Oct 18, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Super-interesting take on the Russia-Ukraine war. Thank you for that. For all, Kennedy's The Real Anthony Fauci movie is free for the next 10 days when you register on the producer's website.

Here is a link for those interested. https://www.therealanthonyfaucimovie.com/trailer/

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Oct 18, 2022ยทedited Oct 18, 2022

Just watched the movie. EVERYONE needs to see this. Fauci is a worse, more evil criminal than I had previously thought, and I already knew he was bad.

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He's awful! The book takes so long to read but it's full of hair-raising detail and citings. .

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Yes, I haven't read all of the book yet, I found I could only stomach small doses of it. In the film, it is interesting to watch Bill Gates' body language in various clips where he is being questioned about various things. He is also a monster.

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His body language makes me squirm (um, not in a good way). That guy is creepy for sure!

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CMCM โ€ฆ I canโ€™t believe heโ€™s free to walk this earth .

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Have absolutely ZERO idea what "CMCM" means.

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Name of person above you, sorry

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And donโ€™t forget heโ€™s the highest paid employee of all time. He makes about 400k a year and keeps making tnat in retirement.

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In the old federal retirement system (CSRS), if you worked at least 41 years and 11 months, you will get 80% of your actual salary in retirement. Perhaps NIH/their gang have a different system for the older folks?

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Fauci is like 81, Iโ€™m

Pretty sure heโ€™s been a fed employee for Atleast 50 years.

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Yes. Our own home grown Mengele.

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Read the book several months ago. Curled my hair.

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Give it for Christmas to some doctors. You might save lives....

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Thatโ€™s a joke , right? ๐Ÿฅฑ๐Ÿค

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Of course not. They need it more than most, lol! Of course you can mail it in a brown paper wrapper the way Playboy magazines used to arrive, with no return address, if you're scared of them becoming apoplectic in person!

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Hello. Has C & C written out for Wednesday and Thursday? It's been hit and miss for me. Thank you.

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Well, in general he's wrong.

I find it ironic he hasn't covered Putin's Sputnik covid shot mandate. It's just as bad as ours.

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Lol, aren't you due for a shift change, Benji?

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I'm hoping Benjaminn and Horsey man up and go defend Ukraine from those invading Russkies.

C'mon men! Your cross-dressing hero Zelenskyyyyy needs you! Why stand you here in the US safe and sound?

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Lol! It's kinda fun "trolling the trolls." Without the "prompt" I might never say what I really think.

: ))

Personally I also do it to read their responses. I haven't decided actually if they are real "humans" or an effort by the Tech Bros to come up with an AI program that can pass for a human during on line discussions.

(With the well-informed.)

My gut is leans towards the latter, actually.

They seem very confused. Like AI trying to talk to me about deeply human issues; it just cannot fly, especially when 62 years of laughter, joy, sorrow, and personal experience all weigh in. We are each so very uniquely human, and there in lies the magic!

Of course they could just be not- so- bright young men....there is that.

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Are you saying a current military guy should desert his post?


Iโ€™m willing, just need a set of orders.

Why are Russians fleeing Kherson again? Whatโ€™s going wrong tnere?

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Opposing viewpoints trigger you much?

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Lol! Yours is very obviously not an "opposing opinion."

Kennedy's book on Fouci is both incendiary and fully verified.

Everything in it has been genuinely fact checked, not tar brushed with the "disinformation" appellation applied to hide the truth, as we have witnessed endlessly for the past three years.

If the history and actions laid out in that road map to prosecution of one of the most murderous individuals in American History were false or inaccurate the law suits for defamation would be flying.

They are NOT.

In my personal opinion you are one of the examples of a living "troll" or perhaps not, maybe just a little bot, nipping at the heels of the adults during their conversations.

But who ever or whatever you may be, if you take on Kennedy, you better arm yourself with more facts than you have now, lol!

Harvard got scared and ran away when Kennedy was going to debate experts, 8 of them against only him.

: ))

And if you really are on my, the taxpayers, payroll, SHAME ON YOU!

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Some people just love to troll anything conservative and try to get people angry. Either he has too much time on his hands or heโ€™s being paid to infiltrate. I ignore him. Heโ€™s not worth my time.

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When you're incapable of creating a counter argument accuse the other side of being a paid troll.

Got it.

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What have I said about Kennedyโ€™s book other than I like Kennedy and Foucci is a liar and a fraud?

I went to the creation museum in Kentucky and loved watching bill nye get his lunch stolen by Ken ham.

I do have a fed job which is why Iโ€™m here. Iโ€™m opposed to the vaccine mandates.

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Interesting admission.

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I get it. Sometimes a ball looks like a strike

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Maybe heโ€™s saying the opposite on the other side sites. I have known equal opportunity agitators.

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Why would I argue for a tyrannical vaccinator who destroys other nations and murders children?

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"tar brushed" ๐Ÿคฃ

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Russia is stuck in the Ukrainian tar baby and can't get out.

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Nations with chickens on their flag shouldnโ€™t invade nations with forks on theirs.

Russias 3 day war in Ukraine is on month 8.

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PREACH ! :)))

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It isnโ€™t about opposing views, it just when the views are so wrong...

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Like when I point out Putin mandates the Covid vaccine for his people?

And Russia committed genocide against Ukraine before?

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Men are wicked. That's a fact. But 2 wrongs never made a right yet. We are Americans, not Russians, and our responsibilities lie with our government and our people.

Boys fight and scream and yell, "he started it!!"

Adults stop all that nonsense.

We are missing the ADULTS today, worldwide.

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Putin was not there during the Ukraine Genocide. In Ukraine, now, he's responding to our equivalent of the US "Monroe Doctrine" due years of deliberate NATO encroachment that the US might regard as "national security" interests. -- Also, Russian Sputnik-5 is not an mRNA, spike protein vaccine and there's more - Read all about it - https://tinyurl.com/bddu93yx

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These seem a little disjointed since your initial comment was regarding RFK Jr.

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Yeah, on your word of the reality of history I think we should just nuke Russia and get it over with. Then the Bolsheviks in DC can make a deal with the CCP to rule what's left of the world. Sounds good to me.

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The only person I see triggered is you....and your buddy...just saying.

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I'm out here spitting facts hotter than the sun on a Texas day..in june.

Facts are hard.

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Yeah...I'm familiar with your mantra.

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The movie was excellent. I did read the entire book but for a lot of people it was kinda a slug fest to get thru. Movie is condensed version and a good investment of an hr of your time.

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QUESTION (ALSO POSTED ABOVE): Which of Jeff's glowie trolls is the most effective?

A) Horsey

B) Benjaminn (double "n")

C) Both

D) Neither (both are full of horse manure...)

E) Prefer not to say and risk being swatted by the FBI

[Please answer with a comment and explanation IF needed]

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D. Glowies need to stay in their mom's basement. ๐Ÿ˜„ I am highly amused by it all. ๐Ÿ˜„

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I know, I shouldnโ€™t poke the bear but . . .

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Sometimes itโ€™s very hard not to respond to the feds provocation.

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LOL! I'm a Benji fan, personally. Horsey and I don't cross paths nearly as often.....but the FBI? The dumbest guy I know, for whom "lurking" is his finest skill set, (other than siring kids off of foolish young women,) worked for the FBI.

But if I'm a "threat," they are really in trouble, lol.

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Oct 18, 2022ยทedited Oct 18, 2022

I think the "glowies" exist so that we can be prompted to lay a few more "truths" out on the table for everyone's dining pleasure, lol!

; ))

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Sage Hanna is the most obvious Fed on Substack.

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Good grief, you are the master of logical fallacies. How is that relevant? Another brain dead millennial that learned debate arguing with strangers on the internet.

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Lol, unkind, but sadly and quite possibly true!

