Kid Rock: Domestic Oil is the new ivermectin. You can't have it because it would resolve the crisis they need you to go through.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I had a precancerous spot on my chest and could not get a dermatologist appointment for four months. I used ivermectin on it during the wait time and then canceled the appointment. Gone....amazing to watch raised spot the size of a quarter smooth over and then just disappear. Very thankful!

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

There's a 1% ivermectin topical creme (Soolantra), but prescription only.

However, lots of people are using good ole horse paste: https://www.phillyvoice.com/rosacea-horse-paste-medicine-treatment-skin-condition-dermatology-ivermectin/

Some quick googles on IVM defeating cancer:

Ivermectin as an inhibitor of cancer stem‑like cells https://www.spandidos-publications.com/10.3892/mmr.2017.8231

Ivermectin in Dermatology, Tropical Medicine, and COVID-19 https://journals.lww.com/idoj/Fulltext/2021/12040/Current_Use_of_Ivermectin_in_Dermatology,_Tropical.3.aspx

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A dermatologist says horse paste can work for topical use. Cancer application isn't covered, but the point is the horse paste should be ok for direct skin usage.

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I remember back in the very beginning of the plandemic when Dr. Mehmet Oz said on some news show that many doctors he spoke to in Turkiye were using it successfully for covid. I never saw him speak so sheepishly and fearfully though.

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I saw him on the Today show talking about a lot of things like Ivermectin, I think. They went to break real fast, 🀣Haven’t seen him since on that show, not that I watch it much anymore. Can’t stand their wokeness. Meanwhile Al Roker had two hospital stays this last year. Multiple things, but one cause, yep blood clots.

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Yes Al Roker has been very ill with clots. I like him. He seems like a good soul. It is sad for those who fell for it or were coerced into it. I used to watch Today years ago.

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I missed that one -- no wonder he's MIA!

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I’m think it was 2020. Then of course his politics, horrors, he ran against MIA Fetterman.

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We have taken ivermectin as a prophylaxis for a couple of years now, and have stayed quite well.

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We take Hydroxychloroquine every Sunday

2 tablets 200mg each

Just part of out preventative protocol

No shots

No covid

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We do too. 24 mg 2 times a week.

When my grandkids and granddaughter get sick, I give them 24mg and 36 mg, respectively, for 5 days, included in a wellness protocol.

Even though it's 5 days, many times they're better within 3.

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I’ve read that wormwood works as well for Covid. If you search online there are some research papers on it.

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Isn't it interesting that everything that works on covid is an anti-parasitic therapy?

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There's a few docs who believe that almost all of our ills can be traced back to internal parasites. There seems to be some evidence that cancer, MS, rheumatoid arthritis and even brain tumors are caused by parasites.

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I had a friend with a glioblastoma brain tumor who did a trial of ivermectin … and he did get a period of remission from it. We still lost him- πŸ’” but I agree with you it’s interesting the anti parasitic meds help.

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Mar 21, 2023Β·edited Mar 21, 2023

Wormwood is a great anti parasitic (also). It goes back to Biblical times.

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Mar 21, 2023Β·edited Mar 21, 2023

If you go to NIH website, and type in "ivermectin + cancer" in the search engine, lots of research papers come up.

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😲 i did not know this!

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You can get a prescription for Ivermectin through the Frontline Doctors group and they direct you to online pharmacies that will fill it. However--there are charges for these services--so be forewarned about that.

I have a wonderful holistic MD now--and he gave a script "pro bono" but finding a pharmacy locally that would fill it was NOT easy. Finally...we finagled our local Giant supermarket pharmacy to fill it--the 5 day protocol dosage cost me $152--but now, IF I contract the CHINA VIRUS--I will start on this protocol RIGHT AWAY.

There is a HUMAN GRADE of Ivermectin and an ANIMAL GRADE - and guess what--that horrid CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, is not an MD--he's a VETERINARIAN (he also boasts a PhD - don't know what the doctorate was specialized in--BLEH!!!)

Ivermectin is used throughout other countries for parasitic infections and guess what Dr. Robert Malone instructs over and over that this coronavirus IS a "parasite"....so there you go. There would have NO NEED for an mRNA platformed JAB--except the ferociously greedy "research scientists" in cahoots with out government and huge pharma saw a supreme opportunity to BILK THE PUBLIC and also FURTHER their "research" and kill off some "useless eaters" for good measure (which I'm sure thrilled the creepy BILL GATES).

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Myself and others have used this supplier and no prescription needed for ivermectin.


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WOW--I just got on their website--this would have saved me over $100--but I didn't know about this group a month ago.

I bookmarked them, needless to say--THANK YOU, Craig!

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I vouch for them. I use a wellsfargo account with about 2K for cases like this that need an account link. Ordered IVM, HCQ, and Fluvovaxomine as well. Tip: order IVM by itself, as it can get interdicted by the FDA/border control. Mine did. Contacted ADC, and they resent through Singapore, which worked.

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I also order from an Indian pharmacy. No problem, great service and only $75 for 100 tablets of 6mg pills. Same as this one. premiumrxdrugs.com

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I also ordered from alldaychemist back in 2021 and was happy with them, although it took forever to get it (I think a couple of months). Then more recently, I ordered from https://ivermectin.com/ and it wasn't too expensive and came very quickly! No prescription needed for either.

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There's nothing wrong with the ANIMAL grade. We've bought the expensive human pills from India but mostly just use the 1%sterile injectable solution from the livestock feed store. It's much cheaper and readily available.

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One of my friends was in the veterinary business for 30 years and was always using different animal grade drugs for this and that for family and friends. She said the only difference was the packaging and the costs. Babies had diaper rash she fixed me up. Children had ear infections she fixed me up. My eczema broke out she fixed me up.

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Hi Concerned Grammy, Just wondering how I could ask you a question about how you take your ivermectin. I have the 1% solution. Is there a way to communicate off this forum.....is it allowed? Thank you, Linda Griggs

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Now that you've shared that factoid with the world, watch those research papers disappear from the NIH archives. So odd how that happens ....

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Check this substack writer: https://fenbendazole.substack.com/p/fenbendazole-can-cure-cancer

There are other writers as well. It has not been completely 'disappeared' and all sounds good about it.

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You know, right before I posted my comment, I went to the NIH website and checked to see if the research papers were still there.

There was a difference from the last time I checked. Earlier there was a research paper near the top of the page that studied the use of ivermectin and colorectal cancer.

NIH is probably in the process of scrubbing the info just like they did with the funding of gain of function research at UNC Chapel Hill and Wuhan, China.

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BOOM. Gonna do my Prescient Genius dance now ....

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Search on Fenbendazole (FenBen) as well. You will learn a lot from that too. Maybe not from NIH, but from other places.

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I personally believe that the underlying cause of the stunning and unrelenting attacks on Ivermectin are likely due to it's safety and efficacy in treating various forms of cancer successfully. And also how well it can work for other forms of cancer in combination with other non-toxic compounds in types it does not reverse alone!

"Pharma" as we know it needs to "die."

My years of working in alternative therapies and studying the history of "medicine" has taught me that there are safe, non- toxic modalities and medicines for virtually all that causes illness in humans and animals, if only we could record and disseminate the knowledge.

Tragically it is attacked and destroyed almost instantly because of the threat it poses to the modern "medical" paradigm with it's horrifying financial bonanzas.

Morality and integrity have been lost in as we drown to death in financial rapaciousness and the death throes, (I hope,) of the biggest business in America; disease.

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Sadly, it is all big business from cancer to the flu to Covid to organ transplants to . . . You name it. Hopefully, people are waking up to what the AMA, APA, etc., really are.

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If only that were true, Marci - I am factoring in about 60% of the world is STILL UNDER HYPNOSIS FROM THE "FEAR FACTOR" PROPAGANDIZING. The other 40% are mostly people like us....older people with "some" critical thinking skills--which, sadly, most younger folks do NOT have. There are always "exceptions", of course--thank God.

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That’s because the schools do not educate; they indoctrinate. I do know some kids, including mine, who do not buy into the fear factor. Of course, I homeschooled them, in part to prevent the indoctrination I saw starting in kindergarten.

There are also a lot of kids who are afraid to speak up because there is rampant bullying going on in the schools, which the teachers encourage.

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Really? I know there was taunting and bullying when I was in school (and that's 65 years ago for elementary school)...and my sons also were bullied because they weren't "cool". Teachers "encourage" bullying??? What kind of teachers would do something heinous like that, Marci?

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And I am SO thankful my husband did not get a job working for a pharma company!!!!!! I couldn’t handle knowing we benefit from that.

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There so much corruption EVERYWHERE now - a "sign of the end times" for sure.

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Whoa hail in Cali! Be careful driving Lisa!!

