This government does more to prevent the distribution of Ivermectin than Fentanyl. That is another sign of the work of a murderous cartel. A just and honest society would destroy such a cartel with prejudice.

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And it’s also proof the government COULD do something about fentanyl if it can make ivermectin so difficult to obtain. It just doesn’t want to…

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America is the last bastion of the idea of freedom, of all the nations, and must be destroyed to build a globalist utopia.

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To be more specific, it's not America the nation that must be destroyed. It's America the ideal that must be destroyed. They have already captured the Federal Gov't and some of the states. What must be destroyed is the American ideal of liberty and self-responsibility rooted in Biblical faith. The American Christian ideal of freedom must be destroyed. We are already seeing this take place with Cancel Culture and the denial and re-writing of history and the creation of "White Privilege" as a class. "Whiteness" has been redefined as evil and targeted as the enemy. Think about it. They don't have to force us to wear a star on our clothing to identify us as the Nazis did in Germany. Our "Whiteness" identifies us and anyone else that aligns with the American ideal. White Americans have been targeted for extinction and replacement.

The primary repository of the American ideal of freedom is white America. These are the people that will resist subjugation and they must be eliminated. This is also taking place throughout the West in Europe, Australia, NZ, Canada and Japan. But their big stumbling block is America. As George Soros said, Americans are proving to be very difficult to subjugate and bring into the NWO.

Expose.UK just published an analysis of the Deagel depopulation forecast for 2025 (sanctioned by the USG and published in 2020) which demonstrates that current official excess death figures prove the forecast is not just an estimation but is actually on target. The Deagel forecast for the US is that total US population would drop from over 300 million to less that 100 million people by 2025...


Do you think that in 2019 when they commissioned the study they already knew how much death could be produced by the CV death shot?

In order to subjugate America, white Christian America must be eliminated and replaced with a compliant population that does not have the heritage of the American ideals of faith and liberty. The last figure I saw was 7,000,000 immigrants have come over our open southern border, the vast majority of them single, military age males. States are now in the process of legalizing illegal immigrants to be hired as police personnel. These are the people that are to be empowered and armed to enforce the dictates of the Gov't upon Americans.

Covid was a ruse. No more deadly than the common flu. The persecution of those immediately responsible is now a distraction from their weapon of choice: the death shot. The Ukraine war is a ruse. A distraction to keep our focus away from the actual war being waged against us here at home. The death and casualty rate of this war already exceeds all the American deaths in every war we have been in since 1775 combined. Yet few realize that we are being attacked and that a kinetic war is being waged against us.

If the American people don't rediscover the faith and the principles of liberty of our forefathers and come together in 2024 to oppose the Bolsheviks in power, they will shove their NWO down our throats long before 2028 and consolidate their control over what is left of the American population. We are now on the razor's edge.

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Excellent summary.

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And a good refining of WH Duncan's point.

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I heard Michael Savage say in early 2020, he’d not take the yet to be released jabs because he read research papers revealing HIV would be inserted to the Spike Protein.

No one listened when I warned them not to take the shot. So I’m left wondering if it’s really a war against a people when +80% were, and many still are, irrational? That is, when the targets largely are incapable of or unwilling to realize they’re being targeted?

It seems more like a suicide cult based on mutual agreement and an exchange of goods and services. The Citizens offer their trust as consideration and their Governments provide a product. It’s been an overall successful execution of a contract, in other words.

In a war, aren’t you supposed to have sides fighting against each other to a specific end? The only fighting I’ve seen in the vast majority of people I know is against logic and reason. The main exception being those who felt they had to take the shot or they would lose their job or inadvertently kill their loved one based on threats and pressure. That still was a choice.

I understand your point about TPTB waging an attack against mankind. True.

But when only a minority had capacity to understand what was being provided and so refused consent, denied an exchange of admittance into their circulatory system for whatever TPTB offered as consideration, somehow I just can’t see this as a war. It’s almost more a business contract that’s void because of its illegal intent and immoral, injurious and predictably bad outcome.

Both parties have to have competency to execute a contract legally. When it comes to participating in a war, shouldn’t grasping reality, having the will to fight and choosing to protect your side’s lives no matter the cost be required by the majority on each side?


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I needed no capacity to understand 'science'. I based mythings of facts like, if so deadly where are the bio hazard bins for the disposed of masks? Why without any evidence are pregnant women being injected WHILE gestating with a potentially DNA modifying gene therapy? Especially since they cannot have any toxins in pregnancy like tobacco/nicotine, raw fish, alcohol or any OTC drugs??? But an 'experimental' gene therapy with NO studies behind it is okay? For a disease that is supposedly only killing elderly? Hum...And how many times has my gov't been caught out experimenting on its own citizens or allowing known toxic substances to be in use? Tuskeegee / Syphillis, Agent Orange, spraying soil organisms off the coast of CA to see how far they'd travel - (killed people with kidney infections never really owned up to it and that was like 80s?) How many times has big Harma been allowed to peddle unsafe drugs by the FDA and CDC and NIH? Black Box warnings for Celecoxib (arthritis drug), Cipro warnings for sudden tendon separation, then there's the 'vaccine' cockups... Add in paying, bribing, pressuring and offering lottos for people to take it? I mean, in what former world did the gov't of the USA EVER go door to door to do somthing 'healthy' for you?? And then there's cui bono and where the money is going... So overall no science needed to decide to wait a little longer and see if the dissenters were in fact correct...which they were. Giant trap for non thinking people. Fear and panic to stampede you into action like lemmings.

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

Ohhh my head hurts. I'm not sure what contract law has to do with this but I guess you're saying that because people were unaware they were being targeted, that makes them complicit in their own death. I'd like to see that argued in court lol. If a victim is unaware they are going to be killed because they are sleeping and thus unaware, then does that mean the perpetrator is not guilty of murder?

This more closely resembles the Satanic version of justification called "Karmic retribution." The idea being if they tell you before hand they are going kill you and you do nothing to prevent it, then the guilt lies with the victim, not the perpetrator. Something by the way they practice all the time in our face. True Satanic believers.

Would your semantical sensibilities be less offended if I used the word democide or genocide instead of war? War is only justified in self-defense. Otherwise, war is murder by government. Except in self-defense, all war is murder. The USG may not be killing us with guns but it is still murder by Gov't, a Gov't making war upon their own people.

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I agree

We are at war

People are just unaware

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

You make a good point.

Maybe massacre is what I’m sensing here, which I guess is a war after all.

But when will we fight back is what I’m left wondering?

I’m still the angriest person I know at what’s been going on the last three years other than folks like you I come across online. Why is that?

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Hated liking that, but like it's truth.

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Thank you. As a general rule, I try to support truth tellers any way I can.

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Doin' a little C&C truth tellin' today Mr. Duncan! Let it fly. Facts only known or understood by the awake.

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

Turns out our medical establishment is no better than the snake oil salesmen of recent times. Or of the doctors during the bubonic plague who used arsenic and mercury.

How times have NOT changed.

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medical terrorists or cowards

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Ivermectin is NOT difficult to obtain

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It should be immediately made available OTC, like in Mexico, and initiation of testing campaigns against true placebos to compare to the Jabs.

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Well, it is difficult to obtain from a dr!!

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Wrong. Anyone, in any state, should be able to buy it over the counter at retail stores. And when this began, it was about three cents/pill. Now, the price is unaffordable for many folks. Actually, the government should be providing IVM for free to anyone and everyone. Look at all our tax $, in the billions, spent on all of the other harmful bullshit treatments! How about a USA factory producing it for us?

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How do you figure?

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Compound pharmacies will fill it. Retail pharmacy won’t. I’m had mine filled in 2022 from a prescription from the life saving REAL doctors at my free doctor.com (Dr Ben Marbles started it). I learned about them during the 1st Ron Johnson hearing and they were amazing if someone needs help. It’s free but they do ask for any donations after your treatment which I strongly recommend after my testimony of how they helped me.

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Gettiing it over the counter (like in TN) is easy. Getting a script from your GP and having it filled by a pharmacy is relatively easy. Paying an out of state doc hundreds for a script (because they might lose their license and have to absorb the perilous cost) and then finding a compounder to make it (almost 400 bucks for 20 or so capsules for mine)... that is NOT easy.

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When I tried I couldn't get it anywhere in MD, VA, WV or ME even with a script. Ended up getting the veterinary version (for dogs), same stuff.

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I was unable to get it over the counter at the CVS in Maryville, TN. I even spoke to the pharmacist who insisted I needed to have a prescription.

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I called some retail pharmacies in TN before making the outing. This was several months ago. They all denied having it available OTC. Despite the new law. I didn't inquire, but it was as if they were taking a stand. ! No outing at that time. I'll have to try again, but since you say it's easy may I ask if you've purchased OTC in TN? If so, major city? Medium size town? Thanks for any intel.

*edit: OOPS! Just saw your reply to Smatse. You answered the question. 😁

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My doctor wrote me a prescription in FL. My insurance wouldn’t cover it. Out of pocket cost was $2500!!! I had a good laugh as I walked away.

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It stopped being easy in 2021 to get it from a pharmacy around here.

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Because he capitalized and shouted the word NOT - that means he’s right (except that he’s not)

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I got it easily online, with a $25 online consultation done at same time (it’s just answering a few written questions). Used Seven Cells compounding pharmacy in Florida, it shipped quickly. The FLCCC site has a list of places to get it including that one, none require an outside doctor or you can use MyFreeDoctor.com to get a prescription.

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Great info, thanks!

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Except that he IS right.....at least in KY.

My dr was fired for writing Ivermectin rx’s.

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My MD in Wisconsin got in licensing trouble from our state for prescribing it (Wisconsin). Still. To this day.

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I have purchased 3x from India and 2x from Mexico. No prescription.


I do NOT care if someone doesn’t believe me. They choose to be foolish.

I am sharing a FACT?

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I've purchased Ivermectin online without a prescription through the website called, Ivermectin.com.

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Easily available would mean calling your physician to get them to write a prescription (which most docs won’t do) and then waking into your local pharmacy to pick it up (which won’t happen either.

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I purchased 2x from India...no Rx required.

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I walked into a pharmacy off a cruise ship in Mexico and started to buy. Thought it was awfully expensive for just a few tablets and felt a bit sleazy so I left. Is it really safe?

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I have done the same, several times, via India. Only one shipment---at the height of the witch hunting craze---was seized by US Customs ( and probably stolen by someone there, imo). I am paying $80 for 100 12mg tabs, plus shipping, usually about $30. Still a good deal. Can also get doxy, HCQ, azithromycin. The last shipment arrived in about a week or 10 days.