I know why the Globalists want all us 60+ somethings dead--- our memory and our knowledge base just cover too much inconvenient ground for their lies to manipulate and control!

Their BS falls flat on it's face, unlike for these kids.

The youth of today, who have only heard: "trust the government," "you deserve a free ride," "you are just a machine," "it's a mechanistic, pointless universe" and "boys are girls and girls are boys," and, "white privilege is the root of every single problem on planet Earth," "CO2 kills plants and the whole planet," "eat bugs and be happy!," "get GMOed, bleed endlessly, have heart attacks, its all NORMAL!," cannot seem to grasp the facts that war games are played for money and power and nothing else, that "wars on viruses" are deadly, (especially those you create) that you do not destroy the infrastructure of a nation's energy grid BEFORE you replace it with a NEW system that actually works, that private property, and freedom of speech & conscience are what created the Most Free and Prosperous Nation in the World, that drugs and prostitution and child trafficking and pornography exist because of THEIR behaviors, or that the mainstream media is controlled by corporations who are the true enemies of Human Freedom, and Humanity itself, it appears.

I'm terrified of the disutopia the next generations are barreling into, that's for certain.

Just hope we old timers can hold back the tide till we are done, this time around. The next duty shift may be a hard one though, that's for certain.

; ))

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Oct 19, 2022ยทedited Oct 19, 2022

I've always said if they'd just waited 10-20 more years, this whole psy-op would've gone off without a hitch! But then, they wouldn't get the pleasure of seeing us die off unnaturally. I think they relish in that.

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LOL! I think they got nervous and jumped the timeline. Bad break, right out of the gate. Maybe the Angels in Heaven jarred their elbow so the whole wicked plan rolled out while we older and wiser grumpy types were still here to yell "The British are coming!"

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As much as I dislike the conman Trump, I have to say that I think his election was a monkey-wrench in the finely-tuned cogs of the New World Order.

For that much he deserves our praise.

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You hit the nail right on the head! Very well said, indeed. Thanks for putting my thoughts into words.

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Agree. Plus zelensky is such a tool. Not appealing on any level.

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Is there a substack feature that you can turn on and charge commenters like Benny a FEE for propagandizing their Manichean Ukraine GOOD-Russia BAD point of view?

If so, please start charging him!

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I generally consider anyone mandating covid vaccination to be bad, wouldn't you?

There is no covid mandate in Ukraine, only 38% of the population is vaccinated. But in Russia?


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Nice thought!

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I remember when Churchill came to the USA at the end of 1941 and begged the USA for weapons too.

Him and Zelensky are very familiar and I suspect Zelensky knows that too.

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Churchill was a Christian man.

Zelensky is a comedian who played a piano with his penis. And makes videos where he cross dresses and gay dances with men as he strokes himself.

The two are not comparable.

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I was going to bring some of that up but demurred. ; )))

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Because Churchill didnโ€™t know how to play the piano??

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Benjaminn is confused now because you say that like it's a bad thing.

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Iโ€™m not confused.

Iโ€™m in my


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And Churchill was drunk most of the time.

Zelensky is doing a fantastic job rallying the people of Ukraine and playing his part.

Biden sounds like a nursing home kiddie toucher, Putin a drunk wanna be tsar (lower case, for a reason) but Zelensky uses his skills to get his point across well in his daily speeches. He even went to Izium hours after it was liberated, something putin would never do(he's busy hiding in his bunker).

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Churchill wasn't really who you think he was. Just like Woodrow Wilson and FDR. Watch "Europa: The Last Battle". It's the secret side of pre-WW1&2.

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Lol, bad analysis. You need more history, my friend. Churchill wasn't bombing Northern England.

Did we install Churchill? Somehow that's not how I remember it, lol!

Was he a puppet or tool of those who wished for a proxy war with Germany?

You're drinking too much Kool-aid my friend.

Get a bit more European history under your belt and then come back to the debate on whether the United States, NATO and Europe is more the problem here than the Ukraine and Russia combined.

"Not Another Step East." That's what we promised Russia when the Soviet Union dissolved.

Have we kept that promise?

No, we did not. NATO has curled up around Russia like a viper. Who is in NATO? GERMANY IS IN NATO!

What did Germany inflict on Russia in two world wars???

How many Russians died?

You need to grow up. Every nation has security issues, Russia included. If you want yours to be respected you must respect others.

It's actually pretty simple.

Damn, where are the adults!?!?

; ))

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Churchill was being bombed himself by the Germans.

We didn't install Zelensky, either.

We never promised anything to Russia. Never. Please point to a treaty or memorandum where that was promised.

And that "promise" was moot the moment Russia began invading non aligned states and annexing them.

Does Nato invade and force people to join it? No.

People beg to join nato so they don't get the Moldova, Ukraine, and Georgia treatment. It's a defensive alliance.

What did Russia do to Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and the Baltics?

Hint: It's a Ukrainian word for "murder by hunger".

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Oct 18, 2022ยทedited Oct 18, 2022

LOL, I just knew the deluded, Ukrainian superhero would show up. You're in for a big wake up call real soon. Russia is just getting warmed up.

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Send in the bots. Lol ๐Ÿ˜…

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What is Russia going to do, bomb more

Civilian apartments? Mandate more Covid shots?

Their puppet in Kherson is mandating evacuations as the Ukrianain army is slowly getting closer and closer to Kherson.

Your heroes in Moscow canโ€™t even run a proper invasion. It was supposed to take 3 days, now itโ€™s on month 8.

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What's with people and their fetish for injections? Injecting junk is the only way to deal with alleged respiratory infections allegedly caused by an alleged "virus"? How about focusing on the symptoms -- regardless of their source -- and treat them???

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No clue, it doesn't solve anything.

Mandatory exercise and bans on junk food would do more for health than a shot.

Plus Putin is an extremely rich guy, he probably makes money off Sputnik.

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Shhhh! Don't try facts with them - you might get swatted ;)

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Or annoyed...

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Except it's wrong.

That's from almost 18 months ago.

The Covid shot in Russia has been mandatory for a long time now.

Read and learn ;)


"A similar case of โ€œvoluntaryโ€ vaccination was reported in the same month:

Maxim Churilov, a conscript from the Sevastopol military unit, ended up in intensive care after he was given a coronavirus vaccine. This was announced by his grandmother Irina Churilova, noting that earlier the soldier's written refusal to be vaccinated had not been accepted. However, the press service of the Southern Military District denied information about the incident.

As Churilova told Reedus, after the conscripts were informed about mandatory vaccination, Maxim tried to explain that he had not received any vaccines since childhood because of the risk of severe allergies. According to the woman, military doctors did not accept refusals and introduced Sputnik V to the conscript. A few hours later, the soldierโ€™s condition worsened and he was hospitalized. In addition, there were reports on social networks that after vaccination in the unit, about 20 servicemen fell ill with a high temperature, and no help was provided to them.

Keep in mind: this peculiar variety of โ€œvoluntary vaccinationโ€ occurred five months before the Ministry of Defense formally adopted compulsory COVID vaccination for all military personnel.

Now letโ€™s take a look at what โ€œinformed consentโ€ looked like after the Russian Ministry of Defense issued its mandatory vaccination decree on June 18, 2021."

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Well that is Putin's bad.

No one is idolizing him., though I have always considered him a good thing, (a voice crying out in the wilderness if you will), for Christian and other Abrahamic religious values, and a brilliant statesman in his own right.

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There are plenty of people here who do.


Putin a "good thing"?

He mandates covid vaccination, his own state run church (by a government intel employee, none the less) says "if you die in Ukraine your sins will be forgiven". Where is that in the Bible?

He is hardly a brilliant statemen. Ask the Poles, Ukrainians, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians, Romanians, and others who felt the bloody hand of communism in the last century how they think about him.

He's another puppet NWO mandatory vaccinator.


