ā€” Corrected to Butler, PA

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Hi Jeff, is there a link to properly fundraise for the victims and their families?

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There appears to be a fundraiser, started by Trump's campaign, for the victims of yesterday's shooting, per @Pulte on X.


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Kid Rock donated $50,000!

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Vivek donated $30,000.

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I think he could do a lot better than that.

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Relax. That's a big donation. Jeez.

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no need to comment!!

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How much did you give?

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Vivek is a former bio tech ceo. Of course he could

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1.7 million as of now. Less than 24 hrs after incident.

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ā¤ļøawesome. !

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Heā€™s a good guy.

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Class act.

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I told a friend of mine after we heard about this yesterday that I wondered what Trump would do to help the victims and their families. It didn't take him long.

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I just donated 102.00

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Iā€™ll regret it soon. šŸ˜©

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I've rcvd 2 text messages today- nothing like the last time. I did start a new account and made sure to leave the phone # out. Fingers crossed. Once they finish counting the money we will be bombarded.

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Interesting remark. And you just might. Still too early to say.

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We're talking about WinRed and the calls and texts they send after a donation- you got to leave your phone # out. They just blow up your email!

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Nearly $1 million has already been donated for the families.

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1.7 mil now

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Why would they use Go Fund Me?

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I would contribute but not thru GoFundMe

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Hahahaha. Truth! Not thinking everything throughā€¦..

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I donated to Jocelyn Nungary through GFMe and was surprised at how much GFMe charged for the donation. They could do it for a quarter of what they charge. Kind of disgusting.

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I thought the same thing!!!

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good question, but it is what it is

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As long as people keep paying their high fees--it will persist to go even higher. I won't contribute on GoFundMe anymore--if they don't use GiveSendGo--then I don't give. Period! despise WinRed PAC, but that's the only way we can contribute to most political campaigns...and then they have the unmitigated 'gall' to ask for a 'tip' after you complete the donation.

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I volunteer with a lot of campaigns and always encourage them to offer an alternative to just Win Red. It's the easy button as it makes campaign finance reporting easier and easy to set up but at the very least give an address to send checks. A lot of people don't like win red, me included, although I give a lot more time than money. I was at an event today and lots of people were just tossing cash although that can be a problem for campaign finance reports if they don't provide donor info and the cash total is too high. Win Red is a service and there are fees from the credit card companies and fees to Win Red, so the 'tip' means the candidate gets the full amount. I ran an event last month for a R group I am in using EventBrite just so we could take cards for advance registrations, and the fees are ridiculous.

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Agree with the gofundme and GiveSendGo

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Thatā€™s exactly what I thought?! Why wouldnā€™t they use give send go? It is so ridiculous. I really donā€™t want to donate to that site. Iā€™d rather start my own gifts and go for them. We all know what GoFundMe is capable of!

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Correction above since i cannot edit my mistakes, it should say,

Iā€™d rather start my own Give Send Go for them.

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Almost up to $2.4 million now! šŸ˜³ā¤ļøšŸ™

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Just donated.

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Thank you.

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3 mil now. 4pm. 20 hrs after started.

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I sure wanted to donate, but I wonā€™t use gofundme. I donā€™t understand why any conservative would. Donated to it when the Canadian truckers were striking and then gofundme wouldnā€™t give it to them. They totally went along with their corrupt government. Thatā€™s when I learned of GiveSendGo instead. I actually got my donation refunded at that time from gofundme and then resent it through GiveSendGo.

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Thank you for sharing!!

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Thanks just donated!

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I gave him 100 bucks at 7pm.

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We did the same! Immediately after the shots rang out we donated $100!

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To Trump or who?

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Trump campaign.

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Trump I have to Trump. If Trump wants to give to victims he can do that I want Trump to get credit.

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I also donated.

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Dana white donated $50,000

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Teddy Roosevelt survived an assassination attempt, didnā€™t he?

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Yes he did, and then finished giving his speech.

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Iā€™m sorry. My emotions are high. But are you slamming President for not speaking for another hour?

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Absolutely not! I am in nothing but awe for how Pres. Trump handled the situation. That fist resolutely raised! He's the toughest SOB I know.

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That makes several million of us.

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way north of 150 mil

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Teddy Roosevelt (sp) the Rough Rider spoke after assassination attempt with a bullet in him for an 1 hr... that's why Elon Musk said toughest Prez since Teddy...

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Roosevelt was shot at close range by a pistol to the chest. He, as a military man, sized up the wound as potentially not fatal/critical and decided to ascend the podium and give his speechā€”a speech of 45 minutes! This was all ā€œBull Mooseā€ Teddy. The crowd loved it. That was an era before mass shooting, large conspiracies and high power weapons of great accuracy.

The resemblance here to Trump was that Roosevelt would *not* be stopped by a cowardly assassin. In similar vain, Trump pumping his fist is in the best reflection of the great tradition uniquely set by Teddy Roosevelt. Teddy was always a manā€™s man during his career. The people loved him and so it is with Trump.

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Trump often said while campaigning in 2016, "I don't understand why "they" (his MAGA devotees) love me so much--but I love it"!! He is the "people's POTUS"...plain and simple. He comes from wealth--but he LOVES the USA and our Divinely-inspired Constitution (unlike the DEMONrats who do everything they can to rip it to shreds).

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Iā€™m sure thatā€™s not her intent. Itā€™s just a piece of trivia linked to TRā€™s assassination attemptā€¦

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Iā€™m sure youā€™re right. My emotions are running very high today as it all sinks in.

Having failed in this attempt, will the Deep State go for it again? Since too many of the people of this nation are so degraded and weak, I think they might, believing they will hide behind ā€˜ deniable plausibilityā€™ ( Jamesā€™ Bidenā€™s quote in regards to all the Biden Family criminality).

I heard yesterday that Jill Biden was a mafia princess. (This was before the assassination attempt.). Havenā€™t checked that out yet.

Iā€™m thinking of Jezebel and Lady MacBeth. No limits to the lust for power.

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'Meanwhile, some of the president's critics including Bill Ackman brought back a tweet of Biden's saying it was 'time to put Trump in a bullseye' just five days before the shooting - as the DNC frantically attempted to pull all TV ads'.

from dailymail.com

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Alex Jones thinks they will try to poison him.

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For something like this, they usually get one shot and if so, they blew it. Now his security will be doubled or tripled, etc.

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A very 'apt analogy' about "Jillie", W.S.

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Yes, and thank you.

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no, that's just information.

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Teddy lived the rest of his life with that bullet lodged in his chest--TRULY REMARKABLE person and great leader as well--BULLY!!!

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I came here to point that out. Say what you will about ol' Teddy (and there's plenty to say) but he was a bad*ss.

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Trumpā€™s personality style will feed off this. I suspect TR was the same way

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I think he lost that election, tho.

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He did, but only because he split the republican vote with taft. He got the highest vote percentage of any third party candidate ever, 27%.

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Jeff, did I miss who the multiplier benefits?

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did you click on the link? It's Trump.

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I suggest it goes to the family of the deceased Patriot and the two critically injured victims instead. But with the link already to Trump's campaign I hope Jeff will direct the next one to them. God bless all of them. It could've been any of us who've been to the rallies. I've been in those raised seats behind him before. Even discussed that possibility with my wife as we were seated there. Sad but real danger. We do it anyways.

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Iā€™ve been to 3 Trump rallies over the years. I always felt there was risk. Most people who are fully awake probably feel the same way.

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Iā€™ve been to one Trump rally - I commented to family and friends at the time Iā€™d never felt safer. But that was while he was still in office.

Now I think it may be much more risky but still probably less risky than driving. Iā€™ll go again if he comes back to this area.

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Iā€™d go right this minute. It was such a wonderful, feel good, happy and optimistic atmosphere.

But I know much heā€™s hated and I was considered that it could be a targeted event.

Iā€™m not afraid to put my life on the line for Truth.

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The name of the deceased has not been released but when it is I hope someone shares a link to assist the family. We need to NOT forget someone lost their life yesterday.

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That has already happened. The Trump campaign did it immediately.


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Give to Trump let Trump give to victims. We need to send a message.

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thank you for sharing!

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There is a Twitter comment from someone who knew the victim. I didn't save it but I'm sure it will be out soon.

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Itā€™s now all

over FBook. Apparently he shielded his wife and daughters from the bullets, was an upstanding a christian man. People are eating it up with a spoonā€”- rightly


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hate to say it, but had there not been the fatality and injuries, the Soros bought Main Stream Propaganda would be calling this fake news!

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There is a separate gofundme for the victims. It was set up by the Trump campaign people. So far, they're close to $1M raised. This is a separate fundraiser from Trumpā€™s campaign fundraiser that Jeff references.


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Give to Trump he will give to victims. Also shouldnā€™t govt cover lack of security at event? They left area out of security coverage with direct line of sight to Trump only 150 meter away. Any long range rifle covers that easy.

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Trump had requested more SS agents and was denied. They were running thin. I also find it suspicious when people were POINTING OUT THE SHOOTER, law enforcement and SS agents did squat.

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I assume expenditures from campaign funds have rules thus, the reason victim donations are to be kept separated.

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It surpassed 1mil now (noon Sunday)

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I would prefer to give to the victims, than Trump

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Do not be surprised if the Trump family helps the victims.

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I am sure Trump will assist them, have no doubt. But heā€™ll do it in his usual quiet fashion.

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The Trump campaign has already done that. President Trump is one of the most generous human beings on earth.

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You have a good pointā€¦

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Trump will take care of those poor people, I feel certain of it.

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I gave to DJT and will give to the family of the deceased who will likely need help to bury their loved one.

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Ditto 100 bucks plus processing fee.

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Should give to Trump he will give to victims.

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There's a GoFundMe campaign. It's not going to Trump.

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How happy are you that he was shot? And how sad that it didnā€™t kill him?

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It is highly likely, given what he has done in the past, that Mr. Trump will provide whatever assistance is needed.

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There is one for the family of the deceased. Approaching $1 M in donations. https://www.gofundme.com/f/president-trump-seeks-support-for-butler-pa-victims

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1.7 mil now!

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We give to Trump to show that no matter what e will does we stand more firmly with Trump. Random go fund mes not down with that unless Jeff confirms itā€™s a good one. Trump will help those injured I have no doubt.

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This one seems pretty legit. Jared and Ivanka donated, the Heritage Foundation, Vivek Ramaswamy, Ben Shapiro, Kid Rock, Dana White. Just passed $3.2 million.

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The Trump campaign has already done that!

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Saw this Go Fund Me appeal for the victims. NOT sure how legit it is. But yes, Iā€™d be for multiplying the victims families through a vetted C&C appeal.

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Give to Trump. Anytime something happens to Trump I give him 100 bucks plus processing fee. Need to send massage.

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After donating, do you get hassled for more money? That's the only thing that keeps me from donating.

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And that may happen eventually. Others have mentioned and I agree that Trump will reach out to the victims- injured and deceased. I don't doubt that for a minute. God Bless America and even the Q tards.

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You miss the point of ā€˜Firing a shot heard round the worldā€™. But if you despise Trump that much, for sure, donā€™t give a dime.

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Aim that fire at someone else. You have me confused for a TrumpHater. But he has plenty of money and will continue to get $$ support. The innocent families don't. And when the headlines fade they'll be forgotten and left to pick up shattered lives. This is not a mutually exclusive concept.

