Jeff I love coffee and covid but I could have gone my whole life without seeing those images 😒 We are definitely under judgement from the Lord for our nations rampant sin and wickedness. It makes me think of 2 Peter 2:13-19. They count it pleasure to revel in the daytime. They have eyes full of adultery insatiable for sin. They entice unsteady souls. Forsaking the right way they have gone astray...

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I understand your feelings, but I think we must know who (what?) these people really are. These are the people who have chanted, "We're coming for your children." I co-teach tenth grade girls at my church. We were studying a passage which focused on opposition to the gospel. I mentioned the LGBTQ agenda and warned the girls not to allow anyone to put a wedge between them and their parents, as is happening in public schools. One girl admonished me, saying that we should not talk about that, but stick to the Bible. I thought about that all week and decided I had to address it the next Sunday. In my opinion, it was application of what the Bible teaches. We need to talk to parents and to students about this horrible, destructive agenda. I had a little pushback from the other teacher also. If I am not allowed to talk about this huge threat to the girls, I will just give up teaching. My niece taught art in a local middle school last year. The children, she said, were changing their gender identity from week to week. It's faddish, but it can become really dark since teachers are encouraging it, while seeking to keep secrets from parents. I'm thankful our state legislature (NC) recently passed a law prohibiting the secrecy.

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Please don’t stop teaching. Your bravery (because these days it requires courage to tell it like it is) is what could possibly save a life. I’m done keeping my mouth shut, I have NOTHING to lose. I started going to church and seeing families, all walks of life attend creating a most beautiful community is giving me hope….you are part of thatπŸ’•πŸ™

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A few years ago I spoke to my Sunday school class (high school grades) about the existence of the devil. The following Sunday a parent came up to me and told me "they do not believe in the devil, and I shouldn't teach about him". I told her that our church does NOT believe in the devil, but believes that he exists, and that if she felt I should stop she should have our priest tell me. Obviously that didn't happen. Never saw her again. Keep teaching what you know is correct and get the Church behind you

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The bible speaks of the devil quite openly. Who tempted Jesus in the wilderness and offered Him the kingdoms of this earth if Jesus worshipped him (the devil) as recorded in Matthew 4??? Whom was Jesus calling Satan in Matthew 16:23??? In John 8:44 Jesus tells the religious leaders of his day "you are of your father the devil..." Keep speaking truth, it is scriptural, Jesus Himself spoke about the existence of the devil!!!

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Also need to keep with the doctrine of the church. If people disagree and din’t like it they can pick a different church.

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It's a free country isn't it? At least to anyone who wants to turn their back to Church

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YOU DIDN'T RECOGNIZE ME. A familiar figure is found to be behind the plandemic. Watch Turfseer’s music video. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/you-didnt-recognize-me

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Make them kick you out for speaking truth. I’m being censured by the Catholic site, Lifesite News, of all places. Facebook and Twitter got nothing on them. But, I’m just saying, β€˜Lord, I must be getting better at this speaking the Truth thing. I didn’t last a whole afternoon.β€™πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

Someone there apparently bought in on the ground floor to benefit from what looked like a sure thing with DeSantis. Now there are in full attack mode against President Trump. I said apparently they are siding with our Department of Injustice and bam! I was blocked.

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They’re! I corrected that 3 times! Stupid autocorrect.

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Thank you ... for standing upright.

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Prayerful here too! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

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Don't leave...stay and fight!

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We all must fight as we can, both in how we live our own lives, and not be afraid to communicate to others. This comment on Jeffs post here, is one such effort, red pill a friend or family member on one or two critical issues, and the rest will follow.


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Stay and love.

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I applaud you for speaking to your students about things they need to watch out for. They need that. I think a lot of adults try to hide things or not talk about them, when the kids are already aware. I made it a point to point out to my own kids when a I saw something they needed to know for their own safety or morality. It’s either you or someone else who may have nefarious goals.

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I heard someone say recently that many of our American churches are like a Hallmark card. To me, that means we promote a Pollyanna, sentimental faith which will not stand when persecution comes.

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Never heard it said thus, but when I saw it said here ... bingo!

It is said that we are not saved by works, but then again ... it is also said that faith without works is dead. Churches who do not speak out against great Evil in plain sight, but instead waffle or plain out ignore and/or pretend things in our times are quite normal, these are not churches. They are indeed Hall Mark Card of religiosity. And as such, such need their 'money lender tables' of pretense overturned.

I went to one church in the Staunton which taught reformed faith (as in the various traditional Confessions of Faith), but made it crystal clear that they would do nothing more than talk it up within their four walls on Sunday and then go home. I went to another church in Harrisonburg, also in Virginia ... and I tried to get the minister to make an announcement as to several other churches in the area joining together to oppose a Gay Pride Event involving a parade (and they were successful in getting it quashed). Sunday came, and no announcement. Such as these are examples of the pretty pretend Hallmark World of alleged Christian churches. This is what we are up against. Christianity ... all hat and no cattle.