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Thank you!! We got hail at 730 tonight! 😱

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If one did, think of it as Stealing from the Stealors!!! ;)

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Agree that there are many safe alternatives to cure disease). You just have to dig deep (many, many hours of research). I’m on a couple of private Facebook groups that discuss natural alternatives. They’re very helpful.

Right now I have an ungual fibroma on my big toe. It’s a non cancerous growth. I have tried freezing it off but it comes back. Supposedly, it’s pretty uncommon. And, the only way to get rid of it is to do surgery and get it by the root. But often, you will lose your toenail and being somewhat vain, and a female who likes to have her toes painted, I don’t want to lose my big toenail so I’m trying to figure out a way to get rid of it. I think I’m going to try the ivermectin. This might be just the thing to help! But, I refuse to go to the Dr and be exposed to their β€œcut and burn” ideology.

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I would take a picture of it and email it to Catherine Caton. She's the widow of Greg Caton, who was completely persecuted for healing people with black salve. My husband used black salve on some precancerous moles and they're gone now. I used Bloodroot paste on some 30yr old plantar warts that I was just about ready to have cut out, but by reading, even after they're cut out "by the root" they return. See www.altcancer.com or herbhealers.com.

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Thank you! I just did that! (Emailed her). I’m thinking the blood root paste may work! I’ve been praying about this and this may be the cure/answer. I will let you know!! How long did it take for your plantar warts to go away with this treatment?

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That's great! It took about 6 weeks maybe? I kinda gave up thinking it wasn't doing anything at first. I can email you all the details, if you'd like?

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Wonder if Fenbendazole could help with that issue.

I've been reading Fen Bens SubStack and finding it very interesting.

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Keep us in the loop if you find a cure, Butterfly!

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I will!

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Well written - your thoughts echo those in my heart and mind for DECADES. I believe in "integrated medicine" - combining the best of both the Eastern modalities and Western allopathic "medicine"

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See my comments on an earlier thread) on how I received an Ivermectin (HUMAN GRADE, of course) from my local holistic doctor.

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Hi Jaci, was it an ivermectin cream? Was it over the counter & if so where did you get it? I have a spot on my chest I need to address also....thank you!

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Hopefully she replies. Could be Ivermectin horse paste. I just used that for a week long whatever (cold/flu/Covid). It's a paste so could be applied to skin.

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It’s a 1% topical cream ( rx) apply thin layer to affected area! Need a script! Fill at Publix, not Horse 🐎 Feed store!

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I used horse paste and it is available on Amazon. No script needed. 1.87 strength

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Mar 21, 2023Β·edited Mar 21, 2023

Great advice. Something just popped up on me, probably just one of those harmless bumps, K somethings, but I also have a scabby precancerous thing on my nose.

I’m assuming the apple flavor is overkill 🀣

When I had horses we were always sure to wipe off the excess if it got on our hands, or on their lips, guess we needn’t have worried.

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Wait, FDA said not to take it. Are you still alive?

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Ivermectin is available in several ways for animals. Sheep subQ can be rubbed on. It's a liquid.

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We are taking the horse paste. It works!!!!

(Wr ordered kosher veggie capsules and fill them with the paste). Also, you can pay $309-$600 for the Soolantra, or $18 for a tube of paste and use as the cream. I have used both, and the paste is as good as the Rx

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^^ this for the win

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Wondering how I can get it without prescription?

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Any farm store sells it. Without proof of animal ownership. Tell them you have chickens if they ask.

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Or alpacas! We use it as dewormer for our herd. And stash some for myself as well. :)

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Contact Dr. Syed Haider in Austin. He’s a good guy.

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Indiamart will sell it to anyone without a script; Tennessee has a particular pharmacy that will sell it (possibly without a script), and you could also get Ivermectin in various forms from https://www.buy-pharma.md/. Also check out Johnlee pharmaceuticals. Any online search will help; just don't use Google. Try the Brave browser or the Yandex browser to search for Ivermectin or Stromectol.

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Linda-Pharmacies in TN do not require prescription

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Am not finding Linda-Pharmacies; could you maybe share a link?

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The comment was addressed to commenter Linda. 😊

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Medicine Counter (TN) https://hipaa.jotform.com/221387018183152

For pills. I don’t know if they sell the cream. You would have to ask them.

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Mar 21, 2023Β·edited Mar 21, 2023

Go to your local livestock feed store. Ours sells the 1% sterile injectable solution in a 50ml bottle for $32.50 or 200ml for $76. We take 1ml per 110 lbs in coffee or juice. I use apple or cranberry. You can't even taste it.Or rub a few drops on your "suspect" skin spots daily.

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Jaci, thanks for sharing that info with us. And so glad the ivermectin nipped it in the bud. Stay well !

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My husband has has two "pre-cancerous" 50 cent sized areas on his temples that the dermatologist has burned off TWICE @$500 ea (with insurance), only to have them return. He used just a drop of 1% sterile injectable solution (daily) from the feed store on them and they're gone now. (We also take the injectable orally when feeling a cold coming on, we don't get "sick" anymore). Hubs has also had some angry looking "moles" on his arms that we've removed with black salve. No doubt, the dermatologist would've cut away a large portion of his skin and muscles, probably spreading the cancer. No more allopathic cancer "treatments" (not cures) for us. If your on Telegram, join Dirt Road Discussions. They've got a list a mile long of the maladies that ivm has cured.


The file is called DRDC Healing Testimony List.

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I would recommend you not use black salve. It can do more harm than good! Stick with the IVM.

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I wholeheartedly disagree, unless you've bought a bad quality and/or imitation product. My own father used black salve some 60 years ago, and it's been used since ancient times. Black salve only unencapsulates any cancer so your body can identify and attack and then heal itself. It will not hurt healthy tissue. Yes, it looks "bad" during the escharotic/decavatation process, but your body is doing that, not the black salve. Once complete, there's not even any scarring on my husband's arms. Just as with anything, these protocols have to be used properly and of course, you have to have a quality product. You put it on for 24 hrs and that's it. Wait for the process to begin. Are you familiar with Greg Caton? If not, I urged you to read the torture the US govt and FDA have put this man through, including stealing his business and imprisoning him. He fled to Ecuador years ago and still continued to help people heal. There's plenty of pictures of the escharotic healing process on these websites, including his own. And Greg's own rebuttal to the "corrosive" argument that's brought by people who know nothing about how escharotics work and coincidentally have a vested interest in conventional cancer treatments.

PS - Greg recently passed away in Dec 2022 from a "heart attack", probably brought on by the CIA. He was very outspoken against the plandemic and the NWO.

Greg Caton rebuttal to the "don't use corrosive cancer salves" -





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Mar 22, 2023Β·edited Mar 22, 2023

I have some black salve that I ordered from him a few years back. I can’t remember who cautioned me against it but I’ve seen pictures of black salve treatments gone awry. So, maybe I’ll try that! I didn’t know he died though. That’s terrible though. Thank you for responding!! Blessings and health!

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Greg was a fantastic soul and incredibly smart. He was on Mike Adams Health Ranger show several times over the years. He's got a list of videos on bitchute, I believe. I'm not sure what pics you've seen but there's several (like the ones he rebutts in the last linked page) that are used to discredit the black salve as "dangerous". At the same time, during treatment as your body is fighting the cancer, it does look pretty gnarly, but that's just the way the body heals, producing pus and yucky scabs. A mid-treatment pic looks much different than a complete treatment pic. He's got tons of info on those sites. We bought a couple of his books. Blessings and health to you, too!

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Curious to see if ivermectin would cure eczema. So I’m currently using 1% ivermectin (liquid) on a spot of eczema on my foot and it is drying it up. Also, have a brown sun spot on face and I’m using the same to see what happens.

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Keep us posted with updates, please!

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You are not the only one. My Wife had an infected spot on her toe and I rubbed a dab of ivermectin horse wormer on it every night at first not telling her what it was. It healed up within 3 days. I am amazed with how much the price increased on the wormer and how some businesses pulled it from their shelves.

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Wonder if it works for toe fungus 🧐

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My husband cured his toenail/fingernail fungus (that he literally got from wearing his dad's Korean army boots when he was a teenager) with MMS (Chlorine Dioxide).50 plus years of trying many different big pharma and OTC cures did nothing. 6 mo of MMS that he was taking for something else...and noticed his fingernails and toenails are now beautiful. They were SO gross!

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Whats MMS?

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Mar 21, 2023Β·edited Mar 21, 2023

It's Chlorine Dioxide. You'll see it sometimes as MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) or as CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution). Despite it's name, it's NOT bleach as the naysayers like the FDA/CDC and MSM will scare you into thinking. The medical establishment REALLY HATES MMS and relentlessly goes after anyone who promotes it. Even to the point of trying to attribute the deaths of people who "supposedly" took it. The campaign against MMS is much worse than the campaign against ivermectin or hrlydrochloriquine.

