The expression of their faces bears witness against them,

And they display their sin like Sodom;

They do not even conceal it.

Woe to them!

For they have brought evil on themselves.

Say to the righteous that it will go well with them,

For they will eat the fruit of their actions.

Woe to the wicked! It will go badly with him,

For what he deserves will be done to him.

ā€” Isaiah 3:9-11 NASB1995

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God help us Janice šŸ™

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The Lord is merciful but He does enact His justice. To many eyes, His justice is long overdue.

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Never late. Never early. Long-suffering patience. He is the great and Wonderful God.

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Itā€™s isnā€™t our timing , it is God's timing .. his timing is always perfect.

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You would think His mercy and patience would be exhausted already...but no...

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I remind myself frequently, ā€œIā€™m glad the Lord didnā€™t pull the big red handle one hour before I came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christā€.

2 Peter 3: 9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

2 Peter 3: 15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;

16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.

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Mine is!

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My only solace in watching the moral depravity surrounding us today is the HOLY BIBLE's condemnation and sure prophecy! EVEN SO....LET IT BE, LORD JESUS!

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Itā€™s really helpful to know the ending! And the One who knows the end from the beginning and everything in between. Hallelujah.

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I just keep repeating ā€œHe is on the Throneā€. How thankful I am!

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It seems we truly are under judgement.

I pray that, in His judgement, that He remembers mercy. And because He Loves mercy above all, He will remember.

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Itā€™s difficult to fathom that He is all just and all merciful at the same time.

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Jesus Christ and Him crucified. The only way possible to reconcile Love, Mercy, and Justice. Saved from God, by God. ...And then, His resurrection. Truly amazing Grace!

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Because He makes righteous judgements.

I canā€™t seem to master that skill.

Sometimes I seem to get it right, sometimes I fail. We simply have to continue to ā€œtry....aim for the mark of the higher level calling.......ā€

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I donā€™t know how the word ā€˜levelā€™ got in my comment.......ugh AI

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The Lord said many, many times that He will protect his FAITHFUL REMNANT.

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As it is written, so let it be done.

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I was reminded of this:

ā€œLord, I have heard the report about You and I fear.

O Lord, revive Your work in the midst of the years,

In the midst of the years make it known;

In wrath remember mercy.ā€

ā€” Habakkuk 3:2 NASB1995

ā€œThe Lord would revive his work among the people in the midst of the years of adversity. This may be applied to every season when the church, or believers, suffer under afflictions and trials. Mercy is what we must flee to for refuge, and rely upon as our only plea. We must not say, Remember our merit, but, Lord, remember thy own mercy.ā€ ā€”Matthew Henry

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Thank goodness there are still real men out there. The awesome thing is that he is only 24 which gives me more hope that not all is lost on the younger generations.

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And the trouble and unfathomable legal stress he will go through now is deliberate in order to discourage other men from being real men...and it will.

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NY city residents - šŸ¤Ŗ large percentage voted for this crap.

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They know not what they do. At this point, itā€™s the only thing that explains it. Why else would this anarchy be allowed? Can they not see themselves or their children in the place of those he was trying to protect?

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A certain minority group cannot bring themselves to vote differently. The idea that the republican party is for and about rich white persons has been firmly ingrained. There are other reasons they vote that way too.

However NYC is made up of 5 boroughs of ethnic and religious diversity, so I dont get it. Anyway, this Mayor was formerly NYPD..he isnt the reason, the Soros appointed DA is.

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May 12, 2023Ā·edited May 12, 2023

Whatā€™s hilarious to me is that a huge number of well off and rich white people seem to vote democrat not republican.

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It was hilarious, but the rich have been teamed up with the Dems for years.

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Yes for many of them it goes way back sociologically for why they do it. I remember this being discussed in a PBS series on the history of different ethnic groups in America. Many people cannot break from the past and see that todays oppressed are not the deviants, but the rest of us!

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Iā€™m amazed to learn many Jewish people, who are generally great business-minded people, vote Democrat; canā€™t imagine why!

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According to a special on PBS, they vote that way because this is the party which traditionally stood up for the underdog and oppressed, of which they related to. Also that is why they tend to tolerate or embrace liberal ideas and causes. However, it is odd, as the idea of liberal causes has taken a culturally, anti family and God sick turn, and liberal Jews tend to still still be family oriented.

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Angela, your first statement is essentially wrong and clueless on a few counts. If I were a member of ā€œa certain minority groupā€ and, like a great many in ā€œcertain minority groupsā€, do vote differently than your assumptions of me, I might take issue with these.

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Please dont go all touchy and PC on me. šŸ™„That is what is wrong with this country today! I am part of an ethnic group and I am a New Yorker through and through, with a handle on the mosaic of my 'homeland' , having grown up and schooled and worked with every group of the great mosaic! Also as the geandaughter of immigrants I donā€™t get touchy when I hear generalizations about the sociological factors behind my etnic group or any other group. I find sociology intellectually fascinating. PBS did an entire series on each group and the historic whys of how they tend to vote became so much clearer.

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Don't confuse criminality with anarchy. Anarchy simply means "absence of government" not "rioting in the streets". As such, it's actually very close to the philosophy behind the 10th Amendment.

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May 12, 2023Ā·edited May 12, 2023

However, anarchy has become synonymous with criminality and rioting in the streets because government is the only entity to enforce law and order (in a perfect world). Itā€™s way past time for states to step up and do what our UNconstitutional government refuses to do. The situation at our southern border is a prime example of that. I voted for Abbott, but he is weak on this issue. Texas is powerful enough to have stopped this mess or at least curtailed it to a large degree, if the will to do so had existed.

The 10th Amendment is well and good, IF any state would invoke it. Do you see that happening?

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Never discount the role of controlled elections either.

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They, the voters, want it this way. This is what dumbocraps believe in.

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No anarchy. Chaos, yes, but no anarchy. The country and its states, cities, and towns have plenty of š’“š’–š’š’†š’“š’”. They just happen to be in large part the scum of the earth, which is generally -- with rare, rare exception -- what power attracts.

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They have no children and they despise their parents. The older i get the more righteous i see Gods sWord in commanding that we stone defiant 'of age' children and have social gender norms and death penalty and timely trials.

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The real problem in NYC is APATHY. Not enough people are voting AT ALL. The uniparty is a given, opposition is considered futile. I donā€™t have the specific numbers (look it up), but in a city of 8M people, DeBlasio, who literally destroyed the city during his tenure, was elected *and* re-elected with something like @ 700,000 votes. Itā€™s disgusting. I grew up in Queens but live in the northern suburbs now.

