Bible verse where Jesus once told his followers to β€˜fight’. In fact, it was quite the opposite.

This kind of thinking is β€˜Kingdom Now’ theology and is not biblical at all. Jesus will rule no matter what. Do you actually believe He needs US to fight for Him in order for Him to rule? No. Every knee will bow and the Lord doesn’t need any β€˜fighting’ from us to do it.

-Jesus answered, β€œMy kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.”

‭‭John‬ ‭18‬:‭36‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

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I said resist… instead of a wrong view of Romans 13, where people believe we are to submit to the government, verses have a proper understanding of the limited role of government

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Did you wear a mask when you were told to?

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More Christians need to understand this. The false and defeatist attitude of "we can't really do anything because it will all get worse until Jesus comes back and fixes it" is the OPPOSITE of scriptural!

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Mar 22Β·edited Mar 22

That is why I said reign on earth!

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A follow-up to yesterday's story about spiraling fish death circles: Here's a clue to the cause.

Several years ago my MIL passed away in a Florida hospice. When the crew arrived to remove the body, a nurse gathered up all her pharmaceuticals. I asked if I could sign for them and donate them to a community service agency that helps the poor get costly meds. "Absolutely not" was her reply, and then she FLUSHED THEM ALL DOWN THE TOILET. This hospice was on a city sewage system (not septic), so we all know darn well where those drugs ended up.

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You would hope that someone at FDEP or FDOH is spreading the word to hospice organizations, hospitals, etc. to not do things like that. My husband used to work for Florida Rural Water Association, and part of that group’s mission is to educate the public about proper disposal of toxic substances, including pharmaceuticals. Flushing down the loo is a big no-no.

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The old saying - " What goes around, comes around " takes on new (frightening!) meaning.

...think I will take a pass on this evening's Friday Night Fish Fry, tyvm.

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They still do it. My BIL died this past October, and that is exactly what they did with his leftover meds

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What in the heck is a BIL?

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Brother in law

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I dislike these unnecessary acronyms. Especially...ESPECIALLY when not generally known, but ASSUMED to be.

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I guess we can expect to see dopers snorting ocean water.

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My first thought was spike protein shedding from the jab. Some three letter organization (I don’t recall which one) was monitoring C19 infection rates in sewage treatment centers. But think about where all waste eventually goes if you’re near open water.

The shedding of the spike in human waste from those that are jabbed would cause enough damage to impact marine life ( I would think) let alone if all the unused doses were inappropriately dumped as was suggested. Just a theory, but…Ugh!

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My mother died a little over a year ago. Same thing happened. I was blown away!

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My ex husband's roommate was getting hospice care at home and when he died, they left all his drugs with my ex! He has vials of morphine and Fentanyl patches!!!

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Just a couple of days ago I told my husband, when I die take all the drugs we didn't use up and have them put in the casket before they bury me.

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Geez! How appalling is that?

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wow, that is not what they are suppose to do. At least, not now. But people don't think and don't like to change what they do.

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That’s awful that hospice would not know how to properly dispose of it. I take mine to a drop off inside a local walgreens. They take nonprescription drugs as well.

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Hospice REFUSED to give me, a family member, possession of those drugs.

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I know. That is ridiculous!

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What in the heck is a MIL?

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Mother in law

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I can't help wondering if somebody could have reported her to the city to be fined for disposing of prohibited items in the sewage, or something.

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Maybe so ... but when one has just watched a parent pass away, calling the health department is not the first thing that crosses one's mind.

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Oh, yes, I wasn't meaning to imply that you were wrong for not having done so! (Sorry!) It was more a reaction of "surely there should be a way to get a person in trouble when they pull such a dumb@$$ move".

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VA has updated their covid DeathVax recommendations on 20 March 2024.

"including additional dose for Veterans 65 and over"

Please God, make it stop.


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The VA benefit to end all benefits.

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"giving veterans one more chance to die for their country"

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Darkly hilarious.

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They really want to erase history and the folks who live to tell about it. And then again.. just culling that senior population of folks who can have such a genuinely needed role in educating are children and gifting them their stories, integrity, and courage. They are the storytellers.

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I had read a comment where someone wrote that this whole plandemic was kicked off once most of the "Greatest Generation" had died. The folks that lived through the Depression and fought in World War II.

This commenter felt that no way would they have stood for all the medical tyranny after what they had been through earlier in life.

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β€œUseless eaters”, to bring down the numbers of useless eaters to manageable amounts to control, in the minds of progressive globalists.

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Well, the VA has to reduce costs somehow, now don't they.

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Which may be the rationale behind the entire escapade. Most western countries are teetering on the brink of economic collapse and what better way to discharge its future obligations of the social welfare systems put in place than by helping their citizens to an early demise.

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That is the point, after all.