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"Foolish"? They made a mistake. Huh...must be Humans...

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I had no problem getting it from my dr and pharmacist in 2022

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It is, in KY. The governor has told Pharmacists that the will lose their license and could be arrested. And the state representatives allowed him to do it.

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Ron Paul made no fuss about this?

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really depends on the state or your particular access to non network doctors, etc...it's not that easy in some cases.

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Where are you finding it easy to obtain? Things must've changed from recently when no pharmacy in my town would fill the prescription presented by a physician. Our neighboring state has it fairly easy to obtain, but not everyone can make a trip like that. And, what is the cost compared to what it was prior to Covid? I was finally able to obtain some, but it was hundreds of dollars for treatment, not covered by insurance.

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I have horsey paste. That ones for you, horsey.

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It doesn’t want to because they’re all corrupted to the core. Hello, Congress…? What have they done about this…besides nothing?

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Our ENTIRE system is corrupt. They push fentanyl because it’s good for the CIA. They don’t push IVM because it’s good for Big Pharma. Both are cartels!

Jeff, great post today. No one can keep a lid on this anymore now that the cockroach is gone. The question is - what are WE going to do about it now?!

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In 2020, I received an Rx for ivermectin so I’d have it on hand. It had one refill. When I tried to refill it, the pharmacist asked if I was using it for Covid. I said that was my intent. He said that in that case he could not refill it, because the CDC and FDA were forbidding the use of ivermectin for Covid. I wonder now if I should have fought for it, because I really don’t think those organizations have the right to override a legitimate Rx. If doctors can be controlled to that extent, for a drug that has been used off label for decades, then we currently are under fascist medicine.

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They do not. And they now claim it was guidance, not binding direction. The drug dispensing industry failed absolutely and perhaps irrevocably. As they always do.

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Yup. “You vill do what ve say or off vith yer head!”

Oh THAT? We were just kidding and nobody took it seriously. We were just encouraging people to do what we said. 😒

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The Ivermectin for horses actually is much more effective than the pills from a pharmacist. And even less expensive. And safe, but a little goes a long way so follow dosing recommendations for your weight. Horses get influenza and vaccinated just like humans. And 'horse paste' works for humans.

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I was a little amazed that so few understood the actual method of action of ivermectin and why it was useful. It does not act on the virus itself but "protects" the cells from invasion by interacting with the cell membrane and preventing the virus from entering. Thereby preventing replication. It's really quite simple.

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That explains why early treatment is so essential.

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I keep my apple-flavored horse paste handy at all times. Feeling a bit puny? Raspy throat?

A little dab will do ya; I rub it on my gums before bedtime. Wake up w/ no symptoms.

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Is this available at the local feed store or has it been removed and need a veterinary Rx to buy?

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I've got about 2 dozen of these bad boys.


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I get it at a local tractor supply.

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I saw an interesting thing a while back about a change in the law re veterinary meds now requiring a visit and script for animal meds in TN. I think I have the facts right. Anyone live there and have farm animals? TN sells IVM over the counter God bless them. WHY have other states not followed suit? WHYYYY. Sorry. Coffee.

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I take it once a week and if I feel puny daily for a few days.

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You rub it on your gums instead of swallowing it? So does it absorb into your gum lining? Or do you think you ingest it overnight? Just curious why rubbing works?

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IVC, like HCQ and Quercetin and many more are Zinc ionophores - meaning they are the vessel that allows the zinc to prevent viral replication. Best analogy I've heard is IVC is the gun and zinc is the bullet, you need the gun to fire the bullet.

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Zinc is key. Always.

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Zinc and quercetin are more like the bullet proof vest. You have to be wearing it before the covid bullet is fired at you. Of course there are possibly some bullets that will penetrate the vest. It is not a miracle vest.

Quercetin helps zinc (glycinate being the best) get into the cells.

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Daily with a dose dose of nattokinase.

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Ivermectin helps get zinc into cells even better.

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Elderberries do the same thing…anti-viral and stops the replication of spike protein.

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Helps, but like Quercertin, those are weak ionophores compared to ivm and hcq.

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We purchase veggie capsules and put the paste in them. But it really isn’t necessary. The tiny amount you take doesn’t taste bad and goes down quickly.

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I got a compounded scrip for IVM thru a telehealth Dr and never had one hint of C19--meanwhile my vaxxed husband (2 Pfizer’s & a booster), his LPN daughter (who made sure all her kids got the jab...I had to keep myself from accusing her of premeditated murder) and my entire family up in WA state (I’m in California) all got the Plague...my Indonesian employer and his fam (all jabbed) got it too...and there I was, the lone exception to the rule. No C19. Ever. 🙄🙄🙄 Thank you, Ivermectin!!

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After about 10 million anecdotes like yours, I'd say we have a compelling case that the FLCCC protocol is superior to the big pharma solution.

Not only in prevention, but complete absence of side effects.

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I cannot imagine what you have been through these last few years. You are a strong lady. Whew! I hope your family has stopped jabbing.

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Thanks--you are too kind. My strength was from God alone...the pressure to get the jab came from my husband, my WA state Fam, and my Boss Lady at work (my supervisor, not my employer). She ended up just passing from a 2nd round of pancreatic cancer in May. If only she had stayed unjabbed...💔

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You are indeed a smart lady. Endowed by your creator! He gave you discernment. That makes me SO happy to read.

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So sorry to her about her passing but thrilled you listened to the Voice of Truth!

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I've been taking quercetin with zinc and not jabbed and no Covid. Just had a 2 day cold last spring. Can any DR in the house tell me if Quercetin works the same as as IVM bc can't afford it and quercetin affordable and easy to get.

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Not a doctor, but I read a study that found quercetin was slightly better then ivm, used as a preventative. When already ill, ivm works better.

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Susan are you still taking IVM?

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Actually, I have taken a break but held onto about 8 doses as a reserve “just in case”...I recently came up with cold symptoms last month and took 2 of my IVMs...”just in case”! It was over in a couple of days. I’m currently taking Black Seed Oil gummies, but have a tube of Duramax on hand to back up my last 6 IVMs. I’m just waiting to see what they’re gonna roll out next.

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Probably a good idea. If you get it, pop the IVM and you probably will barely feel sick. At this point even my neighbor (who has turbo cancer) who has lived in abject fear of getting COVID, finally got COVID a month or so ago. She didn't want to tell me because she screamed at me for not wearing a mask when we were walking together and had not spoken since and had gotten mad at me for other cancer/COVID related things (long story). Anyhoo, I got back from vacation and someone told me there was an ambulance in front of her home while I was gone. So I went over there. She was fine. She got dizzy from meds. BUT she told me she got COVID and it was not terrible. A bad headache, fever and (because she is weak and immuno compromised) was down for a little over a week. She was offered paxlovid by her GP. I almost started crying thinking she took it. She didn't. She got it, but started feeling better so she didn't. So I mention it because getting at this point might be a good thing and it prob won't be bad and you will have it behind you. You may have already got it, but didn't know.

They have already said there is something gloriously bad waiting for us. And they will have JUST the thing. Effers.

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Thank you Susan ! I knew somewhere your ‘lone survivor’ stand was rooted in faith in God. I appreciate all your insight! I’ve had my mom (age 91) on IVM for over two years. No virus has gotten to her. Appreciate all your insight ! Where do you suggest getting Black seed Oil gummies ?

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We use the pour on for our cows and it works very well. Just like it would work for humans! The depth of evil in all this is mind blowing! Something as inexpensive as ivermectin which could have completely wiped out the "so-called" pandemic... which was 100% man-made.... there are just no words! People must be held accountable or our Republic is over and damaged beyond repair. If people are allowed to continue to not have any fear of being prosecuted for their crimes, nothing will ever change and our country will continue to delve into a deep abyss of evil!!!!

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I 💯 agree!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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Worked for us! Quite well actually. 💪🏻

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

You KNOW the horse paste is solid, as horses are big business.

The 12mg ivm pills from India? Who knows.

Paste for the win! (a dab will do ya!)

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I now have both the paste and pills stockpiled in the house.

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I have taken this and given to kids also. It works. It is dosed by 50 lb increments and you need to pay close attention to what you're doing to use it safely, but it is not that difficult to get the proper doseage. I keep it on hand ALWAYS.

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Buy tablets online

India or Mexico

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I was literally more comfortable giving my payment information to a website in India than I was following US Government guidelines.

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Hence the horseypaste ordered through Amazon. No human interaction.

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023

I'm surprised nobody has made their own recipe that incorporates "green apple" to help down the paste.

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💯 same.

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The bovine and swine sterile injectable is very easy to measure (for oral use) and very effective.

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This is great but the problem is getting the horse paste for humans. Vets won’t write it and are under strict orders not to do so.

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Horse supply stores carry on the shelf. Just learn a few basics about horses to answer questions like what type of horse you have, how big, sex, etc. in horse handler parlance in case they want to engage you in conversation. Quick, short replies. No prescription needed.

Also, many horse supply stores sell it online. No prescription needed.

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I appreciate the intent but I can’t lie about having a horse so I can get the medicine. Its my integrity!

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90% they don't ask you.

Hypothetical: You're standing at a checkpoint. Guards with guns are asking everyone if they own a horse or not. Those who answer yes go through the checkpoint and continue on their way, free to do what they were doing. Those who answer no are herded into a line against a wall and gunned down. What will your integrity tell you to answer?

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This is the problem of a society conditioned to embrace positive law vs natural law. Natural law, God's law is based in morals. Positive law, Man's law is based in obedience.

God's law, derived from the Ten Commandments. Man's law, derived from the ability of some men to exert their power and control over other men for their agendas that have no inherent morality behind them. Pay a lobbyist to make people wear a red hat that only you have to sell, all must pay you, only you. It's the law. Bought and paid for to pass by lawmakers. Not a moral law. An immoral law.

Positive law is amoral. It could care less about morality. It's the law paid for by the highest bidder, the most powerful. People who believe they're duty-bound to obey immoral and amoral law less they violate their integrity are people who authoritarians and totalitarians rely on to maintain power. I assert that obeying immoral law is a violation of the integrity of man. While I may negotiate amoral laws that don't violate God's moral law. I won't negotiate immoral laws.

Fwiw - the concept of "sanctuary cities" is based in that argument.

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Screw your integrity.

Wake up and realize your government wants you dead.

Need to learn how to fight dirty in order to live, not die.

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I’ve never been asked about my horses…..LOL!

