I think you’re onto something with your Ukrainian flag-waver idea, Jeff. How about if you express support for a policy that will require taxpayer funding, you are required to vote with your wallet? Those of us who abstain will be exempt from taxation on that particular item.

Can you imagine how different our foreign policy (and domestic, too, for that matter) would look if people had to pay the consequences for their virtue-signaling?

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Most of the money and equipment is being stolen before any of it gets to Ukraine. The entire war is a fraud as are the people supporting it.

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Now that FTX is bust , one wonders how donations will get funnelled to dems and rinos.

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If there's a will, there's a way - they always find it.

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Why isn't that phoney runt in jail instead of having cocktails and hors d'oeuvre with the elites?

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Jeff Childers - why is this can you report on this soon? Why is this man boob boy geek criminal and his Harry Potter nerd like criminal girlfriend still out living freely in a penthouse in the Bahamas? Why aren’t the in the clink yet?!?

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There are more pay to play “foundations” who have billions.

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Apparently Tether, another crypto exchange, is also used for this purpose and is being protected from being investigated. https://www.revolver.news/2022/11/sam-bankman-fried-ftx-on-steroids-is-cryptocurrency-tether-joe-biden-crypto-bcci/

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They will just come up with a new scam. They always do.

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Oh my...now you've done it. You just poked the anti-Putin hornet nest. Better duck cuz here they come.

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Yeah, both of them. How will we survive the onslaught


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Oh my. That is hilarious.

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They need a hat that reads, I swallowed the narrative. Ukraine is winning the war!! 🙄

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Duck and Cover Saves lives.

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I prefer Stop Drop and Roll personally during all emergencies

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Most assuredly, the anti-Putin hornet's nest is waking up here and around the world. Not all of us want to learn Mandarin or Russian.

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Documentary on how your Russians got rolled up in Kherson and lost another major battle 😉

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I don't know why you think they are my Russians - which actually makes no sense. Typical war-time propaganda.

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When you keep defending them you own them.

The closest Putin's been to the conflict was when he went to the Kerch bridge sometime in the last 48 hours. Otherwise he's been in his bunkers, social distancing, and getting more covid shots to stay safe and healthy.

And Ukraine just struck two Russian Nuke bases that house Tu160 and tu95 bombers, damaging a few. Wonder if jeff will call this an "act of terrorism"? While Russia bombs civilian targets, Ukraine hits military bases.

Good score.

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Go soak your head

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I just took a shower, I’m good.

You didn’t see the video of Russian soldiers freezing to death in bakhmut, did you?

Poor buggers are sent to die in a pointless

War for an old mans ego.

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LOL...yeah, ok. Knock yourself out. Everyone is entitled to an "opinion".

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The government elite, ours and Ukraine’s, need more blood money in their pockets.

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Problem is, they never ever have "enough" money.

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Wars are cheap, right?

Jeff always asks for donations. If you give 5$, why does he keep asking

For more?

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Maybe Putin shouldn’t start the war that creates it ;)

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He didn’t. Scumbag Victoria Nukand did in 2014.

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She didn’t.

Putin did.

Why do you listen to Scott Ritter?

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Heard this long time ago from others. Not Ritter. Giraldi and McGovern

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How much do they pay you and is it in yuan?

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022

This whole situation reminds me of the two brothers sitting at the table and the one named Charlie is constantly kicking the other one named David under the table ( NATO expansionism since 90’s) and then David who has had enough and can’t take it anymore finally hits Charlie back and Charlie suddenly screams, “Mommy, David is hitting me!!”

“I think it is the beginning of a new cold war. I think the Russians will gradually react quite adversely and it will affect their policies. I think it is a tragic mistake. There was no reason for this whatsoever. No one was threatening anybody else. This expansion would make the founding fathers of this country turn over in their graves.

"We have signed up to protect a whole series of countries, even though we have neither the resources nor the intention to do so in any serious way. [NATO

expansion] was simply a lighthearted action by a Senate that has no real interest in foreign affairs. What bothers me is how

superficial and ill informed the whole Senate debate was. I was particularly bothered by the references to Russia as a country dying to attack Western Europe.

"Don't people understand? Our differences in the Cold War were with the Soviet

Communist regime. And now we are turning our backs on the very people who mounted the greatest bloodless revolution in history to remove that Soviet regime. And Russia's democracy is as far advanced, if not farther, as any of these countries we've just signed up to defend from Russia. Of course there is going to be a bad reaction from Russia, and then [the NATO expanders] will say that we always told you that is how the Russians are but this is just wrong.” George Kennan, the architect of America's successful containment of the Soviet Union.

We can argue about the democracy in Russia but many European countries went full blown Fascists during covid pandemic, including Canada who froze the bank accounts of the people who went to protest the draconian measures. Democracy! I think Kennan knew what he was talking about. This is exactly what happened over time and now we are paying for it. God job!

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Except one brother has been murdering and dominating the other because he believes it's his right. Russia committed a genocide against Ukraine, killing approximately 6 million ethnic Ukrainians because they weren't big on communism.

There is no such thing as Nato expansion. Nobody forces people to join nato, the people desire to join nato because they don't want to get Ukraine'd.

Why did both Finland and Sweden join nato? Because both desire the same thing-peace. Russia forced this situation with it's illegitimate war against Ukraine. Finland was the victim of Russian Imperialism in the winter war. So was Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.

The people who run russia now are the same ones who profitted under Communism. Putin was a senior KGB leader.

To say Democracy is advanced in Russia is a bald faced lie.

The communist menace is back. Same flags, same leaders, new allies.

Are you saying a nation's own actions of managing it's internal affairs are so frightening to Russia it has to invade? Ukraine doesn't have the right to make it's own choices? Weird. I've heard that same talk from the vaccinators who said everyone should be vaccinated.

And putin too, who's big on the sputnik shot.

If your friends are China, Iran, North korea, and Russia, you might want to take a look internally and check yourself.

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What I understood is Russia’s grievances with Ukraine are all the military training and the military equipment provided to Ukraine right on Russia’s border. What looks defensive to one country looks offensive to the other. There were warnings in the past that Ukraine would get wrecked. If you knew your actions would lead to this and how the other side would react why push to that outcome to endanger innocent’s people’s lives?

In the past a Russian journalist could be invited to NBC to present a different point of view, what’s wrong with that? By having a dialog we may come to a mutual agreement and the world would benefit from the cooperation and there will be less hostility in the world. Now they don’t even allow a different point of view from their own citizens, doctors and scientists. That doesn’t look good. We are being severely manipulated to hate each other, whether we are citizens of the same country or not.

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Ponzi scheme dollars to enrich global politicians!

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You mean to tell me Ukraine is actually fighting off the second largest army in the world with even less money and equipment? That's simply incredible!

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That's your allegation based on a simple statement of fact? Sad.

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No links

Take a hike.

