Team Fani makes a bold move but it won't help; the Supreme Court supports Free Speech again in a great sign; and the very best news you will get all year.
I have long admired his work. But the real problem that needs to be addressed is the massive amount of corrupt voter roles/registrations that must be purged in all states.
In Allegheny County (Pittsburgh), our new youngish white liberal female County Executive all on her little own self, decided that we needed ballot drop-off boxes for the mail-in ballots for our May primary.
Mail-in ballots...let that sink know, the ones you can just put into the mailbox.
Thank goodness our county's Republican committee just filed a lawsuit.
Michael Berry had a guy on his radio show Wednesday- maybe Texas AG?
I tuned in in middle. Talked about stopping the steal before Election Day 2020. Lawsuits against counties trying such tactics (ignoring & violating election laws).
Said he talked to Trump warning him such deviousness would be tried elsewhere & he’d lose. He said he didn’t know who thought up this maneuver (Soros or who?) but it was brilliant. Wrong but brilliant.
Mail out ballots to every person in the county. No verification of who mails them back. Just pile them up & count them (or hold till they find out how many more needed for victory then count ‘em - aka Georgia)
Pittsburgh is going to be a problem town, what with no police late at night, and commercial real estate devaluing at warp speed, taking the school system's budget with it. Much as I miss my hometown, I'm glad I don't have to participate in this rush to the bottom.
Of course. Millions of "votes" in 2020 were manipulated by changing totals in the machines. Mike Lindell has proven this also. No election is secure if machine voting is used.
That is SO TRUE - President Milei only got into office in Argentina because the election process was completely revamped to PAPER BALLOTS AND ONLY SAME DAY VOTING. NO MACHINES and NO MAIL IN 'DROP BOX' BALLOTS!
ALL Colorado Republicans are told by OUR State and Local Leadership that NO WAY, Not possible, the 62 of 64 Counties with Dominion do not in any way ever, never connect to the internet, impossible! I've been dismissively talked down to for pointing out this is a MONOPOLY and it needs anti-trust investigation. Just a "Better Mousetrap" I've been rebuked, not a monopoly at all. Fking "Conservative Republicans" MY A-S!
My county proudly points out that our voting machines are not connected to the internet. "See? No cables! Just a wall plug!" As if I'd never heard of wifi.
It doesn’t matter if the machines are connected to the internet. The programming can be altered before the election to skew the results any way the programmer wants them to be.
That Colorado Secretary is infamous right? Along with a few other Soros Secretaries ie Pa. Doesn’t take much to buy them even!
We watch the Internet lights come on and watch the votes go up by 100’s of thousands for Dems and 0 or 10’s for Republicans in a matter of seconds. It even accidentally at 2 am ish gets shown on the LSM News. ( in Md )
They were run by the Serbs ( from Serbia ! ) available on the Dominion employee Linktin profile.
WP - I'm sure you are being sarcastic, CO government has been infiltrated and taken over by globalist commies now. And they need the Dominion machines that are connected to the internet.
Too bad the ethical IT people in CO. didn’t take the time to show their counties and state exactly how it’s done! We had a citizen election integrity group who did a deep dive into all the ways our election was rigged, despite our county (Cass) and state (MO.) still staying red, and we proved it to them. That led to many changes that have been implemented for this years elections.
I'm a Keystone State resident for most of my 77 years, and I hang my head in abject shame for the godless governance we have had over the past decades. I always pray for a miracle--to be proven wrong--but it never happens.
We will see if the younger freedom loving residents of our state can PUSH BACK against the evil of the Philly and Pittsburgh DEMONratic machine.
Lancaster. I have written to our state representative (elected in 2022) Tom Jones about cleaning up our election process and ANNULLING ACT 77 that HORRIBLE piece of legislation that even Doug Mastriano voted "yea" for in 2019!! That ushered in the debacle we have now PLUS the Dominion 'voting' machines. Mr. Jones has ignored my messages and phone calls THREE TIMES!! I believe he knows how to "go along to get along" ALREADY!!
Kathleen, I agree. Judicial Watch has helped, though I'm not sure any of these counties are key cheating districts. At least you could be a watchdog to see if the state publishes the data they say they will:
The RNC recently filed a lawsuit in Michigan for this exact thing. They have tons of counties & cities that currently show more registered voters than the number of people residing in them.
Both my husband & I were born & raised in Michigan but we've been living in Texas for 38 yrs. We spend Summers in Michigan visiting family and they all want us to move back. We do love MI but the politics there scare us.
Dave, Judicial Watch is doing the heavy lifting on that, I think. We donate to them annually.
[I incorrectly called them non-tax-deductible "charitable" (in the sense of helping others) donations, but Sconnie Girl has corrected my error, so I edited this comment.]
Thanks, Sconnie, I stand corrected. I don't pay much attention to which of our 'donations' are tax-deductible or not, because we think the cause is more important than the tax deduction, so I was mistaken.
The voter rolls have long been a problem. And I applaud that some are working to deal with this. I have been reading and despite the over the top bitterness, I'm intrigued by the overall message. Apparently this group has searchable databases of voter registrations for a number of key states, and are recommending that instead of focusing on voters, the RNC should focus on addresses. Apparently disqualifying folks with address at Walmart (along with 200 other voters) or a warehouse somewhere is much easier than disqualifying voters because they are dead or out of state or whatever.
There were only a handful of counties in a handful of states that changed the outcome of the last election. How many of those votes were cast by voters registered to a non-domicile address? I live in the PRoC where the "found ballot" technique is usually used to pick one leftist over another (though not right now with the senate race).
Wife and I volunteered to be poll watchers this time, took the training and then were never called by the local RNC factotum. We received conflicting emails, promises of email answers and then gaslight, all that was less than encouraging This was all before the change in leadership. But I will say, if our experience is typical, nothing good will happen if they don't fix the local organizations and insist on energetic leadership.
Yes. The real problem is the corruption but it is bigger than that. We only get to see, hear about, and pick the ruling class people so we will always stay slaves to the system. There has always been a heirarchy in the history of the world. The serfs never win. Has revolution ever changed anything or just the "appearance" or "reality" of change? Just wondering.
Unfortunately, they are pushing us too hard. Will it break the USA INC system and be better? We still have the military complex and the private foreign banking system, false edu, controlled science, medical technocrasy, etc. There is no solution because the world is evil and the battle is spiritual. God has to fix it.
In 2022 a WI conservative controlled court banned the use of absentee ballot drop boxes. That may change. This could be overturned.
DROP BOXES coming back to Wisconsin! See the announcement below. This was caused by "Republican" Robin Vos - who had a personal vendetta against Dan Kelly. Kelly ran against 'judge' Janet Protasiewicz, where Vos directed the Republican Party to pretty much abandon Kelly. And, Vos has repeatedly refused to investigate the massive election frauds in Wisconsin elections. Beginning with the padded voter registration list. So Vos almost single-handedly caused our state supreme court to flip to liberals, lost the governor's office, lost the state attorney general's office, and with the new map redistricting will likely lose the State Assembly and State Senate. This is what happens when one politician gets too much power - especially a tyrant like Vos who is blinded by power and money.
Plus, Scott is gay so will be immune to criticism from the left. (I know, but one can dream.) I’ve been a fan of his for years … he used to stand at busy intersections with signs like “Black citizens before illegals.” I hope this move by the “new” RNC of hiring him is a meaningful sign of change.
Go to his X feed and read all about him. He not only works to register voters, he goes to cities and organizes clean-ups of trash and debris. He’s been at it since 2014 and is the hardest worker for GOP ever without any previous support from RNC. Amazing young man.
Scott isn’t “suddenly” anything. He’s been working himself to, at one point ill health, nearly alone since at least 2021, if not before, to register voters and flip blue to red. He had zero support from the RNC or other establishment orgs.
Actually I remember him from the Summer of Street Fires, when the brownshirts dressed in black and masks instigated violence in streets across the country.
He comes by his reputation the honest way: dogged, tireless, hard work. He came to my awareness same time as Brendan Straka and his Walkaway movement…I couldn’t keep them straight for awhile.
Scott also stays on top of judicial elections trying to get the vote out for conservative judicial candidates. He has great insight into not just federal, but state elections where a majority can be held if the effort is made. He did so much while Ronna did nothing.
I have followed Scott since his very humble beginnings doing inner city clean ups and voter registration and education. He is one amazing guy from a military family who is very proud of him!! Finally looks like we have an RNC doing the right moves and Scott is number one on the list!!!
