"Having a transgender child is like having a vegan cat. We all know who is making the decisions." -youtube comment

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Speaking of which, what are the odds that all of these celebrities have children with such a rare condition as transgenderism:


May I have 'Devil Worshipers' for $1000 Alex?

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I asked my husband where we were going to move after we read yesterday's C&C...Uganda or Russia?

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Itā€™s the new virtue signaling. Remember when it was adopting an African child? If you do it ā€œrightā€ you can have both # Madonna

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Brad Pitt and Angelina

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Sandra Bullock.

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Did they really want a different child? What is wrong with these parents? Or is they want be the COOL parents to their friends?

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I hate to say it, but transgenderism progresses naturally from the normalization of homosexuality. This is nothing new. In ancient Rome and Greece, the same thing happened. The surgery is much more sophisticated these days, but that's about all that's different.

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You dont know much about homosexuality do you? Except what someone else who knows nothing has told you perhaps. Gay men and women are made by the same Creator who made you and are simply attracted to the same sex for their partner. Homosexuality has been around as long as humankind and is also found among all other species. The majority of pedophiles are heterosexual and when there is molestation it occurs nearly always in the home by a relative.

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I know what I know mostly from over 35 years of practice as a clinical psychologist with a specialty in psychodiagnostics and from working with many homosexuals. I don't disagree with a lot of what you say, except that we are not another species, but are human, which makes us qualitatively different, and just because homosexuality has always been with us does not mean it is not a problem, for the individual who is same-sex attracted as well as for the people around him or her. To try to make it not so has turned out to be folly.

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It's mostly mentally disturbed men who are sexual deviants that are extreme peeping toms; to say it mildly. And those civilizations get destroyed from within first then outside male dominated forces finish them off.

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I would argue that it's an ideological, actually a theological problem to start off with. Once you separate sex from its actual function, to create children and then to bond their parents so they're raised in supportive families in which their conscience is properly formed, then you're off and running to sexual deviance and the elimination of male and female as primary, ontologically valid features of reality.

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They have to pay to play.. sacrificed children for the fame... and to push the agenda... and of course the social media attention

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the parents and grandparents have all been used as steppingstones to get to this point they will "naturally" oblige to the movement and disfiguration surgery

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Dean Martin was once asked how many children he had and he replied 3, 1 of each... this sickness has been running rampant in Smell A for many many years.

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My S-I-L had a vegan cat...it was the most miserable, unhealthy, pathetic thing I'd seen...it was given a diet that did not fit its natural state and was constantly at the vet...sounds just like our trans kids...

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You hit the ugly "nail" on its head, Lisa! Cats are CARNIVORES and eat ONLY MEAT in the natural world. In OUR world--poor canine furriends! They're either overweight and under nourished or starved to death by "vegan" humans. DISGUSTING isn't it!

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That is animal abuse. Cats require meat! I'm sure poor kitty will be dying a slow, horrible death. :(

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Poor kitty was forced šŸ˜¢itā€™s an absolutely unnatural diet for a car. While some people are doing fine with vegan diets with proper supplementation this diet is not good for everyone. Some people actually feel better and look better when they start consuming meat. It just shows there is no one diet, food OR drug that has the same effect on everyone as some ā€œ public health expertsā€ seem to think.

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Yeah. A loony "mom" who is a mental case. All the attention is about her. They are users and abusers.

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Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

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Reminds me of The Sixth Sense. Makes me so sad & angry.

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yes, but again this was preceded by tilling the youthful soils of sexualities and genders for the past 70 years in schools, pop-culture, media, "social" media, churches and ministries, psychology, all Western culture and countries so that a boy waking up feeling "gay" or girlie that day is NORMAL, and thinking that leads to a mind that wants to be the opposite gender and even genital removal surgery becomes the "New and Improved Normal". Like any NORMAL tattoo or piercing for a teen, and what supportive, tolerant, open-minded parent wouldn't want to enable and care for their child in this condition? Science and medicine affirm it; religion and republicans, and grandparents should as well.

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The Wokies, Marxist one an all, have conjured up a Fake World, and asked to believe it as our own 'truth'. And in this way, Marxism is a Magic Trick ... and a manufactured phantom for hiding the Hidden Hand of a hideous control agenda.

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I can't even joke about it. I only get mad as hell.

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Oregon senators are still on walkout - 27 days I think? I support them 100%. The news isnā€™t even reporting on it correctly - calling it an abortion issue! No, it is a parental rights issue. HB2002 makes it illegal for a doctor to tell you that your child (of any age) is getting an abortion or transitioning... and thatā€™s just one aspect of it. Talk about mad as hell... this is a hill to die on. šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»āœļø

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So proud of the 'Oregon 13'. Politicians with principles, very rare today.

Right Speaker McCarthy??

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Righteous anger

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Me too. Iā€™m so distressed I can only be with people in select situations.

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Walking away from immoral or insane behavior or speech is the right thing to do. The only thing more correct is to criticize it openly. The reason that this madness is becoming so prevalent is that no one is pushing back.

Lest we forget, Jesus was not always nice, unless you consider harsh criticism, threats, and occasional table toppling acts of kindness, which they can be. Put differently, the tolerance of error is not helpful and often harmful to others.

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The cat can free itself by catching a mouse. The child, not so much.

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Well....there are matches, sunlight and magnifying glasses. Just hope the kid doesn't get any funky ideas.

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A cat can be held captive by a mouse?

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Iā€™m not sure what your question is. The presumption is the cat would swallow the mouse, thereby, escaping the bounds of veganism.

For the child, however, once the breasts or testies have been removed there is never an avenue for escape.

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The common housecat can't swallow a mouse.

What would the escape be from?

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Comprehensive Sexuality Education programs were developed by masons to increase infertile sex: http://StopCSE.org

There's a plan to murder 95% of the global population.

Start taking some redpills and doing your own homework by searching the following in duckduckgo.com or presearch.com:

- Both Churchill and Roosevelt were masons and plotted to get the reluctant USA into the war by provoking the Japs and letting Pearl Harbor (all fleet defenseless in there, no radar warning in outer islands)

- 9/11: 2 "planes", yet all 7 World Trade Center towers destroyed, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center, and the owner with his 2 grown up sieblings failed to show up for work (never did)...

- J6: The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


It's such a mason manual that they organized the same play in Brazil when it was proven that the voting machines owned by mason Soros, were rigged:



- COVID was designed as a primer for lethal COVID haccines:




- Wake up videos:


- It's genocide for depopulation:


- Itā€™s the masons, who create counterfeited currencies (trillions of dollars and EUROS) and bought the listed corporations, media, healthcare, universities, parties and political careers:


ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard's confessions:


Now are you ready?

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


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I have a relative who reached 33rd degree, and he finally awakened to the evil. He left, but to this day refuses to even speak about them, he lives in fear for his life now. The lower masons have not a clue.

It is an evil organization.

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Anything thing that must be done in secret (darkness) is always suspect! Proverbs always recommends Light!!

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It took him quite a bit: if I recall correctly, they are required to step on the Crucifix at the 12Ā°, yet if they refuse, they are still upgraded, hoping to make them more evil along the way.

This is what happened to your uncle. He was invited to a special meeting:


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kudos to you for posting that. I have seen too many other videos like this, and read many many more articles. Unless and until the normies are willing to watch and face up to the fact this is the glue that binds the Khazarians and their minions who believe they have a divine right to rule us, these horrors will never stop To those who say "I don't want to watch that", I remind them that all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to stand by and do nothing.

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I felt such evil watching that I had to stop. I couldn't finish it.

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Oh, dear Godā€¦..

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Give this a watch, CStone, word is getting out:

https://bitchute.com/video/XYQnYBgMjEyu [1:48min]

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Will soon post about that:

Masonic Pedophilia

ā€œThe FRANKLIN SCANDAL is the story of a nationwide pedophile ring that pandered children to a cabal of the rich and powerful. The ringā€™s pimps were a pair of political powerbrokers who had access to the highest levels of our government. Nebraska legislators attempted to expose the network in 1989 and 1990, but the legislators' efforts were followed by a rash of mysterious deaths and the overpowering responses of federal and local law enforcement, including the FBI and Justice Department, which effected an immaculate cover-up of the trafficking network.ā€1

The ritual of ā€œascensionā€ (meant descension) to the 33rd degree involves a child bride. Videos are even more satanic.2

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The Franklin scandal actually made MSM pages for a brief time. This also involved the infamous Boy's Town orphanage in Nebraska. Want to know it's most infamous alumni? Charles Manson. Who knows what hell he was exposed to. Explains a lot, doesn't it?

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I have to believe that it is so, an evil organization. And organized in cells (degrees) of learning 'the Craft'. And I have to wonder, what does learning 'craft' have to do with learning Scripture. One thing that I well remember, the role on the Continental European Lodges in fomenting the French Revolution, an entirely anti-clerical affair. I have to believe, then and now, the Money Power is behind it.

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aren't they just Shriners, Rotarians, Elks, or Oddfellows? that's the "media" analysis after much rigorous journalistic investigation. Or...could it be a touch more cultish than that? Hmmm

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A HS friend posted a photo with the Freemason symbol in it. (Tried to paste it but canā€™t) I had no idea he was a member but recall he was a bit aloof. The message said ā€œBe good to people. You will be remembered for your kindnessā€¦ā€ šŸ˜³

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In a lot of cases, this is true. But depending on age, a lot less than we might think. I am the mom of a transgender child....I 100% oppose transitioning and refused any interventions until age 18. This is so clearly mental illness, but any help with the depression/anxiety she was dealing with also came with ā€œlovingā€ affirmative care. Finding a provider that does not subscribe to affirmative care is nearly impossible (and the trans world is super in-the-know on that, warning my child how horrible mental health providers that donā€™t subscribe to affirmative care are). Iā€™m certain I bare some blame but as a conservative Christian mom who sent this child to a Classical Christian school for 3-years, homeschooled for 8, and then finally a public school for the last 2, I certainly wasnā€™t promoting or encouraging my child to identify as the opposite sex.

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Recent years have been hard on the kids in public and even private school, and the ideology is very strong in schools and online. My teen got taken by the trans cult too, and I had never imagined that would be an issue in our lives.

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I know that I was so ill-prepared for it...I thought I was doing the right things along the way, exposing her to the realities of the world and then explaining how we view these things as Christians. Maybe I was actually putting ideas into her head instead. I am so sorry you are also dealing with this. And I hope you are navigating it and your relationship with your child better than Iā€™ve been able toā¤ļø

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I am sorry. šŸ˜„šŸ™ Never stop praying for your child.