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It'd be enlightening to know what fraction, on average, of (physical) aid actually arrives in-country (Ukraine.) 1/10? 1/100? "Troll" perhaps, but the proper view should be skeptic. Even in peace time, with a legitimate business, goods are not shipped at zero cost. It's the "fees" I'm curious about: import duties, taxes and so on. Once we enter the unofficial, off-the-books-world, those are usually called "bribes." Like it or not, every stage of the pipeline gets his cut. This would be especially true for money, electronic or physical cash currency. Even if a load of food, clothing, equipment etc. lands in Ukraine, it is essentially distributed to the next-lower-level distributor. Most of these will sell what they can on the black market for cash. The guys at the front line may get the occasional rifle and ammo or perhaps an anti-tank or AA gear if they're lucky, but most of the equipment never reaches the front. It's now in the hands of a rival group elsewhere, or even terrorists in a different part of the world. Meanwhile, the foreign bank accounts of "our" government employees swell. Business as usual.

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90-95% of the equipment is making it.

You can see literally thousands of artillery shells impacting Russians daily (warheads on foreheads).

Your accusation is like a sinking man selling his life jacket for a pound of gold. Possible? Sure, but not likely. The Ukrainians won't have a nice view of that because those weapons are being used to stop Russia from taking over their country.

Gun crime has increased in Russia 30% over pre war. More weapons in Russia make it to the black market.

Russians and their backers have been repeating this lie since the war and aid started in an attempt to get it shut down. Hasn't worked.

Russian tanks literally went into combat with the explosive filler on their armor stolen and half of their fuel sold by their supply officers.

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I read an article some time ago, that the weapons were traded on the black market

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You heard wrong.

The fire finder radars we sent are being put to good use.

Gun crime in Russia is up 30% since the war started. Why is that?

Russians selling their weapons for food and fuel.

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The propaganda is strong in this one. In other news, Putin has brain cancer for the third time, or "Kremlin insiders" whisper that a palace coup is underway to replace him, the the Ukraines are winning and will be in Moscow by spring, etc. 🤣

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Ukraine is winning the war.

Putin hasn’t been able to take the country after 10 months of war with his finest troops.

You don’t fire almost half a dozen generals because things are going well.

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Thank you for the prompt reply. Fro all I know, your information may be correct. My sarcasm is grounded upon the simple fact that most media simply cannot be taken at face value. Lies, half-truths and omissions are standard fare in normal times, doubly so in war. Even if we heard both sides' news, a skeptic would assume most of it was deception propaganda intended to manipulate opinion rather than inform. As a wise man said, in war the first casualty is truth.

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Just like Vietnam

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Time to get payback.

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Is it? Or is that what the MSM is telling you?

How come Russia was sent reeling in two major battles if the gear isn’t making it there?

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Listen to the LJ interview posted above. And turn off the TV and throw out the American news propaganda pages.

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I don’t listen to American news. I listen to more Russian news than American.

Try another assumption and fail even harder :)

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Try listening to the interview and if that’s not enough look up Scott Horton’s interviews with General Douglas McGregor. The entire fiasco is a lie like Covid.

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Macgregor isn’t a general, by the way.

"The battle in eastern Ukraine is really almost over, all of the Ukrainian troops there have been largely surrounded and cut off. You have a concentration down in the Southeast of 30 or 40,000 of them, and if they don't surrender in the next 24 hours, I suspect Russia will ultimately annihilate them."

Macgregor said that in February. It’s now November.

Your boy is an idiot, like I said.

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Macgregor is an idiot.

He’s been wrong on numerous levels.

The guy speaks on Russia today.

Hardly someone to listen to.

He’s claimed Ukraine is losing and about to be defeated numerous times yet the Ukrainians

Keep pushing the communists back.

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LMAO...MSM? Really? Show me how MSM is calling the war a fake?

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I don’t follow the MSM.

I talk with dudes in Ukraine daily. I found out about your boys in Russia running away so fast they left dozens and dozens of tanks and anti aircraft systems almost 24 hours before it hit the news.

Ukraine has crossed the dniepr river to fight on the Jin burn peninsula. Russians are only crossing the river styx.

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Uh...didn't answer the question. You're the one supporting the MSM Ukraine narrative.

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I wouldn’t know what their narrative is since I don’t listen or watch them.

Are you saying Russia didn’t lose almost all of Kharkiv oblast in a lightning offensive in October?

Are you saying Russia didn’t run from Kherson with their tails between their legs?

But you do, so what’s your narrative now?

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Hey, don't get in the way of the feels with too much logic. 😂

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The fact some people here qoute Scott Ritter is disgusting.

Who’s he again, my equine friend?

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It's sad but being on Putin's payroll doesn't mean someone doesn't fall for it.

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Same with all the idiots who voted for Fetterman, and Biden for that matter.

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In light of the questionable integrity of our elections, DID all of those people truly vote for Biden or Fetterman?

We need to go to watermarked, serialized paper ballots.....hand counted.

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and forensic CPA auditing between voter and ballot

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Watermarking a ballot system is great but it's only as good as stopping the ballot harvesting that is going on now. It's an epidemic.

Fetterman banked over 800,000 votes through ballot harvesting. It's a disgrace.

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That’s why Biden went on the offensive about election deniers a week before the election. They knew the fix was in.

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That's not even a question anymore. 2020 and 2022 have been stolen and they have no intention of even holding an election in 2024. They will not give up power. Link everything they are doing and what does it add up to??? 2023 is looking very dangerous to me.

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The Dems have perfected the process of nudging election results at this point. The feckless and clueless Republicans and other non-Democrats are sitting around whining about election results but not doing anything substantive to stop what is going on and create a more honest election system. I'm disgusted with all of them, and I'm starting to think the R's don't really want to be in a position of power. They prefer to be the diversionary second party. It's easier that way.

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022

Margaret, I have been proposing this for years. It would finally result in the government doing what the PEOPLE want rather than what the moneyed elites/virtue-signalers-with-my-money would rather do. But it would remove 100% of the government's power base (the ability to extort money from those who do not wish to give it to spend on things on which they do not wish it spent) which is redistribution of your wealth. So, sadly, will never happen.

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I remember when Hubs company would let him check which charity he wanted to donate to, through his company. If only we got to do that on our withholding forms.

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That's closer to the original concept of our founders than you may realize. During our early years, only property owners could vote on major issues - as only they had skin in the game.

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If that were the case now, I am sure Blackrock and Vanguard would corner the voting market in certain places.

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Federal automatic withholding is one of the worst crimes the government has ever perpetrated upon the working man. If we had to write a check every month to the government to give them the money, instead of them taking it out "automatically", can you imagine the outrage of all these clueless people? Maybe more so in years past, as those actually paying an income tax now, is far less than years ago. We would have had a revolution by now. People have NO idea because, ijeeits that they are, become excited to get money in the form of a "refund" of what should have been in their pocket to begin with. I. Can't. Stand. It.

