Apr 10, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

thank you for your everyday humor and facts!! I work for Florida Blue (BCBS of Florida) and surprisingly my religious exemption was approved, albeit it was done towards the end of the deadline to submit one. I have a feeling they saw the writing on the wall and the illegalities of trying to force it on employees. I was willing to walk away from my pension. But so many of my friends were afraid to not comply because they had families to take care of. It is disgusting that any employer tried to play "God" with so many lives. I am waiting to see what litigation comes from this.

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“I was willing to walk away from my pension” Balls of steel 💪🏻 I stand and applaud you! It’s great you didn’t have to, but knowing you would’ve says it all. I know others who did walk away from their livelihoods and pensions. Those are the heros! Stand for what is right even if it costs you everything! If we had a nation of people who understood those values - this scamdemic never would’ve got off the ground.

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was getting people to quit & "walk away from their pensions" part of the jab push? why? because pensions in many companies are underfunded, upside-down, & an albatross around the company necks?

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Probably. But were they really smart enough to think people would actually walk away from those pensions? Doubtful. It just worked out in their favor once again. But better to walk away than be dead. So.

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And now many of those who caved will not be collecting their pensions due to premature death via clot shot or unable to enjoy them due to vaxx injuries and disabilities. Such an awful outcome either way.

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I finally saw an acquaintance of mine after several weeks. She'd been injured by the J&J shot and continues to have cascading health effects since 2021 - This poor woman - sudden onset diabetes, heart arhythmia , never ending sinus infections, sudden case of shingles out of the blue AND was just diagnosed with MS. This is so incredibly criminal. I can't wait for the litigation to begin. These injured and their families deserve justice.

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That's awful. Justice needs to be served.

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We know a few who caved and now have health problems as a result. Sad!

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A couple told us we were smart for not getting vaxxed. While it is gratifying to have that acknowledged, we would rather it never have been the case at all. 😮‍💨

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023

Same as people

being dead and not having to payout pensions.

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Right! However, the life insurance industry took a HUGE unexpected hit.... They know the truth of why it happened....

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To the companies with under funded pensions, it makes no difference to the bottom line whether the employee walks away - with no pension - or dies - no pension.

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 11, 2023

Excellent Point! Getting rid of that unfunded liability!

I am glad for Sunnydaze and for the good out come. HOWEVER, and as an aside, allowing the government and/or its proxies to be the god-like deciders of who gets and exemption and who does not IS NOT the God-given autonomy of Liberty. It is the chains of an evil system disguised Liberty ... and furthermore leaves the tyrants totally in charge.

That the Holy God-state gets to give out passes for or against is itself infringing. It the same distinction made between permitting and constitutional carry ... but as applied to the power grab of Health Tyranny. In essence, either we are a sovereign people possessed of property (ourselves) ... or we are property (of the state).

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Absolutely correct. The faulty concept of someone “granting a religious exemption” to another person makes no sense. Who are they to judge someone else. The whole scheme smacks of serfdom.

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023

Never mind we should have “I just don’t believe in it”. why can’t anyone just say no??? there needs to be bodily autonomy. forget exemptions!

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Philosophical exemptions still exist but only in a few states.

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Faulty concept ... exactly! Because with 'exemptions' they the authority figures still remain boots on the ground control agents. And zip for you.

You made me think? Serf? Slave? Or something far more nefarious for which we either don't have a word for, or else one just doesn't come to mind. Serfs ... and even slaves, for example, usually (but not always) have some free time, maybe some basic legal rights. But this Health Terrorism thing? It has the ring of abnegation about it. It's like a thief in the night stealthily invades one's domain to steal one's life, the totality of one's being. In another word, this whole demonic capper feels like an assassination.

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I believe it was "Barbara" who was willing to walk away from her pension, but didn't have to in the end. Sunnydaze said she had balls of steel! I would have to agree. I know exactly how those companies manipulated people to get the coof jab, and it was all highly illegal in the world of "Human Resources". So, they force, coerce and shame people into getting jabbed because "they" get money for having a 100% jabbed crew! It is a story that hasn't come out yet, but it is not only the medical complex that got "incentives". Dirty turtles all the way down to where it smells like sulfur.

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Yes. schools did also. But it was punitive. we will pull money/grant if you don’t have X! sort of thing

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ok-walk through this with me-

the government pushed this on everyone at a LOSS. Pharma already got their money and the shots were free, ergo the admin LOST money by pushing this. We know there was no actual concern for public health as the crap didn't stop transmission, so this truly was just a big, sadistic experiment.

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Oh, yes. Hospitals get more government funding via Medicare and Medicaid based on the percentage of their employees that are jabbed. This is not new.

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A fully "vaccinated" workforce, no matter the field. And...money from the government if this is achieved by private companies. I know.

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we need all that info!! I know Raytheon was richly rewarded with the Ukraine war and all the $$'s in weapons sales, but there has to be so much more under the table.

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evidently Nuremberg was for nought, as nobody cares to enforce it. But we are still reminded of the genocide that spurred its creation. What will history do with the present genocide?

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Well then ... and just thinking is over, I think Nuremberg might just be another psy-opt posturing, a whole nuther agenda. Call me cynical, but that what I think. And if any one dared to question the seedier side of WW II and what went on, especially in the European Theater, such people got a lot of grief dished out in arrests, court time and jail time. Just ask David Irving, historian.

Good observation!

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I had a client once whose Dad was a prosecutor at Nuremburg.

It was all a psy=op. The main perpetrators were not tried. Rather they were brought here under Operation Paperclip. Even the infamous Dr. Ishii who vivisectioned Chinese civilians AND US soldiers, got a free pass, fabulous jobs and lived out their lives, working for NASA, and other US gov agencies.


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Daverkb- Exactly. Per law, religious exemptions are not subject to approval or denial, or even review. Not that anyone follows our country’s laws anymore. My daughter, who is a registered nurse, working in the hospital, got her religious exemption approved, and I of course am glad of that. However, I am very angry that it was subject to approval. I think they only approved it because they were losing so many staff.

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My daughter who is a nurse also got her religious exemption approved, however, bc most of other staff and her boyfriend's family were jabbed, she is now battling some unknown medical maladies. She's had severe headaches for the last 18 months, along with erratic heart rates. Doctors have not been able to properly diagnose. They first thought it was a cerebral fluid leak, or positional tachycardia, but my feeling is she's got venom in her from all the shedding people around her at the onset.

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Hope she can find a Frontline Doctor to help her detox.

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Shedding is definitely a thing. I had migraines and visual oddities after I returned home from a month of visiting my grandsons, during which time she got “fully vaxxed”. We slept in separate rooms until I moved out 6 weeks later, but I definitely had odd effects. Still have odd heart palpitations. But most everyone here in Cali is vaxxed, so I’m surrounded.

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Deep thinking on your part, Dave--WONDERFUL. I see so little of that in today's "mind mandated" world.

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Hum? Deep Thinking? Don't let that out. Especially to De Wife. She wouldn't think that possible. After all, I'm only a husband! And especially so if I manage to penetrate that invisible screen ... and gain the kitchen ... and then commence cooking up something ... like rubber eggs and saucisse brûlée.

But thanks! I felt brilliant there for a micro-second!

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Not only are you DEEP--you're FUNNY to boot! Your wife should be kissing your boots (figuratively, of course). "smiles"

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I’m with you on the exemptions. It was shameful watching these companies decide who got one or if they got one granted to them as if they were the peasants of society. Shame on those companies. They took it upon themselves to decide if someone was “religious” enough to get an exemption. Pppfffttt. Turned my stomach.