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Thank you! My prayer life has been shaken for sure (If I believe God answers prayers (I do), but this one hasnā€™t been answered, does it mean I was wrong about God or that Iā€™m double-minded in my prayers or I really donā€™t believe God will answer my prayer or Iā€™m not asking in faith or, or, or....this goes on and on and on and I feel defeated before I ever begin talking to God)...yet each day I start anew and resolve to continue to pray (or try to pray)

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I'm not a mental health professional. Probably a badge of honor. That said, I'm so so suspicious that there might be some hidden trauma in these children's lives. Trauma covers a w i d e spectrum. What one child experiences as trauma may roll off another's back. There's also the possibility of things we don't like to think about. I have heard first hand stories of survivors of abuse. I'm thinking in particular of denials by the mothers when they were told, and complete ignorance of the mother because the girl was fearful something would happen if she told. Not saying this worst is the case, just that gender dysphoria might -might- have its roots in something hidden. Something to explore?

I hope you're taking care of Heather in the midst of your own trauma. You are living through trauma. You know that, right? You must be overwhelmed at times. Different issues but I had a difficult child. Childhood trauma I could do nothing about. It took more than a decade for her to sort things out, but she got on the road. Still sorting 20 years later. Not my journey. I feel for her but can't live her life for her. I neglected to take care of me for *years*. Do take care of Heather. Neglect her and there won't be the proper resources to offer your child. 2Ā¢

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I understand. ā¤ļø From personal experience with an issue I had with my child, it took many, many years of frustration, depression, many prayers (of my devout mother as well), and many tears for my prayer to be answered.

In my tradition, we also pray to certain saints for their intercession on our behalf, and also to the sweet mother of Christ for her motherly intercession prayers. As a mother, she is especially understanding of our sorrows.. I personally find her special place in Heaven comforting.

Never give up. Take it day by day.

May God bless you and comfort you sweet lady.

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I'm so sorry for what you are going through. If there is need for repentance; ask God; I'm sure He will direct you to what; if anything; you (And your husband?) need to repent of; and never stop praying. Don't try to figure out all of the 'what if's'; the issue is too big to try to figure out; GOD knows what the ROOT cause of all of this is; trust Him to take care of it. Continue to show your child God's unfailing love along with His Truth. "Don't grow weary in well-doing."

"Having done ALL; STAND."

We are in a battle such as the world has never seen; a battle between deception and God's Truth; right and wrong; and the enemy NEVER sleeps. But God doesn't either; and because of Christ's finished work on the cross; all those who are born-again through and into Him also win. But it IS a BATTLE; a continuous one that must be pressed into until a victory is seen.

God has given us free will; including your child; but "It's not God's will that ANY should perish; but that ALL should come to repentance"; and I will believe God to be ready; willing; and able to save; sanctify; heal, and deliver your child.

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at least the "vegan cat" can still hunt for mice, but a transgendered child has been mutilated without being able to give properly informed consent that will affect its lifetime!

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That's so funny, I can't remember what video I was watching but I JUST saw that comment a couple of days ago!! I laughed out loud at it too. :-)

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What a *fantastic* observation. If only it were not too long for a T-shirt ...

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Now there's a real Un-Happy CAT IN THE HAT! In Spanish El gato in a Sombrero.

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Spot on.

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How would a genetic carnivore become a vegan?

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By necessity.

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much the same way a male can become a female and a female a male. IMPOSSIBLE

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Cosmetics such as genitalia are the only indicators not subject to laboratory conformation.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The problem with catching cancer before symptoms is that not all cancer will kill you. Many cancers are very slow growing cancers that people will die with and not from. This has a huge effect on quality of life. If you are aggressively treating a non aggressive cancer your quality of life will suffer. Modern medicine is great....except when itā€™s not.

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My family member was just killed by surgery to remove a tumor that the doctors *believed* would become malignant. The narrative is that he died ā€œdue to complications from surgery.ā€ No, the doctors and hospital killed him.

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Dee - I am so very sorry for your loss.

My journey of extreme skepticism of the medical monopoly, & bureaucracy etc began in 1986. A team of supposedly well-respected nephrologists wanted ā€œexploratory surgeryā€ for my mom who was 66 at the time. She had a blocked kidney & thankfully I had the presence of mind to stand firm for less invasive procedures (a stent in the ā€œkinkedā€ ureter did the trick.) I was blessed to have her for another 30 years to age 96. Also, I had at the time a very knowledgeable & brilliant Applied Kinesiologist who had some very astute interventions that I should inquire of the surgeons before they did what they do. (I was so naive - his statement that surgeonā€™s are ā€œknife happyā€ was an eye-opener). I am thankful for surgeonā€™s who do perform amazing, ā€œnecessaryā€ life-saving surgery. It is the corporatist hospital system that is so destructive because it IS big business. And, of course, Bigg Harmass has contributed to our health systemsā€™ demise.

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And donā€™t be fooled by ā€œnonprofitā€ hospitals either. Hospitals are where people go to die.

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and I don't believe there is such a thing as a non-profit hospital

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Not for profit hospitals get huge deals from the government if they agree to do some gratis work in the community they are located. Their books show that money coming in is used for payroll, improvements, and additions. A little extra book work for big benefits.

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Hospice is often a sanitized comforting form of euthanizing via water and food deprivation and pain killing administration. Why NOT just legalize it and end the pretend means to the same end? I'm not saying it's evil nor that we just give a family member a prescription to administer it; just a cautionary commentary and a rhetorical question. It's something most all of us must confront and proceed through. Perhaps in the whole of humanity's history we are at the very BEST place for this? I wrestle some however. I don't have THE answer but don't suggest that really anyone does i just recoiled some with the pat answers and conversations from the hospice center employee(s). But i wouldn't desire that occupation as a full time long term career either.

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It may seem to be just that but when a person is dying they donā€™t need to eat. Even when a person dies at home they arenā€™t interested in food. My mom died in hospice. A couple of weeks before she went to hospice she had no interest in food. In hospice, fluids were provided intravenously along with pain meds and undoubtedly sedatives to ease the anxiety. My BIL died at home using hospice and without the pain meds it would have been horrible to deal with for my SIL. My uncle is at home now with hospice and while heā€™s still able to eat he has no appetite. Heā€™s been supplied with pain meds when he needs them but is not looking forward to ā€œneedingā€ them. While we all will suffer to a lesser or greater degree, it seems only humane to ease the pain and passage of our loved ones. Iā€™m thankful I didnā€™t have to see my mom writhing in pain.

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Interesting, because my SIL told my MIL on the way to Hospice that this was it, there was no coming out again. My MIL was super thin, but her main problem was from a stroke she had years before and she could not really speak coherently. It took her two weeks to die and they said she was not allowed food or drink, although they did swipe a moist sponge on a stick through her mouth once in a while. My hubby and sisters sat there and sang and held her hand and thought it was all fine. I had to leave, I could not witness the long slow (and what must have been angonizing internally) death march. I feel to this day it was planned and sanctioned societal murder. Horrifying.

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Amen, it's an internal struggle of my own coming to terms with the entirety of the process and the systems we've instituted along with it; watching a loved one decline and suffer and being unable to help is a difficult reality.

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WP William - have you ever helped a loved one die at home?

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i'm not applying anything universally; assisting in the dying/exiting process is noble especially when immediate and loving family is involved. Yes it's not a pretty or peaceful process esp with pain and suffering and the nonstop attention and care required

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ā€˜I experienced this with an estranged, troubled destitute brother who had sustained a suspicious (to me) head wound. I arrived at the hospital to find him totally unresponsive due to morphine that was given anytime he made a move or sound. No water or food. He lived several days beyond the projected time of death. It killed me to see him this way.

But apparently there are different levels of hospice, due to oneā€™s means I suppose. A fairly well off Priest that I know was declared to have gone into hospice care about 4 months ago and is yet alive. Obviously he receives nutrition and water. And people have visited him and he was fairly lucid.

The whole process is very disturbing to me. Particularly that it seems to be different for different classes of people.

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some "patients" in this situation seem to cry out for their end while others seem to cry out to not want to be terminated in this fashion; it's not our realm of expertise so we tend to relinquish oversight and control to those who express kindness sympathy and the professional answers that dismiss our fears and questions and disarm our objections

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My Grandma said that about hospitals!

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Thank you, San. I am so angry. He was a fit 73 year old man who was very proactive about his health because heā€™s the sole caregiver for his disabled wife. I donā€™t know what will happen to her now because sheā€™s incapable of living on her own. Iā€™m 1,000 miles away so thereā€™s not much I can do, especially since I refuse to fly with vaxxed pilots.

Good to hear you saved your mom from surgery trauma. My sister is a (now retired) nurse. She told me decades ago, ā€œDonā€™t go to a surgeon unless you want surgery.ā€

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San, you write: "thankfully I had the presence of mind to stand firm for less invasive procedures". Unfortunately the way the system works now, unless you have an advocate in your corner who can stand up to the doctors you are done. I am thankful that two years ago my wife was able to argue in my favor when I was in hospital for an operation.

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Peter - you are sooo right- I became her advocate for 27 years. Thankful for anyone who is an advocate for better healthcare for their family or friends. Lord knows - they are so crucial nowadays

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I'm so sorry. Whatever happened to their mantra first do no harm?

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'do no harm to their bank account'

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They took the Hippocritic OathšŸ˜‚

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That went out the window a while ago. All about the money and following orders.

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They left out the ā€œno.ā€

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My 1st thought about Dā€™Souza whose no problem disfiguring children for a false narrative built around a mental illness of gender dysphoria. With the right support with this disorder, we can keep these kids healthy and prevent suicidal ideation.

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Great idea Chelie but follow the money. That's the mantra.

Later Jay

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Depends on oneā€™s definition of ā€œharm.ā€

To them, everything has risks and benefits. They alleged that the risks were small and the benefit of not having a potentially cancerous tumor was immense. To them, this death is sad and unfortunate, but a very unfortunate risk that one must be willing to accept while hoping for a good outcome.

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That's awful. My thoughts and prayers šŸ™ to you and your family. ā¤ļø

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My daughter agreed to exploratory surgery after years of constant kidney issues. The urologist( who was there also) offered to take out an atrophied kidney ( that was still functioning) and ā€œ clean upā€ her other kidney. These people are monsters. And whatever happened to DO NO HARM.

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Horrid. So sorry Dee.

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I am so sorry! Medical malpractice (which comes in MANY forms) seems to be the #1 cause of death in our country. So very sad.

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modern med unfortunately is all about overtreating everything. A cold does not need a doctor, if you are desperate enough and still go, the cold that heals in a week will take a month or more to heal, and you will end up bedridden on antibiotics. Had a friend suffer it out like that.

