

— More! That dang Karen. Corrected to Vancouver, British Columbia, not Calgary.

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How perfect is that her name is actually Karen?

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I think Karen is a misogynistic, racist term like Uncle Tom, aunt jemimah, are now considered racist. Call a spade a spade, “bitch” is good enough and doesn’t denigrate white middle aged women.

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My female dog objects to being used as a pejorative to describe this Karen.

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I agree. Dogs are smart and don't deserve being grouped with stupid smart people. I've known many stupid smart people in my day; they didn't go far because computers weren't the norm. We used to say they lacked common sense, like a three-year old toddler that puts his hand out to support himself as he falls headfirst into a pool. Darwin's law used to take care of most of them. Now with seat belts, air bags and propaganda in our schools we're seeing a proliferation of stupid smart people in our country. Eliminate, and get a constitutional amendment preventing, the department of education being a federal bureaucracy and let's get back to work making America great again.

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Dogs are our angels on Earth I believe - why they don't live as long - they're here to help guide us along, and then have more work to do in the Heavens when they're gone.

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Thanks for this comment. I needed to see this today. I'm getting close to having to release my senior angel. Each day we're closer "the decision". I've called her my angel for years, as she came into my life when I needed (non-judgemental) companionship the most. I keep telling her that her work here is mostly done, and I'll see her again soon enough. 😊💜

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My Dad had an angel cat. Frank . His nursemaid. We were blessed.

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I agree that dogs should live forever but in God's great wisdom how much more do we appreciate them in their short lives.

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Spent time this a.m. tracking progress of growth of homeschooling, even WaPo had long article on it, which fact speaks loudly IMO.

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Love homeschooling! 💖 is the article on the Washington post behind a pay wall? One positive thing the plandemic done for us was to make homeschooling grow. Also to make everyone question vaccines!

Now I tell my kids, stay away from pokey things! 🔥🔥💉💉

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I love it.

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Your dog will certainly take the high road, and learn from those Karens who live in the gutter.

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Good one GG!

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Mine as well!

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

The moon and sun are also racist terms. The moon is too white ... and is also privileged because it can reflect white light. And the sun is racist because 'yellow' is a code word for Chinese. So don't say anything bad about the sun.

'Night' is also racist because it gets dark outside. And I don't dare use the word 'night' anymore.

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Have you seen the sun lately? It's not yellow anymore...it's bright white...so super raysist

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Yes, but! DeWife says that I have no body awareness, or any other kind of awareness. She thinks the sun, at least for me, could quite possibly be lime green with soft rose polka dots. But in thankfulness of your writing to me, I am willing to consider super white with invisible yellow checks.

Actually, the world is so crazy that I am not sure what to think anymore. But I am glad you wrote to me. That was very nice. And because I am totally dyslexic, I really appreciate your spelling! Clever lass you are!

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I guess "jigaboo" is out too? 🙄

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I guess. And also 'jitterbug'.

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Forgive my ignorance, What is a jigaboo and a jitterbug? 🤷🏽‍♀️ those are a new one on me… forgive my grammar… Ugh…

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What about the ace of spades?

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There is no such thing as racist or misogyny. These are Bolshevik terms that have no basis in reality. It’s not unlike the patriarchy or extreme Whiteness. This is the language of our enemy and anyone who uses it is my enemy.

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Have you seriously never met a rascist or a misogynist? Or are you speaking tongue-in-cheek and forgot to mention that?

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And the earth is flat.

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And yes if you’re offended you’ll say thank you Karen. lol

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I've got a better word, begins with a C and ends with a T

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LOL! If you like!

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There's nothing worse than being called a bitch as a man.

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And the haircut is perfect

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Is it a coincidence that they’re all so homely and sickly looking?

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RemovedJul 15
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Spam! Don't open link.

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The assassination attempt? Absolutely.

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The “ladder” the murderer used appears in one photo to be built into the building. I cannot find the link now. Has anyone seen that?