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Willing Spirit has TDS in reverse. I think your comment was spot on. The nameless victims need help much more than Trump. One family has had their loved one murdered. Possibly he was the sole provider for his family. There are going to be funeral and other expenses. The two in critical condition will have horrendous medical bills and might not be able to go back to work. These innocent victims might lose their jobs, homes, cars and everything else. They might be permanently disabled or even eventually become homeless.

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We are making a friggin statement with our donations!

You apparently donā€™t agree with that statement of support for the man the Deep State just tried to kill.

I aim fire where Iā€™m directed to aim it.

You are a piss poor Trump supporter, if you really are one.

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Of course not but we donā€™t know who running fund me. I prefer to send message loud and clear. Trump will give to family.

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There already is one for them.

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Trump started a fundraiser for the victims. I donā€™t think he has donated anything to it yet.

Kid Rock is listed as the highest donor.

While I think what happened to Trump was horrible; however, I donā€™t think he needed a fundraiser. Letā€™s hope Trump donates it to the real victims and their families. One at least, is probably now without a husband or father.

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The C & C fund raiser is designed to identify a particular group, us, that show by the numbers of "2"s that Donald Trump is supported by a large grassroots group of people. In this case the amount isn't important. Come on! Give 2$ or12$ and be a part of the movement!!

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No thank you. I prefer to help the people that have been critically injured and the family that has had a member murdered. The C&C fundraiser should have been for the real victims that have had their lives lost or ruined. Some might lose everything they own. Think about them. Trump isnā€™t hurting financially and wasnā€™t badly wounded. What happened to him was terrible, but it doesnā€™t compare to what happened to others.

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Meredith O'Rourke started the fundraiser for the victims and it says in the title it's Trump endorsed. She's in Florida and apparantly does fundraising for Trump. As far as Trump he is in a campaign so funds donated on WinRed will be needed as well. Have a good one.

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I thought that was where it was going, until clicked on it.

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Hi Alan.

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Trump Campaign

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WinRed. supposed to go to Trump

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I was so hoping youā€™d post today. Thank you and God bless you.

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And thank you for mucking though the filthy liberal reactions so we don't have to!

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Don't let them take your energy....we need all we can muster!

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I was hoping the same

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Same!!!! Thank you Jeff and God bless

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Yes šŸ™Œā€¦ šŸŽÆšŸŽÆšŸŽÆšŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™

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KatLee, yes!! Thank you and God Bless you, Jeff!

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ā€œYea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.ā€

ā€­ā€­Psalmsā€¬ ā€­23ā€¬:ā€­4ā€¬ ā€­NKJVā€¬ā€¬


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ā€œBe strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.ā€

ā€­ā€­Deuteronomyā€¬ ā€­31ā€¬:ā€­6ā€¬ ā€­ESVā€¬ā€¬

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Also, Ephesians 6: 12-18.

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Ephesians 6:12-18

New King James Version

12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [a]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the

preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saintsā€”

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How many of us even know what "supplication" means anymore...if we pray for 15 minutes it's a rare occasion. I have come to be in a "prayer mode" throughout each and every day and when I have impure or hurtful thoughts, I IMMEDIATELY ask for forgiveness and for the Holy Spirit to wipe away that horrible thought!! Gives me much more peace that way!!

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Thatā€™s how I try to live my life, in constant communication with God about the big things and the little things. I havenā€™t had a husband for more than 25 years now, but God is my spouse.

ā€œIn Isaiah 54:5, God says, ā€œFor your Maker is your husbandā€”the Lord Almighty is his nameā€”the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth.ā€ This verse emphasizes the intimate relationship between God and widows, highlighting His commitment to be their provider and protector.ā€

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What a beautiful statement of faith - as simple as putting YOUR hand in His nail-scarred one, W.S. Absolutely beauteous!!

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It is a good way to live, but Iā€™m not claiming Iā€™m always good at it. A severe trial will cause trouble until I can remember that I am His and He will take care of me.

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So true!

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Undetected with a long gun? Really?

400 ft away from the stage.

CIA, FBI, SecretService allowed this to happen?

100% inside job?????

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1000% either inside job or sheer incompetence.

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Top down DEI takeover of USSS from the Cheeto Guardian Girl Boss director to the over-represented female detail who ranged from overweight to unable to reholster. Disgusting.

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That skinny little female SS agent on the stage trying to "commandeer" 45 to the waiting limousine was ludicrous - she was WAY too "slight in her build" to handle a big guy like Trump - even though there were 3 muscular male SS agents involved. I honestly don't ever remember seeing a FEMALE SS agent during any other Presidency--do y'all??

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No Sharon, I donā€™t remember that. Having so many females on his security team simply makes it a weak team. Putting women in places where a man is needed to do the job is part of the woke, politically correct ideology that needs to go. Itā€™s just sheer stupidity.

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I was flabbergasted when I saw her even trying to retrieve 45's shoes for him (I guess that 'shot' blasted him right out of his footwear - probably not...lifting him up, they may have slid off if he was wearing loafers. In any event...D.E.I. is ludicrous and just pure lunacy. Of course, everything that the corrupted Biden administration has done to our country is just that--and planned to DESTROY what is left of our personal freedoms and bodily autonomy!!

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I agree. One of the big requirements of a secret service agent would be chasing down, tackling and disarming a bad guy. Very few women can do that.

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Gee, there are women out there breaking track records every day.

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They may have the male chromosome, but yeah. šŸ˜

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Yes, the 3 ladies moving around the black van seemed to not know what to do. It was odd.

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Inside job meaning even Trump was in on it. So tired of this ruse. Itā€™s all staged, every player. Nothing but actors playing their role.

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Al. You hoped he would die, it appears. . And youā€™re too ignorant to know what ā€˜inside jobā€™ means. I detect no intelligence within you. You and your demonicRAT entities need to go back from whence you came.

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Jul 14Edited

Youā€™re an idiot to imply that I want anyone to die. No bullet even came close to him. You just want to believe this so badly it angers you to suggest that all of this is much bigger than your hero. Stop being so naive. Youā€™re original vax pusher is part of the deep state lie. Wake up.

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just crawl back to the the NPC hellhole you came from, dumb bot.

everyone remember,

"Don't Feed The Trolls!"

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Triggered much? Open your eyes? And stop believing one man is going to save us. Because thatā€™s what theyā€™ve delivered to you and you are drinking it up. Get off your couch and wake up.

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So a bullet piercing the upper part of his ear isn't close.

We define close differently.

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So the shooter didn't die either? Awful price to pay for a ruse, otherwise.

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Jul 14Edited

Wouldnā€™t be the first time. I donā€™t think you grasp the nature and extent of the evil at the helm.

Just like Epstein died. How about Bin Laden? I guess they did because the media and gov't told us they did.

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They killed Oswald a little later to be sure didnā€™t talk. This time cleanly took him out after shot of 6 to 7 shots. Sniper seen watching him shoot.

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Well, with most psyops, they don't care who dies in the process. The people who direct these things are psychotics. Look at 9/11. They were willing to sacrifice nearly 3K to achieve their objectives. No, a death doesn't matter. I am still open minded and studying this particular event, but please don't believe that if it's a psyops that means no one really dies.

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Then what killed and injured the attendees?

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Well, what killed the thousands in the Twin Towers, or the poor people of Maui, or the victims of the Las Vegas shooting? None of those were unplanned events. There are always real casualties--the ruling class mafia couldn't care less--they are necessary to sell the story.

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That's what I want to know and it's going to be hard to get the actual facts. The angle of the shots is not difficult to figure out but the facts are going to be obscured and twisted.

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Witnesses saw the shooter bear crawling with rifle. There are photos of dead shooter.


'Explosive devices' found in Trump gunman's car

By Katelyn Caralle, Senior U.S. Political Reporter

Donald Trump's would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks had explosive devices in the car he drove to the Pennsylvania rally and used a gun purchased by his father.

Authorities found the devices in his vehicle after he was shot and killed by Secret Service agents, moments after he opened fire on the former president, the Wall Street Journal reported.

The 20-year-old used an AR-style firearm that was legally purchased by his father to carry out the attempted assassination against the former president.

Neighbors who spoke to DailyMail.com said Crooks' family is quiet and keeps to themselves.

The vehicle driven by Crooks on Saturday was parked near the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania and police say they received multiple reports of suspicious packages.

This prompted police to dispatch bomb technicians.

Crooks' home was searched and authorities spoke with his family.

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And then AL gets angry and calls people names. We MUST believe him. He is so wise.

Go upstairs, mom has your lunch ready.

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Her, you dolt. And yes, after I'm attacked I'll call you what you are.

Why are you trolling my every comment and doing nothing but attacking me personally. Go get a life!

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Seek help, Al. For the good of those innocent people around you.

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Seek education and critical thinking, Maha, for the rest of us who will go down in flames from the mass-crowd stupidity you are supporting.

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Youā€™re clearly an idiot!

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Good one, Denise? Did I trigger your TDS? You have GOT to have the hero right? The one who is credited for OWS and still touts the vaccines as "miracles" which have killed millions. The one who borrowed $250m from Soros in 2010 (and his son borrowed more in 2012. The one who "used to be" a Democrat. The one who takes millions from AIPAC. That's just for starters. He couldn't possibly be part of the ruling class mafia, right? No don't be silly! He really means what he says! He's the only one in the world and somehow he broke through the media blackout policy.

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Don't feed the troll. Or do, I don't

care. But it IS a troll

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Jul 14
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He's saying maybe it was faked. It's speculation but not impossible.

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Really? He was acting and easily couldā€™ve been shot? I find that very hard to believe. Just a slight change in wind direction and he wouldā€™ve been dead. Clearly this man was a good shot

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Don't even waste your time

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Uh, wait a minute. Maybe...?

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Donā€™t feed the troll.

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Of course Trump was in on it.... They've drank the blue Kool aid so many times they can justify ANYTHING

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It's possible but at the same time it's obvious the Marxists want him dead. But there are other forces that may be working against that and are working to ensure Trump's election to frustrate the Marxists children.

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Jul 14Edited

Or no bullet even came close to him. Have you ever seen the movies where people get shot? You donā€™t think thatā€™s really their blood do you?

No one wants to even consider how powerful the forces behind our govt are. No one even gets a seat at the table without permission. Trump is an actor in all of this just playing his role. Thatā€™s why he canā€™t go against vaccines ever. He belongs to them just like the rest of them.

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So the firefighter who was shot simply dropped dead of his own accord, and the other two people who are seriously injured shot themselves?

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Ever hear of the Vegas shooting? How about 9/11? The people in charge have no problem sacrificing innocents to achieve their ends.

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Well, I'm not going to say you are wrong. I don't have enough facts yet one way or the other but your take is easily in the realm of possible. "The powerful forces" are definitely involved one way or the other. I'm just not sure what their agenda is yet.

And there is more than one "powerful force" at work here. For example, the Apex money elite needs to walk back the excesses of their Marxists children in the USG because their actions are threatening to destroy the international dollar banking system. So the money elite may be working against the very forces in the USG that want Trump dead. All we are seeing is the public kinetic intersection.

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Phil - please stop feeding the troll.