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CIA boy is back with more foolishness.

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So, you've deflected many threads by your Russia, Russia, Russia campaign, (said in a "Jan" voice) but still have notexpounded why "in general, he's wrong" comment.

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any comment or nah?

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I did explain it.

Russia is losing this war, and losing badly.

They planned for 3 days, but on month 8 they're still slogging it out and evacuating people from Kherson because they expect it to fall in weeks.

You don't lose your flagship, 1400 tanks, 67k men with another 30k seriously injured for life, and not accomplish a single goal during those 8 months with enormous damage.

The fact Ukraine is still surviving when Russia planned to have it all over and be back in Russia within a week is astounding and shows their will to fight.

Solid dudes.

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In general, who is wrong about what, specifically? Please include links to help us out on what the wrong part is.


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Why in general is he wrong? Whatโ€™s your point regarding your statement โ€œSputnik covid shotโ€? Perhaps you have something you can contribute?

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Mentioning Sputnik has nothing to do with the propaganda related to the conflict overseas, itโ€™s a classic liberal move to make an unrelated point and call it an argument.

That said, Sputnik is NOT even an mRNA vaccine!!!

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Its all he ever replies to me about........

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So is the Sputnik shot good and safe? โ€œSafe and effectiveโ€ as they say ?

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Just did.

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Sputnik is closer to the j&j.

Or are you saying itโ€™s good?

Sputnik has everything to do with it.

People push a pro Putin talking point without realizing heโ€™s another stooge pushing his own shot

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Thanks. But was wondering if there would actually be a response. It seemed like a ploy.

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I did respond.

Are you saying the j&j is safe? And the Sputnik is too? So there are safe Covid shots?

The Russian dude who is paralyzed doesnโ€™t think so.

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Dude, you are embarrassing yourself. Enough

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People here point to Putin as some kind of anti-NWO hero but heโ€™s just as bad as them with his ethnic cleansing, deportations, abductions, and mass graves.

Russias IO game is on point. So many folks have swallowed it.

Blindly following either side is dumb. Verify your facts and go on from there.

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Sanity. My, my.

Verify?! What a thought!

No one, person or nation, is all good or all bad? More deep thinking.

Now research Russian and German and NATO history. Add in the Cuban missile crisis and American Bio-weapons facilities, in the Ukraine and all over the world, CIA coups and take down of nations, and our bombing and destruction of nation after nation that never attacked us.

Dig into the muck heap of disinformation on Covid, and 911.

Eventually, if you keep digging, you will figure out that even the WEF traces back to,....wait for it, Henry Kissenger!!

Oh my.

There is a war against Humanity afoot and our Nation's leaders appear to be on top of the heap of perps fighting like mad to bring in The New World Order. Sounds like mini-me, but this is not an Austin Powers flick!

And regime change is what it looks like we have planned for Russia. Do you really expect Putin to cooperate?

Does that mean he's my friend? No, he is not!

Do I perhaps see it from his perspective on the Ukraine? Yes, actually I do, and it's really not difficult.

We, and NATO, created this mess it appears. Putin has created many also.

But this one I am afraid is as much or even more ours than his, and THAT I am not happy about.

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Here ya go Benji -

"Ukraine has a FF nuclear bomb primed in Mykolaiv

which it will detonate and then blame It on Russia

so that the US has 'justification' for launching missile on Russia... And Then It's So Long And Farewell".


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Source: trust me bro

The international community (including Russia) saw that Ukraine got rid of its nukes.

They donโ€™t have nukes which is why they were invaded to begin with.

Ukraine isnโ€™t making a nuke in 7 months.

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Nato didn't create this mess except by not putting Ukraine as a member.

Putin out of power would be great for the west and Europe. And America, too.

Are you saying Russia is a good guy? Why did all of their former warsaw pact allies abandon them and join Nato?

One has to wonder.

If everyone flocks to a cheeseburger joint and it's always packed, it must be a good burger joint.

If nobody goes to the other burger joint and it's a ghost town they must make awful burgers.

Nato has been effective at keeping the peace. None of it's members have been invaded since Nato began.

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I agree heโ€™s no hero, I agree blindly following either side is dumb. Thatโ€™s why we are here to read a different point of view, Jeffโ€™s, yours and not blindly following either one of you

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with his ethnic cleansing, deportations, abductions, and mass graves.


You have first hand knowledge of these allegations?

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I didnโ€™t make any allegations. I just said that I agree he is no hero

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You know, trying to talk to a pre-programmed bio-algorithm is at best an exercise in futility and at worst "casting pearls before swine"...

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I've heard worse.

Beep boop beep

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The Russian Sputnik-5 is not an mRNA, spike protein vaccine and there's more - Read all about it - https://tinyurl.com/bddu93yx

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Well? Is it safe and effective? Have you rolled up your sleeve yet?

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So itโ€™s safe and effective?

Have you gotten in yet and why not?

Itโ€™s so safe Putin mandated it and people are dying randomly and becoming paralyzed over it.

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โ€œNut up or shut up.โ€

Amen. Itโ€™s long overdue for people, particularly in the medical field, to stand up.

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Oct 18, 2022ยทedited Oct 18, 2022

I agree 100%.

We are a nation with too many cowards it seems, especially in the medical and professional classes!

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Yup, they keep their heads down and hope nothing will happen to them, all while having no problem with other people being hurt through their silence.

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Sigh. The fear of loss of big bucks, status, adoration, and good standing with colleagues. I suggest the latter might be one of the bigger stumbling blocks.

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Amen to that!

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Oct 18, 2022ยทedited Oct 18, 2022

Frankly most of the doctors I know blindly support and advised all to get the shots. So there's that karma coming back to get them. Sad. Lives shortened and harmed.

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I agree on both counts. The Bible actually covers it well, although I never understood when I was young.

"The wages of sin is death." I never could "grok" that one until I really got it that "sin" simply means "error." A mistake.

It not that you deserve to die, or are being punished, it's simply that if you make big enough mistakes you can or will die from them.

Like driving the wrong way on the highway. It's a huge mistake and might get you killed!

That's literally what "sin" is; a huge F'ing MISTAKE!

We just appear to be a very foolish species that cannot grasp that doing good leads to long, happy lives, and that committing error after error after error leads endlessly to pain, suffering and death.


Poor doctors. But they should have thought this one through for real. Poor patients. They are ones who have truly suffered like nothing we have ever seen on Earth before. That's an incredible amount of Karma.

Glad it's not mine.

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Sorry, gotta disagree here. Sin is not simply a "mistake". A sin is committed when you know better but do it anyway. If you repent and STOP sinning, you're forgiven and will experienceeternal life. If you just keep on sinning, knowing it's wrong...that leads to eternal death. PS...there's no such thing as "Karma" either. That's a bunch of New Age mumbo jumbo.

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So words can create disagreements where none actually exist. Those who argue doctrine are missing the point, I believe Jesus commented at one time. However, in an effort for clarity,

what I called "Karma" is in Christian terms, "Vengence is mine, sayeth the Lord, I will repay!" If that's not Karma, I sure don't know what is. And, Buhddists also agree that being in knowledge of your "Sin"and committing it anyway is what really sets "karma" into motion. Really it's God, or the Universe's Inherent Perfection. Even if I call God by a different name, still it's God.

Asking for forgiveness also removes both "karma" and "sin." Making amends proves the veracity of your repentance. The Faiths are not unlike in many ways and while fundamentalists of all stripes think they are the only ones holding the truth, I listen to Jesus, myself-----"Do unto others as you would have done unto you,"and "Love God with your whole soul!" That's the entire teaching. Studying other religions made it possible for me to really grasp what was taught in the Bible. And I am grateful for that. : ))

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โ€œNut up or shut up.โ€โ€ฆโ€ฆor taking the jabs will eventually take care of that for you.

