Jun 23, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Re: Resisting ESG. My employer is woke. Was on the extreme anti-orange man side of things. They hired one of those scam diversity training consultants to preach to us. I used content from her own website and social media posts (explicit stuff like "white patriarchy is oppressive and the cause of all suffering") to explain to my manager that her values were not consistent with my personal beliefs or values and I would therefore prefer not to participate in the sessions. Because he and the corp leadership actually have no spine and weren't prepared for dissent, he just allowed me not to attend. No explicit repercussions, but most of my co-workers know generally what I believe (I'm a conservative Christian) so there's a bit of a stigma. I also successfully requested and was granted a religious exemption from covid jab mandates by my employer. It's not easy, but it's worth it.

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I’m on the opposite end of the spectrum...I work for an anti-woke organization and have two very woke employees who interact with kids and are pushing the trans agenda. This is in direct contradiction to our belief statement. It’s going to be an interesting year supervising these two. If the don’t change their ways, they may find themselves on their way out. πŸ™πŸ™ for transformation!

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Jun 23, 2023Β·edited Jun 23, 2023

Sit down with them and ask them if they really understand the depth of the trans agenda and what the horrific surgeries do to mutilate perfectly healthy children and teens, along with the debilitating effects of puberty blockers. Show them the videos and stories of people pushed to transition when no one bothered to ask what their feelings were. Now their health is ruined and they have a shortened life span. Forget about functioning as the β€œnew” man or woman they were told they would become. Show them the articles of the likes of the Vanderbilt clinic (https://tennesseestar.com/the-tennessee-star/vanderbilts-gender-clinic-doctor-trans-surgeries-make-money-for-the-hospital/sberry/2022/09/21/) that this is a huge profit maker because they will be undergoing surgeries the rest of their shortened lives!! And last but not least, show them the pictures of the mutilations. What they do to a girl/woman to give her a pretend penis and the huge scars from removing their breasts. Show them the scars that will never go away. Most, if not all of these woke folks, have never seen what really happens to these people! Show them the men/boys who are cut from their hips across their stomach to their thighs to get their pretend vagina. They can no longer urinate properly. Have infections all the time. It’s the dirty little secret that is never disclosed to these people brainwashed to transition and the morons thinking they are doing someone a favor by pushing them into it. If companies have the right to indoctrinate people with the woke agenda, then the moral companies can show them the truth.

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I just went through this with one of the few liberal friends I have left. She said she could not understand my bud light boycott post and said it was hateful to gay people. I shared the Chloe Cole story. the Wash U whistleblower story, a story that 1 in 10 kids in one district in PA are now identifying as non binary, info on Gays Against Groomers who are totally against this transgender narrative, the interview with a children's hospital doctor by Christopher Rufo saying this is ruining lives, and the interview with the woman who pioneered the use of puberty blockers who now says she was wrong and it should be stopped. Nothing, nada. She just said, oh you can always find a story to support your point of view, but that does not mean I will ever agree with you. She got the shot a few weeks after she had covid (although she did use the zelenko protocol I gave her) saying 'oh that will protect me against new variants' and nothing I could say could convince her otherwise. She has cancelled plans on my 3 times in the past several months as she is always sick with something. Willful blindness IS a thing.

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I also call it β€œintentional ignorance.” We had several friends who got the first jab, got sick, called us and we said stop and take the supplements that were known to fight this virus, then they would call over and over as if they couldn’t control a thing they did. Get a jab, get sick, call about how sick they were, post it on facebook that they got the jab for their fix, then follow the cycle all over again. They are now very debilitated and we even told them that was part of the jabs, but they have lost all common sense. Its obvious these jabs are also warping their thinking as well. My husbands family did the very same thing! They even had the virus and got over it and still took the jabs. The one brother and his wife took the supplements we take and was over it in under a week when we learned they had it and we took them the supplements!! Talk about dense! Their excuse was they wanted to travel and then their twenty year old sons also took it. That would be the day I would inject myself with something like that just to travel.

I believe these kids pretending to be binary are lost souls who are finding this demented way of life comforting and something to belong to no matter how insane it is. Too many parents allow their kids too much freedom on social media with no regard for the sick influences on them, and too many parents think that allowing this is helping them when it is making them mentally ill with these ideas. They don’t make the time to have constructive activities for their kids because they are too consumed with their lives. We had tight reigns on our sons when it came to social media and occupied their time with lots of constructive activities with us, sports that we attended, and all kinds of outdoor activities. We instilled a strong faith in them and all went to church together. Before our church went astray we were all very active together and an integral part of the functions of the church and the services. They have very strong conservative beliefs to this day and have even guided many of their friends. When some of their friends needed an adult to speak to they would bring them to me for guidance if they felt that was what they needed. It’s amazing how many parents just won’t find the time for them for the important things! My time with them is my greatest treasure to this day and now they are in their thirties. Many of their friends still keep in touch with us, stop over with their families or call to say hello. These are the riches of life in my opinion. We have an open door policy that any of them are welcome at any of our picnics or gatherings that we have for all the holidays.

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Oh I agree about the social media influence on the mental illness issues, and a lot of this gender stuff is really a cry for help. We limited screen time to an hour a day during the week and 2 hours a day on the weekends until they got to HS age and by then they were busy with school, jobs, activities and such, and most kids did not have smart phones yet when they graduated in '12 and '13, they got flip phones when they were ~14. Our daughter is a socialist though, bur our son is conservative, but pays little attention to current events. Makes family gatherings tenuous, she is prone to storm out if she gets offended but she eventually comes back around. Anyway, I feel for parents with school age kids, it is a tremendous effort to push back on the culture.

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Our children are very close in age. Mine graduated 2009 and 2011. I did the same as you with the cell phones. Did your daughter get her attraction to socialism from college? I’ve had numerous friends have that happen. They will regret this path some day. It’s a shame that they won’t even talk about it in most cases. I just saw an article from a former woke woman who said the woke agenda doesn’t allow for actual discussion or learning about what are fighting. She converted to conservatism once she woke up!

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You dear lady, are the essence of a Christian. I have tremendous admiration for you and look forward to meeting you in the C&C heavenly coffee shop!

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I am so touched by your comment. Thank you so much and I too will look forward to meeting you someday in the heavenly coffee shop!

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Thank you for sharing! Seems to be common sense, tho today common sense isn’t common.

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Have them listen to Matt Walsh's opening monologue from yesterday. Powerful and informative. He's such an important voice in the fight!

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also look into John money

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Who is John Money?

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there are a few documentaries on YouTube about him, (I saw a woman interviewed about him in an interview with Jordan Peterson). It was a very sad story of a botched circumcision followed by an experiment on one of twins, which ended horribly for the little boy who was operated on and brought up as a girl. He was the psychologist who was responsible and all his theory apparently forms gender theory in textbooks.