I believe it's what Trump was talking about when the libs went nuts screaming -"he's telling people to inject BLEACH!" It's usually taken orally or in foot/tub baths but there are clinics that do administer it by IV in severe cases. A large ClO2 clinic in Mexico was shut down at the start of the pandemic because they were SAVING people with severe covid.

ClO2 commonly used in water purification, in water treatment plants and for camping and survivalists. In 1996, Jim Humble found that it was curing malaria in South America. There's a missionary, Mark Grenon and his son, who are currently in prison for promoting it's use for covid. They're trying to get Andreas Klacker, who wrote "Forbidden Health" in Argentina, for supposedly "killing 2 people". πŸ™„

The covid jabs have killed thousands or millions and it's STILL touted as "safe and effective"...

Like ivermectin, it seems to cure just about anything, including cancer.


MMS Health Recovery Guidebook



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I bet it does. My dad needs some!!!!

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My husband finished Funginix recently, said it worked. I haven’t checked, but ordering some Ivermectin paste anyway.

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I’ve also applied hydrogen peroxide twice a day until they go away.

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Hydrogen Peroxide is anti cancer. I watched an very old video of a woman teaching her medical class how applied to the skin it can treat and prevent cancer, but that it was so inexpensive and easy to utilize that the "medical community" abandoned it.

: /

Made me sick.

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Now why would the medical community advocate for a cheap solution rather than expensive drugs?

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I’ve used it for about five different spots. I also read somewhere it was anti cancer so I decided to try it when I saw a red, ugly, raised spot forming on my chest. It does work!

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I used FG hydrogen peroxide, distilled water and Himalayan salt in a nebulizer when I got "covid" from an out-patient procedure.

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It's stunning how many "health problems" can be treated with minerals or basic substances like Hydrogen Peroxide, Salt, Iodine, Baking Soda, colloidal silver, etc. "Medicine" is "quackery" to a very large degree when compared to Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Homeopathy TMC, herbs and other modalities of healing that come completely from Earth or Nature....

Not to mention frequency specific micro-current healing devices I have seen correct serious vaccine injuries!

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Mar 22, 2023Β·edited Mar 22, 2023

I believe when God put us here, He provided everything we needed. That seemed to work out pretty well until the late 1800s when Rockefeller took over the medical industry.

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Francensense oil can get rid of certain skin cancers too!

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Frankincense (boswelia) is also a great pain killer. It kills the itch for mosquito and chiggers bites, too!

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It also relieves the pain from abscesses and draws out the toxins!

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Hi Jaci, was it an ivermectin cream? Was it over the counter & if so where did you get it? I have a spot on my chest I need to address also....thank you!

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It’s a 1% topical cream( rx) apply thin layer to affected area. Available generic/ cheap.

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Do you need a prescription? Or can you purchase over the counter?

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Do you have a source to get it without a prescription?

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As Rush used to say, democrats do not want to solve problems, they need to continually stir the problem up so they can keep the issue going.

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This is how cults and abusers work their victims, drum up a crisis, send in a savior... Repeat. Count on the victims to not know who the abuser really is and that they will even forget the abuse or better won't call it abuse but even call it love!

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Along that line of thought--have you ever taken notice how many DEMONratic potentates wear the "furrowed brow" look? And the MSM "commentators"--pure clinical DEPRESSION look on ALL of their pathetic faces!

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Yes. Always. So pathetic.

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Sounds like my former boss. Drama All Day!

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They sell 0.5% ivermectin lotion at Publix in the personal care aisle as a lice treatment. NDC 51672-4230-8 The box says original prescription strength β€œIvermectin lotion kills lice”. No idea if this would work but was very surprised to see this!

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If you have a dog, and use heartworm meds, the Heartguard brand uses ivermectin and pyrantel. Both great cancer fighters. Safeguard is a brand of goat dewormer that is Fenbendazole. Another great cancer cure.

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Fenbendazole has also advanced some people’s cancer. This is not a cure all.

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Fla man - you post that sort of post, you get the ensuing maddening mail likes. Enjoy. Perfect analogy and most awesome quote I will be using!

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Mar 21, 2023Β·edited Mar 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

This upcoming Covid Litigation Conference sounds awesome! Maybe some of the following could be covered: Top 10 bombshell bills on medical freedom to put COVID fascism into the grave. These have been introduced around the country and need to be signed into law in as many states as possible…

1. Hold pharma executives liable for concealing info on vaccine safety

2. Ban health departments from issuing public health edicts that violate liberty

3. Block all federal public health edicts from enforcement within the state

4. Ban mRNA vaccines

5. Keep mRNA out of food and other products

6. Report vaccine injury

7. Ban vaccine status discrimination

8. Prohibit vaccines that did not undergo human trials

9. Unquestionable religious exemption from all vaccines

10. End abuse of emergency powers

Links to each bill in the story: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.conservativereview.com%2Fhorowitz-top-10-bombshell-bills-on-medical-freedom-to-put-covid-fascism-into-the-grave-2659606357.html

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Yes. And I would like them to focus on genetic discrimination. Why does an unvaxxed person have to pay more for health care, test more for covid, wear a mask, sit separately and be harassed constantly but not a vaxxed person? These woke employers and stores need to be sued so this doesn't happen again. I have documents to prove my rights were trampled on. Let me know when we get to that point.

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Annie, unvaxxed should be charged LESS for life insurance AND healthcare.

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Number 1 should be to REPEAL the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act that gives vaccine manufacturers complete immunity from liability. Once that happens, EVERYTHING would change!

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I agree!

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Non-vaxed people should receive a significant reduction in Life Insurance and Vaxed people should see a significant increase. All boosted individuals should pay double. People who were forced to be vaxed, can show proof and avoid any financial penalties.

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Mar 21, 2023Β·edited Mar 21, 2023

I know. We are being discriminated against solely based on the fact of these shots. Or that we didn't get them.

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I’d love to see that!

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is that genetic discrimination or health discrimination? Its really a HIPAA violation

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Ban hospitals and medical examiners from refusing autopsies for potential vaccine induced deaths. Maybe even require autopsies for anyone under 50 who "died suddenly".

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Autopsies should be required for sudden death of jabboosted victims.

A new moneymaker industry. Families are charged $6,000 here for an autopsy.

Hospitals should not be allowed do autopsies so they can’t cover up their malpractice.

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Question is will the coroner tell the truth! Evil persists

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Not just under 50; ANY age person who took even 1 shot & died suddenly should be autopsied.

A doctor stated that’s how medicine learns what works, what doesn’t. WWI soldiers were dying after treatment w/ aspirin. Big doses. Via autopsies it was learned that their lungs were filled w/ blood. They didn’t know TOO much aspirin causes bleeding.

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Mar 22, 2023Β·edited Mar 22, 2023

3 grams was the dose given. 3 grams is the threshold for toxicity for Aspirin. looking for linky...1 min.

Edit: 3 grams*

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can't find it. think it was latypova stack.

Spanish Flu history - https://drtenpenny.substack.com/p/the-1918-spanish-flu-a-different

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After 3 years of knowing that there were successful treatments for hospitalized covid from the beginning (March 2020), used in 70 hospitals in Australia and 10 hospitals in New Zealand, chloroquine and/or lopinavir/ritonavir prev gen HIV drugs / ritonavir is now being sold as part of Paxlovid........... see worldometers for how few covid deaths were in Australia a population of 25 million in 2020.... covid deaths hovered around 900 something for months ............. https://www.analyzingamerica.org/2020/03/587877/ and reading more of https://learntherisk.org/ ............ I would suggest we go a bit further ........ laws forbidding the requirement of any vaccine for any reason in the U.S. and laws forbidding that the U.S. federal government or state or local governments pay for vaccines for anyone. All vaccines must be completely voluntary and paid for by the person receiving it. Better than vaccines....... Vitamin d, vitamin c and ivermectin/parasite issue medicines. (orthomolecular.org select Library, select News Releases and drholick.com and an interesting website I just came across this month ...... www.floridasharkman.org )

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I nominate you for head of NIH effective immediealty

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I pray the NIH and all the other ACRONYM HEALTH AGENCIES are disbanded--they are CRIMINAL and a direct violation of our U S Constitution.

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This includes using our military as Guinea pigs!

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Yes, so so terrible to realize what our government has been lobbied to do to our young men and women in the military over the years with regards to vaccines. Would love to see a public hearing to determine if vaccine side effects can be solved with high dose / liposomal (80% absorbed versus 20 something % absorbed) vitamin c, intravenous vitamin c as multiple articles by Dr. Thomas Levy and other sources submit.




Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, October 18, 2021

Canceling the Spike Protein

Striking Visual Evidence

Editorial by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

"For individuals who are post-vaccination or symptomatic with chronic COVID, vitamin C should be optimally dosed, and it should be kept at a high but lesser dose daily indefinitely.