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

I hadn't seen that; I'm sure further info can confirm or deny it soon. It would explain why it wasn't "noticed" beforehand. (Though it doesn't explain why there isn't a gate/lock on it, like there normally is on roof ladders, if for no other reason than liability if some kid climbs up and breaks their leg.)

Although, I've heard reports that the shooter got there by crossing several roofs until he reached the closest one, so I'm not sure if he actually used that ladder anyway.

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RemovedJul 15
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Folks - we have a scammer here with Mary!

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Thank you for the warning before I clicked on the link!

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If you go to “her”, …”mary” profile- the same link is posted numerous times - what a pathetic waste of time in one’s short life.

To each their own.

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Oh come on Kelli, isn’t there enough hate?

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I love the tagline on your profile. "One of the good Karens." You Rock! That's awesome.... :-)

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I agree wholeheartedly. Isn’t it tiresome to always have your name thrown around as a pejorative attack?

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Sort of how it was hard growing up as a blonde during the era of dumb blonde jokes. That was very, very tiresome for me. No amount of my intelligence ever overcame it. 😂

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Try growing up short !! I tried changing the color of my hair ..... but I couldn't fool anyone .

I still get left holding that end of the stick ........

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I feel for all Karen’s born blonde and short. 🤣🤣 Poor dears. The social trifecta

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Ca,iforia, a CHP officer pulled over a car because h hought a young child was driving i. He discovered the driver was not a young child, but an adult woman whose driving licence listed her height as four foot five. (I know seven year olds taller than that). She was it turned out, a legal immigrant from the highlands of Guatemala. I have seem these people and they are, in general, VERY short.

Not satisfied with being foiled at arresting a ten year old whilst driving, he cited her for NOT using a "child seat booster"as required by law for "children" under the age of twelve who are shorter than some arbitrary number. She was smart/stubborn enough to appear in court. The judge threw it out. Don't remembr what the judge said to the copper.. he SHOULD have cleaned his closk.

Then there is the kid my Dad remembered from his high school years.... he was "six foot sixteen". Star basketball player on the small school's team.

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Oh yes! I’m 5’2” too so I live through that as well. Double whammy. LOL 🎶“Short people got nobody” 🎵🎵

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Hey I honestly think Karen is a way better name than Becki which has also been thrown around as pejorative for white women. Call me Karen I’ll just roll my eyes and say okay now I DO want to talk to your manager. But call me Becci or Becky or whatever and I just might throat punch a b****. Lol! But (of course) I have an annoying cousin named Becky that I can’t stand so there’s that. My stepsister (Karin may she rest in peace) would be horrified at the awful use of her name, despite the fact that she probably would have embodied it, and I’m glad she didn’t have to endure it during her much too short but fairly miserable life.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

First I've ever heard of Becky being a bad thing although my sweet mama never allowed anyone to call me that. She didn't give me a middle name- thought that was sufficient. The Beckadee is what my Aunt called me. Must be a northern thing. ha

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I actually love the name Rebecca I think it’s lovely and has dignity. It’s the Becky that I think sounds dumb as hell. Your mom sounds like a great lady. 😉. My husband is Martin. Never call him Marty unless you want an enemy for life. 😂. Another dumbass nickname that should never have been. Beckadee is an awesome nickname. Like chickadee which I call people all the time.

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I love honesty…

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I'm so sorry your name has been turned into a slur. My maiden name was an old fashioned term in the UK for an idiot. I feel your pain.

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I asked Siri and he came up with a ton of words for idiot. Dang, sorry about that. It’s harder when you’re a kid.

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In a book from the late 1800’s that I read a few years ago, described that many parents named their daughters Karen because the name sounded like caring and they wanted to bless future generations of their families with caring women.

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That is so cool, I hadn’t thought about Karen in that way. Duh ☺️

It’s a derivative of Katherine and there’s a long line of them in history of course, and in my family.

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Her mailbox is full.

