So, yesterday I bit the bullet and nestled in for a little Pfizer sponsored MSM playoff football game. Now, to be clear, I haven’t engaged in any “television” since the MLB playoffs some months prior - when the “vaccine” propaganda whores were practically leaping off the screen at the speed of science, slapping me around like a only a good pimp could - so it took a minute to swipe the ¼ inch of accumulated dust off my mud flap antenna that was unceremoniously tossed to the floor after the Braves got bounced out of the playoffs. Television and all of its associated twaddle was once again officially dead and buried under the living room tile of my modest Florida abode. Good riddance.

Well, there I was, fully expecting to be pulverized by the same clot shot locomotive that had waylaid me months earlier, but lo and behold, it was not to be. Imagine my surprise when the one and only blatant attempt at Covid "vaccine" sorcery proved to be considerably subdued compared to last Autumn's hand-picked TV thespian who was splayed out on a hospital bed with tubes jutting in and out of every available orifice, flanked by a Frankenstein's array of heart monitors and electronic contraptions. Our Oscar winning Corona casualty stared into the camera and bemoaned: "I wish I had gotten the "vaccine." Subtle.

Yesterday's promo, oddly enough, had a ring of truth to it,…..something about Covid being bad ESPECIALLY if you’re over 50, have heart disease, diabetes, comorbidities, etc…y’know, the kind of stuff that’s been going on since the beginning of time. Next, they start slobbering about a new and improved magical pill that prevents Covid dirt naps, makes buttered toast, checks your tire pressure and increases your tax refund. I was totally unaware of this recent iteration of Covid pixie dust since I really couldn’t give a flying fig about the latest developments from the rat faced legion of liars at the helm of the pharmaceutical industry. Nonetheless, it’s available for the gullible sheep to indiscriminately gobble up enmasse. Have at it, suckers!

I say all that to say this: Television makes you stupid. Seriously stupid. If you stay glued to the icy rectangle of despair and misery long enough you can actually hear your IQ start to plummet.... and if you're like me and don't have a whole lot of points to spare your spouse may have to start putting away sharp objects, certain toiletries and beloved pets for the safety of the village. On the other hand, when you step away from the MSM absurdities for an extended period of time and then dare venture back into its dark forest of dumbness you become significantly more sensitive and aware of the utter load of slop that they try to cram through your eye sockets and ear hole thingies on a seemingly never ending basis. Case and point: 60 Minutes, always at the forefront of the planet's most pressing issues and never one to steer away from controversy, ran a teaser yesterday where the voice-over uttered this earth shattering little ditty: “What has the Ukraine and Russian war done to the ballet companies?” Whoa...hold that Pulitzer, we've got another entry! Needless to say, I chose to forego this weighty and groundbreaking story, removed my tin foil hat and tip-toed off to bed.

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OMG, this is hilarious! Are you related to Jeff!!?? 😂🤣😂🤣

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You know I think they only live a county apart. Enough for the snark vibes to interact.

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Maybe there’s something in the air or the water there that increases snark talents 😆😂

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Snark is carried through the trees by monkeys. We all have it! Fueled by coffee and boosted by Jeff. 🔥

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Which means 'y'all' are THRIPLE BOOSTED--LOL!

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Fraudci would be so proud! 😂

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Lol so true

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BFM, And where are you in that connection? There’s some snark in the water down there! 😂

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I believe the 'snark' grows in several watery areas thru out Florida. Think Everglades, Lake Okeechobee, Intercoastal Waterway and multiple "Springs" waterways.. then distributed around the state by (sometimes not gentle) breezes. Grew up down in So. Fla., left in '69. still have a good amount of snark working when appropriate.

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Watch out if you go there for a visit - I hear snark attacks are on the rise.

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Probably not "related by blood"--but DEF "by spirit"!!!

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I thought that too. Gifted writers with a bit of snarky🤪

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Ha ha my thinking exactly.

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That was my first thought

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Well my mom has the TV on 'for noise' from the minute she wakes up until she goes to bed. She has been in a care center for rehab for the last month, and I have been there every day except one for a few hours (just because those places suck and you have to be there to keep them on their toes) and so unless I convince her to hit the mute button, I am seeing a LOT of TV this past month. Frankly I have come to the conclusion that were it not for big pharma, none of these shows would be on the air. Pretty amazing that for some shows at least half of the commercials are for one big pharma product or another. Although really not much covid stuff. The other 2 big categories are ambulance chase lawyers and 'get out of debt by taking on more debt/we'll save you from the IRS' commercials. I will give the place a little credit, the only news channel on her TV is Newsmax, NOT CNN, which she figured out fairly early on, was 'too right wing' for her, so sadly cannot report on CNN commercials.

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We saw that same jab commercial and my young son turned to me and said, “mom, you aren’t 50 yet, right, so you don’t need that shot.” I got up and did a burpee for him and said, “I keep myself healthy. That advice is for people who don’t want to be healthy.”

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Its all mind control. Who is not on some kind of drug? It's amazing. This was not how it was in our country decades ago. Funny how it all correlates to when Fauci came in as director of NIH, CDC. Hmmmm...chronic disease escalated form single digits to over 50 % during his 50 year reign with childhood vaccines going from like me 1, or 2, Polio and measales (Not sure I got the measle shot), to now birth to 18,= approx. 72 jabs. Our children have been turned into pin cussions for profit since Reagan signed the bill giving Big Pharm vaccine immunity in 1986. I voted for him. I'm finding out he did some not great stuff...not just him...both sides' presidents.

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I'm on pot and kratom and sometimes alcohol before bed. I'm on coffee and chaga in the morning. I occasionally take ibuprofen for body pain or hangovers. That is all. I saw my podiatrist three years ago and he tried to get my on a gout drug when I've never had gout. That was the last doctor I saw.

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How do you use your Kratom? I found it works well for pain, anxiety, etc but I can't get past the taste. It doesn't dissolve well in coffee either. I also use cbd/thc tincture as needed but I think the Kratom works better. Like you, I have zero trust in health care professionals anymore. Lol, and I was one! Recently medically retired.

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Some people take capsules but it's hard to swallow enough.

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Well, that ain't happening. Me and capsules are not friends.

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I chug it like Metamucil in water. It is disgusting. But it really helps pain and is relaxing. If you take too much you'll get a headache.

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I tried putting it in guacamole once. I do NOT recommend. Omg. I guess I could try making a tea and mix in lots of honey and lemon. I'm not as brave as you. Thank you for the reply.

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Lol. Are you serious?

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I've seen it in a couple drug commercials recently where in the disclaimer portion they say "Let your Doctor know if you are or plan to be vaccinated". Why would you need to do that if it's so safe & effective?

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the "better living through chemistry" crowd has done a fantastic job of convincing everyone that it doesn't matter what your problem is, they have a pill to fix it.... never mind the several pages of small print about side effects (that are worse than the original problem). And if you get a problem from one of their "cures", they created a pill to fix that, too!! forget about eating right, not smoking, exercising, laying off the sweets & carbs... case in point... the worst thing a type 2 diabetic can eat is a lot of carbs ... so what is the govt's diabetic dietary guidance, their food pyramid? the bottom level of what you are to eat the most of is..... CARBS !!! here, take his horrid pill so you can eat all the carbs you want, never mind how your body will be destroyed after ten years on it!

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🤣 Great writing, Eric ... I subscribed to your S-Stack! Thanks for the laughs. ~ Micheline (fellow Floridian)

PS - “you had me at Squidward” (profile pic)

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For context...My wife and I unhooked from the airwaves around 28 years ago. Back when it was OK for kids to get a hug from Micky. Our decision wasn't really driven by moral issues. We just had (and still do) so much real life going on there was no time for playtending.

All these years later, we do watch TV...even binge watch...when we're in motels. I've watched the programming devolve into inane "comedy" cued up for today's 10 second attention spans and plain old debauchery. What has become most clear over the past couple of years is the leftist propaganda at least 99% of the commercials push. Oh what a BEAUTIFUL ride it is when you're in an electric car!!! And never forget, you can absolutely kiss, fondle and (inferred) penetrate your same sex partner ON PRIME TIME TV...as long as you're promoting medications to fight aids, herpes and monkey pox! But be sure to pay attention to the death dealing side effects!!!

When wasting my hard earned down time in motels, I regularly turn the channel when the option is to puke a little in the over-soft bed I'm vegetating in...Thank goodness for remotes!!! Last trip, I just turned the dang thing off and took a walk on the beach!!!


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Just the sitcoms alone are so bad. I hardly watch network tv and cable.

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There's only ONE sitcom I watch on CBS/Paramount Plus called "Bob Hearts Abishola"--cute story line featuring Billy Gardell (from Mike & Molly) as "Bob" and a new found Nigerian actress as Abishola. This is Season 4 and I've been watching it from its inception. I stream video off the Internet via Tubi, Pluto and Ruko channels as well as Paramount Plus offers a streaming video program ($5.99/month for limited ads). I loathe the programming on cable TV and wouldn't pay the astronomical bill for the Xfinity cable service anyway.

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I have watched one or two episodes with Mom. It is a cute show. Bob is so likeable. A rare thing.

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It's getting better--you should watch Season 4!

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Thoroughly enjoyed reading that Eric, thank you!

My wife and I have found TV to be for the mind numbed. It seems the wuhan dance made some of us show ourselves to be of questionable logic and others of us, it has shown us how we were wasting our lives in sinkholes (aren't those crazy things - moved to FL a couple years ago and still can't wrap my head around the "sinkhole" thing) of numbness.

Who could believe it but I have rediscovered reading and there's some pretty good stuff to be gained (not lost in the brain drain of tv) in that old atavistic activity.

Lastly, if you want a deeper dive into media and how it's designed to control a person, here's a really good piece: https://rumble.com/v23k0no-the-media-matrix-full-documentary.html

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Been following Corbett for awhile now, he is spot on. Great to see others on C&C following him!

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We watched too (begrudgingly, because I hate most of what’s on tv) and I noticed the same thing. You just put it into words beautifully 😉

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Here's one to toss to your friends "CEMETERY QUESTIONS" - How Many New Graves Today?


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I bought stock in SCI. They provide the many items for humanity closure and goodbyes.

Did not buy the killers like Moderna/Phizer/ JJ/ So to speak, and it has done well.

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Great spot Harold! Wow that's startling and challenges my logic a bit. Good stuff.

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It's not only TV that makes you stupid, but the phones/internet addiction is destroying the youth's minds and motivation.

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All of these have potential as incredible tools for the good of mankind. We need to give it all to God.

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you are so right. Never met anyone who was made smarter by a "smart" phone. Mind controlled, chipped( no need to implant one anymore . they never leave the owners hand), surveilled, unsociable, transhuman, Yes. Wife and I have never owned one, been on social media, or downloaded an app. And we love our life. One flip phone between us that we often don't even carry plus one SAT phone for TEOTWAKI. For what ever good smart phones provide, they are the ultimate control tool for the cabal. They are the necessary gateway to our slavery, in conjunction with Central Bank Digital Currencies, social and carbon credit scores,, and 23/7/365 tracking of everything we say and do.

The real kicker. All these droids are not only doing it voluntarily , they are paying for it themselves. Can't make this up! Absolutely brilliant plan in its evil irony. Hard to argue with the perpetrators we as a population are too stupid to deserve to live.

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Only droid phones work where I live. And the old landlines. Might trade in mine for the latter and a set of walkie talkies for family.

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If you love fabulous word play with distinctions,

Look up the Lyrics from 1973 Frank Zappa's "The Slime" ! Whoa...crystal ball kinda stuff.

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Zappa was a genius. I still have an old scratched Mothers of Invention album.

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He was so non-typical, and songs often comical. But I became the moth to the light.

The slime was like a portal into the cosmos of all knowledge of all things going wrong.

And he was shining the light. maybe even he was experiencing an unseen unraveling?

The Album cover art was spot on descriptive to boot. That is one thing missing now.

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My husband and I had COVID. Two years ago. He has Diabetsis and both of us over 60. Guess God saved us from COVID? No drugs, no jabs well for me. He got the jab after. He believes he got very sick with COVID again. I started to feel not great after that even thou unjabbed. Probably shedding. I'm fine now. 64, he is 66. Strange how some get hit so hard and others it's a cold/flu which in all my years I've had alot. Guess they are on to their next varient jab...how many is that now? smh. I warned my family, don't do it. Most have not. Those who did in my immediate I begged them no booster...please. So far I think they have stopped. I pray so. God guided me thru all of this mess. But most folks don't even regard God...they do what they want...and end up dead.

