“ Seriously, though, can you imagine if they’d done this with influenza every year? This is a hypochondriac’s fantasy.”

And that it exactly what we’ve created out of this; mask-addictive, virtue-signaling, hypochondriacs, who need a daily crisis to keep them entertained and give them an excuse for safe spaces, away from work and those selfish un-vaccinated terrorists. You know, selflessly protecting others through their ridiculous activities.

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And a society of little or no faith. I truly believe my Lord is with me and to fear not. A large percentage of people put their faith in false gods and things of this world. That's why all this fear. Live joyfully with what time you have. No one is guaranteed tomorrow. Be right with the Lord. ❤🙏

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I saw a woman during the height of the plandemic wearing a vomit worthy “In Fauci we Trust” mask. When I see people like that, or the ones riding alone in their cars fully masked, my only thought is the wheel is turning, and the hamster is dead.

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

KGer, 😂😂 We live in Texas and actually…saw a guy on horseback, by himself on a country road, in the middle of windswept prairie…wearing a mask. My husband took a picture of him. 😂😂

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We saw a face diaper masked motorcyclist, no helmet, in this countryside, six houses to a country section 1mi x 1mi, best use I've seen. 😆

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That is incredible that he is so afraid of the kraken, but simultaneously taunts the reaper with his unprotected head. Perhaps there’s nothing to protect in that head. 😆

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The reaper is sat back relaxing.

Sipping a glass of "Death in the afternoon".

Happy in the knowledge that biker boi is fully vaxxed and boosted and on his way.

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That is remarkable.

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Ha! Last summer I saw the same. A woman passenger on a motorcycle. Wearing a mask but no helmet. You just can’t make this sh*# up.

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My husband and I recently saw a man in a restaurant with 2 masks on! I only saw him as we were getting ready to leave... had No idea how he was able to eat!!


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It doesn’t even make sense.

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I try to give the benefit of the doubt on most of these situations. Maybe the guy has allergies? I live in Texas and allergies are bad right now. I know my husband and my daughters allergies have definitely kicked up. My husband has worn a mask when doing yard work for years, way before covid. He also wears a mask when he's sawing a lot of wood.

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Just a suggestion. Try to find local honey and use it as much as possible. It really helps!!!! Not overnight but def by next allergy season.

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We do! I buy a local honey and put it my coffee every morning. I also use it in homemade dressings, sauces, & marinades. It's also great drizzled over almond butter on a slice of toasted whole grain toast and over whole fat plain yogurt. I also use it in my homemade face masks! Lol!

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There are those that swear by that tip of "Being Local" as it would seem the best if it works at all. Now we just gotta tell that cowboy ridin that horse. I have "0" allergies, so lucky me.

But I do work construction, and "GOT SMART" about mask wearing decades ago. Thanks 3M!

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If this fellow can tolerate the rigors of even hitchin up the tack on a horse in a barn filled with

you know....barn dust, so he can ride the winds of Texas time for hours and not pay the sinus fee for days after, he has avoided the "Unavoidably unsafe".... as far as his sinus goes. No sneezing today. Yeah!

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I, too, wear n95 masks outside when we have major summer wildfire smoke in the CA Sierra and also when I clean up areas with dry rodent feces. Like woodpiles and sheds. Have always practiced this precaution. I only hope people don’t now think I’m a covid Karen!

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Work smarter...not harder! The N95 has been available to retail consumers long before the

Scamdemic Bio-bug deploy. That port variety more than 20 yrs or more.

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Agreed. Judge not.Otherwise, we too are guilty of the sin of thise who judge us.

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Being on a windswept "dusty" prairie while doing what he loves best to do,

as in saddle riding the ranch finest horse he could ever have, while being that cowboy, who suffers from pollen/ragweed/ tumbleweed/ or hay allergies sucks.

But given the fact he has stockpiled all them free masks is not a bad way to live.

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Yep, it’s tough country for allergies. Too bad those face diapers don’t protect against allergens any more than they do against covid. I wish they did, it would save me some bad headaches!

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Sorry that you suffer from poor air quality remnants. Sinus headache is debilitating to many.

I'm sure there is a mask at home depot etc, that filters it. but not saying its comfortable nor inexpensive. 3M makes all such face filters for whatever air quality. Just sayin a hanky ain't it.

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Good bug screen, tho!

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Maybe he had actual hay fever 😊

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

I doubt it. This was at the peak of Covid panic, December 2020, not hay fever season, but when mask wearing was highly promoted and even demanded, Covid fear porn at it's height. WEAR YOUR MASK!

We all WISH they worked, but the fact is, they don’t.

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Hahaha!! Good one.

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And, it wasn't the Lone Ranger? Or he hadn't just robbed the stage? Ugh!

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Now in his defense, it was probably allergy season in Texas (which is 10 months of the year) and his mask was soaked in Cedar-X. Just sayin'... 😂

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Linda, I’ll admit that allergies are bad here. But this happened in December 2020, at the height of Covid fear porn, he was wearing the little blue, ill-fitting worthless rag. I’m calling it like I see it -

a sheep riding a horse! 😂

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Never heard that analogy before - I like it!

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Faith trumps fear.

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Trump was cut from the Alex Jones mold. Instead of defending his first amendment rights in the Sandy Hook case Jones apologized for not saying "I'm sorry" for telling the truth.

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I'm sure they made Jones a deal he could not refuse and all of these "damages" he owes are not likely real and/or are covered. Sandy Hook was way too big a lie for the truth to come out now.

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Right! This was a huge error!

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To me It reveals Jones as a career fall-guy and limited hangout.

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What trumps Trump?

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His supporters waking up and realizing he's part of the problem.

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Evidently corruption in the election process! : )

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Absolutely right Annie. They placed more trust in so-called “health experts”, doctors, hospital administrators, the CDC, et.al….than in the Creator of life. Our pastor and his nurse wife were among those.

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💜💜💜. I know pastors were sent emails to endorse the jabs.

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As I understand it, any church that accepted PPP funds had to abide by the rules that accompanied the $$. That’s why so many churches were closed at such a critical time, yet weed shops and casinos were open and “essential.” Demonic, IMO 😒

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Definitely a war between god and evil going on.

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My sister saw this lack of faith in her backwoods, Pentecostal, tongue speaking, shouting, roll on the floor in the spirit church in the Florida Panhandle. She was stunned. I think it helped with her coming to grips with my conversion to Catholicism (12 years ago). She couldn’t claim her church had greater faith.

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She and I saw both through the scam immediately. Our parents raised us to think for ourselves and beware of public campaigns and bandwagons rolling by.

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My kids saw it too but were all military. Now only 1 is still in. Glad you saw what was happening💜

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No more editing of comments in this new format?

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Exactly Annie. It was apparent early on that too many people put their faith in man's economy rather than the Lord!! Sadly, including many 'Christians'.

Philippians 4:6-7

James 1:5

Proverbs 2:6

And we can go on and on. :)

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Sadly, many Christians... The "moral" of the story is self-evident - just because you are a "professing Christian" doesn't mean you have a critical mind and a strong backbone - even if you believe you have the Lord on your side. A lot of people got jabbed due to peer pressure - they didn't want to be left out of the "social events" that they had grown accustom to. This is partly the result of a frail ego that needs daily pats on the back in order to feel good about themselves - the question is, therefore, do they really trust in the Lord? In other words, do they really believe?

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They believed the gvt lies. We and our parents and grandparents used to believe too when the gvt didnt lie about such serious things...When the swine flu vaccine of the 1970s turned out to be a fraction of the danger these mrna ones are, our gvt quickly removed them and stopped them.

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They had "experts" telling them what to do, and fear-mongering them into doing many things- Jeff talks about all the Psch-ops and such. Hopefully people will be more apt to not blindly follow those whose real intent is to harm in the future. Stop judging and help others.

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Please- we are electing an imperfect human- not Jesus. I am a saved by faith Christian since 2002, Remember that all elected officials and people in authority are appointed by God. Also remember that God will give you what people ask for, and that is why Sleepy Joe is allowed to be doing what he is. Wake up, get involved locally and work to change the dilemma that we are in- stop whining.

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I don’t believe the people asked for (aka voted for) Biden. There was massive fraud and cheating in the 2020 election and many others. But God allowed it to happen for a reason that we may not understand but will ultimately accomplish His greater plan for all humanity. I trust God completely; I do not trust our government.

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Who is whining?

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was not specifically calling anyone out, just a reminder that action is needed- the response string here is very misleading, and sometimes links response to what reply that was not intended. Have a good day

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Thank you. Agree that actions is NEEDED. However, that will come in a variety of forms, i.e. sharing knowledge/truth whenever we can, PRAYING, joining movements like ARG, etc. I think most of us here want change and the truth to be revealed to all, but we also need a safe place to vent. Did I just type 'safe place'? LOL. Have a great weekend!