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I couldnā€™t agree with you more. Yet so many still believe the story that is fed to them. You would think after the last four years at this point those that are awake would pause and question what we are witnessing. We have a long ways to go it seems. šŸ˜©

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That is why I love to see the comments from younger people on RFKJR social media. He inspires and educates, and they sound like they are being taught by him to be decent people. He was too decent for the demoncrats.

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The whole Kennedy family is a corrupt and awful lot. I respect RFKJ for his book on the real Anthony Fauci but beyond that heā€™s not any better than the rest of them. Dig into the Kennedy family history a bit or read the new book Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women they Destroyed by Maureen Callahan.

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Ask his ex-wife. Oh, I forgot sheā€™s dead.

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Here were are, a bunch of crutical thinking people, and even we, are easily swayed to think what "they" want us to think.

I always look at the opposite as everything is a conspiracy pretty much...

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"Al" is a troll.

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Where's Vonu or Johnny-o

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Don't care.

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Lol, I'm thinking their all the same person (troll)

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A nasty persistent troll. He ruined C&C comments today. Too many regulars interacted with him.

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We know who the regulars are...

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I canā€™t find Alā€™s reply to my own comment for further consideration, but I try not to engage with those who choose to fling insults, anyway.

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Thereā€™s a bunch out today. Beware. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø

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Really? <sigh>

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That was sarcasm. I believe killing Trump is the Democrats last hope.

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According to the media (eye roll) the shooter was a registered Republican.

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I sure want to hear their explanation on how a 20-year-old got an AR style rifle. I can already see where this may be heading. I'm with you. I don't believe anything. Then again, I've been digging for nearly 2 decades. People forget all the major false flags and drills gone live events to learn it was all based on lies. This event yesterday is nothing compared to the other crap they have pulled off and got away with it. It's always the same group behind it.

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And turned Biden supporter and donor.

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No. There may be a false flag event to take down the entire electrical grid to prevent news and Communications That would kill many millions of people and give them an excuse to declare martial law. Prayer is our only weapon.

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Yes, why donā€™t you take a closer look at it. The entire scene was ludicrous and the media was right there to explain it all to us. Practically before it happened. I know, Trump is our only hope so we just canā€™t go there, right?

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You might reconsider your view if you took the time to view the photos taken of the deceased perpetrator. Itā€™s not a mannequin (itā€™s never a mannequin) with portions of his skull and mouth missing. All available on X

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Would not surprise me at all if there were casualties involved to help foster this storyline. Thatā€™s what they do. Innocent lives are lost along the way to help support the story that they are feeding us.

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Tell that to the rally goers families who were killed. Just remember, Alex Jones was sued for calling the school shooting a hoax. Can we sue everyone of you claiming that now?

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So are you saying we can't debate? Where is your free speech gene?

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the whole alex jones suit is a pony show trying scare ppl into not using their critical thinking skills and speak out. it's all a gov psyop. same as all the trump circus court battles, they are trying to make trump an example if you dare defy the deep state

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Youā€™re missing the point.

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Available also on the internet are pictures of the the original world trade center being built. Look at the STEEL columns on the perimeter, in addition to the steel columns in the core. Now measure the distance between those columns. Now look up the Boeing 757 plane that hit the WTC on 9/11. Measure the distance between the nose and the wings. Measure the distance between the the wings. Now rewatch that plane turning (note: not traveling 500 miles per hour, but going slow) into the WTC and going through it like butter or paper. Notice that not one spec of the wings breaks off and goes to the ground or other buildings. Just easily slides in and disappears. Now give me the physics of how aluminum slices easily through steel. But we all saw it on TV.

Wake Up!

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What we all saw were holograms of the planes hitting the towers. I have always thought it was odd that there were never any clear pictures of the planes as they hit the towers. Very fuzzy holograms.

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People I know were there and saw it.

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I do not believe there were any holograms.

There was an explosion, and everyone was told they

saw a plane immediately afterward, so they were convinced that they did. All of the videos were CGI.

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Aluminum doesn't slice through steel. Steel slices through aluminum.

IOW, the wings disintegrated and momentum kept them flying forward into the building. You can see in pictures that the hole isn't as large as the full width of the wings, afterward.

If you're going to theorize conspiracies, at least pick arguments that don't have obvious answers.

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So that's why in one video, the nose cone can be seen coming out of the other side of the building. Meanwhile, a bird can badly damage the nose cone.

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So are you saying the building went through the airplane? The building didn't hit the airplane, it was visa versa. Go review some consumer report videos where they speed the car into the steel wall. The car is aluminum/fiberglass and the wall is steel. Did the car disintegrate and fly forward through the steel. Seriously?

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No planes were crashed into the WTC Towers.

It is impossible for many reasons. Not the least of which it is not possible that a hijacker took over an airliner and navigated it across hundreds of miles and struck a building dead center. An experienced pilot could not have managed such a feat.

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Gee, youā€™re right. The evil behind all of this would never kill an innocent victim to mete out their agenda! Why didnā€™t I think of that? Real or not, still a planned and scripted event.

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And witnesses to him crawling with rifle. and getting "his head blown off".

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Speaking As a conspiracy theorist. You can Always see things as a conspiracy- itā€™s not hard to do that but having truth someplace and faith requires intuition, discernment and courage - things that have made a lot of good and beauty around us all. Donā€™t lose site of that - itā€™s easy to do - I know folks obsessed with Satan , Saturn - on and on- they see nothing but dark holes and agendas- itā€™s actually pretty solidly ego / pride and nihilism - not particularly creative and the oldest story in the Book- maybe dig there a bit

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Wow, that's some theory Jaime. So everyone that thinks this was a planned event is Satanic, uncreative egomaniac? And this coming from an admitted conspiracy theorist! That means you are serious! You must be the God-loving, creative, humble kind of conspiracy theorist, setting you apart from everyone's else's theory that you don't agree with. Good for you!

So, it's not possible that this is another staged event with real victims, like OK city, Boston marathon, 9/11, Las Vegas, Maui, and on and on and on. Nah, that's just Satan talking! There's no way the ruling class mafia has that much power.

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Please tell me where I said everyone that thinks this is planned is a satanist. I Didnā€™t say it nothing close to it- what I said is itā€™s easy to cast doubt and have no answers- once again mansplain to us your entire theory of whatā€™s up-instead of just saying itā€™s fake tell us whatā€™s going on that we should not trust that trump was just shot at and almost killed? Give us your views... itā€™s easy to cast doubts- not so easy to tell us what your enlightened theory is

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Please feeding this troll. He has a never ending load of crap to dispense.

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I will rule out NOTHING at this point.

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Inside job meaning LGBā€™s 3 letter agencies tried to JFK DJT. Talk to RFK,Jr about it. Add light coverage by the USSS headed by a DEI hireā€¦talk to former agent Bongino about that piece.

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Thereā€™s too much idiot here to unravel. I compete nationally in gun sports. That shot is a chip shot, especially prone position with a solid rest. No one but a blithering idiot would do a setup head shot. Even suggesting it shows total ignorance and lack of value for life. FATWO

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Thanks for that link. Very informative. Much better theory about the "bullet streak" photo than my chemtrail guess.

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That is far fetched. The number involved in perpetuating that kind of hoax guarantees someone would give it away. Interesting theory but nope.

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LOL hello? Covid? Maui? 9/11, Las Vegas shooting? Remember those? All staged/planned events involving many people. Guess who is the gatekeeper of what you hear? The media. Seriously, how can you be this naive?

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Donā€™t be silly.

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What role are you playing?

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Um, the role of truthteller? It's just my opinion after all, but have seen enough of these staged/planned events, including covid and Trump's OWS, to not see the timing, media response and narrative and incredible narrow escape to not at least see the likelihood of this happening.

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Youā€™re insane.

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And what if I'm not? What if you are just comfortable with your hero gaining more and more traction after you've fought so hard for him all these years. That would just be too much to bear, wouldn't it? One ruling class mafia runs the show, and all of the players are they're hired puppets.

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Did you see the 3 female agents in his detail. Totally Keystone Cops. They are typical of Biden's administration: hired for every reason except competence. This was an absolute debacle of Secret Service protection.

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Or staged eventā€¦

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What was Covid? Sheer incompetence or a deep state military operation? Same logic applies to this attempt on Trump. Providence had a hand in saving his life

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And we have seen catastrophic incompetence lately. I give you Boeing. (Or Bob Boeing as the Babylon Bee would have it.)

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Not incompetence, malevolence

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Why was no SS sniper on the same roof the assassin used???? So obvious what SHOULD have been and I'm not even SS.

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Iā€™m looking at the footage of the SS snipers- ARE they actually secrete service? They were using POLICE flak jackets. The video shows their very slow reaction to the shooter, they are jerking around, not a good look. More video of the agents escorting him into the car, also not a good look, very chaotic with agents fumbling with glasses and guns etc, very very poorly done. Also, reaction time on stage, honestly, sad. Trump saved himself. He saw the blood and ducked, then the agents swarmed. Look like either incredible incompetence (mixture of bad recruits or an agency that is not trained for war) or they were in on it.

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All I am prepared to say at this point is that 'it is already a bad look'. For number one and regarding the Secret Service, covering roof tops is standard procedure and that job at this location does not seem to be that hard a job. That's number one and a standout glare cast over the picture.

Anything at this point is possible. And if 'they' (whomever any given 'they' is) can get away with 911 and the C19 fraud-demic, they can and will do anything. You may as well throw in certain other events like Sandy Hook and Las Vegas for good measure. And by the way, one never knows exactly who is doing what in any given 'event' or 'incident'. Nor in many instances, who gets killed or who is merely a crises actor. One sees instead unmistakable patterns ... and a lot of official lying. All that I know is that if false flag criminals never get prosecuted, then false flags apparently become a dime a dozen. And I am also guessing that the United States is the False Flag Capitol of the World ... and no close competitors whatsoever.

I am not saying, in particular, what the Trump thing in Pennsylvania was or is. I don't know. But already there is a bad look about it ... real or not. And I am angry that this crap goes on in our once upon a time country not matter what it is by characterization. Why? Because such stuff cannot go on for decades on end now without official complicity, either tacit and/or overt. And not without continuous cover-ups of truth.

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I went to church this morning, as I hope many Christians did. Our pastor talked of what is true, and many bad things can be true and differently for each person, BUT God is truth, and the Truth is spelled out in the Word.

My first reaction to seeing, was it was scripted. It just didnā€™t look real. The people behind sitting up while the SS is wrestling the President to the ground. Photographers rushing up to take pics of the melee at the podium. How did they know there werenā€™t other shooters? The mic booming out while the President was still there, ā€œshooter downā€. That was quick. I was to Trump rallies in 2020 and security was tight. Never worried once that something might happen. My first thought after viewing the footage last night was ā€œLas Vegasā€. It doesnā€™t add up and maybe that was the objective. Innocents have been killed since Cain murdered his brother, Abel. I donā€™t know but truth will win out.

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Something doesn't add up. That's all I know. Trump's reactions seemed what I would expect. Facial expressions.

Las Vegas. I had a friend who looked for obituaries in home towns of Las Vegas and couldn't find any. But what do I know. Well! I do know one thing. Vegas unraveled so fast that 'they' had to disappear it from the news cycle. And you never heard of it since then. Imagine! The biggest Gun Confiscation Pretext in the country ever ... and it just evaporated! Somewhere now hiding behind the Crab Nebula!