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several videos I have seen in the past few months have spoken on the topic you mention of why some people got hit hard by the jabs and some had no adverse affects. It seems it may come down to the jab manufacturing operations. Big Pharma long ago outsourced production of jabs, to literally hundreds of facilities, probably all over the world. Needless to say quality control is slack , if it exists at all. They speculate that poor mixing , poor production planning, and poor oversight create something of a curve in the active ingredient dosing , starting out very light, and getting more concentrate over the run. In addition, it is a daunting task to scale up production. Initial first trial is probably in the order of ~6 Kg. If things go well, and the FDA is on board, the next scale up is ~ 100 kg for the purposes of conducting trials. If they get through that, the scam up to industrial quantities is required. Each of these steps is brought with difficulties in trying to maintain the original product. This is what I heard them say, but my experience in completely unrelated manufacturing operations is consistent with what they said. It has been confirmed the vast majority of fatalities have come from certain lots. There is no doubt not all lots are created equal. It is entirely possible this is by design too. With all the secrecy, it is impossible to know any of this for sure.

So, hope and pray your hubby did not get a hot shot

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Eric....please post this in your stack so we can easily reference 😊

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Is Trump promoting the clot-shot in deference to his daughter, Ivanka, who is a Klaus Schwab WEF young global leader?


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Trump obsession 😂🤣😂. 24/7. Must get tiring; there’s that mole popping up in the mind again. WHACK! Oh, yay! You got ‘em this time!

Losing losers who know they’ll never be a world famous billionaire or marry three professional models, or become President against all odds and win the lifelong support of tens of millions for crushing our own version of the Jezebel of old; have him living rent free in their sad little heads😢

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What's it like idolizing the man who brought to you the clot shot, and who still brags about it?

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Trump didn't have a choice in the matter. Think about it. If he didn't have a vaccine, he still would have lost the election (because it was stolen) and the deep state players would have still had us locked down and masked up to move forward with their 16 year plan. They would have take years to surface any kind of vaccine. Trump actually saved us. He never forced the shot on anyone. It was a solution to a bigger problem. Those of us wise enough to read between the lines knew better. This is war and in war there are casualties. I have friends that are badly injured from the vaccine and it hurts me to see them like this. However, it is the cost of defeating this deep state. We are just in the infancy of this war but we are going to prevail.

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Those are some amazing mental gymnastics. Trump is so great and wise and powerful, but at the same time, on this issue, just had no other choice. Screw all of these people. I want a true leader, not a charlatan.

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No, I have to take issue with that. The so-called "vaccine" was in the wings before the plandemic was even activated. The pathogen was a DoD created bio-weapon and so was the vaccine/kill shot. They had everything in place and Trump just happened to be the face in the WH at the time. Probably the only difference between Trump and Clinton in the WH is that under Hillary, the Fed Gov't would have imposed complete martial law along with "quarantine camps". Prove me wrong. By now the Constitution would be completely scrapped. So yes, Trump did save us from total tyranny just by being there. But quit calling the shot a vaccine. It is a kill shot bio-weapon and our own DoD was behind it. I support Trump and DeSantis. This is a war and it goes a lot deeper than newspaper headlines or Twitter postings. I don't know who are the conspirators in DoD that need to be hung but a good place to start is with the Three Headed Snake identified today by The Aging Viking substack.


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I appreciate your advocacy for the Donald. Imagine if Hiterly had won 2016.

He bought us a lot of time and helped expose RINOism for all to see.

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Among many other things like the Deep State interference in so much of our lives and the elections.

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He helped usher in our current medical dictatorship with the emergency powers act. I bet if HRC had tried to there would have been a lot of resistance. Never repealed the emergency powers either even though he could easily have done it as a lame duck. Never locked Hilary up come to think of it. Trump wants us to remember him as the Father of the Vaccine. I'm willing to do so.

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Ivanka is working for Klaus Schwab and the Hitler advocates in the WEF. A fact that keeps on proving Trump is a con man.

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No, it proves she’s a NYC friend of Chelsea Clinton.

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Add it all together and you have Hitler

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I have a couple of relatives like that. Trump lights them up--and not in a good way. CNN addicts.

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TDS is as bad as Q Anon. But in a different way.

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My stepfather always called the television the 'Idiot Box'. He was right about a lot of things, and would not have survived the idiocy of the last decade!

Great post!!

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I was born in 1951. The only television I saw was in the rare instances that I was in someone else’s home. My daddy thought it was absolutely corrupting in an unprecedented way.

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My dad called it “the boob tube” in the 60s. A guiding sobriquet. He died young so hasn’t been here to witness the slow, calculated societal demise. Probably a good thing. Might have contributed to the protracted crumbling of an elderly man. 🤷🏼

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“a new and improved magical pill that prevents Covid dirt naps, makes buttered toast, checks your tire pressure and increases your tax refund.”


I agree about television, we’ve never had one in our house (except a furnished sublet we rented for a few months when my husband and I were first married) and never regretted it. Growing up, my parents wouldn’t let us watch any TV at all on school nights and generally limited it otherwise. I’m glad they did that, it forced us to find our entertainment elsewhere and to be more imaginative. Any time I am at a hotel and have access to a TV, there is mostly never anything on worth watching (although I admit I do sometimes enjoy the home renovation and cooking shows). The series are generally vapid and contrived, and the “news” or current events programs are thinly disguised propaganda. Definitely mind-numbing, especially in large doses.

Thank you for the entertaining read, in any case—you definitely have a lot in common with our esteemed host in terms of humor and writing style! 😁

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Always miss the hobgoblin when he’s not appearing. I, too, quit watching tv when covid theater began in earnest. I admit I was addicted to 24/7 news for a few years, particularly Fox, but covid cured me. The 2020 election was the last nail in the coffin. Like you, when I did venture back into the room where news still is on, (hubby can not give up is Faux news), I was amazed at how negative it all was.

Having made the break, I am determined not to let the same overuse of social media destroy my increasing journey with God and love of reading printed material. The Message Bible has been a great read.

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My hubby watches in another room so I’m not sitting there fuming and ready to rage. I’m so over MSM. 3 years ago. He has quit the shots after the JNJ No boosters and he will not get flu shots. I’m grateful for that. He’s coming around.

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I have some daily devotionals. They have helped me so much. Often the scripture and writings are extactly what I need to hear that day

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You know, I may have to move to Florida after all. You all are funnnnny! We all need more laughs.

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The sunshine tends to bring out a lot of happiness and fun! 😉

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Bring your house with you. It seems we're running out. 😎

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Lol! I wish I could.

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Oh my goodness, it is reassuring to know I am not the only one who found Scott Adams exceptionally heinous, particularly after viewing this video:


I gratefully welcome his about-face, although framing it like “winning” versus “losing” misses the point entirely. This was not about Team A versus Team B. This was about simply trying to get the entranced to open their bloody eyes to reality and join us in resisting totalitarianism and saving lives.

I also take issue with his implication that he did the “analyses,” whereas we trusted our gut instinct. NO, Scott. WE analyzed the data—NOT you. It was because you were so blinded by your pride and smug belief that you were right that you refused to look at the data. Until you recognize that we had the scientific evidence on our side while you clung to a wet paper towel of disintegrating propaganda, you will not be immune to the next psychological manipulation blitz.

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Indeed. My natural reaction since around 2005 was "government bad". But in April 2020 I can be quoted as saying "I'll get vaccinated if it means going back to normal." The only issue was I looked at the data for Ohio for my age group and Covid was NOT any worse than getting in a car accident and dying which was a regular risk I took. After daily analysis for weeks I determined that there was nothing to worry about and I enjoyed the underpopulated public life. I tried spreading the word and no one listened. I would share links to data but it fell on deaf eyes. It wasn't gut. It was data. I even got banned from my massage therapist for my views. Being an outcast felt real and palpable. I had to defend myself from my own company by using a religious exemption to fend off the vaccine. I had to listen to arguments from both parents and my girlfriend that I should just get it. It doesn't feel like winning.

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Another new semi dissident to come on the scene of late is Dr Wen, the lady who would appear all over CNN pushing the narratives. Well she recently wrote a WaPo opinion piece about the over reporting of Covid deaths. The blowback she got in the comments was startling. How quickly the Ken’s and Karen’s will turn on you when you steer even slightly from the gospel according to Saint Fauci. One dedicated CoVidiot hit the nail right on the head proclaiming “I’ll keep wearing my mask until there’s a cure”. Well I guess she’s never heard of HCQ or IVM.

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Oh, everyone has heard of HCQ and IVM--even most of the sheeple with whom I share my wealth of personal research info. But they believe them to be "harmful" alternative therapies--imagine the TRUE HARM of this rushed-to-market mRNA tech'ed jab versus the proven efficacy of HCQ and IVM - Dr. Zelenko's data that he released prior to his death from a long battle with cancer is PROOF POSITIVE both medications that are decades in use are efficacious in reducing the severity of the SARS CoV2 virus and PREVENTING hospitalization and death. TRUTH will OUT!!! That is the ONLY solace we TRUTH LOVERS have!!

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I had unjabbed Covid. I took IVM but it still flattened me for about 5 days. It did stop the virus from replicating. I had the Omicron variant which I was told replicated in the nasal passages 70X faster than Delta. I had some unpleasant long Covid - 100 days total and doing fine now. I went to a respected Allergist in my area for the nasal issues at that time. I explained that I was told my symptoms were due to long Covid. I thought he might be able to help relieve my symptoms. He gave me tons of meds; nothing really worked. It was his arrogance that got me: ”Why don’t you get yourself a good mask.” And, a winner: “You know, they give Ivermectin to horses?” I endured it - not sure why - others may have told him to bleep-you and the horse you rode in on but something told me to stick with it. He referred me to an ENT. No help there either. But the time for smiles and smugness came when I was able to tell him on my last visit that my symptoms were due to long Covid and they’re gone. I recall him taking a deep breath and muttering to himself as he left the office. Oh, how I wanted to “whinny” as he walked away, but I kept my composure.

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Oh I LOVED the "whinny" remark--true genius!!! If you ever see that "doctor" again--by all means give him a "little whinny" on the way out the door!! Glad you are fully recovered--I have had a sister (who is in her 60's) get the ChiVirus and she WAS hospitalized but absolutely refused ANY JABS while in the "horse"pital. She had some "heart function/BP" issues from the virus that required meds that she weaned herself off of over a period of 6 weeks. She is fine and back to her usual fesity self now. My "high 80's" aunt and uncle BOTH had the ChiVirus and recovered fully (both were hospitalized and NON jabbed). My uncle did die a few months later--from other issues (he was 90 when he passed). NATURAL IMMUNITY aces "jabbed" any ole day - each and every time!!

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🤣 "wanted to whinny"

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My massage therapist answered me that she would wear her mask until there weren’t as many germs around! SMH

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I went for my yearly mammo a couple of weeks ago. Everyone was diapered, staff and patients. Signs were everywhere saying “masks are required.” The level of Covid cases are “moderate”. I stubbornly sat awaiting my appointment without a mask on glancing up every now then to see glares coming from several people. I didn’t budge. I was called for my appointment, the nurse never said a word to me and when the exam was over I thanked her for not insisting I wear a mask. Oh, no problem was her reply. We then had a delightful conversation about what is going on in the world right now. She was very open to my information and I left with my heart a lot lighter.

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Oh THANK YOU for posting this--I had yearly mammos up until 2022 (in 2021 I dutifully worn the face rag and after having the mammo PLUS a bone scan test (for osteoporosis) I became so dizzy and nauseous (from being deprived of oxygen through the masking) that I rushed out the door of the clinic and threw that face rag UP IN THE AIR. I vowed NEVER to wear a mask again and thus far I have kept that vow! I am past-due for my mamo and would not go in 2022 because they ALL required "masking". I am going to make an appointment for THIS YEAR and "follow your lead", Bites!!

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Be sure to gently inform them that viruses are generally about 1 micron in size and the little blue and white, pleated things they give you have, roughly, an 80 micron opening. Even the N/K95 masks only to up to about 50 microns. They’ll ask, “Then why do surgeons use them?” “Because they don’t want their saliva and/or nose drippings falling on the patients.” Most people do pause for a moment to take it all in.

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Y'all PLEASE STOP GETTING MAMMOGRAMS! Research it! The amount of radiation that's shot into your boots is astounding! It's another scam for money. PLEASE RESEARCH THIS!

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I will--I have dense breasts and have had a benign tumor removed from the left "boob" when I was only 20 years old (56 years ago). I was getting yearly mammos until 2021.

Thank you...I will indeed research it - if you can send a link to research you have done as well, C.G., I will be most grateful!

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I would find a new massage therapist--truly!!! Have you shared (in writing of course) any of the REAL DATA on adverse reactions (death!) to the "jab" and the TOTAL waste of effort of wearing a mask when the aerosolized virus particles can easily penetrate everything but that medically approved N95 mask (ir is that what your therapist dons?)

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The N95 fails too. Only in limited circumstances, when properly fitted for a brief amount of time does it have the potential to provide a minor benefit.

Of course, no mask can stop an airborne virus from entering the eyes.

