If I am mandated from my union position and I decide to retire, can my employer, union, or the government keep me from receiving my pension at some point??
I have a thought for a new section. What if you already got one of the injection options, but do not want to present the completed vaccine card to your employer? Say ... it's not your employer's business, why should the employer know what you did, and why should you even have to seek an exemption. You don't want your employer to have your dates to force you to take booster shots. You have decided since getting the injection that you do not want any boosters (never part of the deal, you saw the Project Veritas whistleblower videos, you or a relative had adverse effects). You don't want your coworkers to be forced to give a card or have to fight for an exemption.
This is what I want to know. My employer sent out a survey requiring vaccine status and whether you are planning to get the vaccine if unvaccinated. Isn't this a Fourth Amendment violation?
We are the the same boat here! My husband got the dreaded survey asking if he is planning to get the jab and he hasn’t responded yet. He is supposed to respond by tomorrow 10/15. Help!!
From what I read, an employer can ask an employee their vaccination status. However, I work from home. Why do they possibly need to know that? They cannot say the government requires it because no private employer executive order has been issued yet. I haven't found this question addressed anywhere. Here's a National Law Review article that addresses some of the issues. https://www.natlawreview.com/article/5-takeaways-eeoc-update-to-employer-vaccination-guidance
Not sure you are seeing new comments or not. My company is a division of United Healthcare and they have decided not to allow any accommodations so I have been put on a 30 day unpaid leave. I’m told from HR that each business unit can make this decision. I applied for a religious exemption and was denied. This took over a month to actually file my exemption because they had my vaccine status wrong. I’ve sent an email regarding the ruling by the Louisiana Federal Judge for all heath care workers. I was told “The enforceability of the CMS mandate has no impact on our COVID-19 vaccination policy. Our vaccination policy predates and is separate from the CMS mandate. Accordingly, your leave status will remain as-is.” I also sent an article from The Defender A federal district court judge rejected a claim by the U.S. Department of Defense that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine being administered under Emergency Use Authorization is interchangeable with Pfizer’s fully licensed Comirnaty vaccine. Do you have any information on this? I find this one most interesting since they cannot make you take an EUA drug.
These are the questions I must complete for RA. Why, question 1, is it asking me to identify the EEOC policy that conflicts?
1) Please identify the EEOC requirement, policy, or practice that conflicts with your sincerely held religious observance, practice, or belief (hereinafter "religious beliefs").
2) Please describe the nature of your sincerely held religious beliefs or religious practice or observance that conflict with the EEOC requirement, policy, or practice identified above.
3) What is the accommodation or modification that you are requesting?
4) List any alternative accommodations that also would eliminate the conflict between the EEOC requirement, policy, or practice and your sincerely held religious beliefs.
Thank you for giving us all this information. I am Retired and didn’t have to worry about it. But, I have two Sons who got it out of stupid choice. And one Son Vaxxed his Son, my Grandson!! I wish I could Sue my Son for giving it to him!! They are so indoctrinated!! I love your Newsletters!! And your Humor. It’s been great to have this everyday!! Even when you were just sick! I really appreciate you. I want to come back to Florida, but my Arthritis cannot take that Humidity!! I had the Best Doctors down there! And the worst Lawyer’s!! Lol God Bless you!!
I got an e-mail two weeks ago from corporate headquarters of my job requesting that we send in our vaccination status to HR, but i just ignored it and planned to just play dumb about it, but now I've found out that part of the process required downloading a new app that's necessary to clock into and out of work, so now I've got to complete the process to be able to work at all.
Railroad worker here. I just got my form letter approval for religious accommodation -- the accommodation is a forced unpaid 90-day leave, during which "outside employment is not permitted during a personal leave of absence." So, there's no actual accommodation AND I can't earn money elsewhere. How is that an accommodation? And what should my next step be?
My company, which provides life, disability and dental insurance products to federal employees as a third-party administrator for some Blue Cross plans is following the draconian mandate and terminating all employees, include remote workers and contractors not vaccinated by Dec. 31. I was injured by a flu vaccine 13 years ago and qualify for a medical exemption--which they are allowing, but the medical exemption form they are requiring me to submit by Nov. 5 includes the following questionable paragraph:
I understand and acknowledge that granting my request will increase my risk of becoming infected with COVID-19, and will create a significantly higher risk that if I contract COVID-19, the severity of the illness and the risk of death will be greater, and the duration of my absence due to a COVID-19 infection will be substantially longer than if I were vaccinated.