I don't get it. I can only suppose the dead churches of the West are cowardly. But it is more than this, the orthodox Christian theology of nearly 2,000 years has been chucked out the theological window by decades of Marxist Woke thought infiltration. But here is the rub, what earthly use is Christianity without a real world vigorous application (which gets us right back to 'faith' and 'works'. But no, R2K (Radical Two Kingdom theology) litters the landscape as does its close cousin of misapplication, Separation of Church and State. Vacating the field has left us only with, for example, a Supreme Court and such Wonders of Man as the Lawrence decision. Among others.

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Eric Metaxas has written a great book called Letter to the American Church. He compares our church to the church of Nazi Germany, turning our eyes away from what is happening and declaring that we won't get involved in politics, we'll just piously preach the gospel. He frequently speaks at churches. Here's a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDiNu4WFd10

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"Faith of our fathers, holy faith. We will be true to thou till death." And any other course, hedging, wavering is delusional because 'they' mean to kill us all ... maybe not all at once. Maybe a little at a time. But sooner or later they will push onwards to that magic population figure. And they won't mind killing a few Christians along the way.

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Jesus said the day would come when people would not want the Truth. That’s so called followers of Him.

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Willing Spirit,

Calvin said the below in his Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book First, Chapter 4. Apparently little has changed from the beginning of time. Maybe we should just call it Apple Madness. And they all have it, including covid murderers and transhuman murders. Calvin has a way of not mincing words ... plain spoken and straight up. The Wokies would be hard put to refute him. When I first read it, I was astonished. Not by what he said, but he said it in his time ... or could have said it in any age.

4. The wicked never willingly come into the presence of God. Hence their hypocrisy. Hence, too, their sense of Deity leads to no good result.
1. But though experience testifies that a seed of religion is divinely sown in all, scarcely one in a hundred is found who cherishes it in his heart, and not one in whom it grows to maturity so far is it from yielding fruit in its season. Moreover, while some lose themselves in superstitious observances, and others, of set purpose, wickedly revolt from God, the result is that, in regard to the true knowledge of him, all are so degenerate, that in no part of the world can genuine godliness be found. In saying that some fall away into superstition, I mean not to insinuate that their excessive absurdity frees them from guilt; for the blindness under which they labour is almost invariably accompanied with vain pride and stubbornness. Mingled vanity and pride appear in this, that when miserable men do seek after God, instead of ascending higher than themselves as they ought to do, they measure him by their own carnal stupidity, and, neglecting solid inquiry, fly off to indulge their curiosity in vain speculation. Hence, they do not conceive of him in the character in which he is manifested, but imagine him to be whatever their own rashness has devised. This abyss standing open, they cannot move one footstep without rushing headlong to destruction. With such an idea of God, nothing which they may attempt to offer in the way of worship or obedience can have any value in his sight, because it is not him they worship, but, instead of him, the dream and figment of their own heart. This corrupt procedure is admirably described by Paul, Rom 1:22

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Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life. He had a great following during his ministry yet in the end the elders and the people rejected the Truth. Likewise they now reject us.

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Same here, DaverKB. It was a request to simply announce to their churches the annual 40 days for Life prayer vigil in our town. We provided a bulletin insert too.

Nope. We have more churches in our town than fleas on a dog, but only 7 would mention abortion to their congregation, except a few mainline churches (term used loosely) who actively endorse it (under the guise of β€œcompassion”. )

Likewise when the 3 Christian schools in our town were given materials for the annual right to life youth contest. It was essays, artwork, videos and speeches. I had high hopes for the Classical And Christian School which has a robust emphasis on writing, public speaking, and the arts. Nope. Not a one.

Do you know why these self-professed Christian Pastors [sic] and Christian School top administrators just tossed the materials & ignored it? Ignored the fact that some families would love to participate? Never mind that they SHOULD be preaching the application of God’s Word and precepts β€” as they wear their religiosity on their shirtsleeves for the world to see. Well, that’s the key, isn’t it. The world. They said it’s too political, too controversial, etc, etc. It is Man’s opinion they’re concerned about, not Gods. They will be spat out.

God Bless those seven True Pastors.

God Bless the homeschooling families whose children happily drew, wrote and spoke passionately and beautifully β€” and some high-schoolers went on to present to the state and national organization!

Salt and light.

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These 'ministers' are cuck cowards. They are unable to hitch 'love thy neighbor' to 'fear of God is the beginning of wisdom'.In aiding and abetting evil doers by their silence they themselves enter into Evil.

