Jun 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

What if I said that my kids are more likely to commit suicide due to the stress of being afraid that they’re going to “misgender” someone and get ostracized for doing that? At what point will they try to address my child’s risk of suicide????

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As soon as Tucker spoke on his show about the first of many UFO sightings, I told my husband “THIS is going to be ‘the thing’ that helps the cause for the world to band together and create the ‘New World Order’ to stop these UFOs. He thought I was on to something because the jabs and C plandemic weren’t doing it.

I think we all need to be aware how this could overtake the rest of the world with more psyop fear.

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In the Massachusetts HS case, they need to use that ruling to their advantage. If expressing the thought that there are only two genders is harmful and worthy of suppression, then the same should apply to expressing the idea that there are MORE than two genders. If the bar is set at offending people, then we should eradicate all discussion of gender from the schools completely. Christians should file lawsuits that the mere presentation of Pride, CRT and gender ideology is harmful to their children’s mental health and needs to be removed from the schools just like religion has been.

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Simon Peter, a bond-servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours, by the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ: Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust.

— 2 Peter 1:1-4 NASB1995

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Great round-up. Still trying to get over the Man & Collie, and Harvard and the dead people.

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" According to corporate media reports, Russian hackers conducted a wide-ranging attack on federal and state agencies, and private businesses."

As soon as I see "Russian hackers," I know it's fake news.

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This is how the Bolshevik Marxists in DC plan to eliminate Constitutional Federalism so that in the next declared emergency they will have total dictatorial control over America. This is happening now.......

....It is now clear that those responsible for the Covid response aren’t looking for amnesty or forgiveness; they seek a government structure that codifies their authoritarian impulses and a legal system that offers citizens no means of demanding accountability from their rulers. Publicly, they are searching for any “emergency” to increase their power. Privately, they are looking to put that system into law.

The largely unknown Uniform Law Commission (ULC) has proposed a law that would drastically increase executive power in the United States and reduce citizens’ legal right to resist unconstitutional edicts. Since 2021, the group has worked to draft a “Model Public Health Emergency Authority Act.”

“The legal ambiguity around many pandemic declarations resulted in new legislation in many states that explicitly clawed back public health powers from governors and executive branch officials.” In response, the ULC seeks to codify a system that shields and promotes unchecked executive authority.

The Act threatens to strip Americans of their legal ability to oppose mandates, lockdowns, or other government orders. It offers total deference to governors in deciding what constitutes an emergency. No evidence would be required for state leaders to impose arbitrary and irrational limits on human liberty. Schools, businesses, and churches would be subject to the whims of executive power.

The ULC plans to vote on the Act in July, and passage threatens to strip Americans of their constitutional rights. The pretense of an emergency would abolish the separation of powers, leaving legislatures and the judiciary powerless to oppose the mandates of self-appointed governor-tyrants...


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In case readers wanted an update on the blasphemous ceremony yesterday, at Dodger’s Stadium, here is the link: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/hundreds-gather-in-defense-of-christ-as-la-dodgers-honor-blasphemous-drag-nuns/?utm_source=daily-catholic-2023-06-17&utm_medium=email

It was heartening to learn that thousands, Catholics, Protestants and Jews, gathered to pray and protest the horrendous ‘honoring’ of deviant men insulting the Catholic religion. Big thanks to all who participated in the gathering.

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Jun 17, 2023·edited Jun 17, 2023

Regarding the Cleveland Clinic geniuses, instead of taking experimental jabs, I've been simply avoiding climate change and racism, which has really kept me from a case of the Suddenlies.

You can't be too careful.

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Jun 17, 2023·edited Jun 17, 2023

'There are only two genders" is anti-science.

"Leave the kids alone" is anti-LGBT.

"Covid is a scam" is anti-Semitic.

"It's OK to be White" is racist.

----These are declarations I've seen lately. The wokesters think we give a dam.

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Get the kids out of gov't schools. Kudos to the kid with the t-shirt. Jeff, can you get the t-shirts you suggested, which are a fabulous idea, printed up and in the C&C store? We all need one and the courage to wear it in public.

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The more you inject, the more you infect, to the surprise of no one who's been paying attention the last two years.

It would be really interesting to also compare the outcomes with Cleveland Clinic employees with no doses of vax at all, except there may not be any unless they granted exceptions.

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So my husband and I are full time RVers and I can tell you 3 things for certain: The roads are total crap, there are help wanted signs EVERYWHERE, and there is construction all over. What does this mean I have no idea. Just an observation.

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“This dynamic was often painfully obvious on many a Childers family road trip.”

🤣😂 I can imagine! And with you as their dad even if they *could* appeal to the courts, I bet they’d lose 😁

I like the Bible verse idea, I would add the verse about “pride” (going before a fall) also. Maybe we need to start a t-shirt counter campaign for June.

To me the Herrera story sounds an awful lot like a movie. I can totally imagine the trailer. It just seems suspicious to me. Also he was only told a “few weeks” later to sign a document swearing him to secrecy?? Why not sooner?

Anyone who is still getting Covid shots now is a complete and utter moron 🙄 I can’t even really muster any sympathy for them at this point.

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Jun 17, 2023·edited Jun 17, 2023

I'll bet a shiny new dime that the US Government will declassify all COVID19 origin data, but will redact everything but the articles A, AN, and THE.

Edit: They also might highlight everything important for us. Using a black Sharpie.

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