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You have a stronger stomach than I. I can’t be around those wearing a silly cloth over their face.

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I get that, Pamela - I get truly nauseous when I see the "raggers" tromping around (most of them with such a dejected gait, I "almost" feel compassion for them.

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"Raggers." Love it!

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She forced me to wear a mask to get treatment (which I needed for back issues) until the vax came out. We discussed the matter at length and despite all of my evidence she refused to listen.

It's been over a year. I occasionally wonder if she's injured or even still alive. We were technically friends for 10 years.

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Have you ever called this person to check on her welfare, Anthony? If you were "technically friends", a phone call would make sense, wouldn't it?

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No, I haven't. I don't know if she thinks any differently and since we parted on bad terms I don't want to step back into that situation.

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Good grief. This is someone who has her hands all over people’s epidermis. Certainly there are plenty germs _there_. Does she wear latex gloves when providing her services??

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Or said person thinking "hey - does this mask _actually_ help?" So sad that many bought into this so heavily - and many intelligent people who just want to trust the "experts". :(

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I don't consider them "intelligent" when they don't use their own cognitive skills to do RESEARCH independent of that done by the so-called "experts". I consider them to be DUPED and DEFEATED! Even my sons and grandchildren are horribly compromised by being "willing" to accept the LIES they are spoon-fed by media and corporate "managers"! I am angered and saddened at the same time each and every day! GOD HELP US!!

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She may have physically heard of them, but her brain may reject all but the intended message from the manipulators, as described by Aldous Huxley in his 1958 Brave New World Revisited, the whole of which is worth reading, as is his original 1932 Brave New World:

"Some animals are more resistant to stress than others. Dogs possess­ing what Pavlov called a "strong excitatory" constitution break down much more quickly than dogs of a merely "lively" (as opposed to a choleric or agitated) temperament. Similarly "weak inhibitory" dogs reach the end of their tether much sooner than do "calm imperturbable" dogs. ... What the intelligent and practical dictator needs is not a patient to be institutionalized, or a victim to be shot, but a convert who will work for the Cause. Turning once again to Pavlov, he learns that, on their way to the point of final breakdown, dogs become more than normally suggestible. New be­havior patterns can easily be installed while the dog is at or near the limit of its cerebral endurance, and these new behavior patterns seem to be ineradicable. The animal in which they have been implanted cannot be deconditioned; that which it has learned under stress will remain an integral part of its make-up. ... Furthermore, it has been found that the de­liberate induction of fear, rage or anxiety markedly heightens the dog's suggestibility. If these emotions are kept at a high pitch of intensity for a long enough time, the brain goes "on strike." When this happens, new behavior patterns may be installed with the great­est of ease." [From Chapter VII, Brainwashing]

Links below but beware, the overall site seems to be pro-eugenics and anti-Huxley:

Brave New World Revisited:


Brave New World:


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Thanks for posting this. The part after ‘Furthermore....’ particularly hit me. It explains why so many young people still religiously believe in masks. They seem to all have anxiety these days, from being coddled perhaps? Throw in a big helping of covid fear, and they’re putty in the controller’s hands.

Old people who cling to masks ... fear of dying? Lifelong control efforts, subtly introduced for the last decade have taken their toll?

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She's no dissident, she was a Branch Covidian that's why her fellow cult members are so angry. The overstatement on ChiCom virus deaths and hospitalizations was admitted some time ago. She's bringing up an old topic.

That evil bitch was responsible for pushing much misery in this country. She also came out and admitted face diapers are just "decorations." These people knew and then only late in the game as it self-destructs admit the obvious. She's cashed in like a lot of people who knew better. They loved the power.

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I agree completely. Notice I called her semi dissident for stepping out of line of the orthodoxy to actually bring up a fact that many of us were aware of by Summer 2020 although the Gates fact checkers tried their very best to deny it. The “millions of Covid deaths” is still the main proverb of Branch Covidian dogma. Along with the “millions of lives saved” thanks to the wonders of mRNA holy water.

Reading the WaPo comments following her article was quite a revelation. I could almost feel the arrogance and oversized egos that these folks are completely locked into. Such dedication to murderous lies takes someone who is deeply full of themself and insists on being a know it all. I contrasted it to the conversations experience on the Stack. Here there feels to be a natural affinity with so many of you.

Yet I cannot help being repulsed by the self proclaimed Covid experts

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Even though I read all the data I could get my hands on, I decided early on it was absolutely foolish to get vaxxed with a 99% plus recovery rate if I got Covid because I had no co-morbidities. Seriously, don’t understand why that one fact alone was always overlooked. By millions of people worldwide. It was truly a psyop.

And, I told my husband early on if I have to go to the hospital for Covid, I do NOT want that tube going down my throat. There was something so off-putting about it to me.

What a mess all of this is. And now, people everywhere are living in fear that they could be the next one to drop dead because of the clot shot.

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Exactly! The 99% recovery rate was so overlooked. How everyone was controlled by the fear psyops is unreal. Because the fear really wasnt real. It was psyops.

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I was waiting to see what nuclear bomb the globalists were going to drop to derail the beautiful progress President Trump had made. He looked unstoppable going into 2020. I was 99.99% certain that Covid was that bomb and I never had the first temptation to feel the fear or get a jab.

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The very people who shouldn’t take the shot, people with co-morbidities. I M H O because I believe the shot attacks the weaknesses in the body.

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True! So many I know, including my husband, got jabbed BECAUSE they currently had- or had survived- cancer. So sad to prey on vulnerable people like that!

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A dear old friend, my first college boyfriend, found out he had lymphoma in 2020. Underwent surgery and chemo. Started getting the vax and has now has had covid 5 times and is pissed that he has no antibodies. He’s going to take an immune boosting drug, but his doctor is also suggesting another booster. What the hell?!

I think I have now lost him as a friend, I congratulated him on the immune drugs, but urged him not to get another covid booster cuz it wasn’t working. I reminded him of the Einstein quote about doing the same thing but expecting different results. Well, guess I should have shut up, he’s not speaking to me. 🥲

Oh wait, he’s also developed Tacchardia!!! Sp It’s all of that, plus love that made me open my big fat mouth.

I hope your husband stays well and doesn’t take any boosters. ♥️

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You did the right thing by trying to help him see the light. We humans are funny creatures. Well, some of you anyway. ;)

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Quite a few people heard the stories about young, “ healthy” people supposedly dying of covid. He said, she said type of thing. I was always telling these people, until I see someone’s medical history these stories going around tell me nothing. Just rumors. I feel like many people were believing anything that supported the narrative

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Thanks for this. You are in the company of many others.

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DITTO - exactly what I have experienced with my friends and family, Anthony. EXCEPT for my bestie, Lenna - she has been a BEACON OF LIGHT AND TRUTH in my life! I thank God for her critical thinking and skepticism surround the PLANdemic and the jab! It has bolstered my confidence to share what I have learned over the past almost 3 years about the LIES THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE WORLD HAVE TOLD US!

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Whew! I couldn’t find the reply from you asking for a link on masks and microns, etc so I’ll just post it here. I’ve been hearing that bit of information for several months. And I believe the source to be very reliable. But I did a quick search online. There is a lot of information out there, but this one seems to be fairly understandable.https://filti.com/mask-ratings-particle-sizes/

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Danke!!! I know..I couldn't believe the "firestorm" of "likes" and "comments" I received from what I wrote today--I believe this topic is "near and dear" to just about everyone on this forum!!

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Sadly, had to do the same, but at least my company was willing to rubber stamp anything that came through - and that was more because our clients were pushing it for all of the contractors working with them. :( That ended up dying, but it was unknown. At least the manager on that client's side was telling everyone to not use that as a reason to quit/leave because nothing was settled and it would very likely be overturned/ruled out. (which it was, but there were concerns all around on some of the more experienced people)

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you are alive, and well I presume . You did win. Take solace in the fact it is highly unlikely there is not a person alive who has not had this conflict, on one side or the other, with family and friends. All purebloods went through this. The plandemic spared no one. Pure evil ,unlike anything we have ever seen.

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You are me. That's my story almost to a T . No it doesn't feel like winning but I do not regret the struggle. But my it was / is a struggle .

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Agreed. The struggle was necessary.

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It may not feel like winning but you don't have a five year (or more) sword of Damocles over your head and better, you were granted a religious exemption.

Do you know how many lost so much more in even attempting not to surrender themselves and becoming a Big Pharma lab rat? Many people lost everything.

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Yeah - just don't like the idea that we were given that "choice" in the first place. It should have just been a "I don't want this" decision from each person instead of "now I have to find a way to opt out of this or lose my job" decision. And I feel for our military and medical community who don't even get the option to decline without losing their jobs. I just don't understand - and sadly do know a couple of nurses who've been jabbed as part of the job. no ill effects yet, but it's early. I can only hope they didn't get the worst of the batches - or maybe got the "special" ones reserved for those who should stay. :(

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I don't know your age, Peter--but IF you are MY age (over 70) I watched the original "Twilight Zone" avidly. Rod Serling ran an episode about "the elite" governing people killing off most of the world with their nuclear weaponry while THEY got to take a rocket to a far off planet where they could RULE THE NEW WORLD. But the rocket didn't last long enough for them to get out of the "earth's gravitational pull" so they just kept CIRCLING THE DESTROYED PLANET EARTH in their "rocket room"--until they died off too!! PROFOUND STUFF came out of Mr. Rod Serling...he was truly a FREEDOM THINKER!!

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Wasn't a huge Twilight Zone fan. Those hit _way_ too close to home (which was the point). I do remember a Stargate SG1 episode where there was some alternate world/future/something and a "friendly" race was offering a cure to all of humanity's illnesses. And it worked. The hidden part was that it also resulted in making humanity largely sterile so they would have a massive population drop and then be a subject of the new ruling class.

I seem to remember several sci-fi shows with that "cure for everything that ends up worse than the disease" type plot. _Way_ back when there was a series of sci-fi short stories about people who were put in cryogenic sleep until their problem would be resolved. One person wanted money - and woke up to being a zillionaire in a future where a cheeseburger was ~ $4T. Another wanted a cure for cancer - and woke up to a world where cancer was cured, but he had a cold before going to sleep ... and there was no cure for that, so ....

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Oh wow!!! I didn't watch much sci-fi stuff after I married and was a young Mom (which is probably when most of this genre was wildly popular (late '70's early '80's).

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Ok, so I consider it not losing. There are no winners here.

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I fully agree with you.

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My thoughts exactly!! I’m also glad I’m not the only one who felt this way about Scott Adams.

I listened to his podcast religiously, every day through 2021 for his stance on Trump, until he started pushing the vax with abandon and coined the phrase “pandemic of the unvaccinated” which then got picked up by Biden. 😡

I began wondering if he was just afraid to speak the truth, that maybe he was trying to sound like he agreed so he wouldn’t end up under the microscope, because he said he was connected to people higher up. But his logic (brainwash hypothesis) became so twisted I dropped him cold, I could not stand listening to him anymore. I’m also very glad he saw the light at last.

I also agree that he is framing it all the wrong way. It’s not about winning. None of us want to gloat like that. It’s not a competition, Scott, we only didn’t want us or our loved ones to be harmed or die from the vaccines -- including you -- and for the truth to prevail.

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Anthony, you are a winner for bring 💪.

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100% the same! Except my entire family saw the ridiculousness too and didn’t get vaccinated. I work in healthcare and had to fend off the vaccine with a religious exemption too else lose my job. It was the most stressful time in my life! That didn’t feel like winning either. There was no holier than thou ground I saw myself standing on. That’s the ground that many of my “I follow the science” friends and colleagues stood upon. I only wanted people to be saved from a very bad decision. Only after a while as I read the dire reports did I begin to feel vindicated in my decision, but I felt very sorry for those who caved from the pressure and angry at the evil people at the root, pushing it on all of us. How could they be SO callous to create such an evil monster virus? My heart grieved.

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My heart is still heavy - and the anger/sadness never leaves me for long. Only my faith in our Creator God sustains my sanity.

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Me too.

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Almost the same story of my 2020-2021. Luckily my wife was on board after she took the first shot and it resulted in nerve problems.

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What did those of us who declined the Covid clot shot win? Some lost their livelihood, others were turned into pariah’s and worst of all some had to watch helplessly while family or friends became injured or died. So please Scott Adams tell us what we’ve won? Your sincerity is underwhelming.

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Just saw the story about the 3 young children who lost BOTH parents within 4 months. Cancer death followed by a heart attack in an otherwise healthy couple. The sister’s family took the kids in and then THAT couple diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and a serious heart problem.


How many of the unvaxxed will have to be caregivers well into old age?

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That’s what I’m afraid of 😞 I even worry that those children will become wards of the state or corrupt foster parents and get trafficked 😞 It may seem far fetched but after the past three years, I wouldn’t put it past the people in power.