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Woody Harrelson (Tallahassee) in Zombieland, most hilarious movie ever! The title put me off for a long time, but then my son talked me into watching it. Iโ€™ve probably watched it 10 times over the years. And now I need to see it again!

It was filmed partly at the Wild Adventures theme park in Valdosta, Georgia. My son taught math at Valdosta State University at the time. He spotted Abigail Breslin at a local movie theater while the filming was happening in Valdosta. I think sheโ€™s an awesome actress. Love her young self in Little Miss Sunshine ๐ŸŒž

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Always looking for a good movie. Thinking of rewatching The Walking Dead for day to day pointers on how to get through daily life. Thanks for the tip. Sometimes kids can be right!

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One of my favorite movies of all time

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Once again if this administration says "Russia bad, Ukraine good" it is ALWAYS the opposite of the truth. Regardless of whatever side you are on they are using this as an excuse to line the pockets of everyone who is "in" on it and putting us further into debt.

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Oh-oh "and probably a couple of our C&C friends in the comments" are going to be really angry with you today. ๐Ÿคฃ

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wow I did not mean to start another war here with my comment.....

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Can you say See EYE A ?

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Can you say: Eye Care About My Friends And Freedom For All?

A free Ukraine benefits America more than a subjugated one does.

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Trump said that too. He designated Russia as a threat to the USA and reversed the Obama-biden policy of no lethal aid to ukraine.

Just saying.

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Oct 18, 2022ยทedited Oct 18, 2022

So what? He also urged us to take the "safe and effective" vaccine and how did that work out? Unbelievably, he's still mad he didn't get credit for operation warp speed.

We can support Trump without following his every utterance like a bunch of automatons. We don't make decisions based on emotional appeals to authority or brain-dead tribal allegiances.

Most of us here have figured out that when 100% of the corporate and state-owned press are all saying the exact same thing, it's not news but a manufactured narrative. Trump, as much as I like him, still either hasn't figured that out or is too afraid to push back. Plus he was badly fooled by the neocon Pompeo, who's never seen a war he wasn't willing to send someone else's kids to fight. Pompeo is as bad as the late John "boots on the ground" McCain.

As much as I despise Obama on 99% of his policy, he had good instincts on this one. This is not our battle, we have no dog in this fight, and it's not worth a penny of our money or a drop of our blood. Thank goodness the public at large seems to be waking up to this fact with polling showing a steady decline in public support of Ukraine as people realize there are no good guys here.

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โ€œThis is not our battle, we have no dog in this fight, and it's not worth a penny of our money or a drop of our blood.โ€

Perfectly stated. 100 percent correct.

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Although I agree that this should be true, it is not supported by recent or even post-war history. The Orange revolution in 2005, and the Maidan in 2014 appear to have been instigated by the State Dept. & Friends. The US has been meddling in the affairs of Ukraine for decades, even as far back as the years after WW2.

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The ONLY solution is to stop meddling.

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Russia should leave Ukraine and stop trying to conquer what isnโ€™t itโ€™s people or land.

Trump had it right when he designated Russia as a primary threat to the USA

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There is a "fuller" truth.

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Youโ€™re saying the state department made yanuckovych cancel the eu trade deal that the people wanted?

And then he took off with his billions of dollars and ran to Russia?

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Nope, wrong.

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Buzzzz...wrong answer.

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Says who, you? That's not exactly confidence inspiring.

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Gotta agree on this is not our battle. My take on this is in line with Assange. Taking huge amounts of taxpayer dollars and redirecting them to the deep state actors.


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Assange was 100% correct. It's very obvious how terrified the Globalists are of him.

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It is our battle, as defined above.

Your inability to think long term is an issue.

โ€œGermany just wants one more piece of land then theyโ€™ll stopโ€

-CraigN, 10-18-22

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Your ability to think beyond your ethnic prejudice is an issue.

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Let them have Europe if you think they could pull that off. According to you they cannot even handle Ukraine which in the past has been part of the Soviet republic and if they can't even get that done I doubt they could go into Europe. Guessing they would have a much bigger fight on their hands with the rest of Europe and those countries have an aversion to Russia whereas Ukraine may not. Let that hemisphere incur the cost of defending themselves. Let me know when the 'Red Dawn' is happening.

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So has Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Georgia, Moldova, and a few others.

Texas was once apart of Mexico.

Doesnt mean the people deserve to be subservient and conquered subjects again.

The problem with your analogy is the red dawn did happen here. We had 9/11 and who defended us? Nato. Every state partook in combat operations in Afghanistan.


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Thanks for the measured response to djt, JC. Perhaps one day we will see a bigger picture regarding some of his controversial decisions that have driven supporters crazy. Or maybe not. Maybe it is what it is. This, however, does not negate all the economic good he did during his term, even though he seemed to be hemmed in at every turn.

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Trump never forced anyone to take it. Biden did.

I believe truly in the philosophy โ€œmy body my choiceโ€. If you want to get 10 booster shots a month do it. You just canโ€™t tell me to take your poison.

It is indeed our fight too.

Europe fought for us in Afghanistan. Russia conquering Ukraine would create a genocide and threaten Poland and the Baltics, places Russia claims as theirs.

The public supports Ukraine by and large on both sides, right and left.

Lumping Ukraine in with Biden is false.

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Still at it, Benji? Lol. You are lumping Ukraine in with the Covid Coup, whether you have the grey matter to figure this out or not! Ever heard of "propaganda?" Being utilized on a naive and unsuspecting public? Goods grief. The whole Covid Con was pure propaganda as is the current push for a proxy war with Russia that will be and is DEVESTATING for Ukraine. We are as guilty, if not more so, than Putin, this time around the block, and the entire readership here is well-informed enough to know this. To say the public supports it is pathetic.

Those who do have no idea about the real effects of this on Ukraine, and may well be suffering from prion disease enduced by spike protien encoded mRNA encased Nano Lipid Particles crossing their blood brain barriers. They'll support any bloody thing what-so-ever, including boys are girls and babies after delivery aren't actuallly people yet, and therefore you can take their lives, no problem. Oh, and pre -puberty little boys should be able to remove their penises & their testicles and take dangerous drugs because they are afraid of growing facial hair one day. Those are the people "supporting" war in Ukraine, Benji.

DEATH is what we are creating for that nation, not sunshine and a field of flowers, like the propaganda tells the sheep. HELL is what our tax dollars are buying. If there were ANY adults left this mess in the Ukraine would be resolved by DIPLOMATS, not bombs and Neo Nazis and missiles. And I would not be buying them with proceeds of forced liquidation of my family businesses! A La Biden and his criminal connections. Just look at the crap on Hunter's laptop.

Go there yourself, if this is your cause, but don't come back and expect to ever be normal again. And you will have no one to blame but yourself, unlike my friends and family who were drafted into Vietnam, and the other war games of the unGodly.

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Right. I think we're done here.

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Diplomats can't stop invading Russians or their missiles or tanks. War is upon Ukraine, whether you like it or not. They are punching well above their weight and when they join nato they will have the most battle hardened and experienced army at fighting Nato's adversary, Russia.

When a man breaks into your house and threatens you, do you roll over and surrender or do you fight back?

Russia doesn't admit Ukraine has a right to exist. They murdered 7 million Ukrainians in one year because of Communism and the fact they hated Ukraine going all the way back to the days of Catherine the "great" and Ivan the terrible.

Russia bombs apartment buildings daily with freedom loving Iran's shahed 136 drones. But the USA is worse? They launch dozens of drones daily.

You can't resolve something with a tyrant. He is determined to get his way no matter what. The 2014 war was ended with a stalemate which led to this.

Would you give up and get a covid shot? Why not? How hard would you fight? Negotiate. Instead of taking 2 shots with a booster, just go for one 2 shot series. Right?