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That is hilarious!!! Yay!!!

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Seriously, people! Are there any Jesus followers here? Comment on her hair? For heaven's sake.

Love your enemies! Bless those who harm you.

Me? I will pray for Karen. The shame she must feel for overreacting to her emotions must be overwhelming. And now you want to publicly throw dirt on her?

Who among you is without sin?

Jeff, I appeal to you, kindly please remove her personal contact information and pray for her. In Jesus' Name.

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You are right Jana that making fun of her is no way to act either. But I do feel that those who are in a position such as hers need to be held accountable for their words and actions. There is not one single person that is without sin and cannot cast stones. We have a couple of generations that place blame on everyone but themselves for their own actions and these same people have not filters on their mouths or their minds and their minds. They have never been taught there are consequences to pay. Personally, when I was young, I had to grow a tough skin because there was a "bra" in my name and the boys were relentless. Plus, I was a freckled red head. One of my favorite scriptures when I first came to the Lord almost 50 years ago was when Jesus said that I would be persecuted just as he was persecuted but I was to endure till the end. I am sorry that my words offended you.

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Accountability is important. We should "judge" people in that regard, as well as be willing to be "judged" (corrected) ourselves when we go wrong.

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Emailed too.

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Darn… I was going to email her… Jeff needs to put more emails and phone numbers in his articles so we can “do our part” with these people… as Michael the Archangel said, “The Lord rebuke you…” Jude 1:9

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If that is her real name!

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That was my comment in my email to her.🤣

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And a "pinder" used to mean someone who would impound stray cattle as during the middle ages there was rampant theft of livestock - as we're seeing now with more "cattle" waking up reality.

Pinder isn't doing a good job anymore, is she? Too many awake cattle.

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I’m concerned that there will be a cover up by the FBI. I don’t buy this business about not being able to access the assassin’s phone, which is vital to the investigation. There are reports that bomb making materials were found at the home, and an explosive device in his car at the scene. The father bought the gun, which doesn’t necessarily mean anything, but what’s going on with the family? Who are they? The guy was living at home, not on his own. It’s far too soon to determine that he is a lone wolf.

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Unfortunately today those who are "Educated Beyond Their Intelligence" are like vermin. Far too many of them and the STENCH! Gag reflex.....

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As I come to think of it, I only personally know 3 ladies named Karen and all 3 are very liberal. I wonder?????

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My ex-wife's name was Karen, and she was deeply, emotionally, ideologically a hard core liberal.

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Too broad a brush. My best friend of over 30 years is named Karen, and she's not a liberal nor is she inclined to wish ill on anyone. She does, however, cringe every time she has to give her first name.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

it is amazing how trump triggers the extreme mentally ill, unstable---the corrupt politicians and SCREAMING KARENS. While he attracts the truth seeking hardworking God fearing, honest-leaning generous ppl of the world. For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear....

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Speaking of which (eyes to see and ears that hear)……the Biblical symbolism of blood on the right ear and tight thumb……and the right toe. Did you know he lost his shoes when he went down? I would love to know if he had blood on his right big toe.

Read Exodus 29:20

The blood sprinkled ear must be always willing to hear God’s Word; the blood sprinkled thumb on the right hand symbolizes hands that are ever ready to do God’s will; and the blood-sprinkled toe is a symbol of feet ever committed to walk in the Way of righteousness and truth

When he went down, those who could see him said his lips were moving and it appeared he was praying. And what I saw when he got up, was a changed man. With his face on that platform, imho, he had an experience with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I saw something in his face I had never seen before. Humility.

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I saw grit! Exodus 29:20. I have not seen that before, or never put it in context. As always, the Bible doesn't have an expiration date!

Donald Trump stood up, with such a look of grit and determination, as we've not seen. Oh, we saw his drive and energy, and how much he cares - but that grit, that force!

He arose with a determination that shows a man of strength and character that melts all the silly words the msm concocted.