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Not far fetched at all. You think TPTB didn’t factor this in to their program, parentless Children for the taking?

You bet they did.

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I agree. Heinous and heartbreaking.

A tiny thing I do that any of like mind can “participate” in, a 10-15 second “meditation”.

In your mind’s eye, pull way, way out from the planet 🌎 Picture her surrounded and infused to her core with blinding white or golden-white light. That’s it.

Einstein, Planck, any physicist: Everything is energy. Everything. Including thought energy and emotion. This tiny exercise can’t hurt! Light / truth coming to light will overpower the darkness. I imagine billions of us practicing this tiny thing sprinkled throughout our days. Adds up to not so tiny.

Call me crazy, wack-o, pick your derisive term. I maintain it can’t hurt! Dropped here with love and hope. Especially for the future of all the children.

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I espouse to THOUGHTS ARE THINGS for decades and have seen it at work in my life, Het!! SPOUT ON!!!

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NOTHING that is UNimaginable is out of the question anymore--we are dealing with satanic power given to powerful/greedy/slimy "creatures"! And yet, our Lord Jesus Christ tells us to pray for them...and so we must PRESS/PRAY ON!

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Yes that’s what I’m thinking, what used to seem far fetched has now come to be plausible 😕

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And we’ve heard of the artificial wombs they’re busy working on. Guess why?


A system where no one will come looking for these Children and no one will stop their horrific uses of them.

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It’s not far fetched, and sadly I believe we’re going to see the effects of this for a long time to come.

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I believe this will vie with what happened in the early 1990's with so many young parents dying from cocaine/speed addictions that their parents had to raise the grandchildren. But now it will be WORLDWIDE and not just here in the "privileged" USA!

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And what about peoples’ pets? I’m already helping re-home the cat of a woman who died suddenly. How many more are to come?

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This is going to have CATASTROPHIC (no pun intended) after effects around the globe!

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Wow. Terribly sad.

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Well said!! It’s really idiotic to frame it in terms of winning and losing like he does, but I guess that shows the juvenile way in which people like him see the world.

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It's irritating the way he frames it. He wants to save face though and I suspect this is the way of acknowledging that makes him feel the least humiliated to have been wrong.

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Agree, no winning for any of us. We all lost a friend or loved one. The rejection has been fierce. Needed a kidney stone removed 🙄at a hospital last Feb. Incredulous was the anesthesiologist. My husband had to wait in the car. It was “stupid”. Of course, I took my IVM prior as they were ALL Pfizer’d up in our market. It’s been a bad ride. No winners.

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He is actually very sickening. Won? My only child bought into the clot shot and also shot up my 2 young granddaughters. I pray every day for their safety from chronic disease and death. Is this winning? The readings at my traditional Mass this Sunday were to "pray for your enemies" Very hard sayings indeed.

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Karen, yes...Indeed. I pray for all our next generation. I'm sorry. No child should be vaxed.

I've lost friendships for concerned statements to friends. Pray for enemies. Well, I know God wins. But I think they should be arrested as this was no accident. I pray for my heart to be soft. Lets just pray our loved ones got the batch of not consequences. Dr. Ryan said the batches are all different. No body won!!

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I know; that "saying" is from the Lord Jesus Christ...part of His Sermon on the Mount...so YES...we who know and believe on Him are to do just that! I do my very best to stop my hatred of the potentates from creeping into my daily prayers.

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Scott is right. When I get down about what we have, and are facing, I remind myself we are in the middle of WWIII, and unless and most peoplerealize it, there is no perspective for what is going on. And possibly no end to this. Excepting the Ukraine,the cabal is not using traditional weapons. This war is an information war, a biological weapon war, and a war to make the ones of us they don't kill transhumance slaves.

My dad , and I'm sure many others, fought in WWII. Look up the siege of Leningrad if you want to see the very definition of grim. We are not being subjected to anything like that. Sure, it's awful compared to the life we knew., but so many of those who went before us as victims of conventional war had it far worse. Try to stay positive , and above all, be grateful what what we have, every day. It has certainly helped us. We all have been made pariahs, and scorned by friends and family. But we have our health, and as Scott said, not spending every day for the rest of our lives wondering.if, and when , my turn will come.

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The Information War is heavy but Putin decided to go the 20th century route: pure barbarism. As you correctly point out, the previous last century route was quite gruesome.

Gratitude goes a long way. Earlier today, I expressed my prayers of gratitude to Our Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. Your message is timely and well placed.

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I am glad you are staying positive. Concerning Putin, I highly encourage you to look deeper. I have followed very closely the goings on in the Ukraine since our asst secretary of state Victoria Nuland bragged she has spent $5 billion of our tax money to over through the duly elected leader of the Ukraine and put in our puppet. In the following 8 years, that regime murdred ~14K Ukrainians in the Donbass and Lugansk who refused to go along with the US led coup. Subsequent to Russia's invasion, dozens of US biolabs were discovered, up[ to know good, as pretty much all our bolas overseas are. When the Soviet Union fell, there were 16 countries in NATO, and we pledged to Gorbachev never to encroach eastwards with NATO. there are now 31 countries in NATO, including a number right on NATO's border. Putin, along with the Ukraine, Macron, and Mercola signed the Minsk accords ~2015, which was supposed to guarantee the rights of people in the eastern provinces which denied the legitimacy of the 2014b coup. That included the right to speak Russian, read Russian language literature, and and be granted a number of simple rights. That accord was almost immediately unilaterally broken by the Ukraine. In the past several months, Angela Mercola has twice publicly declared NATO and the Ukraine never intended to honor the accord. It was only a ruse to buy time for NATO to train , arm , and fortify the Ukrainian military and positions. Furthermore, Zelensky has said he wants to both join NATO, and be a nuclear power. On Russia's doorstep

I lived through the Cuban missile crisis as a child. Vivid memories. We know what the US will do if Russia sets up on our doorstep. Why do you think it is any different when set up on Russia doorstep, and actively threaten them? For Russia, this is about survival. Putins' family lived in Leningrad through possibly the worst siege in the history of warfare, 882 days. Putin has said over and over, when war is inevitable, strike first. The same thing all special forces are taught.

Bottom line. Everyone on this blog KNOWS the covid/ j jab narrative was a massively coordinated government / corporative / media lie. Do you honestly believe the media, the government, and the corporations have turned over a new leaf and are telling you the truth about the Ukraine and Russia now.?

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Don't bother with Horsey and the Ukraine proxy war. He's been entrenched in "the narrative" for months now. 🙄

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Thank you for that. I really appreciate that. I suspect a state dept employee. I did reply , but won't again. I never knew my maternal grandmother, who died of leukemia at 55 before I was born, but my father said her favorite saying was "there are none so blind as those who will not see. She was a poor Cockney like my dad, but obviously, nobody's fool. Thanks again

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Well I've been there and I've studied the Soviet Union prior for many years. I'm aware of Nuland and the overstated claim the US is responsible for what the people did rising up and sacrificing their lives against a Putin thug puppet. This is incorrect. Shooting unarmed protestors led to Putin's puppet fleeing in the dead of night to.... Russia.

You're incorrect about the 14K in eastern Ukraine. Not surprisingly, you're unaware that the vast majority of those figures are represented by military conflict on both sides, mostly those from Ukraine suffered at the hands of Putin's Little Green Army sent in to start the war. The war began when Putin sent his Moscow buddies in there to being a war. They also shot down the Dutch Airliner killing all aboard. Putin nor his Moscow buddies ever accepted any responsibility. The Netherlands never forgot.

You almost strayed into Qtard territory on bio labs. Credit you didn't go whole hog as Putin sent his rep into the UN last year to claim Ukraine "sent" poisoned birds into Russia out of bio labs. That was all for domestic consumption but Qtardia loved it and ran with it. Hasn't been a single bit of evidence showing anything since. Of course we know about the ChiCom's Wuhan Level IV lab and Russia maintains a major biological and chemical weapons capacity. Putin is warning again about unleashing new weapons and rattling the nuclear saber. It's all about him. Always was.

When did nations of Europe ever surrender their national sovereignty and sign on to any promise with anyone including Russia they would not seek joining a defensive alliance in NATO?

Show us that agreement and when you get a chance read the Budapest Memorandum which was signed by the UK, the US and Russia guaranteeing Ukraine's sovereign borders. Ukraine surrounded nuclear weapons and the right to make more. You think any country in the world will defray from having nuclear weapons now based on promises signed on cheap paper by a KGB thug like Putin ever again?

Ukraine did not break any agreements to allow citizens do anything in Russian. The only law passed was that Ukrainian was the government's official language for government business. Not only do I know this simple fact, I saw it firsthand.

Do I honestly believe anything about a new leaf telling the truth about Putin's invasion? I don't need to as I saw it like anyone paying attention. Putin broke every law on international law and now dozens of countries around the world support Ukraine. While you are misnformed, you at least offered the best comment even erroneous of anyone I've seen here to date.

The ChiCom-Russia-Mullahs Alliance is not going to retreat. They have no reason NOT to seek their global ambitions in a void where the US is led by a compromised, demented, corrupt old fool. Putin has been sharing his tears for many years about the "catastrophe" with the Soviet Union's demise. More recently, over years he's talked about the need for a multipolar world. That means he never gave up the idea of furthering empire. His illegal and barbaric invasion into Ukraine is so 20th century but oh so real. It's so real that long time neutrals Finland and Sweden waved goodbye to neutrality over the Cold War and put in rapid applications to join NATO. They know what's up.

One day, I hope you and others do too.

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Our health. Not having to worry about sudden death or lifetime disability...

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Almost begrudging.

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Yes! That’s how I feel too. What a loser S.A. has revealed himself to be! An idiot!

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Spot on with your analysis of Scott Adams' "vaccine regret" message. However, my heart is constantly saddened by the fact my precious, once healthy sons and grands have ALL been JABBED--multiple times--and my youngest son was BOOSTED - I raised them to be critical thinkers--and then they married women who "follow the science" (which means the mindless boobs who parrot the official narrative). I just pray for them constantly - and for our world - that they would become "COMMON SENSE ADVOCATES" as opposed to MINDLESS SHEEPLE!!

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I’m so sorry, Sharon, and I completely empathize. My mom was coerced by her doctors into getting the first two Moderna shots—despite her reluctance and my providing her with counter-narrative research (this was during the first month of the rollout, so there was minimal data available but enough to give one pause). Fortunately, she refused to get the booster and they have stopped pressuring her, but I now have a perpetual dark cloud hanging over me and can only hope she has escaped serious repercussions.

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I was so sick of hearing the perpetual " have you had the covid vaccine" question by every nurse and doctor me and my then 86 year old mother saw. ( We did not). At one point I remember that when my mom answered "no" to the male nurse when being checked into the ER for something unrelated, he responded "good" while typing away on his computer! I was bowled over and I told him. He said he had to get it because he worked for the hospital. 😢

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My heart aches for everyone who was coerced into being harmed by this insidious "remedial jab"!! WILL THERE EVER BE ANY "TRIAL BY JURY" FOR THE CRIMINALS WHO PERPETUATED IT?

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No. doubtful

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Pathetic and we heard it all the time.

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My 93 year old healthy mom has never had a vax in her entire life but my sister, who lives in the same city, accompanies her to all her appointments and has told the office manager of the clinic that she will not be taking any vaxxes nor should they ask her. In addition, she has told them she will not wear a mask for her appointments as it’s distracting to her, uncomfortable and with age-related hearing loss, does not allow her to focus on instructions. It hasn’t been an issue since my sister set the boundaries and I urge others to be bold and stand up for your elderly parents who could be easily manipulated.

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You are SO fortunate!

My sister, geographically closer, made early jab appointments for my 90 year old manipulable mother. I pray a lot. Fantasize about raking my sister over the coals but it will likely have to stay in that realm. Won’t do any good. So so much anger and, underneath, unspeakable sadness.

Yep, lots o’ prayer. Treasure your like minded sister!!!!!!

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Yes I know I am very fortunate. Prior to moving away from my hometown where my mom lives I handled all her healthcare needs after my dad passed away 24 years ago. My siblings all agreed because I was the only person in the family who had a career in healthcare. But my sister took over after I moved and has been proactive and very diligent in helping my mom get what she needs and not coerced into something she doesn’t need or want. I will pray for all those out there who aren’t as fortunate as our family to be on the same page in these trying times.

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My situation is the same Heterodox. Vigilant prayers for my 92 yo MIL. Jabbed at least 2x, probably more. Her health has declined fast, but without a doubt, her impending death will be attributed to "old age" only.

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BEAUTIFUL - thank you for sharing this bit of "common sense" advice. I have ALWAYS said that "common sense" is anything BUT common...and what has played out in the world for the past 3 years, proves my edict all too true.

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I love this so much.

