See to it brothers, that there not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God. But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called “Today,” so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. For we have become partakers of Christ, if we hold fast the beginning of our assurance firm until the end[.]

— Hebrews 3:12-14 LSB

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Hi Janice, great verse choice. ❤️The last couple of days I have felt despair and that is why I have not commented on C&C. Why add to the bleak BS being blathered every where. After much reflection and prayer plus telling myself to suck it up and quit despairing, I came to the only real answer which is to trust in The Lord and act accordingly. Stay calm and carry on! May God bless you all. 🙏 🥰✝️

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The evil one always delights in our fear and despair! Don’t let it get to you!!

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Agree 💯. 🥰

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For sure. Fear is from Satan, not God.

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Psalm 33

Let all the earth fear the Lord;

let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him!

For he spoke, and it came to be;

he commanded, and it stood firm.

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I don't why a loving god should be feared.

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I questioned that at one point. I found that there's a different definition of "fear" than what first comes to most minds.

Fear, noun - profound reverence and awe especially toward God

Fear, verb - to have a reverential awe of (ex. fear God)

You're welcome.

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Regardless of its source, fear is an extremely effective recruiting ploy.

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"I sought the LORD, and He answered me and RESCUED me from ALL my fears" Psalm 34:4

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Amen 🙏

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He wouldn't have to rescue you from anything he didn't create to threaten you.

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A friend sent me this. Tucker Carlson Shorts. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-xKFZYWXVocGwt3x-MGjXR-VZMEQ7YQZ/view?usp=drivesdk

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This needs to be shared!

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I am a concerned Grammie just like you. Feel free to share.

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I too have stopped commenting the last few weeks. I don’t live in the free state of Florida where it seems a bit easier to tell everyone to ‘be optimistic’. I know not all the land will be protected at all times, and I will need to make tough choices as the year drags on.

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We moved from normie/covidian blue area of eastern Chester County PA to South Carolina. It's like a weight has been lifted off me. I know there's normie/covidians here. I just don't know them. I can keep it superficial and not look at all around me waiting for them to get ill etc or not connecting the dots to the vaxx. It was toxic where I used to live.

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I can just imagine. I lived and worked in Swarthmore for over a year. This was back in 1990. Coming straight from Texas, I sure could see the difference in the way folks behaved and thought.

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Been in SC all my adult life. We have 3 blue "cities" in the entire state, Greenville (barely qualifies as a city) Columbia (State cap. state University) and Charleston (Med University, 3 Colleges). None have anywhere close to a million people.

The rest of the state loves the country, their state and town/village.

Black/White hunt, fish, farm and work together. You'll like it here!

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OH, and we blew off the scamdemic.

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We love South Carolina. ❤️

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The most difficult part is not having communication with peer age friends/ former Friends. Most folks just aren’t too well informed and I mean even people who have multiple loved ones who are dead or Ill. What is that ?????

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I am right there with you - it's called "willful ignorance" and my soul weeps for my children and grandchildren who are ALL jabbed with that hideous mRNA bioweapon jab!

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So very sorry to hear this.

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Bummer - I thought you still lived in PA - so, I won't be seeing you anytime soon, Annie. At least not on this 'orb'. Blessings to you and yours!

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I will be back as most of my family is in Lancaster PA. I will let you know when I am coming back. 🙂

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Really? How 'wunderbar' - have you ever eaten at Knight & Day eatery in Lititz area--just went there to meet a Lancaster buddy this past Wednesday--REALLY enjoyed the ambience and the food is super delicious!

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Like Alan, I have tried to limit my comments. Up here, in Canada, if Bill 63 is written into law, I maybe held responsible for hate speech, just by agreeing or liking a comment! I’m preparing to leave the internet and cell phone era altogether

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Whether a law or not, limiting social media and cell phone is good for you. Go back to pre cell/internet and actually live your life. 🥰

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27

I got an iPhone and it tracks how often I use my phone and it’s mind-boggling how much time I spend on it. I struggle with anxiety anyway, even though I know the things that weigh me down are mostly in my imagination. I’ve noticed that the more I use my stupid phone, the more my imagination takes off! I believe our pocket computers dissociate us from our surroundings, our rational thoughts and our God. Of course that’s going to increase anxiety! So I’m trying to find new things to do to keep me present. And I keep my phone in my purse throughout the day so I’m not tempted to be on it.

I don’t know why I’m posting this, but I thought it was relevant. These phones really can be detrimental to society.

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I've silenced all notifications and asked the Lord to make it only a tool. I carry it for family and work, but also C&C. Thankful for the optimism Jeff provides and the reminder of Whom we belong.

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It would be a good exercise to put our phones down (I'm preaching to myself) and seek our Peace through prayer and scripture reading. None of us alone can change what our corrupt govt is doing, BUT GOD....

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Well said!!! Take up crocheting, quilting or cross stitching. It helps with nervous energy! And you can pray while he you do it!

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It’s a good idea to turn off the phone & get into the habit of turning it on only at certain times of day to check on things. Less harm from EMF also, not to mention tracking movements. Remember we lived for most of our lives ( us over 50) without being tethered to communication. We’d go about our lives, come home & listen to the recording machine. Take control of what you can.

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💯 correct. Well said.

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Well done! Now go one better and completely rid yourself of the smartphone. Forever. If you can’t, or feel you can’t, then you’ve got far bigger problems to solve than your phone anxiety. In truth, we all have the same or similar far bigger problems to solve as well, because phone anxiety is really only a symptom and is most definitely not the cause.

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Sometimes I get on you t tube and watch Tiff Shuttlesworth and Dr. David Jeremiah, this helps with my anxiety. It drops it down several notches.

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Owning a cellphone doesn't compel carrying one.

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Yeah, I leave mine at home most of the time. Don't miss it at all.

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Great advise, Annie! I've been preparing myself for this moment and now welcoming it. I will just miss the C&C army!!

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Bill 63 is as bad as the Censorship Bill being pushed in Ireland. We MUST get rid of the WEF led Trudeau.

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Wow! That is unbelievable. 😢

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Truly frightening to feel muzzled like that!

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"FEAR NOT for I AM with you! Be not dismayed, for I AM your God. I will STRENGTHEN you, I will HELP you, I will UPHOLD you with my righteous right arm" Isa. 41:10

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Amen 🙏

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I, too, have scaled way back on commenting, but it has nothing to do with fear of being prosecuted or jailed or otherwise held to account for my opinions. It is pure exhaustion, on my part. I am so completely worn out from it all. The country is gone and our lives are compromised if not actually destroyed on every front. All this talk and nothing changes.

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Im not afraid. I engage in battles with normies, fascists, liberals and righties on a regular basis. sticks and stones.... but I live in MExico so have some margin here :)

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Liz, I assume you are in Mexico as south of the border. Are you an ex-pat, and how how do you like living in Mexico? Being from So Cal originally I've considered retirement south of the border. As lifestyles decline in NA it may be safer to live south of the border.

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ps LARGE AWAKE community here where I am.

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I LOVE LOVE LOVE my life in Mexico ! it has its drawbacks here and there but as a single older woman I feel much safer here than in the States, not to mention I am able to pretty much live on Social security here, which I could not in the states. if you want to know more, you can find me through facebook, Liz Rand. please send a note saying why you want to be friends (mention C and C!) and I will be happy to share with you anything that might help. there's a lot to say. Ive been here almost 6 yrs. and have some Spanish, not a lot, could use more. All the Best!

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Mucho gracias ;-)

The closest I come to social media is C&C, thank you for the reply!

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Better to invest energies in engaging those who have not yet heard, or have heard and deny, the truth - than it is to spin one's wheels in an echo chamber.

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It is nice to know you are not alone. Especially important in deep blue covidian areas.