What most people fail to realize is that the change that impacts individuals the most is fought for and executed at the LOCAL level, not in DC.

A story: Vickie Paladino (R) is a fearless NYC council woman representing my old hometown in comparatively upscale northern Queens, fighting every woke policy you can think of - despite being in the council minority. She also refused to share her vax status during mandates. I know her personally (sheā€™s my best friendā€™s older sister) and contributed to her campaign. Sheā€™s been called a female Trump. Seriously, no filter. šŸ˜‚ She says a number of the Dems on the council agree with her stances and applaud her outspokenness privately, but they still tow the party line on council votes. The hypocrisy is despicable.

Hereā€™s an example of the apathy I claim and why NYC will continue to decline. One of my friends still lives in the district and I have introduced her to Vickie. When Vickie won her hard-fought election, my friend was happy about it, but genuinely asked me how I thought it would benefit her personally. I asked, ā€œdid you vote for her?ā€ She sheepishly said she didnā€™t vote at all. When I told her that local elections were important and where change actually happens, she asked if I voted (which of course I did). I obviously hit a nerve because she took it as a criticism and literally jumped down my throat.

Long rambling story (sorry), but whatā€™s the bottom line? The moral of the story?

You may get what you vote for, but you also get what you DONā€™T vote for. Especially locally.

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You could say the same about Chicago but we have decades-old, pervasive corruption to feed the apathy.

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Good percentage of people are useless.

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Itā€™s downright infuriating, I think.

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How anyone continues to live in that city is beyond me.

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May 12, 2023Ā·edited May 12, 2023

"How"? Maybe you should ask, "WHY". And direct that question, first, to Mister Patriot, Sean Hannity, who bemoans the "fact" that he just cannot bring himself to move out of the NYC metro. Tucker broadcast from Maine ... Rush broadcast from Florida ... Breitbart News streams from wherever the on-air anchor is at the moment. Heck, I can build a "studio" in my office for the cost of a decent mic and some acoustic baffle panels. But Li'l Sean? Naaahhhh.

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When you have the kind of money he does, it can be Paradise. He is a New Yorker in his soul ( not to mention his worst of the worse voice and accent).

I was born and raised in Brooklyn. I lived in a northern suburb of the city for 30 years until 10 years ago.

New York, especially from back in the day never leaves your soul. You meet another New Yorker from your era and you understand and connect to each other despite different ethnic or religious background, despite different educational level. Nothing can describe it, so I don't expect others to understand.

I think if I had Hannitys money, I would still be there, atleast for half the year.

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What you express is nothing remarkable to NYC. Natives of Seattle, Pittsburgh, and li'l ole Podunk usually feel the same about their home towns.

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Maybe you can explain to me why the Orthodox Jews in NY who seem to have many conservative values always vote for the democrats. They are so numerous they could swing many an election but it never happens. And even when they are victimized by the criminals!

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Trust me, I see the writing on the wall and Iā€™d already be out of NY state, but my 93 yr old mom wonā€™t budge - not even to escape the winters. Sheā€™s my #1 priority, so here I stay. I understand not wanting to move at that age.

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It is beautiful and very expensive. The rich dont ride the subways.

In the boroughs, people have roots.

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And ironically the mayor cannot handle the illegals..

What are these people thinking? They can't be.

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Lefties = non critical thinkers

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May 12, 2023Ā·edited May 12, 2023

They have zero understanding of cause and effect. According to them, the policies are completely unrelated to the issues coming up šŸ™„ I actually heard a leftist say this and I was speechless.

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if you believe in the integrity of the vote

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Yep: "Make the process the punishment" (said either by Saul Alinksy or his Kenyan accolyte, The Anointed One).

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Not Black Jesus???

Later Jay

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I multiplied for his defense. Hopefully a great showing of 1000s of donor raising a ton of money will uplift him and send a message. I am proud of what he did. šŸ‘šŸ˜

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I donated at 9:30 and it was well over $222,000

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10:05 and $240k and climbing! Glad to be able to donate to him.

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Just donated ! Itā€™s up to 292k! 11:15 am!

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317k at noon.

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I tried, link did not work. I'm gonna just log on directly I guess

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Itā€™s slow bc c&c is flooding the donations. Some generous c&c folks out there! Proud member and donor!

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They seem to have changed the system (I didnā€™t have trouble before), and my donation ultimately did not end in a 2 because I thought the $2 I added for GSG would count in the total. I messaged Support and hereā€™s the story:

ā€œYou can opt out of the optional donation to GiveSendGo by selecting other and then inputting a 0 amount. This way your donation to the campaign can end in a 2 like you prefer. We appreciate your generous donations.ā€ I like supporting GSG, and this is how to work the numbers.

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Wow! I just donated at 11pm and itā€™s up to almost $700k!! What a turnout in one day!

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Nearing $900k this morning! I too did an amount ending in ā€œ2ā€, but agreed to an additional $4 to cover their costs, which may skew the C & C totals? Not too pressing though, helping Daniel & all masculine, prone to protect heros, is my only goal.

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I "live" on social security, and if I can donate, most everyone else can. If you want to know what you really believe in, look at your checkbook.

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I think the site was overloaded this morning. Not sure if my donation went thru so will ck later. The C&C army was storming the gates over at give-send-GO!!

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Iā€™m going to be honest, I usually read to the end then donate šŸ˜‚

NOT today !!!!!!

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Me too! As retirees living on a fixed income, I consider well about where our money goes. Politicians?ā€¦maybeā€¦maybe not. But for a regular guy like this who was brave enough to DO the right thing - I didnā€™t give it a second thought.

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Me too!

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I agree but its wierd to me his LAW firm created the page. I donā€™t trust that. Sorry Jeff.

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His legal defense is what the money is FOR. Ergo, the money goes to his law firm.

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Yea I get that but to me very wierd that the firm set that up. Would much prefer a friend and it go to the firm for payment.

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I am wary of funds set up by friends. Prefer legal defense to go to lawyers. Jeff takes donations to help his covid freedom fight, and Bill Shipley has a fund to finance his many dozens of J6 defenses.

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Here's the link to the J6 fund, Bill needs funds badly, he's covering 30 clients:


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Not trying to be a contrarian here, but Cernovich makes a good point, these people voted for this, why should good men risk everything to defend them?

Bragg was elected by an overwhelming majority, Manhattan is 90% democrat. So either these people want this, or they are too stupid/uniformed to know that locking up criminals to protect people is good for society. They want this.

Yet good men are supposed to step up and protect these people? Good men are supposed to risk everything to be jailed by a left-wing nutcase prosecutor and jury? Those good men will be separated from their family, unable to provide for their kids, unable to see them grow up, and have their life ruined, for protecting people who want and voted for the mayhem.

