Nov 2, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I'm not inclined to grant amnesty to those people with the power to force these mRNA shots on others such as college students, police, fire, nurses and the military, etc. I am not inclined to grant amnesty on those people who fired Dr. Kheriaty. I am not inclined to grant amnesty to those people who have made a concerted effort to destroy Dr. McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Malone, Dr. Simone Gold, and so many others.

These power mad authoritarians did real damage to far too many people to count depriving the non-compliant of their livelihoods and the many of the compliant of their health and their lives.

The CDC KNEW these "vaccines" were not "safe and effective" almost from the start and yet they pushed them on the public and are still pushing them on the public. It is a crime against humanity.

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I have to agree, the higher ups, all knew. Nuremberg trials, are needed. This was a holocausts, not any difference than what the Nazi did. I do feel bad for the masses who bought the line, and thought they were helping their neighbors and friends. However, when my friends told me that, all I could do, was shake my head. "There is no evidence that the shot will be safe." They were to afraid to say no, from blackmail from other family members and friends. The sheep need to be forgiven, the "leaders" all need punishment. In my humble opinion.

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I too have pity for the sheep in my former circles. But the problem is that their foolishness made all the evil that ensued possible. And it is still going on apace; the wicked ones are still destroying good Doctors, torturing children, and breaking the world's production and supply chains.

They are moving forward with pHarma running all "medicine" and destroying anyone who doesn't comply.

Fouci et al just got another 10 billion as did that nightmare in Ukraine.

We need to go for those pulling the strings, but we also need to shake their complying minions.

It's time to choose a side.

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This is exactly correct. It's not over, they are still at it, and the sheep continue to enable it. Until these newly awake and all others stand up, it will continue. It is far from being over.

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You are correct Mark. We live in our silos - many of us here live in the "Team Reality" silo. I would venture to say that most, and certainly many, either 1) have no idea the COVID official narrative in all its permutations was bunk, 2) don't care, or 3) are still living in that world, i.e., like my mother who puts on an N95 mask when visitors come in to her house, visitors who include her own children.

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Tell your mother to take: Ivermectin and/or C, D3, Quercitin, NAC, etc. Sit in the sunshine as much as possible. Then make her favorite cocktail and tell her to chill and enjoy the life God blessed her with.

A mask is doing her more harm than ANY good.

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I was at a doctor's office two days ago. Masks still required. In God's name, why?

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I love your response. Wish you were my daughter:)

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X-Files fan, Memento?

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Nope. Follower of stoicism.

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Yes. We are about to go over the cliff if we do not stop this. Listen to Dr. Mike Yeadon on "Tea Time" with CHD TV.

(Children's Health Defense)

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Here's the link:-


I'd suggest not to be missed as he covers pretty much all aspects of the problems we face.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Good points, Katherine. I would say, however, that it wasn't simply foolishness that made all this evil possible and, as a retired psychologist, I cannot agree with our esteemed host's assessment of what has become a delusional framework shared by many of those who make up what was once Christendom. What I would call group psychosis is really adherence to a religion that we know as secular humanism and it comes with a whole host of deviant beliefs and false idol worship.

I would guess that the vast majority of those who wore masks as a form of virtue signaling, pointed accusing fingers at those who committed the "heresy" of non-compliance with things like social distancing and a needle in every arm, most of those same people are entirely on board with child sacrifice, sexual deviancy, eugenics programs, and emotivism as the guiding light of sexual identity and a whole host of other monstrous notions.

No. These are not people who are going with the flow to avoid authoritarian sanctioning -- although, to be sure, this was clearly a salient factor, especially early on. These other folks, I would guess about 25 to 30% of us, are living in an alternative universe that is guided by a modernist repudiation of the inherited wisdom of over 2000 years, a world view that is directly opposed to the good news of the gospel and has chosen instead to be in the thrall of demonic psychological infections and, ultimately, the father of lies.

This is what mass formation psychosis is and why it always promotes lawlessness and death, perhaps the best recent example being what made the Nuremburg trials necessary. Being kind and forgiving is all well and good, but we ought not to make the mistake of thinking that the Devil does not exist and that he has nothing to do with the carnage that, not just Fauci and Pfizer et. al. have promoted, but which can be laid at the doorstep of those above them, most notably the globalist technocrats in the old European banking system that has run the west for 4 centuries.

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yes, this is a very accurate comment I am afraid. While there are some who merely went along as it was the easier choice for them and their families, there are many others that are demonic followers of this religion and they must be dealt with. We will have to determine how to deal with the followers as well...find a kind way to show them how their actions have endangered us all for generations to come. By not standing up and doing the right thing instead of the popular thing, they enabled all of this carnage. I have thought about this a lot lately as I am still quite angry and I think I am not ready (and may never be ready) to forgive people who wanted to lock people in their homes, force vaccinations and even said parents who don't use this experimental shot on their children should have them taken away. I am just not sure I can forgive those people or ever want to be around them again.

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Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Forgiveness of what or under what circumstances ... and what is entailed?

Christians are supposed to forgive the genuinely repentant. BUT forgiveness is not a skate free ticket, not a get out of jail card. Forgiveness never overturns the purpose of the Law which is Justice. Thus, a serial killer on death row may repent and obtain salvation, but he still has to face the consequences of his actions by judicial sentencing imposed. Equally so, those in positions of power must be prosecuted by the civil sword for their many criminal acts ... or else there is no Justice.

Some of the sheep who complied (informed consent or not) will suffer from the toxic injections themselves, and grievously suffer from what they may have forced upon their children. These will, many of them, be guilt ridden, angry at what has been forced upon them ... and generally suffer of consequence of their misguided actions to the end of their lives. We already here the refrain, 'Getting the shots was the worse decision I ever made' from quite a few folks. Those who are plain out nuts and persist are our natural enemy and must be resisted and overcome.

But I have to say, agree or not in every detail, Lawyer Childers words as to the sheep made a good deal of sense. And if we can, are able ... our best thing we can do is to lift people up and help them rid themselves of their enslavers.

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Amen! I keep wondering what the globalist elites think this world is going to look like when they succeed in getting rid of all of us? But, I suspect that they haven’t looked at that element.

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I wonder that too....I think they are so egotistical and stupid. How could you possibly think you could passively wipe out 2/3 of the population (as I've sometimes heard that number referenced) and everything will be ok? Only a godless lunatic could believe they have that kind of power and should even attempt such a stupid thing.

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They are psychopaths with the maturity of children. Their hubris is off the charts. That’s why their continued existence is so dangerous. They actually believe that they can control the outcome of WWIII once a nuke is lit up in Ukraine. Having them alive and in positions of power threatens us all.

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Once a nazi always a nazi — whose big vision is this again 🤔

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Unfortunately they are too drunk on their own power to see anything beyond here and now and maybe just down the street.

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Yes, I agree whole heartedly with you! The "Devil's greatest lie was convincing people he doesn't exist!"

I was one of those when younger, but confronting evil made me look a lot harder, and there "it/he/whatever" was.

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I am agnostic, so I suppose I could be called a secular humanist, but I never fell for this sinister nonsense.

I don't believe the Devil exists, but I think these events have shown that radical evil exists and has real power.

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Whether God (and the Devil) exist or not, most of the evil that occurs in the world is by the hands of Man, directly or indirectly. Whether such humans are in thrall to supernatural powers, I leave up to you.

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Remember, "Christendom" burned the Cathars, most of the female healers in Europe, and murdered and raped and enslaved their way throughout the "New World."

And while I look to Jesus and his teachings as the core of my moral center, far too many "human beings" have committed far too much Evil in the name of Christ, God help us, and them.

