Comedians hold the line vs. trans censorship; Marshalls rescue kids; new study finds stuff that shouldn't be in covid; study tackles the jabs over antibody shift; master chef SADS; bad CDC, and more.
The proof is out here. Tons of it too. And yet not one arrest. Not one. Not one! They haven’t even fed the people a low man on the totem pole they framed to take the heat for them. Because if they do, it all unravels. I just watched the video from Brussels. They started the bio weaponization of the common cold a long time ago. And it really kicked off back in 1965! The patents, the money trail, the CDC, Fraudci, all of it.
I wish I could link the event but I can’t find a way to do it, of course. 😞
Yes!!! Thank you!!! I had the worst time trying to figure out how to share it. I’m not on twatter. Thank you. Not sure how to see the slides either. This should be viewed by every single human being! Sadly, most won’t take the 20 min to listen to the proof.
David Martin stood outside the Senate on “January 6th” and read a list of statutes broken during the development of the experimental liability-free jab.
Vaccines don't work, it's not just the coronavirus vax.
However, nobody will blink an eyelid at the state of humanity until death stares them in the face. Some not even then.
The Phoenicians, also known as the merchant class, are bowing out in this spectacular way.
The Phoenicians have built the world, built the technology which was important, but astrologically their time is up.
Pisces is over. The Dark Age, or Kali Yuga or End Times or Ragnarok is almost at an end... Aquarius in da houuuuse. Time to hand control back to Good Men and Women. It must be true or we wouldn't be able to speak online like this.
And we're only "online" because a fishing line pulls fish out of the water, in to the air. Aquarius is an air sign.
A co-worker recently had an exposure to "CV-19", their spouse was ill with cold/flu symptoms after this exposure, but tested negative. Co-worker had no symptoms and tested negative, but felt they needed to take a a few days off from work *just in case*. Supervisor told us at work that because we had been around co-worker who had been exposed to "CV-19", they would understand if we wanted to take some time off, too. What in the 🔥?!?!
If one simply replaced "CV-19" with the word: cold/flu, a few things would happen!!!
1. You wouldn't TEST
2. You wouldn't take time off from work when you weren't ill WITH symptoms, mainly FEVER!
3. You wouldn't go around talking about how you may be a carrier of a common cold
4. You wouldn't lose all common sense, if any existed to begin with, of course.
"I've been around someone who has a cold or flu, and my spouse has been sneezing, so I'm going to need to take a few days off from work, JUST in case I have the cold or flu, too." 🤯🙄🤔
Paranoia will destroy ya! I don't care how healthy or strong your immune system is, chronic fear will knock it right out, every time. That's why the most fearful of this narrative are boostered, and if they're fortunate enough to not have been taken by out SADS, like a thief in the night---they're STILL living in fear, counting down the days til they can get their new, annual CV-19 booster, with their next flu and pneumonia annual shot.
Sure, there are more points to be made in there, somewhere, but I'm only on cup of joe #1, and we've been making and talking on these same points for YEARS now. 🥱 😏☕
David E. Martin PhD is the developer of several innovation-based quantitative indices of public equities and founder of the Purple Bridge Funds and M-CAM International. He has worked closely with the United States Congress and numerous trade and financial regulatory agencies in the United States. Dr. Martin is also a Batten Fellow at the University of Virginia's Darden Graduate School of Business Administration.
Since 1999, Dr. Martin has been actively tracking patent applications and approvals for the purpose of identifying suspicious activity. In the 94-minute video shown below, he shares the findings from his research regarding the laboratory development of a pathogenic coronavirus that started in 1999 and released initially upon human populations in the SARS CoV-1 in 2002-2003, then again in MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome in 2012, and then again in SARS CoV-2 which was renamed COVID-19, as shown below with evidence from the primary development lab in Wuhan China.
In my opinion, his research proves that all of these pathogenic variants of the coronavirus were laboratory developed, man-made bioweapons. And they've all been funded by the NIAID under the direction of a self-proclaimed Jesuit, Dr. Anthony Fauci.
My cousin had to get the latest booster because she wanted to be up-to-date before summer traveling!!! After all, she had the virus last year but it would have been "so much worse"............
OK, I read through the entire study in "Vaccines", somewhat mind- and eye-numbing, lots of rereading the previous sentence (sometimes a few times) but I have a medical background so I was able to slog through it and, as suggested by our fearless leader, it WAS totally worth it to get to the end and find that they were suggesting that mRNA vaccines might have "at least 6 negative unintended consequences". Here are my shortened versions of the 6 plus a final sort of coda:
1. "...even these less pathogenic Omicron subvariants could cause significant harm and even death in individuals with comorbidities and immuno-compromised conditions."
2. "...this immune suppression could allow the re-activation of latent viral, bacterial, or fungal infections and might also allow the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells..."
3. "A tolerant immune system might allow SARS-CoV-2 persistence in the host and promote the establishment of a chronic infection, similar to that generated by the hepatitis B virus (HBV), the human immune deficiency virus (HIV), and the hepatitis C virus (HCV)..." Long Covid, anyone? (my words)
4. "The combined immune suppression (produced by SARS-CoV-2 infection ... and further enhanced by vaccination ... could explain a plethora of autoimmune conditions, such as cancers, re-infections, and deaths temporally associated with both. It is conceivable that the excess deaths reported in several highly COVID-19-vaccinated countries may be explained, in part, by this combined immunosuppressive effect."
5. "... it is probable that the spike protein produced in response to mRNA vaccination is too high and lasts too long in the body. That could overwhelm the capacity of the immune system, leading to autoimmunity ... . Indeed, several investigations have found that COVID-19 immunization is associated with the development of autoimmune responses"
6. "... it is plausible to suggest that excessive vaccination could be associated with the occurrence of an increased number of myocarditis cases and sudden cardiac deaths."
This last paragraph is not numbered but is quite a summation:
"Finally, these negative outcomes are not expected to affect all people who have received these mRNA vaccines. Individuals with genetic susceptibility, immune deficiencies, and comorbidities are probably the most likely to be affected. However, this gives rise to a disturbing paradox—if people who are the most affected by the COVID-19 disease (the elderly, diabetics, hypertensive, and immunocompromised people like those with HIV) are also more susceptible to suffering the negative effects of repeated mRNA vaccination, is it then justified to booster them? As Omicron subvariants have been demonstrated to be less pathogenic [133,134,135,136,137], and mRNA vaccines do not protect against re-infection [14,138], clinicians should be aware of the possible detrimental effects on the immune system by administering boosters."