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Where can one hear this?

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He's on spotify... really good listening!

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Thank you

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See Dillip R (Twitter handle) who last summer spoke about his experience with these surgeries. In the winter he fully 'came out', with his real name, and openly spoke in an interview (Viva Frei?) about having been mentally ill for many years. I was blocked from Twitter about 10 months ago so can offer nothing more.

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I have never joined Twitter for obvious reasons and being blocked is one of them! These woke people know nothing about the truth. I’ve read and watched so many stories of people speaking out no matter how painful it is for them because they are now ruined and know their lives have been shortened from these horrific surgeries. All the hospitals, doctors, nurses and other practitioners taking part in this intentional assault on these people should be criminally prosecuted and put away for life. It’s one thing to have an adult walk into these clinics requesting it, its another to do this to children and teens who haven’t been provided the truth. Parents who do this to their children by approving it should also be criminally prosecuted.

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I would have joined to see the Tucker program, but just reading here, that Musk gave in to the European censorship, so I will try and read Tucker on other means.

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Not on twitter.. aside from boatloads of money.. why is Tucker? Is anyone else skeptical as to why musk and his ceo gobbled up Tucker’s fan base in such a public way?

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The Tucker videos are often posted on Rumble. Here's the latest one.


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You can join to read but not participate.

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Tucker talks are publicly available of course, other then on Twitter. Just type it in your search engine box. Not Google. They censor of course.

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Searched on Twitter; so many Dillips & dillip R’s. Don’t see whom you mentioned. Maybe he left Twitter

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Your comment is so good and specific. I started feeling weak at the end...it’s so horrific.

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Thank you. I’ve been fighting for the innocent ever since this started. Not one person who has ever promoted it to me has had any information of what really happens to people transitioning. We left our church in 2020 because the diocese now promotes it and wrongly influences the students attending classes. I was a Sunday school teacher for 16 years. When the LGTBQ crap started I told them I will NEVER teach this evil in class and not to even introduce any curriculum that supports it. The most ironic thing was we were a bible based church……so where in the Bible did it say to cause children this kind of harm.

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Wow. Your former church has neglected Jesus teaching about millstones around the necks of those who prevent children from coming to him.

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There was no reaching our pastor either! He said, β€œwell you know I don’t think that way.” Well then, he should have put on the Armor of God and stood up to them, but he didn’t. I told him he would regret his decisions some day.

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What ever happened to 'the business of business', the traditional practice before the Woke Transformation of America?

There is no need to explain any thing in a non-political, non-weaponized business setting. Corporate Fascism (public/private partnership, weaponized regulatory agencies, public trough funding, lawfare, etc.) needs to be permanently Deep Sixed in America.

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I agree with you completely! I am so glad I am retired. I wouldn’t have done well with that indoctrination!! Although they would have gotten an education on it they NEVER bargained for!

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I'm not under anybody's thumb either. And had I been, I would not have done well either if it meant giving into the Evil Ones. Gradually, I have come to see how widespread all encompassing is this elite War Against People. We are now being savaged at home like the Deep State/Neocon/CIA had done in other countries with color revolutions, degrading things and even naked agression.

Here is the latest on nanotechnology. It's a lot of hard reading, but at least one can see where some of this is going. And some, maybe a lot of it, is not good for you and me.

National Nanotechnology Initiative Supplement to the Prsesident's 2023 Budget Request


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Fortunately I have not me anybody claiming to trans, so I don't know, but how about asking them to "drop em"? If the have male genitalia how can they claim to be female, and vice versa?

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Jun 23, 2023Β·edited Jun 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

β€œTo me, this story represents everything wrong about the culture in 2023”

Consider, β€œArbitrary tyranny is easily established in the ruins of liberty, abused to licentiousness β€œ

George Washingtonhttps://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/does-absolute-power-corrupt?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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It's the proselytizing to children that's criminal, imho.

Leave the kids alone!

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The kids were always the ultimate goal.

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how else can they propagate? The only to increase their ranks is to proselytize children and brainwash youth

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Get the younger ones & you change the culture. Guess that’s their motto

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Family members infiltrated Christian university and doing the same. You CAN begin to judge a book by its cover... Then you don't usually have to look much deeper.

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Yikes. I've suspected this kind of thing was happening but that's pretty disturbing.

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Good luck with that. Members of certain groups can neither be fired nor released from employment without inspiring lawsuits for "discrimination" et al.

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The key is careful documentation of any incidents or below target performance, the coaching and effort to help the employee succeed, and where they still failed to meet expectations. They can still try to sue but likely fail.

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Not if you put them on a performance plan and work with them to change said behavior. Show due diligence. Or as in most cases fire them for something else.

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Agree. Document all performance.

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One big problemβ€”people have become too lazy (or maybe so stressed by the personal damages they suffer in this crazy new world) to do the hard work of using the tools available to fix these issues. They just take the easy route and roll over.

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Those who do the work will get some persecution. Jesus said we would. It’s common to His followers and we have to β€˜suck it up’ and push on. The joy of victory in these cases is immense and well worth any suffering.

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Fortunately, I work for an β€œat will” organization, so it’s not as difficult ;).

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Joni said: "Sit down with them and ask them if they really understand the depth of the trans agenda and what the horrific surgeries do to mutilate perfectly healthy children and teens, along with the debilitating effects of puberty blockers."

......., or just sit down with them and remind them that their employer is anti-woke, and if they coose not cease and decist immediately they can vacate the premises. Immediately, of course. You can't bargain or negotiate with insanity.

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There is a newly released docudrama at gendertransformation.com. Perhaps those two would be willing to watch it with you (or privately) and then discuss.

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I’ve had multiple experiences with β€œthey/them” employees in the last few years. With one exception (who is actually a very sweet but odd girl who doesn’t get upset if I forget --usually when speaking to a customer about who will finish their transaction at the register and would feel stupid saying they) these people are not on the lookout for actual work and when forced to perform such are easily sent packing via making them actually work. But I am in a retail pharmacy setting at a very busy 24 hour store. There is NO time to not actually work and we do have very plainly written attendance policies that can be used to get rid of they/them if necessary. I actually had one show up the other night to turn in β€œher” keys bc β€œshe” needed a few mental health days because β€œshe” was β€œsexually harassed”on the bus the other day (I do not believe this stupid story because he is actually a quite large and unattractive man who likes to pretend he is a woman married to a woman with children but makes no attempt to look or act like a woman just calls himself one for attention or something). They usually fire themselves has been my experience although it sometimes takes some time for it to happen and can be painful until it does.