God bless Donald Trump. God bless those who lost their loved one, and those injured. May the God of love and vengeance (for we know God says vengeance is Mine) be among us as we move through these times.

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I think he actually had a spiritual experience on that floor. An encounter.

The blood on the right thumb, the right ear and the right toe is a sign of anointing.

He is still a man. Still flawed, like me. But the symbolism of that blood place in the exact way is a sign to those, as the original comment on this thread posted “let him who has eyes that see and ears that hear”.

There will be those who will scoff at this. But what happened had to happen. To prove that the Hand of the Almighty is upon him.

Those who are against him better be careful….”Touch not My anointed……”

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I agree with all you said.

Maybe some people on here can at least recognize he’s a very unique and talented individual.

Some of what is said seems to come from a deep place of envy and jealousy and revulsion.

I’m disappointed to see that on here.

But given the number of people on here yesterday, who didn’t seem to get Jeff’s reference to ‘the shot heard round the world’, I blame it on the public school system.

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I spent this last weekend helping to teach more than a dozen people how to become better skilled at arms,and about the events and individuals that stood up and MADE A DIFFERENCE on 10 April 1775, the day "the shot hard round the world" (along with a few thousand that followed that shot) was fired.

Donald Trump's response to the attempt upn his life is very like those w"well-regulated" men (and a handful of women) who rose to the need toat day. Taking no thought for their own "safety" or "comfort" they awoke in the wee hours, mustered out, and marched half the night to stand against the tyrants determined to further subjugate them. They stood firm and said NO.

It took almost another ten years to finally convince The King's Best that they would NEVER prevail against the true Sons of Liberty. And this nation was born out of that.

One of them later declared that the tree of liberty would ned watering from time to time with the blood of patriots.

That time is ow THIS time... there will be more blood to water that Tree in the coming months. But if I did not believe WE will prevail I'd ship off to some remote corner of this big dirtball and hibernate somewhere else.

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Willing Spirit, I wonder if he had his Jacob moment of ‘wrestling’ …..and thank God DJT didn’t win…….God did.

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Did you see the video from April 8 where a prophet said this exact thing would happen to Trump? Amazing!!

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He also mentioned it would cause in him a spiritual awakening.

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I did. I have only seen where he said he prophesied it 3 months ago. I’m VERY wary of today’s ‘prophets’.

(People say that Joseph should have kept his mouth shut about his dreams, because he came off as spoiled. I posit that he HAD TO TELL his dreams, so that his brothers would remember. If he had told them ‘after the dream came true, they could have said “Of course you’re saying that now!” ….. so….. I’m very, very wary.)

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Grit and humility. What an amazing combination!!!!!!

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I think any of us who have seen death pass right before our eyes (or ears) we become a very humble pile of dust.

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❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Yes

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Did you see the video clip of the fellow who allegedly predicted back in March that Trump would be shot in the ear and have a deeply religious experience? I don't know if it is legitimate or not but it appears to be.

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It's a limited enough amount of detail that it COULD be a coincidence (and the guy says "busted his eardrum" which as far as we know didn't happen, but he may have misspoken). On the other hand, I'm not prepared to rule it out either - I sure hope the prophecy's consequence (Trump having a genuine born-again experience) does/did indeed happen.

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I did. See my answer to PEL above

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THAT's what it was! I saw it in his eyes mili-seconds before he dropped. I thought it was shock, but that wasn't really the right word.

Yes! Humility. Thanks for using that word!

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I had the thought that he saw his life flash before his eyes and seeing, yes indeed they want me dead. And then that sense of humility that you are but a mortal man and can be taken out.

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You can here in the video him telling the agents he needs to get his shoes. That photo taken when his face is inches from the floor is powerful!

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I did not see this photo

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I can believe that The LORD has been a long time drawing him to Himself. HE chose this man for His purpose, WILL.. Spiritually a mix of Paul and Peter.

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This is an interesting insight. Possibly.