What is the legal justification for this? They are also requiring everyone granted an exemption to be tested at a facility weekly (no home test) and to pay for it out of our pocket. Would signing the form and agreeing to pay for weekly testing weaken a future legal challenge, should they move the goal posts and require more "compliance?"
So we have been told there is no executive order mandating "vaccination" for contractors and federal employees. Are we SURE that's not the case? Am I missing something here, because this sure does seem to be an executive order:
The federal government (The United States) is a corporation, therefore if you are one of their employees, they own you. We all need to get out of their system
Is there any site keeping a list of the ongoing suits? My daughter in Jacksonville would gladly join if there’s one against the mandate for government employees.
I work for a very large computer company that might be playing dirty but I am not an attorney and don't know for sure. They did not say they would fire employees if they did not get the vaccination by the specified date, they said the employee would be put on unpaid leave. The CEO and ensuing corporate correspondence via email never said for how long. Indefinitely? So, I suspect I can't get unemployment. Is this true? Is this an even stronger arm tactic because the employee has to survive and then might quit? Do I have any other options to counter this action?
"Let me be clear about something. There’s no such thing as a “religious exemption REQUEST.” You don’t have to REQUEST it. It’s the LAW. They have to accommodate your religious or moral beliefs. It’s the employer’s burden, not yours. All you have to do is NOTIFY THEM of your sincerely-held religious or moral beliefs. Stop thinking you have to beg for it. "
Do you know where I can find documentation or the actual law that cites this?
What about those who have been put on unpaid leave? Can they collect EI. This is diabolical. They are forcing people to quit and lose everything. Is there a way around this? Please help!
If I am mandated from my union position and I decide to retire, can my employer, union, or the government keep me from receiving my pension at some point??
No. But if you retire early you will lose benefits according to whatever schedule plan they use.
I have a thought for a new section. What if you already got one of the injection options, but do not want to present the completed vaccine card to your employer? Say ... it's not your employer's business, why should the employer know what you did, and why should you even have to seek an exemption. You don't want your employer to have your dates to force you to take booster shots. You have decided since getting the injection that you do not want any boosters (never part of the deal, you saw the Project Veritas whistleblower videos, you or a relative had adverse effects). You don't want your coworkers to be forced to give a card or have to fight for an exemption.
This is what I want to know. My employer sent out a survey requiring vaccine status and whether you are planning to get the vaccine if unvaccinated. Isn't this a Fourth Amendment violation?
We are the the same boat here! My husband got the dreaded survey asking if he is planning to get the jab and he hasn’t responded yet. He is supposed to respond by tomorrow 10/15. Help!!
From what I read, an employer can ask an employee their vaccination status. However, I work from home. Why do they possibly need to know that? They cannot say the government requires it because no private employer executive order has been issued yet. I haven't found this question addressed anywhere. Here's a National Law Review article that addresses some of the issues. https://www.natlawreview.com/article/5-takeaways-eeoc-update-to-employer-vaccination-guidance
I just didn't do the survey
Not sure you are seeing new comments or not. My company is a division of United Healthcare and they have decided not to allow any accommodations so I have been put on a 30 day unpaid leave. I’m told from HR that each business unit can make this decision. I applied for a religious exemption and was denied. This took over a month to actually file my exemption because they had my vaccine status wrong. I’ve sent an email regarding the ruling by the Louisiana Federal Judge for all heath care workers. I was told “The enforceability of the CMS mandate has no impact on our COVID-19 vaccination policy. Our vaccination policy predates and is separate from the CMS mandate. Accordingly, your leave status will remain as-is.” I also sent an article from The Defender A federal district court judge rejected a claim by the U.S. Department of Defense that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine being administered under Emergency Use Authorization is interchangeable with Pfizer’s fully licensed Comirnaty vaccine. Do you have any information on this? I find this one most interesting since they cannot make you take an EUA drug.
Thank you.
see Patriot Church, Knoxville, TN...folks in Eastern Tennessee are fighting back.....
These are the questions I must complete for RA. Why, question 1, is it asking me to identify the EEOC policy that conflicts?
