May 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I worked as a covid ICU nurse and instead of patients getting turned and having their mouths cleaned every 2hrs like we usually do with intubated patients to help prevent infections. Nurses were told to leave them alone to help prevent the nurses from getting covid. A lot of nurses didn’t want to grown up and getting help to move patients was so hard. The patient would be just be left in the same spot for hours. No family was around to see the conditions these people were in. I was taking ivermectin and not afraid of covid and I would work so hard to get people better. I often times would care for a patient for 4-6 days in a row and the patient would be improving. I’d come back to work and they would be dead. It felt like I was working in the nazi gas chambers.

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One of the things I will NEVER get over is not being able to go into the hospital to see my spouse in 2021, who thankfully did not go on a ventilator and consequently lived to tell the tale. It terrorized me like nothing I've ever experienced. I felt so helpless and was scared they would call at any moment to tell me spouse was headed to ICU. This was 2 years after watching my Dad die in an ICU. It was one of the most cruel, awful episodes of my life. My spouse went to the hospital in an ambulance, with a pulse-ox in the 80s, unable to even express what was going on. How on earth could spouse not have an advocate present in the hospital? I'm a single issue voter from here on out and will NEVER support any candidate who did this to us. And honestly I have a hard time forgiving Donald Trump who teed it all up.

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For me, the worst part about Trumps involvement in this was that even when he realized the course he took was the wrong one (sometime in June/July), he continued it based on the advice of a youngster (Jared K). Supposedly, Jared thought it would hurt his reelection chances. So you have two sins there - listening to someone without sufficient wisdom and experience and no expertise in epidemics (although he is plenty smart), and basing your decision on politics instead of evidence. And he put Pence, a vacuous, shallow, cliche machine, in charge of the COVID task force.

Trump totally effed the management of the COVID scamdemic.

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I like your description of Pence--right on target.

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And he plans to run for President. 🤷‍♀️🤣🤣🤣

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Yes he’s a joke as a candidate especially 🙄

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Neil kellen - I read an interesting Brownstone recently that as Trump moved more toward opening the country spring/summer 2020 the cia stepped in to give him an “important briefing” on just how dangerous this virus was. He bought it hook, line & sinker - & was sufficiently terrified & willing to listen Birx et al.

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Trump was supposed to have a very discerning eye to be able to see through such bullshit.

A briefing from the CIA on a medical epidemic? To me, that almost seems like an admission that it is a bioweapon that was intentionally released.

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Yes, we all need to come to terms with the fact that Trump got rolled hard. For all of his many gifts (and he has them and I am thankful for them), he really was no match for the machinations of the Deep State.

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He was screwed if he did or screwed if he didn't....the DS knew this just like they knew Jan 6th!

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The deep state is much deeper than we can imagine we’re starting to see all the evil come out now.

Trump was mislead by so many evil ones!

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And you would have figured who all the internal enemies aligned against President Trump?

No, I don't think so.

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Playing devil's advocate here:

I am sure they all knew it was a bioweapon and therefore, one can understand the uncertainty and subsequent urgent concern.

No one knew what to expect.

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Yet, that's his primary selling point: taking on/demolishing the Deep State.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

Basically the CIA is in control of everything and has been for a long, long time. While Trump knew about the Deep State and was willing to take them on, I don’t think even he was aware of how deeply entrenched they are throughout the entire government and how massive their reach is. They have thousands upon thousands of agents. In addition, as soon as he was inaugurated they started attacking and destroying his cabinet starting with General Flynn and going after one person after another. The Russian collusion narrative started and he was constantly swimming against the current. He didn’t handle the Covid situation well but he is a businessman with no political experience prior to his presidency and certainly not well versed in medical issues. Besides the majority of healthcare professionals went along with the plandemic and the majority of Republicans did as well, including Ron DeSantis. He made mistakes; he had some people he trusted that he shouldn’t have. But he’s not perfect and the alternative would have been Hil-liar-y aka Killary! We would be much further down the path of destruction and insignificance as a nation if her cheating had been broad enough in the 2016 election which is why they took no chances in rigging the 2020 election. I’m waiting to see how the field plays out before making any proclamations of who I’m voting for. At the rate we’re going now, there won’t be a country left in 2024 and I’m praying for Jesus to come quickly for His church at anytime now.

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These conversations could be a mute point if Dem opponents can’t figure out how to stop election fraud before 2024. Is the plan for this flood of illegals to inflate the census in key areas, that then translates into more Democrats in Congress?

I want to hear the Trump or DeSantis’s plan for managing the deep state, if elected. RFK has my ear, also.

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I wouldn't change who was the President when COVID was released. and agree with much of what you state.

As a leader you are frequently faced with situations that are beyond your expertise. You handle that by inviting many opinions to be voiced and challenging them with questions requiring fact based answers, not emotion, supposition, or fear. In addition to the CIA, he should have brought in dissenting voices from the medical and social disciplines in order to gather enough information to make as good a decision as possible. He didn't do that until it was too late.

In addition, an immutable rule of pandemics is that you first help those who are most vulnerable, then you develop policies based on vulnerabilities based on sub-populations. You DO NOT treat everyone the same. I don't know why this wasn't done, but if Trump were a better leader that would have been done. If he would have picked someone other than Pence to be in charge of the COVID task force (he certainly didn't lead it) it probably would have been done.

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The Russia Collusion Hoax didn't start after 45 took office. It was already a full blown international operation in 2015.

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Problem is: He’s not aware of his own demons.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 16, 2023

I guess in order to "drain the swamp", it must be recognized as such once encountered.

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"Trump said his decision to have “turned off” the economy saved millions of lives, later even claiming to have saved billions. He has yet to admit error."

Is it in Donald Trumps character to admit error? He still calls his jabs beautiful vaccines with his typical style.

If he can't admit that people were not saved by policies coming from his administration, from him, what would be the inclination of a voter to vote for him who is aware of the total disaster the public health response was.

I can't go down that road to vote for someone who is not honest with himself or the American people.

Make America Great Again is about honesty and integrity, not politics as usual. If it dose turn out to be a Biden vs Trump, it better be an honest Trump otherwise I see real shit hitting the fan.

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Maybe the CIA confessed that to him; releasing any such info would have added to panic so.... lesser of 2 evils??

I hope one day Trump will write a book - a tell ALL.

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I have the t-shirt with the Trump quote "They're not after me, they're after you. I'm just in the way."

This doesn't make him sound like he was at all "in the way"

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He also rightly said, and has been mocked by the left for it, that it was like the flu and that he predicted it would disappear soon.

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But he didn’t act accordingly.

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President Trump was surrounded by enemies and the ChiCom virus was an all-out assault. Even after he beat the ChiCom virus himself, they told him to take a jab.

Just venomous traitors revealed day in and day out.

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Can you re-find the link to save the rest of us time? I'd like to read it.

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I totally agree that Trump could have done MUCH BETTER in the covid response. But to be fair, every time he tried to explain about what he was being briefed on (meds to disinfect the body) He was just mocked. Trump is NO doctor or health nut, so he was just being given info he couldn't possibly explain well enough to make much sense. He should have NEVER agreed to close down at all!!!

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

I could possibly overlook or forgive this if Trump would admit his error but just like Biden, he never admits when he's wrong. Why won't politicians admit when they are wrong and why won't they change their policy based on getting new info or finding out the current policy direction isn't working? This stubbornness and arrogance are so annoying and dangerous to our freedoms and our country.

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Admission of being wrong, means the DNC Media will tout it every second of every day with "analysis" of the wrong and how wrong it was up to election day in November 2024.

If you haven't figured this out yesterday, start all over.

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DNC Media mean nothing to many people nowadays. Whatever they say, it's the opposite. Whatever they accuse others of, is what the Democrats are doing.

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Yes. We have to stop twisting ourselves into pretzels based on what the liberal junk media might do. They are predictable and nasty and not trusted anymore. We just have to buckle down and focus on who we are and do our thing. Let them rage in a vacuum.

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he should scapegoat Pence and the rest of the WHO/NIHIH/all the deep throat staters who ran with it and short cut the FDA protocols and then pushed for the jabbing of ALL of America and the planet regardless of CoVid's potential threat based on age and condition; and he needs to rip the Biden maladministration who enacted MANDATES to inflict everyone for maximum profiteering and transfer of taxpayer $$$ to Pharma and needlessly endangering our young men and children

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I agree. Trump totally botched the covid response and supporters seem to forget it. Flatten the curve and two weeks to slow the spread started under TRUMP. Then he called himself the father of the vaccine and couldn’t back away from vax support. I believe that played into his ego, though.

Secondly, I cringe when I hear medical freedom. I think it minimizes all our freedoms. We are granted freedom in our bill of rights. The government tried to remove our freedom and each of the unAmerican talking heads in the twitter video should be tried for civil rights violations. Lock them up.

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I'm certainly willing to give Trump some slack on the initial mistakes, the lies were everywhere and it took a while to sort things out.

What is really concerning is that he has never admitted he screwed up. I get it as he views this as a weakness his foes will exploit and he never admits he made a mistake for anything. However, without that we have no reason to know if he really learned from the first term and will do anything different. All we hear is that he was surrounded by snakes (snakes that he appointed or promoted) as if they somehow showed up by magic. It's not reassuring.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

I actually wonder if he will make some sort of admission on the campaign trail. Something like “I trusted the medical

professionals, public health team, and the CIA, I was duped just as you were and it won’t happen again. I have my guard up!”

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Maybe I can interject this here as somehow, in my lost-logic, it seems applicable:


Ruminate on....

Later Jay

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It would be a wrong political move. Atleast this is one thing the vaxx loving demoncrats can't hit him about.

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I thought the great thing about Trump was “he’s not a politician.”

So he cares more about how he looks than doing the right thing?

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at this point what President Trump can say is he wouldn't mandate the jab.

at least i don't know his position on mandating the jab....

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The Bill of Rights recognized our God given freedoms and placed limits on the government on infringing upon them. Governments cannot grant natural rights, they can only infringe upon them.

