Feb 9Liked by Jeff Childers

The United States has no business in Ukraine, in Europe or any other countries. Our first President wisely advised future generations of Americans to treat all foreign nations with benevolence and to avoid foreign entanglements. Instead of seeking ways to mutually coexist with Russia, the United States with NATO has taken an aggressive stance against Russia. Why? It makes no sense. We need to bring all our military and equipment home and secure our own borders. We should immediately end all foreign aid, money we lend from China. On a personal level would anyone here take out a mortgage you couldn’t afford and then give the money to help an unfriendly neighbor? We are fools! We have been blessed with a land of tremendous abundance, more than sufficient to meet all our needs. We should not trade with other countries that do not adhere to similar clean air, clean water and labor standards as our states have adopted and implemented. Anything less is not fair trade. It’s still not too late to heed our first President’s wise advice.

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We are not fools but have been betrayed.

Why it makes no sense is right, but we do know why. The people have no control of this republic anymore, if we really ever did. It's been smoke and mirrors for a long time and the forced education on everyone does not educate or empower the next generation to do anything except be a good citizen, pay your taxes, and play the stock market. Yes, this is the big idea seniors taking American Government and Economics walk away with these days.

We give our money to unfriendly neighbors for corporate profit including war.

Only the <1% benefits.

Keeps us in fear.

To further their NWO plans...

.... to name 4 reasons, but there are complicated ones too that we will never know.

We don't even get clean water. Fluoroide is in the courts right now and the 3 letter agencies that should protect us are doing the opposite.

Late-Breaking Study Admitted as New Evidence in Landmark Fluoride Trial https://support.childrenshealthdefense.org/site/R?i=I0ykImDeJWFCnNBr3MUpshy00lKic4iPq5UG1CSssVx-AdiqQoK8sA

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Transnational coup against US. They write checks, and we "vote." Just how much is needed to run for the Legislative and why isn't this amount public?

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So many unanswered questions... It's a club and we aren't in it. I am clueless but know there is evil afoot. It's the NWO like Bush Sr. and other presidents have stated. It aligns with the Protocols of Zion document. Have you read it? Here is an introduction to it for anyone who may not know.

PART 4, The Protocols of Zion https://www.bitchute.com/video/YYTLpdXdiEVh/

We vote and what has that gotten us? The Patriot Act, 911, the scamdemic?

Does our vote count or is it there for us to think it does?

Why is the Fed Reserve a private bank?

Why are people in gov above the law? HRC, Kissinger, Epstein/Maxwell, etc?

Why do so many people representing the US citizens have dual citizenship?

Why is (likely) everyone in gov from an elite university and members of a secret society?

Why are there bloated unelected 3 letter agencies that are supposed to protect us but in reality allow the gov to do what they want?

Why do gov officials make so much money while serving?

Why is DC, our nation's capitol foreign territory?

Is the USA a corporation and we are given soc sec # because we are actual commodities and not human beings to them?

Who really calls the shots?

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"Who really calls the shots?"

Ephesians 6:12 (ESV)

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places."

But . . .

1 John 4:4 (ESV)

"Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."

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Ultimately that sums it up beautifully.

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Don't click on Kim's link!

This person is baiting and posting the same link on 20 other posts as it was sus and I checked.

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I believe that so much of the Bible has been hidden from us, as well.

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We live in a society where everything supporting a Biblical worldview is mocked or suppressed.

The Bible itself isn't hidden, but can only be understood when read with humility.

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Me too about the Bible, but we have what we need.

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Yep, the Bible has been used for political power games for a long time.

325: Council of Nicaea has newly converted Byzantine Emperor Constantine essentially take over control of the Christian church and its doctrine within his territory of the Roman Empire's remnants.

987: Vladimir the Great of Kiev sends emmisaries to the lands of Christians, Jews and Moslem proselytizers who'd come to Kiev to determine if he wants to convert to any of those religions. Decides to pick Christianity when the Byzantine Emperor (facing cotininued attack by the Turks) allows him as a "barbarian" to marry one of his daughters.

1054: The Great East-West Schism ending the communion between the Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox which started over whether only Latin rites could be used in southern Italian churches instead of Greek. They've still not fully reconciled with each other. Shooting linguistic, mental, and metal daggers at each other for 970 years and counting. Yet, the Roman Catholic Latin rite still uses the Greek words Κύριε ἐλέησον. Χριστὲ ἐλέησονfr for the first part of its "Latin" mass: " Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison."

1545-63: Council of Trent. Roman Catholic church facing the rising challenge of the Protestant reformation throws out of its

canonical scripture three books it calls the Protestant Apocrypha. And, lots of new rules on censorship, taxes, how bishops are selected, etc. Consolidation of raw power. Suppress any freedom of religion.

Not to be missed!

The Gospel of Mary [Magdalene]: Perhaps as old as 90 A.D. Found written in Coptic in 1896/7 on a 5th Century papyrus and began being published not until 1938 and more by 1983. Not published in translation from Coptic til the 1950's. Someone way back when did NOT like the idea of any woman being considered disciples!

Censorship "wars" have been ongoing for what is or is not in the original Bible. Big questions such as was Mary Magdalene a full disciple or not? How to separate political propaganda wars from what is real, true or good?

That's all why I greatly appreciate Putin giving Tucker's audience a long history lesson in what for him is "Mother Russia." What is fr him its national and cultural "soul." Impacts on that soul from invading armies from east, west, and south over centuries. How the Eastern Orthodox christian church fits in all of that with the breakup of the USSR are inextricably intertwined into a religious, cultural, political, and emotional tangle.

Communion of literally breaking bread is needed. Sit down and talk face to face. Shake hands in the flesh wishing each other peace.

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You brighten my day ... because it is refreshing to see in print clear truth. It is exactly as you say. We surely have been commoditized ... and now 'they' want to take that to a new level ... namely tokenization.

How I long for money to be real money, Treasury issued coin and redeemable with certificates of silver and/or gold. And walk into any bank and say I want my money please and have real metal placed into one's hands. This alone would end a whole host of 'war games' being played on us. And maybe, just maybe, we would stand a chance of owning real property which could not be confiscated from us on an ongoing basis with interest rate manipulation of something which really has no existence whatsoever.

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Thanks, ditto by your comment.... In the meantime, we can own nothing and be happy, eat zee bugs, and be obedient slaves and/OR trust God and self educate about how things really work, maritime law, etc....

Tokenization is Biblical.

Their time will end, but maybe, or not, in our lifetime. If they weren't so darn greedy, nearly all of us would be satisfied with the bread and circuses. The cat's out of the bag now so it will be interesting what will happen in the next few years.

I can't figure why they let Biden say and do the things he does. How can he actually be the resident, I mean president??? How does it fit? Maybe preparing us for a fake superman? Is the swamp draining slowly to deprogram us? Was there a Tartaria and hidden history of technology?

What is for sure, is that we are in a season of unprecedented change.

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Tartaria? Antiquitech? Oh no you didn't...

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Joseph Biden and Justin Trudeau, "Dog Kings" of the twenty-first century. Here is a fascinating take on the deep, dark answer to the question, "Why?" regarding these placeholders ... thehighwire.com/ark-videos/behind-the-border-crisis-with-michael-yon/

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I think the Big Control Money at the top began to realize that the were in trouble as far back as the 2008/2009 crash because they never did fully reset and resolve the underlays of that disaster. And I think that 2016/2020 and DJT was all Beta Testing ... and for the Commies, letting them 'act out'. Then there was C19 and Health Terrorism and we are not yet at the bottom of that barrel, but part of it was Financial Cover-Up 2019/2020, the liquidity melt down. Biden is more acting out and discrediting of the Commie Sustainable Everything Total Control Model. Something new is coming, but I don't want to over-speculate. But certainly Milei's Big Announcement speech at Davos may be a strong hint.

For sure the jig is up, and the Wester Apex Elite know it. Something has to give and is apparently by sign seen ... is giving. And I am on the edge of my seat.

I think Putin's History Lesson could (I say could!) lead to a settlement of the Ukraine and I see how the West could save face and still Russia wins getting back 'historic' lands. Knowing Putin as one of the greatest political figures of the ages including that of history, if any settlement comes ... it will be very broad.

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Can you tell me what you mean by understanding how maritime law really works? I’ve seen it mentioned in ways that suggest that I’m missing the greater context, but I have no idea what to read to understand it better.

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I’ve been going down this rabbit hole awhile Dawn!👏

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I had to stop because it really is in God's hands. He knows our hearts.

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I agree Dawn. After the last 4 years, I don’t know where I’d be without God/Creator. I try to go to Nature daily…the ocean, birds, trees, squirrels…we are a part of Nature. Many of us forget this beautiful gift. I prefer to be a child of Light…the only answer I see and feel.

And you are my sister in Christ!

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reprinted on my facebook page. thanks!!

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The powers that be will never admit anything unless there is really a swamp cleanup. Gotta keep hopium alive...

Beta test possible and if that was not reality, it was still better but they still want population control so they will keep poisoning us in many ways.

I didn't see Mileis announcement. What was it?

The jig is up and awareness is growing.

There will be some changes coming and I hope it's for the good of mankind and not some digital Ai mark of the beast crap.

Remember when Sidney and Lin Wood said it was Biblical and trust the plan and then they were discredited and disappeared from the public? What was that all about? Truth or to placate us or distract?

We are all confused but we do know the elite parasites are lying and hiding heinous truth about themselves... Epstein clients, adrenochrome, SRA, trafficking etc.

I hope they are scared and hopeless. They need to go.

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30 to 40% of our country are fools. Maybe even more.

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One way of putting it... I think they are ignorant, unaware, and brainwashed as I once was, but once you get it, you can't un-get it. It's all evil at the core...

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Dawn B, I would argue that schools don’t train students to be good citizens, they train students to be obedient puppets to whatever the latest political agenda is. I wish schools WOULD train kids to be good citizens. That is, if you define a good citizen as someone who loves their country, someone who recognizes the importance of personal responsibility, someone who respects law and authority but is also able to think logically and ask questions of authority when warranted.

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I taught elementary for 20+ years and what you say is exactly true!