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Would you lie to protect your child from harm?

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Order it online.

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But you don't have to lie. You can order it online from Atwoods: https://www.atwoods.com/Search?SearchTerm=ivermectin

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Order it on Amazon. Duramectin.

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I ordered mine from Amazon.

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My dr was fired for saving peoples lives with ivermectin. He was then threatened that he would lose his license if he continued to take them ivermectin, even after he was fired.

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That's a real doctor there. A keeper.

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Reminds me of that old phrase: “when guns are outlawed...only outlaws will have IVERMECTIN!”

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Your doctor is one of the heros!

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I had to go through a compounding pharmacy to get mine. Cost a tidy penny. Worth every cent, though. A bloody disgrace, however that it was the only way..

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Order from India (no script needed). Same med. Even my new internist says so.

(Previous internist recommended Cv shots, but refused my requests for Ivermectin and/or Hydroxychloroquine).

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That’s exactly what I did. Austin Compounding Pharmacy in Austin TX was amazing and helped me so much. I will never support a retail pharmacy again in my life- not even for a flipping candy bar. AMERICA SHOULD BE BOYCOTTING ALL RETAIL PHARMACIES AND HOSPITALS- but nope..... CRICKETS!!! My God I wish someone with more intelligence and knowledge to all of this mess in my town would organize protest rallies to the madness, I feel hopeless because it feels like I’m alone and the will to fight back from everyone is just GONE! What is happening?????

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I had an absolutely horrific encounter with a large chain pharmacy (nothing to do with Covid). It was such a wild story that if another person told me about it, I’d be hard pressed to believe them! Anyway, switched to a small local pharmacy and have been very happy with them.

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I refuse to patronize Walgreens or CVS.

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Our compounding pharmacies have been forbidden by our governor to fill Rx for Ivermectin. And they willingly comply.

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Which state, please?

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Most of doctor and nurse training, so I have heard, is now just salesmanship for pharmaceuticals. Top-down fascist indeed.

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If they had real training about how to cure patients, they would go out of business.

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They can experiment on them as most took the clot shots. You know - for science.

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Also, our dumbass RAT governor, told the Pharmacists that they would be fired and lose their if they filled a Rx of ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine.

And our legislature just sat on their fat hands.

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That should have been the big eye opener, but alas, lemmings.

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They were not even mandated to take the shots either. I wonder why.

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*****lose their license *****

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Which state, please?

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I had the same experience with CVS here in Manhattan. Eventually I, and the few unjabbed friends I have, have been getting our ivermectin for the last year and a half or so from kay-biotech.com in India. Excellent product at 15 cents a pill and comes very quickly. Pay with PayPal (which I don’t use for anything else).

As someone who worked in the legal field, I really appreciate the lawyerly mind at its best, and you, Jeff, are endowed with it. I’ll bet you’re great in front of a jury!

And I posted this somewhere recently and don’t remember where, so forgive me if I’m repeating myself, but one of my favorite quotes: “Biological warfare is essentially public health and preventive medicine in reverse.” Brigadier General William Creasy, US Army, 1952.

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https://medicine-counter01.business.site/ TN pharmacy sells ivermectin over the counter. Can order online, super easy!

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Always good to have another source available, but I’ll just note I got 1000 tablets, 12 mg, for $174.

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Wow! The compounding pharmacy here charged $150 for my Rx (for Covid diagnosis) and $200 for the hubs! Only 14 pills @ 24 mg for my husband ($200) That's on top of having to pay $150 for an online doc to prescribe it!! So, basically $350 for pills that would've cost 42 Cents pre Covid (if above poster is correct they used to cost 3 cents each)

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Where did you get a quantity of 1,000 tablets of 12 mg for $174?

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At kay-biotech.com. (India Mart I think it’s also called.)

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Jane, what mg dosage are you taking? Thanks

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Rough, but pretty close, rule of thumb is 1 mg of ivm for every 10 lbs of body weight. That's for prevention. For early treatment, days 1-5, double that. For late treatment, 5+days, triple that. For prevention, there are a lot of different suggestions, ranging from once a week, if a lot of flu going around, to once a month. For active treatment, 5 days or till symptoms start to resolve.

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It’s according to weight. I weigh about 115 lbs and take 12 mg. Check out FLCCC to find out how to figure it out. It’s done in kilograms per mg.

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We have been under fascist medicine for decades, unfortunately, as many of us with debilitating chronic (iatrogenic) illness learned the hard way, and in no uncertain terms. I’m thankful more people are finally waking up but it’s tragic that it took the atrocities of the last 3 years to get here. If more folks had been aware of the facts pre-Covid, it might have been prevented.

But I never despair! we know how this story ends and who will triumph in the end 🙏🏻✝️

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Stop trusting your pharmacist. He has acted well outside the realm of his responsibilities.

Buy ivermectin easily online from India or Mexico

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Sad that I am more comfortable dealing with certain pharmacists than I am dealing with certain people trying to sell me an extended warranty.

/s/ (Not sad at all. I respect those who will sell me what I need.)

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I asked the NP at my Drs office in Sept ‘21 about an IVM Rx, to have it on hand. Her response: “Funny you should mention that…we got a memo 2 weeks ago that any provider writing IVM Rx for covid will lose their malpractice insurance.” I then asked where that came from, she says “the CDC” (via the corporate goons at this clinic, I’m sure).

I promptly got a telemedicine Dr from flccc.net, and compounding pharmacy.

And I no longer trust my doctor, at all.

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Pharmacists can only refuse to fill a prescription if the medication is the wrong dose or has a dangerous interaction with another medication the patient may be on. In that case the pharmacist needs to contact the provider to discuss options/alternatives. Otherwise the pharmacist is practicing medicine without a license.

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Not true. They can and will reject it if the governor say ‘boo!’.

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Our local CVS pharmacists (and Walgreens) would call the prescribing Doc to ask purpose of IVM - if for the virus, they refused to fill the Rx. Not sure if that is still their stance.

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Next time tell them that that is private medical information that you will not be discussing with them.

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"How DARE you . . ." /s/

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Right. 🙄

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The pharmacist that denied you your prescription decided that he would practice medicine without a license, and should then lose everything.

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Well, they've been controlled by insurance for decades so probably controlled by pharma, too.

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Same happened with me. For future reference just tell them you were abroad and are suffering river blindness. It’s all about playing the game.

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Next time tell him/her “it’s none of your business.” You know HIPPA!

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It’s HIPAA, not HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act).

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Also, Fauci makes Mengele look like a piker.

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Speaking of the devil, where is Fauci these days? Cat got his tongue or maybe a bat?

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Fauci retired in December after the Democrats lost the house, like he said he would. Since then he has been publishing papers like this one in January:


Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses, and other respiratory viruses

Which spells out why the Covid vaccines were never going to work. Vaccines only work against once in a lifetime viruses, like chickenpox or measles, that the immune system responds to with sterilizing immunity for life. Coronaviruses cause the common cold, which you get over and over again, and are therefore not suitable for vaccines.

I think that his ego required him to publish this after retiring. "See, I knew it all along, you schmucks."

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Wow!! In the abstract: "Because these viruses generally do not elicit complete and durable protective immunity by themselves, they have not to date been effectively controlled by licensed or experimental vaccines." That sentence alone is proof he lied to Congress with his 'safe and effective' nonsense.

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And he published it in January. So immediately after he left office, he "realized" that everything that he did in office was ill-conceived. Zero turn around time.

He's basically giving us all the finger with this paper.

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Hopefully he can still be prosecuted.

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

He did know all along. There are clips of him saying why there couldn't be an effective coronavirus vaccine. Right before he got paid off and reversed himself.

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Fauci envisions using nasal sprays and eye drops instead of injections in that study. They want to target our mucous membranes, where our own natural microbiome protection is. The best defense we have. Targeted with this technology.

No mess or fuss of an injection many people don't want to take. Wouldn't it be easier to have a nice cooling mist to walk through and get your vaccination, no mess, no fuss, no messy objections to overcome. Like at, maybe a TSA airport screening, while in that bodyscanner? Nice mist...from a showerhead...like gas showers. But slow acting. Takes care if that whole, "how do you get rid of millions of dead bodies" problem that German gas showers came with.

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There’s many pure & effective iodine based nasal sprays & throat gargles, available from the Frontline Doctors, that work quickly to kill of invading pathogens in mucous membranes, prohibiting further replication & Fauc Face knows this!

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That's true. But those don't have his "pioneering" patented biotechnology that will do the same thing to your external protective microbiome that it does to your internal immune system: destroy it. And when your goal is both profit and depopulation that's a problem to be overcome.

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He just purchased an $18,000,000 estate in northern Virginia. I'm assuming he paid cash, given that it would be impossible for an 82-year-old to secure a mortgage

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He's a college prof now, at Georgetown I think. Also, well on his way to be worth 100mil. Like the Obamas.

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Harvard. Meh:(

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All with our money protecting his heathen ass with a security detail and a hefty fat retirement. How does that make everyone feel?

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My disgust with Fauci and those like him is....well...unprintable.

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May they all enjoy their millions in hell.

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Maybe a noose?

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Seems to be hunkered down… maybe even bunkered down I some utopian world where they all gather to celebrate their evil genius. Hard to tell what’s what and who’s who ?

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Someone should find him at his new mansion on the Hudson or his estate on Mohonkl Mountain

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Yes, Fauci really, really, really wanted to test a new 'vaccine.' Targeting a specfic protein...like, say, a spike protein? He just needed, "pioneers."

Building a better flu vaccine – one you don’t have to get every year

CNN Health, November 29, 2019


"But a universal flu shot would theoretically cover every strain of the flu using what’s known as an ice cream cone approach."

"Last spring, doctors at the NIH started testing universal flu shots on Sonn and other study participants to see how their bodies respond."

The research got an extra push in September when President Donald Trump signed an executive order aimed at developing a better flu vaccine.

Fauci said it could take less time – but still many years – to develop a semi-universal flu shot, which would protect against not all flu viruses, but rather a group of flu viruses."

"The faster and more precise method is not to grow the virus at all and instead just create the virus’ protein, he said.

“We clone the gene that codes for the specific protein we want,” Fauci said. “I don’t even want to see the virus. I just need the sequence of that virus, the genetic map of that virus. And you could send that to me by email.”

That’s the technology that’s being used to create the vaccines being trialed on participants like Sonn right now.

“We feel like we’re pioneers, and our volunteers are pioneers,” Ledgerwood said."

