Study: bivalent jab takers more likely to catch covid; more UFO distractions; Obama judge favors inclusion over Constitution; distracting covid origins disclosures imminent; DOE hack; more.
What if I said that my kids are more likely to commit suicide due to the stress of being afraid that they’re going to “misgender” someone and get ostracized for doing that? At what point will they try to address my child’s risk of suicide????
Or how your daughter is getting UTIs from holding her bladder all day because she's scared to go in the bathroom and run into a man. Or how your daughter lost her scholarship spot or lifelong dream of going to the Olympics in track/swim/etc to a man. Maybe that could push a kid to suicide?
So I was at a school board meeting and a mother got up and told this exact story, her daughter, age 13 got a bladder infection due to not wanting to encounter males who have been frequenting girls restrooms…..
Thank you. It's past time for girls and women to cowboy up and defend their spaces and forums. The weirdos are doing this because it's easy. They probably can't believe just how easy.
yup. we need to solve our own problems in every domain. We need a generalized campaign of stressing out the people who are crapping on us to keep their jobs. We start with the ones who seem happy to be doing it. Let them invest in michelin to help compensate their inability to keep a tire on their car from being slashed in the first 24 hours. Make sure to destroy it so that insufficient efforts don't lead to a later accident hurting somebody. Our goal is the pocketbooks of people trying to keep a job they should quit if they can't tell their boss to f**k off.
sure, but even better would be to go there in a group and see that the groomed doofuses whose parents pay no attention to them will leave them alone. In this way, they risk nothing and they see that bullies are pussies and the bullies are reminded that they are pussies. And all this without anything ugly ever happening. And bonus, when the teacher tries to tell them they can't go together they make a gesture indicating that they heard what was said but are doing what they want. Then everybody in this bullshit is told where to get off and the intended victims have the upper hand.
So at this school board meeting 50 or so ‘trans activists’ were present and jeered and mocked this woman and anyone offering rationally articulated differing view.
This is how they silence people. Everyone must stand up and not allow it. Also, the trans activists should have been told to be quiet and allow the woman to speak or they’d be escorted out of the board meeting. They can say their peace when it’s their turn.
This is so awful. Bladder infections are no joke, and the cure usually brings on another type of infection...My heart goes out to that child... my hopes that the mother do more than complain at the board meeting.
Scary! All women should read about this.'s best to identify a bladder infection as soon as possible, don't wait. Get to the doctor, get the test, and if you have a UTI, start on antibiotics immediately!
it seems that they are more the targets of the NWO than your kids are. Maybe explain to your kids that they need to defend their own rights directly without bothering to talk to the idiots who "teach" or the idiots of the "school board". And you should see it as a badge of honor if your kid gets expelled.
It has become a common problem. My friend told me her daughter never went to the bathroom at high school before the trans idiocy because she was scared she'd find people in there having sex or doing drugs. It was one of the Christian leaders (maybe Graham?) who posted months ago that he was hearing from his psychiatrists friends about numerous girls coming to them traumatized by the bathroom issue at schools and having UTIs because it.
In my day, one didn't want to use student bathrooms because of all the smoking going on. Even 40+ years ago, school administrators failed to make a bathroom area usable.
I had a teacher (who knew my family and worked with me during the summer) come over to me during class, and with a funny look on his face, ask me if I had just used the ladies room. Just using the bathroom in a public school in the 70s was enough to make you reek of smoke. When I replied in the affirmative, he was said “that explains the cigarette smell”. If they couldn’t stop the kids smoking in the bathrooms them in a middle class “nice” neighborhood, does anyone actually think they protect your kids from anything else.
Let us not forget the fat man who won a slot in the miss America contest bumping out a real girl who has starved herself for years to participate. Makes me damn mad.
Yes, it is disgraceful but the parents continue to send the girls to those places which makes the parents culpable, too. Yes, yes, I know everyone can't pull there kids out of school but many who think they can't probably actually can and should.
a little bit of martial arts for the girls would be very useful. Once the boys who think they are girls see that they'll have their arses handed to them in a way that will be so clearly self-defense they will start being respectful. And it will be very good for the girls physically and psychically. Good alternative for people who really can't home school their kids. Are you doing anything to get together with other parents who are in the elite group of not storing their heads in their colons?
Taking your kid from school does nothing. This is happening throughout society. And what about the many kids stuck in public school? We have a responsibility to address this whether we have kids in the schools or not.
why not self-defense training. A couple of bruised testicles and these fake girls will stop being a problem. It seems it's just a new avenue for bullying. And bullies are known to be pussies, so your daughter would easily be able to put them in their place with a little bit of martial arts training.
Been there with my daughter. Afraid to use the bathroom at school when she was in middle school in 7 th grade. The declaration had been made that if you think you are a different gender than the one God assigned, you could use the coinciding bathroom. Well the middle school boys started taking full advantage of that.
My daughter refused to use the school restroom from that point on. Now in 11th grade & Home schooled. At times school bathrooms are an anything goes area as long as one doesn’t get caught. Our schools are turning into insane asylums.
Here's another idea. Form a group of girls who will all go to the bathroom at the same time when any one of them needs/wants to go. Forget lawsuits, forget reporting anybody to the corrupt doofuses who can't find anything better to do with their lives than "teach" in a woke society. Kick some ass in self-defense.
perhaps you all need to start pulling your kids out of school and setting up your own sportts competitions isolating girls and boys. I saw a careful calculation showing that a couple in New York came out financially and emotionally advantaged by her giving up a 100,000 dollar a year post to stay home and home school the kids. Think about it.
There is a trans “woman” who is competing professionally as a cyclist. Last week, “she” was leading the field in an ultra distance race by 240 km (150 miles). Honestly, the only thing that will change this is if biological women refuse to race agains them. This same “woman” had won a number of other cycling races, taking home prizes of $35,000, $5,000, etc.
At what point do parents figure out a way to get their kids out of the schools? There are plenty of options and I just do not understand keeping them in this ungodly atmosphere.
Good point, although it's good to still fight for fixing the schools, since we're still paying for them even if we home school. But I figure we're not close to bottoming out yet on the degeneracy scale.
I started being a substitute teacher at our local high school. It pays a pittance but I get to see the classrooms firsthand and I get to inject common sense when needed. I view it as community service.
I started thinking about this, how your injection might go in a class... next thing I know, I'm having a conversation with high school kids aloud trying to explain why they should question everything, cross-check fact claims, and listen to their elders. Maybe I need to do that as well...
I was talking with some young relatives that are very lefty. My only wisdom I could convey to them them is to question all narratives. It's hard to get them to be actual critical thinkers.
This is because Woke (hybrid Marxism) is a religion with what Eric Hoffer called True Believers. This makes them very dangerous, and also ... like talking to a brick wall or telephone pole.
Here's a video which answered for me this question: do or do not academics (all levels) believe this Woke Marxist doctrinal stuff. From this academic's statements, I believe that indeed that most Woke do truly believe this stuff ... more so than just the self-interest utility that it feathers their nests. Also, there are some very large statements in this presentation of which I totally agree with. Scroll to the video at the bottom, and also at Greg Hunter at Rumble. I was so intrigued that I had to listen to the entirely.
It IS difficult. They simply refuse to be open-minded enough to even consider that an opposing, or even 'different', point of view, is worthy of consideration.
Not all, perhaps, but too darned many.
Which, in my humble opinion, is a measure of intelligence (a willingness to consider beliefs, thoughts, opinions or data that conflicts with one's own opinion, that is.)
Our high school has few students with purple hair or piercings. The few confused ones with name changes (that aren't indicated on the official roster) get a puzzled "omg you are weird" look from me when I take attendance. But I am just a sub 🙃
As a substitute teacher, are you seeing girls who purposely look ugly and sometimes masculine? All three of my sister’s granddaughters look awful! Odd hairstyles, greyish skin, ugly clothes. One used to be stunningly gorgeous- I assumed she’d become a model. But now? Ugly on purpose. Why?
I also see it in some women. I saw a woman the other day who had pink hair, was overweight and had on the frumpiest clothes. I thought “that woman is trying to look as ugly as possible”. She was about to enter a store but turned around and went back to her car. I later saw her in the store and she had donned a mask and face shield!!!
Surprisingly no. Most are pretty well put together from an appearance perspective. Lots of high school drama, necessitating unscheduled trips to the counseling office 🧐
Some do wear clothes that my parents would never have let me leave the house in. But I think the high school has a strict dress code. I remember reading "no spiked dog collars" on the list. Wtf, someone actually wore one?
Coping Mechanism of Self-Suppression/Playing Small?