There is a difference between natural rights and civil rights. Natural rights, as recognized in the Bill of Rights, are ours by birthright. Civil rights, on the other hand, exist because of the formation of societies and the agreement of people in them to allow government to manage those civil rights; voting is an example.

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Natural rights are universal and theistic, orderly, benevolent and proper whereas a Darwinian Atheistic view of "naturalistic" rights is amoral, brutal and subjective, exploitative, and enslaving.

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That's a differentiation I have never come across before.

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And how ironic that Javanka want nothing to do with Trump politics now.

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Perhaps Trump finally woke up and realized that he listened to incompetents (corrupt or not). He really needs to acknowledge his mistakes and proclaim that this will never happen again or he very well may not win the nomination.

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Presdient Trump did not "finally" wake but brought on Scott Atlas. It was a war and they intended to ensure 45 was a political casualty and American freedoms would be put on life support and perish.

Folks really slow to "wake up."

Scott Atlas detailed it:


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Don't hold your breath.

Later Jay

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On Trump's last day as POTUS, he awarded Mark Milley, Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, etc w medals for their work on Operation Clot Shot. https://twitter.com/jordanschachtel/status/1657777860528963584?s=46&t=d4di1lQ9Ll9HR6E2WWx6uw

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I didn't know that. Awful judgement...

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Woa. Yikes.

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Yeah. Says enough.

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He was definitely surrounded with pepfar peeps and medical junta from far and wide…rather telling that pence and scarf lady were teammates on the predicted panic that ensued.

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Jared a WEF puppet.

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Not getting this Javanka reference and although not a fan, it's pretty weird because the medical controls were in the hands of jerks like Mengele Fauci and Scarf Lady Birx. These people deserve a Nuremberg II trial.

Heard about the abuse with vents from someone local and was shocked at the claims people were being purposely abused for the government money leading to death. It was simply unfathomable but it was happening across the country.

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May I add:

The average weight of a guillotine blade is 88lbs and is a height of ~14feet, Just saying, -for future reference and it's a proven concept and effectively utilized before. Viva la France, right?

Later Jay

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Lots have been looking into Wood Chippers lately.

The industrial models are really efficient.

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The horror. And to think that the contraption was originally built by a doctor who wished to devise a compassionate means to end life. I can’t recall the source of that info.

Amazingly enough, the late 19th Century author Charles Dickens brings the horror to life in a most readable and compelling manner, in a Tale of Two Cities. As a student in public education in the 60s-70s in a tiny rural town, I was not educated in the classics, to which there are many references in the novel. I found an online resource dedicated to explaining the references in the book, I think via Stanford, prior to 2020 (the year I consider to be the turning point in the cultural-political cold civil war).

No thanks, not up for the horror. I still think exile and the forfeiture of all material possessions and citizenship is the best punishment for this type of crime. Force the perpetrators to start over in a less friendly environment. The country to which exile is forced should be up to the court, if they still exist when he tide turns.

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unless they have selected Trump and rig the election again, he will never get elected because of his handling of Covid. He basically is running to pay his legal fees.

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Or he’s running because he’s been selected to run. That’s what it’s feeling like.

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Way before COVID, I was present for three hospital admissions for family members, in each of which I noted urgent medical errors and was able to alert staff to intervene. (I'm a physician.) Hospitalized patients need bedside advocates as much as possible.

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Could not agree more. Hospitals are one of the unsafest places to be. What took place during covid was a disgrace, but sadly hospitals appear to have learned nothing.

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Totally agree.

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I’m so sorry you and so many other families went through this.

Even on the best day, a family member admitted to the hospital needs a family advocate present for their love one who is sick in the hospital… so this just opened up the possibility of gross incompetence when these patients were left alone.

My father was admitted to the hospital during this time without my mother by his side- which is a disaster because my father can’t hear anything… my mother is basically his full time interpreter.

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These days you should also take another person to regular doctor appointments.

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My ex almost died after an operation years ago. If I hadn't been able to be present in the ICU to question his treatment and been told by a family member in the medical field that there was a hospital advocate and I should reach out to them, I think his outcome would have been quite different. But even that protocol was removed during Covid. I feel blessed to have learned this lesson year before and was skeptical from the beginning.

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The need for patients to have an advocate present at all times while hospitalized far proceeds covid. By decades.

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I can only imagine how your Mother and Father felt. I feel the frustration and fear from reading your post. I’m sure it doesn’t compare to reality

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My husband was killed in a Florida hospital... we trusted them to help him but the tortured and killed him instead all for MONEY!

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I’m so sorry for your loss.

You know something very bad and dark has transpired when the people who are supposed to help you and heal you… are harming you with mandated protocols and the exclusion of certain drugs that could help.

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they were only "following orders"

and "science" and protocols, and advisement by Pharma and their Insurance underwriters' Legal divisions. A perfect recipe for shielding Guilt while committing crimes against humanity along with playing dumb about the origin of the pathogen and demonizing alternative treatments

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I’m so sorry to hear this! So many people died needlessly. I do pray justice on earth will happen but if not I do know true Justice will happen! 💕

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I'm so sorry.

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Thank you! One day at a time! I’m my husbands voice in the fight for Justice..

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I am so sorry for your loss. 🙏

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Im so sorry you both had to endure this horrible treatment.

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Thank you

Justice is coming I promise you that!

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Bring 'em to their knees. NO mercy!

Later Jay

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Same scenario for my father in 2021. Two weeks without my mother. I truly don’t know how he survived. Came home much thinner, weaker, and with a bed sore on his privates.

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Devastating. I'm so sorry.

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I just listened to Joseph Mercola's May 7 podcast interview about how to make the hospital respect your wishes. There were some great resources referenced.

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The same thing happened to my spouse, AM.

He was in the ICU, and refused the ventilator. I was barred from the hospital and even my priest was refused entry. My husband survived, thanks be to God, but I will never forget the horror of not being allowed to be his advocate.

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Please see what I wrote above. I am a former NICU nurse(did not work in a hospital at all during the pandemic).Hospitals are ordinarily very sensitive to the public's perception of their institution. From what I can see bribery money certainly changed that. They seem to be of the believe that it all can be swept under the rug ,and it will be if people do not document what happened and remind hospitals ,doctors, nurses, pharmacists and elected officials what they did and it will not be forgotten.You hold the power by sharing all the horrific practices they engaged in.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

Wow. That is horrifying. Yet another First Amendment right flushed down the toilet (as if the illness and terror wasn’t bad enough).

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After that kind of treatment, to then see the TikTok nurse videos... I'm surprised we haven't had a movement against the medical industry.

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We are having one. It's just quiet. People are quietly not going to hospitals or doctors anymore. But I know what you mean. Seems it would be more overt and obvious.

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We do have cases in the works and a lot more coming!

We are trying to get funding for a class action lawsuit against Gilead the makers of Remdesivir

We are going to take pharma down for what they did!!!


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This is evil. Utter evil.

I am angry at the health care professionals who did this but also just furious at the public for SUPPORTING this!

I can’t get over my anger over any of this.

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Know that God will judge accordingly. Not one of them will escape from HIS justice!!!

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Yep same with me! My husband was murdered in that hospital

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We have cases in the works and a lot more coming!

Right now we are trying to help the attorneys and get funding for a class action lawsuit against Gilead the makers of Remdesivir

We are going to take pharma down for what they did!!!


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My husband had a certain brain surgery in October 2020 in Jackson Memorial Miami (because of the excellent surgeon)..No family was allowed. I was panicked. The nurses were giving me conflicting information. The poor man couldnt bring a fork to his mouth and they would just leave the tray there. I couldnt even get a private nurse because that wouldnt be allowed. Just an all around horrible experience. I firmly believe that it was the many prayers of others who got him through this nightmare of complications and conflicting information and misinformation.

I realize that some people do not have family and my heart breaks for them, but to actually have an advocate family member and not be allowed their presence to nurse, to help, to advocate, was beyond belief.

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I mean can you even believe this?????? If we hadn’t lived it ourselves it would be hard to believe.

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If I hadn't read the same type of story so many places, it would be hard to believe. It is 180 degrees the opposite of what hospital care has been before.

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I have same problem but I will vote anti Biden. I don’t know what to think of trump. When he cut funds to WHO he directed funds to GAVI an EU affiliate of Gates foundation. Gates funded WHO. Did he not know who gates was? Why would he do that? Why is the US sending funds to EU? What happened to MAGA? All in it together.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

He was played. I don't see how anyone can guarantee he wouldn't get played again, especially when he doesn't seem to have any regrets or pivots from how things were handled. And GAVI is literally Bill Gates. But agree, would NEVER vote for Biden or anyone connected to him. Can't forget how, on the campaign trail, he promised to not do mandates. Then he did a complete about-face. What a POS.

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That's what boggles my mind. His supporters can't see he was either played or in on it. If he was played how on earth can someone think he's going to take down the deep state if he couldn't deal with Fraudcci etc al? Furthermore, I'd be shocked if folks like RFK didn't give him an earful about the medical cartel...

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He was fully informed by those few in the medical community who saw what was happening. He met with them. It wasn’t like he was clueless about the fact that were alternative opinions and options available. That the jabs were not necessary... He had the information from both camps!

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I agree. I just dont know why it is so painstakingly difficult for his supporters to see this. Sigh.

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The Qanon psy-op is very successful.

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Shh. I'm trusting the plan.🤣

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"Trusty the Plan" as Hilary is circling GITMO right now and Huma is wearing an ankle bracelet under house arrest awaiting space for her admission.

The military tribunals will take place soon.

Let me tell you there are people still touting the Qtard grift. Too many and most are on Rumble now. 🐸

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He knows. They are know.

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All in it together. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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My theory

Trump rode on the Lolita express- that’s what I think happened. I think trump was blackmailed by the CIA and Gates…

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Definitely plausible.

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I had not heard or thought about that before. I rather doubt it, but at this point I could believe anything except the Q-Anon idiots.

