But you, beloved, must remember the words that were spoken beforehand by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, that they were saying to you, “In the last time there will be mockers, following after their own ungodly lusts.” These are the ones who cause divisions, worldly-minded, not having the Spirit. But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life. And on some, who are doubting, have mercy; and for others, save, snatching them out of the fire; and on others have mercy with fear, hating even the tunic polluted by the flesh.

— Jude 17-23 LSB

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Mockers following their own ungodly lusts. Worldliness. Could have been describing Bill Ackman. Ackman found out he poisoned himself and maybe his entire family, including his 4 year old, with the vaxx. He's stumbling over his words and thoughts because he realizes the enormity of what he has done. He pushed it on others too. All his money isn't going to change these facts. And he found it he wasn't as elite as he thought. He was lied to and bought it. A useful idiot. Only God can help him now. 🙏

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We often see the ones who pushed the vaccine so hard and so publicly die suddenly, or become severely disabled, but it seems God has a different plan for how He will use Ackman. Both scenarios show the truth! Grateful for that

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I feel like he had a vaccine injury. Something is off with the way he moves. I can’t put my finger on it but his moves are not smooth.

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Give him a break. He is open minded enough to have changed his mind publicly. That's better than most.

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...and he used this opportunity to encourage others to "weigh the risk & reward" by doing their own research. If only one person investigates data available & changes their ideas about the value of shots, he has changed a life. For me, he is also saying, if you have children you better step up to the plate & investigate this. He has publicly said his mind was changed. He is setting an example. His words were measured & careful, yes. Maybe what he said will get through to people!

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I personally LOVE that ACKMAN (right?) sis am about face! Honestly

how many of us are able to admit mistakes — publicly? Especially influencers and higher ups? I think it takes balls of STEEL and I applaud him.

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Baby steps to repentance…. He is seeing the light

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Reluctant, recalcitrant Nazis were still enablers of the highest order--let him openly reject the entire CULT teaching and leadership and proclaim conversion and then we can soften the jaded mistrust and loathing he earned so well

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Indeed you are correct. I would suggest that when a high profile advocate of vaccines changes his mind and openly admits it, we have to view it as a big step towards progress even though it isn’t 100% capitulation. It’s far better than having him know he was wrong and not say anything.

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Hard Chargers and $ucce$$ful people can not bring themselves to be TOO humble, always some caveat when they admit having been misled to be wrong.

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They trusted that there is enough good in vaccines to warrant taking them, you know it’s wrong to lie about thing’s that will ultimately hurt maim or kill people, I can understand them taking the jab and I can understand the apprehension and wanting to wait and see and give it time, you know the flu vaccine, I have never heard about too many negative things about it, and had one once so I could be with a loved one in a cancer ward at a hospital, I thank God I didn’t get on the bandwagon for this vaccine, why? Because they seemed to damn happy, gung-ho enthusiastic, gleeful for something so utterly serious, and kept changing speech about it, and then came mandate’s and I said “ hell no “

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I became disabled from a flu shot 20 years ago.

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Katharine, I'm sorry to hear this.

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So sorry, Katharine. That's why I have chosen not to take it despite my kids telling ne I may not be able to see my new grandbabies. Your testimony confirms my decision.

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I noticed he still had to include the weasel words of how he decided a booster wasn't right for HIM, but PERHAPS it would be right for others who weigh the risk and reward ratio. What rewards, Bill? The jabs are all risk and he's not admitting that yet.

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It would be especially nice to see more people ditch the "folks who are older!" bit, since I'm not at all sure I'll ever be old ENOUGH to appreciate being tossed under the bus as a member of a population the speaker only-too-obviously doesn't give a moment's thought to.

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One of the main ways folks survive to become "older" these days is by keeping those pharmapathic concoctions out of their bodies.

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I plan on using that bit of "philosophy" with my grands over the holidays. I'm working on building a "winter wellness" kit for my granddaughters who are serving the public sector and are exposed to many people throughout their workdays. I hope they will accept it with grace and USE IT!! We will see.

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Good plan, great idea. Commenters here repeatedly stress the need for local involvement if we hope to right our ship of state. It does not get any more local than one's own family!

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Yeah. He still has to say the verbiage or doublespeak. He's worried how he or his companies mandates could blow up in his face. I feel sympathy for his 4 year old who is an innocent. I feel absolutely none for him. Reap what you sow.

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...but he now has a responsibility to the community at large, to encourage a change in behavior, based on what he has learned.

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I’m sick and tired of people saying people should get if ‘they’re old and/or have risk factors’. Wrong! In my opinion.

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Exactly. If you're in those categories you need to stay FAR AWAY!!!

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Exactly!!! I have warned all my inmates not to take the Covid or Flu as they both now have the modified RNA (not messenger RNA) crap in it

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Yes, tens of thousands weren't ALLOWED to weigh a dam thing by these maniacs...CO Poisoning, hanging, firing squad, Zyclon B shower, or buried alive?? Great choices. How about Ivermectin, HCQ, etc etc etc and NONE of the killer protocols, intubation, FRAUD VAXXES by the score--"reward" was a better social score, a fake-out we're in this together and together we'll get back to normal, don't be down on China they are leading the way, masking saves lives, shutting down schools is best for science and education, REWARDS are all a dung heap of Commie Lies. Screw his crossed fingers just like Bill Maher and the virtuous fraudsters who go up to the line but REFUSE to betray their EVIL CULT of Corruption and Death and feel they've done enough.

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This man has a change of heart. He is repenting and recognizes the error of his prior thoughts. Let’s look at how he is working to positively influence future outcomes.

Billions of children can benefit from the sea change.

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scumbag; an 8th grade education and a $40k/year job wouldn't be as spotlighted as a fking fool and loser as he is...maybe he needs a Chinese "lab" set up near his neighborhood too and a tent city, and some rival foreign gangs to squabble over the fentanyl and trafficking near his favorite restaurant, and a good cat converter theft or Lithium Battery jacking from his luxury automobile

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Keep and build your spiritual muscles my Christian friends!

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And I urgently admonish the non-Christian friends to get some—in Christ. 🙏🏻

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Janice, do you read Gato Malo - Bad Cattitude?

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Great advice! It will change hearts and minds, it will change your life!

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Wow Janice, that verse couldn’t have been more perfect for today!!! Tysvm!!!

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Jude. 1 chapter. Memorize it. You'll need it.

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Jude 1:4. “For some godless people have slipped in unnoticed among us, persons who distort the message...in order to excuse their immoral ways, and who reject Jesus Christ.”

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It's sad how many religions don't believe in Jesus Christ or an eternal after-life.

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This should be acknowledged, it's God's treatment of His chosen people when they are out of His will. Did this apply only 3,000/4,000 years ago, today or every time they turn their backs on Him?

Lev 26: 14 - 33

“‘But if you do not obey Me and do not carry out all these commandments, if, instead, you reject My statutes, and if your soul abhors My ordinances so as not to carry out all My commandments, and so break My covenant, I, in turn, will do this to you: I will appoint over you a sudden terror, consumption and fever that will waste away the eyes and cause the soul to pine away; also, you will sow your seed uselessly, for your enemies will eat it up. I will set My face against you so that you will be struck down before your enemies; and those who hate you will rule over you, and you will flee when no one is pursuing you. If also after these things you do not obey Me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins. I will also break down your pride of power; I will also make your sky like iron and your earth like bronze. Your strength will be spent uselessly, for your land will not yield its produce and the trees of the land will not yield their fruit. If then, you act with hostility against Me and are unwilling to obey Me, I will increase the plague on you seven times according to your sins. I will let loose among you the beasts of the field, which will bereave you of your children and destroy your cattle and reduce your number so that your roads lie deserted. ‘And if by these things you are not turned to Me, but act with hostility against Me, then I will act with hostility against you; and I, even I, will strike you seven times for your sins. I will also bring upon you a sword which will execute vengeance for the covenant; and when you gather together into your cities, I will send pestilence among you, so that you shall be delivered into enemy hands. When I break your staff of bread, ten women will bake your bread in one oven, and they will bring back your bread in rationed amounts, so that you will eat and not be satisfied. ‘Yet if in spite of this you do not obey Me, but act with hostility against Me, then I will act with wrathful hostility against you, and I, even I, will punish you seven times for your sins. Further, you will eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters you will eat. I then will destroy your high places, and cut down your incense altars, and heap your remains on the remains of your idols, for My soul shall abhor you. I will lay waste your cities as well and will make your sanctuaries desolate, and I will not smell your soothing aromas. I will make the land desolate so that your enemies who settle in it will be appalled over it. You, however, I will scatter among the nations and will draw out a sword after you, as your land becomes desolate and your cities become waste.”

‭‭Leviticus‬ ‭26‬:‭14-33

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But but but, God is LOVE! He wouldn’t do that to me!! Narrator: yes. Yes he would. He said it and he doesn’t lie. Ignore at your own peril.

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Yes He would. In order to discipline us in hopes that HIS people will repent. He said;

““when My people, 0ver whom My Name is called, humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

‭‭2 Chronicles‬ ‭7‬:‭14‬ ‭TLV‬‬

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AMEN - may it ever be thus!

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Now continue and read the closing chapters of 2 Kings, and the books by the prophet Samuel. God punishes His people when they become apostates and disregard His commandments. God uses His enemies as his righteous hammer. The Babylonian captivity and the centuries-long dispersion of the remnant did not occur by accident.

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Some "foolish" so called Christians actually believe the "Old Testament" is not "valid" anymore--they are going to perish in their foolishness unless the Holy Spirit works a mighty "mind miracle" on them!!

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Nailed it! Again!

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And look at Samson. He kept pushing the envelope until he had his eyes gouged out.

But then

He repented.

