Trump sentencing leaves libs in lurch; corporate media fail exposes anonymous source scam; President eviscerates Proxy War narrative; judge crushes FDA for hiding EUA docs; BlackRock takes blow; more.
FDA tried to hide the killshot death data for 75 years and people still lined up to take it in droves?
What else could the science scream into the void and the void scream into the science so brazenly?
“Ask your doctor if injecting something without knowing what the ingredients are from a company with a criminal record as wide as the Pacific Ocean, approved by a captured agency with financial and revolving door ties to said company, and who tried to hide the catastrophic damage found in the injection trials for said company from you for 75 years, is right for you.”
Inject that goodness in me in coach! I’m ready! <— typical inhabitant of earth.
Many, many "trust the experts" folk out there. Fewer than there were in 2019, but still quite a few. C19 was a wake-up call for a lot of people who'd trusted "the science" when it came to drugs/doctors/experts. The desperation to hide things at that point made many take notice and start asking questions.
And hey - at the time, it was "take this or you're killing grandma" with no data out there for public consumption anyway - just people desperate to get back to life or not be fired. :/ My take was "wait and see" because the shots were _so_ new and that tech had never been used before. Well - I waited. I saw. I started reading a bunch more. :)
Funny you should mention grandma Peter, my latest article deals with that subject:
Disease: The Back Door to Slit the Throat of All Notions of Freedom
The Concept of Contagion - The very notion of brings out the worst in us while in many of our minds it’s bringing out the best:
Each of us is a companion-seeking weapon that can kill grandma at any moment, and so because we ourselves are the threat, freedom is the threat, and therefore all non-essential activity must be denied. Only “they” get to determine what is or is not “essential”, and this is a dynamically changing judgement based on what they want in the moment and at the expense of everything else.
Think about how diabolically genius this is—they are preying on our instinctual need to be good people. After-all, who wants to be responsible for killing grandma? Not a soul. Consequently those bewitched by the propaganda then eagerly turn in their sovereignty to the nearest checkpoint while hating and scorning those who do not. Next the parasite controlled media dramatically magnifies both the positive feelings that stem from doing right by your fellow man, right alongside the negative aspects of self-righteousness, indignation, self-preservation, & condemnation
Remembering simple life lessons is all that was needed to avoid becoming a guinnea pig.
- Cheaters gonna cheat. That which is borne of a lie will always be a lie. Never trust a liar. They lied to us about masks. Never used before, no sound basis; the Fauci flip-flop assertion that science changed "at the speed of science." Real science crawls, pseudoscience sprints. Assertions that walking masked ten feet from host stand to a safe unmasked table stopped a virus. They lied about lockdowns. Never used before, no sound basis. They lied about "cases" bolstered by fake testing and redefined criteria. They took their St George beatification holiday from a 'pandemic' and coordinated massive protests after declaring pandemic mandate protests too dangerous. So many lies, yet most went along with each and every obvious and provable lie. The cheaters cheated over and over and over while their mates made excuse after excuse after excuse to keep trusting them. If they had gotten out of that abusive relationship they never would've trusted being injected with anything by their abuser. Willful blindness.
- Follow the money. The biggest financial winners were the ones buying ads on the biggest media outlets, publications. They got the news they paid for.
- Hypocrisy in leaders signifies they don't mean what they say. Pelosi and Mayor Beetlejuice haircuts. Newscum French Laundry unmasked meals with top health executives, and "I didn't exhale" excuses. "More sophisticated" Obama birthday unmasked party goers served by "unsophisticated" masked waiters. Admonishments to avoid family gatherings by mayors who promptly jumped on planes to gather with family.
All that and more happened, was witnessed, reported *before* the injections came out. Yet 70% trusted the proven liars and bought hypocrites to take those injections. Even many who called out the previous lies and bought hypocrisy took the injections. Ignoring basic rules and tenets of trustworthiness. Which is all it took to avoid the shots and the inherent danger that being a guinnea pig entails.
It didn't take rocket/medical science to figure it all out. It only took common sense. Anyone who claims differently is lying or in denial.
Absolutely. My California commie inspired leftist brother, who would call me just to argue, called me when Trump was still President and asked if I was going to take the vaccine. (This was in the early stages, when I guess leftists were claiming they wouldn’t take it because Orange Man bad.)
My immediate response was, ‘NO!
Brother was shocked. He thought I would do anything for Trump, and he demanded to know why.
And my next immediate response was, ‘Because I’m not a guinea pig!’
@Spirit- my brother has a Masters in Nursing and yet called me an irresponsible killer because I refused to take the shots. Husband did for overseas travel for work and has ended up with permanent heart damage. I have one high school friend who nearly died from Covid (I think she's a smoker AND her dr immediately put her on a ventilator) and she has taken the booster every year because "It couldn't hurt and I want to be protected in case it DOES work". Honest. Another high school friend also nearly died (also immediately put on a ventilator) and has said he will never get a Covid shot again. And yet ANOTHER high school friend has a son who works as a MD at the CDC so "We always take his advice." You have no idea how hard it is for me to not say to her "Your kid was lied to too and shame on him for not questioning his superiors." It's maddening. All of it.
It’s not about having a degree, it’s about having intuition. I’m SHOCKED at the amount of women who don’t seem to have any gut feelings!
Oh, and vulnerable old grannies? A friend’s mother is ninety years old and also did NOT participate in the medical experiment — so safe and effective that no one is responsible 🙄. In WW2 she was a young (Dutch) girl who suffered from TB.
I ask you, does that spell ‘vulnerable’? No, it doesn’t. It’s a tough old bird, that lady.
A Dem friend of mine called me a "good Republican" for not getting the shot, he said that most Republicans did not take the jab. I sent him the video compilation of Dems, celebs and media talking heads all saying that they would NOT take a shot that came to market during Trump's administration. Of course I never got a response from my friend. "Touche".
Pushing the mRNA on innocent people is Trump's big FAILURE.
Trump is a FAILURE for promoting the death jabs even now that it's obvious to pretty much everyone on earth that they are horribly dangerous and worse than ineffective.
Aside from that, I'd like to like Trump. He has a lot of good ideas and policies aside from that OWS bullshit.
Pretty-red, old guy - it’s a big club, those who were fooled/coerced into getting jabbed. Literally billions of people! I’m always irritated when I see comments on Substack by folks who weren’t jabbed, where they belittle those who were injected, and/or brag that they didn’t do so. I think it’s rude and divisive.
And read the sec filing! So simple yet no one bothered! It clearly stated that this was an experimental genetic therapy, ie a massive stage 1 clinical trial on billions of people for something with a 99.5% survival rate. Talk about mass stupidity!
A top pulmonologist in our city gave an impassioned public talk about how Covid was killing everyone so we should stay home, mask up, etc. Then he immediately made a commercial encouraging us to go to the local casino (because “it was really clean”) and afterwards jumped on a plane to go on vacation. Apparently, he nor most of the populace could see the hypocrisy.
I’ve had my life. I’m more concerned who is killing the children. When did my old arse need children to sacrifice and die for me? How many children were hidden under floors and in closets or walls, sent away into forests, hidden in caves, smuggled out? By grandparents. When did adults become so depraved, including some grannies, expecting the children to become the front line of protection of their old arses? When? We know when. But it’s been going on for a time anyway. Child sacrifice—alive and well in western countries.
I absolutely love this declaration Janet. I am only 44, but I would lay down my life - which has been substantial and filled with love and good times - in an instant to grant children the benefit of those experiences which they might not otherwise have.