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Antibiotics! So, back when I was a youngster, under the age of 5, I suffered from recurring tonsillitis. Iā€™m sure I received lots of penicillin but the ear and throat infections were endless. Finally, our family doctor suggested I have a tonsillectomy. Tonsils and maybe adenoids were removed. Since that time I have never had a serious sore throat or ear infection. The doctor did not up my prescriptions or suggest tubes in my ears. He just yanked out the whole shebang. I am almost 73 years old and have been mostly healthy since 1956 when I had what used to be a common childhood surgery. It seems that now days doctors very seldom recommend tonsillectomies. Could it be that they are relying heavily on antibiotics? Anyone have any thoughts on this? Am I crazy?

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My daughter had recurrent tonsillitis and strep throat. We think sleep apnea too. We had her tonsils and adenoids taken out a few months ago. I hope we did the right thing. Your story gives me hope! Ps Kids still get their tonsils taken out regularly.

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I would be interested to know how your daughter's health changes, for better or worse. I remember vividly being very ill with almost chronic sore throats. I never attended kindergarten because I was always so sick. Since the tonsillectomy I have been pretty darned healthy. I had all the childhood illnesses (measles, mumps, chicken pox) and I've had colds and the flu a couple of times but no more tonsillitis or ear infections. I hope your daughter has the same results.

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I really hope so, too. Kids do still get tonsils out but not like when I was a kid. The doctor advised my mom to have my tonsils out and, while he was at it, he also yanked out my little sisterā€™s tonsils. 2 for the price of one!

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Jun 2, 2023Ā·edited Jun 2, 2023

I think in the US they still remove the tonsils. I was in Belgium, had the tonsils peeled but not removed, with the same effect. I read somewhere that tonsils keep allergies at bay. So I am glad I still have mine. 12 years ago I had tonsillitis probably from driving in an overheated car with my mouth open! Only had it once and lasted only a couple days, yes, with antibiotics, because the herbal treatments don't seem to work for that. I also seem to have had quite a few ear infections but was not even 4 when they did the surgery and do not remember. A cousin about 30 had hers removed in Belgium this winter and said it is the worst pain she ever had, and she has undergone several surgeries already, throat is one big open oozing wound. Surgery at adult age is quite dangerous

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When I was a kid in the 1950s, getting tonsils removed was almost a fad, as I look back at it. It seems like half the kids I knew had them out at some point in the 6 to 12 age range. I always thought it was odd. Thank goodness I never succumbed to that!

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That sounds horrible. Glad I had it done while I still healed quickly. I have had very few allergies. Mostly poison ivy and various insects and mites (like chiggers!)

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glad you excaped the allergies. I get lots of insect bites, mostly mosquitoes and horseflies, and some smaller insects, spiders and ants. Friends think I eat too much sugar LOL that I must smell sweet. Chiggers and fleas do not bite me, and so far so good with the poison ivy. Yes we were lucky we have barely a memory of the whole surgery. In fact all I remember is they gave me lots of ice cream!

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Thatā€™s so funny! Thatā€™s what I remember most, too (and applesauce).

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Oftentimes, quality of life involves not knowing every little thing that's going on inside you.

Let your body take care of itself. Just help it by giving it the basics--and by minimizing unnecessary medical stress.

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Iā€™m starting to live more and more like my grandmother. I wish Iā€™d paid more attention as a youngster when I she tried to teach me things. I saw an interview in which a Native American was lamenting the loss of her culture and she said that it only takes 2 generations for knowledge to be lost. That is so true. How did people survive 3,000 years ago without medical interventions. And we tend to think that they were sickly and had poor quality of life but look around , do we look healthy?

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Write down what you can remember from your grandmother. Ask others who knew her, if they are still around.

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best advise anyone can get. Medical mistakes are the #2 cause of death in the US. Truth be told, most of the cancer deaths are doctor induced, and many of the heart deaths. So, what I am saying is by far the leading cause of death in this country is doctors, incredible though it may seem.

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Cancer comes and goes....if they see it during a test, you're down for major medical intervention. Eating a diet rich in sugar will cause cancer to show up in tests especially if sugar is eaten night before, but if you fast and starve the sugar, the cancer likely won't be picked up! It's diet people!

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Iā€™m 80. I learned some years ago to only buy whatā€™s sold around the outside walls of the super market. Do not shop up and down the aisles. That is where the poison is sold. Otherwise known as processed foods.

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Jun 2, 2023Ā·edited Jun 2, 2023

And buy what is around the walls as well. Most fruits and vegetables, cheeses, yogurt, etc., are around the walls.

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Unfortunately now bill gates is also poisoning the organic fruit w ā€œa peelā€

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I agree with you 100%. Plus all the processed foods. I stopped eating all desserts last year & honestly this is the best I ever felt!

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Yes! I used to use a lot of sugar in my coffee, cut it by 3/4 and I'm am abslutely shocked at how I feel. Soon I'll be down to zero sugar!

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I really need to make this a goal for myself. My husband gave up sugar in his coffee a few Lents ago and he says he doesn't miss it at all.

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The first day was weird. I absolutely love my coffee but by cutting the sugar I didn't even crave the second cup. By the time I cut the sugar down to a 1/4 of my normal, I started to love my second and third cup again. The first 3 days was the worst and now I can't imagine what it would taste like if I went back to my old sugar amount. I'd probably gag...LOL

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Way to go!!! I cut sugar out of my coffee years ago. You wonā€™t miss it I promise! Keep up the great work as youā€™ll only start to feel more better!

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Quick! I need a dermatologist who doesn't blindly follow the protocols. I went to a local doc because of a suspicious spot on my cheek. I was told it was not cancer, then the doctor looked at my face using what appeared to be a simple flashlight, and found two spots on my nose. They were biopsied and said to be squamous cell cancer. I am supposed to have MOHS surgery on June 9 to remove these invisible cancer spots. In the past I would have accepted this without question, but after covid, I can't help but wonder if the doctor is following a protocol which may not make any sense. On the other hand, if I ignore it and it gets bigger, maybe even visible, I will have bigger scars when it is removed.

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Anne: ask friends for a holistic dermatologist and get a second opinion from that doc! That's my best advice - I pray you get just what you need to calm your fear and help you to think CLEARLY. PRAY without ceasing also - that's my REALLY best advice!

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Thank you! I am a follower of Christ, so I am praying. Your response might be one of the answers to my prayer.

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Do keep us all posted on your journey through this "valley" experience, Anne---we're all "family" here at C & C Army!!

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We need more Holistic doctors. If people know of them, they need to share that information with others. Many would even travel a distance to see them.

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For now, I believe Ann should get a second opinion from a dermatologist that is recommended to her by a friend or family member that she trusts. There ARE directories online that she can check for "holistic MD's" and "naturopathic physicians"...I've done that myself and they're very comprehensive.

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Robin Openshaw has an article about black goo which her grandmother used to use and that she has successfully used on skin cancers. She has a substack.

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Just checked 'black salve'--find that we MUST NOT use it on skin ---it's corrosive (and doctor med treatments are not damaging?) especially, we must not use it for skin cancers. Sounds to me like the FDA admitting that it works effectively for that purpose. And to my delight--the main ingredient is bloodroot---two plants of which I set out in my garden a year ago.

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Sounds like ā€˜bloodrootā€™. I used this on a very old big beloved dog who developed a lot of ugly tags/warts. Vet didnā€™t really recommend surgery given his advanced age, but drew up a plan and it would have cost $1,400.

I did research, found bloodroot (Native American remedy) and it worked wonders. Restored him to his handsome self for the last couple of years. He so enjoyed all the ladies stopping to say how ā€˜beautifulā€™ he was! Indiana Jones was a one of a kind canine.

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yes--her 'black salve'--though I think she didn't state what it was composed of (I was looking for that info)

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She did not state what it was, but there is a link to purchase it.

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Thatā€™s a tough choice. My husband had a small spot on his nose. It was biopsied and came back as basal cell. The dermatologist told him he needed Mohs surgery. Of course, she used the C word which scared him into doing it. By the time of the surgery, you couldnā€™t even see where it had been. There was no way I could talk him out of going through with it because he was frightened by the ā€œcancerā€ diagnosis. The Mohs surgery took all day and I was appalled at how they butchered his nose. He looked disfigured. Iā€™ve since read that some dermatologists donā€™t do Mohs unless it comes back.

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Mother's dermatologist removed basal cell first and then after reoccurrence sent her for Moh's. This dermatologist works for an independent practice. The hospital-affiliated practices seem much more eager to pu$h $surgical procedure$$$$.

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Yup, this was a Mayo Clinic dermatologist.

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Yep. Ran into the same thing with the eye Dr. When we switched to the independent practice the eye $urgery does not seem so urgent.

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My mom had a spot on her cheek when she was in her late 80s, and it just wouldn't totally heal and go away, and then it sometimes bled a bit too. Her doctor at Kaiser just brushed it off as a big nothing. Finally my sister and I accompanied her to a doctor visit and demanded they more seriously check it out. Turned out it was cancer, and she got the Mohs surgery from a doctor who was actually quite wonderful. We sat in the room with her while he did the surgery, and we watched it. By 6 to 8 months later you couldn't tell she had had the surgery, there was no scar at all.

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During a MOHS procedure the surgeon removes thin layers of skin one layer at a time, and examines each layer under a microscope to determine if any cancer remains. This procedure continues until only cancer-free tissue remains.

Good your M.D. was meticulous and found the spots. I wish you well !

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Well, first of all, you can reschedule the surgery. The spots arenā€™t going to grow that fast, most likely.

That gives you time to read, research, and get a second or third opinion.

You say it is currently invisible? I would definitely do some research and see if you can find out how many of these invisible spots eventually become visible. And over what period of time? How do they KNOW that these invisible spots donā€™t come and go all the time?

Iā€™m not saying they do or donā€™t. I have no idea. But after the last three years, I would press the pause button to ask some questions.

Check out Thomas Seyfriedā€™s work with ketogenic diets and cancer. And Tucker Goodrichā€™s work discussing vegetable oils and cancer, specifically skin cancer. Maybe with diet you can change this. And by all means please donā€™t use chemical sunscreens. šŸ™šŸ»

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I think I will reschedule. How do they know what to cut if it can't be seen??? Maybe I'm stupid, but it doesn't make sense to me. When I had endometrial cancer 15 years ago I was told I needed chemo, but not radiation. Then, at my last chemo appointment, the oncologist recommended radiation. I prayed and researched and decided against it. The radiation oncologist told me if I did not undergo radiation and the cancer came back, I would die. I took my chances and here I am, doing fine as far as I know. The fact that I had cancer is actually one reason I didn't get the covid jab. I heard early on about incidences of people in remission having a recurrence.