And then look how God used him.

Never look down on a person who repents.

Because “Such were some of you.”

Be careful.

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“But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the Love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life.”

Why would anyone question such words of Love? There it is! Thank you for sharing this verse. One of my favorites. Hallelujah!

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I always, always, always appreciate your Biblical passages on this sometime overwhelmingly negative newsletter (not a criticism--it's just a "template of the times" in which we live). The Bible is the ONLY WORD of truth and I cling to that truth with every bit of strength I can muster (which isn't much these days because I'm still fighting off an upper respiratory "bug" I developed after visiting Philly over 3 weeks ago--big cities are rife with all kinds of "nasties"--including the viral kind). Thank you again, Janice!!

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Hope and pray you are over it soon!

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It's been "bouncing" around my system for almost a month--worst upper respiratory issues I've ever experienced and I even took the 5 day protocol of Ivermectin. I guess I can be thankful I had that on hand!!

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Beautiful! What I needed today. Thank you, Janice.

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The same evil thought process which made people trust the government and believe Fauci, the CDC, Bill Gates, etc…that’s the same thought process used for the past 2,000 years to get people to believe in the Bible stories.

When I ask someone why they believe a man rose from the dead, a virgin girl gave birth to a god, a man turned water to wine, they always answer with saying “I just have faith.” Then I would ask them “Why not just have faith in Fauci or Pfizer”?

Do you really feel it’s LESS likely that ancient nomadic tribes would be more honest than modern people? There are zero reasons to believe any of the stories in the Bible, the Torah, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, or any other ancient myths.

Mankind has always been superstitious. The Jesus character is no more real than Zeus, Aphrodite, Ra, or any other of the THOUSANDS of gods which were believed/worshipped before that character appeared in ancient mythology.

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Time will certainly tell. But the beautiful thing is, I don't have to wait to see Him coming in glory because I KNOW He will. Meanwhile, I get to live a life of hope and peace, free from condemnation, engulfed in a love that you and the rest of the world don't understand. Here's why: "But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised." --1 Corinthians 2:14 -- In other words, you can't get it until you get it.

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I agree totally. You can’t get it, until you get it. I spent a large partner my life as a devout Christian. I started studying for a Masters degree in theology, and was considering a continuation to the PHD level. Once I started really studying ancient texts, and ancient religions, I started to “get it.” It was truly horrifying at first, to realize it’s all made up superstition.

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I don't think "devout Christian" means what you think it means then. Someone who truly knows Jesus could never turn away from Him. Praying for you.

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Don’t pray for me. Say a prayer for the end of COVID, end of the war in Ukraine, and end of the fighting in Gaza. Clearly the Bible says any prayer asked will happen, so you could single-handedly end all that suffering. Thanks for doing that!

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How do we know that there will not be huge election fraud once again Nov 2024? That’s what I am worried about. The Resident Moron did not “win” his way into the WH.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

We don't know, but hope people don't use that as an excuse to stay home. All this 'Trump beating Biden' headline news is a back alley way of motivating the D base to turn out.

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MSM: Make sure Trump gets the nomination ('look how he's beating Biden!'). Once nomination is secure, then coincidentally the polls flip to Biden (or Newsome) and Trump is unfit, too old, convicted felon...whatever. Add, rinse, repeat.....

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I'm actually afraid of that: after Trump secures the nomination then they will all of sudden dump Brandon - Harris and give us a younger more rabid version, and then God help America

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Agree. Newsome is in the pipeline.

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I received 3 fundraising emails from Newsom this week and have never before.

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and ColorapeyO's Pole-Lisp after him

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Hearing lots of chatter about putting up Michelle O.........................

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No way. They’re rich and she’s not into it. Look out at California is and the Joker who are out while everyone else needed to heat up canned soup alone and at home.

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Probably also wise to steer clear due to the very mysterious chef drowning....don't need to draw attention to that.

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I'm guessing...the Dem nomination will be: Mike Obama and Gruesome as VP

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I think it should be Dean Philips (already running) as he’s Jewish (served on board of Temple Israel in MN) and the Dems would be put in an awkward position lol.

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Except Trump gives proof to the lie by his very being. Check out his vigorous activities on RSBN.com or the RSBN streaming channel.

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Link doesn't work

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My apologies, I was hasty. The streaming channel is great.

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So glad to see you back.

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Remember the polls have been wrong every election. I don’t trust them now.

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Hopefully the D base is taking all their boosters and shots.

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They will get an absentee ballot and vote from the grave

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Won’t there be another round of them right before the election? 🤔

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Certainly a new “variant” that requires lockdowns and mail-ins to flatten the election curve.

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Yup. “Rattle the base”. You’ll see a lot of it now. Scarifying reports and polls. It worked on me once but when i realized polls mean nothing these days, i got back to independent thinking and analysis. I’m not always right (by a long shot) but I’m better at it.

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El Rushbo often said that all polls published earlier than about four months before an election are designed to shape the electorate's thinking, and rarely have any truth within their predictions. It's only when we get close to the election that the polling firms start telling the truth, so as to preserve their credibility.

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What would the democrats do without their biggest boogey man???

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Same as now which is nothing useful and more likely damaging to society as a whole.

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IMO, it serves two purposes. 1) is to scapegoat "Joe Biden" for the last 3 years of Uniparty scam, incompetence, and crimes, and set up a narrative shift using some other puppet (we all know which one - he looks like Trudeau's brother and resides in CA). 2) is to do as you said. Whip up fear among D voters so they embrace this narrative shift and the new "face" of the D party. "Orange Man Bad is hiding under the bed waiting to pounce and steal the election! Forget everything that happened these last 3 years and vote for Gavin!"

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Or...even worse--they are also promoting Trump in this, which makes me worried that they are building a case for his victory--if all of his legal troubles vanish as they have so far, and he wins the election, I would have to consider the idea that he is one of them after all, just doing an amazing job of keeping us properly divided and angry on both sides.

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I hate the thought of that, but it's been in the back of my mind for a while now. I just hope I'm wrong.

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I know exactly how you feel. I am inclined to believe it, albeit reluctantly, based on even just the basics I know to be true--that no one even gets a seat at the table (much less possibly the most press a president/candidate has EVER gotten in the press) if they are not part of the plan. The mainstream leftist media is putting him front and center, even on CNN. My gut tells me it has to be on purpose. If they wanted him gone, they kill him, disable him or simply ignore him on every platform.

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There’s the weird fact that Gavin’s ex wife is now engaged to Don Jr. Don’t know if it means anything but is odd. And Ivanka becoming a Young Global leader for WEF in 2015.

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WHAT?!?! I did not know that!! Well, well, well. Kind of like Hitlary's spawn being married to one of Soros's nephews...🤔

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Seems to me the #1 thing they don't want is for people to see their multi-generational grift for what it is. Hiding that grift is the whole purpose of the Uniparty. And that's been Trump's non-stop message for the past 8 years. The Uniparty is also resolutely pro-war b/c that's where their money and power come from. Trump is resolutely anti-war. He exposed their grift and warmongering to more people than anyone else, ever. All of that just doesn't track with a grand scheme to put him in power.

IMO, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...they have a model and it has worked w/o fail for 30+ years. Think of all the wars they've started, then lost and left in disgrace, with all the profits going to a tiny handful of connected individuals. He (that is, we) threw a wrench in that by seeing that people like the Bushes and McConnells of the world are actually aligned with the Clintons and Pelosis, not us. We used Trump to take the (R) party over.

If anything, I could buy that they've realized none of their efforts to remove him have worked. The American system is more resilient than they realized. The people are smarter than they thought. States rights and Constitutional rights have more power than they thought. So, they have resigned themselves to seeing he's very possibly going to win and they will need to find a way control him again. My question is whether he learned from his first term how they work and will surround himself with better people if there is a 2nd term.

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Everything you say is true except that I think Trump knew many of them were backstabbers. The f'ers are still coming out of the woodwork and stabbing him in the back. It just proves how corrupt our government really is. A Trump second term will be catastrophic for them and they know it. It is why they did not care how obvious the fraud was in 2020. Just like HRC said "If that bas***d wins we all hang" or something like that. They just wanted to get rid of Trump no matter what and they are still trying to do that. I really think things are going to get crazier once Trump wins the Republican nomination and we get closer to Nov 2024. They are liked cornered animals and will burn everything down if it means they lose.

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I would agree that he knew many would backstab him him. People like us vote for political outsiders b/c the insiders are all corrupt. But, it's a double-edged sword in a way. The fact they're outsiders means they don't have a bench of talent to go to, and they don't have people who understand how the blob works / how things get done. I'm hoping now that he's seen it from the inside, he'll have a plan to deal with it.

Totally agree that things are going to get weirder if/when he wins the (R) nomination. They've been trying to get him off the ballot / out of office for 8 years: first by calling him ugly, fat, stupid, lazy, a racist, a womanizer, a misogynist, and saying his family hated him and his wife had secretly left him. When that didn't work, they tried saying he was mentally ill, saying he had too many financial entanglements, deemed him an agent of a foreign country, indicted him on RICO charges (lol), said he stole national security documents and is a national security threat, etc. None of those tactics have worked. In fact, they seem to have made him even more popular. And he was already the most popular political figure, probably in the world.

IDK how they will react though. The Obama team I think will run for the hills and try to escape accountability. The Clinton team will fight to the death. The useful idiots like Fauci will flee the country or flip. Hard to say. Probably comes down to individual characters. My hope is someone sees an opportunity to personally gain and turns on the cabal, exposing the rot.

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Julius Caesar and DJ Trump brutally handled by the establishment insider stalwarts elitists, super wealthy, who truly pull the strings, own and attach the strings and who cash in on conspiring with Barbarians, Parthians, whomever helps despoil the Empire and keeps the masses in their rightful place.