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"Separation of Church and State" is the wedge that was driven into our society almost from the beginning in spite of the fact that this was a heretical concept to the founding fathers. All human action is based on faith. If the Biblical faith be removed from the public square then an alien faith will fill the vacuum. Thus did a Humanism creep into American culture which morphed into the Marxism that has now taken the Gov't. The ideology of Marxism remains consistent from one society to the next while the immediate religious application changes to fit the culture. From the French Revolution to the Russian Bolsheviks to the German Nazis to Maoism to the current American Bolsheviks, the Marxist ideology is easily identified.

In American, Wokeism is the religion that Marxism has replaced Christianity with. Previously it was the religion of class conflict of various flavors whether it was the proletariat versus capitalism in Russia, the German master race versus the unclean races or Mao's cultural revolution. In America, the religion of Wokeism has turned the entire culture on it's head where everything historically established as good is now defined as evil and all that we knew as evil is now good. This is perhaps the ultimate Marxist class conflict.

We are returning full circle to the French Revolution. The French Revolution was born out of the left wing of the Enlightenment and resulted in the violent revolt of the "people" against the Elites. The left wing of the Enlightenment culminated in the Russian Boshevik revolution and the Soviet empire. The right wing of the Enlightenment moved through Scottish rationalism to America and, as influenced by Christianity, culminated in the American Revolution and then the USG empire. ("A Tale of Two Cities" is an illustration of the differences of the two wings.)

My point here is that having lost the Christian basis for human action in American culture as replaced by a Marxist wokeism, we now find ourselves ruled by an unseen European globalist elite much as the French were ruthlessly ruled by the French aristocracy. We have come full circle back to that conflict. Now we are the French.

These globalist elites tried to impose their NWO on the entire planet and failed. Eastern Europe and the BRICs rejected their NWO designs and are forming their own bloc which is attracting other nations such as Saudi Arabia who do not want to be part of the NWO of the globalists.

Having failed to impose their design on the whole world, the NWO globalists will have to consolidate their control of Australia, NZ, Canada, the US and part of Europe and wait for a future opportunity to finish their global conquest. They will have to build a new "Iron Curtain" and cut off their territories from the rest of the world.

But if they can't conquer and subjugate the American people, their plan for a NWO will fail entirely. This is now the conflict that has returned full circle to the French Revolution. Though the American people have not fully realized it yet, they are in a war with these globalist elites much as the French were. And the American people are waking from their slumber. If we reject Wokeism and regain the Biblical faith of our fathers, the elites will lose this war. But rest assured, the globalist elites will not be vanquished peacefully. There is nothing they will not contemplate doing to retain power. It will get ugly.

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My view on the ruling elite is a bit a variance (maybe) yours yours (perhaps). There is an Empire (5 Eyes, Banking/Wall Street/City of London/CB controlled, Deep State/three lettered agencies ruled) with an apex ruling mechanism. Since it all works in the shadows, it hard to pin down. But, nonetheless, Covid Terrorism operated throughout the Empire with a breathtaking uniformity. The uniformity is the tell because it suggests centralized control over large territory (EU, UK, NZ, Australia, North America). As to Covid Terrorism, there was no fragmentation of implementation of The Plan. And as such, Covid Terrorism surely spilled the beans and confirmed suspicions as to the existence of an centralized 'authority.' I had always guessed at this. But the emergence of the covid era confirmed this much.

The American Independence War was still largely Calvinistic in nature by origins. But the cracks were big and opening up. For example, Jefferson's allegiances where philosophical and with the Enlightenment. Adams already was a Fallen Christian in that he and his wife embraced Unitarianism. Contrast this with the Son of Thunder, Patrick Henry whose 'Given me Liberty or Give Me Death' is practically right out of the Bible in its essence, that of Light or Darkness, sin or death, Christ or the Lord of Darkness. The old American Christian theology by habit and custom of the 17th and 18th century persisted into the 19th century but was unraveling, slowly be strangled and suffocated by secular forces. By the 20th century Calvinism was largely gone except in the Old Deep South which always bucked the trends of 'modernization'. By the 21st century, nearly all is lost and only a Christian remnant remains. Obviously a thumbnail sketch, but with some validity in an overall sense of survey.

I agree with you mostly. There is a whole world in Walk-Away. The One World ambition is largely done. And it will be a hard pressed for the Western Apex Rulers to keep the Empire intact. The EU might easily pry itself away from American domination, just as the Saudis most surprisingly walked. The Empire is largely a hollowed out shell now in the hands of feckless clown-like 'Leaders'.

There is a large danger, however, still looming as to the world. Transhumanist nano-technology can be gotten into people in a myriad of delivery systems, and the technology alters the human genome.This to me is the biggest existential threat to the safety of the people of the planet. I don't know how it will play out.

Okay! A mere ramble in a somewhat sloppy manner.