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Bathe your precious Mom in PRAYER - the BEST WEAPON against the EVIL and LIES swirling around our world now, Margaret! That's what I'm doing each and every day for those whom I cherish!

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I’m hoping either you, Matthew Crawford or Jeff from Covid and Covid will do a video response back to that worthless excuse of an excuse. I would do it but I have no following and am not eloquent. But, seriously one of you might want to consider it. What a blessing that would be. And, we can’t let him get away with saying we didn’t take the clot shot cause we mistrusted Uncle Sam. It had little to do with that. Moving forward though, never doing/believing anything the government or public health says!!! EVER. I will continue to try to be my own health advocate. There’s plenty of info out there on how to be healthy, cure/reverse disease. Unless of course one had been triple vaccinated. And, in that case, (and this is probably the case with Mr. Adams) I have pity on those people and cannot imagine what it must be like wondering every day if you can do things like play pickelball with the grandkids without dropping dead.

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Mathew is definitely the better candidate for that considering he just eviscerated Scott in this post (https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/scott-adams-cognitive-warfare-and)!

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Are you referring to the "single t" Mathew Crawford who created and administered the Art of Problem Solving institute until recently? There is another Matthew Crawford - also very accomplished academically--spells his first name with "2 T'2"!!

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Yes, single 'T' one of Rounding the Earth (https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/)—I did not know there was a double 'T' one around!

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I can so relate. Two of my four stood strong against the manipulation and coercion, but two succumbed to the pressure and I can only pray for their protection. I have several vaccine injured friends who regret their decision but, for various reasons (jobs, travel, family pressure) accepted the “science.” It’s heartbreaking and not a competition but the sad reality of how badly people were deceived

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I never truly appreciated the gift of "common sense" that I was given from birth--until NOW! My family was poor financially--but WEALTHY in the spiritual gifts mentioned in Scripture. We had our frailties, of course, but our love of TRUTH and JUSTICE has stood the test of time for me and those I love!

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My daughter owns a small but busy business with many customers of her own millenial age. She did all the research very early on and told us not to get it. She has always been a sceptical individual. Anyway, since the covid vaccine seems to be the only thing so many wanted to discuss, and often boast about, early on, she said that many of her customers said that their grandparents died very shortly *after* the shot!

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I know - too many stories just like this one. You have seen that video of Bill Gates speaking at a TEDS conference in 2010, haven't you, Angela? He clearly says, "With our vaccines and healthcare system we can achieve "net zero carbon emissions" by 2030". This guy is truly a SOCIOPATH and his BILLIONS have been spent to implement his "pet project" of EUGENICS (his father ran Planned Parenthood under that doctrine for many years). I saw the video about 2 years ago with my own eyes!! I don't know if it's still "up" on YouTube or not--my friend, Lenna (my true LIGHTHOUSE of information on the PLANdemic) shared it with me.

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Read Margaret Anna Alice’ substack - she coined the term describing Gates et al perfectly, “philanthropath “

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Love that!

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A tiny break with two talented millennials that “get it”.


And not satire:


That’s their dad at the piano. And English is their second language - Austrian born & bred, now in Liverpool making a go of their artistry.

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I love “I Bought Myself A Politician” and included that video in my letter to Ron DeSantis (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-governor-ron-desantis)!

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Is that their Mum on the violin?

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It's a shame (maddening, really) YT is either shadow banning them or removing their likes to keep them from going viral. 312K views but only 10K likes.

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Good for them - I see they included judges and "church hierarchy" in the despicable despot genre!! Beautiful young peoplel!!! Hope their messages continue to be so filled with TRUTH.

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Sweater wearing Serial Killer Bill.

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So true - he's cop'ing the "Mr. Rogers" look--how much more contrived and despicable can he get!!

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My son and fiancé both got the first two jabs, she had to because she’s a school teacher, my son didn’t but wanted to “be safe” for her. It honestly broke my heart BUT thank God they both listened to me about no boosters! My sons doc kept pushing but he stood his ground. I can only pray that the first two were duds and that they both will be ok for many years to come 🙏🏻

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100% agree! My reaction now to those who “follow the science” is, prove it. Show me the research you’re trusting in that says masks work, that says the vaccines are safe & effective, that show that IVM or HCQ don’t work. Show me!

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GRAND retort, Mazel!!

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My son had to get boosted too for law school and I pray to God he is going to be ok. But, I’ve read the research and it’s not very reassuring. We will leave it at that.

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My son is in medical school and got the jab. Him and his girlfriend who works in Telehealth at a hospital. She is also in school to be a hospital administrator. You know the people that took money to kill your love ones for the betterment of the bottom line. My daughter she is in vet school, took the jabs and neither one of my kids thought to run this by me first. My oldest is a stay at home unjabbed mom. Her husband has been tripled jabbed. I think I’ve reached her. But I wonder about my 2 grandchildren living around a shedding father. Then my last child is still in college. Still unjabbed and promised me she wouldn’t get the clot shot. However.......... she wants to go to medical school too!!!!!! Talk about worries...... 4 kids, 2 were captured by the industry. 1 sees the message now, but doesn’t see the down the road effects this could have on her husband. 1 not captured but wanting to dive into the pool....... I feel like mothers of adult children need a support group. 🤣 I always look for comments from other moms of adult children in my position. Thanks for putting your comment out there. It’s good to not feel alone.

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Tracy--our name is LEGION--there are MILLIONS of parents of adult "kids" who are anxiously pleading for our Creator to have MERCY on them for their lack of "critical thinking skills". I thought I raised them better than that!

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I thought I did too! I gave my life to raise them. 24/7 hands on mom! I didn’t know at the time what our government was doing or how the medical field is a right arm of our corrupt government. I wish I would have known then and I could of raised them to not trust our corrupt system. I would of NEVER had any of them vaccinated as children either!!!

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Again...our name is LEGION. Remember in grade school (and I'm 76 now) we would be lined up in the hallways to get our "polio vaccinations" and also the "smallpox vaccinations" (which are no longer administered anywhere). That was NEVER done before F.D.R. becamse POTUS--he was the origin of the "dictator/state" and "socialism" in the USA!

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I learned a few years ago when I planned my escape from the psychiatric system. It's like leaving a cult ruled by doctors. Now a similar cult rules the world.

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Same here.🙏🙏🙏

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Sharon, yes I’ve made this comment many times.

Support groups for parents in waiting with jabbed adult kids.

Prayers every night and then try to push every little worry about my kids aside

“No it won’t happen... it can’t “

What a battle in my mind

I too look for comments from other moms and dads.

We’re not alone really but it can feel like it.

Family still sees no connections to any of this mess

Not even young athletes dropping before our eyes

Nope they don’t see it 🙈

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Van...do you recall in Scripture in one of the prophetic books (is it in Revelations?) it mentioned that God will send a "strong delusion" upon the world population--and if it were NOT for the "elect" (which I understood to be the 144,000 saved Jewish people) ALL humanity would be slain and damned to hell forever and ever. Perhaps this is a "trial run" of the "strong delusion"??? I cannot make ANY sense out of what the "younger people" refuse to SEE. Is it because of their brains being NUMBED by staring at a COMPUTER/DEVICE SCREEN almost 24/7? That might be it???

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I can’t say I know exactly what you’re going through but I have four adult children. My oldest is in the military and married with kids so he took the shots. My second was in the national guard beat but he got a quote on quote shots. My third was in college in ROTC, and she told her commander that he was giving her an all unlawful order. And my fourth was in the National Guard and after two years still hasn’t shipped.  I come from a very long line of military and it’s just heartbreaking to see what they’ve done to the military. All I can do is pray and pray and pray.

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Thank you for sharing Christy. Just knowing when I wake up at night and can’t sleep worried for what will happen to my vaccinated adult children I’m not laying there alone. ❤️

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You most definitely are not! If u ever need to talk vent cry plz reach out!!! It’s so important to be around like minded moms!

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We must pray for one another to be STRONG in the STRENGTH of our convictions and let the rest up to our Merciful Creator God!!

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Amen. I pray for all the people who follow Jeff every night!

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Mine as well - I TOTALLY understand.

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Pray daily 🙏

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Pray without ceasing!

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'women who "follow the science" (which means the mindless boobs who parrot the official narrative)'

Yes, they parrot the official narrative because their social circle demands it of them. They fear most of all becoming a social outcast. They would literally rather die than become an outcast. And they probably will. But it's horrible that they would take their loved ones with them down the social acceptance rabbit hole.

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I hope this isn't why my loved ones took that horrid jab--to be "socially acceptable". Because...and this is Scripture--this world is NOT our "home" when we have been saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. So everything that is "preached" by the "world power potentates" is NOT "gospel"--merely "propaganda". And the Holy Spirit guides the saved into ALL TRUTH!

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Commiserate with you regarding sons and grandchildren - sadly………

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My soul weeps!

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Sorry to hear about your reality, Sharon. It seems a lonely place to be, doesn’t it. I think about all of my relatives (except my immediate family) and most close friends have had the shots. I wonder sometimes if I’ll start losing them one by one. What a maudlin thought!! My childhood friend has a terrible autoimmune problem, a friend’s daughter the same, my great nephew, 15, autistic, was just diagnosed with EOE - a long and unpronounceable disease which is in the autoimmune category. Several friends have Tinnitus and even after having experienced the symptom from the first shot, got the second. SMH. We are going to be very busy with our prayers.

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All of these DISorders are attributable to the bioweapon "jab" - I read the daily newsletters of Dr. Robert Malone - one of the inventors of the mRNA platform (which he abandoned because it did NOT work as it was hoped it would--and this was over TWENTY YEARS ago. He has been vilified and discredited repeatedly in the MSM worldwide--and yet he and other courageous virologists, doctors and TRUE scientists keep PUSHING BACK. As must we who are "ordinary people" caught in the crossfires of deceit, power and greed!

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I can totally relate. With me, it was my brilliant, highly educated daughter who married a liberal. They have had so many jabs I am afraid to ask. I pray daily for their safety and for the scales to fall from their eyes.

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Mindless boobs!!!!! lol

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My father, mother, sister, brother, sister-in-law, nephews, niece. All jabbed multiple times. Because I've been diagnosed with bipolar years ago (SSRI reaction) I have no credibility with any of my family. My brother is the smart, capable successful one who has a long work history with the pharmaceutical industry has been telling us all what to do since lockdown began in March. He made fun of me when I texted him about how we would never get our freedoms back and how strange things were going on all over the world in different places at the same time as if orchestrated. He said I was imagining things. I got mad and blocked him. (I needed time away. I was already on the verge of a breakdown and his mockery and accusations of "selfishness" made it worse.)

He's trying to get Mom to convince me to go on "meds" again--though they clouded my judgement and hampered my social skills. He said the way I quit talking to him for a time proves I need them. Mom mentioned this but knows not to press the issue. And she has seen what tardive dyskinesia looks like. He prefers not to because that might force him to leave his lucrative career.

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Vindication is sweet! Stay strong. Your discernment skills are far more credible than all others.

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I don't want them to die. :(

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Scott Adams lost me long before his Covid delusion - arrogance and condescension never appeals to me or convinces me of anything.

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Yes. He's obnoxious.

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It (an attitude of condescension and arrogance) does the opposite for me! It makes me even less likely to be convinced.

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I don't like the winners/losers comment from him. I didn't win. I stood fast against inhumanity, tyranny and down right evil leveled at me and mine because we would not take the mark of the beast, the vaxx. Now I have to watch the ones who succumbed through no fault of their own and those who through coercion they could not stand up to suffer illness, injuries and death. Gee! I don't feel like that is winning.

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Neither do I - truth be told...I was hoping against hope that I WAS WRONG in my stance.

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Am I the only one who remembers one of the censored doctors ((I believe) saying that people would start dying in the streets? Such a statement sounded crazy to most people..like there go those lunatic conspiracy theory people again.

It is happening, not so much on the streets, but on sports fields and in homes.

Lord have mercy! #CrimeAgainstHumanity!

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Our Lord IS merciful--the power potentates calling the "shots" right now are anything BUT that!! May the Supreme Commander of heaven and earth prompt those of us who SPEAK the truth with love and compassion to PRESS on for a TRIAL similar to the Nuremburg Trials on a worldwide scale to bring these "jab jockeys" to justice and make them PAY with their livelihoods for killing off and harming law-abiding citizens of the world.

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The WEF folks..that is who. Admitting to running the world. AntiChrist wannabes (?) or peehaps....

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@Annie You're right, it sounded condescending.

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Beautifully said. There is no joy to watch the demise of the innocent to a plandemic. I pray for our military.

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You're right -- as some "genius" once said "It takes a village.", but the village is 90% or more injured/ disabled/ dysfunctional thanks to "science".

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Thanks for this link. After reading I am assured of my opinion of this guy.

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Listened to the audio of Cruise….wow! These Hollywood elites must truly think they’re God’s!