However I was sad to hear his position in abortion. I get a “rationale” for that but a believer believes all life is ordained by God and is precious in his site. Even a child from incest or rape.

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Strange, I thought I saw the same.

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Have you seen this prophecy from 3 months ago?


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I did. See my reply to PEL above.

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That is pretty profound. Never noticed that scripture. I watched RNC tonight and he was moved to tears and seemed quite humble in facial expression anyway.

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the man DJT is open and being led by God Almighty Himself!

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He's a lightning rod for all those who flail around in fear and have no God to turn to.

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No one man can save us. ( except Jesus Christ)

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Stop already! I am sick of the implication that I’m worshipping Donald Trump.

Only God can save us. But He knows how to pick His hands for the work.

I’ll say it again. Donald Trump is a mighty weapon in the hands of God.

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If he is anointed by the Almighty God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob he can!

I can name a few




Joshua and Caleb

King Cyrus

King David

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I need more time In my Bible reading, thanks!

Autoimmune stuff messes with my memory. Gid did hook me up with a real doctor a few years ago. So thankful. But I digress.

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Mine too. Mine too.

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You don’t think he saved you, do you? Oh, you think maybe God used him?

Imagine that!

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Who are these people, who continuously cast doubt?

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You make me realize the triggered left are probably mostly on psych medications due to mental illness, if just fear, but get this, the bottle of their "anxiety-calming" medication ironically says "may cause violence"

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one of my past best friends jumped from pastor husb + 2 kids, at time they were 10 &12 to a lesbian relationship 30 yrs ago....she is the most hate filled rage infected man hating trump derranged person I've ever seen! I saw her on twitter over the last year...she spends her days bashing trump and anything godly. And YES she was molested by a man across street when she was young and by her cousins. I struggled with homo BS until 40...IT IS nurture and abuse...not nature I can vouch...do not believe the BS. Only Gods healing can get you out of those places of hate and unforgiveness.

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OH MY GOSH! You are right...and ALL of the mass shooters(sandy hook etal..) are on psych meds and so many in the tranz self hatred sexual challenged camp. Why do the CIA groom tranz mentally ill to be their stooges?

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Watch the movie “Manchurian candidate”. The CIA drugs and hypnotizes vulnerable people to do their dirty work.

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I think an incredible number of people are on something. Imagine a crisis with a huge supply chain failure. Most of our pharmaceuticals appear to come from China.

Imagine these people cold turkey withdrawing from all these substances.

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they will self destruct...no doubt, they have no root, no hope to cling to...only anyone around them willing to listen and help.

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I wish he would stop doing the rallies - I always thought they were unsafe. He's so popular he'll be fine if he just sits them out.

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They feel like the happiest, friendliest place on earth. They are so powerful, when you see there are so many more of us than them.

And now, I’m sure they will be very safe. Those big men you saw who spotted the evil creep will be doing their own surveillance from now on. There’s plenty of time for it, since most people arrive hours before the event.

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My first instinct after the shooting was to tell him to just do rallies by zoom or something! But you are right, the rallies are so wonderful to attend in person! The camaraderie and friendships that are made there are second to none! Maybe they should put a bulletproof plexiglass cube around him or something?

As a veteran, after living through eight years of Obama and the divisiveness, I remember feeling so happy to see people proud to be American again! When that Lee Greenwood song is played, and everyone is standing together and pledging to the flag it feels like a celebration of Unity. God Bless America 🇺🇸

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Could not agree more.

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There are undoubtedly many police, fire fighters, ex-military and even current military who attend these rallies. Going forward I hope they join together to do their own surveillance at the events.

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And a bunch of those Ultimate Fight Championship participants!

Where there’s a will, there’s a way!

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That wouldnt be him. The Kennedys nor MLK were hiders, nor Regan.

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No. He shouldn’t. He is covered.

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He isn’t going to stop.

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I dont see how they can safely have any rally now?

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Are they greater than the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?