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"Separation of Church and State" had a fine intention at the beginning, but it has been twisted. It was INTENDED to mean that the State can't make laws to establish a religion (as in Europe they had Catholicism or Protestantism as official national religions). But it was later turned into a mockery of itself, as the claim that "you aren't allowed to engage in politics based on your religion", which is the exact OPPOSITE of what was intended.

Everyone should be free to proudly hold their religious beliefs, the only thing they cannot do is mandate their specific church on others by force of law.

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Many churches/leaders do not have the gift of discernment. Or few who are schooled in the prophecies of the Bible.

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Mostly, they the pretend church leaders are ignorant of Church history and have zero understanding of Christian orthodox theology. Most have never taught from the Confessions of Faith. Instead, they might as well be on TV selling skin cream, soap and big pharma drugs.

I know that this may sound harsh. But really, we should have little time and patience for, nor forbearance with people in very positions of responsibility who are totally incompetent. This goes for the rest of the societal leadership as well.

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Exactly. Its all about adding Jesus to your life for what he can do for you. Like a Genie. Not repent from your sins, God of wrath God of mercy!

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Like some kind of weak kneed Santa Claus. They are in for a rude awakening.

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Denominational division is deliberate distraction from The Divine.

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So true.

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Covid Hysterics look at the world with rose-colored glasses as they face the reality of the deadly mRNA injection. Listen to Turfseer’s new song. MY POLYANNA SUMMER. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/my-polyanna-summer

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Nature abhors a vacuum. When God got dismissed, look what flooded in…

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God bless you Anne but please don't give up teaching. If they won't let you speak truth then please find a church that preaches the Bible and teach kids there. Paul talks about this wedge between parents and kids in 2 Timothy 3:2 when speaking of the last days:

"For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,"

So it might be worth pointing that out to your tenth-grade know it all (I have two teenagers so I know the type), you were sticking to the Bible.

I know this probably sounds harsh but if anyone still has their kids in public school you are endangering them and will have to answer Jesus for it one day. I doubt that there was no choice because the money was spent on a new car or an expensive vacation will go over well.

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I have my youngest child who will be a senior this year in public school. Sent him to a private Catholic school for his middle school years, and it was great. However, he wanted to go back to the public school for high school to be with his friends he had played sports with since he was in elementary school. I have a good friend who is a math teacher at the school and she helps keep me informed. I also have very open discussions with my son and he wants no part of the craziness. So while we have the funds to send him to private school, we made the choice to let him finish out in public school and he’s done very well. I think it’s a decision each parent has to decide on for themselves . He’s going to be going off to college soon and I’m going have a lot less control there and we know how woke the colleges have become. He’s very serious about going into law school eventually, so college is going to be necessary. I’d rather him have the skill set and foundation that I help him create now so he can take that into college and make good decisions for himself.

When my kids were younger, I honestly did not realize that this craziness was even happening in the schools. I will say if I had to start over at elementary school again, I would homeschool or put into a private school. I have a grandson now and I am hoping and praying they will keep him out of the system. God bless our children and all those fighting to save themπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

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I agree that it depends on the spiritual maturity of the kids. My younger son (10th grade) I have no doubt would not succumb to this, as he's firmly grounded in his beliefs. That being said, he wants no part of the nonsense and is happy we pulled him out years ago and put him in a strongly biblical school. Plus he gets taught the Bible every day as part of the curriculum and the best defense against this stuff is to know the Bible. When some counselor says, "maybe you are trapped in the wrong gender" a kid who knows the Bible will laugh out loud rather than take them seriously.

My older son is starting at a public university this year (after spending high school in the same biblical school) and I am a little concerned. However, he's also pretty well grounded and is taking a hard science major (electrical engineering) so there won't be much time for nonsense. Plus he's living at home for at least the first year so we should be able to help keep him focused.

Bottom line though is that public schools are populated with anti-Christian atheist activist staff, and other staff too cowardly to call them out. They are more worried about being called a bigot or their pension than protecting your kids. I don't care how well grounded kids are, I don't want my kids spending eight hours a day with these demons. Particularly if they are young.

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I’ll jump in and say that no matter your perception of your kids’ spiritual maturity, public school is an extremely challenging environment for any child or teen. I went to a Christian school all the way up until my junior year in high school and then switched over to the public high school. I didn’t participate in the parties and morally questionable activities and I went to youth group and even on a missions trip during that time. However, it’s an impressionable time for teens and it is seed planting - not for your child to plant seeds, but for the school to put lots of doubt into the kids’ minds. Even at a public university, I saw more of this. The difference is that high schoolers are more impressionable and the day-to-day schedule of high schools is extremely challenging to keep the world views out. This was over 20 years ago and I’m sure it’s worse now. Either way, I hope that parents don’t let down their guard. I know what it’s like going from a Christian school to public and both had kids with very ungodly behaviors, but the difference was that the teachers were even stacked against the the kids in pushing their liberal beliefs. Your child might not rebel now and maybe never, but it certainly wasn’t a healthy environment.