Now imagine someone's national identity and nation and their very survival.

Putin is to blame for this and his empire building, not Ukraine.

I've been following the "Current thing" since 2014 when the Ukrainians overthrew their Russian puppet.

I'm willing to go, I just need a set of orders and a plane ticket.

After 13 years in the military and 2 mobilizations I'm still a funny, happy guy :).

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"Current thing"....

Clearly, you are simply an extension of the ethnic wars that have been going on over there for thousands of years and the very reason America has no business getting involved there, then, now or ever. You can stay in your corner where you can't harm anyone and whine about getting revenge on the Russians all by yourself. No thanks.

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Then go fight with them buddy. But don't for one minute think you have the right to tell me that it is my fight! This is not America's fight, never has been for hundreds of years and it never will be. But you have my permission to go and follow through on your own words.

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I have no problem doing so. Just send me a set of orders, a plane ticket, and let me check out my rifle from the armory. Iโ€™m not an infantryman, but every Marine a rifleman still applies.

Democrats were against Ukraine when trump was in office.

Itโ€™s fun watching folks geo political winds change when the president does.

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Please let us know when you leave. We'll pray for your safety. But you can buy your own ticket.

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Thank you for that. Reason is returning to the conversations of Americans, thank God!

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Folks by and large support aid to Ukraine over whelmingly.

Itโ€™s the most effective use of our tax dollars ever.

Biden spends 700 billion on anti inflation measures and it doesnโ€™t work

We spend 50 billion on crushing the Russian war machine and ukriane is making it happen and paying more.

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..Folks by and large support aid to Ukraine over whelmingly. Itโ€™s the most effective use of our tax dollars ever...

LOL.... Yeah, that's exactly why we pay taxes. Just what the Founding Fathers envisioned for us.

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Are you saying the founding fathers didnโ€™t ask france to aid the USA?

They had no problems handling Barbary pirates โ€œto the shores of Tripoliโ€. Or Canada.

Or stopping European colonialism in South America.

I can go on.

Aid to Ukraine has shown to be effective across countless destructions of russian material. Theyโ€™ve lost 1393 of their tanks in Ukraine, half of their active duty tank fleet. Their flagship. I can go on.

Itโ€™s working so well Putin is mad it is going on and demands it stops.

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Trump held Putin in great respect.

And was never a war monger, unlike your boy Biden.

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Who's "boy" Biden? Definitely not mine!!

Plus, I'm not into the ra, ra, for the team nonsense. Both Democrats and Republicans allowed, promoted and endemnified the pHarma companies war on humanity, and the war mongerers path to Hell as well.

Virtually everyone in Washington is guilty. Read Whitney Webb's "One Nation Under Blackmail."

Or the Pentagon Papers. Or both. And take a nice long look at all the facts around 911. There's the real eye-opener!

Watch "the Real Anthony Fouci." Trump fed our nation to that little monster that Dick Cheney created.

Trump may not be as Evil as whatever controls Biden, imho, but he sure is no savior, that's for certain!

He literally Presided over the destruction of our Nation and All Our Liberties: CovidCon 2020. "Father of the Vax!"

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Why did Trump massacre Putinโ€™s troops during the battle of kasham?

Trump sent lethal aid to Ukraine while Biden denied it until 2022.

Who is the one who started the war, again?


Putin was terrified of Trump. Trump said heโ€™d bomb Moscow if Putin invaded.

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QUESTION: Which of Jeff's glowie trolls is the most effective?

A) Horsey

B) Benjaminn (double "n")

C) Both

D) Neither (both are full of horse manure...)

E) Prefer not to say and risk being swatted by the FBI

[Please answer with a comment and explanation IF needed]

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I kind of opt for F: Scroll on by.

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You donโ€™t have a relative by the name of Jens, do you?

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Love this!

Lol, do not feel qualified to vote, but Benji is my favorite.

; ))

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Have you gotten your Sputnik shot yet?

Mandated by Putin , so it must be good you know

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Coming off the top rope for the win!

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All he can respond with is sputnik - they need better training..... ;)

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Saw this in a tweet yesterday โ€œthe dots are now so close together they are almost touching, and still people canโ€™t connect them.โ€œ

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Wow! That is really profound!

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I liked the dots are so close together, they are now a line and still people can't connect them :)

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Perfect, lol!

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All I can think after reading todayโ€™s update, is โ€œPlease God, be with usโ€.

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I looked up and asked "why God is all of this happening".

We'll never know why, but damn, it seems like if hell is taking over the planet

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

God will rescue his beloved creation before we destroy ourselves completely. He promises in the Bible. But it wonโ€™t be pretty. Satan rules now. Give your heart and life to Christ. He gives peace and courage to get through trouble. Maybe not total safety but the Holy Spirit to overcome and persevere. How do I know? I recommitted last summer and He gave me utter peace, hope and strength. Do it today. Let HIM change you. He will prompt you. Pray for discernment in this world full of lies at every turn. He will Take fear away. He loves you. He has plans for you and not for harm. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

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Wonderful words of hope Janet!

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In one of our Marian prayers ("Hail, Holy Queen") we lament to the mother of G-d, "to you do we cry, poor banished children of Eve...to you do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears..." Those descriptions resonate. I do feel banished. I do feel that we walk in a vale of tears. But then I try to remember that G-d is sovereign and as talk show host Steve Deace says, "our G-d walked out of a tomb."

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One of my daily prayers includes a psalm-like prayer sent out by Bishop Rene Henry Gracidao early in the pandemic. It includes these lines:

Vindicate your warriors, O Lord, my God, according to your righteousness;

and let the enemy not rejoice over them.

Let them not say to themselves,

"Aha, we have our heart's desire!'

Let them not say, "We have swallowed them up."

Let them not say, "Hah! Where is their God?"

Let those with evil intent be put to shame and confusion.

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"our G-d walked out of a tomb" and believers won't be left behind - Ain't No Grave - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGoBJ6R18qg

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Thank you Janet.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

๐Ÿ—จ Your search - "why God is all of this happening" - did not match any documents.

โ†‘ Google's at a loss either ๐Ÿคฆ

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Google doesn't, (or cannot, perhaps?,) read the Bible.

Hmm, who was it that couldn't touch the Good Book without getting burned fingers??

; ))

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Still smiling at your comment.

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I believe Google censors or suppresses God. He is not part of the narrative tptb are weaving.

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Evil is only allowed to rule and reign for a little while. We know who wins in the end. Our job is to stand for truth and right, no matter what foe arrays themselves against us.

We have God and all of Heaven on our side, and He wins in the end.

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It is HELL. We need to close the doors to it, but please let's remember to toss Satan inside first, this time!

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I wonโ€™t have to. God will and it will be pretty noticeable I expect. We are in spiritual warfare now.

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Totally correct, in my personal view. Prayers are very important now, as well as actions.

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This is NOT HELL. HELL IS a real and eternal internal war worm infested place for those who refuse to honor and obey The Creator, like Him or not, He died as a servant to His own creation to reconcile us to a loving Father/God. You CAN TRUST Him as He tells us who He truly is in His written Word. But test the spirits.

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โค๏ธ. We are a pampered, spoiled generation accustomed to ease. Indeed this is not hell, just very difficult times for those who grew up in the fantasy world of Walt Disney.

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Oct 18, 2022ยทedited Oct 18, 2022

A big difference is that back in the 50's we had a daily slanted newspaper to give us the "worldwide" news and that was it. We only knew what the powers that be wanted us to know. Media today allows a total barrage from every direction. I'm guessing today's pressing issues were going on back then but we were more or less sheltered from it.

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Not even close. God is waiting to see who His remnant are and He wants us to become aware that we ARE the remnant. Then He will empower our actions with His Spirit.