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And yes, turning the decision over to the corporations is an unstated use of the Public/Private partnership (government and business) which is plain out Fascism and the eclipse of ownership by any meaningful definition.

Also, the whole whimsical Exemption Lottery stinks of the beggar bowl.

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I suspect it was simply a bonus---decreasing by death the number of benefit recipients would be the intention; experiencing also a recipient decrease by choice must have been quite unexpected. After all, who could imagine that any American would refuse this kindly, for-your-health intervention?

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Fascinating take! The moneyed class typically goes for this win-win strategy. Just as they fund both sides of most wars.

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and most of my folks were highly paid.

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“A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom.”

Bob Dylan

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Agreed. True heroes .

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see my post above. All of my clients had worked for these companies over 10 years. Many with "top secret" security clearances.

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023

I did have to walk away from my job of almost 25 years and part of my pension. Fortunately, I don’t lose my complete pension, it just won’t be what it would’ve been had I been able to stay. God has continued to guide me in this path, and I am fortunate to have found a new job, that is paying me better and is considerably less stressful to me. Faith over Fear.🙏

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Agree. My husband and I now know of several people who have suffered vaxx injuries. Some admit it is the vaxx. Some have not. But my husband said to me that is so good not to have to worry about it and each other as we are unvaxxed. He said "Could you imagine it wondering?" And we don't worry about our children and extended family as we are all unvaxxed. Much better than any pension or benefit.

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You are truly blessed Annie! Truly, most families aren’t so blessed and are now suffering.

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I worry about my daughter, daughter-in-law and granddaughter all the time, and nieces and nephews as well. I've already lost three close family members to the jabs. Most of my family is fully brainwashed, still.

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Yes ma’am. Lost my dad and have quite a few relatives “sick” from something. Truly crazy they are still drinking the cool aid.

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So very sorry for the loss of your Dad.

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I am so very sorry for your loss.

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Thank you.

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I almost cried when 3 of my children got vaxxed. I bought them some protocols to mitigate damage but I worry every time one of them gets sick. I told them what was going on with the shot and how unsafe it was, but they chose to believe every one else on the planet.😔

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So many of us tried to warn our families only to be dismissed as crazy. It’s painful when their mothers, who love them more than anyone else in the world, who would lay down their life for their kids, are dismissed for people who wouldn’t sacrifice anything for them. I expect our efforts will be reflected upon as the deep love and wisdom they are once we are gone and history reveals more to those we leave behind. That will have to be enough.

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Terribly painful and worrisome. I have to leave it in the hands of God.

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Emumundo, where did you find protocols info re: mitigating damage? My relative is having "ice pick" pain headaches.

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Sorry, just found your reply. I posted it under the original comment. I’ll look up some things and see if I can find out more. I know McCullough recommends nattokinase in addition to the other things listed. Good luck.

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Thanks - I found the FLCCC website, they have tons of info, just what I'm looking for - I'm doing research for a relative with potential issues.

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ditto. I worry constantly about them. Every freakin time they "feel like crap".

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Absolutely!! That was my thinking as well. I am healthy and take care of myself and we eat right, so any pain that we suffer or problem that we have is easily deduced. If we were all in on the coof jabs, there would be the constant feeling of "what is causing my discomfort?". Or not, depending upon which "news" you listen to...

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My only other fear in this regard though is whether or not clinically meaningful shedding occurs in the vaxxed! I still haven't seen convincing literature that tells me, even if some mRNA or spike protein shedding does occur, that it will lead to untoward effects on nearby nonvaccinated. But it's still a possibility in my opinion and then even nonvaccinated people who might work in a highly-vaccinated workplace might experience 'bonus' effects from the vaccine. And to reiterate something I've said previously; I do not call those who were smart enough to avoid the shots 'unvaccinated'. Once you've got the shot you can't get unvaccinated. But I'll bet there are 10s of millions of people (and surviving family members of those who died from the shots) who seriously wish they could actually get UN-vaccinated!

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Concerned mom

Copying my post above in case you didn't read it...

My daughter who is a nurse also got her religious exemption approved, however, bc most of other staff and her boyfriend's family were jabbed, she is now battling some unknown medical maladies. She's had severe headaches for the last 18 months, along with erratic heart rates. Doctors have not been able to properly diagnose. They first thought it was a cerebral fluid leak, or positional tachycardia, but my feeling is she's got venom in her from all the shedding people around her at the onset.

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I do hear of this a lot. And I'm suspicious. I also think that people very close to me might be in the same boat by the say. They're surrounded by vaxxed. You can bet though, that the reason we've not seen convincing published data on this is that no journal would ever consider publishing this, much less even doing the initial peer review. They're corrupt and have been for years (this is an observation made in retrospect but now makes sense).

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If covid itself was developed as bio weapon, it could cause unknown long term damage in people who had it (some people didn’t even know they’ve had it)

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I hear ya. Once that needle goes in, there is no going back. Just the thought of that kept me AWAY from what everyone else was telling me to do. I have spent concentrated amounts of time in small spaces with those whom I know to be jabbed and have felt ill afterwards.

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I have heard pro and con on shedding. I like what Dr. McCollough (?) said regarding the ability to the spike to stay alive long enough outside the human vector, but who knows, right?

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I agree.. unfortunately my husband and more than half of my family chose to take the Vaxx because they believed in it... and I worry about all who took the jab!!!!

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Best thought ever!

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Yes! Faith over fear. I know someone who was so afraid they would get covid and die. So they vaxxed and boosted. Hospital admissions have been greater than 10x, horrible quality of life with kidney failure, heart issues, blot clots, and more! Would not admit it was the vaxx - although healthy before the vaxx. It’s been a year and he just died from all of it Thursday.

He was Convinced covid would kill him….but it was the vaxx that killed him. He doesn’t have to worry about getting covid anymore. So egregious what has been done.

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My Dad and my father-in-law both had prostate cancer in the 90’s. My Dad was not told, as he knew my Dad and we told the doc that if he knew, he would simply give up and die. So he wasn’t told, and he lived over 10 years longer, dying in ‘99.

My fil found out he had cancer, did chemo, died within the year. The chemo was what killed him.....not the cancer.

They use whatever they can to make us afraid, then poison us. IMO, they are demons. The only thing they love is money.

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It's absolutely true that cancer treatment kills the patient more often than the cancer does.

That happened with my maternal grandmother and her thyroid cancer. The radiation screwed her up big time and she didn't last long. She likely would have survived months longer, with a higher quality of life if she'd had no treatment at all.

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My mom had cancer, got radiation therapy twice over a 5 year period, had a second recurrence and by then was at death's door. My dad finally relented to my position I had always had that she should get alternative therapy and took her to Mexico. They cured her of the cancer. Nothing on the CAT scans. Years later her heart gave out due to muscle damage from the radiation therapy. Chem/Rad will kill you but in their book that is a cure.

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Wow. I’m so sorry for the loss of your mom. I’m glad they listened to you as that extended her years with you.

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That is so terrible. It says "The love of money is the root of all evil."

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So brutal. Sad what they've done to our people.

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Hopefully he is at peace now. I believe 50% of all covidians would do it again no matter the evidence presented etc. They are that fearful and that brainwashed.

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Yes, a very good friend jumped on the kool-aid wagon very early. We almost lost a friendship over it. We reconciled and … she died last year with a massive stroke although she had no health issues. I cry for her.

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I am a Christian and I am amazed that we did not hear from our pulpits Faith over Fear!

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I was appalled that the pastors and priests folded and exercised fear over faith. Shameful.

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Rabbis folded too with some exception in the ultra orthodox movement.