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EXACTLY!!! I'm waving to you Annie - at least I'm in "purple" Lancaster county where the Amish keep things somewhat sane!

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This helps me, when all the world looks insane.

In Christ Alone. Keith & Kristyn Getty

In Christ alone my hope is found

He is my light, my strength, my song

This cornerstone, this solid ground

Firm through the fiercest drought and storm

What heights of love, what depths of peace

When fears are stilled, when strivings cease

My comforter, my all in all

Here in the love of Christ I stand

In Christ alone, who took on flesh

Fullness of God in helpless babe

This gift of love and righteousness

Scorned by the ones He came to save

'Til on that cross as Jesus died

The wrath of God was satisfied

For every sin on Him was laid

Here in the death of Christ I live

There in the ground, His body lay

Light of the world, by darkness slain

Then bursting forth in glorious day

Up from the grave, He rose again

And as He stands in victory

Sin's curse has lost its grip on me

For I am His and He is mine

Bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life, no fear in death

This is the power of Christ in me

From life's first cry to final breath

Jesus commands my destiny

No pow'r of hell, no scheme of man

Can ever pluck me from His hand

'Til He returns or calls me home

Here in the power of Christ I'll stand

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And another helpful hymn for navigating the madness:

How Can I Keep From Singing

Robert Lowery; folk song

1. My life flows on in endless song;
Above earth’s lamentation,
I catch the sweet, though far-off hymn
That hails a new creation.

* Refrain:
No storm can shake my inmost calm
While to that Rock I’m clinging;
Since Christ is Lord of heav’n and earth,
How can I keep from singing?

2. Through all the tumult and the strife,
I hear that music ringing;
It finds an echo in my soul—
How can I keep from singing?

3. What though my joys and comforts die?
I know my Savior liveth;
What though the darkness gather round?
Songs in the night He giveth.

4. The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart,
A fountain ever springing!
All things are mine since I am His—
How can I keep from singing?

The origins of this one seem mysterious. It is classified a folk tune.

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This message from Dutch Sheets is a great reminder of the miracle of our American history. https://us5.campaign-archive.com/?e=50735d1b68&u=21ae4b9aa9f11e4a8320b5ed6&id=faca5a8e17

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deletedApr 28·edited Apr 28
Comment deleted
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Seriously. Cut off?

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In Christ Alone. Keith & Kristyn Getty

In Christ alone my hope is found

He is my light, my strength, my song

This cornerstone, this solid ground

Firm through the fiercest drought and storm

What heights of love, what depths of peace

When fears are stilled, when strivings cease

My comforter, my all in all

Here in the love of Christ I stand

In Christ alone, who took on flesh

Fullness of God in helpless babe

This gift of love and righteousness

Scorned by the ones He came to save

'Til on that cross as Jesus died

The wrath of God was satisfied

For every sin on Him was laid

Here in the death of Christ I live

There in the ground, His body lay

Light of the world, by darkness slain

Then bursting forth in glorious day

Up from the grave, He rose again

And as He stands in victory

Sin's curse has lost its grip on me

For I am His and He is mine

Bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life, no fear in death

This is the power of Christ in me

From life's first cry to final breath

Jesus commands my destiny

No pow'r of hell, no scheme of man

Can ever pluck me from His hand

'Til He returns or calls me home

Here in the power of Christ I'll stand

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27

As to cutting back on 'comments' - you are not alone, Annie. Felt very much the same over the past few weeks - and maybe many others have as well. Depressing as heck, and the psychotically deranged liberals who hate on EVERYbody that aligns in ANY way with an opposing view, (or Trump!), and merrily post their vomitous rhetoric all over social media (FB seems a popular destination for their puke) have just worn me down with their stupidity.

One day, when the world "rights" itself - they are going to jump out and suggest they "knew it all along".

..............and we will shake our heads, and sigh.

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27

Cut negative, and nasty people out of your life. I just ditched my eldest sister I law after she recklessly told my wife she was just a parrot extension of me and said and did whatever I told her. Not the exact words, but when she said them the hair on the back of my neck stood up, because it was verbatim what our daughter used to hurl at my wife during her descent into chronic depression, and eventual suicide. She had enough booze and felt cornered enough about a discussion on her supporting the Ukraine "because it is a democracy", as well as everything else Biden does. Asked me why I cared, because "none of it affects me personally". Yeah, I know.

Anyway, after dwelling on her words for weeks, I realized that given the years since our daughter's death, the only way she could have remembered them exactly was if they were something she had said to our daughter, rather than the other way around. Our daughter was looking for ways to blame anyone but herself for her depression, so she glommed on them.

After the toxic drugs a Frankenstein shrink gave our daughter, the biggest cause of her death was she refused to listen to anything her mother said to help her. Later research confirmed my wife gave good advice, but she took none of it.

Sorry for being wordy, but the bottom line is that my wife's sister had deliberately discredited my wife's credibility and sincerity., and along with 3 others, including my own sister, indirectly contributed to our daughter's death. She is a non person to me. Do the same with other negative people in your life, and you will find your happiness quotient quickly improve

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Roland, I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your daughter. I can't even imagine the heartache this has brought to both you & your wife, let alone the understanding regarding the influence of others. Lately I have found this to be helpful to me...May you be well, may you be happy, may you be peacelful, may you live your life with ease.

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Wise words. Every night when I turn out our daughters' neon shark light I had custom made for her in HS (Her life's work, and career, was spent trying to save the sharks, and the oceans), I say the magic words she said to us as a child, at bedtime: "I love you. I like you. Sweet dreams. Don't forget to check on me". I then follow it with the traditional Hawaiian words of reconciliation and forgiveness, called Ho'oponopono. " I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you ( for being my baby bear). " You can add or embellish any or all of the 4 lines, but they are the core.

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I used the Ho'oponopono prayer at the memorial service for my dad.

May you find peace. 💕

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Sorry doesn't convey how awful I feel for your loss... I've been in similar situations with my own daughter. Thankfully she has done no harm to herself, and has been able to get out of that pit of despair she was in. We pour our own lives and love into our children's lives for YEARS and along come "others" and suddenly we parents are at the bottom of the family hierarchy. I pray for your peace and your wife's peace in Jesus' name...

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Or give them a verrrrrry wide berth. So sorry for the loss of your daughter.

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27

Dear Roland, I am so sorry for all this pain you have experienced...Both your loss and your horrible experience with meddling relations.

By all means, remove truly toxic people, but in the process of estrangement, try to find forgiveness in your heart (though you may never forget)

By doing so, we free ourselves totally from the pain they cause.

Sharing is a healthy thing. Thank you for honoring us by trusting us with it. 🙏

May God comfort you in your darkest moments and bless you always with His love.

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Sorry for your loss.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27

So sorry for the loss of your daughter. 😔 I agree that toxic people need to be phased out or minimized in one's life. They are like vampires sucking light and love out of life.

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Sorry for your loss.

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Roland. So sorry. My heart goes out to you. Suicide of a child is a terrible load of pain.

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I am so sorry for your loss, & you are so right - I have a "positive" sister who is actually quite negative, controlling & greedy, & since cutting off contact with her, my life is greatly improved.

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Did that with my sister too, and I have been so much happier. She was born lazy and had a relapse, but always finds time to campaign for liberal politicians (lives in Toronto) to make sure she continues to get other people's money. Has not worked since she was ~40, back and pain issues ( except at election time, and Christians recital) , took morphine For Years, but last time we talked she said she was "down to 8 percocets a day.". She's 70 now, if she is still alive . Sure she's gotten every jab possible.