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My kids went the opposite way, from a public school (academically high achieving though) to a biblical Christian school. After the first few weeks I asked my son what was the biggest difference. "The other kids don't curse" was his response.

So it's not just the staff but the students too. I don't want my kids associating with the children of lousy parents. We don't have school vouchers here, but I've come to view that as a blessing. Parents that send their children to my kid's school have to make sacrifices to do so. While not perfect, it's a pretty good screen for ensuring the parents are fully invested in their kid's upbringing. Plus the school is uncompromising in adhering to the Bible and it drives every decision. I know if my kids go to a teacher with an issue, that teacher will pray with them, open a bible and share relevant scripture, and tell them that Jesus loves them. It is incredible.

I will say that I did twelve years of Catholic schools myself, and perhaps things have changed, but I don't recall experiencing any of this. My high school was far more interested in how the football team did than what the Bible said. The principal (a priest) was later defrocked and caused a multi-million dollar payout for sexual abuse. Which is why I always say that a school must be *biblical* as just being "Christian" isn't good enough.

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Beginning in Middle School, the peer pressure is immense.

I watched a video of a quite liberal single parenting mom, a lawyer,

who flipped out and woke up when she saw her daughter getting sucked into the trans vortex.

She got tough, took away the social media, moved the child to another school and said, β€˜you’re starting fresh and you are starting with your true identity. The daughter tantrumed, said how much she hated her mom. It was a fight and a struggle, but the mom persisted and the daughter came around and now the relationship is good. Sounded like 2 or 3 years of pretty intense effort.


Hopefully this is the video.

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After mainly homeschool and Christian school, we allowed our older kids to go to public school. It provided the opportunity to discuss what they were encountering while they were still home...family dinner is critical as are longer times away like camping or laid back vacations. If they go away to college and encounter the crazy ideas for the first time from respected profs, there is no family dinner conversation to provide balanced perspective.

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You know that's the exact same argument that was made against home schooling in general, that kids require being in school for social acclimation. It was nonsense then and it's nonsense now. We can (and do) discuss all the garbage out there without throwing them into the middle of it. It's not like this stuff is a secret.

Yes college is an adjustment. I made clear to my kids I would only pay for a hard science type college education (they are both bright and technically inclined) and insisted they live at home for the first year to adjust. They are free to ignore those requirements but if doing so then they will have to pay for their own education. Period. If they choose to abide by those rules, conduct themselves as Christian men, and apply themselves then I will pay fully and they can live at our house rent free (if so inclined) until they graduate.

This idea that kids are entitled to go off to distant college to "find themselves" (and we as parents are expected to foot the bill) is why so many kids go off the rails. And we as parents are fully within our rights to set clear expectations if they expect us to pay for it. My kids have known this since they were in elementary school so it was no surprise and they have no problem with it.

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That is a good point. The parent involvement and direction is so key.

My younger daughter and son-in-law homeschooled in Jacksonville. Have 5 awesome children. Then they move to rural Ohio. The older 2 were high school age, the middle one in middle school, the β€˜littlest’ in Elementary. And they loved the socialization of the schools there. It was just a treat for them. And the school district was over the moon to get these beautiful bright emotionally stable kids to push their standardized tests scores up.

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Given what I know now, I'd never send a kid to public school. However, I've seen some videos of older kids in public schools who know their 'teachers' are bat S crazy. And so, this kind of craziness may totally backfire for all its off the rail insanity.

In a Double However, my chief concern would be a real education. Home schooling and/or home schooling cooperatives ... and some private schools could possibly yield a superior eduction such as would be equal to two or three years or more of present day college/university level 'teaching'. And imagine the accelerated progress if a kid could find a school which would allow the taking of graduate level courses in undergraduate years.

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Not one size fits all. The key is to be very involved, even if from a mostly stealth position. You are responsible. May involve a little pain for temporarily removing their β€˜toys and social media’. You are boss and have the power to direct them.

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My children are grown, so it's my grandchildren I have to be concerned about. My now 16 year old granddaughter was talking about these issues two years ago. I'm a 71 year old who knows what's going on in the culture, which is one of the main reasons I wanted to teach. Thanks for the encouragement!

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πŸ’― God bless you!

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Thank you Jeff C. Your words have given me even more reason to fight for us struggling through homeschool or pay for priv. I was outright convinced because I know how easy minds are swayed if even my adult mind can be slowly brainwashed. But they way you put it β€” vacay or car and our accountability is even more fuel! Much thanks πŸ’•

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We have homeschool our 3 kids for 3 years…ages 16,15, 10. It’s not always easy but I wouldn’t trade it. Thankfully in Texas there is a huge homeschool community so they have all made friends and have sports and Choir.