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They too were paid co-conspirators

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Wow! So sad. I’m sorry!

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Perfect love casteth out fear....how often do I repeat this verse to myself? Yes, I had planned to stay a few years more to reach the top of pension scale, but reading the wall's handwriting two years ago 'decided' me differently.

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Yep, I got short changed by bailing early. Had to take the leap of faith and do it. No regrets. But I'd like to see retribution.

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💪🏻 Good job!!! 👏 👏

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Frankly, I'm surprised that attorneys aren't filing class actions left and right. With due respect to Jeff, usually they don't work for free. File and win a huge class action and 30-50% (whatever) of the payout goes directly to the lawyers. That's how they make their money.

Yes there were many legal immunities for Pharma, the medical system itself so they presumably cannot be sued. But what about private corporations and local governments that mandated what was in fact an unapproved "vaccine." Did they even have any legal grounds to do so? What options exist for torts against them? Maybe Jeff would weight in on these.

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Yes. These woke corporations need to pay. Go woke and go broke.

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Agree. Universities too!!

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I'd love to sue my son's university for mandating the C19 shot. He got a religious exemption for the booster mandate but not in time for the original and he submitted because he didn't want to drop out. Luckily so far he has had no ill effects that we know of, but we/he will be worried for the rest of his life. He regrets it greatly and it was against my advice. the kicker is I tracked C19 deaths in the entire region of his school, and exactly zero people under age 40 died in the first two years of C19! (and 6 total in 3 years). In contrast, there were 2240 drug overdose deaths in that state in 2020, mostly young people!

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Including the recent anheiser busch issue of having a tranny advertise! UGH protest all especially BUD.

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Deleted my comment. Hubs company told him he was free to quit if he didn't want the shot. Would not accept any exemption request. And...those company powers that be live on...go figure.

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My son's company told him the same. They denied his religious exemption. My husband told him he didn't make enough money to take the risk. My son found another job and left his company.

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This is disgusting and shameful! Im so sorry. 😡

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Not trying to be argumentative here, but how would you walk away from your pension? Unless you have not been there very long, you should be vested and the pension is yours if you leave the company. It may have been smaller than if you stayed but that's because the pension size accrues depending on how long you worked there.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think what you mean is that you would have left a company that offers a pension, still been eligible to collect but benefits stop accruing, and went to work for a company that does not have a pension (as most don't).

Again, not trying to pick a fight but it's important people understand their rights. Companies cannot punitively take away a pension once you are vested.

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Yes, correct. People walk away from their full pension if they had stayed and retired when they normally would have. People who walked away from a pension may have also walked away from benefits not guaranteed them (like lifetime medical coverage) unless they stayed until full retirement age or the full 20 years etc etc. So it isn’t the money they personally put in…..there’s a lot more to it depending on the company you had worked with. People I know walked away from large retirement packages, for example.

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023

Good point, plans can be structured differently with varying milestones which it's why it's important people understand their pensions.

I took issue with the phrase "walked away from a pension" which I read to mean losing vested accruals (and by that I include company contributions, not just employee contributions if applicable). That almost certainly isn't the case. However you are exactly right that people may lose additional benefits if they don't reach a given milestone.

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thank you for explaining that, you are correct

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I was eligible to retire with 80% of my retirement and not the full amount. I had religious exemption in that did not approve or disapprove... instead they applied pressure to me instead. I chose to to take the 80% than deal with the stress. I worked for the military as a federal employee.

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Good for you, sounds like you made a good choice.

I'm not trying to be disrespectful to Barbara or criticize anyone put in this difficult position. I myself got a religious accommodation, reluctantly granted by my company after I made clear I understood my rights under the CRA of 1964. I also have a pension (fully vested) albeit not a large one. Believe me I looked into this in detail.

My main concern is that the people trying to scare us into compliance often start rumors like "lose your pension" to frighten people. They know that kind of talk is scary to people who worked for decades, and they count on people not knowing the facts. We combat this by knowing the truth better than those making the threats.

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This is so true JeffC. Thank you for trying to ensure people


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I think thats what she was trying to say. She walked away from a bigger pension because she would not stay.

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when you have a family and responsibilities it's difficult to go against such tyranny. How will you provide? can you easily go elsewhere for the same or better pay? will they ask you for your star of david....I mean vaccination card at the next interview....it's crazy.

my exemption was not approved nor denied, the company played a different card on me, I held on as much as I could, and only got one shot (which made me feel disgusted and honestly abused in a way) and then DeSantis came in for the win by protecting private employees.

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You *were* violated, similarly to a rape.

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I'm really sorry that happened to you and I sympathize. I know a few others who were in the same boat. It's absolutely disgusting what the govt and these employers did to people, violating their most basic human rights to bodily autonomy by dangling the threat of their very livelihoods and their families' wellbeing in front of them.

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I’m so sorry Florida. My husband would do the exact same. I would put up a fight for him but I know he would. We were 100% lucky his company never required it. But I know if it came down to feeding family or risk his health he’d pick family. 😬

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exactly, what can you do then - just roll up and pray\hope for the best :(

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023

Barbara, you are a courageous woman to be willing to walk away from your pension! That kind of backbone is what would’ve stopped the mandate nonsense in it’s tracks. Unfortunately, we have a clueless, spoiled society. I know MANY who took the vax simply because they wanted to go on a cruise!

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Or, how about for a doughnut and coffee, Jeez!

I flat told my Supervisor that I would not take the shot -no matter what. Somehow, they made a space for me in my Department. Scary but I was standing my ground but I was practicing, "Paper, or plastic, ma'am"?

Stay strong everyone.

Later Jay

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I had one friend justify it by saying she wanted to live. To go to concerts etc. Kind of ironic that her reason was wanting to "live." She should not got the clot shot if she wanted to live. 😔

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'I want to travel do do cruise ships, so I rolled up my sleeve'. Crazy!

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They were just trusting what they were fed on cable news. Most people arent independent researchers.

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Oh goodness! I have a friend in the same position. She too said she wanted to go to concerts and local theater productions and despite the example of myself and another one of her friends, she got the shots then the boosters. She hasn’t had more than a few days here and there when she hasn’t been sick and unable to leave the house. Then, last week she got a breast cancer diagnosis. A tumor that should not have grown that large in one year since her last negative mammogram. I won’t say a word of course. I will support her in any way I can but I’m heartbroken.

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That is sad. My friend had serious menstrual bleeding. She knows it's the shots. She asked me if I thought her fertility was gone. I said I didn't know. Either way it is not normal or healthy. What can you do? All you can do is support them.

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Please ask her to file a VAERS report.

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023

YEUP! its so sad. my MIL did it because she wanted to go down to stores in LA. really?!!! OMG. i am just waiting for something to come up for her because she got a Pfizer shot. ugh

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I did too. Had vacations planned and was okay taking jab to go to Europe.

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BCBSAL was set to lose 30% of their workforce from the forced shot idiocy, so if you turned in an exemption they approved it. Can you imagine how much worse The Great Resignation would be if they had persisted in forcing the shot?

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Same with my company. 40% stood strong. So we were like go fire us. You won't be open. The one thing to get from this scamdemic is stand together and don't cave.

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Wow that’s impressive Annie. I’m curious about what kind of company would have such sensible independent thinkers.

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Just the area the company covers. Not a lot of over educated people. Also people who have a healthy distrust of government etc.

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Do you mind sharing the field you are in?

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Banking. Trust me as there are a lot of woke covidians here. But there's a lot of us who just said no and stuck to our convictions. We didn't make a big deal of it like they did when they got the shots. Quietly stood strong.