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great idea

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I actually don't think Trump triggers the mentally ill and unstable. They are triggered because of the all the propaganda by the MSM and the party that controls them. Most of what people believe about DJT isn't true. They have made an effigy out of the propaganda, and they are ready to destroy that.

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when the demon possessed hear truth they scream and nash their teeth...maybe I should say the politicians and MSM who disseminate what trump says are triggering the masses. Honestly, what difference does it make? the vagina heads from 7.5 yrs ago were the original screaming karens...they choose what to be triggered by don't they? Regardless if it is given to them by whoopie and THE VIEW who're also mentally ill--WOKE? Liars are drawn to liars....mentally ill are drawn to other mentally ill commenters. I have incredible past friends who are brilliant educated loving folk who have never turned off CNN in 20 yrs! So who is at fault for what they believe? It makes me wary of anything they believe...not saying I'm a prophet but I sure as hell can see truth when I hear it.

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Goodness, terrifies demons

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There’s plenty on this site who get triggered.

And I note that people on this site want to talk about almost anything besides President Trump. And if something is said, three quarters of it is extremely negative.

I’m happy to see what Jeff had to say about DJT this morning. But I bet a lot of regulars on here are having to go to their safe places and hug their teddy bears.

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All public universities in Canada are controlled by the Satanic global capitalist class, so "no worries," as they would say.

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What horrifies ME more is the fact that (from her brief bio there) she’s teaching DOCTORS her awful bull$)*! Let’s hope maybe her moment of internet fame will put a stop to that.

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Let's hope - it's a sick system all the way to its psychological core, eh?

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All the way to its demonic core

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And she was taught (indoctrinated) by someone before her. The corruption of academia goes way back. And it trickles all the way down to preschools now.

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UBC probably just granted her tenure.

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Agreed Diana - however when they say no worries, all the subconscious hears is "worries" why I like to say "always remember" instead of never forget.

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I, for one, found it amusing that University of British Columbia was located in Alberta.

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I was scratching my head, but figured there may be a satellite. In another university town. In another province.

Need more coffee...

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Yes I thought of that also right when I sent that response. I agree

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Ha. Good point

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Glad to know you are human! Great Substack today

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That Karen gets around like Waldo. She was also seen on a grassy knoll in Dallas and toting a ladder in PA.

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Maybe she is an AI creation to get us all riled up

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Well, I sent her an email, congratulating her for the classy manner in which she got her 15 minutes of fame.

And I called her number, but her mailbox was full.

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None of that means she’s real.

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Spit coffee out my nose on that one. 🤣🤣👍

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I get weekly emails from UBC asking for money, or to be included in my will, etc.

Can we get this story widely circulated?

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Sounds like you need to be contacting them ASAP and demanding she resign.

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who is ubc?

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That Karen is a wily character...

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yeah, you really had me going there. Thanks. Thought I was going crazy.

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Ha ha ha. Give it up. She’s not worth the effort. 😀

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Thanks, I was gaslite for a moment 😂😂

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Ugh closer to where I live- figures! 🙄

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Sounds like we are both on the Worst Coast Patti!

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She’s looking like a hot potato. I am expecting to read in the morning that she has been disavowed by Canada altogether. Maybe she’s at the vanguard of a new category of homelessness: consequential ostracism.

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After July 13, 2024, there can be no doubt God exists. If Trump had not tilted his head at the right angle at the right second, he would be dead today and America in flames. God saved President Donald J. Trump and America.

Pray for Corey and his family.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

God sends His angels 😇 to help us at the right time, though we may not discern them.

( Example:When my son was a toddler, I was feeding him in his high chair and our floor was unpolished hard tile. For one minute I got up to get something a foot away. He got very antsy and instantly was in a position of literally falling head first unto the floor. I felt time stop long enough for me to catch him. It defied time. I knew that it had to be an angel that stopped his fall).