I’ve had my laughter, love, hot showers on freezing cold days, ice cold air conditioners on a blisteringly hot afternoons, soft girlfriends in front of a dancing, crackling fire, the family altogether with full tables and wonderful aromas at Thanksgiving & Christmas, warm embraces and the exquisite luxury of being surrounded by loved ones.
I’ve had it all. The kids need it as well. We cannot deprive them of those blessings by clinging on for a few more years while they sacrifice the best moments of their lives for that fleeting bit of living for us.
@Verve- Hillary is a sociopath (certainly IMHO). I was at a dinner with her once. She was less than 5' away from me and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I did everything I could to not run away from her.
Wow...what a story... to be a fly on the wall...I know that during Trump's first term they got a ton of voodoo art and artifacts out of the White House left behind by the Clintons and put them off premises - the spiritual nature of all this is really lost on some of the younger generations who've been groomed to be atheists. I also know the priest who said they had to do mutiple exorcisms in and around the White House.
I'm with you Janet. When they announced 15 days to stop the spread on March 16, 2020, my first thought was that when we're under military attack, we (and every society) are willing to sacrifice our young men, with their whole lives ahead of them, to protect our freedom and way of life. In this case, we were causing vast harm by shutting down because we were unwilling to sacrifice some old people who had lived their lives (assuming COVID was as deadly to old people as claimed, turns out it wasn't). I already knew we were a stupid, self-destructive society, but STILL I expected that dichotomy to be pointed out and corrected. But I never heard the inverse "logic" mentioned, even in alternative media. We're even dumber and more gullible than I thought. I'm using the collective "we", not all of us. But I never spoke to anyone who could see beyond "gotta protect granny". How does a population like that avoid collapse? Well, history says societies never avoid collapse. I hope we're the first, we do have the advantage of dissenting voices being available for those willing to look beyond the liars who dominate. I hope that's a difference-maker.
my number one issue and biggest argument against killing granny was always if the vax works let her get the vax and she will be protected. Why must I get it to protect HER. false logic.
I have a bit of a problem with calling that "false logic". This is a hypothetical to illustrate what I mean. Suppose the jab is 80% effective, in seniors and others. And the virus is deadly to seniors but not others. If everybody gets the jab, only 20% can possibly carry the virus. If Granny is among that 20%, she is better protected if everyone she contacts is jabbed, because that greatly reduces the pool of people who can infect her. So, the more jabbing, the less likely she is to encounter the virus.
So, I think the argument "why do I need the jab to protect a jabbed granny" only applies so long as they claim near 100% effectiveness. Which they did, and many still believe. However, the pro-jabbers who admit it's less than 100% effective can use the argument above, with valid logic.
Don't misunderstand, I'm against the jab. We're seniors, never considered it. We're thrilled our recently born grandson has gotten zero jabs of any kind, and none are planned for him, ever. COVID seems about as deadly as the flu, maybe marginally more so, but the response was obviously very stupid, from the start. Except for the evil ones who benefited - they weren't stupid, just satanic. Pro-jabbers are morons or evil, IMO. Still, I try to be open-minded and logical, and there IS logic to jabbing to protect granny, if there were to exist a vax that protects, but not perfectly. Mandates would never be justified, and IMO, voluntary jabbing would be a bad idea. But viewed narrowly, that is a valid pro-jab argument, although it's overwhelmed by anti-jab arguments, which I'm sure you're well aware of.
@Janet... Killing and sacrificing children started milleniums ago and still are...
2 Kings 17:14 But they would not listen, but were stubborn, as their fathers had been, who did not believe in the Lord their God. 15 They despised his statutes and his covenant that he made with their fathers and the warnings that he gave them. They went after false idols and became false, and they followed the nations that were around them, concerning whom the Lord had commanded them that they should not do like them. 16 And they abandoned all the commandments of the Lord their God, and made for themselves metal images of two calves; and they made an Asherah and worshiped all the host of heaven and served Baal. 17 And they burned their sons and their daughters as offerings and used divination and omens and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the Lord, provoking him to anger. 18 Therefore the Lord was very angry with Israel and removed them out of his sight. None was left but the tribe of Judah only.
19 Judah also did not keep the commandments of the Lord their God, but walked in the customs that Israel had introduced. 20 And the Lord rejected all the descendants of Israel and afflicted them and gave them into the hand of plunderers, until he had cast them out of his sight.
I was never concerned about killing grandma... we are born into this world to die. None of us get out alive... I though it was a stupid notion to tell people they would kill grandma.
I don’t have the article, but I remember reading that the HHS/FDA/CDC/NIH/DoD (the medical military industrial complex) had 9-10 messaging ‘angles’ or pleas to appeal to every type of individual — ranging from fear, guilt, patriotism, doing your part, safety, etc., etc.
I’m quite confident my former company (a DS “ Federally funded research and development center”) used its sizable employee base to test out these different messaging approaches. We always seem to be ahead of the curve for some crazy reason.
So true, Grandmas that would tell their adult grandchildren “to just get the vaccine” smh. They made their choices about end of life gatherings, not us.
I’m a bit confused Tom, so please clarify if I am missing something. Did that not get explored in this article? Using the killshot to cut off and prevent penitence, as the demon stated?
The combined meaning of the serpent on the WHO logo, the definition of pharma, and Revelation 18:23 is corroborated by the demon in this video, who says that the devil works through medicine, and that they used the pandemic as an excuse to inject millions of people in order to kill them so that Jesus could not have them. Watch her reaction when the interviewer mentions His name (the beeps hail from a time when you couldn’t use the word “vaccine” on YouTube without getting a strike and the video removed):
@Renee- the older folks have ALWAYS capitulated to the doctors. They were taught that doctors were gods. Even some of the older Boomers, like my sisters, think that way. I don't (younger end of the Boomer scale) and it's why I never got the shot. Husband (middle of the Boomer scale) does and did. He regrets it now because he has permanent heart damage.
I’m truly sorry about your husband. May the love of God and His angels surround him and protect him. Amen
I hear ya! My mother died in 2008, and retired from UCSF years before. It is a teaching hospital. I always had the “best doctors”. I think old school doctors were a bit better. Medicine has changed BIG TIME!
I am in to holistic care now. I’m my own doctor and I will not go to a doctor unless absolutely necessary!
We must get back to natural cures, before Rockefeller “medicine”.
You are absolutely right. Medicine has deteriorated over the past couple of decades and it is because I think they weed out the thinkers in med school. They just want you to memorize algorithms to treat. A lot of Doctors don’t have good clinical skills. They teach them to look at things individually, prescribe a drug or a specialist never really looking at the person as a whole.
I’m 61 and I blame a lot of the blind trust in the tv show, MARCIS WELBY, MD. Welby knew all things, cured all things , and had the love, the genuine concern and the twinkle in the eye of everyone’s fave grandpa. He was a paragon of wisdom and commitment, compassionate and all
the things... Hubs took the vax— 4-5 of them, and his totally FIT and Near Perfect Earing self has A-Fin and several
other out of the blue issues. He correlates none of it with covid vax, though.
I'm your age too, Renee. We are at the tail end of the boomer generation, and I no longer take ownership of that demographic. I really think the older "grandma" people we need to point fingers at is the cohort who are 10+ years older than us. Of course I'm not talking about everyone, just people who somehow grew up with little to no moral compass - people like Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, Bill and Hillary. They lived in the free love, big drugs hedonistic Woodstock era when we were just in elementary school and saw in real time the damage. After all these years, I *still* can't get my mind around the media and the government covering for Pelosi's public drunken state, paid for on our dime. Yes there are many in our age group just like them, but when I'm around people who are about a decade older than I - I don't have a lot in common with them when it comes to the big macro stuff - they just live for themselves, everyone else is just there to make their lives easier. Again, not referring to the C&Cers in this cohort!