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I donโ€™t know how God can be with the USA, but please, be with your faithful remnant throughout the world.

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War is the greatest error of humanity. Our nation has done a tremendous amount of harm in provoking this one, fueling it and fanning the fires of it into an absolute inferno.

Where are the diplomats? Where are the peace activists? Where are the adults in the room??

Every since Covid it feels like we are a bad sci-fi fantasy film, or worse yet, the end book of the Good Book.

Can no one in Washington comprehend the price of this war to everyday Ukrainians, Russians, Europeans? Have they no pity? No humanity?

Can the American people not figure out that kum ba yahing our way into WW lll is clinical insanity?

Dear God, those you would destroy you drive insane first.

I fear for our Nation and her Karma in all this catastrophe. People, if you know anything of war, please, please, get a hold of your elected Congressmen and women, those running for office, and the White House and OBJECT to this madness!!

We need a diplomatic solution to the issues in the Ukraine. Not WW lll. Russia should be part of Europe, within her own borders. No nation should be a) attacking it's own citizens or b) marching to war against their neighbors.

This mess needs Statesmen and Stateswomen, of true wisdom, not violence.

We are carrying a big piece of the responsibility here and we must make our "leaders" behave like grown-ups and not 10 year olds in a tussle over a toy. The consequences of immaturity and recklessness in this case are UNTHINKABLE.

And by God I am furious this is what my tax dollars have purchased;

First Covid Con and the murder of millions, and now, the set up for

WW lll?

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Unfortunately it's nothing new, war is big business. This only stops when the people demand it stop but that's unlikely when it's 8000 miles away and out of site, out of mind. We all talk about the revolving door between government regulators and Pharma, but it's just as bad with Generals and defense contractors. Like most things that make no sense, it's a racket.

Reinstatement of the draft should wake people up, and sadly that's where this seems to be heading. You can't fight these globalist, neocon wars when the sons of average working folks have woken up to the scam and refuse to volunteer. Recruitment is plummeting and I expect we'll see some trial balloons after the midterms.

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Kind of like what Russia is facing now?

Upwards of one million men fled to avoid the draft.

Meanwhile, Ukraine has more

Men than they can train. Another batch of 10,000 just went through England and are headed back.

There are another 300-500k in the pipeline now awaiting training.

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Oct 20, 2022ยทedited Oct 20, 2022

Do you ever give it a rest? I was specifically talking about the US and fifty years of war-mongering military adventurism that has been a disaster in just about every case. What does that have to do with Russians avoiding the draft?

BTW, starting a reply by twisting someone else's words into a hypothetical they did not say demonstrates bad faith. You have no intention of having an honest debate but simply want to argue. I have two teenagers so I'm very used to it, but unlike you they are growing out of it as they mature.

I really do not care what Russia is doing other than having a desire for peace. I do know that every story has two sides and your obsession with injecting a one-sided distorted view into every tangentially-related conversation is truly bizarre. At best you are a paid shill, more likely you suffer from obsessive-compulsive or oppositional-defiance disorder and just enjoy being argumentative.

Seriously, you don't have to live like this, it's deeply unhealthy and will lead to a very unhappy life as you alienate everyone around you. Others may enjoy stimulating discussion but they don't like being around unpleasant people looking to pick fights.

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Now do Russia.

The USA and Russia are not morally equivalent.

I have a desire for peace also and so does Ukraine but not at the expense of the Ukrainian people.

The 3 day war of NWO Vaccinator Putin is not going well.

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An eloquent plea for sanity Katherine, but Itโ€™s very possible that all of the insanity fits nicely into the goals and aims of the WEF. Because It appears that a group of elitists truly do want to diminish the worldโ€™s populationโ€ฆby whatever meansโ€ฆwars, vaccines, famine, etc. itโ€™s a pretty bleak outlook and almost impossible to believe that such overwhelming evil is possible. But we canโ€™t look to our weak political leaders to turn the ship around. Only God can do that.

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I actually believe we are called to be God's hands, here on Earth.

"All that is required for Evil to prevail is for good men and women to do nothing!"

Jesus commanded us to ACT.

Faith without works is dead.

So while yes, ultimately it is all in God's hands, if Jeff Childers and 5000 volunteers hadn't called the Florida Legislature 5 times a day, a piece, we would not be enjoying the Freedom Florida has today concerning Covid Jab mandates.

We must respond to the wickedness we see and not allow it to flourish unchecked.

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Oct 18, 2022ยทedited Oct 19, 2022

I totally agree with you. I'm not saying that we sit on our hands and do nothing while we pray for God to act...He often acts THROUGH us! We all must do everything in our power to fight the evil that we face in the world today. So we're on the same page, in my earlier comment, I simply wanted to point out what you didn't address in your post...the evil behind the evil; which some still think is a conspiracy theory because it truly does seem far fetched and "out there". The New World Order might seem to be a huge overwhelming force, but it's NOT overwhelming! And one reason I believe that is because of what we are doing right here. Communicating - sharing thoughts, ideas and reaffirming one another. That's HUGE and we are MANY! I'm encouraged by this C&C community every day - I get inspiration, laughs, ideas etc. And by saying that we can't look to our weak political leaders to save the day - I mean that WE must hold them accountable, keep contacting them until they are sick of us, campaign for good ones and VOTE OUT the bad ones if they don't work for their constituents.

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The big banks make money financing wars.

And who owns the big banks? The elite globalist puppet masters.

All those statesmen, diplomats,etc. you are asking about? They all have been paid off.

Best book to help understand- Rise of the New World Order, the Culling of Man.

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I know your comment is spot on!

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If only we put as much time and energy into helping people, as we do into wars and devising new ways to kill each other, the world would be a much better place. Alas, I guess that's humanity for ya....a flawed species. It's no wonder none of the other life in the universe has reached out to us.

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The problem is a lot of the people doing these bad things have somehow deluded themselves that they ARE helping and doing โ€œgoodโ€ things ๐Ÿ˜•

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Very true.

Wisdom is pretty rare. There's an awful lot we CAN do, the question is more, SHOULD we?

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I think perhaps they have.

And maybe our paranoid government only talked to the ones with the glass beads and trinkets......

Richard Dolan on this subject, Contact, Breakaway Civilizations, False Flags, and UFOs is pretty interesting.

As is Harvard's John Mack on "Abduction."

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Where are the anti-war protesters of the 60s? My goodness, what a contrast.

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The ones financed by the Soviet Union?

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LOL...I doubt you're old enough to have even been there. Everything is Russia Russia Russia...LOL

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Your mistaken that our โ€œleadersโ€ have any power to stop this. It goes up higher than them. Can you say C I A ? They are an industry unto themselves whose puppeteers profit immensely off everything your seeing. Thats why weโ€™re powerless. Read Dr. Brownes - the Killing of Uncle Sam (2018) and youโ€™ll go....oh, i get it now...

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The cia knows what the Russian army is doing before it even knows.

In 2021 Zelensky was absolutely 100% sure Russia was invading despite assurances from the USA they werent.

In 2022 the USA and the west told Zelensky Putin was invading and he didnโ€™t believe them until Russians crossed the border.

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So much one could get worked up about. But at least there wasnโ€™t another video today featuring two caricatures of pretend girls spewing out the verbal vomit of demons in ridiculously overacted puppet voices.

Thank you, Jesus, for the everlasting hope and help of Your word. We groan but we eagerly waitโ€ฆ

โ€œFor I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us. For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. And not only this, but also we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body. For in hope we have been saved, but hope that is seen is not hope; for who hopes for what he already sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it.โ€

โ€” Romans 8:18-25 NASB1995

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Beautiful and timely. Godโ€™s Word never fails us.

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Anyone know what brand potato chips those are, and where to get them? Those things are huge!