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I've had both basal and squamous cell carcinomas removed so many times I've lost count, but the only one that left an ugly scar was the one done with the MOHS procedure, and it took hours. That one was a squamous cell and so tiny I had to really try hard to see it. I wish I had it cut out, or even burned off instead, but the dermatologist swore it was my best option. No, it wasn't. It was their most lucrative option. I will not ever go that route again. Whatever option you choose just know that they check for clean margins always when cutting it out to make sure it's all gone. With MOHS, they take as little as possible until they get clean margins, therefore their claims of it being the better choice. Bologna! On my left forearm and hand I've had 2 squamous and I belive 5 basal removed, all surgically and 1 was MOHS. The MOHS is the only one that left a scar. That's just my hand and forearm. Also, most dermatologist have a reconstructive surgeon that works with them. I highly recommend you go that route as the dermatologist is only going to cut it to remove it. A good one will use a cosmetic surgeon to close up, at least.

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Interesting. My ex had MOHS done on his face but no clean margins. He is now undergoing chemo for the ā€œskin cancerā€. SMH. Of course he is well jabbedā€¦ šŸ™„

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I'm so sorry to hear that. I will pray for his complete healing from both the cancer and the jabs.

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Look into bloodroot tinctures or salves. You have to do your own research, but you can find them on Etsy.

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Look into vitamin c and frankincense oil

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I had a spot on my nose that would heal and then come back. Delt with it for a couple of years. Last yr showed my dermatologist and she just froze it. It hasn't come back.

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Maybe AI is the reason tptb didn't care how many medical staff die from the shots. They are replaceable to them. Useful idiots.

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AI definitely cannot replace good doctoring, which is super-rare these days anyway.

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All of our specialists (that weā€™ve had for 25+ years) have retired in these last 3 years. I was also forced to find a new PCP (after 20+ years) and after what I experienced during the summer of Covid 2020...I have very little faith in the medical system...in fact, Iā€™m quite skeptical and leery all together. Hospitals (once a place of healing and care) are now places to be feared and avoided. Itā€™s sad that this our medical system in America! Donā€™t even get me started on the education system, the financial system, the legal system, etc...I could write a book lol!

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Agree. Rare.

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I think you are absolutely right! We would be obsolete if the evil ones succeed. They wonā€™t.

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Indeed. I get these life-screening adverts in the mail (youā€™ve seen them) that peddle the idea that getting yourself screened before you have any symptoms will put you ahead of the game in diagnosing and applying remedies beforehand. Well, catching cancer early on is definitely a big plus. But, according to my doc who insisted I never fall for it over 10 years ago, you might get false-positive readings that may take you down an emotional rabbit-hole, not to mention a costly one. May we be blessed with discernment.

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Oh yeah, that Lifeline traveling circus crap. So many people that I know fall for it! Itā€™s a money-making bunch of hooey.

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I walked away from the medical establishment with supposedly "manageable but incurable" cancer. And I'm just fine. Hmmmm....

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Like all the lovely people walking around who survived recommendations that they be aborted. My wonderful 22 year old grandson is one of them.

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Excessive PCR cycles yield positive, get ur dadgum jabs NOW!! No, thanks to all those pre symptomatic tests.

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I read on the Cochrane site years ago that cancer cells come come and go in our bodies with some regularity. Linus Pauling cured advanced cancers with vitamin C. The Banerji's in India cure cancer with ayurvedic therapies. Electromagnetic radiation can exacerbate cancer.

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MRI'S primarily utilize ionizing radiation and, are therefore, cancer-causing/accelerating.

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MRIs do not use ionizing radiation. You may be thinking of CT scans.


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Just part of the plan to cull the population

There's a plan to murder 95% of the global population.

Start taking some redpills and doing your own homework by searching the following in duckduckgo.com or presearch.com:

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catching cancer early means you are a bigger money maker for big pharma. they can get you on cancer drugs that kill you earlier.

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Agree. Also, cancer is a metabolic disease that is actually often cured with diet and lifestyle changes, though it needs to be caught early. Beyond that in our cancer journey(that we are still on) has uncovered the subjective nature of 'pathology' and how inaccurate they are. Even with a 50% inaccuracy (our doctor has admitted this to us several times), these tests are what often drives the flowchart of what 'care' you are offered. I personally know people who have had life altering surgery to later find out that the 'mass' was benign! Be very wary of the 'Standard of Care' and do your research.

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A young man who is a friend of my son in law had his health destroyed when they took out his entire thyroid because there was a ā€˜spotā€™ on it. Which was benign. šŸ˜”

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That is ridiculous, of course. I am sorry for him! The more we experience, and are exposed to the field of medicine, the more sorcery we see. :(

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It's worse than that. Many cancers / tumors are killed by the body before they ever get to be a problem. This is especially true with lumps in the breast.

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Excellent point! Also, attitude and outlook are important to our quality of life. Can you imagine knowing you have a non-aggressive cancer that could potentially turn cancerous? I'd feel as if I were a ticking time-bomb which would put my mind and body in a continual state of anxiety and stress--that couldn't be good for any ailment.

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Jeff as a pastor I have found that pride events evoke a wide range of emotions. To add to all this 31% of evangelicals support pride events and think it's time to change Christian ethics on this topic. They say Jesus would be marching with them waving a rainbow flag. They use the line that Jesus dined with sinners. The problem is they miss the point that Jesus met people where they were at but never participated in the sin. We are all sinners in need of God's grace. God abhors all sin.

The only difference is as a Christian we call on the Holy Spirit to help us overcome our sinfulness, we don't have parade to celebrate it. I love everyone and everyone is welcome in the church once you accept Christ you are supposed to sever ways with the old life an begin a new. Pastors have spent so much time shouting GRACE but whispering repentance. Saved by God's grace is true but we must repent and put down our wicked ways. Loving someone means showing them they are taking a path of self-destruction.

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Dennis, I believe many evangelicals (and Catholics) have cleaved Jesus' instructions into two parts, and discarded the one which is harder to follow. Dozens of times, our Lord spoke to sinners, saying "You are forgiven" (part one). "Now go and sin no more" (part two, the hard part). Certain pastors have discovered they can increase the size of their congregations by omitting part two. And we all know that head count defines pastoral success, don't we ....

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Exactly. A lefty person I know tried to use part 1 on me, and when I followed up with part 2 she didn't have anything else to say.

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The Word is PERFECT and sharper than any "two edged sword"!! SO SAITH "THE WORD".

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For most pastors the answer is to your question is yes. I'm called to make disciples. I am very blessed to lead a church not focused on membership but focused on serving the Lord. I remind people that the Bible doesn't say anything about being a member of a church. It's an Ekklēsia .

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Our pastors and our church's growth both prove the truth of your statement. When the word is truthfully, clearly, boldly preached, the Lord provides the (congregational) increase. Sola scriptura.

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Yes, and Jesus didnā€™t come to give us a religion.

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a calling out

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Jesus alone had/has the power to save those who He knew before the beginning. We have no such power but to point them to Him. Sin kills, eternally. God hates those who despise His Word His way.

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Are many just starting to say that deviant sexual practice is not sin? So just ignore it? Really asking your opinion because I donā€™t know.

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Jun 2, 2023Ā·edited Jun 2, 2023

There are stories across the internet of churches, many of which are ELCA or PC (USA) or Anglican or evangelical nondenominational, affirming "gay but not acted on" sexuality. Some have gone so far as to employ pastors who hew to that line. "Being homosexual is fine just so long as you do not act on your impulses". This fits into the broader definition of "carnal Christianity", wherein sinners take cover under Jesus' overarching forgiveness, but ignore His commands to repent and sin no more. From what four PCA pastors tell me, this is a growing trend - mainly in American and UK churches. But it does not end there.

The blessing of openly homosexual unions are openly dividing the Anglicans: https://religionnews.com/2023/02/16/we-cannot-walk-with-you-unless-you-repent-african-archbishops-tell-church-of-england/

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That church has been infiltrated.

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Sadly, the Catholic Church may have started that. They say you may not be able to not have same sex attraction, but it is a sin to act on it.

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Look forward to responses here.

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Iā€™ve seen it claimed that the Bible statements in regards to perverted sex are now disproven by SCIENCE. Like the inspired writers (and the inspiration from God) were ignorant and now we know better.

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@47Yinzer ā€œDennis, I believe many evangelicals (and Catholics) have cleaved Jesus' instructions into two parts, and discarded the one which is harder to follow.ā€ I would posit itā€™s a problem that *all* believers can fall prey to, not just evangelicals and Catholics. Is there a reason why you think those two categories are more prone to that?

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Jun 2, 2023Ā·edited Jun 2, 2023

All *can* fall prey, but not *all* do so readily. Many congregations in the named denominations have made public statements supporting "carnal Christianity". Many ELCA and Anglican churches in the USA are bleeding membership. There are many comments posted by those members who fled to congregations that proclaim open belief in sola scriptura. I could introduce you to a few of these good folks up here in the Appalachian mountains of Georgia.

Listen to preaching online from pastors in various denominations. You decide who is cherry-picking the gospel.

Either it is all true as the divinely breathed word of God, or none of it is true. Fallen men do not have the luxury of abiding just by the easy commands and covenants.

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Huh--the narrow path is too tight to get into

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They probably got vaxxed too.

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Liberals always love to tell the story of how Jesus stopped the woman caught in prostitution from being stoned. They never repeat his final words to her: "Go and sin no more."

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But Jesus "never participated in the sin." Perfect.

And I doubt he encouraged it much, either.

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ā€œPride is a sin that affects all people and has been the cause of tremendous misery throughout human history.2 It is delusional, spiteful, and bitter, and at its root, it declares that "I don't want God to be God.0 I want to be God!" Pride becomes sinful when it is excessively self-focused and self-elevating, the opposite of the virtue of humility, which is the appropriate posture people ought to have with God. According to the Bible, pride becomes sinful when it is excessively self-focused and self-elevating.ā€

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So "Pride Month" is really about advertising/celebrating/broadcasting sin, even if it's only the sin of pride.

Interesting. I think I'll wear black all month in protest of sin.

God's in charge of the real rainbows, anyway.

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Jun 2, 2023Ā·edited Jun 2, 2023

The very idea that they use the rainbow as a symbol is an intentional mockery of Godā€™s promise to humanity.

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Iā€™ve got to borrow this from another commenter.