The idea that he is a messiah is quite a leap. Kind of like accusations that conservatives see President Trump as one. In my experience, conservatives are just that … conservatively and realistically trying to find the best, but always (since human) imperfect candidate who shows an ability and commitment to right the ship and stop the hemorrhaging of America. I’ve followed Scott since 2016 when his whole goal was to stop Hillary. I thought the steal of 2020 would see him give up, but he immediately doubled down on his voter registration efforts, seeing it as key for Republicans to dominate. As for who is behind him, the only answer I’ve seen is donations from people he works with to register new R voters, and his parents, with whom he is quite close.
Leftists always call Trump the Messiah or cult leader like it's a slur, & we don't think he is, we just know he has the sense to do what's right for the country & doesn't mind calling out the ones that don't have the sense God gave a screwdriver. Then they wax on about how Obama is the best thing since sliced bread & did sooo much for everyone when he clearly started the socialist/communist March to third world status & is overseeing the final nail in the coffin of the USA, if we don't get Trump back in office.
And even if DJT is back in office, vigorous local work is still required.
It appears GOPe is angling for the House of Representatives to get whittled down before the election, setting up a Leftist takeover in January. They aim to not certify his election, and if not successful will immediately begin impeachment proceedings, probably by using the pending TikTok legislation (read the fine print, remember the patriot act, and remember that legislation “for your security/health” is never that).
The Left has EVERY institution. Forty solid years (100 by some counts) of marching through the institutions is going to take a long time.
He still lives with his folks. He has an old car and when he visits your city at your request, he has no problem staying at your house. He asks for mileage and food.
very cool, i'd like to compare old cars (mine's a 2002); this cat seems to be where it's at and someone at RNC giving him a shot is awesome; I met with Trump Team CO Leadership and discussed a few issues, they claim it won't go into a Blackhole but we will see if an amazing message idea (not mine) gets out for a voter knockout blow to Biden and Dems later this Summer and Fall--if nothing happens i'll wash my hands of the whole Trump Campaign as being dismissive of grassroots input. If they craft it and implement will be standout and inescapable indeed.
He’s been around for years working his butt off cleaning up inner city neighborhoods and registering Republican voters. He’s a star. Nothing “sudden” about it.
Remember the Baltimore clean up in 2019? It made national news. This is the guy who organized it, then went to on to several other cities to do the same.
Yes! I followed him through all the inner city clean ups. He actually puts in the real work. No fluff. Actions not words. He’s not getting rich off the backs of anyone. Best thing the rnc could do was give him the opportunity to get it done. Good move, finally!
This kid has been pounding the pavement for years. Hired on at the RNC is a well-deserved accolade and recognition for Pressler’s determination. The RNC can learn from him.
That’s why I do not need government. I am the true meaning of an anarchist.
“In short, anarchism is not about having no rules, it’s about having no rulers. Or put another way, this is not the myth of unbridled chaos you were expecting.”-180 Degrees, Feargus 0’Connor Greenwood
I no longer support any political party offered to me. I’m done!
Not suddenly and who’s talking about him worshipfully? That sounds pretty snobby. He’s a very qualified guy who proved himself for years. Even I knew who he was in 2020. He and Brandon Straka were forces to be reckoned with. I would say people are happy, not worshipping, that a qualified person got hired by the RNC for a chance.
When hard workers like Scott think of themselves as “messiahs” that’s the thing. Those calling him one or not means nothing. For some, the glass is entirely empty all the time. Nothing passes their level of scrutiny. It’s rampant around here, although they have the right to say it I don’t have to read it or succumb to it. Carry on, everyone.
Dam, such thin-skinned replies (only some) to my skepticism...It's why i said UP FRONT that this is a new (within past week or 2) revelation to me...I'm all in favor of grassroots regular people taking the wheel from "experts" and do-nothings who pretend they have it all worked out already. Pressler has my admiration if he's all that he's made to be; I've been trying with zero luck some of his strategies in a red county--yet only since 2021. Count me in as a fan but not ready to buy a jersey with his name and number on it yet, all this replying to my query is EXACTLY what i wanted from you fellow C&Cers, thank you! True and powerful engaged Populism will restore the Ruined Rep Party and the Nation if we can implement it, Team Pressler! (unless proven otherwise)
Thanks for mentioning Brandon Straka, I was trying to think of his name. He was an up and coming smart young man for the right and the left has done its best to destroy him.
I really like him. What happened to him was a shame. No surprise the DNC went after him. That the GOP establishment left him to the wolves shows they are alike in many ways. Tucker did an excellent interview with him, in which he (Brandon) talks about how he was left to the wolves. He is still doing Walkaway, after a long pause. I don’t do social media much, or hardly, so I only get an occasional email update. I hope he continues kicking butt.
Like i said, i live under a rock but am inclined to duplicate his work as that's our calling as decent and engaged people and citizens who refuse to forsake our birthright
I attended one of his “how to register voters” sessions and he was one of the best motivational speakers I’ve ever seen. (First heard of him at the Walkaway rally in Washington DC in October 2020.)
Ok, he's been at it, is a real worker and earning it, and not some faked trumped up star who talks a good game...i like that-- good cred with regular people who don't trust celebrity spotlight and marketing (FAKENESS) Let's restore, revitalize, and resurrect the Republican Party ONCE and for ALL...Pat Buchanan (Paleo-Conservative they term him) was calling for this in 1992 when he DARED Primary Incumbent George CIA Bush. Renegade Republicans get to it!
He’s not “sudden.” I have followed him on telegram for years (he doesn’t have a moderator so replies to his posts are full of spam) and it’s informative. He began by organizing cleanups of neighborhoods in Baltimore and San Francisco. I believe he’s from Virginia but is moving to Pennsylvania. He lives with his parents. Or he will until he moves. Regardless, he’s not sudden. He’s sincere. Gay or not, he has a passion for making a change. He started very small and worked very hard. He deserves the accolades he received. He earned them.
ok, so started with Bi-Coastal Dem. Trash City Cleanup efforts via community organizing and morph into Rep. Voter Registration push and stellar success with it--so that Trump beat Hillary but then he was pushed aside and Trump lost to Biden, NOW it's his turn to Fix it all for us. Just wanting to get up to speed, it seems" Sudden" as the whole issue of Dilution of Democracy, Tampering with Election laws, Fake Election results, required voter ID etc vs. The Dem National Voter Act, all the current push and pull on the issue in so many areas and locations..I don't see the singular amazing miraculous voters registration efforts of this guy lauded and applauded and up front and center until just now with the overdue MAGA purge at the RNC...It's great that He's so young, so hard working, and so very accomplished at these tasks. I'm just learning about it all as i'm late to class, studied the wrong notes, left my textbook at the library, and am a slow learner anyway. I'll get there have no doubt, with a solid passing C+ at the end of the term Nov 5th, 2024!
If I hadn’t been following on telegram for years, I might have the same concerns you do. It would seem as though he came out of nowhere to be lauded by the dreaded “powers that be,” ergo he must be in somebody’s back pocket, or a psyop, or something, anything other than what he says he is.
I’ve watched his videos of how he interacts with people in these neighborhoods that politicians have turned their backs on and I have to admit, I like his approach. He seems to genuinely care about the people living in those neighborhoods; he, an outsider, wants good things for them that their “leaders” promise but never deliver. He tries to deliver something because he is motivated to alleviate suffering.
Something I’ve noticed more and more lately is that there is a genuine lack of care from each of us for our fellow man. Oh, we scream and yell and throw a fit if the wrong pronoun is used, but we shrug our shoulders when real injustice occurs. And it’s all because, really and truly, we don’t care. In a world of people who don’t care, people who do, stand out like a big, fat, sore thumb. Scott Pressler is that big, fat, sore thumb. We need more people like him.
By the way, I like sarcasm. It’s fun to zing and be zinged occasionally. Kinda makes you re-assert or reevaluate your deeply held beliefs. I assume (maybe naively) we’re on the same team, but it’s difficult to tell from your response.
Not suddenly. Scott has been boots on the ground doing wonderful work on his own for years and begged the RNC to let him help but Ronna would have none of it.
yes we the gays who care about fairness have been blasting this obvious fact across the Internets :) just to put the lie to one more piece of TDS dogma.
I am reminded of something I read that said the RNC is our target and Trump is our murder weapon. Seems about right. It's time this ridiculous farce of a party was completely rebuilt to serve some constituency of actual conservative voters. There really aren't enough country club Republicans to support an entire party and it's been obvious for a while it's just a psy-op and subsidiary of the DNC.
But Scott's post gave me a chuckle. Can you imagine the horror - the horror! - on the RNC's pearl-clutching members' faces when they realize their party is now going to embrace *gasp* The Amish and *gasp* HUNTERS. OMG, 2A gun nuts! OMG, luddites who don't believe in The Science. LOL. Thank God this is happening. It's 20 years overdue. The RNC representing actual conservatives.