Ideally, an initial intravenous administration of 25 to 75 grams of vitamin C should be given depending on body size. Although one infusion would likely resolve the symptoms and abnormal blood examination, several more infusions can be given if feasible over the next few days.

An option that would likely prove to be sufficient and would be much more readily available to larger numbers of patients would be one or more rounds of vitamin C given as a 7.5 gram IV push over roughly 10 minutes, avoiding the need for a complete intravenous infusion setup, a prolonged time in a clinic, and substantially greater expense (Riordan-Clinic-IVC-Push-Protocol, 10.16.14.pdf).

Additionally, or alternatively if IV is not available, 5 grams of liposome-encapsulated vitamin C (LivOn Labs) can be given daily for at least a week.

When none of the above three options are readily available, a comparable positive clinical impact will be seen with the proper supplementation of regular forms of oral vitamin C as sodium ascorbate or ascorbic acid. Either of these can be taken daily in three divided doses approaching bowel tolerance after the individual determines their own unique needs (additional information, see Levy, vitamin C Guide in References; Cathcart, 1981).

An excellent way to support any or all of the above measures for improving vitamin C levels in the body is now available and very beneficial clinically. A supplemental polyphenol that appears to help many to overcome the epigenetic defect preventing the internal synthesis of vitamin C in the liver can be taken once daily. This supplement also appears to provide the individual with the ability to produce and release even greater amounts of vitamin C directly into the blood in the face of infection and other sources of oxidative stress (www.formula216.com)."


I came across www.ivtogo.com and kept on hand in case of serious covid ...took as maintenance just before expired and bought another one to keep on hand.


also as an aside, Amazing the use of iv vitamin c for cancer patients ...... here is a good source for a quick overview .... first 10 minutes , 1000 doctors in Japan using it ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7NoUcktt58 The Power of Intravenous Vitamin C with Dr Ron Hunninghake / Lisa Tamati Youtube channel

also as an aside, amazing information and protocols for parasite/viral involvement in cancer/ illness/disease ...... www.floridasharkman.org apparently a doctor who decided to go undercover ?? ........... also see Dr. Hulda Clark books from 1990s and early 2000s.

Figured that is why ivermectin had to be shut down as much as possible in the U.S. even as India was giving it to 10s of millions of people in Sept 2020 in Uttar Pradesh and in all of India in May 2021 and Japan in August 2021 finally gave in to use it quite successfully ...... among dozens of other countries .. www.ivmstatus.com (also the 100-200 Congressmen and women and their staffs and families .... and people who figured out how to get it from overseas alldaychemist.com or from compounding pharmacies in the U.S. by prescription from a willing health professional) ..... ivermectin and other parasite drugs threaten enormous amounts of money in the U.S. apparently.



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This is really important as a possible cure or treatment. Dr. Paul Marik (who is going to the Covid LItigation conference) has been fighting for its use in sepsis https://www.faim.org/interview-with-dr-paul-marik-on-vitamin-c-protocol-for-sepsis, and, in one of those proofs that is inverse, the FBI raided a doctor in metro Detroit that was giving vitamin C intravenously to first responders as Detroit metro was a hot zone. If one needs more evidence, check out the TONS of C trucked into Wuhan in February 2020 http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n13.shtml

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Donna, thanks for sharing this information about the success of Australia’s covid treatments. I’d not heard that - but I have read that Australia was draconian in their push of vaccines, and that their death rates are now through the roof.

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Yes, Australia offered life-saving treatment to Tom Hank’s & his wife Rita when they were there in early March of 2020. I also agree that Australia was beyond draconian and would let people leave their island and forced jabs on everyone. The behavior of the Australian government has moved β€œtraveling to Australia & New Zealand” muncher down my bucket list for how they treated their people.

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You are right...and they gave up their guns for the greater good as my brother in AU willfully hasn't a clue of the the agenda. That thinking is soooooo twisted. Health is personal and one size doesn't fit all. We have been so brainwashed about vaccines, but once in....you have lost control of your body....

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Isn't interesting that Paxlovid is a Pfizer product? If they can't get you one way (vaccine), they'll get you another!!!

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I totally agree shots should have to be paid for by the person or insurance but not the gov passing out like candy.

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And no incentives to get them, either to the patient or the doctors/nurses/pharmacists administering them!

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BFM -- great list of suggestions to Jeff and aspiring injury and wrongful death case attorneys... I’m dumbfounded that Dr David Marin is ~NOT~ in the list of conference invitees... in fact very curious why... seems a vital information and conference preparedness objective would be to require all attendees review the vast documentation provided by David Martin Mosaic and M-cam organizations, if only to review the documentary PLANNDEMIC II or at least DM most recent interview with Kim Iversen

https://rumble.com/v2dmq0e-its-much-worse-than-you-think-govt-corruption-and-the-creation-of-covid-w-d.html. Definitely the Fauci Dossier proof of government involvement and collusion with hundreds of organizations I would think would serve as the basis of β€œguilty party” facts: https://archive.org/details/the-fauci-covid-19-dossier_202109.

Several relevant people are missing from the conference list.... where is JFKjr, Reiner Fuellmich, Katherine Watt???

... how can you lead an informative successful attorney injury case conference without JFKjr and Reiner Fuellmich? Especially curious, David Martin with his undeniable patent proof documentations of a government led conspiracy to kill and maim its population? Secondly, how can you effectively argue an injury or wrongful death case if you do not prove the source of the murder weapon?

DMartin proved anthrax was ~also~ a government operation targeting its own citizens, he has absolute proof pseudouridine was intentionally added to the jab formula to disrupt cardiac cells and cause turbo cancers to kill the injected, and the irony according to Robert Redfield is that the entire government conspiracy operation was funded entirely by the taxpayers, β€œwe the people” the intended kill target… how will your lead this Covid injury case law conference without discussing β€œwho dun it” without the smoking gun weapon?

Moreover, wouldn’t your first priority as attorneys selecting the jab injured and wrongful deaths (SADS and SIDS) as essential cases, thus requiring attorney specialist, shouldn’t your collective specialists priority be to sponsor a bill that reverses the 1986 no liability law protecting pharmaceutical companies and rewrite the bill to protect all injured and jab death cases involved victims citizens retroactively?

Asking for a friend... don’t ban me...

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ABSOLUTELY! What is up with that??? I am also dumbfounded that Dr. Martin is not there. Waiting for answers.....

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Would really like to hear more comments on this

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Maureen--I believe you meant to type "RFK,Jr."?? Hope so anyway...because "JFK,Jr." is not among us anymore, sadly.

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Where's the list? Is Aaron Siri on it?

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I think there should also be a legal initiative to help parents of college kids who died from the vax because of college vax mandates sue the universities for wrongful death and a refund of all tuition paid and loans taken for any time they attended said college.

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But that would bankrupt the public education system! Oh, wait a minute . . .

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Mar 21, 2023Β·edited Mar 22, 2023

Oh..... I think THAT is an excellent STARTING POINT for any legal initiatives seeking compensation !

Mandating a scientifically UNPROVEN serum, suggested to have"medicinal value". Iatrocide.

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YES! Sue the universities

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Not enough $$$$$$$

No first hand experience, so can’t imagine the loss but, Hummm, perhaps 10 years earning potential. Get them in the great lie that colleges promote. You’ll find a great job and makes tons more money than people who didn’t go to college!

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Mar 21, 2023Β·edited Mar 21, 2023

It doesn’t matter for us how much money they get, its the threat of lawsuits that brings the house down. It happened at my college - once there were lawsuits coming from 5 employees they backed down on mandates.

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That would turn some Cloward and Piven pressure back on an institution already using it on us. Overwhelm and crush the system under lawsuits. I hear the prayers of the righteous have a similar effect.

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VA denies medical care to veterans not wearing a mask.

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Mar 21, 2023Β·edited Mar 21, 2023

Definitely sucks to depend on the government for anything.

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At this point, the VA is just being brutal, discriminatory, and stupid.

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My husband is a Vietnam Vet that uses Lakeland FL VA as his primary clinic. We did not have to wear a mask last week unless his doctor requested him to do so during visit. She did not, nor did she wear one. James Haley VA in Tampa last month made us put one on in order to get on tram. Inside also, but most we’re wearing any which way. Our endocrinologist has his β€œglued” on, still many physicians out there drinking the kool-aid. They are all different in compliance.

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There is a small group of us in Florida that are starting to connect outside of comments. If you are interested let me know and I’ll connect you with the lady that has put it together. We have met once for lunch so far but plan to continue to meet up.

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Join our FB group. I am going to add β€œstates” subgroups for people to more easily connect.

CnC Junkies!

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CNC Junkies is a group formed 9 years ago but nothing to do with Covid. - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1403209799930983

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Harold there are questions to ensure its people from this group!