ā€œThere is a reason the LGBTQ+ community is using the rainbow as their symbol. Blasphemy is their bread and butter. Not only that, but the intention from this symbolism is to transform the world, on their terms this time, into a gender-less, Godless, wicked society. They covet and strive to birth unnatural abominations into this world and to normalize them as an affront to the creator because they hate God with a burning passion.ā€

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This is a spiritual battleā€¦ we all know who wins .

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I witnessed the most beautifully vivid rainbow yesterday evening; truly magnificent!

The rainbow flag(s) are more repugnant than a pile of manure or a puddle of vomit

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Yup. Couldn't have said it any better.

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ā€œPride goes before destruction

and a haughty spirit before a fallā€

Proverbs 16:18

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Maybe we need flags and banners with that passage on them to display during the month of June šŸ¤”

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We could even put rainbows on them šŸ˜¬

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I agree with you šŸ’Æ! Christians are to be set apart not embracing sin. We are all sinners in need of forgiveness but the sin needs to recognized as sin against our Holy and righteous God!

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And repentance includes the sincere desire and effort to sin no more.

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Flaunting sexuality in public to get your rocks off is objectifying all of us! Just stop it! The teacher instructing students on sexual pleasuring is perversely pleasured and receiving taxpayer dollars for it! Just stop it! Stop all of it! Parents need to start parenting and so do grandparents.

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"Jesus met people where they were at but never participated in the sin."

Excellent point!

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You have rinos- republican in name only. You have cino - Christian in name only.

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Cultural christians is what the term used to be but ChINO or ChristNo is good too

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In my Church we call them Cafeteria Catholics.

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Excellent clarification.

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I utterly agree. The point of contention comes when people want to banish some who are openly and happily sinning and ignoring other openly and happily committed sinners. I wonder how pastors deal with this. Can you shed some light on this? How does the pastor deal with an openly gay couple v a couple living together out of wedlock or a person who is lying and spreading gossip in the church? I know there would be a call to repent and to help them, but what if they don't want help? Do all have to be set to the side, do all get a pass or do we pick and choose?

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Jun 2, 2023Ā·edited Jun 2, 2023

That's a difficult question. Certainly a couple living together out of wedlock should be confronted with their sin, as they used to be. (An openly gay couple would probably not come to my church because it is known to be conservative.) I know that my pastor will not marry a couple unless they commit to living apart until the wedding. I can tell you that a number of people have left our church because of this.

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I think that is such a good idea. At the very least it helps draw the line of before as two and then together as one going ahead in life bound in the Lord. I am sure it gets tricky when the couple has children, a home... but even so, time apart and then coming together to commit to each other before God is the better way for the couple and the church for integrity toward the Word of God.

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Excellent question. I can only answer for the church I am at. We follow what Paul teaches in 1 Corinthians about dealing with open sin in the church. If it is known sin I speak with the person or persons (Baptized born again believers) on the matter and give them a chance to change. If the person or persons say yes and don't change they are asked to leave the congregation this done by an elders vote. In my twenty years we have only removed 2 people from the church, others when approached left on their own.

If an openly gay couple came into the church I would welcome them and let them know that God views their life choice as a sin. No different than any other sin and that to be made whole in Christ you would have to turn away from your lifestyle. Being truthful is showing someone love. As disciples of Christ we are called into making our lives more like Jesus. Jesus was without sin.

There are a lot of pastors, today, that don't worry about the open sin in the church. They like to point out that God will sift the church. I believe this is true for those who tell God yes but then don't ever do what they promise to do (Matthew 21:28-32). I have had people leave the church on their own, especially when I preach on sin.

I am not a fire and brimstone preacher, but God didn't tell us to just honor what we feel good about and don't worry about the rest. The idea of love God and love people is that is if you love God you will want to obey his commands, if you love people you will to unto them as you would then to do you.

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Jun 2, 2023Ā·edited Jun 2, 2023

Thanks for commenting here Pastor, and appreciate your faithfulness to God's Word.

I understand that you aren't a fire and brimstone preacher, but fire and brimstone are in the Bible. I agree that it shouldn't be the focus but it does need to be taught.

One of the things I love about attending a chapter by chapter, verse by verse church is that if forces the pastor to teach on topics that they might rather skip. God is just, and a just God does punish sin. People may not want to hear it, and it may cause people to leave the church, but it's truth. It's plainly stated in God's Word. If people aren't squirming in the pews on occasion then we aren't being faithful to teaching the full counsel of God.

Anyways, not meant to be critical and I know you have an incredibly difficult job and I'm thankful for your ministry. When teaching about Hell my pastor has said, "I don't like teaching about this part, or frankly even talking about it, but I must as it's in God's Word". His point wasn't that God made a mistake in putting it in the Bible, but the opposite. God's Word forces us to deal with things that our fallen human nature would rather not. God bless.

(Note: I am not Jeff Childers, but have a similar name)

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Great post!

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I so wish you (or pastors like you) were leading churches in my neck of the woods. It's so hard to find leaders that are lovingly faithful to the Word. I don't need fire and brimstone... but I can't tolerate unfaithfulness to His Word.

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I read Dennis's reply to my husband. We both at the same time said "I wish her preached here!"

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Thank you for that thorough response. It shocked me a little that you followed up on removing people from your church after giving them time to reconsider their open sin. It is refreshing and I know it has to be hard (but necessary for your flock's sake) to do. God's sifting is only one side of the equation. I think pastors do their church a disservice - harm really, when you keep repentance and discipleship on the back burner. Including discipleship to the potential tares in church!

Your church is blessed to have you as their pastor.

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and I'd like to clarify. I used out of wedlock as a comparison to two gay ppl cohabbing because they are similar and that "shaking up" used to be seriously condemned and now is accepted as normal.

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Yes, I fought in the Sexual Revolution of the 60s and 70s that tore morality apart and I canā€™t express the level of regret I feel for having succeeded. It might be considered the beginning of the slide down the slippery slope we now have to deal with.

Yes, men and women should not have sexual relations outside of wedlock. It is wrong. But women said, ā€œOh, we want to!ā€ And men said, ā€œWhat a great idea!ā€

And here we are. So many murdered babies and destroyed lives later.

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An honest feeling of regret so many ladies have now. If only we had kept it to be treated fairly and equally with equal opportunities.. We can only go forward and try to mend it.

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The Bible openly calls homosexuality an ā€˜abominationā€™.

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Yes it does CStone. It also calls lying and haughtiness an abomination. And all sin (in general) is seen as equally bad in God's eye. He wants it all to be rooted out and for us all to seek to become like Christ every single day (with the help of the Holy Spirit). Even just one sin separates us from God. I thank God for sending his only begotten perfect son down to die for our sins. Only His blood covers our sin completely and eternally. As you probably well know, but for those who don't.... we are all sinners needing forgiveness. If you repent of your sins (meaning turn away from them and stop doing them and accept Christ died for your sins and rose again in glory taking your punishment you deserve (death). And giving you eternal life with HIM! What a gift! One we don't deserve!

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but progressive people are NICER than God, archaic views and norms may be freely discarded and NEW Morality instituted; Earthcare over Birthcare; Jesus is cool with miscarriages and abortions i've heard it said

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And in that, it differs from heterosexual relations. A man and woman can marry and mate with the blessing of heaven. This will never be true of two men or two women. I didnā€™t say it. God did.

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Great question!

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I look forward to a response to this question.

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I know many ex-Catholics who left the church over being told they canā€™t remarry without the process of annulment and certainly ā€˜shacking upā€™ would be an issue.

Iā€™ve also known a couple of situations where people claimed to be living together like brother and sister. That is highly suspect and they are advised against such temptation.

I think if a church is true to the Gospel, it will be naturally repellent to unrepentant sinners who want confirmation from a church.

I do wonder how many unrepentant sinners are drawn into the churches with the ā€œLove is Love, Science is Real, blah, blah, blahšŸ¤®ā€ signs posted out front.

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Dennis--PRAISE JEHOVAH GOD - you are a REAL pastor!! May YAHWEH continue to instill His precepts in your soul so you can SHOUT THEM FROM THE PULPIT and pray them to your congregants.

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Amen. Thank you. We need more Christ followers like you. God said there will always be remnant.

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I was fortunate to sit under the preaching and teaching of TRUE BIBLE SCHOLARS - they were not from "seminaries" - they tutelaged themselves and had some assistance from other, older Bible scholars. The pastor of my "younger years and early adulthood", C. Jack Orr, was a very persistent and expository preacher...we studied the Bible "word by word, verse by verse" in both "Sunday School" and the "worship service". I don't believe there's much of that kind of preaching done anymore--the Bible talks about THAT in prophetic passages as well...."the preachers with itching ears"...I'm sure you know to what passage I'm referring, Dennis.

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Life presents numerous trials. They are not always going to be easy ones. He knows the outcomes of those trials. It is we that need to know our faith in those trials. God never coddles His people, nor does He wink at their sin. Each day our integrity is tested in many ways. We should ask the Lord to help us be aware of those times and to make choices that honor Him.

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Read Eric Metaxas book Letter to the American Church for deep insights into this.

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Christ did dine with sinners, but afterwards told them to "go and sin no more". Our modern day sinners (myself at times included - I'm no slouch when it comes to sin - I enjoy a good sin as much as the next guy) seem to forget and ignore this second part!

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Jun 2, 2023Ā·edited Jun 2, 2023

Amen Pastor. That is one of the lies the devil loves to use. He is so good at twisting the truthā€¦. loving someone and celebrating are two completely different things.

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The first paragraph rocks the house, Man.

Later Jay

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Thank you, Pastor Sheirs! Thank you, thank you.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you šŸ’— for acknowledging us ā€˜normalā€™ gay people who just want to live in peace and keep to ourselves. My gay friends are as horrified as anyone about the current trend for kids to change gender. My friendā€™s daughter has THREE girls in her class who are now treated as boys. She is 14.

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I recently visited with my friend, who happens to be a black gay man, in New York City. He recently returned from a trip to San Francisco and shared that he was horrified by what was going on there. A very liberal person, he said that in San Francisco, he was considered a right wing Nazi. It is a shame what is happening to the gay community... this crazy trans movement has co-opted them without their consent and has hurt their movement just as much as it has hurt all of us.

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So the big question isā€¦.heā€™s a very liberal person who was horrified by what was going on thereā€¦..is he going to vote differently or for the same trash that created the very mess heā€™s horrified by? Itā€™s rhetorical. I donā€™t expect you to know how he will vote. Just making a point that people, as horrified as they are, will keep voting for the same pieces of garbage that are mutilating our kids and raising our taxes and funding Ukraine etc etc.