WE MUST get a populist Spartacus uprising against the rot at the top and they must join or.....flee

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

I keep an open mind. I know for a fact if they felt Trump were a true threat to their agenda, they would have already killed, maimed or de-platformed him long ago. But they've done the opposite of that. He has a very recent history of borrowing (as did his son) hundreds of millions of dollars from Soros and hanging out with the DNC crowd. Calling out the uniparty--or other obvious facts--is just angry rhetoric that riles up his base. Not hard to figure out what to say.

When he addresses the fact that covid and the injections--both bioweapons created by our gov't were a DOD operation from the start and that agenda was to disable/kill us all, then I might believe in him. But I think negative talk of vaccines is a deal breaker for the mafia, because that cull has been going on for almost 100 years--uncover that entire rat's nest and it's the beginning of game-over. If he's part of it, electing him next November will be Part 3, where Trump calms the majority revolt, ushers in the digital currency (it's a good thing!) and there is NO break in the vaccine agenda.

Do they think he is a threat? Not if he's on board with the bigger agenda, or if the elections are pre-determined, or if somehow they have bigger plans for him. Who really knows.

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How did this guy get away with saying this in 2015?


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Newsome-Harris?? Newsome-Poli(o)s?, Newsome-Booker? or maybe its LATINX time for the Divideocrats' V.P.

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Here's the full Deep State/Media psychological operation (PsyOps):

- The deep state and media now fear DeSantis far more than Trump. This is why they are now promoting Trump. They think they have the mortal legal wounds to finish him off after he out-primaries DeSantis (they WANT) Trump to win the R nomination mortally wounded, politically and legally). And yes, just in case, whip up their base that the bogeyman is near.

- Now that they figured out that RFK may take more votes from Trump and DeSantis than FJB or any Dem, they will start having more interviews like the Ackman one. Subtle promotion of RFK as spoiler to Republicans as "big time Republicans" support RFK.

- FJB will not be the nominee. It will be the Leninist creep Cali-destroyer Gavin Newsom who is in China currently performing fellatio on top officials there, impressing Dems and "independents" tired of "controversy".

The PsyOps rolls on.

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There's no one the Deep State and the MSM (but I repeat myself) want to be the GOP nominee more than Donald Trump.

They will probably get their hearts' desire, after which Newsom will roll in the biggest presidential landslide in history.

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We all need to be on our knees in daily prayer for His grace and mercy upon our country for the next 365 days. Gruesome Newsome is a soulless evil human totally on board with doing deeds for his master satan.

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I dunno Fred. That doesn't make sense to me. Furthermore, I think the American people of all political and ethnic persuasions are sick of the Democratic party. I even hear of life-time democrats saying they are not just going to vote Rep but are going to specifically vote for Trump. I think the "never Trump" crowd is at this point made up mostly of Republicans who for some reason always bought into the Never Trump emotional bait.

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Our State GOP (ColoBlueO) is FULL of Never Trump establishment purists who despise religion, tradition, notions of family, populism, they are given platforms to rail against both the Dem Stranglehold and Conservatism of the voter base GOP/Trump/Boebert, while touting what exactly??? Libertarian Utopia, an Activist Progressive Governor to act as the E-Brake on a runaway Commie Legislature with a smirk on his fat face. Like Prussian semi-royalty not deigning to take a side in the struggle for Germany while murderous thug Nazi-Commies vied to steal it ALL from Democratic Liberals. They will gladly bend the knee, curtsey, and kiss the ring of JaRed Pol-lisp for acclaim, $$$, sense of superiority. Rush L. always said the Dems USE their base and laugh behind their backs, the Reps DESPISE their base and stab their backs.

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Shit libs fall into the "never trump" category too. Not sure how much of the electorate they occupy, but they don't change the vote anyways

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OMG, even the suggestion turns my stomach.

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The biggest fraudulent election in history, even more so than 2020.

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And ain't that the truth:

Leslie Moonves on Donald Trump: “It May Not Be Good for America, but It’s Damn Good for CBS”

Shareholders' primary and number one responsibility is to make money.

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Perhaps China is guaranteeing Gavin Newsom a seat at the table after the "unpleasantness" to come.

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we still have several Colorado Dem Congress/theys who need to carry Articles of Impeachment against Trump...Nguese and Crow wear it with PRIDE, maybe we can get another 2 or more in the que for it with a Trump 24 electoral win--still NOT the popular vote of course.

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Ackman is a Democratic donor.

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yes, he has now been "given permission" to speak out an alternate narrative, how very brave and honorable of him, avantgarde and a trailblazing maverick.

Let's see him sacrifice for his stance...it won't be forthcoming like it has been and continues to be for many others

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It’ll be ‘Big Mike’ running with either Gavin Newsome or even hubby Barry Soetoro (soretoes) as vp. Evil twins.

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

The Democrats and their Media arm are setting in motion a means to dump Biden from the ticket. Newsom is waiting in the wings, and he's the one they will push. Clueless Dem women will help elect the pretty boy. And they will probably still utilize cheating to push him into winning.

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Well's he's better looking than Biden, but that smile CREEPS me out!!

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

Lord, have Mercy on us all!

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the idiot, emotional, unfulfilled (White educated) women's vote? Lord they could put castration of men over 40 on the ballot, and get sex toys to be untaxed as medical devices, paid time off for menstrual cycles and menopause reparations.....

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expecting a DOMINION squeaker win tomorrow for CommuRado's Prop HH and II destroying our assaulted taxpayer bill of rights, and giving excessively collected tobacco taxes to Gov Polis' state-sponsored Gender-Affirming Preschools and other pet projects. SLEAZIER and SLICKER and softer more loveable Liberaltarian Progressive Commie than Newsome....watch out for this pervert embryo slayer.

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Congrats on the win. Looks like they are still plotting to screw over the taxpayers though. https://www.denverpost.com/2023/11/10/proposition-hh-property-taxes-education-colorado-election/

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its only a speedbump to Gov Polis and the Marxist Party; they DID WIN on Prop II which makes voters complicit in excess taxation of tobacco being stolen and then used for Gender-Affirming State Sponsored Preschool or whatever else they want to spend $24 million on. Won by similar margin as HH lost by---was that the result of FAR LEFT Misinformation and voter confusion?? Well No, but YES as a matter of fact.

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Yes. Like they did in the mid-terms. Red Tsunami. All hype to get the Dems out. They are lemmings.

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IMO, the wide open borders are going to be the way that they declare marshal law. It would surprise me if 2024 elections take place. If they do, they will create chaos so that they can cheat again. Does anyone think they would allow Trump to have another go at it? I am not sure that we will have a country left by 2024.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Agree 💯 BUT. God is in control. I stand on his promises. It may (and probably will) get worse before it gets better, but our job is to keep turning to him. Or said another way: acknowledge God, take the next right step, and be a sign of hope to others. May it be so! 🙏🏻

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I believe in God but that doesn't change the suffering that is headed towards us. I think that is partially our fault, we were complacent for too long, living the good life. Life is getting harder each day.

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

Yes, I know I certainly was complacent for too long, busy raising kids and trying to be a productive citizen. And I just kept naively thinking, “well, they won’t do THAT.” And every time, “they” did whatever that was, and worse. Hard to comprehend the evil humans are capable of.

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We never thought that our own government would turn on us.

The biomedical security state military industrial complex.

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Yes they did, but it's still shocking, isn't it?

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They did a long time ago, Kathleen.

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I’ve watched that coming for more than 50 years now. Governments ALWAYS turn tyrannical. Our Nation”s Founders certainly understood that. And a court just declared that AR 15’s aren’t “protected” by the 2nd Amendment.

You are watching in real time as the tyrants strengthen their grasp around YOUR throat.

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It's time for us to stop being surprised by any of the horrors mankind is capable of. Remember the Milgram experiments? The powers that be now know that 2/3 of us are capable of shocking someone to the point of death simply driven by Expert prodding. Thinking about that is powerful. We must have faith in God, not man. I'm sure most of us on here are already at that realization, but it bears repeating as we all forget sometimes, I'm sure.

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the first killing or 3 are repugnant yet once one is used to it one can actually be exhilarated and tantalized by it, these sick Fks have studied how torturing and slaughtering and cannibalizing can be mainstreamed into the ordinary average person with the proper techniques.

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Truth. And remembering that as the Israelites were being carted off to Babylon. The faithful along with the unfaithful were carted off. BUT, many of those remained faithful and hopeful for God's promises.

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

The ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel that were carried off into captivity never came back to the land when the Southern Kingdom of Judah invited them. They subsequently disappeared off the pages of recorded history, thus the name the 10 Lost Tribes. Only the people of the Southern Kingdom of Judah and those Levites who lived there with them were the majority of residents when the Messiah came in the flesh. Of those, you can read in the NT how many were faithful and accepted the Lord when He came to them. Jesus Himself warned them to escape the judgement and tribulation to come and Jesus warned them again through the vision He gave John in Revelation. Thus the faithful were saved. The rest who didn't accept the coming of the Messiah faced the great tribulation when God laid Jerusalem desolate and destroyed the Temple and the genealogies ending forever the prior sacrificial system now that The Sacrifice had come in the Person of God's Son.

We, the church, seem to be in the same condition today as few in the church seem to understand the above anymore.

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You know they considered cyrus the great the messiah.

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"I believe in God but that doesn't change the suffering that is headed towards us."

Was talking with a lady after Mass yesterday. Her husband has a good job with a power company, but she was bemoaning the effects of inflation and how they were struggling to keep food on the table.

(Fortunately for them, the husband got two deer last week, so at least they'll have meat.)

But you're correct: it's going to get much worse.

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Very good!