As a teacher and a former mistreated student, I taught them to question without fear and let them be kids. It is alarming the changes since I started teaching but school is set up for indoctrinating and look how people are now.

Here is a 1 min video about it.


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This is why I homeschooled all my kids in elementary school. I had read a book called “Better Late than Early” that advocated for postponing formal education until children were 9-14 years old! So we did a LOT of family read alouds, lots of trips to the park and zoo, a lot of exploratory projects, stuff like that. We did do the three r’s too, but it only took a fraction of the time compared to the public school day.

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Yep. Everyone should homeschool but most need 2 incomes to survive. However some states will compensate for the schooling at least. I can't imagine parents teaching their children because so many didn't even take care of their basic needs. I saw a lot when I was a teacher.

6 years olds talking about sex, bringing a knife to school, drug baggies too, dirty and wearing the same shirt all week.... So sad. School was better than home for many kids.

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You are right, there are many too poor or incapable of homeschooling or even providing basic necessities for kids. The cycle of poverty is a pernicious problem.

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Remember Eisenhower warned Americans to beware of the military complex, it’s totally out of control.

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Thanks for the warning Dwight but what are we going to do about it?

I recall a video of Eisenhower saying something about the military complex.

I'd like to see it again.

And the infamous JFK speech about repugnant secret societies... They are everywhere.

God will let us know when it's time and use opportunities to do good.

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It's hilarious how this position is usually framed as "dangerously isolationist" by the media.

I heard something on a podcast recently which makes so much sense to me: when politicians or media warn about dangers to the U.S., they're not talking about the U.S. in terms of citizens, economy, or land; they're talking about the current U. S. power structure. We all know this but this framing made it so clear. Thus -

"Dangerous for our democracy" = "dangerous to the regime"

"Dangerous for America" = "undermines our control of the country"

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Enemies of the State = Enemies of the Deep State

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Agree. If you recall in 2016, when Obama gave a speech in Philly (after he finally endorsed Hillary), in it, he droned on about “Trump won’t be President. Our work is not done.” He wasn’t talking to native born Americans.

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"His work" will never be done. Not until the Second Coming.

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brenda, but half of the FBI seemed to be on the receiving end.

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Don’t forget how many Muslims were selected for cabinet & agency positions under Obama

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And Bush, i get working together but c'mon

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

Question: how many of the 'media' have served in the armed forces, as enlisted men, in foreign countries? How many of them can actually put their money where their megaphoned-enhanced mouths are?

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And...how many, at one time or another, have actually paid into our peasant social security fund like the rest of the unwashed? Them or their spouses?

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How many in uniform at the pentagon? About the same number I suspect

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You heard Putin, he said what some of us know..All western mass media is owned by the same entities. So someone gets a well paying job in one of the media outlets, and feel they have a prestigious job, and being that the entity is their boss, they must do the job as it is described to them. Their bosses are evil propagandists of the NWO. They do their dirty work and they get paid huge paychecks.

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Who needs to serve in the armed forces? These Ivy League news readers can workshop it and easily figure this stuff out on paper.

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Yes, when they say "our democracy" they mean it literally. They think it is their personal possession. We are now generations into ruling families, not that much different than royalty or oligarchs. They get one family member in, then start bringing others on-board the grift, and on it goes for literally generations within the same family. They honestly believe ruling is their birthright and any challenge to their rule is someone trying to take away their possession. Of course, in the end, they too are just puppets, doing what someone/something else is telling them to do. They don't see that part for what it is.

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This is a wry observation ... "our democracy". In 'their' world of Word Sorcery, it is as you say.

And Putin in the Tucker interview made allusion as to there being government within the government controlling things in the US, and not the elected officials. There was no elaboration on this. However and be it as it may, if one prominent world leader has this perception, much of the rest of them throughout the world sees the same. You can bet on that as a sure bet ... and know they the rest of the world also see the US as living on borrowed time.

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No doubt. Most of the non-US world has known for a while about our CIA/MiC and its actions on the world stage: assassinations, color revolutions, puppet leaders, etc. I think what everyone is now seeing, thanks to Epstein's arrest and death, Trump's rhetorical openness, and the covid debacle, is the scale of the problem. No one has any oversight of these agencies. They've blackmailed everyone in that role. Schumer said it outright...an astonishing statement that seems to have gone largely ignored. It's also now clear to all but the mentally ill / cognitively impaired supporters of the left that the MSM is completely controlled by the government.

Tucker has been on a tear lately. He's saying the quiet parts out loud. It makes me think: 1) he knows something, more than he's letting on; 2) we are running out of time; and 3) someone is helping him. It sure looks to me like some group within the bureaucracy is trying to expose the criminal cabal for what they are. I do wonder, if when the history books are written, covid, the mass migrant invasion, Ukraine, and the attempt to suspend the rule of law to hold onto power are all tied back to Epstein and the beginning of the end of the blackmail regime.

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I agree with you ... and the world has been looking for an out for a very long time. And now they have it with the failing West's failing business model of beating everyone on the head. Hence, Putin's One Brain remarks. Basically, change your strips or go down the irrelevancy drain.

Somebody IS in charge. And it's the Apex Money and they are busy trying to reassert order out of chaos ... and to this effect, I think that 'they' are trying to pivot. And Milei at Davos in his Big Announcement speech? I think that this is the new big sell. Can the Apex Money pull off the Pivot? Can't say ... but stay tuned. It's going to be a big show.

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Given how critical power is to the people, why WOULDNT our elections be corrupt?

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Jasmine, or "our color revolution."

"Meet Norm Eisen: Legal Hatchet Man and Central Operative in the “Color Revolution” Against President Trump" September 9, 2020 (one of a 3-part series)


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Thank you Fla Mom for this link. Its why reading comments is so important. This is new to me.

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Michael, I can't even count all of the great stuff I've learned and the reading/viewing tips I've received from these comments.

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They will protect Ukraine and Israel first because that is supposed to be their future home under protection from we, the people. Now they will all lose because we are awake and onto their sinister plan.

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Great point. Why NOT protect OUR borders with OUR federal troops rather than sacrifice their lives on somebody else’s border? (Is that loud enough?) I thought domestic defense was the fundamental reason for having a standing army. If we don’t want to make America great again, can we at least make America safe?

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in the context of defending our own borders, the last 70ish years of US military foreign "interventions" is a direct refutation of the post-WWII name change from War Department to the wholly inaccurate Department of Defense

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Utterly Orwellian.

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If only someone had a tee . . .

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On 9/11, I rhetorically asked my fellow Army officers if they thought we'd go back to being the Department of War again.

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Good point, thanks.

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I think it will take the regular people (soldiers in this case) to stand up against these atrocities. If they en masse refuse to fight in a foreign country against people that have done nothing, this will end. If the officers refuse to go and refuse to put their soldiers in harm's way, this will end. The ones that command are little. We are many. Wake up and stop obeying orders. (Listening carefully, if CIA might be at my door)

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As we said in the hippie days, “What if they threw a war and nobody came?”

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I suspect if our military starts filling the ranks with illegal aliens, we’ll see some mass refusals of orders.

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Just the opposite will happen. All loyal American soldiers will be discharged or killed. These illegals will do as their told

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Yes, I fear that is the point. They want people who will obey and support the agenda.

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Maybe? But I could just as easily see them go awol and run back to their native countries.

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you believe soldiers will stand up against these atrocities?

yet women athletes won’t stand up (or sit down) to the men competing and kicking their asses in their own sports!

i appreciate your optimism but it’s not gonna happen.

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some are but women are still too trained to submit to AUTHORITY, usually male.

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and their wallet of course. if they stand up they lose their income. they are no better off than any of those losing their job for refusing to jab.

May be I got pink glasses on, but I rather look through the pink side of life ! Optimism has kept me alive for 66 years LOL

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<3 <3 works for me! for 71 yrs!

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I see this happening in Ukraine if the deeply unpopular “butcher” bows to the will of unpopular Presidents Zelenskyy and Biden and continues to force more men and women into the meat grinder. Everyone has a breaking point.

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let us hope they get their mind and willpower together before no Ukrainians are left

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Why do you think Biden, Durbin & rest of commies want the thousands of military age border invaders to enlist in US military? Foreign troops won’t hesitate to turn on US citizens.

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if they want to enlist. are you sure they want to enlist? I think a fair amount fled their countries so they do not have to enlist there. That is how it was when all these young Syrians flooded into Europe, according to a few elders of these kids

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So do you think we should simply let Russia take over Ukraine - what happens when they invade Poland? Germany? You think we should have stayed out of WWII and let Hitler have Britain as well as all of Western Europe?

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listen again to the history of Ukraine. And read who supported Hitler, Lenin and Trotsky

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So that’s a reason to enable a dictator to take over whatever European country he wants at this time? How much do you know about what’s going on in Russia today - or you just believe Putin’s regime is A-okay?

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Umm..that isn’t happening nor will it.

This is msm propaganda hysteria.

Do you know history of the region at all?

I did. It is complicated but Putin gave a nice little history lesson yesterday for the majority of American people who do not know.

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if you know then tell us

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Somebody needs to watch the interview

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“Safe” as long as it’s our definition and not theirs!

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Are you referring to ‘safe’ as in the concocted new definition of the word by the psychos over the kill shots? Safe being relative?

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I just don’t want it to be misinterpreted by those who’ve changed it’s meaning to “stay in your homes and let the government protect you from big scary viruses and people who may or may not be sick.” And yes good point about its (mis)use relative to the shots.

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I think we need to put this message on all the empty billboards everywhere!

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Constitutionally that can only happen if a Declaration of War is made. Trump did just that in one of his Executive Orders. We are in a declared war. This EO has never been revoked by Biden. This website has a ton of information and documents:


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Not surprising though, as the US is one large corporation that is robbing the breadbasket of Europe by helping their friends at Monsanto kill the golden goose of heirloom wheat.

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Beyond tragic, (as someone who can’t eat American wheat. )

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Are you able to eat products from Euro wheat? I have posited that the recent Celiac surge may arise from the glyphosate sprayed on crops--to dry the wheat to hurry the harvest. Glyphosate first used in 1974--that's a generation of exposure.

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Proverbs 13:23 (ESV)

"The fallow ground of the poor would yield much food, but it is swept away through injustice."