It helps to have community to support with home schooling.

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There definitely is a huge growing homeschool body with CRT and LGBT stuff going on. Esp in places where public school is so bad like CA.

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We homeschool our teenage grandsons. Best thing we ever said yes to after the parents asked us! They both graduated from our church’s middle school, and we are doing high school with them. They have a great core group of Christian friends that they have gone to school/church with since 1st grade. They are ingredible boys and believers.πŸ’—

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As an excuse…you are right.

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This is one of the best Biblical responses to this madness that I've heard.

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Pastor Gary Hamrick is wonderful. I frequently listen to his sermons/teaching and he is doing what God has divinely placed him to do in this world and he’s doing it with courage, grace and complete fidelity to God’s Word.

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Another fantastic and fearless Calvary Chapel pastor! As someone who has attended CC for the better part of thirty years I am so thankful God has used it for such solid biblical teaching. Most of these guys learned under Pastor Chuck Smith (from the "Jesus Revolution" movie) and he taught them well. All glory to God!

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I'm beginning to wonder if the Calvary Chapel churches are the only ones willing to speak to the issues we face. I've begun listening to Jack Hibbs, Skip Heitzig and now will add Jack Hamrick to the list.

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No, I attend a Presbyterian (PCA) church in the Midwest and our pastor faithfully preaches the Truth found only in God’s Word and connects what’s going on in the world now with what God’s Word tells us. I believe John MacArthur is also a strong preacher/teacher/pastor and never minces the Truth. But as we know, there will only be a remnant of the Church when Jesus comes to take us to where He is. (The rapture)

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Wow! I've begun listening and already, at 4 minutes in, I can tell this is going to be good! Update: a few more minutes in and I am crying. This is what we need to be hearing in our churches!

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Thanks, Erin! We NEED pastors to speak the truth. To preach from the Word. To help arm us Christians in this MAD world! We cannot ignore what is in our faces 24x7 out in the world. It MUST be addressed and Pastor Gary Hamrick's message is fantastic!

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I saw this and also thought that this was the absolute best Biblical response to what is happening in our world!

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We watch Pastor Gary online every week and love his messages!!! Truth! Biblically based! And spot on every single time. Thanks for sharing it here!!!

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Absolutely wonderful!

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I just listened. Very good! Thanks for sharing!

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Thank you for sharing that. He spoke very well. I was so disturbed to hear the entire disgusting spectacle at the Dodger stadium. Wow. Trying to unhear it. Lord God have mercy. πŸ™

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Thanks, Erin, I was not aware of Pastor Hamrick and this is terrific and much needed today.

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Maybe instead of talking specifically about the LGBT agenda, give a lesson more generally about Cultural Marxism and describe their goal and what their movement has to gain from the destruction of the family? It's not just division via LGBTQ - they use race, men vs women, covid, climate change, and probably more I can't even think of. They've been "coming for our children" for decades.

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Thank you, Anne, for teaching truth from scripture and using examples of what is happening around our children and grandchildren at this exact moment. If not, we’re just β€œtelling stories of old” and there will be no connection made to what the Bible is saying and how it is being lived out in our present time! Now you know exactly who needs extra prayers. I’ll be praying for you to stay strong and β€œArmor up” because the darts will be coming. Thank you for stepping up.

β€œDo not participate in the useless deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them.” Ephesians 5:11

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I love that verse! I've applied it also to pointing out the covid/vaccine lies. I know I am alienating people, but I don't care.

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Satan is hard at work to destroy God’s creation. Speak truth lovingly into this madness. Love does not validate the delusion. Onward!

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The Bible does talk about debauchery, sexual perversions and sin so don’t ever let someone tell you that you shouldn’t talk about that. It was an abomination to God then as it is today. There’s nothing new under the sun. Stand firm on the truth of God’s Word and you can never go wrong. Its tolerance and acceptance to these rebellious and sick sexual sins that is fueling it today.

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You are right. Letting this pass, letting it get taught school is an assault on the family institution. It's simple divide and conquer. It's fathers against sons, daughters against mothers and so on. It is the destruction of the organization of society, as

a sort of sexualized Build Back Better flim-flam fraudulent scheme . Those preachers and politicians who aid and abet this unholy crusade are as evil as the perverse front line perps. And let it be said that to remain silent is a great evil. To be silent is to be seen to agree.

I find the children changing their identity week to week faddish to be wholly sinister. What is really being taught in acceptance under the pretense of pretend is that there are no anchors in the social/political order. The instruction to the young is that the new norm is a forever shifting quaking bog. No firm right and wrong, no firm good or evil. In the West Evil is the new celebrated Satanic God.