Finally, these negative outcomes are not expected to affect all people who have received these mRNA vaccines. Individuals with genetic susceptibility, immune deficiencies, and comorbidities are probably the most likely to be affected. However, this gives rise to a disturbing paradox—if people who are the most affected by the COVID-19 disease (the elderly, diabetics, hypertensive, and immunocompromised people like those with HIV) are also more susceptible to suffering the negative effects of repeated mRNA vaccination, is it then justified to booster them? As Omicron subvariants have been demonstrated to be less pathogenic [133,134,135,136,137], and mRNA vaccines do not protect against re-infection [14,138], clinicians should be aware of the possible detrimental effects on the immune system by administering boosters.
same old song. They should put that on the gravestones of those that died notwithstanding their jabs. May be some visitors to the gravesides would wake up. It would have been so much worse had I not taken the booster, and now here am I a couple feet down in the earth.... Hm. Come to think of it. What with all those buried spikes!
Programmed. Perhaps they haven’t seen the Israel Ministry of Health findings which make clear only the elderly/infirm with multiple co-morbidities were EVER at risk of severe outcome. The CDC’s own graphic at the “pandemic’s” beginning has slipped the collective mind so soon: <2% of the elderly at grave risk. Mass hysteria for no reason beyond a seasonal flu.
Seems very likely, based on "1965" and patents... with Dr. "Bow Tie Guy" David Martin.
BTW, Martin has been consistent and fully referenced for virtually the entire plandemic time frame. And I think he's uniquely qualified to connect all these dots - investigating bioweapons treaty violations has been his career since at least early 2000's.
Way back at the beginning (sigh), two people immediately caught my attention: Dr. Lee Merritt and Dr. David Martin. Dr. Merritt had a military background and she was adamant that the so-called virus was a bio-weapon. I have not seen her in some time and I wonder if she has fallen off the grid - ????
This is not to correct Jeff but we have got to stop using the term virus. Dr. Martin has amply demonstrated that it is NOT a virus. CV is a synthetic, chimeric, replication defective construct that was modeled on the wild virus. Beyond that it loses all similarities to a virus. In appearance and function it most closely resembles the behavior of a parasite. I would call it a parasitic bio-weapon.
The public is still under a cloud of deception that, among other things, is a result of not properly defining the bio-weapon.
yes that is what I think too. it is utterly useless to try and wake them up, and imagine if it were you who got poisoned, would you even WANT to know? I think deep down, most do. Anything coming close to the taboo word, and either some totally dead silent, some immediately change subject. And one still insists millions died of covid and the jabs killed none. Blind as can be
Agreed. Just last week, one of my doctors wanted to know why I no longer took his medications and why I no longer trusted medicine. My "exhibit A" was the Covid-19 vaccine. He vigorously defended it...claiming it had saved "billions" (that's with a "B") of lives. I didn't argue the point (nor did I have the opportunity.) This is a doctor with 30 years of practice. I thank him for finally revealing his true colors.
yes. One of my former friends holds on to the old teachings, I think because of fear. Imagine if the old values don't work anymore. Rusted in the old ways. I am almost the same age but we are very different in that way!
yes there are several treatments. But how to get through to them is hard. And if they wake up will they look at the possible treatments. The ones I know don't listen to any advice at all.
Dr Martins presentation should be required viewing by every person on the globe. The crime and manipulation was in plain view, but we trusted our government…i do not know how we ever can again…
Only those vaxxed who have the necessary character fortitude to face the truth, ie grant themselves the permission to know as it were. Vast multitudes remain in wilful ignorance 😒 I gather it's largely an effect of subconscious scare: their psyches block the knowledge that's too emotionally charged for them to safely bear.
There’s an old Navajo proverb that says: you cannot awaken someone who is only pretending to be asleep (ie willful ignorance, refusal to face the truth, etc.). Only those who are truly asleep can be awoken...I guess the trick is knowing which one you’re dealing with!
"When a person chooses to believe a lie, their thinking becomes skewed and twisted because they must distort the facts to fit their belief. There is a blockage in their reasoning abilities.
And some part of them knows that they have chosen a lie, so there is a deep tension within them as they try to hide from themselves that they have chosen the lie.
The truth then becomes a terrible threat to the false personality built on the lie, with the anger and vigor with which they attack matching their fear of self-exposure."
Life isn't quite that simple. If what you say is true, then the police would never arrest anyone, which we know isn't the case. I for one don't relish the thought of living in a nation that suddenly "needs" to arrest on a massive scale people who do -- or might -- hold unpopular political views. I have no illusions of pitting my nearly-non-existent skills against trained thugs. However, much as Solzhenitsyn speculates in his famous Gulag Archipelago, I don't plan to go quietly. I'll stop just short of advocating violence because that gets you into trouble in normal times (at least, if they choose to prosecute...apparently it's OK when Leftists do it...) But I'm not afraid to state my convictions, because I'm already on their list.
Have you not ever read about Hitler and his brown-shirted, black-booted thugs rounding up millions? Millions who just marched peacefully to their deaths?
Meh is the answer from someone who doesn’t know history.
Agreed! And by the way, one of the most covid damning C & Cs ever.
That math seems to be 'killer manufactured virus' plus 'killer vaccine cure' equals 'one big criminal operation.' But wait, if one factors in that 'they' did everything they could to increase the death rate plus suppress the largely inexpensive but very effective cures, then 'they' are super-damned. Quite a few of these Criminal Cretins should have to face capital punishment for what they did.
Also, I really wonder about how many people have been rendered sterile. I hear of people trying to have kids but can't. I wonder how ubiquitous this is?
Yes, the Cretinous They have always been about sterilizing. In the 20th century, it was the eugenicists sterilizing defectives. Now it is Gates & Co. sterilizing Useless Eaters, apparently the most of us, all to save the planet.
Yep, I walked into a Rite-aid to get a birthday card....and I hear over their PA blah, blah, blah get your Covid 19 booster today. And then the RSV, and shingles.... I just walked out.
An interesting post from the C&C Telegram Channel:
Get This - My father went for his annual eye exam and the doctor pulled away from him looking at his ocular pics and said to him, 'You're unvaxxed aren't you?' and my dad got wide eyed and said 'Yes, how did you know?'
If they(💉) all had D-dimer testing, would they confirm Dr. Charles Hoffe’s 62% positive micro-clotting findings? Eyes and everywhere else, including brain and heart.
I'm totally unvaxxed and as far as I know, I don't think I've had covid. However, I had a sudden retinal tear back in January, which was immediately fixed. I didn't have to worry about vaccine effects, but I remember thinking about how things might have gone if I had been vaxxed.