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Similar with all the taxes that get tacked onto various things such as utilities. Propane for example. Where I live, I have to have a propane tank, and the propane fuels my heater and water heater, also my stove. Taxes are not based on the amount or cost of propane I have delivered. It's a PER DELIVERY basis, whether I get 1 gallon or 180 gallons of propane. Each time the government fees add up to $20. Then there are taxes on the cell phones, taxes on land lines, taxes on electricity, gas taxes (in CA the taxes alone are .58 per gallon), taxes taxes taxes everywhere you look. If people added up all these taxes in addition to the income taxes, they would be shocked and angry. But most people remain fairly oblivious to all the taxes they actually pay.

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And what do we get in return for all of those taxes?? A crumbling infrastructure, decaying “education” system, homeless, drug addicts, captured medical system, and rich politicians and bureaucrats 😑

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I believe there was a really fun party on a pier, near a harbor. I think they might have talked about this very same thing. But, they are all dead now. Not relevant.

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Some wicked smaht people at that one!

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Man...I am sure they are rolling over in their graves. They fought so hard for the likes of these idiots?? Clown show. GROSS.

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Problem is that cost-shifting is not a bug, but a feature. The whole point of machine politics is to transfer money to your supporters and dump the downside costs on your opponents. If your people have to pay for what they want, you're doing it wrong.

Granted, there's also a whole political-economy explanation about public goods being non-excludable and the free-rider problem. We all benefit from propping up Ukraine (supposedly) and there's no way to limit that benefit to the people who pay for it. Even that isn't an airtight argument for the public funding it, but it's not a crazy one.

Cynics would say that's all kayfabe: we don't all benefit, really. That's just the sales pitch. But right now our government is run by people who believe -- or at least, who claim to believe -- that we all benefit.

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“But right now our government is run by people who believe -- or at least, who claim to believe -- that we all benefit.”

Criminal organizations aren’t run like that. They have their media puppets to promote that propaganda to the sheep.

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022

CPK: Bullshit.

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I love this idea... except that I think we all have to pay for military readiness, and then as I write this I imagine all the bill writers shifting all to that category, even if it ends up going to NPR and big bird. UGH.

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Yep...I thought about categorizing things...I put down Veterans. Then...the inevitable hitting of the backspace button and leaving it as is.

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Margaret Anna Alice for President !!! I will vote at least 12 times for you !

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😹 Very sweet of you, Ingrid, but that sounds like a cruel form of torture to me 🤣

Maybe if I could dissolve the federal government and retire on my first day 🤔

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unfortunately those with good ideas usually don't make it up high there !

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Me too!! Ingrid for VP. We know we can trust her!

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022

LOL wouldn't want to be there though. I think the problem is, there are no honest people in politics. It is so sad to see all these legel pickpockets spend hard earned people's (tax) money, earning hundreds of thousands themselves, and we getting by on a dime. Thank you for the honour though !

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Haha, Ingrid would definitely make it more fun, but it still sounds like punishment to me 😆

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Hey! Remember that time Russian was invading Afghanistan and we gave this guy in Afghanistan a bunch of money and weapons?? What was his name? That could never happen again...


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Maybe put the monies aside for the new surrender flag wavers for language courses with the choice of a) Mandarin b) Russian and/or c) Farsi.

Operators in Moscow are waiting for you to sign up now. 🙃

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Oh lord...here we go again. Sheese.

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You know, I could raise an issue about orange juice and somehow it would get pulled back to Putin-Putin-Putin. The hilarious part is they are hawking the OBiden/Bolshevik narrative on Ukraine and they are claiming to be anti-MSM. I think I've had enough laughs this morning. Time for some serious interface.

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Wonder if they are rassling fans too? They probably believe this kayfabe video as reality too. 😜😂😂


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And have you done this with anything before?

Border spending?



Aid to Ukraine is keeping america safer. Less Russians to focus on us and both of Brandon’s brain cells are focused somewhere else

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Umm... Yeah, actually we do this with MOST things, and we should do it with more. You want something, you should pay for it yourself. Of course, the government funds private interests all the time, but to the extent it does, that's corrupt and it shouldn't do so.

What it SHOULD fund are public goods like border security, or national security more generally. But even then, tradeoffs are still a thing, and even national security has to be subject to cost/benefit analysis.

Let's stipulate (only arguendo) that Russia is a threat and would otherwise "focus on us", trying to sap and impurify our precious bodily fluids, and so forth. We're safer if the Russians are preoccupied with Ukraine instead. So we should prop up Ukraine to keep the Russians tied down, or maybe even cripple and defeat them.

(What's funny is that this sort of concedes that Putin is right: we're using Ukraine as cannon fodder against Russia, and all the moralizing is just a smokescreen for the U.S. pursuing its self-interest.)

Problem is that propping up Ukraine isn't costless. Those costs make us less safe. It's far from obvious that the NET result of propping up Ukraine works to our benefit. Maybe one can make a moral or legal or realpolitik argument for propping up Ukraine. But the claim that it "keeps America safer" doesn't get past conclusory handwaving at meaninglessly high levels of abstraction.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Reading today’s article, we truly do live in a clown world. You make me laugh, gasp, and shake my head at all the craziness. Somehow, Jeff Childers, you make it all bearable!

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clown world?....more like Killer Clowns from Outer Space world!!!

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It’s odd they aren’t just sending Ukraine windmills and solar panels.

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and battery powered snowplows and road salters

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Seriously! What a huge carbon footprint they’re creating in Ukraine! Where’s the leftist outrage!

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Because leftist hopes and dreams don’t work out in reality.

The country has plenty of power, they just tend to rotate it on and off.

Good? Russia is burning up more cash wasting nuclear capable missiles attacking civilian targets. Things they can’t replace.


Ukraine’s having scheduled outages. Replacement parts from their allies are cheaper than missiles.

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We eventually will. $53 million is chump change. Zelensky asked for the world to help rebuild Ukraine at a cost of >$1 Trillion, with a T, which is roughly 5 times their annual GDP.

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Why would they need that money if Russia was so selective and precise?

Oh, Russia is bombing maternity wards and apartment houses.

Jeff likes to croon on here about how Ukraine is without power.

There’s 308 billion in seized Russian assets that can be used for that.

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A dozen European countries sent hundreds of large generators.

Can’t beat the ICE.

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Aren’t the gadgets usable for bomb making? And the other unnamed essential equipment?

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Generators? Why would they make generators into bombs?

We are sending a lot of himars rockets . They don’t need to improvise explosives.

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send the white house a reminder . .

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My thoughts exactly. And what types of vehicles? Electric? What a joke.

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So far the only thing electric I’ve seen being sent are electric dirt bikes used by special forces and recon. Super quiet vehicles they can strap a rocket to and take off.