He was right when He told the religious leaders of his time that Satan was their master.

We have the same problem today, in that those who "preach" at others their religion of "wokeness" which includes horrific treatment of children, and adults, believe themselves to be on morally superior grounds.

There is nothing new under the sun. Evil is abroad on Earth and I do long for simple Christian goodness--- loving the Creator, completely, and loving your neighbor as yourself.

Why is it that men, and women as well, have such a difficult time with this?

"Do unto others as you would have done unto you!"

It really is that simple; now if we could only succeed at that concept!

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I don't know, Katherine, you seem like a thoughtful and knowledgeable person of faith, but I have to second most of what Dave says here. There's no question that the Church here on earth is peopled by sinners and that, as a result, it is not a stranger to corruption. This was perhaps especially true during the era that you reference with the Cathars, when politics and religion were more intermingled than they are today and, most importantly, what one believed was regarded as a matter of life and death, in an eternal sense. But there's a lot of modernist propaganda out there, especially about things like the inquisition and the Crusades which, when you look into good sources, turn out to be much less outrageous and more understandable when considered as features of a very different era in human development.

I cannot fathom what you refer to as the execution of "most of the female healers in Europe," incidentally. Again, this sounds like modernist propaganda. The church that Jesus started, the Catholic Church, was the originator of hospitals and orphanages staffed predominantly by women religious, and His mother has been revered as an undoer of knots and healer since the crucifixion. (If you're not familiar with them, you might want to explore the apparitions at Fatima and Lourdes, in particular, which are well verified and justify her reverence as a healer.)

Anyway, it's always important to check ourselves to make sure that our theology reflects what has come to us from on high rather than what originates within our own desires and perspectives. For example, your characterization of Jesus' teaching seems to ignore that, in addition to telling us to love one another, he called Peter Satan and said that he came "not to bring peace but a sword." Also, the religious leaders of his day were not Christians but heretics who had preached His coming for centuries but failed to recognize him when he arrived.

Most significantly, perhaps, your characterization of Christendom, aka western civilization, seems to ignore the fact that it was the Catholic Church that first denounced slavery, and it was in the Christian west that it was eradicated. This goes also for the predominant religion of most of the rest of the [pre-Christian world, human sacrifice. You correctly refer to the fact that, as the west has turned away from Christ, it has reverted to many pagan beliefs and rituals, child sacrifice being the most stark contemporary American example. And if you scan the historical landscape, you will see that it has been the atheists, e.g. the Nazis, Communists, French revolutionaries, etc. who have committed far and away the lion's share of murder, rape, and enslavement throughout human history.

I don't fault you for your views here. We are all traveling our own journey of faith, and I only began to get a clue in my early 60's, but I thought it might be helpful to pass on a bit of what I have learned, and I hope that I have done it in a kind and respectful way. In signing off, a wonderful little book comes to mind that I think might be as helpful to you as it was to me. It is a brief history of Cortes and the Aztecs by Warren Carroll called "Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Conquest of Darkness." I found it quite the eye-opener.

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I think there is a huge body of history you are not taking into account.

My studies in U.S. and world history led me to asking many questions, and finally pulling original source documents, some written by those "Christians," more accurately Conquistadors, who came to the New World and engaged in the activities I described earlier.

Also the records of the "Church" in Europe in relation to the Inquisition and the Catholic/ Protestant wars.

Also the behavior of the "Church" and the Catholic reform schools and their treatment of the Native American children placed in their care.

What I am saying is that all consolidation of power by men, whether in government or official religious organizations do not behave as Jesus taught, and in fact quite often become conduits of very dark energies.

I agree with Paul when he said his war is not with flesh and blood but powers and principalities and darkness in high places.

Too often this has flowed through the churches of this world and that is not propaganda. I have read their own records.

But I do NOT argue that when a Christian, or a genuinely Christian church exists, they change, heal, and enlighten our world. I have spent a portion of my life studying various religious and ancient teachings, and when all is said and done I return to Jesus every time. He is the true Son of God because he taught Love above all else. And Forgiveness.

My frustration is that too few "Christians" actually practice what He taught.

As to Lourdes and Fatima, I and my husband have traveled to Lourdes in person. He had profound experiences there and I dearly love the entire area. God has blessed us in very many different ways and that location, it's revelations and it's water is one of those.

Fatima is fascinating and again a teaching and a prophecy we should heed, if we had wisdom. The same of the Madonna of Guadeloupe.

Man always wants his own way, and his ego makes him easy prey for very dark forces.

I started my conversation with a wish for simple, basic Christian values- to love one another, and to do unto others as you would have done unto you. I stand by that, and looking at our Nation I see only one or two, in positions of authority or influence who embody this concept, and those few are under relentless attack.

We must Stand Up with the forces of Goodness, Truth and Justice to support those who are working for a fair, free, and just world, or all that is good may die.

The so called "vaccines" are gene therapies, nano technology designed, it appears, to alter our DNA which is likely our physical antenna to the Holy Spirit, (in my personal opinion.)

Rudolph Steiner warned us that in the future belief in God, or the non-physical realm would be seen as insanity, and that a vaccine would separate us from our direct experience of our connection to God. I believe we are there. And I believe we are watching portions of the book of Revelations play out.

I wish Christianity was more available to many of lost sheep today, but I know the errors and histories of the past keep many away. For me that is a sorrow.

But there is no doubt that a genuine Christian, one who lives what Jesus taught, is the best "attractant" and hope for those lost in this world today.

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Katherine ... When I began reading your comment, I momentarily wondered if I was not reading the New York Times or the Atlantic Monthly. Like the NYT, the cast of villains is cherry picked and packaged for the reader, but in a vacuum chamber devoid of any real historical context. I would also point out that the entirety seems by unstated presupposition to be more assumptional Marxianity than Christianity ... and the same tripe with regularity uttered from the pulpits of the Fallen Church every Sunday.

I am curious as to the loving thing, and the tincture thin thing of loving your neighbor. How is this done? And what about 'fear of the God is the beginning of wisdom? Where does this fit in? Or are we all just one big shining sea of loving mash potatoes without definition?

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It is obvious that all institutions which seek power on Earth run amuck, including the church. Jesus said "build your treasure in Heaven, not on Earth, where thieves and rust destroy." He also said speak to God as you would your father, Abba, and that Love is the whole Law.

Those who preach the Old Testament seem to miss the fact that our Savior preached Peace. And Love, not Fear. He did condemn the religious leaders of His day and clearly called them out as children of Satan. The people He healed, fed, taught and comforted. He did not strike them with lashes, or scourge and condemn them. Or preach fear.

He said "pick up your bed and walk, your sins are forgiven." There is a huge difference in the way you approach those injured and trod on by the powerful and the wicked, and the way you approach those with the power, placing their boots on the necks of the vulnerable and the weak.

For the dark ones of this Earth, those who burn the innocent at the stake, rape, murder and pillage, and call it God's work, they belong to the Devil himself, regardless of whom they name as their "Leader." C. S. Lewis was pretty good on that teaching.

The same is true for those force injecting children, women and men with toxic experimental Nano Lipid Particle encased mRNA that reverse transcribes into our DNA, changing what God (or Nature) has created.

As Jesus said, "By their fruits Ye shall know them."

Yes, becoming a Christian does mean some healthy fear at your errors, mistakes and sins, when you accept that the Universe is just, or that "Karma works," or that "Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord, I will repay!" However you manage to come to that understanding it is a fundamental truth. But if you are a Christian you also know that all that is actually required for forgiveness is genuine repentance. And that like the prodigal son, you are still loved, completely, and can come "home" at any time.

