Apr 1Liked by Jeff Childers

☀️It’s a beautiful, sunny morning here in corrupt Michigan. Perfect for morning prayers followed by C&C. Thank you, Jeff, for being one of the top 5 reasons I am able to keep my sanity during this uncertain time in life. Love this witty, snarky community…and my morning dose of reason and coffee☕️📰

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It's a rainy and cold morning in corrupt Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania cheated 2020.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

We've certainly got corruption problems in VA, with nothing but selected bolshevik senators this century, but a day to celebrate. Gov Youngkin vetoed 30 gun control bills put forth by the bolshevik house and senate (also stolen) , including one to get rid of concealed carry reciprocity.

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40 and rainy at the other end of commonwealth, too. Morning, Kathleen!

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At least we had good weather on Easter Sunday.

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It was indeed gorgeous. And my husband started to work on repairing the spring house fascia so we can put up a gutter and collect rainwater --already have the 35 and 50 gal barrels just waiting to be used.

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I'm new to this community. Happy Easter everyone!

Be careful with the rain water, be sure to purify it from the heavy metals coming from stratospheric aerosol injections!

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Going for the garden. At least it won't have chloramines (my tap water) which my blueberries hate. Have been bringing home my well-water from Maine each time we go up.

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Glad you are here! We need all the geo engineering warriors we can get ❤️

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I was thinking about collecting rain water as well, but we get SO HEAVELY CHEMTRAILED here in Southern CA that I would not dare store and drink this water! We had such a RAINY, GREY, COLD Resurrection Day, that I KNOW was planned to "rain on our celebrations" BUT the Gift of God's Salvation will NEVER dampen our spirits!!! He did give us in the early morning, a beautiful gift of His Rainbow though!

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Collecting that roof water for my gardens--then I don't have to pay for it. And it won't have a neutral pH which just undoes the acidification effort I make on my blueberries.

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Illegal in Nc to collect rain water!)/&? I mean it’s raining on my home and I can’t keep that water ?? Ridiculousness

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I wonder if 'they' are afraid of encouraging mosquito populations

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Just outside DC in the People's Republic of Maryland and we had your weather, sounds like, until this morning when the thunder and pouring rain happened.

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And from the middle of the Keystone State, sitting here waiting for a ruling on PA’s undated ballots☕️🇺🇸(only been four years🤪)

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Sunny Florida is finally getting sunny and warm. It was actually a pretty bleak gray winter.

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Yes! I was telling my cousin from Southern California yesterday..they had rain and lots of it when they never do.

I told her that December, January and February here are a given to be sunny and this year they were rainy and or gray. Very strange.

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It’s the cloud seeding unfortunately

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No, it's natural phenomenon called El Niño, that causes wet, cool weather in Florida ( and messed up weather all over the country). Unfortunately, it is nearly over, and about to be replaced by a La Niña, which means a bad hurricane season for us.

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Sunny and beautiful in central Florida where Zuckerbucks flowed in 2020, but where Childers and company remain the guardians of truth and justice!

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It’s been absolutely gorgeous in Miami for the last two weeks! Perfection! Very fortunate to be spending some extended time here.

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Also rainy and cold in corrupt Arizona.

Arizona cheated in 2020 and 2022!

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And 2022!

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And gearing up for 2024.

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I’ve heard the election corruption that was previously mostly limited to Philadelphia and parts of Pittsburgh is now statewide. Apparently Pennsylvania now is a completely lost state in terms of election integrity. Is that true?

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

Sunny today in Northern Commiefornia but my area has a snow forecast for Thursday. 😩

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1Liked by Jeff Childers

It's a beautiful morning in North Carolina, the state that inflicted Mandy Cohen on the country and the home of at least one seminary and high-profile religious leader who urged us to take the jab. One of the seminary's victims, a much-loved professor, was able to come to church yesterday, even as he is undergoing treatment for his third glioblastoma tumor.

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I was pondering, yesterday, the effects of the 501c3 IRS category. Tucker, in speaking with the German bishop, asked, "Where are the Church leaders?" [He didn't mention Cardinal Vigano]. The black heart in me whispered in my ear that perhaps the govt had set that tax-exemption category up to get the pastors, over a long time, comfortable with being on a leading string. For just how easily did they close their churches? And collaborate in the jab-push? Then yesterday my little conspiracy theory took a new direction: March 12, 2020--last day of 'freedom'. How close to the date of April 12, the date of Easter Sunday that year. Hit 'em where it really hurts.

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They absolutely reveled in (if not coordinated around) keeping us from worshipping together on Easter in April of 2020. The first and only time I missed Easter Vigil since converting to Catholicism in 1999. Keeping us from church - for us from the Mass and Eucharist - hurt more than any other part of the whole plandemic. I learned a lot about the leaders of our Church - some good but more not. We are run by humans, potentially corruptible all. God help us.

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The absolute idiocy of 2020. Our pastor wanted to give the Easter blessing to any parishoner who chose to drive over to the church. Everyone was going to stay in their cars and keep the windows rolled up. The Knights of Columbus had set up the parking lot and had volunteers to make sure that everyone had followed directions. The Bishop put the kibosh on it at the last minute. The Knights were calling people to tell them not to come to the church. Official reason: it may become a super spreader event.

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Unbelievable. Absolute idiocy is right.

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That line of query is absolutely worth exploring. I too have wondered.

“Don’t say anything political else your non-profit status goes away.”

He who controls the purse strings….

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Yep, and it’s not just churches that have to deal with that “thorny”?issue. The National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) recently caved to the Trans lobby and told its chapters that if a Trans “woman” (biological male) who had gone to the trouble of having his I mean HER BIRTH CERTIFICATE legally changed to reflect “her” new status wanted to join the Society, the chapter COULD NOT REFUSE the applicant. All because of the risk of losing that precious 501(c)3 status. That was the last straw for me. 🤢🤢🤢🤮

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UGH! I just dusted off the application my Mom recently found that my Grandpa had completed as best he could back in 1988 so I could apply to the Daughters of the American Revolution. And now to hear this?? How disappointing...

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And dig in to that genealogy as far as you can…my mother’s maternal side of her tree was very well researched and documented…with almost 30 Patriots who were in the DAR index…and two Mayflower connections as well. But her paternal side had not been delved into by any of us…little did we know that Benjamin Franklin is a cousin and that we are related to most of the founding families of Nantucket! (I want my Macys Descendant Discount! And Starbucks too! LOL) Furthermore, thanks to the kindness & patience of a cousin, she showed where we had five more Mayflower connections! My mother and I were gobsmacked…So it pays to dig, dig, DIG! Blessings and happy hunting!!

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It’s heartbreaking…but there are tons of other hereditary patriotic organizations out there—you’ll be amazed at the number of them. One other thing we can all do is dive in to research the Patriot Ancestors’ lives and contributions to the founding of this nation. Learn about who they were and celebrate their decision to get involved in throwing off the tyranny of the British government. Share that info with family members and see if you can re-ignite the flame of FREEDOM & LIBERTY in their hearts as well as your own. ❤️🤍💙

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

That's not the first time they caved.

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I was disappointed in the DAR's response (at least in our area) to the plandemic. The Founders (their ancestors) risked their lives and sacred honor to establish this country and their descendants were too afraid to meet in person for months to years. I guess by now the blood of patriots is growing thin.

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I will add that I did not renew my membership this year due to the change to allow "trans" women to join. For me, this is a moral issue. There is still a nod to our Judeo-Christian roots, as we pray at the start of every meeting, but my observation these last few years is that it seems to be mostly rote and not so much heartfelt.

However, from a secular point of view, the reason the DAR exists is because the SAR (Sons of the American Revolution) would not let the women join. We are right back where we started.

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Oh my goodness. The DAR, after raising us was over and done with, was my mother's firstest and bestest. Not being a group belonger, although a lover of history (how else to be a Latin teacher?), I declined to be a part. This is back in the 80's for me. But those evening gowns, and those chest ribbons with the pins!