Now, go get all the Christian black and Hispanic males out there who don't want to see their kids mutilated by the school system or raped by illegals. Then, we'll have a very strong coalition that can take just about every state.
I like, like, like that a LOT, RU. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Let’s help good people stop being passive losers.
Muslim too. Michigan Muslims are showing up at school board meetings and howling about the porn and trans filth. Nothing against poor folks who aren’t happy in their own skin; but promoting this in schools to confused youngsters going through puberty is just wrong.
THis only works if LAZY, beer chugging, rifle-sighting Hunters get off their ASS and care enough to fill our a ballot correctly and turn it in on time... our Colorado "men" aged 25-45 in rural areas don't don't vote!
Well, step 1 is to have some candidates who represent their interests and to whom they can relate. W, Gore, Kerry, McCain, Romney, Clinton(s), Obama...all the same manner of dress and speech, all the same globalist, big gov't, forever war policies, all with the same non-traditional "values," all holding the same disdain for avg people and America's foundational documents. At some point, it's only rational to say "why bother?" Republicans created this mess, too.
WP William, please help with outreach to them, then. Think of a creative way to reach them - maybe a hunting-related informational or product event, with beer? Your county Republican Party may be able to assist; coming to them as a volunteer with an idea you're willing to execute would be invaluable (if they're smart).
I've suggested for 3 years, i've mentioned Beer, Bows, and Ballots events, Baseball, Brats, and Ballots; other such get-togethers for more feminine interests too; we have too many seasoned voters mailing shit in late, not signed, incorrectly filled out wrong addresses, sloppy lazy, moronic problems within our Own voter base and then the so-called "independents" who are worse. I'm NOT giving up but like climbing Mt. Evans (sorry now Wokely named Blue Sky) in Winter with no shoes or socks on. I'll term Scott Pressler a Renegade Republican or a Restorative Republican...screw the system and leadership..let's throw all of our own time and $$$ into the cause despite the corrupted system and see what can happen. It's ALL going into the shitpond anyway, so why not try to do good work to achieve good results!?
Did you offer to organize it? Look for other sponsors to help you, e.g., with donated space, food, drink, vendors, and then, if you like, invite the Republicans to be there as well. In my own experience, 'suggesting' something to me just suggests that I add to my already-too-full plate. Offering to organize it or, even better, acting to organize it, with or without the Party, perhaps in coordination with one or more other local groups interested in elections and winning, would be so much better. I don't mean to imply that you did not make such an offer, just that in my area we get way more suggestions than we do workers.
yes well selling the idea up the chain of command and then getting zero response kind of says it IS up to Individuals and particularly those who are rah-rah team builders with people skills. My forte is off-putting people and earning eye-rolls...a Loner's Loner ready to be a supportive team member not some flash and dash glad-handing smooth talker. Leadership is Lacking on our side (which is why Trump is a ROCKSTAR) that hasn't been seen since Reagan. Yes everyone too busy and too broke and too whatever to help their communities and save our nation. They'll get a dose of reality when it's ALL GONE.
Look at NYS if you want to see a state of lazy good for nothing conservatives. If 50% of the conservatives in NYS voted, you wouldn’t have a democrat dog catcher.
Precinct level counting of paper ballots with all parties involved, public viewing allowed, and immediately posted to social media and County Clerk tally sites.
Are you aware of the things Lara Trump is doing already in the short time she became head of the GOP? She’s making lots of changes and she’s much more intelligent than the other side! I am encouraged at what she’s planning to accomplish! Get involved locally and be part of the fair election movement!
Illinois would be red but for that stinking blue carcass on the lake. It dominates Springfield. I don’t go into the city at all. My red county has some of the highest property taxes in the whole country. It’s rural. it’s been run by republicans for over 15O years. So there’s that.
"Experts say" this is not a problem. Don't know about you, but my government has convinced me to always believe experts, especially the anonymous ones. /s
I was going to post this link too. It was an extremely eye opening article.
No matter how much we “get out the vote” or “clean up the voter rolls” or “get rid of drop boxes and mail-in ballots”, if the corrupt, deep state, leftist democrats control the voting machines we will NEVER have a chance. It’s that simple. Yes, we should still do those things mentioned above, but we must prioritize the issue with the voting machines. It starts with making people aware of the situation and what really happened in 2020.
Think of the integration of AI within that system. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they’ve had that magic box for a while now. They fund the AI engineers so I’m sure they include first dibs. It is a Brave New World already.
Isn’t Pressler saying we need to get our mail in ballots earlier? Isn’t that giving the bad guys more time to manipulate the numbers? Unfortunately I cannot choose to vote in person in this Demonrat state so I choose to turn in my ballot on the day. Not sure if it makes any difference but I can only do what I can do. I’m not turning it in days early giving them a heads up on how many more votes they need to find. 🤷🏼♀️ Although they apparently have 13 days to count them so …
Susan, the RNC (and President Trump) have called for doing this, because it helps *our* side just as it helps the other side. Yes, the other side can guess how many cheat votes they need, but on the Republican side, it gives the party a by-name list of who has and has not yet voted. Then they can organize a more streamlined get-out-the-vote operation, instead of not knowing who to call. The Dems have been doing this for years, and not uncommonly what our side perceives as cheating is just Dems out-organizing us.
Also remember how in 2022 the Maricopa County, Arizona voting machines went down on election day as they were deliberately fed the wrong size paper. This wasn't inadvertent but a coordinated attempt to depress voting day turn out. It cost Kari Lake the election, along with other Republicans.
The Democrat machine is utterly corrupt. They know Republicans vote in person far more than Democrats so they sabotaged the voting machines on election day. They weaponized our own desire for a clean election (i.e. vote in person on election day) as a tool against us..
The only way to fight them is to play the game. We need to diversify our voting methods so it can't be easily manipulated. We need to vote early and ensure with the Registrar it was recorded. If the Dems put drop boxes outside the welfare office, then we need them at evangelical churches, gun ranges, and American Legion posts. Scott Pressler gets this. Ronna McDaniel isn't stupid and she certainly got it too, but refused to do it. That's why she's gone and Scott is in.
Ahh, Thanks for the explanation. I guess that makes sense. I didn't know people went out to find voters that hadn't returned ballots. I've heard a little discussion about this but I haven't had time to understand it all. Your comment will be helpful to more than me, I would think. :)
I've learned a lot in the last several years, by joining with my county Republican Party. I've been a poll watcher, served as an observer for an election recount, serve as a Precinct Committeewoman, and now also a State Committeewoman. The parties can access lists of who has and has not cast a ballot yet, and the earlier people vote, whether by mail (or dropping off one's 'mail-in' ballot in person) or during early voting, the easier it is to focus on the remainder, who may be people who don't always vote.
I remember ‘poll watchers’ during BHO’s first run. Looked like gang bangers with baseball bats in front of polling places. Big intimidation factor even if they just walked around.
Here in CA I signed up for TrackMyBallot. I take it to a good secure location a few days before election day so I get a notice from the registrar that my ballot has been counted. I still wish there was a way to track how my vote was counted, who I voted for. Hoping that it is going in correctly and not being manipulated.
Love Scott… I lived in Virginia Beach when he started on the street corners with signs! He got a lot of positive love even back then! He will be great for the RNC. I stopped donating to them because they were not representing me. Now, with Scott onboard, it is moving in the right
We ALL need to be heroic and volunteer in some capacity to ensure the elections in our counties and in our states are secure and fair! Get involved in your county GOP to see what’s going on, volunteer to be a poll watcher or an election judge! Encourage your neighbors, friends and relatives to vote! If everyone did something think of the difference we could make!
I love it that a REAL lawyer is breaking down the Fani story so some of us that are not legal can fully understand what just happened yesterday. I am medical and fairly intelligent but there is nothing like an insider interpreting for us. Marik, Kory, McCullough et al for medicine , Tucker for media, Kirsch and Dowd for statistics, John Leake for the real stories and Jeff for legal- all my go-to people so far when I need good, solid info and education.
Jeff, I just wanted to say I really appreciated your nuanced and professional explanation of the consequences of McAfee's order. I can completely see how he tried to find the best route through, including trying to save his own hide from inevitable insane persecution, but he still left the doors wide open for a coalition of others to get to the right conclusions on all these questions. Thanks for the outstanding analysis!