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I said on this substack three years ago, at the beginning of Joes term, we will be most fortunate if we are a sovereign nation at the end of his term. I absolutely don’t understand why he’s not behind bars and why no political leader can do anything about him or our border. It’s very scary to me but I’m not afraid. I’m cautious however.

I think “they” (the Network as some people refer to it. The ones who are running the world), have dirt on almost every Congressman/woman and that’s why very few can do anything.

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I agree with you, I think every person in Congress has been compromised in some way. But I don't think Biden is the leader of anything, except maybe the line to the bathroom. There are others that are calling the shots. Many say it is Obama, I don't buy into that either. Obama was installed just like Biden was. They are just the people out in front of the cameras. WEF, Soros, etc. are ruining this country, and many others, on purpose.

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And over those are ‘demonic rulers in high places’. Even Soros is a puppet.

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Agree 100%. We will never see the faces of our bankster mafia ruling class. And they come in at all angles, pour in trillions into the psy-ops and keep us too busy and poor to notice. What these liberal rags are doing in the media is part of all of that--preparing us mentally for the next chapter in their game, whether that be an RFK or Newson victory (we knew Biden would be out) or even if it is a Trump victory, which would mean Trump is very much a part of that secret agenda.

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How is Trump winning proving that he’s ‘in on it’?

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

I am not saying there is "proof" of anything, just evidence. I am keeping an open mind, as I do not know, obviously--but what I do know flies in the face of his candidacy as being a legitimate one. But we all come to this point from different places with different sets of knowledge, gut feelings, analyses, etc.

We were told to believe that people hated Trump so much that just 4 years ago, Biden won by 11 million votes without even campaigning. Now, the world is told that Trump is a criminal, whether he is convicted or not, and yet, nothing has come of YEARS of allegations, even after raiding his home. But he is winning in the polls by quite a margin.

Years and years of theatre. We will see.

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Not everyone is compromised. Only those with power.

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Who will dare go against Brandon? Anybody that has is being marginalized or driven out of the party, and the governmental tit is too addicting to give up

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I don't think it is Brandon, he is just the person they are using at the moment. See how they are turning on him now? It will get worse because they know they would never be able to cheat him in again.

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

Nothing to do with him. Or anyone in particular, or even the party itself. If they wanted to now vilify the democrats and elevate the republicans to gain more ground, they will do that. All of this requires thinking far outside the normie box.

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Living in a matrix with the Great Oz pulling the strings.

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the Enrichocrats DID run much of the Rep Party for many decades, both parties had their Progressive Industrialist Financiers; they culturally shifted (Rockefeller and others) evolved to erode them and elevate Dems as they gain more power and make big $$$$ off of both processes at the same time...If Populists and Patriots win back ground and Commie-globalists fade some you can bet the big bucks will not lose out in the new equation/dynamic, rather they will simply play the game again by a slightly different rulebook

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They will start a world war before they let Trump back in. He will be in jail and they still wont think it is enough to stop him

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

His horrid contenders for the nomination are apparently counting on great evil to befall President Trump. How despicable are they, not to speak out against the Weaponization of the legal system? As if it would never be used against them. Or the rest of Americans. As if we would vote for any of them after seeing this behavior. Only Vivek Ramaswamy has spoken out in defense of true justice. For this I respect him.

The next Republican debate should be a hoot with DeSantis and Nikki scrabbling for first loser slot. What DeSantis has done to himself is incomprehensible. He could have had a bright future in the MAGA wing. Now he needs to cut his losses and get serious about governing Florida. That’s what he’s being paid to do. And then he can fade into the sunset of obscurity. Hopefully he’s been well paid.

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Agree. I think Trump is going to jail. They don’t care whether it’s lawful or not.

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None of the fabricated cases against him will stand up in court.

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unless the judges rule against him, which is why they are taking Trump to leftie courts and judges

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

Agreed. Exactly right, Peter.

However, the Supreme Court will have to respect the separation of powers -- AND the LAW itself. I can't see how the Highest Court in the Nation can possibly take seriously a prosecution with the nonsensical legal theories of the likes of Fani Willis, Letitia James, and Alvin Bragg.

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The delusion continues ....

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

I'd like to think you meant that kindly, Fred.

P.S. I'm also someone who loves the traditional Latin Mass. The Second Vatican Council led the Catholic Church astray.

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Either that, or he will emerge triumphant as he has in the past. Which would mean that all of this has been theatre, and any win for him would be the ultimate tell that he is just as much a part of the elitist cartel/ruling class mafia as the others (such as Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden to name a few). That what we think and feel about trump has been nothing but a state-sponsored illusion to keep us very much fighting and in the dark where it matters.

I can't get over the fact that this "virus" was created and released for the sole purpose of injecting bioweapons into all of us--a military operation from start to finish which is practically mainstream known at t his point, and yet Trump won't speak of it--in fact, he is still promoting the "vaccines" and stating they have "saved millions of lives." He absolutely knows that is not true. That's the "tell" IMO.

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Oh Al!! Very astute observation!! Never looked at it that way!! Time will tell!!

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Good grief!

Trump did the following:

1) stopped ISIS cold

2) EO stopping the drug companies from charging medicare more than what they charged foreign countries

3) EO forcing hospitals to disclose their prices

4) Move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem

5) ENERGY INDEPENDENCE for the first time in my lifetime of 70 years, and record low energy prices

6) Started no new wars
 6A) Abraham Accords, bringing peace to the middle east instead of war

7) Elimination of regulations, required to eliminate 8 to add a new one

8) Cut Taxes across the board

9) Increased the individual tax credit eliminating the need to file more complicated returns

10) Started the space force, sorely needed today

11) Replaced NAFTA with an agreement better for American workers

12) Put tariffs on china, starting the process of moving American production out of the enemy’s land

13) Brought back massive amounts of money saved in foreign countries

14) Withdrew from the farce know as the Paris Climate Accords

15) Withdrew from the Iran deal

16) Increased the $$$ of the average family by over 5K

17) Started the process of fixing the VA

18) Increased the spending by other NATO countries

19) Killed the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

20) Created several million jobs, actual creation not bafflegab bullshit

21) Economic growth rates were going up, somewhere around 4% before the marxist killed the economy with the scam chinaVirus

22) Lowest rate of unemployment ever, across the board for blacks, hispanics, asians, veterans, etc.

23) Opened ANWAR and had the Keystone pipeline being constructed

There is much more of course. Makes your pathetic attempt to paint Trump poorly look just like it is.

I listen to practically every speech President Trump makes on the RSBN streaming channel. Also available on rsbnetwork.com. Listen to him and you will know you are being untruthful about what he is saying. I assume you’re parroting some secondhand source.

Dear God, if only the vaccines were the only, or even the most pressing danger we face today!

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Also, though Trump ran on the "draining the swamp" and telling the media to EFF off that never happened. Trump also once pondered bringing RFK, Jr. in and revamping vaccine policies because he had learned more than the average person about vaccines from him and others prior to his presidency. But then he rushed through some dangerous experimental drugs and enacted some "overlord overreach policies." No way he was "hoodwinked" by others on this topic. Even if he were, he wouldn't be now. But he LOVES the covid vaccines! If you are going to get stuck on the list of "what he did" you also need to fully explain what he didn't do and justify his then and current stance on the culling injections.

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

I'm not "being untruthful." It is my opinion and I don't suggest it as fact, rather as evidence over which to THINK. You are getting enraged from TDS and it is clouding your ability to think outside the matrix.

I think it is imperative to keep an open mind and consider all possibilities. This long-term psyop is not simpleminded nonsense that is easily identified. It's layers upon layers upon years and years of psyop events and messaging. A ruling class mafia operative is not going to look like a ruling class operative. He is going to look like the hero who did a lot of good things but, much of what he did do was either smoke and mirrors (ISIS is a deep state construct to begin with so he can look like a hero by "stopping ISIS cold" lol) or irrelevant to the things that really matter. Also, much of what he did was reversed by Biden on day one, so really, what good was it in the sense of the big picture? $5,000 for everyone? What are we? Whores that sell our souls for $5k?

It's not about vaccines "being the most pressing danger we face today" but vaccines remain the catalyst/lynchpin to body sovereignty and sovereignty in general which IS the pressing issue. It was also the clear issue where our own government forced a bioweapon into our arms. I think that's a pressing issue--a huge one. One that Trump has completely sidestepped and ignored. But he gave people $5k. Our hero.

Every single detail and media messaging is planned well in advance. Take a pause and ponder the enormity of this power and control.

You're just not getting it because you are relying desperately on one man to save the world. That IMHO is utterly ridiculous. You're buying into the movie matrix we've all been sold.

Thinking bigger--outside of the old construct, is hard to do.

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when has he ever been wrong or admitted he f-d up? It's always everyone else which is great for the first 4 years or so but it is tiresome and one reason a woman files for divorce

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President Trump was right about everything.

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Haters will hatefully hate forever and ever, unless they meet Jesus and learn to love.

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Today I read how bank algorithms are causing banks to close accounts of perfectly legal, normal people and their personal and small business accounts. I am not talking about for millions either! Because of amounts less than 10k! And the bankers cannot help them! The computers trump human reasoning and logic.

This country is getting scarier and scarier by the day.

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Well my back went out last week and it gave me a lot of time to reflect on things. I decided as much of a pain as it will be to do it, I’m moving my money from Chase to Frost Bank, in Dallas. Hopefully, the first of many such resolutions to accomplish like buying a handgun, stocking up on water, peanut butter etc!! They’re coming after us after they put Trump in jail and I want to be ready for whatever they have up their sleeve. Whitney Webb is on Dr Mercola. I highly encourage everyone to listen to it.