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The response link is terrible! How can we express our dissatisfaction to Substack? It drives me crazy to find comments on my comment that make no sense because my reply was linked to a comment I was not commenting on.

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We Have No Proof Covid-19 is Caused by a Virus - Astrid Stuckelberger, PhD. is former member of the research and ethics committee at the W.H.O. - https://rumble.com/v26cj4g-we-have-no-proof-covid-19-is-cased-by-a-virus-astrid-stuckelberger-phd..html

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With no training or expertise at all to my name, I think it's a parasite. Every single medicine and herb that works are all anti-parasitic, but all of those things are not anti virals (some of the herbs are, but not all.) I find that odd.

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Fear acts like a virus. The increase in all-cause mortality prior to vaccine rollout is evidence there was never a real virus according to Deni Rancourt's study - https://groups.google.com/g/town-square-news/c/ybB4PmaHBaA/m/TJdRkzV6AgAJ

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I have also found that odd!

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My critical thinking skills said, hmm, why is a cure for covid” an anti-parasitic ie Ivermectin? Wouldn’t that seem to fit that this “virus” is actually a parasite?

I think 80% of those “testing” were not positive with this “covid” at all but a faulty test to make them think they had covid. When in fact only a small number of people were actually infected with whatever bio-weapon covid actually is….like a parasite. 🤔

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Exactly!!! What they are banning says it all about what this actually is. I can't buy it for my horse without proof I own a horse?? Really?? Jokes on them. They are trying WAY too hard. Gigs up. Now they are in Davos plotting our demise even harder. I seriously want them all to just go away and leave me alone.

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True about plotting to take our pleasure and needs. Tucker, Friday night really riffed about the overreach for everything, some flavors of cigars, menthol cigarettes, gas stoves etc. None for a special reason except ingrain the thought that they give us pleasures and that is enough. They love power.

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Yep. Leave us the hell alone.

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I was glad to see that question brought up on the Highwire yesterday. I've been wanting Jeffrey Jaxen to do a deep dive into the whole question of the the virus hypothesis as the cause of disease. I know he would do great research on that question. I think I trust his reporting more than anyone else out there.

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Two years ago, my pharmacologist son sent me a news article about the shooting death of Professor Bing Liu who worked at the University of Pittsburg. My son smelled something fishy. It had been reported that he was working on identifying the covid virus and he was close to publishing "significant findings." He was found shot several times at his home and his home had been ransacked. (Question: If this was a love triangle murder/suicide as the authorities claimed, why was his home ransacked?) The supposed shooter was found in his car an apparent suicide from a gun shot. (Really?) Check out this short news report:


In light of the information from Dr. Stuckelberger as well as the recent interview with Dr. Lee Merritt, I think I have finally arrived at an answer to this murder that has always puzzled me. It was just TOO coincidental that Dr. Liu was murdered right as he was about to announce his findings into the covid virus.

My belief is that Dr. Liu identified the real pathogen to be a bio-synthetic parasite. Can you imagine? If he had announced such a finding 2 years ago, he would have singlehandedly derailed the roll out of the "covid vaccine"! If the pathogen was identified as NOT a virus, then the vaccine would obviously be worthless. All this, right when all of the cabal's planning and investment was about to put into action.

Somebody prove me wrong cuz this is what I see.



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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

BTW, I don't believe his research was ever found...for obvious reasons. Oh gee whiz...

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I have since the beginning of this scamdemic thought the same thing.

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Such a great point Annie!!! Thank you very much for your perspective 🥰🙏🙏🙏

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Unfortunately some of those hypochondriac work in public health 😬

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Agree. I am amazed by that. Some doctor's offices too. I see an oncologist-no mask required but a friend goes to a dermatologist... mask & covid questions required. The appts were just 3 days apart. Crazy.

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Many idiots have graduated medical school

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Something tells me the standards for medicine and the law have declined precipitously in recent years. They just need to be able to use computer programs that tell them what to do. Following protocols. Making their practices easy peasy.

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Yes it has. As a healthcare professional with 32 years of clinical experience I can tell you it has declined significantly. Basic tenets of practice have been neglected and ignored. Critical thinking and individualized care have fallen by the wayside. I’m retired and my strategy is to manage my health through a healthy diet, exercise, fresh air and high quality vitamins and supplements. I’m blessed to have no health issues that require me to access the system. It’s been corrupted and is sadly no longer what it used to be.

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

Yes medical schools are all teaching the new crazy as science. You are doomed if you see a trained Dr, nurse, etc. They also think they hold god's message, only their god promotes fear not freedom from fear like my God did and does. He's the same forever. He does not change like shifting Covid mandates.

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That is spot on. I was saying in 2021 or maybe even earlier that the rules were pandering to the anxiety wracked paranoid minority instead of being based on rational, evidence-supported measures.

And yes, they blathered on about how selfish everyone else was who didn’t want the lockdowns, masking etc., but in reality THEY were the selfish ones as they demanded everyone else stop living life to accommodate these their irrational anxieties.

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I've been wondering how many people are unvaccinated vs. vaccinated at this point. I really suspect the unvaccinated numbers might be higher than they are telling us.

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Could very well be, especially if some people got fake cards. Don’t know how widespread that is though.

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I truly feel sorry for every single one of them. They are so mask addicted they don’t know how to get rid of it. It’s anxiety producing for them to think about.

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Security blanket. Like thumb sucking

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I’m so baffled by the continuous mask wearing in my county in Northern California. Every store I enter there is about 40 -50 percent of folks masking up (not mandated) what’s it like in the rest of the states???

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Minneapolis metro area - maybe 20% masked the closer you get to the city (liberals), maybe 10% in the suburbs, and the rural areas ain't nobody wearing a mask 'til Halloween.

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Lol! I live in one of the outer suburbs and rarely see anyone wear a mask anymore. Unfortunately I have to have an MRI this week and will be forced to wear one. Please don't tell me to fight it. I have a choice to not give a business who requires it but I need this scan. We have to pick and choose our battles and right now too tired to fight this one. I have to say the the people who know that the masks don't work are just not letting it go. I absolutely hate the medical establishment. I'd never go back if I didn't have to.

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Tracy, we do what we have to. Unfortunately, we’re often at the mercy of medical establishments. I needed a surgery in November and was prepared to wear a mask if necessary. Thankfully they had just made mask “optional “ at a large hospital in Dallas. I was so happy…as Jeff would say, progress!

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I traveled through both Oakland and San Diego from Eugene, OR to get home to Missouri. I was stunned by the number of masks in both CA cities compared to both Eugene and St Louis. My eye were tired from giving people stink eye.

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

I haven't been to any of the big CA cities, but in the rural foothills and mountain areas, particularly in Northern CA, masks are pretty rare now and have been so for over a year, maybe more. There are a lot of no compliance areas.

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Looked around at church last Sunday and estimate 1/2% masked in Venice Fl

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Wow! Here in Ponte Vedra Beach and St. Augustine and even Charleston, SC … a rare mask unless a request ai medical facility.

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Big city in North Florida....mask wearers are rare and look very odd. I just assume they have some serious condition like cancer and then I feel sympathy.

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In Prescott AZ maybe 10%. Maybe.

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North florida. Very rare.

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I'm in Southern California (Ventura), and see about the same ratio.

I just shake my head. They are so broken, they will never let it end.

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Here in N. GA it is a very rare site to see a mask.

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Sarah Beth, in Texas I see about 1 or 2 masks per 100 people. Not many.

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Still see staff at the socal church I work at masking up - giving grace and praying it is a true health concern and not fear!

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I wish I could feel sorry for them. But, given how much damage their virtue-signaling tool has done to society, I find that very hard to do. They are pathetic, yes, but they are also still the perpetrators of this scam and crime. Without their support for pointless, ineffective virtue-signaling nonsense, the government couldn't have done what it did, and many people would still be alive.

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The primary method by which governments increase their control is by creating fear. - Charles Eisenstein

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So true! And america is no different. All you have to do is crack a book.

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A co-worker walks around the office wearing an N95 mask and using a napkin to open doors. Mission accomplished - make more hypochondriacs.

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I use a napkin to open the doors too. My vaxxed and coworkers asked why. I said because one of you guys are always sick. Trying to protect myself. 😉😄 They know I am the only healthy one and unvaxxed one there. 😅😅Love throwing it back at them in subtle ways and mimicking their actions too.

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I'm so glad I retired before covid. Everyone back at the office is vaxxed now and always getting sick...or SADS. I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut. The only one that is not jabbed is my buddy and he is the only one allowed to work from home. Go figure.