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Document what happened. Write letters to All your elected officials and the hospital and doctors involved. Oh and the nursing administration too.Everyone who experienced this needs to do this.It is easy for them to pretend it never happened .They will try and say that no one complained.They must be be reminded. that real people were harmed by their cruel and bullying policies. In my Republican super majority state of TN the legislature was not able to pass a &*%$# bill that would guarantee the right to have an advocate (Family or friend etc) when hospitalized. Clearly there is a money trail to be followed there.....Check and see if they have put the Patient Bill of Rights back up on the hospital's website.If not make them answer why. Hold them accountable.If they reply with some sanctimonious word salad push back.Make sure you share in your community how she is treated. Most people are not aware of what happened in hospitals and they need to be.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

Completely agree. That is one of my biggest worries as the pandemic fades in the rear view mirror - that people will forget. Governor DeSantis signed a similar bill here in Florida which is yet another reason I’d run through a brick wall for him. But I do need to document this somehow.

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Would be cool to have an event and provide spaces for people to share what their experiences were by writing down or talking and recording.Also to mock them by something like what did you think were the top 3 stupid "covid rules" and have people share(like for ex mask on if you were standing but off to sit or was it the other way around).I think something like that might be a way to wake up some people who just accepted stuff without thinking about the utter absurdity of the "rules".

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I would love this and have plenty of testimony to offer lol. One instance was when my spouse forgot their mask to walk 3 feet to a table just inside a restaurant door. Spouse had to walk a couple blocks back to the car to get the stupid mask, walk 3 feet to a table, only to sit down and take it off again. 🤦‍♀️. Like how did we ever do such stupid stuff.

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It’s beyond ridiculous!!

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Maybe a journalist like Sharyl Attkisson could do a story about these experiences.

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Alabama passed a law ensuring at least 1 person be allowed to stay with a hospitalized patient. Many people didn’t know this; others who did & demanded to stay were lied to telling them that covid basically nullified that law. Actually Covid was the reason that law was passed.

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Thank you for sharing, I did not know this.

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I hope you will also keep in mind the hospital admin, doctors, nurses, physios and aides from many departments who were witnessing and participating in the killing of so many people. We must never forget what they did, never.

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I have complete and utter sympathy for all and everyone who had to endure this horror show. The death of my cousin is part of that horror show by being subjected to absolute control for over a month using Remdesivir (2 courses) and then the death vent. He didn’t get the jab. My cousin’s wife had no say in the matter and was prevented from seeing her husband. She didn’t get the jab. My brother-in-law died (not from the bioweapon) during the lockdown, had limited assistance from hospice nurses and was given last rites OVER THE PHONE and buried without friends and relatives being able to pay their respects. I’ve seen good friends afflicted with turbo cancers and other serious ailments with seemingly no hope for remedies or cures. But I must ask all those who seem to think Trump was responsible for all of it; what do you think he should have done? Whom do you think he should have consulted to get answers? Do you think he didn’t consult those who were theoretically the experts? He was given propaganda by Fauci and all the 3-letter agencies who were the only logical experts. Would Clinton, Bush or Obama have done anything differently? I’ve said this before. There are articles that say Trump actually did more good by fasttracking the “vaccine” and in doing so prevented a very long lockdown which would have caused MORE deaths than the bioweapon. Remember “two weeks to flatten the curve.” Yes, people died from the shots and men and women fight in wars and come home in caskets. Flu kills thousands every year. Who will you blame?

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You are right!

Are you aware of the Remdesivir class action lawsuit that is about to be filled?

Here’s the link


And if the family is not connect this law firm will add you in and they are not asking any of us for money to do this. But they are working full time on this to get Justice

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My cousin’s wife said she was pursuing something with attorneys but I’m not sure what it is. I will DEFINITELY send her this link. I appreciate this very much!

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My husband too AM! Exact same situation. Thank goodness we knew to declined the vent at all costs. But one doctor sure did push it! We didn’t know yet how bad remdezavir was and he did get 5 days of that poison. Thank God he’s super strong. He came home a week later after supplemental oxygen and dexamethazone.

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They came in my room after 6 days in the hospital on a high flow nasal cannula and woke me up to tell me since my O2 was only 89% on the high-flow that they had to put me on a bi-pap. Then after about 10 or 15 minutes of the bi-pap at 1:00 in the morning, they declared I had failed that at must be ventilated. I didn’t want to he but was worn out from fever/diarrhea/2days of Remdesivir (refused any more after 2nd day). They waited to intubate me until about 5 am when they could finally get ahold of my husband by phone so I could say my goodbyes. I did end up with a secondary bacterial pneumonia. Before they would give me a tracheostomy after 3 weeks on vent, they told my husband he would have to agree to changing my code status to DNR. I spent 5 weeks on the vent and 2 months in the hospital. It id only by God’s grace and answering of prayers that I survived hospital protocols. I was 49 at the time, and have 2 teen/preteen kids at home. I still require supplemental oxygen with exercise as the ventilator damaged my lungs. But praise God I’m still here with my husband and kids...

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Your survival is truly a miracle by the hand of God!

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Yes, indeed it is! God is good!

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Michelle I’m so glad you’re still with us and most of all your family. It’s horrible what you’ve gone through.

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I’m so happy you survived! My husband did not 😢

Are you aware of the Remdesivir class action lawsuit? It’s about the be filed and you as a survivor can be a part of it!

The law team is working very hard at it and is not asking us for a penny. But we are all trying to help raise funds for the lawsuit. Here’s the link snd please get on the list!


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I’m so very sorry about your husband Sharon! ... 💔 I had not heard about the class action suit yet. Thank you for sharing the link with me! I know justice will be served, and I hope it is in our lifetimes, but trust God He will unleash His wrath on everyone who pushed these “treatments” on us and our loved ones. 🙏

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Michelle here is the link to the Attorneys taking this on. You can get more info here. https://www.myerandscher.com/. Justice is coming so many people working on different areas of this evil crime. I believe we will see Justice in our lifetime for sure.

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I meant to ask but forgot, did the put your husband on a bipap? Praise God he survived as well!

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So glad he didn’t get intubated. I think it was a plan to keep family away until they agreed to make them “comfort care”. I’m so sorry! I couldn’t agree more that family must be present to advocate! 😢

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Rebecca, thank u for speaking up. I spoke up and got canned . Hospitals will never get caught .

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I will never forget having to wear the sticker of shame for not getting the covid shot. I work ER now and am trying to get out of conventional medicine. It’s so corrupt with big pharma in charge. The whole situation was such an eye opener!

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I cancelled an appointment with my dermatologist because she’s still wearing a mask. That tells me a lot about her level of information about Covid.

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I’ve been culling & changing doctors based on how they handled covid. I call the culled ones Pharma Docs. My new ones Patriot Docs. There’s a big difference

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A friend of mine refers to them as “Covid-smart” or not!

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We had to find a new primary care dr...he wanted us to get jabbed, dismissed ivermectin and still requires masks...THREE STRIKES!

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He made it an easy decision to leave!

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I find myself judging someone’s intellect based upon their vax status.

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Same. But I'm ok with that 😇

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More & more doctors are leaving the system, I’m sure you will find one who appreciates your skills.

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Becca if you want to get out... I know good nurses who got out and they will help you! Team up with them now.. reach out if you want a contact

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Thank you!! I actually just opened my own PLCC last week as an integrative health nurse consultant. Working on my website now! I want to help people get healthy not poison people with more drugs that don’t work! Sick of the corruption!

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@Sharon, I might be jumping the gun. Have a friend finishing up nursing school in a few months. She doesn’t read here - no time! (remember? ) - but knows she is facing a monster when she hits the market. I’ll check with her but am thinking she’d appreciate the chance to link up with your resource? I interpret you don’t want to post contact info. (Wise!) I did this go-between once before on substack and it worked out fine logistics wise. It involved posting an email (would be in this same thread) in a short window of time, expected on your end, then deleting the post. We take it off the board from there. I am on the road today but will look for a reply from you later. 🤞 I don’t subscribe (I can explain) so won’t get an auto email if you respond. Thanks for letting me intrude briefly on your conversation with Becca with my inquiry!

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Ok sounds good to me!

We’ll figure it out together!

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Hi Sharon,

My nursing student friend is indeed interested in finding out about this resource.

So... per my previously used method of giving you an email here, on a public board (yikes!), if we can figure out a short window when I can do that for you to pick it up right away, then I'll delete the post pronto. I'll do my best to keep an eye on my email since I'm getting notification that you respond to comments. Off we go! Thank you for your generosity and patience!

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I did get an email saying you responded. A substack feature I guess even for non subscribers.

Let me touch base with my nursing student friend and get the 👍 (probably) or 👎 (?) on the resource. Might be a day delay? I’ll revisit here after that, and post either way. You should get an email when I post I guess?

Thanks for your generosity!

*edit - read additional comments and learned about the devastating trauma with your husband’s death. There are no words. Other circumstances, I have pulled on strength I never knew I had - including the strength to feel the pain. Still alive in complex grief. You have quite the road ahead. 💪

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People you thought were on your side, will double cross you to climb the ladder .

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Thank you also, Brandon is not your bro, for speaking out.

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That username always cracks me up.

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Aww come on man… if you don’t know who to vote for … you ain’t black!!! Brandon campaign

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They won't get caught until their medical staffs out them.

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You’re a critical thinker, Brandon is Not Your Bro. You remind me of my OBGYN in Miami, before we moved to Oregon. He was logical and knew actual science of infectious disease. He was not afraid of COVID nor beating the drums of fear in his practice. He was also in an independent practice so he could function this way.

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Did he have hospital privileges?

Seems TPTB had 2 ways to punish such doctors. Revoke hospital privileges & remove their licenses to practice medicine.

These “hospitalists” who popped up on my radar in 2017..... with covid I saw the light!

They are bought & paid for by the hospital corporation. One’s personal doctor isn’t allowed to “doctor” you while in the hospital.

Only hospitalists & other chosen ones (a lung specialist, etc) are allowed.

[Learned this the hard way in 2017 when my husband was diagnosed w/ pneumonia needed hospitalization immediately; wanted him at the hospital affiliated with the practices of his internist & cardiologist. Not so fast. They could drop by but had no say so.]

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Are hospitalists an ACA thing?

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Thank u FedUpInOR ….

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BINYB...Thank you for having the courage to speak up.