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Why no breathy, tearful NPR stories on why Migrants are coming to USA because they can't get vaxxinated in their home countries due to them being underserved vaxxine deserts of color? WE definitely need to get them all caught up on the CoVid shots and every other shot asap, along with migraine and HIV and ED and restless leg syndrome medications--anything and everything they could possibly need and more, as well as gender assessments for all their children just in case they have an undiagnosed case of "Birth-gender-mal-assignment-defect disorder"

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...give them multiples...all in one day.

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And smallpox, polio and TDAP as well--at the same time.

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And then airlift them back on military cargo planes. Burn their boats or sell them, take their weapons and night vision goggles. No sense making it easier for them to come back.

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if only they were showing up with Trump 2024 banners, flagpoles and pepper spray, THEN it would be an "invasion" and stopped!

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That could be arranged as "performance art." Costumes, makeup, boats. Land in crowded places as Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: Haiti edition. How abut some Florida Lockdown Boat Parades with Flags as Trump supporters did? A lot of "Yo, ho, yo, ho a pirate's life for me" singing.

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Flu shot, RSV, Shingles too.

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Did YOU get your flu shot this year?? LOL. If I hear one more senior ever ask that..ugh.

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They’re all nuts πŸ₯œπŸ€£

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I guess if it’s good enough for children, it’s good enough for β€œimmigrants”

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Every town a Border Town! Biden-Harris 2024!

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They're all coming here with tuberculosis. Another epidemic.

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never Pfear, Pfizer is here! The Vaxx hesitant community will need to be silenced if we're to get all these diseases under control, mandates and Vaxx Passports for ALL!

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Got my automated text from CVS telling me that 65-and-over πŸ‘ can now get a Covid booster every 4 months. They must really be trying to bring down the social security rollsβ€¦πŸ˜’

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Oh wow! πŸ‘Omgosh! Thats terrific!πŸ₯³

I am picking up my skirts and running to CVS right now! πŸ‘

Talk to you guys later!

(*sarcasm alert)πŸ˜‰

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I got a paper letter from the local corporate Healthcare system telling me I'm overdue for a long list of vaccines, colonoscopy, etc, with exact dates as though I missed an appointment and should quickly schedule. I am really thinking whether I should be keeping stuff for historical purposes, to show just how pervasive the delusion was.

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They want us dead, for sure.

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For those that glance at a TV πŸ“Ί now and then, have you ever seen such an uptick in vaccine and pharma drug commercials in your life?

I just laugh at them.

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Talk about an epidemic!

And now a lot of those drug commercials don’t even print in tiny letters the list of horrific side effects along the bottom of the screen. They just rattle those off at break-neck speed. Your brain can’t even process it all. There’s one for a hair loss condition that I swear has death as a possible side effect.

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Why are these people insistent on killing out comrades?

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Because they sold us out, ask Obama how he fired the best generals and implemented all this programs ahead of time.

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their lifestyles all reflect his.

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Except for the hairy ones in skirts.

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We are expendable.

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We are expendable, however fierce and well trained.

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Well armed too.

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all of the replies are why they are trying to kill us.

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Thank you for your service! God bless you and your family.

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No, we are not!

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Corrupted by evil, for sure. Absence of God in their lives.

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The only way the crazy VA protocol will stop is under new leadership. Trump’s VA under Dr. Ben Carson made positive changes, let’s pray for saner more compassionate leadership.

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VA ADMIN: "We have a warehouse full of the shot. They are expiring soon. What do we do?"

DEEP STATE ADVISOR: "Uh...'recommend' that any one over 65 take it?"

VA ADMIN: "Done and done. I was thinking.....What do you think about the 12 year old vets? Could we work on 'future veterans' or something?"

DEEP STATE ADVISOR: "Good idea. I'll fund a study. My brother's ex-wife's son took Biology in high school, and he's a big Call of Duty fan. Perfect experience. Besides, he owes me big time."

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Seriously 🀬

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Mar 22Β·edited Mar 22

I can't believe the VA is continuing with this genocide especially after they had safety signals triggered 6 months after the shot roll out for myocarditis after the 1st Pfizer shot.


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Three years ago, we had an Army doc & his Army wife nurse as guests at our b & b. He had just retired early from his position as the head cv doc, precisely because of everything he was seeing with jabbed soldiers. The stories he told us of scores of elite, peak physically fit soldiers being incapacitated or murdered by the mandates was beyond heart-wrenching.

When he quit, he began a practice specifically to help any soldiers that survived this genocide.

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LTC Theresa Long, MD is stationed at Fort Novosel (Rucker).She has nothing to gain from being a military whistleblower. There are several videos of LTC Long detailing her experiences with the health of soldiers since the rollout of the covid shots. Below is a link to her speaking in Alaska and a link to her Affadavit.