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I have to keep a sense of humor and laugh and the absurdity of the whole thing or I will run screaming from the office. It has been trying to say the least.

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I’ll d that leaving RR.

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It lures us into a subscription mindset for every aspect of life. You will own nothing, etc.

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And be happy about it.

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There’s more than I ever thought possible.

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I knew it was going to be like this. 😭 I screamed it. Ppl love to make their own comfort and security and if it's an easy do like cut up a charity dump t then all the better to save the world with. On the other hand they can't see their own sin in it. That's HELL.

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I’ve been a prepper for the past 10 years and have heard the term sheeple and even knew what was happening. It was still shocking to see so many people rush to get the jabs, wear the masks etc. guess I was being too optimistic 😢

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

Never underestimate the power of fear. I just heard a clip of Steven Spielberg saying that when the pandemic began, he was driven by the intense fear that this was an extinction level virus. A person as inventive and clever as Spielberg, yet he succumbed to the fear immediately, no critical thinking involved.

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I get it. And I’m not convinced tptb are done. But I refuse to live in fear!

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I know, right?! I’m amazed how many still wear them.

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Amazed and so sad for them. I can’t imagine living life with such fear!

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I see them daily. I just shake my head and think "you are just so broken".

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Ugh. I live in florida in a very small community. Very rarely see a mask thank God!! More power to you!!!!!

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APhA POSTER: "Recent study shows that the FLU vaccine can protect against serious effects of COVID-19".


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My late-2019 flu vaccine tainted my O-negative, CMV-negative blood and made me ineligible to donate. Some bullshit about false positive hepatitis-b surface antigen. Whatever the case, premature infants no longer get my blood because of the FLU shot.

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Who knows WHAT they put in these shots.

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They just won’t stop 🙄

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

“ So while it is vexing, it is also helpful that Trump defends the jabs. He is making it much easier for the truth to come out. It’s like he’s almost daring them to blame him for vaccine injuries.”

Jeff, you are brilliant! I’ve been wondering this same dilemma for Trump. And we know he’s pretty savvy too. It must be difficult for the swamp creatures and their media lapdogs to restrain themselves! I hope someone just can’t help themself and let’s it slip; that would sabotage the entire effort! Popcorn cued for the unfolding saga.

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

He was damned if he brought out the vaxx and damned if he didn't. The vaxx in itself isn't the problem. It's the mandates and adding it to immunization schedules. Trump is in the same predicament now. Damned if he supports the vaxx damned if he doesn't. Either way, look onto yourself and what guides your own actions. Don't be an automatic follower. Be a critical thinker first. This is an observation only and not meant to tell anyone they are wrong in their thoughts and choices during this scamdemic. 🙂

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Sorry, but the bioweapon injections are BY DESIGN killing millions of people. What you are suggesting (without realizing it, likely) is it's OK to let people play Russian Roulette if the person loading the gun tells them it's not loaded and the target believes them. It's NOT OK!

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I am not suggesting that. There are people who need to be tried for crimes. Our entire medical community is a shame. I am saying think before you act. First line of defense.

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You would be amazed at what percentage of Trump supporters remain unvaccinated. I wish we had numbers.

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I remember thinking early on that he had no medical training so his opinion was irrelevant and whatever he said about the "product" was to be taken with a grain of salt.

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And yet with Hydro- whatever he was right.

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I voted for Trump, but any product that I evaluate that there is a no legal recourse clause ….. and it’s not really Authorized, experimental when I work hard to keep inflammation down with a number of autoimmune diseases I tears as close to natural… I just say… I’ll wait and see and research.

We all have a right to say no. Look at our vets, pilots of airlines. Why the mandate? Immigrants don’t need it. Antifa is exempt. One dr. Dropped me for not sticking w mandate. Even I figured, “election year” we are hosed.

Still watching.

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I thought the same thing about Fauci.

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Jan 22, 2023·edited Jan 22, 2023

I'm an unvaccinated fan of Trump. There is no leader that is perfect. I saw red flags all through the covid narrative. I'm a retired RN and have had all the recommended childhood vaccinations. Trump relied on his advisers and expert's opinions. My first red flag was the MSM creating panic by purposely scaring people to death. I advised my adult children against the vaccine. Blame the mandates, health authorities and employers who locked you down and forced the jab. Trump didn't enforce any of it, he gave you the choice. He wanted America to open up.

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I remember early on Trump commenting on this very point with his signature sly expression.

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Not sure if you are suggesting that this is good or bad- just pointing it out?

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You should recall that Trump ONLY recommended the jab for high risk such as the elderly and infirm. Still...very curious

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That's simply not true

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The mandate is a huge problem, yes, but make no mistake, the "vaccine" in itself absolutely is the problem, too. Not safe, not effective. That's a huge problem. And children have no choice, even without mandates.

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I agree about critical thinking. Take a minute to think about the mental gymnastics you are going through to convince yourself the great fearless leader and disruptor Trump had no other choice. If that's the case he's either an idiot or a coward, which clearly makes him an unfit leader.

Screw all of these people. None of them will save us.

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Couldn’t agree more Johnny!

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

But, but, but JOHNNY! He HAD to implement the Death Vax, or else the mean ol' media meanies would have SAVAGED Trump.

And then he couldn't "tell it like it is." Doncha SEE?

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

What about young adults who don’t have their critical thinking skills developed yet? Two of my young adult children being part of those. I want to SCREAM BLOODY MURDER every time I hear Trump support the vaccines and not consider outing the harms they are causing our children who were trusting the government, health agencies, media, and universities. I don’t care about Trumps strategy, it’s currently not protecting the vulnerable young! He has hurt MY family!!! HE NEVER SHOULD HAVE ALLOWED THE SHOTS IN THE FIRST PLACE! HE KNEW ABOUT THERAPEUTICS!!!

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I’m not sure at what age the young adults you’re referring to are but It’s a parent’s responsibility to teach their children to discern right from wrong, lies vs truth and what critical thinking skills are and how to develop the ability to utilize critical thinking skills. Unless your children were educated in excellent schools, which for the most part are not the government run schools, it is your responsibility to teach them what they need to be independent, successful adults who can think critically. Left on their own, they will listen to the loudest voice. All children and young adults need a moral compass that will affect their decisions and their actions and that’s their parents job.

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Ok…thanks for the lecture.

Trump is, and has been, still wrong in handling this scamdemic! Has allowed, and is still allowing, harm! Period!

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

I understand the outrage -- having said that, how does a leader teach each individual sovereignty - free will?

Also, there ultimately is a responsibility to those "experts" who coerced, misinformed, lied, etc. they will be held accountable for their "crimes against humanity." Do I hear military tribunal - arrest, try them and execute them?!?!

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Everyone should have the right to make their own healthcare decisions. Hopefully they will make well informed, educated decisions based on as much information and data as they can find but unfortunately most people don’t take the time or feel confident enough to do that and I feel bad for them. Common sense should have been enough to raise a red flag in the Covid scamdemic but clearly the threats and coercion was too much for most people to resist. Now they will have to live with the consequences of their decisio and blindly trusting their doctors, the healthcare system and the government.

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

Amen. It's hard to watch. I remember my family and I making the decision that it would be no jab even if I lost my job. We all would pool together to help each other out. Made us closer. I know not everyone could do that. I am now dealing with my adult children seeing some of the issues arising from the vaxx. Most of their friends are vaxxed. they are not. It's going to be a tough year. 😔

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Fortunately we know our lives are in the hands of Almighty God and we trust in our Lord and Savior. Our days are numbered by our great and gracious, merciful God!

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Was before and still is. God's will is Sovereign. Always was and always will be.

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The fear campaign relentless. The medical campaign paid for the #covid deaths coding. Our own government had us feeling trapped. And why? They care about saving life? Then they’d have war on drugs, sex traffic and the border.

They want mNRA in our flu shots and breakfast cereal! Then our babies.

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

I'm not really satisfied with Jeff's analysis on this point. If you read Whitney Webb's "One Nation Under Blackmail" books you'll see that Trump rose to wealth and power out of the same CIA/FBI/Mafia incestual pool that all the other perpetrators of Permanent Government USA did. He took actions by EO while in office that facilitated the development of the bioweapon jabs, the protection of Big (P)Harma, and the imposition of lockdown theocracy. I used to wonder if he was just the biggest idiot that's ever crawled so high on the political power ladder, but now I can't unsee what Ms. Webb has shown me (and it's all documented history).

When you add that to Trump's actions since he was selected out of office (i.e. fundraising, belly-aching, stoking the rage of his acolytes, but nothing meaningful to effect change...) and now his refusal to be right alongside DeSantis in calling the bioweapon what it is (and DEMANDING it be pulled from the market TODAY - not ONE more dead athlete, child, young person, etc!), he is culpable. He, too, shares responsibility for the murder of millions. He knows. He can't not know.