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My son also got a religious exemption from Florida Blue. He applied soon after they announced their mandate. He asked for a quick decision so that he could make any legal decisions that might be needed. He was exempted a week or two later. I was furious that he had to make a ‘religious’ argument, but relieved that he prevailed. I had told him that he was not under any circumstances to take the jab, even if that meant him living in mom’s basement.

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Thank God willing spirit! I just can’t imagine if there were not all of you seasoned people (60s+) fighting with /for your family. In my case my family depends on me to educate them. Parents. But they didn’t take it. They have abstained. BUT SOOO many of their friends and fam did. My moms Bff and her sister (aunt) died this past year I believe from shot.

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I know several people that worked at our local State Prison. One young lady guard we know took the J&J jab to keep her job BUT they COULDN'T force the Convicts to take it so the rest of the unvaxxed employees finally threatened to walk out. The employees won but it is a shame some had already got their delayed Kavorkian.

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I agree. Mine was also approved very late. (we waited 7 wks when we were told we would hear w/in 2). I’m not sure exactly what happened but basically all were approved at once. Not a trickle of notice.We speculated they consulted lawyers and were told they risked major litigation not to approve. (college district)

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You were very lucky!! I represent the 71 fired Ratheon employees and a host of other folks who lost their very nice, high paying, CAREERS over this. The companies not only fired them they sued them for old tuition assistance and black-balled them with horrible reviews, making sure no company would hire them.

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WOW. Holy crap don’t work for Raytheon!!!!

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for a number of reasons...lol

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And the BCBS plans ( & many other companies) are still requiring jabs for new hires. With so many jabbed, there's no reason for these companies to consider the unvaccinated. It's a "Vaccination discrimination" on job applications that is not going away!!!!

"Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, has a COVID-19 vaccination requirement. Your offer of employment is dependent upon either being fully vaccinated for COVID-19 or an accommodation based on a disability or sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance by submitting a request to Human Resources."

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Airline employees as well must be vaccinated if applying for employment. United by far the leader of the pack. United also contemplated and stated that they wanted passengers as well vaccinated. Accommodation was almost nonexistent is my understanding.

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that is digsusting. protest united

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This is still so widespread. People with exemptions will hang on to their jobs and those unvaccinated looking for employment have severely limited choices at best!

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Barbara - You truly exemplify the courage, discernment and fortitude required to maintain dignity in this time where fear, ignorance and apathy are by far the more prevalent response. Keep that fire burning and I hope you tell your story often and loudly. We are all being challenged by devious, disrespectful bullies - your resolve is what they fear the most because it inspires empathy and truth. Reading your post and the replies it generated made my day! Thank you and God bless you.

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I tried to get my husband to file one or retire. He would have lost a huge portion of his pension. He refused to do either and, instead, caved. At least, he got the J&J. Not much better, but not as bad as the others. He’s refused every other since.

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I wasn’t willing to walk away from my pension. I fought tooth and nail to stay in.

I put 14 years of my life away from sororities, college friends, family, and a lot of good stuff. I’m not throwing this away but I’m certainly not getting the pole

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I would have refused too. I would have been willing to lose everything. It's just not in me to give in to coercion. The harder I'm pushed the more I dig in my heels.

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I knew doctors were on the take when I told one of mine during an appointment that I, an unvaccinated patient, had just recovered from a (very mild) case of Covid and she told me I needed to get vaccinated anyway. And she was my neurologist.

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I had the same thing when I went to see my 🦆 for a prescription renewal. He was annoyed I didn’t call him when I contracted “Covid” (despite all the signs in his office saying “stay away if you’re sick” -- No doubt he would have had me on a ventilator and rundeathisnear, stat.) and then said I would get “enhanced protection” from the vaxx. Clown.

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I give credit to my doctors for never recommending the jab. But last June, I did indeed phone my primary when I caught (mild) presumably Omicron. She prescribed over the phone Paxlovid. I refused it. That began a long process of me to quesiton all my current (mostly) preventative medications, which I unilaterally discontinued some months later, after much research. My trust in the medical system dropped a few pegs. I'm still willing to be their patient if they'll have me, but with the proviso that I no longer unquestiongly trust their profession.

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Yes. I got wise to the statin fraud maybe about 15 years ago, and have refused them. While I don’t go to the doctor unless it’s unavoidable, I have noticed that they seem to have dropped the sales push on those.

I don’t trust them at all. I saw too many horror stories first-hand in the final years of the lives of my parents. One of them actually said, on denying my father a certain treatment, “Well, this is the death panels in action” or words to that effect. In my view that was tantamount to premeditated murder, but my siblings didn’t want to pursue it. I could list others nearly as egregious, but that’s enough for now.

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I think the "just say no" to illegal drugs should be applied to most prescription drugs. The lines between drug dealer and doctor/pharmacist have been blurred. Practically one in the same.

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Doctor=Legal Drug Dealer

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I'm in this situation with my mother. Often, it is the family that will prove to be the most difficult adversary. For instance, my mom is currently "overdosing" on "blood thinners". Having awful systems but my sister will not make any decisions until the doctor approves it. I tell her, you are mistaken if you think anticoagulants dissolve blood clots. They do not. I tell her, mom would be better off taking fibrinolytics and proteolytics but she quickly and sternly shakes her head and dismisses what I say. Better to poison mom to death in an insane belief that it is the only way to save her (and I am the one caring for her 24/7) then to try something that has little to no side effects and actually does destroy clots. It is difficult not to feel crazy in this medical death march when you know there are better ways to live. We all will die one day but why have we accepted such an ugly and barbaric path to that gate?

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You are so right. They do not do what the public thinks they do. I would love to see an analysis of the sale of all “blood thinners” and related products before and after the clot shot rollout. My intuition tells me that sales have skyrocketed. Maybe Steve Kirsch could do something like that.

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It is barbaric — a very apt word to describe it. So much superstition and and so much naked profiteering from families enduring difficult circumstances.

It’s shameful and a disgrace. We are nowhere near “civilized”, and going backwards alarmingly quickly.

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Dr. Vinay Prasad (admitted Bernie-bro lefty) has a good podcast called Sensible Medicine in which he and several colleagues discuss the state of evidence-based medicine. He seems to be an honest broker and has really become quite vocal in his criticism of the way Covid was handled. They discuss other health issues too including pharma's conduct, conflicts of interest and the sad state of research.

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I’m not willing to be their patient and will look for every alternative I can before going to a Dr.

One thing to remember It’s you/me making the choice to have them/be treated by them and they must earn your/our trust!!

I don’t think public health will ever recover and rightly so. There’s no telling how many studies have been manipulated for the sake of bringing a drug to market. Pharma and your Dr/hospital are for profit. Covid has shown they really do not care about our health.

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Love your symbol for “Quack”.

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If you think the only moneymaker is the clot shot, you’d be sadly mistaken. The doctors have been on the take for ALL the shots. Pediatricians have made mega bucks off the kiddos in their practices forever. Read “Dissolving Illusions” and “Turtles All the Way Down” and also “How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of your Doctor” if you want truth.

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I am sorry, but I will never accept that there is no vaccine-autism link!

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I think there is a childhood cancer and asthma link too!

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It was ALWAYS about the MONEY and CONTROLLING the masses!!

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My mother’s recent hospital visits have been a testament to your comments. She was given medications in the hospital that she didn’t normally take--a statin, for one. She also didn’t have pain, but was given pain medication that put her in a groggy state for a whole day. When we questioned it, a nurse said, “Oh, everyone gets pain meds.” How many millions are the pharma companies making just from those tactics. BTW, that was the last and only time a pain med was given to her!