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Glyphosate gave me severe ulcerative colitis and the GI doc said it was permanent and prescribed very expensive biologics that block the body's defenses. I refused, took prednisone for a couple months, detoxed glyphosate, and my gut healed. It was very scary and I thought I was going to die. It even messed with my psyche.

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A homeopathic remedy made from Glyphosate, which is used for the purpose of detox, can be special ordered from Helios in London. Their sample was made from the Bayer product ‘Super Strength Glyphosate’ which is more concentrated than most other glyphosate products. You won’t find it on their website but can order using their free-format order page:


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Thanks. Do you know anyone to use it or products from them? I used glycine and MMS to detox.

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Feb 9·edited Feb 10

EDIT: I’m officially withdrawing my assertion that glyphosate may used as a desiccant on grains that are certified organic, due to Leonora straightening me out (😸) — a most welcome correction., impelling a re-research (It’d been a while). Some articles are linked above or below this.

I’m still leaving a few items here which may possibly be of some value to someone…


Barley used in beer may be glyphosated as a dessicant to facilitate harvest. (So heads up — You can talk to your local microbrewer ! ).

I’m pretty sure most Euro countries & even Canada is way ahead of us on this in banning the use of these farming practices.

But their govt’s attempts to take over Euro farms might have something to do with big corp. ag/chem pushing back for control & profit 🤔… Dunno.

Research how to undo the effects of glyphosates in your body.


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If a product is certified "Organic" it cannot have been exposed to glyphosates.

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So… sounds like not a sanctioned or widespread practice, although, as very large org farms may be able to get away with it

well, you know…

Still, I’ll stand corrected. And thank you for that!

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

Good news here👇🏼https://www.ehn.org/amp/glyphosate-organic-food-2646939278

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I’m re-researching it…will put links here as I screen them..


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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

That’s ostensibly true, but I have read otherwise, so I’m not confident. The organic certification perhaps applies only to the non-gmo seeds and applications of glyph. in the growing?

Everyone, if I‘m spreading wrong info, I apologize!

Leonora, if you know for certain, I’d be very happy to hear it!

Thanks for your reply!


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I was in France in ‘18 and was afraid to try their wheat. Who wants a migraine and stomach upset on vacation?

Not sure I can trust anything imported I could buy here???

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Are they allowing Apeel ? Hope not

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Natural Grocers has a sign stating they do not sell anything "apeel".

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I noticed that as well.

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What is that?🤔

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Apeel and it has another name that I can't remember. It is a Bill Gates "protective covering" on fruits and vegetables. It is probably not good for man nor beast. It should state on the sticky label if it used. If you look it up, you'll have a visual of it. Thanks for asking, we need to protect each other when we can.

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Also Trader Joe’s does not use Apeel. When I asked at Whole Paycheck, the person said no but I am highly suspect.

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Whole paycheck 🤣

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Thanks. Trader Joe is so far away, I haven’t looked into them yet.

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I don’t trust them at all.

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I read that Amazon store Whole Foods is using apeel now but who knows truth? They likely do and hide the information in tricky ways like they do with everything else.

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I regularly ask questions at Whole Foods and on their chat centers. They’re lying and flip flopping non answer s. I can tell after eating and then observe the fruit or vegetables not spoil.

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Standard answer is The company named Apeel is a different company than the fruit and vegetable coating. And they stop there, never addressing the issue of how the coating breaks down. And the chemical used in the process.

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…or if it’s mRNA.

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Part and parcel of the Transnational coup.

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Yep. Curious- when did you wake up to it all?

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The 2014 shenanigans

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Although I agree with you in principle, the USA does very much have business in the Ukraine and in fact has for decades running. The US State Dept and adjunctive organs have twice in one decade stage a coup and effectively overthrown the government in Kiev. Most recently in 2014 this led to a civil conflict very much engineered by the USA, which included funding arming and training. Then there is the issue of the bio-labs which has also proven to be non fiction.

Being born and raised in the USA myself, I suffer from a deficit in most things historical and geographical and have thus had to educate myself in matters post-Soviet and Eastern European. It turns out that Since the Second World War Ukraine has been embroiled in some rather nasty business and at it’s conclusion had the unlovely “privilege” of being groomed by our then budding Alphabet Agency sometimes known as The Company.

So you see, it’s all well and good to make claims that we have ‘no business’ in places like Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, et al but the the fact of the matter is that we very much do and none of it benefits a vast majority of the people in any of those nations including the USA.

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But the fact that we've been meddling (and worse) in those countries doesn't mean we should have business there.

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At Least Joe B. is consistent toward Afghanistan; his policy of leaving the country was matched by the way he stored his notes and classified documents in a torn, ignored, stained box randomly tossed into an unused mildewed garage next to his old Hustler magazine collection

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Your apt description of the treatment of those classified documents is a good metaphor for the treatment of Americans these past several years.

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Thus proving Emerson's point.

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Yes, I took the original comment of ‘has no business’ as ‘has no legitimate reason’ to be there. The U.S. is way out of its lane.

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Are crack houses and bio-labs considered "business"?

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The CDC, Hunter, and Sloppy Joe define them safe and effective businesses.

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and money laundering and Sex trafficking?

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I have a good friend with 12 University credits in Russian history. We have no business in a Russian Civil conflict.

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I have a good friend who has spent years monkey wrenching in the affairs of other nations notable Ukraine and Russia…he even earned a felony charge in the USA for it….What exactly is your point?!

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I think it's amazing that anyone from the company ever faced any charges for their "fun and games"

would like to hear more on that!

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Yes, we very much do, and it benefits few Americans or anybody else, which justifies the founding principle of avoiding foreign entanglements.

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Chevrus, I think you're confusing "the 'is'" and "the 'ought.'" You are correct on the 'is,' what is happening and has happened. Jack is correct on, and I think he meant to be commenting on, the 'ought,' what ought to be. I think you agree with each other.

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Our first president was one of the most amazing humans to ever live. And now we can't even honor him anymore. They take down his statues. Our local library has no books on him for children to do research because "they don't have the shelf space". But they DO have the shelf space for highly explicit X rated LGBTQ materials. Front & center. This country has become a disgrace, I am sad to say. We still have a lot of good people here, but they're going to have to stand up and do something because evil has made great advancements in recent years.

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I think I might take revenge on our local public library by bequeathing it a directed donation saying it must be used for materials written about our country's founding Fathers.

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Uh, hello, you better qualify that or they will be buying books proving that the founding fathers were misogynistic, white, racist supremacists.

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And gay!

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deletedFeb 9
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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

Oh contraire! A free reading of actual history is essential to gaining a critical understanding of history and the meaning of historical events. Allow me to recommend one source of excellent books on history and economics.


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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

Putin nailed it just as President Eisenhower did on Jan 17, 1961. Our involvement in both European wars we should have stayed out of in WWI and WWII created a huge arms industry in the US with huge lobbying power in the USG. After the wars, the USG continued to get America involved in every war opportunity that came along to feed the monster of "the military-industrial complex" Eisenhower warned the American people against. His warning was in vain and the American people paid the price in money for the military-industrial complex and in blood as we sent our sons to foreign conflicts as canon fodder. Putin's analysis of our military-industrial complex monster was spot on. I would add that in 1935, 26 years before Eisenhower's speech, Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler delivered a similar speech and a small book called "War Is A Racket" in which he describes that the purpose of warfare is to serve the business interests that benefit from war.

The only righteous war is self-defense. The Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 are the only two wars that qualify as defensive wars, btw both of which the British were our enemy. All other wars we have been involved in are wars of aggression where the USG went abroad seeking conflict and profits.

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C & C got it right today. The Tucker/Putin Interview was not for our consumption, entertainment benefit and so on ... not from our side. But it also may be said that the interview was not geared to the intractable, to the wild-eyed segment of the Woke 'electorate' eternally swallowed up by the quicksands of The Narrative, current or otherwise.

The interview was visibly middle of the road and designed primarily as to suggest that an 'off ramp' is available to the hitherto intractable. The idea is to delete 'the devil incarnate' from The Conversation so that talks can go on and then be accepted by the publics pertinent. Personally, I think preliminary negotiations are already going on, and maybe Putin said as much in the interview. Putin, according to the interview, is open to the Americans finding a way out gracefully and with some saving of face. Russians were also listening in on this interview. And so, bear in mind ... it is not just one public being prepared, it is two. Plus, it is also the world stage of opinion in need of some coloring.

The thought occurs to me that the sudden attitude of not giving so much aid to Ukraine by Congress may not be so much a mystery after all, but rather a part of the larger story. Putin even said as much. That is, Putin said that if the Americans are serious about ending the conflict, then stop sending weapons to the Ukraine. Maybe this explains what we are now seeing in Washington. Maybe a singing of a new tune? And maybe Roosevelt was right about nothing happening in politics is an accident ... and maybe things are connected?

As to all the metrics on China cited by Putin (production capacity, trade parity, and so on)? Plus the colossal destruction done to the USD financial machinery by the Woke War Machine? If Putin sees it, then Xi see it … and the rest of the world also sees it. Even the Apex Money Collective West sees it … and I imagine that the destruction of SWIFT was the last straw for The Money. After all, the Potomac Geniuses were warned repeatedly not to weaponize The Money/SWIFT. And repeatedly The Geniuses refused to listen. Without going into it all, the Apex Money see this as well as does the rest of the world. And I think The Money is looking for reverse gear. In short, the ongoing idea of The Pivot explains a lot. Maybe even in regard to this interview.

Disclaimers: first, no pretension as to crystal balls and such nonsense. And second, events seen have to make sense in accordance with coherency in the patterned world, which means one looks continuously to what conforms, is consistent with primary trends in motion. And should aberrations mount, then must look for new consistencies. The sole caution is never a priori impose the mind’s thinking rigidly on events. But rather let actions seen inform what is hopefully an educated mind.

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Here is an interesting surprise....................................................................

Putin on the US

Take aways from Tucker Carlson's interview


FEB 9, 2024

...Of course, in these days of fake news and deepfake voice and visuals you can never be sure what you’re seeing. The interview was undoubtedly authentic; nobody could portray Mr. Putin as well as he plays the role himself. But we were unable to match up the advance transcript with the actual interview.