Young urban women overwhelming vote democrat and propel these leftist thugs into office, yet good patriotic men are supposed to step in and protect them when the inevitable happens? No way, chivalry is a two-way street. You don't get to have your cake and eat it too.

Cernovich is exactly right IMO. Good men should save their heroics for people who actually appreciate honor, valor, and courage, and don't put communists that free criminals in office.

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I would agree exceptā€¦when good men and women are minding their own business and thugs like that one start harming peopleā€¦.good men and women instinctively protect. Itā€™s in their nature. How do we live with ourselves if we turn away and let them be hurt when it was in our power to help them? Thatā€™s the difference between cowards and good men and women. We canā€™t turn a blind eye to thugs and criminals. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø even if we want to.

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I don't like it either, but people have to learn from their actions. There's a real cost to be paid for mindlessly electing a communist just because he has a D by his name. Bragg made no secret about his intentions.

Personally, I avoid these situations by keeping myself and my family out of bad areas and situations. You could not pay me to ride a New York subway. It may sound cowardly but it keeps us from being victimized or being put in the position of having to confront one of these psychos. These people not only put themselves in the situation but vote for more if it. Particularly women, it's like they have a death wish.

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I get it. And I do agree with some of what you say.

I also avoid places that are unsafe as well. I would not knowingly go to places that are bad areas or bad situations. That is not cowardly. That is being wise!

And you are also right that a lot of people voted for this therefore should live with the consequences. Those consequences would be brave mend and women not even being there to help in the first place. However, if good men and women happen to be there, Iā€™m glad they would do the right thing and step up.

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I'm not a 'good man' by anyone's standards, but I don't intend to allow intolerable behavior in my presence. Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions. (not my quote)

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Tactical thinking is never cowardly.

Suggested reading for all here, especially women, families with small kids, and folks who are perceived as being wealthy: "The Gift of Fear" by Gavin de Becker.

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Just finished that book. I put off reading it because, as a Christian, I believe God did not give us a spirit of fear. He did, however, give us intuition/gut instinct/whatever you want to label it. The book speaks to that gift.

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Exactly, that's why I think the title is a bit off even though I've heard great things about the book (have not read it yet). Trust your instincts, God gave us them for a reason. Don't let modern society guilt you into ignoring them.

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It's a slippery slope when good people stop doing the right thing, for whatever reason. Like I tell my kids, you're responsible for what you do. Not for what anyone else does. I hope men never stop being gallant simply because feminists don't want it. And I hope good men and women don't stop standing up to bullies simply because the populace doesn't deserve it. Because then no one is doing the right thing.

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I would argue the "right thing" is to take your family out of a lawless place and to protect them by using common sense. I have no obligation to threaten my own family's well-being by defending a woman who voted for lawlessness all because the guy with a "D" by his name supports and promotes abortion (and that's what it comes down to for many, if not most, young women).

Chivalry was a system designed to protect women as the weaker sex. The system worked in that certain behavior was expected of both sides. Women are not entitled to unconditional bravery from men just because of their chromosomes. If women want to do stupid things like vote for communists and ride unprotected in a lawless subway then they really should not expect men to step up and defend them.

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We do what we do because of who we are, not because of who others are. I didn't refuse to wear a mask just to wake up people who wanted to stay asleep. I refused because of who I am before God. I didnt say anything about putting your family in danger because of chivalry (thats a stretch), but I can tell you my family experienced persecution. If men would understand their role before God, and fulfill it, this world would be a different place. This man on the subway did what his conscience knew was right, and in this evil culture, he will suffer for it. But the evil culture is not his problem. God and his conscience tell him who he is, not them. And it's God they'll both answer to.

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May 12, 2023Ā·edited May 12, 2023

Good grief.

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In my neighborhood full of lefties and covidiots, I will not help them with anything. And trust me when I say they will not help you. Look what they do to themselves and their families. They're so screwed up who would want anything they had to offer. The only good thing about them is my kids have clear examples of who not to get involved with etc.

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I agree and have found that leftists are the least likely to help their neighbors. However, letā€™s not assume that folks voted for this in all cases, as many elections are rigged.

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May 12, 2023Ā·edited May 12, 2023

Statistics collected over decades prove you are correct about leftists and charity. Conservatives and people of faith give more. "Progressives" apparently believe that charity begins in the government treasury, not in the individual heart.

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So true. I once lived next to a very liberal couple, who were all ā€œintoā€ pet rescue. A stray cat showed up right when we were selling our house, but of course they couldnā€™t be bothered to help when I couldnā€™t bring it in. Another (conservative) neighbor stepped up and she ended up keeping the cat.

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So, so does that make Annie up there a leftist? She states bluntly that she wont help people in her neighborhood.

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No, itā€™s just statistics/ general trends. There are stats and there are individuals.

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The argument is correct because people deserve the consequences of their actions. But the larger take-away is that New York is a failed state and really no different from Monrovia or any other failed state cesspool.

There are only two choices in life. Either stand up for truth and an authentic administration of justice based upon God's Law ... or roll over. Things have gotten extreme. The result being that choices are sometimes hard and difficult.

How does making right choices work in daily life? Well, I will defend my wife, if need be, with my life. My wife knows this. And the result is that the quality of life in the house is upgraded from what it could be, a thing of no consequence. That is, if a person knows that he or she can depend on someone to perform, then life is made good and the home secure.

The necessity to choose between Good and Evil regardless of the personal consequence in today's Woke climes should be a self-evident truth.

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There's a third choice in don't put yourself in a situation where you are compelled to defend the stupid or reckless.

Remember that scene in Die Hard 3 where the bad guy tells John McClain to go into a black neighborhood wearing a giant "I hate (N-word)" placard as part for the ransom? Extreme example, but if someone is doing that and you drive by and see him getting the tar beaten out of him, would you help? Or would you think that guy was an idiot and frankly got what he had coming?

Things are not always black and white. The problem here is that people have made foolish choices to elect morons that free criminals, choose to live in an unsafe neighborhood, and then ride the subway which is notorious for being a rolling mental institution. They don't have to do any of these things but choose to. Then when as predictably as the sun rising things go wrong, people are supposed to step up and defend them knowing they will go to jail for it? No.

Of course I would defend my family to the death if it came down to it. However, it never has come down to that because I make smart choices to keep them and myself out of situations where it's required. If that makes me a coward then I'm proudly a coward.

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The alleged third choice is not really a third choice. It is another choice separate from the first binary consideration of having choose between Good and Evil.

Instead, the alleged third choice is prudence. Within the context of Good and Evil, prudence is the exercise of wisdom.