I totally agree Verve! I don’t feel or look my age. If you told me I’d be 61, one day I’d 😱-lol!
By the way, I’m a third generation San Franciscan (the real deal), and Pelosi is like a permanent fixture in SF.
That city is a corrupt Soddom and Gemorrah to the core. I haven’t gone there in years, especially since I was fired after 23 years for non-CONvid compliance.
I am sorry you were fired, but I bet you aren't now, considering what is going on worldwide with the effects of the jab and other poisoning going on. I was in SF once 30 years ago - it was beautiful. It looks like a dumpster fire now, from what is shown on the news - it's so sad.
I happened to read a passage from 1st John 5 today, and ever since it has been apparent that a global cabal is trying to kill us, scripture jumps out at my like it never has in my life:
We know that we belong to God,
and the whole world is under the power of the Evil One.
We also know that the Son of God has come
and has given us discernment to know the one who is true.
I worked in SF for more than 20 years, and the last straw for me was the removal of the statue of Columbus from Telegraph Hill in 2020, before the vaxx. The statue was a gift from the large Italian community of SF, and Columbus DID do something heroic and should be honored for that.
My last employer there did not demand the death jab, but instead had us all work from home. After a year of that I quit and decided it was time to retire. Employer was good, but I really like being around other people.
I used to love SF, but actively avoid it now. I'll go back when they put Columbus back in his proper place and finally do something about the crazy levels of crime.
Nor did I ask them not to visit simply because they had a cold. That was the time they needed grandma the most. According to Chase Hughes and Elon Musk, when interviewing a prospect, ask what they did in a tense situation. If they answer, “ I did the right thing, everybody else did the wrong thing and that’s why we’re in this mess!”
That’s blaming others and taking no personal responsibility. Therefore, you are dealing with psychopathy.
I was reading Trial Site News (a pharmaceutical news site) at the time and just based on the dissenting views being expressed there, I determined the shots were a "no-go."
🤍-"Like" Piling on with denigrating any who made the choice to read and educate themselves, so many of said denigrators who populate the "educated" class. Make it make sense.
It does make sense in that the most "educated" are almost by definition the most obedient and least questioning.
They sat in class obediently and simply accepted what they were taught, then they were eventually rewarded for it with high salaries which they know are subject to their continued obedience.
Doctors are the most extreme example, being in school and other training for the longest, making high salaries, and utterly dependent on obedience to the whims of human cockroaches like Pfauci to maintain their licenses and incomes.
The centralization of control over what is acceptable medical treatment is a huge problem. The CDC an NIH etc should be disbanded and those functions returned to the states. At least then people could move around to states with more sane policies than "inject everyone with highly profitable but experimental mRNA which causes their bodies to attack themselves".
My take was and is, "This is War!. Now that the anesthesia has worn off, I'm realizing that the last one never ended. When you boil it all down, a Pandemic is just a weapon and our enemies just hit us hard with one of the biggest ever made. And they made it here, within the protected confines of the very regulatory and public health agencies that created, "supposedly" to protect us. We will know very soon enough where this war is headed as sooon as the new Commander and Chief takes charge. Either way, we best be prepared to fight like hell.
I’d be ok if the underlying motivation was just solely about killing most of us. I realize this appears pathological, but I believe we are closer to the truth considering these actions are an attempt to reverse humanity back to an historical mean…fealty and slavery. This is what I am seeing and I believe without any doubt that the ultimate weapon is a fear. The system is addicted to power.
True. They love their fear porn. Fear of burning down your house, destroying it with floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, fear of viruses, yet all real possibilties.
My "wait and see" turned quickly into a "see and NO" which when asked by a nosy neighbor early on if I had taken the jab, that no I would let them be the guinea pigs.
I believe that the obvious prostitution of science re: COVID has actually also caused many people to question the validity of “their science “ re: other issues, especially the whole anthropogenic global warming cult.
My guess is that the hidden EUA files include information and data that support the effectiveness in fighting the virus of hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and others,which negates the entire necessity for the EUA in the first place - another giant fraud but this time deadly
But why, pray tell, is that all buried into one MILLION pages? I'm an avid reader, but I struggle getting through tomes like "War and Peace". Who could possibly write one million pages of coherent anything? Ten million monkeys? They just type gibberish and bury the facts within it? It's like 1500 page legislative bull**it. I cannot get my head wrapped around that.
They likely just fed data into a language model (eg. chatGPT) which then sifted through 100 years of legalese and spat out the millions of pages of documents the purpose of which is to drown and confound anyone trying to analyze them.
I’ve read that the FDA is just an office with a fax machine at this point, and I mean that literally.
The FDA is probably just a name with a payroll of employees on a never ending vacation. Everything else is done on automation. If true that makes as much sense as what we have right now.
Yes, they probably used ChatGPT to write it. So many are using that and not checking it. GMA headline today: "New Orleans police release graphic body camera video of the shootout with terror suspect Sham-Sud Deen Jabbar" This could have been voice to text, but either way, the name wasn't edited. Your other point about the FDA is understandable, given their ineptitude on approving pharmaceuticals and lack of looking at yellow #5. However, there are pieces of the FDA that do good work in medical advancements to improve the lives of people.
I was just reading a book by Mencken from the 1940's in which he suggests that the FDA require all ingredients in food be listed on the package. And that did happen, and it's good.
On the other hand, given the truly extreme corruption at the FDA these days with respect to the death jabs, I suspect that no one is really checking that those food ingredient lists are actually correct.
This is why Marc Andreessen was told not to bother starting any AI companies. The government already intends to prevent the use of AI for things like exposing Pfizer's crimes against humanity.
Probably triple or more duplicates. When I worked as a public defense attorney for parents in CPS cases, it was common to get discovery documents in triplicate. Of course, a lot included completely redacted, blacked out pages. Download a 900 page discovery response and find it about 297, scanned three times. Just to make me go through all of it. And this was on the local - county - level. Imagine the Feds. No wonder a million pages. Make you look at every page.
You hit the nail on the head Bill. Obscure facts hidden in an insurmountable pile of hieroglyphics, known as horse…t. Question is why would they even bother to develop/document and keep such research if it is all incriminating? Much is riding on our new AG.
From what I have heard lately, what it is going to show is that the Big Pharma companies were candid with the FDA and CDC about all of the many adverse affects, and the government agencies ignored them and went ahead with the approval. We are going to find out that as much as we want to hate Pfizer and Moderna and J&J, it was the government at the top of the pyramid of evil. This is consistent with what we have read in the past, namely DoD.
I am by no means an apologist for Big Pharma, or anything the Rockefeller's control.. Just the opposite. Run, Death is Near is a good example. But, if you are looking for the tippy top of the spear of evil, it is the government.
Absolutely. These agencies were supposedly charged with protection of the public, not the corporations that have corrupted them. It's time for a thorough house cleaning.
The government is just the front man. There is a who, a small cohort of what could kindly be called humans, that exercise control over the power-loving front people, and even the nefarious operatives/deep state whose 'faces' are never seen.