God intervenes in so many ways from Heaven. Thank you God! 😊 🙏

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We too had a firsthand experience with the existence of Angels. A few years ago our son’s car broke down on a busy expressway where cars were going impossibly fast (75-80 mph) on both sides of the chevroned median he safely pulled over to while waiting for a tow truck. Some woman who was impatient with the fast moving merge lane chose to drive in the median area to bypass everyone in front of her. My son’s car engine was off, and so was his seatbelt because he had just gotten back inside after taking a picture of the surrounding area for the tow truck driver to find him. His hazards were on, but she rear ended him traveling 75 mph. It threw him and his car forward the entire 425ft length of the chevroned median area. His car came to a stop at the very tip end where cars on both sides whizzed past within inches of each door.

Paramedics and firemen said he should have been catapulted through his windshield and not be alive. They said the chances of any car traveling an exact, geometrically straight line like that for that distance without veering to one side or the other into traffic was nothing short of a miracle. Our son was shaken, but walked away with only a cut on his forehead. I wholeheartedly believe angels were on both sides of his car that day guiding it safely. There’s just no way you could recreate what happened even if you tried, not without CGI. ❤️🙏 We thank God every day for sparing his life.

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I love these evidences. My friend and another computer guy were waiting in a Sam Trans commute line at rush hour in SF, they got a call from someone at work to come immediately, and after they left a rogue bus that had lost its brakes plowed through the line of waiting commuters, killing and injuring them.

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Amazing story! <shivers>

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Oh wow! What a blessing that he was protected from harm!

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God is so good.

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Thank you! Recently my cat was attacked by a feral Tom cat and I ran after them as they tumbled down the uneven stone steps of the apartment complex, down a hill, no handrails, nothing. I flew down the steps , did not trip or fall, miraculously. I am sure angels were holding me up. My cat was injured but is fine now.

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Cuddle that cat!

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Happy that you are both fine! 😊🙏

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What is the feline gestation period?

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Your story is amazing! Yes, angels are among us 💯

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So are the fallen angels. 1/3 of them were cast down from heaven. Prowling like lions like their leader. Stay aware; pray constantly. Love God and your neighbor.

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Because of 2 Peter 2:4 I think we are seeing the work of demons vs fallen angels. But, definitely we are to do all you mentioned for the battle is real.

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Oh, I believe the fallen angels ARE the demons. If people believe in angels they have to realize that demons are real, too. I agree we are seeing work that is being supported by demons.

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The demons are the spirits of the Nephillim. And I agree. Fallen angels are among us. Demons don’t have the power of angels. And the battle is harder than it has ever been, at least for me. I’m not sure that the angels held in captivity have yet been loosed. But I think it’s possible. The battle is going to get harder. Better put on the armor of God…….HIS WORD!!

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This is true. Both are

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When my father was dying in 1989, my firefighter brother was working and living about 175 miles away from the hospital where our father was. He was driving down to the hospital but was tired and fell asleep at the wheel. Something jerked him out of his sleep and he was about to drive off the road but was able to catch it in time, and for some reason he glanced at the car's clock. It was 2:54 p.m. He later found out our father died at exactly 2:54 p.m.

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In 1990, I was in a big ole Crown Victoria station wagon with my husband and four children. He was driving the New Jersey Turnpike, where the speed limit must have been 95. It was raining and it was rush hour traffic. We were small town Floridians visiting relatives and clueless.

My husband started to exit and then quickly changed his mind. All I know is he pulled directly into the path of a large white van that could not possibly have missed us. I had the distinct impression that it just went right through us.

I knew we should all have been dead. The van driver ended up beside us an let us know that whatever he had experienced, he was most unhappy about it.

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I was protected numerous times while being gang stalked, got me much closer to Jesus.

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Amen Angela!