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They all suck since they took out trans fat and animal fat. Also remember McDonaldโ€™s fries before vegans screamed to get the lard out. Sooooo good. Now they are like the ones you open from a bag and fling onto a cookie sheet. Yuck. No lie. The manufacturers had many years to do that. Now they are dead, too salty, and meh. I remember the good chips. Getting a bag of Blue Stars after a visit to the library. Reading and snacking. I was spoiled. Of course all those years (Iโ€™m 74) I was so close to blood clots and didnโ€™t even know it. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑI

They used to be my comfort food. I like Stacyโ€™s Pita Chips now. Havenโ€™t had a potato chip since January 6, 2003. Iโ€™ll get a bag again on my way to the gym when Iโ€™m 95. If this planet still exists that is.

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Iโ€™m pretty sure weโ€™re not allowed to say trans fat anymore.

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Not really fat, just thinks it is. Wow, this is getting confusing.

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Laughter is good for the soul; disables even transfats, I hear!

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Would that be fat shaming + transphobic somehow?? ๐Ÿค”

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Why not? The Director of HHS is a fat trans.

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Got banned again from Twitter this morning. I have no idea why, but maybe I mean-tweeted something like this. LOL

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Trans fat IS bad, but the animal fat is good for you! We make our own occasionally in a deep fryer with beef tallow and a little bacon grease. Delicious!

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I think animal fat has the potential to be very good for us, if, the animal was well cared for and respected, fed with good clean feed, and not injected. Most animals are not raised that way. And even if they are made for sale, most either balk at the price or simply can't afford it. I've long believed that our freedom and liberty is linked to our food choices. I've tried it all and have decided food needs to be mostly local and from small companies. Hard stop.

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You bet it is. Iโ€™m ketoish with mainly animal products. I can get natural lard here because the store lard is crap. I save drippings as well. Yum yum yum. I need to get back making bone broth. Lots of meat producers around me plus eggs.

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Thank the Heavens for local farmers and ranchers. They need to be protected and supported.

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Yes! Just took a package of filet mignon out of the freezer last night, given to us by our neighbor who raises his own cows. Best tasting beef weโ€™ve ever had.

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Oct 18, 2022ยทedited Oct 19, 2022

Thanks for that comment; I was trying to formulate one but only had 1 cuppa so far.

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I worked at McDoughโ€™s back in the day, and the offending ingredient was Beef Tallow. Apparently some of our Hindu friends donโ€™t eat beef, or beef products ( cows are sacred, and delicious!)

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Too bad a healthy product was taken away from the rest of us. Not blaming Hindus or even vegans. As we know, There are more powerful forces that want us sick and weak.

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I grew up in Lancaster County PA. We know our chips. Utz and Martin's chips are yummy. Kettle cooked is the best. ๐Ÿ˜‹

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Yeah, telling that I was most interested in the potato chip news! LOL

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As I read this munching some chips lol

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Gotta be "Old Dutch", my favorites!

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Oct 18, 2022ยทedited Oct 18, 2022

Good eye! : )

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The comments about Russia and Ukraine are interesting. Ukraine is a corrupt country used to move money through to go back to politicians and the war machine. The simple question is who is benefiting from this war? It's not the people of Ukraine or Russia. It does appear that military industrial complex is doing well making and selling weapons bought with our tax dollars while the innocent people caught in the middle suffer the most. We could have stopped this war before it ever started, but chose not to.

I am no foreign affairs expert just someone who looks at the information, and there is more to this than Ukraine and Russia. Thank you Jeff for trying to see through the mess of propaganda with this war. Keep praying for those who trapped in the war. I believe God is working to reveal something big to us.

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Correct, its about $ at the very top of the globalist world... can you say Rock a fella? CIA? Dark drug money?

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Just like how he mandates the vaccine to fill his bank accounts while it kills and maims ordinary Russians.

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Putin is benefiting from this war.

โ€œRussia without Ukraine is a country. Russia with Ukraine is an empireโ€.

Ukraineโ€™s corruption level decreased since they kicked their Russian backed puppets out in 2014

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The CDCโ€™s advisory committee on v-s, ACIP, is scheduled to meet this week to discuss and vote on adding the cv v to the recommended v schedule for children. This would have several consequences:

> The most obvious: with everything we know about this product, adding this to the schedule for children would be furthering a precedent that completely defies science, evidenced based medicine, and common sense. For children especially, it is all risk with no benefit.

Adding this to the schedule could lead school policy makers to add it to required school v-s and it would make any mandate pretty much unstoppable.

If this product gets on the CDC schedule, that means the manufacturers will be permanently shielded from liability. Right now, the liability shield for v- injury or death claims from these products have to go through the CICP for emergency countermeasures (which is in effect under the federal state of emergency that was just extended). ALL v-s that are routinely recommended to children or pregnant women are covered under VICP aka โ€œv- court.โ€ Manufacturers cannot be sued for harm using normal channels.

Talking points could include: risk/benefit, waning immunity, shielding manufacturers from liability, the astronomical number of reports of injury, hospitalization, or death to VAERS from this product, the increasing number of now recommended boosters, etc.

There's been 0 science on its effects with other shots in the schedule. And this will mean more pressure at the Peds office.

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I thought they couldnโ€™t put a EUA product on the kids required school list. But they are trying anyway.

Also, just listened to an interviewโ€ฆ of all the severe injuries on VAERS, only 10,000 have been filed with CICP ( many donโ€™t know about it) and not one has been approved!

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Thank you for the link. I went on and commented, but then did a little more research and from what I can see, the meeting today is to vote whether or not to add the COVID-19 vaccine to a program called โ€œvaccines for childrenโ€ which underwrite the cost of childhood vaccines for parents who choose to vaccinate their children but could not otherwise afford it. The schedule for today is laid out and that is what the vote is on, at about 3:45 today. So hopefully this means they are not as ridiculous as we thought they were.

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Ukrainian Govโ€™t bad and their citizens mostly good. Just like the USA. What is The common denominator? Weโ€™re all human. Ukraine has been nothing more than a money laundering site for our sociopathic leaders and a playground for the bio weapons industry.๏ฟผ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ

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The Ukrianain people donโ€™t want to be under Russian control.

Thatโ€™s pretty evident.

Ukriane is actually less corrupt than Russia.

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Two thoughts: a) war with Russia as the October surprise? b) champion skeet shooters may find work in Ukraine? May the Lord save us from the former; please forgive my sarcastic humor in the latter. Enjoy your day all!

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Just in time to delay or cancel the midterms? Due to "national security", of course.

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....Those are clearly plain chips, perhaps kettle cooked. This misinformation cannot stand!

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Okay, thatโ€™s funny

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Please remain calm, change is coming. Much like too much water can cause stroke and heart attacks, so too can NOT ENOUGH!! The revelation that not enough chips (preferably kettle cooked) is likely to cause any number of disorders is coming.

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I am triggered ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜…

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I agree! They are plain!

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Sinking of *Lusitania. Autocorrect probably changed it to Lithuania.

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...unless it's an uncanny attempt at prophesy of sorts ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Graduating from sinking ships to sinking countries to start wars?

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Yeah. Definitely autocorrect. Jeff is way too smart to make that mistake!

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(Todayโ€™s write-up also included the use of โ€œcapitolโ€ when โ€œcapitalโ€ was in order โ€ฆ)

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Iran and Russia also teamed up in ridding Syria of Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists. Turkey, US, and Israel were all helping the 'moderate' head-chopping rebels. So, this Iran-Russia alliance is several years old now.

Very good update and analysis - thanks, Jeff. I hadn't considered that the Kerch Bridge was attacked by anything other than a truck bomb because that is what Russian investigators determined. But I'm open to other possibilities. I don't "support Russia" but I do support the fastest end to this war possible, which means ceasefire and negotiation. Is the retaining of Russian-speaking territory really worth the colossal waste of money and lives for Ukraine? No, it's not.