And guess who told us in early 2020 that we already had antivirals that would be safe and effective to manage CV therapeutically? Like, perhaps Ivermectin & HCQ. Did you say China? Global Times is an official CCP media outlet:

Something's Not Right Here Folks

Gobal Times, February 8, 2020


"Medical researchers are already discovering that certain existing anti-viral medications seem to be effective against this Corona virus."

"...whether or not a person specifically does have the Corona virus or some other viral bug presenting as pneumonia, the treatment is the same supportive treatment anyway."

It would seem that yes, Fauci was looking for any excuse to get his experimental emailable spike protein biotech into our arms. Even after China knew antivirals were effective. He needed "pioneers." I wonder if that's what Mengele called them?

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And just like the pioneers who made their way across America, many perished.

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

“Also, Fauci makes Mengele look like a piker.”

Or a Vienna Choirboy.

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So true. The commercials on TV and radio prove exactly that. Nothing but pharma drugs and legal pot. They want us dumbed down and drugged up.

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We are all useless eaters as far as DC etc globalists are concerned.

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Except for one thing. They need us to keep slaving away at our jobs which keep the world going around….so we can pay our taxes and fund their evil ways. They need US to make money so they can continue the lifestyle they have become accustomed to. Without the people working jobs….they reach a dead end.

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The antichrist NWO only needs 1/8th of us according to the rules on the Georgia Guidestones. Those ostentatious stones, now destroyed for some reason, are granite proof that it is not a theory the NWO wants us dead.

Here is some hope for us and justice for the wicked....

2 Thessalonians 2

7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, 10 and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, 12 in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

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Such a very powerful scripture!!

I’ve been praying much more for my unbelieving family to be saved.

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Be an example because I have unsaved in my family. The saying actions speak louder than words rings true. My dad accepted Jesus on his deathbed. You couldn't even talk to him about Jesus before, but I told him straight that if he dies without accepting Jesus, he would go to hell and I would mourn him even more. I am thankful he had a last chance.

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Wow great verses.

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They have convinced themselves all the labor will be done by machines. But they are not half as intelligent or clever as they think they are.

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Robots don’t pay taxes tho

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True. They probably think they will just print whatever money they want...

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It seems like the real conundrum for the globalist, anti-human psychopaths. On the one hand, they hate people like they hate country music. So they want them all gone. On the other hand, they need people to tend their gardens, clean their mansions, cook their food, birth the children they intend to molest, and be happy to have the privilege to pay half of their meager earnings back to the elites in the form of taxes, tolls, fees, licenses, registrations, inflation, and so on. It seems as though they are trying to model out exactly the "right" number of people required to strike this balance b/w their physical needs and their desire for complete genocide. As hyperbolic as it sounds, I am not sure the planet has seen worse leadership or darker days.

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None of what they want will happen in their lifetime. They all must think they'll live forever. Most of them are really old already.

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Farting CO2. . .

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There was a time when one could stand in the Great Plains and see American Bison from one horizon to the other.

But farting cows are responsible for climate change. /s

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Years back I read about a program in India to collect cow farts (valuable gas!) for use somehow. Sorry I no longer remember the details!

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Those commercials should have alerted everyone . The list of side effects from the fda approved drugs always outweighs the benefits.

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For those with chronic illness, ie. Crohn’s, the meds are life-saving, regardless of side effects. To be able to eat and successfully digest the most basic food items is not ever taken for granted by Crohn’s patients. How these diseases are acquired may be part of the extermination scheme but that means the evil process started several decades ago.

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I agree. Vaccines, flu shots et al have been designed to poison and inhibit the body and its natural functions. Sometimes you are between a rock and a hard place. My grandfather always said the doctors give you something for 1 thing but it causes 2 other problems. It's how they make money.

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"You may be entitled to compensation."

But you'll never get it.

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I don’t have tv programming. They really advertise marijuana?

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Down here in Florida that's all there are. Law yers, drugs, weed, Morgan and Morgan.

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LOL Morgan and Morgan - you got that right - I hear that ad every 2 seconds

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My grandkids recite (in a sing-song voice) Morgan and Morgan and Morgan and Morgan every time the adds come on. It’s become a silly joke with us.

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I don’t watch TV anymore (really since Clinton era)

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Apparently they do in the states where it is legal.

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I haven’t seen it in Portland OR yet. But every five miles or less, theres a well marked dispensary. More dispensaries than coffee shops it seems.

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Correct, I haven’t seen pot commercials on TV here in central Oregon. Tons of safe and effective jab commercials until just a month or so ago. Aimed at minorities and children mostly.

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It depends on the neighborhood you live in. Cannabis is legal here and the shops in the Barrio/ghetto or near campus are as ubiquitous as Circle K shops.

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And Alabama’s supermajority GOP legislature passed a law re: MJ dispensaries. Only good in bad law is that each county and/or city has to opt in.

In our small town the city council did just that. But they said they thought it was a done deal so opted in (5 days before Christmas). The city attorney represents a prospective MJ provider - a bit of conflict of interest. He spoke to the council members & basically advocated opting in.

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I see it when we are at oncology. Not here. Don't watch tv. At all.

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No, not yet!

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As evidenced by the Bye-dumb open borders with Fentanyl flooding into our country affecting countless families and children.

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Fixed it!

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Much bettter spelljng than bye-dumb! How about Buy-dumb??

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we should have negotiated with the Cartels to bring in deworming paste and HCQ at $100/dose that might have gotten border security and wall-building done.

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😆 That would have been ironic…

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And that would've been cheaper than contracting with an online doc then paying a compounding pharmacy!!

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And frankly I would not trust any treatment from this government or the medical community to correct the spke protein issue. After the last 3 years - no way!

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Great observations! And here is yet another sign of serious evil = all mRNA things are unsafe, not just covid jabs!

Basically, when a cell is infected by mRNA, it is tricked into making foreign, non-self-proteins, which essentially marks this mRNA-infected cell for violent death by “complement” (killer system #2 in body), if antibodies are present (as they would be after 1st shot). Thus, mRNA causes the body to attack itself, making all things with mRNA unsafe:

* Blood vessels damaged first, causing blood clots and leaks, which then enable damage to surrounding organs

* Above mechanisms explain sudden death and most other mRNA injuries

Expert explanations of the above follow in easy-to-understand layperson terms:

* 00:45-22:00+ of https://rumble.com/v1p3855-friday-roundtable-worrying-developments-with-michael-palmer-m.d.-sucharit-b.html.

* 11:00-16:06+ of https://sp.rmbl.ws/s8/2/o/3/7/w/o37wi.caa.mp4?u=8msc5&b=0

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Excellent point.

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

George Floyd, a Fentanyl-fiend whose gang held a gun to a pregnant woman's belly while they robbed her, is celebrated. Yet sick people are deprived by this regime of Ivermectin which could save them.

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Hit the nail on the head!!

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Our ENTIRE system is corrupt. They push fentanyl because it’s good for the CIA. They don’t push IVM because it’s good for Big Pharma. Both are cartels!

Jeff, great post today. No one can keep a lid on this anymore now that the cockroach is gone. The question is - what are WE going to do about it now?!

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Yes. I was able to fill a RX for Ivermectin at a corporate pharmacy in Oct 2021. Then in Dec 2021 my friend could not get any corporate pharmacy to fill the RX.

H-E-B, Walgreens, CVS, etc... they said it was not allowed because it was off label and the Fed Gov said they could not fill it.

Off Label is a normal decision doctors make all the time. At least until 2021.

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Most citizens have NO IDEA of the nefarious activities of the powerful people "in charge" now, Williams. They still believe "everything will return to what is was"--which will NEVER happen. Billionaires who achieved their wealth from the booming technocracy we have in the world now--could care less about the welfare of the "ordinary people". But it is those "ordinary people" who bought their technological "toys" and handed them their GREAT WEALTH. Who's going to be around 25 years from now? I weep for our young people--for my grandchildren! My ONLY HOPE is in our Sovereign Creator God!! IN HIM AND HIM ALONE DO I TRUST!

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ridiculously true.

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Good to remember the point of this article, Fauci etc modeled Covid as HIV.

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Perhaps they have a good reason for doing this? https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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Just solidifies what we've already known: Fraudci is a morbidly obsessed self absorbed psychopath. His fixation on power and control, desire for the money, to bask in the limelight, (celebrity, as it were) infected his brain to the point of madness. Peter Daszak?....an arrogant opportunistic intellectual pinhead willing to profit at ANY cost. Just awful people at the helm of this ship to hell. (Editors note: Like this at your own risk. NASCAR is watching)

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I still think there's more. Whose tool is Fauci? Not even Bill Gates' - someone even more... sinister and powerful? I don't know the answer, but I think it's a valid question...

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If you believe in God then you believe in the true instigator of this. True Evil uses people. He’s not God but watches and listens to humans (all of whom he hates) and uses them because God loves his own creation. The possessed people are everywhere now. The internet has played into this evil’s plan to destroy. Once I put Satan at the top of this, everything fell into horrifying place. Fauci and all are captured. It’s clear to me.

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Agree 💯 Janet! Too few people understand who God is and how important it is to understand His Word. If you do, then you can recognize evil which has been front and center since 2019.

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It's right in front of us. Satan has been very, very busy.

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Oh, very definitely. I just mean that there are a lot of bad actors in thee lineup, including the pope, some military, many world leaders, etc.

The devil has certainly been setting things in place for a long time, and it just feels like he is way more overt than he ever was. He doesn't care that we see and know. And you know what? A LOT of people, including professing believers, don't seem to get it.

We each have our missions, whether it's spreading truth and love, standing guard, wielding our weapons, or contributing something else, as long as we're on our knees, we're individually winning right alongside our Savior.

Me and the devil - we've both read the Book, we're neither of us perfect, but I Believe and I give the Glory to Jesus; satan was given dominion over this earth and wants all the glory for himself, and will destroy everyone and everything to spite God. And God prevails.

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whew! Truth!

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Bingo! Same playbook he used against Eve. Evil. Sinister. Manipulative. Deceptive. For his own gain. And on and on it goes.

We just watched the movie NEFARIOUS. Wow. I didn’t wanna watch it at first but the dialogue was incredibly spot on. Once you see evil play out, the rest makes perfect sense.

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There is the serpent, and there is the dragon.

Both are defeated.

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And if you read Jonathan Cahn’s “Return of the gods “, you will understand the complicity of our nation as it is now blatantly interacting with these demonic beings.

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you must watch the movie NEFARIOUS...

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I watched Nefarious. Then I watched Texas Lindsay's compilation.

I came to a conclusion.