Agree 100%. I appreciate Jeff’s analysis because it would be easy for me to listen to the talking heads and be like 😤🤯 instead of looking at it from an experienced legal professional’s point of view. I wanted Fani to get the axe, but maybe the best approach is to give her some rope and soon enough she’ll hang herself with it. She’s already halfway there. Now, she’s without Wade. Party’s over love birds! No more taking money out of the mattress to fly off to the tropics! Fani’s corrupt and true self has been dragged into the light, so let her continue and she’ll get what’s coming to her. She won’t be able to help herself. Full speed ahead. She’s a train wreck.
While I’ve been enjoying the Fani soap opera 🍿 I’ve also been saying “be careful what you wish for” to all the push to disqualify her. It could’nt be in a better less capable hands 🤡
Thank you for the level - headed, logical analysis of the Georgia case. I appreciate your legal insigts.....they give me hope that justice will prevail.
Good Grief @jeffchilders , are you saying C&C blog commentators “Benjamin Double Nazi” and “Iron Horseshit” have been totally wrong on everything!!
I cannot believe it. I’m absolutely in a state of shock. Now let’s start telling the truth about Gaza and maybe this nation can still be saved from sending our troops into harms way in Israel and Lebanon. I have been listening to Scott Horton, Ray McGovern, Larry Johnson, Douglas McGregor, Max Blumenthal, Philip Giraldi, Karen Kwiatkowski from Day One of both of these wars and they have all been 100% RIGHT. Stop reading and listening to our MSM media. They suck, they lie and are traitors to the American people. Wake up everyone before it’s too late.
I can’t imagine that the hornets in charge of almost everything will hold the hornet worker bees accountable for following their orders. 😒 And truly, they are doubling down!
Agreed, similar to people justifying that Trump didn't know any better. BS. And he double down last week, again hailing the clot shots and mRNA tech as a cancer cure. Clown town, and people keep supporting it.
I've been following Scott since 2016. He's really quite remarkable. He's also known for orchestrating huge clean up projects in big dirty city areas left neglected by their leaders. He's been all over the country and it's always bugged me how the RNC completely ignored him. The guy literally walks the pavement talking to Americans every day. I'm happy the RNC finally changed leadership, cleaned house, and got Scott on board. I'm really hoping the RNC can get Charlie Kirk and/or Vivek involved, even if it's in a consulting capacity. Oh...and killer attorneys. 😅
In case anyone here is unfamiliar with Scott, here's a recent X post from him:
"Oh my gosh.
Since I’m trending on X, please allow me to introduce myself:
My name is Scott Presler.
I’m an Eagle Scout, the son of a retired Navy Captain, & graduated w/ honors from George Mason University — go Patriots!
I’ve worked as a dog walker, elementary school employee, & was even the guy who returns the shopping carts @ Giant.
My first political job was in Galveston, Texas, working to elect Governor Greg Abbott. Then, I spent 2 years of my life working to defeat Hillary Clinton & elect President Donald Trump.
Life changed forever when President Trump brought attention to the city of Baltimore, Maryland. With 200 volunteers, we organized a cleanup & picked up 12 tons of trash in 12 hours.
I realized that concerned citizens could do a better job of helping clean up cities than the gov’t ever could. So, I traveled across the country & organized dozens of cleanups in America’s most needy cities. You might remember the video of me speaking about illegal aliens on the streets of San Francisco.
After the soul-crushing loss of 2020, I was determined to regain control of Congress. So, I spent the following 2 years focusing on voter registration. We flipped Pinellas County, FL, from 🔵🔜🔴 contributing to electing Congresswoman APL & I spent a good amount of time on Long Island. The latter effort resulted in helping win NY03 & NY04.
In January 2023, after seeing so many things go wrong on Election Day the previous November, I launched @EarlyVoteAction. The simple goal of this organization is to use an all-of-the-above approach to voting in order to elect Republicans. We are focused on AZ, NC, NV, PA, & WI.
So, I’ve spent the last year traveling to each of these states & helping to recruit/train new volunteers.
Our voter registration efforts & drives at places like gun shows, places of worship, gas stations, rodeos, farmers markets, country music concerts, & mud sales are making an impact.
To show how serious I am, I’m even looking to relocate my life to Pennsylvania — my heart has always had a soft spot for PA.
I promise to spend the next 8 months doing everything within my power to elect President Trump & give him a Republican Congress he can work with.
My heart is in this, my passion is unbridled and unmatched, & I’m proud to be an American. I look forward to working with each of you to save the country we love."
Love Scott is about time the RNC recognized his heroic efforts.
I have long admired his work. But the real problem that needs to be addressed is the massive amount of corrupt voter roles/registrations that must be purged in all states.
Pennsylvania will cheat again if given the chance.
As will GA and AZ and MI. They must not be given that chance.
In Allegheny County (Pittsburgh), our new youngish white liberal female County Executive all on her little own self, decided that we needed ballot drop-off boxes for the mail-in ballots for our May primary.
Mail-in ballots...let that sink know, the ones you can just put into the mailbox.
Thank goodness our county's Republican committee just filed a lawsuit.
Michael Berry had a guy on his radio show Wednesday- maybe Texas AG?
I tuned in in middle. Talked about stopping the steal before Election Day 2020. Lawsuits against counties trying such tactics (ignoring & violating election laws).
Said he talked to Trump warning him such deviousness would be tried elsewhere & he’d lose. He said he didn’t know who thought up this maneuver (Soros or who?) but it was brilliant. Wrong but brilliant.
Mail out ballots to every person in the county. No verification of who mails them back. Just pile them up & count them (or hold till they find out how many more needed for victory then count ‘em - aka Georgia)
Pittsburgh is going to be a problem town, what with no police late at night, and commercial real estate devaluing at warp speed, taking the school system's budget with it. Much as I miss my hometown, I'm glad I don't have to participate in this rush to the bottom.
Don't call the police between the hours of 3-7 a.m.
Only 20 cops on duty for the whole city.
The mayor saved us from single-use plastic bags, but you can still get shot or carjacked.
...and our property taxes will surely go up to pay for the decrease in assessments on commercial real estate.
The greatest city in America, reduced to liberalism. I never thought I’d see the day. Bet they outlaw bowling.
They did manage to avoid repeating the public arson of burning down a city section to stop political activists.
Game cameras.
Dominion changer machines Internet controlled.
You do know this right?
Of course. Millions of "votes" in 2020 were manipulated by changing totals in the machines. Mike Lindell has proven this also. No election is secure if machine voting is used.
That is SO TRUE - President Milei only got into office in Argentina because the election process was completely revamped to PAPER BALLOTS AND ONLY SAME DAY VOTING. NO MACHINES and NO MAIL IN 'DROP BOX' BALLOTS!
Which is why we will never have in person paper ballots again.
No election is secure if a single crook is involved.
Election ink precludes election counting cheats.
ALL Colorado Republicans are told by OUR State and Local Leadership that NO WAY, Not possible, the 62 of 64 Counties with Dominion do not in any way ever, never connect to the internet, impossible! I've been dismissively talked down to for pointing out this is a MONOPOLY and it needs anti-trust investigation. Just a "Better Mousetrap" I've been rebuked, not a monopoly at all. Fking "Conservative Republicans" MY A-S!
My county proudly points out that our voting machines are not connected to the internet. "See? No cables! Just a wall plug!" As if I'd never heard of wifi.
It doesn’t matter if the machines are connected to the internet. The programming can be altered before the election to skew the results any way the programmer wants them to be.
That Colorado Secretary is infamous right? Along with a few other Soros Secretaries ie Pa. Doesn’t take much to buy them even!
We watch the Internet lights come on and watch the votes go up by 100’s of thousands for Dems and 0 or 10’s for Republicans in a matter of seconds. It even accidentally at 2 am ish gets shown on the LSM News. ( in Md )
They were run by the Serbs ( from Serbia ! ) available on the Dominion employee Linktin profile.
WP - I'm sure you are being sarcastic, CO government has been infiltrated and taken over by globalist commies now. And they need the Dominion machines that are connected to the internet.
Too bad the ethical IT people in CO. didn’t take the time to show their counties and state exactly how it’s done! We had a citizen election integrity group who did a deep dive into all the ways our election was rigged, despite our county (Cass) and state (MO.) still staying red, and we proved it to them. That led to many changes that have been implemented for this years elections.
They are Evil liars!
Nope. Do some research on Tina Peters in CO.
Then explain the space in them for Internet modems.
The Internet is a computer network with no control over them, unless programmed on them, individually.
Wisconsin too
It is an individual decision made by an individual cheater, in the end.
Let it catch on and it becomes as metastatic as cancer.
too late. been done - numerous times already.
As a Michigan resident, I hear you loud and clear.
And Michigan
I'm a Keystone State resident for most of my 77 years, and I hang my head in abject shame for the godless governance we have had over the past decades. I always pray for a miracle--to be proven wrong--but it never happens.