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Ironically, neurologists are flooded with vaxx injuries. Just like cardiologists.

I guess the Jab is just good for business.

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A 42-year-old woman I know had a brain bleed after the J and J shot. She told her neurologist she was afraid her employer would mandate a booster, and the neurologist said, "Just get the Moderna!"

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I just had a conversation with my neighbor yesterday. His niece developed myocarditis shortly after her (I think) second jab. It progressed to congestive heart failure and she was dead in 6 months. She was healthy. She was 24 years old.

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That's so sad. What a crime. 😔

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Horrible 😞

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So sad. But at that age very obvious why. My fully vaxxed and boosted 71 yo bro in law, T1 diabetic since childhood, just died of 4 clogged arteries which were stented and then his kidneys shut down. No one is even questioning it due to his age and having diabetes most of his life. If you pop off over the age of 50, people just easily justify it. We’ll never know the real number of people who’s lives were shortened by these shots.

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At least she didn't die from covid.


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My neighbor is unvaxxed and he was supported in his decision by his doctor. Amazing that back then he got COVID and his doctor told him “ I still believe in natural immunity and you don’t need the shots” so he and his wife remained unvaxxed. I immediately I got the name of his doctor for future needs.

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My mother went into congestive heart failure ~6 months after her first shot. My sister begged her to get the shot (lots of tears) and never explained that it was experimental. My mother regrets doing it and knows it is the shot that has caused her health to be utterly destroyed. My eleven siblings (save one) are in denial. My sister also decided to take the shot (2x) and has "coincidentally" developed worsened HBP and a heart condition. Nothing to see here... sister just says it's a hereditary condition (nope). Her cardiologist has instructed her not to get anymore CV shots. The expert has spoken so she won't be getting any more at least. I am always floored when I hear of these young people dying while my 83 year old mother somehow keeps going despite also being overdosed with pharma meds.

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We caused the problem and are going to make money on you all the way to your death! Great business play, sick and evil. You need to stay as far away from these freaks' as possible.

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When natural immunity didn’t exist suddenly and they changed the definition of a vaccine… I knew this was a psychological operation on a massive scale.

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Same things made me suspicious, but when that cockroach Fauci said should shut down the world for months on end, I knew it was all crap. During that same broadcast Birx and several others were sitting shoulder to shoulder 5 feet away and unmasked. The Bakersfield doctors also called BS very early on when they said it wasn't about safety, it was about control.

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Yes, those Bakersfield docs were crucial to me in my decision, especially after they were de platformed! Two reasons not to get the shot, third: Fauchi himself said it takes years to create a vaccine.

I also thank Sherry Tenpenny and Dr Lee Merritt for laying it all out.

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I was really thankful for my neurologist, who answered me honestly when I asked whether the covid vaccines would make my particular situation worse (the answer was - not enough data to know).

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And now we know why there wasn't enough data - because they never ran the studies.

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This reminds me that I asked my PCP during an annual blood letting (physical) if he'd prescribe Ivermectin if I got COVID. He said no, paused, then added, "People are getting sued for that." To which I replied, "Well, people are dying because you won't prescribe it." He changed the subject.

That convo took place at the end of the physical. He never pushed the vax. Now I wonder if he was getting juiced for the juice...

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023

Good for you for saying that! Hopefully it reminded your PCP what his actual job is (hint: focus on supporting patient health, not lawsuit avoidance). Although it's insane doctors have had to worry about not just being sued, but losing their medical licenses if they go against the prescribed narrative.

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Apr 10, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Money. It’s always about the money.

Always has been, always will be.

And to quote Lynne O'Sullivan, a veterinary cardiologist at the Atlantic Veterinary College of the University of Prince Edward Island - “it is extremely rare for most animals to have a heart attack.”

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And I know families that were adamant their loved ones died of COVID, even if the person had been on hospice for other problems. By having COVID as the cause of death on the death certificate, they received something like $9,000 for funeral expenses. My husband, a physician, had that happen with one of his patients.

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Without giving too much personal info, We had to pay extra money to the funeral home because my Dad was labeled as a Covid patient when he got sick and passed away.

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Who received that money? 🤔

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As far as I know, the family.

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Animals have that wonderful inability to stress out over the guilt associated with evil. Nor consent to a Darwin Award by injection.

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023

“it is extremely rare for most animals to have a heart attack.”

That's because, like the Amish, they don't watch TV.

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But she also said, in the same article, "There are a few species of birds, in particular those of the parrot family that are prone to lipid or cholesterol disorders that result in diseased heart arteries which puts them at risk of heart attacks. Non-human primates can also experience this type of heart disease." So a gorilla isn't a slam-dunk on that issue.


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Cari... if you haven’t seen the documentary “the dimming” it’s worth your time... it’s not a “clowns in America”derogatory labeled imaginary phenomenon it’s a stealth government operation... https://rumble.com/v106c5v-the-dimming-climate-engineering-documentary.html

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I was going to suggest Dane Wigington also, I get his emails every Saturday evening about climate engineering and Chem trials. He produces the documentary mentioned, the dimming and has extensive info on his website plus much shorter video updates every week. He’s like the Jeff Childers of the climate

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Dr. Ana Mihalcea has thinks they are spraying nanotech on us, as they are finding self-assembling nano tech in both vaxed and unvaxed....


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“Therefore wait for Me,” declares the Lord,

“For the day when I rise up as a witness.

Indeed, My decision is to gather nations,

To assemble kingdoms,

To pour out on them My indignation,

All My burning anger;

For all the earth will be devoured

By the fire of My zeal.

For then I will give to the peoples purified lips,

That all of them may call on the name of the Lord,

To serve Him shoulder to shoulder.”

— Zephaniah 3:8-9 NASB1995

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I was hospitalized in February of 2022 for Colitis. I was bombarded with authoritative suggestions to take the safe & effectives even though I already recovered from the Delta variant of Covid in 2021.

Nearly constant insistence from the intake nurse, to the hospitalist and GI doctor on duty, even the Christian chaplain! I felt tremendous vax pressure on top of the excruciating pain and invasive physical prodding I was dealing with. I knew something was wrong with all of the endless pushing of a medication, it felt creepy, bizarre, and unauthentic, it was a 3 day trip to the twilight zone! Thanks be to God, that I was strong enough to resist despite all of it.

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Well Francis Collins promoted himself as a Christian, didn't he? And the Presbyterian Church USA promoted the vax according to their website. ('the theological commitments compel us to support vaccination against Covid 19....') I have moved from being in the pew weekly to never over the last 8 years--but my Bible gets a pretty much daily workout now. I wonder how much PCUSA was paid to make that pronouncement? Or perhaps, just a "nice 501C3 you've got there, pity if....."

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I agree. But there are churches who do not support medical tyranny. I live in a hard, blue state and my pastor is totally awake to all of this. The fellowship is vital to a strong Christian community. Don’t give up on church! 🙏🏻

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There are Bible-believing churches, even among Presbyterian denominations. Sadly, the PCUSA as a denomination hasn't been in that group for many decades.

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True about the PCUSA. They support all left wing causes without exception. But Franklin Graham also pushed the shots and guilted millions of Christians into taking them. He needs to repent for trying to bind mens’ consciences. He should know better.

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You are very fortunate to have gotten out of there alive. I have been transcribing testimonies of people who went into the hospital from something else, subsequently testing positive for covid, and whammo: isolation, drugs, ventilator, starvation and dehydration, remdesivir, kidney failure.

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That is disgusting!! They were totally taking advantage of your condition to try to pressure and manipulate you!! Evil!!