What else? It might be that Woke Rabid Globalism, all Marxism of course, may only have one option left to get rid of Trump ... and that's assassination. And I cannot figure this out in the present context because it entirely looks like the gang who couldn't shoot straight amateur hour sandwiched between two layers of incompetence with a cherry on the top when the cherry ought to be in a hot fudge sunday instead of somewhere out in a field in Pennsylvania ... or something? ???

I agree that this has a scripted feel to it; and although I would not have put it that way, something abnormal about it.

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Yeah, at this point it is all Crab Nebula....lol

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I thought the spectators reactions were odd too. Some acted like nothing was happening. However, they could have been in shock. One man interviewed bragged how he continued standing while his wife and friends ducked. How stupid is that?

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He's never been in a war.

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Best comment so far.

That puts the period on the sentence. At some point the center will not hold and it looks as though we have reached that point and things are beginning to fly apart if for no other reason than the public is starting to disbelieve all the explanations.

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I just listened to something that DeWife got a hold of. A whole lot CNN non-entities jibber-jabbering and it all sounded like scripted nonsense monotony of the fake exuberant sort, just like the 911 reporting. And this further set me in concrete as to my hunch that something is very off on all of this.

Well, I think you are right to a large degree, that the public is more and more aloof to just run with anything at face value. And just gulp it down.

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Don't forget HAWAII . too late Already forgotten .

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In the image of those counter snipers, I notice that their scopes are pointed in different directions. That seems odd. Then when the shots ring out in the video, the closer one reacts and loses his target altogether and has to reacquire before he can fire on the target. Looks very unprofessional. But, Iā€™m just a civilian.

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My bottom line is that nothing in all of this looks or sounds right. I listened to a CNN thing and it all sounded canned scripted. The attempt itself looks like amateur night at the circus. Some of the first 'witnesses' sounded like crises actors as seen and heard in other such productions. And those who say this was a staged event could be right after all. I just don't know at this point.

Yes, in other posts I weighted possibilities. But not much more. I keep coming back to Amateur Hour. Even the Secret Services looks kind of Wokey Limp. And so, my inclination is to agree with you. And with very unprofessional.

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An angel saved him. I believe in angels.

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Look at the cool angel photo that was posted by Marla Maples at the bottom of this blog post.

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Thank you for sharing. That is how sacred iconography envisions the Archangel Michael ,(my name patron).

He is the Archangel who protects and fights off demons. šŸ™

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There should have been simple,bullet-proof ballistic šŸ›” šŸ”° shieds on the stage, by the podium. . Basic security protocol.

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The bottom part (where Trump ducked) was supposed to be bulletproof.

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Does seem like it was police. Robert Malone wrote earlier today, "The shooter...took multiple shots before Police snipers (not Secret Service) took out the shooter..." -- but he doesn't cite where/how he learned that but might be the photo. And if the barn was outside the Secret Service perimeter it makes complete sense.

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But how is the tallest building with direct line of the site to the stage left outside the perimeter?

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Asking same. Defies logic

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One of the pieces that suggest that Trump isnā€™t complicit is that he came out of his shoes. You can hear him asking for his shoes after they help him up. People in shocking situations come out of their shoes. Sounds weird but apparently itā€™s a fact.

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also a fact that the scriptwriters are very good at what they do . and the directors .

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Hell, a damn security guard on that roof would have been better than nothing!

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We called it. Iā€™m surprised by exactly none of this. I would think securing nearby buildings would have been the first thing they do if they were really trying to keep this from happening. Short staff? Okay. Why couldnā€™t they have worked with local LE? Also, too many shots were allowed to fire and it took them an age to get him in his truck.

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I know a retired agent. Part of the issue is SS uses a secure, encrypted communication. The other police agencies are not on the same encrypted communication frequency. Police SWAT snipers also are used to bolster security. They can have issues with coordination in such a high risk environment. Consider this becomes a perfect opportunity to act.

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Thanks for the insight, Semper. It would be interesting to see into how LE agencies work, it would do a lot to defeat the agenda weā€™re meant to follow. I know enough to know that common sense doesnā€™t always apply to government thinking, so Iā€™m still not sure why the Secret Service couldnā€™t have had locals secure that building or why they didnā€™t have a sniper of their own in position up there where that boy was.

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PS, what I just typed is pretty common knowledge if you are interested in how law enforcement agencies work.

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It took them ages to get him into the truck because he was fighting them. He is a tall guy, and I'm sure it was a struggle to make him keep his head down. He is a stubborn man.

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How is 400 ft OUTSIDE the security perimeter!

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Exactly! My marine buddy can hit a 6x6 square steel plate at nearly 1.5 miles away. The best shooter I know and the only person I know who is licensed to make every single gun part in his gun shop.

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Defies logic.

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I don't mean to be cynical but it looks like a staged drill. Pay attention to the video and the crowd - no one runs? look at their faces, do they really look scared? a rally participant holding onto the fence as they put him in the car? Looks like crisis actors were used for the rally participants.

Jon Rappaport put out other strange items in his post today https://jonrappoport.substack.com/p/the-trump-assassination-attempt?publication_id=806546&post_id=146597212&isFreemail=true&r=9mc1r&triedRedirect=true

(just a disclosure - I think both parties are evil and Biden and Trump work for the same person/group)

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An innocent bystander DIED!

This was no drill, just a demonstration of incompetence by the new DEI hires in the Secret Service.

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This would indeed be awful but how do we even know this is true? The news told us? I just canā€™t trust any of these entities. I also heard the perp has no social media history - 20 years old and none? This will keep everyone entertained for months.

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'Explosive devices' found in Trump gunman's car

By Katelyn Caralle, Senior U.S. Political Reporter

Donald Trump's would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks had explosive devices in the car he drove to the Pennsylvania rally and used a gun purchased by his father.

Authorities found the devices in his vehicle after he was shot and killed by Secret Service agents, moments after he opened fire on the former president, the Wall Street Journal reported.

The 20-year-old used an AR-style firearm that was legally purchased by his father to carry out the attempted assassination against the former president.

Neighbors who spoke to DailyMail.com said Crooks' family is quiet and keeps to themselves.

The vehicle driven by Crooks on Saturday was parked near the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania and police say they received multiple reports of suspicious packages.

This prompted police to dispatch bomb technicians.

Crooks' home was searched and authorities spoke with his family.

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Also the nephew of former WH physician, and Congressman Ronny Jackson (?), was shot in the arm.

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Wow another ā€œinsiderā€ shot. How convenient!

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Do you think theyā€™re above killing a bystander in their psy-ops??? And whoā€™s to say that someone actually did get killed? Narratives are just that, a stitched together story.

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could very well be the case.

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How convenient! A narrative gobbled up by conservatives! These writers are better than the ones who write ā€œFriends!ā€

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The whole rally was staged like a Hollywood set? Naw...but it was an inside job. The SS were in on it. That's the reason they wouldn't react when people pointed out the shooter to them as he climb to the roof.

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Wow, wild that someone would volunteer to be killed!

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The one thing I think I am sure of is that it was an inside job. The apparent shooter may not have even been the shooter. Remember Lee Harvey Oswald and Timothy McVeigh? Just saying......

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Agreed and this event was planned by people at the top. This was not the secret service for the love of god. Theyā€™re lowly policemen doing their job. This has the power of the media behind it- thatā€™s how you know it was the ruling class mafia pulling the strings.

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The main question is why? What will the narrative be? Will this provoke another incident? Could they be planning to have Biden killed by a so-called Maga guy and that's how they get a new candidate?

Jeff always says - analyze how the event plays into the narrative. They want Biden out.

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But I don't think the SS are lily white any more that the FBI or the CIA is. The fact that they chose not to respond to people yelling about the kid with the rifle climbing the building tells me it was an inside job. Also, it is PAINFULLY obvious that they should have had a sniper on the building the shooter used. The whole thing stinks.

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Do you think that the folks who run the Secret Service are not part of the ruling class mafia?

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Agree. My problem is that I think there is more than one ruling class that may be at odds with the other. I think the apex money elite want the Marxists gone from the USG because they are a threat to their international banking system and they may be using Trump to accomplish that.

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LHO did not shoot Kennedy, I'm pretty sure of that. He wasn't even that good of a shot, and with the rifle he supposedly used there is very little possibility he could have done it.

Inside job? CIA/FBI/NSA... sure I believe that. But Trump being involved, I highly doubt that. Possible, yes. But not very likely IMO.

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Agree. The CIA killed JFK. I also doubt Trump was involved in this whole thing except as the target.

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Politico comments daily here. If he is a troll he is the best disguised troll of all time.

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Thanks, I'll add that to my resume. I've never been called that before. But I'm curious why you think that...unless you are upset that I don't accept the "official" narrative of JFK's death or the OKC bombing?

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He's not a troll. He's been here a long time. He just doesn't elevate anyone into superman. He doesn't have a closed mind and is willing to listen to every angle which is what all people need to be doing. Just because you or anyone else disagrees with someone, doesn't make them a troll. They have every right to question any story being fed to us since we have been lied to for decades about many other events.

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History proves money and government have no problem killing. So, who knows if it was planned. But just because people die does not mean it wasnā€™t.

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100%. Most of the time there are real victims or it would be too obvious. Death has a real impact on us all.

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I watched the BBC interview of the witness who said he saw the supposed shooter climb up and onto the building roof. It seemed credible, except the BBC guy didnā€™t ask the witness the obvious question as to how the killer got up there with the rifle. Buildings are normally not made easy to climb without a ladder. Did the killer bring a ladder, or was one conveniently already there for him?

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I looked on google street view and the building is low, with numerous dumpsters and such next to it. There also appears to be a narrow alley between buildings with some sort of connection between them. The roofs appear to have shallow-pitched, double ridge lines as well. 150 yards is not a difficult shot; a typical secure perimeter is about 400 yards. Truly an ideal perch. why the SS didn't have snipers on it is extremely suspicious.

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Thanks Curtis. I read the building houses a glass research facility, or somesuch. Maybe the boy could've stood on a dumpster and reached the roof edge, and then pulled himself up to the roof using the rain gutter, but that would've been difficult for an average kid. Possibly he used a small boat boarding ladder he may have brought in his car. I guess we'll find out.

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Reading now that a local police officer went up to investigate him but when the shooter pointed his gun at him he either "went back down the ladder" (or fell off). AP article.

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Not running is not a sign of being staged. Thatā€™s only in the movies. Most people need at least a few seconds for their brains to register a threat. Those with a fight response donā€™t run. They freeze. Not from fear, but to fight a threat, you first assess the threat. You donā€™t really know which you have until youā€™ve experienced a serious threat.

I think if you tested fight or flight responses according to political party, wellā€¦.

Plus, this crowd also understands that there are secret service now shooting too.

Would you even know which direction to run? Or would you understand that, at that moment, staying still and low was your best option for surviving the situation?

Staged? Possible. But the crowds response is not evidence of that.

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Iā€™m surprised how many moronic statements are on here todayā€¦..

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I think (or hope) some of the statements are just people who have had too many years of assault on their sensibilities. Conspiracy theories which were truths. Cognitive warfare takes a toll. I think and want to believe we will get to the truth.