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My sister & I actually share a pretty similar worldview, but her entitlement mentality (hard worker, thinking that she's entitled to all family property - has inherited quite a lot from my side of the family plus her husband's side) became impossible for me to deal with. I'm a home health aide, & took in a friend who had become homeless due to his health issues. She was furious that I hadn't obtained her permission as at that time we were joint property owners. A pastor friend who used to be a very successful realtor acted as a mediator, & as we were finalizing things, made the observation that it would be healthy for she & I to take a break from our relationship...maybe for several weeks, months, years, perhaps permanently. That was such a blessed relief for me to hear, & I've managed to avoid virtually all contact with her since then. Several months ago she did spot me in a retail location that we both frequent, & I was civil, but I also made it clear that I am no longer her sister. Forgiveness is not forgetting, & when someone thinks they have the right to dictate your life, it's time to leave them in their grand delusions.

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So sorry for your and your wife's loss, Roland.

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My heart and soul weep for you and your family, Roland. For your own soul's good...as time passes, I pray you can find it in your being to forgive your oh so errant sister-in-law.

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I, too, have been hesitant lately to like, repost or comment on X. Due to surveillance, J6, etc. Feel bad for self-censoring. But then I say f*ck it and post anyway!

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Einstein said all that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to stand buy and do nothing.

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I "liked" your comment And ditto...f*ck it !

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Roland , I am heartbroken for you & your wife…and for your daughter too. My husband’s son made his Final Decision back in 2001 and we still are haunted by the fact that he felt the need to take his life and nobody saw it coming. With everything going on in this crazy world, we’d all just like to have one day where we feel peace…and JOY. We all have to work extra-hard to get days like that anymore. 💔

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Also for me in the last few months meditating on Christ's return and his coming for his own in the rapture gives me SO MUCH peace! That is where I try to focus and sometimes I have to just check out of the news and "not care" what is going on because its so much doom and gloom. <3

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When I begin to feel despair, I remember all those who have suffered before. From Jesus Himself who was perfect and said if the world hates you, remember it hated me first; to the apostles who all died for their faith; to those who suffered and died as missionaries taking the gospel to the ends of the earth; to those who are suffering today under truly oppressive regimes. I am reminded that we in the USA have had very easy lives by comparison. I am reminded to rejoice in who God is; to be in prayer over everything; and to be thankful for His blessings and His mercies which are new every morning. If we find ourselves in despair, it is because we are not focusing on Our Savior and His purposes and His plan. He is on the throne and none of God's purposes can be thwarted. May we all be encouraged as we remember all those who came before us. May God strengthen our faith when we are weak and may we always seek to point others to the love and forgiveness that only comes through Christ Jesus our Lord who paid for our sins on the cross.

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Beautiful Robin. Thank you.

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Thank you for your kind words. It seems that many of us have needed to take our thoughts captive this week, myself included as well as many that I have spoken with this week.

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I read C&C for my news & skip the rest.

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A few years ago I got rid of all social media. Facebook is completely toxic. (I never used Instagram since I’m not a narcissist a-hole.) I found my days were happier and I was less angry. I now subscribe to a lot of Substack content so I can pick and choose what I want to dive into.

It’s hard to not feel hopeless when it comes to the state of our country. But if we lose hope, then truly all is lost. I do think the majority of the people on this planet are good people just waiting for the insanity to burn itself out. Many have been beaten into silence. There will come a day where the silent will stand up and draw that line in the sand. It may be a million different lines over a million different reasons but I count each one as a tiny victory.

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It requires a constant reining in of our thoughts and a conscious effort to refocus on Him. Believe me, I know.

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Amen! I haven't even read much this week, but you're right! God Bless.

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Me too!!!

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Same for me, I even haven't read all of last week. Stay calm and carry on! Great advise, just reading my Bible and praying. Yes, we are in scary times. Perhaps the darkest in a long time. At least now Bible prophecy seems to be right on target. Walk with the Lord!

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“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness."

— Lamentations 3:22-23

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One of my favorite verses…and my favorite hymn.

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This, along with I Corinthians Chapter 13 are my very favorite Scripture passages.

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Beautiful scripture. Hold fast, keep calm, and subvert subversion with laughter! https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/subversive-laughter-mock-cringe-commissars

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Good article. I endorse fire-fights-fire tactics IF used selectively. True story: One middle-schooler told another she was in trouble for a minor schoolyard crime. “What will you tell the principal when he calls you into his office?” No problem, said the miscreant. “I’ll just laugh about it.” No penitence. No defense argument. Just mock the situation and make it look ridiculous. We should mock foolishness to scorn, but ridiculing the truth is lying.

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How is ridiculing the truth, lying, when the source of it routinely lies?

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Ridicule the truth if you don't like the source? Make it make sense, Vonu.

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I don't judge anything that I don't regard the source of as legitimate as legitimate without extensive corroboration. It isn't my job to make their lies true.

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Hold fast!

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That phrase which I love, comes from the English navy. Used in the midst of bloody battle. Often it's tattooed on the knuckles so that when the fist are held together, "HOLD FAST" is flashed. It might be the thing that holds the battle line.

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I feel for you outnumbered in Oregon, though I hear it is beautiful.

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or: Keep Calm and Carry On...

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That was my go-to passage back during my first year of college when I only thought I had problems. It's still a favorite!

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So appropriate for today’s post. 🙏

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God’s Word is so amazing for encouragement and comfort (and so many other needs).

Some of you might also like this video filled with hope and practical advice for these times: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_M1OHMz4Zxk

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If it were truly God's Word, why didn't he self publish it?

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Thanks Vonu, I can respect that question.

I think He did, in fact, self publish: "For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse" (Roman 1:19,20)

Then God graciously told us even more by giving us His written Word through people. This further revelation tells us about our sin problem and the only hope for forgiveness (Jesus' death for our sins) and a hope-filled future beyond this short life.

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Rise and Stand - a beautiful reply to Vonu. The response from Vonu was what I expected, God is clearly working in this person's life (since they keep replying to people) regardless of their response.

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If he had, we'd have printed, bound books instead of scrolls.

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Fun fact: Christians popularized the 'codex' (bound book), and made printed bibles as soon as the printing press was invented.

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Gutenberg had to be born first.

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He did self-publish it. It's called general revelation.

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He had nothing to with publishing it. At most, he dictated it to those who published it.

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27

Okay, I'll play along. Those to whom He "dictated" have this to say. Take heed, friend.

Romans 2:4–5 Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance? 5 But because of your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed.

2 Peter 3:8–10 But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9 The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then athe heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed.

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It is called the King James Version because King James paid for its publication.

Where is God's Version?

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Are you saying that the creator of everything was too lazy to publish his own writing?

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General revelation is what we can know about God *without* the Bible. Special revelation is the Bible.

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Good question.

The God of the universe, the God of the Bible, has chosen to use humans over and over and over to accomplish his work. And to use tangible, tactile “stuff” that he made.

He could have somehow gotten the king of Egypt to free the Israelites from their slavery, yet he chose to send the human Moses along with Moses’s brother to speak to the king. He could have made the Israelites to magically not need food in the wilderness, instead he miraculously provided manna every day for 40 years. He could have somehow made Joseph and Mary return to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus, but instead he worked through the official decree of the Roman emperor thousands of miles away who decided it was time for a census. He could have made a list of laws and rules that man has to keep in order to be set right with God, but, knowing we could never do that, he actually chose to become man himself and to come to us when we could not come to him.

Could God have issued a book without a human instrument? Of course. He made the universe, after all. Did he choose to do that? No.

There is a lot of evidence that the Bible we have today is divinely inspired. I don’t know if you are looking for that sort of intellectual answer, or if your search is more of an emotional, relational one. Both, of course, are equally valid and important.

We have a lot of manuscript evidence with thousands of ancient manuscripts - whole books and fragments - that attest to the preservation of the original authors’ words. More manuscripts for the Bible than for any other ancient literature.

Archeological finds confirm the locations and names of many biblical places and people. Again attesting to the veracity of what was written.