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I love your β€œhandle”. It’s what was poured over Jesus’ head. I have a bottle of it; It has a very pleasant aroma.

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Jun 23, 2023Β·edited Jun 23, 2023

Quiet quitting! Try it. My bank is pushing dei and it's a joke. Management is a joke. They have videos that everyone except the butt kissing toadies mute. It firmly backs up my "quiet quitting" philosophy. I have a work ethic and it is hard to override but dei, covid mandates and harassment etc have made it my go to response. They don't deserve a good honest days work. I work like a diversity hire instead. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

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Just realized that Dei is Latin for God, never noticed it before as it's usually all capital letters. Wonder if that was intentional, as in this is you new Lord?

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Just switch it to DIE like others do and go with that

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Yep…they go there to DIE.

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I agree with you on this. Like you, I have a pretty strong work ethic (Gen X). But once this crap started I began to pull back. COVID also made me think about quality of life and work life balance. I can do my entire job in half the time working from home.

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Hubs is doing the same thing. I like it...'working like a diversity hire'. I mean, his barely trying beat everyone working it like a rodeo clown. So, now he is doing exactly as you and counting the days until retirement. Literally. β™₯

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I get you! Been there, came to that realization, and did it. No point in trying to set a good example to the β€˜unreachable and unteachable’. Screw β€˜em!

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Jun 23, 2023Β·edited Jun 23, 2023

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 *requires* employers to provide reasonable accommodation for employees' sincerely held religious beliefs. Many of us know this first-hand since we aggressively exercised this right to decline taking the Covid jab.

There is absolutely no reason why the same statute cannot be used here. The CRA can be used to opt out of "pride" activities, public training that is degrading or humiliating, even calling others by the biologically wrong pronoun. One key point though is that employees must act respectfully to others, the CRA does not give people the right to taunt people or make fun of them (which we shouldn't be doing anyways). But it does allow us to decline to participate in non-essential activities opposed to our beliefs.

If you already have a covid religious accommodation then your sincere religious beliefs should be a matter of record with your HR department. Hopefully your behavior at work is also a testament to it, if you use profanity, goof off, and lead the 5 PM bar call then sincere religious beliefs is going to be a tough sell. However, if you have a record of being sincere in your beliefs, being courteous to others, and positive performance appraisals then you are in a pretty good position.

Of course none of this matters if the company is led by zealots who don't mind being sued. It also doesn't matter if you aren't willing to sue them if they take action against you. But most company's aren't led by zealots and don't want legal trouble. Look at how the NHL just caved based on a few players publicly declining to participate (and no doubt others privately complaining behind the scenes).

Most of this stuff is presented as mandatory but actually is optional if you are willing to push back and know the law. The problem is most people don't know the law and either act fearfully or shoot their mouths off rather than taking a serious, reasoned approach.

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Well stated! Thank you for that! Agree. Until we rise up and say NO - the madness will continue. The power has always been with the people….we just are slow learners, and too afraid to speak up, stand up and rise up!

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BTW, all of those NHL players put out a statement emphasizing their respect for all people but that their sincere Christian beliefs did not allow them to participate. The didn't directly invoke the CRA but I'm sure it was clear to the NHL lawyers that was exactly what they were doing.

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Jesus - I'm glad I'm retired.....

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That's nice that you gave thanks to our Savior for your retirement.

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Yes. He showed me how to navigate the perils of life!

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Seems like you might have material on which to base a civil rights racial/religious discrimination complaint.

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We’ll done!

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Well done! Stupid autocorrect.

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You may not be aware of it, but if you'll hit the ellipsis at the end of a post, you can go back and edit out autocorrect bloopers without having to repost.

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That’s helpful. Thanks!

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Good for you, Keith. You are what I would call a real man...with a healthy spine!

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This same things happened to me at the massive company I work with. Misery loves company. I have now been passed over for not 1, but 2 promotions I would have easily rec'd just 2 years ago.

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Before reading the rest, YES PLEASE to the surviving diversity programming guide. I faced this situation three years ago and did not survive, but got run out of my job for objecting, and have had to turn down numerous jobs since then since they made it obvious they would push DEI ideological brainwashing. Such a guide would be immensely useful even if it's mainly aimed at a US audience.

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I never 'objected.' I just treated everyone nicely and fairly and never got into any discussions about it. And I never typed my 'pronouns' in my signature.

I can have a formidable presence and strongly word things when they are NOT about DEI, so people probably know not to mess with me.

I will not be bullied.

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Similarly, I'm in an environment where I'm not strongly pressured in this regard - others have put pronouns in their signatures, I just haven't, and no one has commented. If they ever do, I plan to tell them that I consider my identity as too much of a personal thing to be disclosed in an email signature... see what they make of that. I'm sure it would be intolerant to force someone to "disclose their identity" if they didn't feel comfortable, right?

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Everyone's situation is different. My employer was forcing it on us in an unavoidable and really annoying way.

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Jun 23, 2023Β·edited Jun 23, 2023

I understand that. Everyone's response is different as well--hence why I shared!

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True, and I'm certain I could have handled it better. Which is why Jeff's guide will be so valuable!

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It's 'Our' guide!

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Jeff Please do build such a guide if you have opportunity. I am about to have to face my Co's deep-blue-state ideology propaganda training again and worse I interface with another deep blue state mostly on paper, so they make me do two copies of the same ridiculous, hours- long, brain-washing drudgery with maybe 3 sentences specific to harassment laws in that state too.

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Vox day has a series of short books that help. Sjw always lie is the first book. Amazon sells them.

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Hydroxychloroquine for COVID? Ohio House passes a bill forcing pharmacists to prescribe requested drugs:


COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Ohio House passed a bill Wednesday that would make it easier for patients to get prescription drugs for off-label purposes, such as hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin for the coronavirus. House Bill 73 passed 73 to 17. It now heads to the Senate.

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May the Senate use logic & follow suit!

I take a med off label with no issues (Colchine/Colcrys which is β€œlabeled for gout) for vasculitis. I tried using that logic to get prescriptions for HCQ &/or IVM to no avail - initially. Finally found a patriot doctor who provided such. My husband & I have taken HCQ once a week for over 2 months yrs. - no covid. Classified as elderly hereπŸ˜‰

In many countries IVM is OTC as it should be here. In Tennessee it is; THAT is what I call β€œprogressive.”

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I have a friend who has been taking HCQ for at least 5 years for her RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. Nope, never got the shots nor the virus. But this is Florida, land of the free.

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FL is not very free on HCQ and IVM and such, where OH and TN are leading the way. You also can't grow your own 420 in FL.