The enemy has convinced many that when he speaks, he sounds like a monster.

My realization is that he sounds like a doctor who grew up in the Bronx. Or a Frenchman who's a CEO. Or a dude from Delaware who has a 'beef' against "Corn" and "Pops."

What I'm saying is, that the demonically possessed may not sound like monsters.

Not at all.

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You are correct Tom, the Devil is handsome, conniving and appears as a prince of light. All deception, but man is easily deceived if he doesn't have the Holy Spirt to guard him he may fall for the deception.

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We just watched it. Wowza!!! That dialogue was spot on!!! So well done!!

Open eyes people!!!

See this for what it is!!

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Where to watch Nefarious?

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It can be 'rented' on various streaming platforms. My daughter rented it on Amazon.

I highly recommend the Nefarious movie Dawn, make sure to rent the proper one. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14537248/ The only 'R' rated part is the depiction of the execution.

I'm not a movie guy, but this captured my attention and the Biblical truths included in the dialog was outstanding. Listen for the line 'mene, mene, tekel, upharsin'. That really struck home with me, that Nefarious would incorporate the Bible story of Daniel 5 in his conversation. Evil and demons have been with us from the beginning. But fear not, "Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world".

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I was just reminding my husband of that phrase this very morning. But the context was more like - the Bible gives us LOTS of prophecy, He just doesn't always tell us the dates. Even with the disembodied hand writing on the wall, the revelers kind of understood it was imminent but did not realize it would be within the hour.

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And all Hollywood and anyone on top of their profession. Even Billy Graham! All sold their souls! We need to learn more about our unique soul and how divine we really are!

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Explain Billy Graham to me please….

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Fiona Barnette, a satanic abuse survivor, accused Billy Graham and others of rape at Bohemian Grove and other places. She is credible and also became friends with Isaac Kappy before he was suicided. Billy also approved of the catholic church and met with the pope. Sorry catholics, I love my catholic friends, but the church at the top is not so good and I won't say any more... He is also in the Washington Masonic Memorial!!!

Franklin likes to eat at Vodoo Doughnuts that crafts pentagrams, penises and child pedo logos on their goodies. He is part of Samaritan's Purse, but GUESS who partners with this charity??? The W-H-O!!! Plus, Frankie pushed the jab and why would he do that? ... To get a certain population to take it and he partners with globalist eugenecists...

I could hardly believe it about Billy since I grew up hearing about Graham, but after seeing enough evidence.... there is too much!

There were a lot of things that were in the dark and now have come to light.

Demons like to be worshipped.

That is just a few things...

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THANK YOU for sharing a thorough explanation. It's SAD to hear this, but we know that the enemy will USE anyone as his pawn... for a small donation anyone can be bought and sold...unfortunately... BUT for the GRACE of GOD, there go I...(might well be me)

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Wow, that’s a lot to absorb.

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

Billy Graham encouraged people to get the shot. He suffered heart issues and was treated at the Mayo Clinic. I think his sister also had an adverse reaction.

*Edit Sorry, not Billy but his son.

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It had to be Franklin; Billy passed away before Covid

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And...he says he knows people who have passed away from the virus after being on 'respirators' for months. Yeah. We know. So...when a man of "God" urges people to pray about it, and says he got it because God gave us modern medicine to 'be healthy'...I don't buy what he is selling. And people 'follow' what their pastors do and say. People in leadership are putting themselves in positions where they may have to answer for the actions of others putting themselves in harms way due to their narrative and stance portraying a certain way as The Way one should go. And, obviously, so many have no clue how to hear what God is saying.

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Fiona Barnette, a satanic abuse survivor, accused Billy Graham and others of rape at Bohemian Grove and other places. She is credible and also became friends with Isaac Kappy before he was suicided. Billy also approved of the catholic church and met with the pope. Sorry catholics, I love my catholic friends, but the church at the top is not so good and I won't say any more... He is also in the Washington Masonic Memorial!!!

Franklin likes to eat at Vodoo Doughnuts that crafts pentagrams, penises and child pedo logos on their goodies. He is part of Samaritan's Purse, but GUESS who partners with this charity??? The W-H-O!!! Plus, Frankie pushed the jab and why would he do that? ... To get a certain population to take it and he partners with globalist eugenecists...

I could hardly believe it about Billy since I grew up hearing about Graham, but after seeing enough evidence.... there is too much!

There were a lot of things that were in the dark and now have come to light.

Demons like to be worshipped.

That is just a few things...

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Thoughts about Operation Christmas Child? Me thinking perfect charity for nefarious purposes!

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Now we know these charities deemed to help children are the very ones committing the crimes against them.

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And Pat Robertson urged people to get the shots. That is when I stopped even attempting to watch The 700 Club.

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That’s too bad, I didn’t realize that. His book from the early 1990s, New World Order, is one of the reasons I was “awake” when Covid hit. I remember telling a co-worker early on that it was a bio-weapon. I also read Michael Senger early on found China pushing the world to shut down via many, many bots.

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Yes, that was a good book. Pat ended up dying of a stroke, but when you are 90 something, whose to say if it was a jabby jab? Solar Flare was also good, can't remember who wrote it. I could tell you if I got off my butt and went and actually looked for it in the house. Larry Burkett maybe? Might have to re-read. I am always looking for good books!

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Divine we are? Sorry if I miss understand but NONE of us are god or divine. Only the one true God.

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Made in the image of God...His Creation. I claim that. It is what Satan doesn't like about us. It is all about the blood when you think about it. Strokes, heart attacks, heart problems, clotting. There is something wrong with peoples blood now. Jesus shed His blood on the cross so we might be saved through grace. People are willfully throwing away the greatest gift of all and the devil is very happy when that happens.

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YES!!! PLEASE explain Billy Graham... HOW does someone make this kind of accusations AND NOT fully explain !!!

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Concerned mom, I believe the OP corrected to say Franklin. I Franklin Graham was quoted at the height of the 'pandemic' as saying Jesus would take the jab, so everyone should.

I stopped contributing to the foundation at that point, and I always supported the Christmas shoebox ministry. I only support locally now where I can monitor the giving.

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Fiona Barnette, a satanic abuse survivor, accused Billy Graham and others of rape at Bohemian Grove and other places. She is credible and also became friends with Isaac Kappy before he was suicided. Billy also approved of the catholic church and met with the pope. Sorry catholics, I love my catholic friends, but the church at the top is not so good and I won't say any more... He is also in the Washington Masonic Memorial!!!

Franklin likes to eat at Vodoo Doughnuts that crafts pentagrams, penises and child pedo logos on their goodies. He is part of Samaritan's Purse, but GUESS who partners with this charity??? The W-H-O!!! Plus, Frankie pushed the jab and why would he do that? ... To get a certain population to take it and he partners with globalist eugenecists...

I could hardly believe it about Billy since I grew up hearing about Graham, but after seeing enough evidence.... there is too much!

There were a lot of things that were in the dark and now have come to light.

Demons like to be worshipped.

That is just a few things...

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As odious as Fauci was, he was just a minion, a tool.

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He's a tool alright!

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And he gleefully accepted his role.

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I suspect he had long ago sold his soul to get that position.

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He was certainly no Smedley Butler.

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Mortal ruler for this attack was DoD.

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Don't know if you saw the movie "V for Vendetta" but Fauci is similar to the priest in the movie. Also, V for Vendetta was also about a virus as well.


Strange how the movies play out in real life:


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You should watch the last episode of season 4 and the 1st episode of season 5 of the X Files. I cannot believe the parallels to now. The gist of those episodes: We (the CIA) need to create something so outrageous, like aliens have come to Earth, to distract from the crimes we have been committing against the American people.

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“THEY” always tell us their plan

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RIGHT!!! A few years ago I started watching movies, shows, etc. With a different attitude...one that asks, "WHAT are THEY disclosing to us now?"....

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You can rewatch old movies and shows with new eyes and notice that there are clues and nearly exact things that happened AFTER. I saw on some show from 6/7 years ago about a virus and they actually said, "We're all in this together."

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It is a required part of the Devine rules of the cosmos, and heard many people I follow say this.

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I have heard recently in a podcast, , this week in fact, that X Files was more fact than fiction.

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That’s how the dark works. It puts it right out there and we do not see it! Pyramids, obelisks, statues...symbolism everywhere! Renaissance paintings...flying saucers. Mmmmm!

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Note how most people just shrugged about the aliens story. It’s the same propaganda as Trump getting another Inditement every time more dirt on the Biden Crime Family comes out. This information about the lab-produced bioweapon virus makes me absolutely furious. It is time for the WORLD to stand up and defund/prosecute all the bad actors - we know who they are.

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These f'ers have been using our tax money to bring about our demise. 😡

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Wow back in the day...we watched all those. Should revisit

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So many truths that everyone thought was fiction when that show was on TV. It blows my mind!

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It’s how they desensitize the population. Over and over in movies then when it happens in real life it doesn’t bother us. Like clock work.

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We finished watching the X Files about a month ago. Started with season 1 and watched them all in order. The 2 you mentioned and a couple of others made us look at each other and GASP! The X Files wrote the future.

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Haha I used to call that show the Hex Files. I should watch that episode.

I really don't believe in coincidence anymore.

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One of my very favorite movies. Own a copy, and two of the V masks which Annonymous has appropriated as their symbol. Wore one once into Costco after they started requiring masks and was with the wife .

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rolandttg - did you get some interesting reactions wearing your very safe and effective V mask - you could've just said it was V for Virus mask if asked about it!

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That was a great movie.

Paraphrasing here: "releasing a virus would keep the infrastructure intact" and "what if your own government released a virus?"

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Now watch Utopia on Amazon Prime or the older UK version. Literally exactly the same playbook, virus creates hysteria, parents demand the vaccine, vaccine designed to render population infertile for 3 generations, evil doctor like Fauci (played by John Cusak)... literally what happened put into a TV series years before it happened.

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"They told us" ...and the sheep, like sheep, followed...

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Watched "Ultra Violet" and saw numerous parallels. The movie is from 2006 with citizens wearing masks in public to keep from getting infected, an evil megalomaniac developing a shot that everyone will need to take regularly (increasing his wealth and power)to stay alive after he releases a pathogen he developed...

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I watched it during the heart of the plandemic. I had not watched it in 20 years. The similarities were downright creepy.

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I think I am going to buy the DVD set. Nothing but pure crap on TV and movies nowadays , so I have to watch something old if we are going to watch anything.

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

V for Vendetta was written by Alan Moore, an occultist and "ceremonial magician."

Scroll down to the heading "Religion and Magic."