Here’s a key exchange from transcript:

TUCKER: What is your opinion of President Biden?

PUTIN: We’re convinced he is not running the country. Let’s say we have good sources that confirm that but it’s plain for anyone to see for themselves. The US has now entered into a dark period. It has unaccountable leadership.

PUTIN: … Joe Biden may not even be aware of what’s going on. He may not understand the level of sanctions thrown at Russia. Who put those sanctions together? Those are our adversaries…. The elites have deserted you.

TUCKER: So who do you think is running the US then?

PUTIN: The same forces which have always run it. You may change presidents but you do not change those in real power. That is who we have to deal with. Joe Biden is just a facade for this power structure.

What gives? Is this a special AI generated version, just for us? Because Putin’s pensée is remarkably close to our own!...


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So, the advance transcript was not included in the actual interview? Not sure I followed this comment.

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Yesterday there was an advance transcript available before the video was dropped that contained conversation that did not appear in the video.

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Makes sense to me. I am impressed that the MASSIVE spending/money printing at the behest of the Obama/Biden regime (and on this Trump was no help) is threatening to collapse the entire Dollar underpinning of the NWO. Even though newly created dollars are rapidly dispersed throughout the world, the money printing by the Federal Reserve has been so massive that it could collapse their NWO by collapsing the dollar. This threatens the Apex banking system, the heart of their centuries long reign. If that happens the only way they will be able to maintain control would be through force, the iron fist of Marxism.

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I caught the 'who is running the government' and Putin 'it's the same people'. And if Putin says this, the rest of the world know this.

Think more on 'The History Lesson' and historic lands, and all that stuff on Hungary and Poland. And how a break up settlement could 'save face' with NATO claiming a partial victory with land going to Hungary and Poland. And maybe Russia getting Odessa and Kiev as well. And a little left over rump state of Ukraine. ??? (Not suggesting certainties. Only possibilities.)

I don't know anything for sure. But there is a reason why The History Lesson was included. And as I said elsewhere, it's not only the American public being prepared, but what happens has to be acceptable to the people of Russian. And all this with the world being prepared for whatever comes next.

Tuckers really tricky on 'we thought he was filibustering' but now we are convinced that he (Putin) was sincere. Something like that. My! This certainly takes the cake as disclaimer as to inclusion. Kind of takes the breath away!

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Rump state is right. Ukraine must be seriously depopulated what with all the young men killed in the war or run off trying to escape getting drafted. And the civilian population also leaving to escape the war consequences. Without young men, no point in the young women staying. Have to move to look for a mate now.

Yes, we forget that we are not the only audience. Putin was sending a message straight to his people.

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Putin is to travel on February 12th to Turkey. Must be something up. ???

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sadly IKE approved the assassination of Lumumba and other nefarious acts the CIA talked him into - so , no angel.

also many reports he met w the Greys and approved the "harvesting" of at least 80,000 souls per year in exchange for the high end technology for war, bombs, global domination..a number which the Greys didnt stick to.

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“It’s still not too late to heed our first President’s advice”

Except we have a Deep State now, a very Deep State.

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Yes, and it appears that the Deep State is running the show. It’s certainly not the resident.

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MIC always needs a boogeyman.

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George Washington’s farewell address warned about what is happening now: https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/resources/pdf/Washingtons_Farewell_Address.pdf

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but unfortunately castigated with politicians with way too long noses. I saw some Venetian masks yesterday and the ones with the long noses (used to be medieval doctor's masks) reminded me of how american politicians always have their nose where it does not belong, instead of sniffing the streets of San Francisco

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Don’t forget that Pinocchio had a long nose too!

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another puppet tho

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Agree with your points. The problem is, our ruling class of generational oligarchs don't see it this way. It's not that they are just making mistakes or errors in judgment. They are doing all of this on purpose to feed their familial wealth. They rationalize their actions, for sure. But they will never see that they are making terrible errors. They're not going to suddenly realize they've made bad "policy decisions." It's all been intentional, because as pointed out below, in their minds, it is their country and their democracy for them to do with as they please. Which always means filling their pockets with our money. Using our kids to fight the wars they start to keep piling up the cash.

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its not even about MONEY. its about world domination and ruling over your mind.

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Most likely, our political leaders have been laundering our tax money through all this foreign aid. We "fools" have been hoodwinked and the only thing all these wars have done is make some people, including some political leaders, immensely wealthy, while fleecing American taxpayers. In addition, how many times has a Republican been elected who then goes on to vote like a Democrat? The fix was in while most Americans were just living their lives and voting in each election, only to find out the corruption in our government is beyond belief. And let me add that many of us would not know about all the corruption if it were not for Donald Trump.

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You might be surprised to find out that you probably don't have a federal income tax liability. Possibly you've heard something about this before in some vague terms. Legal scholar Peter Eric Hendrickson - not a lawyer, but surprisingly one doesn't need a law degree to become educated any more than one needs a degree in, say, economics to do well in the (legalized gambling) stock market game - has done the deep dive so you don't have to. Explains the income tax scam. Leaves it up to you with your new education whether you want to continue to define yourself as a taxpayer. His book, 𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐶𝑜𝑑𝑒: 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐹𝑎𝑠𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑡ℎ 𝐴𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑇𝑎𝑥𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑖𝑛 𝐴𝑚𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑎, now 20 years old, has been released to read for free on his website https://losthorizons.com/ I first read the book in print a few years pre plandemic. Emotional reaction. Cognitive dissonance. I was mid phase in discovering decades of coverups, not quite as schooled in the web of lies as I am today. You might have an easier time "believing" as you read. The material is dense, but worth the investment of time, imo. Believe it or not some people don't pay income tax. No kidding.

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Thank you for posting the link. I will look this over because I agree that taxes are unconstitutional, especially property taxes. Do you really own your property if the government can take your property when you don't pay their tax on it? It is extortion. We are feudal slaves and don't know it. Honestly, there needs to be a movement in our country in which every person decides not to pay taxes. Change your 1099 so that you keep all your money and have to pay the government at the end of the year, instead of the other way around. A LOT of people would start to realize just how much money is being stolen from them if they had to pay one lump sum each year in taxes. Furthermore, our government collects more than $1 trillion dollars in taxes every year (and I think that is a statistic from 2020). Put into perspective that is $1,000,000,000,000+.

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Yep, anyone that "owns" property is, by law, leasing it from the county (in most jurisdictions), subject to taxes. It's one scheme after another. Hendrickson stops at the federal income tax in the book. Again, the read is SO worth the investment of your time. I have a paper copy (I think it's out of print now) with so many sticky tabs hanging off the pages it's nuts.

Something Hendrickson doesn't get into relative to your observation on collections (he does point out that the IRS is the Federal Reserve's collection agency) is that for every dollar issued by the Fed, there is interest due. Look at any greenback on the face side. Right at the top it says in plain sight, "Federal Reserve Note". The terminology "note" is financial short hand for "promissory note," like the note you signed for the loan you got for your home (oh boy, there's another scam - fractional reserve banking and the creation of money out of thin air, particularly with respect to mortgage lending: every mortgage loan is fraudulent. I'm pretty sure you weren't informed that the bank would deposit your note - that's right, deposit pages of 8.5 x 11" / 8.5 x 14" paper with your signature - in a transaction account, with a ledger entry as a liability, meaning it is something the bank owes [it is n͟o͟t recorded as an asset], like any deposit a customer makes, in a savings or checking or CD or other demand account. A liability. Wait a minute... what? you might be asking. Oh yes. The bank has taken your signed promise and counted it as something it owes YOU. The other side of the balance sheet, the asset, is money created out of thin air, because the bankers wrote the laws and they're legally allowed to do it. This is fractional reserve banking. That money that the bank created out of thin air, is what they "lend" you, with interest due. THEN, they pool your note with other notes and sell them for cash on the secondary mortgage market. Yep. They created cash out of thin air based on the value of your note - free money - and then traded/sold your note for cash - double their money, for free. They put up nothing in exchange. They "loaned" you back the value of your signed note at interest. They do not lend other depositors' money, despite what you many think. Look into it. This sequence of events is not disclosed in your carefully reviewed (one hopes) promissory note. It's fraud. But try to go up against the bank and accountants and judges. They're all in on it. Whew. Long parenthetical. Where was I? 🤪 Oh right, greenbacks... dollars issued by the Fed.)

Every dollar has interest due on it, payable to that private entity, the Fed. What the government collects via income tax primarily goes to that interest but doesn't come close to covering it. More scam. Central banking, that final coup in 1913, is the source of every manipulation with regard to money in the economy and, as Ed Dowd has observed, is near the end of its life cycle, now at 110 years. Thus the push for CBDCs to replace the fiat dollar. I could go on but you get the gist.

As for your 1099, oh yeah, you can change it all right. And you should. And never have to pay a dime. I can't explain it here. Read the book. With keen attention. You'll probably be shocked. You also need a sustainable source of chutzpah, but there's lots of help on the website to give you juice. Their code, Title 26, decoded, tells you everything every IRS collection agent doesn't know. Yadda. Best wishes. It's quite the journey...

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You had me until the green agenda 'fair trade' part. So, no helping underdeveloped countries lift themselves by their bootstraps through honest trade until they're already wealthy enough to afford the luxuries of our methods?

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I mostly agree. But how do we reach that point of coexistence when leaders of other countries are trying to hurt us (and I know we are, in kind, trying to hurt them)? I understand what US leadership has been doing for about the last 30 years - create confusion and division to keep a potential adversary distracted, if not on the defensive. I don't like it, and it's going to be a very difficult merry go round to jump off of.

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we started it. if we could listen to PUtin and elect a non mindless Deep State lackey we might have a chance.

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Since the end of WWII, both the US and the USSR/Russia have been actively "stirring the pot". Did this really start at the Cuban Missile Crisis? Or even the Korean War? Is that what got both sides to realize the power of meddling in the other side's back yard? Putin exploited a number of years of US covert/overt actions against Russian interests to take back Ukraine as a first step in rebuilding Russia into a super-power. But there were also logical reasons for the US and EU to meddle in Ukraine. (notice I said "logical", not "justifiable".) And there were reasons for Russia doing what it did to provoke a response from the US and EU into Ukraine. And back and back and back.