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I didn’t have any trouble getting IVM in early 2022 at my pharmacy. I had to pay for it so it wasn’t β€œfree” if that’s what you’re referring to. Not all pharmacies were as cooperative but I use a small family-owned pharm. They were having a hard time keeping up with the demand.

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My small town pharmacy had patronized for years wouldn’t allow people not already on it regularly get any. β€œSaving it for them”

Tho a friend’s pharmacist told her there’s was no shortage bc it’s put out by sooooo many companies. And relatively inexpensive.

So if folks could get well using cheap meds... no need for Paxlovid, etc. OR β€œvaccines” either.

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Exactly. But you had to use common sense which seemed to be lacking during those times!

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The Nation’s Governor is a Uniparty mirage.

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He’s becoming a paradox, for sure. Puzzling.

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Once you see the strings on the puppet, you cannot unsee them. This particular operation from the Uniparty had ensnared quite a few people I know and they are struggling to deal with it. They Still think this is some head fake and RDS and DJT are secretly working together and any day now, they’ll join up to save us all.

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Senate - logic = our current state of affairs

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I heard that in TN that you still can’t get IVM; the pharmacies get around the β€œmust supply” rule by being permanently out of stock. Anyone here in TN able to confirm?

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Corporate pharmacies aren’t kosher; try independent ones

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My friend lives in TN and she went yo a Walgreens and they wouldn’t give it saying it doesn’t work. She then went to a real pharmacy and got it.

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I went to the CVS in Maryville, TN back in March. They refused to sell me IVM. I spoke with the pharmacist there and he refused me without a prescription.

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I think I saw that New Hampshire also offers it OTC

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In 2021 ohio is was almost impossible to get iver from a pharmacy. When I questioned the small independent pharmacy, the pharmacist said she was cautioned by the state board of pharmacists, and she was afraid of losing her license. Yes, they had it, but wouldn't sell it for covid.

I had to order some from a faraway land.

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Well, if you knew the right channels, you saved lots of cold hard cash! (Local vet would supply 100ml bottle of sterile Ivermectin solution for $40 and that came with 10 syringes and the method to figure the amount needed per dose. Added it to shot glass of juice... It is USP grade, 100% safe for humans! Our Publix pharmacy charged $180 for FIVE 12mg tablets! Only pharmacy who would dispense Ivermectin.

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Learn your channel options! Absolutely.

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I picked this up on amazon for $95 in May. Listing is gone now tho. Others have it too.

IV Ivermectin 1% Durvet Cattle and Swine 500 ml

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I buy the Durvet Horse Paste at the feed store. It's dosed by weight - same as the horse weight. It tastes like bitter apple peel. I also have the injectable, purchased from the farm store. You can get the syringes to measure it out, and add it to water or juice.

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And you may occasionally slip up and say, β€œNeiiiiigh”, which just makes it all more funπŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

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πŸ˜‚ our whole house slips out those Neiiigh’s once in a while πŸ˜‰.

PS - We didn’t die πŸ˜‰

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I used to mix the Durvet with applesauce, with a little sprinkle of cinnamon on top.

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Mine has a pig and a cow on the label... And I have gotten lots of great jokes and laughter out of ONE silly bottle of a Covid therapeutic! It's priceless!

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Jun 23, 2023Β·edited Jun 23, 2023

Some changes regarding the purchase of some animal medications....had read about this a while back (not sure how it impacts the meds discussed here):


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Fortunately, I have a good relationship with three veterinarians. But, I did buy all of the oxytetracycline at my local Tractor Supply in early June. They didn't have any penicillan in stock, though. I'm sure I will be able to pick it up at the office at a marked up cost when I need it, though.

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2nd Smartest Guy in the World.

I got mine there (also fenbendazole)

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I just stocked up on fenbendazole. It will be hard to obtain one of these days.

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Yep, fenben the cancer fighter. Joe Tippens protocol.

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Where can I find that protocol?

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you are lucky to have a small independent pharmacy near you, and not just CVS or Walmart

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And here in Florida, where Ron DeSanctimonius freed us slaves and led us to the promised land, I have friends who knew an old fashioned sort of doctor to prescribe and fill prescriptions for the Iver. He is/was connected to his own family’s pharmacy.

But, when they were handed the bag for one course of treatment and heard that’ll be $200+, they almost stroked out. Others have placed overseas orders for the Iver. Those prices still shocked me. There are other ways. But you have to be bold and oblivious to ridicule.

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Get ivermectin from

Mexico..it’s very cheap and effective.

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Jun 23, 2023Β·edited Jun 23, 2023

If the cartels were smart, they would be importing IVM to the US by the truckloads.

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There's some good how tos showing parking in Yuma, AZ at the casino and walking across to pick up the goods. Tons of pharmacies on the MX side.

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I’m good personally, but certainly noting this piece of information.

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Attended a church where a man spoke Re: life vs. abortion

His mother was raped; conceived him. She gave birth to him, but treated him badly. He was constant reminder of the rape.

His life went awry & he associated with bad folks. Ended up in prison bc he drove getaway car during a robbery. The ones doing the robbery ended up killing someone. So he got β€œlife” in prison. Became a Christian & was radically changed. Anger towards mom dissipated. He studied the Word, & considered prison his mission field.

A fluke caused him to be released. He attended seminary & was ordained in the ministry. His mom who shunned him & rejected his testimony & invitation to his ordination showed up for it.

ALL to say; he said he is the poster boy for life instead of death as a product of rape.

He was grateful to have been allowed to live in spite of the hardships growing up, running with wrong crowd, prison time, et al.

That day I saw my hypocrisy of being pro-life except for rape, etc.

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A beautiful story. And not the only one by far. God seems to have a special hand on these whose mothers don’t execute them for the father’s’ crimes.

I think I remember this right, that King David’s great grandfather paternally was Boaz. Famously Boaz married the Moabitess, Ruth. Boaz was the son of Rehab, the prostitute, who saved the Hebrew spies and in turn was saved. This all in the line of Jesus, the final King of all that is.

God longs to work with us, irregardless of origins.

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And after saving us all, Rob went on a powder puff CBN interview to explain how he’s pretty sure he could have walked on water with Jesus. Fan base, eat it up! Big fans of pandering of the crudest sort, enjoy!

George W. Bush 2020, Ted Cruz 2016…if we can just elect a Christian…


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Sadly people fall for this all the time. We are so desperate for integrity in our elected officials that we hang on to the barest thread of evidence for β€œfaith”. It pulls in the votes by the millions. Wasn’t it Ted Cruz who went big on his alleged Christian principles and was discovered to have never given a dime to his own church? And then there’s Pence……..