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Jan 23, 2023
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Yes, thank you, I will correct. I know that MC has said that he is too often confused with the double "t" Matthew.

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Deleting my comment!

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Not how the game is played! 😉

In all seriousness, the unseemly 'deleted' placeholder catches the unwary eye off-guard 🤦

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Oh, he just pointed out that I had mispelled MC's name. I was grateful for the correction. Getting people's names right is a sign of respect.

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I agree with you...I gratefully welcome the about-face because it’s people like Scott that the sheep will listen to at this point. Also, if we shame people like this, others will be afraid to step forward and speak the truth. Their egos will not allow them to be publicly shamed; so you have to give Scott credit for stepping forward and admitting his error. We need more to do the same so this madness stops. My husband’s company STILL has a mandate in place. Until every mandate is lifted, we need to support these about-faces. At this point, we need to protect people’s lives first and foremost. The truth needs to be spoken and heard and Scott’s words will travel to those who need to hear it most. My two cents...again thanks for all you do Jeff. We are forever grateful. 🙏🏻

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Credit for admitting he was wrong? Sure. Calling him out for not acknowledging that it wasn't "just a guess"? Also - sure. He makes it sound like we all took a huge gamble and happened to win rather than saying that there were issues with the data and safety even back then. I can only hope that he looks further into the numbers and the data that was ignored to push the "safe and effective" narrative and lead to demonizing people who chose to wait or not get the jab.

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There are no winners except pharma and potiticians. The jabbosted lose their lives, the unjabbed lose their livelihoods.

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Right, exactly.

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No Refunds, Jabbie

-by Anonymous

Jabbie jabbie took the prick

Now each week this Jabbie's sick

Face can't move, one eye stuck closed

Blood is dribbling from their nose

Jabbie jabbie got the shots

Heart can't pump through all the clots

Look they fainted without warning!

It must be the global warming

Jabbie jabbie flattens the curve

Doesn't doubt a single word

"The shot is safe and it's effective!

It's not why my heart's defective"

Jabbie jabbie, trusted the science

And big data enforced compliance

But now poor jabbie cannot breathe

Has VAIDS, cancer, and cannot breed

Jabbie jabbie, the price you pay

For believing everything they say

Is just to have a heart attack

While waiting for your money back

No Refunds

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Nice. Almost a Dr. Seuss new best seller. Eh? A+!

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Is this YOUR composition - you should take it to the "jabbie/jabbie" rappers who frequent the streets of NYC where the JAB is still touted as "safe and effective". Might keep someone from further damaging their heart and lungs!! Good stuff!!

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Daaaang. Harshest burn on the internet. Awesome!

I was laughing all through this!

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Yes and he’s still using the term “anti vaxxers” which I find incredibly insulting. I’ve never been against vaccines (although I’ve gotten extremely cynical and mistrusting of those now as well), I just used my critical thinking skills and decide this “vaccine” was not a good idea.

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I am ‘now’ proud to be an ‘anti vaxxer.’

After all this lunacy and corruption, I recognize the courage and heroism of the ones, ridiculed for years, who warned us about the dangers of vaccines.

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Anti-vaxxer election denier.

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I’d like to get an anti-vaxxer T shirt!

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I’m not an anti-vaxxer yet, but people like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. have won my respect, whether they’re ultimately proven right or wrong.

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I am now after reading Chap1 in Turtles All The Way Down. Still reading tho.

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That's my next book to read. Currently reading The Moth in the Iron Lung. So many great books- so little time.

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Keep looking. You'll soon find the truth. Hint: Fact- No childhood vaccine has ever been tested against a true placebo. Shocking, huh? The vaccine industry is a house of cards built on a foundation of sand.

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That's the thing that really bothers me about it. I'm not convinced that they're 100% harmful, or even that I can be *certain* they don't work, but it's quite clear that there's been a level of cheating going on to get things more easily approved for the sake of pharma $$.

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I agree 100%.

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I tried to watch and follow Adams videos at one time. After all, I was a Dilbert fan and thought he got the corporate insanity. BUT, I found that I could not stomach his egotistical, full of hubris pronouncements. Ultimately, I decided that he was not as smart as he projected himself to be.

This latest hit me the same way. It is not about "winning". None of us can win. This has affected everyone in some way and those of us who made the correct decision based upon careful analysis and reflection still suffer from the consequences that we see our family and friends dealing with as well as the ongoing discrimination/loss of jobs/etc directed at us.

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You are absolutely correct. There are real people out there that have done the research on these clot shots and also the childhood vaxs that know they are unsafe. We avoid them like the plague and have since the 80’s.

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I never thought I would feel like this, but yes...in the 80s it was only around 7, in the 50s around 3 or 4, and now 27!

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Not 27, more like 72

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Exactly. Heinous! His cartoons were famous for pointing out hypocrisy and foolishness in the middle management and corporate cubicle world. Spending some portion of my career in that environment, I saw my colleagues pinning up his cartoons. But these colleagues, like Scott, were huge believers in Big Medicine/ and Big CDC/FDA in conjunction with liberal media. He’s an ideal example of the, “I am smarter than you because I monetized my cartoons depicting what you already know “. But he knows nothing about Military intelligence, bio weapons research, the medical industry, and government agencies political motivations. Sadly, my time spent in these fields has shown me that the dilbert stuff applies. If he had my experience, he would have KNOWN the jabs were a preplanned horror with no reliable safety trials and that facing a bad cold or flu with God given natural defenses was ALWAYS the best answer. But people like him are too “smart “ to consider Intelligent Design by a Creator. So you nailed it. We did not win or get lucky. We knew something and he would not even listen, and so many trusted him, because he should have seen the dilbert in all of this and didn’t.

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Well said Steshu!

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Beautifully and simply stated, Dosty!!

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You're just jealous that you don't have the towering intellect of Sam Harris.

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Would that be THIS arrogant "philosopher" to whom you're referring? If so...glad I didn't know anything about him! https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-disgraced-idw-figure-sam-harris-deletes-his-twitter-account

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Yeah, his comment about how the unvaccinated felt like the failure of the vaccine was obvious due to our mistrust of institutions is off base. It was objectively obvious that it would likely fail, not just because my gut instinct said it would. It was obvious for these reasons:

Despite years of research and attempts, there has never been a successful coronavirus vaccine.

Despite years of research and attempts, mRNA has never successfully been used as a vaccine.

Most vaccine attempts result in failure. They never make it to market.

Most drug trials result in failure. We don’t see them, because they never make it to market.

What are the odds that under enormous political and social pressure, with unlimited amounts of money to be made and zero product liability, using a never used before technology produced by companies that have faced some of the largest criminal penalties in history (and not just once, multiple times) for fraud, that the results will be a success? It was obvious. It was likely. It would have been a major miracle if there was any success at all.

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The brilliant Vox Day has seen the truth since the beginning: https://voxday.net/?s=Scott+Adams

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Wrt raw data troves still jealously hoarded by alphabet agencies, and that still needs to be painstakingly foi-ed by piece, hear the most malignantly creative interwebz feline 🔥↓↓

🗨 it is not their data. it’s ours. we paid this piper and it’s high time he produced the sheet music.

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I found Mr Adam's comments on Dunning-Kruger to be less than "hat in hand" humbled... But he's so much smarter than me so he must not be able to resist being an a**hole any more than he was able to resist the peer pressure of an untested medical experiment.

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And then there is his "way" about such an absolute staunch advocate of national injectional rapid remedy with "0" liability. It is a hypnotic madness that is akin to murder accomplices.

Take the appalling position by TV Stephen Colbert. Media Criminality is flourishing unchecked

Talk about a first class bunghole!! WOW!

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I watched his (Scott of Dilbert) video and felt several reactions. Condescending, yes. I also noted that he still doesn’t get it. It was never about being right or winning. It was about the truth! It still is about the truth. I never wanted to be right or win and watch people drop dead suddenly and unexpectedly. It has always been about the TRUTH.

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Totally agree. And he frames it in terms that our emotion (knee-jerk distrust of big government) just happened to be right and his intellectual analysis was wrong. Stopped clock being right twice a day and all that. He just can't admit he was wrong, is not as smart as he thinks he is, and made a foolish mistake.

Yes I have a knee-jerk distrust of big government, and an even bigger one of Pharma. However, those emotions led me to "wait and see" and while doing so dig deeply into the history of mRNA therapy, lipid nanoparticles, the spike protein itself, "leaky" vaccines, and immune evasion. During that I found many people with ten times the intellectual heft of Scott Adams. After reading all this I independently concluded the risk outweighed the benefits.

My work had a mandate which was one of the reasons I did dig into it so deeply as I was considering taking the shot. After looking into deeply I decided I would not take it under any circumstances and told my work to pound sand (I was given a religious exemption ultimately).

I doubt my story is unique. As much as self-proclaimed intellectuals (and often atheists) like Scott Adams like to think of us as knuckle-dragging morons, some of us actually think things through and dig deeper. Most of us rejected the shot on personal autonomy grounds, concern regarding the mRNA technology, and our own personal covid risk assessment. This despite our supposed leader (Donald Trump) telling us to take it. It was a reasoned decision that is being strongly vindicated.

Edit: Adding to this that in the course of looking into this I also found the vax was developed using fetal stem cells derived from abortion (used in testing it) despite the FDA trying to hide that fact.

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No amnesty - not with his drivel. Scott Adams has not gone anywhere near far enough. He's in self-preservation mode, not contrition mode. Not repentance mode. If the analogy were war, you'd put the sword to him.

Among those of us who appreciated Scott in 2015 and were earliest on the Trump train (in fact embraced T's in-your-face pugilism vs sociopaths), some of us are mentally flexible enough to have gotten off the Trump train as it flew off the tracks and he BETRAYED his most loyal supporters, deserted them, and went psychotic promoting the clot shot. Trump derangement syndrome shifted to those who won't see reality and defend his madness and disloyalty and his lousy WEF family. His day is done and a new day has dawned with DeSantis, who has a colossal enough task before his without Trump's off the rails nonsense.

If you must employ Trump because you have only clever sociopaths to choose among for political grunt work, put Trump in charge building the wall and rebuilding American infrastructure. That's his calling, nothing else now. Narrow and defined.

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I agree that Scott Adams is not in contrition or repentance mode. It shows in his attitude.

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Good grief! Another Trump obsessed loser. All roads lead to ‘whack a mole’ the figment of Trump that resides 24/7 rent free right in their little minds.

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Generally, I agree with you on most of your posts. But when you call someone a loser for not having the same opinion as you, it makes me sad there are a lot of reasons to like trump and a lot of reasons not to like trump, but if someone has a legit reason for not liking Trump. I would definitely not call them a loser, especially in Jeff’s blog. I would say we have a lot in common those of us on here.

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Exactly. I dug incredibly deep into this topic -- yes, because I have a well-earned distrust of big gov’t and big pharma -- but more so because I have a high need to discover the TRUTH. Regardless of how difficult it may make my and my family’s lives.

Heuristics? No. STATISTICS.

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I also thought that a wait and see approach made the most sense for me. I’m young and healthy and I didn’t particularly want to take a new drug when I probably didn’t need it. However, the week the vaccine became available to me I got covid. I thank God for it. Weird to be thanking the Lord for sickness - never done that before! But anyway, we all got it. That gave me cover to put it off. A few months and lots of reading later, I was absolutely convinced that I would never take that vaccine. Had I not gotten covid, I probably would have been talked into it eventually.

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Spot on!! It’s because we are skeptical that we decided to dig deeper and do the research to see if our initial thoughts were correct and backed up by facts and data. The skepticism only fueled the search for information, and once we found the information, THAT sealed the decision. The skepticism caused me to wait and see rather than just blindly jump in and get jabbed. Wait and see meant wait for more data, more experiences, more information. Not just wait to stick it to Big Government and Big Pharma (though that was a nice side benefit I admit 😆). That’s what he’s not seeing, or not admitting.

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I actually think he still doesn't really see it. His remarks were dripping with condescension and snarky hostility. He looked angry. How many times did he say "You won, anti-vaxxers won, you won, you won? He seemed overly obsessed with that point. For him it was about winning and losing, not about important revelations he had experienced.

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Yes you’re probably right!

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Yes! I recently read that ! What liars! They knew that the RC church and other religious people would not take it if the truth was exposed! Lies! Evil! Crime against humanity.

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When I was watching the video, my grandmother’s favorite word came to mind, ‘humility’. The guy has none.

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I felt the same. It appeared to be a very reluctant admission of his error in judgment. You are so spot on about it being about the truth! Well said. Of course, Scott being such a public figure would have to make some concessions. He was ready for someone to gloat. We were right, told you so, na na na. I find it a pitiable state for him. If amnesty will include all that admit a change of heart, I will grudgingly vote for it for him.