We will see if the younger freedom loving residents of our state can PUSH BACK against the evil of the Philly and Pittsburgh DEMONratic machine.
Sharon--care to note your county? I'm Montco.
Lancaster. I have written to our state representative (elected in 2022) Tom Jones about cleaning up our election process and ANNULLING ACT 77 that HORRIBLE piece of legislation that even Doug Mastriano voted "yea" for in 2019!! That ushered in the debacle we have now PLUS the Dominion 'voting' machines. Mr. Jones has ignored my messages and phone calls THREE TIMES!! I believe he knows how to "go along to get along" ALREADY!!
Kathleen, I agree. Judicial Watch has helped, though I'm not sure any of these counties are key cheating districts. At least you could be a watchdog to see if the state publishes the data they say they will:
All cheaters will cheat again, given the chance.
Especially when they think HITLER lives under their bed.
TDS justifies anything.
I love how consistently you remind us that PA cheated!! 😂😂 Thank you
Mom always said I had a big mouth.
They will all cheat us into communism if we don't stop it.
I wonder if there’s a way to jam their internet so the machines wouldn’t be able to connect to Wi-Fi...
Yes, jamming the internet is possible.
why am I blocked from liking this comment?
It showed up in my email as you liking my comment.
Sometimes when Jeff has too many comments in his Substack, liking a comment get wonky.
I will click to like it, then it disappears.
They won’t have to be given the chance. They will take that chance regardless the gifts of the rino party.
The RNC recently filed a lawsuit in Michigan for this exact thing. They have tons of counties & cities that currently show more registered voters than the number of people residing in them.
I live in Michigan. We somehow “re-elected” the wicked witch trio. They will lie and cheat till the Lakes dry up!
Both my husband & I were born & raised in Michigan but we've been living in Texas for 38 yrs. We spend Summers in Michigan visiting family and they all want us to move back. We do love MI but the politics there scare us.
In previous years, there have been videos of people who buy votes from those in Ilhan Omar's district. All of that needs to be cleaned up.
Even one illegal vote is too many.
Welcome To Absurdistan on Substack tells exactly how they did it.
Dave, Judicial Watch is doing the heavy lifting on that, I think. We donate to them annually.
[I incorrectly called them non-tax-deductible "charitable" (in the sense of helping others) donations, but Sconnie Girl has corrected my error, so I edited this comment.]
This story is from almost a year ago:
And this is from 4 days ago:
I donate to them too. They ARE a tax qualified charity. Your donations are tax deductible.
I donate to Tom Fitton's wonderful "freedom advocacy" group on a regular basis--great watch dog for violations to the FOIA and the U. S. Constitution.
Thanks, Sconnie, I stand corrected. I don't pay much attention to which of our 'donations' are tax-deductible or not, because we think the cause is more important than the tax deduction, so I was mistaken.
Are you also from WI?
Yes! God’s Country!
The voter rolls have long been a problem. And I applaud that some are working to deal with this. I have been reading and despite the over the top bitterness, I'm intrigued by the overall message. Apparently this group has searchable databases of voter registrations for a number of key states, and are recommending that instead of focusing on voters, the RNC should focus on addresses. Apparently disqualifying folks with address at Walmart (along with 200 other voters) or a warehouse somewhere is much easier than disqualifying voters because they are dead or out of state or whatever.
There were only a handful of counties in a handful of states that changed the outcome of the last election. How many of those votes were cast by voters registered to a non-domicile address? I live in the PRoC where the "found ballot" technique is usually used to pick one leftist over another (though not right now with the senate race).
Wife and I volunteered to be poll watchers this time, took the training and then were never called by the local RNC factotum. We received conflicting emails, promises of email answers and then gaslight, all that was less than encouraging This was all before the change in leadership. But I will say, if our experience is typical, nothing good will happen if they don't fix the local organizations and insist on energetic leadership.
True the Vote’s voter data application has undergone some significant changes and is I think relaunching.
Here is the link to the recent announcement
Here is the link to the web-based application.
Now with the new 10+ million Biden T-Shirt wearing illegals, voting becomes even trickier and bigger problem this year.
Yes. The real problem is the corruption but it is bigger than that. We only get to see, hear about, and pick the ruling class people so we will always stay slaves to the system. There has always been a heirarchy in the history of the world. The serfs never win. Has revolution ever changed anything or just the "appearance" or "reality" of change? Just wondering.
Unfortunately, they are pushing us too hard. Will it break the USA INC system and be better? We still have the military complex and the private foreign banking system, false edu, controlled science, medical technocrasy, etc. There is no solution because the world is evil and the battle is spiritual. God has to fix it.
In 2022 a WI conservative controlled court banned the use of absentee ballot drop boxes. That may change. This could be overturned.
DROP BOXES coming back to Wisconsin! See the announcement below. This was caused by "Republican" Robin Vos - who had a personal vendetta against Dan Kelly. Kelly ran against 'judge' Janet Protasiewicz, where Vos directed the Republican Party to pretty much abandon Kelly. And, Vos has repeatedly refused to investigate the massive election frauds in Wisconsin elections. Beginning with the padded voter registration list. So Vos almost single-handedly caused our state supreme court to flip to liberals, lost the governor's office, lost the state attorney general's office, and with the new map redistricting will likely lose the State Assembly and State Senate. This is what happens when one politician gets too much power - especially a tyrant like Vos who is blinded by power and money.
Peter Bernegger
Plus, Scott is gay so will be immune to criticism from the left. (I know, but one can dream.) I’ve been a fan of his for years … he used to stand at busy intersections with signs like “Black citizens before illegals.” I hope this move by the “new” RNC of hiring him is a meaningful sign of change.
where is he from, who is he, who pays his bills, why is he suddenly the voters' Messiah?
Go to his X feed and read all about him. He not only works to register voters, he goes to cities and organizes clean-ups of trash and debris. He’s been at it since 2014 and is the hardest worker for GOP ever without any previous support from RNC. Amazing young man.
And if you’re not on X, use Truth Social.
Scott isn’t “suddenly” anything. He’s been working himself to, at one point ill health, nearly alone since at least 2021, if not before, to register voters and flip blue to red. He had zero support from the RNC or other establishment orgs.
Actually I remember him from the Summer of Street Fires, when the brownshirts dressed in black and masks instigated violence in streets across the country.
He comes by his reputation the honest way: dogged, tireless, hard work. He came to my awareness same time as Brendan Straka and his Walkaway movement…I couldn’t keep them straight for awhile.
Scott also stays on top of judicial elections trying to get the vote out for conservative judicial candidates. He has great insight into not just federal, but state elections where a majority can be held if the effort is made. He did so much while Ronna did nothing.
I have followed Scott since his very humble beginnings doing inner city clean ups and voter registration and education. He is one amazing guy from a military family who is very proud of him!! Finally looks like we have an RNC doing the right moves and Scott is number one on the list!!!
The idea that he is a messiah is quite a leap. Kind of like accusations that conservatives see President Trump as one. In my experience, conservatives are just that … conservatively and realistically trying to find the best, but always (since human) imperfect candidate who shows an ability and commitment to right the ship and stop the hemorrhaging of America. I’ve followed Scott since 2016 when his whole goal was to stop Hillary. I thought the steal of 2020 would see him give up, but he immediately doubled down on his voter registration efforts, seeing it as key for Republicans to dominate. As for who is behind him, the only answer I’ve seen is donations from people he works with to register new R voters, and his parents, with whom he is quite close.
Leftists always call Trump the Messiah or cult leader like it's a slur, & we don't think he is, we just know he has the sense to do what's right for the country & doesn't mind calling out the ones that don't have the sense God gave a screwdriver. Then they wax on about how Obama is the best thing since sliced bread & did sooo much for everyone when he clearly started the socialist/communist March to third world status & is overseeing the final nail in the coffin of the USA, if we don't get Trump back in office.
Yes. Leftists always hurl accusations of the exact thing they’re doing, like “destroying democracy!” and swooning over Obama as a messiah type.
2007/8 was the barf-iest time of my life!
Remember when women fainted at his campaign rallies! But Trumpers are the cult....
And even if DJT is back in office, vigorous local work is still required.
It appears GOPe is angling for the House of Representatives to get whittled down before the election, setting up a Leftist takeover in January. They aim to not certify his election, and if not successful will immediately begin impeachment proceedings, probably by using the pending TikTok legislation (read the fine print, remember the patriot act, and remember that legislation “for your security/health” is never that).
The Left has EVERY institution. Forty solid years (100 by some counts) of marching through the institutions is going to take a long time.
I wonder if Scott declined the jab?
Has nothing to do with the issue at hand.
Our candidate is vax’d.