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Cruz went in heavy with it. Didn’t do him anymore good than the idiotic revolt he tried at the Republican convention🀣

When in 2016, TPTB had to come to grips with the fact that nobody wanted their chosen, !Jeb (Please, clap! Never got past 3%), they moved on to Cruz, and they just knew they’d get the Evangelicals. That’s my background and fortunately, there’s plenty of β€˜based’ folks in that movement.

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Thanks for that link. I was surprised by this though. Do you know if Trump really did say this?

"While I appreciate what the former president has done in a variety of realms, he opposes that bill," DeSantis told CBN News. "He said it was, 'harsh' to protect an unborn child when there's a detectable heartbeat. I think that's humane to do."

When asked if he thinks the former president is going soft on abortion in this specific regard, DeSantis replied, "I think so. I mean I was really surprised because he's a Florida resident and I thought he would compliment the fact that we were able to do the heartbeat bill, which pro-lifers have wanted for a long time. He never complimented, never said anything about it. Then he was asked about it and he said it was 'harsh.'”

Can anyone verify if Trump said this and if so was there context to it that RD left out?

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I can’t imagine that being a straight statement from Trump. I’ll see what I can find.

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I found this; https://floridapolitics.com/archives/612096-donald-trump-says-new-florida-abortion-law-seen-as-too-harsh/

President Trump is a realist. If one doesn’t stand a chance at getting elected, one will not be effective at all in governance.

He’s speaking to what will voters accept at this moment in time.

We would all like to say no more abortions period. But we live and operate in a world that is not ready for that. We have made pro-life strides, but there’s so much more to do.

I think he’s saying that as a campaigning strategy, that position from DeSantis is not good for a general election, when you need to win over the nation.

This article points out that DeSantis is saying very little about that stance. Of course, before an evangelical audience, he uses it in attacking President Trump, since that’s red meat for that audience.

I have no doubt that Donald Trump would prefer a world without legalized abortion.

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"...easier...such as...."

It was never *not* easy, until those two drugs during COVID. In fact, it was something that pharmacists did daily, routinely, for their entire careers, including during COVID, because it's such a common medical practice (because it costs too much to do the FDA-required studies to be approved for a new indication), but just not for those two drugs. How they live with themselves is beyond me (not to mention everyone involved in tossing the notion of needing real studies to approve novel injectable materials, but I digress). Good for the Ohio House, and I hope it is ultimately signed into law.

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Well said and I share your disgust at these shills of pharmacists.

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You should be one (me) who has to work with these idiots, ask them why it is ok to dispense all these antipsychotics for β€œdepression” or anti-epileptics for pain but not ivm and hcq for Covid? We literally dispense the stuff we do all day long for off label and no one gives two squirts unless its a dangerous combo or dosed incorrectly etc. Hell we spend a good part of the day giving adult drugs to these poor kids for all kinds of psychological problems that are mostly the result of vaccine injury. So you think your one encounter is painful you should have to live in my head. I used to just wait till they leave and then fill all the stuff that came in that they were not wanting to do. I actually convinced most of them at my store with the above logic that they really had no business refusing.

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πŸ—¨ You can lead a horse to Ivermectin, but you can't stop him from drinking the Koolaid 😏

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πŸ˜† I loved that line from Eric yesterday so much!

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Jun 23, 2023Β·edited Jun 23, 2023

πŸ—¨ Everything of importance has been said before by somebody who did *not* discover it. ~~Alfred North Whitehead

Emphasis mine 😎

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Are you sure that wasn't Alfred E. Neuman who said that?

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πŸ˜‚ Egad, what an embarrassment! Of course you're right, it sure was that Enigma boi 🀣

[Who woulda thunk he studied Whitehead in his spare time? 😲]

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Florida legislature, you need to follow Ohio's lead in this matter. Take the shackles off of our pharmacists.

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Apparently, they only act on what comes out of the Governor’s office and who knows what part of the globe he’s trotting around in today. But no worries, he’s made Florida self-governing now…

Ask the hard working Conservatives, who put their hearts and souls into a Florida medical freedom bill that was a sure thing for passage until…out flew a new and vastly unimproved version from the Governor’s office that knocked it right out of the running.

Who knew they were all just a big load of Rinos until they got the test. Now we know.

But we have no measures to insure our pharmacies will fill our prescriptions.

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What’s amazing is that there are many drugs used off label for heart issues, etc., etc., but these ignorant news organizations make the drugs that could have saved lives for covid a big deal because they didn’t meet the plandemic scam! These off label drugs were never challenged!!!!

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There is information available that included Ivermectin and Hydrochloride as KNOWN therapeutics for Covid as early as 2012.....I'll try to find the link.

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President Trump tried. What was the snake Mike Pence doing? I’m guessing he refused to name those treatments, claiming it was β€˜misinformation’.

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Fauci, the murdering psychopath, prevented AIDS patients from getting low cost generic drugs and shoved the toxic drug AZT down their throats.

Sound familiar?

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I just filled a script for hydroxychloroquine last night at our pharmacy (I'm in Ohio). We have a pharmacist that bought into the entire "covid" cult and refused to do any scripts for it, but we had a guest pharmacist last night so it got through. Thank God. I can't wait for Ohio to pass that so our regular, cult driven pharmacist CAN'T refuse to fill them.

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AOC: The world will end in 12 years due to climate change!!!

AlGore: I've been saying that for the past 30 years!

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According to little Greta, the world was to end last week. Lol.

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What? Why am I always the last to know? Now I'll have to change my weekend plans.....

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Poor Greta, stomping her feet, "WHY HASN'T THE WORLD ENDED ALREADY???!!!"

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How DARE you!

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I saw that reminder too, the people who believed she had any clue are total brain dead morons πŸ™„

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Plus she is not an appealing person at all. I see her face and my immediate thought is "Shut the F up" or "no one cares about you, go away!"

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Jun 23, 2023Β·edited Jun 23, 2023

I do feel a tiny bit sorry for her because I think she’s being used but her condescending smug self-righteousness is too much.

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I have none anymore.

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We’ve got way too many of those. They’re just not darwinized fast enough.

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Maybe we can call in The Daleks.

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I have to look that up! Just when I thought I knew it all.

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Oh…Dr. Who territory. I missed that series. I’ve thought I need to check it out, because I keep bumping into it. Very influential in some circles obviously.

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nothing like a twelve-year old given advice and getting a Nobel prize

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Do you think maybe these 3 need to repeat first grade arithmetic?

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I saw that quote. It was a prediction she solemnly made in 2018. If I were rich I’d plaster that on every billboard in America.

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I know. The world is coming to an end! Our extinction event! I told a libbie that if it meant I didn't have to listen to all their blathering nonsense, especially climate change nonsense, I was okay with it. πŸ˜‰She was shocked. Good riddance.