I am a contact lens wearer… and I am convinced the eye is a constant point of entry for this virus … I can no longer wear my contact lenses for the two weeks before throwing them away… my eyes feel ‘full of grit’ and two other friends who wear contacts are having the exact same experience since covid happened. So it does do something to the eyes- I’m convinced
Hmm....this is kind of odd. I've had a few eye floaters for a while; but they had been almost unnoticeable until a few weeks ago. I have not taken any of the cov. jabs; and as far as I know; didn't have covid; but a few weeks ago; seemingly out of the blue; the floaters in my right eye seemed to grow and multiply; sometimes interfering with my vision. I have two that seem to look like fuzzy string; and a bunch of VERY light gray ones that look like paint spatters. This past year I had been with quite a number of family members and friends who were vaccinated; in close contact with them. Reading these comments makes me wonder if I didn't get 'something' from being around the vaxxed people. Probably not; since I'm an old gal now and it's probably just one more sign of 'aging', but it's just 'interesting' that I've developed this issue so suddenly. Another 'Hmm...."
Will give new meaning to the familiar statement, "I have 2020 vision" ... i.e., non-vaxx-disabled because pre-"rollout" ... I've come to hate that term, roll-out ... seems to epitomise the casual, careless approach They took.
Now, Jay, - you must have been a very adept student of Jeff Childers' acrid sense of humor to devise this retort--progressive dumb-assness---TOOOO FUNNY!!! Thanks for the hearty "har har", Jay!
amazing ! so if we go to the eye doc he or she can tell. Wow had not even thought of that. Next thing you know blood suckers at your door! Clean blood.
We have a friend who regularly get shots in his eyes to treat macular degeneration. He’s also had regular shots and boosters. A few months ago, his macular shot caused temporary (lasted about a week) blindness in that eye.
Speaking of burning the CDC Atlanta HQ to the ground:
Although the CDC officially denies it they receive millions in funding and gifts from the industry they are supposed to be regulating. Their members own 50 vaccine related patents, meaning those members likely earn money on most - if not all - of the vaccines they approve, and they've given both themselves and the drug companies practically blanket immunity to lawsuits against vaccination injury.
You could hook the revolving door between the CDC and the corporations they govern up to a turbine and light up the Vegas strip, meanwhile congress invests heavily in these enterprises based on legislation that they are going to pass in the future because they are exempt from insider trading laws.
This collusion between government and their subordinate industry is cartel/cabal/banana-republic levels of criminal. The only way out of this is to burn the entire system down because the system is rotten to the core and is woven together by blanket webs of interlocking incestuous corruption. It cannot be untangled or fixed as each corrupted entanglement has a stranglehold on the ones surrounding it - everyone is compromised and has incriminating evidence on everyone else. It can only be demolished and rebuilt from scratch.
If only.......... imagine a world where those who truly care about the health and welfare of others, and believe in the Scientific Method,
and not only welcome the input offered by those with dissenting opinions, but seek it out when wanting to reach the best possible decision.
......and waving dollar bills before those thought leaders' eyes yields NO benefit for those offering the 💰 in an effort to gain such benefit.
We have seen some of these people step up during the last few years, attempting to shine a light in the darkness that science has become ( and politics is, and HAS BEEN) - THESE are the people we should turn to, as any effort toward a "rebuilding" is contemplated.
We know their names. There are many, and when the time comes. I hope we will seek their input and guidance - if not their participation.
That hints at the underlying problem. The Federal Gov't has been allowed to accrue unto itself WAY too much power that should be retained by the States. The USG needs to be shrunk simply by pulling most of the governmental functions back to the states. That would de-fang all these little power hungry MF's who want to use the Fed Gov't to impose their agenda on the whole nation.
Annie... CDC blowing up on Walking Dead... the next false flag? What a perfect op to destroy the proofs of decades of corruption.... just like the planned destruction of WTC 7 destroying the CIA documents proofs of criminal government conspiracies and corruption....hmmmmm....
It was in season 2. So a while ago. The damage is done. All that's left is to not fall for any crap again. Understand the evil and falsehood that the cdc, other agencies and our government represents.
I just laughed and laughed when I rewatched The Walking Dead this last winter. The CDC. Hahahaha. Don't. Go. There. That is who started it. They are so dumb on TV. Oh, wait.
It's even worse. Look up "CDC Foundation". This is a private non profit CHARTERED BY THE US CONGRESS (!!!) This allows wealthy donors to legally do what would otherwise be illegal actions (bribery, etc.) Such NGOs are common in many nations. Are you a top "influencer" (doctor, researcher, etc.) worried about being charged with being directly paid by Pharma? No problem! Just have them make a donation to the appropriate "charity." Same principle applies to bigger fish. Legal issues vanish. Ethical ones, not so much.
Yes! Decentralization, local problems solved locally. Efficiency would suffer but the benefits would outweigh this. Start with the Department of Education.
1. Government employees make far less than those in the pharmaceutical/vaccine industry.
2. Government employees are often the ones who make the seminal discoveries that result in a high-earning product, but they used not to profit personally from it.
3. Therefore, they would leave government employment and go to the pharmaceutical/vaccine industry, leaving either substandard scientists, or those still paying off their scholarship to professional school with time served in government, or those with enough invested in government service that they would wait until retirement (and then often to go industry, for the money). (Some were just devoted to their mission.) So how would any of you solve this problem of conflicting incentives? (One would be to collapse the industry, which may do more harm than good, but I'm just saying why things ended up this way.)
The other issue was government, i.e., taxpayers, paying the entire cost of all of the testing for drugs and devices that industry wanted approval for. Solution? User fees. So all of you who are anti-user fee must want taxpayers to bear the full cost of an extremely expensive industry? What would be your solution to this conundrum?
The only way forward is massive, perpetual, civic participation. The populace must watch the government like a hawk.
At the core, most of the problems with government are an education problem first and foremost because the citizenry has failed to do its job of oversight. To solve this, make classes on civics, critical thinking, logical fallacies, and the bias spectrum mandatory from k-12. Create an informed citizenry with a strong sense of what is at stake if they do not keep their government in check.
I second. Been sayin it for years. Also floating the idea that our elected representatives (though likely many are selected, yet another thing that has to be remedied) only craft legislation. Bills are not massive but instead are short and to the point, no more than 4-5 pages in length. (Public debate and revisions etc. precede the final iteration of the bill.) The People vote on bills themselves, in real time, alerted to their duty via internet connection with auto reminders if you haven't signed in and voted. Vote tally has to meet a minimum of citizen participation, but the education system has inculcated citizens on their duty so this is typically not an issue, at least in the early decades of the new system. Time at one's place of employment is allotted for perusal of bills and voting. Businesses are penalized when their employees are prohibited from logging in for such or fail to participate. The new system has adapted to and invested in the absolute need for citizen involvement. Special interests don't ever get a seat at the table. Lobbying, influence peddling, that crap is a thing of the past, monitored by built-in security because the citizenry has learned from history. Something like that. Many, many moving parts. Up to us to build it. I'm not smart enough to figure it all out. Only pipe dream it and put it out there. Maybe I'm delusional. -?