There are hundreds of prophecies throughout the Bible. I think almost 400 related to the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Written hundreds of years before he was even conceived, and not mathematically possible to be fulfilled by random chance in any one person. And yet they were. His birth place, his lineage, his unjust death. Plus there were prophecies in about the capture of Babylon by the Medes and Persians, and of the Medes and Persians by Greece.

The God of the Bible is the only God who chose to bring himself down to man so that we could know him and be with him forever.

I hope that one day you are able to experience his love and his concern for you. I know by experience that this is not always easy. There are things that happen in some of our lives that make God seem uncaring at best or worse. It’s a real struggle personally for me. Yet, as G.K. Chesterton said, “man wants to turn from God, but in heaven’s name, to what?”

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The God of the Bible was created by the men who made up the bible.

My creator made them like it made me.

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Who is your creator, if I may ask? How did he make himself known to mankind? Sincerely asking.

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I don't know if it has a name because it is a non-material non-locality composed of spiritual energy. I call it Jesus because my humanity wants a label and the historical record of Jesus Christ seems solid enough to assume that he was a human incarnation for it.

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27Liked by Jeff Childers

Yes, 2024 seems to be an endless ride on the Crazy Train, but we’ve seen this before… Read the following words of C.S. Lewis, “On Living in an Atomic Age” (1948). It’s worth looking up. Take hope, especially if you’re among the family who have Eternal Hope (and eternal life) in Jesus There is so much more than what we see!

“It is perfectly ridiculous to go about whimpering and drawing long faces because the scientists have added one more chance of painful and premature death to a world which already bristled with such chances and in which death itself was not a chance at all, but a certainty.

This is the first point to be made: and the first action to be taken is to pull ourselves together. If we are all going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, let that bomb when it comes find us doing sensible and human things praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis, chatting to our friends over a pint and a game of darts—not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about bombs. They may break our bodies (a microbe can do that) but they need not dominate our minds.”

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I'd never read any part of this quote except the last paragraph. Thank you for posting it! It reminds me of my sorrow that so many followers of Christ seemed to be so frightened by covid. I'm not looking for death, but I'm ready. It's all in God's timing; if he doesn't want covid or something else to kill me, it won't happen. If that is his chosen method for my demise, then I can't stop it. He is sovereign and I can rest in that (most of the time).

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I live in Bonner County, Idaho. Bonner County never locked down, had a mask mandate, or closed schools. We were our own little Sweden amidst the insanity. Panhandle Health Department, which oversees the three or four northern counties of Idaho, did not even try — Panhandle Health did lock down Kootenai County to the south of us. Least you say “But you have a low population density”, know that Sandpoint’s bars and restaurants were packed that COVID summer, with people driving over the border from Washington State to go out to dinner, etc. Guess what? Bonner County’s Infection Fatality Rate was much lower than the national average. And it was probably lower than reported, since many people I know never got tested when they got sick.

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If you believe in God, or are just spiritual, you know death is not the end. We are all just energy beings in an article mass called a body. The true Us is the soul, and that is what the satanists envy, and are trying to take from us. I am in regular touch with our daughter's soul, so I know this to be true. Literally hundreds or instances that simply cannot be random.

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That knowledge keeps my mind safe.

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27

Totally love CS Lewis. I find it interesting that to "dominate our minds" is exactly the self-described objective of the Transhumanist agenda. It is the one thing the Marxists have never been able to achieve. And it is the one thing that always brings them down - their inability to control what we think.

Once again, they will fail. God's power in His creation is beyond the humanist's wildest imagination. The reason for this is because they do not believe in God nor the power of His creation.

Romans 1

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead... 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man...

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Well said!!

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Indeed. "The Abolition of Man" continues to be on-point a century or so later.

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Love CS Lewis!! Thank you for that great quote!

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I hoped someone had posted this but I was ready! Love it and thanks!

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Excellent. Hope all of those having frequent (everyone has occasional) negative depressed days bookmarks this and makes a point to read it whenever such thoughts bring them down. Fear is the enemy, and the cabal's #1 weapon. Don't succumb. As Socrates said, "living well is life's best revenge".

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I just read, for the first time, his Surprised by Joy, about his conversion to Christianity, and now plan to read The Four Loves and everything he and GK Chesterton wrote. I'd only known him as a children's book author. Wonderful writer and important thinker.

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beautiful quote ! thank you!

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Love this! Thank you.

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Yes, totally agree

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I don’t find it particularly crazy.

Same old. Same old.

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Apr 27Liked by Jeff Childers

Good morning C&Cers. Today is Saturday and there is probably a farmers market by you. Not only do you support local farmers, but you get fresh veggies, meat and dairy NOT from the grocery store. Happy shopping and happy health!!!

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Apr 27Liked by Jeff Childers

I was never a big proponent of farmers markets simply because I felt grocery store food was good enough. Then 2020 hit and I wanted to support local businesses as much as possible. Now? I dread buying produce at the grocery store! We moved in 2023 and I now live right down the road from an Amish farm. I can get produce, baked goods, eggs, milk, cheese -- yes it's a little more costly but it's worth every single penny.

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Stock up on that milk - The Government has decided that unpasteurized milk is a carrier of avian flu. How that works, doesn't matter. The goal is to quash unregulated farmers.

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Our govt. is a corrupt, criminal out of control enterprise! The US is prob. the worst. America was a great idea & promise. Hopefully we can reclaim her.

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whats going on with the Amish is the big news story

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can you say more? is the government still persecuting the Amish?

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you can research the topic, I think they just won a case with the Supreme Courts help. Over zealous govt. employees trying to destroy their farms.

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so sad. the Amish didnt take the jab, didnt get covid, stick to their pure ways, pure food etc. I hope you all can protect them!

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The Amish are typically very healthy! The guvment can’t stand them!🤓

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Fresh Raw milk is the best health food.

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Roger - someone needs to tell the government that our milk (at least near me) isn't coming from avian creatures. I prefer cow's milk:)

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I think H1N1 in bovine is because they mix chicken protein in the cattle feed. That is not God's plan and we will bear the brunt of this action.

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I think Bird flu in cows is a total farce. 😕 Tx DHS (and CDC) announcement was full of weak wording. Presumed to be; possibly; likely; may be; etc. ONE person, who had been around dairy cows got pink eye (conjunctivitis). That's IT! So they decide, to test dairy cows, cats and wild birds for "avian flu"...but NOT chickens?? How do they test? Good ole PCR!!! Now, there's "infected" herds all over the country. It's Covid Scare 2.0. I'm not buying it. 😒


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Yes! Lucky you! We should totally encourage Jeff to set up a multiplier for Amos Miller in Pennsylvania. What the criminals in charge are doing to him is outrageous!

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We have a buying club up here in MA for his stuff. He's great.

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I'm unsure Mr. Miller would know of or accept financial assistance from a GSG campaign. Great thought though!

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Especially because many grocery store fruits are coated with Apeel. It’s a Bill Gates owned coating one can’t wash off. Has chemicals. Even organic fruit can have it! Buy local and eat peelable grocery fruits (eg oranges, not apples).

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My son loves raspberries, which aren't in season yet here. I can't wait to be able to buy them locally so I don't have to get the grocery store ones (it's the only fruit he'll eat so it's what i get him).

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make sure its really organic as berries are one of the biggest soaker uppers of Pesticides.

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Soak berries in vinegar water, rinse and dry well then refrigerate. It's AMAZING how much longer they last!!!

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How much vinegar per pound of berries, C.G.? I love my strawberries and wash them with hot water before eating - but they spoil before I can eat all of them (and I'm talking in only 3-4 days--not even a week).