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Good points. They made their bed, let THEM lie in it!!

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No one has ever said that doing the right thing is easy. If you want it easy, go virtue-signal in an inconspicuous way. "I voted" badges are good.

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Wow, not sure if that was aimed at me but speak for yourself. How many violent thugs have you stopped defending this virtue you speak of?

People sure are big talkers demanding others take risks they have never done themselves. Go for it Lynn, maybe you can be the next Bernard Goetz.

And how is it the right thing to be thrown in jail, unable to provide for one's kids, unable to be there for them growing up? All to defend someone who voted for the mayhem and knowingly put themselves in a dangerous situation?

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JeffC...It's possible you're being misunderstood by some folks. I think your main point is that you avoid potentially unsafe situations as a way of protecting your family, etc. and I agree with you. Avoidance is the #1 preferred answer to danger, and that is not cowardice but prudence, as another commenter phrased it.

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May 13, 2023Ā·edited May 13, 2023

True Ted, I think people should behave prudently by evaluating the consequences before they act. Like you state that includes avoiding potentially dangerous situations. But it goes beyond that.

I'm saying (actually Cernovich said it but I agree with him) they should not risk their lives, livelihood, and freedom by defending people who vote for and sanction anarchy. These people that some are demanding others defend, will be all too happy to vote 12-0 to convict them when Bragg or some other Soros prosecutor charges them with assault or manslaughter.

NYC has made it's choice to elect a communist who ran on the platform of letting criminals run free. That's what he said he'd do and they voted for him overwhelmingly. They are brainwashed dolts who think civilization is the normal order of humanity as opposed to a carefully constructed system of rules, enforcement, and common trust. They threw that out the window in a fit of self-righteousness as it made them feel good about themselves (Black Lives Matter!) and now they are paying the price. Now normal decent people are supposed to step up and defend them? Why?

And to those saying it's the Christian thing to do, I get it. But where does the Bible say we are compelled to defend people that intentionally bring harm upon themselves (and risk our own family's well being in the process)? Perhaps it's in there but I have not seen it. I quote Bible verses on here all the time and would *welcome* some scripture that clarifies this subject.

Anyways, I avoid it entirely by *never* putting my family in a location where mental patients roam free. We don't go shopping or to restaurants in bad neighborhoods ever, why would people do that? And if we are at some event and I get a sense that things are starting to get uncomfortable we leave. Period. My family always comes first.

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As long as you are following Christ, no one (including myself) has any valid reason to criticize you. You are the leader of your family, ordained by God Himself.

For me, I ignore all that fake Christian crap about following government orders, etc. None of that means anything when the government itself is fully devoted to Satan. I take my orders from God, so I donā€™t give any thought to what anyone else says or believes. Psalm 118:8 is considered to be the ā€˜centerā€™ of Godā€™s Word. I put my full trust in God and every man can go pound sand. ā€œI seek peace, but I am ready and willing to do horrible things to evil people in order to protect my family, or anyone I choose.ā€ ~ me

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My comment wasn't intended to be pejorative towards you or anyone else here, and i apologize if it seemed that way or in any way self-righteous. IMHO, the time is coming when we will no longer have many choices remaining, and we might consider what we are prepared to do to "keep what's mine." Further, painting everyone in a city, town or even a neighborhood with the same brush is unreasonable. Do we question a person about their political positions before we help them, or do we help because we believe we should? For those who are religious - and I am not - one might ask what Jesus would do.

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Agreed, but dont forget that NYC is huge and Manhattan is only a small part of it. My entire family resides there; our roots from Ellus island started there. We are all republicans.

I do know some immigrant people who vote democratic for silly reasons like they think the dems are better for their ethnic homelands in foreign policy. šŸ™„

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May 12, 2023Ā·edited May 12, 2023

Very true in that NYC is huge, but aside from Staten Island most of NYC is very liberal and votes overwhelmingly democrat.

As an example, in 2020, Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens combined, Trump only got 20% of the vote, Manhattan by itself was 12%. In Staten Island on the other hand, Trump got 57%.

Aside from Staten Island, these people want this.

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Yes the boroughs were always considered working class, and historically speaking they would vote blue. I understand why and it wasn't necessarily a bad thing..all that changed a few decades ago with the beginning of the culture war.

My extended family are educated business people and despite being New Yorkers, they always voted republican.

Staten Island is largely comprised of Italian Americans who left Brooklyn for larger homes. This ethnic group is family oriented, and to a large extent these days, business owners. It makes sense that they voted for Trump.

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I had to try the GiveSendGo link several times before it finally responded. I hope that means thereā€™s a flood of support coming in for this brave young man! I saw lots of 2ā€™s in the recent gift list.

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Yea, it wouldn't work for me. I'll try again later.

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I dont see any, but i also stopped scrolling after awhile. And, i'm guessing most of the '2' donations happened shortly after this substack went out.

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There's a bunch of them out there. They are keeping there heads down doing what young successful men are supposed to be doing. That's why we don't notice them, we should. "The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth".

But, there is an inordinate amount of attention sacrificed on the technically savvy overly vocal minority that jump up and down shouting, "look at me, look at me" as they virtue signal through there cell phones, etc. .... ad nauseam.

Later Jay

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So glad Jeff set up this multiplier, he read my mind!

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I wonder when Newsweek will not only link to Telegram, but the 55,000 page Pfizer document that shows why "all those kids" are dying?

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Never: Newsweek is part of the mason media network

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


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Speaking of masons; the word is that Ron DeSantis is a big mason.

He only does Masonic handshakes. He always does the Masonic triangle.

Even named his son - Mason.


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I am so sick of having to second guess every single thing people do to try and discern who they really are. Itā€™s exhausting. Even what was a simple handshake now has to be analyzed until weā€™re paralyzed to figure out what their intent and motives are. Ugh. Sigh. The fog of war is thick and itā€™s really hard to see through it to find the actual truth.

Iā€™m not saying one way or another with RD. I see evidence both ways for all of it. Itā€™s just exhausting to be looking over oneā€™s shoulder every second of every day. (God please give those of us who need it our second wind!)

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I agree Sunnydaze.

There were conservative people who said that Trump could be the AntiChrist. False. Then there were the QAnons said that Trump was taking back the White House in January 2020 with a 4D chess move or whatever. Also false.

There are too many darn rabbit holes that turn out to be false and Iā€™m not going down there.

If I see hard evidence for a theory I will consider it.

Here is one solid truth: the jab killed too many people, young and old. Trump will not back off of these killer shots. This is immorality at the highest level and there is actual evidence of this. Without safe and ethical healthcare, we are all doomed.

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I suspect the cognitive shock and awe is a feature, not a bug, as they say.