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Black churches have no restrictions on political speech.

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Who pays the piper, calls the tune.

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Acceptance of 501c3 status is express, and at the very least, tacit consent to be regulated by the civil state. Such 501c3 'churches' are no longer instituted of God, but has been 'sold' to the civil power for a bowl of pottage.

Churches, real churches, are not tax exempt. Real churches are Tax Immune. Again, the Church is instituted by God as His creation which places said institution in God's Sovereign jurisdiction. Separate jurisdiction is the reason why the civil state 'cannot infringe upon' for reason of No Standing. (We have forgotten so much!)

"Are you a 501c3 church or not?", is the first question we ask of a church. If the answer is 'yes' then we are gone. Folks! Is either of God or of Man. There is no neutral ground between what is God's and what is Man's.

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This is really interesting. We've always been members of a church but we switched to a different church about 3 years ago and have hesitated to officially join as members because someone else shared this same info with us. Membership status, giving etc... could be shared with the government and others.

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Hi Barbara!

And that the 'other side of the moon', the giving part. Our giving is solely between God and us, and no side perks to us. That is, our giving is to be pure appreciation and thanksgiving, not strings attached.

The Westminster Confession says that the sole purpose of Man is to glorify God. And I think it is question # one. Now that is a hard one to get one's hands around. And it took me awhile. But when we glorify anything other than God, we end up with governments that like to kill their own people, steal our work and wealth ... and lie, lie, lie day and night. And today? We find that 'they' the Dear Leader Cretins now want to gene edit our food and us along with it.

All glory to God and none other!

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I think you are right. Contribute with green money. Same gift without identifying strings.

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Tithing has nothing to do with money. The 10% they ask for is the 10% of the left side of your brain (the analytical side) that God wants us to move over to the right side in Meditation. So we have 100% on the right side which is where we are so concentrated on our 3rd eye. Please listen to Bill Donahue which he is from 11 years ago and he shows everything in scripture about the Pineal Gland which is our 3rd eye. Use your and look up that word and it’s in the Bible. So this is no new age junk. Which is what most people say. God Bless you.

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It was years ago--years!--that I considered "render unto Caesar, what it Caesar's; render unto God what is God's". And it seemed to me that the PCUSA had chosen to render unto Caesar what is his, and render unto Caesar what is God's. Painful for one who had served as Elder of a PCUSA congregation.

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My wife follows more this kind of thing than I do. However, I think you are overall right, although my wife tells me that some congregations are better than others. How much better is perhaps problematic. As it is, we cannot find one single church in our area of Roanoke, Virginia to which we might want to attend.

We used to be in the RPCUS until we found our own paster in error having to do with the unconditional love New Testament heresy. Not too long after we dropped out of that congregation the whole RPCUS collapsed and disintegrated. Today, the RPCUS does not exist. Seeing this kind of thing is not exactly uplifting!

I hate to say that Christians in 'churches' are not really Christians, but that is probably more the case than not. People just don't know much about Christian Orthodoxy, Church history and the general education offered both public and private has produced a race of mental dwarfs not capable of mounting a good self-defense. But on a positive note, having some moral compass and some sense of traditional norms is much, much better than taking a wild walk on the Woke Side. I just place my trust in God come what may! Because I am not greater that our Lord and therefore I don't get a special exemptions from suffering.

Around 2006 or so, I read Christianity and Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen; and I was shocked. This is the first serious Christian book I had ever read which made any sense to me. After reading it, I well understood why the churches could not defend themselves against the invading evil coming against them, and also ... infiltrating from within.

I most often think that most 'Christians' are not really Christians, and don't love and glorify God. Instead, they either have themselves planted into their minds some deformed ersatz version of God conjured up by themselves, and/or ... and more likely have had planted into their minds by dumb preachers, graduates of some one of the funky fallen clueless seminaries.

To say it understated, it's a horrible mess.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

Thanks for your support of my 'wifty' idea, daverkb! I think you actually had mentioned your question and flight in an earlier comment.

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Probably so ... and Sir Broken Record here reporting for duty!

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Not so--I figure always on needing to hear a message three times to make it stick (and taught that way, also)

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Another broken record... not nearly the first time posted on this forum...

Enterprises commonly considered a business, organizations like churches fall into this category as well, do not fit the definition of "trade or business" in US Code Title 26. Definitions in Title 26 (the pertinent ones to this assertion are in §7701) create new legal terms. Legal terms are not words as you and I understand their common meanings. They are spelled the same, pronounced the same, but as legal terms have very specific, narrow definitions. Their meaning has been obfuscated to lead even "educated" (mis- or mal-educated really, on purpose) CPAs to believe that the common meaning is in play.

It's disgusting what TPTB, in this case the federal legislature, so mostly lawyers (apologies to our esteemed host), have done with language, legalese, to scam The People. The (501)(c)(3) designation is yet another layer of disguise.

An in-depth, and I do mean in depth, examination of just what has been done with language in USC Title 26 (the tax code), including why common-parlance businesses do not fit the USC Title 26 definition of "trade or business," can be found in the deep, thorough text of 𝘊𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘥𝘦: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘍𝘢𝘴𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘩 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘛𝘢𝘹𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘪𝘯 𝘈𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢 by Peter Eric Hendrickson. The book can now be read for free at the author's website:


It's dense, and lengthy, but SO worth the education. Nor do most Americans have a federal tax liability. Some do, most don't.

"Starve the beast" were words used by a commenter on C&C board recently by another educated American who posted they have gotten and are filing amended returns to get more $$ back paid to the IRS but belatedly discovered (after reading Cracking the Code) was not owed.

Pull off the blinders, folks.

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I had a pastor 20 years ago who said he believed the tax system weakens the Church and would be happy to have the exemptions taken away. He said it would weed out a lot of Church goers who were posing as believers because they also got tax exemptions.

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If churches had to pay taxes on their buildings, there are places where it would be impossible for a congregation to own a church building because the taxes on the building would be too high. So that's an issue as well.

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It would change everything. His point was that when we, any person or group, becomes dependent on government, we must necessarily live by the rules they set. What looks like a good thing can be used against us.

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You're not wrong about that 501c3 connection. There are many reasons for a church to avoid it, the principal one being that they should not answer to anyone but God.

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I assume you are talking about Dr. Franklin Graham. I was very disappointed when he promoted the shots. It was not the job of our Christian pastors and religious leaders to get involved in the government response to Covid.

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He wasn’t the only one! Much to my horror Pope Francis highly promoted them and continues to this day! The jabs are pure evil!

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Francis called it an “Act of Love” to get it. Our pastor is a blind follower and followed suit - asking people who wouldn’t wear masks or wear them properly to find another church. When called out he hid behind his vow of obedience. Obedient to the point of leading others to the slaughterhouse. Never an apology. These are the times that try our souls. I’m trying to forgive. Minimal success so far. But I know it’s not good for my soul to hold a grudge. Ugh.

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Wow that is very difficult. Find another church…just awful. I join you in seeking to forgive and not be resentful. We are called to do it but it is not easy.

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How’d that crux of obedience work for the Germans in WWII aftermath?

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Exactly. I’m reminded of something someone told me many years ago - no one can make you sin. It might hurt to do what’s right sometimes but “I was just doing what I was told to” will not save you from the consequences.

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I thought Catholics were pretty much bound to the church of the parish they lived in--so could not legitimately 'find' another church ? (although my neighbors on moving here, to a different parish, were allowed to skirt that regulation)

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Many believe the Pope is evil too.

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He’s certainly causing some confusion, and it certainly seems like he’s doing it on purpose. There have been corrupt popes before. So.

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That usurper is pure evil

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And the PCUSA Presbyterian denomination still to this day encourages getting the C-19 vax posted on their website.

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"our theological obligations' or similar words. Nonsense. It has now been nine years since I ceased attending.