With the fall of the USSR, the US had a chance to completely change this tit for tat dynamic (where's my reset button? :-) ) but did not. And so the cycle kept repeating. I'm sure a cogent POTUS would be able to highlight many of the agreements that Russia broke too.

Right now, both sides believe "If we let down our guard first, we are dead." I don't know how we get out of this, but I'm sure there is a way that smarter people than I can figure out. I have a feeling that solution just may go through India.

Leaders on both sides just see this as a game and don't care about the people that get ruined or killed. We are all just pieces on a game board for them.

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Your last paragraph. Bingo.

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"We are fools!" I no longer use the term "we" when talking about anything that the political class is doing. "They" no longer represent "us."

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Feb 9Liked by Jeff Childers

"More subversively, and probably unintentionally, the interview also deeply undermined the Biden Administration, by starkly contrasting our two leaders."

Knowing the history of how Putin came to power, I continue to believe that ultimately Putin is one of "them". That being said, the main takeaway from the interview was the deep contrast between Putin and Biden. Putin gave a history lesson. He talked about macroeconomics. He even shared his thoughts on the challenges of AI governance. Meanwhile, the current occupant of the White House probably can't name the VP.

Great round-up, sir. Happy Friday.

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I’m only halfway through the Putin interview, but I’m really struck by the difference between Putin and Biden. The difference is stark. It’s also really interesting to hear his perspective on some historical issues, different than how events were presented by US media at the time.

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There is no doubt about Putin's intelligence and bona fides. He's highly educated including being fluent in German and, by all accounts (from my Russian wife) also in English, and rose to prominence within the ranks of the KGB.

That said, the circumstances that brought Putin to power in the late-90s, including the FSB bombing of an apartment complex in Ryazan that brought about the Second Chechen War and which cemented Putin's hold on power, long ago revealed him for what he is. Add to that targeted assassinations of prominent journalists - Anna Politkovskaya, one of the most prominent - and political opponents - Boris Nemtsov, for example - and oligarchs in the 25 years Putin has been in power.

Putin was right about the history, particularly following the collapse of the Soviet Union. He was also right about the West's betrayal of promises made to Russia such as James Baker's "not an inch further east" assurance about NATO expansion. He was also right about events in Ukraine following the Soviet Union's collapse, particularly Maidan in 2014 and all that ensued since.

However, he did not answer the questions about why Russia really launched the objectively pointless and disastrous SMO and how, really, the war will end. His constant talk of 'de-nazifaction' of Ukraine sounded like a manufactured pretext for launching a war against a people that the Russians otherwise regard as brethren.

The timing of the SMO and the salivating of neocons and warmongers about the prospect of World War III makes me deeply suspicious. Russia is lock-step with everyone else in pushing COVID shots and China-like digital surveillance. On top of that, Putin is still an oligarch and became wealthy like Roman Abramovich and others by exploiting his KGB ties and eliminating the competition.

Like I said, Putin is another one of "them".

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

I agree with you; there are only a *handful* of folks working the world over. And they are all playing the same game to keep the power. That handful only allow the agitators (WEF, Soros', Gates, etc.) to keep the world citizenry busy. And I truly believe the handful get their power source from one controlling it all. But he will only have that control as long as he is allowed to have that control. In other words, there is only a set time and then God will take action. And He laughs at the rulers of men's plan.

There is no doubt in my mind that all the chaos encircling the world is similar to the dark thing (darkness of evil) of the world of Camazotz.

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I disagree. I think something has changed about Putin and he genuinely wants peace. The only time he ever started a war was in Ukraine when his country was threatened. It was a defensive war which is a legitimate reason. Even now he's clear he wants to end it but the US is not willing. Zelensky is just a puppet of the US and has no real powers.

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Straight up. The logical conclusion.

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Yes. Even in light of knowing we took out Nord Stream. He did not dodge or hedge on that one bit.

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I had wondered if Putin speaking in Russian and using a translator was a strategy instead of a necessity.

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I had an experience with the FSB the last time I was in Russia where I was interrogated by a guy straight out of a James Bond movie. To avoid any miscommunication, I answered the questions in English and the interrogator spoke Russian through a translator. It was evident by our interaction that he completely understood and spoke English. It was a power move.

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The creepy vibe Putin puts off is over the top.

Of course, he understands and speaks English fluently.

There were a few instances during this interview I was thinking, Putin thinks Tucker should be crushed like a bug. But Putin also realized the value of this platform to get his "truth" out there. Lightyears ahead of FJB in political skills.

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I like Tucker Carlson but it was clear that the 'rules of engagement' were clearly set out. It's also clear that Tucker may have been intellectually intimidated by Putin, who is clearly a highly intelligent polymath. Lacking the Romanov bloodline, you don't become the de facto (if not de jure) 'Czar of Russia' without being smart, charismatic, and ruthless.

Putin clearly controlled the discussion and it was evident from the beginning that Tucker was on a tight leash. Tucker even wore a suit and business appropriate footwear. The Putin 'history primer' replete with dates was Putin's "I'm smarter than you" demonstration. The best Tucker was permitted to muster was a few Tucker-esque facial expressions. I am confident that Tucker would have got a few 'zingers' in if he was allowed to and didn't fear becoming Navalny's cellmate at Penal Colony No. 6.

Ultimately, they both got what they wanted out of the interview. I'm glad it happened regardless of what I may personally think of Putin.

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I dunno, I didn't think he appeared creepy at all. I do think he was amused by Tucker a few times.

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I think he wanted to speak Russian for his Russian audience.

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Of course. We Americans are not always the center of the universe, even though we have long been led to think we are.

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

I noticed that Putin started a few of his answers in English and then switched to Russian. I’ve read that he is fluent in English. It seems evident that he understood it perfectly and may even speak it well.

Thanks for your insight and reminder of who he is and how he came to power. He is a dangerous and ruthless man, all the more so because of his capabilities.

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When speaking, it is always paramount to keep your audience in mind. I believe he had his Russian audience in mind which was the one audience he could address with his own voice in his native tongue.

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

Yes sir. It was quite interesting, Putin was definitely in control of the interview. I admire Tucker for doing it, but I’m not sure how much was gained by it, notoriety for Tucker, but no remarkable revelations. At least Tucker was smart enough to know that you “don’t poke the Bear”: our national leaders aren’t that smart.

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Great comment.

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it probably works for him to have more time to get to the answers.

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Covid shots are NON MRNA from my RUssian friends. still Bullshit but a less dangerous variety.

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I hear he has made the deal w the WHite Hats, same with Musk.


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Biden laughed at the interview...Yeltsin didn't even bother to show up and sent some other guy in his place!

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Well done!

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Thank you, sir. 🤣🤣🤣🤣❤️

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Awsome, I’m still laughing.

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Biden is not in charge. He doesn’t even know that he is a laughing stock of the world. He is only in office as a shield for the power brokers.

Look behind the screen. Look behind the Wizard of Oz.

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Obama, clinton & bushes x 2 have all betrayed our country .

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

Putin's speeches over the past decade, both with English translated voices and English text, are available at http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/transcripts and also at https://www.miragenews.com/full-text-of-putin-state-of-nation-speech-21-951701/ ... There are other sources as well.

If you read / listen to a few of these, you'll discover that Putin said nothing new to Carlson. In other words, Putin did not craft a speshul package of lies for Tucker's American audience. What Vlad said to Tucker is basically what he says to everyone.

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You are mostly right - nothing new if you follow it. But the vast majority of US citizens don't follow it, and many millions do follow Tucker and many millions more will watch this interview.

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Correct. Tucker provided "authorization" for many folks to hear a POV usually reserved for us political junkies.

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And that makes me smile - it's a good thing!

Imagine the product and impact if Tucker and Rogan were to collaborate on something!

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Tucker , Rogan and Trump!

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I would pay $500 to see them on the same stage! That would be a great time!

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This is correct just as you say. And it is vital to know this in that consistency of expression is important. Even more important is what Putin did not say but said in the past. And knowing that add a whole new tone of conciliation. (But also, the basic history was packaged into the interview, and in a nice way.)

My guess is that a war settlement is already being considered and negotiated. Putin is one of the greatest of political figures of all time, a very shrewd and precise negotiator ... and it will tell us a whole lot about where the United States goes from here. It is either a volt-face pivot or down the drain. This is indeed the point where history goes one way or another.

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The link goes to an article published on January 29 of this year.

While the topic of the article delves into a topic not addressed in today’s discussion (close to 750 comments by the time I got here, so maybe somewhere it is addressed) pertinent to this thread is that this article supports your thesis that negotiations are already underway.

“Turkey established themselves as the neutral entity for future brokering negotiations between Russia and Ukraine.”


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Thanks FM ... an excellent link.

I agree with most of the article. And Sanctioning and SWIFT weaponization was the last straw for the Western Central Banking Cartel. Ever since that moment, advised against by Fed, something had to give and do so in a big way. Now it is all about saving the Franchise against further de-dollarization erosion. But the lead grey countries on the map will not cooperate. Why should they? After all, no one wants to be beaten up on a regular basis by the freaks who were running the Collective West clown show.

Milei and Argentina may be the first signal that grey map countries are not all totally grey. Central and South American business relations are very, very tightly integrated. And so, I am not sure entirely what will happen. But the business as usual for the USD is over and there will be as is already emerging, a new world financial money transaction system. And it may look a lot more like the old system before dollar transcendence before the outcomes of WWII changed everything.

I keep coming back to Putin's History Lesson. All that time was not spent by accident, without a purpose. And the United States saving face may involve large border changes, all at the expense of the Ukraine who will wish that they never did get in tight with the Americans and their tawdry little empire. Hell! Even the elite rulers who got themselves into to this fix might wish that they never heard of the word Ukraine.

Thinking that Russia could be collapsed is probably the biggest miscalculation to date of the 21st century.

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True. The interview was extremely helpful though for the average citizen to understand the context of his actions, especially in Ukraine. Also the historical facts he reiterated are not known to most Americans who are too lazy to read anything of value. They would rather play video games and plaster gossip all over fb. I would not trivialize the interview as a no brainer.

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Didn’t he say this is nothing new?