But... but... when we -The People- exterminate the vermin and overhaul the system with its new checks... shoot. Pigs fly, right?
Another soaring pig idea is that since we also overhaul the education system as tritorch suggests, upon reaching age, say, 28, every educated citizen becomes part of the servant pool, like the jury pool. Intelligence matters. So does character. That winnows the eligible pool. Anyone can be called to serve. There is civic desire baked into the psyche as a result of the education system. It's desirable to have your number come up. Term limits, always. No career politicians. Elections, still. Mentorship for newcomers to the office as part of the transition. Support teams built into the office, also with contracts limiting how long they can stay in the job. There is constant rotation, as said always with mentorship for newcomers; a passing of the baton. No career government jobs. It's a whole new system, same or similar offices and functions but only a shadow of what we have now. Pigs fly, right? Oh wait, I said that already. Not to mention @Fla Mom has set me on the straight. But... but... Eeesh. Never mind.
Read Federalist 10 for the long version of 'yes, you're delusional.' That type of direct democracy has been tried many times in history and has been found to be both unfair (insufficient protection for minorities [not meaning racial minorities, in the modern fashion]) and unstable. Read also Plato's account of the suicide of Aristotle. The people who voted him 'off the island' regretted it almost immediately, but he was already dead. Also: people (as a group) don't really seem to learn from history, possibly because they're not taught it. For this example, read Polybius' The Histories, Book 6 (circa 100 BC). It should sound very familiar.
At the risk of sounding naive, the solution would entail returning to an expectation of ethical behavior, a return to the recognition and rewarding of virtue. Society-wide, encompassing education, law and all other formerly noble institutions.
It has occurred to me many times in recent years that if people did their best to act in a Christian manner in all aspects of their lives that there would be less corruption, and so situations like this should be less common. One hopes so, at least.
It's time for many people to be Arrested Suddenly.
The proof is out here. Tons of it too. And yet not one arrest. Not one. Not one! They haven’t even fed the people a low man on the totem pole they framed to take the heat for them. Because if they do, it all unravels. I just watched the video from Brussels. They started the bio weaponization of the common cold a long time ago. And it really kicked off back in 1965! The patents, the money trail, the CDC, Fraudci, all of it.
I wish I could link the event but I can’t find a way to do it, of course. 😞
Are you referring to this one.
Yes!!! Thank you!!! I had the worst time trying to figure out how to share it. I’m not on twatter. Thank you. Not sure how to see the slides either. This should be viewed by every single human being! Sadly, most won’t take the 20 min to listen to the proof.
David Martin stood outside the Senate on “January 6th” and read a list of statutes broken during the development of the experimental liability-free jab.
David Martin, hero/warrior/keeper of the faith like no other. Cannot be grateful enough for this man.
I first became aware of him when he was interviewed by Del Bigtree on The Highwire in 2020.
Must look closely at everyone and everything. This one extensive essay that I bookmarked a couple of years ago on archive was interesting to me as David Martin rose to have a prominent voice. No idea as to veracity or sourcing. Just important to keep our eyes open on all sides.
I have heard his name here and there and saw his articulate presentation at the EP. But who, what, is he? I’m late to the game.
Lots of videos are posted on Rumble also.
I could not see the slides either, but you are right everyone Should SEE!!
Vaccines don't work, it's not just the coronavirus vax.
However, nobody will blink an eyelid at the state of humanity until death stares them in the face. Some not even then.
The Phoenicians, also known as the merchant class, are bowing out in this spectacular way.
The Phoenicians have built the world, built the technology which was important, but astrologically their time is up.
Pisces is over. The Dark Age, or Kali Yuga or End Times or Ragnarok is almost at an end... Aquarius in da houuuuse. Time to hand control back to Good Men and Women. It must be true or we wouldn't be able to speak online like this.
And we're only "online" because a fishing line pulls fish out of the water, in to the air. Aquarius is an air sign.
Clif High speaks of this quite a bit. People need to keep an open mind. Humanity has been lied to for so, so long.
Hence, your pseudonym. Question on my part--did you intend "Air truth" or "true air"?
You can see the slides here:
I just listened to this…oh my heart!!! I wish there was a transcript of this! He nailed it.
Transcript attached.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! I appreciate this!
Thank you! Does anybody know where we can get those slides?!
Add this patent exposé, containing matters of public record:
as well as the Jason Christoff segment on social psy-op manipulation at the COVID3 Brussels summit.
I can't believe I'm just now seeing this! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for sharing the link.
A co-worker recently had an exposure to "CV-19", their spouse was ill with cold/flu symptoms after this exposure, but tested negative. Co-worker had no symptoms and tested negative, but felt they needed to take a a few days off from work *just in case*. Supervisor told us at work that because we had been around co-worker who had been exposed to "CV-19", they would understand if we wanted to take some time off, too. What in the 🔥?!?!
If one simply replaced "CV-19" with the word: cold/flu, a few things would happen!!!
1. You wouldn't TEST
2. You wouldn't take time off from work when you weren't ill WITH symptoms, mainly FEVER!
3. You wouldn't go around talking about how you may be a carrier of a common cold
4. You wouldn't lose all common sense, if any existed to begin with, of course.
"I've been around someone who has a cold or flu, and my spouse has been sneezing, so I'm going to need to take a few days off from work, JUST in case I have the cold or flu, too." 🤯🙄🤔
Paranoia will destroy ya! I don't care how healthy or strong your immune system is, chronic fear will knock it right out, every time. That's why the most fearful of this narrative are boostered, and if they're fortunate enough to not have been taken by out SADS, like a thief in the night---they're STILL living in fear, counting down the days til they can get their new, annual CV-19 booster, with their next flu and pneumonia annual shot.
Sure, there are more points to be made in there, somewhere, but I'm only on cup of joe #1, and we've been making and talking on these same points for YEARS now. 🥱 😏☕
For the those with a functioning immune system, being around someone with a virus constitutes "getting a boostah."
If it’s paid time off, I certainly understand the love of the game.
This part of the video is 21 minutes. Worth it!
David E. Martin PhD is the developer of several innovation-based quantitative indices of public equities and founder of the Purple Bridge Funds and M-CAM International. He has worked closely with the United States Congress and numerous trade and financial regulatory agencies in the United States. Dr. Martin is also a Batten Fellow at the University of Virginia's Darden Graduate School of Business Administration.