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Yes, and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

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I don’t understand why they felt they had to weigh in. So very many were deluded.

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That’s when I closed my ears, and wallet, to anything to do with Franklin Graham.

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I might feel differently if he would admit his error. It's one thing to be deceived and another, worse thing, to urge others to comply.

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I heard many on Twitter say, it’s suspicious that Kate Middleton could supposedly stroll through a market so effortlessly and happily; yet not attend Easter service. The reply that got many likes was, she was skipping thru the market before they decided she had cancer (and generated ai to buy sympathy and more time.)

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

I agree. I’ll believe them when she is seen in person. The kids have also not been seen since December and now William hasn’t been public lately.

I no longer just believe what the powers say with no proof. (* that video wasn’t them. Not one person paid any attention to the actors) In fact, my default now is to assume everything is lies. Especially when it weird.

I do wish her well if she is ill.

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Yep, some are bending over backwards, trying to believe the narrative... They put out 3 fake photos, 2 fake videos, and we're supposed to believe the story that she has cancer? The AI was probably to get sympathy, buy time, and to give them an easy way to explain her demise, when the time comes. I like her and I wish her well, but why all the fakes? Something is not right here...

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She and her family have retreated to their country home. Please let's respect her time of awful treatment.

King Charles looked okay yesterday considering.

Prayers for both. 🙏

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Also it’s beyond rude to tell me to respect something I absolutely do not believe. I do not believe the official palace lies about Kate.

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Do you seriously think she is dead or in a coma and no one knows about it? Really??!! 🤔

..Just like people were saying about Melania Trump four years ago when she went to the hospital for weeks and all we were told *after a long while*is that she had a kidney procedure. Speculation was crazy. All the same stuff and more.

However, if your

intentions are truly so heartfelt for her welfare, then bless your heart.

Have a good night. ✌️

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Lol, no I’m not going to respect a lie. You can chose to believe that. I do not. You probably respected the doctor who lied to you and told you to take a vaccine. I did not. I knew it was a lie.

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deletedApr 1
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And what if it is true (as millions believe) that Kate may be in a coma, or dead, and this is a lie, then would you be asking me to please respect this lie and please believe this artificial generation of Kate. No you wouldn’t. So don’t ask me to please respect when you know nothing. I don’t ask you to please respect what I believe. You can skip it or post you own thought but don’t ask me to respect : to be quiet and believe the lie.

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I thought we were suppose to despise what God hates? And looking at the 'Royal Family' by what they do as opposed to what they say, then the 'Royals' have been plotting Evil against us for a very long time. (And often 'they' say it outright as in Charles' numerous pro-Woke Globalist agenda statements!)

Remember please that the sin of omission is also promulgation of lies.

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Because that wasn’t her..

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The market scene only fooled a few, but the ai of Kate talking has fooled many or most. I too would have been fooled if I didn’t know the capabilities of AI.

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Oh my. I must have missed any coverage about the seminary & religious leader pushing cv19 experimental injections.

This poor man suffering so horribly…. lifting up in prayer now. Does he connect the dots by any chance?

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I don't think so.

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That's how his son described it. Two tumors removed in separate surgeries, then a third appeared less than a month later.

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Has this ever happened before? Usually people get one, I thought, and die fairly quickly and awfully from that.

Although I could be mistaken.

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Turbo glioblastoma? Two tumors were removed in two separate surgeries and another appeared in less than a month. No surgery this time, this far. I cannot longer see health updates online and don't know him well enough to ask for details.

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It's a beautiful day to wear this "When I die don't let me vote democrat" T

This one: t.co/jhM0aRfLef

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Don’t wait until you die. Start now…..enjoy life with out them

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Amen! And let's hear it for those still experiencing sanity ~ an ever-shrinking minority everyone should want to be a member of!

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Hopefully, you are not in Oakland County where the Chilean criminal gangs are burglarizing affluent neighborhoods.

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I grew up in Oakland County. When the long time Republican County Executive was in place OC was a prestigious county. In his passing a progressive Democrat was quickly installed. I’ve watched the county decline. Sad. We moved out of state in 2020 and I’m thankful every day.

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I don't know how we ended up with Coulter. L Brooks Patterson was much better and I hear his daughter is getting into politics at the county level.

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CA perfected the art of the steal long before we became aware of it.

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And Gretchen’s mentor is none other than Granholm who fled to CA from Michigan

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Geniuses all😂

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Hopefully there are enough voters in OC to restore it to a Republican stronghold. The county board has also become Democrat majority. None of this was the case when Brooks was in place. How much longer before Bouchard is voted out for a democratic Sheriff.

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If, as I believe to be the case, a far greater proportion of Dems took that jab than Repubs, then one might assume that that percentage of each will shift. And if, as Craig Pardekooper's site shows, a high percentage of hot lots were directed toward red areas, then even more so.

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Agreed. I can't believe how much support Democrats have here in Oakland County. I can't anyone would support a Democrat! Lol

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Twisted. Good is everyone and evil is good. 🤪😵😵‍💫😜

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deletedApr 1·edited Apr 1
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You are so right. I live in a small town that they are turning into a bigger town. New Pulte developments, medical facilities, etc. Traffic is getting worse. The Democrats have taken over. They don't see their guy Biden and our 3 dimwits here in MI (Whitless, Nessel, Benson) as being part of the problem.

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They are doing the same to my little town of Marshall, MI. Ford's Blue Oval EV battery factory is going into about 700 acres of prime farmland, but the whole industrial area will be about 3000 acres. The little two lane road between Battle Creek and Marshall is being changed into a 4 to 8 lane highway. Our current population is around 6000. A local realtor told a friend that they're expecting it to grow to 40,000. This was all decided behind the scenes without one single vote from the citizenry. Most of us have no interest in living in that kind of city. We moved here because it was small-town life surrounded by agricultural communities. It is beyond upsetting.

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deletedApr 1·edited Apr 1
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Just unbelievable I can’t believe we can’t stop this insanity

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It’s not that we can’t it’s that we don’t want to

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Thank God, no. And definitely not affluent or luxury…although we love our big, old, comfy rural home with a countryside view.

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good times!

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Yes, as a former Michigan resident, I agree that C&C is beneficial in retaining one's sanity.

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Former MI resident as well.

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I’m sure the jets will be out soon here in sunny 🌞 Michigan spewing their poison to turn the silvery skies gray. Enjoy it while you can.

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Already done, saw them by 9am!

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Yup, the sun is already hiding behind the spread out trails.

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I haven’t seen any chemtrails out my way yet today, but they sure do spoil many a beautiful morning commute for me. I try not to let it get me down. Some days I’m more successful than others.

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I am sitting downtown Chicago, overlooking Lake Shore Dr. Gray, cold, windy. If the chem trails are up there, we can’t see them.

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In my neck of fascist MI, the chemtrials are already wrecking a beautiful blue sky.

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Keep this one in your back pocket for those who don't believe you. Article also has the link to the actual project.It was a Harvard "geoengineering" project that was going to release sulfur in the stratosphere-and not warn anyone . The absolute absurdity of being allowed to pollute the air for some scheme.


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This is a distraction. They haven't shut down Geoengineering, in fact it has increased. You don't have to believe me, just look up

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Of course they haven't shut down geoengineering and not what I said.The point of the link is that it

gives you a Harvard based project that is in fact a "geoengineering" project that you can share with someone that doesn't believe that "geoengineering" is actually happening/planned.

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Sorry, did you say something? Too busy looking down at my phone...


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Read & support Dane Wigington’s long time reporting on this: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/

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Beautiful North Florida (sunshine state?) with heavy chemical soup and lots of spraying. My husband and I counted 6 planes / drones flying slowly over our area spraying long strings of garbage into the sky at a slow pace on our morning walk.