"When you've been heavily criticized or bullied in your life, you may have learned to suppress yourself as a coping mechanism -- not expressing yourself, not committing to anything, holding yourself apart and not connecting."
well I remember the grunge era. Backlash to the 80's I guess, I was in HS and college in the 80s with the full on big hair, tons of makeup and gaudy clothes (but not at my high school as we had to wear uniforms). I got married and had kids in the 90's and remember seeing teenagers, thinking WTH, do you not want to be presentable? But yeah, seeing a lot on the 'casualization' of America, and agree. But also know some really good kids who don't seem to spend much time on their appearance, so I dunno. Teens have always rebelled in one way or the other.
And, our kids are playing with and going to church with and growing up and working with the public school kids. And these kids will be the ones working in our communities, teaching in our schools, becoming our judges and juries when they are adults.
So yes, protect your own kids AND advocate for a return to common sense and common decency in our schools.
I don’t think a lot of people are aware that the supreme court shut down the precedent of the Lemmon case when they gave Coach Kennedy the right to pray on the football field and go back into his coaching position. This means that we are allowed to pray in the schools, wear T-shirts with Bible verses, and display the 10 Commandments. For further details on getting involved in regaining our freedom of religious expression, go to the First Liberty website.
Yes! First Liberty is worth supporting! Love your idea Jeff to wear a T-shirt with Genesis 1:27 printed on it! We can either push back or lose all of our constitutional rights!
I agree that we should continue to try and improve the public schools and I don’t even have kids, but I do have god children that are very close to being my grandchildren, plus I love all these kiddos and hate to see their innocence taken away. I have campaigned for school board members that I think will protect the children, spoken at Board of Trustee meetings and been involved with helping families with school supplies, etc. The more kids who leave the classroom, the less power the teacher’s unions have...we also need to inform teachers that they can’t be forced to join the teacher’s unions and there are alternatives for insurance and retirement plans.
BFM, I understand where you’re coming from as far as staying and fighting but if I had school age children I wouldn’t be willing to take the risk of having them stay in the sick, perverted, amoral culture of most public schools. They’re not getting a quality education they’re getting cultural Marxist indoctrination. It’s just not worth the risk of losing their souls.
Morally or intellectually lazy or both. When it comes to raising your children, sacrifice is the name of the game. But many parents are not vested in that. Still, if you are willing to run in front of a bus to save your child, you should be willing to make whatever sacrifice is needed to educate your child apart from the state school system.
The biggest surprise is that you don’t recreate the traditional classroom at home. Yes, you can follow a structured curriculum (and there are tons to choose from), but learning becomes much more organic, just part of everyday life, like when you pass a bank sign that advertises its low interest rate and your child asks what that is. Or when your child asks what the difference is between an atomic and nuclear bomb, and you spend 45 minutes on the internet searching and answering the question. You have more time and, therefore, influence, with them than their peers, and that’s ALWAYS a good thing! Plus, without all the lining up and waiting for 25-30 kids to get from one place to another, plus time for classroom discipline and other distractions, a homeschool day is much shorter than a public or private school day, thereby allowing kids to just be… kids! Their natural curiosity is released and encouraged, and your family time is spent doing things together. I highly recommend it!
We have done our work around the fire pit outside, beside a creek while child built a rope swing, sprawled across the living room floor (most common), and sitting in front of a giant dry erase board on the floor.
When the young person saw a bald eagle by the neighborhood pond, we got to go watch it.
It definitely is NOT all sweet and wonderful all the time. Long division and fractions still must be learned, handwriting practiced, and the like. But, it is, as you say, so do-able.
I think a lot of parents feel overwhelmed by the idea of teaching their own kids. Plus, most have been brainwashed to believe they are not capable.
Heck, every single homeschool parent wonders - more than once - if they are providing all that their child needs in their education. We ALL wonder and doubt.
But at the end of the day, we know that sending our children back to traditional school is just not an option. For some, like me, even a private Christian school would be unlikely simply because our kiddo learns differently than how a traditional classroom environment teaches.
Our granddaughters are both straight a honor roll at public school, after homeschooling to seventh grade. Advanced placement. Moms training is as a trucking dispatcher.
Yes, I sometimes wish we had started sooner. Although I don’t know if we would have incorporated “humanities” instead of simply “history” or used the classical timeline model for teaching humanities, nor gotten a taste for truly beautiful art, had we not spent the first few years in the classical Christian school as we did. Who knows? We made good friends there, although now mostly forgotten since we no longer see them - except for one other family from our kiddo’s class who left to homeschool.
We too were sort of accidentally on purpose when the final year there made evident that our kiddo was NOT suited for a classroom environment due to innate wiring. It was a “we loved it until we hated it” sort of experience.
This was perhaps the value of the real traditional one room school ... all ages together, and the older one helping the younger one. I always think on this as being much, much better.
Oh my. That is bad. That is on scary looking man-woman. Scrolling down through that feed were ads with cosmetic surgeons for "top surgery," which used to be called breast augmentation, and "bottom surgery," which was never a thing. But, these surgeons, all they see is dollar signs, lots of dollar signs.
Our children are not safe anywhere. Those dollar signs trump our kids safety and well being. How frightening it is to know, absolutely, that if there is a chance for a lot of money to be made, even off of our children that it WILL be done. The things that TPTB and other's are doing is reprehensible. God has been removed from everything to the point that adults don't even know the 1st verse of the Lord's Prayer anymore. One word, "Hallowed," couldn't be answered on Jeopardy. Please! Who DOESN'T know that? Please come quickly Lord Jesus 🙏🙏
I was born in 1962, and started public school in Tulsa, Oklahoma. At my elementary, we prayed the Lord's Prayer every morning - Supreme Court be damned.
We do Liberty University Online Academy. Very affordable and my oldest son graduated with a high school diploma and an associates in business at age 18. He will be going to Liberty in the fall to study to become a worship pastor. I find that homeschooling gives the kids so much more time to discover their own passions. During his senior year of high school, my oldest son was hired by our church to lead worship and the band at one of our campuses. My youngest son (13) has discovered he has a passion for fixing things. He has had the time and opportunity to learn from so many older men willing and eager to teach him plumbing, electrician work, etc. My daughter (16) has spent time learning art and developing relationships and mentoring younger girls. She also had the opportunity to go on a missions trip with me to Uganda. Now she is considering being a missionary to Uganda full-time. I highly recommend homeschooling.
In a 5th grade classroom at the public elementary school in my district there is a “bully box”. Students can anonymously report on fellow classmates who are “bullying”. Compare that to a private religious school classroom where there is a “mitzvah box”. Students can anonymously honor fellow classmates who have performed a mitzvah (good deed).
A side note, the school district is touted as best in state and families from Asia are moving here left and right to get their kids into the school district. Sadly I pay property taxes plus private school tuition.
Great analogy. Today’s the result of both parents working (assuming both parents are together or at least co-parenting).
When I was growing up moms were home, not working outside the home; one income from Dad sustained the family. Mom’s helped out at schools in various ways & knew what was going on. Thanks to our tax structure today (ever higher) it pushes more women into the workplace to make ends meet. (And we consumers seem to spend much more on nonessentials than in my youth).
Outside working moms are stressed & busy busy. So a family thinks they can’t possibly make it if Mom (or Dad) quits working outside their home in order to homeschool.
Today there are so many great options that help homeschool families; Hillsdale has a K-12 program now.
Imho children in public schools are taught things that they shouldn’t be taught & are NOT taught things they SHOULD be taught...
Ex: leaving out American history, civics, etc (NOT the Howard Zinn version either) but “inclusion” (snarky me) of perverted comprehensive sex ed, Genderbread charts, CRT, etc. (all which ushered in trans & people accompanying bathroom issues).
Schools are sneaky (even in my red state) where some are taking a classroom of kids to another classroom/ meeting place to spend however much time with a “counselor” .... the classroom teacher of same kiddos is forbidden to attend w/ her class).
Today’s counselors are not what they used to be; at least some aren’t. What takes place in that secretive session... who knows?
I know families that made very little money who chose to homeschool. Yes, they sacrificed having everything that the world pushes our society to have. However, in the big scheme of things which is more valuable: trinkets or a child's soul?
The problem is that some parents may not be willing to run in front of a bus to save their child. Have you seen the video where moms are asked if they will kill to protect their child and they hem and haw and then say no? I'm sure these same moms don't think that their kids need to be saved from the schools.
I did not see that video, nor had I heard about it before. I can't imagine that reaction. I thought having a baby taught me so much about God - what would it take to sacrifice one's own child; the realization that I would now die instantly for someone else (my child); and so much more. So what has happened to people that mothers won't defend their children and will be the ones to push them into "gender" transition? Both would seem to go against human nature, yet here we are.