Thanks for posting the link to the 21 part Fall of the Cabal a couple days back. (That was you, right?) Viewed 1, 2 and 21. Much known, some missing pieces filled in, probably more in 3-20 that I might not get to. The point: THEY're losing THEIR grip. The wake up is accelerating, possibly because the mass consciousness has reached a tipping point? Can't say for sure, and definitely can't comment on time frame, but God Wins. Hope I'm alive to see some of the restructuring of society, making this wild ride tangibly worth it. Debatable. My longevity that is, not the new earth on the distant horizon. Long, slow march, as Jeff reminds us again and again.
*edit - missed your comment on the families as I was composing. Yup.
Yes, that was me. I forgot some of the names of the 13 families, though I have seen different names on there. First time I have seen Onasis, and I have seen Sinclair and Paysur on there before.
I'm with you there. I just want to live long enough to see emancipation of humanity, and little justice would be nice.
Seeing Mel Gibson telling Joe Rogan 3 of his friends with Stage 4 cancer cure it with Ivermectin and fenbendazole was another big awakening moment I believe. The truth is finally coming out.
At any given time, there is a 'they' that is murky and undefined. 'They' do this and 'they' do that. Always evil, always greedy for money and power. I watched a few of Janet O's videos. It's not all new, nor do I believe it all, but combined with recent exposure to Dr Michael Heiser's work, I wonder if the 'they' behind 'it' (the destruction of humanity) are agents of intelligent evil. He calls this the Deut 32 worldview - when God gave 70 nations to other heavenly beings (who went bad - Ps. 82) and took Abraham as the beginning of His own. Those 70 got displaced when Christ defeated them at the cross. Just a thought.
Or perhaps it’s us, the citizenry. All numbed up and dumbed down after decades of getting drunk and stoned celebrating our supposed victory of the last world war. Enemies been inside the gates for awhile now.
A favorite book title of mine (about the takeover of RJR by KKH) . I have pointed out numerous times here and elsewhere the myths surrounding what really happened before , during, and after WWII have been the #1 control psyop used by the cabal all of my life, and longer
Right, but the government and mega corporations are _not_ separate entities. They are one and the same, and people go back and forth between the two sides all the time.
The job of US ambassadors is to influence foreign governments for the benefit of US corporations.
That is correct. That is why we are, at least for the next 9 days, a fascist country, as are most countries in the world. The snowflakes have no idea there has never been a true democracy in the world.
I’ve heard that Remdesivir is really bad but can you explain the long term effects? My best friend had covid in August 2020. She sent me a message I’ll never forget. She thought it would be her last as she’s being transported to the hospital in an ambulance. Thank God they didn’t put her on a ventilator but they did give her plasma and Remdesivir. At the time, I thought it saved her life. I didn’t know much about it. Now? I’m afraid that it may come back to haunt her. She’s ok for now, but what if there’s something we don’t know about long term effects? There hasn’t been much information other than liver (kidney?) problems.
I am not sure about long term effects... if her kidney function is OK, she may be fine.
Remdesivir was killing the hospitalized by destroying their kidney function... which caused the lungs to fill with water... then intubation finished them off.
Question. Does the ventilator dry out the lungs? I remember two times hearing the lungs of a victim were like ice crystals or something similar. These were people I knew. Both were in the hospital, and I assumed both were treated with Remdesivir and put on a vent.
Yes, watch the Vaxxed 3 movie to learn more about Remdesivir. The nurses all called it "Run to Death." Hospitals were receiving pay backs if they used it, even though it was clear it was killing people (along with ventilation).
Remdesivir is used in combination with morphine to help people die painlessly when there is nothing more that can be done but keep them comfortable. (I heard this from a caretaker in an old folks’ home.) The thing is, people with COVID did not need to die. Ivermectin would have saved them. Remdesivir was used to euthanize them.
Yes, ivermectin and HCQ were clearly effective treatments which negate the EUA. This is why those treatments were so thoroughly deprecated in the controlled corporate media.
They are also a chink in Pfizer and the FDA's legal armor. The EUA was invalid, so so Pfizer can and should be sued into oblivion.
It destroys your kidneys. Something like a 40 % mortality rate. When I first went to my new chiropractor, ~2 years ago, he told me he had two uncles who got covid. One did nothing , and got over it in 3 days. The other went to a hospital, and died of kidney failure. I said "let me guess. They gave him Remdesivir". He said how did you know? I said that's what killed him.
Read what I said. Are Pfizer, Moderna, J& J, Astra Zeneca guilty of genocide, obfuscation , and about every crime you can imagine? Sure. But are they driving this particular bus? No. It's the government. There is plenty of room for multiple criminal indictments. But they are not, nor do they have the power, to plan, initiate, and cover up the pandemic. Most certainly not given its mind boggling lock step global scale.
The Public Can't Get Their Head Around The Fact That Their Government Is Wicked - Along With Both Parties & The CIA/Mossad MIC Complex of Too Big To Fail/Jail Corporations & Banksters (Warmongers).
In the Uni-Party (Dems/Rhinos) State of America - No One Is Held Accountable.!
FDA tried to hide the killshot death data for 75 years and people still lined up to take it in droves?
What else could the science scream into the void and the void scream into the science so brazenly?
“Ask your doctor if injecting something without knowing what the ingredients are from a company with a criminal record as wide as the Pacific Ocean, approved by a captured agency with financial and revolving door ties to said company, and who tried to hide the catastrophic damage found in the injection trials for said company from you for 75 years, is right for you.”
Inject that goodness in me in coach! I’m ready! <— typical inhabitant of earth.
Many, many "trust the experts" folk out there. Fewer than there were in 2019, but still quite a few. C19 was a wake-up call for a lot of people who'd trusted "the science" when it came to drugs/doctors/experts. The desperation to hide things at that point made many take notice and start asking questions.
And hey - at the time, it was "take this or you're killing grandma" with no data out there for public consumption anyway - just people desperate to get back to life or not be fired. :/ My take was "wait and see" because the shots were _so_ new and that tech had never been used before. Well - I waited. I saw. I started reading a bunch more. :)
Funny you should mention grandma Peter, my latest article deals with that subject:
Disease: The Back Door to Slit the Throat of All Notions of Freedom
The Concept of Contagion - The very notion of brings out the worst in us while in many of our minds it’s bringing out the best:
Each of us is a companion-seeking weapon that can kill grandma at any moment, and so because we ourselves are the threat, freedom is the threat, and therefore all non-essential activity must be denied. Only “they” get to determine what is or is not “essential”, and this is a dynamically changing judgement based on what they want in the moment and at the expense of everything else.
Think about how diabolically genius this is—they are preying on our instinctual need to be good people. After-all, who wants to be responsible for killing grandma? Not a soul. Consequently those bewitched by the propaganda then eagerly turn in their sovereignty to the nearest checkpoint while hating and scorning those who do not. Next the parasite controlled media dramatically magnifies both the positive feelings that stem from doing right by your fellow man, right alongside the negative aspects of self-righteousness, indignation, self-preservation, & condemnation
Excerpt from:
Remembering simple life lessons is all that was needed to avoid becoming a guinnea pig.
- Cheaters gonna cheat. That which is borne of a lie will always be a lie. Never trust a liar. They lied to us about masks. Never used before, no sound basis; the Fauci flip-flop assertion that science changed "at the speed of science." Real science crawls, pseudoscience sprints. Assertions that walking masked ten feet from host stand to a safe unmasked table stopped a virus. They lied about lockdowns. Never used before, no sound basis. They lied about "cases" bolstered by fake testing and redefined criteria. They took their St George beatification holiday from a 'pandemic' and coordinated massive protests after declaring pandemic mandate protests too dangerous. So many lies, yet most went along with each and every obvious and provable lie. The cheaters cheated over and over and over while their mates made excuse after excuse after excuse to keep trusting them. If they had gotten out of that abusive relationship they never would've trusted being injected with anything by their abuser. Willful blindness.