"Christianity" has many sins on it's score card, just as every organization, and especially religious ones do where men wield too much power and their lust for more turns them into servants of the Devil instead of servants of God.

Has it repented? Turned, come home? Somehow, in most cases, I do not see it.

And trying to teach people to fear God is not the path my Teacher took. I look to the Prince of Peace, the One who told me to call God Abba, the One who said I will lighten your load, not place burdens on your back. The One who brought us the Law of Love.

So for me fear is not the path. For the unrepentant Sinners of this world, yes, it's a great starting location. But good luck getting them there; they are unrepentant, as almost always in history!

Get Fouci, and Biden, and Ralph Baric, Peter Dasik, Bill Gates, Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom, Jeff Bezos, Zuckerberg, Kate Brown, Kalaus Schwab etc., etc., etc to Fear God's Wrath. That would be helpful!

For the average human stuck with dealing with the catastrophe these people have willfully created, fear is not going to help. They need Love, Healing and Comfort. And Divine intervention. I pray for mercy for all those who foolishly lined up and took these toxins daily. And I pray for Justice for all those who planned, executed and enforced this agenda while I work towards that end, daily as well. That is the path I'm on. And so far my Father appears to be pleased.

PS- if you still do not comprehend the whole loving your neighbor as yourself concept it goes something like this, "Do unto others as you would have done unto you." Or an older less evolved concept, but still useful, "Do not that to others which you do not wish to have done unto you."

Getting burned at the stake, regardless of "historical context," enslaved, raped, blown up, nuked, starved, frozen, GMOed, sterilized, experimented on, bankrupted, or force masked, smeared, attacked, deplatformed, etc. all fall into that category, as does defamation, slander, lies, doctors whose careers are destroyed by medical boards which are enthralled by pHarma, doctors forced to watch their patients die when hospitals take away even Vitamin C.... The list is endless, but any decent human being who's connection to God and the Holy Spirit is intact, even if they do not call it by those names, understands what I'm saying. I hope you do as well.

If you don't like it, don't dish it out to others. Simple, really. And what you would like your neighbor to do to you, do that to them. Again, simple. Only humans can make that flawlessly clear concept muddy and confusing, lol! Maybe one day our species will actually pay attention to Jesus's teachings. That will be when we will have come home, like the prodigal son.

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Yes we certainly have been far to tolerant in many things. We have to say no to many more things. Like the transgender etc. So few in the general population, and then give them a voice far times greater than they numbers to show tolerance. Bad idea. It is not normal.

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You speak well the Truth. World View is everything. And World View bu presupposition is the channel by which all culture is informed. And in all of this World View business, there is no such thing as cultural neutrality.

Humanistic Law is basically Satanic Law/de Sade Law. Do what you will. Humanistic Law, of course, wraps itself up in all manner of cloth of human concern. But what, for example, are Human Rights? Nothing more than Simon Says Rights and who is Simon? Nothing more than the god-state. And the god-state always demonstrates it 'higher interest' ... and higher than yours. Think Mandates, for example.

The civil rights of any Humanist administration are the counterfeit of unalienable rights as referenced in the American Independence Declaration. The first is of Man. The later is of God. And never the twain shall meet.

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Well said.

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My friends here in Seattle still don’t think there was anything wrong with showing a vax card OR a negative test. It still makes perfect sense to them that the vax protects everyone and it’s only responsible that the unvaxed produce a test, because the unvaxed are more likely to transmit covid.🤦🏻‍♀️Yes!!! In late 2022 I have friends who STILL believe this.🤦🏻‍♀️Not one of my friends or former coworkers finds a need for amnesty. That’s what makes Oster’s supposition so odious.

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Yes. Because at this point, amnesty means they get to sweep all of it under the rug.

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TeacherLori - this completely boils down to the fact that the majority were brainwashed into conflating wearing the mask and getting the vaccine with “doing your part for society”, and “loving your neighbor”. For most it had absolutely nothing to do with the science behind how PPE actually works or the years of data we already had complied on masks, because they refused to listen to Industrial Hygienists who are the actual PPE experts or believe any of those past studies. Masking 100% became “I wear my mask for you, you wear your mask for me.” Same with vaccines, it just became completely a “do your part” campaign and no one actually stopped to look at whether the actual shot was going to even help or hurt them. So, of course they would gladly wear their mask and show their vax card because to them it meant they were being a “good, kind person”. And those who did not, were “evil, mean, humanity haters.” How could they not love their neighbor?! So they ignore actual data even as the months go by and it starts to slap them in the face, like obvious negative vaccine efficacy and adverse effects. Even when the data starts to come from their beloved three letter bureaucratic organizations and leaders they pretend they don’t hear it because to them, those thoughts and beliefs have now forever been solidified as opposition and being unkind. They cannot get that initial propaganda out of their heads because they bought into it so hard. Twenty boosters later they’ll still be there, wearing their masks, saying it’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

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The whole thing was Narcissistic bullying. The covert "The government is just trying to help you be a good citizen." BS. Gas lighting that the Doctors who got cancelled had "misinformation," which now CDC is saying was correct information. Dig sheeple, you were lied to by your government!! Will you still trust them?????

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It's like "psychological immune priming or original psychological antigenic sin".

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I agree. And this was done very purposely by those in power. First a "shock and awe" campaign at such a magnitude those without spiritual strength could not handle the magnitude of corruption, hatred of humanity behind this. The same thing happens in abusive relationships where the abuse is hidden. Friends and family etc. often believe the abuser as it's easier to not look at the "face of evil".

I did try to tell liberal friends that they didn't "believe" in mRNA technology but they believed in the marketing used to push it.

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It’s interesting you bring up the spiritual strength though cause, lots of evangelical Christian churches bought into the propaganda just as bad and decided, especially with masking, that this was going to be how everyone must show love for their fellow Christian and neighbor. Lots of professing believers who you couldn’t tell apart from the mask shaming Karens at Costco. My sisters neighbor/friend has gone in so hard on the, masking and getting vaccines is how you show Christ’s love rhetoric, they barely speak anymore.

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Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022

I had a friend who after being vaccinated had covid and was lamenting that the gym didn’t ask for a vaccine card because people were getting sick. 🤦🏼‍♀️Please make it make sense. I blew up and asked what was the point of asking for a card if anyone can get and transmit the virus. I’m struggling with what to make of people like this. They don’t seem stupid in all other areas and the person was trained as a dentist. Maybe they are under impression that the transmission is reduced but how can it be when the viral load is the same and now the efficacy is negative. That was a few months ago that we talked about it. I just hope with each passing day more and more people join Team Reality.

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And those folks never reply when you send them evidence of their misunderstanding, right? That's what happens with my friends and colleagues.

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As another Seattlite, thinking outside the established groupthink is something of a lost cause here and woe betide anyone who dares venture outside of this. It is a monoculture, yet with the god of diversity at their helm, there's minimal diversity of views tolerated.

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I know, I love how all of these “diversity” people only want superficial diversity, not true diversity 🙄

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WOW! It’s just as bad as Commifornia. It’s pathetic.

And you could have them read a history book and they’d find NO correlation whatsoever, right?

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I agree with you Katherine, this was only possible because so many “regular” people helped make it so. Now, many didn’t really know and feared for their health and their family’s health in the beginning. But after the first few months to a year or so, if you weren’t starting to suspect things weren’t what they seemed, and continued pushing for all of the measures, you were part of the problem.

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Yep. Most of my anger is directed at the public who helped this plan move in the direction that THEY wanted. I kept saying if people would just stop going along we could have ended it before it became completely out of hand. WE could have stopped this.