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Anthem is the new Amway.....You get a guy, and you get a guy....yada yada yada....and you're rich! Get the suckers on the monthly boosters program (autoship) and you're off to a bouncy little vacation in the Bahamas AND a brand spanking new Joe Biden sanctioned Canola oil powered Corvette.

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Scamway or now Scamthem - the same thing. If anyone is defending these doctors and medical personnel who recommended the clot shots, think again. Big bucks! Ka-ching! 🤑🤑That's all you are and were to them. I always knew this to be true but seeing that incentive chart makes my blood boil. 😡😡😡

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The zoo shooting up animals with gross vaxxes is the least of our worries. Pretty soon (and it’s coming fast) it will be our cattle being shot up with mrna. Saw a report about the cattleman’s association fessing up to this reality.

For those who turned their noses up at vegans in the past….buckle up…..we’ll all be identifying as vegans before too long. As the vegans continue to shoot themselves up with mrna. It really is bizarro world.

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Its already been in our pork for several years according to Dr. Mercolas chilling post today.

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Oh my! That’s very interesting to me personally because I believe strongly in God given discernment. For quite a while whenever I’ve considered pork products in the grocery store I’ve felt a definite “NO.” Same thing when the vax became available. Anytime I thought about it I’d just shudder...a strong visceral reaction. I truly believe that if I’d taken it I’d be dead. I am continually amazed at our Lord’s goodness and involvement in the intimate details of our lives.

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Me too. My gut reaction to the jabs was NO. I work hard on my health and didn’t want to be a test subject for them. I believe also that God had a hand in protecting me and so many others. Even when I needed a surgery after a fall last year, the orthopedic surgeon did it in our local small hospital where I wasn’t even asked about the jab and no mask required. I knew personally some of the surgical staff. I didn’t go to the giant hospital 3 towns over where I may have been in more danger. He engineered that whole thing. Praise God!

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Yes indeed---needed knee arthroscopy, asked the orthopedic surgeon where he did this--at local hospital across the street? His response, "Hospitals are for sick people". He operates in a surgical center. Interesting to me, his practice remained open during the spring 3 years ago, and the practice was not wearing masks last Sept. when I first went there. Don't know if I should connect any dots here....

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Makes me want to vomit. These criminals are so evil.

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This article is alarming!

“ This is a nightmare scenario whereby people's genetics are potentially altered with 'factory foods' without them even knowing. Let me begin by putting to rest any questions as to whether this can happen. The idea of vaccines in food has been around for a long time …”

I think I will stay away from pork until we get more “transparency “!

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Pork at present but it’s coming to beef, chicken and lamb. No way to avoid it I’m afraid. They don’t want us to eat meat because Climate Change. Really they just don’t want us to live on the planet. We’re useless to them.

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Hopefully Bill 1169 paves the way to complete transparency in food processing. No one will want to eat this garbage.

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I read that too. I wonder how they got approval to use mRNA technology in 2018?

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In the dead of night, behind closed doors, without dissenting voices, while Americans were sleeping, after they paid off the people in charge, while changing laws behind the backs of Americans, through the selection process of rigged elections. I could keep going…..

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Have you noticed how they don’t get approval for anything lately?

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have you noticed how they break the law with no fear of ever being held accountable

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That’s our uniparty...a sad day when you realize the government is one big cartel and don’t care about us, we are just cash cows.

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Yeah makes us real popular at the party. 😢

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That kind of explains why China has been buying up all our pork production facilities, doesn’t it?

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I’ve been reading more and more about mRNA being used in the meat starting this month.

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Yes. So have I. Cattle associations are all in. Alarming. What does cooking or freezing do I wonder.

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That’s what I’ve read too.

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Do you have the post?

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It’s above on the thread.

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Can you link to this post? I’d like to read it.

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See above. I’m out and about and didn’t save it.

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Throwing out all pork in freezer!!

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I’m very curious if cooking mitigates the mRNA. Freezing? Im remembering that the vax had to be at some insane freezing temp. Heard that at the beginning but no more. Then should I infer freezing preserves it?? We need answers and we need them FAST!!

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Support your local organic farmers by buying your clean meat products from people who farm small on pasture based farms and don't vaccinate their herds. It's better for you and better for the animals. You can find your local producer from the website EatWild.https://www.eatwild.com/products/ Conventional farming of animals is the reason they have to vaccinate due to overcrowding.

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I have done that. We have many suppliers in my rural area. I can’t do whole animals or even a quarter due to space needed, so trying to find those that sell just cuts locally. Veg and eggs are plentiful thankfully. I’d be happy with just ground beef. Still better than most. I’ll have to start asking about vaxxing. Still, that question of cooking and freezing must be answered ASAP. Many don’t have opportunities or the money to make changes.

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Unfortunately a lot of us will be literally ill and unwell if compelled to use a vegan diet. It is not a healthy long term way of eating, and that has nothing to do with my opinion of philosophical beliefs.

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Oh I don’t like the idea at all. I’m just saying I’d rather die on my own terms than be murdered by the evil that is loose and running amuck in this world. Even if it means I try and survive on plants and berries. I don’t know if my heart can take much more evil being unleashed on us.

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I agree with you Sunnydaze!. I could never have imagined that this much evil could have penetrated every sector of our lives. I am heart sick over it and like you, don't know if I can take much more. I have to keep reminding myself that God is in control no matter what happens around us and I have to trust that He will carry me through!

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I agree. My eyes have to stay focused on Jesus or I loose hope in absolutely everything around me. And I live in Florida. If I were still in the blue state of destruction I don’t know how my outlook would be. Clinging to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for hope and discernment.

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With you on all that, Sunnydaze! (except the Florida part---I'm in PA [but also in Maine where there is a strong medical freedom movement]

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Yep!! I have literally been sitting here on my assets all day interacting on this stupid yaptop. If it is not one thing, it is a million other reasons to take our eyes off the Lord. So easy to be distracted. And...I have to ask myself 'how much of this is real?'. They fling crap to see what sticks and where. There is fear mongering on both sides that are LIES, yet the distraction is real. I would like to remind ourselves that vengeance belongs to the Lord and I really hope He gets all these evil people. And soon. But, we all know we have to go through tough times, and this time? Well, it is like being smushed under a giant boulder.

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I’m not going vegan. When I sent that article to my daughter, we discussed where we’re going to raise the pigs.

We’ve already got cows, chickens, and two enormous gardens. Now pigs.

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And the problem isn't just our own food, but what about eating out and eating away from home? Church potlucks, neighborhood barbecues, play dates, birthday parties, stopping for food while traveling.... this is ridiculous.

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For a few years now I have felt like a food quality snob when reluctantly eating somewhere other than home. I know the cons of farmed fish and non organic meat, and could control that at home. Now even home will not be a haven. I will have to order from a rancher online who says he does not vaccinate and will not.

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It was hard to give up farmed seafood in many ways but after I learned what they feed them it was a no-brainer.

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If only we had space for pigs and chickens. And no, given some particular circumstances, we can't really move to such a place. Sigh.

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Perhaps there are small producers not too far from you. Most of us don't use the methods of Big Ag.

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I have local sources. The problem is all the places not home that we eat and therefore cannot control.

We have a myriad food issues already that make eating away from home arduous. This is one more.

How do you go to Thanksgiving dinner and deal w that?

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Bartering will come in handy. Choose your currency wisely.

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Can I come live with you? I don’t take up much space lol.

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Personally, I believe the version of veganism that is being shoved at us (plant-based yada yada) is just as bad - monocrops, genetically modified seeds, poisons used to desiccate as well as kill weeds. Crummy processed, packaged junk food that they market as healthy because The Science. That will seriously be the death of us all - and the land.