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

"but nothing meaningful to effect change..." you have to, at a minimum, ignore the Supreme Court and the hundreds or more conservative judges appointed to be serious about this statement. A great gift to us since he's been out of office.

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That comment was about his actions since being out of office. He's done nothing. If he was serious about how urgently we need to correct course in this country, he would have run for Congress and he would now be Speaker. Third in line for the presidency when Biden is shoved off by his handlers (it's coming...) and Kamala is impeached for her crimes.

Instead, he's fundraising for a presidential run in 2024 when the damage will already be done.

It makes no sense, unless you figure he, too, is part of the Permanent Government USA. He's just paid to be an actor on the "conservative side" of the aisle to keep the People hoping and voting harder.... while nothing changes.

By the by, those Supreme Court judges he nominated have done ZILCH about returning elections to the People. They had several chances and intentionally refused to do anything to require States to true their vote. Until the Permanent Government is fired from counting the votes, there will be Permanent Government ad infinitum.

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I should have read your comment before posting my own! Great post, my brutha!

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Me too!

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The Speaker does not have to be an elected representative. He (she) just has to be nominated and receive a majority of the voted from those casting votes.

I basically agree with your comments. I admit that I am particularly angry with Trump. He interfered in Pennsylvanian Republican primaries, and left us residents with far left Josh Shapiro as Governor, And impaired John Fetterman as Senator. He sent me fundraising emails for Herschel Walker, and I later learned Herschel received only 10% of the proceeds. At least I was smart enough to donate directly, not via Trump.

I think Jeff is too kind to Trump. I grant his point about a Trump about face. But Trump should just stop touting the vaccine and Operation Warp Speed. But Trump's ego won't let him. I want to turn the page and support a new generation.

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username checks out

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From the Supreme Court's rejection of the Taxes lawsuit challenging the election fraud and unconstitutional actions of those individual states, I'd say one has to at least question whether Trump's Court nominations were as conservative as promoted. But, I will agree with you on the lower court judge appointments.

But, I challenge Jeff's assertion the Trump had the best political "instincts" since Ronald Reagan. That wasn't my observation.

Trump's popularity and election were because of his status as the ultimate "outsider". But, once in office he surrounded himself, at the behest of his unelected daughter and son in law, from the same pool of swamp creatures that have been destroying this country for decades.

And he threatened twice to shut the government down if he didn't get funding for the wall at the southern border. And twice he caved.

Tally up this and so many other instances along with the fact that by continuing to push the vax that he's complicit in millions of injuries and deaths, and I reach the conclusion that, no, he's not who we all thought he was.

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People who really still "believe" in Trump have a variant of TDS. It's a two way street unfortunately.

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He was betrayed constantly by people within his administration. The Deep State attacked and tried to destroy him from the minute he announced his candidacy. I don’t believe even Trump realized how deep and vicious and corrupt the swamp was. He performed remarkably well despite the tremendous opposition and attempts to derail him. I think Jeff is wise and is a critical thinker. I value his thoughts and opinions and am grateful he puts out the Coffee & Covid post everyday.

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Thoughtful- Not sure what you mean by "Trump rose to wealth and power out of the same CIA/FBI/Mafia incestual pool that all the other perpetrators of Permanent Government USA did." he made all his money and prestige in the private market WELL BEFORE he ever ran for and became President. I want to be clear, I am not sure having Trump back in Office is the best thing for America, as it will enflame the other team into doing far more damage than has already been done over the last 3+ years. Also not yet convinced that he was actually "selected out of office" as you say, but I do not feel like we can entirely blame Trump for his reactions regarding EO, because it was definitely a time that is INCOMPARABLE to anything else in history. Yes we had pandemics earlier in time, but not in a modern age where we had so MANY "EXPERTS" advising what should be done. History may judge differently if this had happened at the beginning of his term, not the end. Perhaps if he had still been in office we could have seen him bow up to the "EXPERTS" and tell them this was IDIOCY. Whether it is Trump or DeSantis, or someone else that is not today identified, America needs a leader that ACTUALLY LOVES AMERICA and does not feel the need to apologize to ANYONE about why we are great. That means that America needs to return to being an EXCELLENT nation again and start telling and demanding truth from others. #TruthMatters

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The problem we have now is that we no longer have free elections. Regardless of who is running, until there is a change of some kind, we will never win again.

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It’s sad but unfortunately, I think that’s reality. And they know it. Did you see Katy Hobbs laughing while she took her oath of office? And she could barely repeat the words “so help me God”. Utterly disrespectful.

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I have no pity for her ultimate demise.

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Excellent! Thanks for posting.

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I agree. He shares responsibility for all that has happened.

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We all share responsibility for all that has happened. In general we have become a Godless, cowardly, effeminate nation. We are the rotten, blind building blocks of the foundation of the nation. In general, we are have become a quivering puddle of jello, who do as we are told.

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I gave it some thought, but I have to respectfully disagree with you here. I am NOT responsible for the production, dissemination and cover-up of a worldwide bioweapon attack, nor am I responsible for the murder and lies propounded by the authors of the Plandemic.

Like Jeff Childers, I have FOUGHT this with every ounce of my being at every new imposition and violation of my God-given rights. Some examples:

- I have publicly and repeatedly spoken out against elected leaders in my state who locked us down unconstitutionally, gave money to those who ran against them, and told anyone who would listen to get out and vote for the "freedom-promising" candidate. Thankfully, that candidate won and mandates in my state started falling.

- I have fought against all levels of public education in my state for trying to muzzle and inflict psychological and physical damage upon my children. When courts refused to hear the cases of aggrieved parents, I pulled my children out of public schools and now homeschool. I now counsel and encourage other families to do the same and bleed the rotten public education system dry.

- I have railed against the dangers of Operation Warp Speed (I could care less which politician was in favor/opposed based on the MSM marching orders of the day), having done the research myself on the VAST and HORRIFIC and WELL-DOCUMENTED failures of mRNA experimentation on animals. I told everyone who would listen that it was poison to the immune system and should not be injected at ANY cost. What's a job, or the freedom to travel, or ability to go to your favorite stores or receive medical care from your preferred provider IF YOU'RE DEAD??! Easy choice for me.

- I have refused injections for myself and my family at great costs (family ostracization, loss of freedoms to travel/associate/receive medical care/etc.) and refused to "go along to get along" with those who think just a little death and dismemberment is an acceptable trade for "freedom."

- I have donated my time and significant resources ($$ and legal knowledge) to fighting mandates and the lies being spouted with impunity (until now) by Big Pharma and their Health Association/Hospital/Physician acolytes.

- I have severed my ties with all Big Tech that works contrary to my God-given freedoms (e.g. I fired Google from my life, stopped watching MSM including the vapid and treacherous FoxNews, cancelled Disney and other TV subscriptions that were supporting Woke agendas, stopped buying on Amazon, eliminated all Facebook/Insta/Twitter accounts and encouraged others to do the same)

- I have educated myself about our nation's history and how we got to where we are, why the Medical-Military Industrial Complex has so much money and power to do what they are doing, and focused on steps I can take locally to fight back.

- I have drawn my non-effeminate spiritual-head-of-our-household husband close to make sure we are yoked together in this battle, and we in turn educate our four children about their God-inspired Constitution-based civil liberties, for which they need to be prepared to fight and die to preserve for themselves and their children. We call them to be salt and light in a world that had grown complacent with darkness.

- We have all lost many friends and relationships and sometimes we feel very alone, but Truth is not negotiable and Evil is real. This is the only fight that really matters and we're going to wage it in every small corner of the world over which we wield influence.

I am not a quivering puddle of jello. I do not do as I am told. I am ungovernable.

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Thank you for having a spine, and acting on it.

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Yes!! God bless you ! Many here can relate to this and felt very alone until we found this group !

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Thank you for that. Blame, blame, blame. There’s plenty of that to distribute around - including blaming ourselves. God controls all facets of our lives; some just don’t trust Him.

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The “saved millions of lives” line—I just can’t stomach that. More like it will END millions of lives. At this point, it’s gotta be willful ignorance on Trump’s part. He’s complicit, and while I love the guy in so many ways and I’m glad for the limited good he was able to do, I’ll not vote for him again. (As long as we have mail-in voting it probably won’t matter who I vote for anyway)

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I don’t disagree with you on that. I’m adamantly opposed to the vax and have been since the beginning. It makes me cringe when I hear it. In politics 2 years is an eternity; we don’t know at this point what our options will be. I’m putting my hope and my faith in Almighty God, not any man.

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Yes, this⬆️

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I have to say you sound like a flat earther. It is dangerous to be so taken with one opinion that you become incapable of thinking beyond that.