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well said, completely agree. That's why we get so annoyed in the South with all these people moving here from the North because they hated it there and now they want to make here like there.

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I have seen signs "welcome - now don't vote for what made you leave"

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I seriously do not understand that.

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People like that donā€™t connect policies and the consequences of those policies. They donā€™t understand cause and effect, or donā€™t want to understand and acknowledge causes and their related effects.

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or they hate the other side so much they are willing to overlook the issue. I have some PA Greek friends who voted for Fetterman simply because the opponent was a Turk!

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We can only hope and pray that people are starting to understand the depth of the damage being done and vote accordingly. Keep hoping...keep praying...

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Speaking of the political aspect of this topic, which is the sudden and ubiquitous nature of the aggressive ā€œtrans movementā€, Dr Malone posted Dr James Lindsayā€™s recent talk in Europe, about the full picture, including how this ā€œmovementā€ fits into the larger scheme of things. Hint: cultural marxism.

I posted the link in a separate comment, it would be cool if comments were searchable. But Dr Maloneā€™s substack is easy to find, itā€™s within the last few days; and the video is on YouTube (for now anyway).

I first learned about cultural marxism in early 2020 - just in time for that other sudden and ubiquitous outpouring of rage known as the George Floyd riots. Dr Lindseyā€™s (sp?) talk provided more insight, and is a succinct overview of what the West is dealing with at present.

Now, let me see if I can find that other comment I was searching for. šŸ˜Ž

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There's a group called gays against groomers that he might identify with.

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Love themā¤ļø

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I have seen this a lot here too. I have a friend with a 15 yo. All her friends are some part of the alphabet. My friendsā€™ daughter says she is nonbinary and asexual or bisexual. It often changes.

The real problem I see with all of this is its attacking kids who are VERY prone to peer pressure and just following crowds to be IN. They are also into experimenting. So sad.

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They are being groomed. The groomers mess with a mind not fully developed. Add all the ups and downs of hormones and puberty, low self esteem and other issues, lack of faith and strong parental involvement, you have a prime candidate to groom.

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Jun 2, 2023Ā·edited Jun 2, 2023

I appreciate your comments K Scott.

The problem with this is being "horrified" isn't enough. Aside from Gays Against Groomers (who tellingly is a woman) none of these "normal" gay people are publicly speaking out against this. You (collective not you personally) let your movement be coopted by the worst people in the world, many of whom are outright demonic, yet you (again collective) don't say a word against it. That leaves two choices, either the community supports it or are cowards.

The deal we made with your community is that we would tolerate it and leave you alone. We never agreed to "accept" what most of us here believe is sinful behavior. We certainly never agreed to promote it, celebrate it, revel in sinful pride about it, and have virtually every perversion under the sun forced on our kids. Yet that is what is happening, and the "community" calls us bigots for objecting.

So now this is at the point where it's completely out of control, yet "normal" gays are supposedly horrified? Please, I'll believe it when I see some actual evidence of this rather than anonymous posts. This has been a long time coming as the homosexual community has engaged in public exhibitions of obscene and perverse behavior for decades as evidenced by Pride parades and San Francisco street fairs. There was not a peep against this stuff from the homosexual leaders. Now that people have exposed that this same crowd is trying to convince our kids to cut their genitals off people are suddenly "horrified"?

We will believe you are horrified when you are on the evening news publicly condemning this stuff. These people are speaking in your name promoting the worst sorts of sinful and depraved behavior, and promoting crimes against nature (there is no other word for telling people to cut off their genitals). The silence of the "gay community" is complicity.

(BTW, I'm not Jeff Childers, despite commenting here and other places for years using "Jeff C" people still make that mistake.)

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Lots of truth Jeff C (not Childers) šŸ˜‰ Iā€™m guessing that a lot of normal gay folk are content just to live their everyday lives and are not part of an active movement, and herein lies the problem. So the modern day radical activists in the TQIA+++ portion of the equation are running amok.

I have a very conservative gay friend who speaks out on social media all the time but otherwise heā€™s just a regular guy thatā€™s busy with family, work, and friends just like the rest of us. Most people donā€™t just have an open invitation to get on the evening news just to speak out... especially when itā€™s anti-narrative.

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If prominent gay individuals were addressing school boards calling out this stuff I can guarantee it would be everywhere, likely including the evening news. At a minimum the videos would go viral. Yet there is none of it. None.

Gays Against Groomers is the only one doing this (that I know of) and she is fantastic. She has the courage of a thousand so-called "normal" gay men.

I know there must be plenty of conservative gays who don't like this stuff, I know one myself. Yet they are completely silent and seem perfectly happy to allow parents that object to this stuff being condemned and called bigots in their name. They don't seem to mind that a generation is being groomed and thrown to the wolves again in their name.

There are plenty of opportunities for these "normal" gays to loudly and publicly make their voice heard yet it *never* happens.

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Beckett Cooke has a YouTube podcast, and speaks on this. He's saved now, and talks about how he had to completely stop the gay lifestyle. Is in the heart of the devil's lair (LA) and is ministering boldly. So there are examples. But you're maybe right that enough practicing gays aren't publicly fighting this stuff.

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Chadwick Moore talks about it, but I don't think he showing up at School Board meetings. Thank you for all that you Do.

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Dave Rubin has been speaking out

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Dave Rubin is paid to speak out, that's his job. He is literally making a living by being a contrarian (i.e. the conservative gay guy).

I'm talking about decent, normal gay people who are fed up with this stuff and speak out despite personal risk, not people getting rich playing a media role. There are virtually none.

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Good point

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IMO, LGBs need to remove the rest from the group. We all know one is a natural innate preference, while the other is a mental illness. LGB is about "some people like chocolate ice cream, some like vanilla." The rest of the acronym folks think "I am the ice cream."

On a broader social level, enabling mental illness never helps. E.g., Michael Jackson. We all knew he had "issues." He clearly wanted to become a woman or maybe a pre-pubescent boy. He had all the money in the world, supportive, "affirming" doctors, a fawning media, and even more fawning fans. IOW, he had the exact thing the medical establishment (that just happens to make billions off this issue) says they want for all "trans" people. How did it work out for him?

Enablement is never a good thing. If someone says they are something that they are not, the issue is with them, not with everyone who refuses to play along with their magical thinking. We don't dress up as men in black and follow around paranoid people to affirm their paranoia. These people need psychological help, and failing that, they need a spiritual awakening. It's all a spiritual issue in the end. As MJ showed us, drugs, surgery, etc. solve absolutely nothing and actually destroy the human being.

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RU, respectfully, I cannot agree "We all know [LGB] is a natural innate preference, while the other [TQI++] is a mental illness."

If I naturally, innately preferred alcohol consumption to the point of cirrhosis, would you not consider that an illness?

If I naturally, innately preferred to starve myself of food to the point of death, would you not consider that an illness?

I think of any preference that leads to misalignment with the Purpose for which we, male and female, were created (to glorify our Maker, fill the earth and [govern] it) as an illness.

LGB inclinations do not glorify God (Who in fact called them "unnatural"), do not fill the earth (with children) and work against both of those governing principles (i.e. rejection of God's authority, rejection of God's instruction, rejection of God's "ordering" of families as one man and one woman).


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I agree. I have compassion for gay and lesbian people. It must be difficult to struggle against what seems to be their inclination. Definition of inclination: affection, appetite, aptitude, bias, capability, and desire. But I canā€™t use the word natural because it is not. Your example is accurate, thoughtful. We have fallen so far away from what we were put on earth to do; to worship and glorify God. He does not wink at sin; he has called it an abomination.

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Well, we are free to disagree. I do not consider those logically sound analogies. Nor do I believe God put us here merely, or only, or especially to procreate.

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Yes, certainly. And I appreciate the respectful exchange of ideas (so rare these days). :)

I am curious what you feel is not logically sound about my analogies as I try to understand your point of view better. You speak of preference and attraction to the same/both genders by a person as "natural" and "innate" and like a preference of ice cream flavor (chocolate v. vanilla). That implies that, as between preferring a sexual partner of the same/both sex or a sexual partner of the opposite sex, there is no way to measure any benefit or deficit in those choices. I think we can remove the discussion from any Biblical worldview and still see pros and cons (much more akin to alcoholic/anorexic self-destruction than mere chocolate v. vanilla).

If you live out same-sex attraction, you will never naturally produce children with your life partner. If you enter into a same-sex union, you will deprive any children within your household of either a male or female parent.

If you live out a both-sex attraction, you will never experience the joy/security of monogamy (or the sexual intimacy of having an exclusive life/sex partner). If you live a both-sex attraction lifestyle, any children you may have would not likely have the chance to be raised by a mother and father committed to each other all within the same household.

Only in the opposite-sex attraction category can you experience exclusive, monogamous, and potentially pro-creative sexual intimacy. Any children born of that intimacy are more likely to be raised in a household with male and female role models and all the benefits that come with that diversity.

I think it's hard to argue there's no benefit to choosing heterosexual monogamy with a life partner (and the data so far show that children raised in such households are happier, healthier and more likely to achieve their own success... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4771005/). So I don't see this as "merely" chocolate v. vanilla preference. The preference is a choice to live in a manner beneficial to ordered society, gender role models and their complementarity, and the opportunity of children being raised in the ideal setting.

That said, it's much easier to make the pros/cons argument for opposite-sex attraction in the context of a Biblical worldview. God's first commandment was to Adam not to eat of the tree of knowledge and evil... (i.e. don't try to be God... ironically a different path to the same sin as PRIDE). God's second commandment (as part of a blessing) was to Adam and Eve to go forth, be fruitful, multiply and govern over the creatures of the earth. That's not JUST procreation... but certainly procreation is part of our blessing/inheritance. And the words attributed to God in Genesis aren't ambivalent or confusingly unclear about His order and our purpose.


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Well, first, I don't think comments sections of websites are good places for discussions like this. It's hard to have a nuanced discussion and not come off the wrong way. :-) But, to answer the questions...in my opinion, a more logical analogy would be to say if someone had a desire to have rampant unprotected sex with others of the same gender that would be akin to alcoholism. Of course, the same would be true of someone who had a desire to have rampant sex with someone of the opposite gender or sex. Either way, that would be something like addiction, and it would be self-destructive. Like drinking to the point of disease. (In fact, I don't think a desire to drink alcohol is even natural - it's something we learn.)