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Thanks Special Ted ..more miscarriages, stillbirths and abruptions , I never want to see again .

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I hope your sacrifice didn't ruin you financially. May God richly bless you beyond your expectations.

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Thank you but no , however , all the ducks were not in one row , but that’s ok . God Bless you as well.

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Brandon , I am aware of an OBGYN in Northern Ca whose story mirrors yours exactly. Was driven out of practice for sounding the alarm.

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I hope that you found something better.

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Libs of the Medical Establishment i've spoken to still wax on and on about overwhelming numbers of coVid patients (many of them children) and all the suffering and deaths they witnessed and were helpless to stop... (Thank Don and God for the Vaccines!)...I added the last part

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I didn’t know that about you, Brandon! Have you shared your story here somewhere? I mean, I see you in comments all the time, but didn’t know that!

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He is an OBGYN.

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That’s why I won’t trust another medical care facility again, no doctors, no hospitals because they all belong to Big Pharma.

When something goes wrong I’ll just die like we did back in days gone by before we had our super duper medical prowess

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Unless I am unconscious and some idiot drags me to a hospital or doctor or unless I break a bone I can't live with if I don't fix, I will never, ever, ever, ever set foot in any medical establishment ever again. Ever. I hated them to begin with but the scamdemic sealed their fate.

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They are trying to kill us, I think.

My husband has been on a long time thyroid med… we did a lot of research to find the one with the least toxic additives in it… he’s been on it decades and it’s been very helpful

Without warning or cause

The insurance company is changing his med to the MOST toxic form of this medication… full of additives known to cause cancer, etc…

When he appealed to his MD

He wrote a letter of support to keep him on the clean version of the drug.

The insurance company is refusing to give it to him!!! Even with a letter of support from his MD. Even though we are willing to pay more for the other version!!

What the bloody hell?!?

So let’s get this straight

The insurance company and pharmacist are now making medical Choices for you- against your MDs recommendation.

THAT sounds just like covid and the whole ivermectin debacle!!!

Pharma and the insurance companies are drunk on power and here’s another example of how they do not want to give it back.

I’m mad as hell

I do not want my husband on this version of the med full of crap… that will cause other medical problems!!

But this is their new angle

I’m sure of it!!!

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Makes me wonder if you could preemptively threaten to file suit, via a letter from an aggressive attorney letting them know you will be keeping an abundance of evidence and test results and will promptly act if the new medicine causes any side effects. Let them know you will also be setting up a web site to support any others who are forced to switch and suffer for it, so that you help others prepare to sue.

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Or, maybe he doesn’t even need the medication. I started going to a holistic doctor, and found out that after 20 years of taking thyroid medication I did not even need it. Doctors only run three markets instead of a whole panel. That’s when I found out that I had no antibodies and did not even need to take thyroid med.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023


How did this nation become so dependent on Big Pharma?

I no longer attend the Pharma Sales meetings, no matter what.

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I went to a new general doc a while back, pre-COVID, just cuz I had never really had one before. No symptoms of any kind. Just thought I should get a baseline assessment of my health.

Doc felt my neck and got me worried about my thyroid. She did tests. Said I was borderline. Gave me a prescription. I didn’t like the idea of it. She told me, “LOL, you can just think of it as a diet pill.” (I was maybe 10-15 lbs overweight at the time.)

I tried it and could not last more than 2 days on the stuff. I called her. She told me to cut it in half. I thought about it and then decided not to. Didn’t say anything to her. Just didn’t take anything. Kept to my usual routine mostly, while breaking up with my ex, which motivated me to go to the gym more often.

Decided, “Okay, will go back for my follow-up test, just to see.” Went in to see her. Told her I just couldn’t hack the drug. She was going to prescribe something else, but then looked at test results. My numbers were perfect. She couldn’t believe it—“What did you DO?” I just shrugged my shoulders and said, “I don’t know? Broke up with my boyfriend?”

Anyway, never went back to her again.

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Wow, that is an absolute mess and I am so sorry. I think you are dead on. My uneducated guess says the insurance company is being paid off by pharma to pay for only the drugs pharma wants to hand out. I can't decide whether pharma wants us dead or so incredibly sick that they make more money off treating us for the mess they created. I'm guessing the latter since no one makes money off dead people, unless you're a hospital being paid off to kill people for "covid". I'm sorry about what you are going through and keep fighting those turkeys (family blog or I'd use another word.)

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Right- pharma benefits, the sicker you become… so why give him the med loaded with known carcinogen… over the clean version of the med… I only see one reason!!

because there’s tons of money in cancer treatments. It’s diabolical…

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And then there’s that depopulation thing . Your usefulness is determined by the pharma/med/ insurance gods.

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From the point of view of a Globalist, e.g. the WHO, perhaps a weakened population is easier to manipulate...

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Do check out some of the discount Rx programs like Good Rx and Single Care. My husband and I have insurance, but we both, especially me are better off using the discount programs than using insurance. For example, my crappy Medicare Rx plan charges me about $500 for a 90 day supply of a generic drug I can get for $40. It is truly shocking. Other sources to check out are Costco and Amazon’s pharmacy.

It is outrageous that soulless bureaucrats in insurance companies have more control over healthcare than personal physicians.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

Because, when you're sick and desperate enough - at some point in life most of us get there if we live long enough - they will have more leverage to usher in 'medical assistance in dying' a la the Canadians. IMHO this is another reason they have cracked down on pain meds. Yes, pain meds were being sorely abused and they're dangerous when used incorrectly; however, there are people for whom their quality of life is miserable without them. I have a family member with very severe spinal stenosis, often in a great deal of pain. At some point the way 'out' will be MAID. Not pain relief. Tragic. Added bonus: less people on SS and SSDI.

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I’m starting to look at homeopathics and acupuncture for health/pain issues. My husband had been taking a pharma pain killer for back pain for decades, but now he is having success with Rhus Tox, a homeopathic.

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Rhus Tox is amazing. Homeopathics in general have been for me. I will not go anywhere without Arnica, Arsenicum or Acotonium. Hypericum and Arnica amazingly healed a finger slammed in drop box door. Arnica helped so much after I was hit by a car while walking. When homeopathics work, they REALLY work. When they don't work, they do nothing... and that includes doing no harm. Show me a pharma concoction that can say the same. Also thumbbs up for acupuncture. Years ago my gallbladder was acting up badly, and long story short, thanks to acupuncture and reducing swelling in my body, I still have it and it works quite well.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

Never heard of that. Cheap, and great reviews! I added some to my prepper stash. Thanks for the tip!


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Wow that’s great!! I will look into this for my relative.

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Have they tried medical marijuana?

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

Not that I know of but that’s a great idea. Not sure if they have medical in their state though. Will look into this even though I had a bad reaction to it (tried it for RLS). It’s a blood relative so might be some genetic cross over with intolerance to THC.

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Meh. I might need some assistance getting to the ocean...I can take care of it after that. Dont forget you PFD, because drowning is traumatic.

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I'm on a thyroid medication, and would appreciate knowing exactly which ones you are talking about.

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CAPSULE Tirosint… doesn’t contain all the fillers of the generic … it’s much cleaner

My husband’s Hashimoto genetic type hypothyroid was triggered during the time we were trying to recover our two vaccine injured infant and toddler boys. Was an unbelievably stressful time when he became symptomatic. We tried to control it through diet, exercise and supplements for over a year and half… and he was not himself. He started on this med and it was an immediate positive impact. He’s always been an ideal weight and always exercised … college athlete, etc… but he needed the support of the medication. And he is now feeling great.

The TABLETS are full of additives

See- Table 6. Levothvroxine Sodium Tablets Color Additives


Now this is a pharma ad- but here’s a testimonial … and I do not want my husband to change and experience a regression… because some insurance company is making medical decisions for him and they don’t even know him. It’s infuriating.


Tirosint-SOL is a unique levothyroxine formulation that contains only 3 ingredients:

-Aza was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease that can cause hypothyroidism. She tried to treat her symptoms using conventional thyroid hormone tablets, but even with medication, she didn’t feel right. She struggled to put the amount of energy into practice that she needed to keep her game at a high level. After consulting with her doctor, she decided to take a different course and try Tirosint-SOL (levothyroxine sodium) oral solution to treat her hypothyroidism.

Thankfully, Aza’s hypothyroid symptoms are now under control, and she’s back in full swing – both on and off the golf course.

And this was my husband’s experience… he just felt 100% again on Tirosint… so WHY make him change. No good reason unless they want him to suddenly be back in the medical system feeling poorly. 🤯

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Hmmm . . . stress-triggered symptoms?

And now that the stressors are gone or at least minimized . . . ?

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Try getting off the medication using diet and supplements. Do some research! There are groups/forums and books which will provide you with information to put your disease into remission as I did.

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Even the fact that the original stressors are gone could be cause for organic improvement.

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Me too!

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Look for a holistic or naturopathic healthcare professional who has alternative treatments or medicines.

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I am hypothyroid. I’ve been on Armour for 20 plus years. In the last five years I’ve really looked to see if I can get off of armour because I don’t want to be on any medicine from any pharmaceutical company because I don’t trust them. (Except ivermectin which has so many accolades and is supposed to be able to heal some types of cancer but that’s besides the point.) Anyway, I recently found a company called forefront health that makes a desiccated, horse thyroid pill, instead of using pig thyroid and they are totally dedicated to research on the thyroid. I do not work for them btw.

At the end of April, I got my thyroid values tested on my own at a walk-in lab, and I ordered the Horse thyroid and in one month (because it does take about a month for the product to get into your system) I will be re-testing myself to see how I’m doing on it. I didn’t ask my doctor. I just did it on my own. I’m feeling fine right now as far as I know. I also ordered a couple of other products from them that supposedly support my thyroid. So, I am very curious to see what happens to my thyroid levels at the end of my first month of being on this new med. As a side note, if it works, I will be spending $20/monthly on this one supplement instead of $60/month!! Gotta love that too being retired!