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Please you do not know me- and you also sound just like the LIBS- whatever you say and project to me is what YOU are really doing. That is called deflection. Be better than that. We can all sit and "Monday Morning QB" the heck out of this situation, or we can get involved and make sure that nothing like this is ever allowed to occur again.

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I wasn't replying to you, I was replying to thoughtful

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Sorry- my sincerest apologies- have a terrific day ; )

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🤣 Todd - your first instinct was correct. Insults without predicates are baseless. And that *is* a typical deflection strategy used by libs (who tend to be emotional and not analytical thinkers). Ips Prez likes to insult people (2nd time today in my case...) but doesn't challenge the ideas I've presented with anything other than name-calling. Oh well... not worth the time to engage.

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Trump is part of the swamp. What will it take for people to see this?

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Johnny O...Name one who IS NOT part of the swamp. I am pretty convinced NO ONE makes it to POTUS without the seal of approval by the swamp masters...except perhaps Trump. In my humble opinion, what he accomplished as POTUS, has never been accomplished before by the prior 44 and will never be done again.

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Ron Johnson is the only person in DC who has done/tried doing anything meaningful re the clot shots. I agree they are all part of the swamp! Why are there so many who cling to partisan politics or charlatan leaders like Trump?

And being the leader of OWS takes away any accomplishments he otherwise made. He is partly responsible for the maiming and death of millions of people. How can anyone make excuses for this?

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Johnny O. Agreed that Ron Johnson (and love him...Wisconsin is my home state) is probably the only one ...maybe Ted Cruz.

I see Trump and all his faults; not sure I’d call him a “charlatan leader.”

Just saying that he is one of the few who actually did a lot of what he said he would, despite the Dems, media, government, etc, solidly against him the entire time.

He called it as he saw it, and handily won in 2016, despite the swamp trying to stop him in favor of perhaps the most crooked person in politics. Many Americans wanted someone who would put Americans first, and Trump did that.

Not sure what OWS stands for...but I wonder what would have happened if Hillary had been in office.

Could be the deep state would not have released the bio weapon. There are many who think it was released under his watch as yet another attempt to make sure he didn’t see a second term.

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OWS - operation warp speed

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I had a great amount of admiration for all the good things that Trump did while he was on office; but there were some things that niggled in the back of my mind, including his push; even now; of the poison jabs. I believe we have ALL been duped. Left, right; the elite DON'T CARE about our political leanings; or any other facts about us. The ONLY people they care about is themselves; and their plans for us are certainly not for OUR good; but ONLY for THEIRS.

Someone (A person who voted for Trump) shared this site with me and I'll share it with everyone here; I hope it helps us to come to the place where we realize that there is NO ONE in politics who is TRULY for us; it's all a lie; and we have believed it because we have trusted in the arm of flesh instead of God alone:


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That was good reading Cammie. You may be interested in Spirit of the Antichrist by J.B. Hixson. It's a 2 volume set with volume 2 having recently come out.

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Thank you. I'll have to check those books out.

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So, why does the swamp persecute him endlessly as no other American has been treated ever if he is one of their own?

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My theory is because divided we fall. If the powers that shouldn't be want to destroy the nation and world, it's so much easier if they can convince the people to divide themselves and thus destroy themselves. Much easier than trying to convince people to "get on the train". Dividing us has turned out to be easy so they will keep it up.

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There it is.

Tell the pitchfork people that the torch people want to burn their pitchforks, and the rulers are spared...

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IMHO, it is because he is one of them (as far as his worst traits of greed, narcissism, desire for power, and need for adulation) and that exposes all of them as having them too.

Which may be the best thing about his having been there. And the reason I voted for him as a big middle finger to them.

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You are right- they do so, because he is not one of them- definitely far from perfect, but not one of them.

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It's all political theatre; it's a sham. "They" give us the illusion that we have a 'side' to choose from, and that side will be on OUR side. It's not true. I've heard it said before; apparently, from people who live in D.C., that they have seen politicians who are on opposite sides of the aisle, fighting tooth-and-nail on TV, stirring up the constituents on both sides to also 'fight' against each other, only to see those same politicians; when out in public at say; a restaurant; yucking it up with each other; having a grand time together; only to see them the next day on TV; shouting and yelling at each other again. It's a show; we are the spectators; cheering for our team; not realizing that they are ALL on the SAME team. We've been duped; big time.

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You're right Cammie. The Left-Right paradigm is a sham.

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Sad. It's not what the founding fathers wanted. It's what happens when we refuse to hold fast to what is right; and always long for 'something new'.

The old ways; many times (Not all of course) are usually the best.

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Jeff said that Trump "survived" when "grab him by the pussy" came out. I think that just indicated that his supporters were willing to tolerate more from him than they would from most. I don't think anybody really liked that remark. And the fact that Hillary was the alternative didn't hurt.

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Or maybe overlooked a bad moment in order to elect the best of the worst choices given to the American voters in 2016. Remember the quote about living in glass houses? No one is without sin...

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I am a lifelong Republican. I have never voted a Democrat for president. However, I would have been very tempted to vote D if that person was a moderate Democrat (not Hillary or Joe).

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Please don't- I heard so many in 2020 say that " I simply voted against Trump because I do not like him". But remember that when you vote AGAINST someone, you are also voting FOR all the sleazy underhanded things that someone like Sleepy Joe has done. Deal with the devil that you know, not the one that you do not...

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Never. The D is always worse than the R option which is why I completely hated voting for McCain and Romney but did so because of the Dem options. Who knows what the political landscape will look like in 2024 but will it even matter when you look back at 2020 and 2022?? There’s no accountability for cheating and in fact it has only emboldened the left.

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Not sure I agree, but I do not also hold him up as an idol. He no doubt had America in a better position than Biden put us in less than 5 hours into his first day as Leader.

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True, that pile of EO's, that Joe had no idea what he was signing, was the start of the harm inflicted by this administration.

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As soon as I heard about operation warp speed I thought ...awesome, in a few years, they’ll have something. Then it came out a few months later & I was like...nope. Not doing it. That’s not how science works. Even at warp speed, it should be years. I haven’t faulted Trump for warp speed, but I do wonder why Fauci wasn’t put out to pasture by Trump. Even so, I don’t think Trump would have ever went along with the mandates, which is the real crime.

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He is openly bragging and advocating a product that has destroyed millions of lives, likely including millions of deaths globally. The gene sequence was known before covid was an official thing. The vax was a DOD creation. All of these people are evil.

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Jeff is brilliant! As a great admirer of President Trump, I’ve learned to relax and enjoy the roller coaster ride.

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It is a fantasy to think that Trump is playing 11 dimensional chess with the media regarding jab injuries. He still apparently believes the jabs are "one of the greatest achievements of mankind" that saved 10's of millions if not 100 million lives.

The media is not going to blame Trump for vax injuries because Trump is fully on board with the media narrative. He claims the fake vax saved millions of lives and downplays the significance and extent of injuries caused by the fake vax.

"I came up with three vaccines. All very very good." - Trump

And without Trump's 3 very very good fake vaxxs there would be no mandate.

Time for conservatives to cut bait with Trump and let him go down with the Vax Titanica. If the price of covid accountability is watching Trump hit the iceberg and go down in a hurricane ... that's a trade off everyone should be prepared to make 8 days a week.

Because right now you can't have both covid accountability and Trump. He's busy playing for the other team.

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Vax Titanica! Love that! We have some creative folks here on C&C!

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Former Black rock Ed Dowd says the narrative is shifting and the WH will soon be acknowledging sudden and excess deaths, blaming it on long covid and climate change. If this is the case, the vax mainstream narrative will continue...

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

Sooner or later we have to accept the fact that not everything is 12-D chess and Trump sometimes just does stupid things. Examples: still promoting the shots, appointing deep state actors (Chris Wray, Ron Rosenstein, etc.), delegating to incompetent people (Deborah Birx, Jeff Sessions), procrastinating on Russia-gate declassification, and the NFT Trump trading cards. And there are plenty more where that came from.

Every one of these was an unforced error that Trump defenders try and explain with some tortured Rube Goldberg-like explanation. I fell for it for a while myself but sooner or later you have to come to grips with his long litany of errors.

Trump's problem is that he does not learn from his mistakes. On top of that, people on our side make excuses for it, or even worse try to rationalize why it's actually a good thing. Perhaps if he didn't have so many people excusing it he might actually learn and improve.

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“Trump's problem is that he does not learn from his mistakes”.

Sadly I’ve come to believe that this is true. I wanted for so long to believe he just had to learn the ropes of the political environment but when he doubles down on things he should have figured out by now I can only assume that we’d be stuck with Jared Kushner types again if he got back in (which is about as likely as me winning a power ball lottery)

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“Now at that time Michael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people, will arise. And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time; and at that time your people, everyone who is found written in the book, will be rescued. Many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt. Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase.”