"Strange how the movies play out in real life."

Strange, indeed. Or maybe not strange at all.

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Wow 😳

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This has been going on for millenia.

Psalm 91.

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Oh certainly. But it’s always kind of a shock somehow, even knowing It exists.

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Time to rewatch this movie! 🍿🎬

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The only thing that movie got wrong was that the threat would come from the right.

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Please share your opinion of Albert Bourla. Now don't hold back, Eric.

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Copy and paste Daszak descriptor.....add "serial liar."

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Sterilization Veterinary Creep?

“Just think of the compliance!”

Says it all really...

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They all belong in front of a firing and squad. Or swinging from a tall oak tree. For the world to see.

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Ever notice how weird his neck is when he speaks?

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It because he’s not human! He’s a reptile, like the rest of them.

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Frog throat.. reptilian

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If he starts to lick his eyeballs on camera, maybe then people will finally wake up! 😩😩😩🐸

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Well said and so true! And with Flu season nearing, we must also not let these important new revelations distract us from the facts that:

* All mRNA things are unsafe, not just covid jabs, due to fundamental flaws that should be known to all MDs via their med-school training, based on Nobel-Prize-winning discoveries that have been in textbooks for decades (good ref = “Roitt's Essential Immunology” Chapter-1)

* The criminals are rapidly moving all jabs to mRNA (including those for babies and children). Not surprising as this fits the profile of “morbidly obsessed self absorbed psychopath[s]”

Basically, when a cell is infected by mRNA, it is tricked into making foreign, non-self-proteins, which essentially marks this mRNA-infected cell for violent death by “complement” (killer system #2 in body), if antibodies are present (as they would be after 1st shot). Thus, mRNA causes the body to attack itself, making all things with mRNA unsafe:

* Blood vessels damaged first, causing blood clots and leaks, which then enable damage to surrounding organs

* Above mechanisms explain sudden death and most other mRNA injuries

Expert explanations of the above follow in easy-to-understand layperson terms:

* 00:45-22:00+ of https://rumble.com/v1p3855-friday-roundtable-worrying-developments-with-michael-palmer-m.d.-sucharit-b.html.

* 11:00-16:06+ of https://sp.rmbl.ws/s8/2/o/3/7/w/o37wi.caa.mp4?u=8msc5&b=0

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Just say no to the meds and feds. The downside risks are huge.

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Agree, “Just say no to the meds and feds” is right-on, and also note that it is well worth the few 10s of minutes of a parent’s time to understand the more-specific facts about “why” mRNA jabs of any kind are unacceptable.

This is especially true now that the crooks are converting all jabs to mRNA. So, parents need to be able to protect their kids from mRNA-pushing MDs by using simple, solid facts to show that such MDs are guilty of incompetence/malpractice.

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A peer reviewed study shows that vaccinated are ‘shedding’ antibodies to unvaccinated via exhaled aerosols. All are at risk. Please watch.

Unvaccinated Should Check This Out–It’s Highly Unexpected | Facts Matter


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take nattokinase daily, and NAC. Serrapeptase is good too

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Thanks for sharing this. I never put much stock into the shedding theory but like they say, the difference between conspiracy theory and reality is about 6 months. Seems more evidence is now appearing that it may be true.

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I knew shedding was real when being amongst jabberwockys made me feel ill. Prayer and ivermectin when I would get home. It could make one absolutely crazy thinking about all this.

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The baddest of the bad actors are not shaking in their new expensive boots! Not Yet!

But they darn well haven't escaped the glowing embers of a day, of hell on earth.

And they will be wishing they were dead!

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Just waiting for the event that will mobilize.

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Pure evil.

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Fauci’s “obsession for money and power blended perfectly with his infatuation for HRC. The Conservative Treehouse did a post about two years ago on his gushing almost love letters to HRC

( completely unprofessional)

He was deeply involved in the WEF dreams of One World Government.

Jeff wrote, “ And if that had happened, if the pandemic had been avoided, mass mail-in ballots wouldn’t have been authorized, Trump would have been re-elected, the NIH would never have earned billions, and millions of costly social security recipients would still be alive. Not to mention the losses to all the downstream pandemic beneficiaries like Amazon, Bill Gates, corporate media, social media, hospitals, military bio-contractors, and local governments that would never had gotten paid.”

Yet even beyond this man made virus and Covid policy broke Trumps rational nationalism that was sweeping the globe and rewriting mutually beneficial global trade, greatly benefiting China, who was on the ropes, forced by Trump back to the negotiating table, and, via Trump policy, doomed to sharing their global production dominance with the rest of the world.

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He just replicated and expanded his work with HIV.

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I am adding 1000 likes!!

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Gave up on NASCAR like I did the NFL. No brainwashing wokeness for me thank you.

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He's a Jesuit, what else would we expect??

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Our enemies said, “They will not know or see until we come among them, kill them and put a stop to the work.” When the Jews who lived near them came and told us ten times, “They will come up against us from every place where you may turn,” then I stationed men in the lowest parts of the space behind the wall, the exposed places, and I stationed the people in families with their swords, spears and bows. When I saw their fear, I rose and spoke to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people: “Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your houses.” When our enemies heard that it was known to us, and that God had frustrated their plan, then all of us returned to the wall, each one to his work.

From that day on, half of my servants carried on the work while half of them held the spears, the shields, the bows and the breastplates; and the captains were behind the whole house of Judah. Those who were rebuilding the wall and those who carried burdens took their load with one hand doing the work and the other holding a weapon. As for the builders, each wore his sword girded at his side as he built, while the trumpeter stood near me.

I said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, “The work is great and extensive, and we are separated on the wall far from one another. At whatever place you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there. Our God will fight for us.”

— Nehemiah 4:11-20 NASB1995

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Remember the Gideon’s Army 🙂

🗨 So he brought down the people unto the water: and the Lord said unto Gideon, Every one that lappeth of the water with his tongue, as a dog lappeth, him shalt thou set by himself; likewise every one that boweth down upon his knees to drink. And the number of them that lapped, putting their hand to their mouth, were three hundred men: but all the rest of the people bowed down upon their knees to drink water. And the Lord said unto Gideon, By the three hundred men that lapped will I save you, and deliver the Midianites into thine hand: and let all the other people go every man unto his place. ~~Judges 7:5-7, KJV

PS Contemporary take from Barsoom perspective --> barsoom.substack.com/p/gideons-army 🔥

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You know what, we probably would have found all this out early on if, you know, we had vaccines go through clinical trials like other pharmaceutical products have too...

But I forgot, it was a pandemic with a 99.5% surviability rate. We just had to get these products out as fast as possible.

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

It also makes me wonder what Trump did or didn't know about all of this when he decided to unleash operation warp speed. I find it near impossible that he didn't have advisors or people in the Scientific community (other than Fauci & Birx!) tell him the disaster awaiting using mrna since they already had unfavorable results from past trials. At the very least...he had to know Fauci had an extremely sketchy past. This question weighs heavy on my heart & mind. I know there will be people who will say Trump was neck deep in attacks, obstruction, and surrounded by people who hated him thus, his reason for doing 'something'. They would be correct. He most definitely was but it's not a good enough explanation for me.

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I don't think it's possible to wrap our heads around the evil that had surrounded him from day one. Think about just the rinos. They choose to wear the cloak of conservatism, whilst doing the opposite surreptitiously. That's just the rinos. Multiply that times 1000 for the faucis, the pelosis, the Obeymes, and you can maybe get a feel for what he was up against. So I can almost guarantee that he was not only kept in the dark, but was encouraged to do warp speed, whilst they probably denigrated all those protocols, knowing all the while how he hate's over regulating everything. They played him. Stupid? I think not. When you find yourself surrounded by "experts" and are constantly being beaten by the media? You tend to capitulate.

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Honestly, I think Trump thought that he could win an election, the other elites would accept the will of the people and work with him. They were, after all, his former friends. What he found instead was that they turned on him - (R) and (D) alike - and set out to destroy his presidency and even his family. I don't think he truly understands how depraved these people are. They will do ANYTHING to protect their military/industrial grift....of which the "covid" response is a part.

I also think he still wants to win approval from them on some level. He is vain.

They wanted a "vaccine" and he delivered. So, he thinks he should get credit for compromising with them and helping them out. He doesn't realize he won't ever get credit from them; and the people who would be open to voting for him do not see it as something that deserves credit, but rather blame. IMO, they used him as the ultimate scapegoat for these drugs. Remember, they were against the "vaccines" until he was out of office. They had always planned to attack him over these drugs at some point.

He needs to move past 2020, realize his political enemies are mortal enemies, and drop the idea that anyone is going to "work with" him or "make deals" or even give him credit for anything. It's time for him to admit he was lied to by the gov't lifers and reframe his role in all this. It's the only thing that could cost him the election, especially as the truth begins to rapidly unfold now that Twitter is free and people are returning from summer brain-off mode.

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Your reply and the comment that generated the reply make the most sense to me. DJT’s character defects + his strengths can be, have been, and will continue to be used against him.

While this may seem unrelated, I see it as part of the whole. The Duran had an interesting take in their recent review of the US credit rating downgrade, let’s see if I can do it justice: current administration is going to ramp up spending to avoid a recession before the 2024 election (“selection?”). However, conditions will be such that a recession is unavoidable by Q4 2024. If the Marxists/Communists win, they’ll shrug shoulders saying “we will deal with it”. If DJT wins, he gets all the blame, “See? The markets responded to the election of orange man negatively and look what happened!”

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Trump trusted Pence. He put Pence in charge of the Covid response. And, as it turns out PENCE was as big a snake as Fauci.

Trump was being attacked in all fronts. I cannOt imagine how that felt.

Pence was so ‘holy’ acting, and that snake beguiled him.

Try to put yourself in his shoes. How in the world would you be expected to know the details of this vaccination, when all the details were wrapped up in secrecy?

Can you explain HOW he would have known?

The RAT nominee and the RAT leaders, I am sure, knew. But they were trying to impeach him before he was even sworn in!!! They were covering things up to keep him out of the loop, so WHY would believe that he knew?

(I have seen someone make this same exact argument on here before.....it may have been you.....and I don’t get why you don’t understand how EVIL this all is.)

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First time I have heard a lot of blame put on Pence but interesting take. Infor sure don’t trust him as far as I can spit. He is a traitor!

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Yes! Trump DID appoint Pence to be in charge of the Covid response! Everyone seems to forget that!

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Read Scott Atlas's book about his time at the White House in 2020. Pence and Birx were great friends.