LTC Theresa Long MD - Full Testimony 09/17/22


Affadavit of LtCol Theresa Long


She also spoke at a Roundtable in DC hosted by Senator Ron Johnson


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The TRUTH will out - all of this debacle is coordinated by intelligence agencies around the globe with "elite" governance/corporate medicine/huge pharma! This 'virus' was crated to WEAKEN our population and our military 'might' - so the takeover is not only internal (through moral degradation) but EXTERNAL (through weakening our military defense system).

It will truly take a GOD MIRACLE for any justice to be wrought against this hugely world-wide coordinated effort to destoy ALL personal and medical FREEDOMS.

I want to be part of that GOD MIRACLE!!

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Me too!

Sharon Beautiful Evening, do you read Elizabeth Nickson's substack? We have given GOD a huge assignment.



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Mar 22Β·edited Mar 22

The military has, for a very long time, experimented on its soldiers-- some blatant, others not so much. My oldest son is a USMC vet. He went in at age 19 -- young and not so wise. They vaccinated prophylactically. They "lost" his records THREE times, resulting in them repeating that nonsense 3X.For years, he had some weird ailments. Thanks to some heavy duty guided detox and his ever-growing faith in Jesus, he has mostly overcome that criminal protocol.

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My husband and I are also USMC vets. The military is often experimented on.

We were also exposed to the Camp Lejeune water. We frequently receive mailings of new conditions added to the water list. The latest is Alzheimers.

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Do you know if he is speaking out in a public way? That would be awesome. I've long thought that it would take an army of recently retired docs to speak up and speak out to make some impact. Since their income isn't reliant upon staying quiet, they should have the creds without concern for their welfare. (Of course, younger medical professionals should be willing to speak out in spite of concerns for losing their livelihoods/license, etc.)

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I am not aware of his speaking out, other than the emotional way in which he spoke to us. I really had hopes of them returning to stay with us again, but, so far that's not happened.

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They could loose their retirement. πŸ˜–

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Have you heard of anyone losing their retirement - that would be a new one! I'm still waiting for Medicare and Soc Sec to be dangled in front of people to "coerce" them into the next big thing.

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How I can help

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Sharing that news might have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, veterans and the general population both.

But nooooo, cannot put a rock on the gravy train's rails, now can we.

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Is it being mandated or just made available?

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But, what you have to realize is that there is often implied or inferred pressure for veterans to get the shot from some mini-Mengele VA employee. Implied threats that veterans could lose their benefits.

Especially egregious because VA safety signals were triggered 6 months after the shot roll out for myocarditis after the 1st Pfizer shots.

VA never warned veterans they could be harmed.

Here are the details for the deliberate harm:


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I know! Apparently they are trying to get rid of the older folks who fought for our constitution!! These people need to be πŸ’₯ Possibly to save money in veteran medical and retirement!?!

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At some point, you have to take responsibility of your actions. I go to the VA and have never felt pressure to take the COVID bio-weapon. I choose not to take it… and yes, I was aware it was available. No one is holding people down there and giving it to them. I think the mandate stunk and those who withheld surgeries life saving surgeries should rot in hell. I don’t get how you continue to blame the VA when it is a government entity… blame our Prez if anyone.

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I blame the VA because they had safety signals triggered 6 months after the shot roll out for myocarditis after the 1st Pfizer shot.

They knew.

VA never warned veterans they could be harmed.

I will not shut up about their irresponsibility in the way they jeopardized the health of veterans.

Here are the details that were obtained via FOIAs:


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Great interview I wish all Americans could hear.....................................

Robby Starbuck tells Tucker:

β€œ[The sexualization of kids] is a near planetary scale psychological operation to usher in a new form of communism. And I know to some people that might sound extreme, but to give a little bit of insight, my family came from Cuba, where communism happened in a flash. And I don't think a lot of Americans realize just how quickly this can happen. And we're well down the path.”


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Didn't Reagan say we are ever only one generation away? Good news is everything I hear, the under 25 crowd ain't buying it.

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It literally happened overnight in Cuba.

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And very capable swimmers to new shores where they are still rats.

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The idea of transporting illegals into the interior of the US and just unloading them is a horrible idea. In theory it sounds like a hilarious, apropos thing to do, let the liberals have em right? Seriously, what if a busload of em showed up where you or I live and were simply kicked off the bus? I would be very worried and packing!

But where do they go and what are they doing in the country? Like shadows they simply disappear to do whatever they will. I believe this might fit the notion of destabilization in order to wreck a country.

I think Jeff, you have done a good job relaying some of the nasty things they are up too. O'Keefe also does a good job of reporting on the possibilities. None of which are things we want these tribal minded humans doing in our country.

Think about it folks. Bringing em in by the busload and just dumping them out = Horrible idea.

DeSantis has a great idea in sending the boats back before they ever disembark. THAT is a GREAT idea. Don't even let em in.