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I commented somewhere a while back, maybe a year ago, that I felt Trump was here because he had an historically pivotal role to play. In something. I was vilified, as a ‘Trump lover’ which is funny, because Trump wasn’t my preference in the primaries (I love the policy nerd that is Desantis), although I’m 100% behind him now. After the shooting Saturday, I am more convinced than ever that Trump is here, right now, doing what he’s doing, for a reason. Personally, I believe it’s a God thing... He has used many flawed men to advance his kingdom over the course of history. Whatever his role is, though, it will be pivotal. And not just to the US.

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Nard, having lost my son at the young age of 32 to a very rare cancer, I have come to understand that God has numbered each one of our days for His reasons we can not understand. In my understanding, God should have left him longer on this earth. He was a much loved Pastor, husband and father to two young children. However, in the 7 years since his passing I have come to a greater understanding of God's sovereignty. It sounded like Corey knew the Lord and we can be comforted that he is with Him now. I have no doubt that God protected our former president.

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Yesterday, when I first saw his name given, when I read that he had thrown his wife and daughter on the ground and lain on top of them to protect them, taking the bullet which killed him, I prayed for his soul. And I felt shivers go over my arms and legs for a couplr of minutes, the Holy Spirit answering my prayer. Then twice more yesterday when I saw him mentioned. I wish he were still with his family, but I know he is happy in Heaven now. I made a small donation to the Go Fund Me, thanks for the link! Super article today!

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Cia, check out the GoFundMe page. Its $4.5 million now!!

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Camille, your answer to that comment comes from the wisdom gained from your tragic experience. God has blessed you with the peace that passes understanding.. Those who have no relationship with God never understand the concept of God’s sovereignty and yes… goodness.

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭28‬ ‭ESV‬‬

So many reject this statement that ALL things work for good, because they are missing the caveat part…”for those who love God”.

Remember the old phrase, ‘only the good die young’? I’ve known of many very good people who died young. I tend to think that they finished the race early, they did all that God put them on this earth to accomplish and got to go home early.

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Validation, Freebird. Christ called my big sister home very soon after her youngest graduated high school. She was a happy, vibrant, busy, God-fearing woman directing music on Christmas Eve when she had a massive brain hemorrhage, stepped outside the church, and never regained consciousness—here on earth anyway. I’ve wondered why He would take such a blessing from us. The answer came to me, “She faithfully accomplished what I asked her to do. I want to reward her.”

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I’m so sorry for your loss. This knowledge doesn’t diminish our grief at the loss of a loved one, but it does bring us peace. And what comfort we have in knowing Christ, for our families and ourselves! I often wonder how people without that faith cope with those losses.

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Thank you. Years before he died, Dad told his grandkids, “No tears at my funeral! I’ll be gone to heaven, and I want you to say, ‘Hooray for Papa!’” They honored his request. I mourn for survivors and pray for their peace, but we all know mortal death is a Christian’s victory. “To die is gain” (Philippians 1:21). My favorite funeral hymn: “For all the saints, who from their labors rest, Who Thee by faith before the world confessed, Thy Name, O Jesus, be forever blessed. Allelujah!”

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Long years ago, I was providing daycare to a toddler and, after school care to his sister, in kindergarten with my middle child. A Jewish family. Little girl's grandmother died, mother, as she confided to me, went to library to get a book which would explain this to child. I was taken aback, and so sad.

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How about the classic statement by Joseph “what you meant for evil God used for good!”

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Freebird, indeed. I have come to understand many things. Including what it means to have the "joy of the Lord", no matter what happens to you in your life. When you have a biblical perspective that changes EVERYTHING.

"But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope." 1 Thessalonians 4:13

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And what a privilege that God gave you such a wonderful son!

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For sure- all reports are that Corey loved the Lord and was a godly man. Read his daughters tribute to him!

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People who reject God (or have never studied Scripture) aggressively reject the concept that God could be using Trump.

Those who hate Trump also reject that concept.

Rejection of God and/or ignorance of Him got us to where we are today.

But God can get us out. And the God who came to us not as a rich ruler but as a child born to a peasant girl uses very unexpected methods indeed.

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