I mean our USG thinks MAGA people are more of a threat than Hamas!! Are any of us comprehending that? Totally insane.

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All of this and more is important. What is vital is getting to know your neighbors. It's easy to not invest enough time for that part.

Tons of variables depending on where you live, but even a small group of people who have a plan in case of whatever comes down the pike can make all the difference.

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Why Frost Bank? I'm looking to move savings, too.

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Small banks are the best. Use two different ones.

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We got a home loan from them to remodel and we had a great experience. When we walked in for the loan closing, they were so kind and so personable, and I’ve never had that from Chase before. Also, I think I mentioned I wanted to bank with a state bank.

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Frost Bank based in San Antonio, an excellent local bank that has grown but wisely and not too big. The founder, who passed a couple of years ago, went to my church, the family, too. Great service and responsiveness. You don’t wait on hold forever and the customer service people are native English speakers in the USA.

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Wow! Link?

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'Why banks are suddenly closing down customer accounts '

I read it on Yahoo. Put it into Google. It was originally a New York Times article and as you see, their licensing won't allow access through the link.

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Move your accounts and money to local or regional banks that are not huge. Use cash as much as possible to eliminate record of activity. Back to basics!

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Don't be surprised if our country is not turned into a all out guerilla fight with Hezbollah like fighters entered via our intentionally opened boarders?

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

I totally expect that. I think Whitney Webb or Alex Jones who have both been on Mercola lately said they will burn it all down. Wouldn’t be surprised by that either. DEWS LAHAINA, anyone?

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Should our vaunted FBLie, CLieA, and HateLand Security allow, enable, or dismiss such an event as inevitable and unpreventable then they are worthless and need to be defunded and leadership immediately incarcerated and their facilities ransacked for evidence and all employees and contractors detained, harshly and lengthily interrogated for whistleblowing statements. THEY would be AS GUILTY as any criminal killer.

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Martial Law, I believe will happen. I really expect some type of Hamas attack on Thanksgiving celebrations in private homes. I pray that I am wrong.

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They'll try, but some state laws have been changed back. However, the biggest factor, imho, is whether those of us on the other side will *work* to make sure every conservative is registered to vote (volunteer with your local Republican Party to do this), turns out to vote (volunteer locally if your elections are close, or apply through your local Republican Party to help turn out the vote in close swing states), and that their local elections are run fairly (become a poll worker by applying at your local Supervisor of Elections or, failing that, a poll watcher by applying with your local political party). It wasn't just fraud and cheating that caused the 2020 result, it was that Democrats out-think and out-organize Republicans. Start now.

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we're doing it! we flipped our school board conservative by doing all of these things. Let me tell you, it's been hell on earth ever since then though. The Dem's have made life a living hell for us, they chase us into meetings (shouting), they shout down everyone at meetings, they've gotten the media to trash us, they even got state representatives involved. Many of us wrote to them to tell them what was really going on down here. But it's been brutal. Anyway, we're still working on it! We have town council elections tomorrow and me and a girlfriend went around and passed out door knocker flyers this weekend. We're doing it! Not sure how much of an impact we're having, but we're out there!

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Good for you!! You are making change happen, despite how hard it is personally on you. I dearly and deeply commend you!

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God bless you all! No matter the outcome, you will have done your part.

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That’s awesome Jen!! 👏👏👏💥💥💥

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Don't give up! Keep on fighting. The libs are used to conservatives being unwilling to fight. We can't be that way any longer. May God give you the courage and strength you need to continue the fight.

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so much for the fair play they want and that the Republicans are insurrectionists

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Bullies against Bullying should be their club (and they can bring clubs too). They don't like sharing the stage and limelight, respectful debate and discourse are repugnant to Revolutionaries. They are Marxists and Cultists, they are not open to any other viewpoint or version of truth, we are a threat to the CULT and must be stopped and put into our place out of power and with no say or influence.

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Jen, thank you for taking a stand. Change comes slowly sometimes. You are making a difference!

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All those things can not combat the weighted computer algorithms.

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

Yes, the weighted algo’s and the injected phantom ballots, explained in great detail by Jay Valentine in his many pieces at American Thinker or his own site, Omega4America dot com. He was instrumental in creating eBay’s fraud detection program, so he’s no stranger to fraud. Paper ballots, voter ID, one-day voting, count the votes on premises, enforce strict chain of custody. Electronics have no place anywhere near elections!

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I'm wondering if there is any group devoting themselves *specifically* to that end: "NO ELECTRONICS IN ELECTIONS!"

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

@Alice in Wonderland Good question!

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With God all things are possible. We must hope, fast and pray.

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If you haven't noticed, we're kinda under God's judgement right now. Until the COUNTRY turns back to God, I don't expect Him to step in.

2 Chron 7:14

‭2 Chronicles‬ ‭7:14‬ ‭KJV‬

[14] if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

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Mercy rides alongside judgement.

Judgement is discipline, in hopes of turning us to repentance. And TRUE repentance isn’t just saying “I’m sorry, forgive me, I was wrong.”


True repentance is doing all that PLUS turning 180° and walking/doing/obeying HIM. Judgement never rides alone.

Mercy is Judgement’s companion.

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I’ve noticed. But God is merciful and hears his people even in times of judgment.

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In *every* precinct? In *every* county? In *every* swing state? How do you know that, *exactly,* Grammy? And how can I tell the difference between your comment and that of a Democrat plant whose intent is to depress Republican/conservative turnout?

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It doesn't take "every county" or "every precinct" to throw a federal election. I work our elections, local and national. I KNOW WE follow the rules because none of us want to end up in jail. But, do I know for a fact, after our results were uploaded,, that the counts weren't manipulated? For the county level, yes, I do. But after that, no, I don't and there is no was to double-check. I'm sorry you interpret my comment as from some sort of Democratic plant (Ive followed Jeff for ages), as I'm just stating the FACTS as they've been laid out after the 2020 federal and 2022 midterm elections. The Dominion (or ESS) software shouldn't do anything but COUNT, that's it, yet, their "algorithms" are protected propriety information. If it's just a simple computer program that COUNTS votes for each candidate, what's the NEED for "proprietary algorithms"? Why weren't the voting machines checked after 2020? Why were some machines connected to the internet? Why did "computer techs" come in during the elections in swing states and "do maintenance"? These voting machines have been used in other countries to throw elections, not just the US. Venezuela was. Electronics have NO place in elections.

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AT&T Building Nashville, Christmas morning 2020; presto FBI Operation Cleansweep. What evidence???

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That's right! I had forgotten about that "explosion"! Did they ever say what the "cause" was?

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I'm wondering if there is any group devoting themselves *specifically* to bringing that about: "NO ELECTRONICS IN ELECTIONS!"

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I'm not calling you a plant. I'm pointing out that there is zero difference between what you say and what a Dem plant would say in order to reduce Republican/conservative turnout. I studied warfare as part of my career, and you are making a dangerous tactical error. If you can fix something about an election system before a few months from now, when voting starts, go for it. If you can't, what good is telling your own side that their vote doesn't count, when it might indeed count very much in a particular location, which you admit you have zero visibility on? Don't hamstring your own side; probably the first rule of warfare. The time to work on election laws and changes in machinery or procedures has ended for this cycle. Start on that work on the day after Election Day 2024. Our task right now is to engage the citizenry to be as smart as the Democrats, who routinely out-think and out-organize us.

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That's why I don't think we will have an election in 2024. The White Hats won't allow it. The coming trial of Trump in Georgia will allow "discovery" and public testimony under oath which will expose the corruption for all to see. Then we will see martial law by the White Hats in the military, who are currently running the government, and thus will begin the Reformation of our Republic back to Constitutional rule rather than the illigitimate corporation of 1878, which was dissolved by President Trump in 2018. This will cause social upheaval and financial distress and it will be a bumpy ride, the "gets worse before it gets better", but we will be on the road to recovery. And God will be in charge using God-fearing men and women.

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"martial law by the White Hats in the military, who are currently running the government," ...Well, they're doing a bang-up job 👍...and they also have the blood of millions of people on their hands. I know, I know...Trust the Plan and all that. Have you heard of the Bolsheviks use of Opertation Trust during the 1920's Russian Revolution?

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Let’s keep an eye on this one.

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Somebody had said the winners are not chosen by the voters but by those who count the votes

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We can either give up - hey, why not just commit suicide, if everything's that bad - or freaking fight back! Use the tools the Founders left to us, which they had *none of,* yet won. Did Trump win in 2016, or was that my imagination?

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Of course he won in the ballot box but lost at the count. Whatever the situation suicide is NEVER the solution

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2016, I said, not 2020. So it's not impossible. Of course suicide is not a solution, but some of the commenters here and elsewhere might as well check out now, for all the fight they show - "woe is me, algorithms, machines, cheating!" They claim all is lost, instead of working to show that it isn't. It wasn't in 2016; it isn't now.

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Question Fla mom. Because you are involved in election matters. My daughter is special needs. Cognitive disabled. The courts in Florida when we got guardianship only requirement was that she retain her right to vote. 🙄 Seriously. We were taking all her rights away but that is the one that concerned them. Whatever. She is not cognitively able to make a decision or understand anything about any of this. We can legally go stand in the booth and tell her how to vote and probably help her fill in the circles. But it seems very wrong. So we haven’t had her vote. We know people who do it for their special needs kid/adult. Then we think about all the braindead sheep who don’t know their butt from a hole in the ground and yet they vote. Is it really okay for us to basically cast a vote for her when she doesn’t understand it since the court said she can vote? We struggle with this ethically. Just wondering your thoughts.