- Follow the money. The biggest financial winners were the ones buying ads on the biggest media outlets, publications. They got the news they paid for.
- Hypocrisy in leaders signifies they don't mean what they say. Pelosi and Mayor Beetlejuice haircuts. Newscum French Laundry unmasked meals with top health executives, and "I didn't exhale" excuses. "More sophisticated" Obama birthday unmasked party goers served by "unsophisticated" masked waiters. Admonishments to avoid family gatherings by mayors who promptly jumped on planes to gather with family.
All that and more happened, was witnessed, reported *before* the injections came out. Yet 70% trusted the proven liars and bought hypocrites to take those injections. Even many who called out the previous lies and bought hypocrisy took the injections. Ignoring basic rules and tenets of trustworthiness. Which is all it took to avoid the shots and the inherent danger that being a guinnea pig entails.
It didn't take rocket/medical science to figure it all out. It only took common sense. Anyone who claims differently is lying or in denial.
Absolutely. My California commie inspired leftist brother, who would call me just to argue, called me when Trump was still President and asked if I was going to take the vaccine. (This was in the early stages, when I guess leftists were claiming they wouldn’t take it because Orange Man bad.)
My immediate response was, ‘NO!
Brother was shocked. He thought I would do anything for Trump, and he demanded to know why.
And my next immediate response was, ‘Because I’m not a guinea pig!’
@Spirit- my brother has a Masters in Nursing and yet called me an irresponsible killer because I refused to take the shots. Husband did for overseas travel for work and has ended up with permanent heart damage. I have one high school friend who nearly died from Covid (I think she's a smoker AND her dr immediately put her on a ventilator) and she has taken the booster every year because "It couldn't hurt and I want to be protected in case it DOES work". Honest. Another high school friend also nearly died (also immediately put on a ventilator) and has said he will never get a Covid shot again. And yet ANOTHER high school friend has a son who works as a MD at the CDC so "We always take his advice." You have no idea how hard it is for me to not say to her "Your kid was lied to too and shame on him for not questioning his superiors." It's maddening. All of it.
It’s not about having a degree, it’s about having intuition. I’m SHOCKED at the amount of women who don’t seem to have any gut feelings!
Oh, and vulnerable old grannies? A friend’s mother is ninety years old and also did NOT participate in the medical experiment — so safe and effective that no one is responsible 🙄. In WW2 she was a young (Dutch) girl who suffered from TB.
I ask you, does that spell ‘vulnerable’? No, it doesn’t. It’s a tough old bird, that lady.
"Maddening" is the understatement of all time.
We need hangings, Pfauci pfirst:
A Dem friend of mine called me a "good Republican" for not getting the shot, he said that most Republicans did not take the jab. I sent him the video compilation of Dems, celebs and media talking heads all saying that they would NOT take a shot that came to market during Trump's administration. Of course I never got a response from my friend. "Touche".
I always enjoy seeing them getting their noses rubbed in hard cold facts like that!
I love this one! WS -- thanks for this concise ray of sunshine.
Yep! He still (as of Nov 22, 2024) claims his spot as the"Father of the V". Do people not remember????
Aaaand, my brother-in-law still lies in ICU because he believed the V-Daddy.
Pushing the mRNA on innocent people is Trump's big FAILURE.
Trump is a FAILURE for promoting the death jabs even now that it's obvious to pretty much everyone on earth that they are horribly dangerous and worse than ineffective.
Aside from that, I'd like to like Trump. He has a lot of good ideas and policies aside from that OWS bullshit.
I only wish I had YOUR level of true insight.
(took the first 2 jabs !@$#?)
Pretty-red, old guy - it’s a big club, those who were fooled/coerced into getting jabbed. Literally billions of people! I’m always irritated when I see comments on Substack by folks who weren’t jabbed, where they belittle those who were injected, and/or brag that they didn’t do so. I think it’s rude and divisive.
well as long as you never ever take any other 'vaccine' and keep everyone else you can away from you, there's good out of evil
And read the sec filing! So simple yet no one bothered! It clearly stated that this was an experimental genetic therapy, ie a massive stage 1 clinical trial on billions of people for something with a 99.5% survival rate. Talk about mass stupidity!
I read the SEC filing in 2021 too. Tried telling others. Few were interested. Now many are dead or have cancer.
200 likes for this one. Plus if anyone had read the initial test results, that would have red flagged anyone with critical thinking skills.
A top pulmonologist in our city gave an impassioned public talk about how Covid was killing everyone so we should stay home, mask up, etc. Then he immediately made a commercial encouraging us to go to the local casino (because “it was really clean”) and afterwards jumped on a plane to go on vacation. Apparently, he nor most of the populace could see the hypocrisy.
there is at least a civil suit in there...they ALL need to be hounded for their lies and grift and harms caused til death do they part
Wow!!!! 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Yes. Common sense is in short supply these days.
I’ve had my life. I’m more concerned who is killing the children. When did my old arse need children to sacrifice and die for me? How many children were hidden under floors and in closets or walls, sent away into forests, hidden in caves, smuggled out? By grandparents. When did adults become so depraved, including some grannies, expecting the children to become the front line of protection of their old arses? When? We know when. But it’s been going on for a time anyway. Child sacrifice—alive and well in western countries.
I absolutely love this declaration Janet. I am only 44, but I would lay down my life - which has been substantial and filled with love and good times - in an instant to grant children the benefit of those experiences which they might not otherwise have.
I’ve had my laughter, love, hot showers on freezing cold days, ice cold air conditioners on a blisteringly hot afternoons, soft girlfriends in front of a dancing, crackling fire, the family altogether with full tables and wonderful aromas at Thanksgiving & Christmas, warm embraces and the exquisite luxury of being surrounded by loved ones.
I’ve had it all. The kids need it as well. We cannot deprive them of those blessings by clinging on for a few more years while they sacrifice the best moments of their lives for that fleeting bit of living for us.
Beautifully written. Felt somewhat as though I was a fly on the wall in your beautiful life moments.
Now look well, and I mean really
pull back the
curtain on allllllll the other vaccines. Each is as harmful to your (or their) charmed life as this “vaccine” could’ve been to your own.
Yes, the children need and deserve beach trips, Christmas mornings, loud singing with peers.
The ones with autism and worse on account of childhood vaccines, don’t get what you and I got.
Look well…
Thanks! But who do you think you’re talking to KC? Look well!?
Oh I have =)
TriTorch, your lovely middle paragraph above kindled my heart - so I'm also writing my own personal version. Thanks!
Hear, hear, Janet!! And by "grandparents", you mean sociopaths like Pelosi, Biden, Bill and Hillary, ad nauseum... I second that emotion.
@Verve- Hillary is a sociopath (certainly IMHO). I was at a dinner with her once. She was less than 5' away from me and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I did everything I could to not run away from her.
Wow...what a story... to be a fly on the wall...I know that during Trump's first term they got a ton of voodoo art and artifacts out of the White House left behind by the Clintons and put them off premises - the spiritual nature of all this is really lost on some of the younger generations who've been groomed to be atheists. I also know the priest who said they had to do mutiple exorcisms in and around the White House.