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Never want to see anyone go through that sort of pain/suffering from blood clots, but I think they're more wide-spread than even we might suspect. (I'd say "wider than reported", but ...) My dad's been suffering from clotting in his legs - started after he jumped in line to get his shots. Sadly, they're still on the "how soon can I get my next booster" path, despite knowing that any effectiveness wanes and I think trying to be willfully ignorant of people experiencing adverse reactions. :(

I really wish more doctors and physicians would be free to speak up about what they're seeing and actually speculate about true causes instead of "stress over anti-vaxx" or "climate change" or "shoveling snow". (The latter semi-valid if you go from sedentary to lifting 6' of "light and fluffy", but still....)

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Every healthcare professional should be speaking the truth regardless of the consequences. There used to be a Hippocratic oath that was paramount to your practice but it seems to have been thrown out the window along with a patient’s Bill of Rights and Informed Consent. I don’t give anyone a pass for failing to do the research and neglecting to tell the truth!

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Yes. We can create a parallel economy to support those who get deplatformed.

It's better if we can fix the system, but we should start on plan B.

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Wokeism and money has corrupted everyone. There is no morality left in any of our institutions, including the medical establishment.

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Totally agree, and y'know it all comes out in the wash. Sure they medical folks were somewhat brainwashed with a side order of arrogance, but they were also intimidated and it worked. Kalifornistan has enshrined this practice in law, which will have several effects. One of them is a mass exodus of those who sat on the fence and went along to get along. In addition, more and more medicals are coming forward because they have become aware fo just how serious this whole operation is. The Professor from Japan is a very good example.

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A friend of mine in CA belongs to Kaiser HMO and needed to make an appointment from the list of 60 preferred doctors. Found out that half of them no longer practice in CA. They have left.

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No kidding...wow.

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Doctors have skills that are portable. When the Gov say you will lose your license if you say something he doesn't like, that when they say "Buh bye!"

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Odyessee maybe?? I saw the video with subtitles yesterday.

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It was on Bitchute. Sorry

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Right? No excuses for taking the easy road

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Check out Tucker’s interview with Simon Gold on his streaming show. She expertly explains what went wrong with the medical profession. Its great interview !

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Thank you!

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Good living requires courage and doing what is right is not always the easiest route. Shame on these doctors!!! Imagine injection a single person with a vial of unknown ingredients that has not even been through proper animal trials. I couldn’t do it! And yet, trained physicians are doing exactly this hundreds and thousands of times!

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Isn't the CDC now saying you need 'boosters' every 2 months.

Are people really going to stay with the program?

I keep thinking society can't get any dumber...

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It has been stated that the nanoparticles pass the blood brain barrier…just sayin.

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True and that’s why there’s been an enormous increase in neurological diseases.

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Einstein said two things are infinite the universe and human stupidity. We now have proof.

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He wasn't certain about the universe. As opposed to human stupidity.

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And then we realize it can….

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“I keep thinking society can't get any dumber...” 🤣🤣🤣

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More than 93 heavily vaccinated Doctors have keeled over and dropped dead in Canada from the clot shots.

No knowing how many nurses and other medical staff met the same fate.

Yet the Communist Trudeau Government is going to force more shots on you.

Why the heck haven’t you all gone Brazilian on them yet?

Apathy is killing once-free Countries faster than the mRNA shots.

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Oh my goodness. This is TERRIBLE.

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every 3 months. if true there might be a die off. staffing shortage. and probably blamed on the unvaccinated taking up beds.

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Most certainly will accelerate the die off among medical staff. One more brick in their plan to break our society and subjugate us.

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HolyCow! They wont even have a health care system at this rate.

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Get to FL. If that goes down in the USA, and I expect it will maybe next year, FL will divorce itself from the Feds.

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There won't be any healthcare personnel left. How will the elites heal themselves?

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Money. All for me and none for thee.

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It's horrible, horrible, but I think people are becoming more aware. We thought we escaped the servile feudal class when our forefathers got in small ships and sailed across the ocean blue. it just took a little time to reappear here while we were sleeping. BUT, we can't change this overnight; it took decades to build and they're not going to give it up quickly. We do number far more than they are. If we keep up the message, we can build to critical mass.

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It's worrisome for all of us....those that are vaxxed but also for the unvaxxed that have had covid.

The 2nd Smartest Guy in the World had an excellent piece on his substack yesterday about this.

Copied from the article:

"Infection from COVID is different in that the spike protein is not separate, but rather a part of the virus, so not as dangerous. However, as your body attacks the virus and “chops it to pieces,” parts of the spike protein will circulate, causing similar inflammations and circulatory issues, but on a far smaller scale than vaccination does. These are known as “MICRO CLOTS.” One’s susceptibility to them will relate in great deal to the severity of infection, as well as the body’s immune systems’ ability to clear out the viral spike protein pieces. This theory has been around for a while, but it is getting more and more credibility in the medical community as studies are done."

Micro-Clotting: One of the Primary Lifespan Decreasing DEATHVAX™ Vectors


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Yes okay BUT. Natural infection is not injected into the bloodstream or assisted across the blood brain barrier. Natural infection can absolutely mimic vax injury to some degree but it will be a very different scale. It is worth examining in detail though! If we hadn’t shot ourselves up with who the hell knows what, the secondary impacts of csarscov2 infection should be first concern!!!

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Pretty sure my natural infection crossed my blood brain barrier. 😥 The post-infection depression and fatigue were like nothing I have ever experienced in my entire life.

I agree that for most, natural infection is benign. But it is no guarantee of escape from spike hell.

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Yes I suspect sometimes antigens cross during natural infection but it is still worse when your own body is manufacturing trillions of spike (the assumption is the cell manufactures one round of that trash and is immediately destroyed but DO WE ACTUALLY KNOW?) and that spike is simultaneously infiltrating all organs including brain and heart. The only equivalent assault in nature that i can think of is systemic infection. (Sepsis) which is quite a serious situation as most people know.

Please accept my well wishes for full and fast recovery.

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Thank you and I agree absolutely.

Our initial infection itself was not fun but was uneventful. Then, a week later, bammm. It was really bizarre.

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Two remedies for spike protein I have heard:

A three day fast (can be repeated as needed), water only. Allows the body to clear all the proteins.

Apple Pectin. Effective for detoxing from a lot of things. No downside. The Russians effectively used it to treat radiation victims from Chernobyl. (Apologies if this triggers the hornets nest again.)

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there are doctors treating vaccine injury with ivermectin. worth finding those protocols if you've been vax injured. also protocols for long covid.... try FLCCC website.

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i'd just stay on the preventative stuff. high dose c, d and a bit of zinc. i never got sick but i'm sure the virus got inside my body. when i was taking care of my mom (who got very sick from covid) i took the choice of scared humans and horses alike. it comes in apple flavor but still tastes like tire.