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I put my berries in a large bowl, then add 3 cups water to 1 cup white vinegar (approx - I don't actually measure!). Soak for about 10-15 min, then pour that off and rinse well. Then I put them on dish towels to air dry, then layer back into the original container (I pour out the vinegar water over that container and then dry it well), divided by paper towels and put them in the fridge. The vinegar kills mold spores. And keeping them pretty dry is part of the trick. Search "wash berries with vinegar and water" and you'll get lots of hits.

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That’s awesome!!!! We rv full time and that’s the first thing we do on a Saturday💜

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The best thing about the Amish farms is that they sell their goods 6 days a week (not on Sundays). So I can run over and grab stuff as I need it.

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That’s soooo lucky!!!! Can u imagine how many uneducated ppl live by that and still go to the grocery stores?

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I assume the vast majority. I'm in PA and in Lancaster county there's an Amish farmer under attack right now for selling raw milk. There are lots of people who truly believe that he shouldn't be allowed to sell it because it might not be safe. It's truly mind boggling.

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Yeah I used to do beekeeping and you could only sell honey if the label was under the cottage law as raw honey. The benefits of raw honey are crazy!!!! We put it in our coffee, yet most people put that horrible bleached sugar. 🤮🤮🤮

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Food from a farmer's market is routinely many weeks fresher and seldom ever frozen.

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It is often stored in deep cold / fridge though. I worked on an organic farm for several years. Only way to keep food fresh for weeks if needed. You can't sell everything every week, even with a CSA, if you have a productive farm.

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The farms that supplied the farmer's markets that I attended weren't big enough to take more than an hour to pick them bare. Because they were very nurtured, they'd grow enough in a week to cover their tables. I don't eat enough vegetables to keep a farmer's market in business.

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Pesticides or organic?

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Pesticides or organic what?

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Are farmer market produce really better if they are not organically grown?

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Well, if buying conventional at the grocery store or conventional at the farmer’s market, I will take the farm.

Also, some farmers grow organically but can’t pay for the official certification. If you talk with them though, you find out how they practice.

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Have you studied the USDA's organic standards well enough to know that they are nothing more than a promotional scheme?

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The only way that produce bought at a farmer's market is consistently better is freshness.

Most of the farmer's markets I have attended are stocked with produce that the participants picked from their own farm just before bringing it to the market. In many cases, they didn't wash it first.

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I wish I had Amish resources close to me on the left coast Patti. I'm finding private growers and ranchers as I think that will be a part of surviving the coming collapse, if God tarries.

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Yes it is.

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Yes! Support small, local businesses. Our products are quality, made with love and superior to cheap Chinese crap. People claim they want to turn things around for corporatism yet still buy from big conglomerates as opposed to your patriotic neighbor over here who makes healthy ingredient candles and donates a portion of the proceeds to local charities.

Support small. Support local.

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Completely agree sooooo much!!! A million likes 💕💕💕

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Go every Saturday we are home. 20 minute pleasant drive in the Valley on Rt 11 to county seat Woodstock , mentioned here in an article on "the Burning ", as locals called Sheridans' terror tactics in fall 1864.

"At the end of the second day of the scorched-earth march, Sheridan was able to report to Grant from Woodstock:

In moving back to this point the whole country from the Blue Ridge to the North Mountain has been made untenable for a rebel army. I have destroyed over two thousand barns filled with wheat, hay & farming implements, over seventy mills filled with flour & wheat, have driven in front of the army over 4,000 head of stock and have killed & issued to the troops not less than 3,000 sheep….Tomorrow I will continue the destruction of wheat, forage Etc., down to Fisher’s Hill. When this is completed the valley from Winchester up to Staunton, 92 miles, will have but little in it for man or beast."

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What’s that quote from?

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I’m a day late with this reply… I’ll just add, request and buy regeneratively produced products from your farmers markets. The phytonutrient content is markedly higher! That includes animal proteins. Regenerative agriculture is the way we need to be going. And growing!

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The best 'Saturday' market I experienced was The Shuk in Jerusalem, Israel. Everything you can imagine from fresh fruit and vegetables to breads pastries cheeses candies teas, it's almost endless. Well worth an afternoon just to sightsee if nothing else.

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I can’t wait!!!!!

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We appreciate that you keep pecking away at the jokes.

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Someone has to plumb the depths of this testimony.

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Though, as he alluded, they have extended so long that some find them hard to swallow.

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Apr 27Liked by Jeff Childers

Though I completely agree that we should not crawl beneath our desk, I disagree on the reasons why the government mainstreamed that "safety" tactic to the masses. I would argue that it was not for safety, nor was the government acting in stupidity when it was suggested. The government did so as yet another fear-inducing psy-op:

Kids would grow up wondering when they would need to dive under their desks.

The kids would grow up believing that the government would save them by being told to take cover under their desk, i.e. instructions to the masses on how to save themselves from the impending doom.

Thus, we would always recall the image of cupping hands over heads, on the ground, huddled in fear.

The mental images and emotional feelings equate to another fear-inducing means to an end. It was conditioning. Pure and simple, IMHO.

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Apr 27Liked by Jeff Childers

That’s probably true. But I remember thinking, well this is stupid, every time we crawled under the desks. I also remember thinking that I wasn’t going to worry much about it because there was nothing to do be done if we were hit with an atomic bomb. Kids knew it was worth nothing to go under those desks -they aren’t stupid. And while I’m sure there were many who were fearful, my experience was that my classmates and I just ignored it and went on with life.

As a teacher now, my students do see the ridiculousness in our world and I have hope that they may save us someday. I know there are many young people who are easily led astray from truth, but I see more who see through the lies than not.

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I remember in 3rd grade we would laugh about how futile it was to hide under our desk. We got a kick out of it because even at that age we knew it was beyond ridiculous.

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Especially after they showed photos of people wearing mask that made them look like giant anteaters to protect from “fallout!” Forget this flimsy desk, where were OUR masks?! (Little did we know they were coming later…)

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So true!

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Lord, let me be the last one ever to be thought of as defending the competence of the government…

That being said, it’s not a bad idea to use whatever cover is available to you any event of a bad thing including a nuclear explosion. Those bombs especially way back then we’re not very precise and all sorts of phenomena and guidance malfunctions could send them many miles off course. So of course if your school or whatever is in the blast radius - well you’re dead anyways but what if you’re only far enough away that the concussion shatters your glass? Then being underneath the desk is a good thing. So to me it seems kind of practical that the people who are going to die are gonna die no matter what they do and the people who are fortunately far enough away to live should use every means available to them to protect themselves and get to safety.

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As is true worldwide, kids in school find that any distraction from the boring schoolwork is entertaining. Hence, protests, "furries", desk-diving. We thought it was fun!

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I thought the same way, Kim - and I also thought "Why would I even WANT to survive an atom bomb?" The horrible repercussions that last for several generations are enough to make me want to "beam up" to heaven in atomic particles!

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I was in Germany for most of the ’dive under the desk’ practice. We didn’t have those drills. We knew the US would not bomb us, at least not deliberately, and we were too close to Russia for them to risk fall-out drift.

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An early version of face masks is all it was.

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I was surprised when Jeff said he was taught to do that in school. He’s 11 years younger than me and wasn’t even born in ‘62 when the Cold War threat was going on.

I don’t recall ever having desk drills when I was older. 🤷‍♀️

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I think I’m about Jeff’s age, and I remember these. We joked that we had to “put our head between our knees and kiss our ass goodbye.” 🤣

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I was an elementary student in the 50’s. I don’t remember doing that under the desk thing but I do remember very clearly being loaded in buses to go get polio shots across town. .

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27

I was also in grade school during those years. We hid under our desks. We also recited the pledge of allegiance and the Lord's Prayer every morning becore class began. Once a week or so we also recited Psalm 23. As a result, many of us grew up able to walk through this life with our priorities in correct order, holding faith over fear.

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Oh no! I remember polio shots at school too- actually we ate a sugar cube..