In addition, I’ve mentioned this on here before, after 100 hours hours of research, getting some additional bloodwork checked outside of what was recommended by my cardiologist and working with a mostly holistic GP I was able to cure myself of a fib! I refused the medicine metoporal, because one of the side effects is that it causes a fib! I’m doing great btw!! IMO, The cardiologists try to scare you when it comes to a Afib saying that you could have a stroke and while you can indeed have a stroke, it’s very unlikely. Not that many people die from a stroke due to a fib. I spent over 100 hours researching this. If you have pre-existing conditions, then you are more likely to have a stroke, however, even the medicine that they give you for a stroke (blood thinners) causes people to bleed internally, and a lot of people die from internal bleeding from the blood thinners but not a stroke. So, we have to quit being afraid of these things, and do our own research. The information is all over the Internet. And we have to work with a natural practitioner to figure out how to heal our bodies. Our bodies want to heal. They are totally capable of healing on their own for the most part, but we have to support that healing by eating the right foods, and possibly taking the right supplements and getting daily exercise which studies show creates positive changes at the cellular level no matter how easy the exercise is or how long you do it!! Peace and health!!

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Thank you for sharing your story. It’s amazing if you do a little research and consult with a homeo path you can get away from big Pharma. That and eating healthy.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

Get the medication from Canada... Pharmstore. Look them up. Cheaper, free shipping. We've been ordering brand name meds from them for many, many years. Excellent service! Had an issue with a newer med made in India, got a FULL REFUND and, a refill from a better source (not saying that drugs made in India are not safe, our initial order of ivermectin came from there with zero issues). Pharmstore carries pet meds too. Saved thousands of dollars over the years after our insurance co refused to allow brand name meds.

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Is that the correct spelling for Pharmatore? It's not coming back on a search, so I'm not sure if it's being suppressed or if there's a typo.

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Wondering if this may be the site ??


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Try "Pharmastore".

I can't access the site, am in Canada.

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I’m on pig thyroid, which I think is literally just a piece of a pigs thyroid gland? Medicare won’t cover it because it’s a natural medicine.

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I’ve noticed the same. And in addition the supplier ( maker) of supposedly the same drug changes depending on what the pharmacy is supplied with. So origin changes.

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What thyroid med is the least toxic? Asking for my own information regarding thyroid meds. ???

I’m angry for you the stupid useless Ins co is sticking their nose in where it doesn’t belong. We are slaves to TPTB. We try so hard to break free and just when we think we are a little bit more free, they grab us by the ankles and drag us down again. 😠

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Tirosint capsules

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This may be a stupid question, but when people needed Ivermectin and couldn’t get it, they ordered it from India and other places. It was very cheap. Could you get the clean drug through the mail via a foreign country and maybe a lot cheaper? Do you subscribe to The Farm here on Substack? He has a VERY good connection. That’s all I’ll say.

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I love alldaychemist for RetinA cream. I also ordered ivermectin from there. Shipping usually costs more than the Rx.

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I am very curious to know what thyroid medicine he was on and what they are trying to change him too as I am a longtime Levothroxine taker and they have been messing with the amount of months they will prescribe saying their is a shortage!

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Kathy- I posted the info above in the thread

Not sure if you’ll see it automatically…

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Was your husband taking Tirosynt? I know it’s more expensive than the standard alternatives. Maybe this is the reason for the change? After all they are not concerned about what is healthiest.

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Do you happen to have the links to the research you did about the toxicity of the generic? My MIL just told me this weekend she and her dr are being denied the name brand as well, would love to give her evidence and options.

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Truthseeker please advice what the bad thyroid med is and what the good one is so I can research this. I’ve been on T3 and T4 for decades and am a recent cancer patient. The last thing I want to do is take meds that will increase my risk of the cancer coming back.

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Yellow 6 caused adrenal tumors in animals, though that is disputed by industry and the FDA. It may be contaminated with cancer-causing chemicals and occasionally causes severe hypersensitivity reactions. Yellow 6 adds an unnecessary risk to the food supply

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Tirosint capsules only have three ingredients


Generic Levothyroxine tablets have a bunch of additives based on the mgs you’re taking

Each Levothyroxine sodium tablet contains the inactive ingredients butylated hydroxyanisole, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium starch glycolate, povidone, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate and color additive(s). Table 6 provides a listing of the color additives by tablet strength:

Table 6. Levothvroxine Sodium Tablets Color Additives


EWG has some Info on some

Of the additives-


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Oh yeah, if I need stitched up or a broke bone maybe some antibiotics that’s a different matter...

The biggest medical scam ever has been chemotherapy and radiation treatment...

I’m afraid Hell is gonna be half full just from lawyers, doctors and pharmaceutical industry leaders.

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I have a broken nose (now healed on its own) and never went, so it would have to be something like a leg. Agreed on cancer "treatments". Total scam that has nothing to do with healing. Don't get me wrong, I want to see people with cancer get better, but that's never going to happen with pharma running the show.

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My SIL just did chemo and radiation for breast cancer. She watched the rooms full of cancer patients sitting there getting their chemo day after day. She said it made her so sad. She knows there will never be a cure for cancer. Her treatments cost $1.5 MILLION. She told me yesterday -it’s too big of a money maker. Medical establishment will never allow a cure for cancer. She’s right

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Hell will be overflowing but add in Hollywood and all the corrupt politicians in addition to those you mentioned and they’ll be crawling all over each other like packed sardines!

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Pathologists and Medical Examiners have historically (before COVID, at least) had the task of diagnosing true cause of death. Sometimes they can see that the death was iatrogenic, caused by the medical 'treatment.' At my first autopsy as a medical student, the 90+ year-old woman was found to have had serious coronary vascular disease (the scalpel made noise as it 'sawed' through the calcifications) and untreated, apparently undiagnosed, breast cancer. One of my fellow students asked how should could have lived so long with those conditions. The pathologist/Medical Examiner replied, "Probably because she didn't go to doctors."

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But still, she made it to 90+.

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Pathologists are the best!

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I’m leaning this way too. I think I’d rather just die of whatever I have then let them ‘treat’ me for it.

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I’m with you on that and I’m a healthcare professional with 32 years of acute care clinical experience. The healthcare industry has been taken over by Big Pharma and the federal bureaucracy. It is no longer worthy of our trust and they’ve tossed aside the Hippocratic Oath and the Patient’s Bill of Rights. They’re no longer looking for the best and brightest, they’re focused on diversity and inclusion. It’s sad. I’ll use my knowledge and skills to help any of my family or friends in need.

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Integrity seenms to be a word and virtue concept which has disappeared from our national lexicon and consciousness.

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The sad part is what happens when the skilled doctors are gone.

And, what about those times when we truly need a fracture set or appendix removed? Will we be able to trust those doctors to truly know what they are doing? And once the collective, historic wisdom has been lost by carelessness and attrition, how hard it will be to recover it.

This is an awful destruction of a once-beloved profession.

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And a previously well-respected profession!

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Have been thinking same. O Death, where is thy victory

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Fortified City -- me too.

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Ditto. Unless I break an arm, no hospitals for me.

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Why? Safe and effective!

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I’m just so mad with myself for trusting their bs with my girl’s pediatrician. I trusted him. He trusted them.

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Bless you for trying. My daughter in law died in a Charleston hospital on October 8 2021 after 2 weeks on a ventilator. We we’re finally allowed to see her the day before she finally succumbed. Fauci and his orderlies all need to be tried for crimes against humanity. The majority of our medical professionals should grow a pair and the board members who coerced them into non treatment need to be tried as well. IMHO

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So sorry for your loss Barbara.

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Yes, they most certainly do need to be tried for crimes against humanity. I am so sorry about your daughter in law. There must be a special place in hell for those who have committed this genocide.

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OMG. :'(

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Agree. That’s just terrible. I’m so sorry. They are murderers!!

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That is just so awful, I am so sorry. So sorry for you and for the patients and the families and sorry for the whole world. I have such a hard time wrapping my brain around how administration of hospitals would accept this money grab over people’s lives. It’s so nefarious and heartbreaking. How could there be this many evil people on this earth and in these positions. It’s so scary.

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Mercola ran this article today on the same topic… unnecessary covid deaths!

Aspirin is a staple medicine that is frequently recommended as a remedy to control inflammation and prevent blood clots. It could have helped limit the pandemic death toll, had it not been downplayed and ignored.

According to research published in April 2021, aspirin reduced COVID-19 patients’ need for mechanical ventilation by 44%, ICU admission by 43% and mortality by 47%

Hard to not see this as intentional now.


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i read very early on, probably march or april 2020, that China had a small test with aspirin, on some 20 patients, and declared it helped. Nobody paid any attention. That other cheap, working meds were being taken off the shelf was another red flag for me, that something else was going on than a medical situation. Then I saw Dr Martin describe, how the govt and especially the military owned lots of patents on the so called new virus. Need any more evidence where the danger was and is?

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Early on, in a hospital somewhere in the midwest I think, doctors tried intravenous vitamin c for covid patients and they all got well. They were told to cease and desist.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

IV vitamin C was established in February 2020 as a highly effective treatment. Dr. Andrew Saul tried mightily to get anyone in the upper echelons to recognize the work his protege in China had been successfully spearheading with the use of megadoses of I.V. vitamin C - as you well know, all of the medical professionals recognizing this highly effective treatment were completely ignored and censored. Makes me think of how Semmelweis felt when he was ignored after shouting that people need to wash their hands between patients in the ob/gyn wards and he drastically reduced the number of deaths just by handwashing. He died in an asylum where he had been sent.

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yes, many doctors were told to stop all that could heal patients. I remember one of the docs, was it Dr Cole or McCullough, who said he cried when he saw his needy patients die and he could not help even though he knew what to do. This is heartbreaking! How hard it must have been on those, that really care about their patients.

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Dr. Marik gave a very emotional statement about having to watch his patients die.

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I think that was Pierre Kory

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Looks like doctors need Medical Freedom, too.

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'the govt and especially the military owned lots of patents on the so called new virus"

I was just mulling over this line. You have to ask why the GOVERNMENT and the MILITARY would PATENT a virus???? Patent? Really?

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yes, why. To kill everyone with deadly viruses. To weaponize insects (like the Lyme disease). To mess with things from which they have no clue.