— Daniel 12:1-4 NASB1995

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Thank you for the daily scripture Janice!! It means a lot to me!!

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Me too!

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Beautiful words of wisdom.

Wait on the Lord. He will renew our strength. He knows. His Word is truth.

I love the promise contained therein, "Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever."

We are a light shining in the darkness urging the lost to seek Him. It humbles me greatly to consider the Lord is using those of us who belong to Him, imperfect as we are, to sound the alarm....to speak truth in this present darkness that others might live in eternity, not just today, but forever. Thank you, Janice. Great reminder.

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This was another one of those passages I have read before, but this time it leapt off the page. Well, screen. 😀📱

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

“ BERTHA: My dear, you are hopelessly confused. You need to order a CDC variant organizer. You can get it on Prime. I’ll text you a link.” 🤣🤣🤣

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Yea, that line was AWESOME! 😂

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I think I'm kinda funny until I read Jeff's witty commentary. :D

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Yes; I see political standup in his future! Can’t wait!

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Maybe that can be his side gig while serving in DeSantis' cabinet.

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Hasn't the variant always been BS.24.7?

Jeff you are wonderful, love reading your work.


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I think we may be up to B.S.24.7.365.

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You just won best comment of the day. Awesome! 👊

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I think new “variants” could be named after Japanese monster movie monsters: Gojira, Mothra, Rodan...

To object to this naming scheme would be proof of horrible racism.

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I love those Japanese monster movies. Godzilla 🐲

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Baby Godzilla 💞💞💞💞💞

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Another vote for the Mothra variant. 🚨🦠🐸

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Will the press and Jimmy Fallon sing the Mothra song nightly?

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Some of my favorite movies of all time

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Would make a great comic book series.

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Good reflections thanks. Believe Musk has perhaps belatedly come out with some common sense and understands what many of us have known for years especially about WEF. It is important not to mistake Musk for a free speech leader. I do believe he is jockeying for power. After all he has spent most of his adult life being a profiteer from the deep state. Lots of these types on the scene. We are being so played.

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One of Musk's tweet that is earning the hate of tryrannical plutocrats.

Elon Musk: “Almost no one seems to realize that the head of bioethics at NIH –

the person who is supposed to make sure that Fauci behaves ethically – is his wife”

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I don’t know. I’m reserving judgment about Musk. We tend to assume that wealthy people (heck, most people) want power. And that may be true in many or even most cases. But sometimes, what we think drives people or should drive people isn’t the reality. Like when leftists say that they don’t understand why rural poor people vote Republican, because it’s against their “own interests”. They assume the driving force and motivation is money. When actually, for a lot of these people, freedom and being left alone to do their own thing is far more important.

Musk is kind of an odd bird though. I think there is a chance he might be motivated by other things. Again, reserving judgment because I agree it is certainly possible he’s jockeying for power but I am not seeing it so far.

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He's in bed with the permanent state, getting fleeced with many millions of our tax dollars. He wants transhumanism. He's evil, pure and simple. Don't be fooled.

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I’m not fooled. I don’t hail him as a hero, I am just reserving judgment about his motivations. I will wait and see what he does.

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Same here. Seems like it's not a good thing to become a blind follower of any one person these days. Musk is playing a useful, arguably important role these days, but it's also important to be mindful of the fact that whatever drives him, he is looking out for himself first of all. This is true for virtually everyone: looking out for #1. But in the overall picture, a lot of people will contribute important bits and pieces to overcoming all the elite monsters. If it ever happens, that is.

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

Well said. And people are generally not all good or all evil, even the best, most ethical and upright people people are flawed and make mistakes, so we should observe their actions and note whether it’s mostly good or mostly bad and act/evaluate accordingly.

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Nothing belated about it, Musk savaged the WEF and he’s done a mammoth service for Speech. Mammoth. 🎯

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No one said he didn't do some good here. But he has a Mammoth history. He is not Thomas Jefferson.

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TJ wasn’t a perfect man either.

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Not at all. But then none of us are. But there are some big misunderstandings about our entire history.

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Musk is in bed with the permanent state. He's the ultimate limited hangout


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Yes. I read this. Very good. Wrote about Musk nearly a year ago. Lots of misunderstandings.

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We'll see. I'm glad at all the good Musk is currently doing as what appears to be championing free speech and dropping truth bombs-- and we can hope he has seen the light and has turned over a new leaf-- but it would be foolish to trust him (or anyone in power, for that matter). Keeping a sharp eye on him for sure!

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That is my position too, Jen. I’ve been beyond disappointed and have felt stabbed in the back by so many I thought I could trust, …so the one thing I’ve learned in the past few years is trust NO ONE, and question EVERYTHING.

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Yes Yes! Please, please realize that Musk is fully on board with the transhumanist project. He fully embraces our future as human/AI hybrids, whose only purpose is a resource for data mining to serve the elites. Whether he realizes it or not, he is serving the evil one. He does some useful things but his greater agenda will enslave us. How easily we are fooled!

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“...trust NO ONE, and question EVERYTHING.” I believe that has been the case since ‘The Fall’, but maybe never more important for survival than in our present day.

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Perhaps belated because he works 12-20+ hour days months and years at a time while we surf the web reading about the WEF?

Nobody's perfect. None of the founding fathers were. The question is, does he have the right good qualities to fight the good fight we face now?

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"does he have the right good qualities to fight the good fight we face now?" I like that, especially the word "now." I think as we pass through life there are people meant to be there for you (individually, group, civilization) for a time only. I think Musk may be here for this time to open up the secrets of the Big Tech/govt connection and focus on free speech. Just as I, personally, think Trump was there for a time to expose the swamp, but not for the future. God is in control, and He has a history of using the most unlikely people for a time. For some to think anyone but God will be our leader or savior is foolishness and will only lead to disappointment.

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There is a fundamental common sense to getting our spiritual selves right before we can effect change. We now have a long history of suffering from the opposite.

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Either you believe in God, or you believe you are God. A sad caveat of our times.

You who dwell in the shelter of the Most High, who abide in the shade of the Almighty, Say to the LORD, "My refuge and fortress, my God in whom I trust."

He will rescue you from the fowler's snare, from the destroying plague, He will shelter you with his pinions, and under his wings you may take refuge;

his faithfulness is a protecting shield.

You shall not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow that flies by day, Nor the pestilence that roams in darkness, nor the plague that ravages at noon.

Though a thousand fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, near you it shall not come. You need simply watch; the punishment of the wicked you will see. Because you have the LORD for your refuge and have made the Most High your stronghold, No evil shall befall you, no affliction come near your tent.

For he commands his angels with regard to you, to guard you wherever you go.

With their hands they shall support you,

lest you strike your foot against a stone.

You can tread upon the asp and the viper, trample the lion and the dragon.

Because he clings to me I will deliver him; because he knows my name I will set him on high. He will call upon me and I will answer; I will be with him

in distress; I will deliver him and give him honor. With length of days I will satisfy him, and fill him with my saving power.

Psalm 91

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Of course none of us is perfect. But I would look around for just about anyone to be a leader than Musk. Part of the deep state, the international Corporatocracy, and connected to the wrong ideas, science, goals to be a fit contender.

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Is the international Corporatocracy a monolith?

There are many members and factions.....I would guess that some members of the club get out of line...maybe Musk was chosen to slap them down.

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We are all suffering under the delusions engaged in by these international kleptocrats and their buddies. With the lack of real information and the being repeatedly played by these people we are in a very bad position. The real dangerous people in Big Tech dislike Musk but these are very big egos involved and huge profits and peer to be had.

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Totally agree!!!

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I believe Musk has finally seen the truth and broken out of the narrative. I remember when it started for me. For now I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that he has seen the light and is trying to do good, like Trump.

People have used his previous attendance to the WEF to show he's just grifting or lying. Hopefully now he's proven that he's changed. Let's make sure he stays that way.

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Don't be fooled by the psyop

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For those of you new to shot skepticism, here was Geert Van Bossche's open letter to the WHO in March 2021: https://darachi.com/geert-vanden-bossche-open-letter-to-who-halt-all-covid-19-mass-vaccination I suppose all of those fact checkers who smeared him need to be served a large dish of crow at this point.

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If I'm not mistaken, his first warnings we're given in the fall of 2020.

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Yes, I seem to recall first hearing from him in 2020, but for some reason I did not save any links. I do remember reading about the Marek's disease vaccine fiasco that I think was brought up by him in 2020. Bottom line, he was one of the canaries singing in the coal mine early on, but curiously, I am not seeing a lot from him in the last year or so. But perhaps that is because I have moved on to other issues besides covid to dig into. C&C and a couple of other stacks give me all I need to know at this point.