Here's a story: when my daughter was about ten we visited Rock City Park. My sister was there, too. Deep in the site we heard a bear (the people who run the place told us to keep an eye out for bears, btw). Now, I'd never heard a bear before, but there is that old instinct embedded in us all that can identify real danger, unconsciously, and do you know what I did? I ran. I left my child and my older sister well behind. Did not even pause.
I have thought about this episode many times over the years (and daughter sometimes teases me about it. She's tough and resilient.). Until we are tested it's hard to know for sure what we'd do in a given situation. I hope to do better next time!
This is vey true, and running is also instinctual. But if you start with the thought that you won't take a stand, you probably won't. If you have mentally made the commitment, the actions are more likely to follow.
My daughter is 9 and she is so smart and capable of understanding what I explain to her about this crazy world we live in. Best decision I ever made to start explaining and not shelter her and try to explain later when it’s too late. I started during the time of masks when she was just starting first grade. She just finished 3rd grade. She knows about trans, and pedophiles, (not the full version, just that they are mentally ill people who like to watch or look at naked children in their free time rather than watching say golf or baseball like normal people) she knows about democrats, fake news media, CNN, republicans, politics, vaccines, Biden and Trump. We pray for DeSantis and Trump and good to win over evil every night! She lets me know every time someone at school says something, (or when her grandma had cnn on what the headline said) and she knows her best friend who says I hate Trump is just being brainwashed by the media, that her parents watch fake news, and they are not capable of seeing the truth, so that’s why we do NOT try to educate or inform them. we just smile and change the subject, and thank the Lord that we are on the right side and can see the truth. And we can pray for them to see the truth. It’s sad but necessary: Mothers and fathers must educate their children first and very early on these topics.
Heard that concept from James Dobson years ago. So simple but profound. Meaning every discipline, praise, guidance, whatever measures taken should be equipping one’s child for the future.
(Yes for the present day, of course, but at same time for life going forward)
I think it’s valuable not to shelter kids too much and to state clearly what our values and principles are and why we have them. Good for you! She’ll have more of a solid grounding in these things and will be less easily persuaded by shallow and artificial arguments.
For the record, my kids have been both homeschooled and Christian schooled - never public schooled. To be honest, my kids kind of just shake their heads at the nonsense and laugh, but I was thinking about the kids who are in public school, who are subjected to this crap 24/7. What about their mental health????
It is sad. If they are not shaking their heads and laughing, then they are internalizing nonsense, and it's either coming out as a repetition of that nonsense or as depression and self-harm.
Amen! We, and two other families I learned of this week, will not put our kids in reg school at any cost. She will be homeschooled or will go to a vetted priv school.
People should be fighting for school choice laws in their states. Allocate the per-student tax dollars to families for any legitimate educational expense. Make the government schools compete for business. Several states have already done this, Florida included. If government schools exist, they will be like they are now, or worse. You can't get rid of every teacher already in the system, and all the new ones are "educated" by the teacher's colleges, so thinking that the government schools can be fixed with a school board seat here and a library book there is folly.
Putting cameras and microphones in classes and halls would be an excellent start at curbing the nonsense. Why is that not a thing? Parents alone could access it.
How would you propose knowing what is going on in the classroom? Not all people can homeschool. Is putting up cameras wrong where you suspect wrong doing? If your mom is in a nursing home and she has bruises, is it OK? How about in a daycare setting? You are not putting cameras in the bathroom or locker room. Just in classrooms. I am honestly curious what you think is wrong and what you propose that would be better to guard child safety in the physical and teaching sense. Interest totally piqued! Yay!
I see your point, but I was a high school teacher once, and this feels like an invasion of my classroom environment. Not all teachers are bad or even democrat. I was a teacher in California. In public school. My students loved me and I have nothing to hide yet I don’t want to be under surveillance while I teach and have parents watching me. Too creepy. I’m a great teacher with a masters degree and I can get another job, without surveillance , so now you’ve pushed a great teacher out.
Thank you for your thoughts. I wish all teachers were great at teaching, treated children with respect, did not try to indoctrinate them into socialism, communism, transism - you know the list. And I appreciate the feelings of not wanting to be watched. But how about if it were for your protection as well? Similarly to how it is with police officers who are now required to wear body cams. Some didn't like it at first. NOBODY likes being watched, but it keeps uniformed bad cops from (largely) doing bad acts, but if they do, it is on camera. Conversely, cops being accused of say - shooting an unarmed man (but the body cam shows otherwise, would appreciate the video proof exonerating them. Sub in "teacher or school official" in for cop. Why is it creepy to have interested parents? Do you get creeped out when you have parents come into the class as volunteers? Creeped out when the principal comes in to watch? Do they still do that? I bet you don't. why? Because you are good. I bet sucky ones care.
My wish is that you would see the merit in parents being able to see into the class and there being a record of the day and would stay rather than going to some place where you could remain in secret.
Wait. WAS a teacher or are a teacher? You have both.
I appreciate that, but that does not answer my question. And I am guessing not all cameras. I wouldn't push for an answer, but you did object strenuously. I am not trying to trap you. I am honestly curious. You may have a point I hadn't considered, but will if I find it compelling. I have interacted with you plenty of times and am genuinely interested in something you feel that passionately about. : )
Parallel societies need to form. In some places, they already are. I read recently that some 25 million Americans are no longer paying our corrupt, banana republic. As long as we keep 2A, this is our strength.
remember. self-defense is not violence. It is a healthy reaction to violence. Our society has abdicated its responsibility, we need to take control of the situation. Your daughters, their girlfriends, their male friends too need to work together. I'm sure it's a small minority of kids who are being annoying. They are being encouraged by stupid people called teachers and principals who live in fear of losing their jobs if they don't please other losers at the school board who fear losing their jobs. The problem is for your kids and you to solve. I like their chances against bullies who don't know what bathroom to use. The bullies will back down when confronted and even faster when outnumbered.
Here's the thing: starve them of MONEY. Look what West Virginia just did:
For decades, West Virginia families watched as other states empowered parents to choose new or different learning options for their children. But despite the best efforts of parents, the Mountain State offered few choices for families whose local schools did not meet their children’s interests, talents, challenges, and needs, or for families who could not afford private education or pursue homeschooling.
In 2019, things changed for the better. Thanks to the work of the nonprofit Cardinal Institute for West Virginia Policy, which built a coalition to expand school choice in the state, West Virginia lawmakers enacted several new programs to provide parents with increased access to a variety of fresh learning options.
Just as the 2022-23 school year hit its stride, the state’s flagship private school choice program, the Hope Scholarship, was ruled constitutional by the West Virginia Supreme Court. Before the now-removed injunction was put in place, more than 3,000 students had been approved to use the scholarship. For these families, and more who will apply, this ruling is fantastic news.
For all parents interested in exercising their K-12 options, this guide provides a full update on the newest selections available for West Virginia families.
Charter Schools: In-Person and Online
For parents looking for a tuition-free alternative to their locally zones schools, public charter schools opened their doors to West Virginia families this year, in person and online!
Public charter schools do not charge tuition and are required to serve all students regardless of whether those students have struggled in school or have disabilities. Public charter schools are not created, managed, or governed by county boards of education; accordingly, they can enroll students outside of their traditional school zones or districts.
Four public charter schools are now open, including two different schools that offer full-time, statewide online learning. Full-time online schools include Virtual Prep Academy, which is available for students in grades K-10, and West Virginia Virtual Academy, which is accessible for students in grades K-12. Both schools still have seats available and are enrolling students for the current school year.
Never Mandy. Your children are not marginalized. They are raised by parents with sound minds who encourage their children to think and foster resilience which makes them a threat to the school freaks and the court jesters of global submission.
as soon as it will be in their interest and be seen to help them make our society even more brain-dead than it already is. It's getting to a point where that is a giant challenge.
As soon as Tucker spoke on his show about the first of many UFO sightings, I told my husband “THIS is going to be ‘the thing’ that helps the cause for the world to band together and create the ‘New World Order’ to stop these UFOs. He thought I was on to something because the jabs and C plandemic weren’t doing it.
I think we all need to be aware how this could overtake the rest of the world with more psyop fear.
In the Olivet discourse Christ warned of false prophets and false christs who would arise in the end times and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. Matthew Ch 24.
Are these UFO sightings (so called) part of the deception?
There is no Scriptural support for a "rapture" as postulated by Hal Lindsay, Tim LaHaye and others including the author of the "Tipping Point" substack. They hold to the idea that suddenly believers will be snatched away.
The Bible teaches that the church remains in the world until Christ returns. At that point in time those believers who have died will be resurrected and those who are alive when He returns will be caught up together with them to meet Him "in the air" i.e as He descends. Refer to 1 Thessalonians 4, 15 - 18. After that is the final judgement of all people living and dead.
There simply are different views on this - pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib. Nobody knows until that day. There is no scriptural proof for any of them, just thoughtful analysis for each view.