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And April 2021 is about when they told people to stop using it.

Coincidence? Not in my mind

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I remember that. We were told to stop taking prophylactic ‘baby aspirin’ because ‘covid’. Such bs.

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If they did this then like bird flu dead rate too low to justify pandemic and vaccines.

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Shockingly, really… shockingky, my husband had COVID for at least 11 days with fever. We went to urgent care finally thinking he had COVID and flu and they said no flu but covid. To my great surprised the dr there suggested we start some asprin in case the COVID was getting worse, it would be preventative of escalation/or treat.

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And, aspirin advice was reversed partway through Covid - The longstanding advice to take a daily baby aspirin as a preventative action to prevent strokes or heart attacks. That reversal (it's no longer advised for the general public) sure caught my attention, with the heart issues and strokes occurring from C19 - surely there was no evidence that aspirin usage was a good C19 preventative or helped the outcome of c19 patients?! Hmm.

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The love of money is indeed the root of all evil

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Just say no to msm doctors, dentists, veterinarians and the entire msm medical community. They are incompetent at best and some are downright evil.

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So, I’m trying to decide about dental treatment for my teeth which right now are healthy but I have some small tartar build up on back of teeth. I haven’t been to a dentist since Covid and use a toothpaste with Hydroxyapatite in it and I floss and use a water pik. I do not want to go to the dentist. Ever again if I can help it but I’m not sure there’s a way around that. What do other people on here do? ESP if your tooth breaks! Besides root canals and all their X-rays , what about dentists do we need stay away from?

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We go to a holistic dentist

He is literally a fortune but I’d rather pay for health - than illness. My three kids and I all go and he uses a canary light… instead of X-rays where he measures tooth density… whether that’s actually better for you… time will tell.. but I feel better about not xraying my kids

I have been very happy with him… he uses oral arnica pellets when the kids get cavities filled and gives no novacaine injections and uses no silver fillings- which are Toxic

The dentists were giving propofol to kids with autism for dental procedures and the kids were experiencing massive developmental regressions … I think you just want to do dental work with as little ‘intervention’ as possible … because many are truly clueless about the chemicals they’re putting in their patients bodies and adverse effects

This is a good product we’ve been using for years and really helps maintain oral health


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I love this tooth and gums tonic! I actually use it when I have a sore throat - gargling takes the worst pain away for a good amount of time.

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I’ll have to try that.

My great gramma’s sore throat remedy- warm water and salt water… nothing works as well.

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Some thoughts: as a retired dental hygienist, I was trained to support prevention of dental diseases. I suggest you watch for signs of periodontal disease: bleeding upon brushing, red, inflamed soft tissue (gums). A fractured tooth will be extremely painful and eventually develop an abcess (infection).

Refusing radiographs (xrays) is always your perogative. Avoid abrasive toothpastes and always use soft bristle brushes. Don’t chew ice! The combo of cold and hard is a double assault on tooth structure.

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Fluoride. A know toxic substance. They recommend it. If the entire msm medical complex pushed the safe and effective narrative and went along with mandates, masking and censoring - you have to view everything as unsafe and untrue until you have proven it otherwise. I use natural toothpaste, floss, weekly chewing of dental oil, colloidal silver mouthwash and sprays. My teeth and gums are cleaner and healthier than before. Haven't seen a dentist for two years and won't go unless it is something severe. I don't trust them anymore.

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And many states are adding it to the public water supply

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Unfortunately hospitals are run as businesses that need to keep an eye on the bottom line

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Yes they are not in the business of healing m!

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The ACA (Obamacare) allowed for it to happen.

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What a breach of medical standards. I know that patients need have their positions changed every few hours (to prevent bed sores, which are potentially very serious). I don't even work in medical system and I know that.

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Have you been able to talk to anyone about this? It must have seared your soul, heart and body. Don’t hide the damage this has done to you in ways you can’t comprehend. I will pray for you, Rebecca. This is the evil of what happened. It hurt EVERYONE, even those of us who resisted. God bless you. 🙏🏻❤️

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Sounds like you were actually working in the equivalent of the Nazi gas chambers. Wow, thank you for caring and these people who let them die for lack of care are beyond evil.

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Rebecca -- thank you for your story. I have found that the true story of what happened in the hospitals, like yours, is often in the comments and not in the reporting.

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God bless you!

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Thank you Rebecca. My hope is that EVERY single one of us that are truth tellers & warriors in our sphere of influence & beyond NEVER EVER become immune or apathetic to the horrific atrocities that happened & is still happening. ITS TOO F in big to ever forget & accept one single ounce of amnesty.

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Agree 💯 %

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Thank you for your dedicated serving of others.

Some things you just can not un-see! Continued wellness and faith.

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Thank you for sharing that info. I can’t imagine the burden you are carrying from this experience. Your recounting actually turned my stomach.

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For people who didn't see it, find the video of the male nurse from South Carolina who quit to become a travel nurse. He was telling his story before the South Carolina state legislature, and he tells a similar story except for non-ventilated patients. He said you always force patients to get up and walk around, ALWAYS. Instead, the care were focused on keeping the hospital workers from getting infected.

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Thanks for telling the story. I knew this Bc when the virus hit the doctors said all they could do was help with symptoms. Then the story changed to self resolve at home. What? Who gets a bad respiratory disease and self resolves ? The story changed constantly and Govt knew if treated early people survived but they didn’t want that. Fauci spent his life trying to create a pandemic Aids bird flu Zika you name it and he fell flat so this time he needed large carnage to be able to instill fear and finally at the end of life and career mass vaccinate. Makes me so angry.

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There was a CSPAN broadcast in October 2019 at the Milken Institute. Fauci, Rick Bright and others had a panel discussion about "a universal flu vax" ...Bright said something like, well something big would have to happen...probably out of China...going to see if I can find this (if it's not scrubbed)

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PS: Thanks so much Rebecca. You are an angel! God bless you.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The Daniel Penny fundraiser has actually ALREADY exceeded $2 million—as his attorneys already withdrew $100K to bond him out of jail.


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So for him there’s a bond to be paid? This system is so corrupt. Praying for him. Already donated. May donate again.

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Notice where the excess money goes after legal fees are paid.

To the NYC corrupt coughers to be squandered. This is a real shame. Feel like the Law Firm can do better than that...but, they are a NY Law firm.

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Then I hope they spend it all on Danny. Can it fund defense civil suit?

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Sure can—that’s his funding to use for legal defense. No explanations are owed to anyone, although I do think someone should be adding updates to the fundraising page. We donate voluntarily, not in exchange for explanations.

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What happens with excess? Do attorneys get it all? This is a lot of money good for him. I did donate it others need help J6 prisoners should be a fund to help conservative patriots like Danny.

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This is what says with excess "Any proceeds collected which exceed those necessary to cover Mr. Penny’s legal defense will be donated to a mental health advocacy program in New York City"

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

I’d like to know which program—I wish they would give a little more information. It would be helpful.

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Yeah, that doesn't sound good. Probably full of ineffective or damaging social workers.

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I just hope this money doesn’t fuel their civil suit against Penny

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Probably will. The family members are watching and the attorneys that sue watching too. Civil suit Danny can be found culpable say by 10% I believe this is how works. Then award provided multiply by percentage and that is payout. So......

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So when the guy was alive, his family didn’t take care of him and get him help. Now that money is involved, they have their hands out like they deserve to get enough a penny. I think they should be made to pay everyone who he assaulted.

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I appreciated being able to send (a small amount )to him.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Interesting that majority of covid patients got Ventilator-Acquired Pneumonia. I wonder how many docs and nurses know this?

If you brought it up to them, I suspect they'll push back. Anytime I've brought up IVM and such they are not interested.

It's like we need a whole new society with institutions that aren't corrupt. Seems daunting but I know the demand is there.

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It’s already happening. Just the fact that we have GiveSendGo as an alternative to GoFundMe is one example. We will build a parallel economy with the Jeff Childers, Pierre Korys, and Sasha Latypovas (and MANY more) of the world 💪🏼

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My doctor left the system in 2000, his hospital told him to stop spending so much time with his patients.

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At one point in covid time, I remember hearing a news report that intubating may have been doing more harm than good, also reading an article how intubation can cause dehydration which can cause kidney failure (an acquaintance of ours with covid died in April 2020 in hospital from that).

This was ever so briefly discussed and allowed on msm. They also recommended that you ask for oxygen instead if you need to go to the hospital.

So there were brief moments of genuine concern even from the elitists..but then came the vaccines...at first there were honest warnings to those who are pregnant, autoimmune, allerguc, etc...but then the demonic love for money 💰 took over and the evil global nightmare of mandates, forced innoculations, emotional propaganda, lies and control began.

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Bought out, they can’t speak for fear of losing status, money or just plain ignorant.

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Now in the morning, when He was returning to the city, He became hungry. Seeing a lone fig tree by the road, He came to it and found nothing on it except leaves only; and He said to it, “No longer shall there ever be any fruit from you.” And at once the fig tree withered. Seeing this, the disciples were amazed and asked, “How did the fig tree wither all at once?” And Jesus answered and said to them, “Truly I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ it will happen. And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”

— Matthew 21:18-22 NASB1995

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🗨 Humans need fantasy to be human. To be the place where the falling angel meets the rising ape [...]. You need to believe in things that aren't true... how else can they become? ~~Terry Pratchett, Hogfather

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I’m not the smartest kid on the block, but I have no idea what that means. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Good to know. Ty for bothering to inform us 🙂

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What’s up with this response? Anger? Frustration? Disagreement?

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

Gratitude, quite obviously 🙂

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What are you saying?

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Unpleasant narcissists can easily be blocked;

I’ve done so a few times. Not productive to continue humoring them.

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Sounds like he could be a bit of an AH. Why destroy a tree over that?

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May 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Hospitals got a lot of money for putting people on ventilators.