Somehow, I managed to make it through almost 2 years of vax propaganda and mandates with only being pressured to get the shots by 1 elderly Uncle who demanded I get vaccinated before visiting him for Thanksgiving last year. We ended up not going. He's since changed his mind, so we plan to visit him next month for Thanksgiving.

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The troll is back. How wonderful. Lol.

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Hard to resist, but best not to feed them. I expect Horsey will come galloping by, farting & dumping turds the whole way, sooner or later. ๐Ÿคท

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In the meantime I shall post this link to a handy timeline. I do so because it is reasonably accurate and it may help to dissolve some of the scuttlebutt around the Russia Ukraine scenario.


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Thanks for that link. Interesting timeline and would like the "Ukraine good, Putin bad" commenters to respond to how that timeline justifies support of the Ukraine 'government'. Fairly certain if Taiwan were to suggest joining SEATO, China would respond in kind.

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Whereas I don't care if they do or not simply because they will continue to tote the narrative no matter the evidence. It's funny that after coup in 2014, the installed government consisted of people primarily not from Ukraine. I cant cite the number, but I'll poke around for them. In the case of Taiwan, China has an interesting relationship business-wise with Taiwan. They rely on each other for materials and products, and are somewhat symbiotic. In the case of the US military using Taiwan as a weapons depot, there is really no reason to invade. China already demonstrated during the Pelosi's visit that they can simply surround and blockade them until they replace their bureaucrats with more reasonable people.

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Wait, youโ€™re saying someone joining a defensive alliance is a bad thing?

Taiwan should join seato.

You saying China is some beacon of freedom and prosperity?

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The โ€œassuranceโ€ is meaningless when Russia keeps invading and annexing Eastern European countries to keep them weak and tied up with infighting.

Moldova ring a bell?



Yanuckovych was ousted because the people remember Soviet bondage and the holodmor which killed 7 million Ukrainians through hunger and starvation.

If you treat your brother states nice they donโ€™t leave you and join nato.

Remember katyn forest?

Russia blamed it on the Germans and onto acknowledged they did it 60 years later in declassified files.

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Itโ€™s a persistent troll.

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Facts are hard.

The Russian obsession with Ukraine is weird.

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Your Russophobia slip is showing Benny.

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Who is the one bombing apartment complexes in Kyiv with drones made by a terrorist state, again?

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Yeah, you should go help. You can take your skeet gun.

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Iโ€™m certified on the javelin and a lot of other stuff.

So not hard

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Yeah, so weird, right? Just like some ppl's obsession with our open border. I just don't get it!

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If Iran and north Korea are on your side are you really the good guys? Iran aided Al qaeda and has no problem sending weapons to them like in Yemen.

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But the USA created both Al qaeda and Isis plus is stealing Syrian oil and grain.... So remind me who are supposed to be the good guys again?

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Exactly. Can you say CIA? Dark drug $ that feeds them? Read it here: the Killing of Uncle .sam by Dr. Browne.

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Cia was feeding the Ukrainians Intel on the location of Russian generals and movements before even the Russians knew it

It was glorious.

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Are you saying we are the same as folks who commit genocide and open war crimes?

We arenโ€™t.

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Who literally helped create Al Qaeda, sending money and arms for years and years?

This whole 'others are bad for doing what we do, so we can do whatever we think is right against them' shtick of yours is inane, and few seem to buy it here. Which brings up the question of just why it is that you spend so much time here...

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Iran aided the 9/11 hijackers and is the worlds largest state sponsor of terrorism.

How much of your house are you willing to give up?

Living room?


Why not?

โ€œJust give Germany the Sudetenland. They will stop at thatโ€.

-Lisa p

Putin and Russia have been attacking European countries for the last 30 years on manufactured reasons.

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Oct 20, 2022ยทedited Oct 20, 2022

It's a colossal degree of idiocy to apply 1940s dogma to current events. If that were the case, wouldn't Germany be our enemy? But that's what you continually do - act like we're still fighting the battles of WW2 when we chose to ally with Stalin.

The US started the problem with Russia and Georgia via their sock-puppet Sakashvili. You should look into what he's up to now. No country wants him.

Iran aided the 9/11 hijackers? That's a new one. And it doesn't even make any sense. Most of the hijackers were Saudis. Al Qaeda is a radical Sunni sect, and the Iranians are Shia. Saudi Arabia and Iran are enemies, not allies.

You truly live in an alternate reality, dude.

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The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Iran allowed the 9/11 hijackers safe passage. Iran also had direct hands in the killing of 600 Americans in Iraq and the 241 Beirut Marines. If you meet a young man (like myself) with a military tattoo and a missing army or leg it was likely done by Iran's aid.

History repeats itself, doesn't it?

Germany just wanted one more piece. Now Russia just wants one more piece.

Oh yes, another country Russia invaded. Weird how Russia keeps invading their neighbors. Wonder why they all want to join nato?

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Do you know where most of the hijackers got their Visas? The US consulate in Jedda, Saudi Arabia.

Yes, Lebanon and Iran are allies. What did Reagan do after the barracks were bombed and all those Marines were killed? He pulled them out. I had a good friend in Iraq. He came back FUBAR in the head. My older brother was in SA for Desert Shield/Storm. As a teenager, I watched my mother nearly drink herself to death with worry. And what did WE gain for that other than trillions of dollars in debt?

How much do you get paid by the MIC to troll substack?

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Which is immaterial. They got training and safe passage from Iran and Afghanistan, both of whom knew exactly what they were doing.

Reagan should have gone after Iran like he did other bad guys. Why he didn't simply encouraged Iran. We got out revenge a few years later in Preying Mantis, but the damage was done. Iran has been a thorn in our side since then.

And now with their abuse of women simply exercising freedom you can see why they're so upset all the time.

Kuwait is free and a nation is grateful.

Encouraging bullies is never a good thing.

And that's why we are aiding Ukraine now and the good guys are winning.

I got my re-enlistment bonus of 100k back in 2019 and the last half in June, so I think I'm paid enough.

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Iran is like us in that they have more women enrolled in college than men. The lady who cuts my hair is from Iran. She has 2 nieces who are both doctors there. Iranian women have significantly more freedom than Saudi Arabian women who aren't even allowed to drive a car. Hypocrisy. Why would Reagan want to 'go after Iran' when we could covertly and illegally sell them weapons so that we could covertly and illegally aid the Contras in Nicaragua. Priorities I guess...

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Except that same truck bomb which came from the Russian side of the bridge and passed through several X ray and security check points?


Kherson, Melitopol, Mariupol, and south Zaporhsyia are Ukrainian speaking territories, not Russian.

Russia also needs to return the children it abducted from Kherson to put with russian families 3600KM away.

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Except the evidence says it wasn't a truck bomb, nor a boat, nor explosives under the bridge. It was a missile strike. Okay.

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Hey! Let the poor guy live in his fantasy. At least he's happy.

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Facts are hard. Ukraine does have indigenous long range missiles (Grim-2) which they used on the Saki airbase (destroying a squadron of Russian planes, about 500 million dollars) but that missile is not long range enough to hit the Kerch bridge.

If they did have missiles they would be using them a lot more. There are a lot of juicy targets in Sevastopol that need servicing.

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It wasn't a truck or missile, either.

Ukraine doesn't have missiles that can reach that far.

The kerch bridge is a lot farther than the maximum range of a Grim or Atacms. We know ukrainian SSO are already operating in Crimea and finding targets and conducting raids, but there is nothing that they can do to the bridge with a missile that's out of steam well before it gets to the target.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Ahh, the UK is selling out their prized "Fish and Chips" as the cause of clots before the real culprit? Is nothing sacred?

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Except chips there = fries

โ€œCrispsโ€ are what they call what we refer to as potato chips.

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