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πŸ€£πŸ˜† That is hilarious!!

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And very useful!

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πŸ—¨ Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make Woke 🀷

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And the gods hate nothing so much as HUBRIS

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It's just like COVID. If the virus was SO bad that we had to wear a mask then people would be dying on the streets.

If "climate change" is so bad that the entire earth will end in 12 years then there is nothing we can possibly do to save it.

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I'm waiting for the earth to warm up enough to make Alaska temperate and pleasantly inhabitable. Get's me further away from DC.

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LOL. Let them rave on that men shall know them mad!

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Tucker Carlson was pointing out how Biden is a dictator. I guess as far as Biden saying that about Xi... takes one to know one.

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I thought he said "dickhead."

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Toe-MAY-to, Toe-MAT-o.......

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And Eye-gore (not to be confused with Al Gore πŸ˜†)

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"There wolf. There castle."

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πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚Y’all are killing me here!

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Hahaha πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜† πŸ˜‚. Dickhead is correct!

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OR its just mere projection. A lot of what we see with name calling is projection.

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Yeah, I was married to Projection for 26 years. A whole lot of it is that.

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I loved the CNN news re Joe taking to task Mr. Modi for a variety of claims: "drift toward authoritarianism" [!] persecuting people for their religion [!]

"targeted journalists" [!] If that ain't Democrat projection, I don't know what is.

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I retired in Feb 2021. Prior to that we were forced to attend CRT trainings which were generating conflict in previously cohesive teams. My associate lab director (a position reporting to the lab director which is the top management position) sent out a recommended reading list to all of his management and staff.

I perused the materials and then used some old but still relevant language to challenge the materials. I presented the challenge to him in the form of an email response to his email with the reading list. I was very respectful while at the same time factual.

First I pointed out that as a conservative Christian, which is still a protected class under the civil rights act, I was β€œoffended” by many of the materials. This is older management speak. We are not to offend anybody. I then pointed out the specifics of what is offensive to me and why.

Second I pointed out that the trainings had generated conflicts within teams that had previously been highly functional. Once again I presented the details.

Finally I asked him for the data, with a benefit/cost analysis that supported forcefully introducing this into the workplace.

I expected a canned response from HR but to my surprise I got a direct response from him asking if we could meet which I of course accepted. The meeting included a very high level HR rep who tried to justify being on the leading edge of promoting equity in the work place.

I respectfully listened and then brought my own background and personal experiences into the discussion. After that, I once again asked to see the data that justified bringing this in the workplace. To my surprise, my executive leader said there was none but he thought it would be a good idea for management and staff to be exposed to different viewpoints. He went on to say that he had never heard my perspective and that he would like me to join his corporate diversity team.

I was already planning to retire so I thanked him and declined. I then informed him that I had joined the company to contribute my technical skills to our success not to sit on a diversity team where I have no interest or expertise.

Bottom line, there may be hope if you take a stand and respectfully put your concerns in terms that management can understand and relate to.

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That is great, thank you for sharing your experience!

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I would like to know what state you live in, if you don't mind?

Right before covid, we had required training that was more anti-discrimination/sensitivity than anything else - the examples given were jokes about people's weight and age that could be offensive. We've had nothing like diversity/CRT type training, and I don't expect us to. We also didn't have vaccine mandates. This is a medium sized private (employee owned) manufacturing firm in Birmingham, AL. I've worked as an engineer at 4 different manufacturing facilities in Alabama and South Carolina. Everywhere I've worked, the workforce matches the surrounding area, ~40% black, and you might be surprised at how many women choose to work in manufacturing. I've never felt or sensed any type of racial contention anywhere I've worked, not ever. You were so right to voice your opposition to something which actually damages workgroup cohesion.

I'm biased and possibly wrong, but I don't think the CRT indoctrination in corporate/workforce culture is anywhere near as common in the South as it is in other places. People here would voice their opposition, as you said, based on our personal experiences. I hope this movement is just a fad - if it isn't, people are just going to have to move to a different state or city to get away from it.

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Albuquerque, New Mexico. A big defense contractor. The β€œvaccine” mandates came after I retired.

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Although I'm concerned that some who are on the fence may be swayed toward the DEI side with all the required trainings.

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His offer to you to join the team makes me think of Paul Elias Alexander's offer from Pfizer: $1M and $50K per month. In his mind the offer included an unspoken understanding that he would from then on be 'unspoken'.

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You leaned your trade but you were gifted common sense by God.

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Very interesting and informative. Thank you for sharing.

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I like your approach. Thank you for sharing your story.

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I, a person who did not use pronouns in my signature, volunteered to be on the HR DEI Committee in my former organization, when they put the call out.

I was chosen for it. And then I ended up declining. I really didn't have the interest or the energy.

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β€œI wondered whether I should write up a guide or series of guides advising employees who are facing ESG and diversity programming,”

Yes, please!

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Every company I’ve been at over the last 4 years has had the entire company view videos and answer questions about MICRO aggressions. Give me a break.

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My Delta pilot son-in-law, nearly 50 y.o., who has avoided politics his entire life, recently got jerked awake by some company request that he make clear his gender identity and pronouns. The options threw him into a tailspin and led him to query, what the hell is cisgender? I’m still laughing πŸ˜†. I mean , if that’s what it takes…

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Yes! I'm still unemployed and in school at the moment, but would love a guide I can use when I start looking for another job.

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Yes! Start out right and never look back.

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The Titan needs to be the new mascot for DEI (or, more appropriately, DIE) since Stockton Rush specifically avoided hiring β€œβ€˜50-year-old white guys’ because they weren’t β€˜inspirational’” (https://nypost.com/2023/06/21/why-stockton-rush-didnt-hire-50-year-old-white-guys-for-titanic-sub-tours/).

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Jun 23, 2023Β·edited Jun 23, 2023

πŸ—¨ didn’t want to hire any experienced β€œ50 year old white guys” because they weren’t β€œinspirational.” twitter.com/stillgray/status/1671372833979785217

For an in-depth plunge down the warren of dire repercussions, here’s a recent Palladium piece much deservedly making rounds in social circulation --> Complex Systems Won’t Survive the Competence Crisis, palladiummag.com/2023/06/01/complex-systems-wont-survive-the-competence-crisis πŸ‘Œ The elephantine summarising takeaway ↓↓

πŸ—¨ Americans living today are the inheritors of systems that created the highest standard of living in human history. Rather than protecting the competency that made those systems possible, the modern preference for diversity has attenuated meritocratic evaluation at all levels of American society.[...] the biggest challenge of the coming decades might simply be maintaining the systems we have today. The path of least resistance will be the devolution of complex systems and the reduction in the quality of life that entails.

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Atlas Is beginning to shrug.