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Biden knows the V.P.! He gets to see him up close every morning in the bathroom mirror.

No, wait....I'm gettin' him confused with that other fella......ya know, the guy.....the Delaware Senator, um......Jim i think, i just had breakfast with him.....Jim Biden whatd'ya know! my brother Jim's the Vice President of Delaware! How'd he pull that off?!!?!? No Joke, musta gave a sack of cash to the right people! Oh well anyway,...... what's the question again?

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So yesterday the counsel said the old fool was off the hook because he has dementia...but then the old fool had a press conference and declared "No No my brains are not oozing out my ears!!!". SO: isn't he saying he SHOULD be tried and jailed for his crimes?

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Exactly, we need a redo. Joe says he is sharp as a tact, so, indicte.

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You on 🔥

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Putin did an excellent job portraying Russia as a victim of modern Nazi terrorism and unethical political manipulation by American authorities especially.

Biden can’t even portray himself as competent…lol

How many taxpayer dollars have gone towards Biden’s adult diapers, 8 balls and ice cream cones laced with propofol?

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Putin was correct about the west's betrayal following the collapse of the Soviet Union. He was also correct about Russia becoming a market economy and wanting to join the west politically and economically. However, people have forgotten how deeply corrupt Russia was, particularly during the Yeltsin years. All of the so-called 'oligarchs' including Putin, became wealthy by grabbing bits of Russia's economic infrastructure for themselves throughout the early '90s.

Western businesses attempted to engage in joint ventures with Russian companies only to find themselves paying 'taxes' to the Russian mafia. The Russian legal system was also corrupt and ineffectual so legal remedies did not exist. There's a great documentary called "Red Penguins" about the Pittsburgh Penguins organization's attempt at a joint venture with the Red Army team. The team was renamed the Russian Penguins. The whole thing ultimately fell apart due to rampant corruption.

The reason Putin originally was embraced by Russians was because he came across as a nationalist and a patriot who, among other things, was going to rid the country of corruption and restore it to greatness. I remember articles from that time comparing Putin to Reagan. Then came the FSB apartment bombing, the Second Chechen War, the laundry list of assassinations, the elimination of political opposition and independent media, Russia's unique response to COVID, and the SMO. The Russians I know are not as enamored as they once were.

All told, since the U.S. has leveraged its economy to China, the MIC needs another enemy. With Saddam long gone and the GWOT over, the only available candidates are Kim Jong Un in North Korea, the Iranian Mullahs, and Russia. Putin's SMO in Ukraine seemed to happen at an opportune time for everyone. Putin was right about who really controls the world. He is one of them, like Xi, and the people pulling Joe Biden's strings.

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It’s time for America, to protect Americans, perhaps being an aware isolationist is the basic plan .

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I don’t know enough Russian history, but I certainly don’t know almost any American history that is accurate enough to assess the significance of Putin’s statements.

The American history I was taught had much more heroism and patriotism woven into the stories. America was always the savior and rescuer.

The upstanding and dignified world police.

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He saved Russia from economic collapse and from the west going in to buy it up. His concern is his country. and he has done a good job.

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Gee do you think some journalist should have interviewed Hitler and compared him to Roosevelt?

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No, I think some Russian journalist should interview Biden for 2 hours - and telecast it to the world.

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Feb 9Liked by Jeff Childers

I watched the Putin interview and was a bit surprised he didn't say anything about our cultural & social rot here in the US and in many other western countries. It may have very well been what you suggest Jeff but it occurred to me that maybe he held back because we're our own worst enemy? No wars are needed if your enemy is self imploding, right? IDK. My takeaway was pretty simple. Russia's President gave a detailed 30+ minute Russian geopolitical lesson while our President was found cognitively impaired (Hur's report) and can't put 2 sentences together.

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"Russia's President gave a detailed 30+ minute Russian geopolitical lesson while our President was found cognitively impaired (Hur's report) and can't put 2 sentences together."

LuAnne -This may be the most concise, cogent and insightful analysis I've read about the interview.

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I just sat in awe thinking this as well as I watched the first half. This man clearly has a fully functioning and capable brain and then America… 😣 well the Hur’s report is beyond humiliating.

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I tremble at the thought (given who’s second in line) but didn’t the DOJ just sign, seal and deliver a 25th Amendment take-down?

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

Great comment LuAnne! That interview convinced me that he is one cagey fox. And maybe more dangerous than I had thought. He is intelligent and well informed on every subject as a world leader should be - and he’s giving nothing away. Still the KGB agent at heart.

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Place him next to the imbecile in office, mind blowing

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yeah, I think many of us were really hoping he would take the opportunity to call us out for our nonsense. Yeah, I could see that it's maybe one of two things - like Jeff said, he either held back to try to appeal to more independents and moderate dem's or he is perhaps enjoying watching us self implode from our own stupidity.

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Better than that he called out our leaders for their nonsense. He knows as well as anyone the populace is helpless to prevent the neocons running the country from forging ahead with their ridiculous NWO agenda.

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Putin talks about our cultural and social rot in other speeches.

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

Biden's demise has been planned for a long time. They were never going to let him run in 2024--they know even his own constituency has no faith in him--his cognitive impairment is beyond obvious. So, just in time, about 6 months before the election, he is officially deemed demented.

This is not good news. Who will replace him? *They* are very good at pulling people from under rocks to swoop in and win the country over. Just in the nick of time.

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I am sure that a lot of people would have wanted commentary on the US/Western rot/corruption. But this is not Putin's job. Putin's job is Russian. Only Russian and not the rest of the baggage of the world.

Here is an example from the interview regarding the pipeline. Putin mentioned that one gas pipeline still can work. And did he mention that by accident? Probably not ... and in spite of the outright attempt of the Collective West/American Empire to smash Russian and fragment Russia into ten or more pieces controlled by the West, Russia still appears willing to supply gas to Europe. Why? Because selling gas is good for Russia. And also, and by political settlement, a re-stabilised Europe is also good for Russia.

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100%. If Tucker had asked him, Putin’s response would have been something like ‘why should I help your country? That’s your job not mine.’

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So why are we giving a ruthless dictator a platform? I am sure he thinks he now has a free pass to invade whatever country he wants and Americans will watch and nod their heads in agreement.

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We give dictators a platform all the time. Biden, Trudeau, Zelensky, to name a few and no one thinks twice.

Sorry....I'm being sarcastic (well, somewhat), I couldn’t resist.

Honestly though, there was nothing Putin said in that interview that changed my mind or opinion of him and quite frankly, I'm not sure why you seem to be OK with government and/or media have the say in who we are "allowed" to hear. Also, Putin doesn't need any American "nods" to do whatever it is he has up his sleeve.

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It is not an issue of the media or government “allowing” - I am horrified by how naive so many are - this dictator has been given legitimacy for his brutal regime- and most have no idea what goes on in Russia. This totally undermines all dissidents and that’s just the beginning of how embolden his American following has made him.

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Who's given him legitimacy and how is it Americans have emboldened him? American taxpayers have forked out billions upon billions to Ukraine. Money we don't have btw! We've got millions upon millions of unvetted, unchecked foreigners

waltzing across our southern border for which taxpayers are once again, on the hook for. And now, we're sending even more war money to the ME wars. It seems our very own government is behind so much of this and it's destroying our country so you'll have to excuse me for not being hyper-focused on hating Russia.

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Antonia, IMO your perspective is way off target.

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Feb 9Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, I’m super interested in your thoughts about our food plants fires!

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And train derailments! Please share….

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Count me in. Have pondered the 'why' for a year.

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Yes me too!

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Suspected ‘this’ from first one!

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Happy Birthday Michelle, enjoy a beautiful weekend with your family. God bless you guys, your husband is doing God’s work.

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Yes! Happy birthday Michelle! 🎉🥳🎂 Thanks for your behind the scenes work, too!! ❤️

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Let us not forget Michelle's midnight hours compiling the topics for her husband's witty posts.

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Happy Birthday Michelle & have a great year!

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Feb 9Liked by Jeff Childers

Look at this line from Mr. Hur's report: "Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen."

Everybody is PO'd that Biden "willfully retained" classified information. Fair enough. But, that's not the big crime here. Biden willfully retained and DISCLOSED CLASSIFIED MATERIALS. I have told my kids for years that a liberal is a person who stops thinking when it feels good. Well, it may no longer be limited to liberals.

Not addressed any place that I have seen is, to whom did Biden DISCLOSE this information? That person(s) needs to be investigated as well. Was information disclosed to one of Hunter's Ukrainian business associates, the wife of the Mayor of Moscow, one of Hunter's Chinese partners, one of the Chinese backers of the Penn-Biden Center, or all of the above? The act of disclosing, as attested to by no less than a US Special Counsel, appointed by the US Attorney General, requires two parties, a discloser and a "disclosee."

BTW, the standard nomenclature for these parties is SPY!

All this took place when Biden was a private citizen enjoying the quiet retirement earned by nearly 50 years in public office.

This case shouldn't be closed, it is just beginning.

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Immunity for ALL Classified Document peddlers! Hillary, Joe, Barry O, GW, Tricky Dick Cheney, whoever wherever, just not the mean tweeting insurrection guy

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"earned"? IMO, more like "taken"

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This is less about stolen documents than it is a way to start the ball rolling on how they will remove Biden from the ballot and replace him with a new hero, who will magically win the election. Mr. Hur would have never been allowed to make such a statement without express permission (read: orders) to start the pivot. Who will replace him? M. Obama?

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The trick now is to back off Biden enough to let the Dems effectively defend him. Trump needs to run against Biden and his record, not some fresh meat with no record to defend. Save all of the video out takes for the final campaign.

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But do they want to defend him? I think they’re thirsty for another young Obama kind of figure.

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When they say, "He's just suffering from a lifelong stammer, but he is sharp as a tack.", just say well maybe, and don't fight it until mid-August. Then unload with both barrels.

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Gavin newsome is my guess.

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A reporter yesterday said docs were disclosed to the “ghost” writer of his book. I don’t remember which network reported it.

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Neither does Joe

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

My greatest grievance is the man is 81 yrs old. If he is put to trial and jailed he will die in 2 yrs! A joke

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Bless our God, O peoples,

And make the sound of His praise heard,

Who establishes us among the living

And does not allow our feet to stumble.