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I got covid over a year ago. Besides all the supplements I take as maintenance, I immediately went on ivermectin and hydroxychlorine which I had laid in from India. Was sick for 3 days and mildly fatigued. Never felt that way before. Wierd.

Anyway, Ivermectin is turning out to be quite the therapeutic. My sis and BIL have been on a low-dose daily regimen for a while now and when he goes in to the doc for his checkup, his numbers have been consistently improving. The doc hasn't said a thing. He has diabetes and blood pressure issues and high cholesterol.


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a lot of medicine is a racket imo. buyer beware. we stop using old drugs that work because they are off patent. we push drugs that are less effective or even toxic because they are on patent. the monetary incentive is to keep people sick and treat them until they run out of money or life. i choose my medical interventions very carefully. yes, IVM does seem to be an impressive drug even outside of covid.

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A very difficult tension is how to broach the idea that a loved one’s or friend’s injury is needle-induced. Especially in cases of death or severe hardship. The person is grieving, the family is grieving. Inserting the role of the needle in the death or life-altering disability won’t change the outcome... and in the case of miscarriage or fetal/neonatal death will create immense guilt... so, how exactly does one navigate this very sticky thing.

A physician friend of mine who sees and treats lots of injury may or may not broach the true etiology w patients, depending on the patient’s receptivity to the idea. Many injuries have been called “long VID” by regular drs, and she will treat that... knowing it actually is injury. Treatments overlap. Some patients may not choose to see her for treatment if point blank confronted w it as injury and not long VID.

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022

This is such a good comment, Copernicus. I have a friend at work whose wife lost their baby at 22 weeks after she received the vaccine. There is NO way I could ever even suggest the link (though he is a smart guy and I think will one day will have to confront the facts on the ground). We have another friend who, after getting the initial series, developed atrial fibrillation and when he presented to the ED and related to the treating provider that he had received the vaccine a week prior to onset was told, "I don't want to hear about that - we don't even consider it." So much for documenting accurately in a medical record. Pre-Covid any potential cause would have been acknowledged and considered. Vax has changed everything and not for the better.

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022

“I don’t want to hear about that” 🤬😡🙉

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My own a fib was grossly exacerbated by shedding (and probably direct contact with the vax in the pharmacy where I work--I’m sure it was everywhere.) Although I already had (undiagnosed ) a fib (I’d had episodes for at least six years) my symptoms dramatically increased in 2021 to the point I had to have heart surgery in February this year. Thank god it worked but I still occasionally have a palpitation but only when I’m at work or during the weeks that I’m on duty 10+ hrs a day. I’m unvaccinated but my first cardiologist was pissed I refused to comply. I asked him why he recommends a known cardio toxin be injected into his heart patients and he laughed in my face. He’s not my doctor anymore obv. He’s the reason people can’t believe the truth. The intentional ignorance of the medical community is profoundly damaging. As a pharmacist I am distressed, disgusted and ashamed of my colleagues but keep telling the truth at every opportunity.

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It’s really shameful how so many in the medical profession are complete shills. Kudos to you for standing by your principles.

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G-d bless you, Irunthis1. Seriously. May you reap rewards for your witness and may many be given ears to hear. Your cardiologist is, sadly, all too representative of providers today. His laughter reveals his ignorance. A truly serious doctor would have engaged in a thoughtful discussion. It appears, he didn't have the intellectual goods to be able to do so with you.

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It’s a tough one but people deserve the truth! Good or bad.

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I agree, to continue in the self deception and the presumably compassionate deception continues the harms to others who ignorantly continue boosters when this should be screamed from the rooftops.

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I've wondered the same thing about all the ailments popping up in acquaintances and family members of friends. If it could help improve diagnosis and treatment, I would go there, but I'm not aware of how it would help. Is there any specific medical protocol for these particular vax injuries?

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Go to FLCCC.net for some protocols.

Also, exploring naturopathic medicine and homeopathic medicine can be helpful as well.

Nothing is a guarantee, but there are things that can help, depending on the person and the condition.

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The hard part is knowing that the way to stop the carnage from continuing is to SPEAK. Yet, the impediments to SPEAKING are many, and I am not talking about the financial ones.

And how will people hold those responsible accountable, if the people do not ever make the association between the recommendations to inject and the subsequent harms? Were there a true recognition of the association, the public rage would be unstoppable. As unstoppable as the rage about the Balcienga or whatever it is crap.

How would I have learned about the harms of traditional vacksines, and their possible role in chronic conditions of my family members, leading me to decide “no more,” were everyone silent? Granted, the voices speaking were not those close to me. Most of them still think The Current Vacksine is unique in its harms. It is uniquely severe in its badness, but it is not the only bad one out there.

A good friend and I have discussed this a couple of times. She too knows someone whose pregnancy was affected.

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022

I have vaxx'd friends who are now sick ALL the time. It's just the result of an immune system that is so dysfunctional from the jab that it can't fight off a simple cold. And they're still CLUELESS, uh scratch that, they're still in DENIAL.

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Ditto. The even vocalize it as such.....at some point I may just ask them: Have you considered a regimen to detox from the shot(s)?

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I wish I had thought of that. Ask them a question that is not confrontational but is instead offering a solution. Excellent.

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Same 😞

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I actually completely agree with you. How hard it is to broach and why say anything and just make them feel worse (I have two close friends with cancer I know is clot induced). As well as a Dr may or may not broach depending in receptivity. I have done the same as a practitioner (different area) based upon a persons willingness to go forward and future plans. For example, my dad who is 75 probably is a bad candidate for a knee surgery as its higher risk and lots of recovery, for someone who does not even exercise now.

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Agreed! And let's not forget about remdesivir. I had a routine outpatient procedure. After declining to share my vax status with the nurse, she asked if there was anything she needed to know medically. I stated that if things went south and I had to go to the hospital that I was to get NO remdesivir. At this point she thinks I'm a total wackjob... but does she? When she comes back to start my IV, she states that "since YOU brought it up, I'm also not a fan of R." Her dad had covid and had pretty much recovered but fell and broke his hip. He had to go to the hospital for surgery. Per protocol they tested him for Covid and he still tested positive. Per protocol he received R. Surgery went fine and the surgeon said no issues at all. She gets a call the next day that his kidneys aren't right and they are keeping him. I expressed sincere apologies and asked if he got put on dialysis. She replies "No. He died. I'm certain the R killed him." I told her about prosecutenow.org but she said it was over... her mom couldn't handle it. So so sad!

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With apologies to our gracious host, Jeff....those bastards. And of all the crimes associated with Covid, the use of Remdesivir might be the most egregious. They KNEW and they still gave that stuff out like freakin' candy. Shame, shame, shame on anyone involved in writing that policy and may justice one day be delivered for that family and the countless other families subjected to that terrible drug.