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Just listened to Ole Dammegard on Michael Jaco talking about the green lasers on a small plane over Coral Gables FL. Had video of residents filming and talking about it. He noted green lasers were seen mapping Lahaina months before the DEW's nailed it. For what it's worth, Dr. Joseph Mercola's HQ and only retail store is there. Might want to stay alert for all those in SW FL.

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Has anyone ever talked to the pilots of these planes? The must know a lot about what they are spraying.

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You can actually see them? for me they are so high up that they are invisible. And I live under a flyway (JFK, EWR, PHL)

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I can see them clear as day. Every day. It’s so aggravating. Especially considering that we moved down here to provide our kids with a better future. I have also seen the planes parked on a naval base across the St. John’s river. About 10 or so of them. Same white, fat bodies. I believe this is at least partially a military operation and therefore much harder to stop than something purely commercial.

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Read & support Dane Wigington’s long time reporting on this: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/

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Thanks--I was trying to remember his name this morning!

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Don't worry those are just double rainbows

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Interesting that here in SE Pa, yesterday, on an absolutely beautiful Easter Sunday, I saw no evidence of unnatural clouds. Thank you, Lord.

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Maybe the pilots took Easter off.

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Do you think the pilots know what they’re doing or do they believe they’re helping? Are they all evil scientists?

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Combination of all 3

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Yep here in Lancaster County we had a gorgeous Easter Day with rain in the days before and after. Thank you Lord!

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How about our lovely nazi AG, Nessel charging a foster couple with abusing their kids, a couple of years after the foster couple brought suit against Nessel for abusing foster care laws. The police state at it’s finest.

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No way to “like” this post, so: 🤬

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Punitive much?

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Nessel is very punitive.

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It’s a rare sunny day here in corrupt Ontario Canada. My leader is more corrupt than your leader!!😂

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Hahaha! You might have us there…but then again, who IS our leader🤷🏼‍♀️

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

Praise The God of good and love who shines down on the believer and unbeliever alike and gives us the air that we breathe in spite of those who would try to take it away in pipelines. 😝😆

All glory to God Alone!

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Spaceballs vacuum cleaner

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Overcast here in Upstate, Western New York but my American flag waves proudly and I am thankful to celebrate an Easter season!

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You mean you didnt hang a transgender or lgbtq+++ flag like the White House did? You didnt celebrate their day? You hateful person!😉 (*sarcasm alert*)

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Like you I am "governed" by Stretchin Gretchin...the wolverine queen.

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Ah haaaaa…Dilley 300? 😎

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Gorgeous day here in globalist Utah.

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Morning all from partly sunny partly cloudy Las Vegas. Saturday reminded me of a Michigan winter day - gray, cloudy, rainy, but led to a sunny Easter Sunday. Wish you all a blessed week.

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Dreary as all get out today in blue blue ct but perhaps change will even come here?! Nothing and no one and no place is outside HIS reach!!!

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Amen brothers and sisters 🙏!

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Apr 1Liked by Jeff Childers

😂😂🙌 you cheeky chappie you!! Not sure what it says about my mind, or the world, that your prank was far too believable! Well played sir best April fools and laugh all day

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I completely bought it. Everything. Even the tone of the fake Politico article. Our host has a gift!

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I did too! I'm glad I kept reading and he fessed up to it immediately, I was about to call my entire family about it. Sheesh!

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Ditto! Hook, Line & Sinker right to the end🤯

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Same here! Fell for the fool's joke lock, stock and barrel. Had a hearty laugh on myself at the end, and that's what counts! Thanks, Jeff.

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Hahaha me too

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It seemed totally legit and in character for the resident. I was surprised it was an April 1 spoof. 😀

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Same here. How sad is that though? This WH Resident is SUCH an embarrassment.

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Every good joke requires an element of believability.

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So believable that I was disappointed when I realized it was an April Fools joke

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Very believable. Which is quite sad.

I, for one, was wondering how the Secret Service was so derelict in duty that they couldn’t keep track of their man. Another gov agency gone amuck, I concluded.

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They haven’t heard of Apple air tags, apparently.

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I bet they have and they’re using them.

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I found it very believable, even about a derelict Secret Service.

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I imagined one aide saying to the other, " I thought you were watching him!" "ME??" No, you were on watch, not ME!"

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Yep,well done, Jeff!

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Too bad yesterday's transgender celebration trumping the holy Day of Resurrection wasn't a joke. 😡😪

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Biden spit in the face of every Christian, not only in the US, but EVERYWHERE. He literally spit in God's face. He is evil incarnate.

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Obama did. Joe don’t know. He’s just following instructions from his handlers. Jill, on the other hand…

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Perhaps Biden is too out of it mentally, but where are the photos of him attending Mass for the holy day? (nowhere)

Religious symbols were not allowed on Easter eggs. Perhaps he just wants it to be holy Bunny day.

After the hoopla online, he doubled down on the transgender day nonsense, instead of smoothing it over somehow.

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At some deep survival level in his reptilian brain he was afraid he would self combust if he set foot in church.

The Rubicon has been crossed. The sex God (Return of the Gods by Johnathan Kahn) has been officially reinstated by the United States Government.

Here in Jacksonville some horrendous actions have occurred over the past two days.

Demons are freely roaming and having a hay day.

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I haven't read that book, though I have heard about it. I also have been saying that we now worship the god of sex. Absolutely.

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Joe Biden's wandering around makes him "The Meanderer in Chief."

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I believed it too…for far too long as I got interrupted 3/4 of the way through the story and only a few hours later returned to finished and got to the April Fool’s part 😂 😂

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🙈😂 brilliant!

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I was looking for a link to the Babylon Bee … but I honestly thought they were going to find him sniffing up some little kid dressed in their Easter finest. The ice cream cone made me chuckle; nice touch!

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That was next Starsky, right after he was finished with the 'oyster bunnies'.


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Sure would like to swap the April Fools joke to the 2nd story reported. 😠😡🤬🤯

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No kidding! Haha good April Fools tho. I believed hook line and sinker.

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I believed it at first, but started to get a little suspicious at the part where the Secret Service didn't know where he was either... I'm not quite buying that. But I would have probably believed it if it said something about taking his escorts with him but the White House minders were in a panic and didn't think of asking Secret Service or something...

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As Rush always taught, the best humor has an element of truth. In Jeff's case a large element of possibility!

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Indeed yes right you are on both counts 😊

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I totally bought it. Well played Jeff!

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It took half the story for my double-degreed, pre-morning caffeine brain to catch on. It's so possible though.

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I read it to my husband, but he was already asleep on the couch. Thank goodness 😂

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Apr 1Liked by Jeff Childers

Regardless of what anyone thinks, I think it's awesome that the Kiwis painted over the "Rainbow" Crosswalk. Why can't crosswalks just be crosswalks? Why is it that this crap has to be shoved down our throats at every turn? Most people didn't care about people's lifestyles until those with "alternative lifestyles" started making us see it at every turn...

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

Someone posted the NZ traffic code and its states that crosswalks must be marked only in white to be highly contrasted with the dark pavement. Yet again, the rules go out the window when it comes to the protected class.

Love these guerrilla tactics though, and they seem to be spreading. We had high school students ripping down a tampon machine in the boys bathroom (and tossing it in the toilet), vigilantes taking Sawsalls to carbon-tax traffic cameras in London, and now this. Of course the officials are besides themselves from this act of blasphemy.

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Throwing soup at the Mona Lisa? Super-duper awesome ("thank you for your courage!")! Painting over the rainbow cross walk? Hope you enjoy your stay at HMS Prison.

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The hypocrisy is astounding. It's so over the top you'd think it would awaken by the billions

But noooooo.... You really can't fix stupid when the cause is brainwashing

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Mona Lisa aside (which was a Woke operation), when is 'enough is enough'?

And is not 'incitement' against the law? And do they continually incite us with a continual flaunting, with all manner of aggressive behavior erasing of our humanity and God given Right to exist?