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Pence was to Trump what HW was to Reagan. CIA/deep state plants intended to keep the "enemy" under control. I am also convinced the idea was to get Trump to develop these drugs as part of OWS, then blame him for the destruction if he won re-election. Remember, "Joe Biden" and Kamala were against these drugs until after they "won." When Trump "lost" (yeah, right), they moved to plan B - use the drugs for control, power grabs, and profit...and then still blame Trump years later for being the one who "created" them. Trump needs to step out from this mess and simply admit he was lied to by the Faucis of the gov't. That's really all it would take.

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No,wasn't me. I totally believe he was played by the most evil beings among us. Absolutely. I think he is a good man, and wants to see this country do right. What he got from Obeyme ( Jarrett) was a total mess,and in short order, what happened? Almost by sheer force of will. It worked. And he was working with putin to take care of Ukraine, being that debacle is all our fault since bush the elder ran the cia. Only reason putin didn't invade Ukraine was not for fear of trump, but knowing trump was all about getting us out of nato, and prosecuting the shiny negro and his minion, and hopefully getting nuland and Jarrett to boot.

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The plan was to keep us locked down for 5 or 6 years, until all economies were broken, and all willpower of the masses crushed to the point they would ALL be begging for "vaccines" in order to be let out of their private and not so private prisons. That was the choice Trump faced. Plus, they were not ready to roll out the jabs, hence the high number of saline placebo shots. This is the War to end all Wars. it was NOT WWI. People die in wars, lots of them. Let many die, or let many more die. That was his choice. Save everyone was not an option. Remember you had many normies who were screaming for the "opportunity" to get a vax, and he could not ignore them.

The Brits broke the German enigma code after Poles smuggled out a machine to them. Wonderful, but if you acted on every piece of decoded information's the Germans would quickly figure out their code was broken , and change it. As it was, they never changed it, because the Brits were very selective on when they acted on decoded information. Perhaps the most famous example of this was when Churchill was informed the Germans planned to bomb Coventry the following night. Rather than mass RAF fighters to repel the attack, he did nothing. Coventry burned, and many died. But the enigma secret was preserved.

There is nothing easy about real leadership positions, and Monday morning quarterbacks are never wrong.

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We need to stop making excuses for these people. Bobby Kennedy is out talking openly about all of it. Still crickets from Trump.

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I get your analogies and you're probably right that Trump had little to no choice. But, what's his excuse now? He's still bragging about OWS. He's incredibly vocal about so many other injustices and has no problem publicly calling out specific people who are perpetrating those injustices but he refuses to address the mrna jab debacle. Honestly, I'm not sure what he could or should say at this point but at the very least, he should stop bragging about OWS and maybe acknowledge there are valid negative issues with the jabs.

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I watched 2 recent Trump rallies in their entirety last weekend and he didn’t brag about OWS. Trump isn’t perfect, no one is, and he failed in underestimating who he could trust and who he couldn’t. Once he was the nominee the GOP basically demanded that certain people be placed in positions. They undermined him from day one. Monday morning QB’s are always right and mistakes are easy to see in retrospect. At this point I don’t see a better alternative than Trump for 2024. The blame of this evil scheme falls rightfully on Fraudchi, Gates, WHO, NIH, CDC, DOD, Birx, Pence (who headed the task force) as well as many healthcare professionals and organizations who went along with pushing the jabs when they should have known better by the many many red flags that were so obvious from the beginning.

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Exactly, the globalists considered Trump their mortal enemy and refused to share any valid info with him. They did the same to Boris. You'll notice both of those men always looked confused and uncoordinated while the "good" western leaders (aka, WEF followers) were all given the same script and seemed to in on the underlying plot. My guess would be it was actually the plan all along to saddle Trump with the creation of these drugs. It's to Trump's discredit, though, that he still thinks the drugs are popular among anyone who would be open to voting for him. He need to move on from 2020 and catch up to where we are now.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr.!!!

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

Yeah I share your thoughts on this. I mean, maybe there is a good reason behind his doing this, but I am unhappy that he is still bragging about the shots and not acknowledging any issues with them.

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Trump was more concerned about being re-elected than taking on pHarma.

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I use a pro-wrestling analogy for this. It's all fake. One wrestler is the "baby-face" and the other is the "heel."

Trump was the "baby-face."

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This operation warp speed started in back in the 90s.....

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They’ve never actually had double-blind tests on ANY vaxs. None.

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Really? Can you tell me when it was last used to roll out untested vaccines (btw, covid shots are not really vaccines) to the entire US population?

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Swine flu? Not sure. They shut it down pretty quick after a few peeps dropped. I'd have to look it up again. That was in the 70's though....I think.

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Mike Wallace hosted 60 Minutes about that failed vax. Featured people vax injured.

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I recollect him really raking some poor establishment lame brain over the coals. Dude was sweating bullets. Journalism??....now there's a thought.

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

Check out this essay and it tells you what Trump did before the Rona epidemic hit and I think that he was fully aware of what was happening. Anyone who thinks that he was lied to is misinformed…lol. Misinformed. Get it?


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"People are dying!" - One of my all time favorite cries of the uninformed masses.

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Our Pastor had been an admin at a nursing home for many years before he went to seminary. When we Fauci hit the fan this Pastor saw nursing home patients dying and he knew it was all our fault. He couldn't get far enough away from members, wear enough masks, and treated everyone like lepers. He hid out at his safe home. Mean while hubby and i and the kids kept it open, sang hymns and had fellowship meals every Sunday. No one died. Sadly it divided the church and we were forced to leave after everyone was poked. It was time. 🙌

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So sorry to hear you had to leave your church family. The relationships that have been lost due to this scam!!! Makes me sick

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Same here. Relationships, lives, health, trust… it’s terrible.

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True family comes together in a crisis. They exposed themselves as frauds. Now you can go be with others who will embrace you as family. Live joyfully and leave the miserables behind.

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Covid mania showed many of us how infiltrated the Church had become.

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They lacked discernment.

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Wheat vs. Chaff

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A regular Mother Theresa.😒

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and the death rate of roughly 7500 Americans a day stayed the same during the pandemic, until the jabs were rolled out and that number climbed into uncharted multi sigma territory

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I checked that number at the very beginning too! Good thinking that was not done by many! Pat yourself on the back!

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"you are gonna kill grandma"

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I WAS Grandma. I kept telling my kids, I am fine, I know what to do, but they were the hysterical ones.

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I remember being frightened, for about the first two weeks, being of that age myself.

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In our case, "grandma" was 100 and still living in her own apartment. Exposed to C-19 early on twice. Never got it. Forced to get jabbed when she entered assisted living facility. Celebrated her 102nd birthday in March. She is still with us.

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A friend’s mom politely refused the vax at her retirement facility; at that time she was 99.

She’ll be 102 in October. Still no vax, but no covid either. A while back the faculty (encompassing full-on nursing homes, independent living & retirement residences)

endure a covid breakout. The vaxed got covid. The lone holdout didn’t get ill.

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What was (and continues to be) done to children is the most horrific for me😒

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Sadly, I had a friend who had her own grandchildren jabbed....to keep her "safe"....

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"People [already well past the average life expectancy] are dying!"

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"People [with multiple co-morbidities] are dying!"

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[WE MUST DO SOMETHING] to support those who had no regard for their own health!!1! /s

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Harsh! It's not up to others, or governments, to decide when people should die.

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Yet, governments have taken it upon themselves to decide who should die.

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Like they cared before. I live in an area of self absorbed loons that only give a damn if it affects them. Well it is affecting them now, through their own choices, and I find I can't really give a damn about them. Only feel bad for the elderly and children.

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Can't send something into human trials when it kills all the animals in the animal trials.

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No, just send in because you already know what it will do!

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It's why I call it a scamdemic.

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100%. Scamdemic, absolutely

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IMO it was never a "pandemic". With tests that were 97% false positive and suddenly the flu no longer existed, I'm not buying it.

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But we did know. I heard that HIV was in the vaccines a few years ago, but I’m a stupid evil conspiracy theorist so never mind.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Don’t forget Deborah Birx’s complicity with AIDS development and collusion in distribution. Conveniently, she comes center stage again at the height of Covid then has a make over and steps back into the shadows.... She’s Victoria Nuland of the NIH...evil.

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I’m still enamored with the Hermes scarves she ensconced herself in! 🤪

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What a twit huh? Hahaha

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Great comparison, Virginia. Perfect.

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This is a disturbing admission of facts, facts that lead to malevolent actors and actions.

Still processing the ramifications of what's stated in the article.

It would appear that there is plenty more to deal with health wise in the future from this cd4 disruptive, engineered pathogen...that just happened to pop up at the most convenient time for the cabal of evil.

Stay strong C&C'rs, do good in the world, and be thoughtful in your actions.

God Bless

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Stay strong C&C'rs, do good in the world, and be thoughtful in your actions.

God Bless. Love this!

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And wear your ar15 in one one hand whilst doing the work!

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"Here’s the bottom line. The decision to include spike protein in the experimental shots may wind up being the most deadly, recklessly negligent, reprehensible, and ultimately horrifying decision ever to emerge from fevered imaginations of mediocre government scientists. "

Maybe its just me, but looking at this from a "decision" point of view, simply allows the monsters to get by with wanton murder.

The "decision" was to kill off people. On purpose. This isn't a "mistake" by people tying to help. We need to get past that idiotic viewpoint.

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"Back at the time the FDA “approved” the safest and most effective vaccines in human history, this effect of attacking the immune system through CD4 was unknown."

I will never believe this is true.

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It was very much known and very on purpose

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Jeff doesn’t believe it either, as he subsequently points out.

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I NEVER watch The View but it was on the TV in a Dr's waiting room so I happened to see part of one episode. I'm pretty sure I lost a few brain cells during those 10 min. Anyway, Joy Behar came right out and said "the world is over populated". Wow. These people are so evil.

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Funny how people who say that never think *they* might be part of the overpopulation problem 😑

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Maybe we should put together tours, fake tours, just like rinos, showing the people most strident regarding overpopulation, those areas of overpopulation. But instead of flying them into Tokyo, we drop them them 15 miles inland from the east coast of central Florida, and tell them to walk out.

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"The View" would often be on while I was waiting for my appointment at the VA.

Thinking...I'm gonna have PTSD after watching it.

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I listened to about fifteen minutes of NPR the other day because I thought I should hear what the kids are saying, and it took me a couple of hours to calm down. It was distressing.