True, but I was curious if any gay or anyone from the LBQxyz crowd declined the jab. Always want to know what makes people tick.
good question. probably not wanting to muddy the waters with it at this exact moment but maybe in a few weeks? I bet no jab.
He still lives with his folks. He has an old car and when he visits your city at your request, he has no problem staying at your house. He asks for mileage and food.
very cool, i'd like to compare old cars (mine's a 2002); this cat seems to be where it's at and someone at RNC giving him a shot is awesome; I met with Trump Team CO Leadership and discussed a few issues, they claim it won't go into a Blackhole but we will see if an amazing message idea (not mine) gets out for a voter knockout blow to Biden and Dems later this Summer and Fall--if nothing happens i'll wash my hands of the whole Trump Campaign as being dismissive of grassroots input. If they craft it and implement will be standout and inescapable indeed.
Sounds like Peter. Formerly known as Simon.
He’s been around for years working his butt off cleaning up inner city neighborhoods and registering Republican voters. He’s a star. Nothing “sudden” about it.
I had forgotten his time cleaning up inner cities. Maybe Sharyl Attkisson featured him on her Sunday program ? Years fly by and recollections fly out.
Remember the Baltimore clean up in 2019? It made national news. This is the guy who organized it, then went to on to several other cities to do the same.
Yes! I followed him through all the inner city clean ups. He actually puts in the real work. No fluff. Actions not words. He’s not getting rich off the backs of anyone. Best thing the rnc could do was give him the opportunity to get it done. Good move, finally!
This kid has been pounding the pavement for years. Hired on at the RNC is a well-deserved accolade and recognition for Pressler’s determination. The RNC can learn from him.
The RNC won’t learn anything. ALL politicians are selected, including Trump (I voted for him twice).
I’ve learned a lot the past few years, and it ain’t pretty.
There is nothing wholesome about politics. Just play the corrupt game to win.
That’s why I do not need government. I am the true meaning of an anarchist.
“In short, anarchism is not about having no rules, it’s about having no rulers. Or put another way, this is not the myth of unbridled chaos you were expecting.”-180 Degrees, Feargus 0’Connor Greenwood
I no longer support any political party offered to me. I’m done!
After 2020, you think PDT was “selected”?
Not suddenly and who’s talking about him worshipfully? That sounds pretty snobby. He’s a very qualified guy who proved himself for years. Even I knew who he was in 2020. He and Brandon Straka were forces to be reckoned with. I would say people are happy, not worshipping, that a qualified person got hired by the RNC for a chance.
When hard workers like Scott think of themselves as “messiahs” that’s the thing. Those calling him one or not means nothing. For some, the glass is entirely empty all the time. Nothing passes their level of scrutiny. It’s rampant around here, although they have the right to say it I don’t have to read it or succumb to it. Carry on, everyone.
True. For what I have heard from him, he’s a humble, gentle soul. I haven’t seen the narcissism required to think of self that way.
Yup. We need more like him. He’s a man with a mission. He doesn’t consider himself a messiah and I don’t either. Humble people will save the day.
That's exactly what he is.
Dam, such thin-skinned replies (only some) to my skepticism...It's why i said UP FRONT that this is a new (within past week or 2) revelation to me...I'm all in favor of grassroots regular people taking the wheel from "experts" and do-nothings who pretend they have it all worked out already. Pressler has my admiration if he's all that he's made to be; I've been trying with zero luck some of his strategies in a red county--yet only since 2021. Count me in as a fan but not ready to buy a jersey with his name and number on it yet, all this replying to my query is EXACTLY what i wanted from you fellow C&Cers, thank you! True and powerful engaged Populism will restore the Ruined Rep Party and the Nation if we can implement it, Team Pressler! (unless proven otherwise)
Thanks for mentioning Brandon Straka, I was trying to think of his name. He was an up and coming smart young man for the right and the left has done its best to destroy him.
I really like him. What happened to him was a shame. No surprise the DNC went after him. That the GOP establishment left him to the wolves shows they are alike in many ways. Tucker did an excellent interview with him, in which he (Brandon) talks about how he was left to the wolves. He is still doing Walkaway, after a long pause. I don’t do social media much, or hardly, so I only get an occasional email update. I hope he continues kicking butt.
The GOP did the same to Milo, what, 4 years ago? CPAC uninvited him as speaker.
Like i said, i live under a rock but am inclined to duplicate his work as that's our calling as decent and engaged people and citizens who refuse to forsake our birthright
I attended one of his “how to register voters” sessions and he was one of the best motivational speakers I’ve ever seen. (First heard of him at the Walkaway rally in Washington DC in October 2020.)
He has been around since at least 2016. I believe he lives on donations.
It’s not sudden. He’s been around at least since 2019, doing commentary and stuff for Real America’s Voice at Trump rallies.
Ok, he's been at it, is a real worker and earning it, and not some faked trumped up star who talks a good game...i like that-- good cred with regular people who don't trust celebrity spotlight and marketing (FAKENESS) Let's restore, revitalize, and resurrect the Republican Party ONCE and for ALL...Pat Buchanan (Paleo-Conservative they term him) was calling for this in 1992 when he DARED Primary Incumbent George CIA Bush. Renegade Republicans get to it!
He’s not “sudden.” I have followed him on telegram for years (he doesn’t have a moderator so replies to his posts are full of spam) and it’s informative. He began by organizing cleanups of neighborhoods in Baltimore and San Francisco. I believe he’s from Virginia but is moving to Pennsylvania. He lives with his parents. Or he will until he moves. Regardless, he’s not sudden. He’s sincere. Gay or not, he has a passion for making a change. He started very small and worked very hard. He deserves the accolades he received. He earned them.
ok, so started with Bi-Coastal Dem. Trash City Cleanup efforts via community organizing and morph into Rep. Voter Registration push and stellar success with it--so that Trump beat Hillary but then he was pushed aside and Trump lost to Biden, NOW it's his turn to Fix it all for us. Just wanting to get up to speed, it seems" Sudden" as the whole issue of Dilution of Democracy, Tampering with Election laws, Fake Election results, required voter ID etc vs. The Dem National Voter Act, all the current push and pull on the issue in so many areas and locations..I don't see the singular amazing miraculous voters registration efforts of this guy lauded and applauded and up front and center until just now with the overdue MAGA purge at the RNC...It's great that He's so young, so hard working, and so very accomplished at these tasks. I'm just learning about it all as i'm late to class, studied the wrong notes, left my textbook at the library, and am a slow learner anyway. I'll get there have no doubt, with a solid passing C+ at the end of the term Nov 5th, 2024!
If I hadn’t been following on telegram for years, I might have the same concerns you do. It would seem as though he came out of nowhere to be lauded by the dreaded “powers that be,” ergo he must be in somebody’s back pocket, or a psyop, or something, anything other than what he says he is.
I’ve watched his videos of how he interacts with people in these neighborhoods that politicians have turned their backs on and I have to admit, I like his approach. He seems to genuinely care about the people living in those neighborhoods; he, an outsider, wants good things for them that their “leaders” promise but never deliver. He tries to deliver something because he is motivated to alleviate suffering.
Something I’ve noticed more and more lately is that there is a genuine lack of care from each of us for our fellow man. Oh, we scream and yell and throw a fit if the wrong pronoun is used, but we shrug our shoulders when real injustice occurs. And it’s all because, really and truly, we don’t care. In a world of people who don’t care, people who do, stand out like a big, fat, sore thumb. Scott Pressler is that big, fat, sore thumb. We need more people like him.
By the way, I like sarcasm. It’s fun to zing and be zinged occasionally. Kinda makes you re-assert or reevaluate your deeply held beliefs. I assume (maybe naively) we’re on the same team, but it’s difficult to tell from your response.
Not suddenly. Scott has been boots on the ground doing wonderful work on his own for years and begged the RNC to let him help but Ronna would have none of it.
He's not a Messiah. He's just what you would call a really, really good hire. There aren't enough of those.
yes we the gays who care about fairness have been blasting this obvious fact across the Internets :) just to put the lie to one more piece of TDS dogma.
I am reminded of something I read that said the RNC is our target and Trump is our murder weapon. Seems about right. It's time this ridiculous farce of a party was completely rebuilt to serve some constituency of actual conservative voters. There really aren't enough country club Republicans to support an entire party and it's been obvious for a while it's just a psy-op and subsidiary of the DNC.
But Scott's post gave me a chuckle. Can you imagine the horror - the horror! - on the RNC's pearl-clutching members' faces when they realize their party is now going to embrace *gasp* The Amish and *gasp* HUNTERS. OMG, 2A gun nuts! OMG, luddites who don't believe in The Science. LOL. Thank God this is happening. It's 20 years overdue. The RNC representing actual conservatives.