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This is where a press corps that holds power accountable would come in helpful.

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“I really wish more doctors and physicians would be free to speak up”; they are! It’s criminal how physicians have abandoned the Hippocratic oath without a thought to their moral future! My trust has been lost! Sorry, they don’t get to claim ignorance if I can find the information! Shame on them! The almighty dollar rules them and to hell with their patients!

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Zero moral courage 😡

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022

Sorry to hear about your Dad, Peter. It's the spike. We have blood clots happening in both the vaxxed and unvaxxed who had a serious case of pre-Omicron Covid. One of my husband's colleagues - unvaxxed but had pretty severe case of Delta infection, in-shape, mid-40s, dealing with multiple clots in his arm which did not respond to usual anticoagulants. He eventually required surgical clot removal and thought that had solved the problem, but the clots returned. Scary, scary stuff.

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It's too bad there can't be a comparison of clots in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated people. Such studies will never be done. However, I will say that I do know a lot of people who had what was probably the original covid in the time period late 2019 to late 2020 and none of them have had problems or clots. The vaccinated are another matter, though.

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8 hr ago

The vax contains Graphene Hydroxide, NOT Graphene Oxide. Graphene Hydroxide is not a biological and creates atom-sized razor blades in the blood that can only be detected using Micro Raman Spectroscopy. They are flat and linear. They're 50 nanometers nm long or .00005 millimeters and razor edge is .01 nanometers thick. They become negatively charged to float freely throughout the blood. They're the sharpest thing on the Planet due to their size cutting the smooth epithelium lining of blood vessels. The faster the blood moves through the veins the more damage from these microscopic razor blades. Embalmers. Pathologists and other doctors don't have the ability to see the Graphene Hydroxide in the blood even IF they knew it existed and to look for it.

( DR Andreas Noack Graphene Hydroxide bitchute ) RIP


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Dr. Noack was murdered hours after he posted his video that proves his theory.

His life’s work was in Graphene, he understood it very well. I watched the video he posted, but haven’t seen it since.

He is not the only Doctor, Scientist, or Politician (3 Presidents by my count) that Big Pharma “disappeared” or killed off in the last two years.

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I was keeping count on how many heads of state had been killed off but now I have lost the count. Do you have it? I think it was up to 4 or 5. Too much data to keep track of.

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I was aware of the murders of the Presidents of Burundi, Tanzania, and Haiti…what are the other one or two that you know of? I must have missed them.

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When we lived in Seattle, my wife worked for a thriving gastro practice.

Pretty much every three weeks she and her colleagues were wined and dined by the Big Pharma reps at places like Ruth's Chris, and even more expensive restaurants.

Why do you think those Pfizer reps paid for a dozen or more healthcare workers to eat $100 steaks? Just generous like that?

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I'm reminded of when my now 36 year old son was about 10. We were in the waiting room of our doctor, can't remember his issue but as we sat there a drug rep walked in carrying a little black bag with a particular drug name on it. He got right in to see the doctor, while the patients in the waiting room waited longer. Later on when we were with the doctor, he handed me samples of that very drug brought in by the drug rep. and suggested that the particular drug might help my son's problem. So I've been very aware of the drug rep-doctor relationship ever since that time. No trust.

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I remember once that my wife called one of the Pharma reps for some more samples for an indigent patient of hers.

The Pharma Rep chided her to the effect that "I'll do it this time, but I haven't seen many purchases of this Rx from your practice."

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Doc: Is being in the path of an F5 tornado safe?

Roker: Absolutely safe.

Experts relying on experts.

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That Siberian virus would be one Mammoth of a story.

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Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk


Eye Poke


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Typical morning in our homeschool...

Me to 17 y/o son this morning: “what are you reading?”

Son: Jeff Childers of course!

Raising critical thinkers even in Illinois!

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That's awesome!

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Good for you!!

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022

That’s fantastic!!

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I recommend taking a look at Richard Feynman’s, ‘The Meaning of it All”. So many years ago I read it and was confused, how can Science not really be Science? He tries so hard to detail the cockroaches at the highest levels who have thrown away the scientific method. Here are some glaring lines from that book:

“scientists are working now in secret laboratories to develop the diseases that

they were so careful to control.”

“with the same knowledge of bacteria, we have hidden laboratories in which men are working as hard as they can to develop bacteria for which no one else will be able to find a cure.”

Remember that Feynman was key to pointing the finger at NASA during the Challenger disaster. The Meaning of it All was based on a lecture he gave 30+ years ago…. these unscientific endeavors have been going on since at least that time. Thanks to people like Jeff, more people are awake to it and Feynman’s lecture makes a lot more sense now than it ever did!!

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Feynman wrote another classic titled, "What Do You Care What Other People Think?" Supporting an attitude that, if rolled out in government schools, might reintroduce a smidge of critical thinking in our youth - and help them ditch soshul media.

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Yes! I have read that and You Must Be Joking... It was a long time ago, though, so I want to read them again. It looks like they are on Audible, but not with Feynman reading, so I might just look up actual video of Feynman himself.

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LOL...yeah, they thought they could use Feynman's name to legitimize their cover-up they were planning as they thought he was so old they could just manipulate him. Ha! Little did they know he was still sharp as a tack. On live TV he exposed the whole cause of the accident and blew their plans out of the water. Feynman was a rare true genius and he is missed. He died at my age.

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OK here's the story. This was related to me by Dr. Arthur Robinson, chemist and basic science researcher who studied under Dr. Feynman. When the Challenger blew up, the commission set up to "investigate" (read cover-up) the accident, asked Dr. Feynman to join them who knew what they were trying to do. When he got there, he asked where the NASA mock up of the rocket was. He took the mock up apart and then went to the hearings where he would testify. When he was on the stand testifying in front of live TV coverage, he asked for a glass of ice water. He proceeded to put the O rings he had taken out of the mock-up into the glass of ice water. He then took the O rings out of the glass and they snapped in his hand. They fractured apart under stress because they were too cold.

When NASA launches a rocket, the chief engineer or launch director has the final say for "go/no go" for a launch. The launch director ruled a no-go for launch because the temperature was outside the launch parameters for a safe launch. However, someone at the White House overruled the no-go decision and forced the launch to go ahead. So the Challenger blew up when the rocket O-rings failed.

This is what happens when politics overrules intelligence and common sense. Of course, we are now all very well schooled in such idiocy.

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Also "Dissolving Illusions." Fascinating read.

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Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire.

— Hebrews 12:1-2, 28-29 NASB1995

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I love this Janice! Thank you for always pulling God’s Word, the Truth, into every conversation.

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One of my favorite scripture passages. I love envisaging the "cloud of witnesses" which surround us. Thank you, Janice!

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I love how the Lord directs me to just the right words, sometimes seemingly down a rabbit trail, but right where He wants me to go...and usually before I read Jeff's posts. God is amazing.