The Christ character also said he would return, while those listening to him speak were still alive. That didn’t happen. And people still believe he was some kind of god.
I wonder why they don’t also believe in Zeus. There is exactly the same amount of proof of his existence as there is for the Jesus character.
Christ also said he did not know when the return would occur, only the Father knows.
I believe it was Paul, who wrote to encourage those concerned that He hadn’t returned in their time. He said that to God, a thousand years is like a day, and a day like a thousand years.
If you can’t imagine a mind that immense, if you choose not to believe, you can still be respectful.
And yes, there is plenty of evidence of Jesus’ existence. There are books dealing with the subjects you’re concerned about. Lots of them.
“Scarecrows and magic and other fatal fears do not bring people closer together. There is no magic substitute for soft caring and hard work, for self-respect and mutual love. If we can learn this from the mistake these frightened men made, then their mistake will not have been merely grotesque, it would at least have been a lesson. A lesson, at last, to be learned.”
"In 2011, Nobel prize-winning economist Paul Krugman mentioned the episode when he said that building a defense against a fictional alien invasion could speed recovery from the late-2000s recession; however, he misattributed the episode to The Twilight Zone.[6]"
Why would people be more afraid of aliens than of the New World Order Cabal of humans that are here, now, taking coordinated actions to turn the rest of us into slaves? Especially if they've been around a while, as alleged; so far, they've been more peaceful than my own government.
Really enjoy Tucker but his buying into the UFO narrative was a real disappointment (along with that of Matt Walsh). They both framed it in terms of, "see this proves the government has been lying for decades". The new narrative reinforced their existing bias (i.e. the government are liars) so they accepted it without critical thought. That this UFO story is a lie would be the more rational explanation.
We are going to need to step our game up here, these are incredibly dishonest people we are dealing with. They know our biases and will use them to manipulate us.
Certainly it is so. There is a factional civil war going on within The System in parallel to the War against the People (domestic and planetary). But there may also be what may be describe as a counter-revolutionary movement now well underway. Musk and Twitter put me onto this idea. There are other indications.
Hero worship is never a good thing. Really. Never. There is only One worthy of worship and he aint making twitvideos or running an NGO or a country or manufacturing fake meat.
The UFO sightings probably originate from govt tech that I read about in a book on physics. apparently we have the ability to make our own pilots “see” craft which don’t really exist
Can't like this comment enough. The New Age movement is a psyop as well, and its implementors have a lot to answer for. Lotta folk lost to that one. So many lives misdirected. True 5G warfare, imho.
If you're Catholic Rosalind make sure to confess it. Confession has helped me immensely in removing the layers of demonic involvement in my life (I.e. spiritual attacks). Stuff I did years ago, even as a kid, that had a touch of new age- it's been extremely helpful. I hope you continue to find peace!
Two, three conflicting statements can be true. But if there are UFOs, then saying there weren't would be lying. If there are no UFO, and saying they exist would be lying. If there are not space alien UFOs but something else, this could be lying or possibly something else. I really don't know what is going on, but like a whole lot of people, I know SOMETHING is up. Because nothing happens by accident with these Cretinous Dear Leader types. Maybe with miscalculation, but not by accident.
Whatever the case, humanity all these years has NOT be imperilled by UFO's real or imaginary. And second, the Greatest Propaganda Achievement in history (covid) makes this sudden fascination with UFO potentially troublesome because we know beyond contestation that people will believe anything and can even be manipulated into a democide willingly ... and with their stamp of self-approval. Whatever it is, it will be interesting.
I am not concerned with UFO’s or aliens in the least. At best, they’re psyops and propaganda. I’ll stick with the Truth of God’s Word and I know that Jesus is coming back for His church and it’s going to be soon! That’s my focus, not UFO’s.
Could be, and I'd love to give both of these guys the benefit of the doubt. It would have been better if they said something like, "there are only two explanations, they were lying then or they are lying now" rather than accepting it.
We don't have to agree with people on every last thing right? About psyops induced fear - haven't we all been subjected to that over the last few years? Some like us called "BS" and others are still running around in the outdoors with masks and getting freaked out when someone coughs within their electrified 6 foot perimeter. Some will believe UFO's are trying to take over the world and harvest us for food while others will know what is really going on when they are handed their ration of soylent green.
Listen to his fourth installment on Twitter, and point out where he fear mongers. I'm curious. I myself didn't get that. Every point he made, I've been watching happen for fifty years. And not one thing he said was wrong,or hyperbolic.
I prefer to read everything. The one person in all of this that gets a pass, because he is worth it, is Carlson. I hate watching people talk. Usually. Soi watched it.
What if I said that my kids are more likely to commit suicide due to the stress of being afraid that they’re going to “misgender” someone and get ostracized for doing that? At what point will they try to address my child’s risk of suicide????
Or how your daughter is getting UTIs from holding her bladder all day because she's scared to go in the bathroom and run into a man. Or how your daughter lost her scholarship spot or lifelong dream of going to the Olympics in track/swim/etc to a man. Maybe that could push a kid to suicide?
So I was at a school board meeting and a mother got up and told this exact story, her daughter, age 13 got a bladder infection due to not wanting to encounter males who have been frequenting girls restrooms…..
The only heartening part of that story is that children *know* what's going on and are resisting.
There's gotta be a healthier way. Maybe have a friend spot the entrance to the restroom . . . and pee REAL FAST when the spotter signals!
The healthiest way is to take her out of school... and all her friends and start a homeschool pod.
Yes. No-brainer.
Sure, surrender and lock them down again. Retreat!
No one is suggesting surrender... the job of a parent is to protect and guide their children, not make them fight battles they aren’t prepared for.
or get four or five girls together ready to beat the crap of anybody with a dick in the girl's bathroom.
Thank you. It's past time for girls and women to cowboy up and defend their spaces and forums. The weirdos are doing this because it's easy. They probably can't believe just how easy.
yup. we need to solve our own problems in every domain. We need a generalized campaign of stressing out the people who are crapping on us to keep their jobs. We start with the ones who seem happy to be doing it. Let them invest in michelin to help compensate their inability to keep a tire on their car from being slashed in the first 24 hours. Make sure to destroy it so that insufficient efforts don't lead to a later accident hurting somebody. Our goal is the pocketbooks of people trying to keep a job they should quit if they can't tell their boss to f**k off.
These girls should have pepper spray with them for chance encounters with dick-bearing cross-dressers in bathrooms.
sure, but even better would be to go there in a group and see that the groomed doofuses whose parents pay no attention to them will leave them alone. In this way, they risk nothing and they see that bullies are pussies and the bullies are reminded that they are pussies. And all this without anything ugly ever happening. And bonus, when the teacher tries to tell them they can't go together they make a gesture indicating that they heard what was said but are doing what they want. Then everybody in this bullshit is told where to get off and the intended victims have the upper hand.
Absolutely 💯!!
So at this school board meeting 50 or so ‘trans activists’ were present and jeered and mocked this woman and anyone offering rationally articulated differing view.
Not surprising.
This is how they silence people. Everyone must stand up and not allow it. Also, the trans activists should have been told to be quiet and allow the woman to speak or they’d be escorted out of the board meeting. They can say their peace when it’s their turn.
This is so awful. Bladder infections are no joke, and the cure usually brings on another type of infection...My heart goes out to that child... my hopes that the mother do more than complain at the board meeting.
A person can die from a bladder infection if it goes to the kidneys and sepsis sets in.
Scary! All women should read about this.'s best to identify a bladder infection as soon as possible, don't wait. Get to the doctor, get the test, and if you have a UTI, start on antibiotics immediately!
It is dangerous for those high school girls to hold their urine all day because of the man freaks in the girls' bathroom.
Ideas have consequences! Leftist progressives/communists never seem to learn this.... or don’t care.
Their ideas range from stupid to hellish.
THEY DON'T CARE - it's all about the "savage desire for POWER and MONEY"--pure and simple.
They cannot admit when they are wrong, I have seen this repeated across multiple topics. They will shift the goalposts.
it seems that they are more the targets of the NWO than your kids are. Maybe explain to your kids that they need to defend their own rights directly without bothering to talk to the idiots who "teach" or the idiots of the "school board". And you should see it as a badge of honor if your kid gets expelled.
It has become a common problem. My friend told me her daughter never went to the bathroom at high school before the trans idiocy because she was scared she'd find people in there having sex or doing drugs. It was one of the Christian leaders (maybe Graham?) who posted months ago that he was hearing from his psychiatrists friends about numerous girls coming to them traumatized by the bathroom issue at schools and having UTIs because it.
In my day, one didn't want to use student bathrooms because of all the smoking going on. Even 40+ years ago, school administrators failed to make a bathroom area usable.
It is called retention cystitis: repeatedly holding urine too long.