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Right?! I came to C&C for some cogent discussions. I gave up after 5 minutes and just started scrolling without reading (until I saw yours). Ugh! I needed an intelligent refuge after all the time on X. Not today, I guess. :(

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I like the guy to the right and behind Trump. 40s, dad-bod, boony hat... After the shots, he stands there, half-crouched over, arms and hands spread, eyes wide, intently scanning for threats.

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This guy was conspicuous in his actions. I wondered what he was doing. Another guy standing to this guy's right was just standing there totally upright!

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I'd like to know more details on this guy in the boony hat - he was quite conspicuous!

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Well, freezing from fear is also possible. Fight, flight, freeze - all automatic responses in situations of severe threat or danger.

I don't disagree with what you said. Except that the appearance of freezing is both pausing to consider how to respond or freezing from fear.

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Absolutely correct.

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Itā€™s shock and confusion.

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whatever it is - the media will try to spin this in any way to bewilder the public and incite riots. we must stay calm and hold the line - it's a trap.

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I would say ā€œBless your heartā€, but you appear to be an ā€˜entityā€™ . Ai, artificial with zero intelligence

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It appears the infiltrators have been activated this morning šŸ™„. It was obviously an inside job as the holes in this even an infant could see through. To what extent we shall see.

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I hope itā€™s an entity since these dark human trolls are more frightening.

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Thatā€™s a childish comeback from someone who obviously can't think for him/herself. I think youā€™ll have a nervous breakdown if you saw who Trump really is

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You need to read "the Unthinkable: Who survives when Disaster Strikes" by Amanda Ripley and then you will understand why most people just stood there and did not react.

It will also teach you that unless you practice responses to such situations you are just a likely to react inappropriately to your survival.

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They all ran like hell during the Las Vegas shooting.

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They were mostly all already standing. These were people sitting and most didnā€™t fear being targeted- as the target was obviously Trump

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So happy to know I am not alone on this topic. I agree with you on all fronts. One master behind the curtain pulling the strings. But as long as they keep us divided, falling for the bullshit two party political psyop, the puppet master wins. Our government is a crime syndicate. They are the cartel. Doesnā€™t matter who the president is, the puppet master remains the same behind the curtain, controlling most world leaders to fit their agenda.

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I find it troubling that many here seem to be *certain* they know what happened. None of us do. We are relying on social media and our wonderful press to inform us. Anything is possible.

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DAILY Mail rarely has agenda on big news like this. They were the first to report it, and to report on the interview with BBC of the eyewitness of the shooter 'bear crawling on building with rifle'. This eye witness pointed it out to police, etc..I will let you read the rest.

I trust the DM because from the first school shootings in the 90s, they reported about what sites police found on shooters computers (occult and satanism)..NO MAINSTREAM MEDIA EVER MENTIONED THAT.

I personally believe in demonic type possessions from entertaining these dark sites.

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We can still be certain weā€™re being played.

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AGREE. 72 hour rule on this one-maybe longer.

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I agree completely. It hit me as soon as I watched it. Trump looking right so his ear is facing the back audience. He slaps it (to release the blood packet) and lo and behold, one of five bullets only skims his ear! Imagine the luck. Then cue the ā€œincompetentā€ and understaffed secret service, the white male AR-15 owner, and the shooters immediate death. Theyā€™re all playing their parts. But youā€™ll have a hard time convincing die-hard Trumpers of anything because of what that really means.

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President Trump is scheduled to start receiving Intelligence briefings on Monday. You demonicRATS canā€™t have that, can you? Bastards every one.

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CStone, I know you've been here a long time but just because someone sees it another way doesn't make them a democrat, republican, conspiracy theorist, or troll. Your response is exactly what the left does when they begin to lose an argument. They name call. I hate and have zero trust for any politician so what does that make me? I've seen too many lies. I've deployed 3 times to the middle east during wars which were based on lies. I was injured and it's my daily reminder since I have to live with it for the rest of my life. I question everything. I believe nothing unless I can prove it to myself 100% that it was real or fake. I don't have a closed mind like I used to.

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Lol ok CStone! That must mean heā€™s legit! Intelligence briefings huh?!! And Iā€™m not any party because I realize who runs the system. But good jobā€¦ if youā€™re 5 years old that is.

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Yes. My sense of phoney kicked in immediately, as well, although I'm not convinced that Trump himself is in on the psyop. But what stands out most for me, is that glorious, LOOK magazine quality photo, with the deep blue sky and the huge flag directly overhead. I've looked numerous times at the crowd pics and can't spot that flag, plus, it looks like it was an overcast, or at least hazy, day. What the f*ck, eh?

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Those dead folks sure are some FINE actors. The blood and brain matter, yeah, that is some high quality stuff. You are a ghoul. You are trampling on dead people. Good for you.

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"You are trampling on dead people."

Sounds an awful lot like "You'll kill grandma if you don't take the shot."

I'm only curious about that photo. I still don't know anything for sure about those "dead people".

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You don't seem to be much of a critical thinker--which makes sense given your TDS and trigger anytime anyone has an opinion that sheds light on the real DJT. You want to play the "dead people" game? How about the millions dead from Trump's OWS? The vaccines he STILL touts as "miracles?" How about the 50k dead Palestinians that Trump applauds because he takes millions from AIPAC every year? He is just a grifter-no better no worse than any of the rest of them. But more important, he is selected by the ruling class mafia and the bankster cartel to be the representative because he has so much support--support the media has given him. He is playing his role. This fake event just garners more attention and sympathy, and gives the Left a way to understand why he will be "voted" in.

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Itā€™s the skimmed ear that gives him away. They could never take the chance with a real shot with the hopes of gracing an ear. It was a blood packet, which can only mean one thing where Trump is concerned.

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skimmed is not correct

pierced, a through and through

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Jul 14Edited

Wow so articulate JT! Hero worship much? Maybe try some reading and thinking. Canā€™t have your hero tarnished, eh?

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You sound like a lefty by calling name which is what they do when they can't argue their position. Do better next time.

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As much as you taut your theory as fact itā€™s still nothing but a theory. Maybe quit treating others that donā€™t believe your theory like a bunch of dumb asses.

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Well, CathyRN, if the shoe fits. The only time I fight back is when people attack me personally. You'll notice that my original statements are just that, statements. I don't care what you believe. And it's "tout" not "taut."

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Thank you for the correction geez I hate misspelling my nerves mustā€™ve been taut.

And where was spell check my worst enema

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I think you need an enema.

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If 911 and C19 democide, then anything is possible. Therefore I don't rule out anything. But what puzzles me is the risk/reward ration for the Trumper side of the equation. For Trump's side, way too much risk for any possible reward in staging a fake assassination attempt. I.e., getting caught means the discrediting of the 'Maga Movement' in that MAGA would be more Fake than the Fake News. This would be like nuking the whole campaign to smithereens.

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They'll never get caught, Dave. They control all of it, particularly the media. They know how to embed the lie so thoroughly that the voices that dare to question it will be drowned out. Look at this thread--most of us are on the same side but the vitriol is astonishing if you dare to suggest that he may be part of the problem. Trump will gain major support (and money) from all of this. It will also help to explain to the losing Left how he got back in.

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Hey Al. I hear you. I even hear what I think you leave unstated but in suggestion. And I don't quibble because I see what goes on. And just as you say it.

When one sees something this botched up, one must think maybe something else is going on. And I have a very hard time believing that with all 'their' experience in the game, that 'they' would send in just one lone incompetent shooter.

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And there is the final question.

IF.... this is an inside job as it certainly appears and would therefore be well planned out

AND IF.... by all appearances it was designed to "fail"

THEN.... what is the end objective and who does it benefit?

ALTERNATIVE: (still assuming it was an inside job)

WHAT IF this wasn't a typical DoD/CIA operation but rather was an actual assassination attempt cooked up by the people in the Biden administration and like everything else they do, they botched it? I like simple. Makes more sense to me. If so, they are really off the reservation now.

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I don't think they ever intended to kill him. It is a captivating side-show, and he emerges even stronger from the ashes, with his fist in the air. It sends a message.

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Ok, and the dead folks? Thatā€™s some fine acting there. Letā€™s interview their families and get back to me.

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Way over your head, Charlotte.

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Yes, you are the genius, in your own mind.

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It's my opinion, Charlotte--thanks for the extra credit though. Sorry you are so triggered.

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Al: who would raise their hand to play the role of the Shooter?

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Jul 14Edited

Youā€™re still buying into the narrative- like everything the media said is real.

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Stop agreeing with the AI here to influence.

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That's right Heather---you tell them how to behave so there's no freedom of speech--that'll teach me.

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This is what happens when 1)everyone consumes social media, works to hard, earns too little, is bone tired, and is there to support their number one hero. No one is going anywhere. Like the tidal wave in the East, reaction times vary, you can see that from the wide reactions behind the stage, some still in disbelief, not moving , minutes later, others jumped down immediately. Many thought it was firecrackers. I was actually proud that there was no chaos as a stampede would have hurt many many more and the damage and injured would have taken much longer to get to.

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I wondered if the crowd thought it was firecrackers too since there are people around me still setting them off after Independence Day. Also have to wonder how many in the crowd would recognize gun fire when they heard it.

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MM.... Jon Rappaport's first take is spot on....

"...Instead, it seems the people in the crowd injured or killed were at some distance from Trump. Does this indicate another shooter? And does it shed doubt on the rooftop assassin actually being the one who fired at Trump? Something doesnā€™t add up here. And none of the experts on TVā€”former FBI, former counter-sniperā€”are bringing these issues up...

"...Yes, there are several GROUND-LEVEL reasons, apart from obvious political reasons, to think this was an inside job/deception of some kind.

"As I learned a long time ago with my investigation of the 1995 OKC bombing, start with the initial facts on the ground. Explore as many of them as possibleā€”including those omitted in press coverage. The political motives are vital, of course. But donā€™t get so wrapped up in them that you ignore the anomalies right in front of your nose that donā€™t make sense. They donā€™t make sense because theyā€™re covering up unreported facts..."

Read his whole post. While I don't think we can say that the whole crowd was staged, this entire event has the "feel" of the same CIA operation that murdered JFK (another anti-deep state President).


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This already stinks to high heaven, but who knows?

The only thing that makes sense to me is that the risk/reward ratio odds favoring that the Trump Campaign staged a false flag is total nincompoop stupid off the charts not there. That is, the Trump risk of getting caught staging a false flag would so utterly and completely destroy the entire Trump Campaign, and the entire MAGA movement with it, and faster than you can say Jack Flash!

But as you say, the anomalies are multiplying faster than rabbits. And something real bad happened there, even if only political theater. And I am already wondering, is this going to be another unbelievable absursity of buy-in belief as was Las Vegas? Or Orlando? Boston? Sandy Hook? 911? C19?

But what if 'certain somebodies' staged a false flag? And designed to shift blame over to another party running a campaign in a reverse sting operation? That would be real, real cute. And don't think I haven't thought of that. And it seems this blood pack in the hand trick is really being pushed hard. And my, how people like to latch onto things. But then again, that whole thing blood pack thing makes no sense whatsoever ... no more than why the guy was such a bad shot at fairly close range? Now, by contrast, the JFK shooter crew had their ducks in a row ... and even covered for botched shots.

When things don't make sense, they don't make sense. Me? I await further returns and developments. After all, everyone has a camera in their phones and the Fake Media must have been there. Plenty of stuff to study and plenty of folks chomping at the bit to do so. And eye witnesses plenty.