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Exactly! And we have been following the truth since the beginning....and hoping that others would see it too. Alas.

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He was on what he thought was the “winning” side until now and seems to be projecting the arrogance and self righteousness that he felt until now. He doesn’t get that no one is a “winner” except pharma and politicians/megalomaniacs.

I almost wish I had a Twitter account to let him know the above and at whom he should direct his grief. (Alas I have been banned with crickets when requesting reinstatement. No loss.)

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My thoughts exactly 😔

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This! Thank you!

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Through You we will push back our adversaries;

Through Your name we will trample down those who rise up against us.

For I will not trust in my bow,

Nor will my sword save me.

But You have saved us from our adversaries,

And You have put to shame those who hate us.

In God we have boasted all day long,

And we will give thanks to Your name forever. Selah.

— Psalm 44:5-8 NASB1995

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Amen. Perfect for today. Thank you as always!

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He is faithful to provide just what we need and when! ❤️

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Yes for Ryan, no for Scott.

Scott's final (and most damning) statement, to be read back to him at trial:

"All of my fancy analytics got me to a bad place. All of your heuristics — ‘don’t trust these guys, it’s obvious’ — totally worked.”

We applied both analytics and heuristics. Scott applied neither. What Scott did was use his training as a hypnotist to play authority games disguised as Socratic argument. In deploying this strategy, he convinced those who supported him financially to harm themselves and their children, all while setting a torch to constitutional and human rights. The only possible mitigation for Scott is if we find out he was not paid to do so. But the flip side of that coin - that he was paid to pull his tricks - should haunt him at night. Because the punishment for that should be severe.

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I can forgive but I will never forget. That's great if you see the light for whatever reason. The question all former vaxxers, to whatever level they were and why, need to ask themselves is "Why was it ever okay to deny anyone their fundamental right to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, to provide for their families, run their businesses, determine what's right for their own medical needs, to not be censored, demonized and ostracized?" 🤔

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I agree. Except, some of them should be asking this question on the inside of a prison cell. Our chore will be to determine which ones.

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Amen. Agreed.

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I will try to be fair to them (because I think that Christians are supposed to?) because so many trusted and revered well known holy men of the cloth, of every denomination and tradition, around the world, also pushed the shot: they believed the doctors who told them that this was a moral and Christian act to not only protect themselves but also others and the only way to end the pandemic. I even read that some said it was a sin not to!

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Perhaps he didn't need to be paid. Toadies to a narrative love to toady for free. They feel important and needed, it puffs up their egos.

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Spot on. There is a huge difference between those two people.

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Saw that blurb about Scott Adams and while I'm glad he's sort of come around, the _way_ he does that is ... condescending. It's like a "well, this time you just happened to be right" and still thinks those who didn't want an experimental, little-tested, no-long-term-effects-known shot are "anti-vaxxers". Most I know read up on the true risks of the virus (negligible) and did a real risk-reward calculation of taking a drug that had no long term studies. Yes, we didn't know that there would be horrible side-effects at the time, but many took a "let's see what the long term effects are" approach. I was one of those - if there were _actual_ benefits from taking that drug and no horrible side-effects after longer-term studies, I'd have considered it at some point. As it stands, well, I think it's pretty obvious by now how that went.

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I’m struggling with the Scott Adams thing too. It comes across as “sorry you misunderstood my intent when I said ‘@#$& you!’.

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He has also been dragged to this position, kicking and screaming (and whining, lots of whining) whole the way. Better than not, sure. But he also showed people clearly who he is.

He'll continue to try to work his word spells to make people forget. Don't forget.

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He is jab injured, I don’t think he will forget.

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Exaclty. Adam’s chalks it up to good old fashioned stubbornness (of which I am guilty I admit) and fails to acknowledge all the data, science, evidence, and good old fashioned logic that we took our sweet time to sift through and analyze to come to our conclusions. Of course that would force him to admit why he didn’t read the same stuff and that would prove two things: 1 that the government was censoring the facts and 2. That he was too lazy to do independent research and use his own brain.

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Much like Sam Harris said recently in an interview. We just "happened" to be correct this time. Bizarrely, he went on to create a hypothetical scenario in which mass numbers of children had died and lamented its absence which would have made his team the clear winners...

At least Adams stuck with luck and condescension. 👌

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Sorry, just commented same before seeing this.

They are both unrepentant, condescending morons.

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He is doing it for the maximum attention to him.

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The intelligence community has officially kicked off the narrative shift we all knew was coming and Scott Adams is a textbook egomaniac perfect for the role. He's leaving room for the possibility that when it happens again, Team Reality is just as susceptible to his "misfortune" as he was.

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The perfect narcissist.

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Sam Harris had a similar grating attitude, that if kids had been dying, then he would have been right to force the jabs on us and they will when it happens. WTF?

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Same for me.

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I didn't think Scott's apology was very sincere. It seemed more in line with other calls for amnesty, along the lines of "nobody could have known". Coin flip my ass!

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I have a feeling “nobody could have known” will be the most popular response to this Holocaust 🤦‍♀️

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That and "it's all long covid" :(

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I was just “following orders.”

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And those folks got no amnesty

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Nor should these!

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Our answer: "we knew."

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That's what I was thinking from that post. No room for the "let's wait and see what happens" crowd who were more hesitant than skeptical. I was one of those and now that I've seen a lot more of what's going on - have moved toward skepticism. Too much risk, too little reward.

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Another example is masking. Anyone who has worn a mask must have noticed that air goes freely around the edges, and it's acknowledged that these viruses are small and carried in aerosols. My next step there is to wonder how they can possibly work, and therefore what had gone wrong to produce claims that "science" says masks work. Of course when you actually look at the studies and the data, you find that in fact they don't work.

I don't understand why more people are not more curious about how such a plainly ridiculous claim could be proven.

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Before Covid, we all knew that bacteria grew magnificently well in warm, moist environments. Them all of a sudden, people were wearing warm, moist, germ infested talismans on their faces for their health.

What? I felt like Alice in Wonderland.

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It also lowers oxygenation, which also used to be known to be bad. Total 🤡🌍

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And I believe masks will be again be required apparel to reduce our "horrible human" CO2 emissions as soon as they get down to business with the 'Run for Your Lives the Sky is Falling' Climate Change profiteering. They were simply cracking open Pandora's box.

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Exactly. Then… to require them on a preschooler or elementary child is insane.

Have these wizards of knowledge pushing our mandates never had a child or understand bacteria? Their little noses run constantly, the mask fall off in dirt, restroom, anywhere and back on the face per “mandate”. Common sense must dictate. But it did not.

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Yup it was so asinine as a policy. And yet the school teachers and staff followed it like good little tools 😡

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My elementary and middle schoolers' masks were so DISGUSTING on the inside at the end of the day. I'll never forgive those malignant morons who did this to kids.

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Me neither. I want the health department stooges who ordered all of this prosecuted!!

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Alice in Wonderland or alternately, the Twilight Zone. I started to seriously wonder about people's brain functions.

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That mask thing drives me bonkers - and worse when "doctors" show how simple it is to "just wear a mask - so you protect(?) others". No acknowledgement of all of the air moving around the edges of the mask at all. Saw a video someone posted wearing multiple masks/types of masks outdoors in the winter so you could easily see the water vapor escaping out of the mask. You'd think simple stuff like that would make most people stop and think ... but it doesn't. :/

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Ugh, even people who are otherwise very intelligent seem to have bought into it. I think they rationalize it as being a risk mitigation.. theoretically possible but not borne out by any data I have ever seen.

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Me too!!! It makes me want to scream when I hear people talking about how you should “just wear one” and not be a “selfish baby” about it. There is no science justifying mask wearing (especially cloth and surgical masks but even untested unfitted N95 masks) to prevent the transmission of respiratory disease in most cases where people are wearing them. And there is reason to believe that the masks cause harm and also potentially increase transmission.

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Doctors and nurses still wear them. It is the prerogative of the wearer. As long as they dont force others, I dont judge.

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Well, but they are supposed to be in an evidence oriented occupation. There is no more evidence supporting masks than holy water, voodoo dolls, or a charmed amulet. But those are not sciencey enough.

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I’m sure they have a rabbit foot in their pockets …

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My grandmother wore a garland of onions around her neck to protect her against Spanish Flu. Apparently lots of others did too. People get so full of fear they will try anything.

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I'm very judgey and med people need to be called out for the theater. 'Cloth masks don't stop nano-scale virus particles'.

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I judge too. If a so-called medical professional is that ignorant about the data regarding the effectiveness of masks for preventing the transmission of disease, then I judge them to be incompetent and lacking judgment.

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Imagine if the vast majority had rejected this practice as the clownish, unscientific absurdity that it is, though. Much of this was allowed to happen precisely because it had the support of so many. Maybe if we'd fostered a little more curiosity about the "science" behind strapping a bacteria laden rag over our breathing holes, the same would've followed for the toxic sludge campaign.

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I've told people who want to test the efficacy of the mask to walk down the supermarket aisle that contains all the washer soaps and other similar items. See if they can smell the stuff. When they admit the scent really permeates their little masks, there's the proof. If you can smell it, those molecules carrying the scent have gone right through the mask and are in your nose. I rest my case.

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Yes, my own process for arriving at a conclusion is of course probabilistic.. as it must be since nothing is ever known for certain. But describing it as a coin flip is highly disingenuous. You take in all the information, weigh it against conflicting information, and make an educated guess. If you have a lot of anecdotal evidence pointing the same way, that can't just be ignored. When you start to see rampant scientific fraud, that also factors in to reduce confidence in supposed RCTs.. etc. When possible, perform experiments. It's called science..

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I remember seeing an interview with Dr. Malone. He said he got the shot after he was told it would help him with LongCovid! Can you imagine? Coming from a person such as Dr. Malone?

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There was/is a great deal of trust in the medical establishment by doctors. Even the smartest don’t see through it behind the veil for many reasons.

We have a family member who is a doc and very intelligent but still believes the lies. His employer does not permit reading outside the lines. He also believes in pharma as all the med students are taught to. He has seen pharma work so that reinforces his disbelief in possible harm.

The best we can do is agree to disagree since we are not docs and he is. I pray he, pregnant wife and baby will be ok. 😳

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I'm sorry, I don't want to sound callous or uncaring but I just don't accept the argument from all of these people who say they didn't know the vaccine could be harmful.

I did! I have no medical training at all - just common sense. It was an experimental treatment based on a new technology that had not even been tested.

But you didn't know it might be dangerous!? It might not work? Yet you took it and pushed it on others?

I'm having a hard time showing grace to all of these people.

At the time my son was only 6 and even he was easily able to grasp the concept that we had no idea what might happen by giving the vaccine to everyone.

I feel sorry for those who took it. But I don't accept the ignorance argument.

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Concerning the mechanisms of the mRNA covid vaxxes, I asked my pro-jab MD friend, who owns a general practice, "Where's the off button for one's cells generating spike protein?" He straight up told me he didn't know. I'm a mere lay person, had done a lot of reading, and had already made up my mind I would not take the jab, but his ignorance made my "not" into "NEVER."

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Even rat face Fauchi said it takes 10 years to develop a vaccine. That was the final ‘no effing way’ for me.

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Did you really send that letter??? That is comedy GOLD. When I was in my twenties (don't judge, this was 20 years ago, my soul and my conscience and my politics have greatly shifted since then), I had great fun writing a parody blog called trekkychick.com. I was proud to elicit many laughs from my friends with that blog, but nothing comes close to that letter you wrote. I feel like you need to frame it and put it on your wall. Well done!!! :-)

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Well, except for that one sentence where he wrote "... misinformers are the cause of *morality* and morbidity". LOL.

I don't know whether to hope that he spotted and fixed that before sending it, or to hope that he didn't...

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You know I didn't catch it the first time and it was only when I was reading the letter out loud to my husband that I noticed!! But I expect the recipient got the message loud and clear even with the error....hahaha

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Thanks for the revision in Ryan, he has an interesting story. Despite how he’s flipped his position, no amnesty for him. He was basically a COVID Soundekommamdo, even after he was himself injured. And no amnesty for Clott Adams. His apology or whatever was still full of smug. People (like me) who avoided the jabs did not do so because of “heuristics”, many of us did so because of the actual SCIENCE AND DATA.

There was zero science and zero data suggesting these jabs would do anything other than hasten viral mutation and kill off the Jabbies. Because SCIENCE told those who bothered to look this is what had always happened. So why would it not happen this time? No one ever answered that question.

So...sorry Ryan and sorry Clott, you failed the worlds most important and pervasive IQ test. You’re now ticking time bombs. All of your moral lecturing and pompous, smug attitude has been rewarded with a death sentence. Enjoy. I won’t go dancing on your grave but I’m also not going to morn your passing when it comes. I’ll reserve my sympathy and compassion for your victims.

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Agreed. Those two bald nuckleheads were the original covidians.