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The problem is once they are in the country there is a limited ability for anyone to throw them out because the Biden administration refuses to. If you can’t kick them out of the country then send them to those advocating for these policies is the next best option. It seems to be working as the urban poor of Chicago are threatening riots over the issue and even the insane liberals in charge of New York are being forced to recognize the issue. Ideally keep them out and if you fail to do so throw them out. But if that’s not an option it’s not fair to expect the border states to bear the burdens created by liberals in areas that think they are safe from invasion.

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🎯 Exactly the point. If all else fails, share the misery. Until the authors, enforcers and enablers of these hideous policies change their tune, why should they be immune from the consequences? Indeed, it’s the only thing that WILL bring change.

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Its not "fair" for any state in the union to bear this unreasonable burden of so many illegals pouring into the country. But this isn't going to change anytime soon. The point here is that the illegals transported to the interior of the country, no matter where they land are just disappearing to who knows where. Polite or not they don't belong here in this fashion. I don't have the ultimate solution but I sure don't like their idea of transporting them to wherever and just letting them loose.

This tit for tat notion is turning deadly for Americans and NOT solving anything. It just kicks the invaders on down the road.

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Naomi Wolf wrote about this the other day, about Floyd Bennett Field in NY

Brian was also confronted by security, and then followed, earlier this year, when he went to document a facility in Brooklyn, Floyd Bennett Field, an area with over 1000 flat acres of land, where illegal immigrants are being housed in military-style facilities. Illegal immigrants are being housed at Chicago’s O’Hare airport, a sensitive strategic location for a possible attack on America, if there ever was one. Illegal immigrants, disproportionately fighting-age men, are being housed for months in hotels in midtown Manhattan, all basic expenses paid and with cleaning services.

As they say, wake up and smell the coffee. This is not a domestic policy issue any longer β€” ie, what are these illegal immigrants getting that your legal immigrant parents or grandparents, your enslaved great-grandparents, did not get?"


Still, and this is why I understand people whose cognitive dissonance requires that they think me a rabbit hole digger conspiracy theorist, I thought well maybe its just replacement not an invasion, minimizing it as it is so frightening, then this from Zero Hedge this morning:

Drone Video Reveals Massive NYC Migrant Tent City, Kept Under Wraps By Democrats & Media


If Trudeau and Hillary and the CIA are orchestrating what's happening in Haiti, maybe it is a purposeful attack on Florida, which is, in many places a bastion of old school conservatism,and a Grand Jury investigating the shots and pandemic response, with the wonderful Florida surgeon general. I oscillate between denial and paranoia lol, though somewhere in there are clues to what is actually happening.

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You are advocating that we sacrifice the border areas to protect the rest of the country. Thats really shitty. Because those people are here and the border states cannot keep the incarcerated or legally deal with them. They are going to be loose in this country no matter what. Basically you are saying that Americans getting killed in the interior of America matter more than Americans getting killed in the border states.

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If you are replying to me then you are putting words in my mouth Dr Tara. I said no such thing. Stop trying to pick fights. It makes you look stupid.

The problem is global. It certainly isn't limited to the USA.

This whole thing with the invaders isn't fair to any legitimate American citizen no matter what state they live in. I don't have the answers but I do realize that no matter who is in the WH this country is screwed.

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I’m not putting words in your mouth, I’m pointing out what has been and would continue to happen. We can talk all day about what should be but it doesn’t really matter what should be, what matters is what is. There are illegals streaming into this country and the federal government refuses to do anything about it and they have done everything possible to limit the ability of the states to do anything about it. These people are coming in and the states have very little power to stop them or to control them in anyway. Most of the illegals will stay fairly close to where they are coming across the border which means those states and communities will be the ones dealing with all the issues. That allows people in the rest of the states to continue ignoring the problem because they aren’t feeling the pain. Do you think the people of inner city Chicago care about illegals ruining Texas? No they don’t, they have bigger problems. But now that there are illegals in Chicago taking their resources, suddenly it’s not only a problem but one they are willing to use violence to address. It’s not fair to anybody that the border is unsecured but life isn’t fair and we all have to make do addressing what is. It’s not right to make border states deal with this, the only hope for a solution is to make this everyone’s problem which might build the political will necessary to change things.

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I agree with everything you said here.

This is a huge country and unless the willingness to actually do something about these problems spreads locally, everywhere, nothing will change. I completely understand that life isn't fair and it really sucks that there are some power hungry parasites out there who want to rule it all. One day this will bite those parasites right in their hindparts.

My own state has lots of illegals here because of all the ag related business. Smithfield is here for one. We feel the pain but not like the border states. This is basically an undeclared war waged by the feds on the American people and way of life. There are too many on the gov't teat who just don't care. You are most likely correct in that it will take violence to accomplish anything. I know personally I am ready to defend my home and community in whatever means necessary. Most of our elected officials are not helping actual Americans.