I'm with you Janet. When they announced 15 days to stop the spread on March 16, 2020, my first thought was that when we're under military attack, we (and every society) are willing to sacrifice our young men, with their whole lives ahead of them, to protect our freedom and way of life. In this case, we were causing vast harm by shutting down because we were unwilling to sacrifice some old people who had lived their lives (assuming COVID was as deadly to old people as claimed, turns out it wasn't). I already knew we were a stupid, self-destructive society, but STILL I expected that dichotomy to be pointed out and corrected. But I never heard the inverse "logic" mentioned, even in alternative media. We're even dumber and more gullible than I thought. I'm using the collective "we", not all of us. But I never spoke to anyone who could see beyond "gotta protect granny". How does a population like that avoid collapse? Well, history says societies never avoid collapse. I hope we're the first, we do have the advantage of dissenting voices being available for those willing to look beyond the liars who dominate. I hope that's a difference-maker.
my number one issue and biggest argument against killing granny was always if the vax works let her get the vax and she will be protected. Why must I get it to protect HER. false logic.
I have a bit of a problem with calling that "false logic". This is a hypothetical to illustrate what I mean. Suppose the jab is 80% effective, in seniors and others. And the virus is deadly to seniors but not others. If everybody gets the jab, only 20% can possibly carry the virus. If Granny is among that 20%, she is better protected if everyone she contacts is jabbed, because that greatly reduces the pool of people who can infect her. So, the more jabbing, the less likely she is to encounter the virus.
So, I think the argument "why do I need the jab to protect a jabbed granny" only applies so long as they claim near 100% effectiveness. Which they did, and many still believe. However, the pro-jabbers who admit it's less than 100% effective can use the argument above, with valid logic.
Don't misunderstand, I'm against the jab. We're seniors, never considered it. We're thrilled our recently born grandson has gotten zero jabs of any kind, and none are planned for him, ever. COVID seems about as deadly as the flu, maybe marginally more so, but the response was obviously very stupid, from the start. Except for the evil ones who benefited - they weren't stupid, just satanic. Pro-jabbers are morons or evil, IMO. Still, I try to be open-minded and logical, and there IS logic to jabbing to protect granny, if there were to exist a vax that protects, but not perfectly. Mandates would never be justified, and IMO, voluntary jabbing would be a bad idea. But viewed narrowly, that is a valid pro-jab argument, although it's overwhelmed by anti-jab arguments, which I'm sure you're well aware of.
@Janet... Killing and sacrificing children started milleniums ago and still are...
2 Kings 17:14 But they would not listen, but were stubborn, as their fathers had been, who did not believe in the Lord their God. 15 They despised his statutes and his covenant that he made with their fathers and the warnings that he gave them. They went after false idols and became false, and they followed the nations that were around them, concerning whom the Lord had commanded them that they should not do like them. 16 And they abandoned all the commandments of the Lord their God, and made for themselves metal images of two calves; and they made an Asherah and worshiped all the host of heaven and served Baal. 17 And they burned their sons and their daughters as offerings and used divination and omens and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the Lord, provoking him to anger. 18 Therefore the Lord was very angry with Israel and removed them out of his sight. None was left but the tribe of Judah only.
19 Judah also did not keep the commandments of the Lord their God, but walked in the customs that Israel had introduced. 20 And the Lord rejected all the descendants of Israel and afflicted them and gave them into the hand of plunderers, until he had cast them out of his sight.
I was never concerned about killing grandma... we are born into this world to die. None of us get out alive... I though it was a stupid notion to tell people they would kill grandma.
Stupid? It was a primary tactic and it worked like a witchcraft charm on millions of people. Define ‘stupid’ from satan’s point of view, please.
Define it for yourself, I'm not your damn school teacher.
I don’t have the article, but I remember reading that the HHS/FDA/CDC/NIH/DoD (the medical military industrial complex) had 9-10 messaging ‘angles’ or pleas to appeal to every type of individual — ranging from fear, guilt, patriotism, doing your part, safety, etc., etc.
I’m quite confident my former company (a DS “ Federally funded research and development center”) used its sizable employee base to test out these different messaging approaches. We always seem to be ahead of the curve for some crazy reason.
my trick is not have a tv radio newspaper any magazines and therefore all those messaging angles blow right on by.
So true, Grandmas that would tell their adult grandchildren “to just get the vaccine” smh. They made their choices about end of life gatherings, not us.
I love that summary. Reposted, with your link:
Thanks buddy!
Count the cost. COUNT THE COST.
Is "grandma" alive, and destined for hell?
Or is "grandma" alive, and destined for heaven?
I’m a bit confused Tom, so please clarify if I am missing something. Did that not get explored in this article? Using the killshot to cut off and prevent penitence, as the demon stated?
The combined meaning of the serpent on the WHO logo, the definition of pharma, and Revelation 18:23 is corroborated by the demon in this video, who says that the devil works through medicine, and that they used the pandemic as an excuse to inject millions of people in order to kill them so that Jesus could not have them. Watch her reaction when the interviewer mentions His name (the beeps hail from a time when you couldn’t use the word “vaccine” on YouTube without getting a strike and the video removed):
You're not missing anything TriTorch. I wasn't very plain in my speech! It's all on me.
"Saving grandma" was an appeal to the flesh.
"I" can't save grandma. But Jesus can. The idea that anything I can do will "save grandma" is foolish.
The question posed by . . . "them" . . . is "what can I do? Their answer: I will do this thing . . ."
No. It's a gnostic lie. The enemy wants to frame things in . . . what I can do.
There is nothing I can do. Only Jesus can save.
Got it! Thanks Tom!
It comes down to THIS: fear of death (I work on dying everyday-it’s spiritual)
I ask, what is wrong with grandma that she would think this is a good move? What has happened to older people that blindly accept?
Unless there are mental issues, the older generations need to step up to the plate!
I’m 61, and there is no way I’d “force” my children, grandchildren, etc. to do this!
Yeah…I’m venting!
@Renee- the older folks have ALWAYS capitulated to the doctors. They were taught that doctors were gods. Even some of the older Boomers, like my sisters, think that way. I don't (younger end of the Boomer scale) and it's why I never got the shot. Husband (middle of the Boomer scale) does and did. He regrets it now because he has permanent heart damage.
I’m truly sorry about your husband. May the love of God and His angels surround him and protect him. Amen
I hear ya! My mother died in 2008, and retired from UCSF years before. It is a teaching hospital. I always had the “best doctors”. I think old school doctors were a bit better. Medicine has changed BIG TIME!
I am in to holistic care now. I’m my own doctor and I will not go to a doctor unless absolutely necessary!
We must get back to natural cures, before Rockefeller “medicine”.
May God be with you and your husband Kitty!🕊️
You are absolutely right. Medicine has deteriorated over the past couple of decades and it is because I think they weed out the thinkers in med school. They just want you to memorize algorithms to treat. A lot of Doctors don’t have good clinical skills. They teach them to look at things individually, prescribe a drug or a specialist never really looking at the person as a whole.
I’m 61 and I blame a lot of the blind trust in the tv show, MARCIS WELBY, MD. Welby knew all things, cured all things , and had the love, the genuine concern and the twinkle in the eye of everyone’s fave grandpa. He was a paragon of wisdom and commitment, compassionate and all
the things... Hubs took the vax— 4-5 of them, and his totally FIT and Near Perfect Earing self has A-Fin and several
other out of the blue issues. He correlates none of it with covid vax, though.
I'm your age too, Renee. We are at the tail end of the boomer generation, and I no longer take ownership of that demographic. I really think the older "grandma" people we need to point fingers at is the cohort who are 10+ years older than us. Of course I'm not talking about everyone, just people who somehow grew up with little to no moral compass - people like Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, Bill and Hillary. They lived in the free love, big drugs hedonistic Woodstock era when we were just in elementary school and saw in real time the damage. After all these years, I *still* can't get my mind around the media and the government covering for Pelosi's public drunken state, paid for on our dime. Yes there are many in our age group just like them, but when I'm around people who are about a decade older than I - I don't have a lot in common with them when it comes to the big macro stuff - they just live for themselves, everyone else is just there to make their lives easier. Again, not referring to the C&Cers in this cohort!