That's why I see a distinction b/w gay (LGB) and trans (TQIA whatever). One is a matter of the type of attraction one has to another person; the other is an argument about the nature of reality and a desire for self-harm in the form of physical mutilation. There is an overtly self-destructive quality to "trans" ideology; an inherent inability to see the value in oneself as oneself, leading to a desire to physically end that particular self. I don't see anything similarly self-destructive about being gay. (FWIW, when it comes to trans issues, my main issue has to do with foisting this on children, convincing them they are "trans" when they are really just experiencing normal hormonal changes. And also the violation of parent's rights.)

The issue that I have with the analogy is that to assume that just being gay is like drinking to the point of disease is to assume that being gay is itself a diseased state. All of the things listed as "bad" things about gay people or gay relationships are not really inherently bad IMO, unless you believe that our main purpose here is to procreate and be good parents. As I said, I don't agree with that view. As to monogamy, anyone can choose monogamy, regardless of orientation. Finally, I don't agree with the view that there is one right/only/true way to read something like the Bible. As I'm sure you are aware, that issue has been fought over - as in, wars - for millennia. So, I think there are many valid ways to read what the Bible is telling us, and of course what God is telling us is yet another thing to many people.

Anyway, thanks for reading and for your time.

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RU, thank you for your time and thoughtful reply. I heard everything and see where our belief systems diverge. It would be great if we could be friends IRL and have this conversation over (well, I was going to say a glass of šŸ·...but maybe that's not your ideal šŸ˜‰, haha!) a cup of coffee!

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My kid went to a tiny middle school. Each class there is tiny. In each class about 20% of the girls are now ā€œtheyā€s.

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Itā€™s not even sad, itā€™s Ridiculous with a capital R. Right now itā€™s a popular way for teenagers to assert control over their bodies, just like tattoos or piercings. But when it impacts the language of others we need to absolutely refuse to go along with that nonsense.

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Comprehensive Sexuality Education programs were developed by masons to increase infertile sex: http://StopCSE.org

There's a plan to murder 95% of the global population.

Start taking some redpills and doing your own homework by searching the following in duckduckgo.com or presearch.com:

- Both Churchill and Roosevelt were masons and plotted to get the reluctant USA into the war by provoking the Japs and letting Pearl Harbor (all fleet defenseless in there, no radar warning in outer islands)

- 9/11: 2 "planes", yet all 7 World Trade Center towers destroyed, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center, and the owner with his 2 grown up sieblings failed to show up for work (never did)...

- J6: The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


It's such a mason manual that they organized the same play in Brazil when it was proven that the voting machines owned by mason Soros, were rigged:



- COVID was designed as a primer for lethal COVID haccines:




- Wake up videos:


- It's genocide for depopulation:


- Itā€™s the masons, who create counterfeited currencies (trillions of dollars and EUROS) and bought the listed corporations, media, healthcare, universities, parties and political careers:


ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard's confessions:


Now are you ready?

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


By the way, many gays are finding happiness here:


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I should ask the married gay couple I know. Been together 30 years. They are big blue state liberal Dems so not sure what they would say.

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So Jeff, where are these ā€œordinary gay folkā€ when my brother is threatened with dismissal by HR for refusing to put a placard on his desk stating ā€œI am a LGBT+ ally? Cricketsā€¦.. And if I may ask, what is normal about a man wanting to insert his penis into another manā€™s rectum? Is it that we see this as normal because we have propagandized to accept it now? So anything can be considered normal if weā€™re exposed to it long enough? Personally, these behaviors are repulsive to me but I do not condemn those who do them, not even the ā€œminority-attractedā€ people, since I know that God loves them as his image-bearers and does not wish that they perish eternally. But while we can and should freely admit our lack of moral superiority over them we must be unwavering in standing for Christā€™s truthā€”that those who do such things will perish. In love we must warn them (and be willing to bear the cost of doing so).

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Truth is paramount

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Credenda...your entire statement, especially, "In love we must warn them (and be willing to bear the cost of doing so)," is beautifully written. 'Bearing the cost...' is a burden weak folks cannot bring themselves to do.

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What employer is that? So Iā€™ll never apply there.

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You tell them the truth about the condition of their soul then you talk about the particulars of what God abhors - among them homosexuality, but also, lying, coveting, murder... and the Lord helps us to right the ship, but that we will only be as we were meant to be (because we are all flawed and chock full of sin) when we are in heaven with Him. I think there is an order of discussion. There are a lot of repulsive behaviors. Haughty eyes and a lying tongue are also an abomination. There are people, Christian people out there living their best haughty lying life!

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We should look at all things unacceptable to God and all things that have been normalized and seek to root out that sin from our lives. ALL SIN. It is a process that God helps us with.

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And those who sow discord among the brethren.

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In my middle school, perhaps 2016, we teachers were encouraged to place little rainbow decals on the glass section of classroom doors, to show that we welcomed that rainbow group. I thought the sign. on the other hand, and at the very same time, said to children brought up in conservative Muslim or Christian homes, who know that homosexuality is not a good move, 'your sort is not welcome here'. My door did not gain the decal. We had a sizeable Muslim population.

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Ps. 119:130-136 The opening of THY WORDS giveth light; It giveth understanding unto the simple.

I opened wide my mouth, and panted; For I longed for THY COMMANDMENTS.

Turn Thee unto me, and have mercy upon me, As Thou usest to do unto those that love Thy name.

Establish my footsteps in THY WORD; And let not any iniquity have dominion over me.

Redeem me from the oppression of man: So will I observe THY PRECEPTS.

Make Thy face to shine upon Thy servant; And teach me THY STATUTES.

Streams of water run down mine eyes, Because they observe not THY LAW.

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I donā€™t do religion at all and I also find it repulsive.

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That's my question, too. If 'ordinary gay folk' differ with this push to normalize everything gay, are they pushing back? They, more then us 'ordinary straight people' would have a greater influence if they speak up.

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In the span of 2 short years Biden has given us more glorious falls then every state in New England has in the last 20.

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Yeah, but the crusty old turd gets up and rambles back to his phone and his pen, every time.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Not funny. I have a trans teen grandchild. Pray for these kids. Yes parents have to share the blame but if I say anything I will lose all of them. I donā€™t find out what is happening until itā€™s done and dusted as we live 1000 miles away. A vegan cat is sad as well. But I see where you are coming from.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

No one is laughing Janet. Please understand that we are in as much shock as you are and fearing for the future of all children. Our society suffers when sexualization is imposed on children too early, or who have not been properly taught by parents that their bodies are a gift from God and are essential to their true identity. Laughter is how many of us cope with fear. That is why we read C&C.

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I know. Sorry if I implied anything. Iā€™m very sensitive because if not going through this nobody really knows. Adultsā€”thatā€™s different. Do what they like. one mutilation already at 16. Suicide or attempts are common. How does she know how to be a man? Body parts donā€™t teach you. Male hormones donā€™t. Iā€™m sure sterility is the end point without even experiencing real love and pleasure.Some men may make her prove it. Parents have gone through hell. But they donā€™t see that all the ones counseling or pretending to help are in on this evil. I pray for protection. šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ». Thank you for your thoughts, c.

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Janet - we have experienced this in my family too. My mother is in your shoes (with a trans grandchild). I am so angry at the child's parents (my sister and BIL) for setting her up for this disastrous walk because, truly, they are responsible for the God-shaped hole that was created in their child's heart. When the child sought out God and order, they embraced chaos and progressive liberalism. Her depression, sexual identity crisis and dysmorphia ensued... like clockwork. I remember my sister trying to excuse her part in affirming (what she knows inside is twisted and unmoored) "transition" of her child's identity by saying "if we don't go along we will lose [the child... to suicide]."

And that's the cruelest lie of them all. The family is told to embrace the insanity because to treat it would create pain. As if the child is not already IN PAIN. PAIN so vast that it causes the child to reject themselves in every way imaginable... their identity, their body, their future.

The Devil is so very clever. Diabolically so. Until we demand treatment for these mental illness demons (and not affirmation), we are part of the problem. I pray God gives you courage and the right words and resources to be His hand in your loved one's life.

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Horrible. My daughter never talks about it but the dead daughter, live son was used on them as well. My granddaughter had mental damage which I believe was from gardisil and trans is looking connected. A child with neural damage is then encouraged to go this route? Itā€™s breathtakingly sinister and evil.

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I was recently reminded that investigators sometimes laugh at horrific crime scenes. Certainly not because itā€™s funny but because it breaks the horrifying scene so thar they can proceed.

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Macabre humor. It gets us through sometimes. Sigh.

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I will say a prayer for your grandchild... that he/she will find a happy and fulfilling life. Hopefully you can keep your communications open to be there for your grandchild.

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The reality of it isn't funny. The concept isn't funny. None of it is funny. But the metaphor above is funny, in that it accurately speaks to how absurd this is. It's like that viral video from last year where the woman was boasting about her vegetarian dog who would pick lettuce over meat, but then when she proudly started the video, the dog went straight for the meat and she was horrified.

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My knee jerk response: people are so stupid

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Keep praying šŸ™šŸ» I will pray for Godā€™s help with your grand šŸ™šŸ»āœļøā¤ļø Iā€™m a grandma of 11 .

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Read the PITT Substack. You are not alone.

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Old turd is correct.

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"I get knocked down, I get up again, no sandbag's gonna keep me down"

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Lol!! Where was the sandbag ?? In his imagination?

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Convenient excuse. First clip I viewed showed nothing but flat surface. And he just kinda pitched forward.

Much later videos show something (shadow or?) he supposedly tripped on. Canā€™t tell depth but I doubt the academy folks in charge would put any such obstacle in his path.

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Nor would his staff allow there to be a surface he could trip over. I imagine the area was combed for possible issues. If not someoneā€™s head will roll

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There were black sandbags holding up the teleprompter. Ironic, right?

But they were way in front of Old Sniffy-Trippy, not in his path.

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I just saw this comment. Now I have to put on different music to get that song out of my head!šŸ˜‚

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Eric back in top form today šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜

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In case anyone thought it might be over... the CMS mandate is still alive and kicking - at least according to one major medical center in Florida. Yes, Florida. I have spent the last month wrangling with them about an online, super secret, invasive questionnaire that they insist that I have to complete in order to be (even) considered for a religious exemption. Please pray/send good vibes as I continue to (cheerfully) push back on this.

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Godspeed in your battle, and may you arrive victorious.

Many Thanks!, too, for standing up against this tyranny. When I was terminated, many colleagues asked "Why?" (didn't just take the jab? It's such a simple thing.) A: ''cause I value freedom more than this job. Those that are still in this fight have a tough battle ahead.