Since 1999, Dr. Martin has been actively tracking patent applications and approvals for the purpose of identifying suspicious activity. In the 94-minute video shown below, he shares the findings from his research regarding the laboratory development of a pathogenic coronavirus that started in 1999 and released initially upon human populations in the SARS CoV-1 in 2002-2003, then again in MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome in 2012, and then again in SARS CoV-2 which was renamed COVID-19, as shown below with evidence from the primary development lab in Wuhan China.
In my opinion, his research proves that all of these pathogenic variants of the coronavirus were laboratory developed, man-made bioweapons. And they've all been funded by the NIAID under the direction of a self-proclaimed Jesuit, Dr. Anthony Fauci.
If you find it please post! Let’s get it all out in the open so anyone still asleep will see the evil and corruption!
impossible. Still got some former friends who think the jabs saved millions of lives, with all the documents in the open. Blind forever.
My cousin had to get the latest booster because she wanted to be up-to-date before summer traveling!!! After all, she had the virus last year but it would have been "so much worse"............
OK, I read through the entire study in "Vaccines", somewhat mind- and eye-numbing, lots of rereading the previous sentence (sometimes a few times) but I have a medical background so I was able to slog through it and, as suggested by our fearless leader, it WAS totally worth it to get to the end and find that they were suggesting that mRNA vaccines might have "at least 6 negative unintended consequences". Here are my shortened versions of the 6 plus a final sort of coda:
1. "...even these less pathogenic Omicron subvariants could cause significant harm and even death in individuals with comorbidities and immuno-compromised conditions."
2. "...this immune suppression could allow the re-activation of latent viral, bacterial, or fungal infections and might also allow the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells..."
3. "A tolerant immune system might allow SARS-CoV-2 persistence in the host and promote the establishment of a chronic infection, similar to that generated by the hepatitis B virus (HBV), the human immune deficiency virus (HIV), and the hepatitis C virus (HCV)..." Long Covid, anyone? (my words)
4. "The combined immune suppression (produced by SARS-CoV-2 infection ... and further enhanced by vaccination ... could explain a plethora of autoimmune conditions, such as cancers, re-infections, and deaths temporally associated with both. It is conceivable that the excess deaths reported in several highly COVID-19-vaccinated countries may be explained, in part, by this combined immunosuppressive effect."
5. "... it is probable that the spike protein produced in response to mRNA vaccination is too high and lasts too long in the body. That could overwhelm the capacity of the immune system, leading to autoimmunity ... . Indeed, several investigations have found that COVID-19 immunization is associated with the development of autoimmune responses"
6. "... it is plausible to suggest that excessive vaccination could be associated with the occurrence of an increased number of myocarditis cases and sudden cardiac deaths."
This last paragraph is not numbered but is quite a summation:
"Finally, these negative outcomes are not expected to affect all people who have received these mRNA vaccines. Individuals with genetic susceptibility, immune deficiencies, and comorbidities are probably the most likely to be affected. However, this gives rise to a disturbing paradox—if people who are the most affected by the COVID-19 disease (the elderly, diabetics, hypertensive, and immunocompromised people like those with HIV) are also more susceptible to suffering the negative effects of repeated mRNA vaccination, is it then justified to booster them? As Omicron subvariants have been demonstrated to be less pathogenic [133,134,135,136,137], and mRNA vaccines do not protect against re-infection [14,138], clinicians should be aware of the possible detrimental effects on the immune system by administering boosters."
Finally, these negative outcomes are not expected to affect all people who have received these mRNA vaccines. Individuals with genetic susceptibility, immune deficiencies, and comorbidities are probably the most likely to be affected. However, this gives rise to a disturbing paradox—if people who are the most affected by the COVID-19 disease (the elderly, diabetics, hypertensive, and immunocompromised people like those with HIV) are also more susceptible to suffering the negative effects of repeated mRNA vaccination, is it then justified to booster them? As Omicron subvariants have been demonstrated to be less pathogenic [133,134,135,136,137], and mRNA vaccines do not protect against re-infection [14,138], clinicians should be aware of the possible detrimental effects on the immune system by administering boosters.
Thanks for slogging through. This would have never survived peer review/publishers a couple of years ago.
same old song. They should put that on the gravestones of those that died notwithstanding their jabs. May be some visitors to the gravesides would wake up. It would have been so much worse had I not taken the booster, and now here am I a couple feet down in the earth.... Hm. Come to think of it. What with all those buried spikes!
Apparently not everyone is getting the facts.
Agreed (sadly).
The “Forever Blind” cannot risk seeing. Their carefully constructed foundation of belief in government entities will crumble. They need prayer.
And I want to shout: "I TOLD YOU SO"
Programmed. Perhaps they haven’t seen the Israel Ministry of Health findings which make clear only the elderly/infirm with multiple co-morbidities were EVER at risk of severe outcome. The CDC’s own graphic at the “pandemic’s” beginning has slipped the collective mind so soon: <2% of the elderly at grave risk. Mass hysteria for no reason beyond a seasonal flu.
Seems very likely, based on "1965" and patents... with Dr. "Bow Tie Guy" David Martin.
BTW, Martin has been consistent and fully referenced for virtually the entire plandemic time frame. And I think he's uniquely qualified to connect all these dots - investigating bioweapons treaty violations has been his career since at least early 2000's.
Way back at the beginning (sigh), two people immediately caught my attention: Dr. Lee Merritt and Dr. David Martin. Dr. Merritt had a military background and she was adamant that the so-called virus was a bio-weapon. I have not seen her in some time and I wonder if she has fallen off the grid - ????
This is not to correct Jeff but we have got to stop using the term virus. Dr. Martin has amply demonstrated that it is NOT a virus. CV is a synthetic, chimeric, replication defective construct that was modeled on the wild virus. Beyond that it loses all similarities to a virus. In appearance and function it most closely resembles the behavior of a parasite. I would call it a parasitic bio-weapon.
The public is still under a cloud of deception that, among other things, is a result of not properly defining the bio-weapon.
Maybe that is why Ivermectin works on it
I agree that we should just call it what it is...a bioweapon. Starting now!
Thank you for posting this link.
Thank you!
Here it is...Dr. Martin exposes the covid bioweapon in Brussels.
We might be better off letting them sleep in the hope that they won't wake up.
yes that is what I think too. it is utterly useless to try and wake them up, and imagine if it were you who got poisoned, would you even WANT to know? I think deep down, most do. Anything coming close to the taboo word, and either some totally dead silent, some immediately change subject. And one still insists millions died of covid and the jabs killed none. Blind as can be
Agreed. Just last week, one of my doctors wanted to know why I no longer took his medications and why I no longer trusted medicine. My "exhibit A" was the Covid-19 vaccine. He vigorously defended it...claiming it had saved "billions" (that's with a "B") of lives. I didn't argue the point (nor did I have the opportunity.) This is a doctor with 30 years of practice. I thank him for finally revealing his true colors.
another doctor to find a replacement for. I wish you luck!