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We are the only ones that ever can.

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‘But the problem is that their foolishness made all the evil that ensued possible. And it is still going on apace; the wicked ones are still destroying good Doctors, torturing children, and breaking the world's production and supply chains.’

Yes to all this. If more people had stood up for the rights of others, the pain and damage would have been much less, especially those in authority, be it governmental or religious. So no, I will not give them a break over their culpability. They resemble all the ‘nice’ Germans who watched the Nazis try to destroy the ‘undesirables.’

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I sort people into four categories here. There are those who fought it, those who dodged it, those who were tricked, and those responsible. I include in the last group anyone who may not have been in a position to impose mandates on others but whose behavior clearly indicates that they would’ve if they had. Each of these groups deserves different treatment, but I will say that my full trust and confidence will only ever be shown to those in the first group. While I may tolerate those in the middle groups, I will never respect them, regardless of the circumstances surrounding their choices. And I will go to my grave shunning those from the last group and advocating that every one of them be brought to justice.

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Nice analysis! I tend to break it 3 ways, the mass hypnotized, those going along but knowing something is wrong, and those who saw through the lie from the start.

And then there are the "perps."

But we do have those who avoided it, but did not fight it, also, as you described, so really 5 all told.

Each must be dealt with differently and while I am very sorry for the coerced, I am not all all for those doing the coercing!!

They are a problem, imo. But the sheep are also a genuine hurdle, no doubt!

And then there are the real perpetrators.

My, my.

So much to do, and so little time!

Remember, Resist, Resist, Resist!!

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Absolutely correct, Katherine. Their self indulgent apathy is what has allowed tyranny to gain such a foothold.

They’ll do it to us again in a heartbeat.

Liberty does from apathy.

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Kinda catch-22, innit? We do need to shake the mindlessly compliant crowd into awareness—yet should be cautiously understanding & kind-hearted, for ↓

💬 our rational self-interest requires that it be EASY for them to join Team Reality.


PS Sure I know that's not what we were treated to! 🙂 But know as well that an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

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It will never be easy to join Team Reality because it means understanding the magnitude of forces humanity is up against. But I agree we can make it easier. in the best interest of all.

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America join Team Reality?

We invented Hollywood and Disney....never gonna happen!

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This is the hard part, because as you state, the sheep by "... their foolishness made all the evil that ensued possible." But this is important, the sheep were not causative. The sheep were after the causative fact enablers. And by the way, the first great injection was that of fear and panic leading into an uncontrollable avalanche of hysteria. ... and where did that come from?

However, and no matter how stupid and foolish the sheep were, it is incontestable that the sheep were entrapped by and subject to the full coercive application of force by the Powers That Be. Entrapment specifically carries with it the idea that people who are entrapped are induced into doing what they otherwise would not do. In this sense, the sheep were victimized, harmed, injured by those in power who were in breach of trust owing to their multiple act of criminality. And that is where the greatest burden of harm lies, with the instigators and promoters.

The sheep will predictably become very angry once they realize the monstrosity of lies heaped upon them owing the existential extent of the injury done them. As Lawyer Childers says, these people are useful to us. We need them. A chance for a healthier society needs even sheep with eyes more wide open. As such, our ire and thirst for justice needs to send its quiver of arrows against the perpetrators from the very top on down to those in administrative positions responsible for planing, instigating and carrying out this great Evil in the name of Public Health Safety!

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Absolutely there is and was an agenda, developed and implemented by the perpetrators. The sheep are both victims and downstream perps themselves, albeit unwittingly in most cases.

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Well said Katherine!

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They can't hide behind "I was just following orders." They were the ones giving the orders. Some were in it for the money and some for the power. Either way they were complicit and should have to pay for their crimes.

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You forgot: THE MEDIA

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They need to wake up from being woke.

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They absolutely knew. The proof is they blocked “early treatment “ of two major drugs that work. Censorship. Even Still.

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Exactly. My functional medicine doc, as of today, STILL cannot prescribe Ivermectin. It’s all so damn obvious!

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I’m curious as to how many drugs out there today contain ivermectin and we just don’t realize it. There’s a topical gel treatment to be applied to the face for rosacea that’s called Soolantra. Goodrx shows the retail price for a 45 gram tube as being as high as $650. Guess what the active ingredient is… IVERMECTIN. If it’s such a dangerous drug why would they want you to even think of putting it on your face? And secondly, WHY is it so expensive when ivermectin is so cheap?? Ivermectin is inexpensive, effective and has a half life of 16 hrs so it doesn’t hang around in your body very long. Ridiculous that such a stink was made against its use. Criminal actually.

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It can be ordered on internet. Ivermectin.com fair price

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Ivermectin was isolated from a plant called worm wood or sweet Annie. The plant is available and is easy to grow. It's an attractive ground cover growing 6 to 12 inches high. The leaves are bitter.

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Actually this is the story of how ivermectin was developed from a bacteria only found in soil in Japan. https://www.acs.org/content/dam/acsorg/education/whatischemistry/landmarks/discovery-of-ivermectin-mectizan.pdf.

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In my small circle, there was only one doctor who would prescribe Ivermectin in 2021. I could not use my Medicare drug plan, WellCare, to fill the prescription. Using GoodRX at Walgreens, I had to pay $80 for 20 tables of 3 mg Ivermectin. On a retiree’s budget, that was an enormous expense. That one brave doctor, who prescribed Ivermectin, can no longer do this. He is in a clinical practice and the managing doctors ruled that Ivermectin can no longer be prescribed. That same clinical practice was also fervently against prescribing HCQ and to date, that rule still stands. Yet, that same clinical practice has opened a new URI clinic which solely and exclusively treats Upper Respiratory Infection (which I suspect is an outcome from damning shots and on-going boosters). A lot of folks claim they take HCQ and/or Ivermectin daily. Unfortunately my pocketbook does not allow for this protective luxury. Thank goodness we have been provided preventative protocol which continues to keep us safe, well and healthy. Knowledge is power!

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That is why they need to be held to account. This is malevolence, and its premeditated. They had no conscience whatsoever, and they still don't.

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agreed, so very evil on their part

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Amnesty? No thanks. What they knowingly did to people is despicable, all in the name of getting trump out.


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Yes! We can never again reach a point where we’re not ‘allowed’ to, for example, be with loved ones in nursing homes, sick or dying in the hospital, etc. “Allowed”?! By whom? Next time (and there will be a next time), we must not submit to these ‘rules’.

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My 53 year old brother died because of this!!! I will NEVER forget what they did with their lockdowns!!!!

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Nor should you forget. Forgiveness is a different animal altogether.

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So many died from this planned and assisted evil.

I am so sorry for your loss.

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Thank you. He wasn’t in great health but there is no way he should have died 😞 The very worst part of it was that he had to die alone and afraid. It breaks my heart 😢

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Many of those rules are still in effect. I was in a doctor's office two days ago. Masks still required. Why?

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Why indeed. They just won’t let go. Keep trying to not wear one. I say things like “no can do”, “I can’t do that; I need to breathe”, etc. Or just stay silent and not wear one; often no one says anything or pretends they don’t notice. We need to keep resisting and refusing to comply.

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Why indeed?? It’s not for disease prevention that’s for sure!

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Does anyone even know who invented that rule and why? I think it was to kill our family members. It was AWFUL. Someone needs to write a book about this hospital horror show. It was such an evil time.

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Don’t know. But it’s an evil, wrong rule that we must never ever again obey.

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those posts are heartbreaking and bring it all back, I know it is still going on.