Those who which to cancel us, to blot us out ... these it is only natural and right to resist.

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And if they arrest the ‘criminals’, I hope they get good lawyers who reveal the law for crosswalks. Painting the rainbow on a crosswalk according to NZ traffic codes was illegal! Checkmate, mate! Lol

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Good vigilantes have taken out hundreds of the spy cameras in London too that were designed to track and trace violators of the fascist dictate not to drive here there and yon.

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I saw this tweet and copied it verbatim since I couldn’t post the screen shot. It’s perfect.

“On this @transDayOfVisibility, I’d like to take a moment and say - We see you . We see you because you are everywhere. You have infiltrated are same sex spaces, our prisons, our locker rooms, our dressing rooms.

You have captured every institution - healthcare, education, religion, commerce, government - and forced your perversion on us.

You have indoctrinated our children and turned them against us. You have destroyed families and friendships for your fetish and narcissistic rush, with little regard to the wreckage left in your wake.

You’ve glorified the destruction of the human body, mind, and spirit. You take what was whole and healthy and turned it into a mockery of shallow stereotypes.

You’ve perverted our language, distorted our laws in ravaged our civilization all in the name of @TransJoy, and euphoria boners.

I see you, and I’ve seen enough.”

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The irony is they often destroy the ability to have those euphoric boners.

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So true. Most are completely dysfunctional sexually. Satisfying relationships are impossible. It’s sad.

Sadder yet that we are told to find this praiseworthy.

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deletedApr 1
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And in today's insane country. such a post could get him or her in trouble.

Unbelievable thst even Kaitlyn Jenner, who was kind of the face of this lunatic movement, whether he/she wanted to be or not, condemned the actions of yesterday overtaking the holiest day of the Christian year.

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Maybe they should take it back by painting an ark next to it 😑

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And the scripture to go with it. Might be an eye opener for some

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"Shoving it down our throats at every turn"

Yeah! What do you think would happen if we painted a few of the 10 commandments on crosswalks?

Don't lie

Don't steal

Don't commit adultery

Love God

Honor your parents....

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Then you would be hypocrites. Lets just have white lines....

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Great idea!

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I think at this point it's just sheer provocation. There are a lot of organizations that are "anti-hate" that need to manufacture the hate they need to keep receiving donations and taxpayer money. Some do it with hoaxes, some do it with provocation. As the mainstream gets more tolerant they get more extreme.

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Similar incident happened in Spokane, WA last fall. Progressives brought a series of rainbow crosswalks (at considerable expense) to the city ostensibly as an “art” project and someone seemingly threw paint on one. But let’s face it, projects like that elevate the importance of one identity group of people over another, at taxpayer expense, with no dissent or pushback allowed. That incident was also the reason WA’s new “hate crimes hotline” law was expanded to include property and not just actual people as victims. Asphalt has rights too. Justice must be served. BTW, whatever happened to the man who beheaded the satanic idol in Iowa? Drip, drip, drip…..

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Nailed it! I don’t care but give us some peace… stop shoving it at us.

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I wonder how long before they start selling advertising space in each and every crosswalk. Let a crosswalk be a crosswalk

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It went from “the love that can’t speak its name” to “the ‘love’ that absolutely will not ever shut up” in less than half my life.

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Nailed it!

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I’m thinking someone more artistic than me needs to be painting an ark with Noah and some two by two animals along with these rainbows. We need to take back God’s symbol of promise. It’d be great if we could mass produce Noah and the ark stickers that we can attach to rainbows everywhere. 😃

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We have rainbow cross walks a few block from my home. I'm always tempted to accidentally dump paint on them. Seems like they go against universal traffic code.

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Well, we know there’s at least 3 real men left.

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I thought the rainbow crosswalks were something we only had here in Long Beach CA,

I did not realize they had gone international.

Rainbows themselves are awesome, we just need to take them back for everyone, and not let a particular segment of society coopt them.

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Apr 1Liked by Jeff Childers

You totally got me on the April Fool's piece about Biden, because I could REALLY imagine him wandering away!

How I wish your second piece on the "injected" veggies had been an April Fool's joke. 😬

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And I could really imagine his staff got confused about who was watching him.

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🤣 Yep!

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Last year it was the easter bunny.

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"How I wish your second piece on the "injected" veggies had been an April Fool's joke."

YES! That is extremely scary and now I'm not sure I can eat lettuce or any produce any more.

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Find a farmer. Or, grow your own.

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I bought a “Garden Tower” last year and finally got around to putting it together last week…organic soil and non-GMO seeds from SeedsNow.com. Now I get to see how green my thumb really is! I did cheat with some tomato and strawberry starter plants…but hopefully my seeds will germinate and get going so I can have my own little produce stand in my back yard. The neighborhood cats won’t be able to use this as their litter box like they have our other flower beds!

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Everyone needs to grow something in any space they can.

Even if it is a small container garden on a patio or balcony.

I do not have any dirt of my own, but I practice 'guerilla gardening' in a public space.

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Or buy only organic..you dont need the pesticide overdose either.

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I do buy organic produce, where possible, but would that even be safe against this nonsense? I'm not sure.

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I do know that somehow, Bill Gate's "Apeel" invention (coating vegetables with a seal that is chemically made and impossible to wash off) is allowed to be labeled organic. From what I understand, the produce must have an Apeel label.

I don't see any way around either growing our own produce or getting to know a trusted organic farmer and buying from them. I also heard that MRNA injected pork is not labeled in any way and I wouldn't be surprised if it was allowed to be have an organic and even non-GMO (the most unbelievable - if this isn't GMO what is?) label.

Depressing. But, moving us more and more toward self-sufficiency, which is a good thing.

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Unfortunately many people do not have the means nor capacity for becoming self-sufficient.

Thankfully we have some sensible farmers nearby from whom we buy a lot of our meat. Unfortunately buying pastured, organic pork and beef and chicken is expensive and we cannot afford all of it all the time. Thank God we can do a lot, but not all. And unfortunately I don’t think the jabbed stuff is safe on even a once in a while basis. 😠

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But if it's "coated" then how can it receive water and stay alive? How can the "vaxxing" stay potent without refrigeration? How can those cooking multiple veggies throughout the day/week/month/year not die off in mass from overdosing? There's so many questions to this at this time, in my humble opinion. I just don't understand how it would work. And if they did/do find a way. Those stating that they don't eat veggies, well the meat they eat, eats veggies.

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Not sure?🤷

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One of my local organic farmers is so woke, I couldn’t bring myself to enter their farm stand again… in any case, for a long time I couldn’t if I didn’t wear a mask anyway. 🤮

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I can sympathize-- even though I live in rural, mountainous NE Georgia, I've encountered a bit of that. I raise as much food as possible but do have to purchase through other farmers' markets or our local CSA. The CSA is particularly woke. When picking up our orders OUTSIDE, the volunteers, and, many of the patrons, were masked up. I was usually the lonely dissenter.

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Support traditional and Amish farmers by buying food at farmmatch.com/krobb

You can buy directly from Amos Miller’s Organic farm and have it shipped to your door!

If you know any good traditional farmers please share the link so they can become a part of the network!

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Working on it right now. :)

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"A li'l dab'l (horse paste) do ya."

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Grow it or patronize your local farmers' markets.

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I think this is the only way to ensure food that is less "contaminated," shall we say. I don't trust the "organic" label for anything, even though I allow myself to spend a few extra dollars on that label at times. I first look for proximity to where I'm purchasing.

Several years ago I was introduced to the differences between states in their oversight of "organic," and have evolved to the point where now I just don't trust anything the fat and unhealthy supposed "experts" try to make us believe.

I do grow a little of my own, have ambitions to do much more.

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I hope they at least label the contaminated vegs. Apeal is a warning

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Same!!! Don’t mess with the veggies!