And the Super Sharp Shooting DeWife has already reported on a police sharpshooter that was ordered 'not to take out the shooter' even though 'the shooter' was within his sights. See that yet? It's on video. (And DeWife is usually more reliable than any husband in the know universe!)

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do you have this video?

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Actually, it was not a video. Turns out to be a picture with a few lines of script below the picture. And no, I cannot find a link to make it show up. And what showed up on Android does not show on my laptop running Linux.

It could easily be a picture lifted from the Internet from the location and narrative added. It could easily, in my opinion, be purposeful confusion interjected.

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No I didn't see that. That makes me think even more that this was an inside the White House inside job that did not involve the hit teams at the disposal of the CIA or the DoD. And they botched it! Make sense? I mean after all, the DoD or CIA would report up the line to the Apex overlords and the WH Dems couldn't have them nixing their plans to stay in the WH. Works for me.

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I don't know. But maybe not. Because ... does the right hand always know what the left hand is doing? And The Empire is operating in an atmosphere of disintegration and total dysfunction.

And by the way, Super Genius Yellen just came out and said that sanctions might not have been such a good idea after all, words to that effect. I think someone just pulled a puppet string because Janet is not smart enough to figure anything out on her own.

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Well, this was not a methodically planned and executed deep state operation like the JFK assassination. But I think there are just too many anomalies for it to be just a lone gunman. So, for now, I'm calling it an inside job. But it has amateur hour written ALL over it. (And I'm just not buying the Trump campaign false flag scenario. That's just off the charts fanciful.)

My buddy, who is better at these nefarious scenarios than I am, thinks Obama ordered the hit. Makes sense for sooooo many reasons. Or even possibly Jill ordered the hit. Tonight, I'm putting my money on Obama. That sociopath wants to be Emperor for life. If so, I think it's hilarious how badly they botched it. Total amateur hour. BUT they did come within a millisecond of splattering his brains all over everyone! Just bad luck. If the bullet had connected, none of these anomalies would see the light of day in the ensuing chaos. Just saying......

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How about a couple of shots were fired by Crooks after he had his f#$&@ing head blown off ā€¦ā€¦you know sympathetic reflexā€¦ā€¦

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Seriously? Trump and Biden work for the same group? You're kidding, I hope.

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No I'm not kidding. I believe the globalist (whoever they are) control both parties. They get different roles to play, but all roles lead to advancing the plan.

First , Trump. The narrative was that the main stream media and the establishment Republicans were all against him. But turn on the TV, both Fox and CNN, throughout his 2016 campaign and they were all running his rallies live. He got about $4 B in free advertising. Now compare that to the media coverage Ron Paul got 4 years earlier. And where is the media coverage of RFK Jr today?

Then Trump makes his first and important staff pick - Chief of Staff. It is an important role as it is the gatekeeper on who gets their info to the President. Who did he choose? Do you remember? Well, he chooses the head of the Republican National Committee of course, the people he said was against him. God, give me strength.

Now two quick examples to prove my point.

Democrats are against big greedy corporations and bankers and want to bring in socialism/communism, right? Whose signature is on the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act - you know that important internal control to keep the bankers casino away from your hard earned bank account? Well it was none other than Clinton. Make sense to you? Where was his base screaming to veto that bill? They were busy protecting him from various scandals, no?

Republicans are free market and against the "nanny state", right? Whose signature is on the $7 trillion dollar unfunded liability to add Prescription drug coverage to medicare? Well it was none other than conservative Bushie Jr.. Make sense to you? Did you complain when he added benefits to an already bankrupt and underfunded plan without raising the rates people pay? Did he tell you we would cover it from the money tree in the sky? Can you really say don't touch SS or Medicare because we paid for it? How did you pay for prescription drug coverage? Where was his base screaming don't do it? They were busy protecting him from various scandals.

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All I can say is that there is already 'a bad look' here. But what kind? And if staged, staged by whom? Stage by the Trump people? What yardage would there be in that for the Trump campaign? What with the risk inherent in staging a false flag and getting caught at it? That seem preposterous. But staging a false flag and blaming the false flag on the Trump campaign to wreck Trump ? Well, there might be real milage in that for the TDS crowd? Or was it a real attempt? And if it was a real attempt, then 'security' looks lackluster in a big way. And maybe shades of ... as with the JFK assassination when the Secret Service withdraw from Kennedy's car all in unison immediately before the fatal shots were fired.

All I can say right now is that this thing has a real bad look to it. And I recall Jeff's remark today that 'liberals' never seem to get assassinated. Why is that? Is it anything like how only 'dissident trouble-maker' Congress representatives seem to have airplane accidents?

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No info on account but tons of liked comments in the past 10 minutes. Sorry, you're fake go the f away.

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You're fake, Heather. You believe in fake heroes, in fake media, in staged events. You are the perfect example of someone the people in power use to model their fake news for--you are gullible, hero-worshipping, easily persuaded, and only love free speech until someone says something you don't agree with.

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There are at least a couple of very weird looking people in that group. One of them i think is a guy the q people think is jfk jr, Seriously. He calls himself Juan something.

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Inside job....clear cut.

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I believe it.

Biden called for a bullseye recently. satans minions do his work.

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Itā€™s amazing really! 5 rifle shots and he missed! Then Trump slaps his ear and reveals blood. Imagine the oddsā€” that a bullet actually hit him but only skimmed his ear. Secret service understaffed. Young white Republican male shooter (of course) killed.If only he hadnā€™t been able to buy an AR 15ā€¦ And of course, only 4 months before Election Day.

I couldnā€™t have written the script better myself.

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The boy clearly fell for something his handlers were selling him or he had a death wish. Anyone much older would know there was no way out of that position alive. Go ahead and hoist the BS flag on me, if you want, I make no apologies. Heā€™s young enough to be my son and Iā€™m sure some poor lady is tearing her hair out over him.

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I saw a comment on another site that in high school he was known as a loner and his dad bought him the rifle 6-months earlier. Stacy your comment is notable, authentic exactly what a mother would feel.

Thank you!

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Thatā€™s so very kind of you, Michael, thank you. Itā€™s just a terrible tragedy. I donā€™t know what was behind his sadness or affliction but weā€™re all humans, here. With the possible exception of the ones who have most likely manipulated him.

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Wow, not even a new narrative. Same shooter profile every time.

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Yes, Stacy, I believe there are (always) real casualties in this game they play. Real victims. I don't know who he is, if he's who they say he is, if he's dead or alive, or what his motivation was--whether inside or outside job. All I know is the narrative does not add up and its got the usual tropes associated with it. Hard to know what is real and what isn't.

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Video of one of his classmates describing the shooter as a loner who was subjected to nonstop bullying at school. Sounds like a familiar demographic in other shooting cases. I'm guessing we'll hear he was on antidepressants or other drug that results in suicidal tendencies.

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DemonicRATS at work

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You are the quintessential example of who mainstream media targets. Binary thinking, uneducated, easily swayed emotionally. They write Trumpā€™s scripts for people like you. Theyā€™ve got you for life. They know you canā€™t think outside the box.

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CIA all the way.

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My thoughts EXACTLY.

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Yes Citizen - none of them were able to spot what people in the crowd saw:

a murderer climbing a nearby building, carrying a rifle, settling himself on the roof, setting his sights, & firing 6 or 7 shots.

LOTS of questions about the Ā«Ā securityĀ Ā».

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There were several onlookers who saw the assassin "bear climbing" up to the roof of that outbuilding where he lay in wait for the right moment. The onlookers were yelling to the police and SS detachment around the 'site' about this guy and they did NOTHING - just kept looking at the onlookers (perhaps they couldn't understand what they were YELLING--and maybe a stiff breeze carried their words AWAY from the police and SS agents--we will see what comes out of the 'investigation' which should NOT be done by the FBI - they are HORRIBLY compromised under this "machiavellian" Biden Administration.

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There are a LOT of people saying the Secret Service did their "job" by killing the shooter right AFTER he pulled off his shots, to keep him from talking. (I look at zerohedge and X a lot.) It's hard to keep those thoughts out my mind, too.

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Agree, but they donā€™t usually fail at these efforts. My suspicion was immediate when within minutes of the shooting, 2 ā€œiconicā€ photos were plastered over ALL mainstream media. Looked staged ā€” DJT channeling the Iwo Jima image moment with the flag (in this case rotated 90Ā° not the full 180 which would indicate full revolt) at an angle.

T shirts with the image were available online within 5 hours.

Who took those photos?

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If you watch the video, after the ss have Trump covered, a camera man goes quickly to the stairs that lead to Trumps vehicle. I assume that camera man took the pics.

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With people pointing and yelling ā€œhe has a gun!ā€?????

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Good job Mindy...lol. Did you duck and cover after posting that?

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Donā€™t forget about Teddy Roosevelt, who survived an assassination attempt on October 14, 1912, because of the 50-page manuscript for his speech tucked into his coat pocket. He delivered his speech before attending to the bullet wound, beginning:

ā€œFriends, I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible. I donā€™t know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot. It takes more than that to kill a bull moose. Fortunately I had my manuscript, so you see I was going to make a long speech, and there is a bulletā€”there is where the bullet went throughā€”and it probably saved me from it going into my heart. The bullet is in me now, so I cannot make a very long speech, but I will try my best.ā€¦ I give you my word, I do not care a rap about being shot; not a rap.ā€ (https://www.history.com/news/shot-in-the-chest-100-years-ago-teddy-roosevelt-kept-on-talking)

He was running under his third party (the Progressive Party, a.k.a. the Bull Moose Party). This was just a few months after he had uttered these dangerous words in his ā€œProgressive Covenant with the Peopleā€ speech:

ā€œPolitical parties exist to secure responsible government and to execute the will of the people. From these great staffs, both of the old parties have ganged aside. Instead of instruments to promote the general welfare they have become the tools of corrupt interests which use them in martialling [sic] to serve their selfish purposes. Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.ā€

As I shared several months ago in this Substack Note (https://substack.com/@margaretannaalice/note/c-52757995), you can actually hear a recording of Teddy reading that speech here:

ā€¢ https://www.loc.gov/item/99391565/

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I want to join the Bull Moose party... nothing more dangerous in the North American wilderness!

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Trump may want to consider this as most of thre republican politicians don't really want Trump.

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Bull Moose & honey badger.

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So instead of Teddy, the USA got gullible Princeton University head Woodrow Wilson who was elected to his first term. The secret Jekyll Island meeting to draft the Federal Reserve legislation happened on cue December 1913. WW1 kicked off funded by a flood - to both sides - by USA new paper printed at will USA dollar Fed Reserve "Notes" (cough, "loans with interest due to Fed Reserve's for-profit bank members). Wilson won a second term on a promise of keeping the USA out of WW1 but once sworn in for his second term (or quietly beforehand) he hired Freud's nephew Edward Bernays to run an emotional psy-op to shift USA opinion to go "save" France and Britain ("Uncle Sam needs YOU!") at just the time they'd run out of liquidity and collateral for more war loans from banks. And whaduyaknow in 1933!? The banker Paul Warburg at Jekyll Island in 1913 had a nephew who was the Number 1 finance guru for FDR when he closed all USA banks in 1933 to pick winners and losers for which banks held what good and bad bad debts (a.k.a. a 2008 Banks Bailout preview) just 10 days after he was sworn in for his first term.