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Ahhh...polio. So many lies. So little time. Read The Moth in the Iron Lung by Forrest Maready if you want the truth.

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I think I know. the spraying of DDT.

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Janet, I think it started in ‘61, 62. Yes, I remember lining up for my polio sugar cubes, and then later, a shot.

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We didn’t hide under desks in Kansas in the 60s but we did hide our heads in the inner halls for tornado drills! Now that was helpful.

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True. I live in the Midwest. Tornado drills for sure. At home we hid under a big oak table in the basement with blankets while we could hear dad walking around the house looking out the windows. We had some close calls.

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I was born in 1970 and through most of elementary school we practiced hiding under desks

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I just asked my husband about this and he thinks the Cold War threat ended when the Berlin Wall crumbled. So that explains why you younger people had to crawl under desks too. It's funny, it was a happy day when we took off our little silver ID bracelets, probably in '62.

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Yes, exactly. I was in college then and it was amazing to see after all those years of potential threat.

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I think I was blissfully ignorant! 😆 I do remember the wall coming down though. Wish I could be a bit more ignorant today. I'd be a lot happier. 😉

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I came along later and we still had them in elementary school. But, I lived way out in the country and things changed slowly back then, with no internet, no consolidated radio stations, etc. Better in so many ways, even if there were some dumb things like doing bomb drills when there was no threat and the "solution" would do nothing. (Even as a kid I was thinking, I'm pretty sure a bomb can beat this desk.)

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Really? I'm 52 and we did all the way through junior high.

Must be different based on geographical location

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Those desk drills also worked for tornadoes. 🤪

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he's 25 years younger than me~! and we never had to do it, for some reason.

I was born right in the middle of the McCarthy commie hating, nuclear bomb scare days!

1952 was the Army -McCarthy hearings, some of the most fascist, scary times for free thinking people, ever.

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Liz, have you read any of the books or other material revealed when the Soviet Union fell, e.g. the Venona Files? McCarthy wasn't what the Deep State of the time wanted you to believe. You know that the NYT coverage of the Holodomor was purposely fake, so as to help the Soviet communists, and that the British journalist who went to Ukraine to cover it honestly was later murdered? We're nearly communist ourselves nowadays because of the smears of people like McCarthy, Jones (the journalist), and J. Edgar Hoover, who was tasked to investigate American communism in 1919 and wrote a book about them, Masters of Deceit, around 1958 or so. Telling the truth then was handled quite like it's been in the last four years.

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I know that the fight against communism was hand in hand with the Cold War, engineered by the CIA - Russians, who lost 25 million in WWII and won it for the Allies, wanted PEACE> and without CIA meddling on behalf of the WAR INDUSTRIES< (still in the drivers seat in Congress) we would have had world peace in the 60s, but to avoid that possibility the cia did jfk.

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Check out the 45 Communist Goals that were read into the Congressional Record in 1963.


Many of these goals are now complete.

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We didn't do any "desk dives" in any of my schools (born in 57) but we were in Northern Minnesota so, probably, nobody cared if we got blown up. :>)

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I was born in '62 and we never did the "dive under the desk" bomb drills. Living in Texas, we did the similar "tornado drill", but you sat cross-legged in the interior hallway and covered our head.

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That makes more sense.

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I grew up in the 1950s and 60s with the monthly bomb drills in which we would hear the school's alarm going off and we would have to crouch under our desks. I clearly remember thinking the whole thing was stupid, and intuitively I knew that if something were to really happen, being under a silly little desk wouldn't protect anyone. I certainly never worried about any of it. I really don't remember any of the kids taking it all that seriously, it was more like a game, a diversion.

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it's because you have forgotten the final, last instruction and component of crouching under the desk. You were supposed to hold your ankles and bend over far enough to kiss your arse goodbye. That's what I remember. Just sayin.

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We climbed under our desks for earthquake drills...no way 35-40 kids were going to fit in the doorway...

Even though I remember the air raid siren tests on Friday morning, there was no desk-ducking.

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They don’t have much new material. Remember this? https://www.cdc.gov/handwashing/images/keepcalm.gif

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I don't know Renee Morris, it seems the routine was good training for flying commercial airlines nowadays!

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Apr 27Liked by Jeff Childers

Zelensky is responsible for the death of American citizen and journalist Gonzalo Lira in an Ukrainian prison.

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Another optimistic note, check out the multiplier effect of Eastman’s fund.

Yesterday it was over $800,000 with mostly 2’s on the end. 🔥🔥🔥

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It was so heartening to see all of the 2s!!

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I forgot my 2 ! 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Aww! It counts anyway! Your contribution is just as appreciated!

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I haven't figured out the '2' thing, when I add a service fee for GSG to total ending in '2' it never totals correctly. Oh well. this was my second donation to his defense, what a corrupt system our judiciary has become!

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Oh and I was late to the party! Will be doing my small part as soon as I can extricate myself from this comment section! Hooray for multipliers.

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Question: if one added an extra amount for whatever it is they want it for, does one's donation still show up as ending in "2'?

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I declined the extra donation to GSG but they took some of my designated amount for Mr Eastman anyway. I am in email communication trying to get it corrected.😡

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I suspect that they take an amount regardless, and if you don’t want that amount taken, you need to add something to cover it. Else how does GSG fund itself?

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The site asks for a donation each time. I declined it this time but they took almost half anyway.

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It was well over 900K yesterday (Sat), when I could finally got on the site. Morjority had amounts ending with 2. Good job everybody, we went over the stated amout asked for.

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He had a lot when we started. I wrote it down, "$772, 772". I thought it was odd that the numbers were the same.

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The Perfect Guide on how to remove Graphene, the substance being transmitted from the COVID-19 vaccinated to the Unvaccinated, from your body…

Graphene oxide, a substance that is poisonous to humans, has allegedly been found in the Covid 19 “vaccines”, in the water supply, in the air we breathe through chemtrails, and is even in our food supply.

It interacts and is activated by electromagnetic frequencies (“EMF”), specifically the broader range of frequencies found in 5G which can cause even more damage to our health.

The symptoms of graphene oxide poisoning and EMF radiation sickness are similar to those symptoms described as Covid.

The bad news for those who have so far refused to get a single dose of the Covid-19 injection is that some doctors believe Graphene is being transmitted from the Covid-19 vaccinated to the unvaccinated.

But the good news is, now that graphene oxide has been identified as a contaminant, there are ways to remove graphene oxide from your body and restore your health.


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Thank you for the link! An ongoing battle for the unvaxxed to stay healthy in 2024.

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I take 4 of those daily. I tell so many friends about supplements and they are worried about the cost.p

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Yup! Taken all those for 15+years

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We need not look to China for election interference....look to Google, which moved millions of votes in the last election...


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Pennsylvania cheated 2020.

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Most of us knew this the next morning. We saw much evidence even then of cheating, and in the ensuing weeks much more came to light. It was a coordinated effort using those "swing" states. The most blatant fraud took place when they realized their other cheating had not cut it. Treason.

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Yeah, I didn't want to believe it, but when you go to bed and Trump has a huge lead and then you wake up and the lead is reversed...and it turns out that all counting stopped across multiple swing states all at once...and massive numbers of uncounted votes just happen to show up in each of those states at like 3:00 am...and those votes are nearly all for Biden...and it takes forever to count votes, despite using computers...well, you know they cheated.

I've been genuinely ashamed and embarrassed for the people I know who don't think there was cheating. It's like not being able to add 2+2 as an adult. Frankly, I no longer trust their judgment regarding anything.

Fortunately, the centers of cheating are known: urban centers in swing states. Our only hope is for Trump to have a big enough lead that they can't manufacture enough votes to steal it.

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Well said, thank you.

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And I believe the GA election investigation committee just concluded that GA cheated as well. As so many of us felt was true, Trump won, and won by a wide margin.