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What the Japanese guy said. Roker should call Pierre Kory stat. How fast can Elon get the dirt on the Biden's out, obviating Zelensky's power? And finally, I'm waiting patiently for people who believed the vaccine propaganda to say "Whaaat?"

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Sadly, I don't think those people will ever say "Whaaaaaat?" I'm sure they hear and read what we hear and read about the vaccines and the death-inducing side effects. But, they will never admit to knowing about the dangers lurking in their body and that they are fearful of the future because of it - that would be admitting to making a mistake and generally speaking, people don't like to admit to being wrong. They will die first. Simply because they are hoping all along that it won't be them that dies from the vaccine. Dead men tell no tales. Big (and little) Pharma know this.

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So many people put off or refuse medical tests because they are afraid of finding something is wrong. They would rather not know.

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I'm on the same page. I refuse to go inside any medical establishment. I have lost what little trust or respect I had before all this crap. I will go to my dentist. They at least never forced anything and his eyes are wide open.

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These same people are shocked to hear how many here are “D”s and not “R”s. Just because we have different politics doesn’t mean we in any way would dismiss the truth when we hear it, no matter how difficult it may be to hear. I’m guessing there are many faiths here as well as agnostics. That doesn’t in any distract or detract from the simple truth of the message we are all shouting: we have been lied to, by our government and by so called experts, and fed a poison we were told was a magic cure. Up is down. Left is right. 2+2=5 the Covid “vaccine” is safe and effective. These are all wrong. Politics has nothing to do with it.

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George Orwell's "Doublespeak".

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Nooooooo....don't say Zelensky! Le sigh.

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Zelensky did what every person here wants to do:

Tell Biden no and hear him scream, rant, and rave on the phone.

And then tell Putin “you’re a pussy, you can’t take these nuts”.

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That gave me a good laugh but I'm not sure we're talking about the same Zelensky

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Oh, we are

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You think people on the west support Zelensky because of that ?


Why did Trump support Zelensky and Ukraine?

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Trump didn't "support" Ukraine in the same way Biden is supporting them. He SOLD $39,000,000 worth of weapons to Ukraine. I knew something was bothering me about your comment, not like Trump to give much away. Plus Trump was one of the first to say we had to negotiate a settlement. And Biden's corruption had nothing to do with starting the SMO.

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“Trump to seek 250m in new lethal aid to Ukraine”

Please, try again.

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Sigh....these guys are just repeater boxes. They hear 'nothinnnng'.

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As I always say, facts don’t care about feelings

See above.


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Facts also don't care about desperate narratives.

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Such as trump sending lethal aid?

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President Trump was the one who gave Ukraine lethal aid with the Javelin tank-busters, not Obama nor Biden.

President Trump was the one who warned Putin to his face if he invaded Ukraine he would bomb Moscow and the Kremlin.

John Daly saw that conversation recorded by one of his friends. It wasn't right to record President Trump but it showed who stood up to Putin and his ambitions for a new global empire.

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Facts are hard.

I wonder what Zelensky had on Trump?

Herp derp derp

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That Netflix series Ancient Apocalypse is utterly fascinating. Graham doesn’t believe there were actual giants—just that ancients in most every culture passed on a flood story that also told about giants that could have meant that some survived the sudden flood and helped civilization get back on its feet. To the remainders on earth these “giants” could have meant status or such—or even sturdy healthy people. Gods. Also his compelling evidence threatens archeologists, geologists, anthropologists and all manner of sciences who depend on tenure, publishing, grants, status —everything that the current “narrative” supplies. They turn their backs on new and even blatant evidence in front of their faces. Sound familiar? Joe Rogan has a fascinating long interview with Graham Hancock.

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022

he's opening the door to new perspectives on early man. this not only annoys never-wrong archaeologists and scientists, but it threatens the "out of Africa" theory (that is teetering anyway) and (I think) it puts a new spin on Neandertals as well.

he is doing this because he's a climate apocalyptic, so he's definitely a left-leaning guy. but he's interested, he's smart, and he's questioning. it's a GREAT show.

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Loved it. Yup. They can’t stand the challenges. Especially the out of Africa dogma. (Don’t call me racist) I am so intrigued by all this. All my life. I used to comb our library for old dusty archaeology books when I was a kid. Troy! Egypt! Mayans! Crete!

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Janet, can you recommend any good reading on the "out of Africa" dogma? Consider me completely naive on the topic (apart from watching a movie with Meryl Streep and Robert Redford :)).

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💬 he's a climate apocalyptic, so he's definitely a left-leaning guy

No one is perfect, but some more than others 😏

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I have heard Graham Hancock discuss the importance of freedom of movement and free speech. He also didn't fall for the covid lies. He may be as left leaning as current day Tulsi is. . .which is freedom oriented populist.

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He’s talking that we on earth are factually in the way of space born debris—that landed on our ice glaciers with a sudden multiple impacts about 12,800 years ago. These caused monstrous floods that scoured everything clean floods. Clear evidence in the northwestern states like Montana. Other planets, heck, our own is pock marked. Dinosaurs gone? There could have been other advanced civilizations. This caused melt within a short period of time. That is climate change. We are exposed to such climate changing realities every day just in orbit or the occasional axis wobble. Who cares if he’s left or right. Must we tribalize every thought or science to right or left? Most other scientists of every stripe have closed their eyes. That’s how it happens—why we are in this dire situation. Cheers.

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I like your comment. I personally think chickens are definitely related to the dinosaurs, lol, I love my chickens, but they are brutal! I see them eat mice (live or dead) and dead grown quail (never live). They will all chase the chicken carrying the dead small animals in hopes of snatching it for themselves.

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Only 8 people survived the flood. Noah and his wife and their 3 sons and their wives. There is only one true living God, Amighty God, the triune God, the creator of aLL things, our Redeemer.

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I don’t believe God has revealed all of his creation to us. Who are we to know all God has done. Certainly not with our own eyes. and our own man put together scripture, the Holy Word has been messed with to also support some narratives. Man can’t help it. It seems scripture was a pick and choose operation back in the day. I am comfortable with it took Millennia of Gods work through Jesus—the Word and time which is nothing to God. I’m comfortable with an evolution of sorts and the Big Bang. It only reinforces the staggering can’t even put into words so inadequate to even think of the Mystery of God around me. The Bible supports a re-creation of earth after the wars with the angels in the beginning. I await His return. I simply find these ruins and stuff interesting and traces of Gods wonderful creation—human and non human. It all tells the story of US—His beloved children and the home he has gifted us. God Bless Julie Ann. May Christ’s birth we celebrate bring comfort and peace and hope.

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The Bible is God’s Word to us, written by human authors under the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is the source of truth for Christians. It is inspired by God, it is without error and is the sole authority for life.