I totally agree Verve! I don’t feel or look my age. If you told me I’d be 61, one day I’d 😱-lol!
By the way, I’m a third generation San Franciscan (the real deal), and Pelosi is like a permanent fixture in SF.
That city is a corrupt Soddom and Gemorrah to the core. I haven’t gone there in years, especially since I was fired after 23 years for non-CONvid compliance.
That is not SF, trust me-very sad.
I am sorry you were fired, but I bet you aren't now, considering what is going on worldwide with the effects of the jab and other poisoning going on. I was in SF once 30 years ago - it was beautiful. It looks like a dumpster fire now, from what is shown on the news - it's so sad.
I happened to read a passage from 1st John 5 today, and ever since it has been apparent that a global cabal is trying to kill us, scripture jumps out at my like it never has in my life:
We know that we belong to God,
and the whole world is under the power of the Evil One.
We also know that the Son of God has come
and has given us discernment to know the one who is true.
And we are in the one who is true,
in his Son Jesus Christ.
He is the true God and eternal life.
Children, be on your guard against idols.
I read my Bible in the morning after awakening. My mind is fresh and open to the power of prayer.
Psalm 91 has truly strengthened me over the years. I know that I was/am protected!
I “knew” what we are seeing in the world, would happen. I know that if one is open to God/Creator, discernment and Truth follows!
I worked in SF for more than 20 years, and the last straw for me was the removal of the statue of Columbus from Telegraph Hill in 2020, before the vaxx. The statue was a gift from the large Italian community of SF, and Columbus DID do something heroic and should be honored for that.
My last employer there did not demand the death jab, but instead had us all work from home. After a year of that I quit and decided it was time to retire. Employer was good, but I really like being around other people.
I used to love SF, but actively avoid it now. I'll go back when they put Columbus back in his proper place and finally do something about the crazy levels of crime.
Nor did I ask them not to visit simply because they had a cold. That was the time they needed grandma the most. According to Chase Hughes and Elon Musk, when interviewing a prospect, ask what they did in a tense situation. If they answer, “ I did the right thing, everybody else did the wrong thing and that’s why we’re in this mess!”
That’s blaming others and taking no personal responsibility. Therefore, you are dealing with psychopathy.
I was reading Trial Site News (a pharmaceutical news site) at the time and just based on the dissenting views being expressed there, I determined the shots were a "no-go."
FLCCC’s level headed press conference regarding the three questions they had about the vaxx convinced me. All three have proven true.
The key there being "reading." As an educators, I can tell you that most people were not seeking to educate themselves, unfortunately.
🤍-"Like" Piling on with denigrating any who made the choice to read and educate themselves, so many of said denigrators who populate the "educated" class. Make it make sense.
Jimmy Dore absolutely nails this whole anti-intellectualism plot. Whacha reading FOR?
Don't you know everything worth reading has already been read by a smarter person?
Yes! ...already readed by a smart person... Stolen like a true artist from the incisive, holding-back-very-little Bill Hicks. Gone so young.
It does make sense in that the most "educated" are almost by definition the most obedient and least questioning.
They sat in class obediently and simply accepted what they were taught, then they were eventually rewarded for it with high salaries which they know are subject to their continued obedience.
Doctors are the most extreme example, being in school and other training for the longest, making high salaries, and utterly dependent on obedience to the whims of human cockroaches like Pfauci to maintain their licenses and incomes.
The centralization of control over what is acceptable medical treatment is a huge problem. The CDC an NIH etc should be disbanded and those functions returned to the states. At least then people could move around to states with more sane policies than "inject everyone with highly profitable but experimental mRNA which causes their bodies to attack themselves".
My take was and is, "This is War!. Now that the anesthesia has worn off, I'm realizing that the last one never ended. When you boil it all down, a Pandemic is just a weapon and our enemies just hit us hard with one of the biggest ever made. And they made it here, within the protected confines of the very regulatory and public health agencies that created, "supposedly" to protect us. We will know very soon enough where this war is headed as sooon as the new Commander and Chief takes charge. Either way, we best be prepared to fight like hell.
You're right. It's war because they're weapons and they're trying to kill you with them.
I’d be ok if the underlying motivation was just solely about killing most of us. I realize this appears pathological, but I believe we are closer to the truth considering these actions are an attempt to reverse humanity back to an historical mean…fealty and slavery. This is what I am seeing and I believe without any doubt that the ultimate weapon is a fear. The system is addicted to power.
True. They love their fear porn. Fear of burning down your house, destroying it with floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, fear of viruses, yet all real possibilties.
My "wait and see" turned quickly into a "see and NO" which when asked by a nosy neighbor early on if I had taken the jab, that no I would let them be the guinea pigs.
I truly believe their intention was to always kill Grandma
I believe that the obvious prostitution of science re: COVID has actually also caused many people to question the validity of “their science “ re: other issues, especially the whole anthropogenic global warming cult.
Silver linings…..
The tragic truth is that if one had to already be awake before the wake up call was made.
Same here. None of it quite made sense to us.
my take was Hell no, never. Not when there was no informed consent. As a former researcher major alarm bells going off with that.
My guess is that the hidden EUA files include information and data that support the effectiveness in fighting the virus of hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and others,which negates the entire necessity for the EUA in the first place - another giant fraud but this time deadly
But why, pray tell, is that all buried into one MILLION pages? I'm an avid reader, but I struggle getting through tomes like "War and Peace". Who could possibly write one million pages of coherent anything? Ten million monkeys? They just type gibberish and bury the facts within it? It's like 1500 page legislative bull**it. I cannot get my head wrapped around that.
They likely just fed data into a language model (eg. chatGPT) which then sifted through 100 years of legalese and spat out the millions of pages of documents the purpose of which is to drown and confound anyone trying to analyze them.
I’ve read that the FDA is just an office with a fax machine at this point, and I mean that literally.
The FDA is probably just a name with a payroll of employees on a never ending vacation. Everything else is done on automation. If true that makes as much sense as what we have right now.
lots of fodder for our new DOGE dept.
. . . Elon and Vivek will chow down, man!
Yes, they probably used ChatGPT to write it. So many are using that and not checking it. GMA headline today: "New Orleans police release graphic body camera video of the shootout with terror suspect Sham-Sud Deen Jabbar" This could have been voice to text, but either way, the name wasn't edited. Your other point about the FDA is understandable, given their ineptitude on approving pharmaceuticals and lack of looking at yellow #5. However, there are pieces of the FDA that do good work in medical advancements to improve the lives of people.
I was just reading a book by Mencken from the 1940's in which he suggests that the FDA require all ingredients in food be listed on the package. And that did happen, and it's good.
On the other hand, given the truly extreme corruption at the FDA these days with respect to the death jabs, I suspect that no one is really checking that those food ingredient lists are actually correct.
This is why Marc Andreessen was told not to bother starting any AI companies. The government already intends to prevent the use of AI for things like exposing Pfizer's crimes against humanity.
Probably triple or more duplicates. When I worked as a public defense attorney for parents in CPS cases, it was common to get discovery documents in triplicate. Of course, a lot included completely redacted, blacked out pages. Download a 900 page discovery response and find it about 297, scanned three times. Just to make me go through all of it. And this was on the local - county - level. Imagine the Feds. No wonder a million pages. Make you look at every page.