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I was doing a search yesterday pertaining to the endocrine system and the effect of prescription hormones on young people. What I found was a Q & A on Quora. It was post after post of information, personal experiences & advice for newbies on using & getting these hormones. This particular page was centered on Estrogen. Posting were a few scattered medical pros, but mainly, they were by β€œtrans” men some were rhapsodizing on the feelings of becoming feminine. Several were glibly endorsing experimentation. One particularly dismaying post was one explaining how it would help an 8 year-old (or younger) to start young so to more easily navigate their transition.

Several questions asked about trying it out, just to see what it’s like, or just wanting to not be depressed, angry, frustrated, annoyed & everything else hitting normal young men with hormones a-raging. Using estrogen and testosterone suppressants were the enthusiastically encouraged answer for it all β€” and links to easy procurement were handily provided.

Then it dawned on me: Among young people now, self medicating by taking hormones is quickly becoming a universal panacea. A readily available, crowned with praise, couched in virtue and professional legitimacy, cure-all for every difficulty puberty and adolescence throws at every kid ever born.

The guardians at the gate have been lured away or have joined in the pillage. The fires are being set faster than we can put them out and the winds are picking up.

Folks, this is the new drug of choice. Heads up. …Good Dad’s β€” see every kid as YOUR kid. Teach them how to navigate their new young challenges. PRAY!

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I like this from Turkiye: Common sense from an Islamic country. πŸ‘

"Our national future depends on keeping the institution of family alive with our national and moral values,” Gul wrote on Twitter, vowing not to allow β€œany activity that will weaken the institution of family.”

β€œThe 113 people who participated with the goal of spreading [LGBTQ] propaganda have been detained,” the governor added.

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I saw this too. No fooling around. C & C said it well that there were once laws against obscenity, public lewdness, public exposure, public intoxication ... and for good reason.

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Angela, I deleted and moved my post to DaverKB just above, but it’s a response to you as well. Thanks for your great post! I recall seeing that & thinking the same thing. God Bless

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PLEASE don't stop teaching. You may be the only thing keeping Satan out of their lives.

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Truth tellers must NEVER stop teaching β€” or conversing. Each one teach one. We all must teach (not preach). Ask good questions. Often, those questions will start people thinking.

Changing the contagion will not happen quickly, so be patient. But please β€” everyone β€” keep trying. It takes a while to break through mass hysteria. YOU might be the person who adds just enough rope in this tug of war to swing the pendulum back to sanity.

Here are two good films to inspire you.

* Video (animated) Β https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09maaUaRT4M

* Video: After School Special: The Wave (1983):Β https://youtu.be/4qlBC45jk3IΒ - how the German people were moved to embrace Naziism

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It’s so incredibly hard! I try warning ppl about the jab and I’ve gotten so used to that crazy look. I hate it for them and pray for them every night.

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Christy, at first it may not appear to relate, but a very well written red pill post on one subject, can expose their entire agenda. In my comment on this post, I linked those. Please consider. https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/really-bad-optics-monday-june-26/comment/17766503

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Thank you David, I’ll go read them now!

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You are much better versed in the Bible than I am, I'm sure, Anne, but didn't God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for similar depravity? This age may have a different name for it, but it stems from the same impulses as then, yes? So, I think -- FWIW -- that your comments are absolutely pertinent and have a Biblical reference. Rebecca's post above referencing 2 Peter 13:19 is absolutely spot on.

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Anne, this subversion is NOT only in public schools, that's a false sense of security. It started at Georgetown Prep, our newest SCOTUS Justice was involved, actually, and it was then rolled out to other NAIS private schools, and some Catholic schools too. And remember, being online, they can groom every child.

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I agree with you! I also teach Sunday school, as I have for the past 40yrs plus. I've seen and heard it all. God's Word must remain foremost and with that said, it also means we apply today's life to what Scripture tells us. I try hard to bring aspects of our lives into my teaching of the Bible; the pedestrian angle. It can be challenging but I find that brutal honesty and faithfulness to God's word transcends my abilty. The Holy Spirit speaks over me. He does the same for you too! Thankful to hear there are faithful teachers! Keep it going!

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Keep teaching the truth. Especially to the ones who oppose it.

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πŸ—¨ They will be paid back with harm for the harm they have done. Their idea of pleasure is to carouse in broad daylight. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their pleasures while they feast with you. With eyes full of adultery, they never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in greedβ€”an accursed brood! They have left the straight way and wandered off to follow the way of Balaam son of Bezer, who loved the wages of wickedness. But he was rebuked for his wrongdoing by a donkeyβ€”an animal without speechβ€”who spoke with a human voice and restrained the prophet’s madness.

πŸ—¨ These people are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them. For they mouth empty, boastful words and, by appealing to the lustful desires of the flesh, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error. They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravityβ€”for β€œpeople are slaves to whatever has mastered them.”