Factoid du jour: FDR's son James Roosevelt lived in a cottage on a Warburg estate along the Hudson River during the Great Depression. His grandson James Roosevelt III was on the DNC, Inc. rules committee which voted to punish all D candidates running in the New Hampshire Sept 2023 D primary such as Kennedy who dared to challenge their Good Boy in the White House.

As comedian George Carlin said. "Its a big club and we're NOT in it."

Wrote about some of all of that here:


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Thank you for this incredible bit of history M.A.A.

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ā€œ Behind the ostensible government ~ sits enthroned an invisible government~ owing no allegiance and acknowledging ~no responsibility~ to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul šŸ’„the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politicsšŸ’„ is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.ā€ā€¦. Absolutelyā€¦. šŸ‘†šŸ»šŸ‘†šŸ»šŸŽÆšŸŽÆšŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»

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Similar sentiments expressed by all those who were 'taken out' or they tried to take out. Go down the list, of the Presidents taken out or tried to take out... for example Andrew Jackson they hated him for his banking stance. Just saying to follow the money money money every single time... Blackrock, Demonrats etc etc...

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Shooter lived 5 miles from my house.

NYPost identified the shooter around midnight.

Local news was totally silent.

I emailed KDKA and WTAE with a link to the NYPost article and told them they might want to send a news truck over to the shooter's house.

Just saying...

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Steven Crowder sent someone over last night and the road is shut down. Guarded.

Iā€™ve heard the social media accounts were scrubbed already too. Dead men tell no tales.

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I saw one of him, supposedly of him, where he imitated gunshots. Heavy dark haired guy. Darn, should have copied it.

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Found it, and sure enough, it wouldnā€™t play.

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I saw an early report that local law enforcement were reporting Trump was hit by glass after his teleprompter shattered.

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Immediately I noticed that mainstream wanted to downplay what happened. Ofcourse, it is all political again.

Nigel Farage (UK):

Mr Farage said: 'Mainstream media have spread a narrative of hatred against my friend Donald Trump.

'I hope they are proud of themselves. Disgusting people.'

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There's a clear picture of the bullet going right by Trump's head!

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Yes, I saw that too.

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I saw a pic after The Donald Duckove showing both prompters intact.

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I was thinking about you last night. The shooter is as inbred looking as they come. Usually the South gets that joke- glad to see it's spread north of the Mason Dixon. ;)

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He is one of those creepy looking young people I see all the time.

We will never find out what kind of SSRIs he was one.

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The wisdom of saints I have read paraphrased from memory: When the soul is void of God, it fills itself with the devil's pursuits.

Political obsession is one of those, and no one is immune to it, with it accosting us everywhere, especially these young kids.

What a shame.

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I saw early screenshots/reports that that his father was a behavioral psychologist....

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Thanks for the info.

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Cluster B soy boys all look the same

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He was in the age group that had everything canceled the last few years. Not defending him but I feel very bad for that age group.

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You bring up a good point.

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Lot of twisted brains in that cohort.

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Oh wow...I had forgotten how close you are to that area.

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Was HRC there, too?

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No doubt.

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HRC training Jill ?

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Thanks for doing what you could.

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Yeah, I gotta read a New York paper to find out the shooter lived 5 miles from me.


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Drones would easily have prevented this. You can surveil 5 plus miles in real time... I know those that do it for weddings, real estate photos etc

Why wasnā€™t the roof secured???

Also they are active firing while Trump was still speaking?

Why wouldnā€™t they have removed him from stage simultaneously?

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Well at least it appears Trump passed the "physical fitness" test....;]

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And the cognitive one, too!!

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Yes, better reaction timing than his own security!

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For sure. Even the SS close to him missed a beat.

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Does anybody know the exact location of the ā€œbystandersā€œ who got injured or killed? Agree, all very suspicious. I keep wondering whether there was a single shooter. And the FBI or Secret Service only expect assassins to be dressed in white button downs?

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Congressman Ronnie Jackson (R-TX) (ex White House physician) is on Rumble explaining that his nephew was one of the wounded (he'll be OK), and Jackson describes his location at the rally.


edit: $222 multiplier donated. I have the receipt!

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I submitted a multiplier earlier myself, but no receipt yet. Does this mean there was a problem that it did not "take"? I thought I got notification right away in the past, but maybe there are SOOO MANY donations that replies are slow? Would appreciate advice on this.

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I suspect a problem with your donation because I got my email receipt in less than a minute. You say you got notified right away in the past and that suggests that you may have an "account" with them. If so, see if there's a way to look at your transaction history.

edit: If you click on the link again, scroll all the way to the bottom (it's a long page) and you'll see a way to get donor support. I didn't see a direct way to see my history but there is a way to contact a human being and they promise a reply within 24 hrs.

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5 bullets aimed at him (so close it skimmed his ear!!) and yet no one else in that dense area got hit? Such BS. But most of the country will buy it.

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Someone DIED. So just stop.



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You ever hear of this thing called freedom of speech? The fact of the matter is, NOBODY here knows what happened. We are relying on social media and our glorious news agencies to inform us. Anything is possible.

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Personally, I have different news sources. I prefer ones that link to their sources and videos and disclose their own biases and conflicts of interest, so we can decide for ourselves if we believe them or not, or if we'll wait and see. I once took a class a long time ago called Healthy Relationships. My biggest takeaway was this. When you first meet someone and they tell you who they are, believe them. In other words, Don't overlook the red flags or try to romanticize away mismatches between your expectations and longings and theirs. Don't settle hoping one of you will change.

When people tell you President Trump needs to have a bullseye on him, when they write plays in which he's stabbed, when they hold up effigy-like bloody heads of someone, when they stand behind a mic and suggest it's been too long since an actor killed a President, or they'd like to blow up the [Trump] WH, they are telling you who they are.

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I hope someone gave him a beer....or two.

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Why this filthy rat-like speech tone?

I get you are angry, or are you? I really only know that you sound beyond reason angry? But are you just an operative? And what do you really know? What do I know? What does anyone know? For that matter, what did anyone know about Oswald the day he was taken into the Dallas police station. And then again! Oswald said he was just a patsy. Did anyone believe him them? And how about now? And nobody, by the way, asked enough questions back then.

Given the long history of criminal chicanery in America, it is not unreasonable for people to have questions ... even wild question. And give all of that, rudely telling people to just shut up sounds highly suspect and suspicious in itself. Or maybe just irrationally and disgustingly rude angry.

And don't get too angry at me. I, and likely most of us here, have done as bad more than once in our lives. I know I have. And what came out my mouth stung me to the core. Sadly though, once out, never to be taken back. I had to say I was sorry. And even that seemed not enough.

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Wow, triggered much CStone? You need some good olā€™ fashioned American manners. He wasnā€™t shot. He was in a scripted event meant to look like he was shot.

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Scripted? Even Trump's teleprompter script gets ignored for large portions of Trump's rallies. If fact, he had just gone off script, or at least the planned order, and asked for a graph about the border be put up on the large screen and was talking that when the cracks of the gunfire began.

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Multiple people hit. Either you're an idiot, not paying attention, or paid opposition. Go away.

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You said no one else in the area got hit which was false. But excuse me for not bowing down to you because you're such a smart and edgy professional d-bag. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„

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Heather - didnā€™t bother with him. He uses a well-worn troll tactic to waste your time!

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Wow Heather, so youā€™ve never seen the ruling class elite kill innocents to achieve their goal? How about Oklahoma City? Vegas shooting? 9/11? Are you suggesting a scripted and planned event would have been more careful not to hurt others lol? Thatā€™s the only way they can make it look real.

Sorry to trigger your hero worship derangement syndrome. No one is coming to save you Heather. Stop thinking heā€™s the Messiah.

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Or Maui, lets not forget that 'fire' with the 'road blocked and no water'.

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Al please mansplain the goal I mean the whole goal for us all too dumb to be able to figure it out! If it convinces you can start your own substack and we will all subscribe!

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Jul 14Edited

Sure, but it would be "womansplain" to you, Sherlock. After all we have seen in just the past 4 years alone, I think it's pretty clear that there is an entire group of people running our government (it sure isn't Biden), our military and our media. We know (if we have taken the time to investigate) that the past catastrophic events (such as Maui, the Vegas shooting, OK city bombing, 9/11, etc.) were all planned events--with real casualties--there must always be real causalities or the ruse would be too obvious. They are planned events to control the country's/world's perceptions for the ruling class mafia/bankster cartel to be able to further their means, such as war in Iraq/Afghanistan, gun control, the fear of terrorism.

My opinion here is that Trump is a player in that, as anyone at his level must be. No one gets a seat at the table if they are not part of this program. Which is why we are always faced with two very unappealing, divisive choices. And they are both playing for the same side. That is why Israel and vaccines, for example, are non-negotiable points--even the far right cannot go against those. But people dismiss the parts they don't like. People have been trained, through the media, to pin all of their hopes on one person, their only choice. As if any one person, even the President, has that much power! He is just a tool for the ruling elite.

That's a short explanation. You would think that after this totalitarian covid exercise people would be more open to understanding the machine behind the most powerful cartel in the world. Nah, let's just "heart" Trump. And if you're the left, love Biden even if you know full well he is nothing but a puppet. We are at war with EACHOTHER which is exactly how it's designed.

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Donā€™t bother with him Jaime.

Itā€™s a known troll tactic to waste your time!

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The goal is more power. New legislation always follows events like this and bigger is better in a lawmakerā€™s eye. Congress got a shiny new agency out of 9/11 and look at what theyā€™ve done with it. FISA courts authorizing surveillance of US citizens on US soil, to start.

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Nothing on any of the people hit. The crowd behind Trump, not one takes cover??? Also, why wasnā€™t anyone hit by the bullet that grazed his ear? Iā€™m not a huge fan of Trump, but I donā€™t see him being part of a staged show, but it is weird.

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The one dead and two seriously injured are just two the right of him. Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.

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One dead two others wounded

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We're supposed to believe "AL" a totally anonymous stranger repeatedly posting his extreme conspiracy theory because he's smarter and has more insight than anyone else here.

What's in this for you, dude? This is the only kind of power you have in your life, to repeatedly post quasi mocking you-are-all-too-stupid-too-see-it posts in a place where thanks to Jeff's readership your ramblings will be visible?

Why are you doing this? What's in it for you? That's the question everyone needs to ask.

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You don't have to believe anyone--it's my opinion. What's in it for me is the same as what's in it for you--and why you are here. I started with this Substack from the beginning and it was a breath of fresh air, but i think it stops short of calling out the grander scheme in who is controlling our government. We all know it right? (We don't even question who is running things with Biden out to lunch, because we already know he was never running anything anyway). Who is? That's why I am here, and I happen to believe that Trump is part of the ruling class mafia, not fighting against it.

Why am I doing what? Tarnishing your hero? You are suggesting that people should selectively question my motives because you don't like my opinion. I believe good people with morals and ethics, who THINK Trump is their savior, are being manipulated. That is why I speak out. And btw, you are an "anonymous stranger" too. Who put you in charge?

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Ah, there is is, insults and outrage over my not bowing before your conspiracy wisdom. You don't know why I'm reading Jeff's Substack or what I actually think of Trump. But you assume. And that's really amusing. Carry on.