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I thought it was

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Me too. It was so plausible I never saw the April Fool’s coming. 🫣🤣😂

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Apr 1Liked by Jeff Childers

“The country’s mood wants doctors to fess up and apologize already.”

I think the mood may demand a bit more than fessin and apologizin.

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Some docs may not want to admit they were wrong on this huge issue - then people would start questioning many of the doctors' other suggestions.

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Apr 1Liked by Jeff Childers

Every day is a celebration of the resurrection. I join with Jesus followers everywhere when I say “Come Lord Jesus, Come!”

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AMEN!!! Maranatha!!!

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Apr 1Liked by Jeff Childers

”He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. And go quickly and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead, and indeed He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him. Behold, I have told you.”“

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


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Apr 1·edited Apr 1Liked by Jeff Childers

Just a note that may interest you about the true meaning of "April Fools Day":

Plants and animals are born in the spring with the rebirth of the world after winter. The true calendar is this: 13 months with 28 days each = 364, with one day reserved for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Some argue that April 1st is actually the 1st day of the year (other's argue March 1st is far more accurate), it's also Resurrection day, which is why they've labeled it "April Fools" because we've been fooled into a calendar that takes us out of sync with God.

Much more information about this devil's trick here: https://bitchute.com/video/TMm0tStIdrW5 [4:10mins]

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More info about how everything has been skewed:

Sept = 7

Oct = 8

Nov = 9

Dec = 10

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and earlier, July was Quinctilis (re-named to honor GIC) and August sextilis, cuz as long as we're going that far, we might as well rename mensis sextilis to honor our GIC Augustus, said the captured Senate. (I= Iulius)

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Whoa! Never knew.

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Ha! Ha! This has always amused me.

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Very interesting.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

God's calendar year is 360 days. That's what He uses for His prophetic works and words. I'll take His over anyone else's, Thank you! As far as celebrating Jesus' death and resurrection, THAT SHOULD BE OUR DAILY JOY, not just once a year!

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Is this calendar similar to the Zadok calendar? It sounds like it. The video was eye-opening, I never knew that about turtles! Fascinating! Nature proclaims His glory!

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Can we trade presidents with Guyana? DIE is just a small part of the S in ESG, which is a dangerous deindustrializatiin ideology. Calculate your ESG here: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-raise-your-esg-score

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

Interesting that President Ali is a Muslim, one of only three Muslim heads of state ever in the Americas. I'm gradually coming to the conclusion that we Christians have far more in common with decent and devout Muslims than we thought, and most of the anti-Muslim hatred whipped up after 9-11 was a deliberate psy-op.

Edit: When I say "in common" I mean morally and views regarding human nature and how to treat others. Obviously the theological differences are huge.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

I would advise you to do some research on how Christians are treated in Muslim countries. There are lots of restrictions on talking about your faith because it is seen as proselytizing. Some have had Bibles confiscated although supposedly you are allowed to have them for personal use. There have been attacks on and persecution of Christian groups in African and Middle Eastern Muslim countries. I think some ordinary Muslims have things in common with Christians but I would be wary of thinking that they are more or less just like Christians except for some theological differences. The commonalities are superficial and can be misleading imo.

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As always your comments are thoughtful RL.

I completely get that and didn't say every single one was the salt of the earth, it's no different on our side. There are plenty of people that call themselves Christians who have done despicable things supposedly in Jesus' name. Some of the OT passages would make people think God is a psychopathic tyrant if taken out of context. There is all sorts of historical injustices perpetrated through history by people of all religions claiming to act on their deity's behalf.

I said we have far more in common with them from a moral and human nature perspective than we have been lead to believe. Of course there are exceptions, but the devout Muslims I know are all warm, gracious people. They would give you the shirt off their back if they though you needed it more than them. They aren't the one's marching in the streets but are being portrayed by leftist agitators. Yet after 9-11 there was a coordinated effort to vilify all of Islam. It was everywhere, and still continues (though somewhat diminished) today.

After everything we have seen with public opinion being manipulated through calculated, cold-hearted actions, why would anyone think this was any different? And why can't people differentiate between what I specifically said (most devout Muslims are good people) and what they hallucinated that I said (Islam is the same as Christianity which I specifically did not say). It's probably because they have been conditioned and brainwashed to hate all Muslims.

And as usual, no one is asking cui bono?

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What you don't seem to recognize is that the vast majority of people on this earth are good willed and peaceful....but they will follow those that lead them, even to some very dark ends that their leaders most definitely are set upon. I could be jailed for being more specific than that, which is rather telling isn't it?

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I completely realize that, it was the subtext of all of my comments on this. Why then have Muslims as a group (who in my experience are good, decent people as are many as you note) being singled out for vilification?

As strange as it seems, I think we are on the same page here and being needlessly adversarial (or perhaps I'm misreading your comment, and if so apologies). Why are some people intentionally trying to drive a wedge between devout Christians and devout Muslims who agree probably on 98% of moral issues? It doesn't mean we embrace their religion, but recognize we share a common repellence to deviancy and debauchery. Yet many on the right tell us to hate them.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

I get your point especially about the not saying we are the same and about the potential brainwashing but I think the difference is not on a regular person human level, but more on a higher level. Islam does not seem to be compatible with the kind of freedom and non religious government principles that our nation was built on. And by that I don’t mean the extreme leftist view that any whiff of religion is cause for rage and panic, but that the government should be actively involved in religion. Islam seems to require a fusion of church and state when you look at the way it is laid out and how Muslim countries throughout the world function. And while I agree with you that there have been all kinds of atrocities committed in the name of religion and all kinds of persecution from different religions, I still think the principles of Islam and the way it is currently practiced compared to Christianity in the last 200 years or so, and certainty in the beginnings of Christianity, are very different. There are many factions who would love to impose sharia law in areas of this country. I would just be wary of being lulled into a false sense of commonality. The other thing that gives me pause is the principle of Taqiyya. While Muslims say it’s only allowed when under great duress (they are allowed to lie about their faith to save their lives), even with that, there is a huge difference between them and Christians. We are not supposed to ever deny the Lord. Regardless of the circumstances. I just think aspects of their worldview, especially the very strong legalistic tendencies, make them not quite as similar to Christians as it might seem on the surface. And again, this might not apply to individual people because there are always exceptions and people can live their faith differently from the mainstream too. Not saying we can’t work together but to keep in mind that they do have a different perspective that is often incompatible with ours as conservative Christians.

As for cui bono, I look at who is pushing and defending Muslims in America and those are not people I trust, to be honest.

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Cui bono is always a good question ... and it should always be at the top of the list.

Also, history is full of ironies. For example, 'the people who can never be criticised' did their utmost to level a once upon a time Christian America by (in part) flooding the country with Muslims. And thanks to all their brilliant efforts 'they' now have a political blow back problem. Automatic falling all over ourselves support for 'the country which can never be criticised' is evaporating, largely over the Gaza Genocide.

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You’re so cute. You can criticize Jews. You can criticize Israel. You can join a mob and shout it out loud and proud. I’m sure there’s a group near you that you can join. They’ll provide you with signs and slogans.

It’s actually very popular just now.

‘The people who can never be criticized’ have been chased, harassed, persecuted and murdered across the centuries, across the world for two thousand years.

‘The country which can never be criticized’ is fighting for its life under withering criticism across the world.

Before almighty God and his sacred word, I stand with Israel; not the Marxist, Communist, Muslim and so called ‘Christian’ Jew haters of the world.

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Well! Thanks You! And indeed, some certain groups by your very example are simply beyond any rational criticism. And if ANYONE so dares to utter a peep of protest, such will be cancelled, shamelessly shamed, hounded and at all costs destroyed.

We are done with this.

We have been called Haters, anti-this and that, white suprematists, and all other manner of nonsense by a narrow elite body of people who hate all others other than their own narcissistic selves.

We also are done with this.