They try to overwhelm our bandwidth so we give up or go down to simplistic thinking offered to us by all media ecosystems. I find giving the right hemisphere of my brain, where music and poetry and intuition and faith and fascination with nature and whole gestalt thinking resides, some time to comprehend things offline allows me to make a fuller model of what is actually happening. Chasing every theory online only overwhelms me, and since the most crucial information is hidden from us, we will be overwhelmed and not really have the whole picture.

ā€œBy their deeds you will know them. Does a man gather grapes from thorns or figs from briars?ā€

Matthew 7:16

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I believe the rabbit holes concerning Trump taking office back, and Q are probably all psyops from the left to keep people from not doing anything and just waiting... while our country is destroyed... pray Iā€™m wrong

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Hopium can be addictive.

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Trump has publicly stated that "Operation Warpspeed was my greatest achievement in office." I have never heard him apologize or acknowledge his error.

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Apologize....are you serious...for greenlighting what was told to him was going to end the pandemic. It's misguided to keep assuming Trump was the one who championed the vaccines. He was greenlighting everything in order to fix the situation. His team, Fauci and Birx, they are the owners of the fraudulent mess we know of today. You will never see Trump apologize. As the damage of the vax program continues to be exposed, perhaps down the road he will express sadness at the outcome. But apologize for trying to help....nah...not going to happen.

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Trump and morality are mutually exclusive.

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Totally agree. The latest is 'everyone is a transgender'.

Like the CNN 'lady' that hosted Trump. Reminds some people of the Bud Light trans-spokeperson.

I'm like, guys, she's a woman. (Right?)

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Consider how DeSantis came into prominence so suddenly, out of nowhere. He has essentially the same "profile" as Obama. Ivy league schools, law degree, "perfect" nuclear family, government/political "service," wins an election improbably, has some success, and then all of a sudden is in the national spotlight. He has attacked all the things the establishment doesn't care about (like the culture war issues) while not attacking the one thing they do care about (Ukraine/forever war). I wish I could unsee it.

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Thatā€™s not true. Tucker Carlson asked a bunch of candidates for their position on Ukraine & DeSantis was heavily criticized by the establishment for his response.

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And then he very publicly walked it back. And then went to Israel. He was either brought to heel or he signaled to the establishment that he's on their side.

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Ummmm...... points to ponder

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BFM, you are insane or just trying to provoke people. Last week you were calling him Zion Ron. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy your posts but find them a bit hard to take seriously.

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I'm not holding my breath believe me (:

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Yeah. Good one. šŸ˜„

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Donation ending in 2 given to Daniel Penny who CLEARLY has an amazingly brave moral compass. It reminds me of how rare this really is and how treacherous it can be when you self-sacrifice for strangers. Reminded me of the time I was a kid riding my bike with my friend Gayle and her mealy mouthed father. We were jumped by 3 teens trying to steal our bikes- Gayle's dad said, no lie: "Take HER bike, just don't hurt US", pointing to his daughter and himself. I was 12. They took my brand new bike I had received for my birthday just 3 days earlier, and just for good measure, smashed it on top of me before riding away with it. Yeah. So when I see something like this, this incredible moral turpitude of DA Bragg, I know, without a shred of doubt, that he will get his comeuppance. In case you missed it: https://www.givesendgo.com/daniel_penny

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Cowardly men disgust me.

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Honestly, I hate cowardly people across all genders (I know we only have 2 , just being a smart ass).

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I hate seeing men, especially young ones, wearing the dreaded mask. All I think is: cowards.

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Oh wow šŸ˜³ That is just beyond cowardly!! What a disgusting poor excuse for a man!!!

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It's funny how life's experiences can shape you in either direction.

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May 12, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Byron Donalds for VP!

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I think the Constitution forbids the P and the VP to be from the same state.


"The Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves"

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Funny how Tomatometer works: the more critics like a movie, the worse it is. The critics that give a movie a collective terrible score are usually outstanding. The only one everyone agreed on was Top Gun Maverick. Overall, though, critics are bought off like the rest of the gross, disgusting, woke media.

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Yes, I usually pick my movies by watching the 180 degree opposite of what Rotten Tomatoes ranks as good. The recent movie "Nefarious" got 96% positive ratings from over 1K movie goers and 15 schlubs at rotten tomatoes gave it 33%.

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Havenā€™t been to a movie since the lockdown. Just canā€™t stomach supporting them.

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I support Angel Studios. They are putting out faith-filled movies and bypassing Hollywood.

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We neither - for the past 10 years, I'd guess we've seen about 3-5 movies.

HOWEVER, we did go see Nefarious and it was literally the best movie I've seen ever. (I felt guilty giving AMC money, but it was worth it.)

I decided yesterday that I'm going to purchase DVD copies for all my family.

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Iā€™m very selective re: movies.

Top Gun Maverick was a thriller; wonderfully done.

Jesus Revolution was good.

I Can only Imagine, Godā€™s Not Dead & others.

I want to support those trying to give us wholesome movies.

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Totally agree!!!!! I watch movies just not at the theater. Donā€™t go on cruises either since they told me I was subhuman. Lol. Picked my battlesšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

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Itā€™s been years to never again for me.

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I really like Nefarious and saw the same rating on Rotten Tomatoes. When I watched it I knew right away why the critics hated it.

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I want to see Nefarious but the closest theater by me is over 2 hours away. Hopefully more theaters will show it.

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I don't watch movies made after 2017 as a rule. Only a couple exceptions like Jesus Revolution. I don't want to support current Hollywood if I can help it. Go woke go broke.

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NEFARIOUS is a must see!!

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Amen sista!!!

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Nothing much has changed with movie critics. I was a huge movie buff back in the 70's thru the early 2000's and critics & raters were frequently way off the mark even back then. In fact, the worse the movie review, the more I wanted to see it. At some point, I completely tuned out all critics. Back then, movie critics were actual people but nowadays, rotten tomatoes and other movie rating rags are run by a constant revolving door of basement dwellers.

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Just like a kids book making the NYT best seller list. I know itā€™s going to be nothing an actual kid wants to hear

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Yes, if the critics hate it, Iā€™m likely to enjoy it. I noticed that personal trend decades ago.

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At a certain point they will roll out a plate of doggie-doo and a bright eyed bushy tailed host will roundly proclaim it to be ambrosia. Although at this point the theater will be mostly empty....

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Donation happily made to Daniel. May God protect him.

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Way to go sissy... Iā€™m following ā™„ļøšŸ¤šŸ’™. He is earning his name Daniel ( in the lions den). May God protect him

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So many donations coming in that GiveSendGo is not responding: "Error 404, bad gateway", or nothing at all, when I click on the link. Will try again later.