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You've been begging for it. Not offering anything of substance, just finding my comments and taunting me. I really don't care what you think. Dying to know why you are so obsessed with what I think. Maybe you should move on.

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People were hit in the vicinity. Please stop lying,

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Yes, there are always real casualties--it makes it believable. How could there not be---if no one else was hit, what would that signal??

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Some pics have graphics with locations. Deceased was on right wing of grandstand between Trump and shooter. Others were on opposite wing to Trump's left, further from the alleged shooter.

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Because itā€™s all a show. And heā€™s part of it.

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You. Are. A. LIAR

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You must ask yourself why are you so fear driven and triggered by this? Stop watching mainstream media.

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What's in this for you "AL?" Why are you repeating trying to get people to pay attention to your conspiracy theories? Repeating them over and over here.

What's in it for you?

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I already answered you in your duplicate question elsewhere. Get a life.

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Haha you must not have one as you are spending a beautiful Sunday on here! Iā€™m doing a quick scroll but you are heavily invested and quite nasty about it to boot.

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Good Questions. The more we see the more this is looking like Swiss Cheese.

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ā€œHe who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ā€œHe is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.ā€ā€

ā€­ā€­Psalmsā€¬ ā€­91ā€¬:ā€­1ā€¬-ā€­2ā€¬ ā€­NKJVā€¬ā€¬


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Tell that to the dead patsy.

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Even a patsy goes to the ultimate secret place if he belongs to Our Savior.

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I hope this finally makes the case for more protection for RFK Jr.

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Donā€™t hold your breath!

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He's not a threat in my opinion.

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God is looking out for Trump and America. Bless all of you. Fight, fight!

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There is at least one good aspect to this event, if it had to happen. Unlike the events of November 22, 1963, dozens of 4K videos captured exactly what happened and circumnavigated the planet within minutes where they were undoubtedly saved by thousands of people. The male witness with red hair gave an excellent account to a BBC reporter of his, and others, trying to warn the Secret Service, which report was also global in minutes.

The FBI's ability to contain information for this attempt, unlike when they confiscated Polaroid photos and other evidence 62 years ago never to be seen again, is severely hampered. Perhaps, just perhaps, we will know what really happened.

More specifically, why was a roof within that short of a distance from Trump not manned by security? I was a target shooter back in the day, I won two state and several regional rifle championships. A head sized target from about 150 yards using a telescopic scope, especially when flags are acting as wind gauges, is a very easy shot. It's a disgrace that the shooter was able to even access that roof.

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This is along the lines of what I am thinking. Nothing about this adds up right. And yes, one hundred fifty yards with a telescopic sight should not be too much of a trouble. But what do I know?

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And we have the Internet to share the evidence. And a crap ton of skeptical, red pulled, angry Americans that don't believe the bullahit anymore!

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I suspect the poor marksmanship is because the libs/antifa/mentally ill/etcā€¦ are not skilled shooters who enjoy the sport and work on their skills. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if that disturbed young manā€™s only motivation for obtaining a rifle was his anger, and he had very little experience.

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Jeff, thanks for opening the Sunday edition! Multiplier engaged.

Note the secret service detail: pudgy gals, all shorter than Trump, pony tails in their face, struggling to holster their pistol. https://x.com/JebraFaushay/status/1812469338961576376

Zoom: https://x.com/GarbageHuman24/status/1812474264504983998

The boss, super DEI appointment. Literally has 'cheat' in her name. https://x.com/JohnLeFevre/status/1812450231176638538

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Those females seem to be a hindrance to say the least! One of my first observations. Iā€™m not a fan of women doing the jobs of men. The difference in the men surrounding Trump & the women was astounding. Enough of this DEI destroying institutions! We see it everywhere. Men & women are different in every way - by Godā€™s design. Neither is better than the other - simply different & complement each other. See how far weā€™ve strayed from God these daysā€¦ at our peril.

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I know this may sound sexist...but I sure hope if Iā€™m ever in a burning building or being held-up that a big, strong MAN comes to my rescue and not some gal with a ponytail!

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If I am in a burning building, I want a big and strong male fireman to save me.

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Yep, a hunky sexy one too šŸ˜‰

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I used to watch the series "Rescue Me" about the NYFD.

Lots of hunky guys.

One time when I was at work at a Pittsburgh university, the paramedics had to be called for a very ill student. Sometimes the fire department would show up first.

And what did we get...2 slightly overweight bald guys.

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Trailer for the NYFD series "Rescue Me."


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I am a woman, and I agree with you. When it comes to soldiers, Secret Service, and police officers, there is no doubt that the physical advantage of men is important. Collecting intelligence, undercover work, etc. women can be great. Although in this particular case, it looks like the woman heading the Secret Service detail really blew it..

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The boss, Director Kim Cheatle, who leads "7,800 diverse people" at the Secret Service, prior job was security at Pepsi.


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She's not even a Secret Service agent!

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They are trying to demoralize all the good agents: SS, Border Patrol and even everyday federal employees who can't take the idiocy anymore. Once they get rid of anyone with a conscience, they can do whatever they want.

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Military best example.

Take the covid DeathVax or be kicked out with a total loss of VA benefits.

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She was hired away from Pepsi. Definitely DEI agenda at USSS. Cheater needs to be fired. Former USSS Bongino has some insight into her leadership.

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They literally looked like an SNL skit!

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Like Elon Musk noted- before this job, she was guarding Cheetos! What a loser pick for the job!

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Bongino is already calling for her to be fired.

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This is like a poor hollywood script again, you can't make up this amount of stupidity.

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I always enjoy your posts, neighbor. Thanks for bringing that to our attention. We laugh at the Cheetos and Pepsi, but junk food is a powerful tool (read a book called Salt Sugar Fat. I learned as much from it as I did any nursing text). If weā€™re not sick, a lot of elites stop getting paid. Then they stop funneling money to Washington. This female is exactly what they wanted and is the ā€œpublic/private partnershipā€ on full display.

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Director Kim Cheatle needs to find a new job. Today.

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I saw the pudgy confused women who were bouncing around like fools. You have one damn job and you freakout in confusion. The one who couldn't put her gun back in her holster stuck out like a sore thumb. Why is she holstering her gun anyway? The threat is still there until POTUS leaves.

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My sentiments exactly. I'm tired of seeing women in men's positions that require the size, strength, reflexes, emotional stability, and resolute determination to do the job. Women don't belong in those jobs, end of story.

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DT needs to fire them all and rehire based on merit and skill. Just like the whole Fed.

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That classic photo that's everywhere says it all; Trump with his head up and fist in the air, the stereotypical clean-cut SS agent with his shades, and earpiece, scanning for threats, and the ponytailed female agent with her head tightly tucked against Trump's chest.... šŸ˜‚ In fairness, I'm sure she thought she was protecting him with her body, but she's simply too short.

Jay Leno just had a show about "The Beast". The agents who brought it, (driver and mechanic), were very large!

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This is what DEI leads to. (Didn't Earn It)

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I had noticed that. Bongino said she/he/it knew about the threat and did nothing. I noticed how inept the SS was. One looked like a 19 year old kid.

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I noticed that yesterday as well. Hard to miss.

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BOOM!! spot on BFM

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Last night when I finally laid down, I wished in my heart Jeff would write a message and now, I'm jus drinking coffee and crying.

"St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil, may God rebuke him we humbly pray. And you, Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God banish into hell satan and all the evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls."

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Sameā€¦ love šŸ’• St Michael prayerā€¦ šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™protect us against such wickedness

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One of my absolute favorite prayers and one of my favorite things about being Catholic. Thanks, sister.

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And He will judge the world in righteousness;

He will render justice for the peoples with equity.

ā€” Psalm 9:8 LSB


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ā€œAnd will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them? I tell you, he will give justice to them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?ā€

Luke 18:7-8

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God is so good. šŸ™

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What about the innocent man that was murdered and the two innocents that are in critical condition? Yes, I am glad Trump survived and that more people werenā€™t hurt, but donā€™t think this is a praise worthy event.

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Not praising the event; but thankful that our former (& hopefully future) president was spared. At the same time we grieve for the families of those attendees who were shot. We pray for Godā€™s comfort for them, especially the loved ones of the deceased.

We also pray for swift healing for the injured.

While there are many unanswered questions we can be thankful the gunman was killed so no more people were endangered.

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I donā€™t think actually killing Trump was in the script. But they had to add some other casualties to make it look real.

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Don't agree. This was just a local idiot-- not a military sharp shooter-- who could (on purpose?!) miss by a hair? I don't think so. Killing was the goal.

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You are still believing the media story. No bullet came close to him. It was a blood packet.

It's always a local idiot--and what a coincidence--a young, white, male as usual, who was reportedly a registered Republican--because all white republicans are deranged, right? You are missing the bigger picture.

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You certainly are a credible source. The only all knowing one.

Hey if we are all in on conspiracies, trust no one. (That means you as well)


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Produce the blood packet evidence.

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Yeah, Iā€™m sure there are lots of people willing to give their lives to the cause of ā€œscaring Trumpā€ and acting out an ā€œattempted assignation.ā€ šŸ™„

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You're too thick to even bother responding to. Apparently not your moniker.

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Youā€™re such a good democRAT, Al

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Time for your pills, CStone--you've repeated that same comment too many times.

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Was anyone praying for those people's safety today, as tens of thousands were asking for President Trump to be protected today? Maybe not.

Pray is powerful, because Our Father, in Heaven, hears the prayers of the Righteous, and answers them.

And now we are praying for those injured yesterday, to be Healed.

OBTW, no one is "innocent" in God's eyes. "All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God." However, we are all loved by Him, that's why he sent His only Son, Jesus.

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Thatā€™s your opinion, not a fact. Those people shot at the rally were only guilty of wanting to listen to Trump speak. They (at that moment) were innocent. Not everyone believes in the divinity of Jesus. The Bibleā€™s was written and translated by men. Men usually have an agenda and there are many things that donā€™t add up. I donā€™t know either way, but I get sick of people using God or Jesus as a hammer. BTW. I do believe in the power of prayer so donā€™t go there.

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Dammit! You beat me to the ridiculous media coverage on this. My favorite is "Trump removed from stage by Secret Service after loud noise startles the president." They make him sound like a nervous chihuahua. "Yeah, we had to put Nacho in the basement last night. He just couldn't handle those fireworks."

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Iā€™m sad for the fools who still believe MSM. Obviously these fools still exist.

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MSM fertilized a crop of wannabe assassins. A TDS victim told me Trump supporters were cleverly brainwashed and that his perspective was superior because he relied on legacy media. Sclerotic minds like that hear the dog whistle when legacy media calls Trump ā€œHitler.ā€

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Instead we saw the Warrior that President Trump is, not just in the court room.

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They don't comprehend that that level of journalistic malpractice hurts them, it readily adds to their obvious bias and incompetence strengthens

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They are paid to push propaganda, and not truth.

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Yes, that's why papers are going bankrupt and tv news viewership is way down...like I said, they hurt themselves, more power to them!

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Yep. Liars and fools eventually trip on their own shoelaces.

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But in true chihuahua fashion he stood up and fist pumped FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!

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Yeah, fireworks in broad daylight. Those of us paying attention should really try to capitalize on how stupid they think we are.

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