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I have friends here in Seattle who still - in 2023!! - think the mandate was justified. I was terminated from my teaching position in Oct 2021, and not one of them is willing to say the policy was wrong. One of them even suggested I should forgive and move on.šŸ¤”

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Uggh. So sorry to hear this. I find it hard to reason or even discuss these topics with ~1/2 of my personal network, as they've been tricked into abandoning the idea that objective truth even exists. thus, a policy being correct or not is based on how _they feel_ at the moment, not any objective look at the data or consideration of all possible outcomes (including the possibility that the policy under discussion is being pushed using fraudulent data).

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Many thanks to you for your bravery and willingness to stand up for what you knew was right, despite the personal cost.

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The devil wears BAALenciage?

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Indeed. They said he wore Prada, but it's clear he's switched designers ;)

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ā€œThe only winning move is not to play.ā€


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Remember Dr. Strangelove's "Doomsday Machine"? HA.

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Indeed! Kubrick kept trying to warn us:

ā€¢ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoq4JghmKrs

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"Please open the pod bay doors, HAL."

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This! I keep wondering, "Doesn't *anyone* remember watching this movie?! If a screenwriter could imagine it way back then, why on Earth couldn't an AI weapons-system software developer think a few moves ahead? As simple as, "What would *I* do, if I were in this situation and wanted to dominate? What are the vulnerabilities? What would my enemy do if he could control this system?"

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It seems to me that you believe the left hand knows what the right hand is doing, but it doesn't.

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Thank you, @Margaret Anna Alice.

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I don't really understand your comment as a reply to mine.

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I have been thinking about that film a lot lately as well as Failsafe

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This should be mandatory viewing by every high school freshman class.

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Everyone in government should watch this.

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Every US citizen should watch this.

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Everyone in the world should watch this.

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Margaret Anna Alice - excellent

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Not fighting is suicide:

There's a plan to murder 95% of the global population.

Start taking some redpills and doing your own homework by searching the following in duckduckgo.com or presearch.com:

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Not sure whom this is directed at since you are preaching to the choir here.

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The author of the article keeps talking about "deep state" instead of "masons in the state".

For those who don't know, I tried to make an easy redpill list.

For those who know, it's just a tool to share info (if you've got better redpills please comment to this).

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John Cusack; Utopia depopulation via "vaccination"

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Cleveland clinic study which found that "The higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19" has been peer review published.


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There's a plan to murder 95% of the global population.

Start taking some redpills and doing your own homework by searching the following in duckduckgo.com or presearch.com:

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We get it; donā€™t need to remind us constantly.

The more you post the less likely folks take you seriously.

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It is odd

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"What is a Woman" movie by Matt Walsh clarifies the Psych Insanity of MD's, Pharma, is not all that different from Covid & Covid VaXXXes, All Bull Shiat, imo.


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Elon is now directly promoting it. Lefties are losing they minds.

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Jun 2, 2023Ā·edited Jun 2, 2023

Great movie. The ending shot of the movie was my favorite. After spending exhaustive time traveling and asking many people the question, "what is a woman?", he returns home defeated without an answer. He then poses the question to his wife, who provides him a short, clear, concise, and accurate answer. šŸ˜

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How did he interview these people without losing his mind? The insanity. These people have been let loose and allowed to carve into young girls and boys genitals as if it they were Thanksgiving turkeys.

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I wondered the same since Matt Walsh strikes me as a man who has little patience for nonsense. He did very well in this movie. He was very courteous, respectful, and calm. What really stuck out to me is how quickly rattled and downright mean many of the "professionals" he interviewed became.

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In defense of the lefties getting flustered, itā€™s hard to argue with another person who has the truth on their side šŸ˜‚šŸ˜Ž

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It's depopulation. Comprehensive Sexuality Education mason program is used to promote infertile sex ( http://stopCSE.com )

Still, There's a plan to murder 95% of the global population.

Start taking some redpills and doing your own homework by searching the following in duckduckgo.com or presearch.com:

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If we change the sentence, ā€œStraight parents DO NOT WANT their kids being taught about gay sexual techniques,ā€ to read, ā€œParents DO NOT WANT their kids being taught about ANY sexual techniques,ā€ I think this would satisfy most parents, gay or straight. Stick to biology and physiology. Why is this so hard?? Geesh.

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Fully and firmly agree with you.

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Yes, that thought has been rolling around un my mind since I read the post. Thank you

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Falling Joe embodies so much of what is coming- the degeneration of a mind outsourced AI, and the fall of a country that once knew how to walk proudly with a backbone of morals.

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"so much of what is coming"

Sounds like you're resigned!

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Good point Mz. Lizzi - it's one potential future, and a split that is occuring I believe. Humanity always has a choice, but there is a fork in the road. Some will take the high road, some will convert to robots. Does that help clarify?

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Or, broad is the path which leads.....

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No clarification necessary. You have a choice and you're writing reflects the way you're choosing to go.

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Jun 2, 2023Ā·edited Jun 2, 2023

šŸ’¬ normal it is for presidents to fall

...or for teens to have their hearts attack them.

Normal is now a word that's come to signify anything, however queer [sic šŸ˜]. Including nothing ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ

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The new normal. I say that every time someone dies or has a sudden and unexpected medical issue that prior to 2021 that would not have happened. The covidians know exactly what I am talking about.

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Jun 2, 2023Ā·edited Jun 2, 2023

Not to plunge too deep into semantics, but if normal requires a qualifier, it sure is nothing but šŸ¤Ŗ

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New normal was such a good phrase to get the covidiots to accept all the restrictions etc.

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That's why I refuse to use it.

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I hate that phrase too.

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Don't let it.

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That's not how language works: it's a collective property of *all* users šŸ™‚

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Which is why itā€™s so bizarre that some people want to have ā€œtheir ownā€ pronouns. Itā€™s a part of speech, like an adverb or a preposition! Utter madness.

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Jun 2, 2023Ā·edited Jun 2, 2023

Once it came to it šŸ˜Š Utter madness it is, inherently inane and tots manufactured šŸ¤¬

Which pronouns do you use? The one & only logical answer = I/me/mine/myself.

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Not to mention that you would only use a pronoun when speaking *about* someone, never *to* them. Itā€™s all so ridiculous!

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Logic? What logic? Innit this mysterious thingy long-dead stale pale males used to traffic in?

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Yes, it is how it works.

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Woa. These guys are Based.

"treat with safe and effective hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin until the virus is driven out. This would stop the replication and transmission of the spiked protein in the vaccinated."


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Just had one of my European customers tell me about a pine needles treatment. She literally said ā€œno more COVID-19ā€!

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Jun 2, 2023Ā·edited Jun 2, 2023

Here's the Pine Needle tea if you're interested. Good reviews. Of course there's other sellers than Amazon. ETSY is a good site.


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Jun 2, 2023Ā·edited Jun 2, 2023

The reviews are great šŸ˜‚

ā€œ Ive tried a few and this brand is best if you are trying to shed certain things made by certain pharmaceutical companies that start with the letter P.ā€

ā€œ High quality tea. I find it helpful in supporting detox from the you-know-what.ā€

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Iā€™m slow; almost embarrassed to ask. What is


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My money is on Pfizer.

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Starts with P and ends with hizer šŸ˜‰ I guess theyā€™re trying to avoid the ever-present censors so their review will be published.

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AI and the MRI, and involvement in medical. Hereā€™s the thing - it not only is finding and recording the data from the scan - it is saving your data to report who you are and what is wrong with you.

In the future, if you are considered incurable, or too expensive or too old to save, you go to the End of Life Center. (MAID)

The AI always turns in the end. It will evolve to come out on top. We all know that from the movies. ā€˜Theyā€™ have told us how it is going down!

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ā€œEuthanasia in Canada in its legal voluntary form is called medical assistance in dying (MAiD) and it first became legal along with assisted suicide in June 2016 to allow terminally ill adults to control their deaths. In March 2021, the law was further amended by Bill C-7 which permits assisted euthanasia in additional situations, including for people with disabilities and chronic diseases.ā€

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Cedar tea as well. I go out and pick it.

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More than 30 effective cheap treatments were censored: http://bit.ly/research2000

There's a plan to murder 95% of the global population.

Start taking some redpills and doing your own homework by searching the following in duckduckgo.com or presearch.com:

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To better defend the children - From the wisdom of Corrie ten Boomā€™s father:

ā€œSo the line had stuck in my head. ā€œSex,ā€ I was pretty sure, meant whether you were a boy or girl, and ā€œsinā€ made Tante Jans very angry, but what the two together meant I could not imagine.

And so, seated next to Father in the train compartment, I suddenly asked, ā€œFather, what is sexsin?ā€ He turned to look at me, as he always did when answering a question, but to my surprise he said nothing.

At last he stood up, lifted his traveling case from the rack over our heads, and set it on the floor.

ā€œWill you carry it off the train, Corrie?ā€ he said.

I stood up and tugged at it. It was crammed with the watches and spare parts he had purchased that morning.

ā€œItā€™s too heavy,ā€ I said.

ā€œYes,ā€ he said. ā€œAnd it would be a pretty poor father who would ask his little girl to carry such a load. Itā€™s the same way, Corrie, with knowledge. Some knowledge is too heavy for children. When you are older and stronger you can bear it. For now you must trust me to carry it for you.ā€

- from The Hiding Place: The Triumphant Story of Corrie Ten Boom

*We are asking our children to carry loads that are way too heavy for them. They should not be forced, as children, to see and feel the world through the lens of adults. Innocence is worth protecting and worth fighting for. We need to do our part as parents and friends to carry certain things for them until they are old enough to bear the load.

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We are not even asking, we are demanding that they do that. And it seems that the reason that we do that is because we do not want to carry that burden until they are old enough to bear it themselves, as in the excerpt. Instead, we refuse to carry it because it is an annoyance to do so, that it is something that we can get out of doing, and so we do, and the children, all too often OUR children, must bear it instead.

So we make up reasons that it must be done by them instead of us. We rationalize here, there, and everywhere to respond to the question of 'why?'

As Robert Heinlein so correctly put it, "Man is not a rational animal. He is a rationalizing animal." There is a world of difference between the two...

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I have something you wrote memorized and write it out at the top of each week's new to-do list:

Hang in there, hang together, and hang tight.

I think of it when 81-million-votes-pay-to-play Biden is stumbling all over the world, or when people are suddenly stricken blind after playing pickleball, or when companies roll out tuck-friendly clothing for gender-confused toddlers.

It reminds me that a large tribe exists out there that is as shocked and unbelieving as me at the current state of affairs and that all over our country people just like me are saying WTF?!? at the daily craziness being thrown at us. Hang tight, indeed.

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Yes, there is a large tribe. That's why the tiny group of evil is trying to fight it so hard with all sorts of ugliness. It's got nothin' else.

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