The high school girl's bathrooms back in my day were just a good place to sneak to in order to have a cigarette!
And made the bathrooms unusable because of the horrible smoke smell. I stopped using the bathroom at school because the smell was that bad.
True! Especially if you didnt smoke.
I had a teacher (who knew my family and worked with me during the summer) come over to me during class, and with a funny look on his face, ask me if I had just used the ladies room. Just using the bathroom in a public school in the 70s was enough to make you reek of smoke. When I replied in the affirmative, he was said “that explains the cigarette smell”. If they couldn’t stop the kids smoking in the bathrooms them in a middle class “nice” neighborhood, does anyone actually think they protect your kids from anything else.
Let us not forget the fat man who won a slot in the miss America contest bumping out a real girl who has starved herself for years to participate. Makes me damn mad.
Also at the meeting were 3-4 teachers and 5 so called school counselors and a professor from a local college who all supported ‘trans ideology’.
and why is the judge ignoring the obvious fact of science that there ARE only two genders, male or female?
it is hard to make a woman understand something which she needs to fail to understand to keep her job.
paraphrase of Upton Sinclair's quote.
The schools are knowingly putting the girls in harms way by allowing males to go into the girls bathroom. And it’s already happened many times!
Yes, it is disgraceful but the parents continue to send the girls to those places which makes the parents culpable, too. Yes, yes, I know everyone can't pull there kids out of school but many who think they can't probably actually can and should.
a little bit of martial arts for the girls would be very useful. Once the boys who think they are girls see that they'll have their arses handed to them in a way that will be so clearly self-defense they will start being respectful. And it will be very good for the girls physically and psychically. Good alternative for people who really can't home school their kids. Are you doing anything to get together with other parents who are in the elite group of not storing their heads in their colons?
Taking your kid from school does nothing. This is happening throughout society. And what about the many kids stuck in public school? We have a responsibility to address this whether we have kids in the schools or not.
Not at the expense of our children. We don’t send children to war, why should we sacrifice our children to a battle they do not have the tools to win.
Lawsuits are needed.
why not self-defense training. A couple of bruised testicles and these fake girls will stop being a problem. It seems it's just a new avenue for bullying. And bullies are known to be pussies, so your daughter would easily be able to put them in their place with a little bit of martial arts training.
Been there with my daughter. Afraid to use the bathroom at school when she was in middle school in 7 th grade. The declaration had been made that if you think you are a different gender than the one God assigned, you could use the coinciding bathroom. Well the middle school boys started taking full advantage of that.
My daughter refused to use the school restroom from that point on. Now in 11th grade & Home schooled. At times school bathrooms are an anything goes area as long as one doesn’t get caught. Our schools are turning into insane asylums.
Here's another idea. Form a group of girls who will all go to the bathroom at the same time when any one of them needs/wants to go. Forget lawsuits, forget reporting anybody to the corrupt doofuses who can't find anything better to do with their lives than "teach" in a woke society. Kick some ass in self-defense.
perhaps you all need to start pulling your kids out of school and setting up your own sportts competitions isolating girls and boys. I saw a careful calculation showing that a couple in New York came out financially and emotionally advantaged by her giving up a 100,000 dollar a year post to stay home and home school the kids. Think about it.
There is a trans “woman” who is competing professionally as a cyclist. Last week, “she” was leading the field in an ultra distance race by 240 km (150 miles). Honestly, the only thing that will change this is if biological women refuse to race agains them. This same “woman” had won a number of other cycling races, taking home prizes of $35,000, $5,000, etc.
At what point do parents figure out a way to get their kids out of the schools? There are plenty of options and I just do not understand keeping them in this ungodly atmosphere.
Good point, although it's good to still fight for fixing the schools, since we're still paying for them even if we home school. But I figure we're not close to bottoming out yet on the degeneracy scale.
I started being a substitute teacher at our local high school. It pays a pittance but I get to see the classrooms firsthand and I get to inject common sense when needed. I view it as community service.
I started thinking about this, how your injection might go in a class... next thing I know, I'm having a conversation with high school kids aloud trying to explain why they should question everything, cross-check fact claims, and listen to their elders. Maybe I need to do that as well...
Kudo's to you for your insight and effort.
I was talking with some young relatives that are very lefty. My only wisdom I could convey to them them is to question all narratives. It's hard to get them to be actual critical thinkers.
This is because Woke (hybrid Marxism) is a religion with what Eric Hoffer called True Believers. This makes them very dangerous, and also ... like talking to a brick wall or telephone pole.
Here's a video which answered for me this question: do or do not academics (all levels) believe this Woke Marxist doctrinal stuff. From this academic's statements, I believe that indeed that most Woke do truly believe this stuff ... more so than just the self-interest utility that it feathers their nests. Also, there are some very large statements in this presentation of which I totally agree with. Scroll to the video at the bottom, and also at Greg Hunter at Rumble. I was so intrigued that I had to listen to the entirely.
It IS difficult. They simply refuse to be open-minded enough to even consider that an opposing, or even 'different', point of view, is worthy of consideration.
Not all, perhaps, but too darned many.
Which, in my humble opinion, is a measure of intelligence (a willingness to consider beliefs, thoughts, opinions or data that conflicts with one's own opinion, that is.)
It helps that I am in rural idaho.
Our high school has few students with purple hair or piercings. The few confused ones with name changes (that aren't indicated on the official roster) get a puzzled "omg you are weird" look from me when I take attendance. But I am just a sub 🙃
Thank you for your service!
As a substitute teacher, are you seeing girls who purposely look ugly and sometimes masculine? All three of my sister’s granddaughters look awful! Odd hairstyles, greyish skin, ugly clothes. One used to be stunningly gorgeous- I assumed she’d become a model. But now? Ugly on purpose. Why?
I also see it in some women. I saw a woman the other day who had pink hair, was overweight and had on the frumpiest clothes. I thought “that woman is trying to look as ugly as possible”. She was about to enter a store but turned around and went back to her car. I later saw her in the store and she had donned a mask and face shield!!!
Surprisingly no. Most are pretty well put together from an appearance perspective. Lots of high school drama, necessitating unscheduled trips to the counseling office 🧐
Some do wear clothes that my parents would never have let me leave the house in. But I think the high school has a strict dress code. I remember reading "no spiked dog collars" on the list. Wtf, someone actually wore one?
That look was in around 2000, Goth lipstick, clothes, studs, lip piercings.
Yes they do (wear dog collars) at least try to. Then they take them off, wrap them around their fists and start a fight.
Coping Mechanism of Self-Suppression/Playing Small?
"When you've been heavily criticized or bullied in your life, you may have learned to suppress yourself as a coping mechanism -- not expressing yourself, not committing to anything, holding yourself apart and not connecting."
--from Crappy Childhood Fairy
well I remember the grunge era. Backlash to the 80's I guess, I was in HS and college in the 80s with the full on big hair, tons of makeup and gaudy clothes (but not at my high school as we had to wear uniforms). I got married and had kids in the 90's and remember seeing teenagers, thinking WTH, do you not want to be presentable? But yeah, seeing a lot on the 'casualization' of America, and agree. But also know some really good kids who don't seem to spend much time on their appearance, so I dunno. Teens have always rebelled in one way or the other.
Like a missionary. I had to think of my 30 years that way.
And, our kids are playing with and going to church with and growing up and working with the public school kids. And these kids will be the ones working in our communities, teaching in our schools, becoming our judges and juries when they are adults.
So yes, protect your own kids AND advocate for a return to common sense and common decency in our schools.
I don’t think a lot of people are aware that the supreme court shut down the precedent of the Lemmon case when they gave Coach Kennedy the right to pray on the football field and go back into his coaching position. This means that we are allowed to pray in the schools, wear T-shirts with Bible verses, and display the 10 Commandments. For further details on getting involved in regaining our freedom of religious expression, go to the First Liberty website.
Yes! First Liberty is worth supporting! Love your idea Jeff to wear a T-shirt with Genesis 1:27 printed on it! We can either push back or lose all of our constitutional rights!
Great reminder!
Being allowed to pray at a football game does not mean it can come into the schools. It clearly does not belong there.
I agree that we should continue to try and improve the public schools and I don’t even have kids, but I do have god children that are very close to being my grandchildren, plus I love all these kiddos and hate to see their innocence taken away. I have campaigned for school board members that I think will protect the children, spoken at Board of Trustee meetings and been involved with helping families with school supplies, etc. The more kids who leave the classroom, the less power the teacher’s unions have...we also need to inform teachers that they can’t be forced to join the teacher’s unions and there are alternatives for insurance and retirement plans.
"we also need to inform teachers that they can’t be forced to join the teacher’s unions"
Wow, I never realized that. Union teachers are what turned me off to teaching, period.