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You can sense this happening already. Things coming loose at the edges.

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πŸ—¨ the real message of quantum mechanics = the world is loose at the joints



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Interesting! Makes me think of my conversations with my ultra left brother.

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Which always ended with him admitting that SCIENCE don’t know Jack!πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

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I heard that yesterday about not wanting 50-year old white guys. Well, go woke, go ...... dead!

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The inescapable tragedy is so-called collateral damage: many a decent folk is caught in the steely clutches of vile whirlwind 😒

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He lacked common sense. If he had looked mildly deep and done his β€œresearch” he would never have gotten on that submersible. Doing research now is considered right wing so instead they do unintelligent things.

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Blatant discrimination in hiring οΏΌ

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Yes but an older white guy is alive and well due to that discrimination. He's the former quality control expert who said it wouldn't work and wasn't safe. He got fired for that and of course being uninspiring. πŸ˜… I can't keep a straight face typing this. Go woke, go broke and in some cases you dei or die!

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Jun 23, 2023Β·edited Jun 23, 2023

YES change the acronym to Diversty Inclusion Equity DIE….

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IED = improvised explosive device (aka homemade bomb) sounds even snarkier 😏

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Very nice, thank you

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Jun 23, 2023Β·edited Jun 23, 2023

'Tis blatantly raycist & dei/die/ied-phobic to wrongthink such a thing πŸ€ͺ

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Lions, and tigers and bears, oh my!

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I read a really eye opening book five years ago called "Upheaval!" Why Catastrophic Earthquakes Will Soon Strike the United States". It came out in 2016 and explained that right around then, we had a entered a "solar minimum" phase. A cooling sun... but that is actually not good and causes much environmental chaos. It either rains too little - or too much. And it causes earthquakes to happen in the most unlikely areas; clusters if you will. They say this era will end a few years before 2030. Easy to read and very informative. It was written by John L. Casey.

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Jun 23, 2023Β·edited Jun 23, 2023

My 35 yo daughter has read extensively about climate history, sun spots, etc and told us this several years ago. She's Autistic. No career. No degree. No scientist. She reads and researches TONS! It's so much available information today. Sadly ppl only read historical books instead of historical news, magazines, etc written in time.

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Our nephew is a high performing Aspergers. He's a train expert and a genius when it comes to routes! He memorized maps as a 2yr old. Could tell anyond the best route to get anywhere from his house to where they were going by the time he was three! He is 28 now and employed by a huge agency that hires folks to park cars at large events. Might not be using those smarts of his, but he LOVES his job!

Never downplay anyone's worth.

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Love this. EVERYONE has his place in this world!

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He’s probably a Jenna master at positioning those cars optimally!

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I actually thought about that after I posted... They call him the Ninja parker! Lol.

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my MIL dis a lot of her own research. Avoided the MSM like the plague. Also no career, no degree, no scientist, just read and researched a lot. She too was telling us the same. She refused the Koolaid

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How about this link below?

This is not news because all current information is being blocked it seems. There are many more HAARP Installations since this was written. Several (like 20-30) forest fires were started on a clear night in Quebec at the beginning of June, 2023. So-called scientists have blamed bad forest management. Finding truth can be a real adventure!


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I was thinking the same thought: direct energy.

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Jun 23, 2023Β·edited Jun 23, 2023

Ditto for earthquakes in puzzling areas at puzzling time Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

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Maybe those baffled scientists need to read this book. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

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So if we are in a β€œsun cooling” stage then maybe the warmth coming from the ocean floor is the balance the sea life requires.

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"Scientists" who seek the limelight love to pretend they know everything. Scientism reigns! Scientism is just "consensus science", which is an oxy-moronic construct as if truth is establish by majority vote. Real science and real scientists are ridiculed and silenced. What science knows about the earth and oceans is but a bucket of water in the ocean compared to what they don't know. I think Christians intuitively understand this. It's time for scientists to pull out a copy of "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" by Thomas S. Kuhn.

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I frequently make reference to "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" by Kuhn. I just found this excellent summation of his work.


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This is EXACTLY what we have been experiencing the last 3 years.

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β€œKind of like what I did for the vaccine mandates and exemptions. What do you think?”

Yes!!! I think that’d be a great resource! I feel like there is a lot of reinventing the wheel in these situations if people can’t connect to someone who’s already gone through it and successfully fought it, or don’t have advice from someone like you who knows the legal ins and outs.

A question: Could you also expand it or add a piece advising people whose clubs or professional associations start becoming politicized and make woke public statements that don’t represent all of the dues paying members?

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Yes! Would be a great addition.

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The strategy for defeating ESG and DEI is simple and in line with defeating workplace jab mandates and coincides perfectly with the last story on NHL pride jerseys.

Resist as much as you can for as long as you can knowing that there are likely many more people in your company doing the same.

From personal experience, I used to be employed by a national company with 60,000+ employees.

When jab mandates started coming down in the form of self-reporting vaccine status, I simply did nothing.

When my company set a deadline self-reporting, I still did nothing. I asked what the consequences would be, and was told "we don't know." I didn't lie and report myself as vaccinated, I just did nothing.

Jeff, I actually reached out to your law firm in preparation of being fired and you were willing to take my case. Which is more than I can say about another large FL law firm whose motto may or may not be "for the people".

So I was prepared to lose my job and prepared to fight back with legal action.

But wouldn't you know it, one day before the deadline, my company dropped mandates for self-reporting.

So, I guess the point of my story is that any mandate may very well not come to be. So resist for as long as you can, and if the mandates come to pass, be prepared to lose your job and have a plan to fight back legally if you can.

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Way to β€œDo not comply!”

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I did the same thing and had the same result

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Just say HEdouble hockey sticks NO!

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The Navy should be forced to reimburse all government expenditures from their budget made after they knew the truth.

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For sure. This is a big hit on their credibility.

I imagine most in that organization are great patriots and don't align with whoever is allowing them to be part of a cover up to protect Biden's political foibles.

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Especially since their loss of the USS Thresher occurred in an almost identical implosion during fully manned diving trials in 1963, leaving the TRIESTE bathyscaphe to confirm the results.

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Thank you for this word, bathyscaphe, a good one!

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That is what the TRIESTE has always been called, FWIW.

It had a fascinating history, including being purchased from its French creators by the US government, and winding up in an American naval museum.

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I believe you want to delete that terminal 'e'

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I meant terminal 'e' on bathyscaph

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Nope, the bathyscaphe was named after Trieste, a city and seaport in northeastern Italy.

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I remember the Thresher. Odd that two large catastrophes happened in that year. A president being assassinated the other one.

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Treason is not a catastrophe unless it is recognized as such by an ignorant public at large.