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Far too MANY Conservatives and Republicans are quitters, uninvolved and deniers, detached and calloused, waiting for someone to come for their guns so they can fire off a round or 20, who the hell would want to try to inspire defeatists and loners who don't do anything but complain and have zero vision except doomsday?? It's exhausting to push a broke down car uphill but i will keep trying. There's $$$ and stroke and glam to be had in the Dem ranks--selling their souls for the success of dismantling decency and ripping the robes off of Justice while the world burns and people are enslaved

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Most of those poll results are probably within the margin of error and if you add Biden and Trump totals, there are enough probable independents to determine the winner. Anyway, polls one year before election don't mean much.

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The polls are all fake numbers too.

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Used to manipulate us further. I refuse to look at the numbers on any “poll” from either side. It’s all lies and made up. The sooner the population gets that the better off we’ll be.

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Also remember presidential elections are 50 separate state elections, so nationwide polling also does not reveal the entire truth.

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Totally agree!

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There is no question, the Democrat Bolsheviks WILL cheat again in an attempt to retain power over the will of the people. If they dump Biden, they will bring someone like Newsome on board to replace him with. Theirs is not a personality cult. They are a fascist cult and they WILL do everything they can to retain power and finish their takeover of America. They will cheat and they will cheat even more effectively as they have done in each national election cycle of 2018, 2020 and 2022. If Trump miraculously gets elected, it will only be because there was such a massive revolt among all strata of American society against everything the fascists have done to this country. The 2024 election fraud will go down in the history books. The only question is whether or not the American people let them get away with it.

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I think Republican state legislatures have been changing voting laws to make sure people use photo ID and to abolish ballot boxes. Some states did it in 2021 and Ohio is finally getting around to it now. That should cut down on the rampant fraud. Plus I think the military can intercept and stop the WiFi voting flips by blocking WiFi signals. I think thats how trump won to being with in 2016. The military put a kabosh on the digital vote flips. Because all of the media knew ahead of time Hillary would win. Then they were in utter shock. The military is sworn to protect our constitution.

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And yet the va/xsheen was a DOD operation. It could be the old guard military was for the American people, but sister General Milley has pretty much cured the military of its patriotism and culled almost men of integrity out.

Milley is retiring this December, but who will the puppets appoint to that position? Biden will still be falsely labeled as ‘p-Resident’

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@Alison Smith please please please let that be true 🙏🏻

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It should be obvious that these stories in politico and nyt are still planted to shape a narrative - propaganda. The only question is what. Could they be pushing for a 2nd DJT presidency in order to have a “conservative” take the fall when they finally collapse the financial system and all of western civilization with it?

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Nah. The system has been serving this group of leeches too well.

There is a need to stoke fear in every Dem that orange man bad is the real bogeyman and he’ll be back. Trying to motivate people to get out and mobilize.

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I think they've sucked about as much out of the current system as they can.

No western government is financially solvent and so cannot provide the retirement benefits long promised. This is the reason for the C19 deathvax, to get rid of us retired useless eaters.

The system is on the verge of collapse. In their hubris, the psychopaths in charge think they can control the destructive outcome.

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The Democrats/CIA know that they can just cheat again.

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If we have learned anything about election fraud, it is that the damage is done and irreparable even before it can be proven, and there is no viable remedy. So, expect the usual players to be plying their trade during the 2024 election month.

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I keep asking myself why any of this matters. It's not like they're going to hold honest elections. They know we all know. What's the point of the charade?

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And that is why they are so smug. They know that we know and they know they will do it again.

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See my post above

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My personal opinion is that the left is going to throw Biden under the bus because they don’t need him anymore and Gavin Newsom is going to run instead.

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

I completely understand your apprehension.

I too am very concerned that the 2024 election will be nothing more than déjà vu relevant to the 2020 election.

Proof of ID via a DL, with a current address, that also matches what the county records show, or SS Card and paper-ballot voting in tandem with voting in person is a robust methodology for preventing the fraud that occurs with mail-in and absentee ballots.

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We expect the cheating, we are looking for it. Big difference! Mail in ballots are highly questionable and some states have eliminated them. It’s going to take a whole lot of cheating this time around. Stopping the count and having a two week long election probably won’t fly this time!

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China is courting Newsome, the mainstream media will make Newsome look like a saint, overall I think Trump's record normally would prevail, but think will have to many politicians we cant trust to do the moral thing! We also have no rule of law and the FBI And DOJ are so corrupt!

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Allison, I believe there is a plan to prevent that. The corruption in the 2020 election is being exposed. The trial in Georgia on President Trump's supposed election interference will provide for "discovery" and there will be testimony of the real election interference. It will be a blockbuster show.

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I hope you are right. Do you know “Follow the Data with Dr. Frank?” He is a mathematician who has been touring the country about how the election vote results in 2020 were mathematically impossible. We just need discovery in one court case to show the country what really happened.

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Driving this morning heard radio news guy mention the local races in elections today but bring your ID to vote. Hallelujah! Finally! Now we need to stop ballot harvesting…

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If ballot harvesting is legal in your state, then you need to ballot-harvest until you can make it illegal again. Don't give your enemy a weapon you refuse to use. Would it be better if it were illegal? Yes! But if it's legal, use it to win.

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100% 🎯

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

For those interested, an update on Marine Commandant General Eric Smith, via this Nov 3rd article from Military.com that only just appeared today in their online newsletter.

"As Commandant Recovers from Cardiac Arrest, There's Now a 4-Star Officer in the Top Marine Seat Again” - The online publication has finally acknowledged that the Commandant suffered a cardiac arrest. Previously they had referred to his heart attack as a “medical emergency” & “sudden incapacitation.” Today’s online article also stated that General Smith is stable, “making excellent progress,” and “Once he is discharged from the hospital, he will continue his recovery at his military quarters, but will need to focus on his health prior to fully returning to duty.”

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So in other words, he's OUT.

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That’s how I read it. And I hope his wife is running herd on the powers that be to let him out with dignity but let him out!!

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Marines blamed it on the general working too hard.

The Marines who fought and died on Iwo Jima are turning over in their graves.

If only if they had that option to complain about working too hard.


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Too much gardening or paddle boarding or joy? 🤔

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I heard he was shaking his duvet cover too vigorously.

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"working too hard"

Behind a desk.

Not being shot at.

Having a full staff, including a driver, to help him with his workload.

I'm sure the Marines who were in Helmand Province in Afghanistan wished they could have pulled "I'm working too hard" excuse.

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I love the Marine Corps. But I have been saying for a long time now (especially after Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller courageously spoke out against the Afghanistan debacle and sacrificed his career) that you can never trust anyone over the rank of Major.

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Same in the Navy.

0-5 gets a spine removal when they achieve that rank.

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🎯🤣 One of my pers favs, along with breathing too many times (as few as 5 more) per minute.

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Maybe he drank too much water à la Brooke Shields. . .🙄😏

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Wishing I had a bridge to sell.

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Perhaps he set his clock back an hour.

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Considering there are more than 40, 4 star Generals these days, it was probably easy to find a fill in. During WWII I think there were only 8, 4 star Generals.

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Yeah, if he ever does return to duty.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

To catch up on posts I’ve missed? I haven’t missed any posts. When pressed for time I listen to the post while I drive but I make sure to read all the posts. That’s how good Jeff’s writing is. Or is it an addiction? :) but if it’s an addiction the writing must be that good.

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@IR I would love to catch up on all the comments I missed, though!

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

There is no deadly virus - only the Establishment’s depraved premeditated decision to cloak pre-existing medical conditions and morbidities under the guise of a panoramic novel disease.

There is no vaccine - only the Establishment’s premeditated decision to exploit, abuse - and then benefit from - pre-existing public trust, lack of discernment, naivety and apathy exposing the frailty of the human mind.

- ME

Anecdotals: COVID Vaccine Documentary

A compassionate exploration of the nuanced vaccine debate


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Agreed 100%. the only virus is in the mind, which is cluttered and not able to see clearly due to the electrosmog of our atmosphere.

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Further fueling the narrative hysteria by purposely misusing Kary Mullis's PCR test.(Edit: "misusing/misapplying Kary Mullis's process as a definitive test." Thanks, SheThinksLiberty) Cycle threshold....anyone?....Bueller? How many millions (billions?) of false positives were there??

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I think some of these people get off on being able to say “ yep got covid again”.

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It's part of their religious cult rites. All hail the covid and big pharma gods.

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Absolutely - bow down to the dragon because cowardice is easier than facing it. until it eats you.

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It’s a surefire way to get a few days off.

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Whenever my RN wife's colleagues need a week off, they "get COVID."

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Rezpekt if you use it that way. Hey, as long as we're all honest that it's a joke (:

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I know they do! They keep plenty of test kits on hand in case they sneeze.

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Yep - people didn't want to hear it from me back then on that at all....at all. Too bad, all we can do is plant those seeds, right?

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Still no idea why people are taking these tests now. :/

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"...by purposely misusing Kary Mullis's PCR 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔 as a "test."

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Remember - They’re all made in China , that alone should give pause to those that test with every runny nose.

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Mullins’ boom surfing naked in the mindfield is an excellent read

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It’s a synthetic man-made virus 🦠

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Bio weapon. Lab created.

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And just last week we found out that Fauci was in charge of a Gain of Function lab in MONTANA.

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I grew up in the town where that lab us located. My parents worked there. My mom was assistant librarian and my dad was a lab tech.

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Bio & neuro weapon

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So many good people were doing what they thought was right only to find out that they had been betrayed. I don’t understand the ones who are still lining up to get jabbed or take the next Covid wonder drug, it hurts my head too much! I pray that there will be justice for those that died and the ones suffering, and a reckoning for all those that conspired, deceived and exploited all of them.

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Def state of mind!!! Tysm!!!

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Anecdotals is a great documentary. It really opened my eyes to the shot-induced suffering going on with people. Highly recommend.