We who have been disenfranchised have seen hundreds of billions and trillions gone to waste foreign lands in endless wars based upon false predicates. And we have seen hundreds of billions in foreign aid expenditure while we are unable to aid ourselves. Meanwhile, our own place of dwelling goes borderless and we are mercilessly run into the ground by a band murderous thieves pretending to be an elite ruling class.

We are done with this.

Many of us, myself included, stand with the people of Israel who are shamelessly abused by their own murderous thieving ruling class. We know of these people because our knowledge runs far beyond the non-stop cartoon imagery and child-like babble continuously spewed out by our government run Woke amok.

We also are done with genocide, democide ... with all forms of looting and thieving.

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Or countries who have driven out the Christians and have become majority Muslim.

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There is discrimination against minority religious groups in most if not every country on the planet. I've traveled widely and lived in quite a few countries, and you can see not only Christians but also Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, and other religious groups and sects being persecuted. Wherever there are differences, humans discriminate against the 'other'. So yes, what you're describing does happen -- I saw Coptic Christians being discriminated against in Africa.

But having lived in Muslim countries, the people want the same as everyone else -- a living, a home, and a good life for their kids.

It's the fanatics in every religion and the governments who deliberately create inter-group conflict between religions to keep their grip on power who ruin it for the rest of us.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

Yes there is discrimination everywhere but there is a difference in whether that discrimination is protected or not, and who goes about it. The religious fanatics have much more power and sway in Muslim countries as a whole than in Christian countries. Those are the main differences imo.

I have also lived and traveled in a great many different countries, including Muslim countries. I hope by making that particular comment you weren’t trying to imply that I have no personal experience to help form my opinions and that they are therefore baseless, as I have often seen commenters do. I can agree that ordinary people often want things like a living, a home and a good life for their kids, wherever they might live and whatever their religion, and that we should be wary of attempts to create divisions and conflict. Most people around the world want those kinds of things. Most people are good-hearted and I have had wonderful experiences with people from a great variety of places and backgrounds. But when push comes to shove, will they defend all of our basic human rights, or just the ones their religion supports? Who is more inclined to bow to authoritarianism? I guess I still have unanswered questions about those kinds of things. And thus, I proceed with caution.

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Not intending to suggest that you don't have experience, just mentioning what experience I've had as people tend to make statements on here where you can't tell if it's hearsay, what they've read, their research, or actual experience. I find it helps to know where people are coming from and why they say what they do so you engage with them more fully.

Maybe (and I'm no expert) the problem in many Muslim countries is that they're not democracies and the people have no power. I also had wonderful experience with the people, but they often would only speak off the record where no could overhear, and said they wouldn't dare protest or stand up for human rights because they were afraid for themselves and their family. I think we have been very lucky in the west to live in a democracy where we could speak openly, but I fear the direction things are going when they're making it a hate crime to say certain things in the UK and Canada, and apparently the FBI is now visiting people about social media posts.

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Yes I agree about them not being democracies and the people having limited power. I tend to think that Islam isn’t really compatible with the kind of democracy/free republics we have in western countries. I think it requires a certain amount of authoritarianism to function, from what I have seen and experienced.

Penalties for conversion and for other religions proselytizing can be steep and the religious leaders’ opinions and edicts carry a lot more sway.

Your point about the freedom of speech issues in many of our countries is well taken, but that is always a danger we have to guard against. And it’s really nothing to do with Christians or Muslims, with the possible exception that the former are not considered to be in a protected class and the latter are.

I don’t really see Muslims as showing fervent support for freedom of speech or freedom of religion and I am not sure those are even compatible with their world view, generally speaking. I mean, obviously in this country they benefit from it so would be for it, but if we were controlled by Muslims would they care? I haven’t seen an adequately reassuring response to that question as yet.

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Read some Koran and get back to us.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

Typical "reply guy" comment that combines a dim-witted snarky partial falsehood with an irrelevant response that does nothing to advance the conversation. You aren't as clever as you think.

Read Voxday's Social Sexual-Hierarchy, particularly that of the "Gamma Male". You might learn something about yourself and realize you don't have to be like this.


Edit: standard disclaimer that I'm not Jeff Childers but have a similar name and have used "Jeff C" on substack for years. Most people here know who I am but I don't want my opinions confused with his.

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I agree with you that we have a lot in common with Muslims, having lived and traveled in a number of countries where Islam is the main religion and having friends and colleagues who are Muslim. Like Christianity, Islam has its extremists, but most Muslims are just normal folk who want to make a living, raise kids, have a home, etc. I also agree that the government whipped up anti-Muslim hatred after the 9/11 false flag to justify its invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and its seizure of their oil and drugs.

On the subject of the Social Sexual-Hierarchy, as a psychologist I can see that it seems useful for trying to understand different male personality types, but it doesn't have research behind it that I can see. The other problem with it is that it comes across as sexist in categorizing women as tier 1, 2 and 3, apparently on the basis of whether they are desirable to men. And even types men that way as well. It comes across as kind of simplistic and demeaning to both genders.

And besides, we know funny men are always stealing women from the pretty boys. And we know men settle down with women who make them feel like the big man on campus, not the 'tier 1' option. Wouldn't you say?

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But he has a valid point.

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Before 9/11, I was ignorant of Dar-al-Harb and Dar-al-Islam.

Again, start with Sura 8.39 and a few Hadiths.

Educate yourself.

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You wrote all that...and I still don't see your point. You didn't do much better than the person you're attempting to lambaste, even worse possibly.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

My point is that habitually responding with comments that are snarky, partially true, and irrelevant to boot, is indicative of a deep character flaw. The fact that the commenter thinks it's clever just makes things worse. It derails the conversation and propagates ignorance. He could have responded to me in a civil fashion and explained where I was wrong, and I would have responded respectfully. He didn't but instead tried to score a cheap shot.

Voxday describes it perfectly in the gamma male, explains where it comes from, and why people (men specifically) behave this way. People make a choice to to act like this, it needlessly makes them miserable, and likely does those around them also.

Frankly I really don't really care what people think of me as long as I'm not mistaken for Jeff Childers. I do however respond to people with the same crap they give me. I do this for one reason only, so they can see what it's like. Most people are too "polite" to give people a taste of the own medicine. I'm not.

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I broadly agree with your take in this "Islam" thread, but I'm not sure why "read the Quran to understand what Islam really teaches" is irrelevant? Snarky yes, and not nuanced, but it still seems kind of on-point.

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The Koran is definitely troubling for the obvious reasons. But some of it just has to do with human nature when "beliefs" are used to justify "interpretations" of scripture for the purposes of manipulation that inure benefit to the Clerisy.

Christianity has been guilty of this. However the Koran is book not open to interpretation. It is a book based on manipulation to meet these ends:

The level of cruelty that can be justified when people believe in a "moral" crusade is boundless because the beast inside is no longer burdened with the boundaries of empathy.

There is nothing so dangerous as a person or group who believe the ultimate testament of their fidelity to a righteous cause requires acts of cruelty to demonstrate their purity.

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Read some history before you think that y

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I 100% agree with you. Islam believers in America are generally culturally conservative, as are the vast majority of practicing Christians. I started thinking this about a year ago back when a group of muslim (Arab I think) Americans were complaining and protesting transgender policies in their schools both in CA and Michigan. They had allied with the Christian conservatives in their district at the same time organizations like the ADL were fostering DEI/CRT-based curriculum in schools. American Jews are largely culturally liberal and vote for Democrats, and we often forget that.

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I will never forget that. Try to find a conservative Jew in this nation. Good luck.

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You are right, as long as they are not of the extremist variety.

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Muhammed Ali wins in first round against pompous arrogant Brit Sir Smugly!

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😆 The way he was looking over his readers at the President of Guyana I found very condescending. He found his vision rather quickly though.

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It was a delight to see!

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Retired DoD fed here and I was contacted about coming back on their part time retiree program. But the thought of hearing the DIE crap day in, day out again gives me great pause. Yes, DoD will not let it go.