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And there may be a valid worry with mRNA veterinary jabs: prions. Unlike the fears of human "spike shedding" which I suspect have little basis in fact, prion disease is a real thing. A decade or more ago, there was a scare mainly in UK about "Mad Cow" disease. In essence, the problem was that cows were fed parts of cow protein that included abnormal proteins that infected the living cows. Seems odd, doesn't it, that strict herbivores would be fed animal protein, even cannibalistic, in a sense? And to some extent, humans could catch the disease from eating infected beef -- even I supoose, after it was cooked (since it's rare people eat raw meat.)

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🤯🤯🤯 Why? Right? Why would people inject our food with all of this crap? Not just meat? But every single thing we eat. 😭 It’s so discouraging. It’s like these “scientists” and “food regulators” just sit around trying to see how depraved they can be. So sick.

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When the news last year said Gates bought up most of the available farmland in the country, I shuddered..what evil plan is up his diabolical and megalomaniacal sleeves?

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Billy is the biggest individual owner. It's about 250K acres or something. Big AG has waaay more. But yes prolly for data models and stuff he wants to implement.

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Thess “scientists “ probably have a picture of Josef Mengele hanging in their office.

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Planned genocide and transhumanism agenda with unlimited money resources.

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35 years ago...Mad Cow in the UK. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. I know because we lived there then and I cannot give blood because that is/was one of the qualifiers. Nobody that possibly ate tainted beef could give blood at the Red Cross. So...what does that tell you????!!!

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Look for local beef, pork, chicken, etc., and know your farmer's practices. It should be one of the many parallel economies we are developing to withstand the coming worse tyranny.

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So we just bough 1/2 beef through a friend down south Florida. We have no way of knowing the practices of the farmer that actually raised the cow.

Do you have pointers moving forward to ask their practices? Are the farmers open to questioning or will it make them defensive? What questions should we be asking? This isn’t just for me….I think there’s a lot of us that have no clue how to shop around for a cow or anything else meat related for that matter. Most of us would love to know our meat is coming from a safe place nowadays, but don’t know how to find any.

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023

Small farmers will welcome your questions and gladly answer your concerns. They know that their meat, produce, and other products are higher quality and better for you than those of corporate farms and want to educate the public/potential customers about the differences. To get started, try approaching farmers face-to-face at farmers markets or do an online search for local small farms and check out their websites or Facebook pages.

If you happen to live in Pennsylvania, especially in the vicinity of southwestern PA, here's the link to a comprehensive resource of small farmers and producers that I highly recommend from personal experience: https://www.pafarmsdirect.com/

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Here's a great talk by famous farmer Joel Salatin on this topic:


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I'd be astonished if a small farmer didn't appreciate the chance to answer questions (informed, interested customers are who we hope for), but if one wouldn't answer questions (assuming you didn't catch them at the wrong time) then I'd not buy from them. There are Facebook groups, groups with other online presences, etc., to connect producers and buyers. Your friend either should have been able to tell you about that producer's practices or tell you where you could find out about them.

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Dr Mercola this am says pork injected with it for last 5 years

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They're working on mRNA vaccine delivery via vegetables, too. Grow it yourself, or you won't be able to avoid it.

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But people don't realize that pediatricians get these same bonuses per patient for every child that is vaccinated. It's all a big scam. Don't get me wrong, I believe children should get some basic vaccinations, but the vaccination schedule has ballooned in the last 30 years. Way too many.

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I’m rethinking if children need any vaccinations.

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If my children were babies again I think I would skip all vaxxes, but they are grown now. My 16 year old will not get the HPV or meningitis vaccine or any more flu shots, that’s for sure.

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Just spoke with an acquaintance Friday--his children, ages 16-23, have never had any vax at all, not any, not ever. And healthy as all get out, he says. But he looks around at nieces and nephews--all vaxxed, all sick frequently.

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You can find evidence of this among most chiropractors that typically do not vax their children. The data is there but if the health agencies do not want to look at it then it remains anecdotal, and so, easy to dismiss. Statistics are a poor representation of truth because it can be so easily manipulated. I wish people would stop relying on picture graphs and computer models and instead believe their own eyes and use common sense.

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I asked my chiropractor if his kids are vaxxed. He said no. They are very healthy family. Meanwhile 3 of my kids have high-functioning autism. At least I breastfed them...

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Anecdotal, but I hear of 1-3 people I work with sick every week (of a pool around 50). Never heard it at all before COVID vax attack.

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Had trouble this a.m. reaching live person at PT practice---'we're missing a lot of people'--not the first time I have heard that from them. I always wonder if they had such staffing issues before '20.

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But unless. you homeschool your children and never send them to camps, you can't get past the vaxx requirements for children.

Maybe not the end of the world, but it would be a very unique family that can handle those constraints.

And colleges will get you again if you by-pass the above. So they'd have to find a way to make their living without a degree. Again, certainly not impossible. But rare these days for all of the above together.

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Many states have religious exemptions so they can go to school unvaxxed.

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I think that summer camp has long (60 years or more) had an 'I'll pay you for babysitting my kid while school is out' aspect to it. As a one-income, mother-at-home-raising-children family, we never had money for such. And homeschooling implies a parent at home, so no need for 'external parenting'. Regarding college, I notice sprouting up programs which offer a path to a career without college. This vax mandate thing must have brought a lot of parental minds into a new way of considering their children's future---the heavy debt load undertaken by so many, without much confidence in that debt leading to a high salary, the productive youthful years spent sitting in a lecture hall.....rather than being out 'doing' something. Just my take.

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Work to restore rights in your state. The exemptions get eroded by powerful lobbies. When we vacation in NYS we are limited in what activities our children can do. Ohio is much freer.

We homeschool, but we use colleges and without living on campus, it’s never been an issue.

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Read "Turtles All the Way Down."

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Life changing book.

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You are thinking in the right direction.

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Science says: you are correct

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I did that rethink before anyone was calling us anti-vaxxers. 🙏

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Good for you; I wish I had!!!

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It has ballooned from 1 simple law that removed their liability in 1986.

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It's simple. If vaccines were safe and effective as big pharma claims, why would they need unlimited protection?

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Gorgo... 🎯🎯🎯👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Right. That’s why some pediatricians kick out noncompliant vaccine families. It hurts their bottom line net profits.

Ultimately you don’t want these type of people carrying for your kids- but it is happening in CT absolutely.

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Even in Florida! I keep seeing on social media posts - moms looking for a pediatrician who will take their kids as patients even though they won’t vaxx them. They are having trouble finding ones. They are being turned away by all of them! It’s 🤯🤯🤯🤯

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Maybe they don't need a pediatrician at all. Just a thought. What for? If your kids are healthy, they don't need to see a doctor.

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It’s become that way. It’s how I feel now too. We only need the pedi for an occasional round of antibiotics… which you could now get at any walk in clinic.

The problem stems from needing any kind of school or camp form completed… that’s where you need a MDs signature… so essentially access to schools

If I had it to do over, I’d homeschool my three kids. But hindsight is always 20-20.

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And outdoor activities where they make you get the tetanus vax. Had to get it for a boy scout camp trip (as an adult leader). If I'd known it was a vax, I'd have skipped it just like the pesky flu jab.

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And be careful with the tetanus vaccine because certain brands still contain Mercury.

There is a mercury free tetanus version that you can request but you have to be knowledgeable enough to request it.

Tetanus vaccine is another scam! It is not even communicable and a lot of schools and college (try to) require it! 🤨

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Sadly, you do sometimes need someone who will fill out a health form for camps and such. You can go w/ a GP, but they tend to be ignorant of things that affect really young children and not older people.