For You have tested us, O God;

You have refined us as silver is refined.

You brought us into the net;

You established an oppressive burden upon our loins.

You made men ride over our heads;

We went through fire and through water,

Yet You brought us out into a place of abundance.

— Psalm 66:8-12 LSB

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I love the reminders of hope and believing in how God works and how God will bring us in. He is faithful.

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The more senile Biden gets, the more trump derangement msm and substack shrieks about fascism. It’s all they have. Pathetic for them, funny for us to watch them implode.

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Neurodegeneration is a leading disease in the US, and the neurodegen pharma market is expected to rake in $55billion in 2024.

Biden and his followers, and Trump's could use some more mackerel in their diet.

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Vitamin D prevents the neuroinflammation that causes neurodegenerative conditions.

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I agree. My doc sent me for blood tests in 2019 to see why I felt foggy brained and forgetful. Of all the things they tested for, it was D that showed up as deficient. It was dangerously low at 18 ng/mL. Things are much clearer now at ~60 ng/mL.

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What is really interesting in relation to this discussion is an OTC memory product Prevegen. They claim the active ingredient is some compound from a jellyfish yet the only other listed ingredient is vitamin D3.

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From what I've seen that is just a bunch of marketing hoopala.

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Yes but esp. from the Sun. Did you know that D supplements can cause calcification and ruin our organs?


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There is more to this story. Vit K has to be part of it. I take K along with D3 to shuttle the calcium into the correct locations. K is not technically a vitamin.

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Yep. Life changer for me! Starting K2 with D3 took away years of chronic sacral pain

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K2 and D3 for sacral pain? First heard so I would love to know more. Not chronic, but when I do throw my lower back out, any semblance of normal life is over. I'm completely debilitated for the next 5-15 days. And that happens 3-4 times a year. Please tell your (dosing?) secrets. Mahalo!

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Correctomundo Janet! K is what Weston A Price found that indigenous people ate the most of, and why they had such beautiful jaws and teeth, without brushing. Are you familiar with Weston A Price?

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Roman, your comment made me go to Al Gore's Information Superhighway to see what *are* the food sources of K2, anyway? (I take a daily D3/K2 supplement, but also get out in the sun) And lo and behold, they're animal and fermented foods, and it's not inherent in them, but created by the bacteria. For a physician with a life-long interest in food and nutrition, I am so, way, behind.

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Yes. I tried a more paleo plan in 2012 and I learned about WAP. I have a cookbook put out by the WAP organization. He called it vitamin X or something like that. But K is very important. I have learned so much—and not from doctors. I just took a look at the bottle of antibiotics that a doctor recommended I take before any dental procedure since I had a partial hip replacement. OMG. This is a black box antibiotic that can give you C-diff and ruin your micro biome to a chronic level which can lead to all sorts of trouble. They just hand these prescriptions out like candy. Clindamycin. BEWARE!!!!

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

I take K2. Not sure of the difference between it and K- just know I read specifically needed for D3 absorption.

Another trace mineral/element that helps teeth and degenerative bone disease at bay is Boron. I can post a link for a lecture on its benefits, dosage, etc if anyone is interested.

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Yes. Please. I’ve read some about that. I’m concerned about bone health without taking those horrible drugs. DONT TAKE PROLIA. The side effects can be monstrous. Class action suits are in the near future.

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Please share Janet! I was using prunes for boron, but now on keto diet, and prefer other sources of my few carbs. TIA! :)

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Thank you for the reminder to restock vit. K.

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Inflammation of vascular epithelial cells causes serum calcium and some LDLs to adhere resulting in placques. Vitamin D maintains epithelial integrity (reduces inflammation) which keeps the vasculature smooth rendering CA++ and lipids more irrelevant than advertised. While sunlight derived vitD is ideal, supplements are the next best thing.

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Supplement with a natural source like cod liver oil....

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Yes or straight up cod liver...although I've never tried that. Do you take cod liver / oil?

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I take 4000 units (epa + dha) of Nordic Naturals fish oil daily. Is that similar to taking cod liver oil?

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Thanks for the info Henry! Do you take D supplements?

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

Supplementing D-3 is practically required for the typical American lifestyle unless you have the habit of regular sunbathing. However, one MUST also supplement with Vit K2-MK7 to prevent calcium from being deposited in your soft tissues. I try to keep my D levels close to 100.

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I found it interesting that my bloodwork in 2018 with D over 50 was flagged high. Bloodwork in 2022 with D at 90 was not flagged at all. (Both times done at Mayo JAX).

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I remember reading somewhere that lab test results were compared more to “norms” rather than to recommendations. I wish I had saved a link, as I have no idea where I read that. Could it be that in 2018, a D level of 50 was well above “normal”, but higher levels are now more common after 4 years of hearing “C, D, and Zinc” (even from the Evil Elf himself back in spring 2020, when asked what supplements he personally was taking to stay well; the question probably caught him by surprise and he was startled into a truthful answer). IDK, just a thought…

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It's true. "Normal" ranges were established by looking at population numbers.

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I have said from the beginning I f his run for Presidency. Biden is acting the part of a dementia patient. He’s doing it to avoid being tried for treason and LO and BEHOLD!!! It worked!😂😂😂. He is going to get away, ‘Scot-free’………he has fooled everybody. Even conservatives……..even the Supremes.

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I was entertaining the same thoughts.

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I’ve been meaning to get me some mackerel! When the run in these parts, they school in the thousands.

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Sardines aren`t bad

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Now you're making me jealous...where are you, Florida? I eat canned from the mediterranean.

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Sadly no….the North Atlantic, where the water will sap your life force in 40 minutes if you give it a chance…

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They still have the old standby of abortion in their back pocket...

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there'll be some incident this Summer where media will showcase a poor 14 year old who could only get a back alley abortion of her non-viable fetus in some Red state and gruesomely died as a result; presto media spotlight, marches, protests, violence wha-la!

Then the lynching of some black kid by cops, a trans kid who texts up a 4 paragraph manifesto and suicides due to trans phobia and inaccessible gender care, Climate Change mega-storms and continental wildfires, infrastructure disasters, Bleaching and liariating of a Haitian immigrant Uber driver, some hugely messy oil/coal/nat gas leak with EPA showing how Trump caused it, Bank stress due to Republicans, on and on for the free get out the Vote media push for Democrats.

Handsomely straight White Privileged DENVER Mayor on a rant this morning against Trump and Republicans for CAUSING the giant financial burden of mass migration into his city.... MEDIA and Lakewood mayor (White Chick) excoriating the conspiracy kook residents of Lakewood who're concerned that since Mike (whitey) Johnston is asking ALL Denver suburbs to shoulder the burden (their fair share) and their city met with Denver over it that they are NEXT on the give us your tired, your sick, your oppressed bandwagon.

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And it’ll be as fake as the tween (from IN or OH?) they claimed had to travel to get an abortion after being raped.

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What was fake about the story?

I don’t agree with what happened. However, the doctor who very wrongly leaked the story to people at a rally was investigated by the Indiana state AG and recommended for action from the state medical board. I forget what happened.

There actually was a young girl raped and taken to Indiana for her abortion. Very, very tragic on multiple fronts. And then she was sent home where the original perpetrator was, if I recall correctly. A second contention in the med board investigation was whether the dr appropriately handled with DCS.

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Sadly, 100% true.

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Biden could be pretending to be "senile" though.

Then, he won't be held responsible for all the "stuff" which have been done to decimate America.

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He’s really not that smart to be pulling that off. He’s an idiot who now has dementia. God help us all.

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You’re right. Biden isn’t that smart. But he is that devious. And he is demented, which is different than ‘dementia’. He has turned himself over to a reprobate mind, so yes…..he is one who could pretend, just to avoid being tried for treason.

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It doesn't matter. Biden isn't running the show.

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Funny, but, IMO, Biden has never been smart enough to pull that off. He has always been the guy that moves the curve to the left.

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If he’s acting, that ‘fly catching’ open mouth and blank staring face alone should win him an Oscar.

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His legitimate pathway to citizenship for tens of thousands of foreign-tied men via our military is a masterstroke, no hesitation to declare martial law wherever needed in the good ol' USA.

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I doubt that Biden came up with that! His handlers did. And if it fails, Biden will take the fall.

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Doubt it will fail. Buckle down for a rough ride, folks!

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Nope, he's not that good an actor. He has that classic, "deer in the headlights" look of dementia. Anyone who's seen it in real life knows "the look."

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He will be held responsible in history, just not now. They need him to take attention away from the real culprits including Barry, Hil and Nancy.

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I don’t think he’s capable of faking it.

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

I thought the same about Reagan, but at least he had the decency to die

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Reagan wasn’t evil. Biden is.

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When you think the msm can’t be anymore buttlicking insane…


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What is up with Joy(less) Reid wearing the Trump-like rug? LOL!

Isn't that "cultural appropriation"?

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Pathetic should be in all caps

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Feb 9Liked by Jeff Childers

I'm beyond concerned ( probably not the best word to describe).. troubled.. by the way they put it in our faces now . " Biden won't be charged" for ... anything. There's no stopping these crimelords. It's so infuriating. Also , Did Tucker make it out of Russia before that bombing ?

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FBI did the same with Hill when she smashed the private servers to destroy evidence. ... same as it ever was. Same as it ever was.

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Yes I remember it well. And so many other examples .

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Johnny, are you a fellow Talking Heads fan?

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Yes. I feel he same. They flaunt it asking, "what are you going to do about it?" And, you know? They have a point. What CAN we do about it? As Jesse Kelly says, "the system protects itself."

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He said that the interview took place on Feb 6, I’m thinking he was well back in the US before he published it.

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Ah thanks !

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agreed...I think we are seeing that there is no floor for these people, no level of pathetic excuses they won't stoop to. There are no adults left in the room to go "wait a minute, even WE can't be this ridiculous". The President of the free world is walking around as an alzheimers patient/weekend at bernie's dufus and no one cares enough to do anything about it. It's beyond sad. It's showing us the true colors of these people. I have got to hope that moderate Dem's are waking up a little bit to how corrupt their people are. Come on people...anyone left with any firing neurons cannot be happy with the state of the country right now. We are a complete embarrassment.