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Eric, I'm waiting on your pithy reply to Carry Me Home post above. 👆🏻👆🏻 😀

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Yours is all we needed!😉

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Loved the “red x” on the football!!! Hilarious!!😂

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Did anyone else find the glamorization of the Damar Hamlin story absolutely perverse? I've commented before on the glamorization of cancer and other serious illnesses constantly highlighted in human interest stories about sports figures. They're designed to increase worship of the medical industrial complex as saviours, and to convince people that diseases are all out to get them and they need "modern medicine" to save them.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Yes I find it deplorable that they use him as nothing but a prop. Look see it can’t be the experimental shot we forced all of you to take. I bet that whole segment was nothing more than a Pfizer paid infomercial. Hamlin owes the world the truth. Someone needs to get to him. He will never play again he knows it and so does the NFL. I sure hope he collect a bunch of silver pieces because next year he is on his own.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

If it’s even him. I have my doubts to whether he survived at all, and they found a look-alike who cannot play football so therefore he isn’t playing football because his look-alike is not a football player.

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Interesting!! 5 yrs ago I would have thought this idea was buts. NOT NOW!

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I would’ve laughed at that comment a few years ago. Now somehow it makes perfect sense in this crazy world.

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Yes! Look at how many different people have played Fetterman.

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I've had the same thoughts. Why the mask at the game? But then, he did give a big old hug to a lot of his Bros from Cincy after the game. Would have to be a really good look-alike.

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If he is out of play because of “flu” symptoms, WHY is he there sitting on the bench and HUGGING people. This makes ZERO sense and anyone with even half their brain cells working, would question the whole charade. But nope, crickets from those commentators all night while showing him with some kind of stretchy neck thing covering half his face.

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Excellent point. If he is sick, why is he even there, much less touching people??

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We hope that if his family loved him, then they would not allow him to die and be replaced by a fake look alike. Everyone involved would have to be 100% immoral and without conscience.

Even the people who know the fake look alike. Even the other football players and staff. It seems impossible to carry this out on a football team without someone blowing the whistle.

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If he is fake, someone will someday. And I agree with Susan, money and threats - probably very serious ones.

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Money and threats. These people are evil, I put nothing past them. Also why didn’t he walk in with his Mom and brother?? They kept them separate. Odd

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Money is their love. Money

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

Exactly my thought. You can get a lookalike but not one that also plays football at that level. I bet you many, many years from now when most of the players who survived the jab are in their 90s, one will break silence and say yeah, we knew it was not him but we had to be quiet.

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The blood money will keep him warm at night. No worries.

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Did you notice that a bunch of the mannequins in the CPR segment were child sized? All part of the ‘message’ that “kids have heart attacks too!”

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Don’t worry all the other athletes know exactly what happened to Hamlin. They are most likely worried.

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Phizer probably paid him off. And the NFL because the NFL MANDATED the Vaxx. He should sue.

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He is nothing but a team mascot now.

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A well paid mascot!

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It’s not glamorization. I think it’s because that is not really Damar, and once the body double started playing football it would be very obvious.

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And what about the Bills owner's wife who had a medical issue and hasn't been seen? What's up with her? Vaxx zealot.

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

Every day, "Karen Strong" against deadly disease which no person, educated or not, can control by their strength. Hubby just got to "walk the red carpet" to plastic clappers held by the oncology dept who presented him with a CERTIFICATE of having completed his radiation treatments with a good attitude! I won't tell you what hell it is to go thru that with a very healthy suspicion that the medical field is truly to kill you while claiming to heal you and worse if they are killing your spouse. Who would have anything less than a stellar attitude if you thought they might accidently miss their targeted area, which was much larger than they let us know?!! Besides, they give that certificate to all their victims... but it's a great place to hang and talk to the other victims who also have stories of misinformation!

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I got a certificate for finishing my targeted radiation.........what a joke! I reluctantly did chemo and radiation, still alive so far! Think about the billions of dollars spent, they have cheaper and better ways of addressing cancer, but the money train would be seriously compromised! Still alive in Texas!

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Look into Fenbendozole to keep the big C away. I’ve been taking it per the Joe Tippens protocol for about 3 mos with zero negative side effects.

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I will look it up, thanks1 I had a three moth check up ,no cancer, had the radiation for one lymph node in my stomach, I was pretty lucky overall ! did a strict low carb diet "carnivore for six weeks prior to my check up and the cancer marker was down to 0.7 (they tell me 3.0 is normal) so that was good, I guess cancer loves sugar?

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before I got my colonoscopy about a year ago, I knew something was wrong, I did about three to four weeks of the "miracle mineral solution" MMS, I was told that a lot of lymph nodes in my colon were removed because they looked dead or not glowing with cancer, I attribute that to the MMS.... check out the history on this, its amazing!

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And Laetrile (known as vit B-17 before the FDA outlawed it). You can get mild amounts from Apricot seeds, or go out of the country to get medical treatment levels.

If it's inexpensive and effective, it's been blacklisted or outlawed.

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We have protocols that are effective using combinations of strict low carb diets and less abrasive chemo drugs keeping the welfare of the patient after treatment a priority! I found out about these options after I finished my treatments. The diet option is never talked about or enforced when taking chemo treatments

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Glad you found more info though! Hope you utilize the info and it keeps you cancer free!

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Yup! Sadly you just don't know the whole truth. CONGRATULATIONS!! So glad for you.

It's another BIG BATTLE. We hit it with everything we could supplement with but couldn't afford oxygen pressure therapy, of course.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Also, Patrick Mahomes played last Sunday WITH the flu. They just pumped him with IV’s for two days.

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Perverse indeed! I’m still struggling with the “impossibles.” “Awakens” after 9” of CPR and 2 days of medically induced coma, immediately alert and oriented enough to ask, “did we win?” Not a chance in he—! Even the docs at the time said, “we don’t usually see this rapid recovery.” Obviously fake DH at Bill’s game? Obviously fake first video? Devoted son completely ignored his mother at Honors? TMs visibly sad? NFL gag? Ambulance waits for his mother and then takes 30” to drive 2 miles to hospital? FBI at hospital? + more. IDK about the fluctuating tattoos and ear shape. Rumor that whole contract paid out immediately. Body double who can’t play NFL level football IMHO. I could be wrong…

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Wow, never saw it that way. Thanks for sharing your idea. I am just so disgusting by the fakery, I leave it alone and don't think how it's bamboozling those who believe the dung. So perverse!

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If that's even him. I look at pictures of Fetterman and say no, that's not the same man, so I'm secure in saying it could be a double. I'm not sure that's the same Damar, but maybe I'm wrong. They might have been able to find a good lookalike, but finding someone that looks like him and plays football at NFL level is another story. It's no surprise that he is not playing. But yes, I am disgusted by this glamorization of Damar's story and the nonsense that is still going on pathetic.

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So smart. 👏🏻

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, please never apologize for taking time off. It is not an inconvenience for us. We appreciate all you do and how you help us stay informed. If we have a few days where we wander around aimlessly with our coffee saying, what am I meant to be doing? That’s not your fault don’t worry about it will be fine and we will just be awaiting your next article! 😃

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I just kept thinking about Sir Jeff on a guys trip ….

Can you even imagine the amount of one-liners ??? 😂

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Absolutely! Taking time off is crucial. Too many of us learned that way too late. Never apologize!

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Agree Jeff, I share your feed with some of my liberal family members trying to give them a more host appraisal of the current news we are being fed!

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Just dropped my coffee in lap chuckling....will go back to my, not coffee brown stained Jammie’s.....while Jeff is away....

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"ACKMAN: So actually I think Kennedy raises a LOT of important questions that need to be asked and answered about vaccines."

. . . or, Mr. Ackman, you might just say it's "turtles all the way down."

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Believe it or not ,God made our bodies with an immune system, when the corporate media tried to convince us that our immune system was useless against the virus I lost all faith in their truth and decided I would never take the vaccine!

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The irony here is that if vaccines work at all, they only work BECAUSE of our immune system - the whole point is to inject you with something to "teach" the immune system how to fight it in advance.

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I thought the same thing! :)

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The real story isn’t that Biden is corrupt the real story is why is the swamp protecting him so much? It’s because it all points back to Obama. It will destroy Obama legacy. It will remove the Obama’s ability to pursue policies that would have made him even more of a liability to every Democrat in the country.

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Obeyme was as much a puppet as the current imbecile in chief. Look to people like Jarrett for calling the shots for those two.

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He didn’t display any real courage when he was in. I doubt he does now. Luxurious life is his thing. Too much credit is given to him. Heck, I was at his first inauguration but saw the true Obama by the next year.

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What took you so long? The fact that he came out of nowhere with questionable pedigree and collegiate history with no info was enough for me.

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Yeah, that amazing lack of background info on Obama bugged the heck outta me from the get-go. I laughed when I first heard his name as candidate ("Wait - you think the American ppl are going to vote for a guy with the middle name 'Hussain'?")

But the whole Cone of Secrecy that dropped over his previous life details was the give-away that a MASSIVE psyop was happening. No info about college, no info about his life overseas, nothing.

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To say nothing about the fact he was the first President ever to have changed his name.

Think about that - the guy used to go by a different name, yet no one - not even our so-called investigative journalists - was the LEAST bit curious about why.

I doubt that even to this day, less than 20% of America knows he was born by a different name (Barry Soetero) than the one he was elected by. And yet, we all just shrug and act like it happens all the time.

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No, he took that name as a child when his mother Stanley married Lolo Soetoro, who adopted little Barry.

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After that, the Depopulation by Plannedemic was a breeze.

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Have you ever been a die hard Democrat? If you haven’t then you have no basis for judgement. It happens on the other side too. I listened to republicans during the time of Bush. Similar thinking there—big time. Neither one is all knowing and correct. Cheers, Maggie.