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I had the same issue at first but was successful on my third attempt!

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Same here, had to try a few times but ended up going through!

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Same here

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Amazingly wonderful

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You get a confirm email and receipt when it does go through.

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All those excess deathsā€¦Still waiting for the public health experts to break the mortality data down by vaccination status.

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Iā€™m just ā€œ baffled ā€œ why they havenā€™t yet done it.

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Just donated to the multiplier and saw a number of other donations ending in $2. Note: if you donate an extra fee to cover GiveSendGo's operating costs, your donation still shows up in the original amount ending in a 2. I even saw one mention of C&C.

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Thanks for the note. I was wondering if it would mess it up if I donated to GiveSendGo.

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That is correctā€¦I paused for a bit before hitting the ā€œgoā€ button because I didnā€™t know ā€œifā€ the extra donation to GSG ā€” would mess up my C&C donation ending in a ā€œ2ā€

Notch Johnson is spot-onā€¦it worked and I received an email confirmation showing my C&C donation ending in a ā€œ2ā€ and the additional donation was recorded in a different bucketā€¦all good.

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I know folks have asked about this for previous multipliers so I thought'd I'd clarify this time since I was able to donate relatively early. That said, it should not matter whether or not the final number ends in a 2 as long as you feel you are donating to a worthy cause in an amount you can afford. Yes, it's good to see C&C make a notable difference that can be seen by the end digit 2 but that should not preclude contributing additional to the organizer if you deem their service worthy. You also had the option here to add a comment to say you came from C&C or whatever.

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No surprise here about the excess deaths in the UK still happening in 2023. Those large "white fibrous clots" in the veins and arteries of corpses are still being seen by embalmers in 2023. And to think that this all seem to have started in the Year 2021. Gee, I wonder what new substance people were putting into their bodies starting in 2021 might be leading to these white fibrous clots that cause heart attacks and strokes?

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It's maddening. It's always anything but the "vaccine". I've read accounts from people such as that when they took their teenage son to the ER because of chest pains the first thing the doctor told them is that it's not from the vax.......even though the family hadn't even said anything about the vax.

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It's delusional but if they don't want to admit it's the jibby jabs then the only reasonable measures left to blame must be masks and lockdowns then?

One of the best decisions I've ever made was to avoid that wretched shot

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It is truly astounding what full spectrum media dominance can do, it really is. The great thing is that people can still talk amongst themselves, and vote with their feet and their wallets. Take for example force multipliers (here) and consumer boycotts. You think CNN+ failed to get off the ground because they just didnt have the heart? No, itā€™s because nobody showed up. Eventually when it comes down to it BS WALKS.

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The Bud Light boycott shows that we the people can make an impact. We just need for people to focus and work together.

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Amen. Buy Yuengling. Patriot and family owned. They supported Trump in 2016 and the left organized a boycott. Unlucky for them, us patriots bought even more yuengling. No AB beer or product in my house allowed.

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Eldest son brought home a 12-pack of Budweiser the other day.

I looked at him not saying anything for a few moments, then said "Why are you buying Tranny fluid?"

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I threatened to smash any and all AB product.

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Love that beer!!!!

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IT is pretty awesome and the price is right

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Dang, it's not available anywhere near the west coast. I would love to have supported them!

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I agree. What the subways need is a good old fashioned Rosa Parks boycott. The subway companies have a duty to make the service they provide safe for everyone paying the fee.

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The Subways are owner lock, stock and barrel by the City of New York.

We're not talking 19th century here when the various Subway lines were owner by separate private companies.

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And they clearly have zero interest in keeping subway riders safe!

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Boycott NYC.

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Proof of concept

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Make an impact ? What Impact?- Budweiser (Anheuser-Bush is part of the Spirit Conglomerate InBev. InBev is so humongous and control so many different brews and brands of brews that if people stop drinking Bud they most likely will start drinking another Beer that's also owned by InBev.

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It shows people are pushing back about woke ideology. It is resistance.

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Wow. That is just disgraceful.

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The old hippies, yuppies and greenies that frequent the local health food store would cringe in horror if they ate anything gmo. But all have taken these clot shots and more. It's a joke. CNN should have encouraged all the faithful to get more shots to help them through this Trump trigger show. Bunch of useless idiots.

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NO GMOs! But they get the mRNA shot.

My Body My Choice! But they support the State mandating injections.

Make Love Not War! But they endorse fighting to the last Ukrainian.

COEXIST! (next to the F**K Trump bumper sticker)

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The other day I saw a ā€œYou canā€™t CoExist [with the same fancy lettering as the original for that word] with people who are trying to kill youā€ šŸ˜†šŸ˜ That made my day! šŸ˜

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I love it! I need to find one like that. :)

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Yep, you nailed it. They are all for peace, love, forgiving and getting along.... unless you disagree with them.

Saw a nice truck a few days ago - it had a huge American flag decal on the back window with the words "Let's Go Brandon" in such large letters that you could see it from a great distance. Also a F**k 46 decal with the U replaced by an asterisk. I need to make friends like this. All of my former friends bought/buy the narrative, whatever it is at the time.

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I purchased a hat that is embroidered with FU 46 on the front. Only wore it once. I realized Desantis is the 46th Governor of Florida. So the hats sits on a shelf in my closet right next to my autographed Ted Nugent ā€œCome and Take Itā€ hat.

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Youā€™ll have to save it for wearing out of state šŸ˜šŸ˜†

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I forgot to mention my black and grey ā€œSoā€ hat is next to it too. Love the C&C swag I bought.

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Friends here!!!

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Itā€™s mind boggling

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Exactly. Just suffered through another Jeep beach. I think the lesbians are winning.

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Their hypocrisy is nauseating my Florida brother. Love your take on things.

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I recently saw one guy with his mask pulled down on his chin sucking on a vape stick. I thought, that guy is extra-especially dumb.

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I can top that...recently saw a guy on a motorcycle with no helmet but had his kn95 mask on! Wow. Just wow.

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Maskers get the coughing treatment just to trigger them. My hubby crop dusts them as well. šŸ˜„

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Reminds me of the guy who was at a wildfire evacuation site in CA, wearing a n95 smoke mask. Heā€™d pull it down to take drags on his cigarette!

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I know see people in the grocery stores wearing a mask ON their chin only. How more ridiculous can you be?

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Reminds me of my college days ( in fabulous Gainesville), where my crowd would only eat organic but do a drug some guy made in his bathtub!

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Those protesting hippies have become the very people and institutions they railed against!

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That just shows me how fake their supposed principles are. All for show, all to fit in with the trendy thing.