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I watched an interview of his with Del Bigtree early in 2021 where he explained the antibody issue of specific versus non specific antibodies and the immune mechanisms of vaxxing in a pandemic with the jabs screwing up immune systems. Del used a football play image and I still remember that image. At that point I knew I wasn’t going to get them—the mRNA ones anyway. I worked hard to protect my immune system and health up to 72 yo then and I refused to mess it up. By then I was very sure I had had Covid already in early February. A runny nose with smell and taste issues. I told everyone I was waiting to see what happened. By summer with mandates coming I dug in my heels and just said no. What Geert said has happened.

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Geert is still active. He has a substack of sorts in which he gives updates on COVID-related science. Most of the posts are highly technical and I usually skip to the conclusions. Here's the link: https://substack.com/profile/57302394-geert-vanden-bossche

Like you, I find myself diving less into COVID minutia these days, seeing the COVID scam as settled issue and in some ways a subject that is now of lesser importance than the new WEF-led attacks on western civilization. COVID is still a battleground, but it is not the war.

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Same. I know what I need to know: shots don't work, shots harm and kill, gov't is corrupt beyond repair, everyone and everything is suspect until they establish trustworthyness, and above all I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR MY IMMUNE SYSTEM KEEPING ME HEALTHY, NOT SOME DAMN CHEMICAL INJECTION.

Sorry for shouting. I'm not yet to the point where I'm not doing that as much. In fact, I'm doing it more as the numbers of folks waking up and getting pissed increase.

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Thanks. I’m on his substack. I go to conclusions as well. 😁👍🏻 The science is often way over my head—that’s why the football play Del illustrated worked so well on me. 🤔😂 Yes. The new/not new battlefronts of the planetwide attacks on civilization is the biggest threat now and maybe the hardest to convey to the masses who are still in the mode of saving their personal butts from a “big bad virus” and not seeing the evil termites nibbling away at the foundations of their very ability to live a full life. That’s what tptb want. Your whole life.

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Same with el gato malo. His technical posts are over my head as well. I will read and re-read and try to follow but my statistical analysis skills ended at Statistics 101 in college. Think he is at the PhD level, lol.

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Here's that interview with Del Bigtree...it's a great explanation! https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=8PsIw87k6Yc

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Thank you! I wasn’t saving as much back then

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I think GVB said a few months ago that he was taking a break of sorts from continuing to make videos about all of it. He had said what needs to be said, the disaster continues, etc.

He still compiles a Substack periodically with news summaries.

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

💬 You need to order a CDC variant organizer.

Plain brilliant business opportunity in the waiting 😂 Playing Cards come close second.

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I love a good game, especially one that pokes holes in the Covid narrative. Napoleon and Pug have developed an interesting game to play regarding what’s happening to the many tyrants involved with the plandemic. https://narrowpath.substack.com/p/wef-tic-tac-toe-game?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=681073&post_id=97248526&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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🗨 This post is made in the dishonor of the World Economic Forum 👌😂


PS Links with disabled tracking trump their rivals 😉 --> https://narrowpath.substack.com/p/wef-tic-tac-toe-game

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Oops. I guess I was a little clumsy there. 😚

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Horrible 😞

And this is spot on:

“The people who let this happen to my friend’s husband,” she said, “are the same ones who talk endlessly about compassion, and who ride around with ‘Be Kind’ bumper stickers on their cars.”

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Horrific. And they tell us that healthcare workers are “our heroes”. 😤

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Absolutely horrifying. I weep for this widow.

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Sad. That made me cry. He didn’t have to die such a painful, horrible death.

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That's a horrible story - many of us are aware of the Great Barrington Declaration, and what the authors proposed would be the best way to handle the 'Pandemic' - and it is essentially what the story you link to suggests SHOULD have happened. I hope many read the Townhall piece - here's a link to a good story from Children's Health Defense which goes into some detail: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/kim-iversen-great-barrington-declaration-lockdowns-young-people/

There are many stories about the Barrington Declaration out there - bottom line : MANY attempted to proactively lead the way, but as we know, were strong-armed into silence. Thru censorship and/or coercion and gaslighting.......... it IS horrible and we can only hope more and more see how this has been mishandled - and begin to ask " WHY ? "

We know, those of us here. The fish is beginning to stink in a big way - and more have taken notice.

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And before the Great Barrington Declaration, there was the thorough analysis by Donald Henderson et al., around the time of SARS in the mid 2000s, about possible measures to be taken in the event of a pandemic and the pros and cons of each. Conclusion: live life as normally as possible while monitoring and focusing efforts on the high risk population only.

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That's it !

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Arrest ALL of them not just those at the tippy top of this evil "solution"..

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Oh my God!

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I don’t see why trump is doubling down on vaccines. I was watching Brianne Dressin on Americas thought leaders and the fact that trump can sit there and deny the crime against humanity and is expecting my vote I don’t know I just don’t know Bc if he created the poison vaccines once and gave immunity trump can do it again and then we are once again all fighting a mandate to take poison. I don’t know Jeff I just don’t know. We should have let covid spread and early treatment should have been the way to get thru. Trump is good friends with the family started Johnson and Johnson maybe he is just being loyal to his friends or trump invested in moderna Phizer etc.

Trump went with the hardest solution to solve the problem instead of finding a therapeutic for something related to the common cold.

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I think the point Jeff is proposing is that now that the deed is done and Trump knows it was a scam, of which he was also played by his “trusted scientific advisors”, he is now taking the smart route of silence to help take the criminals down and not give them himself as a scapegoat to further distract from their misdeeds.

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Oh sure it *must* be some 5D chess, a genius do genius 🙃

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

If it is not "5D chess", it is indeed a good tactic. Go back and re-read Jeff's reasoning; it is spot-on.

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Maybe. It's a good hypothesis that can't be disproven at this point. But I've been at this game for more than two decades. I'll reserve my enthusiastic support and continue to consider alternatives until I get some corroborating evidence. And I'll continue to consider alternatives and revise conclusions until I'm "pushing daisies" (thanks to the poster for that). The facts that reveal the truth don't often surface quickly, and some missing ones can completely overturn the apple cart.

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

*gospel 😝

ETA to clarify: Ever heard of circumstantial gain? 😇

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Ha! More like 1st grade checkers. ;)

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Considering everything, it's not impossible that Trump is getting paid for that nonsense. Anyhow, it's not going to get him a lot of support.

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If you do just the smallest amount of historical digging (see Whitney Webb's "One Nation Under Blackmail"), you will find enough evidence that Trump knew and went along with the pre-COVID planning (i.e. EOs and patents and pharma funding back to 2013 that continued during his four year term), launch and response. His silence now is only to avoid jail time if he can (continue to) manage it, IMO.

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There’s no way he didn’t know. You’re not the most powerful person in the world and not know what’s going on, present commander in chief excluded🙄

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I think you should probably widen your reading. Whitney Webb has you brainwashed.

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Which of her thousands of footnotes of objectively observable history do you take issue with, exactly?

Ad hominem attacks aren't persuasive rebuttals.

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Not ad hominem at all. I am pointing out that allowing ones point of reference to be so solidly based on one other person can make you have tunnel vision. The ONLY time I would not argue that point is in reference to the Bible.

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Thank you for this clarification. I am not basing my views on one other person's views but on 3 years of personal research and observation of Trump's words and deeds since he was fraudulently removed from office.

I would encourage you to read the books (or even just the first part of the first one). They are not easy to read because they are written like an encyclopedia. 🤦‍♀️ They are literally DENSE with historical, factual recitation. She doesn't take any liberties with innuendo or supposition. What I've gleaned so far (I'm not done yet) is exactly how and why I think politicians who are "successful" have so many skeletons by the time they ascend to power that they become heavily compromised (in the sense that they cannot, potentially under threat of death for their family members if not themselves) to the point that they cannot/will not fulfill their campaign promises. There is a "bigger" agenda pushing their success and they know their true masters will pull the plug on them the moment they step too far astray.

I voted for Trump, twice. I was pleased with the campaign promises he actually kept. I was disgusted with his personnel choices and his tendency to be a "nasty" man (despite rightfully calling out Hillary for the same nastiness)... that was beneath him and he lowered himself by going there.

That said, his actions are confounding to his supporters. Unless you know what's going on behind the scenes. I don't think it's 12D chess... it's the FBI/CIA/DOD/MIC power brokers pulling all the strings they can where he's concerned.

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Trump tried to bring out therapeutics, as in hydroxicloriquine and ivermectin and the msm savaged him. Paid misinformation.

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

Why the rewrite of recent history or is the presser where Trump touted HCQ as a potential game-changer already erased?