Now, go get all the Christian black and Hispanic males out there who don't want to see their kids mutilated by the school system or raped by illegals. Then, we'll have a very strong coalition that can take just about every state.
I like, like, like that a LOT, RU. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Let’s help good people stop being passive losers.
Muslim too. Michigan Muslims are showing up at school board meetings and howling about the porn and trans filth. Nothing against poor folks who aren’t happy in their own skin; but promoting this in schools to confused youngsters going through puberty is just wrong.
Exactly! Well said.
THis only works if LAZY, beer chugging, rifle-sighting Hunters get off their ASS and care enough to fill our a ballot correctly and turn it in on time... our Colorado "men" aged 25-45 in rural areas don't don't vote!
Well, step 1 is to have some candidates who represent their interests and to whom they can relate. W, Gore, Kerry, McCain, Romney, Clinton(s), Obama...all the same manner of dress and speech, all the same globalist, big gov't, forever war policies, all with the same non-traditional "values," all holding the same disdain for avg people and America's foundational documents. At some point, it's only rational to say "why bother?" Republicans created this mess, too.
John McCain's wife was aware of Epstein's crimes.
sad but true. if its not their kid THEY DONT CARE.
I hope Trump picks Virginia Rep Nick J. Freitas for VP!!!
He would be a wonderful choice! I wonder if he’s on Trump’s radar?
WP William, please help with outreach to them, then. Think of a creative way to reach them - maybe a hunting-related informational or product event, with beer? Your county Republican Party may be able to assist; coming to them as a volunteer with an idea you're willing to execute would be invaluable (if they're smart).
I've suggested for 3 years, i've mentioned Beer, Bows, and Ballots events, Baseball, Brats, and Ballots; other such get-togethers for more feminine interests too; we have too many seasoned voters mailing shit in late, not signed, incorrectly filled out wrong addresses, sloppy lazy, moronic problems within our Own voter base and then the so-called "independents" who are worse. I'm NOT giving up but like climbing Mt. Evans (sorry now Wokely named Blue Sky) in Winter with no shoes or socks on. I'll term Scott Pressler a Renegade Republican or a Restorative Republican...screw the system and leadership..let's throw all of our own time and $$$ into the cause despite the corrupted system and see what can happen. It's ALL going into the shitpond anyway, so why not try to do good work to achieve good results!?
Did you offer to organize it? Look for other sponsors to help you, e.g., with donated space, food, drink, vendors, and then, if you like, invite the Republicans to be there as well. In my own experience, 'suggesting' something to me just suggests that I add to my already-too-full plate. Offering to organize it or, even better, acting to organize it, with or without the Party, perhaps in coordination with one or more other local groups interested in elections and winning, would be so much better. I don't mean to imply that you did not make such an offer, just that in my area we get way more suggestions than we do workers.
yes well selling the idea up the chain of command and then getting zero response kind of says it IS up to Individuals and particularly those who are rah-rah team builders with people skills. My forte is off-putting people and earning eye-rolls...a Loner's Loner ready to be a supportive team member not some flash and dash glad-handing smooth talker. Leadership is Lacking on our side (which is why Trump is a ROCKSTAR) that hasn't been seen since Reagan. Yes everyone too busy and too broke and too whatever to help their communities and save our nation. They'll get a dose of reality when it's ALL GONE.
Look at NYS if you want to see a state of lazy good for nothing conservatives. If 50% of the conservatives in NYS voted, you wouldn’t have a democrat dog catcher.
You guys need to read this. I'd like to get this spread far and wide.
We've got to get people to understand that we're up against that problem of "It doesn't matter who votes, it matters who counts the votes."
Precinct level counting of paper ballots with all parties involved, public viewing allowed, and immediately posted to social media and County Clerk tally sites.
Yes, everyone must read that post.
Republicans stand no chance in elections from the POTUS on down to the local level.
If the RNC doesn't deal with the corruption of the balloting process, it doens't matter how many people they get onto the rolls.
Are you aware of the things Lara Trump is doing already in the short time she became head of the GOP? She’s making lots of changes and she’s much more intelligent than the other side! I am encouraged at what she’s planning to accomplish! Get involved locally and be part of the fair election movement!
My county is hard red. (In Illinois). Dems usually have no chance. Although I have harsh criticism of the gop being in charge for 150 years.
What county is that? Are you able to evade some of the ill effects of living in a deep blue state?
Illinois would be red but for that stinking blue carcass on the lake. It dominates Springfield. I don’t go into the city at all. My red county has some of the highest property taxes in the whole country. It’s rural. it’s been run by republicans for over 15O years. So there’s that.
Why/how did Trump stay so silent on the balloting process these long four years?!
Wait ! You mean THIS is NOT normal ??
"Experts say" this is not a problem. Don't know about you, but my government has convinced me to always believe experts, especially the anonymous ones. /s
I always believe "the experts" well as "fact checkers".
I suppose that's WHY the 'safe and effective' jab has never found me.
As to our govt ? When so much effort is made to divide, I can't HELP but think their goal is to conquer.
I was going to post this link too. It was an extremely eye opening article.
No matter how much we “get out the vote” or “clean up the voter rolls” or “get rid of drop boxes and mail-in ballots”, if the corrupt, deep state, leftist democrats control the voting machines we will NEVER have a chance. It’s that simple. Yes, we should still do those things mentioned above, but we must prioritize the issue with the voting machines. It starts with making people aware of the situation and what really happened in 2020.
Read it! That’s some first class evidence on stolen elections. We gotta fix this. Or else we are not a free republic.
Think of the integration of AI within that system. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they’ve had that magic box for a while now. They fund the AI engineers so I’m sure they include first dibs. It is a Brave New World already.
Now we know the facts. Early mail in and electronic voting aids and abets fraud.
Sign up now:
Clean up the rolls.
Count the votes.
Be an observer.
Vote on Election Day even if you received a mail in ballot.
Vote with a paper ballot.
Press your State to get rid of Dominion machines.
That was a very interesting article! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for this!
Unbelievable how many people involved - how do they all stay so silent?!
Yes on Elizabeth Nickson’s Substack! I read one piece and was hooked. Now I am a subscriber.
Great link. Thanks.
Isn’t Pressler saying we need to get our mail in ballots earlier? Isn’t that giving the bad guys more time to manipulate the numbers? Unfortunately I cannot choose to vote in person in this Demonrat state so I choose to turn in my ballot on the day. Not sure if it makes any difference but I can only do what I can do. I’m not turning it in days early giving them a heads up on how many more votes they need to find. 🤷🏼♀️ Although they apparently have 13 days to count them so …
Susan, the RNC (and President Trump) have called for doing this, because it helps *our* side just as it helps the other side. Yes, the other side can guess how many cheat votes they need, but on the Republican side, it gives the party a by-name list of who has and has not yet voted. Then they can organize a more streamlined get-out-the-vote operation, instead of not knowing who to call. The Dems have been doing this for years, and not uncommonly what our side perceives as cheating is just Dems out-organizing us.
Also remember how in 2022 the Maricopa County, Arizona voting machines went down on election day as they were deliberately fed the wrong size paper. This wasn't inadvertent but a coordinated attempt to depress voting day turn out. It cost Kari Lake the election, along with other Republicans.
The Democrat machine is utterly corrupt. They know Republicans vote in person far more than Democrats so they sabotaged the voting machines on election day. They weaponized our own desire for a clean election (i.e. vote in person on election day) as a tool against us..
The only way to fight them is to play the game. We need to diversify our voting methods so it can't be easily manipulated. We need to vote early and ensure with the Registrar it was recorded. If the Dems put drop boxes outside the welfare office, then we need them at evangelical churches, gun ranges, and American Legion posts. Scott Pressler gets this. Ronna McDaniel isn't stupid and she certainly got it too, but refused to do it. That's why she's gone and Scott is in.
Well, in Massachusetts ain't so bad. I don't have to worry about our voting machines malfunctioning!
{But I can't help that sense of despair of my vote not mattering anyhow. But I vote anyway.}
Ahh, Thanks for the explanation. I guess that makes sense. I didn't know people went out to find voters that hadn't returned ballots. I've heard a little discussion about this but I haven't had time to understand it all. Your comment will be helpful to more than me, I would think. :)
I've learned a lot in the last several years, by joining with my county Republican Party. I've been a poll watcher, served as an observer for an election recount, serve as a Precinct Committeewoman, and now also a State Committeewoman. The parties can access lists of who has and has not cast a ballot yet, and the earlier people vote, whether by mail (or dropping off one's 'mail-in' ballot in person) or during early voting, the easier it is to focus on the remainder, who may be people who don't always vote.
