Jun 26, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff I love coffee and covid but I could have gone my whole life without seeing those images 😢 We are definitely under judgement from the Lord for our nations rampant sin and wickedness. It makes me think of 2 Peter 2:13-19. They count it pleasure to revel in the daytime. They have eyes full of adultery insatiable for sin. They entice unsteady souls. Forsaking the right way they have gone astray...

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The media called Jan 6 a deadly insurrection that nearly overthrew the US Government, so you can understand why they called what happened in Russia a "Civil War."

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RFK Jr on MSNBC years ago. Talking about vaxxes causing autism; Joe Scarborough talking about his child is vax injured. Wow, huh!


A side note; a commenter added: Thimirosol is a derivative of Mercury and we all know how poisonous that can be. Thimirosol is also in your annual flu shot, given mainly to elderly people, and we wonder why dementia is on the rise.

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I shouldn’t have read this before going to bed. Now I’m going to have nightmares about the Doritos-bow “performer,” who looks like a Buffalo Bill wannabe wearing a face skinned from his latest victim.

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Jun 26, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

“Some have chosen to attack the integrity of the Justice Department by claiming that we do not treat cases alike. This constitutes an attack on an institution that is essential to American democracy… Nothing could be further from the truth.”

Wow, since, like, 3rd grade through an advanced college degree I was taught that democracy meant everyone had a say. Off to re-education camp for me.

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Jun 26, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Last week i got my hair done by my favorite hair stylist and close friend, who is gay and lives with two other gay men, one of whom was at the salon. I noticed they weren’t flying their pride flag this year and I hadn’t gotten my invitation to the local pride drag show (which I have enjoyed going to in the past as it was always hysterical). They said : “Girl, are you kidding? We don’t want any part of that this year. We aren’t having the drag show and the flag is out away. The weirdos have hijacked pride and they don’t represent us. It’s too f-ed up even for us!” Maybe the LG’s need to start their own coup and reclaim their platform.

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I've never liked Halloween in October. But I truly despise it in June. The Western World has lost its collective mind.

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The pride parades. My goodness! I cannot fathom how we got here, except to read what the Bible says about sin and fallen humanity. Duke Medicine is located about 40 miles from my home. Recently it was reported that this clinic begins treating "gender confused children" when they are toddlers. The head of the clinic is Dr. Deanna Adkins, a transgender person. Since Dr. Adkins presents as a woman, I will refer to him by male pronouns, assuming that is his biological sex. Read this ridiculous denial of reality, as shared by him, a man pretending to be a woman. “From a medical perspective, the appropriate determinant of sex is gender identity. It is counter to medical science to use chromosomes, hormones, internal reproductive organs, external genitalia, or secondary sex characteristics to override gender identity for purposes of classifying someone as male or female." Remind me, wasn't it "medical science" that got us into so much trouble the last few years? I prefer genuine science, based on truth.

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Jun 26, 2023·edited Jun 26, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Garland sure blinks his eyes a lot..... and rabidly, uh....rapidly. Probably my imagination. Between him and Mayorkas we've got the Dynamic Duo of Consummate BS.

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Check out the body work by anti-vaxxer RFK Jr. Dude is 69.


Contrast with 'Mr. Science' Peter Hotez.

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Let’s keep the pressure on disney! 💪🏻 Someone needs to wake the brain dead up about how giving money to the parks is funding the agenda 🙄 When you pay to go to their parks you are literally giving them your hard earned money and paying for them to keep up grooming our kids, among other things.

Bud Light got a taste of that, and yet people are still buying other AB products which is keeping them floating. Stop buying all AB products.

Keep up the pressure on Target too! 💪🏻

We cannot stop the offense!! We need to put our American loving patriotic conservative boots on their necks and step harder. They got a taste of We the People. Now let’s let them digest it!

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Jun 26, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

A bit off of today's topics, but someone mentioned a pacemaker needed from the "safe & effective" their MIL recieved. Well.... we are looking to purchase a new car and the topic of EV came up with the salesperson. This salesperson is friends with a cardiologist and the cardiologist said that several patients in their practice are having issues with their pacemakers. The cardiologist found out that these patients own EVs. The doctor believes that the large battery in the EVs are interferring with pacemakers since the driver sits close to the large battery. The doctor is keeping records of these problems. This would be very important to anyone who has a pacemaker and looking to get an EV.

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Some of the gay community is fighting back against the insanity, https://www.gaysagainstgroomers.com

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Globalists now seek:

1) Biden out on health grounds

2) Hunter out with him faded into obscurity after his plea deal

3) Trump locked up or disqualified

4) RFK Jr marginalized like Bernie Sanders was

5) A Gavin Newsom Vs Ron DeSantis presidential race

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Jun 26, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Read “The Return of the Gods” by Rabbi Johnathan Chan. The Pride Crowd are a pagan cult and anyone who takes their child to witness this depraved display are sacrificing their own to the demon Baal.

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Thankfully June( homo and freak month) is almost over and the fags, freaks, and homos (the repulsive alphabet clan) can all go back into their closet where they belong. Maybe someone could look for the keys and keep them locked in their closets forever.

It does amaze me that because of a lifestyle choice these freaks get extra rights that normal heterosexuals don’t, now call that discrimination. Now I’m just wondering when is heterosexual month?

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