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The pediatricians bread and butter have become the AAP vaccine series… sadly.

it’s very sad. Whereas when I was young, my mother tells a story of our long time hometown pediatrician telling my mother not to give me the polio vaccine …‘because I didn’t need it’

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My kids are unvaxxed. We found a family doctor instead of a pediatrician. The first time we met with him (12 years ago) we had a discussion about vaccines and he has never brought it up again.

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You were right the first time. Children don’t need any vaccinations. The basic vaccinations were the cause of complete indemnity (in 1986) to all vaccines.

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But then you might ask yourself, so why do I believe that children should get some 'basic' vaxxes? Which and why? Smallpox is 'eradicated'- although kept in at least one lab---I had always feared it could be leaked and my children, born between '78 and '87, with no smallpox vax, might be wiped out.

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I believe in jabs that eradicate a REALLY deadly disease by REALLY stopping the spread and preventing infection. Everything else is a profit scam.

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He is risen! Get out in the Spring Sun and be regenerate your melatonin stores, so you can keep fighting the Good fight.

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He is risen indeed! And the sun is shining with a bright blue sky here in southeast PA; I need to water the cabbages in the coldframe and take the plastic off the low hoops. Praise be to the Lord, the Creator of all.

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😎 ☀️ 💪

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Apr 10, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

From the Political article:

“Hospital administrations, he said, were consumed with the pursuit of profit. 'Hospitals are not there to help people,' he said. Doctors get 'brainwashed' along the way."

BOOM, there it is!

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I'm terrified of having to go to the hospital. I'm over here having heart issues and holding out until I can get a cardiologist appointment (I'm told I'll be lucky if I get one within 2-3 weeks from now). Pray for me y'all.

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Keep calling around for an earlier appointment. Or call the office of the one that would see you 2-3 weeks out and tell them to contact you if they have any cancellations. Bests of luck!

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Originally, when I called them (highly rated compared to average to low around here, which I feel you'd want in a heart doc lol) they said 2-3 months, my primary said he should be able to get them to get me in within 2-3 weeks...

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Here’s some incentive see oh 16 of attached link. Payout schedule for children 2 and under on the combo-10 follow the 💰


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Holy Toledo! No wonder some practices kick out the "don't vax my kids" families!

See pg 16... $400 ea if you get 63% of eligible 2 y.o.'s jabbed 24 or 25 times... yikes!

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If they have 500 kids in the practice eligible, that would be $150K-$200K. Meh, no conflict of interest there.

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Everything this govt does is criminal. It’s not limited to paying doctors to force a jab so many never wanted in the first place. I doubt I need to share with this group the list of criminal acts this regime has committed. If this govt does it you can take it to the defunded bank, it’s most likely criminal.

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Yesterday, discussing this with my other brain (the benefit of 51 years of marriage), I wondered if President Trump, in his clever way, has continued to take credit for Op Warp Speed simply because most of those who took the jab cannot bring themselves to accept their foolishness. RFK's candidacy, with its anti-vax position, would make them recognize their error.

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Just now opening Tom Renz post of 4/9 (had been out of internet reach for a week, so am catching up this a.m.)---he speaks of Trump needing to pay close attention to the never-vaxxed and the remorseful-vaxxed--

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If one BcBs Anthem was doing it, alllll were doing it. We need more whistle blowers to come forward.

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For those that may not be familiar, Rockefeller created this. https://meridianhealthclinic.com/how-rockefeller-created-the-business-of-western-medicine/ . Petroleum by products are the basis of modern medicine. Read this article written by a doctor. My father in law was a well respected lawyer in OK (the Chief Justice of the OK Supreme Court asked to eulogize him at his funeral pre pandemic). He was a trial lawyer in civil cases, always said “just follow the money, and you will find motive.”

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Thanks for the link. It's a story that bears repeating for those still unaware of how allopathic medicine "won out" over all other types.

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G. Edward Griffin's book, "A World Without Cancer" covers the creation of the big pharma cartel in extreme depth (entire back half of the book). Griffin is a renown investigative writer that has exposed The Fed ("The Creature From Jekyll Island"), big pharma cartel (see above), and more. He is also know for his interview of the Soviet spy that gave the blueprint to take over America using brainwashing in the schools.

I was reading this book when the bioweapons were unleashed on us. Very easy to see what was going on, how to research it. I just needed to figure out how to avoid it (thanks, Robert Barnes on locals.com!).


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Just ordered it.

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The antiWhiteism is well underway, even for conservative buyers at the link posted by Jeff.

VSRF’s online store: https://supportvacsafety.myshopify.com/.

No White people? (or possibly one). Even White women have been disappeared.

You may think this is trivial but it's part of the propaganda to poison us, replace us, and depopulate us.

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Gosh--your comment makes me remember/ realize that I first saw this stuff when my now 44-year-old daughter was in primary grades, and her textbooks had to have a wheelchair-bound, a dark-skinned child in every photo. Realized that the books had so much photo-space, unuseable by text (the purpose of the book, just maybe?) that the book had to be made much larger. And consequently, much heavier. To be carried by a 6 or 7 year old.

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There is absolutely nothing that the FDA or CDC can say or do that would move the trust needle from negative to even close to zero. Both must be abolished completely...the rot runs too deep to be uprooted.

Doctors taking payments for pushing murderous mRNA injections or any vaccines shows us how low the medical profession has sunk...to the lowest gutter and even lower.

Did government provide the insurance companies with money to pay off the doctors, or did it come from insurance premiums, or did they take it out of profits, or did big pharma provide the money?

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023

I dunno yet if I agree. The CDC and FDA are useful idiots, whereas I can be sure 90% or more of the time that I'm safe if I just do the opposite of what they tell me to do... and the 10% cushion relates to emergency ortho care when I break a bone or pull a muscle...

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My BIL is a recently retired Endocrinologist... years ago he told me that what he does he is "help people die". Doctors are trained to give drugs they know will not cure anyone but simply help them limp along until the next dis-ease surfaces to which they apply yet another poison. His job was very depressing and he suffers from many serious ailments himself. When I tried to tell him that diabetes was not a life sentence he got angry and said I was full of it - that it could never be cured. Brainwashed and afraid. These are the people that have authority over your health/life/death.

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And remember 2 years ago the rumor that insurance companies would charge the unvaxxed higher premiums? Because we would be costing them more in pay-outs? As I wrote this I thought, the insurance companies must have known the scam--but then realized it was only in autumn '21 that the midwest life insurance company saw the number of death payouts rising exponentially (if I don't commit hyperbole by using that adverb)--and that suggests that insurance did not then know of the poison being injected.

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Well, my company subsidized cost for life insurance went up 225% this year. No idea why. /sarc off

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I agree!!

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As crazy as it seemed to vaccinate zoo animals... don’t forget Australia killed shelter dogs because of the deadly risk of Covid in picking up a shelter dog. Yes, people in charge outside of the US are even dumber than the ones in the US it seems.


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didn't china kill pets too

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Apparently not the bats, as they sent one to us and it’s running our country now.

Let’s go Brandon!!

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So he’s.....Batman?

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CStone... 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🙌🙌🙌🎯🎯🎯👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Sure did. Rounded up the dogs. For public safety.

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They beat pet rabits, dogs, cats and other pets while the owners were in quarantine. They beat them to death. There is one where three tyvek clad enforcers are twirling a dog on a leash and collar, till it's dead. The videos coming out of China were horrendous. If that's how they treat beloved cuddly pets, imagine how they treat people?!

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Makes me absolutely sick!

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