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lol. No. C&C junkies. i started it last week. I was lazy and typed N

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Important contact in Lee County. Dr Sansone Substack has authored the "Stop The Jab" resolution adopted by several Florida Counties with growing base - https://josephsansone.substack.com/

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I vote for a Minneapolis / St Paul Metro group!

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Me too.

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I’m in Winter Haven, there’s a lot of β€œus” on this side of the county. Would love to.

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We are not in FL but go there regularly since my husband has a business in the Tampa Bay area. Winter Haven is my younger son’s happy place because Legoland is there πŸ˜πŸ˜›

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join our fb group

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Go to this substack and she has a link you can add your contact info on. There’s only a few articles so it’s easy to find. SWFL meet up. Hope to meet you!

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Oh wow! We are newish to Florida. Coming up on 3 years though and still consider myself newish πŸ˜‚

My daughter does some Special Olympics activities in WH.

I’m going to try and have the person reach out to you. She’s collecting email addresses for contact info privately.

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Where is your group located?

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We are all over Florida. So far mostly central to sw Florida but there are others more north.

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I am in Northeast FL. Where do I sign up?

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Important contact in Lee County. Dr Sansone has authored the "Stop The Jab" resolution adopted by several Florida Counties with growing base - https://josephsansone.substack.com/

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How fun is that?

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There are signs all around the Pittsburgh VA that a mask is required to receive medical care.

On 3 March 2022, the VA put out a news release that masking requirements would be lessened in certain areas.

Guess Pittsburgh VA did not get the memo.


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Kathleen, I thought mask wear had recently been lifted. But yes all

This time you’ve had to wear a mask to enter their facilities. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

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VA now does not require a mask. At least in florida.

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Florida has common sense.

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Lmao. So true. CanNOT imagine living in a blue state. I’d be a total recluse.

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Blue states also cheat on elections.

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Completely agree with you!!!!

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It is, as Jeff states - one HECK of an all-star line-up ! Looking forward to hearing more from this event.

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This is an excellent article, BFM - and the quote used in closing, from George Mason:

β€œI will venture to assert that, out of a thousand instances where the people precipitately and unguardedly relinquished their power, there has not been one instance of a voluntary surrender of it back by rulers.”

No one gonna give us back an inch, without our TAKING it back!

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How about asking for refund for all the doses that did not prevent covid?

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Sounds to me an awful lot like a 100% refund.

.......wonder what the 'fine print' says about that. Oh, PFIZER? What say ye ?

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Go BFM! Fabulous list!

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Credit to David Horowitz, mega freedom fighter.

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I encourage people to listen to his podcasts: https://www.theblaze.com/podcasts/daniel-horowitz-podcast

He has outstanding guests. Horowitz is a Marylander that I am not ashamed to claim.

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To add to your list, mRNA technology should be DOA, since it has serious, fundamental flaws in light of existing medical science, established by Nobel-Prize-winning studies and captured in medical textbooks for decades..

But, so far, mRNA technology is not DOA because attorneys apparently do not yet understand this science, which is explained very simply, in the short lectures by Dr Bhakdi MD, ref’d below. Would be good for attorneys to take the few tens of minutes needed to understand this science because it will enable them to sue any MD, pushing mRNA shots, for criminal malpractice/incompetence, using existing irrefutable evidence. Perhaps this enlightenment could happen at the Covid Litigation Conference, with Jeff’s help.

References =====================

===== Short Lectures by Dr Bhakdi MD:

* β€œAll mRNA Vaccines will cause harm” ( https://rumble.com/v21ppz6-all-mrna-vaccines-will-cause-harm-prof.-dr.-bhakdi.html ) (~13-mins for basics)

* CHD TV 2022.10.21 -- (00:45-29:00 of https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/friday-roundtable/worrying-developments-with-michael-palmer-m-d-sucharit-bhadki-m-d/ ) (~28-mins, but has much more on Bhakdi’s background/credentials and spike protein pathology in vivo).

===== Summary of Dr Bhakdi MD Lectures (by a non-MD)

* Antibodies, made by body in response to mRNA message in these jabs, never get to airway surfaces where they must be to prevent respiratory infection. (so, covid shots could never have prevented infection in the first place)

* The mRNA in these jabs, cause the cells they infect to make foreign, non-self-proteins, which automatically finger these mRNA-infected cells for violent death by β€œcomplement” (killer system #2 of human immune system, which is triggered by antibodies). (so all mRNA shots are dangerous)

___* Blood vessels are damaged first, causing blood clots and leaks (that expose surrounding organs to damage, with damaged heart/brain cells not being replaced)

___* Sudden death, and most other mRNA shot injuries, can be explained as the result of the mechanisms noted by Dr Bhakdi

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could use Dr. David Martin’s documentation for number 1 but don’t think we will get accountability as has been shown https://rumble.com/v2dmq0e-its-much-worse-than-you-think-govt-corruption-and-the-creation-of-covid-w-d.html

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Those are great, BFM!!

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Thank you so much Based Florida Man for following these!!! Many thanks

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

They included one of my favorite lines, see if you can tell which one it is:

"You can’t find a single person who says they regret not taking the vaccine. But you can find tons going the other way.”

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You got it!

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Another take: 'I can remove my tinfoil hat, but you can't remove your spike proteins'.

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T-shirt or bumper sticker for sure...

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I’ll buy one.

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yesss! print it

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Both great lines. πŸ‘

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also, I can stop drinking the cool-aid but you can't remove your spike proteins

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Absolutely no regrets about avoiding vaccinations the last 50 years as well as avoiding big pharma drugs. It's the only way to live!

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The jabs were an irreversible decision - can't get unjabbed. On the other hand, the unjabbed could always change their mind and go get one. Thankfully the onslaught of propoganda didn't convince the "jab-hesitant".

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The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil.

β€” Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 NASB1995

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Amen, Janice. Words to give hope and strength to all. God bless you. β€πŸ™

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Only Yahweh can separate the "goats" from the "sheep". Blessed be the name of the Lord God of Hosts.

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Heeeeyyy. I take offense. I love avocado toast, almond milk and organic food. And I’m no liberal! πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‰

Oh wait. I’m offended. Maybe I am a liberal 😱

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The first step is to admit you have a problem.

;) lol

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πŸ‘† this πŸ‘† πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ the 12 step starts with the first step! Bravo Anthony πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ thank you well played πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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I love avocado toast too and I resent that it has become associated with woke well off lefties 😑 They don’t own it! πŸ˜›

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Just like the rainbow is for everyone! Hope for the world.

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Yes! Don’t hi-jack the rainbow!

β€œWhenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.””

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭9‬:‭16‬ ‭NIV‬‬


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Had a wondrous thing happen to me back in 1997! My hubby and I took my youngest son, Jeremy, and his betrothed, Tracy, to see "NOAH" at the Sight & Sound Theater in Lancaster, PA area. Right after exiting the theater--I immediately noticed a DOUBLE RAINBOW in the sky (it had been raining heavily all day). What a blessed "assurance" is The Word and our Everlasting, Omnipotent, Omnipresent Creator God!!

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It tastes soooo good!!

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Same! lol

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The only reason it is even associated with California is because Hass avocados are the best tasting avocado on the planet...My mom taught me to make avocado sandwiches back in the 60s. (For the record she wasn't liberal either.)

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Not just avocados, our beautiful state continues to grow the most food in the US, and I promise every person at C&C would love the hard-working Central Valley farmers (no exaggeration;))!! California is not LA or San Fran, even though they control our INSANE politics. Gosh, I signed the recall petition, twice! Many of us here would love to share Newsom with you all lol πŸ˜‚

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I agree! Oregon is the same. Portland and Eugene run the state and the insane politics. Some other smaller blue areas as well. The rest of Oregon is RED! We signed Oregons recall petition twice too. It was our last ditch effort before we left Oregon for greener pastures. A lot of good it did.

California is getting ruined just like gorgeous Oregon. Now they are both ugly. But we still love the people that are there fighting and working hard to produce food for the rest of us! You speak truth!

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As one of those married to a Central Valley generational native who grew up driving tractor before he could drive a car and living in the Central Valley for the past 30 years - I can attest that the farmers and most communities here are full of God fearing hard working conservative folks. More food has been grown and processed here than anywhere in the world acre for acre. At least until the loony demonrats stole our state. Even now, our rural way of life is much better than any city (I grew up in San Diego so I have an idea) I have ever lived in. I just wish we could extricate ourselves from the evil that is now the commifornia politician.

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KATE!!!!! YESSSSS! So many conservatives who are overrun by the politics that I swear just steal elections

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So many election abnormalities in the propositions alone for decades - hard not to see election tampering. Are there a lot of uneducated electors here - yes but not enough to account for the majority of democrats in office.

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Tractor before Car !!! πŸ˜‚ of course he did !!

Agree with you πŸ’―! Praying for our state ! πŸ™

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Mar 21, 2023Β·edited Mar 21, 2023

I know that you learned as a child that sharing is caring, but please don't. Just keep governor Gruesome chained up at the French Laundry...