Have you seem the awful law that Kristi Noem just passed?


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Yep. It's a good photo and PR opportunity for some governors, is all. Like "oversight committees," it does nothing but provide the illusion that someone is doing something about it. Instead of shipping them out or disappearing them by other means, they send them into the country, where they are released and going about doing the damage they were sent here to do. Another example of people losing and thinking they're winning b/c they "owned the libs." Meanwhile, the libs are getting exactly what they want: more illegals dispersed across America.

Sadly, if we had any leaders with any actual spine, none of this would have happened in the first place. It's been going on for years now and just recently we have a handful of (R) politicians claiming to want to do something about it. Where were they the last 3 years?

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What kind of war says victims are not allowed to defend themselves? If armed invaders storming Miami Beach is a type of unrestricted warfare, pill boxes on the Florida coast are a justifiable tactic of unrestricted self-defense.

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I live in a rural part of mid Michigan. A friend was telling us, her son was selling his house. He had bags of household goods waiting to be picked up that he was getting rid of as he cleaned out his house. A car with 4 Cuban men stopped and went through the garbage bags, taking what they wanted. They could speak no English, but translated everything through an app on their cellphones. He said they were polite, and refolded everything they didn’t want and neatly put it back….

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Cubans not Haitians. No comparison

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Alan, right…there are many civilized Cubans, but Haitians are another story. My impression of Haiti is that it’s a subdivision of Hell. I’d say nothing good comes from there.

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When your national religion is voodoo (satanic witchcraft) what do you expect?

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I know a super nice, highly educated family where the dad is from there, came as an adult.

Biden offered to help educated Haitians leave in the last few years, leading to a brain drain and collapse of Haiti.

A lot of health care workers here are Haitian, tooβ€”so degrees of education (obviously.)

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This is one way (very successful) Satan operates. Promise riches and power - sell your soul. Epstein, Hunter, Clintons, Morris, etc. That is what I see.

But the suckers don’t ever look at the end. How absolutely terrifying and horrible it is when you are no longer needed. Hell is not fun and games.

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I was making no comparisons, but this is not usual for rural Michigan. Michigan is now offering $500 a month to house β€œnewcomers” under the Global Michigan department. Haitians, Cubans, Venezuela, and Columbians are all listed under this new subsidy. Four groups which have never been considered newcomer migrants before.

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omg, mid michigan, this is so concerning.

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Rural Michigan!

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Mar 22Β·edited Mar 22

I watch a 30 minute podcast aired every Tuesday and Thursday. He's a former Special Ops guy. He analyses air traffic in the US. Our .gov sends airliners to Gaza, Central America, and recently Haiti, et.al. and picks these people up and flies them all over the U.S. unloading them. Not Martha's Vineyard, though.....but, literally, everywhere. Been doing it for several years, at least!

Who do you go to when the lunatics are in charge of the asylum?

I'm glad I'm old.

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Monkey Werx? I've started listening to him too. Yesterday he talked about the 200,000 deportation cases that were dismissed because of missing paperwork. You don't "lose" paperwork for that many cases accidently.


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Monkey Werx is completely PsyOps. Talks a good game, sucks people in, complete bogus lies. My GF was into him Nov20-Jan21 post election, the yarns he spun! She gave up on him when everything he said with certainty was false. He even claimed to be security for J6, took time off. No mention. He's military PsyOp. Only watch for entertainment value.

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Good to know. Have only seen two of his shows. The comment was more about the article he mentioned yesterday than his show.

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I’m with you

Monkey is been telling us the drill on real time

The problem is the police can do nothing because is running by the spuks

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The only good news I see here is that recent polls show that the Border is #1 issue for voters. Now if

the election is fair…..

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What would it cistvto strap a parachute on each one, fly them over their island and give them a boot. No landing in a Cia war zone and we dont care where they land. Buhbye.

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The CIA bombshell story dropping into oblivion about abandoning a dozen or more of their bases in the Ukraine remind you of anything? How about the 23 second clip of Donald Rumsfeld telling the world on 9/10 that the Pentagon "lost" $2.3 trillion , and didn't know where it went?

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Don't let the false outrage fool you. Anna has long been on the wrong side of reality. Just because she gets something right once in her life s basically meaningless and more a sign of rats jumping ship.

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See, I think this is the wrong attitude. People can and do change. So, while we shouldn’t embrace her with open arms and welcome her to Team Reality, we should leave that space open because we need more people with their eyes open. She may be genuinely be changing, and that would be a good thing.

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I agree. Both Steve Bannon and Andrew Breitbart were once Democrats. And Trump too. Some people can change, others stay stuck in their blue bubble. The COVID mandates turned me from moderate left to β€œextreme/alt right” real fast!

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Changed me from moderate right to β€˜WTF are we doing here’ right, lol.