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Yes. The fact that man has no doubt tampered with it does not concern me after accepting Christ. It’s not a deal breaker. Do you believe the earth is only 6 thousand years old? That says God is a deceiver and He is not. Look at psalms? Filled with metaphor and poetry. Poetry and metaphor are not always literal but educates and reveals the all encompassing God and His relationship with you and me. I am spiritually educated by the stories. Spiritually enriched and brought closer to God. Don’t you find it interesting with just the fact that ancient cultures who could not have known Christ have a flood story and a recreation? They used that in their own spiritual reaching to appeal to a higher power and try to understand why they exist. They had some deep spiritual sense even then. God will reveal himself to them as well when Christ returns. That is the living God and timeless Christ I experience. Blessings.

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Lol, you are saying God is deceiver because he made a 6,000 year old earth look older than that? Do you know what 6,000 years old looks like? Do you know there’s no verifiable way to prove the theory of carbon dating?

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Nope. But He gave us brains to figure things out dude. Of course he could have flipped a finger to make anything he wanted but maybe he didn’t. I find the ancient quality that he had always been here comforting and awesome. Perhaps the real deceiver wants us to question what is in front of our very eyes. The Deceiver is doing a great job right now isn’t he. But you do you. We will know more later.

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I’m a PhD neuroscientist but also believer in Christ and His redeeming grace offered through his sacrificial death. Janet, I appreciate your words!!

All through school, I was just amazed at how BIG God is and how little we really understand. You should check out the podcast Blurry Creatures, if you haven’t already.

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Also check on youtube: White Giants of the New World - ROBERT SEPEHR.

Sub to his channel as Robert Sepehr has a lot of cool alternative explanations for human migrations.

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Ooooh. Thanks!

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Darn it. I had canceled Netflix, but now I am intrigued.

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It’s on my Watch List!

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Oh, yeah, what could go wrong with reactivating a 48,500 year old virus? Kind of telling they have already named it the pandoravirus.

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Jurassic World...

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Fear porn...no virus, no life

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Terrible nightmare early this morning. The USA was invaded from all directions and the military had no fuel or weapons to defend the land, and power companies did not have equipment to restore and keep our electrical grid working, because, Ukraine. I awoke with intention to return to the dream and change the script but part two of my nightmare saw all vaccinated folks succumbing to disease and death because their immune systems could not respond to a new virus thawed out by Bond villain scientists and I frantically adopted the goal of recording these calamities in a manner that would allow surviving generations to prepare for and avoid a repeat of this horror show only to find myself in the future listening to a character like Graham Hancock lecture us about how we are a species with amnesia ignoring ancient apocalypses.

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We are being invaded from all directions right now.

NYC alone is bivouacking and quartering 65,000 "migrants, refugees, etc" in hotels throughout the city right now....more are on the way .

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And many San Francisco hoteliers are suing SF for the millions of damage done by protecting the homeless from covid. So again, tax payers on the hook for government stupidity.

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We have no fuel or weapons?

I have an armory full of them.

Weird projections.

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So you're a hoarder!

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No, it’s called MTOE.

If you don’t know what that is, google it.

We send older weapons to Ukraine, they use them to stop Russia, we get newer ones back. Win win for us.

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Just like Afghanistan?

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We never sent himars to the Afghans. Or a lot of weapons that Ukraine is getting now.

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You don't get it.

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Sounds like it’s a possibility in the times we’re living in.

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Write a book! Good and believable plot.

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But would it be fiction or non-fiction? 🤔

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Fiction/Nonfiction fluid.

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I hope you didn’t tell it before breakfast!

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yeah really!

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Yes, helping stop the ChiCom-Russia-Mullahs now means we won't be able to stop them later. SMH 🙃

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Now I’m gonna spit ball. Don’t hate me or cancel me. If we are going to keep bankrupting our country sending more money to Ukraine to be laundered back to our politicians and celebrities bank accounts….our taxes are going up roughly 50% correct? I mean it’s only a short matter of time before this price tag gets shoved down our everloving throats and throws us all into financial ruin - at least those of us America loving people who work hard and pay our taxes anyway….. so since we are screwed into oblivion anyway - can I cancel my student loan debt so I don’t have at least that bill hanging over my head while I give half of my wages to a corrupt criminal government? Just wondering. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Don't forget to reckon in the most vile of taxes aka inflation. Hidden in plain sight, seldom brought into spotlight 😳

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How could I forget that. 😖 Plus our property taxes increased and home owners insurance increased to add an extra $350 per month price tag to our mortgage payment. Our electric bill and water bill have almost doubled each month too. By the time we give half our wages away we will not be able to afford to live anymore. We refuse to work to pay the govt. We’ll stop working. Sell everything. Find a remote spot and live off the land until we’re dead. Doesn’t that sound like obummer and obiden America. 😡

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You’re catching on; “soon you’ll have nothing and you’ll be happy!”

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Soon you'll have nothing, but I don't know about the happy part of it.

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😂 😂 gotta laugh or we’ll all be crying

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022

It's impressive a mafioso like Putin would invade Ukraine so money can go to his opponents in the West. Yeah, I believe that.

Why do you think supporting Ukraine in the billions is bankrupting the US with its annual budget in the trillions of dollars? Does anyone have any evidence other than to be brainwashed by Gateway Sputnik?

No one wants to cancel the groupthink. But a sliver of evidence might help? Just a thought.

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Wow...didn't think you were THAT naive. But...anything to support the narrative.

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The only narrative I support is a free Ukraine and free of Russian genocide and tyranny.

Post Cold War, nations flock to join the west and nato.

Post Cold War, Russia invaded and annexed nations to force them to be their friends.

That says a lot.

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Facts are hard.

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I wonder if NPR can figure out a way to monetize the game my kids and I play. We get in the car and before we turn on the radio we all guess how long it will take before we hear racism, lgbtq, or misogyny. It’s never, NEVER, more than 60 seconds. Maybe they can develop a gambling game or something? Sell a board game to that effect…?

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022

It's amazing. Literally they can't go a whole frigging minute without some woke-speak.

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Good one! I don't watch much television, but one recent evening I decided to tally the number of Big Pharma commercials during a one-hour show on one of the "main local channels." There were at least 8, each of which made me shake my head and laugh out loud at the bountiful list of potential side effects, some more horrifying than others.

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I rarely turn on TV, but I play the "wanna see black people in a commercial" game when I hit the power button. Never fails.

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It would make a great drinking game!

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It takes the game "I spy" to a whole new level. 😅

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The “New Monopoly”!

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So good, Jeff! Thank you.

1. Ancient apocalypse: More. Of. This!

2. Japanese Scientist: You go, Sir!

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Amen to both! To shows that ask difficult questions the establishment wants to hide, and to scientists and officials to start speaking out. Hopefully the dam will start to burst open and the pent up investigators will finally start telling how bad this Jab nightmare really is.

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Hear, hear!👍

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