1) Please identify the EEOC requirement, policy, or practice that conflicts with your sincerely held religious observance, practice, or belief (hereinafter "religious beliefs").
2) Please describe the nature of your sincerely held religious beliefs or religious practice or observance that conflict with the EEOC requirement, policy, or practice identified above.
3) What is the accommodation or modification that you are requesting?
4) List any alternative accommodations that also would eliminate the conflict between the EEOC requirement, policy, or practice and your sincerely held religious beliefs.
Thank you for giving us all this information. I am Retired and didn’t have to worry about it. But, I have two Sons who got it out of stupid choice. And one Son Vaxxed his Son, my Grandson!! I wish I could Sue my Son for giving it to him!! They are so indoctrinated!! I love your Newsletters!! And your Humor. It’s been great to have this everyday!! Even when you were just sick! I really appreciate you. I want to come back to Florida, but my Arthritis cannot take that Humidity!! I had the Best Doctors down there! And the worst Lawyer’s!! Lol God Bless you!!
I got an e-mail two weeks ago from corporate headquarters of my job requesting that we send in our vaccination status to HR, but i just ignored it and planned to just play dumb about it, but now I've found out that part of the process required downloading a new app that's necessary to clock into and out of work, so now I've got to complete the process to be able to work at all.
Railroad worker here. I just got my form letter approval for religious accommodation -- the accommodation is a forced unpaid 90-day leave, during which "outside employment is not permitted during a personal leave of absence." So, there's no actual accommodation AND I can't earn money elsewhere. How is that an accommodation? And what should my next step be?
I am at a state university that is now requiring the jab. Do these statements apply to that kind of employer?
I work at a state university now requiring the jab. Does this article apply to that kind of employer?
My company, which provides life, disability and dental insurance products to federal employees as a third-party administrator for some Blue Cross plans is following the draconian mandate and terminating all employees, include remote workers and contractors not vaccinated by Dec. 31. I was injured by a flu vaccine 13 years ago and qualify for a medical exemption--which they are allowing, but the medical exemption form they are requiring me to submit by Nov. 5 includes the following questionable paragraph:
I understand and acknowledge that granting my request will increase my risk of becoming infected with COVID-19, and will create a significantly higher risk that if I contract COVID-19, the severity of the illness and the risk of death will be greater, and the duration of my absence due to a COVID-19 infection will be substantially longer than if I were vaccinated.
What is the legal justification for this? They are also requiring everyone granted an exemption to be tested at a facility weekly (no home test) and to pay for it out of our pocket. Would signing the form and agreeing to pay for weekly testing weaken a future legal challenge, should they move the goal posts and require more "compliance?"
So we have been told there is no executive order mandating "vaccination" for contractors and federal employees. Are we SURE that's not the case? Am I missing something here, because this sure does seem to be an executive order:
There're EOs for the military, federal employees, and federal contractors. But none that cover the private sector yet.
The federal government (The United States) is a corporation, therefore if you are one of their employees, they own you. We all need to get out of their system
Is there any site keeping a list of the ongoing suits? My daughter in Jacksonville would gladly join if there’s one against the mandate for government employees.
I work for a very large computer company that might be playing dirty but I am not an attorney and don't know for sure. They did not say they would fire employees if they did not get the vaccination by the specified date, they said the employee would be put on unpaid leave. The CEO and ensuing corporate correspondence via email never said for how long. Indefinitely? So, I suspect I can't get unemployment. Is this true? Is this an even stronger arm tactic because the employee has to survive and then might quit? Do I have any other options to counter this action?
Wasn't there a precedent set about the Spanish flu and the vaxxine? If so, how will that effect the current situation we are in?
"Let me be clear about something. There’s no such thing as a “religious exemption REQUEST.” You don’t have to REQUEST it. It’s the LAW. They have to accommodate your religious or moral beliefs. It’s the employer’s burden, not yours. All you have to do is NOTIFY THEM of your sincerely-held religious or moral beliefs. Stop thinking you have to beg for it. "
Do you know where I can find documentation or the actual law that cites this?
The Constitution is pretty clear that no law can be made that prohibits the free exercise of religion. That should be sufficient.
What about those who have been put on unpaid leave? Can they collect EI. This is diabolical. They are forcing people to quit and lose everything. Is there a way around this? Please help!