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The Village People run the US Navy.

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Their covid shot mandates, the hell they put their integrity filled and brave service members through for standing up and refusing their death shots, and woke ridiculous training hit their credibility a couple years ago. This was just the icing on the cake in case anyone was still not quite sure how corrupt the leadership actually is. πŸ˜‰

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The US Navy has a habit of running into things.

They are using a drag queen to boost recruiting.

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It's not a hit on their credibility. They couldn't confirm it only suspect it. IT also exposes a gap such as releasing how good our SOSUS network really is.

What if it hadn't imploded and they called off the search and a month later someone came out and found the intact sub with 5 dead people inside?

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Whence 'their' budget comes, me humbly wonders πŸ˜‚

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The Pentagon's budget is a classified secret.

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Jun 23, 2023Β·edited Jun 23, 2023

Here again we're blessed with press-release from the Department of Bleeding Obvious Things 🀣

ETA Is it your overbearing LLM-buddy who supplies all these deadpan commentsβ€½ Asking for a friend, obvs πŸ˜‡

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Your post contains too many acronyms for it to make sufficient sense for me to respond to.

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Jun 23, 2023Β·edited Jun 23, 2023

Here's to aid your [buddy's?] senses: ETA = edited to add; LLM = large language model

Happy to oblige!

Ohh, one more equivalence seems in order: two = too many 🀭

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I am going to surrender to the premise that my senses are not up to the challenge of understanding that which they sense to be insensible.

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Hey, vandweller since 1985 here, you?

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Jun 23, 2023Β·edited Jun 23, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I submitted paperwork last year for a religious accommodation/exemption from my employers DEI training. The response was weird as I only heard back that I would be contacted for further information. Then crickets. Didn't take the 3 -90 MINUTE* sessions. No reprimand for not taking it. So I guess "accepted". (?) Training is annually so plan to submit paperwork again.

I wish more employees would submit for an accommodation so that it shows the employer that people don't agree with this nonsense. The basic no harassment/discrimation, treat people the way you want to be treated philosophy I agree with but that's maybe 10% of the training.

*Sorry typographical error. Accidentally wrote hours the first time. 🀣 I would have quit on the spot, if that was true.

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I wish more employees would just not attend and force the company to go through a bunch of disciplinary action BS, all while doing as little as possible before walking off the job en masse. If just 20% of the workforce pushed back hard, this dei crap would be gone.

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That too! The only thing I like about the accommodation route is there is a paper trail. But it feels very individual and isolated. While something en masse appears to have a larger visual statement and possible impact.

Either way, employees simply need to say No, whatever form that looks like.

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I’d like to know what your religious exemption reasoning was so I can use it for my job! We will have 3- 8 hour PD sessions this school year.

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Jun 23, 2023Β·edited Jun 23, 2023

Since I am a Christian, I used various verses in scripture, similar to my no mask accommodation request.

Ultimately the guiding force for me is the Holy Spirits conviction. I focused my write up on that. Not every employer requires a write up. Some have an easy check box type form. Mine requires a write up and an alternative "solution".

Your reasoning has to be yours and honest so that they can't claim you are lying. If you are a Christian, I recommend taking time to pray and asking God to show you the scripture verses He wants you to use.

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We don’t even have an exemption form available for the DEI training. I’ll have to make up My own I guess

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Let’s start using DIE as the acronym.

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It isn't a form specific to DEI training. Your employer should have a policy for accommodations whether it'd be medical/ADA or religious. It's generic because the accommodation could be for anything. Hope that makes sense. First place to start is looking at your Employee Handbook/Manual. Find the section on accommodations. This should direct you to a form or provide direction.

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That’s why I have a job as a substitute teacher. So many days teachers are away doing β€œtraining” hardly ever get scheduled because some one is sick- it’s always training.

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And the homeowners are paying for these trainings

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Ours are scheduled on the PD days where students have a 4 day weekend.

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Perhaps whoever was in charge of processing your paperwork agreed w/ you (or the β€œboss” did) & shelving it quietly is their way around this idiocy. (DEI is followed mostly to up the company’s ESG rating IMHO, tho I’m sure there are ideologues sprinkled in.)

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90 hours???

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Holy crap! That's a lot of wasted work hours!!

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Woke companies don't care about actual profits or productivity. Esg or dei scores are paramount.

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Well, the saying is Go Woke, Go Broke. So, this just is another way these companies go broke.

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However, I've heard that the companies doing the woke business are being compensated to offset any business losses. At least for the short term -not sure how long the offsetters plan to continue offsetting the company losses. Maybe just long enough to cut off all the business who will then be out of business en masse.

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Sorry, typo. 🀣🀣🀣 I edited my comment. 90 HOURS would have been beyond a nightmare.

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Or maybe its 3 90 MINUTE not hours.

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90 minutes...that makes more sense.

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Yeah? Is that 3 sessions of 90 each? Or is that a typo?

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Thanks Jeff while the implosion of the deep sea sub is extremely tragic it sure seems like noise in comparison to the WhatsApp text message and the IRS whistle blowers.

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β€œ I wondered whether I should write up a guide or series of guides advising employees who are facing ESG and diversity programming, who want to resist or just to survive mentally and ethically intact. Kind of like what I did for the vaccine mandates and exemptions. What do you think?”


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I'm leading a growing group (over 5k employees) at a Fortune 200 company against ESG/DEI. We were successful against vax mandates, but this battle is wrought with more pitfalls and landmines. Company seems to fire first and ask questions later. I'm currently waiting to hear about the results of an Employee Relations "investigation", where a wokie complained about statements on our website. All true and factual, but the social media policy basically silences ANYONE with a dissenting viewpoint and subjects that person to the FEELINGS of the most offendable person in the company. Truly terrifying territory.

Did you all know it's LEGAL under Title VII to discriminate against communists? Go read it for yourself, it's all written. If ESG/DEI can be tied to communists, I believe we have a legal and fighting chance to moving he needle back.

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Love to follow your journey against the woke corp if possible

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How do you start and lead such a group? Need a playbook.

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Interesting. Just looked it up...

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, under the section "Unlawful Employment Practices":

(f) Members of Communist Party or Communist-action or Communist-front organizations

As used in this subchapter, the phrase "unlawful employment practice" shall not be deemed to include any action or measure taken by an employer, labor organization, joint laborΒ­ management committee, or employment agency with respect to an individual who is a member of the Communist Party of the United States or of any other organization required to register as a CommunistΒ­-action or Communist-Β­front organization by final order of the Subversive Activities Control Board pursuant to the Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950 [50 U.S.C. 781 et seq.].

It would likely fall under "Communist-front organization".


And the Subversive Activities Control Act:


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