Excellent point. My kids aren’t in the public school system but I still don’t want to see a whole generation ruined!!
Good point.
Correct I believe there's no limit on the "degeneracy scale"
It's a contest. The winner gets clicks. Apparently clicks are worth a lot in the degeneracy lottery.
True fact
BFM, I understand where you’re coming from as far as staying and fighting but if I had school age children I wouldn’t be willing to take the risk of having them stay in the sick, perverted, amoral culture of most public schools. They’re not getting a quality education they’re getting cultural Marxist indoctrination. It’s just not worth the risk of losing their souls.
Morally or intellectually lazy or both. When it comes to raising your children, sacrifice is the name of the game. But many parents are not vested in that. Still, if you are willing to run in front of a bus to save your child, you should be willing to make whatever sacrifice is needed to educate your child apart from the state school system.
The biggest surprise is that you don’t recreate the traditional classroom at home. Yes, you can follow a structured curriculum (and there are tons to choose from), but learning becomes much more organic, just part of everyday life, like when you pass a bank sign that advertises its low interest rate and your child asks what that is. Or when your child asks what the difference is between an atomic and nuclear bomb, and you spend 45 minutes on the internet searching and answering the question. You have more time and, therefore, influence, with them than their peers, and that’s ALWAYS a good thing! Plus, without all the lining up and waiting for 25-30 kids to get from one place to another, plus time for classroom discipline and other distractions, a homeschool day is much shorter than a public or private school day, thereby allowing kids to just be… kids! Their natural curiosity is released and encouraged, and your family time is spent doing things together. I highly recommend it!
Absolutely: do not try to do “school” at home.
We have done our work around the fire pit outside, beside a creek while child built a rope swing, sprawled across the living room floor (most common), and sitting in front of a giant dry erase board on the floor.
When the young person saw a bald eagle by the neighborhood pond, we got to go watch it.
It definitely is NOT all sweet and wonderful all the time. Long division and fractions still must be learned, handwriting practiced, and the like. But, it is, as you say, so do-able.
A huge benefit for my kids was time to read , write, draw and just be. They developed talents that many of their peers never got a chance to develop.
and 'just be'. Devices and screens fill all our time now. 'Back in day' people had more time to 'just be'.
We have PLENTY of time to 'just be."
We makes our choices!
I think a lot of parents feel overwhelmed by the idea of teaching their own kids. Plus, most have been brainwashed to believe they are not capable.
Heck, every single homeschool parent wonders - more than once - if they are providing all that their child needs in their education. We ALL wonder and doubt.
But at the end of the day, we know that sending our children back to traditional school is just not an option. For some, like me, even a private Christian school would be unlikely simply because our kiddo learns differently than how a traditional classroom environment teaches.
Sam Sorbo has put together an online workshop to help parents work through their fears of homeschooling. Go to
Playbook for home learning
Our granddaughters are both straight a honor roll at public school, after homeschooling to seventh grade. Advanced placement. Moms training is as a trucking dispatcher.
Hey, you need a lot of smarts and a LOT of soft skills to be a trucking dispatcher!
That's so awesome.
My exact experience Copernicus! Retired homeschool parent here! And we were accidental homeschoolers. But wow, I’d do it all again, only sooner.
Yes, I sometimes wish we had started sooner. Although I don’t know if we would have incorporated “humanities” instead of simply “history” or used the classical timeline model for teaching humanities, nor gotten a taste for truly beautiful art, had we not spent the first few years in the classical Christian school as we did. Who knows? We made good friends there, although now mostly forgotten since we no longer see them - except for one other family from our kiddo’s class who left to homeschool.
We too were sort of accidentally on purpose when the final year there made evident that our kiddo was NOT suited for a classroom environment due to innate wiring. It was a “we loved it until we hated it” sort of experience.
This was perhaps the value of the real traditional one room school ... all ages together, and the older one helping the younger one. I always think on this as being much, much better.
Indeed, the best way to learn is to teach.
Especially when this is happening. Largest PRIVATE school accreditor co-hosts gender conference and I’m sorry it looks like a vampire. 🦇
Woa. They've really stepped up the gender affirming BS. I recall an exec with Vanderbilt Univ Hospital saying how profitable it is.
Yup. They had to walk that back and then it was scrubbed from view.
Oh my. That is bad. That is on scary looking man-woman. Scrolling down through that feed were ads with cosmetic surgeons for "top surgery," which used to be called breast augmentation, and "bottom surgery," which was never a thing. But, these surgeons, all they see is dollar signs, lots of dollar signs.
Our children are not safe anywhere. Those dollar signs trump our kids safety and well being. How frightening it is to know, absolutely, that if there is a chance for a lot of money to be made, even off of our children that it WILL be done. The things that TPTB and other's are doing is reprehensible. God has been removed from everything to the point that adults don't even know the 1st verse of the Lord's Prayer anymore. One word, "Hallowed," couldn't be answered on Jeopardy. Please! Who DOESN'T know that? Please come quickly Lord Jesus 🙏🙏
I was born in 1962, and started public school in Tulsa, Oklahoma. At my elementary, we prayed the Lord's Prayer every morning - Supreme Court be damned.
This ^^
And 'homeschooling' often doesn't mean 'Mom teaches everything' anyway.
We do Liberty University Online Academy. Very affordable and my oldest son graduated with a high school diploma and an associates in business at age 18. He will be going to Liberty in the fall to study to become a worship pastor. I find that homeschooling gives the kids so much more time to discover their own passions. During his senior year of high school, my oldest son was hired by our church to lead worship and the band at one of our campuses. My youngest son (13) has discovered he has a passion for fixing things. He has had the time and opportunity to learn from so many older men willing and eager to teach him plumbing, electrician work, etc. My daughter (16) has spent time learning art and developing relationships and mentoring younger girls. She also had the opportunity to go on a missions trip with me to Uganda. Now she is considering being a missionary to Uganda full-time. I highly recommend homeschooling.
That’s amazing, thanks for sharing !
In a 5th grade classroom at the public elementary school in my district there is a “bully box”. Students can anonymously report on fellow classmates who are “bullying”. Compare that to a private religious school classroom where there is a “mitzvah box”. Students can anonymously honor fellow classmates who have performed a mitzvah (good deed).
A side note, the school district is touted as best in state and families from Asia are moving here left and right to get their kids into the school district. Sadly I pay property taxes plus private school tuition.
Great analogy. Today’s the result of both parents working (assuming both parents are together or at least co-parenting).
When I was growing up moms were home, not working outside the home; one income from Dad sustained the family. Mom’s helped out at schools in various ways & knew what was going on. Thanks to our tax structure today (ever higher) it pushes more women into the workplace to make ends meet. (And we consumers seem to spend much more on nonessentials than in my youth).
Outside working moms are stressed & busy busy. So a family thinks they can’t possibly make it if Mom (or Dad) quits working outside their home in order to homeschool.
Today there are so many great options that help homeschool families; Hillsdale has a K-12 program now.
Imho children in public schools are taught things that they shouldn’t be taught & are NOT taught things they SHOULD be taught...
Ex: leaving out American history, civics, etc (NOT the Howard Zinn version either) but “inclusion” (snarky me) of perverted comprehensive sex ed, Genderbread charts, CRT, etc. (all which ushered in trans & people accompanying bathroom issues).
Schools are sneaky (even in my red state) where some are taking a classroom of kids to another classroom/ meeting place to spend however much time with a “counselor” .... the classroom teacher of same kiddos is forbidden to attend w/ her class).
Today’s counselors are not what they used to be; at least some aren’t. What takes place in that secretive session... who knows?
I know families that made very little money who chose to homeschool. Yes, they sacrificed having everything that the world pushes our society to have. However, in the big scheme of things which is more valuable: trinkets or a child's soul?
The problem is that some parents may not be willing to run in front of a bus to save their child. Have you seen the video where moms are asked if they will kill to protect their child and they hem and haw and then say no? I'm sure these same moms don't think that their kids need to be saved from the schools.
I too saw that. Jaw dropping. That a Mother would even hesitate for a second…
I did not see that video, nor had I heard about it before. I can't imagine that reaction. I thought having a baby taught me so much about God - what would it take to sacrifice one's own child; the realization that I would now die instantly for someone else (my child); and so much more. So what has happened to people that mothers won't defend their children and will be the ones to push them into "gender" transition? Both would seem to go against human nature, yet here we are.
Wow 😳😟 I can’t imagine hesitating to do anything possible to protect my children.
Here's a story: when my daughter was about ten we visited Rock City Park. My sister was there, too. Deep in the site we heard a bear (the people who run the place told us to keep an eye out for bears, btw). Now, I'd never heard a bear before, but there is that old instinct embedded in us all that can identify real danger, unconsciously, and do you know what I did? I ran. I left my child and my older sister well behind. Did not even pause.