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That's an awesome link. Thanks for sharing.

Just saw the article linked below. No way did "Joe Biden" get the largest # of votes in history. He's now one of the least popular Presidents in US history. They cheated.


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1982, 63 indicted in Chicago’s 39th Ward. The guy blew the whistle when he didn’t get the job he was promised for helping with the fraud. Cook County to the rest of the US: “Voter/election fraud? Hold my beer…”

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There is an Election Interference Cabal that is dedicated to a successful Color Revolution in America in 2024. Success equals a Biden reelection, control of Congress, Trump behind bars and 80 million plus MAGA, persecuted as enemies of the State. The Cabal is the CCP, DNC, DS, Uniparty, EU, NATO, WEF and thousands of NGO’s with pleasing names and nefarious objectives. Am I optimistic that the Color Revolution will be defeated? It will be Providential if Trump and 80 million MAGA overcomes the Cabal.

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…And the FBI and DOJ directing censorship and suppressing the conservative vote with their shadowy influence….

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All the CIA needs to do is run one FB political ad, feed the story to Yahoo and say “see! China! China! China!” It’s too easy. Then they can open up FiSA and repeat 2016, 2020 all over again.

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27

"Sovereign immunity" is the central political problem of our day. Childers touched on it yesterday and is at the bottom of all our political problems. Sovereign immunity means there is no accountability for the actions of our political leadership, particularly the POTUS. This means there is no law that governs their behavior.

The solution to this conundrum provided by the writers of the Constitution was the Senate who represented the will of the separate individual sovereign States. This check was done away with in 1913 by the Seventeenth Amendment which provided for the direct election of Senators just like the rest of Congress. Coincidentally, this was the same year the Federal Reserve was established which removed the people's check on Federal spending power. Not a coincidence! No accountability + Unlimited spending = Tyranny.

The last time the nation addressed the accountability of Government to a higher power or sovereign was the Declaration of Independence which clearly stated that the State is subject to the Creator of the universe and His Law. Upon this basis, the founding fathers based their right to reject the rule of a despotic government and declare their compact with that government null and void. The failing of the Constitution was not addressing this and providing no mechanism for holding the Fed Gov't accountable to God's Law.

Thus we find ourselves at the point where the "sovereign" USG can bomb into extinction entire civilian populations in WWII, which we did in both Japan and Europe and in nearly every subsequent war they got us involved in, without any repercussions. And now we find ourselves the object of a war being waged upon the American people by the Dept of Defense who are killing us through a medical intervention all enabled and justified under Military Law.

This is the meaning of Sovereign Immunity. There is no restraint upon the actions of the USG either abroad or at home. Nor is there any possibility of reversing these trends.

This is also why our Marxist regime is beginning a narrative to pigeon-hole Christian Nationalism, and all Christianity, as a terrorist threat. This is the reason the Romans crucified Jesus. When asked about Roman taxation in an attempt to entrap Him, Jesus said to give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and to give unto God that which is God's. Under Roman law, Caesar owns everything and as such Caesar was god. What Jesus said was sedition and treason against the Roman Empire. And the Romans killed Him for it.

Post Script:

I was remiss in not pointing out that "transparency" is the flip side to the same coin called "accountability". As a Defense Dept civilian employee, I was required to fill out a "financial disclosure" form each year that gave my employer total transparency thus ensuring that I was not using my position to enrich myself (would that all of Congress were required to do this). There can be no accountability without transparency. BUT...if you have complete transparency, that alone will tend to make everyone accountable for their actions.

Certainly, the highest political and bureaucratic offices of our nation should require complete transparency to the American people. Yet this was left out of the Constitution. When you think about it, this is an EASY fix, though politically unacceptable.

If a transparency requirement were inserted into the Constitution along with a "Transparency and Accountability Board" set up over all three branches of the Fed Gov't to be staffed by State Legislature appointment of one representative from each of the 50 States, then transparency could be enforced and accountability brought to bear.

Obviously, this is not going to happen but will have to wait upon the financial collapse of the Federal Gov't and a subsequent opportunity to institute a new government - if any.

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Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

John Adams

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Which is another way of saying that without moral order, everything will go to shit.

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Which is why so many "governance/media" potentates are calling for a "Con/Con"!!

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God makes men, men makes slaves. Governments are instituted by God for mankind to live in order upon the earth. When Govt rulers are infiltrated by Anarchist and "New Order" operatives and the flout this responsibility and induce chaos instead, they are to be opposed, vanquished, and order restored. The superior Divine and Natural Law gives common men sanction to engage in overthrow of tyrants. The problem is the Adversaries of order, god, nature, and mankind are usually ready to pounce and make things ever more the worse.

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“Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever;

wisdom and power are his.

21 He changes times and seasons;

he deposes kings and raises up others.

He gives wisdom to the wise

and knowledge to the discerning.

22 He reveals deep and hidden things;

he knows what lies in darkness,

and light dwells with him.”

—Daniel 2:19-22

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governments are instituted by man

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“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” Romans 13:1

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27

Here is exposition of that verse which is worthy of your consideration:


And some verses that clarify when resistance to evil authorities is required of believers:

(Acts 4:19-20) Peter and John answered [the authorities] and said to them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge; 20 for we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard.”

(Acts 5:29) Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.”

(Acts 17:6-7) When they did not find them, they began dragging Jason and some brethren before the city authorities, shouting, “These men who have upset the world have come here also; 7and Jason has welcomed them, and they all act contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, Jesus.”

(Ex. 1:17) The midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt had commanded them, but let the boys live.

(Josh. 2:1-12) Rahab hid Joshua’s spies from the authorities.

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Yes, Moses and Aaron and Miriam did not usurp Pharaoh to rule Egypt, nor did they want to be royalty over the tribes of Israel. Shepherds, instructors, military captains, and judges are necessary for griping, cranky, sinful and selfish people, but MORE than that and leaders step into God's role and interpose themselves as lords and masters and rulers over fellow men.

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This is a caution against anarchism and falsely using one's religion to overthrow and oppose government and order generally but also out of pride and vanity and self-importance and as a substitute for God not acting on our behalf. We strive toward a higher cause and kingdom and authority while acknowledging the benefits of earthly rulers and kingdoms, starting with parental authority. If however the governing authorities charged with justice and righteous fair rule then descend into depravity and wickedness and abusive prosecution (as they always do) then we are to actively Resist Evil, wickedness, oppression. Not for our own sake but for the sake of the innocent. We are NOT to be complicit in the despotism and false religion of earthly rulers. If not, then we should strive to Make America Great Britain Again!

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It's interesting, as I've been thinking about this issue a lot lately. I was watching an interview with Michael Malice and he shrugged off the notion of minarchism, saying, "we tried that and it didn't work; we ended up with the biggest government in world history." There is some truth to that in that we did end up with big government, even though the underlying documents are set up to keep government small.

Though I think he missed the even bigger takeaway: we must have tried anarchism at some point and that didn't work either. Or, something about our design as humans means we need government, we demand it. Somehow, we ended up with thousands of years of government, across all cultures, all over the world, in all different forms. Even tribes living in jungles with no contact with other people have governments of some sort. So anarchism is no less a "utopian" idea than is Marxism and its variants.

So, it seems to me that God did indeed instill some drive or need for some form of government. But, also endowed humans with rights that we all intuitively know we have, even as those lording over us tell us we don't have them. We all know that silencing voices, physically harming people, stifling their ability to live, work, protect themselves, and (pro)create are wrong, immoral, injustices. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

So, the tension then exists b/w these "givens": the inherent need for order via government and the inherent rights of individuals. All man-made utopian systems look to remove this inherent, God given tension.

Looking across the world, I really do believe our Founders got it right. The only possible viable government is one that is limited by design. Limited to what is necessary and sufficient to maintain order while encouraging flourishing.