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They are the worst. I used to try to listen regularly just to keep up with what I called 'opposition research' but I literally cannot deal with them anymore. It is just (not shouting, these are the story headlines lol):












BORDER LIE after....

I'm into silence, now. And more music.

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023

You got it. It's all just telling people what to think about the world and their place in it. Listening to NPR is a painful reminder of the widening gap between two Americas. We have become way too far apart, like Civil War era far apart.

I listen to the classical station or jazz station or a good podcast, now.

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Yes and there a lot of women that watch that rot!!

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Either they don't have a job or they are the "work at home" laptop class.

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I think she and her family ought to sacrifice and take one for the team. 😝

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She should be the first to go. Useless piece of trash.

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Starting with her! She’s outlived her usefulness!

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I think the world is overpopulated too, and collectively I think this group could come up with a rather extensive list of who should be eliminated.

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It’s certainly overpopulated with evil, manipulative, lying scumbags.

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Weeds in the wheat.

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If so, Joy......you first.

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Italy is having problems too. No young people in the small towns. They are trying to recruit people to come live there.

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Oh yeah-Gates is really evil. Black Americans would be furious if they knew what he has been up to in Africa.

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No they wouldn't. Africa isn't even on most of their radar screens. I just got back from Africa and the Black Americans I talk to about the trip don't care one hoot about the continent

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Interesting...black Americans that I have spoken to are very angry about what is happening in our inner cities, our military, and illegals.

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Oh absolutely. Very concerned. I'm just saying the tribulations of the African continent are not generally of concern.

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To get people to see the truth, you have to get them to gaze into the abyss. They simply won't accept the magnitude of the evil that has been done.

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Personally, I believe you have to believe there is good and evil... heaven and hell. Many don’t and because of their lack of faith, they can see. It is as if a veil is covering their eyes. I think abortion is a perfect example of it. There are people I would think are good but they don’t have a strong faith that believe abortion is not murder. They think it is alright for the mother to kill their baby...it is the mother’s life that is effected only. It breaks my heart how many will go to hell for this lack of faith.

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Remember the ones who were blind, and asked our Lord for sight.

One has to WANT to SEE.

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Yes, one of the strangest things to some honest observers was that they all decided to use the spike as the central aspect of the virus instead of choosing other elements that were open to them. The coordination was suspicious.

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At this point, I have no reason to believe that it is actually a virus.

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Not “mediocre”, but by design

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Agreed - these evil puppets of the devil are out to destroy humanity - the choice to target CD4 was intentional.

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I have other substack writers talk about these same/similar mechanisms of action and comparisons with HIV. I have little doubt in my mind this was all planned. All the evidence points to it being coordinated and planned. Most people just cannot bring themselves to believe it. Their minds just won't let them go there. It's just too diabolical for them to consider or comprehend. Hence the zombie-like denial.

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I fear this was planned. If so we are not even remotely out of danger

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It's not over by a long shot.

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I agree. I would love to be wrong.

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In-person voting in 2024 must be stopped, so .... do the math.

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there won't be an election

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They will do whatever it takes to stop in-person with ID voting!

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Yes, and Jeff and many here haven't even scratched the surface of nanotech being in our blood (unvaxed too). Turn up the five G and all hell breaks loose (may have been what happened at Travis Scott concert for instance)

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Yes, I remember reading they thought a part of the furin cleavage had an HIV insert. That was already discussed in early 2020. I also remember watching David Martin (?) on youtube (before being banned) explaining how Moderna already had a patent on the virus sequencing. I honestly thought at that time, oh my gosh that cant be right and sure enough, he was right. Not a crackpot at all.

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David Martin is awesome!

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Pointed this out to a rather prominent doctor yesterday. He said show me the receipts, otherwise my conspiracy is just another theory. My conspiracies being the usg used Chinah to distribute the bio weapon, intentionally, to guarantee the removal of PDT through mail in votes to the tune of 81 million. Chinah doesn't care what the rest of the world thinks, and was mare than willing to help the usg destroy itself. They hated what PDT did to them. It would only require a few people in the know. Like three. Xi, Barry, Nanzi. Done.

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My sister, across the country in another state, and I talked last night about the tremendous con job done by our government, our health facilities, and the unconscious belief in the nanny state, that allowed this complete takeover. So many things I always believed true were shattered in 2020. But I never trusted the narrative from the get go, and it didn’t take much digging to find every reason to confirm my suspicions. But so many were willing to just go along. Faith in the media to tell the truth…they didn’t. Faith in our medical communities to look out for us…they didn’t, and faith in our governments to be for the people…they’re not. It was a bitter pill to swallow. And the unwillingness of all but a few to challenge and not comply was mind boggling.

The timed release of c-19 was always about an election.

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And a mass murder.

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If you are talking the depopulation theory, I think that is part of another psyop. The 24-45 age group of upwardly mobile aren’t having kids even if they are married. We have opened the floodgates to illegal immigration who never had to have the jab. If they were serious about depopulating, they are sending mixed signals. I think there are competing global forces. The CCP of China, the WEF, the Muslim alliance, and our own government competing for control. These groups are working with each other but they do not align. The plan is to weaken the United States to the point of being totally a banana republic. DJT gave hope and prosperity against all odds. Even with all that has happened, he continues to lead the polls, almost too easily. They can’t have a strong America. It wouldn’t do

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Oh, dear. Only God can make a way where there seems to be no way. Followers of Jesus can have no fear but still have to sound the alarm so others know to "Take no more shots!" But we also need to remember if it is time for the end of the book (the Bible, Revelation) we will have to trust the Lord. Get your people, your tribe, your loved ones saved by telling them about Jesus, his forgiveness, and his promise of eternity.

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You, Jeff, are so gifted. You are gifted with great logic and the ability to present your logical writings so clearly that even those like me can understand fairly well and I am so grateful. You are also gifted with a charming humorous way of writing, although there was no humor in this offering. Humor is not appropriate here. You are THE best. Thank you.

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Watch Gates’s expression at around 4:40 of Texas Lindsey’s video when he said, “and sadly we may have some unnatural epidemics.” 😳 It reminded me of a study I saw on expression flashing by murderers who think they have gotten away with their crime.

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It reminded me of his response to having ties to Epstein.


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Communication Professor reacts to Bill Gates being confronted in the above interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79ExQWKb2vA

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Yeah he has a super obvious tell.

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Dupers delight

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Can you provide a link?

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The sad part is what is done is done.

My question is; why do we still listen to ANYTHING the federal government says? Why do we still support CDC, NIH, NIAID? Why pay taxes? Why report to the corrupt IRS? Why allow our government to destroy us?

Why don’t we resist the lies from those infectious agencies in other ways?

Even worse, nothing will convince the jab lovers that they were wrong. Nothing will convince them to believe they were intentionally poisoned. They can’t begin to imagine the consequences of their decisions because that requires thoughts they refuse to think. They are diehard jab warriors.

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We were having a big conversation recently in a non-related forum. There are still some convinced that taking the shots "helped reduce symptoms" and that they saved lives. Won't hear anything to the contrary and have already blanked out everyone saying "this will stop the virus cold - no transmission or infection". They're convinced no real scientist would ever say that (which technically is true, but "the science" spoke and told us the opposite). I posted that compilation link of Hotez evolving his views over and over. And even that was "well, that's the way science works" - ignoring that he said things definitively each time he contradicted himself.

And yeah - my parents are right there in line for their next shots as soon as they're "allowed". :(

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They are the ones still wearing a mask when driving by themselves. I see them all the time.

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Cough when you are around them. It makes them jittery and they scatter.

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I have already moved on from them. The only sympathy I have for the covidians is the children who are innocent. The rest is reap what you have sown.

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I keep saying "Time for a tea party!" Think it might catch on?

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Gonna need some sort of de-Nazification process just like the Allies did after WW2.

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I think many are too far gone but I keep trying to get them to critically look at covid, the covid shots, and the pandemic. Some continue to get the shots. I fear this video of Dr. Chetty of South Africa from November 2021 is spot-on. Much of what he says has come to pass. Those that did get a hot (real) covid shot are most likely doomed. If more people would speak out about their covid shot adverse events or their family member's covid shot related death maybe more could be done to mitigate the damage.

Dr. Chetty of South Africa


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Ya, the denazification process was to bring them to the US. Operation Paperclip. And now they’re running our country.

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As are of whacked out hippies of the 60’s and 70’s!

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May they all end up in Brazil or someplace.

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Are you aware that the Nazis after WW2 came to US?

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Yes...Operation Paperclip...with the help of the Vatican.

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I remember Del Bigtree or perhaps a guest of his explaining the T Cell issue (the front line defense) very early on in 2020 or maybe 2021 using a football defensive line analogy. I'm too busy to try to find the link - I'm sorry.

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Yup, many were! Very early in the discovery. T-Cells are also called “Killer Cells”. Our front line defense. You mess with them, you’re left with very limited to no defense against all invading pathogens, including the replication of abnormal cancer cells.. Dr. Judy Mikovits was saying these exact words & is still being smeared to this day. What Fauci did to her, and her lifesaving AIDS research, has never seen one once of Justice! Also Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. I’ve read their works for years.. I listened, we have remained unharmed & unafraid.

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Me too! Made sense and now finally coming out. Was it on Twitter?

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It was on a Highwire episode

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I do think it was a Highwire episode. I'm not on Twitter.

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It helped me immensely. But I sent it to a bunch of people, they were offended that I would send it to them. 🥲

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Let me guess, they get offended at everything...

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It’s sickening to think someone somewhere who designed Covid and the vaccines knew all this, or at least knew all the important things. Before it was unleashed on the world. And they just stood back and let the world take it, let people die and suffer, and lives be torn apart. How messed up do you have to be to be okay with just standing by when you have the answers….somebody knew. Somewhere….

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Many people knew...everywhere. Nuremberg 2 is required. Problem is. All the 3 letter institutions are guilty as hell, so who is going to round up and prosecute all the perpetrators of this first attempt at world-wide depopulation?

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Bill Gates, fauxi, Birx, pence, DoD, obamalamadingdong, obiden, Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, leaders in UK, Australia and NZ.....the fda, cdc who WEF NIH......they knew.

But the one who appalls me the most is the snake Pence.

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...and Trudeau!

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There’s a warm room waiting in Hell for these people! Ands it’s 102 degrees today in my part of Florida! I can’t imagine eternal damnation in the Lake of Fire. Keep the Faith C&C friends.

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And if that had happened, if the pandemic had been avoided, mass UNNOTARIZED mail-in ballots wouldn’t have been authorized, Trump would have been re-elected

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Pennsylvania cheated.

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