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Mar 21, 2023Β·edited Mar 21, 2023

It’s hard…you know, sometimes misery loves company! Lol πŸ˜‚

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Thank you NT! I love Ca! Just not the politics

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And guess what can help lower bad cholesterol? Avocados! Why would establishment doctors spend so much time trying to tell us it is fatty and unhealthy? That’s all I ever heard growing up. Until I grew up! Now when my bad cholesterol rises I increase avocados in my diet and down down it goes. πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

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Eat more guacamole!

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Guess what’s for breakfast? Eating avocado toast as we read and type! πŸ˜‚

Based Florida Man got my mouth watering this morning. πŸ˜‚

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Wife and I just got some totally fab avo toast from this food truck near Marineland.

https://www.raggasurfcafe.com/ Definitely worth a visit!

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Okay. Now I want some! That looks amazing!

I make mine at home and add fresh spinach. 🀀 sooo yummy!

But if I’m in the area I’ll check it out πŸ˜‰

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Their menu is making my mouth water! Definitely need to take a drive down there.

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We love our Avo toast but skip the toast sometimes....... lay it on strips of bacon..... and topped with some sour cream. Fun to play around with that recipe especially when your hanging out in the SW deserts of Arizona all winter~

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I saw you eat meat. I can attest you are for real and "one of us". β™₯

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πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ That made me laugh out loud. Hahahaha. Gotta love a chicken enchilada πŸ˜‹

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πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Yes ma’am! I make a mean chicken enchilada using Ezekiel corn tortillas!

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I’m a vegan conservative. Have been vegetarian, now vegan for almost 35 years. I stand against animal abuse, torture and slaughter. I think it’s barbaric and just plain gross to feast on the flesh of a corpse.

Not all vegans are liberals. I’m offended lol.

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Very commendable.

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I’ll jump on the offended wagon! I love avocado toast, and I’m even more offended because I had to go gluten free and can’t even eat the toast!

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My daughter had to too with Celiac. But. I found her a bread that she really likes. Canyon, I think is the brand. GF and no issues with it.

So she still gets to enjoy it πŸ˜‰

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Canyon Bakehouse, available at many stores in the freezer section.

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Yes! And non freezer too. Thank you!

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Thanks Sunny, I’ll look for that. I’m not a true Celiac, but the sensitivity is enough to make me avoid it. I often feel like a pariah, my husband doesn’t understand, and my friends look at me like I’m a crazy hypochondriac. And there’s a lot of us, but we’re not β€œnormal”. The worst is when everyone wants pizza! Or any Italian food, I used to think it was the spices that made me sick, but finally realized it was the gluten.

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I know it’s real. We took my daughter GF before the diagnosis and have dealt with her digestion issues for over 10 years because we didn’t know what it was. Removed dairy as well because we were desperate. Then found out it is celiac. Tried reintroducing dairy and that didn’t go well anyway.

I fought this for so long because I thought gf was a popular fad and I wanted no part of it. But it’s real whether it’s celiac or a sensitivity. You can’t argue what your body is telling you! My husband is on board but he gets irritated with all the cross contamination details.

We very rarely do pizza out anymore and if we do I find an alternative for my daughter. However….we did find a gluten free pizza crust - Caulipower brand - and I use a gf marinara sauce. Rao’s. Costco carrie’s it but so do lots of grocery stores. My family tasted my daughters pizza and wanted to know why I was holding out on them! πŸ˜‚ It is loaded with veggies and meats. Now I have to make everyone’s pizza that way. πŸ˜‚ I add cheese to theirs. And my daughter does no cheese or a dairy free cheese which we think is gross but she likes it cuz it’s β€œcheese” πŸ˜‚

And we found a great gf pasta that isn’t mushy and slimy. My daughter is eating much more healthy, and so are we, because of her going gf. Chin up. Do what makes your body feel better. Get creative and you won’t go without. My daughter has had to give up some foods she loved but I do my best to prepare foods as similar as possible to what the family eats so she doesn’t feel singled out. She loves when I do that.

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Thanks again Sunny! Your daughter is very lucky to have a mom who is willing to listen and to COOK for her. The research and cooking are a challenge, as you know! Since my husband isn't on board with this, I often find myself making two meals.

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I hope I’ve said something encouraging. I sometimes do still have to make two meals. But I find ways to eliminate as much extra cooking as I can cuz truth be told I hate cooking. πŸ˜‚ I only do it to keep my family alive πŸ˜‚. My daughter is 30 and special needs developmentally disabled so she can’t take care of herself. Therefore I cook. πŸ˜‚ My family reaps the benefit of me still needing to cook. Haha.

I hope your husband can see the difference in how you feel and get on the more encouraging side for you β™₯️

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I'm so grateful that my hubs was so supportive when I discovered that I had celiacs. He immediately offered to give up pasta (and he was half-Italian) and only eat gluten free so I wouldn't have to make two meals. I still bought him bread, so he had to struggle with the cross contamination issue, but I just couldn't force him to only eat GF bread!

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the canyon one is best out there. We eat a lot of gf but not all. Many stuff is gross

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Trader Joe's has the best fresh GF bread available in my opinion. They also have some GF muffins that are killer.

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Alas! Our backward little West Texas town doesn’t rate a Trader Joe’s. I don’t know if it’s a population factor, or that we don’t register on the β€œcool” scale. We’re around 200K and Santa Fe NM is smaller but they have one, I think it’s because they’re β€œcool”, and they also have a Whole Foods. We have nothing but the humble little Natural Grocers.

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I LOVE Natural Grocers. I try to find them no matter where I am in the West.

Sprouts seems to be like the next Whole Foods. Their all over.

We also love Grocery Outlet. They have an isle or two all Organic and healthier choices. Not sure if NM has a GO

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I think it’s population and income. They probably judge where they’re likely to get the most customers and make the most money based on that.

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You’re probably right. I’d heard that it was based on population, but we are a shopping hub for the surrounding area which would probably add another 150K.

I’m glad we do at least have Natural Grocers, and they are building a new store twice as large as the old one, so they do a great business here!

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great GF bread - canyon bakehouse!

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Having grown up eating avocados daily as we had many trees in our yard and an orchard across the street, I am actually quite saddened by the reputation β€œavocado toast” has garnered. The liberals need to go find another fruit to stigmatize. If you can’t enjoy the little green goodness an avocado is, don’t waste it because you think it trendy. Leave them for those of us who have eaten them and enjoyed them as they are for over 50 years.

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I eat avocados just like they are too! Cut them and grab a spoon πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‹ I would plant an avocado tree and lemon tree in my back yard if I could!

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You CAN plant a tree. There is a lady here that has one and the avocados off it are the size of my head. Get growing girl!

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I’ve been told I can’t because of where the tree would need to go and where our septic tank is. And I’ve been our area here it’s harder to grow them….not impossible….just harder. I was willing to try it, but the septic tank made me abandon the idea. Bummed though.

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It is the best way!! So easy and delicious!!! And thankfully you can get avocados almost all year wherever you live so you don’t have to grow them - which is not easy without proper conditions!!

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I'm in CA and avocados is such a major staple here! My favorite taco is a guacamole taco....heavenly! We use avocados in so many things, I can't imagine anyone disliking them. We had a friend visit from Minnesota a few years ago, and he had never had an avocado and thought they looked gross. He wouldn't even try it! I'm guessing avocados may not be sold in some parts of the country.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Excellent video clip of Chris Rufo standing his ground and refusing to shut down his presentation for bogus reasons.

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how tiny and incompetent that college admin seemed. total waste of students' and taxpayers' money.

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She was SO WORRIED that continuing on might hurt snowflakes feelings. Hurry!! Get to your safe space now!!

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Our safe space used to be a literal bomb shelter. Their safe space is a Kindergarten classroom-like space with soft toys and a lock on the door. ~eyeroll~.

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And so pathetic!! β€œSafety, keep us safe” whine whine whine πŸ™„

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She said, β€œNo,” reminding me of Angela from The Office.

Brain hermetically sealed syndrome.

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But, she does Dwight in the stairwell. We all know how she really rolls.

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Kudos to Chris Rufo for keeping his cool. Just listening to that Karen made me what to smack up upside the head. Well done Chris!

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Rufo needs to stop pressing that cancer phone against his head

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Praying Godβ€˜s blessings over your Covid litigation conference. Praying that the Holy Spirit shows up and leads your group in productive conversations and effective outcomes. In the name of Jesus, amen.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

It is the mistaken view that California is bright blue. If you look at a voter map of California, you will discover that only the coastal areas are blue. Those areas have the greatest population and thus swing the state. However, only a short drive east from SF or LA and you will end up in red territory. In fact, most of California in terms of geographical area is red. Temecula is borderline being just south of Orange County (more conservative that the rest of the coast) and east of San Diego (less blue than LA of SF). Being from there, I am not surprised.

