Mar 16Liked by Jeff Childers

Love Scott Pressler...it is about time the RNC recognized his heroic efforts.

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And my soul shall rejoice in Yahweh;

It shall be joyful in His salvation.

All my bones will say, “Yahweh, who is like You,

Who delivers the afflicted from him who is too strong for him,

And the afflicted and the needy from him who robs him?”

— Psalm 35:9-10 LSB

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Mar 16Liked by Jeff Childers

I love it that a REAL lawyer is breaking down the Fani story so some of us that are not legal can fully understand what just happened yesterday. I am medical and fairly intelligent but there is nothing like an insider interpreting for us. Marik, Kory, McCullough et al for medicine , Tucker for media, Kirsch and Dowd for statistics, John Leake for the real stories and Jeff for legal- all my go-to people so far when I need good, solid info and education.

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Jeff, I just wanted to say I really appreciated your nuanced and professional explanation of the consequences of McAfee's order. I can completely see how he tried to find the best route through, including trying to save his own hide from inevitable insane persecution, but he still left the doors wide open for a coalition of others to get to the right conclusions on all these questions. Thanks for the outstanding analysis!

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Mar 16Liked by Jeff Childers

While I’ve been enjoying the Fani soap opera 🍿 I’ve also been saying “be careful what you wish for” to all the push to disqualify her. It could’nt be in a better less capable hands 🤡

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Mar 16·edited Mar 16Liked by Jeff Childers

Some days - when time permits - I enjoy reading the comments just as much as I do Jeff's awesome journalistic gems 🧐

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Mar 16Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you for the level - headed, logical analysis of the Georgia case. I appreciate your legal insigts.....they give me hope that justice will prevail.

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Mar 16Liked by Jeff Childers

Does anyone remember watching Judge Joe Brown? He agrees with Jeff Childers on the Fanny ruling yesterday.


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Good Grief @jeffchilders , are you saying C&C blog commentators “Benjamin Double Nazi” and “Iron Horseshit” have been totally wrong on everything!!

I cannot believe it. I’m absolutely in a state of shock. Now let’s start telling the truth about Gaza and maybe this nation can still be saved from sending our troops into harms way in Israel and Lebanon. I have been listening to Scott Horton, Ray McGovern, Larry Johnson, Douglas McGregor, Max Blumenthal, Philip Giraldi, Karen Kwiatkowski from Day One of both of these wars and they have all been 100% RIGHT. Stop reading and listening to our MSM media. They suck, they lie and are traitors to the American people. Wake up everyone before it’s too late.

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Mar 16Liked by Jeff Childers

Dr. Peter McCullough lists the co-conspirators in the lab created covid bioweapon. (Short clip)


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Mar 16Liked by Jeff Childers

I've been following Scott since 2016. He's really quite remarkable. He's also known for orchestrating huge clean up projects in big dirty city areas left neglected by their leaders. He's been all over the country and it's always bugged me how the RNC completely ignored him. The guy literally walks the pavement talking to Americans every day. I'm happy the RNC finally changed leadership, cleaned house, and got Scott on board. I'm really hoping the RNC can get Charlie Kirk and/or Vivek involved, even if it's in a consulting capacity. Oh...and killer attorneys. 😅

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Mar 16Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you Jeff, as always for breaking down legal matters into easily understood terms. After your explanation of the McAfee decision, I am heartened by what has transpired.

My eye was drawn not to the Lara Trump interview on cleaning house in the RNC, but to the woman on the right. She is well known to most Michigan voters, Joslyn Benson famous for being found guilty as SOS of Michigan of failing to clean voter rolls, refusing to audit the 2020 election, and threatening poll workers, townships, and precincts with the long arm of the law, and yet she remains in power. If the RNC is suing her after four long years then the MiGOP must be out of it because they have been notorious for decades for being almost as corrupt as the Dems.

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I encourage everyone to download the EarlyVoteAction app and pitch in writing postcards. I've been doing this since last year. Currently I'm writing to Bucks county PA residents trying to get them to register republican. There are 3 counties in PA that Scott is close to flipping red. It's so easy to write the postcards - they even tell you exactly what to write. Can you pitch in and do 5? I am doing 10 per day.

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Mar 16Liked by Jeff Childers

I LOVE Scott Pressler and have been following him since he started his voter registration efforts. He is what is needed in this country and I’m so glad that the new RNC has recognized it. I’m still skeptical of the new RNC… our party has sucked for so long it’s hard to be optimistic, but this is definitely a step in the right direction.

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In a couple of the comments I see theme that I’d like to address with fellow conservative Christians. We need to remember that while our constitution was written for a “moral an educated populace,” we are not a theocracy. The Bible tells us that Christians are judged differently than non-Christians, so we can’t hold unbelievers to the same standards we’re held to. While to me marriage is a sacrament, under the law of our land it is a tax protected status. If I want the legal protection of marriage under the law, I have to be willing to give it to other people who do not hold it in the same regard that I do. These are constitutional right’s that exist simply because we’re created with inherent rights and value. We are given the choice to follow God or not and our humans rights are not contingent on that. Every person alive has a sin issue in their life, is a constant work in progress from cradle to the grave, and is redeemed only by the blood of Jesus. The judgment that conservatives keep upon people as soon as they say they’re gay is horrifying. I is soon as a person has a known sin issue in their life if they become persona non grata in every person alive by that logic is persona non grata.

I can think that President Trump is the best candidate that I can vote for in this coming election, and acknowledge that his past is questionable, with extremely questionable associations. When we as Christians find where we can connect with people and advance, a good cause while holding onto truth, we allow Jesus to do the work of changing peoples lives. Just like Judge McAfee is playing 4D chess, Jesus plays 1 million D chess. King David was said to be a man after gods own heart, yet he was a adulterer, murderer and had family issues. How can we

look at David of the Bible and see how God used him, then in the next breath look at Scott and say, “ He’s gay, no way!!” ?!?

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Scott Pressler is a legend! I would like to deliver a poem at the Trump 2025 inauguration. Biden 2021 featured a young commissar who is being groomed as the next Obama and plans to run for President in 2036: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/youth-poet-laureate-commissar-amanda-gorman

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