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Read a lot of those yesterday, truly heartbreaking.

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Wow. That is some compilation of Covid death stories. I hope one day they will get the Justice they deserve.

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Oh my dear God, I read so many awful, heartbreaking comments on Jesse Kelly’s Twitter feed, I want to be sick. These pages of awful events done to people by others are full-on criminal...let there be a Nuremberg 2, please God!

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Also the asking to forgive “each other” as if the fired, the dead ( how many dead through suppression of very very effective prophylactic treatments) the vaccine injured, the many that lost their businesses, etc, are to be forgiven! Forgiven for what? This request is extremely offensive.

It is like asking a rape victim and a rapist to apologize to each other!

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Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022

Yes! That's the part that got to me the most. Forgive "EACH OTHER???" *I* didn't cause anyone to lose their jobs, I didn't advocate that any particular group be barred from medical treatment, I didn't uninvite people from birthday parties, family reunions, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc, based on vaccination status. I didn't unfriend and ridicule people for discussing alternative covid treatments. I did not close down schools for years and set back social and academic progress in kids by even more years. I did not teach children to fear their fellow human or force folks to rebreathe their own carbon dioxide and suppress their immunity. ***I*** have exactly zero to apologize for. The nerve! I am actually willing to forgive, as Jesus wants us to do, but I do NOT NEED forgiveness (on this front, anyway), nor do I think that "forgiveness" means that justice should not also be served to the higher ups!

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Well said, Jen!

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NOT TO MENTION. . . but I will, those dead due to delayed medical care "because Covid"? Surgeries, cancer treatment, transplants, etc? OR the psyches and families destroyed by the extra domestic violence, suicide, alcoholism, depression, etc etc.


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The harms are endless.

Here is a small one…

I am retired, yet for two years my pension received zero contributions, as the trade show industry shut down.

Inflation, Demand driven inflation and monetary inflation are both a result of Covid policy and of course the green nutters.

Indeed, this Covid response may yet break the global economy via a Great Depression

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I believe this was a planned attack on the health and wealth of humanity.

I also believe in the power of God and His mercy and love for His people.

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Planned. Quite possibly. There is an interesting interview with Peter Daczak about 2 years before the virus talking about this virus. Hmmm. And several weird prescient interviews with Bill Gates also years before the virus talking about a viral pandemic. Hmmm.

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Great point!

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Yes!! I made that point too when I posted a comment on the Bad Kitty’s Substack about this article.

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I feel the same way.

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I agree Naomi, so emphatically, if type size was available this reply would be in 72 POINT SIZE TYPE SCALE! To quote, “If I’m right, Oster’s initial instinct was to protect her family from powerful, unaccountable authority by cooperating” My God!!! It was EXACTLY European citizens submitting to the NAZI REGIME, turning in listed dissident neighbors and Jews and any undesirable selected for the “final solution” that resulted in one of the most UNFORGIVABLE heinous atrocities of crimes against humanity and genocide in history, BY THE SAME MANIACAL genealogical depopulation eugenics monsters like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab!

Simply applying and knowing history SHOULD have been a bellwether indicator for every edict and mandate “this does not make rational sense”.... adding the most obvious, never in medical history has a healthy population EVER been forced to quarantine, forced to test, forced to mask, forced to distance, forced to shut down businesses, forced to abuse infants and children with irrefutable insane measures... oh right, there was a time in history... WW2 NAZI GERMANY!

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Within the first month of the "two weeks to slow the spread" I had made several yellow stars out of cardboard, and carried them around with me. I used them to talk to folks about this. I re-read Herman Wouk's "Winds of War" series until it was shredded, read Wiesel's "Night", also "Man's Search for Meaning", all to try to understand the madness all around me. ALL of my friends complied to some extent. Some excoriated me and unfriended me.

YES, these past two years DEFINITELY have exact parallels to Nazi Germany. We can never forget.

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😳 Indeed, we can all be evil, and the Germans were nothing special → https://brownstone.org/articles/they-thought-they-were-free/ ← a revelatory engaging read albeit longish 👌

🗨 It’s been more than seventy-five years since the Nazis were defeated and Auschwitz was liberated.[...] How were millions of people systematically exterminated in an advanced Western nation—a constitutional republic? How did such respectable and intelligent citizens become complicit in the murder of their countrymen? These are the questions Milton Mayer sought to answer in his book They Thought They Were Free.

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Yes yes yes a thousand times yes!!!!!

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Also the Spanish Inquisition, Salem Witch Trials etc etc.

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Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022

SHOULD, sure, I'm with you in 72 pt type 🙂 However regrettably unfortunately alas, it's NOT how reality works—which is much better approximated by ↓↓

💬 initial instinct was to protect her family from powerful, unaccountable authority by cooperating

The perennial metaphysical *ought* that stubbornly refuses to smoothly translate into *is* 🤦


PS Oh if only we could dissolve the people!.. [Die Lösung by Brecht → https://allpoetry.com/The-Solution]

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🎯 🔥 💯🗣️📢

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Agreed. Instead of amnesty let’s shout for justice!

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What is needed is "never again" imprinted in hearts of decent but utterly misguided folks. Justice while necessary needs to be carefully wielded or things could get even worse.

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The local university by me, an engineering school one of the best in the country is insisting on jabbing students and any local resident who uses their facilities, like tennis courts. Unforgivable in the present; that's where we are at as just another example.

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Alumni need to STOP university contributions!!!!

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Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022

I just read an op-ed by an anonymous Wellesley College student who says that boosters are required for students there by Dec 1. She says many oppose this but all are afraid to speak up. And Wellesley is not the only school doing this. A year ago this was still horrible and nonsensical but not as surprising. Nowadays it's simply unforgivable and unquestionably unethicial and anti-science.

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Criminal! We have data.

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👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 couldn’t have said it better myself! I want people put in prison for what they did. As for my own community, I feel bad for how they were misled but an apology from them would go a long way.

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I’m not holding my breath

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If it was MY choice?

NO amnesty for anyone who knowingly caused harms, or shunned the opinions of medical professionals and people of science who, for the greater good, attempted to offer advice and suggestions geared towards a response to the "pandemic", as well as treatment methods for those who fell ill.

Those swayed by the psyops? SHAKE THE SAND out of your hair and get the mask down OFF YOUR EYES.

And only then? They may be forgiven.

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I'm not in a forgiving mood. Forgiveness must be granted from the person who was harmed. Those who were forced out of their jobs, those who were vilified and condemned, those driven from the public square by the Twitter mob, those who are going to be suffering for the rest of their lives with myocarditis and neurological problems. those who have died are the ONLY ones who should forgive.

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Naomi, add to your list those who lost loved ones because of the jab or medical malpractice.

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Yes, you are so right.

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Or Faith, as division was sewn in our churches.

It’s been devastating. Additionally, we find funds flow from WEF, Collins to A few High powered evangelical churches as well as main line with the guilt:

Paid to pass the kill shot while incorporating it as a message of true love. Paid off and the division sewn sadly.

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Many feel as you do, and it's understandable. What a crappy couple of years they've put us thru. Stay safe, be well.

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It's not over yet. It takes about one year from policies put in motion to hit home. Next year is going to be horrific. It'll make the last 2 look like kindergarten play time. Stock up on canned food, dried beans, shelf stable foods.

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Wholeheartedly agree.

Stock up on food, water and medicine. It’s going to get worse.

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Naomi, please elaborate. Which policies are going to result in next year being more horrific than the last two? Thank you.

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We could start with inflation. They say it is currently at 8.2% but we all know, at least those of us who go grocery shopping, and pay for stuff, that is is higher than that. It'll go higher still because the Fed has to tighten interest rates, and the fuel shortages are going to become far, far worse. Add to that this administration can't stop spending.