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I'm sure you are correct. Similarly, Illinois (where I live) is bright blue in Chicago, Bloomington, Springfield (the capitol) and East St. Louis. The rest is pretty much solid red. But because of the populations involved, the Dems run everything in the state. Sigh.

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We should go back to the original-ish voting laws: You need to be a landowner to vote.

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Especially since land owners pay so many more taxes. Remember you will own nothing and be happy. Apartment buildings are being built more and more.

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I agree. Most landowners are older and wiser too.

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I have been trying to sell this proposition for at least a decade as I watched here in commifornia voters pass school bond after useless school bond tacked on to our already outrageous property taxes. No one has given me a good argument against, most just say it wouldn’t be fair. I remind them taxation without representation started a revolution!

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Or at the least pay income tax. Perhaps over a period of time for example 3 of the last 5 years. I hesitate to say this though as it would just create another bureaucratic mess.

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I agree. Only those who pay federal taxes should be able to vote in a federal election.

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Same for NY.

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Yup. It still kills me that Zeldin lost the race pretty much only because of Manhattan, Brooklyn and the Bronx.

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Me too. And it’s always the same story. The greater NYC area controls everything 😑

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We should have electoral college type voting in the states, say by County level, so as to even eliminate the tyranny of the majority from major city populations.

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Mar 21, 2023Β·edited Mar 21, 2023

You forgot Champaign Urbana is stinking blue with liberals and Chinese. I've met them all. I prefer the Chinese.

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True in parts of Maryland. Pity us for Montgomery County and Baltimore City.

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Even along the coast people are quietly not on the blue surf board.

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Also for ALL to know there is a movemement for a NEW CA. literally. mostly red except about 5 counties. We are trying to breakaway!

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Sadly, this will never be allowed to happen. I think a lot of it has to do with water....the south needs the water from the north.

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If you read up its gaining a lot of traction.

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Completely agree. Because at the state level we are ruled by lunatics, conservatives tend to cluster together in very red enclaves. We make a concerted effort to ignore Sacramento and vehemently fight to keep to keep our communities safe and pleasant. There are plenty of very nice places to live in Orange County, Ventura County and even LA County. My crime-free coastal enclave is pretty close to heaven aside from the insane taxes and a school district I can't trust (hardly unique to California). Fortunately my kids are in an excellent Christian (LCMS) school. Plus 70 degrees virtually year round is hard to beat.

I my experience most of the people taking gratuitous pot shots at California have never been here and say this stuff out of some sort of gloating, inflated sense of (false) superiority. That's human nature after all, it makes people feel better about themselves to denigrate the situations of others.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending Newsom or any of the other people who are seemingly hell-bent on destroying the quality of life for people without enough money to live in a nice area. Plus we'll get out once I retire but that's due to taxes and cost of living. In the meantime I'll enjoy my very pleasant life in coastal California.

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Exactly! Much of Northern California and the foothills/mountain areas are fulll of conservatives. But unfortunately, the population centers dominate. Along with a healthy dose of probable cheating since so much of CA is done via mailed ballots.

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I know the Missouri vs Biden case is extremely important and worthy of prayer for a good outcome, but what about Douglass Mackey aka Ricky Vaughn and his upcoming jury trial? If he is sent to prison for 10 years for putting up a satirical meme on Twitter that allegedly misled Hillary supporters, it will set a dangerous precedent for the mind control machine (government) to go after anyone who disagrees with it.

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They titled their conference β€œThe Public Health Administrative State Under Fire,” as if the Public Health Administrative State is something to be defended. Do they really think people are worried that Big Government doesn't have enough power?

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IMO, the people of Idaho should hold a pro-firing squad conference in the same city on the same day.

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It should be on fire. Literally! They have no one to blame but themselves. This link totally explains exactly how I feel as I believe many of you do too. Read it.


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I was already distrustful of the medical establishment after jumping into the very low carb community about 8 years ago. After researching their stand/history on the food pyramid, diabetes, heart disease and ~statins!~ I was appalled at how they had lied to us for so long. Early on I knew the Covid narrative was BS but the Covid era really opened my eyes to the government and military industrial complex BS. 😳

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Mar 21, 2023Β·edited Mar 21, 2023

It goes beyond medical. I had to reexamine everything. Friends, family, America, church, colleges, education just to name a few. Everything. I am still shocked at the level of deceits and lies in this world. And so much evil. And how unbelievably clueless and sometimes nasty people are. 🀯

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Same here, although my skepticism was raised on this about 22 years ago. The Ancel Keys food pyramid was revealed as a fraud and the cholesterol theory was debunked that long ago, but is still dismissed by the broader medical community. So when the covid fraud reared its ugly head, my skepticism radar was already on high alert.

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Hopefully, there is enough fire to burn it to the ground.

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Why is David Martin not included in the Conference...no comments on the massive documentation he has...I just need to understand if it is because there just won’t be any accountability so he is not included?

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so the lawyers have had the documented info…Kennedy Esq, David, Reiner Fuellmich So if I see acountability it may only be from other countries but I think not from the US.

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After watching the New College Chris Rufo video I’m now convinced we are being ruled by hysterical women and rebellious kids!! Stop the madness!

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I swear....these women give REAL women a bad name. Totally offended at being lumped into one seething hot mass of the ugly. The ones who say "Me Too" are ones that men wouldn't want to touch with a 10 foot pole. I am like "Really?". Not to say it is not real, but making it a political movement (like a bowel movement) to try to get rid of a candidate is just sick. And...when Survivor wrote a "Me Too" scripted scenario into their season, it was just too much. Captured! Many (not ALL) women want to be men by acting like hysterical loudmouths and men (not ALL) are becoming total wussies when it comes to dealing with them. I have no use for a shrew and discard them immediately from the "potential friend basket".

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Mar 21, 2023Β·edited Mar 21, 2023

As a woman, I am so disgusted and offended by all the obnoxiously "woke" , mostly white women who have been actively contributing to destroying the status and rights of women and who are playing a huge role in the destruction of our country. I don't know what happened to these women, really I don't. I'm 73 so in my young college days in the early 1970s I saw women's lib take off. Most of the women I saw doing that really put me off by their behavior and also many of their claims, which I had not found to be true in my own experience, and I can now see that like many of the the social movements active today, a great many of the women's libbers were not honestly advocating for women. Rather, it was all leftist and political power just like the various movements today (BLM for one example). I had any number of men behave inappropriately towards me at various times, but it was always handled easily: I didn't behave inappropriately myself, I didn't respond to their inappropriate overtures, and that was the end of it. It never entered my mind to get hysterical and accusatory about it. In general, you can always handle such things with dignity. When you do that, the "offending" man almost always understands immediately. A woman goes to a hotel room with a man, what does she expect that he will think? How are these women so naive? So many of these women talk, sound and act like silly little girls who have no common sense. I understood these things when I was 16.

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Completely agree.

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I agree, giving the rest of us a bad name! We are not all hysterical, neurotic control freaks who run on nothing but emotion and feelings! Plus they’re such fakes, they keep acting like they are β€œcaring” and β€œhelping others” but pretty much everything they do is self-serving, to make themselves feel safer, superior or β€œkind.”

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wow! This is so true! I have never thought about this, but it definitely explains a lot of why we're seeing so much dysfunction in colleges these days. I thought it was mainly due to poisonous communist influences taking over, but this offers another very compelling theory.

And I have long since thought much of our issue comes from the fact that many people in society have decided we don't need men...they put them in a box and define any man who dares speak up as "toxic masculinity". The other issue I have noted with women is there is a very desperate need to fit in and be liked - and you can see this at all stages in life. I see it all around me with moms in their 30's and 40's, when really at this stage of life we should be more mature than this, but we're not. Women will go along with literally anything - no matter how corrupt or evil the idea, in order to fit in and not be cast out of the clique. That desperate need to be included makes them very vulnerable to toxic and dangerous agendas. Watching that video with Chris Rufo made me smile because he is exactly the solvent that we need...you need someone very calm and rational to go up against these hysterical women.

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Very good points. I definitely agree on the idea that a great many women want to be liked (or β€œpopular” if you will) at all costs. They will do anything to fit in. I’ve never been like that, though, I do want people to like me, but if they only will like me if I do things against my principles, that’s a hard no from me! Probably why I’ve never been β€œpopular” πŸ˜†πŸ˜

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Mar 21, 2023Β·edited Mar 21, 2023

I find I am getting better at this as I age. It's hard not to fall into wanting to be liked though. But as I told my husband when I used to hang out with this group of other daycare moms (almost all of whom were staunch and loud liberals), we just disagree so much on life that much of our time spent together was me working very hard to keep my mouth shut. I was stifling myself. What is the point of having "friends" you can't be yourself around?