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Now the hippies of old are the woke politicians of now.

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Well, the "hippie" movement was a product of CIA psy-ops... so this could really be the only outcome.

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I went to get my eyebrows done and the woman was wearing a mask. I was brave this time and asked her why she was wearing it- the pandemic is over! Then she murmured something. So then I said You know those things donā€™t even workā€¦ they make you sicker. She said she wore it because lots of people come in sick and all. šŸ™„ Okay. Nevermind. I can only hope my comments made her think twiceā€¦ maybe she wonā€™t next time.

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I tried to convince a coworker and she just would not take it off. Even mentioned C&C and the German study. She must love the thing. Sigh.

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Ran into a long time friend who had to get one jab for her job. She says her heart rate went up 30 points afterwards. They may not be dying but I just canā€™t even imagine how many like her had something small happen that never gets reported.

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Exactly. She was skeptical up front. She was forced to do something. So she saw the changes in her body! No doubt everyone is experiencing something even if no symptoms.

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I did a post on social media that reaches some of my brain dead friends who are vaxxed and suffering horrible health issues since then.

ā€œIf you injected an experimental substance into your body why isnā€™t THAT the first possible cause you think of when you suffer health issues after that injection?ā€

Ironically I can see who read it. Lots of them did. Crickets. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø

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You are correct, SunnyD! We all have a bunch of family and friends who took the jabs and are still caught in the "denial" stage. Someday (I don't know when) these nasty side effects will get so prevalent that those in denial will eventually cross over into the "anger" stage of their grief. The question is, who will they be angry with? We who tried to tell them the truth? Or wicked liars like Fauci, Birx, Walensky, Big Pharma who made the jabs, Biden who mandated the jabs, Big Media who pushed them, Big Tech who censored the truth, and/or Big Medicine who used the insane Remdesivir/starve you/ventilator protocol.

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I like people who DO or SAY something.

Well done, Sunnydaze

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Why aren't people asking/demanding for autopsies instead of being passive?

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they don't want to know

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Autopsies can be expensive (approx. $10,000). Plus, who is to say that the coroner performing the autopsy might miss the clots, or worse, not report them if he finds some. Also and not surprisingly, due to economics, more families are opting for cremation these days instead of burials. And, as Pthal said, the family may not want to know, especially if they encouraged the deceased to get the jab.

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without doing the proper staining for the spike protein and the whole virus it would be mute anyway.... and might not know about that.

cost money.

mutilation of the body.

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So Neely wouldn't be dead if they had put him in jail where he belonged. But no, they let dangerous criminals that attack the elderly out on the street to do it again and again. In this case the outcome was good, except for Penny being charged. Luckily it only takes one person for a hung jury, so even if not acquitted, he probably won't be convicted.

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I guess this means Union Square will get Neely statue as a companion piece to the George Floyd statue.

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Heā€™ll also be on the hook for civil litigation where family members will likely come out of the woodwork to sue him for all future earnings. Unfortunately it only takes a majority to convict for civil causes even if he is found innocent on crminal grounds.

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I noticed that the Give Send Go specifically stated that the funds would be used to defend not only the criminal charges but also any future civil suits as well.

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Crap, Iā€™m that womanā€™s age, does that mean Iā€™m elderly? šŸ˜³šŸ¤£

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Only if you have a couple or more clot shots in you.

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šŸ¤£ phew, dodged that bullet

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Wow! Looking over that spreadsheet now of Colleges that Never Mandated the COVID vaccine.

Impressed by PA. Thought I would see zero PA institutions on that list. Very cool

Saddened by Maine. Only ONE school that did not mandate?

And no surprise with NJ--Zero schools that did not mandate.

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Maine is a huge disappointment to me... growing up there with the hippies and earth lovers, now they are woke mask wearing scared idiots... if they arenā€™t destroying themselves with drugs. So sad

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Maine is a tale of duality. SW Maine is Mass, plain and simple. MassHoles live there because its cheaper, they commute from southern Maine.

Coastal Maine up to Penobscot Bay is the Gold Coast. It is populated by ā€œtransplantsā€ who are not representative of the state at large. SE part of the state is very rural and impoverished, and northern Maine is the fuggin boonies and own by paper companies. Everyone with the means is moving to coastal Maine because the Atlantic Northeast is crowded, monied and folks wanna GTFO the cities.

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I live in Massachusetts. A quiet town with masked people walking alone or with their families. I saw a family wearing respirator masks at an outdoor flower nursery. Itā€™s literally crazy town.

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Similar here in Sacramento, not a lot of masking, but one of my neighbors still has his two sons in N95s, age 6 and 8, I think.

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Child abuse!

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Believe it or not, I live in a small town within commuting distance of Portland, OR. Very few mask wearers here anymore. Itā€™s an anomaly to see it, though every now & then a jogger ... (face slap). I donā€™t try to straighten them out anymore ā€” itā€™s become a kind of security blanket for them I think, as the mass formation attempts to infantilize the pop. has been very successful with some ā€” completely internalized!

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Weird right? Hey look mass behavioral programming is both an art and a science (follow it!)

I went to Amherst a little while back and there were a lot of Spittle County Maskers!!

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It just blows your mind the mass brainwashing is so thorough it's scary.

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Yes, but the good news is that it can be reverse engineered.

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Still? Today???

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Watch Fredeerick Wiseman's 'Belfast, Maine' from 1999 and compare it to today's Belfast.

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Lol, my dad worked at the chicken plant back when he was a teenager, for one day šŸ˜‚

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Hmm, ok will do.

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May 12, 2023Ā·edited May 12, 2023

Well if they all keep following along like sheep, there may soon be a lot of land in Maine for sale. It's especially beautiful there in the warmer months.

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Headed there now; perfect summah spot out of Floridaā€™s humidity!

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So much for the hippies being against the ā€œ manā€.

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Exactly ....rebels....not! Just ask Neil Young - Hippocrite

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May 12, 2023Ā·edited May 12, 2023

I think the state has been damaged (but not destroyed) by Lib retirees from MA and NY (and even PA).

And Sen. Susan Collins is THE WORST!

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I felt the same about California. All the Christian and a few private stood up to the unbearable pressure! So pleasing to see those colleges on the list!!

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Yes Temcol! Same!!!! Join us on FB group. More CA peoples!!

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In PA here. I was pleasantly surprised and encouraged by how many schools didn't. Especially Penn State, as they are a hugely government funded research school and right in the thick of the global warming/green energy hoax.

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I think it shows just how 'red' PA really is.

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Pa and NYS are two of the most conservative states in the nation that won't vote.