Trump did not go with the hardest solution. He had no choice surrounded by backstabbers and traitors. Well short term memory for the L. 🥶🤹🏼‍♂️😞

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Yes he did have a choice. He made the easiest one.

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No, he did not. President Trump only suggested HCQ could be a "game changer" and he was immediately savaged by the DNC Media and Fauci.

Dr. Zelenko protocols worked and he saved many which got the attention of the White House. Other nations took note and action similarly as it was attacked as "dangerous" here.

Guess people forgot how Fauci led an operation to BLOCK any and all early treatment to pave the way for the indemnified jabs. SMH

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I'm going to point out that Deborah Birx admitted that she lied to Trump about many Covid things (when she was touting her book). And any time Trump tried to get new medical advisors, the media and Dems howled about gutting healthcare.

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That is true but still is not an excuse for allowing those forces to overrule your better judgement. Trump was assailed by all fir most of his foreign policy decisions and yet he stood firm. On COVID, he didn't. He tried, but succumbed. I also fault all leaders charged with great power for not doing their homework. Many layman we're up at all hours scouring the net for information and knew, at least by mid-sumner 2020, that Fauci, Birx et al were lying and that COVID as world killer was a scam. Perhaps I would have given in, too, but then I did not run for high office.

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Sorry, but he did. Being "savaged" is not an excuse. Trump allowed things to happen. He has to own it.

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I agree. DeSantis has been savaged by the DNC, MSM, and some Republicans but he did not retreat. He doubled down. And he acknowledges his mistakes and tried to make up for it by hiring a fabulous Surgeon General, Ladapo. Most of all, he did not remain silent for two years.

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He did much. He got a huge boat to NYC to get people beds. But no! The mayor never used this resource. He worked with Zelenko on the HCQ and other early treatments. They worked and were banned by CDC.

He got thousands of ventilators. The patient never needed to get to that point. Trump was being a problem solver while deep state laughed all the way to the bank. CDC lied.. many Died.

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Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 21, 2023

All true but it has nothing to do with his continuing support for the vaccine and for allowing Fauci and Birx to run the show past June of 2020 when it was more than obvious they were undermining Trump.

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HCQ was banned in NY after Trump recommended them!

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Yes, as Dr. Zelenko recounted, Gov. Andrew Cuomo made it illegal for doctors to write HCQ prescriptions in the ENTIRE state of NY.

So, Big Pharma with that vermin Cuomo literally stopped people from getting an early, effective treatment.

Dr. Zelenko would go on to learn about and use Quercetin as a substitute which is natural and readily available.

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Same in Michigan with our lovely Nazi governor.

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Well the immunity goes all the way back to Reagan. The entire political class has been beholden to big pharma (and little pharma too who the NIH et al funds until they are big enough to be acquired by or become a big pharma company - see: Moderna) for too long.

If you doubt me, check this site out:

"Seventy-two senators and 302 members of the House of Representatives cashed a check from the pharmaceutical industry ahead of the 2020 election — representing more than two-thirds of Congress, according to a new STAT analysis of records for the full election cycle.

Pfizer’s political action committee alone contributed to 228 lawmakers." https://www.statnews.com/feature/prescription-politics/federal-full-data-set/

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Vaccine was never rushed like this vaccine was and then the cover up of injuries the constant push for more and more vaccines. This is different Reagan immunity and maybe that needs to stop. I used to thin the US had the best medical system in the world. I now feel it’s the worst Bc it’s profit driven and patient care is ignored in favor of profits.

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well it was rushed, except it wasn't. The first Moderna Phase 1 trial was in March 2020. On another post comment thread a commenter shared a list of published papers on mRNA early trials and studies that went on for several years before all this pandemic crap hit the headlines.

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And, it’s not a vaccine. It’s technically another name according to Dr. Robert Malone.

Vaccine takes years of rigorous testing before approved. I believe the new bi - v is approved. ? Notice: 2.5 yrs of data collected on adverse affects. Heart, Stroke,

Turbo Cancer, Neurological etc. FLCCC is great resource even after jabs.

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I just wonder how many people got the jabs because trump endorsed them.

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My guess would be few. Few Trump supporters got the jobs because he endorsed them. I have no proof, just a gut feeling based on my own self. MAGA people aren't the sheeple. It already took guts to vote for and support Trump, amid all the liberal pearl-clutching.

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Yeah. I voted for him but no way was I getting the vaxx. My entire family included. He was my choice for president not my Savior. That's Jesus. 🙏

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I’m glad you had a different experience than me. I had friends and family take the jab because of trump and Fox News. So sad!

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My Trump-hating and Trump-hesitant extended family members were some of the first to get the jabs and the boosters. Not us.

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

I, WE, did not!🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋🏻🙋🏻🙋🏻🙋🏻🙋🏻 on the other hand i know plenty who did, gov workers, medical workers, Pastors pressured by the affore mentioned... Many more of them than us.

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I wonder the same thing. I have a lot of friends, who are vaccine skeptics, solid conservatives, and fully aware of the WEF game, yet still place way too much trust in one politician (OK Trump won in part on his 'I am not a politician' claim, but 4 years in office negates that claim now) as if any one person, or even a small group of people, are the way out of this mess. THEY ARE NOT! I am done jumping through a lot of mental hoops to explain away his backing of Operation Warp Speed. He was either mentally lazy or complicit in some small (or large) way, but either way, come 2024, unless Jesus is on the ballot, we will have the choice of one FLAWED person or another. No one gets to the highest office in the land without some level of compromise. Personally the OWS backing is a big negative in my eyes but still better than whoever the D's are going to trot out.

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Lol. You’re absolutely right. Trump is not my guy, but who is. The only way I know to combat what is happening is to become more self sufficient and learn to grow and harvest my own medicines.

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Spot on!

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He may have endorsed them but he did not mandate them and force people to lose their jobs.

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I know someone who did. A freedom thinking person, but who said to me, “Trump got the jab, so I did, too”. 😞

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Sad, but have a few friends who did the same. I don't recall anyone specifically saying they did it because he did, but they were big time Trump supporters so there is no doubt that his tacit approval was a factor in their decision.

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Good question, I have wondered that myself.

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Agree, but then I think about how hard Trump tried to give people information about ways to treat the Vid like hydroxycloroquine, ivermectin,etc. only to be horribly ridiculed. 🤔

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This audience will appreciate this rendition.


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Good one! Pushing daisies-- HAH! My stepdad used to call it "taking the dirt-nap."

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Awesome! But I fear this is an earworm and I'll be singing it all day now.

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🤣 thanks for the warning!

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I can’t unsee the snake who comes out of the smoke, upper left of center! 🤣 should be way left of center.

Great song 🎵

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Thanks for sharing!

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I never heard of Davos until Trump announced he wasn’t attending as President. Now we have a list of who attends. Nothing appears in msm without it being intentionally put there. Just saying….

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

Yep. Just like all the bad press Biden is getting from corp media over classified documents. The same media who's lied or omitted negative Biden coverage for year's. Now they're all like sharks circling the next snack. The classified documents was bs when they did it to Trump and its bs now with Biden (each for different reasons). Corp media got their marching orders for sure.

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There's chatter appearing on Fox News I've seen online which is interesting. Guess Big Pharma said it was ok to play with it a bit.

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Do we have a list of this year's WEF attendees?

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There is a list. We Googled our Congress and Senators.

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"The more YOU want to do the more WE want to do."

Yes, this is the latest iteration of pithy and altogether meaningless pharamceutical covid "vaccine" propaganda masquerading as vitally important breakthrough science. Just what in the hell is the message here?! What pom pom shaking, chest thumping "vaccine" advocate can parse this one for me? Y'know what they say?......if you can't beat them into submission by force, throw a totally senseless slogan into the mix and let's see how many numbnuts take the bait.

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I’m surprised they haven’t paid someone to create a pro pharma product jingle so it gets in our heads like ads for soft drinks and candy bars 🙄

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They did. At least two of the late show formerly funny comics did jingles. And a number of celeb's.

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Oh yeah I remember those but I was thinking the real, professional ones that play on TV and the radio and you remember years later. I can still recite jungles from advertisements in the 80s 🙄😆

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Grocery store yesterday, Clerk and customer both masked up. Sign at check out reads 'get your covid test at out pharmacy'! The clerk says to the customer. 'The government gives 5 free for the asking just sign up' Both of them were giddy with excitement at the word free...

I am thinking to myself 'gee whiz I am paying for those tests'

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2021: Are you vaccinated?


2023: It’s inappropriate to ask about someone’s vax status.

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2024: You were not vaccinated? Good on ya. Smarter than I was.

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2025: Any vaccinated still alive out there?

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Greg…good one!!!

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Let’s hope

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