I pity your eyes!
On the computer screen, no wonder ai now wear progressive lens.
Think Musk and AI
You hit the nail on the head Bill. Obscure facts hidden in an insurmountable pile of hieroglyphics, known as horse…t. Question is why would they even bother to develop/document and keep such research if it is all incriminating? Much is riding on our new AG.
From what I have heard lately, what it is going to show is that the Big Pharma companies were candid with the FDA and CDC about all of the many adverse affects, and the government agencies ignored them and went ahead with the approval. We are going to find out that as much as we want to hate Pfizer and Moderna and J&J, it was the government at the top of the pyramid of evil. This is consistent with what we have read in the past, namely DoD.
Deadly Remdesivir was another massively corrupt approval process...
I am sure you agree that Pfizer, Moderna and J&J are VERY worthy of our hatred.
They could have unilaterally halted or paused their production of the death-jabs, but billions in profit was their "God".
I am by no means an apologist for Big Pharma, or anything the Rockefeller's control.. Just the opposite. Run, Death is Near is a good example. But, if you are looking for the tippy top of the spear of evil, it is the government.
I know that... you are as awake as any here.
Yes, the buck stopped with the FDA, CDC, NIH and slimy WHO.
It goes even higher than that. this was orchestrated by the 13 families who control everything else in the cabal.
Absolutely. These agencies were supposedly charged with protection of the public, not the corporations that have corrupted them. It's time for a thorough house cleaning.
The government is just the front man. There is a who, a small cohort of what could kindly be called humans, that exercise control over the power-loving front people, and even the nefarious operatives/deep state whose 'faces' are never seen.
Thanks for posting the link to the 21 part Fall of the Cabal a couple days back. (That was you, right?) Viewed 1, 2 and 21. Much known, some missing pieces filled in, probably more in 3-20 that I might not get to. The point: THEY're losing THEIR grip. The wake up is accelerating, possibly because the mass consciousness has reached a tipping point? Can't say for sure, and definitely can't comment on time frame, but God Wins. Hope I'm alive to see some of the restructuring of society, making this wild ride tangibly worth it. Debatable. My longevity that is, not the new earth on the distant horizon. Long, slow march, as Jeff reminds us again and again.
*edit - missed your comment on the families as I was composing. Yup.
Yes, that was me. I forgot some of the names of the 13 families, though I have seen different names on there. First time I have seen Onasis, and I have seen Sinclair and Paysur on there before.
I'm with you there. I just want to live long enough to see emancipation of humanity, and little justice would be nice.
Seeing Mel Gibson telling Joe Rogan 3 of his friends with Stage 4 cancer cure it with Ivermectin and fenbendazole was another big awakening moment I believe. The truth is finally coming out.
At any given time, there is a 'they' that is murky and undefined. 'They' do this and 'they' do that. Always evil, always greedy for money and power. I watched a few of Janet O's videos. It's not all new, nor do I believe it all, but combined with recent exposure to Dr Michael Heiser's work, I wonder if the 'they' behind 'it' (the destruction of humanity) are agents of intelligent evil. He calls this the Deut 32 worldview - when God gave 70 nations to other heavenly beings (who went bad - Ps. 82) and took Abraham as the beginning of His own. Those 70 got displaced when Christ defeated them at the cross. Just a thought.
Or perhaps it’s us, the citizenry. All numbed up and dumbed down after decades of getting drunk and stoned celebrating our supposed victory of the last world war. Enemies been inside the gates for awhile now.
A favorite book title of mine (about the takeover of RJR by KKH) . I have pointed out numerous times here and elsewhere the myths surrounding what really happened before , during, and after WWII have been the #1 control psyop used by the cabal all of my life, and longer
Right, but the government and mega corporations are _not_ separate entities. They are one and the same, and people go back and forth between the two sides all the time.
The job of US ambassadors is to influence foreign governments for the benefit of US corporations.
That is correct. That is why we are, at least for the next 9 days, a fascist country, as are most countries in the world. The snowflakes have no idea there has never been a true democracy in the world.
I’ve heard that Remdesivir is really bad but can you explain the long term effects? My best friend had covid in August 2020. She sent me a message I’ll never forget. She thought it would be her last as she’s being transported to the hospital in an ambulance. Thank God they didn’t put her on a ventilator but they did give her plasma and Remdesivir. At the time, I thought it saved her life. I didn’t know much about it. Now? I’m afraid that it may come back to haunt her. She’s ok for now, but what if there’s something we don’t know about long term effects? There hasn’t been much information other than liver (kidney?) problems.
I am not sure about long term effects... if her kidney function is OK, she may be fine.
Remdesivir was killing the hospitalized by destroying their kidney function... which caused the lungs to fill with water... then intubation finished them off.
Bryan Ardis is a great source of info on it.
Question. Does the ventilator dry out the lungs? I remember two times hearing the lungs of a victim were like ice crystals or something similar. These were people I knew. Both were in the hospital, and I assumed both were treated with Remdesivir and put on a vent.
Yes, watch the Vaxxed 3 movie to learn more about Remdesivir. The nurses all called it "Run to Death." Hospitals were receiving pay backs if they used it, even though it was clear it was killing people (along with ventilation).
Yes, there were large cash bonuses to hospitals for adhering to obviously dangerous protocols and drugs like Remdesivir:
Remdesivir is used in combination with morphine to help people die painlessly when there is nothing more that can be done but keep them comfortable. (I heard this from a caretaker in an old folks’ home.) The thing is, people with COVID did not need to die. Ivermectin would have saved them. Remdesivir was used to euthanize them.
Yes, ivermectin and HCQ were clearly effective treatments which negate the EUA. This is why those treatments were so thoroughly deprecated in the controlled corporate media.
They are also a chink in Pfizer and the FDA's legal armor. The EUA was invalid, so so Pfizer can and should be sued into oblivion.
She's lucky to still be alive.
I agree. Scared me to death because we live in different states and I don’t get to see her as often as I’d like.
It destroys your kidneys. Something like a 40 % mortality rate. When I first went to my new chiropractor, ~2 years ago, he told me he had two uncles who got covid. One did nothing , and got over it in 3 days. The other went to a hospital, and died of kidney failure. I said "let me guess. They gave him Remdesivir". He said how did you know? I said that's what killed him.
She was transported in an ambulance because of the flu? What was the real issue she had?
Do you honestly believe that? Seriously?
The government agencies, and Big Harma know exactly what they are doing!
And they’re STILL doing it!
Read what I said. Are Pfizer, Moderna, J& J, Astra Zeneca guilty of genocide, obfuscation , and about every crime you can imagine? Sure. But are they driving this particular bus? No. It's the government. There is plenty of room for multiple criminal indictments. But they are not, nor do they have the power, to plan, initiate, and cover up the pandemic. Most certainly not given its mind boggling lock step global scale.
Yes…they ARE guilty. Very guilty! To KNOW what you have created is life threatening, and you STILL create it, and dispense it, is a crime!
They’re definitely driving the bus, with their foot in the accelerator.
How many in the government have investments in Big Harma?
Insider Trading - That's How They Get ALL The Politicians To Go Along. Follow The Money$$
The Public Can't Get Their Head Around The Fact That Their Government Is Wicked - Along With Both Parties & The CIA/Mossad MIC Complex of Too Big To Fail/Jail Corporations & Banksters (Warmongers).
In the Uni-Party (Dems/Rhinos) State of America - No One Is Held Accountable.!