I have thought about this episode many times over the years (and daughter sometimes teases me about it. She's tough and resilient.). Until we are tested it's hard to know for sure what we'd do in a given situation. I hope to do better next time!
“Until we are tested it's hard to know for sure what we'd do in a given situation.”
This is very true. And a good reminder that what we think we’ll do isn’t always what we end up doing.
This is vey true, and running is also instinctual. But if you start with the thought that you won't take a stand, you probably won't. If you have mentally made the commitment, the actions are more likely to follow.
“When it comes to raising your children, sacrifice is the name of the game.”
Sacrifice for your kids or some monster will be sacrificing them for THEIR needs.
My daughter is 9 and she is so smart and capable of understanding what I explain to her about this crazy world we live in. Best decision I ever made to start explaining and not shelter her and try to explain later when it’s too late. I started during the time of masks when she was just starting first grade. She just finished 3rd grade. She knows about trans, and pedophiles, (not the full version, just that they are mentally ill people who like to watch or look at naked children in their free time rather than watching say golf or baseball like normal people) she knows about democrats, fake news media, CNN, republicans, politics, vaccines, Biden and Trump. We pray for DeSantis and Trump and good to win over evil every night! She lets me know every time someone at school says something, (or when her grandma had cnn on what the headline said) and she knows her best friend who says I hate Trump is just being brainwashed by the media, that her parents watch fake news, and they are not capable of seeing the truth, so that’s why we do NOT try to educate or inform them. we just smile and change the subject, and thank the Lord that we are on the right side and can see the truth. And we can pray for them to see the truth. It’s sad but necessary: Mothers and fathers must educate their children first and very early on these topics.
It makes my day to hear that you are doing this. Thanks from an old guy.
You are parenting for 20 yrs down the road.
Heard that concept from James Dobson years ago. So simple but profound. Meaning every discipline, praise, guidance, whatever measures taken should be equipping one’s child for the future.
(Yes for the present day, of course, but at same time for life going forward)
I think it’s valuable not to shelter kids too much and to state clearly what our values and principles are and why we have them. Good for you! She’ll have more of a solid grounding in these things and will be less easily persuaded by shallow and artificial arguments.
Lily, Way to go!
Good job mom!
In Germany it's illegal to home school. Don't be surprised if we wind up in the same situation. This agenda must be fought everywhere it exists, imho.
Yes we visited Germany during the school year with our kids and our guides were blown away that it was legal!
And current Europe is the future for America. Who's behind the agenda to ruin these once-stable societies? It's such a shame.
The world economic forum is behind it
Oh, wow! May I borrow your crystal ball?
I’ve been pretty blown away that the majority of Germans turned their head, the other way while 6 million Jews were incinerated
as O'biden recently stated a few days ago
"There is no such thing as someone else's child. No such thing as someone else's child. OUR nation's children are all OUR children,"
I pray that this will be the red line for even liberals.
There are legions that want the state to raise their kids.
For the record, my kids have been both homeschooled and Christian schooled - never public schooled. To be honest, my kids kind of just shake their heads at the nonsense and laugh, but I was thinking about the kids who are in public school, who are subjected to this crap 24/7. What about their mental health????
It is sad. If they are not shaking their heads and laughing, then they are internalizing nonsense, and it's either coming out as a repetition of that nonsense or as depression and self-harm.
Amen! We, and two other families I learned of this week, will not put our kids in reg school at any cost. She will be homeschooled or will go to a vetted priv school.
People should be fighting for school choice laws in their states. Allocate the per-student tax dollars to families for any legitimate educational expense. Make the government schools compete for business. Several states have already done this, Florida included. If government schools exist, they will be like they are now, or worse. You can't get rid of every teacher already in the system, and all the new ones are "educated" by the teacher's colleges, so thinking that the government schools can be fixed with a school board seat here and a library book there is folly.
Putting cameras and microphones in classes and halls would be an excellent start at curbing the nonsense. Why is that not a thing? Parents alone could access it.
OMG, no.
You don't need surveillance to know what is going on.
How would you propose knowing what is going on in the classroom? Not all people can homeschool. Is putting up cameras wrong where you suspect wrong doing? If your mom is in a nursing home and she has bruises, is it OK? How about in a daycare setting? You are not putting cameras in the bathroom or locker room. Just in classrooms. I am honestly curious what you think is wrong and what you propose that would be better to guard child safety in the physical and teaching sense. Interest totally piqued! Yay!
I see your point, but I was a high school teacher once, and this feels like an invasion of my classroom environment. Not all teachers are bad or even democrat. I was a teacher in California. In public school. My students loved me and I have nothing to hide yet I don’t want to be under surveillance while I teach and have parents watching me. Too creepy. I’m a great teacher with a masters degree and I can get another job, without surveillance , so now you’ve pushed a great teacher out.
Thank you for your thoughts. I wish all teachers were great at teaching, treated children with respect, did not try to indoctrinate them into socialism, communism, transism - you know the list. And I appreciate the feelings of not wanting to be watched. But how about if it were for your protection as well? Similarly to how it is with police officers who are now required to wear body cams. Some didn't like it at first. NOBODY likes being watched, but it keeps uniformed bad cops from (largely) doing bad acts, but if they do, it is on camera. Conversely, cops being accused of say - shooting an unarmed man (but the body cam shows otherwise, would appreciate the video proof exonerating them. Sub in "teacher or school official" in for cop. Why is it creepy to have interested parents? Do you get creeped out when you have parents come into the class as volunteers? Creeped out when the principal comes in to watch? Do they still do that? I bet you don't. why? Because you are good. I bet sucky ones care.
My wish is that you would see the merit in parents being able to see into the class and there being a record of the day and would stay rather than going to some place where you could remain in secret.
Wait. WAS a teacher or are a teacher? You have both.
Absolutely wrong. I say get rid of ALL cameras.
I appreciate that, but that does not answer my question. And I am guessing not all cameras. I wouldn't push for an answer, but you did object strenuously. I am not trying to trap you. I am honestly curious. You may have a point I hadn't considered, but will if I find it compelling. I have interacted with you plenty of times and am genuinely interested in something you feel that passionately about. : )
Parallel societies need to form. In some places, they already are. I read recently that some 25 million Americans are no longer paying our corrupt, banana republic. As long as we keep 2A, this is our strength.
remember. self-defense is not violence. It is a healthy reaction to violence. Our society has abdicated its responsibility, we need to take control of the situation. Your daughters, their girlfriends, their male friends too need to work together. I'm sure it's a small minority of kids who are being annoying. They are being encouraged by stupid people called teachers and principals who live in fear of losing their jobs if they don't please other losers at the school board who fear losing their jobs. The problem is for your kids and you to solve. I like their chances against bullies who don't know what bathroom to use. The bullies will back down when confronted and even faster when outnumbered.
Here's the thing: starve them of MONEY. Look what West Virginia just did:
For decades, West Virginia families watched as other states empowered parents to choose new or different learning options for their children. But despite the best efforts of parents, the Mountain State offered few choices for families whose local schools did not meet their children’s interests, talents, challenges, and needs, or for families who could not afford private education or pursue homeschooling.
In 2019, things changed for the better. Thanks to the work of the nonprofit Cardinal Institute for West Virginia Policy, which built a coalition to expand school choice in the state, West Virginia lawmakers enacted several new programs to provide parents with increased access to a variety of fresh learning options.
Just as the 2022-23 school year hit its stride, the state’s flagship private school choice program, the Hope Scholarship, was ruled constitutional by the West Virginia Supreme Court. Before the now-removed injunction was put in place, more than 3,000 students had been approved to use the scholarship. For these families, and more who will apply, this ruling is fantastic news.
For all parents interested in exercising their K-12 options, this guide provides a full update on the newest selections available for West Virginia families.
Charter Schools: In-Person and Online
For parents looking for a tuition-free alternative to their locally zones schools, public charter schools opened their doors to West Virginia families this year, in person and online!
Public charter schools do not charge tuition and are required to serve all students regardless of whether those students have struggled in school or have disabilities. Public charter schools are not created, managed, or governed by county boards of education; accordingly, they can enroll students outside of their traditional school zones or districts.
Four public charter schools are now open, including two different schools that offer full-time, statewide online learning. Full-time online schools include Virtual Prep Academy, which is available for students in grades K-10, and West Virginia Virtual Academy, which is accessible for students in grades K-12. Both schools still have seats available and are enrolling students for the current school year.
Way to go WV! And thank you for such a detailed explanation. Q: Do they provide bussing to get kids to their desired school?
It will be interesting to see how it goes. Expect a few potholes on the road to superior academics and freedom to choose.