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Anna, I won't be contacted, I'm sure, but if I were I'd take great pleasure in telling them why I would never come back. If you don't go back, I hope you will tell them why.

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Exactly! Pause. dont do it. I worked for a college and am so glad I don’t anymore because it was nonstop DEI!

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Or tell them you identify as a man, and they should give you a big raise.

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It might be a great opportunity to open some eyes as you won’t care if you get terminated (assuming your pension is ironclad and they can’t touch it)…could be your calling😀

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Apr 1Liked by Jeff Childers

It’s sad that your section on vegetable vaccines wasn’t an April Fool’s joke.

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Right?? 😕

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I was reading that from some Calif university back in '21? They were so EXCITED about the possibility of working vaxxes into vegetables. DUH?

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Same folks probably hate veggies & wont eat them.

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Do not trust in nobles,

In merely a son of man, in whom there is no salvation.

His spirit departs, he returns to the earth;

In that very day his plans perish.

How blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,

Whose hope is in Yahweh his God,

Who made heaven and earth,

The sea and all that is in them;

Who keeps truth forever;

Who does justice for the oppressed;

Who gives food to the hungry.

Yahweh sets the prisoners free.

— Psalm 146:3-7 LSB


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Apr 1Liked by Jeff Childers

Isn't the FDA under a court order to remove its false ivermectin tweets?

Yet the "You're not a horse" tweet is up...


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Did you see Dr. Kory's version of the FDA tweet? "HEY U.S. FDA,

YOU ARE NOT A NURSE, YOU ARE NOT A DOCTOR, SERIOUSLY Y'ALL, STOP IT!" Complete with a horse. https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=447426531144137&set=a.163511236202336

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Oh that’s awesome!! 👏👏👏

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Is this available anywhere else besides FB? Would love to see it but I will have nothing to do with FB.

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Screenshotted it for you.


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I haven't been able to find it elsewhere. Sorry.

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He tweeted it. I’ll try to find it.

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😂🤣😂🤣😂. Love it!

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They have 75 years to take it down. They’re busy, doncha know!

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They probably need to hire 3500 more employees to get the job done.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

I think they had 45 days (or maybe it was 60 days) to do it per the court order. Why they were given so long to take down is tweet is absurd, but you know they'll probably leave it up until the last moment out of defiance.

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I heard it was 21 days. 🤷

But the real story is that the FDA still isn't admitting ivermectin works. They are just acknowledging that they don't have the authority to give advice about medical treatment. They can only say that a drug is approved or not approved for certain populations or conditions.

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I am relieved to hear that. For if they promoted the drug, I would infer that they had corrupted it and made it most unsafe.

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Yep, they strayed from their proper lane like most unelected alphabet agencies these days.

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Yea they said they'd take it down in something like 29 days....guess it takes that long to hit "delete" 😆🙄

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Well, it's not just that tweet, but also any info they have on any of their government accounts or pages that can be seen as giving advice about medical treatment concerning ivermectin. They are probably working on a way to word things in a way that still casts shade on ivermectin without being considered as discouraging its use. They will definitely keep in the wording about ivermectin not being given emergency use authorization for treating covid because that's a straight-up fact. But they will still try to spin it in such a way as to imply that the reason it wasn't given EUA for covid is that it doesn't work for covid.

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Thanks for letting us know.

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Who’s gonna make ‘em!

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Every day is April Fools Day in the US🤡

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Yup we are experiencing ritual humiliation.

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With the Democrats and their sexual identity nonsense, that is a fact.

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At least for the last 3+ years.

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"The country’s mood wants doctors to fess up and apologize already."

It's the State Board of Medical examiners and whoever is running point on all those people. The medical and dental boards basically said "if you don't shut down your practice and lie about the vaxxes we will take away your license"

As unbelievable as it sounds that is EXACTLY what happened. So what we really need is a revolt against the licensing bodies and unaccountable regulatory apparatus that has ballooned by 4X since 2000. In 2000 the rules and regulations were approx 60 pages........ Now we are rounding over 200 pages.

WE need a parallel system. If your doctor comes out and "apologizes" then he/she/it will lose their license to practice. This is why I see a civil war is inevitable.

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What really gets me is how in the past they allowed many to remain licensed even when causing harm to patients. My ex was almost killed by a surgeon who we later found out had previously had complaints against him dismissed and was still allowed to operate. The boards have been trash for some time.

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Betsy - have you ever listened to the podcast series Dr. Death? Stories about how hospitals protected doctors that were harming patients. Just endings but too late for many that died or were disabled.

We are living in an upside down world.

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I'll take a listen. thanks

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same with my mom. she's been permanently disabled for 21 years. Made that way by medical malpractice at the age of 52.

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While it's true about the regulatory agencies, if more doctors were brave enough to resist, they might have turned the tide against those governing bodies. Each person should answer to his/her own conscience. Sadly, too many people have no moral compass.

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Makes you appreciate all the more those who did.

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Or are easily deceived and were not taught critical thinking. I saw that in my own children's educations. I wanted to home school them but had to decide: provide an education or food and shelter. My children are now in their 40s and 50s, the age of many health care workers. So.

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Fantastic comment. We also need to get rid of the PREP and CARES and the health agencies that have been captured by the industry that they are supposed to regulate and take away Big pharma’s immunity deal. No corporation should Be allowed to be above the law. Sorry, Pelosi.

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"WE need a parallel system. "

Yeah... I haven't been to a doctor since Covid. I've lost faith.

Of course, they are still getting paid and have no consequences.

But... where is this parallel system? I suppose it won't take my worthless health insurance.

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With the gene editing campaign into the food supply now in full swing, it is now incontestable. They really do mean to liquidate us.

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Oh yes I agree!

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Agree. The medical boards are only there for power.

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is the medical board a government agency or ??? what gives them all this authority?

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An Agency authorized under state law called The Medical Practice Act...... or The Dental Practice Act.

The agencies take that law and from it derive ( that is the key) derive their rules and regulations that govern every single aspect of the practice of dentistry and medicine. They are not accountable to anyone. Kind of like our democracy. Most members are appointed by the governor. I have never seen them retract or reduce the number of regulations and/or their complexity. If you read Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged then you will know this quote of hers to apply here and everywhere around the world.....

"“There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.”

― Ayn Rand

This is where we are today. Most good and moral people don't see this as a problem because they are in the matrix and they have never known anything else. I have no answer how we get out of this problem.

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Apr 1Liked by Jeff Childers

Ya got me! Even read it aloud! Good one Jeff. And BTW if it DID happen that's exactly the way it would be framed 😆

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I was ready to hear about the first nationwide silver alert!!

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Jeff wrote it before it will happen eventually. So believable we were saying (while reading) “I knew this would happen… (while picturing Joe wandering around like we’ve seen on speaker platforms) & thinking DEI amongst the Secret Service, etc. had finally shown its weakness when they lose a president.

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I'm 67 years old and I haven't been to a doctor since 2020 (start of COVAIDS.) I slowly weened myself off 11 medications that those quacks had me on. And I've haven't felt as good since I was in my 30's. I will NEVER visit ANY doctor again for ANYTHING unless I happen to break a leg or have some kind of bodily injury that I can't remedy myself.

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I, too, quit all prescription meds. I keep my GP because I would have died in 2007 if not for modern medicine, but I am building an arsenal of natural cures and knowledge so I can all but cut ties. No colonoscopies, mammograms, etc here. All a scam - and many of their money-makers do harm. I eluded to this yesterday at Easter dinner with about 30 people. Blank stares and crickets. Then one brave, awakened soul looked at me and said just one word - heist. Nailed it.

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Many of the scams, and dangers spelled out by A Midwestern Doctor. Worth reading

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Great job!! I am thinking the same

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Just find a ND. far better

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I wish I could get off the one drug I’m required to take. But way too obscure condition with very little info regarding a way to handle it.

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