Willful blindness.
Those people are lost
They can’t be convinced otherwise
They’re 100% brainwashed
I've learned that some people believe certain lies because they desperately WANT to.
yes. One of my former friends holds on to the old teachings, I think because of fear. Imagine if the old values don't work anymore. Rusted in the old ways. I am almost the same age but we are very different in that way!
Got to be hard to believe such horrors have occurred and realize that you supported them.
True, but if we can wake them up Dr. Ardis has some encouraging research and is developing a protocol to get the toxins out.
yes there are several treatments. But how to get through to them is hard. And if they wake up will they look at the possible treatments. The ones I know don't listen to any advice at all.
It is now in this thread thanks to NB 🙌
Thank you Sunnydaze and NB!
Here it is on YT.
Or Rumble, if you prefer:
Dr Martins presentation should be required viewing by every person on the globe. The crime and manipulation was in plain view, but we trusted our government…i do not know how we ever can again…
Sunnydaze... the video was Dr David Martin presentation at the EU
Thank you!!
Well one arrest might lead to many this is why not even one will be arrested.
Yup. Snowball that leads to avalanche.
Yes. One singing caged bird will open the throats of others. The walls will come tumblin’ down.
Jessica rose has a funny related video to this:
But my personal fave:
Those were great!!! Thanks!
Here is a link to Dr. Martin's testimony in Brussels.
It's the Dr. David Martin presentation and one everyone need to watch!
This summarizes up humanity on a global scale.
Everything is here in Dr. David Martin's speach
Why oh why did you leave out the essential™ '& Unexpectedly'?! 😶
When one of the vaxxed dies, I say "it was sudden and unexpected. The doctors are baffled. So sad." Everyone gets what I mean. The vaxxed know.
Only those vaxxed who have the necessary character fortitude to face the truth, ie grant themselves the permission to know as it were. Vast multitudes remain in wilful ignorance 😒 I gather it's largely an effect of subconscious scare: their psyches block the knowledge that's too emotionally charged for them to safely bear.
There’s an old Navajo proverb that says: you cannot awaken someone who is only pretending to be asleep (ie willful ignorance, refusal to face the truth, etc.). Only those who are truly asleep can be awoken...I guess the trick is knowing which one you’re dealing with!
I'd venture 'tis a double-whammy of a trick: they themselves hardly know to differentiate 🤷
Wilful blindness in a good many cases.
Shake 'em all, and let the Lord sort it out.
"When a person chooses to believe a lie, their thinking becomes skewed and twisted because they must distort the facts to fit their belief. There is a blockage in their reasoning abilities.
And some part of them knows that they have chosen a lie, so there is a deep tension within them as they try to hide from themselves that they have chosen the lie.
The truth then becomes a terrible threat to the false personality built on the lie, with the anger and vigor with which they attack matching their fear of self-exposure."
- Henry See
The whole nation is suffering cognitive dissonance across the board. I expect 2024 to be climatic.
We just say they had a Suddenly or a Coincidence.
Same, slightly different words but very much the same. They do get it.
Easily “baffled” has become a new genomic trait, I’m guessing. Editable by syringe? Convenient timing, either way…
Except that it will likely be us who the government police come for.
Hopefully the door kickers are double vaxed and boosted
They will drop dead when kicking the door.
And since we outnumber and outgun them, they should give up with one failure.
The reason it won’t happen is because this reality.
The URL can't be found.
It worked for me, it was about the Milgram experiments.
Something similar has been used to get American troops to march off to every unnecessary war since 1812.
Meh. Doubtful. DoorKickers have families and ya just caint buy loyalty...
Life isn't quite that simple. If what you say is true, then the police would never arrest anyone, which we know isn't the case. I for one don't relish the thought of living in a nation that suddenly "needs" to arrest on a massive scale people who do -- or might -- hold unpopular political views. I have no illusions of pitting my nearly-non-existent skills against trained thugs. However, much as Solzhenitsyn speculates in his famous Gulag Archipelago, I don't plan to go quietly. I'll stop just short of advocating violence because that gets you into trouble in normal times (at least, if they choose to prosecute...apparently it's OK when Leftists do it...) But I'm not afraid to state my convictions, because I'm already on their list.
Meh. Small examples, sure. Big batches? Nah.
Have you not ever read about Hitler and his brown-shirted, black-booted thugs rounding up millions? Millions who just marched peacefully to their deaths?
Meh is the answer from someone who doesn’t know history.
Try a struggle session or two and don’t call me in the morning .
DoorKicker's families will shrink if they don't come home because someone defended their castle.
Agreed! And by the way, one of the most covid damning C & Cs ever.
That math seems to be 'killer manufactured virus' plus 'killer vaccine cure' equals 'one big criminal operation.' But wait, if one factors in that 'they' did everything they could to increase the death rate plus suppress the largely inexpensive but very effective cures, then 'they' are super-damned. Quite a few of these Criminal Cretins should have to face capital punishment for what they did.
Also, I really wonder about how many people have been rendered sterile. I hear of people trying to have kids but can't. I wonder how ubiquitous this is?
@daverkb, I'm wondering the same thing.
Yes, the Cretinous They have always been about sterilizing. In the 20th century, it was the eugenicists sterilizing defectives. Now it is Gates & Co. sterilizing Useless Eaters, apparently the most of us, all to save the planet.
Danish doctors sterilized Innuit women in Greenland for decades when they'd go in for regular check-ups; 1960s-1990s?? NPR did the story
Interesting info! Such wonder people who plot in the shadows!
I’ll bring popcorn!
They are still advertising the shots on tv!
Yep, I walked into a Rite-aid to get a birthday card....and I hear over their PA blah, blah, blah get your Covid 19 booster today. And then the RSV, and shingles.... I just walked out.
And convicted promptly.
The “Fauci SS” tried at The Hague.
And effectively.
Quote of the year.
And effectively.
A M E N!!!!!! (In super big letters!)
Amen to that!😹👏🏼
And not “in their sleep”. Fully awake.
An interesting post from the C&C Telegram Channel:
Get This - My father went for his annual eye exam and the doctor pulled away from him looking at his ocular pics and said to him, 'You're unvaxxed aren't you?' and my dad got wide eyed and said 'Yes, how did you know?'
Doc: 'No microclots in your eyes.'