And we like to think oh, it's just politics, you can be friends with anyone, but it's so much bigger than that. There were real life issues that I very strongly disagreed with them on. For example, they thought it was just fine to send their 5 year old kids to a week long golf camp with TWO level 3 sex offenders present. My conservative mom friends pulled their kids from the camp and that was that. But this crew said things like "oh I am sure it's just a misunderstanding from highschool" or "oh but he's such a nice guy, I'm sure it's fine". See what I mean? This isn't politics, this is real life differences as wide as a canyon. I just can't get on the same page with these people.

I think it's great that it sounds like you've never really fallen into this trap. Saved yourself a lot of time and frustration from the sounds of it :-)

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Mar 21, 2023Β·edited Mar 21, 2023

β€”β€œWhat is the point of having "friends" you can't be yourself around?”

Totally agree with this and the reason why I stopped interacting with many of my β€œfriends” on FB. They were people I genuinely liked and cared about and who had been very supportive to me during some difficult times, but I got tired of the sneering and judgmental (or preening and self congratulatory) comments about politics and then about Covid, BLM etc. I was just over it. The thing is, we agreed on a lot of other things, but their lack of ability to see outside the β€œapproved” political POV.

You are too kind, I don’t know that I’ve escaped it as it has affected me negatively in many ways but in the end, I feel like my integrity and principles matter much more than my popularity. But I had great role models in my parents, who never really cared about doing the popular thing.

Also the reactions of those moms to sex offenders working at camp is beyond the pale, I could never put my kid in danger like that πŸ˜•

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I think it's crippling and always has been if you get dependent on approval from outsiders for your self worth. It seems that lately, social media has had a toxic effect on women in particular, making them so focused on approval from people they don't even know.

A great thing about getting older is that you get increasingly less concerned with what others think of you. I've always been polite and kind of everyone, but I still realize there will be people who just don't like me....and I just don't care. I don't like everyone I meet either!

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And the Bible cautions against seeking worldly/other people’s approval instead of focusing on God’s approval!

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Or as Adam Carolla titled his book, β€œIn 50 years, we will all be chicks.”

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I love Adam Carolla.

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This is also seen in the church. People call it The Feminization of The Church and it has all the hallmarks of a middle aged woman who is tired of fighting- she wants no confrontation, she accepts anything except what crosses her warped sense of peace, and she (ironically) will fight about that. All of her standards are self based. For example, if you tell her she is pretty or wise, she basks in judgement. If the judgement is negative, she blows up saying β€œYou shouldn’t judge!” It’s ludicrous, but so widespread.

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And they are also the first to judge OTHERS!

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Yes. Wrongly and harshly, which (I believe) is why they are so terrified of judgement from others-- They assume we all have cruel standards.

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I think you’re right about that.

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Mar 21, 2023Β·edited Mar 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I'm guessing this to be one of your favorite lines, Counselor:

"You can’t find a single person who says they regret not taking the vaccine. But you can find tons going the other way."

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

That you are keynoting an event of this nature, with intention, is seriously allowing this little ship to keep floating. It has been the worst 2 years of Nelsonian ignorance I have ever endured. That we may in fact turn THIS corner is heartening. Next we HUMBLE corporate media! Go C&C!

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I work for the Temecula Valley Unified School District. I am very interested how all this will land this week. There have been so many packed Board Meetings with many, many hours of parent’s, educator’s, and student’s passionate commentaries. Voices are being heard. I was pretty stunned to hear Jeff bring us up. I appreciate his input to the Board and attorney. I hope they take you up on it. Temecula is a great town to live in. I have been here 32 years and worked for the district for 24 years.

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Out on 79 about a half hour drive, Temecula is where we go for everything. No children or real roots here, retired, but watching with great interest. Hope you post an update as things develop. Fingers crossed, prayers up, and best wishes.

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Are you in Aguanga? I will do my best to update. There is a special meeting today for district staff and school representatives and a board meeting tomorrow for public to attend. We have never taught CRT in the school I work at. Not sure about others but I suspect there will be some very clear rules coming up. Probably some law suits from the pro CRT gang as well. They are here in out small town.

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Yes we are.

The interesting thing about the CRT topic is the way in which people deny it’s being taught/used; or push it. I have never used the term, to describe what I think is being promoted or opposed. In early 2020 I watched a pastor on YT tell his congregation about the events and philosophy behind cultural marxism, and so that’s how I view all of this cultural stuff - as well as recalling the tactics used by Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot and in the French Revolution (redefining words/terminology; using children against tradition/parents; degrading parenthood; accusing others of what they themselves do; normalizing aberrant behavior; etc.).

Thanks for your reply!

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Just want to mention that the β€œresearch β€œ that groomers often refer to about medical interventions reducing the suicide rate in gender confused youth is actually an online questionnaire given to kids/adults right after their treatment asking them if they now feel less suicidal. So, absolutely no scientific validity. This is what is used the back up the statements to scare parents. A little OT today, I know, but have been wanting to mention it since I found out the origins. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-transyouth-care/?fbclid=IwAR0dUsZc04I9JPu8j_eUQJqRxlKZb-Bd4Tf-q2hKF4CKyZ5e1umVna541zw

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This kind of thing really is the depth of despair. It makes me angry as hell!

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Surprise surprise, they’re lying and misrepresenting again πŸ™„πŸ˜‘

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It's all they do. Evil is nothing but lies.

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Stunning manipulation 😑

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wow, that is appalling. This agenda is just so very evil that it takes your breath away. It blows my mind that people are blind to the true motivations behind this child mutilation. That there are actually people out there (adults supposedly) who believe that this is the "kind" thing to do...to mutilate someone and maim them for the rest of their lives.

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I think a lot of them don’t know or don’t really think about the physical reality of what the supposed β€œgender affirming care” involves. Chopping off body parts and giving all kinds of drugs to create this supposed transition.

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You're probably right - like the rest of their ideas, they haven't really thought this one through too much. I would really like them to find me a single adult today who wishes their parents had cut their body parts off for them while they were in elementary school.

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It’s always more about feelings than thinking. Like the government social β€œwelfare” programs, they promote what makes them feel good rather than what is right or what is most effective in solving a problem.

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Declassifying covid origins is a PsyOp to perpetuate the failing VIRUS THEORY - Dr. Sam Bailey - The Origins of COVID-19 (PsyOp) - Odysee - https://tinyurl.com/uwcj2t36

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Desantis should not sign the extradition of Trump. Libbies will never vote for him and I know for a fact Trump supporters will not if he panders to the Libbies and worse yet - the rinos. If this were a legitimate case from a legitimate district attorney, not a soros minion, I would feel differently.

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DeSantis is taking a huge asskicking on many conservative platforms for his pathetic reply yesterday to the persecution of President Trump. DeSantis has solidly lost support outside of Florida and is no longer viewed as capable of leading the MAGA movement. My guess is he's toast now.

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I am wary of the Paul Ryan connection. Paul Ryan is a traitor.

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I’ve long heard of people referring to him as a trojan horse globalist before now. And I’m not on social media. I don’t live in Fl so I don’t really know much about him except for the good stuff we all hear about. I know people are rightfully skeptical of anyone nowadays so I put it in the β€˜wait and seeβ€˜ file

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He had a response yesterday but now I can’t find it. He called out the Soros DA. It was actually a great response! Don’t think he’ll be extraditing anyone.

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Finally someone not fearful to invoke the demon's name and its money behind so many of our sick societal changes.

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Except he took the opportunity (his handlers idea , I’m sure) to disrespect President Trump at such a horrible time, which was not missed by the President’s supporters.

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I believe his response was terrible! Not only did he wait several days for his handlers to help him figure out what say (unlike Vivek R.), he whined about how busy he is (after he just took a book tour and will be continuing to travel to sell his book) and took a low swipe at Trump. It was not the time or place to bring up Stormy Daniels. They can spar back and forth the rest of the time, but this was the moment for DeSantis to look like a statesman and say that this is much bigger than Trump. The Dems' endgame is for this to happen to every one of us, and if they can do this to their greatest political opponent, the game is over for all of us. It sounded like a very canned answer, and I am really disappointed. I've loved what he's done as governor, but I heard that as a congressman, he was actually very establishment in his foreign policy, and many feel his new Ukraine War stance is simply a sign that the Republican wind is blowing against the war. I hoped that DeSantis would be a great candidate if not now, then in 2028. But I just don't trust him now. I've heard about all the billionaires like Ken Griffin that are behind him, and now I'm hearing that Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, and Karl Rove are working as consultants. Unless something changes drastically to win my trust, I cannot support him anymore.

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I hadn’t heard any of that - I just got a small sound bite of what he said...this is disappointing to hear, maybe he just needs to stay in Florida πŸ™„

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If DeSantis signs the extradition order, he will be viewed as Pence was (RINO) when Pence did not fight for Trump during the electoral process.

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