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New York City, philly and Pittsburgh screw those

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Interesting, as the new super Woke CEO of Twitter did this speech threatening 'Mask Up or Pack Up' ... at Penn State. See 0:43 for a good screenshot.


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Who is the new CEO?

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May 12, 2023Ā·edited May 12, 2023

Lots of schools didn't MANDATE but did use a great amount of coercion to get ppl to make 'the right choice'. I think this list is very misleading!

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But then there were ā€œmandatesā€ with exemptions allowed. Is that considered a true mandate. Would be good to know what they counted and did not count.

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Be aware - just because a college didnā€™t mandate the shot - many were still guilty of discrimination and shameful behavior treatment wise of their students. Many were bat$hit covid crazy and treated students with shameful disrespect. Florida Southern was one. I posted about it on a comment based on first hand personal experience. It was not goodā€¦but they didnā€™t mandate the jab šŸ™„

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The public universities could not mandate the vaxx. It has to be voted on in the legislature I believe. Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre PA did not mandate the vaxx either. They couldn't afford to. My son went there and most of the town could care less about the vaxx and masking. Local bars just went speak easy style. Those that followed the wokesters loss money.

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we had speakeasies in West Chester too! it was actually kind of fun here. even in SE PA we were secretly doing whatever

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Washington state no mandate free colleges or universities.

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The idiot governor Inslee literally called the unjabbed bioterrorists.

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Kansas did a decent job my alma mater did NOT mandate but I do wonder if my old pharmacy school did when it came to clinicals at the med center and beyond. Iā€™d bet nursing and med school did too. The medical professions being especially brainwashed and all. šŸ˜”

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there's Pennsy and then there's Philly ... that said Eastern is really close to Philadelphia. It is a religious college so that likely plays into it. myself I was happy to see Fairfield and Catholic! in CT and DC respectively!

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Yeah. Don't forget the suburbs west of Philly where the well heeled covidiots live. Can't stand them. And when they get sick again and again or develop cancer I think oh well. You followed the science and would have sent me and mine to camps for not being vaxxed. Screw them.

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how can I forget that area that is where I live. paring down our stuff now in preparation for relocating (to another state).

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Read the caption carefully. They use the word ā€œbelievedā€ not to have issued mandates. Sorry, but I am having a tough time believing anything these days. Wish it were funny.

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Maybe Penn State didn't technically mandate, but according to my SO, PSU made life miserable for the unvaxxed, such as weekly testing. My SO works at the University Park campus (main campus). He held out for awhile, then got the jab because he was more frustrated with the hassle of getting tested than he was afraid of the vax. His co-workers told him that Penn State prolonged decisions on exemption requests. While waiting, several gave in and got vaxxed, too. Maybe it wasn't a written policy, but there seems to have been the belief that no vax equaled no job. These colleges and universities may have done a lot of arm-twisting/threatening without technically mandating, but in essence they seem to have accomplished the same thing as mandating.

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May 12, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

FYI: on the colleges

I can speak out of frustration. Just because these colleges didnā€™t mandate the shot. They sure didnā€™t make it easy to remain un-jabbed!

The lure to be jabbed to get free of the testing etc. was real and pressured from the AD, coaches and administrators!! If you were a nursing student guess what it was required for their clinicalā€™s!

I had 2 college athletes the last 3 years and it was a complete nightmare to remain free!

They required weekly testing, and masking to be able to compete. Towards the end made it difficult when the free testing stopped on campus had to go off campus and pay for the test ourselves that was negative in order to play! So most students gave in so they wouldnā€™t have to be bothered with it all!

Thankfully we WON and survived! But it wasnā€™t without me educating my girls along the way.


Parents be aware and have these conversations now! Because none of these institutions are perfect!

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Thank you! I have posted similar comments. Just because they didnā€™t mandate the jab doesnā€™t mean they werenā€™t bat$hit covid crazy and discriminating with shameful behavior. We had first hand experience with a Florida college. It was a nightmare and it still turns my stomach.

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May 12, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Hey Jeff, your work each morning is second only to my Bible! I liken your thoughts and updates to that of a world wide sudoku. Youā€™re a rare breed that can see from the 30,000 foot and close up perspectives simultaneously. I probably speak for a number of us when I say that you made the Covid years bearable!

What are your thoughts regarding Elon hiring a WEF muckety muck to run what we were hoping to be a free speech advocate? Iā€™m extremely troubled and have had difficulty finding anything that suggests she isnt towing the WEF pablum right into Twitter. My beer goggles have fallen off and I need a little help with this one please.

May God richly bless you and yours!

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Not sure yet whether she's even officially hired. Waiting for hot takes to clear

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RepubliCAN'Ts - hold hearings, get great sound bites, (toss us some red meat), media shrugs, nothing happens to the targets of their ire, wash, rinse, repeat. When is someone actually going to be held accountable?

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Agree. NOT 1. Not 1 has gone to jail.

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We're talking bout Prosecution well you know, they want to free our minds instead...

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May 12, 2023Ā·edited May 12, 2023

URSULINE COLLEGE - Ohio - Re No Vax Mandate


True - Ursuline had no vax mandate. But...

Ursuline has a nursing program which requires their students to also be in the hospitals gaining experience. An unvaxed student requested an exemption from the Cleveland Clinic where they were interning. The Cleveland Clinic was granting religious exemptions to employees but defaulted this student's request back to Ursuline for an exemption. As Ursuline had no "official" mandate, the administration had to decide what to do. URSULINE WOULD NOT and DID NOT GRANT this student an exemption.

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Yes. My daughter is looking for nursing programs. Most that weā€™ve looked at in the area in and around NJ require the nursing students to take the jab because the hospitals require it under Bidenā€™s mandate. JMU is so far the only university Iā€™ve had contact with that said theyā€™d do their best to accommodate an un-jabbed nursing student.

If anyone can recommend any other nursing programs in the north east that are also accommodating, please let me know. Thanks!

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Iā€™m sorry for your daughter. We NEED good nurses with brains. Unfortunately, I have 3 nieces who were going to nursing school who couldnā€™t find a way out of their force vaxx program. They have gone in different directions now. So sad. They wouldā€™ve been great.

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Thanks, Sunny. Iā€™m sorry about your nieces. My daughter is a highschool junior so Iā€™m holding on to hope that this will pass before she enrolls.

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My bride graduated from Pitt fifty years ago. Pretty sure that's a great place to continue your nursing degree.

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What is JMU?

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James Madison university

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Cleveland Clinic is VERY woke. Read anything they write. Anything about a woman and cycles or birthing is ā€œpeopleā€ , not a woman.

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Thank you! A Florida college mandate free - was shameful and discriminatory. A nightmare.

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