~~2 Peter 2:13-19

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This says it all:

β€œThey promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravityβ€”for β€œpeople are slaves to whatever has mastered them.””

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πŸ—¨ liberation that leaves you on a caged island, chained to your appetites with a credit card and an online ordering form.

Same vivid picture, another angle πŸ™‚

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…And applause, apparently.

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Very true Rebecca. My first thought on seeing those images was…we’re seeing real-time Sodom and Gomorrah in our midst. When I first read that story so long ago it was hard to envision what that scene might have looked like….now I know exactly what it looked like.

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Seeing those images makes me wonder how long the Good Lord will allow this depravity.

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Good point.

It is still often shocking and stunning to realize that we are indeed living in exactly that. And in Romans 1. It is all conundrum true right in front of us. It is no longer theoretical or relegated to studies of ancient Rome. It is right here and right now.

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Yes, Freebird, a year or more ago I said to my hubby, Sodom and Gomorrah. And it's much worse now.

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They want to normalize sexual depravity to children, with all the money of George Soros to push all this. I don't believe for one moment that there aren't many perverts and sell outs who are getting checks to do all sorts of things in this country we never thought we would see or hear.

Once the conscience, concepts of ethical and moral integrity, and of sin, have been washed away in our people, getting paid and taking money to sell your soul is easy.

Look at all the actors and actresses having to do sex scenes today. Umm.. do they even realize that they are sinning?

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We saw this depravity in many cities back in the late 70’s & It’s been going on ever since. Only then they were called β€œGay Pride” parades. With the rise of trans, they had to cut the name. Inclusivity, you know.

Now, it’s plastered everywhere though, and they’re trying to show it celebrated broadly. It’s more in your face β€” but it’s especially more in the children’s faces.

Their parents and teachers grew up with this stuff in the background of their consciousness. Now it’s at the forefront of ours. It’s been happening and growing for a long time.

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I was glad I was seeing them on my phone so the detail wasn’t as obvious!

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I am surrounded by these same parents, mostly dems but sick rinos too, who support this. They are awful people, the women especially. The only good they provide is as examples to my son and daughter who not to get involved with and how degenerate they really are. As I say "These are not horses you want to hook your wagon of life up to."

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I spared myself and let my imagination fill in. I’m sure it is worse in reality.

So while the West is losing its collective mind the β€œunderdeveloped”, β€œoppressive” nations see it for what it is and have the sense to put an end to it. It’s clear that the further you stray from humility the closer to Satan you get. I can NOT accept this. I WILL NOT accept this. Keep your loved ones close, protect them from the insanity in any way you can. I consider all of you Substack readers (those who are on team freedom) my reprieve…so thank you, I would be wearing a straight jacket if it were not for you.πŸ™β€οΈ

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And who thought I would start admiring Islamic countries like Turkiye for not allowing pride parades.

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AMEN!! May it ever be so!!

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I skipped the videos. Jeff took one for the group and did some sourcing, described the atrocities within so you don’t need to.

Guard your eyes, don’t be suckered in by curiosity.

Psalm 119:37 Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things; and give me life in your ways.

Proverbs 4:25-27 Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.

Psalm 101:3 I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless.

Matt 6:22 β€œThe eye is the lamp of the body.”

1 Cor 6:18 Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.

Once you’ve seen one demonic display you’ve seen all.

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Thank you!

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It’s expected INDIVIDUALS will commit shameful acts and they typically keep it to themselves or within the group they share it with.

We are doomed when government and society COLLECTIVELY, openly promotes and celebrates shameful acts. (In my opinion).

Just within our lifetime a massive shift in PUBLIC morality has occurred.

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Yes πŸ’― to your last sentence.

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2 Peter: Nothing new under the sun, right? I hope the "media" broadcasts this continuously far and wide. The more they push it, the sooner conservative America will push back.

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Plus they are just gross. As a woman who appreciates naked men, this was a spectacle non parieil. These men are the bottom of the ashtray after a party in the 60's.

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Yes we are living in a time when God will give them over to their shameful lusts, give them over to sinful desires of their hearts for sexual impurity, give them over to a deprived mind. GIVE THEM OVER. The Word speaks about this and more in Romans 1 with regard to a culture of sexual immorality. We must renew our own thinking by staying in the Word and being wise about what is going on in the world without being infected by the satanic worldview.

As for our children, we must protect their moral innocence. There are private schools that have moral innocence as a pillar in their educational philosophy. Send your kids there. It’s inexcusable that a church would not enforce moral innocence in its Sunday schools for everyone.

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I would rather look at RFK Jr.'s photo of him shirtless.

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I would suggest everyone read "return of the gods". Good book that explains that when we take God out of school, government, family, and society He will be replaced by another god. Like the return of baal, who did not die, but was replaced by Christianity.

Very interesting read.

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