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I was a demonrat for about 1/10th of a semester in college... that's how long it took me. Next.

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Kudos to you Janet.

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George Soros said that he was disappointed in him. Obviously he didnt push the liberal NWO enough.

He is the powerful, delusional, moneyed puppetmaster.

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Soros is a puppet too. Demons control that thing.

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Yes! He is satan's puppet!

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Yeah! He won’t be able to be our undercover president anymore. Poor puppeteer will be out of power. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

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Obamas a puppet too. He likes the luxurious life they gifted him with in exchange for being an awful president.

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I agree, Janet. Obama is too stupid and lazy to mastermind anything. The real puppetmaster is probably someone we have never heard of. It was apparent to me from the beginning that he was a total phoney stooge.

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He was smart enough to become president and then make millions on speaking tours, books, Netflix. He found his way to become rich as a community organizer.

Think of all the people in the State Dept who studied Russian because that was our enemy in the 80s and 90s. If they’re not the enemy anymore, you don’t need as many analysts and higher ups. It’s the bloated gov that drives all of this silliness

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I'll bet Obama is working feverishly behind the scenes to get another puppet to control.. Newsom? But Newsom is as egotistical & narcissistic as Obama & won't willingly be a puppet. It will have to be someone Obama can extort, another Biden. but are their any democrats with charisma like Obama that he can control?

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Keep an eye on Dean Phillips. Congressman since 2019, wealthy businessman. Positioned as a moderate Democrat. It's almost as if he was bred to challenge Trump.

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Soros is behind him.

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Sounds like the legacy media got the memo that Biden is too much of a liability and it’s time to let the torpedoes rip 🍿

As entertaining as the under-bus-throwing is, we need to brace for the pivot to the next chosen puppet—the oleaginous Gavin Newsom being the heir apparent the way things are looking at the moment.

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My money's still on Michelle Obama as the ostensibly reluctant but inevitable candidate. Newsom has too much baggage to be taken seriously. Biden will bow out and Kamala will disappear from the equation. Michelle Obama checks all of the boxes.

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I was expecting that for 2020, but now I don’t think they’d take that risk as Michelle’s/Obama’s luggage has been spilling out all over the baggage carousel and is now so tainted even Sam Brinton wouldn’t steal it. (That said, Democrats are totally oblivious to this info, so they could easily shoehorn Michelle in.)

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Newsome for pres, Michelle for VP is my guess.

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😂😂😂. You are spot on and hilarious. Thank you for the much needed laugh.

“Michelle’s/Obama’s luggage has been spilling out all over the baggage carousel and is now so tainted even Sam Brinton wouldn’t steal it.” 🧳 💕

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Was just thinking about that froot loop, and wondering "how sprayed roach crazy do you have to be to jettison your career over Laura Bradley luggage?"

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I don't think Michelle Obama's baggage is seen as a liability. It will be painted by the state-controlled media to make her more attractive and real in contrast to Trump who is the equally inevitable republican candidate unless he's in prison. As a conservative independent, the prospect truly scares me.

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I suppose they could always sell Michelle as the first trans president ;-)

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I know Joan Rivers would agree with the luggage part!

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I will watch to see what NPR-PBS do. Will they or when will they start leveling with their deranged followeres? They have the most influence in Oregon. I think its in the state's constitution that NPR-PBS is required for voting.

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😆 As an Oregonian, I can attest to your hypothesis.

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So glad to see that you subscribe to Coffee & COVID. I follow your Substack; you're doing great work there. Keep it up!

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I just don’t get it about Michelle and the speculation . She never exerted any sway for anything over me and I was a Democrat. Like putting Laura bush in, and that would never happen so why is this a big deal? Does she run Obama? I don’t think about either one of them much, frankly. If I have missed something I would rather not add this to the list of things I need to worry about. Presidents are either useless or dangerous. Period.

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He. Michele is a ‘he’. Not a trans.....just a cross-dresser

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Ok. 🤣🤣

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The Dem voters would lap her up like mint chocolate chip ice cream!

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lol, luggage falling out!

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Have the Obamas been to Israel or China lately?

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I doubt it. Both of them hate Israel. But I’m sure they’re in touch with the Mullah’s and Hamas and Hezbollah leaders.

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Worst. Nightmare. I cannot even. What in the world would be their turn-this-downed-ship speech be to get folks to pay attention? More free beer and phones? 🤮

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She's diverse, intelligent, Barack's fourth term, and not Trump. Full stop.

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LOL. That's what "they" will say.

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If that happens, my head may just permanently morph into that of an ostrich.

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Wait - what kind of free beer?

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No way. Why take the job and hours and stress and sit in a house that has limited personal space for 4 more years. Nope

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Even so far as checking boxes that are not biologically compatible.

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Except no experience.

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Take it from this New Yorker - you can go from the political frying pain into the fire (Cuomo --> Hochul). It's been awful.

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I initially read "the hair apparent."

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🤣 Oh man, that made me realize Newsom is our Trudeau, heaven help us.

• "Letter to Justin Trudeau" (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-justin-trudeau)

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Do you remember the day his eyebrows started sliding down his face?😂😂

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OMG, somehow I missed that, but it sounds hilarious 😆

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Oleagenous! My new favorite adjective beating out smarmy. Thanks! 💯

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Interesting commentary on Hamlin last night by Mike Tirico and Chris Collingsworth. I had not heard this before. Both SNF commentators stated, on multiple occasions that Hamlin suffered cardiac arrest on the field! Maybe I just tuned all this out over the last year, but I do not remember anyone in MSM ever talking about cardiac arrest - it was everything except this.

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Now that the brouhaha has died down--Americans with their limited attention span, don't you know-- "cardiac arrest" is being quietly slipped in the back door.

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Agree 💯

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Seems like he's suffering from a Glitch.

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And no cause as to why this prime athlete had a cardiac episode on the field....!!

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Yep. Spectacularly Uncurious ™️

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™️ !! 😅

If I were the mandating kind, I'd mandate forehead tattoos. Just answer a few simple questions. It's free!

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I just heard Glenn Beck say that ALL of the J6 footage is being released to the Blaze, and his team has already begun digging into it. Explosions incoming, FINALLY. Is Ray Epps worried?

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It’s be nice to see ANYONE held accountable!!

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Huge monumental crimes. The perpetrators are walking around in our faces. Punishments Nada so far. They aren’t even dropping from the jabs--as if they got any. God knows who they are and the scripture today reminds us of that.

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That footage being released to the public is _long_ overdue.

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Amen. I think Glenn's team will do a good job with it.

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Oh, please, please, PLEASE let this be true. After this past weekend, J6ers deserve some justice!

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I pray that's the case, the general public ( walking dead) need to be awakened and realize how are government is working for their own special interests and our rights as Americans are being trampled!

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Why didn't their attorneys demand this release or are they even "allowed" to have legal representation?

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Many of them lacked the funds for proper legal representation. And for all of them, their constitutional rights were violated. They did not have access in the Kangaroo courts of D.C.

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Epps is protected. No worries.

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“Do you think it was coincidental this carefully-written article published exactly one year before the election?” No coincidence. They are changing the narrative. Joe is out. California commie is in [probably].

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I live in California. He is evil. It will be the end of us if he is president.

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He's a WEF muppet

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Bet old Klaus penetrated that cabinet.

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I have a newly diagnosed ailment … NDS. (Newsom Disgust Syndrome)

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I FIRMLY agree. and he was likely CCP installed. Which makes me nervous for another machine stolen election!

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On Fox this morning (I don’t watch it but hubs was, and when he left for work I didn’t turn it off today) Ted Cruz was speculating that the substitution will be Big Mike (my edit) Obama because “she” fits the black “female” requirement - since our current vice-resident has proven to be such a dummy. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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I know this isn't an unpopular statement on C&C, but when I have dared to opine that I don't think Michelle Obama is:

1) Smart or

2) Attractive or

3) Politically savvy;

the reaction I get is borderline hysterical. People can't get to their fainting couches fast enough.

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Mike isn’t any smarter, obviously.

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She’s smart enough to not want the job. What’s with everyone obsessing on Michelle? Most ridiculous head fake. Get over this idea people!

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Big Mike is in the cue.

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Do you mean queue?

Stop this head fake please

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I was thinking of a pool metaphor. The cue ball. But yes, yours is more correct.

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I may not vote for RFK, Jr, but he is certainly not an "anti-vaccine nut job." How insulting! He wants Pharma to conduct legitimate, rigorous studies that prove (or disprove) the efficacy of their product. Read RFK, Jr's book, The Real Anthony Fauci, an extremely well-annotated exploration of not only the man, but Big Pharma in general. Anyone with children should want to know how the pharmaceutical industry has evolved to promote perpetual illness in children via dangerous vaccines that damage their health from birth.

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Jeff was obviously being sarcastic. Jeff wouldn't call anyone "anti-vaccine nut job." Heck, most of us readers of C&C probably fall into that category.

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I certainly fall into that category after the last 3 years :)

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I think Jeff simply neglected to put a /s after “anti-vax nut job.” Like many things about RFK, but totally lost me on climate and reparations, and *always* voting with Biden.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

My wife and I vaccinated our first born (27) with most of the schedule, then we figured out the con and our 2nd born (18) has never had a single one. I challenge anyone to do a deep dive on vaccines. Take 5 years like I did if you want. Read it all on both sides. Do this…sincerely commit to it…and I am 1000% confident you will ultimately arrive at the conclusion that ALL vaccines are bioweapons meant to keep us sick, distracted, and easily controlled, to make us lifetime Big Pharma customers for profit, and to lower our population.

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With your permission I’m ‘screen shoting’ this....1000% validation....

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