I remember ‘poll watchers’ during BHO’s first run. Looked like gang bangers with baseball bats in front of polling places. Big intimidation factor even if they just walked around.
Here in CA I signed up for TrackMyBallot. I take it to a good secure location a few days before election day so I get a notice from the registrar that my ballot has been counted. I still wish there was a way to track how my vote was counted, who I voted for. Hoping that it is going in correctly and not being manipulated.
Love Scott… I lived in Virginia Beach when he started on the street corners with signs! He got a lot of positive love even back then! He will be great for the RNC. I stopped donating to them because they were not representing me. Now, with Scott onboard, it is moving in the right
RNC, late to the game but finally adopting the DNC-activist strategy. Let's hope late is better than never.
We ALL need to be heroic and volunteer in some capacity to ensure the elections in our counties and in our states are secure and fair! Get involved in your county GOP to see what’s going on, volunteer to be a poll watcher or an election judge! Encourage your neighbors, friends and relatives to vote! If everyone did something think of the difference we could make!
Do you all really think there will be an actual election in Nov 2024? I’m skeptical.
No...O'Biden and the Deep State will pull something...probably war with Russia.
And......GREAT hair!!!!
And my soul shall rejoice in Yahweh;
It shall be joyful in His salvation.
All my bones will say, “Yahweh, who is like You,
Who delivers the afflicted from him who is too strong for him,
And the afflicted and the needy from him who robs him?”
— Psalm 35:9-10 LSB
Shabbat Shalom.
I love it that a REAL lawyer is breaking down the Fani story so some of us that are not legal can fully understand what just happened yesterday. I am medical and fairly intelligent but there is nothing like an insider interpreting for us. Marik, Kory, McCullough et al for medicine , Tucker for media, Kirsch and Dowd for statistics, John Leake for the real stories and Jeff for legal- all my go-to people so far when I need good, solid info and education.
Except avoid The Wellness Company WHO many of our trusted sources promote.
That was a mind blowing rabbit hole.
Indeed. Crazy huh?
Yes and I could still be burrowing but it’s late so maybe tomorrow. Hard to know who to believe these days. LDS and Freemasons????? Wow…..
I recognize all but John Leake, who is he with?
He shares a Substack with Dr. McCullough called Courageous Discourse.
Jeff, I just wanted to say I really appreciated your nuanced and professional explanation of the consequences of McAfee's order. I can completely see how he tried to find the best route through, including trying to save his own hide from inevitable insane persecution, but he still left the doors wide open for a coalition of others to get to the right conclusions on all these questions. Thanks for the outstanding analysis!
Agree 100%. I appreciate Jeff’s analysis because it would be easy for me to listen to the talking heads and be like 😤🤯 instead of looking at it from an experienced legal professional’s point of view. I wanted Fani to get the axe, but maybe the best approach is to give her some rope and soon enough she’ll hang herself with it. She’s already halfway there. Now, she’s without Wade. Party’s over love birds! No more taking money out of the mattress to fly off to the tropics! Fani’s corrupt and true self has been dragged into the light, so let her continue and she’ll get what’s coming to her. She won’t be able to help herself. Full speed ahead. She’s a train wreck.
While I’ve been enjoying the Fani soap opera 🍿 I’ve also been saying “be careful what you wish for” to all the push to disqualify her. It could’nt be in a better less capable hands 🤡
I’m still waiting for more info on the White House visits with Fani and Wade and who else???? That’s the bigger story.
Some days - when time permits - I enjoy reading the comments just as much as I do Jeff's awesome journalistic gems 🧐
Same here! I've learned so much from the C & C fam.
Me too!
Thank you for the level - headed, logical analysis of the Georgia case. I appreciate your legal insigts.....they give me hope that justice will prevail.
Does anyone remember watching Judge Joe Brown? He agrees with Jeff Childers on the Fanny ruling yesterday.
Good Grief @jeffchilders , are you saying C&C blog commentators “Benjamin Double Nazi” and “Iron Horseshit” have been totally wrong on everything!!
I cannot believe it. I’m absolutely in a state of shock. Now let’s start telling the truth about Gaza and maybe this nation can still be saved from sending our troops into harms way in Israel and Lebanon. I have been listening to Scott Horton, Ray McGovern, Larry Johnson, Douglas McGregor, Max Blumenthal, Philip Giraldi, Karen Kwiatkowski from Day One of both of these wars and they have all been 100% RIGHT. Stop reading and listening to our MSM media. They suck, they lie and are traitors to the American people. Wake up everyone before it’s too late.
Dr. Peter McCullough lists the co-conspirators in the lab created covid bioweapon. (Short clip)
… and they continue to roam free
STILL waiting for someone to put Ralph Baric's feet to the fire - at least ask this man some f'in questions!
Or some lead to the head... but I'd settle for an uncomfortable congressional testimony full of "I'll take the 5th."
....or fauci's often used (and OVER-used) response. - "I do not recall".
I can’t imagine that the hornets in charge of almost everything will hold the hornet worker bees accountable for following their orders. 😒 And truly, they are doubling down!
They killed my aunt. She died last night and I am positive it was from the non-"vaccine". This is a damn genocide.
As god is my witness, I will not rest until each and every one of these bastards pays for the deaths they have caused.
Sorry for your loss. We mourn the (needless) loss of so many......
So very sorry for your loss. :-(
When will they be indicted for crimes against humanity??
I don't think they will.
The "they didn't know" lament will be heard far and wide - and often.
They are already practicing it....
And you are right, I fear. There WILL BE no accountability - which would be just one more crime.
Agreed, similar to people justifying that Trump didn't know any better. BS. And he double down last week, again hailing the clot shots and mRNA tech as a cancer cure. Clown town, and people keep supporting it.
If they don’t repent and ask for forgiveness in this life, God will most certainly hold them accountable!
I've been following Scott since 2016. He's really quite remarkable. He's also known for orchestrating huge clean up projects in big dirty city areas left neglected by their leaders. He's been all over the country and it's always bugged me how the RNC completely ignored him. The guy literally walks the pavement talking to Americans every day. I'm happy the RNC finally changed leadership, cleaned house, and got Scott on board. I'm really hoping the RNC can get Charlie Kirk and/or Vivek involved, even if it's in a consulting capacity. Oh...and killer attorneys. 😅
In case anyone here is unfamiliar with Scott, here's a recent X post from him:
"Oh my gosh.
Since I’m trending on X, please allow me to introduce myself:
My name is Scott Presler.
I’m an Eagle Scout, the son of a retired Navy Captain, & graduated w/ honors from George Mason University — go Patriots!
I’ve worked as a dog walker, elementary school employee, & was even the guy who returns the shopping carts @ Giant.
My first political job was in Galveston, Texas, working to elect Governor Greg Abbott. Then, I spent 2 years of my life working to defeat Hillary Clinton & elect President Donald Trump.
Life changed forever when President Trump brought attention to the city of Baltimore, Maryland. With 200 volunteers, we organized a cleanup & picked up 12 tons of trash in 12 hours.
I realized that concerned citizens could do a better job of helping clean up cities than the gov’t ever could. So, I traveled across the country & organized dozens of cleanups in America’s most needy cities. You might remember the video of me speaking about illegal aliens on the streets of San Francisco.
After the soul-crushing loss of 2020, I was determined to regain control of Congress. So, I spent the following 2 years focusing on voter registration. We flipped Pinellas County, FL, from 🔵🔜🔴 contributing to electing Congresswoman APL & I spent a good amount of time on Long Island. The latter effort resulted in helping win NY03 & NY04.
In January 2023, after seeing so many things go wrong on Election Day the previous November, I launched @EarlyVoteAction. The simple goal of this organization is to use an all-of-the-above approach to voting in order to elect Republicans. We are focused on AZ, NC, NV, PA, & WI.
So, I’ve spent the last year traveling to each of these states & helping to recruit/train new volunteers.
Our voter registration efforts & drives at places like gun shows, places of worship, gas stations, rodeos, farmers markets, country music concerts, & mud sales are making an impact.
To show how serious I am, I’m even looking to relocate my life to Pennsylvania — my heart has always had a soft spot for PA.
I promise to spend the next 8 months doing everything within my power to elect President Trump & give him a Republican Congress he can work with.
My heart is in this, my passion is unbridled and unmatched, & I’m proud to be an American. I look forward to working with each of you to save the country we love."
Scott says: I realized that concerned citizens could do a better job of helping clean up cities than the gov’t ever could.
The irony....he goes and works for the government, well, a campaign anyways. Kinda funny.
? He doesn't work for the government or a campaign. He's working to get Republicans elected. What's ironic?