But, such a system requires constant vigilance and defense. The people let their guards down b/c times were good. We took it for granted that it would take care of itself. The sociopaths and deviants saw the opening and took control.

So now, that limited form of government is under attack, with nearly half this country not even understanding what they are arguing FOR and what they are arguing AGAINST. They are arguing for the government taking away their own inherent rights and against limiting the government's role to that which is necessary and sufficient. So, yeah, in a real way, it's Satanic; against the will of God and God's design.

(Sorry - your post got me thinking and it took a lot of words to get to the place that I'm sure many here arrived at long ago.)

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I once heard James Jordan, a Reformed theologian I highly regard, say that civil government will one day go the same way as the institution of slavery. Makes sense as both institutions as currently structured are forms of oppression.

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Look at the US Founders; yes, Lawyers, Freemasons, Deists, and faux gentry, but also preachers, businessmen, and regular class guys; all very educated on history and governments, duties and obligations of rulers and all the varied problems involved; they knew the Highest Authority would not suffer a mad king, an effectual parliament, a corrupt judiciary, or 13 spatting competing states loosely tied by Articles of Confederation. The states were forming a cooperative form of government strong enough to arbitrate their disputes, to rally them (all) when needed for defense, to remediate conflicts of interests, to referee when states' rulers may cross a line and upset the balance or even enact harsh penalties upon citizenry in conflict with the Bill of Rights and principles of the Declaration of Independence. Secularists deny any need to acknowledge a God or rights that emanate from a Creator to individual persons, but then the leap into Rule by Darwinian Principles, Machiavellian conniving, brutal force and Cultish manipulation is simpler than even if a king, pope, or State Constitution is mediating and at least nominally under Divine Universal Natural Law.

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true, as mankind rebels against God and will Cain one-another without some form of higher government and authority.

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Political Phil--Been trying to find the part on sovereign immunity--government 'employees' [less so police, etc] to share with people who like myself had no idea of this being included.. My shock was total. Reprint or send me? Appreciate.

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From yesterday's C&C................

For Heaven’s sake, the entire government is immune. It’s a concept called sovereign immunity. The only way ‘round sovereign immunity is when the government graciously de-immunizes itself by passing a law allowing certain types of claims against government officials. Otherwise, tough luck, starbuck.

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Thank you. Yet I remember him being more specific. Some paragraphs ended with ''Nothing''...then went down a list of others also immune in lesser ways. Anyway I appreciate.

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That paragraph was the end of the discussion. Go to yesterday's C&C for the whole thing.

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Thank you. Thought I did yikes-will go back. appreciate

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In 2022, Alvin Bragg reduced 52% of all felony charges to a misdemeanor. In 2023, he then elevated a misdemeanor to a felony that both the DOJ and his predecessor refused to go after so he could indict the Republican nominee for president.

Democrats have decided to sacrifice higher-order values in order to engage in blatantly political selective prosecutions, and this should worry fair-minded people regardless of political persuasion.

I wrote about the shameful lawfare of Letitia James and Arthur Engoron here:


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Alvin Bragg is not doing it, DOJ Garland is. He moved his #3 guy to NY to Prosecute DJT. Got him a job working for Bragg to prosecute Trump. OBiden is calling the shots.

Moving #3 in DOJ to dirty NYC as a Bragg underling is def a field trip.

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DOJ Garland chose rather stupid, and very dispensable prosecutors for the jobs. People who could be professionally ruined and never missed when and if things went south. Useful idiots, in other words.

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The Expendables

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You're right, Jeff, this is the best news: "And the best news is that, when digital evidence goes out the window, it will seriously hamstring the surveillance state." Imagine a world where most everyone understands everything on line is not true, or at least, to be suspicious of. That goes for everything the woke, gene therapy injured, psychopaths put out. Glorious!

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Since I was a teen I always liked and tried to remember the saying Believe nothing that you hear and half of what you see. These last couple years that saying has served me well.

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I like that!

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It continues to astonish and dismay me how many otherwise intelligent people read or see something on the internet, find the argument convincing and just accept it without critically analyzing it or looking for counter arguments 😕Even if you like an argument or it seems plausible on the face of it, you should always try to look for counter arguments and try to find holes in what has been presented.

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Initially proto-historians wrote in view of their master or side in a matter. Hebrew texts were among some where dubious authors approximated more official writings and histories to expound or fill gaps or focus on items of particular interest. The novelty of the Way testaments and epistles in the first century that were widely disseminated and adopted by the Messianic Communities immediately lent itself to the same phenomena as well as outright fake "gospels" being produced as a means to subvert and counter the teachings and intent of original eyewitness available scrolls. There was also a thematic gnostic bent whereby to exclude the unwashed masses, women and children and produce a more cultic, symbolic, and secretive religion with various levels of knowledge. Upon the printing press making writing available for all who could learn to read, the push for Protestant Reformation layperson access to translated Bibles amongst Germanic, English, and other European speaking communities kicked off an information war that has never abated. Propogandists and pamphleteers, textbooks, all manner of authorship and genres of literature and knowledge has forever and always been contended for, suppressed, banned, influenced, re-interpreted and revised. Teachers, academia, everyone works to get their viewpoints out and accepted or mainstreamed while often forces work as hard denigrating, disparaging, demeaning other ideas and views. Radio, television, internet, all have accelerated and made this a massive chaotic tangled web of consternation if one chooses to enter into its depths; now AI emerges and the Security State(s) intervene even more than ever in order to divide the truth from the fictional or non-beneficial facts.

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27

Now do that with digital money. 😬 Out the window.

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Yes, I was happy to read that!

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Investigators: Shoot More Film!! That's one unmentioned reason why analog photography is rebounding across the western world.

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We must never forget this is the motto of our nation.

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i had a secularist truly offended by that statement engage me in how and why that motto was devised and enacted. Yes, he had fair points, Freemasonry, McCarthyism, etc, but this nation and its institutions were NOT based on anti-Creator secular principles, even slave-owning Enlightenment-worshipping slave owners acknowledged the God of Nature and our individual worth and rights coming from that source outside of corrupt kings, governments, and brutish institutions constructed by and run by men.

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The evidence of Chinese election interference is that many Americans are planning to vote against Biden.

This is very dangerous for our "democracy."

/sarcasm - off

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Russian and Chinese votes should be countered by Indonesian and Indian votes; let everyone participate in American "democracy"!

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Oh, and if you are depressed, try attending an Honor Flight welcome home party. My coworker/friend just went on one. I did not make the welcome home because of work. But he said as they were landing, the woman who had been narrating everything on the flight said she made a mistake: there would not be a couple hundred people welcoming them home, there would be about 2,000. And apparently there were! He was overwhelmed. He said at the end, he thought his daughter was going to be there to take him home, but other family showed up as a surprise in addition to her being there. He said it was wonderful. So at least 2,000 people or so in Columbus, Ohio are doing something positive. Next flight comes back May 9 to CMH but they are all over the country.

Watch the videos from these homecoming parties. I was crying. Some of the vets were so overwhelmed they couldn't talk. It's the welcome they should have gotten when they came home from Vietnam.

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My son interviewed one of these Honor Flight veterans for school several years ago and it was a great experience for him ❤️

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I interviewed a man who served in the horse artillery in WWI as part of my medical school training (interviewing skills). It was fascinating.

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My sister was able to do that with perhaps the the last Filipino War (early 1900s) vet (Buffalo soldier)

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So often, young people think they have nothing to say to older people, and vice versa, but if we would simply 'interview' each other, we'd learn so much.

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Oh I bet!!

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I *love* this!! They are sometimes looking for volunteers to take the trip and escort the veterans. Might be a great “retirement gig”…

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Not everyone swallowed your pecker jokes. Rumor is some people actually spit them back out. I’ll be here all week.

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