Oh my. That's ... scary. I hadn't even thought of clots in the eyes. Wow.
Yes--but the new news of two weeks ago was vascular occlusion (if term is right) following shots.
Quick search on PubMed"
"vascular occlusion" (all dates) = 107,663 results;
" " (since 2021) = 8,784 results;
Add "Covid" to above = 348 results.
I did not look for any vaccine insinuations. But this quick search shows that there is something to what Based Florida Man shared.
If they(💉) all had D-dimer testing, would they confirm Dr. Charles Hoffe’s 62% positive micro-clotting findings? Eyes and everywhere else, including brain and heart.
Retinal issues as well.
I'm totally unvaxxed and as far as I know, I don't think I've had covid. However, I had a sudden retinal tear back in January, which was immediately fixed. I didn't have to worry about vaccine effects, but I remember thinking about how things might have gone if I had been vaxxed.
I am a contact lens wearer… and I am convinced the eye is a constant point of entry for this virus … I can no longer wear my contact lenses for the two weeks before throwing them away… my eyes feel ‘full of grit’ and two other friends who wear contacts are having the exact same experience since covid happened. So it does do something to the eyes- I’m convinced
Hmm....this is kind of odd. I've had a few eye floaters for a while; but they had been almost unnoticeable until a few weeks ago. I have not taken any of the cov. jabs; and as far as I know; didn't have covid; but a few weeks ago; seemingly out of the blue; the floaters in my right eye seemed to grow and multiply; sometimes interfering with my vision. I have two that seem to look like fuzzy string; and a bunch of VERY light gray ones that look like paint spatters. This past year I had been with quite a number of family members and friends who were vaccinated; in close contact with them. Reading these comments makes me wonder if I didn't get 'something' from being around the vaxxed people. Probably not; since I'm an old gal now and it's probably just one more sign of 'aging', but it's just 'interesting' that I've developed this issue so suddenly. Another 'Hmm...."
people who need cornea transplants are desperate.
The micro clots are seen in the retina...
I was redundant
Corneas are avascular. They would not be affected by clots.
So sad
My mom had to have her cataracts redone .
Funny that it started in 2020 (vision...)
Will give new meaning to the familiar statement, "I have 2020 vision" ... i.e., non-vaxx-disabled because pre-"rollout" ... I've come to hate that term, roll-out ... seems to epitomise the casual, careless approach They took.
Agree. Rollout. 🤮
OMG, AiW. That is hilarious. "I have 2020 vision."
Think I'll probably chuckle the rest of the day over that one.
How about the term “execution”? Seems grimly apt.
I’ve been using 2020Vision since this started! And instead of telling people to stay safe, I’ve been saying stay strong, stay sane, stay curious 🥰
Oh, my; imagine millions with progressive blindness from microclotting.
We already have millions with progressive dumb-assness. It will be the blind leading the blind......
Later Jay
"progressive dumb-assness"
That's GOLD!
Now, Jay, - you must have been a very adept student of Jeff Childers' acrid sense of humor to devise this retort--progressive dumb-assness---TOOOO FUNNY!!! Thanks for the hearty "har har", Jay!
Good one Jay! 🤣
Blind-, deaf-, AND dumb-assness. Walking comatose, as in “fugue state” incompetent.
Something we'll want to track for sure. People are going to be massively pissed if they get blinded from the Fauci jabs.
Many were already “ blinded” .. figuratively speaking.
I was asked the same thing 2 months ago.
WOW!!!! This is a doozy! I would love to hear more stories of these truths coming out from doctors who are unafraid to speak.
O’Keefe should get citizen journalists to go in and record the doctors saying this. If they don’t come out and say it, we’ll force them to speak.
amazing ! so if we go to the eye doc he or she can tell. Wow had not even thought of that. Next thing you know blood suckers at your door! Clean blood.
Oh my! Wow. Thank goodness he is not vaxxed. 🙏
Oh, my, this is incredibly damming. Wow.
Sad to say but the Darwin Effect may be in play…
Gives me chills. Retinal Vascular Occlusion. first thought is, "Do the ophthalmologists report this info to anyone?" Like via the ICD-10 codes?
We have a friend who regularly get shots in his eyes to treat macular degeneration. He’s also had regular shots and boosters. A few months ago, his macular shot caused temporary (lasted about a week) blindness in that eye.
Speaking of burning the CDC Atlanta HQ to the ground:
Although the CDC officially denies it they receive millions in funding and gifts from the industry they are supposed to be regulating. Their members own 50 vaccine related patents, meaning those members likely earn money on most - if not all - of the vaccines they approve, and they've given both themselves and the drug companies practically blanket immunity to lawsuits against vaccination injury.
You could hook the revolving door between the CDC and the corporations they govern up to a turbine and light up the Vegas strip, meanwhile congress invests heavily in these enterprises based on legislation that they are going to pass in the future because they are exempt from insider trading laws.
This collusion between government and their subordinate industry is cartel/cabal/banana-republic levels of criminal. The only way out of this is to burn the entire system down because the system is rotten to the core and is woven together by blanket webs of interlocking incestuous corruption. It cannot be untangled or fixed as each corrupted entanglement has a stranglehold on the ones surrounding it - everyone is compromised and has incriminating evidence on everyone else. It can only be demolished and rebuilt from scratch.
Excerpt from:
Rebuilt from scratch? How about not rebuilt at all?
Like Ron Paul said about the IRS, abolish it and replace it with nothing.
Agree. Not at all.
Rebuild with very little allopathic medicine, bring back natural medicine.
If only.......... imagine a world where those who truly care about the health and welfare of others, and believe in the Scientific Method,
and not only welcome the input offered by those with dissenting opinions, but seek it out when wanting to reach the best possible decision.
......and waving dollar bills before those thought leaders' eyes yields NO benefit for those offering the 💰 in an effort to gain such benefit.
We have seen some of these people step up during the last few years, attempting to shine a light in the darkness that science has become ( and politics is, and HAS BEEN) - THESE are the people we should turn to, as any effort toward a "rebuilding" is contemplated.
We know their names. There are many, and when the time comes. I hope we will seek their input and guidance - if not their participation.
Hear! Hear!
That hints at the underlying problem. The Federal Gov't has been allowed to accrue unto itself WAY too much power that should be retained by the States. The USG needs to be shrunk simply by pulling most of the governmental functions back to the states. That would de-fang all these little power hungry MF's who want to use the Fed Gov't to impose their agenda on the whole nation.
Agree! We don’t need it! No second chances!
Then we are inviting anarchy. States reign while working on their collaboration.
Well to be fair....thats a lot of glass there at the CDC....
People in Glass Houses and all that....
Stone throwing anyone?