Never Mandy. Your children are not marginalized. They are raised by parents with sound minds who encourage their children to think and foster resilience which makes them a threat to the school freaks and the court jesters of global submission.
as soon as it will be in their interest and be seen to help them make our society even more brain-dead than it already is. It's getting to a point where that is a giant challenge.
As soon as Tucker spoke on his show about the first of many UFO sightings, I told my husband “THIS is going to be ‘the thing’ that helps the cause for the world to band together and create the ‘New World Order’ to stop these UFOs. He thought I was on to something because the jabs and C plandemic weren’t doing it.
I think we all need to be aware how this could overtake the rest of the world with more psyop fear.
In the Olivet discourse Christ warned of false prophets and false christs who would arise in the end times and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. Matthew Ch 24.
Are these UFO sightings (so called) part of the deception?
I heard many years ago when the rapture happens those left would or could say it was aliens/ufo’s. That’s why so many disappeared.
There is no Scriptural support for a "rapture" as postulated by Hal Lindsay, Tim LaHaye and others including the author of the "Tipping Point" substack. They hold to the idea that suddenly believers will be snatched away.
The Bible teaches that the church remains in the world until Christ returns. At that point in time those believers who have died will be resurrected and those who are alive when He returns will be caught up together with them to meet Him "in the air" i.e as He descends. Refer to 1 Thessalonians 4, 15 - 18. After that is the final judgement of all people living and dead.
There simply are different views on this - pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib. Nobody knows until that day. There is no scriptural proof for any of them, just thoughtful analysis for each view.
The Christ character also said he would return, while those listening to him speak were still alive. That didn’t happen. And people still believe he was some kind of god.
I wonder why they don’t also believe in Zeus. There is exactly the same amount of proof of his existence as there is for the Jesus character.
Tell that to Lee Strobel.
You are mistaken. There is quite a lot of evidence that Jesus Christ lived.
There’s actually zero. But there’s lots of evidence that the Jesus stories are just retelling of older myths from Egypt and sims Ian times.
Christ also said he did not know when the return would occur, only the Father knows.
I believe it was Paul, who wrote to encourage those concerned that He hadn’t returned in their time. He said that to God, a thousand years is like a day, and a day like a thousand years.
If you can’t imagine a mind that immense, if you choose not to believe, you can still be respectful.
And yes, there is plenty of evidence of Jesus’ existence. There are books dealing with the subjects you’re concerned about. Lots of them.
The Jesus character clearly said he would return in their lifetime. He didn’t. Mostly because it’s all mythology.
Except, of course, the tomb at Talpiot.
The marine in the 15 or so minute long video, he is wearing BOTH a masonic tie pin, and a UN Agenda 2030 lapel pin.
Look at the photos of him speaking:
Thank you very much. When reading it, I initially thought: something stinks about this story.
The black diamond pyramid on top of that UFO is the logo of the Globalists. Look on back of dollar bill.
So that makes it real??
I thinks she means that makes it fake.
A real psy-op.
No, but it’s interesting
No. It’s not interesting…they’re just trying to make it appear interesting, to distract us. Laugh it off…it’s more psychological manipulation.
It was an episode of the Outer Limits TV series in 1963-64 starring Robert Culp.
Closing narrative from Architects Of Fear episode
“Scarecrows and magic and other fatal fears do not bring people closer together. There is no magic substitute for soft caring and hard work, for self-respect and mutual love. If we can learn this from the mistake these frightened men made, then their mistake will not have been merely grotesque, it would at least have been a lesson. A lesson, at last, to be learned.”
"In 2011, Nobel prize-winning economist Paul Krugman mentioned the episode when he said that building a defense against a fictional alien invasion could speed recovery from the late-2000s recession; however, he misattributed the episode to The Twilight Zone.[6]"
Why would people be more afraid of aliens than of the New World Order Cabal of humans that are here, now, taking coordinated actions to turn the rest of us into slaves? Especially if they've been around a while, as alleged; so far, they've been more peaceful than my own government.
We need to be aware of how to not allow psyop fear to take over the the world.
Let's stop listening to Tucker, for one.
Really enjoy Tucker but his buying into the UFO narrative was a real disappointment (along with that of Matt Walsh). They both framed it in terms of, "see this proves the government has been lying for decades". The new narrative reinforced their existing bias (i.e. the government are liars) so they accepted it without critical thought. That this UFO story is a lie would be the more rational explanation.
We are going to need to step our game up here, these are incredibly dishonest people we are dealing with. They know our biases and will use them to manipulate us.
One way to start is by resisting the urge to have a "hero" who fights on the big stage. A healthy skepticism is required.
Trump, DeSantis, Tucker, Elon, etc... all are mixed bags. I appreciate their good aspects but no one is going to check off all the boxes.
Bam! Nailed it.
I tossed the checklist a long time ago . . . in utero, I believe.
Nobody is flawless in this broken world.
Certainly it is so. There is a factional civil war going on within The System in parallel to the War against the People (domestic and planetary). But there may also be what may be describe as a counter-revolutionary movement now well underway. Musk and Twitter put me onto this idea. There are other indications.
What do you think?
Hero worship is never a good thing. Really. Never. There is only One worthy of worship and he aint making twitvideos or running an NGO or a country or manufacturing fake meat.
OMG, don't give anyone ideas!
Tucker can’t convince me that UFOs are real. Does he really believe it or is something else going on?
The UFO sightings probably originate from govt tech that I read about in a book on physics. apparently we have the ability to make our own pilots “see” craft which don’t really exist
Yes, “unidentified” does not necessarily equal “alien” even though it’s been assumed to.
Good point!
So many people in the new age community actually believe that aliens are good, tied in with “ ascension “.
Many, They even think sickness from WiFi is ascension “symptoms”.
They’re difficult to talk to.
(I used to do reiki , trying to heal. Had to repent from the new age stuff.)
Can't like this comment enough. The New Age movement is a psyop as well, and its implementors have a lot to answer for. Lotta folk lost to that one. So many lives misdirected. True 5G warfare, imho.
Glad you have moved on.
If you're Catholic Rosalind make sure to confess it. Confession has helped me immensely in removing the layers of demonic involvement in my life (I.e. spiritual attacks). Stuff I did years ago, even as a kid, that had a touch of new age- it's been extremely helpful. I hope you continue to find peace!
Thanks. Pastor Robert Clancy, Dr pat holiday, others helped me.
I had known nothing about it from organized religion.
Two, three conflicting statements can be true. But if there are UFOs, then saying there weren't would be lying. If there are no UFO, and saying they exist would be lying. If there are not space alien UFOs but something else, this could be lying or possibly something else. I really don't know what is going on, but like a whole lot of people, I know SOMETHING is up. Because nothing happens by accident with these Cretinous Dear Leader types. Maybe with miscalculation, but not by accident.
Whatever the case, humanity all these years has NOT be imperilled by UFO's real or imaginary. And second, the Greatest Propaganda Achievement in history (covid) makes this sudden fascination with UFO potentially troublesome because we know beyond contestation that people will believe anything and can even be manipulated into a democide willingly ... and with their stamp of self-approval. Whatever it is, it will be interesting.
I am not concerned with UFO’s or aliens in the least. At best, they’re psyops and propaganda. I’ll stick with the Truth of God’s Word and I know that Jesus is coming back for His church and it’s going to be soon! That’s my focus, not UFO’s.
Maybe they’re just trying to get people who don’t want to accept that the government lies to acknowledge that it is true?
Could be, and I'd love to give both of these guys the benefit of the doubt. It would have been better if they said something like, "there are only two explanations, they were lying then or they are lying now" rather than accepting it.
Yes that would have been better.
Maybe, but it's a mind-f**king way to do it.
Not cool.
We don't have to agree with people on every last thing right? About psyops induced fear - haven't we all been subjected to that over the last few years? Some like us called "BS" and others are still running around in the outdoors with masks and getting freaked out when someone coughs within their electrified 6 foot perimeter. Some will believe UFO's are trying to take over the world and harvest us for food while others will know what is really going on when they are handed their ration of soylent green.
Listen to his fourth installment on Twitter, and point out where he fear mongers. I'm curious. I myself didn't get that. Every point he made, I've been watching happen for fifty years. And not one thing he said was wrong,or hyperbolic.
I'll happily read a transcript, if someone cares to share.
I prefer to read everything. The one person in all of this that gets a pass, because he is worth it, is Carlson. I hate watching people talk. Usually. Soi watched it.
He certainly is entertaining. I'll give him that. (This opinion is based on a previous speech I saw him give. I'm not clicking on the Rumble video.)
If there's a transcript, however, I will read it.
Well, you’re missing a fantastic and very truthful 10 minutes. But your call.
Here's the brief video, on Rumble:
Tucker is one of the few intelligent individuals on the internet. You should listen & take heed.