Currently I heard it estimated we have less than 20 days of diesel fuel on hand. Everything important runs on diesel. No trucks, trains, no agriculture machinery, no home heating fuel. What will be available will be vastly more expensive because it's all supply and demand. This administration can deny rational economics but the old tried and true is still true and will bite them in the rear. Biden has also dangerously depleted our fuel reserves, including diesel, as well as our military hardware.

The shortage of fuel, and the raise in rates will slow down the economy causing layoffs and smaller businesses will go out of business. All businesses will look to slim down to cut their overhead. The days of frivolous HR policies may be coming to an end out of necessity. A company can't maintain a load of incompetent, useless employees in lean times.

Michael Yon is predicting worldwide food shortages and famines. I hate to go that far for the US but if trucks which supply everything from gasoline to the gas stations and food to the stores are grounded due to a lack of diesel fuel or diesel fuel so expensive they can't afford to purchase it, the effect is the same. Empty shelves.

And, you think this administration which CAUSED the fuel shortages to start with has any idea how to address the problem. you are dreaming. Biden's solution is to put a windfall profits tax on oil companies. I was around as a very young adult when Jimmy Carter did this. It made the shortages worse. You get less of what you tax more.

People in the colder areas of the country will suffer the worst. Many will not be able to afford heating oil this winter. Another reason I am thankful I live in Florida. We get a couple of cold days during the winter but at least I can load up on clothing layers.

The bright spot for the Democrats and Biden is all this will happen after the Republicans retake the House and Senate. Biden will be able to blame them for all the misery he and his incompetent administration have created. The sycophant media will magnify this and incredibly stupid people will believe it.

That is not all. There is room for worse.

The good thing is that people will be elected to the House and Senate with solid common sense and real know how. People such as Blake Masters and Joe Kent. I am counting on them to be beacons of hope and sanity.

Anyone who could vote for a Democrat...

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Not by me. They don't deserve it.

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Decades worth of immunology regarding the mechanisms of respiratory infections, ineffective public health measures, the immune system's response, previous failed attempts to vaccinate, viable early treatments etc... were not only ignored but specifically suppressed by "experts" who cannot claim not to have known. The authoritarian measures in the name of "public health" ruined people's actual health, tore families apart, stripped people of their livelihoods and encouraged the worst behavior.

If that isn't enough, officials and PHE continue, to this day, to push boosters and shots, obfuscate data, ignore increasing all-cause mortality, ignore the sufferers of adverse events etc..

Everyone with an inkling of awareness recognizes the window for 'amnesty' has long since passed.

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Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022

This was not a "mistake" made by these fiends. If the first url doesn't work, cllick on the second... you'll just need to register.



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Agree. It's too blatant to be an oversight. Also, I watched the movie already! Thanks!

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I read the book, and saw this documentary.

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Look up Plandemic

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Thanks for the link! I had watched it a couple of weeks ago but I wanted my husband to watch. Your link had 5 days left.

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Amen. They knew. They had money to make.

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Gosh, you mean like the $5 million dollars Dr. Fauci got from....somewhere....during the pandemic?

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Covid policy contained an

Unprecedented number of evils… there’s no doubt about that.

Ruining small businesses, careers, people losing their jobs if they weren’t vaccinated (even if they were working at the beginning of the pandemic for almost a year prior to the vaccine rollout) - just discriminating against people based on vaccine status, separating people from their churches and place of worship, destroying human contact and relationships, denying education to our most precious children… and the list goes on and on.

But here’s where I take issue… people new to this vaccine issue… need to realize… The CDC has known for DECADES… that vaccines harm people. And no one has done anything- EVER!!

The moms who have watched their children disappear before their eyes… after 9-11 vaccines given on one day, or after the MMR vaccine… have all been silenced and discredited… for two decades.

This is the SAME travesty.

The same corruption.

This is not new.

So the moms who have been advocating for decades that the pediatric vaccine schedule is NOT safe… were told they didn’t know what they were talking about. They were looney anti- vaxxers.

The entire vaccine program is a sham.

I was a teacher 25 years ago. I was the fully self contained special education teacher in a mega school… it was four elementary schools in one. I had the most involved special education kids in the whole building.

Guess how many kids I had on the autism spectrum.



Not a single child.

You don’t have a genetic epidemic fall from the sky.

So when you are asking yourself WHY the CDC and FDA are not doing anything about the safety of these COVID vaccines… The answer is clearly because they’ve been harming children for decades with vaccines and getting away with it.

This vaccine issue is bigger than anyone realizes if you are only coming to this issue -over the last two years.

Autism is now 1 in 44 children in the U.S. and I’d venture to say it’s even higher- probably closer to 1 in every 25 boys.

Women are outpacing men in higher educational degrees… and all of this is rooted in the fact that they’ve destroyed two generations of boys already.

You are correct.

The entire vaccine program is a crime against humanity.

Now the question is

Has the whole world awoken to the scam… and can it be corrected?

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr has tried to shed light on this. I only recently learned about him because of COVID.

COVID and the lies have lifted the rocks and we now see all the vermin underneath.

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The scales removed from your eyes are hopefully shining in bright light. God bless and share RFK, JR far and wide.

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Yes, you are 100% correct, an until they repeal the law that Regan signed, they will never be held responsible. We are better off, fighting the diseases with our immune system, than the pharmaceutical industry. The industry needs to be held responsible for their destruction.

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Excellent point.

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Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022

"Both Oster and the lady in the tweet eventually came around and recognized that they were wrong."

Nope. Not correct. The people that treated unvaxxed that way are "ends justify the means" people. They will lie, cheat, steal, coerce, and some of them even murder those that disagree with them. They burned up the trust needed to believe they recognize they were wrong a long, long time ago.

They do NOT recognize they were wrong. They are lying to escape accountability.


I may not advocate for putting everyone on trial, but s/he who does the crime must pay consequences.

If you tolerate this "ignorance of the law/truth" now, they will do it all again at the next crossroads.

I learned as a kid, "ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law." As a senior citizen, the same is true for abusing anyone, whether the transgression rises to the level of crime or not. Time for them to pay the price.

Forgive? Mostly.

Forget/Allow off the hook: Nobody.

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These are the real criminals! Jeff makes an important distinction between the criminals and those who just foolishly got caught up in the narrative. If you were a jerk to those around you in the pandemic, I could forgive if you are contrite like the Tweet example Jeff gave. But any public figures or authority figures that caused harm to people by commission or omission, accountability is demanded.

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Absolutely right! I would have been on the street this year for refusing the DNA experiment...last second, God prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies. I weep for those whome it has gone less favorably...and I'm saving vigorously for the next weaponization of public health against my family.

There must be full legal exposure of the truth and legal accountability right down to the local level. Legal...

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Our friend euggypius seems to agree that Dr. Oster is off her rocker. What a great post. https://www.eugyppius.com/p/once-more-on-renowned-fool-emily

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I don't often disagree with you, Jeff, but I think I do today. The people around us (Austin, TX area) weren't afraid of the government. They weren't going along to get along. They were militantly following orders from their supremes. They refused to listen to any evidence, refused to do any actual research, and refused to allow others to disagree. They were ruthless in their demands that everyone shut up and do exactly what they were told to do. Our businesses were shut down. The unmasked were chased out of stores. They ran what can only be described as psy-op campaigns in our schools to frighten our children and they illegally forced them to wear masks. I agree that we will need the repentant to fix what happened, but I do not blindly give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it's just me and I'm not there yet. Some might have been fooled but many were willfully ignorant and all too willing to deny their fellow citizens their rights.