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Jen……’moderate dem’? What is that?

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I have friends/family members who identify as "moderate dems." So, they vote for whomever is running with a D by their name. I'm not sure that they realize that they are voting for candidates who will then vote in lockstep to approve every crazy far-left policy they can come up with.

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Yes, I would agree with Jean - I know a lot of people like that. Who keep voting with the Democrat party, but have no idea what they're really voting for and the chaos they're causing. They just think "yay abortion!" "yay diversity!" I don't know how we can reach people like that to really show them the dangerous path they're sending us all down by paying zero attention to what is really going on.

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You can't reach them - only a very serious personal setback will open their eyes, and that's not guaranteed. They are just as likely to double down on their ideology in that case.

Woke liberalism is a mental disorder.

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Be sure to watch the Epoch Times movie, Letter to the Church. It is not just for the churches. It reveals the extent of penetration of Marxist values into our government and society. It does this more revealing and effectively than previous efforts. well worth watching.

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I forgot to say: The similarities of the government edicts during the takeover of the Nazi regime, and what is happening here, are very sobering. As is the passivity of the citizens and of the churches. This constitutes an outright attack on biblical values, the rule of law, the family, and property rights. All this amounts to an attempted Marxist takeover that is largely succeeding.

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It was Jeff's advice to the Church which brought me into this particular sheepfold. Sheep, not sheeples.

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That was a most excellent Substack. Loved it.

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Or read the book on which it’s based, by Eric Metaxas. 💯

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I know Epoch is still doing good things but my opinion of them has far fallen. So over the click bait-fear mongering headlines!

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People who have escaped communism are the ones who have been fairly screaming at us that we are marching blindly into that slavery, for these many, many decades now. I haven't noticed fear-mongering headlines in Epoch Times, though, not nearly so much as for the climate/race cultists of the left.

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Read "Mao's America" by Xi Van Fleet. She grew up during the Chinese Cultural Revolution and was struck by the parallels between the Red Guard tactics and what the leftists are doing today in the US. It's not a difficult read--she's very clear and to the point.

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I've read much before that was similar. Have you ever read this? My dad worked for this guy, looking for the communists in the U.S. Government during WWII.

"In writing this book I have been guided by many years of study and observation of the communist conspiracy in action in the United States.

"As a Special Assistant to the Attorney General of the United Slates in 1919, I was assigned to prepare a legal brief on the newly formed Communist Party and Communist Labor Party. This necessitated an extensive and penetrating study.

"The amount of material was voluminous: Party statements, resolutions, platforms, news accounts, manifestoes, the very first documents of American communism. I studied also the writings of Marx, Engels, and Lenin as well as the activities of the Third International.

"In this brief, which was submitted to the Attorney General, I concluded:

""These doctrines threaten the happiness of the community, the safety of every individual, and the continuance of every home and fireside. They would destroy the peace of the country and thrust it into a condition of anarchy and lawlessness and immorality that passes imagination.

""Today, as I write these words, my conclusions of 1919 remain the same. Communism is the major menace of our time. Today, it threatens the very existence of our Western civilization.""

- J. Edgar Hoover, in the Foreword to his 1958 book Masters of Deceit

Read the book for free here:


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Because Mao and Biden have the same bosses ?

Supposedly Mao killed 70-80 million ?

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

I agree they put out some good things and I fully agree those who eacaped communism are on our side and have been shouting….

but the “double vaccinacted get horrible news….” etc etc etc all day several times a day is enough and definitely click bait if not fear mongering! I mean what are the really after? Honeslty how many times can you put out articles on the vaccinated get bad news stuff???

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Lol, it's one of the main things this blog does!

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I’m a big Eric Metaxas fan!

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Thanks, just ordered it. Our county Republican Party is showing a series of movies this election year, and this will be one of them.

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Jesus wasn't Marxist?

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??... Well, He did live long before Marx.

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Part of the Progressive Pantheon of Proto-Marxists i suppose even wealth-envying, family hating, Occultic, Atheistic, Unemployed White Jewish guys from 19th century London had to derive inspiration for their disturbed Manifestos from somewhere

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One might read the parable of the 3 stewards as favorable to capitalism.

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Feb 9Liked by Jeff Childers

Yesterday was an insane news day. SCOTUS oral arguments, special counsel report, Tucker-Putin interview, then a surprise appearance by Biden last night which was painful to watch.

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Yeah, a cooking show was much more palatable and didn't cause the heartburn of enduring Biden!

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Should've listened to Colorato Media...Vomit-worthy!

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I can only imagine. The entire underlying premise seems super shaky on multiple levels. Can people not see how that cuts both ways?

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I think they are banking on a one party system, with all the rulers getting that First Class legal protection. They certainly don’t envision ever being held to the standards they’re using, except probably back in the deepest recesses of their minds, where paranoia dwells and will not be denied. This makes them extremely dangerous.

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They don't even care if it looks shaky, as long as they get away with it. Then they can claim precedent for the next DemElite facing legal consequences for his crimes. If Biden wants to insist he is not senile, then let's have a trial.

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Unfortunately you’re probably right.

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He is always painful to watch. One has to squint to hear what he is saying. Then the listener has to mumble and repeat what they thought they heard to figure it out

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LOL. On point!

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Feb 9Liked by Jeff Childers

Did you have to hit Grandpa Simpson so hard? He doesn't deserve that comparison!

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And why should we feel sorry for Biden? Major Hasan who murdered thirteen people on Ft Hood was in a wheel chair at his trial, wasn't he? Health issues don't change the crime.

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Nobody feels sorry for Bi-dum, I feel sorry for Mr. Simpson being compared with Bi-dum...

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Good point! I don't feel sorry for Biden, but sympathy is what Special Counsel Hur is directly asking for. I want to ask the Special Counsel, "On what grounds does this man deserve sympathy? The "leader" who called half the country fascists?"

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Feb 9Liked by Jeff Childers

I'm not an Allen Dershowitz (sp?) fan but yesterday, he said in an interview that if those CO lawyers were students in any of his law courses, he would have suggested they change their major, immediately! He couldn't get over how stupid they were. 🤣

They may be stupid but I'll bet they're woke, which is way more important! 🤣😅

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A lot of ‘Rocky Mountain highs’ have killed off most of their brain cells, no doubt. The happy grass is not without side effects.

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Yea, Clay and Buck played a few snippets. Even I, very non-lawyer material, could tell they were not prepared. Clay said it reminded him of law school. You show up to class every day where a very smart legal expert who is a great lawyer proceeds to grill you. Doesn't sound like they passed.

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Feb 9Liked by Jeff Childers

Biden's current mental state is relevant to sentencing but not to prosecution.

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Yea I was thinking that too. Imagine one of us committing a crime, saying I didn’t have bad “intentions” and “I can’t remember”. .. oh, ok, we won’t charge you then. What a joke.

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I thought my garage was messy...until I saw that photo of Biden's garage.

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Yeah. I think I need to apologize to my husband now.

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He needs a dingy garage make-over; Queer Pimped Garage for the Straight Guy, it looks like it's still 1975 in there!

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My thought was, “They can’t afford to hire somebody to clean out the garage?” These are some nasty people.

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No bc you don’t know what might turn up.

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I wish I even had a garage. In the almost 52 years of our marriage, we had a garage for only 6 years--and left it 36 years ago. Still hoping.

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Remove the boxes of financial documents, personal information and unused checks and it will be fine.

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I think I see a broken Costco treadmill in the back there - it's the same one we have (and ours is put to use). I remember those pictures of Joe in Costco about a decade ago - hauling out a pumpkin pie and a TV, if I remember correctly.

He seemed so harmless back then.

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I remember Joe from the days of the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings. I’ve never seen him as harmless. It’s unbelievable how much he has humiliated himself over the decades, but never even knew it happened. He has just crawled along on his belly, leaving a trail of slime, relentlessly heading for the top of the hill.

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I read a bio of Pamela Churchill Harriman. Even she mentions Joe Biden 'the senator from Delaware' when she was active in fundraising for the dems. They have been grooming this useful idiot for decades. Someone who was easily conscripted due to lack of values, morals and character.

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Obama was groomed too. He just started younger. They got Mike/Michelle to fall in line too.

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So sick of these dirty, evil people.

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Willing Spirit I was going to mention that too… how horribly he treated Clarence Thomas during the confirmation hearings. Anyone unfamiliar with it might want to look up those old clips of how Obiden treated Thomas. I wanted someone to shake his teeth out. Shameful.

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Feb 9Liked by Jeff Childers

I found this embedded in a story on the Medium site about a woman married to a man 15 years her senior. Pretty much corroborates what I have said repeatedly on this post about cancer .

"He’s recently overcome cancer, which is a weird story in itself. We thought we’d go all hippy and do a raw vegan diet, detox with saunas, high-potency supplements, and cutting out all the bad stuff. I didn’t expect the cancer to disappear, but it did. Weird. Good though. We’re sticking with the regime, as it seems to have worked. I’m doing it too! We support each other 100%."

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A raw vegan diet is just short of a starvation diet and will cause the body to purge giving it the ability to starve the cancer and reject it. All sugars, natural or processed, must be eliminated. Sugar is crack to cancer. I would not stick with such a diet forever though a periodic fasting using that diet would be beneficial. Once health is restored, I would consider going to a carnivore diet of healthy, pasture raised meat for a healthy, nutritionally full diet which is the diet man was designed/evolved for.

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Anecdote: A man came down with a deadly cancer and was give a short time to live by his doctor. He went home and quit eating. Some time later he showed back up at his doctor's office and he looked like a refugee from a Nazi concentration camp. The doctor examined him and found he was totally cancer free. The doc then embarked on a program to nurse him back to health. He starved the cancer out. Cancer depends on high caloric availability.

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Most would just assume that he was dying of the cancer and forgo the "nurse him back to health." HOPE that's a true story, and knowing you, guessing that it is!

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

Yes, that was some time ago. Better than dying if you got the will power. Considering what ppl go through with chemo, can't be any worse.

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You should read all the cancer free success stories others are having with Fenbendazole. It's definitely something to keep in mind.

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