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They got money for positive results if in hospital for any reason. I was bitten by horse first thing did was test for COVID. First test went way up nose as I administered my own test for employer and I can tell you that swab never touched my nose. I was so worried would test positive. I had plan to walk out use YouTube to heal horse bite. Luckily I was negative. Thank god. Last thing wanted was COVID positive in hospital. I was released in 24 hours and I used YouTube to heal my finger Bc not the antibiotic cream or antibiotics was helping. What closed the bite in three days was Medical Grade Manuka honey. I keep three bottles in stock at all times since last September.

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I love this community- I always learn great things from the blog AND the commenters. I will definitely look into Manuka honey. Thanks for sharing :D

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Never heard of Manuka and will look into it.

I had an ATV accident in October 2020. While I was in Houston, none of the hospitals would accept me, even though I had taken the first two jabs. I had to be driven to a trauma center 90 minutes away. I still remember the COVID test - even under pain killers it was still mighty uncomfortable.

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Medihoney. Best thing ever. I fell power walking outside road rash healed record time no scar. They stuff is miraculous. Diabetics use it to close bedsores. YouTube is very useful many alternate docs posts things and YouTube can’t censor everything.

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I had a total of 13 of those stupid things. Brain swabs, all. 😡🥵

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Fabulous comment.

I buy it for my mum, to ingest, but have heard about putting honey on a wound since I was little.

Tried and true natural meds and remedies abound in old European families which had no drugs, or money, during WW1 and WW2. (Died of starvation, some did. Like my great uncle. Mum recently disclosed that. 😢)

Anyway: ALL they had were Home Remedies and basic treatments like poultices for instance.

Manuka honey is prohibitively expensive for many people, alas.

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Where do you purchase your honey? Brand?

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The Daniel Penny fund and Bud Light cases are related. Both show that when pushed far enough, conservatives (and others) who just want to be left alone to live their lives, will push back, and push back hard. It’s a small glimmer of hope in this increasing darkness. There is a reason why people still love and respond to a strong, righteous hero in action movies. We know truth when we see it, and more eyes are seeing it every day. 🙏🏻

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May 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

My husband and I came down with the Delta variant of Covid back in November 2021. We were very sick at home. Very high heart rates and low o2 levels.

We were calling around to try to get monoclonal antibodies. Several centers where I live in Massachusetts just flatly refused me because I was Un-jabbed. One nurse said over the phone: If you didn’t get vaccinated, there is nothing we can do for you.”

We finally did get monoclonal antibodies but it was not easy to find a center that did not discriminate.

My husband had 1 J&J shot for his job and he wound up in the hospital with Covid pneumonia anyway. This was after being refused for “looking too healthy” at a larger hospital.

We are both ok now but that was one one the worst times in our lives.

Mix the medical industrial complex with propaganda, incompetence, and righteous indignation against people who have the guts to disagree with them, and you’ll find yourself at the mercy of medical criminals.

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Sounds like a stressful nightmare while also heing so sick and scared. Thank God you got through it.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Prior to Cov theater , my father in law spent 14 days in a modern metro hosp to try and remedy a heart condition and clean out some arteries and other "practicing medicine" treatments.

Only to perish in their rehab rooms from sepsis. Imagine finding out later that this hosp has a history of patient illness from sepsis. The place was a toxic brewers petri dish of poor maintaining it

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Sepsis, yep. That's how my uncle died 2 days before Christmas 2022.

After exploratory botched stomach surgery. (Multiple jabs. Elderly. Italy.)

Recipe for unexplained and sudden and unnecessary deaths of the very elderly in that country.

Italy was being bankrupted by old age pensions, military pensions, and universal Medicare.

My mother who still receives these benefits (in Canada) is now being sent questionnaires every 6 months, by the Italian government.

"Is recipient still among the living?"

Italy killed off a lot of their 22% elderly population during and post "Covid" with no questions asked...

Several in my extended family.

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Europe was acting more insane than US.

I am sorry for the unnecessary loss of your uncle.

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Canada was not far behind though, in terms of insanity.


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All of the West went insane and the US had the highest covid mortality of any country.

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But do we really even know if that is true? So many false positives and bogus cases. Even if they were legit, they could have been counting differently and might not be easily comparable for that reason.

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That is very interesting!! They killed a bunch of the elderly in Italy to not pay pensions but make it look like Covid swept through killing a bunch of them. Evil.

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Hospitals are the filthiest places on earth. If people only knew the things that go on in supposedly sterile surgery rooms........not even counting the actual filth of the room and the utensils. The filthy behavior between the people in the room

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I read a long time ago that the equipment they use for colonoscopies are not sterile as they don’t have the necessary time it takes to sterilize them. But, most of the public go in for their regular colonoscopy, subjecting themselves to terrible fluids which could cause harm, a terrible procedure which can tear your colon and with instruments that are not sterile. I’m 60 and I’ve never done it. I always look for less invasive ways to accomplish the same thing.

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Back in the 70's when newsletters were something you get in the mail, I use to read Dr. William Campbell Douglass' newsletter. He is the original medical maverick. He wrote about how most hospitals would completely fail any kind of sanitary inspection and how dangerous they were. Now we hear of patients dying from infection in the hospital all the time. His son, Dr. William Campbell Douglass III, continues his legacy as the fifth generation in the family of doctors.

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I read a statistic awhile back that showed 200k-400k patients die in hospitals from medical & hospital mishaps every year. I'll bet it's a much higher number.

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So sorry for his and your suffering. 😢🙏🏻

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May 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"Trump Names NBCU’s Linda Yaccarino to the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness and Nutrition.”

So what? Trump also appointed John Bolton as security adviser, had Mike Pence as VP...

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Right? And gave Anthony Fauci the platform of a lifetime.

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And Bill Barr. Didn't he also appoint Christopher Wray? There were many he appointed that turned out to be awful people.

If Trump ever sees another 4 years, he better have a better appointment strategy.

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Absolutely! And clean out the Vindmanns from embassies. In fact, just appoint a whole new crew in it all. Don’t carry over anyone. Surely there are enough caring Americans to serve this country properly.

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Well hopefully the evils will all be in prison by then only the good will be left to work with!

God Help us!

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Equating the Twitter CEO's following more conservative and free speech voices with her actually possessing their values is unwise. Smart influencers follow opposing voices so they can better understand them, as recon to help them craft messaging that is more likely to be heard. "Counterprogramming" they call it. Sort of like a horse-whisperer. Like a MAGA-whisperer.

This was a logical leap Jeff made that isn't warranted absent more information. Where are her own words that show she shares conservative or free speech values? I've only seen her anti-free speech words. Which speak more loudly than any contrary voices she follows. A snoop and a spy from the other side is not a friend by virtue of evidence they snooped and spied.

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lol , everyone is looking for superman lol

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Well, we pay big money to these politicians. It would be nice to find one that doesn't become corrupt.

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amen to that!! We are all born in sin, it is hard not to follow sin. Most people do, or so it appears.

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This whole Yaccarino episode has shown just how many people on our side have never learned to control their emotions. Either that or they just post outrage for clicks.

Hot takes are almost always over-the-top childish reactions rather than reasoned, rational thought. The left has made it an art form but plenty on our side do it too.

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The RD mash up video is brilliant, really. Although I threw up in my mouth whilst I watched it, it is a great reminder. A lot of us will never forget what they did to us and how they treated their fellow man. And Arnold can take a leap. I’ll never watch a movie or anything with him in it ever again. Along with a very long list of other covidiots who think of themselves much higher than they ought to. I know they don’t need our money any longer. We’ve paid them enough over the years to set them up for life, unfortunately. More than the money, they NEED fame. They NEED to be relevant and adored and worshipped. 🤮 Screw our freedom?

Screw his paycheck! Screw his fame!

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My list is growing longer: Jennifer Annistion, Pink, Michael Phleps, most late night talk show hosts, Rod Stewart, etc. You get the picture. Tgey clearly don’t need my money or support.

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Dolly Parton. Sad how she went total woke. BLM, singing songs about the vaccine, etc.

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Its unfortunate that even country music has now gone woke. So sad. There are quite a few really good comedians who are standing up and preaching against woke crap!

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And Loretta Lynn posting the vid en route to the Jab Revival Tent too. 😢

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That’s so sad. I thought she was one of the few good ones from Nashville :(

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Technically, it's Dolly Parton's cadaver. I think they put the wrong chip into the Frankenstein ghoul they created. I guess she always was as dumb as she seemed.

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As nasty as it may seem, it is vital that such lists are kept and acted upon. Why you might ask? Because without institutional and cultural memory we are doomed to be led down the same dark path again. If criminals are not held accountable, they become emboldened and ramp up their efforts. This is simply Natural Law at work, and we are seeing it in cities all over the US. Sometimes it's appropriate to take the Higher Road. to turn the other cheek and to resist being as crude as the opponent. At other times fire must be met with more focused and efficiently applied incendiaries.

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Executing criminals tends to cut down the recidivism rate.

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I agree

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I boycott Charlize Theron films now too.

Put my money where my mouth is, and withhold money as well.

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I am sorry to hear that she joined them. She WAS one of my favorites.

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Is there literally a list somewhere of public figures and entertainers who did this? What a list it would be.

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John Legend, Celine...

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Anyone have a huge list of all the "celebrities" and "experts" that spoke out like in this mashup, to force the jabs?

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Agreed! I always liked Arnold's movies, but I will never watch another one after what he said to the unvaxxed!

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Too bad. He said it and he meant it when he said it. He was all in with the cult. He’s backtracked because he got called out for it and he’s trying to save his career and launch his new business stuff. It’s what they all do. Peddle the fake apologies to save their money making schemes. His apologizing included “I should’ve communicated better” Ummm…. What would that look like with better communication skills? -Your freedom should be taken away from you tin foil hat people because you are not worthy to be free like the rest of us….?? Is that better communication?

They are never sorry…only sorry for getting caught. Nope. 👎🏻 Don’t buy what he’s peddling. And I can forgive….but I will not forget.

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I wouldn’t classify Arnold’s statement as an apology. It was a standard non-apology. He isn’t sorry for buying and promoting the lies. He isn’t sorry for going into Gestapo mode, demanding that the unvaxxed’ freedoms be taken away. He is just sorry that his statement wasn’t a little more “positive “. So ignore what he said about you and keep on watching his movies.