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I’m not there either. Willfully ignorant says it for me with people I know. I’m afraid I see no signs of “life” in any of them. Still willfully ignorant. To their graves.

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Good point.

I also resent Emily's claim that we were "guessing."

No, we were not guessing. Some of us had healthcare training & knew. Others did research & learned.

And the inventors of the so-called "bleach treatment" did it with the intent to smear Trump & us.

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100%. All of the available data was out there, particularly on masking. It’s intellectual laziness if you don’t go looking for it.

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Ideally you should be your own advocate but most rely on others for that. Innocent ignorance may be forgivable but not forgotten.

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Clue number 2471 was that they quickly recommended pregnant women get the vax. Even I (not a doctor) knew that was not very sciency. Having COVID does not provide sterilizing immunity, only the shot does? Where is that in the med texts? State medical boards removing specialty licenses for saying Ivermectin is a worthy treatment? C'MON MAN!!

People who were stupid and willfully ignorant lay people who bought that load of dung... doctors who repeated it to patients!

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Yes! The information was out there, you just had to dig and work for it. They were content being spoon fed misinformation.

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Regardless of why it happened, many people treated others as nothing more than disease-carrying vectors (like mosquitos or rats) due to their own fear. This is pretty ugly behavior any way you slice it.

I'll forgive anyone who genuinely asks for it as I know it's harmful for me to walk around with a chip on my shoulder. However, forgiveness doesn't mean amnesty, people who abused their authority should be punished (which they would agree with if they were genuinely repentant). In addition, though I may forgive others who acted vilely towards other people, that doesn't mean I'll forget it. When the chips were down these people treated others like dirt. Having done it once there is a good chance they will do it again and don't deserve trust unless they earn it back.

The phrase "forgive and forget" is thrown around all too often as if as part of forgiveness we are required to erase it from our memory banks. That's not how it works and it's frankly foolish to do so.

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SO TRUE: "FORGIVENESS doesn't mean AMNESTY." Big difference! Forgiveness heals the aggrieved; amnesty harms justice, and allows the aggressor to escape without conversion.

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I’ll never forgive my library where I was called literally a danger to them snd every one else for not wearing a mask once. They would not let me speak until I had clamped a tissue over my mouth and nose. It was humiliating and surreal.I felt assaulted. I had worked there with these people for over 10 years. I did threaten them with legal action later. I’m sure everyone was jabbed up by then also but I was still a threat. I just pop in now to pick up holds snd go out again while these ninnies are STILL wearing masks behind plexiglass fortifications. I will not forget. No respect for them.

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Interesting that it’s a library thing. What is it with libraries now? I recently went to my city library and there was the plexiglass and masks thing. But the thing that really disgusted me was the bowl of buttons next to the help desk. A sign invited me to choose the one with “my” preferred pronouns. This makes me both angry and sad. What has happened to our country?

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We need to picket the libraries and demand representational support. i.e 50% conservative topics. LGBT month? Oh, ok follow that with 'Abortion Takes A Life" month. It's our taxpayer money. We have to fight them and picketing is a good start.

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Oh I would love to do that! I would do it in a heartbeat! If I had a couple other ladies for support I would do it. I can’t understand why there haven’t been people picketing at these events yet. Why are we so squishy?

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I LOVE this idea. I am trying to figure out how to make this happen. Maybe start by proposing it to the local director (who I'm sure would recoil at the idea, but my tax dollars are supporting the library too!)?

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Ugh! Even there.

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Seriously. Do they get their marching orders from some big "public libraries advocacy group?"

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Libraries used to be a "safe space" for me. If I was stressed, popping in and browsing through books was weirdly calming. That has been utterly destroyed for me.

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I lost all my joy in libraries after that abuse. All of it. I don’t attend events nor even talk to a couple of the employees. It’s over but getting books. After my abuse I picked up my materials outside on a cart for 6 months. . Even during the winter. I refused to enter.

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Another joy taken from us...but "Amnesty." Uh, NO.

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Same, Permie. I lived in our local library when my kids were younger - we could spend hours there. Then the whole COVID thing hit, masks slipped (or were applied) and now the trans agenda is in full gear. And I'm in a small, upstate NY town.

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This story makes my blood boil.

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Agree. The trust is gone. I can't look at them the same. I might be superficially polite on the surface but no trust.

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Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022

I will never trust the medical profession again. Utilize them yes, with caution and necessity, but trust: NO.

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Agree. The way some people would scurry away when you approached on a sidewalk OUTSIDE was so creepy and dehumanizing 🤬

And I agree, the trust is gone with those who don’t truly understand or acknowledge the harm and vow to take action to prevent it from happening again. Words are not good enough.

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I remember the time when a family saw me coming toward them on a trail and they immediately formed a small circle with their backs toward me. Strange, as though I were an alien, a threat of some kind. And this is how they are raising their children. I’ve no doubt that these same people would have no qualms about hauling us off to camps on the slightest pretext if they felt threatened.

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That’s what I discovered, too. People on hiking trails treating you as diseased vermin.

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Cross me once, shame on you. Cross me twice, shame on me. And yet, this scenario will be played out again, with the same bad actors clamoring to say how it’s “different” this time.

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Just like an abuser.

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I don't see myself getting there either. I was shamed for my opinion. I was right all along and now I deserve some respect for my opinion. I need to hear some apologies or at least some acknowledgement that I was right. Let's talk about the elephant in the room.

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I was told I should NOT be able to use ANY medical facilities if I got sick and should just die at home. These were friends I’ve known since I’m 14. 🤦‍♀️

That’s ok. I told them they were acting racist for telling everyone to stay at home (to work) but not letting black or brown people work because their jobs weren’t work from home jobs. [I really didn’t mean it. I wanted to get a rise out of them after they told me to die at home.]

I honestly don’t know if most of these people will ever get out of their covidcoma. 🤔

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And willful blindness. I work in the financial industry and you can't use the excuse of willful blindness to get out of being guilty.

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This is training for those who will blindly worship the beast and take the mark. All this is preparation and training designed by the devil.

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Willful ignorance / willful denial, is definitely a real phenomenon that I've witnessed/encountered many a time, since way before the Covid era.

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This, exactly. They were self-appointed mask enforcers.

I remember at a garden center getting confused while looking for kale & accidentally turning the "wrong" direction down an aisle, only to get screamed at by a couple coming the other way.

I also remember at the supermarket trying reassure a hysterical tourist, only to have her report me to a worker for being unmasked. The worker explained they weren't mandatory here. 2 weeks later, our cdc rep announced he was getting calls from visitors complaining, & if we didn't wear them they'd make them mandatory...which they did.

The saddest tweet I think I've ever read was the man coerced by his doctor & wife into getting jabbed. A few days later, he was in excruciating pain from multi-system organ failure. His final tweet of bitterness, being visited by groups of doctors talking about him as if he were a lab rat in an experiment, as he lay dying.

No forgiveness here.

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Ugh. The symptoms of mass hysteria. All done to us on purpose, by the way.

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The horrors have been unimaginable.

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Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022

Austin is especially bad in this regard because Austinites form a mini-Silicon Valley. The rest of Texas was SLIGHTLY, but only slightly, less dictatorial, depending on location. For example, 100 feet west of the Tarrant/Dallas county line, I could go in almost any store unmasked, but thanks to the Dallas County Tin Pot Dictator, the gatekeepers (in Dallas County) wouldn't let me in without a muzzle (which usually got removed as soon as I was past them). I'm afraid said Tin Pot Dictator aka Clay Jenkins is going to be voted in again. My mistake was moving into Dallas County instead of staying in Tarrant (where I belong). Austin, for me, is a hostile foreign country.