How many got injured by their part in pushing the shots?

No amnesty. But we welcome them into the light and truth, where questioning science is still expected and accepted.

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I believe in personal forgiveness--what Christian doesn't?--but amnesty is different. Amnesty means that those who pushed the mandates and wished for our death can blithely go on their way and push them again when the next crisis erupts. These people must be shamed for what they did to tear apart this country and sicken people all around the world. And some of them should be legally liable and be sent to jail. We cannot fight the next battle of the Great Reset--and there will be a next battle--if those who tried to take away our freedoms are allowed to go back to business as usual.

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I agree and to do it Game of Thrones style. Cut their hair, stripped of their clothes and marched from the Capital to Lincoln Memorial 😂🔔🔔🔔Shame🔔🔔🔔Shame

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For starters

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No amnesty without accountability. Full stop.

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I watched the Bills-Bengals game last night. I detest TV but love football, and being an Ohioan, gotta root for the Bengals because the Browns (my team) are, well, the Browns. Anyhow, if that was really Damar Hamlin there I will eat the Columbus Yellow Pages on the statehouse lawn. Hoodie, dark sunglasses, no clear view of his face, waving his arms over his head (like a person with no recent heart problems and no broken ribs), no interview, no speaking, no nothing. The only face-on shot was with a long lens through a snowstorm. It could have been anyone in that pressbox. I'm calling b.s. I hope he's in bed, recovering, though I'm sure watching that game wasn't good for his heart. That publicity stunt was really uncalled for. If they would have said he was home resting, people would have bought that more than an obvious body double.

The ads for Pfizer throughout the game were ticking me off. Those people are evil for creating the clot shot and STILL pushing it, despite the obvious deaths and injuries it caused. Disgusting. I'll bet their crap will be peppered all over the Super Bowl. How I wish I had the tech here to download one of their videos and play it frame by frame. I swear they are using images or sounds to convince people to take their poison. Why do I say this? Because have you ever heard a person defend the vax? They all say the same. exact. thing. as if repeating from a script. That's from being programmed and brainwashed. Pfizer needs to be leveled. They are producing more harm than good overall.

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Where is Damar Hamlin?!?! Certainly not the guy masked, hooded, sunglassed, turned backwards, screen shotted, in a blizzard… It’s insane that people are falling for this. What is going on?!

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Was Tiffany Dover filmed in the stands behind 4 masks and a hoodie?

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Yes! Her too… 🤔

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Here’s another thought. This entire event has been a psyop to divide us all even more. At some point Damar will appear again completely healthy and playing football.

I can’t wrap my head around the fact that ANYONE believes that was him and isn’t questioning why we haven’t seen him being interviewed.

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Amen FourWinds

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I just fail to understand this. Ryan said he specifically studied pandemics. Yet somehow he couldn't figure out that there was something fishy with the Gov'ts response. I am not particularly erudite about that subject but as soon as they started locking things down as a response I knew something was terribly wrong. Even I knew that in the history of medicine, never has the response to a pandemic been to lock down the healthy. In all the history of public health policy, the protocol is to isolate the infected and treat them. Yet the CDC, the PREMIER public health institution the entire world looks to, throws out hundreds of years of public health knowledge and, having thrown their own policy playbook out the window, recommends locking down everyone using the CCP's policy playbook. Furthermore, while I'm not a virologist, it only took me a few days research to understand that you NEVER vaccinate into the teeth of a pandemic. So I fail to understand how Ryan didn't see this. All I can say is that the average American has WAY too much trust in political leaders and Gov't policies.

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YES!! I got COVID March 2021, knew then that I should have immunity and maybe the cure was everyone should just contract the virus. I immediately was suspicious because we couldn’t find any information on what drug protocols to take to alleviate symptoms. That started my deep dive into the insane world of COVID controversy. The more I read and listened to people I trusted the more disgusted I became. Thank goodness for a friend introducing me to Jeff AND at that time I also found RFK Jr. I paid a small price for standing up and not getting the jabs, I’d like to think I would have gotten more vocal if I needed to...there are many people I believe kept me sane, I believe the Lord put them in my path.

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Requiring that doctors DO NOT TREAT was a huge tip off. Not even vitamins and aspirin?

Go to the hospital when you can’t breathe and they will put you on a ventilator and...

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Same with Dr. Malone and Elon and other brainiacs who ran out to get jabbed up.

Did they have zero intuition that trickery was afoot?

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I can believe that Malone was just an egg-head scientist who was so into his work that he was totally naive about anything else going on. When he started appearing with the German research group, he was extremely shy and reticent about participating. But he's not now. I can tell from his writings that he has paid a huge emotional price. Elon is much more complex. Who knows? He may not even have taken the shot. Or maybe he did before he applied his brain power to the debate. I would sure hate to see him SADS. He should not have been as naive as Malone.

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I think a lot of the people like Malone just trusted the so-called experts because they were also scientists and their peers. They assumed those people knew what they were talking about.

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This fact has bothered me a lot. They are obviously very smart people, but I've concluded that book learning isn't everything. You've got to have some street smarts as well that will clue you in that you are being conned and bamboozled. Books don't teach this.

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I'm with you. I made a similar comment earlier. I have no medical training but I was able to do the basic research, like you mentioned, within a couple days.

Even if all their actions made complete sense, the idea that they were so quickly able to come up with a miracle solution based on a new technology for which there was zero testing data simply didn't pass the sniff test.

I'm finding it difficult to forgive those who jumped in with both feet, tried to force everyone else to do the same while denigrating us for asking questions, and who are only now suddenly realizing that it might not have been the best idea to blindly follow the orders of people who stood to profit historically from their ignorance.

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That is another point that should have been obvious that I didn't mention. The fact that they had a vaccine ready immediately after the "outbreak" was ridiculously impossible. But more than anything else, the very fact that this was an EXPERIMENTAL medication should have been enough for any SMART person to say No Thanks. To that all I can say is that the military grade psy-ops brainwashed a whole bunch of smart people. We have to recognize that.

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I think the key here is only people who were pre-disposed to distrust Government could think their way out of the psy-ops. The average person who totally trusts the Gov't fell victim. I think this is especially true of the highly educated, which is how we usually define smart.

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I totally agree. First of all how on earth could herd immunity not be a thing. And everybody with half a brain knows that those masks don’t work. I just couldn’t understand help you people can believe their government. Tell me a government that looks out for their people , it’s all about money. It’s all about big Pharma and when they’re making everybody do some thing and this was even worse because it was the whole world I am completely against it. When Nancy Pelosi is for something I’m against it.

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That letter! Pure genius. Thank you.

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My letter to the Washington State Health Commission…

Dear Jimmy Chung,

It has come to my attention that your “commission” is targeting Dr. Ryan Cole for prescribing Ivermectin to COVID patients. Wanted to share with you the fact that when I had COVID…I took Ivermectin as a treatment and the results were nothing short of miraculous. Within 4 hours of taking the first dose, my symptoms were reduced by at least 50%. In addition, the creator of Ivermectin won the Nobel price in 2015 which is something I’m sure you and your fellow commissioners deem impressive no doubt. On the other hand, my friends who have taken all the COVID Vaccines and Boosters took “Paxlovid” when they got COVID — their symptoms were much-much worse than mine. As a matter of fact, the 4 different families (4 separate instances) ended up getting COVID again only a short time after completing their “Paxlovid” prescriptions (same goes for Biden and Rochelle Walensky).

See a pattern? Too bad their doctors didn’t prescribe Ivermectin…their outcomes would have been so much better.

Interestingly, the drug “Ivermectin” has a huge upside in the treatment of certain types of cancer. On the NIH’s own website, there are 6 pages (that’s right 6-PAGES) of articles to read through when you get a few minutes to study. Here’s a link to the NIH’s articles on Ivermectin.


I realize Ivermectin is no longer a patented drug — so the Pharmaceutical “windfall” is long gone…but the good news — Ivermectin lives on and Doctors like Ryan Cole have given so many of us the opportunity to utilize its ability to open up our immune cells (allowing ZINC to penetrate them) and mitigate the effects of COVID-19.

The idea of “going after doctors” for prescribing Ivermectin is absurd — surely you and your commissioners wouldn’t do such a thing…would you?

Warm regards,


PS — Pretty much anyone and everyone looking for the right products and services use Google’s ratings as their measuring stick to choose suppliers/professionals/etc. With that in mind, Doctor Cole’s Google rating is a 4.9 and yours is a 1.5 Just thinking out loud here, but wouldn’t you try and learn something from him in lieu of trying to ruin his career?

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Well done

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Sent the letter right after reading Jeff’s C&C on Saturday. Sad thing is, the “Commission” has followed-through with the threat of revoking his license. What a “gut-punch” to reality. Makes me want to SCREAM at the top of my lungs — a pure TRAGEDY took place and the sad thing is, not many folks know about how IMPRESSIVE “Ivermectin” is with “many” health ailments. If there is such a thing as a “wonder-drug” it certainly should be mentioned in the top-5 no doubt. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/wa-medical-board-idaho-doctor-peddled-false-covid-19-claims/

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"Common Good".

Amnesty is an easy issue to tackle if you use the left's favorite COVID sledgehammer. No one gets amnesty, because the "Common Good" requires it. So what if several hundred thousand people lose their livelihoods and they and their children become lifelong pariahs, eking out a living in the distant fringes of society. It's for the Common Good.

Prostration, self-flagellation, rabid ostracism, merciless shaming and reeducation camps are required for those who pushed jabs. It's for the Common Good. In seven generations, they will be allowed to rejoin.

Seriously, there are some folks who should be forgiven. There are those who clearly should not be forgiven. There are those in the gray area - and Ryan is on of them - who did something he admits he knows was wrong and seems to he honestly contrite (although, the label Illinois Conservative gives me great pause) and has already paid a hefty price for his participation in the pogrom.

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Exactly. There will be this push to forgive, because you aren't a good Christian if you don't, forget and amnesty. Yeah. Walk in my shoes the last three years. I am pissed. And also I don't want to judge who is more deserving of this forgiveness and amnesty. They need to deal with this on their own. Keep asking themselves the question. "After all I have done to others during this scamdemic, should I be forgiven?" Or should I ask others to forgive and forget.

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The churches that went covidian need to be taken to the woodshed.

I say that Jesus would have not taken the jab if the Romans were mandating it.

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Jeff I love the name “Team Reality. Here’s a thought for a free C&C multiplier: Write in the comments of a person’s Tweet who is coming out of the pharmedia fog

“Welcome to Team Reality. C&C “

Nothing else. Either a directed multiplier so one person gets thousands, or on our own so the internet is dotted with “Welcome to Team Reality. C&C”

It can be our tagline, like the Z for Zorro.

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Jesus would also not condone returning the same treatment. However, Forgiveness is one thing, “Amnesty” is another.

Joining Team Reality includes undoing what you have done to others. Simple penance.

As much as a person encouraged firings, cajoled for more shots and boosters, the person should make the same efforts to boost people who tell the truth.

People who are also provably jab injured (covidians will deny jab injury unless it’s within minutes, hours or days) are precisely the people who can reach the list.

People waking up sound pretty horrified at what they have done to themselves and their country. Good.

They need to be welcomed to Team Reality.

They need to become aware of what we know. Starting with a dose of C&C each morning.

Imagine not knowing about Jeff and C&C, Malone, Corey, how to help their immune system, how to multiply people on the front lines!

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Most churches were silent during this time. Still are about all of it. It’s very concerning to me.

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Jesus would forgive but change in heart means change in behavior. The persons forgiven use the rest of their lives to proclaim the news and undo what they did.

Forgiveness is one thing, “Amnesty” is another. Joining Team Reality includes not being quiet anymore, not letting others get jabboosted. Undoing what you have done to others. Simple penance. As much as a person encouraged firings, cajoled for more shots and boosters, the person should make the same efforts to boost people who tell the truth.

People who are also >provably< jab injured (covidians will deny jab injury unless it’s within minutes, hours or days) are precisely the people who can reach the covidians.

People waking up sound pretty horrified at what they have done to themselves and their country. Good.

They need to be welcomed to Team Reality. become aware of what we know. Starting with a dose of C&C each morning.

Imagine not knowing about Jeff and C&C, Malone, Corey, how to help their immune system, how to multiply people on the front lines!

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Amen. He would never condone the hate, spite, demonizing of people. If a church did that they rendered unto Caesar what is God's. They need to repent.

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Common Good=Communist Good

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"Common Good" is the tried and true justification for tyranny. Whenever you hear it in an argument, you know what the real objective is.

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Same for 'democracy'. Democracy is 2 wolves and a chicken deciding what's for dinner.

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Perfect analogy!

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It depends on the form of democracy. In a pure democracy that is correct. In a constitutional representative republic, it is not true.

And if the chicken can leave...

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The greater good🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

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