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Too little ~ too late.

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I've was tracking the fundraiser for Danny yesterday and seeing it increase rapidly and reading the donation comments made me hopeful that our Country can be saved. Many donations were small amounts. And look what resulted. As Jeff always says, most of us can't donate $2 million, but look at what can be accomplished together. There are more of us who want our Country back than those who want to destroy it. Stay encouraged and stay fighting.

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I was going to donate 2 $ , had to be over 5, so I donated 12$. I donate as part of tithing since I don’t have a trusted church.

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I felt the same until I found www.gscharlotte.org Talbot Davis, the minister, left the methodist religion (it use to be called Good Shepard United Methodist church) because they were trying to force the church into gay marriages. At the beginning of the sermon they always raise the Bible as a symbol to say as a community what is written in the Bible is true and God breathed his words on to the pages and it cannot be changed to suit the world. I just love knowing that! I attend online so check him out he is wonderful! You can also see past sermon’s on YouTube.

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I don't get the take on the new twitter woke CEO. Yes, she's followed a few right-ish accounts. That's it. But 95% is her loving covid jabs, masks, lockdowns; getting rid of whites and men, pushing gay and trans agenda. Loves her some WEF 20 minute cities. All into the green propaganda.


Check out the twitter CEO showing us idiots how to wash our covid hands.


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I agree. It’s a mistake to trust anyone who is a globalist, WEF leftist. Why are conservatives so easily fooled again and again? I’m sure you’ve seen the documentary “Out of the Shadows”. We are living amongst unfathomable evil. Don’t be fooled!

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we are fooled, because we truly believe people are good, that they reflect our core values. Since these immoral people don't have the Holy Spirit in them, they can't resist sin. Satan controls this world, and until recently, I was blind to that. Only God will save us.

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“Unfathomable evil.” Perfect description.

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Elon and His new twitter head are like

Like Lucy with the football and the right is like Charlie Brown.

Don't fall for it again!

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It's even worse: We conservatives are so gullible we will miss the whisked-away football, go flying through the air, and land on what we thought was a soft, dry pile of leaves that turned out to be a hard hill covered with a thin leaf layer.

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Actually it's probably more like a concrete barrier covered in a few leaves.

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and repeat, repeat, repeat...we'll certainly connect at some point!?

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and that leaf layer is covering a big ol' red ant pile, eager to munch on our tasty bits.

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Yep. I don't trust Tucker Carlson, either.

His Twitter decision was weird in the first place. And now this CEO. Nope.

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The alignment with WEF is troublesome to say the least, although In trying to be neutral, just because someone is part of an organization doesn’t mean they agree with every aspect. Tulsi Gabbert was among WEF young leaders and she’s done quite a turnaround.

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Tulsi has done an amazing economic turn-around for her own career. There's no possible way you can reach your mid 40s or 50s as an unreconstructed socialist, including endorsing Bernie Sanders in 2020, and have any sort of principles. She is outraged by convenience, and her new paymaster has her saying what she needs to say. Do not trust Tulsi any farther than you can throw her. You don't get to do the devil's work for decades, not apologize, not explain your supposed change of heart, and then reap the benefits of a "new position".

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Saul --> Paul?

John Newton the slaver --> John Newton the hymn writer?

No hope for older people at all to be able to see where they were previously blind?

I disagree.

I'm not advocating for a position about Tulsi, just disagreeing with ruling out such a change because of age only. I do realize that she isn't suddenly Christian, but I think the principle holds.

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Well, if you do make that radical a change that suddenly and that late in adulthood, it should look a lot more like "Witness" by Whittaker Chambers. Please consider reading.

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Glad you acknowledge that people can learn and change their minds. My father was an FBI Special Agent whose task in WWII was to track down Soviet agents, whether Soviet or American, in Washington, DC, so I'm good on understanding Chambers.

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So you don’t think humans can change position over the course of a lifetime? Nonsense! I campaigned for Obama in 2008 and here i am now.

Past actions don’t necessarily paint a complete picture of a person’s character.

People do change and evolve, and an apology isn’t always required.

Tulsi was a convenient example, but some of the rigid attitudes here can be very off-putting to those of us who largely align but may not be uber religious lifelong conservatives. How is that any different from the all-or-nothing left wing whackadoos?

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She endorsed a Marxist in 2020.

For a primer on loving repentance and sacrifice, see: "Witness", by the redoubtable Whittaker Chambers.

PS: Thou protest too much.

I have been wrong about many things, and I do endeavor to repent and apologize. I probably fail sometimes. About the fundamentals of politics and human nature...well, Childers is a great proxy for my conclusions.

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She was always awake about our evil foreign policy and its lies.

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My guess is the young WEF-ers are partly chosen for some acting chops, or at least for their ability to seem sincere when playing to their various scripts.

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The hand washing vid is a joke. Her kitchen cabinets are empty. She uses a paper towel to touch her own faucet handle. I know she’s virtue-signaling, but give me a break. Plus, ugly clothing.

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Yup! You can’t just give us folks on the right a few wins (5%) and call it even. Not working for me. BUT I’m also not going full in for Twitter until I see positive things happening for our side, I’m with Tim Cook on this.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

We didn't need machine-learning to tell us what killed the CI9 hospital patients, but I'm glad it confirmed what we already knew. Yes, this is why the US had one of the highest mortality rates, centralized and authoritarian control of health care, and we didn't even need to adopt Communism.

Secondary bacterial pneumonia is also what killed the vast majority of those who died during the Spanish Flu pandemic, but the difference is they had not discovered antibiotics in 1918. Fauci knew this (about Spanish Flu) and stated it in that CNN documentary on Spanish Flu.

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Great point about the centralization, federalization, and homogenization of healthcare in the U.S.

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So Jamie Foxx is fine and playing pickleball.

But an attention hound like him can't tweet or do a TikTok short? Weird huh.

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What stuck out to me was his daughter's tone in her most recent update. She sounded irritated. Irritated because, according to her, fake posts are floating around spewing misinformation about her father's condition. If he were an average Joe Blow, she might have a leg to stand on but he's a highly publicized personality figure in the entertainment industry. If her father has been at home for weeks, why no public update about it weeks ago? And, if he's in such great shape, why does she need to continue speaking for him at all? Why can't Foxx himself post a picture and an update by himself? How about posting a picture of him playing pickkeball? I mean, Foxx or his daughter could easily squash all rumors immediately.

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No matter how you look at it, it does not inspire confidence.

Note to self: If ever I have zero evidence of something and I get called on it, do not under any circumstances act irritated and attemept to play the victim card.

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It was reported he had a brain aneurysm

He was heavily jabbed

Now it seems he has now entered the Tiffany Dover Damar Hamlin zone

Just wait for his deep fake body double to appear

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Ok you just rekindled an earlier thread about coming with a term for it.

The Dover-Fox Zone?

A case of the Hamlin-Foxes?

I'd say Jamie is going to be one hard face to fake...

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Hard face to fake? If they get someone to dress up as Wanda Wayne, his character from In Living Color...😵‍💫

Seriously though, they have deep fakes down so good that that wouldn’t be a problem

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May 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Happy to see that ‘the science’ is catching up with what we already knew was happening. Patients on ventilators had a 4% chance of living and the government INCENTIVIZED killing patients by putting them on ventilators with an extra bonus. As I recall, just giving someone oxygen did not remedy the Covid induced oxygen deficiency because the oxygen was blocked from getting into the lungs by the virus. Your best bet to survive Covid was always to steer clear of the hospitals and doctors. And probably still is.

Disgust is all I feel that the clip reel had all the talking heads saying people were selfish for ‘not giving up their freedoms’ and doing as they are told. Such a coordinated effort of words to go against our rights. We always need to pay attention to the consistent use of particular phrasing across the board when it comes to listening to these ‘slippery suckers’. Never forget.

So why isn’t Jordan Neely’s family responsible for not having gotten him the help he needed to stay off the streets and protect the public from his violent actions? That they are ignoring his crimes against many innocent people is sick, but it looks like they are hoping for a payout on a situation from which they chose to walk the other way. Until money came into the picture.

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Neely’s family...hoping for a George Floyd payout 😡

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I thought this exact thing. Where was the county, the state of New York, his family when he needed help? Now everyone can commodify his suffering, and the BlackRock Vanguard owned Punch and Judy media can shape and twist the dueling narratives as if on a diabolical potter's wheel, further dividing everyone, keeping the wounds all open while blacking out sudden deaths, turbo cancers and sterilization and exacerbating racial divisions, which also keep us divided from our own souls and from recognizing the soul in others, none of which have any color at all. It is no accident that Chief Dementoid was ranting at an all black college commencement about white supremacy being the greatest threat to democracy. Make all the white kids stuck in ideology schools hate themselves so they want to be trans, pretend there actually fair elections, and keep the transhumanist agenda on overdrive, while allowing the corporate fascists to extract every cent from every living being like the dark triad Scrooges they are. Now he's after appliances no doubt due to the respective appliance lobbies. However, there do seem to be signs and portents of a deep rebellion, all over the countries of the West.

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Oxygen was not used in the hospitals in many cases because the machines didn't/don't filter the outflow and they were afraid of all the Covid germs flying around.

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Wait, what?!

Just when I think I can't hear anything more loony...

At the very outset of the whole thing, when doctors, including many Christian doctors I know, who of all people ought to have the most courage in the face of danger (remember the Christian doc who nearly died from Ebola a few years ago?), when doctors acted like they were special heroes for continuing to work in the face of covid, when hospitals brandished the "heroes work here" slogans, I was very puzzled.

Was this not what doctors are called to do on a daily basis already? To set aside personal comforts and safety for the welfare of the sick who has come to them for care and aid? To accept the risk of contagion, while using common sense prevention of course, but recognizing the divine gift of skill and knowledge that has been given to them and which they must therefore use when called upon, for the healing or comforting of their fellow man?

The level of fear and the way it drove extreme self-protection measures at the expense of patient well being was stunning.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

“…send them swarming back to China or Venezuela or the Gates of Hell, we don’t really care which.” 💖

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I liked this too.

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