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It absolutely is a hostile foreign country down here. I'm here because of family and job situations. But I have become much more vocal over the last few years and I'm starting to see a lot of hidden conservatives coming out of the closet. They're still afraid and still outnumbered but they're here and are becoming braver.

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I don’t even recognize the Austin I grew up and graduated high school in. Just the homelessness is outrageous and nothing like when I lived there. Mopac wasn’t a toll road is how long ago that was. It also ended on the south end at the entrance to the Travis Country neighborhood. My brothers are in Hayes County now but one works in Austin. Both sister-in-laws work for the same school and no matter how many times I tried to explain the numbers of vaxxed vs unvaxxed sick/hospitalized/deaths were intentionally misleading, even though Hayes County leans Republican, it was me who was labeled a conspiracy theorist. I don’t discuss Covid with my SILs anymore. Or even my best friend. It’s almost like a battlefield at times, except I’m the only one waiving the white flag because I’m done trying to help them see the truth. I know one of my brothers can see the truth because the first question he asked me upon learning of our cousin’s death was, “Was he vaccinated?”

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My son was in Austin for an internship over the summer. I really enjoyed wearing my C&C shirts when going out. 🤓

Thankfully, he says when he graduates he will live outside Austin if hired by this company. It’s to liberal for him and he’s 20. Hopefully, many of his age are seeing “the light”.

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Well, it's high time, and that's very good to know. I certainly intended no insult to you for living there; we can't always decide those things, especially if we've been somewhere a long time and it changes. I am happy to see that it is actually changing - for the better, however much that is. In the (translated) words of my very favorite musical group The HU, In Wolf Totem: be brave, and don't give up.

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No offense taken!

I wouldn't say we're in a major change yet but at least I have some hope. Never give up!

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Omg... so spot on GH.... Austin.... Tin Pot Dictators and mask and distance bully gatekeepers.... plural.... everywhere, that was and is Austin and surrounding! At Salt Traders on I-35 Round Rock, venturing out for an anniversary celebration dinner, the overreaction overreach started literally at the door with the Gestapo Stasi hostess, YELLING at the four of us... “Pull your masks up over your nose!!!!” Admittedly, I uttered... “Bully oppression... nice touch” That resulted in an obvious target 🎯 on us that is inexcusable, and absolutely unforgivable! After over 30 minutes obviously with no waiter attending our table, while others around us seated after, we’re being served. Finally after requesting service a triple muzzled waitress came over ridiculously maintaining 6’ distance from the table! None of us could understand a word she uttered. We should have left, but the consensus was why ruin the occasion further, already past 8pm..... The ladies after dinner, prior to dessert walked unmasked to the restroom... o m g 🤯 we were literally screamed at inside the restroom by the hostess and an attendant, then arm ushered out the door.... and out of the restaurant! The Gestapo Stasi hostess said our husbands would be notified to leave after the bill is paid! By the time the men rejoined us on the restaurant front porch the police arrived!!!!! Kudos to the masked officers who pulled their masks and literally apologized, reassuring us “this is not law or violation in any way, sorry for the inconvenience, but once we are called to a situation, we have to respond.”

NO.... I WILL NOT FORGET OR FORGIVE, hope the biache was fired, and we will NEVER STEP FOOT IN ROUND ROCK’s SALT TRADERS RESTAURANT EVER AGAIN.... so Jeff, no, absolutely not... to forgive and forget is setting us up for all of this insanity to repeat, until we are exactly where they want us, “owning NOTHING to make them happy.”

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Thank you for letting me know this. We're in Round Rock frequently so I'll be sure to avoid the Gestapo. We had a lot of stores in the Austin area treating us (and others) in a similar manner. Never forget.

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Never... ever...

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Holy moly, that's worse than even I thought! Hope your husbands didn't leave a tip! (and I NEVER say that.)

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Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022

G Harkness - out here in the boonies, we think of Austin as a wart on the backside of Texas. Sadly, all of the big cities are controlled by liberals…but Austin is over the top.

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"Austin, for me, is a hostile foreign country."

----- AGREED!! Until 1 year ago we lived smack dab between Waco & Austin.... The area is now "little Austin", and growing. It's horrible.

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Clay Jenkins is a weasel and a power drunk dictator. I agree.

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Agree. People were coerced in a variety of ways - whatever worked - everyone I know who got jabbed explained their reasons, such as: I needed to travel. I needed to keep my job. I needed to visit my elderly mom. I needed to attend a wedding. Etc. Never did they say they were afraid of the government. I think Jeff is off target on this one.

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Well I guess in a way those things are being afraid of the government, because the government has the power to deny people the ability to travel, work etc through the mandates. However, I still agree that many people really enjoyed in some perverse way the power trip and social prestige they got from following the dictates and shaming those who disagreed.

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This was beyond ignorance, beyond the lack of questioning, beyond the land of the sheep. This was a government-endorsed program that revealed Nazis among us. Sorry, not sorry; it's true.

We call some of them Karens but it is more than that. People showed how easily led they are and then how easily they can be converted into NKVD and yes, Nazis.

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“Just kidding” will not do. It was a project in the works for years. When it hit…and 2 weeks shut in, I predicted it would be an interruption to election.

Our election output managed. Meanwhile, we are fossil fuel dept in others? We are going to starve? Money to Ukraine? Admit it, IF Trump were fairly re-elected.. we definitely would not be globally or economically in this space. Accountability.

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When I read the event 201 planning guide (in my opinion, it wasn't a simulation it was a plan), I view what's taken place as more of a fact-finding mission, so the ultimate plan (globalism) can be achieved. Basically, unleash a set of plans to see what worked well and what didn't. A data collection exercise. Then they'll attempt to fix what didn't work well for the next time rinse and repeat until UN Agenda 2030 is achieved.

Compliance and the willingness for one human being to commit atrocities in mass has been proven many times in the past. It's not a question it's a fact.

As Yuri Bezmenov said in a Love Letter to America: "My dear friends, I think you are in big trouble"

I'd have to agree with him after seeing people I considered quite intelligent frothing with anger about anti-vaxxer's, not wearing a mask, hating Trump for no factual reason, etc. I have more questions than answers!

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Willful ignorance is not at all unique to COVID ~ think election integrity, CRT, trans ideology, January 6, the war in Ukraine, etc. etc. Willful ignorance is part and parcel of the opposing mindset, promoted/encouraged in media of all genres and leaders on the left. Simplistically, any facts you present have already been debunked ~ end of story. And if you continue to try to engage, you are a conspiracy theorist, live in a bubble, and are being offensive. Overcoming the arrogance, emotionalism, and willful ignorance is totally up to the individual. I believe it can happen, but it will never happen until the faults cited are acknowledged. And the faults will never be acknowledged if there is an easy off ramp.

Some lessons can't be taught, they simply have to be learned through the school of hard knocks. I continue to try to engage and will be more than happy to forgive when their eyes and minds are open to the possibility that they might have been mislead...

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Martha, you are exactly correct. Try to talk to a pro vax person about dangers, or masking, or the origins of the virus, they immediately discount your sources as fringe, kook, and they love the word "debunked". I have close family members who launch into laughter and ridicule. I don't expect any of them to change their tune and ask for amnesty. They still believe they are right.

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Agreed ... but consider that a diploma from the School of Hard Knocks, in this case, may come at the cost of our nation.

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That is why those of us who recognize what is going on must continue to speak out and do what we can to save our nation...

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