One sonic boom would suffice, and be harder to trace.
Naw, the building has sat empty for these three years, while the pigs eat from the trough remotely.
There's a good scene in The Walking Dead where the cdc blows up. Good scene. Should happen now.
Annie... CDC blowing up on Walking Dead... the next false flag? What a perfect op to destroy the proofs of decades of corruption.... just like the planned destruction of WTC 7 destroying the CIA documents proofs of criminal government conspiracies and corruption....hmmmmm....
"What a perfect op to destroy the proofs of decades of corruption...."
Yikes! I didn't even think of that aspect.
It was in season 2. So a while ago. The damage is done. All that's left is to not fall for any crap again. Understand the evil and falsehood that the cdc, other agencies and our government represents.
That's exactly why the Twin Towers were destroyed. You notice Bin Laden was not remanded to the US for trial where he could spill the beans.
And the ATT Building in Nashville on Christmas Morning 2020? Evidence gone
Really? Very interesting. Predictive programming?!
Speaking of predictive programming, check out "Rabbit Hole" staring Kiefer Sutherland on Paramount+. Raps up the NWO and the plandemic in one show.
I just laughed and laughed when I rewatched The Walking Dead this last winter. The CDC. Hahahaha. Don't. Go. There. That is who started it. They are so dumb on TV. Oh, wait.
T'would be a waste of a good building.
Yep. Maybe we can just call Orkin ?
Which might have used Zyklon B as the pesticide it was developed to be.
Well said!! Agree 100%!!
It's even worse. Look up "CDC Foundation". This is a private non profit CHARTERED BY THE US CONGRESS (!!!) This allows wealthy donors to legally do what would otherwise be illegal actions (bribery, etc.) Such NGOs are common in many nations. Are you a top "influencer" (doctor, researcher, etc.) worried about being charged with being directly paid by Pharma? No problem! Just have them make a donation to the appropriate "charity." Same principle applies to bigger fish. Legal issues vanish. Ethical ones, not so much.
We could eliminate our federal government and our USA would perk along just fine. Let the states reign and work on rebuilding their collaboration.
Sounds good, but Abraham Lincoln destroyed states’ rights so viciously that you could say he salted the ground they were on.
Yes! Decentralization, local problems solved locally. Efficiency would suffer but the benefits would outweigh this. Start with the Department of Education.
All of this sort of thing arose because:
1. Government employees make far less than those in the pharmaceutical/vaccine industry.
2. Government employees are often the ones who make the seminal discoveries that result in a high-earning product, but they used not to profit personally from it.
3. Therefore, they would leave government employment and go to the pharmaceutical/vaccine industry, leaving either substandard scientists, or those still paying off their scholarship to professional school with time served in government, or those with enough invested in government service that they would wait until retirement (and then often to go industry, for the money). (Some were just devoted to their mission.) So how would any of you solve this problem of conflicting incentives? (One would be to collapse the industry, which may do more harm than good, but I'm just saying why things ended up this way.)
The other issue was government, i.e., taxpayers, paying the entire cost of all of the testing for drugs and devices that industry wanted approval for. Solution? User fees. So all of you who are anti-user fee must want taxpayers to bear the full cost of an extremely expensive industry? What would be your solution to this conundrum?
The only way forward is massive, perpetual, civic participation. The populace must watch the government like a hawk.
At the core, most of the problems with government are an education problem first and foremost because the citizenry has failed to do its job of oversight. To solve this, make classes on civics, critical thinking, logical fallacies, and the bias spectrum mandatory from k-12. Create an informed citizenry with a strong sense of what is at stake if they do not keep their government in check.
I second. Been sayin it for years. Also floating the idea that our elected representatives (though likely many are selected, yet another thing that has to be remedied) only craft legislation. Bills are not massive but instead are short and to the point, no more than 4-5 pages in length. (Public debate and revisions etc. precede the final iteration of the bill.) The People vote on bills themselves, in real time, alerted to their duty via internet connection with auto reminders if you haven't signed in and voted. Vote tally has to meet a minimum of citizen participation, but the education system has inculcated citizens on their duty so this is typically not an issue, at least in the early decades of the new system. Time at one's place of employment is allotted for perusal of bills and voting. Businesses are penalized when their employees are prohibited from logging in for such or fail to participate. The new system has adapted to and invested in the absolute need for citizen involvement. Special interests don't ever get a seat at the table. Lobbying, influence peddling, that crap is a thing of the past, monitored by built-in security because the citizenry has learned from history. Something like that. Many, many moving parts. Up to us to build it. I'm not smart enough to figure it all out. Only pipe dream it and put it out there. Maybe I'm delusional. -?
We need to realize that the bills are written by lobbyists. Being in Congress is quite an easy gig.
But... but... when we -The People- exterminate the vermin and overhaul the system with its new checks... shoot. Pigs fly, right?
Another soaring pig idea is that since we also overhaul the education system as tritorch suggests, upon reaching age, say, 28, every educated citizen becomes part of the servant pool, like the jury pool. Intelligence matters. So does character. That winnows the eligible pool. Anyone can be called to serve. There is civic desire baked into the psyche as a result of the education system. It's desirable to have your number come up. Term limits, always. No career politicians. Elections, still. Mentorship for newcomers to the office as part of the transition. Support teams built into the office, also with contracts limiting how long they can stay in the job. There is constant rotation, as said always with mentorship for newcomers; a passing of the baton. No career government jobs. It's a whole new system, same or similar offices and functions but only a shadow of what we have now. Pigs fly, right? Oh wait, I said that already. Not to mention @Fla Mom has set me on the straight. But... but... Eeesh. Never mind.
Read Federalist 10 for the long version of 'yes, you're delusional.' That type of direct democracy has been tried many times in history and has been found to be both unfair (insufficient protection for minorities [not meaning racial minorities, in the modern fashion]) and unstable. Read also Plato's account of the suicide of Aristotle. The people who voted him 'off the island' regretted it almost immediately, but he was already dead. Also: people (as a group) don't really seem to learn from history, possibly because they're not taught it. For this example, read Polybius' The Histories, Book 6 (circa 100 BC). It should sound very familiar.
Thanks for the references as I pre-confirm my delusions. Feelin a mite deflated. Sigh.
At the risk of sounding naive, the solution would entail returning to an expectation of ethical behavior, a return to the recognition and rewarding of virtue. Society-wide, encompassing education, law and all other formerly noble institutions.
It has occurred to me many times in recent years that if people did their best to act in a Christian manner in all aspects of their lives that there would be less corruption, and so situations like this should be less common. One hopes so, at least.
Oh, definitely! But too many ‘Christians’ have no idea what that means.