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I thought Tea Partiers were just a bunch of cranky old men, perhaps not.

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I went with a small group of them to a "townhall" at a high school audtitrium to hear our Congressional rep, a longtime entrenched D. Every single time anyone asked her a tough question - this was right before Obama Care passed the House, there were small groups in each of the four corners of the room who would start to rhythmically clap and scream," WE LOVE YOU [insert name of the Congressciritter] " They'd drown out the tough questioner each forced to stop and sit down, the Rep would smirk and ask a pasty-pal for a softball question. I was dumbfound. I now knew what it was like to be in an Orwell's 1984 with Big Brother rule. One Party rule. No dissent ever allowed.

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I was, too.

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Me too. A whole new meaning for that phrase!

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I was too. Back when Dems were what Centrists are now. Then Greenpeace (who I donated to) started blowing shizzle up and I thought to myself, β€œThis isn’t a well-meaning activity organization, it’s a terrorist group.” I stopped sending them $ and left the party, only to return years later so that I could vote against Crooked Hilary in the FL primaries (and we all know how THAT turned out πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ). I left again and haven’t looked back. I and so many others consider ourselves Classical Liberals, which more closely resembles the Republican Party today…though even they have their own taint. Given all of that, I do believe people can change. But only if they can recognize and reconcile the cognitive dissonance they’ve been living with for YEARS.

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Thinking that the answer lies in either of the ping ponging parties is idiotic.

My motto is Never an R or D Again!

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Calls to mind Elon Musk’s graphic of his stick figure standing in the same place while the dem party moved so far left he’s now standing right of center.

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Exactly! I was just talking about that specific graphic the other day. It's so very true- and the goal posts still keep going farther and farther left.

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Valerie, Yes but did you see the reply of her co host Jake? Downplaying all of it… saying that dems don’t want this. It’s not dems that agree with this??

He has no freaking clue that it is DEMOCRATS policies and their behind closed door middle of the night passing these laws and bills behind everyone’s back that nobody reads and signs anyway that created this fiasco! He is in denial!!!! He’s still proud to be a democrat. THIS abomination isn’t waking him up at all! And when he scolded her basically for shoutjng her outrage stuff -she backed down. She’s outraged by THIS but not everything else. It took an haneous gruesome demonic evil abomination murder to make her outraged? Abuse Production is right. Every once in a while a blind dog finds a bone. He’s still blind without a bone the rest of the time.

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I’m still holding out hope and space for people. I don’t want team reality to become just like what we’re fighting... closed off gaslighters.

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Oh I’m with you! People can and do change their views. Happens a lot and a lot more these days. We need to accept and embrace it too. I’m just not willing to give someone like her a pass because she was outraged by something every single human should be outraged by. She didn’t denounce the left or their policies…she didn’t denounce what the left has done and how they are destroying America and her citizens…she didn’t even talk about the people who were brutally murdered with any sort of compassion. THEY WERE HUMAN BEINGS…..but just a side note to her.

Until she actively does more than a two minute tirade…..she gets nothing from me.

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Notice they left out the fact that they were squatters and I saw nothing about whether the people murdered were the owners of that house. Also whether these 4 are illegals. So many unanswered questions.

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Stop with the critical thinking πŸ˜‚ you know too much. 😜

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Anna has had several "genuine" changes over the years that just so happens to mimic the changes that make her money. Funny that.

Personally, I don't trust a word out of her mouth. Even if true, I must understand her motive.

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We'll definitely have to see. There have been a lot of people who were happily left-wing until bad stuff started hitting closer to home in ways that couldn't be ignored. Yeah, there are still the hard-core insane ones, but some people do wake up eventually.

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She’s an Armenian who works for an organization known as the Young Turks, which is the name of the group that committed the Armenian genocide. Her boss Cenk denied the genocide happened for years. Ana is a grifter and all she cares about is money, she’s just smart enough to recognize the winds of change. There is zero hope that she will have a Dave Rubin style conversion to sanity.

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Hard to believe there would be a group named the young turks in this nation and care allowed to exist. One would think cenk and his ilk would have been executed by now.

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Thank you! See my reply above too. And I didn’t even know any of that about her. I didn’t need to know any of that to see through that video clip.

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Dave Rubin worked for Cenk Uygur (sp?) years ago

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Yes but Dave isn’t an Armenian and he probably didn’t have a clue what the Young Turks was a reference to. Ana did. Dave probably didn’t know the Armenian Holocaust even happened let alone who committed it. Do you think Dave would have worked for a news organization called β€œThe Hitler Youth” or β€œThe Brown Shirts” and a boss that denied the Holocaust? Dave was ignorant, Ana wasn’t.

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Dave Rubin is a degenerate neocon Anti-American who bought 2 boys to share with his husband.

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That’s all true but politically his votes and viewpoint aren’t nearly as destructive as those on the Young Turks. I will take a degenerate neocon who was against vaccine mandates and for closing the borders over a degenerate lib who was for mandates and open borders any day of the week.

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Yep, Rubin is just another Pete Buttigieg. Sharing a locker room with Ben Shapiro is a clear sign of his loyalties.

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Dave is not honorable enough to have served in the "Hitler Youth". He's gay and a jew.

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Using the words honorable and Hitler Youth in the same sentence gets you a block.

I don’t have time for that level of stupid.

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I doubt that Dave Rubin wasn't aware of the Armenian genocide. Hitler famously said "No one remembers the Armenian genocide"

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Ask 100 average Americans (including Jews) about the Armenian genocide, I bet you won’t find ten that know anything about it. I don’t think that particular quote is actually β€œfamous” and most people don’t read Hitler quotes anyway.

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Cenk is now offering to host a debate between Don Lemon and Elon Musk, because Lemon didn’t do a shitty enough job of his own Musk interview, I guess?

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Just more evidence that the CIA is the enemy of freedom, and the enemy of America, and must be totally abolished.

And Fannnny Willis must be charged with the crimes she committed, and sentenced to a life term of cleaning rooms at a Trump Hotel. She can team up with Letitia James.

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If only we had a justice system that made the punishment fit the crime!

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What I really want to know is who is he originator of all this filth from CIA? When it started decades ago who was the one that crept in and led to it being infested?

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RFKJR ON THE CIA. This man is of superior intellect:


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Interesting that he hasn’t been taken off IG or Threads, given Fakebook parent owns those two platforms

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He had been during the Pandemic.

If I remember correctly, he sued or something to get back on.

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Since when did the name Fani switch to being pronounced Fawni? 🀣

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Aaaaannnndddd this is my cue to drop a YT link to my favorite Fani β€œmeme song” VOTE RIGGER…hey, it’s Friday…gotta get some humor in somewhere!!


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Thanks! Hadn’t seen that!! πŸ˜‚

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When Barry began using that inflection in names like Paki’stahn,’ Afhani’stahn,’ etc.

He. Never. Left.

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She is kind of like a deer in the headlights these days πŸ˜‰

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RFKJR had an Instagram post 2 days ago about how when his uncle found out about them, he tried to dismantle it. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4wtwx0LXKo/?igsh=dG5tNjM2bXk0Zng0https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4wtwx0LXKo/?igsh=dG5tNjM2bXk0Zng0

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I will Not stay in that room

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She'd get popped stealing from guests

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Regarding Jeff's story yesterday about chemtrails, note the CDC logo... the lines in their logo represent chemtrails in the sky?


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More likely lines of cocaine.

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Wait, are you saying that Hunter works for the CDC as well?😏

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To borrow a phrase, they’re β€œall in this together!” πŸ˜‰

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Red Green perhaps? πŸ™‚

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Is this my cue to share this catchy tune about Hunter and his nasty little habit? β€œCocaine in the Ukraine” ❀️‍πŸ”₯❀️‍πŸ”₯❀️‍πŸ”₯


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very creepy

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the Colorado skies out of and into Denver International Airport!!? Wow i never connected the dots...i mean lines! Plumes may be a better term denoting micro-substances cocktail emission

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2 crystal clear days in Colorado, then BAM, yesterday blatant graffiti smearing the sky. Can deniers explain that away?

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There are still people taking the shots and listening to mainstream media, so I feel certain they can just keep saying it's a "conspiracy theory".

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we view the same CO skies; even our "clear" blue sunny skies are usually ever so slightly misted/dimmed by the nearly invisible shroud that's almost completely horizon to horizon East to West and Southward

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Worst allergy season ever and increase in chemtrails in Central Oregon πŸ€”

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Well spotted!

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Or a flat line on a heart monitor.

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Their plans are always in plain sight …

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Wow. Had never noticed that before. Definitely chemtrails in the sky.

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Wow! Spot on!

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I noticed several years ago that Columbia pictures had added chemtrails behind the statue they have at the beginning of their films. And the little pictures of the weather report at weather.gov showed chemtrails when the text said "Partly cloudy".

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Jeff, you are thinking maybe Hunter is a spook and that is what the CIA "limited hangout" is about, but once again I'll suggest that it's likely the opposite - the CIA's questionable limited hangout of it's Ukraine operations is to provide deep state cover for the Biden's and associates criminal enterprises under the guise of "working to counter Russian influence". It looks like a masterful psyop to imply that the Bidens were doing it for God and country.

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The CIA seems to be behind most every Black Swan Event since 1963. 2024 will soon be a Black Swan Fest.

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This is who the CIA/FBI/DOJ is. And every large enterprise of government, business and media.

It's a crime syndicate. A National Crime Syndicate that is running our nation as a mob alliance. And the world as an International Crime Syndicate mob alliance:


When you know this is who we're up against at every turn into power, it all makes sense. DOD/CDC/SEC/NWS, etc. Federal, State, largest Local governments. International. UN/WEF/NATO/CCP/WHO, every one. Heck, even war with Russia is a criminal business enterprise on both sides, a disagreement over how the loot is split.

Shifting one's paradigm to this understanding of the world we really live in instead of the world we thought we lived in it all makes sense.

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You are right, not Potatus, but the Bushes, Clintons and Obama, Brenan, etc…they are

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I think I’m 3 years with you Jeff. Been reading since I got COVID in Florida in March 2021. A friend said I HAD to start reading! Thank God, it kept me sane. Honestly I think I’ve missed maybe 1-2 days if that. So keep on keeping on, I for one LOVE C&C.

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Same for me - 3 years here on the recommendation of a friend. Such great info!

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3 years for me too. And I've happily spread the word of C&C to many friends!

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Same! April of β€˜21 I was down with the VID and stumbled upon C&C. Been reading every day since. Keeping me sane with the commentary laced with snark. Love Jeff’s optimism and humor!

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Same…I was running for School Board in 2021 to fight mask mandates when a friend asked, β€œHave you read this? You really need to read this.” And I did. And I shared w everyone I knew. Three years later, I am a paid subscriber. It’s spendy, but I’ll do whatever I can to help Jeff spread truth and light sprinkled with giggles and belly laughs πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ™πŸ™β€ΌοΈ

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The entire Hunter fiasco would not have ever come to light if Joe's ego hadn't gotten the better of him. Joe's the accidental president. All the graft and bribery conducted while he was VP and immediately thereafter was his big greedy nest egg. His cash stash to secure his retirement as a 50-year pol who had risen to the second highest office in the land. Then as Joe might have said, "Well, son-of-a-bitch I got elected POTUS." So, rather than quietly riding off into the sunset, he stepped into the brightest spotlight in the world. And suddenly we could see his warts. The biggest being his own son.

A more humble and self-aware Joe would be sitting on the sands of Rehobeth Beach and making the occasional $50,000 speech. Hubris can be a cruel mistress.

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Joe had a secure retirement just from his time in the senate. Many times people could see his demeanor as he interviewed Clarence Thomas! He was a pompous ass. Nothing has changed!

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After seeing Thomas' documentary, I have nothing but respect for him!

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This is the same news media that filleted Sarah Palin and cooked her on an open pit barbecue because her daughter got pregnant out of wedlock. Never forget that.

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I’ve always thought he started the grifting and selling of America because his career was over. Then out of nowhere the DNC realized (or Obama) that he would be the perfect stooge.

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Stooge…great word!

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Happy birthday C&C

Where we all be with out you Jeff….

It’s been so refreshing and in lighting to ride along side of you and all of the C&C army.

May the Lord blesses us with victory over this darkness

April 8. National day of Repentance!!!

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also the planetary alignment is on April 8th

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That’s the signs of the heavens and last warning to America and the world. We have been blessed for 247 years and as our history mirrors the one of Israel, by HIS GRACE, HE will Not want us to perish. But HE is just and if we do not repent and turn around, we will be judged. We are against all darkness and principalities that rule the world, but by Him, True Him and in Him, we can be saved as a nation. 2 Chronicles 7:14 read the end of the verse……and I WILL HEAR FROM HEAVEN AND HEAL THE LAND. More clear than that…..can’t be. Starting with me, you, us and then everyone in your household and after that the rest of the people call by HIS NAME…..don’t expect the unbelievers to be on you side, they will try to explain it through science and astrology. When we compute all of the β€œcoincidences” of the two eclipses over America, only the ONE that orchestrated the creation, could plan for this events. From Genesis to Revelation is written on the heaven. That way Not Human can’t change that….. just a sample, where the two eclipses point of cross name is…..Devil’s Tea Table, Hunter…don County, NJ

β€œApril 8 National day of repentance”

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Happy Fourth Anniversary and thank you. I recall how I first encountered C&C during the early days of the insanity as I was frantically seeking answers to the question, "Am I nuts, or is everyone else?" I'm still not sure what the answer is but I remain eternally grateful for the bravery of Mr. Childers, Alex Berenson, J.P. Sears, and so many others who see the truth and continue the fight.

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J.P. really transformed didn't he?

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We saw him live in Nashville along with Brent Pella in January. It was a great show.

We had VIP tickets so we had the privilege of being part of a small group Q&A with J.P. after the show. He was down-to-earth and humble and he talked about having the same transformation that most people had, having the proverbial blinders removed and encountering harsh reality. Like most rational people, he's still struggling to make sense of everything.

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Nice. I really enjoy his content. But especially his "Why I changed..." videos. Those were cool.

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